hasbr0mniverse · 2 months
Centurions Power X-Treme 1986 - Jake Rockwell - Affiliation: Centurions - Function: Land Operations Expert - Assault Weapon System Fireforce: Helmut, Power Back Pack, Twin Laser Cannons, Radar Sensor, Plasma Accelerator and Repulsar
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burnwater13 · 1 year
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Grogu liked playing hide and peek. It had started out as an essential life skill and eventually became a game. He started practicing it when he lived in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Being such a little guy he had to watch for feet and carts and things being pushed around the facility. 
As hard as it may be to believe him now, he used to be even smaller. And because his clothing choices were pretty limited he often blended in with whatever the other people at the temple were wearing. Especially Master Obi-Wan. 
The color of his coverall was ‘Jedi light brown’. Not to be mistaken for ‘Jedi drab brown’, ‘Jedi pale brown’, and ‘Jedi washed out brown’. It had seemed to Grogu, that the few times he’d been standing near Master Obi-Wan he just disappeared from view. And ouch! Stepped on. 
No one meant to step on him of course and it he remembered to use his floaty thing it wasn’t as bad. But the floaty thing was a big giveaway of where he was and it was hard to get away from other Masters when he was using it. That’s how ‘hide and peek’ had started.
He was fetching Master Drallig a data chip from the library when he saw the librarian headed his way. He knew she didn’t mean him any harm, but she often pinched his cheeks and coo’d at him when she spotted him in the floaty thing. His cheeks were tired of being pinched. So he hopped out of the floaty thing and began to move forward along the walls and edges of things and peek out to make sure she wasn’t there. 
He had seen a lot of things go on that way. Sometimes he saw younglings and padawans sneaking extra food and eating it at the data ports. (Yum, they dropped a lot of stuff!) Sometimes he saw Masters shaking their heads and handing credits over to other masters and complaining that fathiers were flighty critters. Once he thought he saw someone kiss someone else, but that ended up being an optical illusion. Jedi had a big thing about no attachments and Grogu’s studies had indicated that attached people thought kissing was okay, if not essential. 
But on his mission to retrieve the data chip for Master Drallig he managed through this process to get all the way to the right tower of data chips without the librarian spotting him. He climbed the tower carefully because of course he did and got to the chip he needed. Just as he was about to pull it out of the slot and slip it into his robe, he heard the sounds of doom.
“Youngling Grogu! Whatever are you doing there? If you need assistance you should call for me.” 
It was the librarian! Oh no! 
He quickly grabbed the chip and turned to face his doom. 
There they were. Eye to eye. He saw her hand reaching up and then he did it! He jumped right to her and mashed his face against hers as they both collided. Now he was in for it!
“You silly boy! I was just going to help you down. Master Drallig would like that data chip sooner rather than later. Next time use the repulsar seat that Master Yoda assigned to you. It will make tasks like these go faster. Go on. On your way!” She set him on the ground as she delivered her lecture and then Grogu nodded silently and walked away as fast as he could. 
Sometime people just surprised you. Thank goodness for hide and peek!
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sulan1809 · 1 year
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King DeDeDe - De vilão a rival cômico do Kirby
King Dedede, também conhecido como DeDeDe, é o arquirrival de Kirby na franquia Kirby of the Stars(星のカービィ), sob responsabilidade da HAL Laborarory. DeDeDe apareceu em muitos games estrelados por Kirby(Exceto Kirby & the Amazing Mirror), sendo o personagem mais recorrente da série, além do próprio Kirby, Waddle Dee, Kracko e Whispy Woods. Devido aos diversos papéis que DeDeDe desempenha como adversário do personagem homônimo, Kirby, muitos fãs acreditam que o pinguim azulado é o principal antagonista da série. Apesar disso, ele ajudou mais do que prejudicou desde Kirby’s Return to Dreamland, com isso, a Nintendo até mesmo descreveu DeDeDe como sendo o “arch-frenemy” de Kirby. King DeDeDe é o auto-proclamado ganancioso rei de Dream Land, cuja localização se dá no pitoresco Planet Popstar. Devido à uma descrição geográfica ambígua do planeta Popstar, nunca ficou totalmente claro quanto do planeta King DeDeDe assume a liderança, mesmo assim, DeDeDe parece não desenvolver funções administrativas, e, na maioria das vezes, o planeta parece ignorar quaisquer decretos emitidos por ele. King DeDeDe tem como principal marca registrada, um martelo cravejado de estrelas que ele pode manusear com a maior facilidade e a habilidade de inalar e repulsar objetos de maneira semelhante a Kirby. De acordo com a descrição oficial do troféu do personagem em Super Smash Bros. Melee, King DeDeDe passou por diversos treinamentos rigorosos para aprender e dominar o uso de ar inalado para ser capaz de voar como Kirby depois dos eventos de Kirby’s Dream Land. 
