#Quail Fry
yummraj · 1 month
Venu Biriyani Hotel (Dindigul)
This is a series on food that we had at Madurai & Dindigul, March 2024. Read earlier posts here – Konar kadai, Murugan idli In a nutshell: What started as a search for the famous ‘Dindigul biryani’ of Tamil Nadu, ended up being a memorable lunch, with a lot beyond a great biryani Address & other details: Instagram (Singapore) –…
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kudouusagi · 2 months
Bucchigiri Episode Titles
Unless you're familiar with Japanese music I don't think you'd realize this so I thought I'd make a post about it.
All of the episode titles are references to the titles of songs. They mixed the names of love songs with Chinese food names.
Ep 1: 「合体!?恋するフォーチュンバンバンジー!」 Merge!? Fall in Love with Fortune Bang Bang Chicken!
Song: AKB48 - Koisuru Fortune Cookie Fall in love with a Fortune Cookie
Ep 2: 「君を乗せたい!チューチュー・チンジャオローストレイン!」 Wanna Take You On! The Chu Chu Chinese Pepper Steak Train!
Song: Exile - Choo Choo TRAIN
Ep 3: 「なぐり愛!世界に一つだけのウズラ」 Love at Fist Fight! The One and Only Quail in the World (The first part of the title is a play on words with 殴り合い(fist fight) but they replaced the second kanji with the kanji for love.)
Song: SMAP - Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana The one and only flower in the world
Ep 4: ストップ戦争(ウォー)!~時には食せよゴーヤチャンプルー~」 Stop the war! ~Sometimes You Gotta Eat Goya Chanpuru~
Song: H Jungle with t - WOW WAR TONIGHT ~時には起こせよムーヴメント〜 WOW WAR TONIGHT ~Sometimes You Gotta Start a Movement~
Ep 5: 「戦慄!エビチリは雪のように!」 Frightening! Chili Shrimps Falling Down Like Snowflakes!
Song: Hamada Shougo - 悲しみは雪のように Sadness is like Snow (Looking at the lyrics of this song, it's actually saying sadness is accumulating like snow but sure... good enough)
Ep 6: 「友情マシマシ!ニラレバリューション21!」 Much Much Friendship! "Nira-Reba"-lution 21! (I don't even know why they didn't even try to translate the food this time. It's garlic-chive liver stir fry. It says "garlic-chive liver-lution".)
Song: Morning Musume - Renai Revolution 21 Love Revolution 21
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creaturefeaster · 7 months
What is it like to raise birds? I really like birds and I would like to have as many as you but I have no idea if it is how I imagine it, even so, if I had some I would love them! I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes.
Owning and raising birds is a real treat. They are easy to understand if you're committed to learning, and are a really fun and healthy source of entertainment. Most of my childhood was me being a bedridden hermit, and getting chickens was the first and most vital step in getting me outdoors and moving more. It's amazing how much flock animals can change your life for the better.
Chickens are funny, easy to keep happy, and if you handle them right, extremely loving in their own way that makes it exciting to go out each day and see how they're doing.
Raising them from chicks yourself is the best way to ensure they'll be friendly and loving when they're older. It can be sort of scary when you have your first chicks, it's easy to think they're more fragile than they are, or that you're upsetting them, but baby birds just like to whine. Some more than others, but either way you learn pretty quickly that being consistent and easy-going with your attention is what birds tend to like.
Working with a calm hand and persistence, you will be rewarded with a fun hobby that comes with many benefits. Chickens are best for eggs and compost, getting rid of food scraps and old (but never moldy!) food turns into fresh eggs to eat and poop for fertilizing the land. Geese are great for maintaining wild plant growth, keeping grass low cut and invasive weeds at bay, and also produce a lot of feather fluff if you have use for goose feathers. Their eggs are also massive, though not as good for frying as chicken eggs. Ducks are great at keeping garden pests at bay, and can be super amusing as they're surprisingly fast paced and emotive animals.
They are very messy, though. Maybe not as much with chickens-- as long as they have a dry space they keep themselves pretty clean as long as you change their bedding when they need it. Ducks and geese however, which are waterfowl, can be much much messier. Ducks especially. They need a lot of water to be happy, and get it everywhere. This in combination with their poop leads to quickly dirtied water and muddy enclosures if you don't keep up with the cleaning. Every day I get messy and wet for their sake. I don't mind it, but it can be harder to manage in colder and wetter months.
