#Quinn Likes movies
mistergreatbones · 3 months
Arkham Knight!Jason and Joker Junior!Tim and Dicky Boy!Dick and Birds of Prey Movie!Cass learn they’re all siblings in other worlds and create the most dysfunctional group of anti-heroes known to mankind. Even worse than the suicide squad because the suicide squad had actual goals whereas these guys just have “steal shit” and maybe “kidnap Batman and Joker and decide which one is our father and which one we should kill”
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finzphoenix · 7 months
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It hath been inked! >:3🖤🤍
I still have much to learn when it comes to drawing comics, but I feel like I'm progressively getting better at it.
The distances are sometimes a bit off and the perspective could vary a little more. In a movie, for example, the punch and block would most likely have been filmed from a frontal point of view to convey a greater sense of gravity and impact, and to allow the attacker and the attacked to express their emotional state much more clearly…
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alright, we're finally at the entire reason for me starting my DCEU (re)watch. now seated for Cathy Yan and Christina Hodson's Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn. let's see how it's held up since i saw it in theaters.
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batjokes-yaoi · 1 year
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despite having . bat. in my url i havent posted any batman art so. heres some designs i did a few days ago ^_^
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lgbtpopcult · 10 months
What to watch when...
You feel sad
Comedy I care a lot
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Comedy Crush
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You need a scare!
Slasher horror Fear Street trilogy
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The haunting of Bly Manor horror series
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You want to practice your Spanish
Calle y Poché: No Labels reality show
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Las pelotaris 1926 Spanish period action series
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You want sappy romance
Love classified Hallmark movie
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Strawberry Panic anime
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You want some action in your life!
Killing Eve crime series
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Harley Quinn the animated series
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awakefor48hours · 7 months
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anarcho-smarmyism · 3 months
love love love batman being an arrogant self-loathing emo self-destructive freak and his own downfall bc he doesn't trust anyone else or himself until his broken body literally gives out and forces him to rely on his friends. love that shit. it's also reminding me of the comic birds of Prey where harley quinn is actually the one who (while sleepwalking) hires a bunch of mercenaries to come after her, as a gambit to find and eliminate all of her enemies therefore ""keeping herself safe"" by creating the central threat to her own well-being that the story centers on. these 2 characters are actually so so similar in intelligence and in maladaptive coping mechanisms it's a shame movies always want Bruce to be an Ubermensch and Harley to be a Sexy Relatable Girlboss NO!!!! NO!!!!!!!!! THEYRE GENIUSES BUT SO MENTALLY ILL WHEN THEY HAVE MANIC EPISODES THEY INENTIONALLY DESIGN ELABORATE PLANS TO KILL THEMELVES and then forget about it. UGH no one gets them but me
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localemofreak · 3 months
She’s everything.
He’s just Ken.
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starliteonearth · 2 months
So there's this theory going around that Todd Phillips may have flipped the dynamic and made Harley the aggressor/manipulator in the relationship and Joker the down bad one instead. And before anybody gets their panties in a twist, I think we need to remember that this version of Joker is a Loser. Very much a Loser. He's not the aggressive, dominant type we're used to (in his dynamic with Harley). This is a sad sad little beta male who has severe mommy issues, who has never felt the touch of a woman in his life, and who fully imagined having a girlfriend in the first movie. Do you think he's gonna be aggressive towards the first woman to pay him any attention? And not only that but a woman who seemingly matches his crazy and perfectly understands him? Yeah, no. He's going to be head over heels, Madly in Love.
Now he can still snap and turn against her because you know, Joker, but I really do think that for most of the movie he's going to be giggling and kicking his feet like a schoolgirl in love.
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mythicalea · 4 months
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New photos of Saura Lightfoot Leon and Joseph Quinn from “Hoard”
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i-lavabean · 10 months
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Felt like I needed something way more colorful to kick my drawing practice's entire behind
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giraffe-lesbian · 2 years
"Many characters weren't properly depicted in the Birds of Prey Movie (Cassandra Cain), simply didn't appear (Oracle), or had no/minimal involvement to begin with (Harley Quinn, Renee Montoya)" and "The Birds of Prey 2020 movie is an incredibly entertaining and symbolic movie that explores the way female characters (and subsequently female fans) have to navigate male dominated spaces" are two statements that can and should coexist.
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fyeaheddiemunson · 10 months
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mrmosseater · 10 months
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lego batman movie autism is real and it is strong
i procrastinated on this for 8 days. i am a skilled artist
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lgbtpopcult · 9 months
What should you be watching right now?
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Binge watch the entire awesome season 4 of Harley Quinn the animated series which just ended!
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The wheel of time on Amazon Prime
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Harlan Coben's Shelter on Amazon Prime
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The Owl House
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muuurder · 2 years
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So…. I want to discuss this scene.
A lot of people say he whole ass was trying to drag her away. And fucking you can see the way he was moving and holding her that wasn’t the intention at all. He barely even moves backwards and it seems just repositioned himself. His arms wrap around her shoulder in a protective hold. He’s trying to calm her down and misreads the entire fucking environment.
Because to him? They’ve spent 3 months together. She asked for his help and clearly began to care for him (albeit it was only after she convinced herself the doll held the ghost of a dead child and she went mom mode.) so to him? They are close. He’s allowed in her personal space entirely (although I don’t think boundaries are on his mind ever at any point.) she thinks he’s going to hurt her but he was doing damage control.
Also the fact malcolm konked his fucking head, and he sTILL GOT UP AND WAS CONSCIOUS? like damn. I’d fucking cry.
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