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ummontedecerebro · 18 days
vida útil
qual o tempo médio de uma paixão?
quanto até repulsar e a racionalidade questionar: "o que é que eu tô fazendo aqui? o que é que eu já fiz?".
quanto de terra a gente percorre até sentar numa esquina e rever se é pra esse caminho mesmo que queremos ir? o silêncio de toda estrada é ameaçador - não se sabe. há carros? animais? pessoas? quantos metros eu tenho que andar pra entender o que existe ali? quantos metros eu vou precisar voltar se entender que não quero mais?
a gente não é estrada, não precisa ser silêncio. é que falar dói. falar também é andar passos, só que vendo paisagens que não dá pra fingir que não viu. mas bota na balança: dez passos que te dão a liberdade de uma escolha clara, ou cem que são um mistério?
gostaria de entrar em estradas que falassem mais. gostaria de poder falar mais sem achar que o caminho que o outro escolheu é o silencioso. tem gente que anda por dentro de mim em completo silêncio, nem sei se tá parado ou continua andando. e quando vê: surpresa!
e agora, como você vai voltar? boa volta! gostaria de ter te ajudado pelo caminho.
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the1stranger · 4 months
𝐹𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑚𝑜𝑠 𝑉𝐼
“𝘏𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘴 𝘱𝘢́𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘴 , 𝘩𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘢 𝘦𝘭 𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘴𝘮𝘰 𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘢 𝘭𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘰”
No tengo idea de qué clase de vientos me están llevando y hacia donde.
En los ocasos de mis vidas pasajeras , en este solsticio , esta primordial tumba de latidos crecientes , estos son los parpadeos que más se sienten , en el umbral de mi iris.
¿Hasta cuando la máscara atroz se fulminará, hasta cuando el gesto sucumbirá en placer?.
Cuando no quede nada más , ¿a que edén me voy a aferrar? , un henko entre las divisiones , entre mis homenajes silenciosos hacia todo corazón que no tuve , hacía la eternidad que cabía en mi infancia.
Titubea el sentido de inquietud, me estoy convirtiendo en sal en ese mismo invierno donde conocí el color de la palidez, de eternas melancolías brumas.
Bailo en las noches para sentir algo de realidad , hace mucho que no alzo la cabeza , se olvida en mi, la imagen del cielo, y mis manos profanando misterios, de inconsolables calamidades en mi ser , me tienen inconsolable , sucesión de ataduras en crónico repulsar de alientos.
Obsesiones y aferraciones , ¿como atontar cada pulso de mi cuerpo?, decrecen los años y el entendimiento del corazón.
- Antonio.
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impossivel-aguentar · 5 months
Meu irmão é tão repugnante que é que capaz de repulsar o mar um dia e gerar uma catástrofe
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Varices (inflamación venosa) localizadas en el recto y el ano. Aparecen unos bultos tipo almohadillas que producen dolor en el ano y sangre de color brillante en las heces.
Las hemorroides son varices en el ano. Hay una necesidad de mejorar riego ahí donde reposa mi parte sensible al sentarme (mi identidad, mi lugar). Aparecen por un conflicto de venas (desvalorización en la familia y suciedad que hay que limpiar) y en el ano (un conflicto de identidad).
Conflicto de identidad y de marcaje de territorio (ano). El conflicto de territorio en relación al ano, equivale a: “Donde pongo el culo”.
La palabra clave es “mi sitio” ¿Dónde me siento? ¿Sé cuál es mi sitio?