It can be a bit of a hump to get past the grosser parts of poultry care, but once you get past that, and you have a routine, I think it's still a relatively easy thing to maintain, and is worth it for all the pleasantries the birds bring in turn.
Chickens do well with less space than a lot of other poultry, their comfortable square foot per individual radius is rather small, given they have room to run and can all get along. It is simple and easy to raise chickens in a suburban backyard. I am not sure if it works similarly for other countries, but look up your town ordiances for poultry livestock allowances, if in the USA. More towns allow backyard hens than you'd expect, depending on the square footage of your property.
Geese and ducks need much more space, they are roamers and need large spaces to walk, stretch their wings, and explore to stay happy lest they grow bored and agitated. Unless you live in rural neighborhoods, it is unlikely you can own waterfowl. And roosters; Many suburban towns that allow hens do not allow roosters, because they are noisy.
Quails are also another choice, if chickens are too intimidating or difficult to procure in your area. Many quails can live quiety and happily in an enclosure even inside, so long as they have proper enrichment. They can be a good and cute stepping stone to bigger birds like chickens or ducks.
Turkeys and guinea fowl are interesting in their own way as well. I don't have as much experience with turkeys, they're larger and sassier but they generally work well with chickens. Plus they make funny noises and are amusing to look at. Guinea fowls, kind of like geese, are really good watch dogs if you live in a place with hawks, eagles, or small predators. They are very loud and vocal, and can be somewhat assertive and protective of their flock. They're also really stupid looking.
But anyways, back to what it's like to have birds in general... If you're birdbrained you will feel at home when you are amongst your flock. If you aren't birdbrained, enough time around them will make you so. It will be a peaceful experience and the work put into them is always rewarding. Being able to sit with chickens, letting them jump up to you and eat from your hand, or petting and hugging a duck, or having a gaggle of geese follow you through a field in a slow line... it's like having a fun and obtainable experience to look forward to every day. :3
Oh, I was going to end it there but I actually have one more thing to add. This part of poultry care is the part people don't always like to hear/realise, but the biggest thing with poultry is: Do not raise what you are not willing to kill. Regardless of whether you raise birds like chickens for meat, eggs, or just as pets, you must accept that fact that at some point, you may need to humanely cull one. Unwanted males do not sell/rehome easily, and can become an issue to take care of if you aren't ready to cull. Sick hens do not always make it, and sometimes you have to decide to spare them the pain and put them down. Vets can sometimes help with this, but most of the time that requires an exotics expert, and can cost you much more than it's worth. Being able to cull your birds is also useful life experience and teaches proper animal respect.
Just, keep that in mind if you ever look into owning birds. You need to be strong for their sake, you are the one they depend on the most.
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picnokinesis · 28 days
What are your three favorite family recipes?
Oh man, okay so this has been in my inbox for AGES (I'm so sorry!!) because I was like damn, this is such a cool ask, but honestly I wouldn't say my family has any 'family recipes' so to speak, at least not anything that I'm aware of as something that's been passed down, y'know? I think this is mostly because my mum is a fantastic cook, and generally found/came up with her own recipes rather than doing anything my gran taught her haha. I learnt pretty much everything about how I cook from her, which is what I would describe as 'a vibes-based approach', where rather than precise measurements, she'll say 'oh a bit of that, a bit of this', and also ignore half of what the recipe says and do her own thing. She makes roux sauce without measuring anything and by pouring all the liquid in at once, and just whisking it like a mad thing to get rid of the lumps hahaha
So then, following on from that, I figured actually whilst I don't really have any passed-down family recipes (other than like, my mum's amazing quiche, which I do not know how to make myself rip), I do have recipes that I've made up, based on other recipes! So I'll quickly tell you about those!
Courgette Pesto Pasta Ingredients:
Pasta (I use 50g of penne per person)
1 onion (or half if you're only cooking for one person)
Mushrooms (like. a bunch. follow your heart)
Bacon (2 slices per person)
Lemon Juice
So you'll need to chop up everything before hand (or, if you're like me, time it with how long it takes the kettle to boil, but I have a gas kettle that takes 5-10mins to boil, and also screams at me). So: chopped onions, sliced mushrooms, sliced courgette, and cut the bacon into little squares. Then - kettle boils and pasta goes on. By the time you're done with cooking everything, the pasta should be about ready.
