#Psychic Pilot Clocks Out
rastronomicals · 9 months
2:49 AM EDT September 19, 2023:
Robert Pollard - “Psychic Pilot Clocks Out” From the album This Is A Call! (March 13, 2020)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
‘15 Brainmelting Dispatches from the Golden Age of U.S. Alt-rock,’ given away free with the May 2020 issue of Mojo
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monsterblogging · 6 months
So I rewatched Pacific Rim: The Black to refresh myself on how bad it was, and once again I am just kind of in awe at how god-awful it is.
The Black very literally takes the magic out of Pacific Rim. You know how "drift hangover" refers to a persistent psychic connection between pilot and jaeger? Welp, here "drift hangover" is used to refer to a headache after drifting. Ghost drifting (you know, when pilots get psychic with each other) is turned into ghost piloting, which is when a pilot drifts with the memory of another pilot. Like, it's understandable if most people don't clock the mysticism and animism underpinning Guillermo del Toro's vision of Pacific Rim, but this is a very deliberate effort to erase where humans can just have funky psychic shit happen to them sometimes.
The Black doesn't really seem to understand how drifting works. Two characters have a heated argument without falling out of alignment. Another character functionally has a mind-reading ray. There's no real comprehension of what drift compatibility is and how it works.
The child soldiers are younger than ever. Taylor looks like he was maybe twelve at most when he was taking his pilot's test. Like. Actual twelve year olds are getting certified as jaeger pilots in this world. And this is framed as a good and desirable thing. Literally what the fuck.
The Black calls Horizon Brave "Horizon Bravo," and claims it's a Mark IV jaeger. If you have literally any access to any information about Horizon Brave at all, you know it's a Mark I jaeger.
The jaeger piloted by the children (Atlas Destroyer) is claimed to be a Mark III jaeger, yet uses the type of fuel cells introduced in Uprising. Like it was a whole fucking plot point that Lady Danger was a nuclear jaeger. Literally all they would've had to do was make Atlas Destroyer a Mark VI. It would have been fine.
Atlas Destroyer has a bunch of features Mark IIIs definitely didn't have. Remember how Raleigh and Yancy needed a crew to help them into their drivesuits? Atlas Destroyer just automatically tosses 'em on itself. Remember how Lady Danger's AI mostly just gave status updates? Atlas Destroyer's AI holds entire conversations. Again, you could've just made it a Mark VI, show.
And speaking of Atlas Destroyer's AI, for some goddamn reason the PPDC gave her an emotion chip. Because it's not hard enough to be a pilot already, now your jaeger gets to have anxiety.
The Black claims that Trespasser "smashed the Australian wall in the first attack." This is wrong on every conceivable level. Trespasser attacked San Francisco in the first attack, in 2013. The first kaiju to attack Sydney was Scissure, in 2014. The kaiju what smashed the wall was Mutavore, in 2025.
There is one queer-coded character. He is murdered in gory fashion.
There is one Indigenous-coded character who studies kaiju and their biology. He is depicted being into New Agey woo and wrongly believing that the kaiju he raised can love him. He dies when one of his kaiju eats him.
A major antagonist is depicted as a ruthless man who will kidnap, mindwipe, exploit, and even murder children. Then the show attempts to give him a redemption arc and we're supposed to actually care.
The PPDC refused to let the children's father retrieve them and the other survivors left behind in "the Black." (Read: Australia after the PPDC literally bombed it from space after a bunch of breaches started opening all over it.) Yeah, the PPDC can bomb an entire continent from space, but they can't spare a goddamn rescue helicopter.
Despite all of this and the aforementioned child soldiers, the PPDC is framed as the good guys and the only respite from the horrors of the Black; getting to the Sydney shatterdome is an unambiguously happy ending.
Early on we're lead to think that the PPDC might be getting its hands dirty with kaiju genetic experiments/bioweapon development. Later on we learn that it's the local kaiju cultists doing it. Now come on, which suspect actually makes sense here; the PPDC who can afford to build a killsat, or the kaiju cultists who apparently can't even afford a sterile room to perform a blood transfusion in?
The kaiju cultists are pretty obviously inspired by far right conspiracy theories about evil cults, rather than the actual behaviors of actual cults.
The kaiju sisters recruit by kidnapping women, turning them into kaiju hybrids, and forcing them into their hivemind. For some reason they kill all men. Despite this they are really obsessed with the idea that the half-kaiju smol, who for all appearances is a boy, is going to be their kaiju messiah. It really doesn't make sense, but then again, what can we expect from a slapdash job of far right conspiracy theories?
By the way, this is the PPDC banner literally hanging from the PPDC training center, in the show that is very firm in insisting that THE PPDC IS THE GOOD GUYS WHO PROTECT YOU:
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andthekitchensinkao3 · 7 months
Let the WIP Games begin! :3
Thank you to @temporary-enthusiasm for the tag 😀
rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your wip folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, I have soooo many WiPs I’m not gonna be able to tag as many people on here. XD It’s not even a humble brag, I’m just a mess of a 40-year-old with too many ideas and not enough time to put them all down in writing. But I’m working on it! One idea at a time. :3 So bear with me, everyone. Moar HankCon (and other pairings) will be in all our futures.
The Kamski Experience - When a team of struggling documentary filmmakers get an invitation to the secret location of Elijah Kamski's newest stab at hospitality, they expect an exclusive peek into the mind of the reclusive genius.
But when the work weekend turns into a deadly game of chess with a masked serial killer, they must each pass a personally customized death trap in order to escape - or die trying.
Wayfarer - AU take on the movie Passengers, but if it were a thriller and the main character and love interest were more equal partners right from the start.
When You’re a Stranger - AU take on the movie Deliver us Fom Evil, in which Connor is a homicide investigator with a psychic streak, and Hank is a (derobed) Lutheran priest now working as freelancing exorcist.
Heart/Soul - set five months after the end of the game. Starting with Connor taking a leap of faith on stage, declaring his love for Hank with an old power ballad from the '80s.
Monochromat - a story set a few months after my first massive HankCon fic, Metamorph; When androids first start disappearing for no apparent reason, there’s no obvious signs of foul play, but then android bodies start showing up all over Detroit. Android life and death semantics aside, it would seem there is a serial killer on the prowl.
Then, to make matters worse, one of the original leaders of Jericho suddenly goes missing without a word. Hank and Connors Mark I and II find themselves racing against the clock, with too much evidence and too little time.
Gambit - another what-if kind of fic branching off a chapter of Metamorph.
... ... ...
And then there are the ones I haven’t even started posting yet. >_>
DBH x Dragon Age Inquisition AU, in which Hank is a former Templar and Connor is a mage on the run. Set right after the botched Conclave.
Mr Stern’s Criminal Conundrums - a silly, fun Ms Fisher’s Murder Mysteries AU in which the honorable Mr Connor Stern is an elegant bachelor by day and all-out flapper fabulosity at night. Solving crime and making men swoon all hours of the live-long day. His ever present adversary-cum-ally is Lieutenant Hank Anderson, who doesn't need this kitten heel/fancy frock BS in his life (but secretly loves it).
Plotbunny Hank/60: At CyberLife Tower, Hank shoots the wrong Connor and completely breaks down. As a direct result, Connor-60 begins questioning everything he thought he knew.
Runaway Man - A The Fugitive (movie) AU, in which Hank is wrongfully accused of killing his ex, and Connor is tasked with hunting him down.
The Mummy AU - with Librarian!Connor and Pilot!Hank tracking down an ancient ruin to retrieve an heirloom of Hank’s (or something far, far worse ;) ). Something he lost a veritable lifetime ago. Featuring ridiculously rich Elijah Kamski headed to the same ancient site in order to find something far more interesting - an artifact promising eternal life; and the Jericho Four as a gang of troublemakers who may or may not be out for the same thing (or just stopping Kamski). Everyone has secrets, and nobody’s safe from whatever lies waiting in the depths of the ruin.
I have woefully neglected two raffle fics I started as well, but more on them in a different post. <3
Last but not least, I have a whole sentence of a PWP that never went anywhere (yet): “One of Connor’s favorite things to do in the bedroom, was watching Hank fuck himself using one of his dildos.”
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nachobra · 7 months
cover of Psychic Pilot Clocks Out by Robert Pollard
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
The fact that he kind of dreamt your future fic is making me laugh so hard. He really is an idiot by day and a psychic by night. This also now made me excited for your future fic, can’t wait for when that comes around. I might fuck around and actually do give him fics to read ngl.
Also yes! When we first started watching the show, he did think that Gale looked a little bit like Ashton and it was the funniest thing ever to me. He did only talk about it in the pilot though. Btw I am so tempted to later on give him Gale’s out of the box interview to watch. He was asking me yesterday about the actors and if they still act and where are they and I didn’t answer because well, one of them abandoned his podcast so i don’t know what he’s up to and the other one we dont even know if he’s still alive since theres been no new photos. I do wonder how he will react when he finds out Gale is straight though because he mentioned to my neighbor and i did get the feeling that he thinks everyone is gay. So i am tempted to ask him questions about what all he thinks of the cast since his only introduction to them is the show.
And yes! He has been going on and on about Brian’s growth and how he’s changed since he clocked it around 4th episode. He is so happy that he’s growing and allowing himself to be happy and in love even if he doesn’t want to admit it, that i just know the second 5x01 will start, he will have a mental breakdown and it will be very valid of him.
