As I Lay Dying - 3
"Ariel Hey." Jeremy greeted when he answered.
"Tell me you're with Elena." I say as I lean against the wall of the cellar, the deputies came and went, leaving me locked in the cell and Alaric locked out on the other side so until he manages to get his door opened I'm stuck here.
"She went to go see Damon. I thought that's where you were?"
"No, he just escaped. I think he's looking for her, and the cops are after him. Listen, he's in bad shape, Jeremy, so if you find her, get her somewhere safe, okay? Alaric and I are on our way"
As soon as he gets the damn door open
I scrambled to pick up my phone as Alaric raced the car down the street, we managed to get out and we're headed to the town square to start our search for Damon.
"Hey it's me" Jeremy says. "Did you find him?" I ask.
"I'm with Damon at the grill"
"Okay, we're on our-" My sentence is cut off by a gunshot.
"Jeremy?" I questioned Jeremy.
"What was that? Is Damon alright? Jeremy!" I cut the call and look at Alaric
"Step on it"
Alaric and I ran into the grill and looked over to see Bonnie, Caroline and her mom crouched over someone, crying
"Bonnie what's going on?" Alaric asked as we rushed to them.
"Oh my god!" I clamped a hand to my mouth as I felt my stomach sink down to the ground as I saw Jeremys lifeless body on the ground.
"Jeremy!" I dropped down to his side and Caroline promptly backed away to give me space.
"No!" I screamed as I put my fingers to his neck to find a pulse.
"I-I can't feel a pulse! Why can't I feel a pulse!" I exclaimed as I held his hand. I grabbed either side of his face and begged him to wake up.
"Jeremy! Jeremy please! Please wake up!" I had tears down my face and they were coming down fast.
I fell back losing balance but Caroline caught me. "No...he can't be...." I said in between sobs. I just lost Jenna and John, I can't lose Jeremy too. I remember when I was a kid, when Elena and I would hang out at her house, how we included Jeremy when he was little so he wouldn't feel left out.
I remember how mesmerized he was by my drawings, even if they were terrible.
I remember his first drawing, a car. I might have found out only a while ago Jeremy was my cousin, but I've known him for as long as I've known Elena and Bonnie and Caroline.
He was always a brother to me, and just when I found out we were family he was taken from me.
Is it a curse? Is that why the people I love die?
That's ridiculous but in my state I can't cope right now.
Bonnie raised her head in determination "I know what I need to do."
"I need you to grab him. T-take him with us." She said as she looked over at Alaric.
"No, no, no, no. You can't move him. This is a crime scene." Sheriff Forbes said with tears in her eyes.
"Mom, you let them go." Caroline orders,
We all stand and let Alaric pick him up. "All right, come here, buddy. I got you. I got you"
Bonnie made us go all the way to the old witches house to do a resurrection spell that will bring Jeremy back, I'm trying to remain positive but it's hard.
"Is this even possible?" I asked as Alaric put down Jeremy's limp body on the ground.
"There's a spell for it if they'll give me the power to use it." Bonnie explained as she put Jeremy's head in her lap and grabbed either side of his face, and closed her eyes.
''Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus" Bonnie chants and at the same time, all of the light candles grow brighter with every chant.
"No." Bonnie whispers opening her tear ridden eyes
"What? What is it?" I question wearily.
"They're angry at me for coming back here. They don't wanna help."
"Well, they have to!" Alaric snapped.
"They said there'll be consequences."
"Well, he's just a kid. Tell 'em to shut up!" Alaric snapped.
Bonnie continues to cast the spell and The building shakes. I look around with wide eyes as Her nose starts to bleed and she starts crying.
"Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas..."
"Emily. Emily!" Bonnie called out looking up. "I know you're there. Please help me" She begs and pleads. "I love him."
There's a huge gust of wind and the candles die out enveloping the room in darkness.
"No!" Bonnie cries. I hug Alaric, crying into him. He's dead. He's really dead and he's not coming back.
Out of nowhere Bonnie gasps loudly and Alaric shifts so I whirl around and gasped when I saw Jeremy had his eyes open "Oh my god."
"Bonnie?" Jeremy questions at her crying figure
"Oh, my God, Jeremy. Oh, my God."
"What happened?" Jeremy groaned in pain.
Bonnie shook her head softly "Doesn't matter. You're okay. You're okay." She said as she stroked his hair.
Bonnie smiled and raised her head "Thank you."
I sat on the porch swing while Alaric and Jeremy were inside with a blanket over me.