Put the courgette in a small pan, and add a lump of butter, some lemon juice and a bit of some of the boiled water left over from the kettle. The aim of the game here is that the water/lemon juice is gonna boil off and leave the butter behind to fry the courgette a little before adding it in with everything else, so only have enough liquid that it doesn't quite cover the top layer of courgette. Then whack that on the heat. Grab a wok, throw some oil in and start frying the onions. After a few, throw in the mushrooms. Then, add the bacon. I personally like my wok-fried food a little seared, so when it's getting crispy, the courgette will hopefully be beginning to fry in the other pan. At this point, I usually tip the courgette AND whatever liquid is left in that pan into the wok, and start frying it all together. By now, it should have been about five or ten minutes, so test the pasta, see if it's cooked. When it's ready, drain the pasta, turn the heat down on the wok and then add the pasta. Then mix in a healthy teaspoonful of pesto for as many people as you're making it for, and that's it!
Potential variations:
So my mum makes this one differently - no lemon juice, no courgette, no pesto. Instead, she cuts up a red bell pepper and adds that into the wok after the bacon, and adds in a ton of Philadelphia cream cheese for the sauce. It tastes incredible haha. I've also made a variation on this where it's the same as my mum's version, but I add in a couple of teaspoons of sun-dried tomato pesto as well, which was glorious. And then the other day I made up a new variation, which takes my version of the recipe as outlined above, but uses grilled vegetable pesto instead of normal pesto - and then, before serving, beat one egg per person in a mug, and pour that into the wok and stir it in throughout. That was AMAZING
Quail Egg Carbonara Ingredients:
Quail eggs (5 per person)
Pasta again
Single cream
Parmesan cheese (1 hearty tablespoon per person)
Bacon (again, two slices each)
Okay so you don't have to use quail eggs. However, I get quail eggs for free from work because we have like, six or seven quails HAHAH so we get a ton of eggs and most of my co-workers don't eat them so I make the most of it. This recipe is based on a recipe from a cook book that I have, but the proportions are kinda whack, so I riffed off it, and I use quail eggs because the yolk to egg white ratio works out better, I think? However, you can absolutely try and use a chicken egg - my mum tried this the other day and just used one chicken egg per person, and she said it was fine, just a lot more liquid than my version haha.
Anyway. This one is so simple. Make the sauce first: beat all the eggs together in a large bowl, then add a lump of butter and the single cream (I'm so sorry. It's like - okay, last time I made it, I wanna say I used about 100ml cream to cook for three people, and a healthy sized lump of butter. But it's a vibes based approach. Follow your heart) and then 1 hearty tablespoon of parmesan cheese per person. Yes, it's a lot. That's because this recipe is good for the soul. Anyway - important note, do NOT MIX the ingredients together. Just throw them into the bowl and let it stand. Put the pasta on to cook, and then fry the bacon in a frying pan (oh, the bacon and the mushrooms should be chopped). After the bacon is getting on, add the mushrooms. Again, we love these slightly seared. THEN. When the pasta is cooked - do NOT turn off the heat, but turn it down, and then drain the pasta and return it to the pan. Add the mushrooms, bacon and pan juices into the pan with the pasta, put it back on the low heat, and then pour everything in that bowl into the pan and mix it together. The og recipe was like 'turn the heat off, the heat of the pasta will cook the eggs!!' but I don't trust that lol so I do keep it on the low heat as I stir it for about a minute or so, and then I take it off the heat and serve it immediately. With more parmesan on top, of course.
The other three main things that I cook that are actually pretty decent/interesting come from some recipe books that I have, but they are: Sausage and Bacon Casserole, Chicken in Cider (this one is AMAZING and also so easy but looks very impressive haha), and Pork in Apple Gravy (also amazing, but less simple - you kinda make a roux sauce but use apple juice rather than milk!). I also like a lot of vegetarian food, so my mum and I work together to make a really lovely nut roast from an old recipe book, and also stir fry with cashew nuts fried in soy sauce, and I'm actually hoping to try and make a vegan version of that first recipe with pine nuts and cashews rather than bacon for my vegan friend who makes her own pesto at some point!
Anyway!! Hope the person who originally asked me this sees this lol, and if not I hope it's interesting for other people! I'm always interested in new recipes that don't involve spices because I'm very weak when it comes to heat in food (like......peppery sauces taste spicy to me RIP) so if anyone has any recommendations, send them my way!
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lisutarid-a · 4 months
[Gakuen K] Extras Translation
Memories of Okinawa
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: Uhh, I wonder what I should do…
Kusanagi: What are you groaning about? Is that…a guidebook for a school trip? Where are you going this year?