Your celebrities/therapist story actually made me curious now because how can a famous celeb that is known everywhere, even get a therapist then omg. I had no clue this was kind of a thing. And yes! My brother would absolutely launch into it, he’d have pictures and everything ready for it. I mean his confidence when it comes to talking to everyone and anyone about anything in his life (usually interests and shit he’s done thats funny to him or in this case the show) is impressive as fuck but also for an innocent bystander like me? actually a nightmare to be around that. He truly doesn’t give a single fuck! He just tells anyone who will listen (not in a trauma dumping type of way but his interests and such? No shame) When he was in high school he made an entire poster presentation for his class to talk about his love for the movie School of Rock and HE DID IT BY SINGING A FAKE ROCK N ROLL SONG (id give anything to remember the lyrics). Mind you, the presentations was supposed to be about current events in the world and School of Rock came out like a year or two prior so it had no relation to the exercise and yet that didn’t stop him. So you best believe he would do the exact same for Gale or more importantly QAF/Brian. And as someone who does shy away from talking about qaf just because it is a lot, it is insane watching him talk about the show because he truly gives zero fucks. When we started watching the show, he was fully explaining to the nurses/doctors/anyone that would listen about how the show is AND HOW BRITIN MET! He TALKED ABOUT THE RIM JOB! I NEVER EVEN FUCKING TOLD YALL THAT! IMAGINE MY SHOCK WHEN HE RANDOMLY BROUGHT UP THE SHOW FOR THE FIRST TIME TO SOMEONE RANDOM! AND HE DECIDED TO DO IT BY BRINGING UP THE SEX SCENE! HE TALKED TO OTHER HUMANS ABOUT THE RIM JOB! So if you ever feel like maybe you’ve said a bit too much about something you like? Fear no more because my brother has for sure shared even more.
Dear sweet anon. I just signed onto tumblr on desktop and it looks like I never responded to this message?!?! It says it’s from 4 days ago.
I thought I did. I’m sorry <3 <3
I am still dying over all of this. Your brother has no embarrassment. Maybe we can all take a page from him (although don’t corner people at their place of work to discussing rimming, even fictional rimming).
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sparkraptor · 10 months
The “War Room”, Birdie:
Mason drummed his fingers against the table, remembering the game Kio had run on it scant months before. The last time anything had felt *correct*.
He took a breath and looked up at the others then. Kio slouched in one of the chairs, Luca perched in another. Nico against the wall, arms folded and Ben sitting on the edge of the table with Dog leaning heavily against him. Harvard shifted on his shoulder, preening her darkly-glittering feathers.
“I’ll understand if you guys want to bail on this. I know what I’m asking and I know it doesn’t come lightly.” He fidgeted his cybernetic hand a bit, hating how good and natural it felt to have it back on. It had been perfectly weighted and balanced for him, better than any other arm he had used since.
But he could still see the blood on it.
“We’re with you.” Nico rumbled from his corner.
Mason nodded slightly then looked at Luca. “Luc.”
“Do I relish the thought of another spacewalk? Absolutely not.” He chewed on the cord of his oversized, glaringly pink hoodie. “But Ben’s gonna be with me, and that’s enough.” He gave the synth a little smile, that was immediately returned.
“You sure you don’t want me to do it?” Kio asked after a moment.
“You’re a better pilot than Luca, and you’re our escape plan.” Mason said, then. “And…”
“Yeah. I get it.” Kio waved him off. “Lets go over this one last time.”
“Dominion starships are shielded externally from Marach interference via the psychic feedback logic loops, among other things. But once inside, Luca can use the food replicator systems to back into the main life support system, since they’re connected.”
“Ben, you’ll cover Luca and if necessary, plow us a road out.” Mason added after a moment.
Ben laughed softly. “I was made to do this, you know.”
“I know. Nico, you’re coming with me. Couerl will clock you immediately as a Solarae, regardless of how you dress, but he won’t know the extent of your augments, so it will keep him cautious. The minute they bring Archer out, I am going to cheerfully rip Couerl’s throat out and then Luca will start the ship into emergency venting procuedures. It’ll seal off corridors behind us and we either get to the shuttle or we suit up,” he jostled the programmable matter pin on his jacket “And spacewalk back to Birdie while Kio covers it and then we get the hell out of Dodge.”
Ben put up his hand, and Mason sighed. “yes?”
“Not to critique the plan, boss, but the part where you kill your old commander is a little light on details.”
“Yeah, well, I’m going to be flexible.”
They dropped out of jump space ahead of the coordinates, and Luca felt his blood run a little cold at the massive, angular shape of a Dominion frigate.
“Ok. I hate this.” He said in a small voice, fussing with the suit as it folded over him.
Ben had already closed his helmet, but put a hand on Luca’s shoulder. “I’m going to be with you the whole way.”
“So will I.” Harvard said as she settled on Luca’s shoulder in some lanky hybrid weasel/rabbit shape.
Luca buried his face in her impossibly soft fur for a moment, then fit his helmet on, adjusting the parameters so she could curl up inside it. She smelled like distant forests, this close. “Then I’ve got nothing to fear.” He said, just ever so slightly fearfully.
They followed the wake of Birdie’s shuttle as Kio followed behind at a distance. Luca hung onto Ben, comforted by both the soft purring that Harvard was making, and Ben’s confident aura as he towed them with a tether line that spooled out a click behind the shuttle.
Beside Ben, Dog glided, unbothered by the airless, freezing abyss. The soft blue glow of its faceplate was comforting in the dark.
“Approaching Talon-1.” Nico’s voice, deep and warm, filled the comms.
“Copy.” Kio replied and behind them there was the brief shine of braking engines to slow Birdie’s forward pace.
Ben twitched his wrist and the tether detached, spooling back into his suit. Luca squeezed his eyes shut as momentum carried them forward, hidden in the ion wake of the shuttle’s engines. The briefest shift of Ben’s body, and the firing of his suit’s jets, and soon they were traveling under the entrance to the shuttle bay to the maintenance hatches beneath.
Ben didn’t maglock himself to the hull – doing so would potentially trip an alert Mason had told them- but somehow found an imperceptible handhold. “OK, Luc, Harvard. Do your stuff.” He said then as Luca checked the tether attaching him to Ben’s suit one last time.
Gingerly, Luca pushed away towards the hatch. “So you said you had a way back in.”
“I do.” Harvard chirped softly. Luca squirmed as he felt her slither into the actual matterweave of his suit, and watched, fascinated, as his one glove became glittering Harvard-black. “Ok, get me on the panel.”
Luca didn’t dare try and probe the panel’s datasong with his powers but he could feel the torrent of hers. “What is that?”
“A skeleton key.” She said, half-distracted. “It doesn’t work on the highest security systems, but you’d be amazed where you can get into from a plumbing closet or something.”
“Where do you even GET something like this? Is it a super secret Sunless Path Monk Thing?”
“Archer has a. A contact within the military. He helps us when it’s beneficial.” Harvard said with a tone that did not invite further questions. A moment later, the hatch hissed open. “I’ve set off a worm in the access hatches that shows all of them running their periodic systems checks. Anything that indicates this door is opening will just show it cycling the hydraulics.”
“Well, that’s neat.” Ben said, letting go. He braced a foot against the hull and pulled the door open the rest of the way. “all aboard.”
Luca let Ben push him in and watched, nervously, as he pulled the massive door shut again. The airlock pressurized and after a moment, Luca pulled off his helmet.
They were in the belly of the beast.
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thepowerofsuck · 7 years
Psychic Pilot Clocks Out // Guided By Voices
“recorded live during filming for appearance in the motion picture "Dean Quixote" at Spaceland - Silver Lake, CA - November 18th, 1998″
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I would absolutely love to hear about your psychonauts oc
Sorry, I needed to finish writing down a specific thing that happens but HERE WE GO
Hazel Aquine, incredible hydrokineticist even from an early age. The psychic abilities come from her mother’s side of the family, as her father lacks psychic abilities. Most of the stuff I’m still writing happens in her twenties, but let’s start with her childhood.
Her mother was named Meredith, and her father’s name is Johnathan. Meredith is a good mom, teaches her kid psychic powers when they start revealing themselves, is very supportive of her daughter’s interests, but is very antisocial for Hazel’s tastes. And fun fact- Meredith almost became a psychonaut! The reason she stopped pursuing that dream is because her husband convinced her to be a stay-at-home mother. Honestly, less people to talk to, so it sounded good to her. She ended up dying of Psilirium poisoning.
Her father? Well. He was on the shadier side of things (and was a complete asshole). He, for whatever reason, absolutely abhorred psychics. Probably married Meredith because he thought any kid that came from him would be a non-psychic who he could teach this rhetoric to. Also he sold cocaine to addicts and other dealers. When Hazel is young (think 9) and about to attend Whispering Rocks Psychic Camp for the first time since they live near the area, he takes her to an anti-psychic doctor and has her brain removed, but it only lasts a couple months until her brain is returned to her. In the end, he goes to jail for murder, attempted murder, aggravated assault against a minor, aggravated assault against a Psychonaut, and selling of an illegal drug. Yeah, he planted Psilirium in his house (which wouldn’t affect him bc he wasn’t psychic) which counted as killing his wife and attempting to kill his daughter. When he was found out, he tried to use Hazel as a hostage, hit her, hit a psychonaut, and his drug stash was found. Not a good look.