"Hey, you alright?" Asked Alaric as he poked his head through the door.
I nod unconvincingly "Yeah...I'm fine"
He sighed and sat down next to me "You know, you don't have to lie. Not to me"
"I don't know. It's just, everyone I love dies. My mom, Zach, Vicki, Jenna, John, even John. Jeremy was dead, and Damon's dying..." That last bit made me break into tears
"I just can't take it anymore" He sighed and wrapped an arm around me.
"Do you think I'm cursed?" I asked, staring ahead as I trace the pattern on my locket.
Alaric shook his head "No. You're not cursed. That's just the way life is. It might seem helpless now, but it's only making you stronger"
I sighed "You're just being nice" I mutter not believing him.
"I'm not, you know you are one of the finest pupils I've ever trained"
"The only one you've ever trained"
We both laughed lightly
"Yeah well, Ariel you've grown into this amazing strong woman who's turning 18 in how many days?"
"21, legally anyway"
"Right legally. My point is, keep fighting, no matter how much it hurts"
I smiled at him "Thanks Rick"
He smiled back "Any time my non-biological daughter"
I smiled a little "non-biological daughter?"
"Yes, because that's what you are to me" I laughed a little hiding a smile with my hand "There's the laugh"
"Thanks non-biological father"
Alaric went back inside to speak to Jeremy and I stayed out here, he told me was going to be staying and that was fine by me. I stayed outside, drawing, I was drawing, drawing Jenna and John in my definition of heaven. The greatest memories of your life on re-run.
Someone rapped their knuckles against the beam of the porch and I looked up and saw Stefan standing there.
"Stefan!" I exclaimed throwing, the blanket off me and throwing my arms around him.
"Oh thank god I was so worried"
He pulled away from me and gave me this sorrowful look.
"Why do you have that look on your face? That's your 'I'm about to give bad news face" I almost back away in shock,
"Damon didn't die did he?"
"No, he didn't" I breathed a sigh of relief, putting a hand on my chest. "Thank god"
"Ariel I'm leaving"
The sentence made my eyes widen "What? What do you mean you're leaving?"
"Klaus gave Damon his blood, the cure, but only if I went with him," Stefan explained.
"You didn't...wait-wait then why are you here?"
"Just to say goodbye, take care of yourself, for once"
I shook my head at him, "No! This can't be goodbye! You can't leave! What-what about Elena and- and Damon and Caroline and-and me!"
"You-you can't just leave!" I yelled at him, breaking into tears.
"I have to. I made a deal"
"Screw Klaus! I'll kill him myself if I have to even if it kills me! I'm not letting you leave with him!" I yelled at him, I turn to go inside the house but he uses his speed to block my path
"No-I'm not!" I tried getting past him but he stopped me from doing so.
"Let me go Stefan! I'll negotiate with him, I-I don't know my life for yours"
"Ariel you are not doing that!"
"I don't give a damn" I'm cut off when he brought his lips to mine. And for that split second, it was like if I didn't have a care in the world, it's like if time froze and we were standing still.
It felt...right- it felt....oldy right, and I didn't want it to feel right. I kissed him back despite my efforts to pull back and do something, but it was as if I was just frozen and couldn't move.
He finally pulled away and looked me in the eye with a look
"Why'd you do that?"
"So you could be quiet" He smiled painfully and kissed my forehead one last time before using his speed to leave.
I dropped and sank on my knees, He's gone.
Oh my god, what have we done?
Well that's it. Have fun, Season 3 will come in March, kay kay!
Love you all!
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As I Lay Dying - 2
Alaric knocked on the door to warn he was here and entered, I stepped aside to let him get a look of Damon.
"That looks bad"
Damon speaks but his voice is strained. "It feels worse. My subconscious is haunting me" Damon says and turns to the door.
"Please tell me you have something for that." Alaric puts a glass of scotch and Damon's ring on the door window sill.
"Double shot." He pours Damon more scotch.
"Give me some" I mumble to him. Despite not wanting to he gives me anyway and I drink it all down in one gulp.
 "That's good."  Damon says as gets up and takes his ring
"Oh good." Damon breaths out. He takes the glass. "So my brother sent you for suicide watch as well?" Damon questions.
 "He's just trying to help." I say, defending Stefan,
 "He's doing what he always does, trying to right the wrongs of the past."
Damon screams and bends forward in pain and I tense.
"You should want me dead. I'm the reason Jenna got killed." Damon says.
"I don't blame you for Jenna." Alaric says as he takes a drink from the bottle. Damon looks up at him.
