#Reiki Healing Retreat
lakeatitlantours · 1 year
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reachlovenheal · 1 month
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Best Reiki Healing In Kolkata
Reiki Healing / By lovenheal
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where stress and chaos seem to reign supreme, the ancient practice of Reiki emerges as a gentle yet profound remedy for restoring balance and harmony within. Originating in Japan, Reiki is a holistic healing modality that taps into the universal life force energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Join us on a journey of exploration as we uncover the transformative power of Reiki healing and its capacity to illuminate the path to inner peace.
Understanding Reiki Healing
At its core, Reiki is founded on the belief that life energy flows through all living beings, animating our bodies and nurturing our souls. When this energy becomes blocked or imbalanced, it can manifest as physical ailments or emotional distress. Reiki healing works by gently channeling this universal life force energy through the hands of a trained practitioner, allowing it to flow freely and harmonize the recipient’s energy field. By addressing imbalances at their root, Reiki facilitates deep healing on multiple levels, restoring vitality and promoting a sense of wholeness.
The Practice of Reiki
Central to the practice of Reiki is the concept of intention and presence. During a Reiki session, the practitioner acts as a conduit for healing energy, directing it with focused intention to areas of need within the recipient’s body and energy field. Through gentle touch or hands hovering above the body, the practitioner facilitates the flow of Reiki energy, creating a space of deep relaxation and receptivity. As the recipient surrenders to the healing energy, profound shifts can occur, promoting physical healing, emotional release, and spiritual awakening.
Healing Beyond the Physical
While Reiki is renowned for its ability to alleviate physical ailments, its benefits extend far beyond the realm of the physical body. By addressing the energetic imbalances underlying illness and distress, Reiki also nurtures emotional healing and spiritual growth. Many recipients report feelings of profound peace, clarity, and emotional release during and after a Reiki session. Through the gentle yet potent power of Reiki, old wounds can be healed, negative patterns released, and a sense of empowerment and inner peace cultivated.
Embracing Reiki as a Way of Life
Beyond its role as a therapeutic modality, Reiki embodies a way of life rooted in mindfulness, compassion, and interconnectedness. As individuals deepen their practice of Reiki, they cultivate a greater awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings and the sacredness of life itself. Through daily self-treatment and acts of loving-kindness, Reiki practitioners nurture their own well-being while also extending healing energy to others and the world around them. In this way, Reiki becomes not only a tool for personal healing but also a catalyst for positive change and transformation on a global scale.
Conclusion: Walking the Path of Healing and Wholeness
In a world hungering for healing and connection, Reiki stands as a beacon of light, offering solace, comfort, and hope to all who seek it. Through its gentle yet profound techniques, Reiki empowers individuals to reclaim their innate capacity for balance, healing, and wholeness. As we journey along the path of Reiki healing, may we open our hearts to the transformative power of universal life force energy and embrace the radiant light of our true selves.
In the gentle embrace of Reiki’s healing energy, may we find peace, joy, and fulfillment on our journey toward wholeness and harmony.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
Contact Info: Phone No: +91-8484000268
Reiki healing Kolkata, Kolkata Reiki practitioner, Energy healing Kolkata, Holistic healing Kolkata, Reiki sessions in Kolkata, Kolkata spiritual healing, Kolkata Reiki master, Healing center in Kolkata, Chakra balancing Kolkata, Kolkata energy therapy, Distance Reiki Kolkata, Reiki training in Kolkata, Kolkata wellness retreat Reiki, Kolkata alternative medicine, Mind-body healing Kolkata,
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providencereiki · 10 months
Costa Rican Retreat: The Healing Apprenticeship 2023!
The Healing Apprenticeship is an amazing week-long Intensive at the beautiful Goddess Garden Retreat Center, Cahuita, Costa Rica, January 13-20, 2024. Is it time for you to break through the obstacles that prevent you from sustainably being yourself in all the beautiful and not-so-beautiful ways?  Have you had enough of the same obstacles showing up again and again, no matter how long you are in…
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hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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vagabondtemplecam · 2 years
Are you looking for the Best Yoga Retreat in Cambodia - Vagabond Temple
At Vagabond Temple, We are happy to provide you with the best Yoga Retreat in Cambodia. Our purpose is help people to connect with themselves self, life and world. We have a professional and friendly staff who can guide you through your journey of Healing, Yoga & Meditation Cambodia.
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ener-chi · 2 years
What is Reiki?
This post will serve as an introduction to Reiki - what it is, its' history, what treatments and attunements are, and how to learn it.
What Is Reiki?
It is a Japanese word that is pronounced "Ray-Key." "Rei" means wisdom or knowledge, and "Ki" (aka Qi or Chi, like my username) is the life-force energy that permeates all living and non-living things and is all around us. Thus, Reiki is typically translated to "Universal Life Force Energy."
Reiki, then, is an energy healing modality that channels this Universal Life Force Energy into an individual, which touts various benefits, including: relaxation, pain and tension relief, stimulating the immune system, promoting natural healing, emotional and spiritual healing, and much more. Fun fact: Reiki is now in over 800 hospitals in the USA!
Reiki is a healing modality and NOT a religion. Anyone of any faith or belief system (or lack thereof) can practice and benefit from Reiki.