Saya: Okinawa.
Kusanagi: Really? Haha. It because of Mikoto, don't mind.
Saya: Suoh-senpai doesn't like Okinawa?
Kusanagi: I don't know if he likes it it or not. Last year the whole Red club went to Okinawa.
Kusanagi: Due to club expenses, Mikoto and I went by plane, while the other members went by boat. Well, it was tough…
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Totsuka: Waaah, it's so hot in Okinawa in summer.
Mikoto: It's hot everywhere at this time of year.
Totsuka: Well, I guess so. Oh, I found a skewers store. King, want to eat?
Mikoto: Yeah. I'm hungry.
Totsuka: Okay, I'll go get some. Wait here.
Totsuka: Oji-sa-a-n. One Uzura Bacon (Bacon wrapped quail egg) and one Negima (chicken and scallion skewer), please.
Totsuka: Huh, a phone call. Who is it?
Totsuka: Hello-o.
Kusanagi: …Totsuka, where're you?
Totsuka: Let's see…in front of the skewer shop?
Kusanagi: Ha? What are you doing there?
Totsuka: I just placed my order and am waiting. … Oh, here it comes. Thank yo-ou (Nifue de biru), Oji-san~
Kusanagi: Nifue…what's that?
Totsuka: Nifue de biru. It means "thank you" in Okinawan dialect, didn't you know?
Kusanagi: I don't care!
Totsuka: Very bad, Kusanagi-san. If you are going on a trip, you must learn about the place properly.
Kusanagi: You're the one who's not learning …
Totsuka: What do you mean?
Kusanagi: Do you know your current location? Can you tell me where you are?
Totsuka: In Okinawa.
Kusanagi: I already know that. Honestly, you're lost, aren't you?
Totsuka: If I had to say, it's maybe so.
Kusanagi: Without a doubt, that's a "yes". Mikoto is not at the meeting place too…What happened to the Red club's group behavior skills?
Totsuka: King? If it's about King, he's with me.
Mikoto: …Who you're talking to?
Totsuka: Kusanagi-san. I'll switch to speaker so the three of us can talk.
Kusanagi: Mikoto, are you there?
Mikoto: Yeah.
Kusanagi: It's not "yeah". You promised to wait for Yata and the others at the hotel. Why are you wandering around?
Totsuka: I invited him. Since we had come all the way to Okinawa, I thought it would be a waste if we didn't go out.
Kusanagi: If that's the case, would it hurt you to say a few words if you are unexpectedly going out?
Totsuka: Sorry, sorry, I was careless. But it's okay, I'm sure we'll be able to get back.
Kusanagi: This your "sure" makes me very nervous…
Mikoto: Kusanagi, what is "puru"?
Totsuka: Ah, I was wondering about that too.
Kusanagi: Puru (プルー)…Pool(プール)?
Mikoto: Puru.
Kusanagi: Puru…Country name…Is it Peru?
Kusanagi: I don't understand. Don't you have a hint?
Totsuka: I'm guessing it's about taste. Or is it the look?
Mikoto: The look…?
Kusanagi: What the hell are you talking about? What is "Puru"? Is it written somewhere?
Mikoto: On menu of the store. It says "Goyachan Puru".
Kusanagi: Hey, you two. Just to confirm, it's not Goyachan Puru. It's Goya chanpuru (bitter melon stir-fry), okay?
Totsuka: Eh, no way!
Kusanagi: What the heck is Goya-chan?
Totsuka: Doesn't it sound like a mascot character?
Kusanagi: That is…I can't deny.
Kusanagi: I mean, Goya Chanpuru is Goya Chanpuru and Goya-chan is…That's bad, I'm getting confused!
Kusanagi: Anyway, the dish is called Goya Chanpuru. Don't come up with anything else complicated, okay!?
Totsuka: If Kusanagi-san says so, so be it. King?
Mikoto: I understood.
Kusanagi: I see, what a relief…No, I got tired now…
Totsuka: Next question. Papaya-chan puru is…
Kusanagi: That's not Papaya-chan! Do you not understand, idiot!?
Kusanagi: I'd like to go to you right now and punch you with my fist, but I have to wait for Yata-chan and the others…
Kusanagi: We're going to separate just for today. Get back to the hotel by dusk, okay?
Totsuka: Oka-ay, see you soon.
Totsuka: All right. Now that we're allowed to go on our own… King, where do you want to go?