Las hemorroides de las embarazadas responden al pensamiento inconsciente de dudar de su sitio: “¿Cuál va a ser mi sitio ahora que viene el niño?”.
Conflicto de rabia por el pasado, con mucho temor a soltarse por la sensación de llevar todavía muchas cargas (de territorio sucio y familia) y no poderlas manejar: «Me dan por el culo y puede que esto siga si no vigilo».
Aparecen en fase curativa del conflicto de territorio, o sea: “cuando se encuentra el sitio”.
Miedo a ser abandonado por la madre o duelo no hecho respecto a la madre.
No quiero volver a casa (familia de sangre), es una mierda llegar a casa.
Hemorroides internas: “Aquí no puedo soltar el pedazo (la guarrada que me hicieron y todavía siento), no es mi territorio”.
Miedo de los plazos establecidos. Rabia por el pasado. Temor a aflojarse. Sensación de carga.
Las hemorroides son una indicación de presión creada por estados emocionales y por temores que no se quieren mostrar ni de los cuales se quiere hablar. Esta represión llega a convertirse en una carga. Se manifiestan en la persona que se obliga, que se crea una presión, sobre todo en el aspecto material. Por ejemplo, puede ser una persona que se obliga a hacer un negocio que realmente no le gusta. Como las hemorroides se sitúan en el recto, que es la parte terminal del intestino grueso, la persona que las padece puede ser del tipo que se obliga a terminar algo. Se exige demasiado.
La tensión se crea principalmente por querer «tener» algo o a alguien, a causa de una inseguridad material y una dificultad para tomar decisiones. Cuanto más fuerte sea tu actitud interior de inseguridad, más sufrirás de hemorroides. Para aliviar esta inseguridad, te obligas a «hacer» para «tener».
Las hemorroides me indican una tensión y un deseo interior de forzar la eliminación, como si intentase de hacer salir algo muy fuertemente; al mismo tiempo, la acción de retener se manifiesta. El conflicto entre empujar y retener crea un desequilibrio. Las venas permiten suponer una situación indicando un conflicto emocional entre la acción de rechazar y de repulsar y la acción de querer retener y bloquear la emoción en el interior suyo.
Seguramente vivo estrés, sobrecarga de presión con relación a la cual me siento culpable. Quizás tengo plazos que respetar y tengo mucha dificultad en soltar, hacer confianza y puedo sentirme obligado a cumplir mis obligaciones y mis responsabilidades incluso si lo que quiero, es hablar y expresar mis necesidades para rectificar o ajustar algunas situaciones. Además, llevo este peso solo porque el orgullo que vivo me incitará a no pedir ayuda a nadie. También puede que viva un sentimiento de sumisión con relación a una persona o a una situación en que me siento disminuido, como si fuera una nulidad. TUS DOLORES Y SÍNTOMAS FÍSICOS MUESTRAN LOS CONFLICTOS DE TU VIDA QUE NO HAS RESUELTO. TE ENSEÑAMOS A ESCUCHAR A TU CUERPO, PARA DETECTAR Y RESOLVER TUS CONFLICTOS.
Un síntoma o enfermedad indica que se ha vivido un impacto conflictivo al que el inconsciente responde con un programa de adaptación.
Te ofrecemos un programa único, de Sanación Personal y Formación Profesional, con las más modernas técnicas para promover la sanación integral de las personas: Tanto a nivel físico, emocional, mental, espiritual y actitudinal.
Diplomado de formación profesional en Coaching NeuroBiológico, con certificación internacional.
Solicita la información!
#biodescodificacion #hemorroides #venas #varices
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heroesfightheroes · 10 months
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Heroes Fight Heroes™ - archive - characters 783 - 807
783-White Dragon™, 784-Sea King™, 785-Army Man™, 786-Crime Cleaver™, 787-Repulsar™,788-Gronk™, 789-Secret Squirrel™ Agent of N.U.T.S.™, 790-Big Brother™, 791-Torrent™, 792-Agent Abraxas™, 793-Colonel Stuntz™, 794-Major Pranx™, 795-Union Joe™, 796-Saint Slice™, 797-Amputor™, 798-Plasma Girl™, 799-Ceramic Sam™, 800-Nega Rex™, 801-Powra™, 802-Steam Funk™, 803-Tex Latex™, 804-Cyberface™, 805-Spider-Bat™, 806-Slingshot™, 807-Dr. Y™
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maxsarcadegame · 1 year
Geometry Wars
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Geometry Wars is a series of top-down multi-directional shooter video games developed by Bizarre Creations and later, Lucid Games.