After that, she went to her aunt, Edith. Edith was married to an airplane pilot lived comfortably in the big city. She makes sure to provide evidence against Johnathan and advocate for her niece. After the trial, she becomes something of a helicopter parent, which is fine enough for Hazel until she reaches the hated Rebellion phase. That’s where things get messy.
Hazel makes three friends in high school, and two of them are very anti-psychic. The other one is very good at telekinesis. Naturally, there’s some friction. It turns to a point where the two psychics eventually try contacting the psychonauts because they’re worried about what their anti-psychic friends could do if left unchecked. This gets them- and Hazel, specifically- into hot water with their “friends.” The two anti-psychics come up with A Plan to get rid of a bunch of psychics. One of them has a bunch of materials (cause a rich dad who also hates psychics) and they get to work. Naturally one of the two let’s the bare bones of The Plan slip to Hazel- and that’s when Hazel and her friend come up with A Plot to mess with their Plan.
What Hazel knows of their plan is ludicrously simple- a bomb under a ceremony hall on a day where Psychonauts and other important psychics are celebrating with remote detonators. The Plan itself is a bit more complex, especially after the bare bones have been told to Hazel on accident.
The Plan is what Hazel knows, plus a few extra things- four 20 lb spheres of Psilirium that will be caught in the blast zone and explode, leaving a bunch of psychics who aren’t killed unable to do at least some of their psychic abilities. There’s also the remote timer- if the bomb isn’t set off by a certain time, a 10 minute timer starts and at the end of it, the bomb detonates whether or not someone presses the button.
The Plot conceived to fight The Plan is a little difficult, but manageable by 17-year-olds. Pull a fire alarm to get everyone out of the building and blast radius, and knock out their old friends thus preventing them from using the remote detonators. This can only go well. /s
The Plot goes wrong very quickly. Certainly people listen to the alarm that was pulled, but Hazel’s telekinetic friend gets all the heat for pulling it and isn’t given a chance to explain herself. Hazel then has to go and fight their old friends by herself. Her hydrokenisis makes it so she wins very quickly- but she has to pull Sasha Nein and Camilla Vodello (who are both interns and a couple years older than her) out of the building and ask politely that they STAY PUT. Do they listen? No. They go and tell their mentors, who are now more willing to listen to Hazel’s friend.
Meanwhile, a detonator beeps, signaling that the ten-minute-timer has now begun. Hazel is on a clock to find this damn bomb and defuse it without proper training of any sort. She knows they’ve put it in the sewers, and is able to find it using a sort of hydrokenisis-based echolocation thing. But by the time she does, she only has three minutes left to defuse the damn thing. So she finds a panel, wrenches it open with her bare hands (because Psilirium) and looks at the wires within. She takes a minute looking at these wires and decides, “ya know what? Fuck it, one of these has to turn this whole thing off.” So she just pulls out all the wires. And it turns the bomb off! It also activates a self defense mechanism. There’s a spring loaded knife with a blade made mostly of Psilirium that plunges into her hand. Left there in incredible pain, she makes a choice and stays exactly where she is. She knows that someone will find her, sooner or later. And they do. It’s Sasha Nein who finds her first, and he uses telekinesis to quickly pick her up off her feet and pull her out of that chamber. From there, Camilla, who was right behind him, scoops her up and levitates her back to the sewer access point she’d used to get down there in the first place.
Hazel has to go to the hospital and gets yelled at by her aunt, but honestly? Worth it. Especially considering she gets a letter soon after that offers her an internship at The Motherlobe.
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of Peter Fonda who Died: August 16, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.
Peter Henry Fonda (February 23, 1940 – August 16, 2019) was an American actor, director, and screenwriter. He was the son of Henry Fonda, younger brother of Jane Fonda, and father of Bridget Fonda. He was a part of the counterculture of the 1960s. Fonda was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for Easy Rider (1969), and the Academy Award for Best Actor for Ulee's Gold (1997). For the latter, he won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama. Fonda also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – Series, Miniseries or Television Film for The Passion of Ayn Rand (1999).
Fonda was born on February 23, 1940, in New York City, the only son of actor Henry Fonda (1905–1982) and his wife Frances Ford Seymour (1908–1950); his older sister was actress Jane Fonda (born 1937). He and Jane had a half-sister, Frances de Villers Brokaw (1931–2008), from their mother's first marriage. Their mother committed suicide in a mental hospital when Peter, her youngest, was ten. He did not discover the circumstances or location of her death until he was 15 years old.
On his eleventh birthday, he accidentally shot himself in the abdomen and nearly died. He went to the Indian hill station of Nainital and stayed for a few months for recovery. Years later, he referred to this incident while with John Lennon and George Harrison while taking LSD. He said, "I know what it's like to be dead." This inspired The Beatles' song "She Said She Said".
Peter attended the Fay School in Southborough, Massachusetts, and was a member of the class of 1954. He then matriculated to Westminster School, a Connecticut boarding school in Simsbury, where he graduated in 1958.
Once he graduated, Fonda studied acting in Omaha, Nebraska, his father's home town. While attending the University of Nebraska-Omaha, Fonda joined the Omaha Community Playhouse, having been recruited by Marlon Brando's mother.
By the mid-1960s, Fonda was not a conventional "leading man" in Hollywood. As Playboy magazine reported, Fonda had established a "solid reputation as a dropout". He had become outwardly nonconformist and grew his hair long and took LSD regularly, alienating the "establishment" film industry. Desirable acting work became scarce. Through his friendships with members of the band The Byrds, Fonda visited The Beatles in their rented house in Benedict Canyon in Los Angeles in August 1965. While John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and Fonda were under the influence of LSD, Lennon heard Fonda say, "I know what it's like to be dead." Lennon used the phrase in the lyrics for his song, "She Said She Said", which was included on their 1966 album, Revolver.
In 1966, Fonda was arrested in the Sunset Strip riot, which the police ended forcefully. The band Buffalo Springfield protested the department's handling of the incident in their song "For What It's Worth". Fonda sang some and in 1967 recorded "November Night", a 45-rpm single written by Gram Parsons for the Chisa label, backed with "Catch the Wind" by Donovan, produced by Hugh Masekela.
Fonda's first counterculture-oriented film role was as a biker in Roger Corman's B movie The Wild Angels (1966). Fonda originally was to support George Chakiris, but graduated to the lead when Chakiris revealed he could not ride a motorcycle. In the film, Fonda delivered a "eulogy" at a fallen Angel's funeral service. This was sampled by Psychic TV on their 1988 LP recording Jack the TAB. It was later sampled in the Primal Scream recording "Loaded" (1991), and in other rock songs. The movie was a big hit at the box office, screened at the Venice Film Festival, launched the biker movie genre, and established Peter Fonda as a movie name. Fonda made a television pilot, High Noon: The Clock Strikes Noon Again, filmed in December 1965. It was based on the film High Noon (1952), starring Gary Cooper, with Fonda in the Cooper role. However, it did not become a series.
Fonda next played the male lead in Corman's film The Trip (1967), a take on the experience and "consequences" of consuming LSD, which was written by Jack Nicholson. His co stars included Susan Strasberg, Bruce Dern and Dennis Hopper. The movie was a hit. Fonda then traveled to France to appear in the portmanteau horror movie Spirits of the Dead (1968). His segment co-starred his sister Jane and was directed by her then-husband Roger Vadim. For American television, he appeared in a movie, Certain Honorable Men (1968), alongside Van Heflin, written by Rod Serling.
Fonda produced, co-wrote and starred in Easy Rider (1969), directed by Dennis Hopper. Easy Rider is about two long-haired bikers traveling through the southwestern and southern United States where they encounter intolerance and violence. Fonda played "Wyatt", a charismatic, laconic man whose motorcycle jacket bore a large American flag across the back. Dennis Hopper played the garrulous "Billy". Jack Nicholson played George Hanson, an alcoholic civil rights lawyer who rides along with them. Fonda co-wrote the screenplay with Terry Southern and Hopper.
Fonda tried to secure financing from Roger Corman and American International Pictures (AIP), with whom he had made The Wild Angels and The Trip, but they were reluctant to finance a film directed by Hopper. They succeeded getting money from Columbia Pictures. Hopper filmed the cross-country road trip depicted almost entirely on location. Fonda had secured funding of around $360,000, largely based on the fact he knew that it was the budget Roger Corman needed to make The Wild Angels. The guitarist and composer Robbie Robertson, of The Band, was so moved by an advance screening that he approached Fonda and tried to convince him to let him write a complete score, even though the film was nearly due for wide release. Fonda declined the offer, instead using Steppenwolf's "Born to Be Wild", Bob Dylan's "It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)" sung by The Byrds' Roger McGuinn, and Robertson's own composition "The Weight", performed by The Band, among many other tracks.
The film was released to international success. Jack Nicholson was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Fonda, Hopper and Southern were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. The film grossed over $40 million.