Mikoto: This place is okay.
Totsuka: Ehhh, let's go see the sea!
Mikoto: If it's the sea, you can look at it as much as you want on the island.
Totsuka: You are so naive, King. The sea in Okinawa is different from the sea at the school island. The clarity, the color…
???: I thought I saw someone familiar, but it turned out to be you.
Mikoto: Munakata…
Totsuka: The color is - a beautiful green. And there are coral reefs and a lot of fish that you can only find here.
Munakata: …Could you not ignore me, please?
Totsuka: Ah, excuse me. Hello, Munakata-san. Have you been following King by any chance?
Munakata: No. I'm here to attend a government-sponsored student summit. And you?
Mikoto: It's none of your business, don't stick your nose into it.
Munakata: This is not an interrogation. It's just a chat, a trifling conversation, so don't be so alarmed.
Totsuka: We're on a vacation. All the Red club is here.
Munakata: …But it's just the two of you here.
Totsuka: Somehow, we got the freedom to go on our own. Shouldn't Kusanagi-san be with Yata and the others?
Mikoto: Totsuka, don't talk so much.
Totsuka: It's fine, it's fine. It's not something important.
Munakata: …Is that so?
Totsuka: What do you mean?
Munakata: There are only two of you here. This information is very useful, depending on how you look at it.
Mikoto: Hah, are you trying to pick a fight?
Munakata: Yeah, with all my might.
Mikoto: Good, bring it on.
Munakata: I won't hold back. I'm going to…Shuri castle!
Mikoto: …Ha?
Munakata: If you come to a tourist place, you must sightsee. Since time is limited, please make the most of it.
Mikoto: …Oi, Totsuka.
Totsuka: Even if you look at me like that. Well, that's fine. I don't want to get in trouble with the police on my trip.
Mikoto: How annoying…Should we withdraw and run away?
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Kusanagi: …That's what happened. It was really hard work…
Saya: What happened to Suoh-senpai and the others after that?
Kusanagi: I heard they went sightseeing together, but I don't know the details. I don't care what they did, I had a hard time over there on my side…
Kusanagi: Yata-chan is no good with girls, you know? There are a lot of girls in light clothing at tourist spots in the summer, right? The answer to your question is…
Saya: …Panic?
Kusanagi: Correct. I'm glad we went on a school trip in the fall.
Kusanagi: As long as you don't repeat the year, you only have one chance. Enjoy it as much as you can.
Saya: Okay!
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parallaxia · 1 month
✅️ ran 2 miles
✅️ ate a banana
✅️ made a bunch of stir fry with rice, garlic, quail eggs, and chili crisp
✅️ chugged milk
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askwhatsforlunch · 4 months
Cognac Quails
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These Cognac Quails, soaked in brandy and roasted to deep golden brown perfection, remain beautifully juicy, and their delicate flesh is fragrant with the spirit! They are absolutely delicious and were our pièce de résitance on New Year's Eve! You needn't wait for a festive occasion though, these beauties will brighten up any chill, windy and grey Winter day! Happy Wednesday!
Ingredients (serves 4):
half a dozen prunes
4 large dried figs
1/3 cup dried apricots
1/2 cup good quality Cognac or Brandy
3 rashers smoked streaky bacon
1 tablespoon olive oil
half an onion
1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds
1/2 cup cooked wheat berry
1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt flakes
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
4 beautiful quails, prepared and gutted
1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt flakes
1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
2/3 cup good quality Cognac or Brandy
The day before, pit the prunes. Place prunes, dried figs and dried apricots in a bowl. . Add the Cognac. Stir to mix well. Cover with cling film, and leave to soak, at room temperature, overnight.
The next day, heat a deep skillet over medium-high heat. Add bacon rashers, and fry, a couple of minutes on each side. Remove bacon from the skillet, keeping the bacon fat in the skillet, and transfer to small plate. Set aside.
Add olive oil to the skillet.
Peel and finely chop onion, and stir into the skillet. Cook, about 3 minutes, until tender. Add coriander seeds, and fry, a minute more.
Cut Cognac-soaked prunes, figs and apricots in small dices, and stir into the skillet. Cook, a couple of minutes more.
Roughly chop bacon, and return to the skillet. Cook, another minute.
Stir in cooked wheat berry, and cook, a couple of minutes. Season with fleur de sel and black pepper.
Gradually stir in half of the remaining Cognac from the soaked fruit. Reduce heat to medium, and cook a couple of minutes more. Remove from the heat and let cool completely.