(In a nutshell:) Reiki was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese doctor in the early 20th century. He spent most of his life searching for an ancient healing modality. At the end of a 21-day fasting retreat, Dr. Usui was apparently struck by a great light. He saw the sacred symbols he had earlier found during his research, and he acquired a deep understanding of them, receiving a spiritual empowerment, and achieving enlightenment.
Reiki was brought to the West by a Hawaiian woman named Hawayo Takata, and the teaching system she used is the one that is still used in the West today. It was thought that Takata's lineage was the only one that remained after WWII, but it was later discovered that this was not true, and that there is a whole different lineage and school in Japan that is unfortunately largely closed to outsiders.
How can Reiki help me? What does a treatment look like?
Reiki can be beneficial for pretty much any kind of healing. It is used for physical healing and recovery, and mental and spiritual healing as well. Personally, I tend to specialize more towards the non-physical healing aspects of Reiki. Combined with my knack towards energy work, my style of Reiki is very beneficial for energetic and auric healing. It is also good for emotional healing, like moving through emotions, healing from events and people, developing as a person, etc. It can also facilitate spiritual growth.
Reiki treatments are typically done in person. At these sessions, the client will spend most if not all of the treatment lying down. No clothing needs to come off. Light-contact between the practitioner and the client may occur, those physical touch is not required for the Reiki to work.
If you are receiving Reiki, you might feel a variety of sensations, including: hot/cold flashes, heat/cool/tingling sensations, light buzzing, waves of emotions, deep relaxation/sleepiness, and others.
BUT. Reiki doesn't have to be done in person! It can be done remotely, and there is a special thing in Reiki to facilitate distance healings. It works just as well via distance as it does in-person. The treatments and sensations look the same as it would in-person, except the person won't be there physically (obviously).
How Can I Learn Reiki?
There is a common misconception that anyone can learn Reiki, simply by picking up some books and learning about them. This is not true. In order to be able to channel Reiki, you must be given the ability by a Reiki Master in what is called an Attunement. Without being attuned to Reiki, you cannot practice it.
Think of it like this: suppose that you find out that there is a new color discovered beyond the normal visible spectrum that humans can learn to see, and you want to see it. But how could you find it if you cannot see it? While theoretically possible, it would be VERY difficult. Instead, it would be much easier to find someone who can already see it and show you the color directly. This is how Reiki works; you cannot paint with this new color if you cannot see it, and you cannot see it without a Reiki Master to show it to you.
What Are Attunements?
An Attunement is a special ceremony that connects you to the source of Reiki by someone who is already connected to it. The attunement permanently changes your energy field in a new way that lets Reiki flow through you. In Reiki, there are 3 levels of practitioners, and thus are 3 attunements. Each level opens you and your energy field to more Reiki, with the 3rd, or Reiki Masters attunement, opening you up completely to Reiki.
The Attunement process is a healing journey of its own. Reiki increases your vibration, and causes anything that is below that vibration to filter out of your life. Each level corresponds to an aspect of ourselves - the 1st to the physical, the 2nd to the mental and emotional, and the 3rd to the spiritual. With each attunement, most practitioners find that they undergo healing in areas of their life that correspond to that attunement.
For example, my first attunement led to major diet changes. I suddenly lost a desire for processed foods, gravitating more towards fruits and veggies. I also ended up cutting out sugar and caffeine and other things out of my diet. My second attunement led to some incredible inner healing, including trauma work, removal of relationship blocks, coming out to my family, etc. My third attunement led to some pretty big life changes almost immediately, major spiritual growth, and there is more to come!
It is also common for practitioners to experience intuitive and spiritual growth after attunements. Many become more sensitive and receptive to energy, their connection to their intuition deepens, and some develop spiritual gifts. Personally, after my second attunement, I developed the ability to see and work with auras, and my third attunement so far has deepened that ability and made me much more sensitive to energy. Supposedly it is very common to develop the ability to work with and heal Past Lives at the master level as well.
My Services
When my Paid Services are active, I will be offering Reiki Healing as one of them! It will be distance healing (ofc). I am very good at it though, almost more effective than in-person. I'm very good at doing energetic and aura healing, as well as spiritual and emotional healing. If you want healing with something outside of those, I can do that too! To learn more, visit my Paid Services (available soon).
I will also eventually offer to teach and attune Reiki! As a Reiki Master, I have the ability to attune others, and yes - it does work over distance! This may be a few months in the future, so if this is something that interests you, stay tuned!
If you have any other questions about Reiki, you're welcome to shoot me an ask or a message, and I'll do my best to answer it.
Reiki is wonderful, and I can say with genuine honesty that it completely changed my life. I love it, and I'm excited to share this wonderful gift with all of you.
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
Revised Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person
Or, a perspective that allowed me to see the importance in the term and recognize myself as an HSP.
Note: The traits listed are not universally applicable to all highly sensitives.
You have an internal monitor on how you're feeling (not necessarily emotionally or even physically), at all times. You just have a sense of an internal state of harmony that you prefer to maintain, or else you get highly disregulated and destabilized.