You play as a geometric "ship" trapped in a grid world, facing off against waves of deadly wanderers, snakes, and repulsars. Your aim is to survive long enough to set a high score! Avoid the spawning enemies, and shoot them down for points.
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alascav · 1 year
Você me dilacerou todas as vezes que não me ouviu.
Você me dilacerou todas as vezes que não me viu.
Teu toque me faz repulsar, sinto a confusão surgir.
Como você espera que eu te deseje tanto?
Como espera que eu te queira tanto, quando já nem sei mais o que eu quero?
Amar você vai ser sempre assim?
AMOR. confusão, caos. culpa. AMOR.
Um circulo sem fim.
Um circulo que eu deixei acontecer.
Palavras já não são o suficiente.
Há gritos silenciosos por toda a parte, só você não viu.
Há tantas coisas que você não viu.
‘‘Você gosta’‘
Prazer. Dilacera. Dilacera. Prazer. Dilacera
No fim, é isso que sobra:
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hackgit · 2 years
[Media] ​​RePulsar
​​RePulsar This is a PoC implementation of an SMB backdoor based on our own research into the Windows kernel and the SMB mechanism. Since this is just a PoC, there is no special functionality. In the future, it is planned to support the basic functionality: ▫️ Arbitrary read/write memory ▫️ Shellcode execution ▫️ Etc. https://github.com/APT64/RePulsar
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retrocgads · 3 years
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UK 1983
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Dr. Repulsar by Grant Griffin (Heroes of Newerth)
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Could you do a second part to Baby Bump where Yelena and her gf celebrate their baby’s first Halloween?
Hello, dear anon. Thank you for the request!
First Halloween
Everything's like in the request above. Happy family life. Next parts
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Your last few days were full of new experiences. Before Yelena all the Halloween craze was never a part of your routine and you always tried to avoid it. Never interested in the costumes. treats or parties. But with Yelena it all flooded in your life with a new impetus. She adored the simple concept of celebrating a holiday. Didn't matter with one, but she was overwhelmed by only the possibility of creating traditions. At first for herself, then also for her girlfriend  and now for her family.  After everything you both lived through, she wanted your daughter to have as much happiness as it was possible to give. Both of you wanted that. And infected by Halloween mood, you were spending all of your free time at work to find a perfect costume for your little copy of Yelena. Tonight you did and even left the office before lunch to get home earlier.
Yelena had a day off and the much hated household duties were her responsibility tonight. Fanny announced your arrival, when you were just appearing in the driveway. As soon as she heard the familiar barking, she gladly stopped whatever boring thing she was doing.
"Why are you so early?" She greeted you with a soft kiss on the cheek.
"Can't I just want to spend more time with my girls?" 
Yelena let you go in while grabbing bags from your hands. 
"Thank you. But I'll keep this one." 
You went to your daughter's room while Yelena was unpacking everything in the kitchen. 
"Lena! Be so kind to come here." 
Whatever it was, it wasn't your "I love my wife very much" voice. More like "Yelena Belova, what the hell is this?"
"I didn't..." 
"Why exactly is our daughter dressed as an Avengers' merchandise stand?"
Yelena couldn't help but smile, when she saw your confused look as your fingers were touching the different pieces of clothing.
Your daughter tried to catch the thumb and squealed when she felt the warmth of your chest.
"I can explain." 
"Mhm." You were studying that weird outfit. 
T-shirt with a hawkeye symbol, plastic repulsar on the right hand and widow bites on the left, plush Thor's helmet and violet socks as a nod to Hulk.
"Every single member wanted her to be in their costume and send tiny versions of their outfits. And I just didn't know what to do."
 "And the only logical choice?" You came closer to your wife.
"Was to try all of them on." Yelena almost felt being wrapped by the glowing light you were emitting after becoming a mother.
"And which one is better?"
"Frankly I have no idea. They all look..."