He's sweating so much, his forehead is actually glistening.
"Oh, sure you do. Let's not forget I turned your wife into a vampire. You must really hate me for that one."
Alright I see what he's doing.
Alaric sighs. "Okay, give me your glass. Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation..." Damon gets closer and reaches forward, through the slot as he grabs a hold of my neck.
I let out a Yelp at the pain as he squeezed
"Kill me. Please." Damon begs with wide eyes.
"Screw you." I manage to get out before Alaric injects vervain into Damon with a dart.
He loses his grip and collapses to the ground and I gasp for breath. "No. Elena?" Damon mumbles.  "Elena's not here, Damon."
"I need blood. I need blood." Damon tells us. Alaric goes to the fridge and I stay with Damon, looking at him through the slot. God, he looks so bad, I can't stand to see him like this.
"Ariel!" Yells Alaric. I turn and gasp when Liz and her deputy have their guns trained on me
"Woah, you guys need to leave!" I warn, walking slowly to the cellar door.
"Stand down Ariel," Liz warns. The door that leads to the storage space is closed which means Alaric can't get in.
The deputy comes at me and I kick at him, sending him back, the other deputy comes from behind me, grabbing me by my arms.
"Ugh!" I squirm against his grip and used him to support myself when I extended both feet at the other deputy and kicked at him harder against the before.
I managed to get an arm free and used my elbow to well elbow the guy in the face.
When he lets go and reaches up to his face, I swing my foot towards deputy 2 and roundhouse kick him across the face, sending him collapsing, and deputy 1 as well since deputy 2 crashed into number 1.
I puffed out a breath, my hair moving away from my face as I looked at both men.
I cannot believe, I just did that!
I turn around and gasp when Sheriff Forbes uses a tranquilizer dart, injecting it in my neck.
Suddenly I'm feeling nostalgic.
The deputies got up and caught me as I fell "Let me go!" I scream as I squirm against him, I start feeling the tranquilizers effects and my muscles start to feel like slop.
"It's just a small sedative. The effects will wear off shortly" Liz mutters.
"Alaric!" I scream as loud as I can as Liz peers in through the slot. "You can't go in there!" I warn her breathing heavily and starting to feel drowsy.
"Why do you care?" Liz asks as she turns to me. "He's my friend!"
"He's a vampire!" Liz argues back.
"And he's your friend!"
Keep going, stall, give Ric some time to pry the door open.
"He killed you sister!" That pretty much makes me shut up.
"Sheriff Forbes you can't go in there. He's sick" I plead against the deputy. Liz trains her gun to the door,
"Let him try" Liz opens the door and is almost immediately thrown against the wall. Damon rushes out of here, blowing the door that leads out of the basement open in his wake.
Liz came out of the cellar and pointed with her thumb to the cellar. The deputies understood the message and threw me in.
"No!" I yell as I land on the ground. I stumble to the door and struggle against the deputy who tries to push the cellar door close.
"Let me out!" I yell when Liz and him manage to get the door close, falling on the ground.
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As I Lay Dying - 1
I had a grip on the bottle of alcohol and tried pulling it back from Ric.
It's been 2 days since the Sacrifice.
2 days since John and Jenna died.
And 2 days of Alaric drinking his ass off at the grill.
We've been trying to go about our days as normal as possible. Without any supernatural threats.
And for me a normal day is training with Alaric, working at the grill, going to school.
But it's Saturday which means there is no school, still have to work at the grill, but no training since Alaric is as he puts "currently not operating"
He keeps a tight grip on the bottle and I reluctantly let it go, and he wastes no time in drowning in it.
I sighed and went to fix a drink for another customer.
I've been staying with Elena and Jeremy, partly because Matt's been avoiding me and I just don't feel like facing him.
I've been helping around the house, taking on most of the stuff Jenna used to do. Like cooking.
Part of me is taking this on because I don't want to admit that she's gone. I mean she was my guardian for what? 3 weeks?
Not even a month and she's dead. Damn the universe, really doesn't want me to have parents.
I hand over the drink to the costumer and pick up the phone when it rings seeing as it's Stefan.
"This better be a good reason for ruining a normal day" i say sarcastically
"Damon's dying"
"That's a good reason"
I looked around for a second to make sure no one was hearing and whispered "What do you mean Damon's dying?"
"Tyler bit him, we don't have much time"
"What do you need?"
"I need you to come keep an eye on him, he tried to kill himself this morning"
I heaved a heavy sigh "Okay, Alaric and I are on our way"
Alaric finally looked over, releasing the bottle of Jack, "What?"