Your idea of fun is different from the norm. You might seem to play things safe or be cautious in comparison to others. You probably avoid staying out late, getting wasted, or intense activities in areas where you can't easily return to a spot of comfort (eg. rollercoaster rides).
You're very immersed in your inner world. You just are. You've never been otherwise and you will always be this way. You're pretty oblivious to what happens in the outside world and find it annoying to keep up with.
You're not able to tolerate anyone who is rude, disingenuous, mean, deceitful, spiteful, vengeful, or mean-spirited. This does not mean that you can not have mean-spirited traits yourself (any human may if provoked). Their presence alone is uncomfortable.
You probably have (had) poor boundaries with others. This may mean your boundaries are either too soft OR too rigid. You have this and other self-defense tactics (or a lack thereof) due to your sensitivity.
You may be quiet often, appear shy, or have a hard time sharing yourself with just anyone - thus seeming as a reclusive or reserved person.
You're actually quiet emotional, even if you don't acknowledge it or others don't see it. This can appear as easily: being brought to tears/emotionally moved OR falling into depressive episodes OR developing dependencies/addictions (alcoholism is common) OR becoming misanthropic/agoraphobic.
You feel that you are not able to cope with the pace everyone else goes at. Conventional career paths, schooling courses, and socialization norms can be overwhelming. And very stupid, not to mention. You probably see behind the matrix easily.
You might have a need to retreat from social situations after some time, or else, check out mentally and experience at least subtle states of dissociation as a way of preventing overwhelm.
You may be drawn towards alternative healing and health (herbalism, flower essences, reiki, mindfulness, yoga, etc). Many conventional medical procedures, screenings, or treatments can be very traumatizing for HSPs in particular. Alternative healing methods usually tend towards more gradual, subtle, and consistent results. This is very perfect for HSPs.
You easily move to a state of frazzle or distress (heightened arousal) if you just neglect your needs. So you may have dealt with being on edge, burnt out, adrenal fatigue, insomnia, chronic fatigue, PTSD, or something similar.
You appreciate the internet, but you might not care much for social media. You probably don't post much or share much of yourself on them. Intimate connections > the world wide web
You're very connected OR disconnected with your body's senses. But it's evident that you're easily overwhelmed by the external world regardless (eg. sensitive stomach/appetite, migraines, allergies).
You might struggle with self-love particularly in accepting your qualities of being high-maintenance (nervous system-wise) or "wired" differently.
Creating relaxation for your nervous system has to be very continuous (it's not a part-time job). So, you may appear rigid, fastidious, or like you always have it together...but you're just making sure that you're not uneasy.
Connected to nature, slow living, hygge, off-the-grid living, and being alone are more your domain. You probably identify with misunderstood loners or social outcasts in stories for this reason.
You're good at loving the unloved. You see the redeeming qualities in widely disliked people and things much easier than others. They're probably some of your favorite people/things.
You may have been afraid of your emotions and repressed them ad infinitum, thinking they will be too intense for you to bear.
You're really interested in the expansion of your consciousness. Inner work, mysticism, seeking metaphysical mysteries, and spirituality were a part of your life before you ever knew what they were.
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Searching for Komorebi Part 2 - Retreating at the Retreat
I had been researching retreats for a while and none had really stood out to me. By sheer chance, the day before my birthday this beautiful photo of a tree appeared on my IG feed with the words Resonant Land Retreat. It was being hosted by Kate Young, who was someone I had literally only just started following through She's Lost Control, an organisation that I regularly attended virtual events with. I read the description and scrolled through the photos, ancient forest bathing, wild swimming, sound healing circles, wood cabins - I knew it was for me. So I booked it as a birthday present to myself, it was very spontaneous and I am very grateful that I had the funds to do it at the time. Kate welcomed me warmly by email and I carefully filed it under the 'things to look forward to later in the year'. Well, later in the year came quicker than I expected, and a couple of days before I felt the classic anxiety creep in about attending. It was completely out of my comfort zone. I have never been brilliant in group situations - what on earth had I done?!! I panicked because I thought I would have been more well by the time the retreat would come round. The spiral of thoughts continued 'how was it May and I was still floundering?' I had nothing to say for myself. Again, another hard stare at myself and I got on with putting my kit together. I had invested in this amazing opportunity and I was going to embrace it.