After the success of Easy Rider, both Hopper and Fonda were sought for film projects. Hopper directed the film The Last Movie (1971), in which Fonda co-starred along with singer Michelle Phillips of The Mamas and the Papas. Fonda directed and starred in the Western film The Hired Hand (1971). He took the lead role in a cast that also featured Warren Oates, Verna Bloom and Beat Generation poet Michael McClure. The film received mixed reviews and failed commercially upon its initial release, but many years later, in 2001, a fully restored version was shown at various film festivals and was re-released by the Sundance Channel on DVD that same year in two separate editions. Fonda later directed the science fiction film Idaho Transfer (1973). He did not appear in the film, and the film received mixed reviews upon its limited release. Around the same time, he co-starred with Lindsay Wagner in Two People (also 1973) for director Robert Wise, in which he portrayed a Vietnam War deserter.
Fonda starred alongside Susan George in the film Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry (1974), a film about two NASCAR hopefuls who execute a supermarket heist to finance their jump into big-time auto racing. The film was a box-office hit that year. It led to Fonda making a series of action movies: Open Season (1974), with William Holden; Race with the Devil (1975), fleeing devil worshippers with Warren Oates; 92 in the Shade (1975), again with Oates, for writer-director Thomas McGuane; Killer Force (1976) for director Val Guest; Futureworld (1976), a sequel to Westworld (1973), financed by AIP; Fighting Mad (1976), a reuniting with Roger Corman, directed by Jonathan Demme.
Outlaw Blues (1977) was a drama, with Fonda playing a musician opposite Susan Saint James. After some more action with High-Ballin' (1978), Fonda returned to directing, with the controversial drama Wanda Nevada (1979), wherein the 39-year-old Fonda starred as the "love" interest of the then 13-year-old Brooke Shields. His father, Henry Fonda, made a brief appearance as well, and it is the only film in which they performed together.
His final portrayal was in the Vietnam War movie The Last Full Measure. The director of that film, Todd Robinson, has recounted that Peter Fonda was able to view that film in its entirety, and got emotional upon viewing it.
Fonda died from respiratory failure caused by lung cancer at his home in Los Angeles on August 16, 2019, at the age of 79.
Following Fonda's death, his sister Jane Fonda made the following statement: "I am very sad. He was my sweet-hearted baby brother. The talker of the family. I have had beautiful alone time with him these last days. He went out laughing."
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rastronomicals · 1 year
3:45 AM EST January 31, 2023:
Robert Pollard - “Psychic Pilot Clocks Out” From the album This Is A Call! (March 13, 2020)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
‘15 Brainmelting Dispatches from the Golden Age of U.S. Alt-rock,’ given away free with the May 2020 issue of Mojo
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I was wondering does the rest of the scoundrels know that Cain is a couple of centuries old, and if so what were their reactions to it?
They do not.  If they did, it would probably be along the lines of, “That’s weird.  Moving on.”  However, most of the Scoundrels have their own secrets, which I’ve hinted at.  If you’ve read the stories/watched the movies/played the games, then you’d probably know all of them, so I’m going to level the playing field and give them to you now, if you want.  SPOILER ALERT.
Cooper: The most “normal” of the Scoundrels.  Doesn’t have any abnormalities or secrets.  However, his Titan, BT-7247, is an AI, which might be a problem to some.  Could be considered a super-soldier due to the Pilot’s suit.  
Kirk: Doesn’t have many secrets either, at least not any major personal ones.  Has an alien telepath aboard his ship.  Is the most morally “pure” of the Scoundrels, and the most likely to seek diplomatic solutions.
Drake: Was the son of two trillionaires.  Hated his life, ran away, changed his name.  Has an extensive series of scars on his chest from an IED detonation that killed his old army squad.  Is the most morally corrupt of the Scoundrels, and has the highest personal body count of any of them.  Most likely to kill or destroy with the least amount of provocation.  
Cain: Is over a century old due to Juviant treatments.  His aide, Jurgen is a psychic blank.  Is the lover to Inquisitor Amberley Vail.  Does side work for Vail and the Imperial Inquisition.  Is a master liar, deceiver, and manipulator.  This is due to the fact that he has a bad case of imposter syndrome.  He thinks he isn’t worthy and a failure.  Thinks of himself as a massive coward, and privately says he only does what he does to keep up his heroic reputation.  Is the tallest non-augmented Scoundrel, clocking in at 6′5″.
Vir: Has a wonderful variety of mental illnesses due to a particularly horrible war and the experimental Steel Eye project that followed, including PTSD, and probable depression and anxiety.  Could be considered a super-soldier due to the Iron Eye armor.  Has an alien telepath aboard his ship.  Lost his leg in the same war to what is now his girlfriend/lover, Sunny.  Is in love with an alien, and while most Scoundrels wouldn’t care or are in the same predicament, several would take offense or outright kill him for it.
Shepard: Died.  As in he fully died in the cold void of space to asphyxiation.  Was brought back by the terrorist organization Cerberus, who spent two years and billions of credits to restore him to full functionality.  Has visions of the coming of the Reapers and destruction of the Protheans due to an artifact he found.  Is the only one actually doing anything about the Reapers or Collectors, so he feels as if he was the weight of the galaxy on his shoulders, which could present problems.  While in the game, romance is optional and there are many different individuals to choose from, I’ve decided to make him in love with an alien for added spice to the story, so he’s in the same predicament as Vir.  Which alien I haven’t decided yet.  
Master Chief: Genetically engineered super-soldier.  Was kidnapped as a baby for the Spartan program.  Is the last of the Spartan-II’s.  Probably has a wide range of mental illnesses, which would take up entire other page to list.  Houses Cortana, an extremely powerful AI in his armor, so that could be a problem.  Is very protective of his identity, and almost no-one has ever seen his face.  
Solo: Is constantly in debt and wanted by quite a few criminals he double-crossed.  His old girlfriend/lover may or may not be the head of Crimson Dawn, a massive criminal organization.  Other than that, not much.
Quill: Watched his mother die in front of him.  Grew up with a group of criminals.  His father was a literal god.  Rejected his father and immortality because his father murdered his mother with a cancerous tumor.  Is in love with an alien.  Has an alien telepath aboard his ship.  Is the reason for the Snap in Infinity War, because he punched Thanos in the face while the latter was unconscious.  Probably is the most “dumb” of the Scoundrels. 
There you have it.  Secrets, secrets.  I’ll be sure to write more of them, and the reactions of the other Scoundrels when they find out.  
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lilydalexf · 4 years
hi! i hope you're doing okay amidst the coronavirus frenzy. do you happen to have great recs for multi-chaptered xf fics? preferably AU... i need to lose myself in a little reading bubble lately because the news is super depressing and i feel like i've read a lot of the long fics out there already. thank you so much for your help!
Thank you for the ask! I hope you (and everyone else) is doing well. There are lots of multi-chapter fics in my posts of novel-length fic recs: part 1, part 2, part 3. Many of those stories are AU, but here is a list of AU stories. Not all of them are multi-chapter, but they are all great.
This list of AU stories is HUGE, so it’s behind the Keep Reading cut. First, please enjoy this AU-style gif of Mulder and Scully playing house in Arcadia.
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All Things Bright And Green by DBKatePost-“Herrenvolk” AU. Mulder escapes with the child Samantha clone and with Scully, all three go into hiding. Months pass, Christmas is near and the struggle to find joy begins.
The Ballgame by @dksculderScully takes a case in her hometown, an old flame causing mixed emotions for her and Mulder.
Beating the Darkness Back by AnjouWhere do we go from here, now that we are free?
Breathe by TerriIt’s set in the future after Mulder has disappeared and a fearful Scully gets in contact with him.
A Candle for Katherine by MarasmusSometimes it’s the friends you make along the way that make all the difference.
Cubed by Louise MarinScully does a little body-swapping of her own. Can she and Mulder make it back to each other? Do they want to?
A Different Place by @myownsuperintendentHerrenvolk AU. When Mulder successfully brings one of the Samantha clones back from the farm with him, she must learn to adapt to a different life.
Eleventh Hour by Rachel AntonSome feeling defy the confines of time.
False Memories by ZuffyTwo years have passed since Mulder left. And then a woman walks into a bar.
Five Things That Never Happened to Dana Scully by anythingbutgreyDana — and she is always Dana now — looks out the window. She has stopped waiting. Instead, she watches.
Five Years and One Night by ShalimarThis starts post “Kitsunegari” and is full of spoilers including all of season 5. It deals with the events in “Emily”.
if you weren’t so by @seek-its-oppositeDreamland AU. “Thanks for coming out there with me,” he says, like she didn’t leave him alone last night.
In Absentia by QofMushDoes absence make the heart grow fonder or smarter?
In My End is My Beginning, Katabasis, and Homeostasis by JohnieSamantha is found and some truths are finally uncovered, but can Mulder deal with them? / Scully deals with Mulder’s disappearance. / Mulder deals with Scully’s disappearance.
An Inconvenient Truth by @mldrgrlAU Prompt: The events of Tithonus happened Post One-Son because Scully needed a break from Mulder and partnered up with Ritter on the Fellig case
Jasper’s Last Thought by MD1016Scully is abducted again, and returned to find her world has changed.
Katherine of Ireland by Jenna ToomsThe King is dead. Long Live the Queen.
The Long Road to Improbable by @mldrgrlWhat if the flashbacks in Per Manum dated back to season 5? What happened between then and Requiem?
Love, The Missing Word by Sarah KileyMulder and Scully are drafted into WW III. Is distance making the heart grow fonder?