Alaric and I drove down to the boarding house after I had to literally shove him in the car.
He's upstairs sobering up a little but also giving me some time alone with Damon.
I didn't really say anything when I got down to the basement. What do I even say? Sorry you're dying?
I lean against the door of the cellar, my feet out in front of me as I draw with my finger on the ground.
Damon leans on his side of the door as well. "Why are you here?" He asked. I turn my head a little.
"Because I care for you" Damon scoffs.
"Why? I killed Vicki. I killed Zach. Why?" I have to admit, their names catch me off guard.
"Because I do Damon. You're a good guy" Damon chuckles.
"Don't start"
"Start what?" I question.
"Elena tried the same thing. She wanted me to become a better person" I sigh and tilt my head.
"The difference between me and Elena, Damon. Is that she wants you to become a better person.
But I know you already are. You saved Caroline, and I know you think you did it for Elena but a little part of you did it for yourself and for her. You care for Caroline to"
Damon doesn't say anything, deciding to stay silent.
"You know what I also think?" I ask him as I get up and look at him through the slot.
"I think, the reason you kept Andie around, using her as your own personal blood bag. Is so you can remind yourself of who you think you are"
Damon doesn't say anything, and just lies there all silent.
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The Sun Also Rises - 4
I sit on Elena's bed, twisting the mood ring on my finger as Elena gets ready. I'm wearing a black dress, it didn't show much, it was a simple dress, black, not too long, not too short with my mom's locket and golden beaded earrings.
Jeremy walks into the doorway and raps his knuckles against the wall. He enters the room as Elena finishes putting her earrings in.
"We're almost ready." Elena says. Jeremy nods.
"Yeah, take your time." Elena exhales.
"John wanted me to give you this." Jeremy says to the two of us, I stand and look in confusion at the letter in his hand.
He gives me the letter and Elena the gilbert ring. Elena hesitantly takes it and looks up at Jeremy. Jeremy starts to leave the room.
"Jeremy..." Elena calls out to him.
Jeremy turns back and looks at us. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that you've lost so many people."
Jeremy smiles lightly. "I still have you." He then looks over at me.
"And you" I force a smile on my face and stand, we all embrace, glad we have each other. We're family, they're my family.
(Cue song)
Jeremy leaves, and I look at Elena, wiping the tears on my eyes. "John wanted us to read this," I say, in realization, holding up the letter.
"Together" Elena manages a smile and we walk over to her window seat and sit down. We open the letter and start to read.
"Elena, Ariel...it's no easy task being an ordinary parent to extraordinary children. I failed in that task."
The Salvatore's, Gilberts, Caroline, Bonnie and Alaric all walk through the graveyard, walking towards the newly dug graves for Jenna and John.
"And because of my prejudices, I failed you both. I'm haunted by how things might have played out differently. If I'd been more willing to hear your sides of things."
Stefan has his hand on the small of Elena's back and leads everyone to the gravesite of Jenna and John. Elena has four roses clutched in her hands, and Ariel holds five.
She kneels down and places two roses on a grave plot, one for John and one for Jenna.
Ariel placed down her own red roses for them, letting the tears stain her face.
"For me, it's the end. For you two, a chance to grow old and someday do better with your own children than I did with mine. It's for those children that I give you my ring."
Teary-eyed, Elena approaches her parent's graves. She looks down at the tombstone, kneels, and places the remaining two roses on their graves.
Ariel stands up and clutches the last 3 red rose tight in hand, standing beside Jeremy.
Alaric places his own red rose on Jenna's grave and stands back.
Ariel holds the last three roses tightly before going off a few graves over, finding her mothers and sisters, running a hand across their names before putting them down.
She left the group, going to the Salvatore's mausoleum. She found Zach's grave plot and placed the red rose in the small vase next to his name. Ariel smiled lightly at his name before going back to join the rest.
"I don't ask for your forgiveness or for you to forget. I ask only that you believe this. Whether you are now reading this as a human or as a vampire, both of you. I love you all the same as I've always loved you, and always will.
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The Sun Also Rises - 3
I gasp when I run inside the old witch house, skidding to a stop.
"Where did you come from?" Alaric asked as I took in gulps of breath.
"The Lockwood mansion, I ran all the way here!" I said in between gasps. I stand up putting a hand on my back as I straighten up.
"Ugh, where's Jenn and Stefan?" Alaric and Elijah exchanged glances.