I split the journey up to Bodmin and overnighted in Lyme Regis, knowing that I needed to give myself plenty of space and time to rest in the lead up. So by the time, I pulled off the A roads and into the tiny country lanes enshrouded by these fantastic trees & yellow gorse with wild ponies watching from the side of road, I started to feel the magic and excitement. I was greeted warmly by the Cabilla staff, the place was incredible. After check-in they showed me to my Koyt - I was absolutely blown away. As a child (and actually still as a an adult) I love small cubby holes, tree houses, wardrobes, tiny spaces to sit and hide, think or read. This was my dream space, a triangular cabin with huge windows looking out to the ancient temperate rainforestand it was all mine. I closed the door, lay on the bed and looked up at the trees and felt happy. Soon after, I started to hear the chattering of the other women arriving, the Whatsapp group fired into action and the plan for the first evening was shared. An opening ceremony, followed by dinner and our first ceremony. I pulled out my tarot cards, and pulled an Emperor card (which amazingly looked just like my Koyt), nine of cups and ten of cups - all great cards. I did some grounding and reiki, put on my coat, took and deep breath and walked up to the communal area to meet the other women, that I would be sharing the retreat with. I was the first to arrive, so nestled myself in an armchair and was soon joined by another lady who had driven down from London. She was lovely, we immediately bonded over similarities in our life and then more and more people joined, little interactions sprung up everywhere. It felt manageable and the group was amazing, a real multi generational group of 15 women from all walks of life. And off we went to the opening ceremony, marching through the fields past Gloria the Pig, sheep and their lambs to the hayloft where we greeted by Kate. She hugged each of us warmly, and I just loved her energy the minute I felt that connection. She held the space so well, communicating eloquently. yet passionately, about the weekend ahead. Then the moment I always dread the opening of the circle and talking about ourselves. I listened as each of my fellow attendees introduced themselves, they were so similar to me, their reasons for attending resonated, these were people that I understood and already knew I would care deeply about, they all spoke so well about their situations. I opened immediately with an apology for not being good at speaking out loud in a group (we will come back to this). I don't really remember what I said except I used an analogy; 'that I felt that I was in a fast flowing river, holding on to a tree branch scared to let go'. Saying words out loud and seeing the reassuring nods, changed something in me. We then journalled privately, I am going to share what I wrote:
'I am here and I am scared that my voice is not true, authentic or interesting. Im scared I do not fit in. But I will try and I will be open hearted to the process. Because this is a huge investment for me, and only me. I think I am scared of releasing and letting go of the things that no longer serve me. But I need to surrender. I need to step into my power and find my voice - my true voice, not the many different voices I use to fit in with different people. I need to trust my spirit guides in this magical place . A magical place that I know holds the key to moving forward. I am surprised at the level of emotion I am feeling already . I need to unravel and be the real me. Just me. I need to stop apologising' I walked back with a lovely lady, who told me I spoke well and was engaging. That was reassuring and I took the compliment, whilst screaming rubbish words at myself in my head. The evening was really lovely, with a communal dinner where I chatted with other participants - not normal chats, deep chats about life, spirituality and it was amazing - the shared values, these were people like me. I loved it, it kind of scared me, it certainly overwhelmed me but I already loved so many of them, I was invested in their journeys. These were good people, who needed healing and we were going to help each other. The ceremony that evening was celebrating the full moon, there was so much energy in the room and it was very special. We all moved silently after the ceremony in the darkness to our Koyt's to process the day. I was wired, I could not sleep and just lay in bed and stared at the trees and the stars. Thinking how it is so interesting, that I so rarely have conversations about the things I had that evening, stuff that genuinely I had knowledge and was passionate about with my holistic therapist background, I often hide that side to me, as I always feel it is looked upon as 'Hippie Dippie' or whatever. But it is something that lights me up and brings me so much joy. I also thought about how much work I had done on myself but it was always in silo. Meaning, that I would tap in and tap out, attend a class, have a superficial connection over the course of a couple of hours and then walk away. No feedback, no further communication. This was different, we were coming together as a coven, as a group, to heal and to witness each other's journey. It felt so much more powerful and something that I could not run away from, as much as my head for at least 30% was trying to do. I was awake most of the night, feeling overwhelmed by the power of everything, the location, the people, what was about to happen. In the morning, I was panicky and decided to not push myself too hard so pulled out of yoga, meditation and breakfast just to give myself some time to rest. Kate was very kind and said 'I needed to own the process' so I did. I really felt it was important to follow what my body was telling me. I joined the group for a breathwork session. Nobody mentioned that I had not been around in the morning, and that was lovely, I did not feel like a naughty school child. I thought I had done breathwork before but this was something different. Kate carefully explained the process and we begun, as a group. I immediately went into my head 'Am I doing this right, I am useless, I am not feeling anything, why am I so crap at this'.........and then it came out of nowhere, like someone had pulled a plug out of something deep inside of me, the tears started at first just leaking out of my eyes and then the sobbing started and did not stop. Wave after wave, the word 'loss' rolled around my head and I sobbed like a child. I remember constantly trying to grip at the floor, because I wanted to feel like I wanted to be sure I was connected. Now this sounds scary, it was not, it felt so natural, it felt like a relief, like something that needed to happen, it was positive, it was progress, I was surrendering and I felt safe and loved by the group. I have no idea how long I cried for, but it just kept coming.