Mobius by L.A. WardWhile investigating the disappearance of a physicist, Scully finds someone she didn’t expect–Mulder.
A Notorious Affair by Nicole PerryMulder and Scully in Hitchcock’s movie ‘Notorious’.
Old Growth Forest by AndreaMulder and Scully investigate the disappearances of homeless people in Madison, Wisconsin and seemingly end up suffering the same fate.
Prelude to an X by Helen WillsMulder’s a freelance journalist and Scully’s just been assigned an “X” file to work on, when they meet.
Road Markers by anythingbutgreyThere are anniversaries she can’t shake. Dates have, over the years, many years, worked their way into her mind as an internal clock.
Rules of Life and Death by @dksculderMulder is presented with a list of conditions he must fulfill to receive an inheritance. Can Scully help him accomplish all of the tasks?
The Sin Eater by Jane MortimerScully disappears into a mysterious vortex and Mulder makes an unbelievable sacrifice to ensure her safe return.
the shadow knows by captaingeorgyMSR AU
Shopping List by threeguessesScully has too many rolls of toilet paper for just one person.
Sinners Come Down by @poeticsandaliensSix years into her marriage to Daniel, Scully meets Fox Mulder at a bar one night, and they get talking and fucking over alcohol and self-pity.
The Smell of the Person You Love by @mangokiwitropicalswirlHere’s some plotless NSFW smutty Thanksgiving AU pie
Tandem by @alienqueequegIn 1988, a young Fox Mulder tries out yoga after a difficult case takes a toll on him.
The 13th Sign and Seven Days in May by Prufrock’s LoveMulder saw no reason for life, death, sex, Armageddon, or emotional dysfunction to stand in the way of true love. / It might be the end of the world. Fox Mulder had a psychic vampire on the loose, a six-year-old son in tow, a ton of emotional baggage, and an FBI budget, but at least he wasn’t dead. Mulder felt things were looking up - romantically and apocalyptically.
Triangulation by LeyannHe finally tracks them down in Oxford in mid-October.
The Unfinished Universe by RevelyMSR. This story wasn’t AU when I started it, but now it is.
Untitled AU by @foxmuldersau where mulder and scully get married during the events of christmas carol/emily, believing it will aid scully in the adoption process. after emily dies, they’re still married
Untitled AU by @frangipanidownunderWeird little five para AU set somewhere in Wales in some unspecified medieval time
Untitled AU by @how-i-met-your-mulderAU where M and S get together during the cancer arc
Untitled AU by @leiascullyAn AU where Requiem never happened.
Untitled AU by @leiascullyMulder told Scully he would do whatever he could to help her adopt Emily and she took him up on it.
Untitled AU by @lyndsaybonesAU where Mulder and Scully move in together circa s7
Untitled AU by @lyndsaybonesAU where Scully is shot instead of Diana
Untitled AU by @mldrgrlau where scully is reassigned from the x files but mulder isn’t
Untitled AU by @real-cream-cheeseAcademic AU
Untitled AU by @real-cream-cheeseset post-orison/pre-en ami, pure angst
Untitled AU by @spookysadsophiePrompt: Mulder and Scully have sex during Pilot, Scully gets pregnant, moves away and meets again at Thanksgiving (prolly a couple of years later) bc Mrs Scully invites him.
Untitled AU by @scapegrace74-blogRoyalty AU
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Satirical Fiction: Book Recommendations 
Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead
Spanning Prohibition-era Montana, the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, New Zealand, wartime London, and modern-day Los Angeles, Great Circle tells the unforgettable story of a daredevil female aviator determined to chart her own course in life, at any cost.
After being rescued as infants from a sinking ocean liner in 1914, Marian and Jamie Graves are raised by their dissolute uncle in Missoula, Montana. There--after encountering a pair of barnstorming pilots passing through town in beat-up biplanes--Marian commences her lifelong love affair with flight. At fourteen she drops out of school and finds an unexpected and dangerous patron in a wealthy bootlegger who provides a plane and subsidizes her lessons, an arrangement that will haunt her for the rest of her life, even as it allows her to fulfill her destiny: circumnavigating the globe by flying over the North and South Poles.
A century later, Hadley Baxter is cast to play Marian in a film that centers on Marian's disappearance in Antarctica. Vibrant, canny, disgusted with the claustrophobia of Hollywood, Hadley is eager to redefine herself after a romantic film franchise has imprisoned her in the grip of cult celebrity. Her immersion into the character of Marian unfolds, thrillingly, alongside Marian's own story, as the two women's fates--and their hunger for self-determination in vastly different geographies and times--collide. Epic and emotional, meticulously researched and gloriously told, Great Circle is a monumental work of art, and a tremendous leap forward for the prodigiously gifted Maggie Shipstead.
We Cast a Shadow by Maurice Carlos Ruffin
How far would you go to protect your child? Our narrator faces an impossible decision. Like any father, he just wants the best for his son Nigel, a biracial boy whose black birthmark is growing larger by the day. In this near-future society plagued by resurgent racism, segregation, and expanding private prisons, our narrator knows Nigel might not survive. Having watched the world take away his own father, he is determined to stop history from repeating itself. There is one potential solution: a new experimental medical procedure that promises to save lives by turning people white. But in order to afford Nigel's whiteness operation, our narrator must make partner as one of the few Black associates at his law firm, jumping through a series of increasingly surreal hoops--from diversity committees to plantation tours to equality activist groups--in an urgent quest to protect his son. This electrifying, suspenseful novel is at once a razor-sharp satire of surviving racism in America and a profoundly moving family story. Writing in the tradition of Ralph Ellison and Franz Kafka, Maurice Carlos Ruffin fearlessly shines a light on the violence we inherit, and on the desperate things we do for the ones we love.
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell
Following a scalding row with her mother, fifteen-year-old Holly Sykes slams the door on her old life. But Holly is no typical teenage runaway: a sensitive child once contacted by voices she knew only as “the radio people,” Holly is a lightning rod for psychic phenomena. Now, as she wanders deeper into the English countryside, visions and coincidences reorder her reality until they assume the aura of a nightmare brought to life. For Holly has caught the attention of a cabal of dangerous mystics—and their enemies. But her lost weekend is merely the prelude to a shocking disappearance that leaves her family irrevocably scarred. This unsolved mystery will echo through every decade of Holly’s life, affecting all the people Holly loves—even the ones who are not yet born. A Cambridge scholarship boy grooming himself for wealth and influence, a conflicted father who feels alive only while reporting from occupied Iraq, a middle-aged writer mourning his exile from the bestseller list—all have a part to play in this surreal, invisible war on the margins of our world. From the medieval Swiss Alps to the nineteenth-century Australian bush, from a hotel in Shanghai to a Manhattan townhouse in the near future, their stories come together in moments of everyday grace and extraordinary wonder.
Quichotte by Salman Rushdie
In a tour-de-force that is both an homage to an immortal work of literature and a modern masterpiece about the quest for love and family, Booker Prize-winning, internationally bestselling author Salman Rushdie has created a dazzling Don Quixote for the modern age. Inspired by the Cervantes classic, Sam DuChamp, mediocre writer of spy thrillers, creates Quichotte, a courtly, addled salesman obsessed with television, who falls in impossible love with a TV star. Together with his (imaginary) son Sancho, Quichotte sets off on a picaresque quest across America to prove worthy of her hand, gallantly braving the tragicomic perils of an age where “Anything-Can-Happen”. Meanwhile his creator, in a midlife crisis, has equally urgent challenges of his own. Just as Cervantes wrote Don Quixote to satirise the culture of his time, Rushdie takes the reader on a wild ride through a country on the verge of moral and spiritual collapse. And with the kind of storytelling magic that is the hallmark of his work, the fully realised lives of DuChamp and Quichotte intertwine in a profoundly human quest for love and a wickedly entertaining portrait of an age in which fact is so often indiscernible from fiction.
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kbox-in-the-box · 3 years
Captain Zap and her Hyperspace Rangers
1988 was the year that the planet Aetheria was liberated at last from the mad Emperor Xerxes, but it was neither the great space hero, Samuel Gerald “Astro” Armstrong, nor his daughter, Samantha Gillespie “Astra” Armstrong, who struck the final, decisive blow.
From 1933 to 1938, Astro Armstrong, Hedy Fine and Dr. Leon Volkov fought for the freedom of the people of Aetheria against the tyranny of Xerxes and his daughter, the wicked Empress Eris.
But in 1959, Astro Armstrong went missing, and in 1966, Astra Armstrong and her mother, Prof. Hedy Feynman, returned to Aetheria after Dr. Leon Volkov’s son, Dr. Leonid Volkov, told them that Astro was still alive, on Aetheria, but captive in the clutches of Xerxes.
As Astro’s family and allies sought to find him again, all while resuming their war with the forces of Xerxes and Eris, they found themselves facing a new foe, the first human ever to join the dark side of the Aetherian Armada, a mysterious masked man known only as Kommissar Blitzkrieg, who somehow seemed capable of anticipating Astra and Hedy at every turn.
By the 1980s, Hedy had begun to suspect the terrible secret of Kommissar Blitzkrieg’s true identity, one that could never be revealed to Astra, which the ruthlessly clinical Prof. Feynman recognized would necessitate the enlistment (or more accurately, the compulsory impressment) of new allies into their struggle, young outsiders with new ways of thinking, whose strengths would draw from their lack of preexisting emotional connections to this star-spanning conflict.