"Awful, don't they?" You smiled, because you noticed how she stopped herself from agreeing with you.
"I'd say weird."
You knew Yelena didn't want to say "no" to any of the heroes, especially after all the support and patience they gave both of you during the pregnancy, but this was clearly far from her understanding of a perfect first Halloween image,
"I bought her something. And if it's better than these, we choose our variant. If not, we'll just toss a coin, deal?" You offered.
Yelena opened the bag, you left on a bedside table and gasped.
"You have to be kidding me."
She was holding a tiny green vest with tiny pockets and a tiny stripe with black widow insignia on it.
"I'm sure, she'd like to be dressed as a greatest hero ever." You leaned in to kiss her and your daughter tried to grab the vest. "And my favourite Avenger."
"She already likes it." Yelena let out half sigh, half laugh.
"Of course. Who needs repulsors, when you can have such a vest."
Your wife quickly got rid of the pieces of different costumes and zipped the vest on your daughter.
"How do you like it?" She took the girl from your hands.
"I think it's perfect." You grinned. "Go, find yours. I want to take a picture."
"There's one thing" She suddenly stopped at the doorway. "You will tell them, that we have our own costume."
"Yelena, come on." You whined.
"It's not my fault, you found a perfect one."
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areiton · 4 years
look at me with storm-cloud sky eyes (Winteriron)
I shared a tumblr post and @verdantmoth​ nudged (so did @somanyofthekids​) so here we are. 
Read on AO3 
In the end, it’s not the Widow or even the lonely best friend, not the US government or Ross’ dogs, who bring the Winter Soldier out from the cold. 
In the end, it’s a man with too much money and too much rage, and he crashes into Barnes’ squat with a whine of repulsars and his mother’s choked cries echoing in his ears. 
They stare at each other, and Winter says, “Are you here to kill me?” 
His voice is thin and broken and resigned. Tony hates it. Hates him. Still--he thinks of Steve’s sad eyes and Natasha’s quiet desperation and Rhodey--
Rhodey would be so disappointed. 
He lowers his hand, and some of the tension in Winter’s shoulders leaks out. 
“Not today,” he says. 
Tony brings him back to the tower, dumps him in Steve’s startled lap, and retreats because that whole brainwashed amnesiac shattered psyche is someone else’s problem to fix. 
He gets very, very drunk. 
It works, mostly. 
They avoid each other. Barnes avoids everyone so it’s not like he’s special or like Barnes hates him. 
The team thinks he hates Barnes, which--he doesn’t do anything to change that impression. He knows Natasha and Steve know HYDRA used the Winter Soldier to kill his parents, knows that if they do, everyone does, but it’s not like he’s going to talk about it to them--he’s barely able to get through telling Rhodey, and it’s Rhodey. So they have their reasons to think Tony hates Barnes, and he’s got no reason to disabuse them of that and--it works. 
They avoid each other. 
It works. 
Sometimes, as the months pass and Winter gives way to Bucky, he catches himself looking. 
Bucky is haunted and beautiful, with wide eyes and a crooked smile and an arm that he shyly lets Tony fix. 
Sometimes, as the months pass and Winter gives way to Bucky, he catches Bucky looking back, gaze wistful and sad, like he wants something he won’t let himself ask for, because Tony knows Bucky doesn’t ask for anything, takes whatever Steve and Nat and the others will give but he never asks, HYDRA still too ingrained to let him. 
Sometimes, as the months pass and Winter gives way to Bucky, he catches something feral and dark and deadly looking at him, and he shivers, because he wants. 
There’s a fight. Barnes is fine now, the triggers dug out of his head and the bombs--a few quite literal--in his arm have been cleared away, and he’s safe or as safe as the world’s deadliest assassin can be. 
He adopts a cat, and Tony thinks anyone who is actually afraid of the Winter Solider should come camp out in the common room at three am, because there’s not a damn thing terrifying about Bucky in an oversized sweater with Alpine curled around his neck, knitting an exceptionally soft looking scarf. 
Still. There’s a fight. He’s cleared to join the team, now and Tony shoves back against it, when Steve brings it up, snarls and spits and gets a little bit rude with it, but there’s this too: 
Barnes is watching with wide, scared eyes. 
Winter is watching with cold, feral eyes. 