When it ended, Kate encouraged me to go outside and be in the trees and nature - the tears just kept coming, I could not control them and it was a lot. I remember looking up at the trees, seeing the sunshine leaking through the branches and wondering what on earth had just happened and would I ever be able to stop crying. We went back to circle and shared our experiences, a lot of my fellow participants had similar experiences and it felt safe and the bonding between the group felt even stronger. Kate was brilliant throughout the whole session, acknowledging the reactions and speaking wisely about what had happened. I will talk a lot about safety, because I feel it is important, I felt safe and held throughout the whole thing, I knew I was not going to have to deal with what had happened alone - i was in the process, really in it. We returned to the communal space and had a delicious lunch, but were all obviously rocked by the experience, it was a lot. I kept feeling the waves of emotion, tears close to the surface and I was absolutely exhausted. I could not wait to get out on the nature walk and go wild swimming which followed lunch. The nature walk was everything I could have dreamed of and more. We descended into the temperate rainforest, the trees are over 3000 years old there. As they are so old, they have complex messaging systems underground, where they communicate with each other, telling the whole forest when to shed their acorns which they can do every couple of years in the space of a couple of days! This blew my mind, how amazing - it was magic, imagine the sound of that. I laughed, as usually on walks I am the only one touching the trees, taking photos of the branches, picking up stones and everyone was doing it. This was a group of 15 women who were all like me, it was hilarious - fellow nature nerds! We dawdled along to the river, marching through the mud in our wellies marvelling at the sound of the rushing water. The river is very special as contains so much quartz and crystal, it sparkles, the water is completely clear and clean - so completely drinkable. We did a water ceremony that was very special and then went into the amazing sauna on the banks of the river. After which we immersed in the cold stream, which was perfect. I think it was one of my favourite moments of the retreat, seeing the people who were pure water babies light up when entering the water, seeing others who were not so sure go for it. I remember talking through with a lady as she immersed into the water for the first time, keeping her calm. It was a special moment. We were given space to make our own way back, at our own speed back to our Koyt's, so I mooched along through the bluebells feeling refreshed - ready for a nap! The dinner that evening, was super fun - a chinese fakeaway - probably some of the best vegetarian food I have ever tasted. I could eat the mushroom pancakes forever...urgh now I really want one! It felt like a group of old friends on a Saturday night, and although we were all exhausted the mood was lovely. After dinner, we had the medicinal mushroom and cacao ceremony, which was really magical and again we drifted back to our Koyt's in silence. What a day!! (I am going to continue with the next day of retreat tomorrow, as this feels very long and I am sure you don't want war and peace!!)
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Accepting applications for RYT 300Hr certification
Calling all Yoga lovers, body art healers, Life coaches and emerging Yoga Instructors   We are very excited to announce that Bend it like Buddha Yoga school is now accepting applications for the Yoga Alliance accredited RYT 300 Hr yoga training cohort starting on April 4th!    We want to personally invite you to upgrade your skills by joining the advanced 300Hr Advanced Vinyasa & Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training along the gorgeous beach coastlines of Algarve, Portugal! During this hybrid 20 days yoga program, you will go deeper into yoga philosophy, alignment, mudras, learn how to facilitate sound healing and cacao ceremonies, how to facilitate Usui Reiki healing sessions and practice daily advanced pranayama. Highlights:-Daily advanced Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga practice twice per day AM/PM or healing practice such as cacao ceremony or Tibetan bowl sound healing journey.-Traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga lessons with Intermediate series postures;-Advanced Vinyasa sequencing and postures;-Advanced accredited Yoga Alliance RYT 300 yoga teacher training course 300-hour certificate in Ashtanga and Vinyasa-Daily philosophy classes: Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Patanjali Sutras meditation, heart healing intimacy exercises, inner child shadow workshops and profound Breath Work journeys-Acro, prenatal, kids yoga, Partner yoga, sound journey, traditional Kirtan Mantras, alignment, anatomy, trauma informed yoga therapy training, daily hands-on adjustment practice-Learn and practice how to teach advanced and tailored Vinyasa and Ashtanga classes each day 6 AMAZING BONUS:-Eight-hour Ayurveda therapy massage certificate;-Four-hour workshop on trauma-informed yoga principles;-Four-hour Nada yoga workshop, sound healing facilitator training, and cacao ceremony facilitator: best tips and recommendations for beginners and seasoned practitioners of Nada yoga / sound healing and cacao ceremony and learn how to conduct and hold space during your sound healings and ceremony for your future students.-Six-hour Usui Reiki level 1 training and certificate: if you have level one or two already, you will receive the next level training and attunement for the level you are at.-Learn how to facilitate and plan a breathwork journey for groups and practice advanced pranayama imparted by the Father of Modern Yoga Krishnamacharya, a student of BNS Iyengar based in Mysore, India.-Four-week yoga business lifestyle coaching: post-graduate support, weekly live training, accountability, and implementation labs to inspire you to take massive action to launch your micro yoga-niched brand to attract your dream students. Learn how to market your workshops and retreats utilizing the effective Online Yoga Challenge model taught by Bend it like Buddha Yoga school founder L. Farrah Furtado E RYT 500.The world is in great need of incredible yoga teachers, now more than ever, and it is RYS 200/RYS 300 Bend it like Buddha's  purpose to impart the practice for sharing it, with as many people as possible to awaken, heal, and move beautiful souls into their dharma and purpose as we enter into the most pivotal spiritual transition on Earth in human history! Learning and successfully implementing this innovative and nuanced yoga challenge framework is a must for all yoga teacher entrepreneurs in order to survive and thrive in today's competitive yoga noisy world full of distractions...Together as a yoga family, in friendships, also fun, and in community support, you will thrive as you create a positive ripple effect on the planet. Through sharing yoga, you are all sowing fertile seeds of hope, good health, joy, and inner peace into a world in desperate need of hope and healing. Join this movement that is happening within the Bend it like Buddha yoga community to receive training and support while helping as many people as possible, through the profound and powerful practices of yoga, meditation, and pranayama Hurry, very limited spots!Namaste [email protected] for more info.....#yogateacher #yogaforlife #yogateacher300Hr #reikicourse #meditation #yogamom #yogaworkshop #Yoga #yogientrepreneur #yoginilife #yogalover #portugalretreats #healing #portugalyoga #yogateachertrainingadvanced #RYT300Hr #retreatalgarve #portugalyoga #vinyasayoga #transformation #meditationretreat #ayurvedamassage #yogaportugal #algarveretreat
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Ok. So the time from 2020 lockdown till now has been transitional to me, with goods, badies as well as "just is" things to be processed/ needed to be gone throw.