In 1984, the “Hyperspace Pilot” video game had cabinets distributed to the Bits & Blasts Arcade near the edge of the Ned Pines Neighborhood, the Pink Flamingos Mobile Home & RV Park on the outskirts of Eliot’s Expanse, and the Cabaret Cinema in the core of Edwin A. Abbott Square.
Opening in 1922, the Cabaret Cinema remains the oldest continuously operating movie theater in the state of Calizona, its infrequent stints as a Union Gospel Mission location notwithstanding.
The Cabaret Cinema was where a young Valerie Gail Zappa watched nostalgic rescreenings of Saturday matinee serials such as “The Adventures of ‘Astro’ Armstrong," and by the summer of 1984, Val was not only 18 years old and freshly graduated from Stanford S. Strickland Junior High & High School (go Teen Wolves!), but she was also a veteran usher at the Cabaret, where she took in countless classic films for free, and racked up high scores on “Hyperspace Pilot.”
Val and her two-years-younger sister, Tara Moonchild Zappa, lived at their parents’ double-wide at the Pink Flamingos, but like their fellow Pink Flamingos resident Crystal Swan, who was still attending Strickland Junior High in 1984, all three girls were pretty much raising themselves.
Tara had aspirations of enrolling in Beauty’s Beholder Cosmetics & Cosmetology, so she could eventually work at Nagel’s Picture-Perfect Cuts & Colors in the Gold Key Commercial Core.
And while Val’s on-again, off-again boyfriend, Buckminster “Bucky” Martínez, was still sorting through prospective career paths, he’d already earned an athletic scholarship, as a soccer and volleyball player, through Coral Shores Community College (go Atoms!), part of the Calizona Community College Athletic Conference and the National Junior College Athletic Association.
Even Morten Emory Thistlethwaite, the spoiled antisocial prodigy whom Val grudgingly agreed to babysit when she was in junior high, because he was three years her junior, was already on track to attend the University of Calizona, Santa Teresa (go Manticores!), with the Quatermass University of Abstract and Applied Sciences (go Tachyons!) as his designated fallback school.
And yet, Val herself simply drifted, never pursuing a post-secondary education or a long-term occupation beyond what was required to pay for the rent and fun nights out on the town during her weekends off, much to the dismay of her peers and former teachers, all of whom sensed far more potential in her than punching ticket stubs at the Cabaret Cinema, subbing in to lead group workouts at Aphrodite & Adonis Aerobics, or feeding quarters into “Hyperspace Pilot” cabinets.
By 1987, the band of Valerie and Tara Zappa, Bucky Martínez and Morten Thistlethwaite knew they had little enough left in common to wonder aloud why they were still hanging out, but they knew the answer to that as well, since not only had they all remained avid players of “Hyperspace Pilot,” but they’d taken up the next iteration in the franchise, i.e. the “Hyperspace Pistoleer” light-tagging toy guns released in 1986, for which Bits & Blasts had economized its existing space, and even leased adjacent property, to set up a hide-and-seek arena for — among other players — Captain Zap, Brigadier Buckyball, Lieutenant Luna and Master Sergeant Mars, as they preferred to be called on the game clock.
And by the summer of 1987, the band had reasons to celebrate, with Morten’s acceptance for UC Santa Teresa’s fall semester confirmed, Tara feeling confident she would finally be promoted from apprentice to junior stylist at Nagel’s Picture-Perfect Cuts & Colors, and even Bucky finally having settled on a major, after three years, at Coral Shores Community College.
Everyone was heading places, except for Val, who’d always dreamed of travel, but never had the free time or finances to spare, just as her ongoing consumption of classic cinema ensured her lock on the pink-for-entertainment slice of the pie any time she played Trivial Pursuit, and yet, for all her fascination with the film industry, she still couldn’t summon the patience to audition, or even sit still for test shots, for more than sporadic roles as an extra.
“Why does this feel like the end of that made-for-TV movie where roleplaying games drove Tom Hanks crazy?” Tara asked despondently, as the band sat at their regular table in Bits & Blasts, nursing their slices of Pizzazz Pizza.
“You know why,” Val smirked ruefully. “Everyone else is about to embark on grand adventures in bold new campaign settings, while some of us are just destined to ... hang back from the action, and become non-player characters.”
“It doesn’t have to be like this,” Bucky clasped Val’s hand in his own to console her.
“I heard Lis Berger is shutting down the Hyperspace Pistoleer arena after this summer,” Morten blurted out, acutely uncomfortable with the unpleasant emotions his peers were displaying so openly. “Even though it’s still popular, she’s losing a ton of money on it. I say we play one last round now, before it gets torn down.”
Val stood up and laid down a few dollars for the tip. “Might as well go out shooting,” she grinned.
The entry of every officially licensed “Hyperspace Pistoleer” arena was equipped with speakers to play the same opening narration before the players went inside, complete with a flash of light to simulate an interplanetary tesseract:
“As the people of the planet Aetheria cry out for aid, in their fight for freedom against the evil forces of the mad Emperor Xerxes and his Aetherian Armada, a highly trained special mission force has been recruited from the ranks of ordinary humans, right here on Earth, to respond to this call. They are the Hyperspace Rangers, and their brave battles began when they stepped into the Star Point Portal ... and vanished.”
After the obligatory flash of light, Lis Berger’s assistant games supervisor, Rachelle “Ratchet” Chennault, checked the activated “Hyperspace Pistoleer” arena, only to find it empty.
The “Strickland Slackers,” as they came to be branded in subsequent press reports, were gone.
Hedy Feynman knew she had a limited window of time within which to work, because time itself passes on Aetheria at roughly one-seventh the rate that it does on Earth, and because she knew the start of the Harmonic Convergence would commence on Aug. 16, 1987, but even she had failed to grasp how quickly most toy and video game franchises fall out of fashion.
Hedy had commissioned the younger Dr. Leonid Volkov to produce the “Hyperspace Pilot” and “Hyperspace Pistoleer” game lines, as covert training and recruitment tools for what she had envisioned as crack commando units to be branded the “Hyperspace Rangers,” since they would be able to operate not only behind enemy lines, but also between the boundaries that defined both the war and space travel itself.
Because Hedy wished to avoid drawing too much notice, and because she’d retained enough of her conscience not to want to press-gang too many child soldiers into risking life and limb for a cause for which none of them had knowingly consented to sacrifice themselves, the Star Point Portals affixed to the “Hyperspace Pistoleer” arenas absconded with only scattered handfuls of players from her former home planet.
The sustained toll of their secret missions was brutal, culling all but a few of the promising crop Hedy had authorized to transport from Earth during the summer of 1987, but one unlikely band of Hyperspace Rangers somehow not only kept on surviving, but also succeeding in completing their missions, thanks in no small part to the guidance and motivation they drew from the canny strategies and inspiring speeches of their Valkyrie-like leader.
Eventually, the rest of the units were reduced in number enough that their remainders were seconded to Captain Zap and her Hyperspace Rangers.
During the final push to overthrow the misrule of Xerxes, when Astra Armstrong was devastated by the discovery that the merciless Kommissar Blitzkrieg was actually her long-lost father, Astro Armstrong — whose innate heroism had been artificially suppressed by technology the elder Dr. Leon Volkov had been conscripted to create for Xerxes — it was Captain Zap’s Hyperspace Rangers who kept up the pressure on the Aetherian Armada, giving Astra the chance to break through those psychic barriers to reach her real father’s heart, and ultimately redeem his soul.
... And so it was that 1988 was the year that the planet Aetheria was liberated at last from the mad Emperor Xerxes, not by two generations of the same heroic family, but by a third generation of complete strangers to their cause, and yet, even as the rest of the surviving Hyperspace Rangers were returned to Earth per their request, one band asked to stay behind.
Captain Zap, Brigadier Buckyball, Lieutenant Luna and Master Sergeant Mars each had their own reasons for wanting to venture further into the largely uncharted frontier within which they’d found themselves, but Hedy Feynman, as newly elected head of the likewise recently installed government of Aetheria, harbored equally ulterior motives for agreeing to retain their services.
Hedy knew that a tentatively democratic Aetheria, one which was now seeking to atone for the misdeeds of its empire by forging alliances among adversaries, needed free agents to act on its behalf, to make contact with the broader cosmos that Xerxes’ simultaneously expansive and provincial priorities had impacted, and yet also ignored.
Hedy also knew that Astra’s appetite for such crusades had been ground down hard over the course of the war, even before she’d inadvertently unmasked one of her fiercest foes as the vanished father whose legacy she’d sought to live up to her entire life, and for the first time since 1966, Astra found herself missing the old home planet she’d abandoned so casually.
Which was how Astra Armstrong woke up late one morning to the fanfare surrounding the hastily rescheduled launch of the Moebius Loop-powered Cavalry Cruiser-class Unification Searcher Spacecraft (USS) Starlin, the ship she’d simply assumed she would be tasked with commanding, because it had already taken off with its new crew, Captain Zap and her Hyperspace Rangers, without Hedy telling her.