Preheat oven to 200°C/395°F.
Season the inside and outside of the quails with fleur de sel and black pepper, rubbing them in gently. Drizzle remaining fruit Cognac into each quail, rubbing it in and all over the birds.
Generously stuff the quails with Cognac-soaked fruit and wheat berry mixture. Secure it in with a toothpick, to close the gap.
Arrange stuffed quails onto a roasting tin, and rub each generously with softened butter. Pour half of the Cognac at the bottom of the tin, and place in the middle of the hot oven.
Roast, at 200°C/395°F, 1 hour, regularly basting with Cognac and roasting juices. About half-way through, pour in remaining Cognac at the bottom of the tin.
Serve Cognac Quails hot, with Roasted or Butter Parsnips.
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ratsoh-writes · 11 months
For outertale, outerfell, farmswap, birdtale and fallout tale
They get Star's curse for a week
Pff, for anyone who doesn’t know, Star is cursed so he cannot cook. Anything he tries to make seems to fail spectacularly
Pluto: it takes Pluto a good week to notice cause he’s one of those guys who would survive off take out if he could. When he does try to make some tacos finally, he winds up blowing up his frying pan somehow. The pan looks like an aluminum ball. He’s horrified but also fascinated
Jupiter: f*ck this sh*t. When every simple thing he makes seems to fail, he knows exactly what happened. He calls lilac immediately to whine about it lol
Orion: he’s like the least picky person ever. When he burns his cereal and milk, he shrugs it off and eats it anyways. When his coffee machine somehow spits out oddly smelling tea instead of coffee, down the hatch! Orion cannot be phased
Atlas: he briefly moves in with his brother when he somehow melted half the fridge putting in a jello to set. His parents are pissed right now and atlas still can’t explain what happened
Cider: thankfully the curse doesn’t affect simply just picking grapes or collecting his quail eggs. However it hurts not being able to make his wines and ciders until it gets sorted out. Cider watches on jealously as barley does his job.
Barley: hah! You mean he can’t make the drinks? Only pour them and gossip with customers? Barleys gonna just relax for a bit until his family forces him to get the curse removed. Damn he was enjoying his vacation
Quill: he doesn’t really cook so it takes him a wild amount of time to notice. Like months even. Quail is one of those grazing people who prefers several small snacks over a day instead of three meals. And he doesn’t eat much in general. It’s only until his pbj sandwich starts speaking Spanish at him that he realizes something is wrong
Crow: he makes the mettas their gasoline coffee. When the “coffee” suddenly starts coming out as actual coffee bean coffee, crow knows something is wrong lol. Poor mettaton can’t survive like this!! He sends crow to a mage to get sorted out immediately
Lens: as a chemistry major, lens knows there’s no physical way that he somehow froze that chicken breast in the oven. He’s quick to get this sorted and immediately hires a private investigator to find out who cursed him. Goodbye to whoever was dumb enough to cross lens. His revenge is quick and horrifically creative
Cricket: before he gets his curse removed, he cash and bruiser have a field day testing the limits of it. A huge heap of food and old kitchen supplies in crickets dump is destroyed. The threes personal favorite incident was trying to make Mac and cheese over a campfire and having the pan crumble into dust in crickets hands, the pasta burst into flames, and the fire itself somehow melting into an icy cold liquid
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kayze-draws · 4 months
NEST character asks!!
this,, this is gonna be a long one
NEST is an aspiring competitive team with big dreams for the future. they’re a bunch of goobers who banded together to make their leader’s childhood fantasies a reality. they’re probably roommates or live on the same street or something like that.
Feel free to ask them.. anything! Favorites, preferences, whatever. There is an itty bit of story to them, if you know what to ask. This is a method to help me better develop them as characters.
[designs and information are subject to change] [characters are still under development personality-wise]
Phineas ‘Stork’ (he/him)
Stork is the leader and founder of NEST. He’s a good sport, but loves to be competitive and take on new challenges. He’s a bit sheepish and modest when it comes to discussing his skill in Ranked, and often shies away when complimented.
Though Stork is lenient (and a bit of a pushover), he can still manage his team. He’s known to have a “death-stare”, which is when his teammates need to start getting serious, but they usually dance around that point. Still, Stork wouldn’t trade his team for anything, even if they annoy him, and he is insanely grateful for them. He works very hard to be a good team captain and player, unafraid to call out opposing players and offer encouragement.