Including change of how I practice my gifts to serve the esoteric/ spiritual community.
I ve lost most of my free clientele base of tarot since I stopped checking messages, ones who I'm still grateful for because theyve given me feedback, but I also have grown while giving them readings. Turned out esoteric community has spies, trolls who poke under many accounts. To test authenticity of your psychic gifts.
We are all psychic deep down. To put you to disappointment, even a healthy capable of seeing driver would hit a car to a wall if you try distorting his sight while driving. I think now my point is taken clearly. Spirituality like anything has rules, but what you see as psychic has more layers to it. In the end when I help, it wasn't out of obligation, I'm not right hand path. Maybe a bit stoic, but not rhp. So I help willingly.
No reading- despite mine are always mostly accurate- can do for you full satisfaction as you choosing your God given destiny through free will.
The fact that also social media is like a group of gossiping small town women, is overwhelming. Overwhelming when you realise you are being watched thoroughly even by people you don't know, although they don't press like nor comment, but you realise through comparing views of videos on a platform along with people who watch Pinterest for example versus people who watch you on twitter and your posts somehow go viral from one platform to another!
Especially with word twisting or stealing your intellectual property while not giving you credit. This was all contemplative to me.
Along with the telepaths who are sent by some group or force to know all about you disguising as friend.
I spent a three months retreat in a monastery to harness thoughts control, somehow I'm very wired to the universe I end up as "hot spot" for telepaths as I was told.
That along with possiblity of feeling like I'm canceled before I begin a blog or change social media. I know it sounds like I think I'm center of the universe, we I'm in my own story at least. So as everyone in theirs. But point is, you cant help the feeling especially when some forces or same personality types stalk you throughout life.
So I was healing that.
For me I don't care, despite of rollercoaster, paradoxes, selfishness, gaslighting and witch/ psychic wars of the community. Im on a mission, I decided to grow and help. The other side and spirit realms are all I know.
My religion is my belief in the unseen.
But aside from this, I revised lots of things while away for Techno reasons that made using social media difficult or notifications inaccessible.
I focus now on healing with energy even if I'll give readings.
I still do past life therapy , join my discord to meditate, uplift your daily mood, have some stoic positivity and also do yoga sometimes and attend dharma. Prices of reiki sessions are in discord, so as meditation courses.
Aside from that , I help with entity removal, but only depends on condition.
My life has been demanding to keep all the peace I could store.
I should be active from hereon, but on Fridays.
Wednesday free readings to all or one or one are closed, due to need of storing my energy and revising my morality about altruism, when to give it and when not to.
I'll be giving free general readings mostly Fridays if I will, and on seasons I'll open door to one on one for free, there's discounts even for charged readings in season.
Check description of this blog to see link of discord and see the change in my bio.
Also my primary blog is "odinsonblog"
It's seeing a renovation to a positivity blog.
I don't own a website, nor do I believe I got help enough to design it, I can't emotionally for now be a YouTuber. Maybe I will.
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reachlovenheal · 1 month
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Best Reiki Healing In Chandigarh
Reiki Healing / By lovenheal
In the tapestry of holistic healing modalities, few practices possess the profound depth and universal resonance of Reiki. Originating in Japan, Reiki stands as a beacon of light, offering a gentle yet potent pathway to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As we journey into the mystical realms of Reiki healing, let us embark on an exploration of its transformative power and timeless wisdom.
Unveiling the Essence of Reiki Healing
At its heart, Reiki embodies the belief in the interconnectedness of all beings and the fundamental principle that life force energy flows through every living thing. Rooted in this understanding, Reiki healing seeks to restore harmony and balance by clearing energetic blockages and facilitating the natural flow of energy within the body. Through gentle touch or distant healing techniques, a Reiki practitioner channels this universal life force, allowing it to penetrate the deepest layers of the recipient’s being, nurturing healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
The Dance of Energy and Intention
Central to the practice of Reiki is the cultivation of intention and mindfulness. With focused intention and an open heart, practitioners serve as conduits for divine energy, allowing it to flow where it is most needed. Whether through the gentle placement of hands or the power of distant healing, Reiki transcends the limitations of time and space, offering healing across vast distances and dimensions. In the sacred space of a Reiki session, the recipient is invited to surrender to the healing flow, trusting in the wisdom of the universe to guide and nurture their journey toward wholeness.
