#Rant over sorry
daisy-mooon · 9 months
"I want Annabeth to be blonde :(" then pick up a PJO book and read it you dumb fuck
#pjo fans stop being weird about black annabeth challenge IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#first off annabeths race isnt important to her story. annabeth could be any race. her skin colour doesnt actually impact her. her hair does#now im not blonde but im a white girl so let me explain why some pjo fans need to stfu. i have grade 9s. im called stupid for my appearance#im not insulted bc im white or bc i have blue eyes or brown hair. im insulted bc women are judged on their appearance. im insulted bc SEXIS#annabeth isnt really called dumb for being blonde. shes called dumb bc shes female. and ppl are more likely to stereotype women than men#this is especially true for black women! whatever sexism white women get is always horrifically multiplied for poc women#black hair frequently gets called unprofessional untidy unhygienic etc. its VERY likely that show annabeth has been called dumb for her hai#does this make the casting “accurate”? no. but castings don't have to be accurate. they have to ADD to the character.#annabeth being black ADDS to her character because it showcases how women (esp black women) are devalued for their appearance#movie annabeth wasnt bad for having brown hair or white hair she was a bad adaptation bc she was ooc#i just think its ironic that a core aspect of annabeth was being judged for her looks. and now show annabeth is getting judged for her look#like. you guys really missed the point here.#anyways disagree all you want but book annabeth is still blonde. no one is erasing her. theres a new PJO book w blonde annabeth SEPTEMBER 2#GO READ CHALICE OF THE GODS IF U WANT BLONDE ANNABETH OMG! adaptions and source material can be separate and coexist!#rant over sorry#pjo#percy jackson#annabeth chase#pjo show#percy jackson and the olympians#the lightning thief#discourse#shitpost#percy jackson show#pjo discourse#riordanverse
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calamitydaze · 1 year
there’s a really fucking gross pattern of mcytblr using techno’s Sacred Memory in their agenda against dream and completely disrespecting him/his family in the process. like getting mad at the remembering techno stream (even though techno’s dad wanted to do it because he invited dream into their home to meet his family) and getting mad at dream putting the crown on his skin (even though that’s a completely normal tribute to a close personal friend) and now getting mad at the amnesia ending because it fOrCEs eVeRyoNe To FOrGet HiM (even though dream had a one-on-one call with everyone months ago to confirm the ending and, again, was a close personal friend)
it’s sick to weaponize phil and niki’s grief for your parasocial hatred for some guy, it’s sick to look at two people (dream and tommy) who are also grieving and say “you must have forced this on people, it must be to sweep under the rug all the bad things c!/cc!dream did.” no matter what you think of dream and his actions it’s sick how determined mcytblr is to find bad intentions from someone who was trusted to share the news of techno’s passing, who’s done nothing but honor him since. and of course everyone is so completely lacking in self awareness about it, because Dream Bad so anything we say against him is morally and logically correct, even if it disrespects the wishes of the family and friends of the person we’re leaping in front of imaginary bullets to protect. dream can do anything he wants regarding techno as far as i’m concerned. he knew and loved him more than you or i ever could
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mixedupmysteries · 1 month
hey since a lot of my followers on both here and instagram are part of the ghost and pals fandom I just wanted to say that I really don’t plan on contributing or interacting with this fandom that much anymore. I mostly started interacting with the fandom in early 2023 once I started my instagram account but I’m starting to dislike it; it feels like it’s mostly just a bunch of chronically online people fighting over the stupidest stuff and that’s about it. I also feel like ghost kind of starts a lot of the fighting amongst their fans in a way. so yeah I might upload some gnp fanart very rarely since the character designs are still somewhat decent, but don’t expect much from me. I’d rather focus on media I actually do like instead of what people followed me for.
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faragonart · 9 months
So it turns out my longer posts (where I make comic-style stories about my character) get blocked from tags entirely...
I guess I can't post comic drabble stuff anymore? @staff why did you set it up like this? Who is gonna be able to see my posts if they're all just blocked from the tags? I can't express myself or my work on here anymore? Do I have to find workarounds now???
This is extremely disheartening...
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
fun little fact about having a family member who is culturally aware but also tone deaf:
they know that calling you fat as an insult is wrong now. they know that describing your appearance as overweight (as a means to encourage you to be “healthy”) is damaging to your mental health because there are studies and anecdotes about why that is not ok
but being aware does not mean they agree. it just means they are aware that what they used to say out loud will be met with judgement.