His ink is a bit more pastel and dull in compare to his teammates.
18K Aviators, Black Arrowbands
Orca Bolero, Hula Punk Shirt
Arrow Pull-Ons, Annalise Strappy Sandals
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~ ~ ~
Carl ‘Peacock’ (he/him)
Peacock is a fair bit sassy and moody when comfortable, but is otherwise quiet and reserved. He rarely says much, having a lack of comments and replies to small talk. He spends a lot of time on his phone.
He is very close to Stork, and oftentimes helps him with leading when it becomes too stressful. He has the second-to-most experience in Turf War.
Peacock loves fashion as well, and is prideful in his ability to dress and style his teammates so they always look their best. (Which, Stork is very thankful for.) Gift giving is his favorite show of affection.
Full-Moon Glasses, House-Tag Denim Cap
Barazushi Wrap, Deepsea Tangle Top
Field Duck Boots
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~ ~ ~
Jamie ‘Pigeon’ (any)
Pigeon is a loose cannon type of player. They always are on offense, springing up behind opponents to kill them with fast-firing weapons. Pigeon prefers to work by himself, and he generally struggles to follow orders, work as a team, and respect Stork, but he is slowly getting better.
Pigeon is a definite jokester, oftentimes making teases and jabs at others’ expenses. She never makes herself the butt of the joke.
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Crust Bucket Visor, Bream-Brim Cap
Motley Hoodless, Rugby King 08,
Red Slip-Ons, Fry Tops
~ ~ ~
Marley ‘Quail’ (she/they)
Quail is very relaxed and carefree, skilled enough to provide training for her teammates. She focuses on the finer skills, such as aim, and is usually the one to calm down Pigeon. She’s sort of the ‘mom friend’ of the group, mediating the small arguments between Pigeon and their leader.
Outside of training with her team, Quail likes to do yoga, pilates, and art. They’re quite creative and help build team outfits and coordination with Peacock. She also helps plan events, lending Stork a hand when they enroll in competitions and fun outings.
(She’s probably the least developed.)
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Short Beanie, Bucket Hat
Sudadera Celeste
Punk Whites
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bugsinthebayou · 1 year
my friends.
my people.
my.. flock.
a vast, firey orb, floatin' in an endless void
and there, so small, so fragile, US!
your soul is connected to the world youre in
youre draggin' it down with the weight o' your sin
surrounded by temptation and you just. give. in
we're fallin' in'o the flames..
of that fire! that fire! that
your brow becomes slick as you
y' think you're thirsty now wait till it
gets drier
and you feel
the heat of the flames
of that fire! that fire! that
your sick and sinful lives will build a funeral pyre
your perversion scars the station, son
its gonna fry 'er
and we all fall in'o the flames
"oh tell us father galahad! tell us" I HEAR YOU CRY
"is it piety? is it purity? is it virtue?" NO!!!
only way to save us now.. IS THE HOLY GRAIL ITSELF!!! HAHAHA!!!!
/lyrics (hellfire by the mechanisms)
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Egg Day
National Egg Day on June 3 finds eggs finally breaking out of their shell.
Eggs  had some tough years as health experts fretted about the high cholesterol content. But after a revision of the American Heart  Association’s guidelines in 2000, the health benefits of eggs seemed to  outweigh the concerns. The AHA says healthy adults can enjoy an egg per  day and easily remain within the daily cholesterol limit.
Also, a  single egg has only 75 calories, which is great for those looking to  lose weight. And the seven grams of protein in an average egg almost  makes this a superfood with a great calorie-to-protein ratio. So those  of us who are big fans of poached, scrambled, over easy, hard-boiled,  fried, sunny-side-up, or soft-boiled eggs can feel free to use National  Egg Day to utter that timeless phrase, “How do you want your eggs?” And  it doesn’t matter if it’s 7am, 7pm, or somewhere in between.
Eggs are great to eat anytime … or any day, for that matter.
National Egg Day timeline
Neolithic AgeWhich Came First?
Archaeological evidence for egg consumption dates back to this period.
1400 B.C.Earliest Records
Fowl lay eggs for human consumption as early as 1400 B.C., according to records from Egypt and China.
300 B.C.What an Idea!
Chicken farmers start incubating chicken eggs in warm clay ovens.
1920sPrimitive Methods
Eggs are still mostly farmed in backyards.