Awakening the Healing Within
Beyond its role as a therapeutic modality, Reiki serves as a catalyst for self-discovery and personal transformation. As individuals open themselves to the healing power of Reiki, they embark on a journey of self-awareness and empowerment. Through regular practice and deepening connection to the universal life force, practitioners cultivate greater clarity, compassion, and resilience in the face of life’s challenges. In the gentle embrace of Reiki’s healing energy, old wounds are healed, limiting beliefs are released, and the luminous essence of one’s true nature is revealed.
Nurturing the Sacred Connection
In a world characterized by busyness and distraction, Reiki offers a sanctuary of stillness and presence. In the sacred space of a Reiki session, time slows, and the mind quiets, allowing for deep relaxation and inner reflection. It is here, in the quietude of the present moment, that individuals can reconnect with their innate wisdom and the divine essence that dwells within. Through the practice of Reiki, we are reminded of our inherent connection to all of creation, fostering a sense of reverence and gratitude for the beauty and interconnectedness of life.
Conclusion: Embracing the Healing Journey
In the sacred dance of energy and intention, Reiki invites us to surrender to the flow of the universe, trusting in its infinite wisdom and grace. As we open ourselves to the healing power of Reiki, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and profound healing. May we embrace the luminous essence that resides within us all, and may the gentle embrace of Reiki’s healing energy guide us toward wholeness, harmony, and inner peace.
In the timeless wisdom of Reiki, may we find solace, strength, and renewal on our journey toward healing and wholeness.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
Contact Info: Phone No: +91-8484000268
Reiki healing Chandigarh, Chandigarh Reiki practitioner, Energy healing Chandigarh, Holistic healing Chandigarh, Reiki sessions in Chandigarh, Chandigarh spiritual healing, Chandigarh Reiki master, Healing center in Chandigarh, Chakra balancing Chandigarh, Chandigarh energy therapy, Distance Reiki Chandigarh, Reiki training in Chandigarh, Chandigarh wellness retreat Reiki, Chandigarh alternative medicine, Mind-body healing Chandigarh,
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providencereiki · 2 years
The Healing Apprenticeship Costa Rica 2023!
The Healing Apprenticeship Costa Rica 2023!
The Healing Apprenticeship is an amazing week-long Intensive at the beautiful Goddess Garden Retreat Center, Cahuita, Costa Rica, January 28 – February 4, 2023.   Is it time for you to break through the obstacles that prevent you from sustainably being yourself in all the beautiful and not-so-beautiful ways!    Have you had enough of the same obstacles showing up again and again, no matter how…
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hubofconsciousness · 2 years
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primespa · 7 days
Unwind and Rejuvenate: Exploring the Best Massage Offers in Dubai
In the bustling city of Dubai, where skyscrapers pierce the sky and luxury is a way of life, finding moments of tranquility and relaxation becomes essential. Amidst the fast-paced lifestyle, indulging in a rejuvenating massage is not just a luxury but a necessity for maintaining mental and physical well-being. Fortunately, Dubai boasts a plethora of massage offers, each promising a unique experience tailored to soothe the senses and melt away stress. Let's embark on a journey to explore the best massage offers in Dubai, where ancient healing traditions meet modern luxury.
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The Diversity of Massage Offerings:
Traditional Therapies:
Dubai is a melting pot of cultures, and its massage offerings reflect this diversity. Visitors can immerse themselves in traditional therapies hailing from various corners of the globe. From the soothing strokes of Swedish massage to the invigorating techniques of Thai massage, there's something to suit every preference. Those seeking a holistic approach may opt for Ayurvedic massages, which aim to restore balance and harmony to the body and mind. Whether you prefer gentle pressure or deep tissue manipulation, Dubai's spas offer a plethora of traditional therapies to cater to your needs.
Luxurious Spa Experiences:
In Dubai, luxury knows no bounds, and the city's spas redefine opulence. Indulge in lavish spa experiences that transport you to a realm of serenity and indulgence. Picture yourself enveloped in the scent of exotic oils, surrounded by plush amenities, and pampered by skilled therapists. From opulent five-star resorts to intimate boutique spas, Dubai offers a myriad of options for those seeking a truly lavish escape. Treat yourself to signature treatments inspired by ancient rituals or opt for bespoke massages tailored to your preferences. In Dubai, luxury and relaxation go hand in hand, promising an unforgettable spa experience.
Innovative Wellness Trends:
As a global hub of innovation, Dubai is at the forefront of wellness trends, offering cutting-edge treatments that push the boundaries of traditional massage therapies. Explore futuristic wellness concepts such as cryotherapy, where exposure to sub-zero temperatures promises rejuvenation and muscle recovery. Alternatively, immerse yourself in the healing powers of hydrotherapy, where water-based treatments soothe aches and pains while promoting relaxation. With state-of-the-art facilities and avant-garde techniques, Dubai's wellness scene continues to evolve, offering discerning visitors a glimpse into the future of holistic health.
Continuing Your Journey:
As you delve into the world of massage offers in Dubai, there are endless opportunities to further explore and expand your understanding of holistic wellness. Here are some suggestions for continuing your journey:
Deep Dive into Traditional Techniques: Enroll in workshops or courses to learn more about the origins and practices of traditional massage therapies such as Thai, Swedish, or Ayurvedic massage.
Explore Alternative Therapies: Expand your horizons by experimenting with alternative wellness modalities such as acupuncture, reflexology, or reiki, which offer unique approaches to healing and relaxation.