Alaric didn't say anything which made my stomach fall, "What happened with them?"
Elijah gave Alaric a look before walking out of the house.
"Klaus took Jenna," Alaric explained and with those words my face fell.
"What?" I ask cautiously.
"He's going to use her as the vampire, in the sacrifice" I brought a hand up to my mouth in shock feeling tears wanting to burst.
"No...and what about Stefan?"
Alaric hung his head not sure about telling me this "Ric, what about Stefan!" I say sternly. "He's going to trade himself over to Klaus, for Jenna"
Okay that does it. The tears actually burst, no. Oh my god! So the next time I see him he'll be...dead?
I was still crying as I asked the next question.
"Where-where's Damon, and Bonnie and Jeremy?"
"They're uh, down in the basement"
On my way to the basement, I pretty much stopped midway down the hall and slid against the wall, covering my face with my hands as I cried.
When I finally got down to the basement, I was surprised to see John down there. Jeremy explained why Bonnie had her hands placed on either side of John's head and chanting a spell, apparently, that would somehow link John and Elena and when she dies, and his lifeforce will flow through her bringing her back as a human and not a vampire.
I just hope it works.
Damon, becoming impatient, snaps his fingers.
"Come on, Bonnie, we got a hybrid to kill." Damon mutters impatiently.
I glared at Damon, motioning with my hands for him to be tolerant of the situation. Not long after that, Bonnie opens her eyes.
"It's done." She states, looking at us.
"That's it? Let's go."
Damon's already out the room and John opens his eyes as Bonnie walks past him. I grab a jacket as Bonnie turns to Jeremy, grabbing his arm.
"I'll be back soon."
Jeremy grabs her arm, stopping her before she can take another step.
"Wait, what do you mean? No, I'm coming. I need to be there. I need to make sure you guys are okay."
"And who's going to make sure you're okay?"
"I've got my own ring. Look, I'm not taking no for an answer."
When Bonnie kisses him, for a second I think she's actually going to let him go but Suddenly, Jeremy looks at her, confused, and starts to fall to the floor. John catches his limp body and moves him to a chair.
"Easy, easy" He mutters as he sits him down. "Just go. I'll stay with him." John directs to Bonnie.
I quickly rush to  Jeremy and grab Jeremys hand and take his ring, slipping it to my index finger
"Sorry brother, gonna need this" ............... "It's time." Elijah says as we walk to them across the hallway. I walked to Alaric, taking my bow from him and putting it over my shoulder.
"All right. I got the weapons in the car." Alaric says. "Bonnie's the only weapon we need." Elijah says as they walk out the doorway.
Alaric and I follow behind them but when we try to exit the house, there's a barrier blocking our exit.  
She didn't just...she trapped us like she did with Elena when she was all suicidal!
"Bonnie! What is this?" The two of us yell. Bonnie stops and looks back at us.
"I can't put anyone else at risk." Bonnie says, explaining her actions.
"I can't stay here with Jenna out there!" Alaric yells.
"Bonnie I need to be there!" I yell.
"I'm sorry."
Alaric and I look at her. "You can't do this! Damon?" Alaric yells.
Damon narrows his eyes. "Sorry, buddy. She's right." Damon, Bonnie and Elijah start to walk away.
"No! You can't do this. Bonnie, she's my sister! Please!" I yell as I pound on the barrier.
I sat against the window of the second floor. Jeremy, John and Alaric were down in the basement, but I didn't want to stay there.
It's been hours since we last saw Damon and Bonnie, we should have heard from them by now.
I gave Jeremy back his ring because there was no use for it, they locked us in here.
What could we do about it? I just can't believe that either Jenna or Stefan are dead at this very moment.
It's only a 50-50 guess on who, which is why I'm trying not to think about it but it's impossible not to. When I hear the sound of a door opening down stairs I jump.
Oh my god there here! I shoot up from my seat and rush down stairs, seeing Damon with Elena on the couch.
I get down stairs just as Jeremy and Alaric did, standing in between them, looking towards Damon and Elena. God she looks so lifeless.
"How is she?" Jeremy demands. Damon continues to stroke Elena's hair and does not look up at either of us.
"I don't know yet." Damon replies.  "What about Jenna?" Alaric asks.
Damon finally looks back at us without saying a word. No.
"No." Alaric breaths out.  "I'm sorry, Jeremy, Ariel" Damon apologizes.
Jeremy, me and Alaric stare blankly at Damon.
I put a hand up to my mouth as I feel a sudden lump in my throat, No! She can't be!