Astra had resigned herself to the likelihood that she would be assigned to provide Captain Zap’s Hyperspace Rangers with essential insights on the various alien species, civilizations and cultures they might encounter, but Hedy had instead sentenced the former Empress Eris to serve as a Hyperspace Ranger, under the command of Captain Zap, as Ensign Eleutherios (”Eleutherios” being the birth name that Eris had always hated), as repayment for her sins.
And with a capable crew protecting the peace in her stead, Astra couldn’t help but smile when Hedy presented her with the Reckless Endeavor, the spaceship with which Astra’s parents and the elder Dr. Volkov had originally traveled to Aetheria, now freshly restored and ready to fly wherever Astra wished.
“First, I’m gonna take a long nap, and then, I’m gonna spend some time doing nothing at all, because I’ve been meaning to do both of those for years,” Astra laughed, even as tears spilled down her cheeks. “After that ... when we left Earth, I was so ready for something so much bigger. The only other gals I knew who wore pants were you, Katherine Hepburn and Laura Petrie on Dick Van Dyke. So much happened, just right after I left.” She chuckled. “It’s like Earth waited until I was gone to get cool.”
“And now?” Hedy brushed the blonde spit-curl from her daughter’s face. “You want to catch up?”
“I want ...” Astra paused, then unclipped the Walkman from her belt loop, that she’d carried to honor all the fallen Hyperspace Rangers, more than one of whom had worn such portable music players into the fray of combat.
Astra cranked the volume on the headphones up to the max, then pressed play, and the voice of Stevie Nicks began to croon:
♫ No one knows how I feel ♪ ♪ What I say, unless you read between my lines ♫ ♫ One man walked away from me ♪ ♪ First he took my hand ♫ ♫ Take me home ... ♪
“I want to go where the music sounds like THAT,” Astra’s voice choked up, as her eyes welled up with fresh unshed tears.
Hedy struggled to keep the quaver out of her own voice, as she squeezed her daughter tight to wish her safe travels. “Then you go there, baby. You go follow the music that’s in your heart.”
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The Vampire Diaries
Re-write Season 1
*this is a first person book*
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The alarm clock is what wakes me up in the morning. It's excessive beeping is enough to wake everybody. I quickly slam the snooze button and get up out of bed.
Matt pops his head in, he's already dressed for school. "Sleepyhead hurry up, we're gonna be late" I yawned and waved him off with a hand.
"I'm going" I grumbled as I get up and head to my closet.
My name is Ariel, Ariel Donovan. I live with Matt and Vicky. There the only family I have left.
My mother died on a camping trip. I was there but I don't remember it. The doctors say it was because of the trauma, that my brain shut that memory out.
I don't know if not remembering is a blessing or a curse. The authorities say it was a wild animal attack, apparently I called 911 but I don't remember.
I never met my father, he was never around, abandoned me when I was just a baby.
When my mom died, I was forced to live with her sister, my aunt. And she was forced to take me in. If it wasn't for the law she would have sent me off to an orphanage.
Of course she's never around like she's supposed to be. So I take care of Matt and Vicki. Matt does what he can, and Vicky well... I have tried several times to get her to quit smoking and drugs but to no avail.
I settle on a pair of jeans and a green shirt. I have my fathers hair, and my grandmothers brown eyes.
How do I know that my father has blond hair? That's because my mother didn't have blond hair.
Brown eyes mostly run in the family, well except Matt, he has these blue eyes, he gets that from his dad. Who is god knows where. I have my mother's features though.
And if I look in a mirror, I can try to picture what my father looked like.
When my mom was alive, she never talked about him. I always assumed that it was because of the fact he left her.
But even when she died, I couldn't find my dad's name on my birth certificate, or any other scrap of paper. And whenever I asked Kelly about it, she would never answer.
I quickly pack my bags and hurry out the front door where Matt's waiting in his car.
I have my own car yes, but it was being worked on, after Vicki crashed it. She was drunk.
And the car was brand new, I got it as a birthday gift. So I were pretty upset when she ruined it.
I get in the front seat. "So are you excited" I ask him, my feet shaking with excitement. He only grins, one corner of his mouth lifting higher than the other.
"A bit" The back door slams making me jump in my seat. I shift in my seat to face Vicky, who was staring intently at her phone.
"Hey Vicky"
"Hey" She response back in a dull tone. Knowing she wasn't going to speak anymore than a few syllables, I turn back in my seat.
"Caroline!" I call out to my blonde best friend. She turns at the sound of her name and smiles when she sees it's me. She excuses herself from the person she was speaking to and made her way over to me.
"Hey Ariel" She said with a smile, embracing me in a hug. "Hey care" I said hugging her back. Caroline is one of my best friends. She's been with me through so much. Ex- my mother's death.
"Have you seen Elena or Bonnie?" I asked parting from her to take a look around the yard. She shook her head, her hair bobbing with her movements.
"No I haven't, but I'm sure they're inside"
"Let's go then" I said, she grabbed my hand and dragged me inside the halls of our high-school. Mystic Falls Timberwolfs.
We spot them both at the lockers and before I can even make a move to hug Elena or say hello Caroline beats me to it.
"Elena. Oh my god" she said, rushing up to her and drowning her in one of her hugs.
"How are you?" She asked. "It's so good to see you. How is she? Is she good?" Caroline asked Bonnie like if Elena wasn't standing right in front of her.
"Caroline, I'm right here. And I'm fine. Thank you" I crossed my arms and sent Elena a secret glare.
"Yes much better" Elena reassured her. "Oh you poor thing" Caroline said, hugging her once more.
"Okay, Caroline" I said grabbing her by the shoulder and pried her off of Elena. "Okay, I'll see you guys later"
"Okay, bye" Elena said as Caroline walked off.
"Hey Elena can I speak to you?" I asked her and motioned to the other side of the hallway. She nodded and I dragged her off to the side.
"Are you okay?" I asked already knowing what she was doing. "Yes Ariel, I'm fine" I shook my head.
"Your not, Elena I used that facade when I was younger and I was never okay" Elena recently lost her parents.
Car accident. And while she might act like she's fine I know she's not. Elena and I have grown closer as friends, because I know what she's going through and it doesn't get easier. Take it from someone who knows.
"Your right. I just don't wanna be the girl who lost her parents you know? I wanna start fresh but that's not gonna happen if I keep being the same old Elena" I nod slightly and hug her.
"Just promise me that you'll come to me when something's bothering you. Okay. I'm here for you" She nods and stares up at me with her chocolate eyes.
"Thanks Ariel" She says with a smile.
"No problem". We go join Bonnie and the three of us walk through the halls, Bonnie in the center and me and Elena at her sides.
We were talking about our summer when Bonnie grabs us both by our arms and makes us jerk to a stop in front of the schools office.
"Hold up, who's this?" She says looking in. Theirs a guy standing there, his back turned to us. He's wearing a dark leather jacket, he's tall.
"All I see is back" I said.
"A hot back" Bonnie adds with a smirk. Elena simply chuckles at us both.
"I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays guitar" Bonnie says, staring at his back like if she can see to his soul.
"You're really going to run this psychic thing into the ground, huh?" Elena asks looking at her best friend.
"Pretty Much" People in the hall make some commotion and Elena turns to see Jeremy (her little brother) go inside the bathroom.
"I'll be right back" She says and goes off to follow him. "Please be hot" Bonnie begs no one making me laugh.
I drone on in class. I'm sitting behind Elena only a few seats away from Matt who stares at her. They used to date and he wants her back, I can tell by the longing stare.
She turns her head slightly to the side to look at the new guy. He's cute, I'll tell you that. He was brown hair and these forest green eyes.
Elena turns her head back when she sees him look back at her. I almost smile. I pull my phone out and text her.
Staring @ u.
I see her pull her own phone out and look at it. I can tell she's smiling by the way she sits up.
"Good Afternoon Ariel" Zach says as he opens the door to his home.
"Hey Zach" I said with a smile as I stepped inside. Zach has a huge living space. It's called the Salvatore mansion. He lives alone.
Zach or Zachariah Salvatore is like a father to me. My mother and him were friends, so I always visit him and help him around this huge house.
When my mom died, he became one of my legal guardians.
My aunt Kelly almost filed a law suit to make sure she was the sole guardian.
the only reason she never did that was because Zach wasn't gonna go down easily, plus her lawyer told her that with all the money Zach earns and his living space they might as well give him full custody.
So they treated it like a divorced parents case, I have my own room and everything.
I stayed with him on the weekends, Kelly on weekdays. I haven't stayed over since Kelly started taking off though.
"How was school?" He asks closing the door behind me.
"It was great" I said setting my bag down at the door. "Well I'm glad. Do you want something to drink?" I nod and he rushes off to the kitchen.
I walk deeper inside and see books clattered around the sitting area. With a sigh I pick them up and place them neatly on the table.
"Here you go" Zach says from behind, he holds two cups in his hands. I take one and sip. Tea. Not my favorite but it'll do.
I stay at his place for a while longer, talked about how my day went, the new kid and how his day went. I was there till it was almost noon, then I went to go meet up with Caroline and Bonnie at the grill.
"His name is Stefan Salvatore. He lives with his uncle at the old Salvatore boarding house.
He hasn't lived here since he was a kid. Military family, so they move around a lot. He's a Gemini, and his favorite color is blue"
Caroline declares, spinning circles with her straw in her drink.
"You got all of that in one day?" Bonnie asks in disbelief.