Wellness Retreats: Consider embarking on a wellness retreat in Dubai or neighboring regions, where you can immerse yourself in a holistic experience encompassing yoga, meditation, nutritious cuisine, and therapeutic treatments.
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vagabondtemplecam · 2 years
Best Yoga Retreat in Cambodia – Vagabond Temple
Vagabond Temple provide the best Yoga Retreat in Cambodia that can help us to stresses and pollutants of modern life can sometimes compromise our immune systems and help to restore our natural healing abilities. We offers all levels of yoga retreats, from beginners to intermediate and advanced classes which are suitable for all experience levels.
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adventur01 · 8 days
Wellness and Adventure Vacations for Women in Spiti
Welcome to Adventour, your go-to tour company for exhilarating and enriching experiences in the majestic regions of Leh Ladakh and Spiti. At Adventour, we are passionate about curating unique travel experiences that combine the thrill of adventure with the tranquility of wellness, specifically designed for women. Our mission is to empower women through travel, providing them with the opportunity to explore the breathtaking landscapes of the Himalayas, connect with like-minded travelers, and rejuvenate their minds and bodies through our wellness and adventure vacations for women in Spiti.
Discover Spiti Valley: A Sanctuary for Wellness and Adventure
Spiti Valley, nestled high in the Himalayas, is a paradise for those seeking both adventure and wellness. Our specially designed wellness and adventure vacations for women in Spiti offer an incredible blend of physical activities, cultural immersion, and serene retreats. Whether you are an adrenaline junkie eager for a trekking expedition or someone looking for a peaceful escape to practice yoga and meditation, Spiti Valley has it all.
Adventure Awaits: Empowering Women’s Travel Experiences in the Himalayas
At Adventour, we believe in empowering women’s travel experiences in the Himalayas. Our tours are meticulously planned to ensure that every woman feels safe, supported, and inspired. Our female group travel organizers for Spiti Valley are experienced professionals who understand the unique needs and preferences of women travelers. They are committed to creating a supportive and empowering environment where women can push their limits and achieve personal growth through adventure.
Activities Include:
Trekking and Hiking: Explore the rugged trails of Spiti, surrounded by awe-inspiring mountain vistas.
Yoga and Meditation: Reconnect with your inner self in serene settings, with daily yoga sessions and guided meditation practices.
Cultural Tours: Immerse yourself in the rich culture and history of Spiti by visiting ancient monasteries, interacting with local communities, and participating in traditional ceremonies.
Photography Workshops: Capture the stunning beauty of Spiti with the guidance of professional photographers.
Wellness Retreats: Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body, and Soul
Our wellness retreats in Spiti are designed to help you unwind and recharge. Set in picturesque locations, these retreats offer a range of activities aimed at promoting overall well-being. Enjoy spa treatments, nature walks, and healthy, locally-sourced meals that cater to various dietary preferences.
Wellness Activities Include:
Holistic Healing Sessions: Engage in practices like Ayurveda, Reiki, and sound healing to balance your energy.
Nutritional Workshops: Learn about mindful eating and how to prepare nutritious meals that fuel your body.
Nature Therapy: Spend time in nature to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.
Why Choose Adventour?
Choosing Adventour means choosing a company that prioritizes your safety, comfort, and personal growth. Here’s why our wellness and adventure vacations for women in Spiti stand out:
Expertly Crafted Itineraries: Each tour is carefully designed to provide a balanced mix of adventure, relaxation, and cultural experiences.
Dedicated Support: Our female group travel organizers for Spiti Valley are there to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience.
Community and Camaraderie: Travel with a group of like-minded women, forming lasting friendships and support networks.
Embark on a transformative journey with Adventour, where wellness and adventure go hand in hand. Our wellness and adventure vacations for women in Spiti are more than just trips; they are experiences that empower and inspire. Whether you are seeking thrill or tranquility, Adventour is here to guide you through the enchanting landscapes of Spiti Valley. Join us, and let the Himalayas reveal the strength and serenity within you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. What should I pack for a wellness and adventure vacation in Spiti?
We recommend packing comfortable trekking gear, warm clothing, yoga attire, personal toiletries, a good pair of hiking boots, and any necessary medications. Don’t forget your camera to capture the stunning scenery!
2. Is Spiti Valley safe for solo women travelers?
Absolutely. At Adventour, we prioritize the safety and well-being of our travelers. Our tours are led by experienced female group travel organizers for Spiti Valley who ensure a secure and supportive environment.
3. What is the best time to visit Spiti Valley?
The best time to visit Spiti Valley is from May to October when the weather is pleasant and the roads are accessible. During this period, you can fully enjoy outdoor activities and the natural beauty of the region.
4. How physically demanding are the adventure activities?
Our tours are designed to accommodate various fitness levels. We offer a range of activities from moderate hikes to more challenging treks. Our team will provide you with all the necessary information to help you choose the activities that best suit your fitness level.
5. Can I join the tour if I am a beginner at yoga or meditation?
Yes, our wellness retreats are suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Our instructors will tailor the sessions to meet your individual needs and comfort levels.
Ready to embark on your next adventure?
Visit Adventour and book your spot today!
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