Tears spring in my eyes as suddenly, as Elena gasps back to life.
"Elena!" I exclaim as I rush to her side.
"What happened?" Elena asks gasping for air.
"How do you feel?" Damon asks.  " I feel fine"
Damon, me and Jeremy both breathe a sigh of relief.  I turn around when I hear the faint sound of someone collapsing and see John on the floor outside.
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The Sun Also Rises - 2
Caroline left me and Matt alone on the first floor so we could talk.
Which is what we weren't doing.
He kept his post at the door and kept peering outside on the lookout for Tyler.
I had just about enough of him ignoring me
"What do you want me to say?!" I exclaim standing up to face him.
"I'm sorry? I'm sorry for trying to protect you?"
Matt only scoffed "I didn't ask for your protection"
I slapped both hands on my waist "Well what did you want me to do?"
"Well for one, not lie about everything. Imagine my surprise when I found a freaking arsenal in your bedroom!" Matt exclaimed angry.
"I can't believe you went through my stuff! Why do you think I didn't tell you!  If you hate vampires now, what would you do if Vicki was still alive!" I questioned.
"It doesn't matter, she's dead"
"You think I don't miss her? Matt of course I miss her, and I wish things had played differently! But they didn't!"
"Then why are you friends with the Stefan and Damon after what they did!"
"Because they're my friends! And I care about them! And because they've saved my life more times then I can count! Okay! And don't be mad at Caroline for this, you think she wanted this?
She didn't have a say in this. Being a vampire just intensives who you really are. So this entire time you've been faking it with her she hasn't, okay? Caroline is still Caroline."
Matt didn't say anything and just avoided my gaze.
"You want me to move out? Fine, I'll move out!" I yelled storming off, taking a second to stop.
"If I had a chance to do things differently, I wouldn't change a thing"
Caroline came back to talk to Matt about her mom while I just pace by the door.  I haven't heard from Damon, or Stefan, or Bonnie, or anyone and I'm starting to freak out. I know that they're at the old witch house so I need to get there. As soon as Tyler de-wolfs I'm getting out of here.
I whirl to the door when I hear a sound come from outside and Matt and Caroline hear it to.
"What is it?" Matt begins to walk towards the front door.
"Wait." I call out to him, letting Caroline use her hearing.
Matt points the gun at the door and I push the barrel down to the floor as Caroline starts rushing to the door.  "Don't. Don't shoot."
"What the hell are you doing?" He asks. Caroline peers through the glass in the front doors and  Caroline walks back towards Matt.
Caroline extends her hand to Matt. "Give me your jacket" She orders. "What?" Matt questions.
"Your jacket, take it off." I say and frantically take it off him and hand it to Caroline. She grabs it and opens the front doors. Matt and I followed behind her. Caroline kneels down next to Tyler and places the jacket around him.
"Hey." She whispers. Tyler looks up at Caroline who pets Tyler's head.
"Caroline?" Tyler says in gasps.
"Hey. It's okay. It's okay."
I grab for my bow and quiver that I put down by the door and start putting them over my shoulder. "Wha-where are you going?" Matt asks as he looks at me confused.
I don't answer, not wanting to waste time and break into a sprint.
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The Sun Also Rises - 1
"Down here!" Caroline orders as the three of us rush down to the cellar. We slam the main door shut and get behind the iron gate just in time seeing since Tyler, in wolf form, breaks down the door, growls and snarls at Caroline and me from the other side of the iron gate.
I had my bow and quiver over my shoulder, my main focus right now was not being wolf food.
Caroline is behind me holding the bottom of the chain and pulling while I'm at the front, I can't exactly let her get too close because we all know what happens when a vampire gets bitten by a werewolf. Even if Tyler gets me, Caroline will heal me.
"Caroline, Ariel, let me help!" Matt yelled at us
Caroline looked back at him. "Get back, we got it!"
Tyler starts to attack, fitting his snout through the bars of the gate and snapping and snarling, making Caroline and me flinch at his speed but hold the gate steady as Tyler backs up and attacks a second time.
"Guys, the door's not going to hold." Matt yells.
He backs away while pointing the gun at Tyler
"Come on!"
"Tyler, please!" I beg.
Tyler doesn't let up on his attack and Matt shoots Tyler, who yelps in pain and backs away before he shoots again.
"Matt! No, hey, no! It's Tyler!" Caroline yells. "It's trying to kill us!" Matt argues,
"Wait!" I yell before Matt can shoot again. Caroline looks back. Tyler is lying on the ground, panting heavily.