so they change the story. again. they don’t call you fat or overweight. they start implying that maybe your body type (which is normal) actually always meant something else. maybe the fatness wasn’t your fault, per se, but you didn’t help in easing it either. because maybe, you’ve grown “intolerant to insulin”. maybe the chubbiness that grows on your cheeks and stomach and legs every winter might be normal but if it stays then it must mean that your body is malfunctioning
they don’t say the word they want to say out right, but will skirt around it and talk to you almost condescending, suggesting you (ordering you) to change your habits, making sure include all the nutritional and scientific terminology they can in order to sound like a fact
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chonnysinferno · 4 months
me when i follow someone / talk to someone and yhen find out they're a cj shipper :-(
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arguablysomaya · 2 years
and another thing! what the ultra-pessimistic, "absolute power corrupts absolutely" takes on superman miss badly is that the conversation to be had around superman isn't... really... about power? hell, as an anarchist, you will find nobody else that wants to have conversations about the corrosive property of authority, but that's what we have superman parodies for! omniman and homelander have that conversation covered. superman doesn't need to have a piece of the pie as well
what superman SHOULD be about is the inclusive property of humanity. about how humanity isn't a physical quality you can study or quantify or something that you can earn or inherit, but what you choose to be. that no matter where you come from, no matter what your ability, humanity is about community, and you build communities by being the best "you" you can be!
cuz life fucking sucks!! we're literally being beamed a 24/7 stream of how fucked we are with no hope in sight. remember, superheroes are meant to be the representation of the ubermensch (the ultimate man). say what you will about superman, that he's a neoliberal wet dream, that he's the epitome of great man theory, that he's reformist propaganda or whatever, (which are all valid critiques!) but i think we deserve to have a little hope now and again. i think we need to be reminded what it is to be human.
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davy-zeppeli · 4 months
evil shout out (with malice, negativity) to the woman at work who, upon me saying how much I weighed, said "no you're not! you look smaller than that. that weight would make you big" thanks Julie 🙃
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skijumping-fam · 1 year
the way that there are only 3/15 mixed teams in which everyone is born before 2000, i feel old
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sakebytheriver · 8 months
Babydoll, you'd feel like you were lying to them because you literally would be 😭😭
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There were so many comments saying it was the same as reading a book and I just know all of those bitches were white 😭😭😭
Listen. Fanfiction is not the same as a published book. It's just not.
The thing is you're thinking that they're somehow the same medium of art just because they're both written word format, but they have completely different rules to them
It would be like saying a sololiquy and a sonnet are the same thing because they're both forms of poetry, it's just patently false. They are not the same thing and the reason you feel like you'd be lying is because you know that they are not the same thing
It is not complicated it is literally two different forms of writing that you are trying to equate as the same things because you think that by somehow claiming fanfiction is the same as reading a book you've elevated it to this grander scale because you look down on fanfiction as it is, you want to claim fanfiction as the same as a published book because you want to get the quote unquote prestige that comes with reading an actual book because you don't want to admit that all you read is fanfiction and haven't picked up a book since your middle school library classes
You think the only way a fanfiction can earn respect is if you say it is exactly the same as a published and in doing so you devalue both the work of fanfiction and published books
Go to a library and pick up a book, it will have an extremely different style and rulebook than your average fanfiction
They are just different things, that doesn't make one better or worse than the other and you need to get your heads out of your asses and recognize that your unedited 'no beta we die like men' or even betaed fics are an extremely different medium than that of a published book
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hamlets-ghost · 1 year
Welp, guess who is a medical doctor now (hint: it’s me)
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heavenknowsffs · 10 months
yep i wasn't joking on my last post
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monotonous-minutia · 1 year
okay I'm sorry I love all of you but I really hate this 'prev tags' thing. I don't want to have to stop what I'm doing to try and click on the reblog before yours to see what the joke is. Half the time it won't let me, it just takes me to the OP or the top of the blog of the last reblog or whatever. And even if I do get to go back and view it half the time I lose my place on my dash so it's barely worth even trying and then I miss out on the conversation.
Just copy the tags...please...it's especially easy on mobile when the original tags pop up when you reblog anyway...
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divinemackerel · 2 years
Being a cFundy fan was the worst thing to ever happen to me
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sailor-rinn · 2 years
Y'all are overusing the "I love you" template. If I see that come up, it better contain some absolutely DEVASTATING news. I'm talking WORLD-SHAKING DEVELOPMENTS. Not whatever is happening in ur TV show.
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illjustpretend · 2 years
I understand it's well meaning when people compliment artists (or others tbh) by saying stuff like "i could never" "that'd be impossible for me" "how do you just casually do that?" Etc.
But I always take issue with it because it's not impossible! And you can do that!
Not to mention it low key invalidates all the years of hard work and practice and failure that stands behind every piece/performance. Because you as an outsider don't see all that so it's easy to assume it comes naturally to some people. In reality it takes a lot of effort to create something that matches your vision, not even to mention issues of skill in fundamentals (anatomy, music theory, lifting form etc etc)
Anyways I'm not trying to soapbox or assume that everyone even wants to be an artist or be good at every amazing high level skill, but i at least try to avoid that approach to praising people's work. I try to emphasize certain aspects that i enjoy about a piece such as the composition, shading work, art style , etc etc you name it. It shows that I'm studying someone's work and appreciating it beyond a quick glance. It's a great way for me to learn and improve too! We can take so much from experiencing something by also learning about someone's journey to creating that thing, as well as their motivations.
I'm sure others have said this more eloquently than me before but it's just on my mind today 🤔
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