National Egg Day Activities
Try eating a non-chicken egg
Try a new recipe with eggs
Emphasize eggs in your day’s activities
Although  Americans primarily eat chicken eggs, that’s not the case in all  cultures. Pheasant, quail, goose, gull, and turkey eggs are all popular  to eat around the world, offering a slightly different taste from  chicken eggs. Consider trying duck eggs, which have more of an orange  and blue tint to them. Do you need more food at breakfast? An emu egg is  equal to about 12 chicken eggs, while an ostrich egg is equal to about  24 chicken eggs.
Don’t  let National Egg Day slip away without cooking a new egg recipe.  Consider trying an egg recipe from another culture, such as huevos  Mexicana, oyakodon (from Japan), or the French "omelet au boudin de  Nancy." (Every French recipe just naturally sounds great.)
Eggs  aren’t just for eating on this day. Consider visiting the local zoo and  see if you can learn more about birds and eggs in nature. Build a  birdhouse with a transparent plastic back so you can see the eggs and  the hatchlings as they develop. And because it’s June, consider playing  Mythbusters at home and testing whether it’s hot enough to fry an egg on  the sidewalk.
Why We Love National Egg Day
Arts & eggs
They can be prepared so many ways
They're good for the brain
Although  most people crack the egg shell over the frying pan and don’t think any  further about it, uncracked eggshells are great for crafts. Of course,  at Easter time, many people paint and decorate hard-boiled eggs. But you  can use eggs in arts and crafts at other times too. Hollowed out eggs  of all sizes — from ostriches to robins — are used in home crafts and  decorations. Just make sure you hollow out the egg first.
We  feel pretty confident in saying that, no matter how much you love  eating egg dishes, you haven’t tried every possible way to cook eggs.  (And if you’re sure you have, you should apply to be the permanent CEO  of National Egg Day.) Eggs can be cooked alone or placed in other  dishes. Because nearly every culture incorporates eggs into its cuisine,  the number of worldwide egg recipes is almost endless.
Nutritionists  have not only found that the nutritional value of eggs outweighs their  cholesterol level, but that eggs have a positive effect on brain  development and on memory enhancement. The nutrient, choline, which is  similar to the family of B- vitamins, plays a part in the process of  developing signaling molecules in the brain. This means moms should hide  the sugary breakfast cereal when it's test day at school for the kids;  go with eggs instead!
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wolftattoo · 5 months
sitting in this park ... did a little walkies after a big ole stir fry from my fave hotpot place... having some nice meat to chew on makes me feel like less of a prey animal . they had really nice tender tripe i wish id gotten more of . and quail eggs with creamy yolks .
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crazybluepanda · 10 months
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Today's school cafeteria daily lunch special set : deep-fry set.
Today's lunch wasn't too healthy. A thick deep-fried luncheon meat, deep-fried quail eggs, and mini sausage.
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taevisionceo · 16 days
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It's my lunchtime 🤪🤪😋😋😋 A GIFT 🙏 … ECHOES OF YOU 👍💫💃🏻🕺🎶 "A PASSAGE TO PARADISE… YOU, MY PARADISE"
PICKLED QUAIL IN CIDER SAUCE (APPLE, IRISH BUTTER) Last night… Prepare pickled quails Heat Irish butter 🍀🍀🍀 and little olive oil in a casserole and brown the quails. When they are golden brown, remove them and set aside. Add the finely chopped onion, peeled and sliced carrots, thyme, bay leaf, parsley and garlic cloves. Add peppercorns and the quails again, sautéing everything together for 15 min over medium heat. Once the time has elapsed, add cider, white vinegar, Modena vinegar, add water until it covers the quails and cook everything together, covered, over a low heat for ~ 1½ hour. Today… set aside 1 pickled quail for tomorrow In a steamer cook onion, until it softens… I like it very soft ~20-30 min Apple compote 🍏 cut the apple in small pieces… in a frying pan, Irish butter, add apple and stir constantly… add a little amount of water… let the water evaporate… when the apple is tender (not mashed) set aside. Preheat oven to 200°C/392°F On a baking sheet include 1 pickled quail with all the ingredients, onion, apple compote, a tablespoon Irish butter… place in the middle zone of the oven and bake for 15 min
GREEN-RED LEAVES TOMATO 🍅 SALAD (lollo rosso, batavia, mizuna, oak leaf, red chard, arugula)… season to taste.
ORDATE Rioja 🍷
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foodies-channel · 2 months
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🍥 Coconut bowl stir-fry and a quail egg
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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northwestmeatcom · 5 months
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