"He's wounded." I realize. "Caroline, stay back." Matt barks as Caroline begins to unlock the gate.
"We can go around him." Caroline says.
"Are you nuts?" Matt argues.
"You're not going to shoot him again, okay?" I order him and look at Caroline who stretches her hand to us.
"Okay. take my hand." Caroline extends her hand towards Matt as she opens the gate and walks out, I take my hand" Caroline orders, I take her hand, and turn to Matt who keeps his gun trained on Tyler. "I got it."
I look back at him. "Matt, take my hand." I order.
Matt finally complies and places the rifle over his shoulder. He takes my hand and Caroline uses her vamp-speed the three of us out of the cellar.
Matt, Caroline and I rush into the Lockwood mansion, Caroline shuts the doors and locks them
Caroline and I breathe out, leaning against the doors while Matt peers out one of the front windows.
"Do you see anything?" I ask him. "We're not safe here. If that thing wants in, it's getting in." He's not a thing. Matt opens the chamber of the rifle and reloads it.
Tyler is not a thing.
"How did you even know what I was? I compelled you to forget!" Caroline exclaims to him.
"I was on vervain. I faked forgetting so I could spy on you. It was your mom's idea."
Matt walks out of the room to peer out another window. Caroline and I, exchanged shocked glances and follow him.
"Wait, my mom knows?! Oh my God! You told her. Well, what'd she say?"
Matt turns back around to look at Caroline.
"Your mom hates vampires. She grew up hating vampires. She'll probably always hate vampires."
"Well, what about you?" Caroline asks.
"What about me?" Matt questions. "Where does this leave us?"
"Stuck in this house. Trying not to get mauled to death by our friend." Matt replies.
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The Last Day - 3
Damon moves aside the door to the tomb and I rush in, seeing Caroline and Tyler chained up against the wall. "Damon? Ariel?" Caroline questions. He goes toward her while I go toward Tyler.
"Your boyfriend's outside with a rifle loaded with wooden bullets. You have some explaining to do." Damon tells her as he breaks apart her chains. "I think he's been faking," I tell her.
"Matt knows about you?" Tyler asks.
Caroline shakes her head. "No, I..."
Damon cuts her off. "Shh. Tomorrow's problem"
He releases her and she gets up.
"Let me just get you out of here."
"Damon we can't leave Tyler here" I say motioning to him.
Damon groans. "Ohhh. It's getting dark soon. How fast can you get the hell away from here?" He asks.
Tyler looks at us. "I need to get to my family's cellar. I can lock myself up."
"I'll help." Caroline adds. Damon goes over to Tyler and crouches in front of him.
"Don't make me regret this." He breaks Tyler's chains.
When Tyler's free I punched him in the arm "That's what you get for coming home without calling first"
By the time we get out of the tomb It's dark and A full moon is shining in the sky. Matt is waking up and Caroline and I rush over to him.
"Hey, Matt!" I say as he stirs. Caroline looks at Damon in shock
"Hey. Did you hit him?!" "Did you already forget about the part with the gun and the wooden bullets?" Damon says in defense. Tyler growls and holds his chest. He looks up at the moon.
"Tyler? Tyler?" Caroline exclaims . "It's starting." Tyler says in a strained voice as Matt gets up. "Grab boy wonder and let's go." I grab Matt's arm. "Come on."
Damon, Caroline, Matt and Tyler are walking through the woods.
Tyler yells in pain. "What's happening? Is he okay?" Matt asks.
"He better not wolf out on us." Damon says as his phone rings. Damon's phone rings. He answers. It's Stefan.
"Bad time, little bro." He says into the phone, I can't hear what Stefan's saying but I try to hear. "Saving the day. I figured you'd understand. Just tell Elena to stay put."
"What?" Damon questions. Damon sighs. "I'll take care of it." I grab his arm before he can move. "What's happening?" I ask, he looks at me with pained eyes. "Klaus came, he took her"
I gasp and cover my mouth. While Tyler doubles over and falls to the ground. The transformation begins. "Tyler!" Matt yells.
Tyler looks up at us. "I don't know if I can hold it off. Get out of here."
Caroline takes a step to him. "Tyler, it'll be okay."
"Go!" Tyler yells.
"You've got time. We're almost there, just..." I try but Tyler groans. "It's happening faster."
"Tyler, it's okay."
Tyler's eyes are yellow. He rushes over towards Caroline but Damon intercepts him and they both fall to the ground. Damon is on his back and Tyler is above him. 