Neither of them belong in the field, and he thinks maybe neither of them want it either. 
“Ask him,” Tony shouts, when Steve starts digging his heels in, when they’re getting close to too far, when the insults dig deep and sting and Rhodey’s hand on his elbow is tight and the only thing keeping him from spinning into pieces--Rhodey’s hand and Winter’s ice cold eyes. 
“Ask him what he wants,” he snaps and shoves out of the room, and the silence is broken by Steve’s broken, “Buck?” 
“You didn’t have to do that,” Bucky or Winter or both say, late that night. Alpine is sitting primly next to him while Bucky slowly strokes her back, and there’s going to be cat hair in the arm, Tony should do something about that. 
“You wouldn’t,” he says, and Bucky goes still, Winter watching him, until his coffee finishes and he can flee. 
Things change, and nothing changes. 
Barnes still avoids him and Winter still watches him, storm cloud skies eyes fixed on him unerringly. 
Steve apologizes and Tony makes him a new suit and that’s that, done and dusted, and everyone is happy. 
Sometimes, when he’s sitting in the common room at three am and Bucky is rumbling in Russian to Alpine while he mutters notes to JARVIS, he thinks that maybe--maybe they aren’t friends--but they aren’t not friends, either. 
It’s a startling and sobering realization. 
Winter hides, is the thing. Bucky smiles, lets Winter slide back, hide behind a charming grin and a mother hen routine, behind Brooklyn boys banter and a teasing drawl for Natasha and competitive rivalry for Clint. He hides, and he never truly engages with Tony directly--which is maybe why Tony can see the Soldier lurking behind Bucky. 
He’s safe, now--but he’s not, not truly.
Tony thinks maybe he never will be, maybe can’t be. 
It doesn’t bother him, as much as it probably should. 
They don’t get along, and they don’t talk much, but Barnes watches him, and he watches back and Rhodey sighs, and Natasha smiles, thin-lipped and pleased, and life turns around them. 
He comes home and his lip is throbbing and his whole body hurts, and it’s late, late enough it shouldn’t be an issue, a bag of ice--
Alpine makes a noise, and his head jerks up, but Winter is moving, and there’s no hiding here, no safe declawed Barnes smiling at him. 
Winter prowls across the kitchen, all sleek and deadly and it reminds him, disorientingly, of a snow covered road and familiar voices, and then he blinks and it’s the kitchen again, just the two of them and Alpine eating chicken unconcerned on the counter. 
He’s standing too close, radiating danger and barely leashed violence, but his hand--cool metal--is infinitely gentle as it comes up, tilts Tony’s head up. 
There’s blood still there, Tony can taste it. 
“Who did this?” Winter whispers, and Tony shivers. 
“It doesn’t--”
“Who, Antoshka?” he asks, and it’s hard, demanding, furious. His hands are gentle, spun glass delicate on his skin, leaving trails of fire where he brushes a thumb over his busted lip. 
“You don’t do that anymore,” Tony breathes, and something feral and deadly flares behind WInter’s eyes, and it’s WInter and Barnes both, staring at him now. 
“I would,” he says, “For you, I would.” 
Tony makes a noise, something breathless and wordless and wanting and Winter brushes a kiss, impossibly soft, against his forehead, burning briefly, and slips away. 
“Sergeant Barnes has asked to escort you to your future charity dinners and galas, sir,” JARVIS tells him, later, when the sun is up and his lip throbs but the kitchen and what happened there feels like a fever dream and the realest thing that’s ever happened to him. 
Tony doesn’t respond, only smiles, small and secret, but Steve and Rhodey both watch him in startled shock. 
Two nights later, a scarf, impossibly soft and the color of storm cloud skies, is left in his workshop, with a note. It says, simply, He won’t touch you again.
Tony smiles, and loops the scarf around his throat. 
His lip will be healed soon, he thinks, and can feel, still, the burning press of lips against his forehead. 
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menina-de-oz · 3 years
Já fazem vários dias que não escrevo mais, tenho andado perdida no tempo, procurando um motivo para me sentir viva novamente. A rotina me dá ânsia na boca, revira meu estômago e sinto meu corpo repulsar esse novo eu.
Menina de Oz
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