"Salvatore? Huh. Zach didn't tell me he had family visiting" I say confused, moving to sit down at the table.
"Oh please. I got all of that between third and fourth period. We're planning a June wedding" I snicker.
Shocker Caroline's got dibs on the new guy. Stefan Salvatore.
I also wonder why Zach didn't tell me. You'd think that would come up in our conversation from earlier.
"Oh Ariel sweetie, by the way. I have my nephew living with me now."
I frown, wait hold up.
I was at Zach's house last night, how the hell did I miss a 5' or 6' foot person? I store that mental note for later.
Matt takes a seat with me and Bonnie. "How's Elena doing?" He asks.
"Her mom and dad died. How do you think?" I said pursing my lips.
"She's putting on a good face"
"Has she said anything about me?" He wonders.
"Uh no. So not getting in the middle, you pick up the phone and call her"
"I feel weird calling her. She broke up with me"
"Give her time Matt" Bonnie says with a reassuring smile. My eyes trail over to the door where Elena walks in with Stefan right behind her.
I am clearly not the only one who notices cause Caroline and Tyler are staring.
Tyler was one of my friends, he was Matts best bud, when I was younger, I almost always saw him around so we became friends.
He has this tough guy thing going. To me, he's another annoying brother. And for him, I'm like the annoying sister he never had.
Matt gets up and I want to follow but I also kinda wanna see how this plays out.
He goes over to them and introduces himself to Stefan before giving Elena an awkward hello.
Stefan and Elena join all of us at the table but Matt doesn't.
"So you lived in mystic falls?" Caroline asks.
"Mm-hmm. And I moved when I was still young"
"Parents?" Bonnie asks.
"My parents passed away"
"I'm sorry. Any siblings?" Elena asks. Stefan shook his head all while staring at her.
"None that I talk to. I live with my uncle"
"Zachariah" I spoke up making him look at me.
"Yeah. How did you-"
"Zach is kinda like my father. I go over a lot. He didn't mention you to me" Before he can respond Caroline speaks up.
"So Stefan. If your new then you don't know about the party tomorrow. It's a back to school thing at the falls" Stefan looks over at Elena.
"Are you going?"
"Of course she is" Bonnie comments making Elena purse her lips. She pushes a strand of hair behind her ear and looks up at Stefan. "I will"
So what do you guys think? Is it good so far? Fingers crossed!🤞
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born-inastorm · 5 years
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ALIAS: “Storm”
AGE: 34
FAMILY: N’Daré (mother - deceased), David Munroe (father - deceased). Her parents died when she was 5 years old; a plane crash destroyed their home in Cairo.
THREE FAVORITE THINGS: Thunderstorms, teaching and teamwork.
EDUCATION: College-level courses at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters / Qualified teacher.
Master Thief: Ororo was, in her youth, one of the most skillful thieves in the entire city of Cairo. Expert Combatant: Ororo is a gifted and formidable hand-to-hand combatant with years of close quarter combat experience. Weapon Proficiency: She is an excellent marksman with handguns and is experienced in the use of various firearms. Ororo is also highly skilled with wielding knives, experienced in the use of the bo staff, and trained in sword fighting. Expert Tactician: Storm has strong natural leadership skills and has lead teams of X-Men for years. She is a highly accomplished and skilled strategist, tactician, and field commander. Expert Gardener: Ororo is also an excellent gardener owing to her supernatural abilities and has her own botanical gardens at the Xavier Mansion. (um hi i love this) Multilingual: Storm is fluent in English, Arabic, Swahili, Russian, Japanese, Wakandan, Yoruba and more. Aviation: Storm has skill in piloting advanced aircrafts. Indomitable Will: Ororo has an exceptionally strong will, thanks to years of practice to control the weather.
WEAPONS: she is the weapon...
Atmokinesis: Storm is a powerful mutant who is able to control the weather and all of its forms with ease. She can control meteorological tempests, such as lightning, thunderstorms, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes, mist, and typhoons. She can even siphon electricity, causing her to shoot it out as lightning of any intensity. Atmospheric Resistance: Storm is immune to extreme weather conditions like extreme heat or cold, storms and is capable creating a small atmosphere around her, thus this allows her possibly survive in areas where there is a lack of oxygen such as areas of high altitudes. Electricity Manipulation: The ability to manipulate, control, and create pure electrical energy; such as lightning. She’s capable of discharging lightning bolts from her hands, while also summoning a lightning bolt from the sky. Earth Link: Storm is psychically linked to her immediate surroundings, as she can detect the position of fighter jets whilst creating tornadoes to keep them at bay. She was capable of avoiding unintentional causalities when the pilots ejected from their jets. She can also detect if a nearby animal or plant has died or if the weather is about change. Enhanced Senses: When Storm's eyes go white, she can see her surroundings in the form of energy. She uses this ability to see through harsh weather conditions like fog, darkness or clouds. Flight/Levitation: With the power of wind, Storm is even able to fly by making the wind lift her up in the air. She could fly at great speed, allowing her to smash through a wood fence while spinning towards attacking mutants.
Mourning the loss of mutant life especially, finding her faith and hope in a better world again and rebuilding. Storm's first priority for a long time has been the safety of her students and all mutants out there who feel like they don't have a place in the world. Making sure they knew that Xavier's school was still a safe place for them and more so, actively seeking out and offering help and a home directly to them. Staying busy, being proactive and strengthening the community within her own found family has taken up her time. More than hoping a threat like Thanos never came around again, she wanted to make sure it didn't. If it did, at least, she wanted to be ready. Be stronger. So she trained more, pushed herself further and peddled the idea that together, anything could be achieved. Failure is just another lesson to learn and she was sure that they wouldn't falter so devastatingly again, even in the face of that new threat: Galactus.
As always, Storm was ready and willing to help along with the other X-Men who she had missed dearly during the tragedy Thanos had previously brought. She spoke up, gave inspirational speeches, argued and pleaded for everyone to come together. They couldn't bend in the face of hatred. There was a bigger picture now just like there should have been with Thanos. They had to save the world; she had to save the world. And yet.
That she should have done more. Should have held tighter to her loved ones, should have inspired her students more and above all, she should have protected them. Since coming to Xavier's school, since becoming a member of the X-Men, Storm had held tightly to the rage she was capable of feeling towards humans. She never let it cloud her judgment or control her decisions. Anger was a fuel and at times it knocked hope and faith off the shelf. "Normal people" scared her but she learned to conquer that fear, to not let fear influence her like that at all. She never wanted to lash out at non-mutants although she sympathized with her students who did, who came from experiences that had taught them that same fear she'd known but it wasn't an easy thing to get over. To grow from. And then the slaughter on Genosha happened. Rage suddenly felt like the only option and if it weren't for what little remained of her loved ones (Jean) then she might have done something that she would have regretted.
Living in a broken world was hard but as always, Xavier's remained open and Storm stayed put mostly. She of course would have given anything to turn back the clock and bring everyone back but that just wasn't plausible. Right? Until it happened. A part of her really thought that it might have given the world a new perspective on what was important- truly important. That the protestors and politicians in this world of superheroes and mutants and aliens would progress. With everything, it wasn't all good and it wasn't all bad but still, there were the 'protestors' outside the gates of Xavier's while Charles tried to calm the masses. Galactus was breathing down their necks and they still couldn't get it together. So yeah, Storm learned and re-learned that having hope is hard.
Well, at least half the entire population of living things didn't dust again, right? Ororo is adaptable, she's a leader and a teacher, and not above frying whatever lurks in the long grass if it's gonna threaten to eat someone. She's probably had a cautious fly around, noting the fact that literal buildings from home have been transported wherever the hell they are; including a makeshift Genosha's Castle that has been offering sheltered. Storm is fine, she's more concerned about finding her fellow X-Men and students. Keeping them safe is her top priority.
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Storm's past before the X-Men isn't really public knowledge. She's a mystery (which really means I'm taking some inspiration from the comics and mostly following the movies. Her parents death- and the rubble she was stuck under before being rescued- then growing up an orphaned thief in Cairo before Xavier found her in is the bulk of her backstory. Oh, hailed as a goddess? Maybe she’ll tell you about it sometime, maybe not. So if there are any plots you're into that involve her from the comics, let me know!). For her, who she is now began when she found her calling at the school. She could accept herself as a mutant and help others to do the same. Ororo found her purpose, love and family. Plus, she became a badass superhero.
Definitely the Mom™ friend and coolest teacher you ever had. Has a soft, understanding way about her that makes you feel as if you can confide without being met by any judgement (you can). Her capacity for love is boundless. The first to tell any mutant that they are not something to be cured or changed; they're perfect the way they are. Very passionate about that for both mutants and anyone else really. Self-love and care should be a priority for everyone even if she doesn't quite follow that thinking for herself.
Didn't dust during the Snap. Stayed with Jean and Charles at the school keeping things together and leaning on her best friend more than ever. Basically the number one Jean Grey stan in town and she's ready to fight about it.
A loyal friend who doesn't take anyone's crap. An aspiring beam of goddamn light! But finds it difficult sometimes to keep on shining for the sake of everyone else when the weight of the world feels so inclined to come down on her shoulders. Absolutely doing her best. A soft badass. A kickass cinnamon roll.
#white hair don’t care
Let me know if you want to have any pre-established connections with her!!
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