Damon pushes him but Tyler tries to get him and I swear I heard him bite flesh before Damon threw him back and got to his feet "Damon..." I start. "I'm fine." Damon interrupts. "Get out of here!" Tyler yells at us.
Damon looks at us. "Get to the Lockwood cellar. If it held him in, it'll keep him out. If it doesn't...use these." He gives Matt the wooden bullets.
"It'll buy you a couple seconds. Go. Go!"
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The Last Day - 2
"So you don't remember anything that happened?" Stefan asks as he looks at Alaric who sits on the couch, starting the interrogation. Elena sits in the arm chair, with Elijah behind her. Jenna and I sit side by side on the couch in front of Alaric.
Alaric shakes his head. "No. It's like I blacked out and woke up three days later. Katherine was there."
"She's under compulsion. Damon snuck her some vervain, but she can't leave until Klaus tells her she can." I explained.
"Where is Damon?" Elena asks.
Jenna looks up at her in response "I saw him go upstairs." Elena nods as she gets up and leaves.
Alaric sighs. "So what else did I do?"
Jenna, Stefan and I exchange glances.
"I'll be right back" Stefan excuses himself and rushes off. After a while me, Jenna and Alaric hear what sounds like fighting.
"Why the hell?" I mutter as we all rush up stairs. "What the hell's going on?" Alaric exclaims at the sight. Stefan's bent over next to Elena, Stefan has a stake in his abdomen and Damon's on the floor as well.
"Get him out of here!" Elena yells frantically with blood on her lips. No...he didn't. Alaric goes toward Damon but he pushes him, gets up and leaves without a word.
"Oh, my God." Jenna mutters at the sight.
"Okay, Jenna, downstairs are some blood bags. Go get them now. Go!" I look at Jenna. "Come on" The two of us go downstairs and grab a couple of blood bags, we get the blood bags to Stefan who drinks them. He throws them down once he's done.
"Thank you. The three of you."
Alaric nods, "Yeah, well, we'll be downstairs."
"This is too good to be true" I mutter to Damon as we walk to the old fells church ruins. I'm with him because he found out from Katherine that Klaus had Caroline and Damon wanted to save Caroline from Klaus, mainly because he didn't want Klaus to have everything he needs for the ritual. I tagged along just in case something happened. And I wasn't about to let my best friend die. To prove my point someone speaks out. "Which one are you trying to save?" Questions a voice, making the two of us stop in our tracks. "The blond or the wolf?" Asks a man in a trench coat as he stops a few feet in front of us. He angels his head to me. "The girl's right. Did you really think Klaus would leave them unprotected?" Damon shrugs, "Wishful thinking"
He rushes over to Maddox and pins him on the ground. He starts strangling him but the witch uses his powers and throws Damon back against some rocks. He falls on the ground. The witch gets up and uses his powers and provokes a headache. "Damon!" I yell. Damon screams and tries to fight the pain. I quickly reached for an arrow from my quiver and used my bow and aimed it at him. He was way too focused with Damon to even care about me, I released the arrow and it flew feet into the air, and it pierced his head, literally went through his head. When the guy falls dead, Matt appears behind him with a shotgun.
I lowered my bow and gasped as he looked at the guy and the arrow in his head.
"What the hell Matthew Donavan!" I yell at him. I look at the gun in his hands in shock "Is that my gun!"
"Why the hell do you have a gun?" Damon asked with a groan as he got up. Matt doesn't say anything as he grabs my arm and brings me to his side, looking directly at Damon. Wait, but Caroline...he had vervain on him. He's been faking.
"Listen, man. Not a good time to play the hero." Matt quickly cocks the rifle and points it at Damon. "Matt No!" I scold as I move in front of him with a hand out in warning. "Where is she? And what did he do to her?" Damon puts his hands up and starts stepping forward slowly.
"I'm just here to rescue her."
Damon rushes past me and over to him and hits him with the butt of the rifle and Matt falls to the ground, unconscious. "Matt!" I yell as I rush to his side and check to make sure he's still breathing.
"You're lucky I already screwed up once today or you'd be dead." Damon comments, making me scowl at him.
I picked up the grun and uncocked it, the bullets falling out. I reached down to the ground, picking up one of the bullets. Damon crouched down as well, looking at the bullet in my hands. "Well what do you know, brother raided your room" I scowled as I tossed it on the floor and went towards the tomb.
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The Last Day - 1
"Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse." Elijah stated as he looked between me, Stefan and Elena.
"Elena said that the Sun and the Moon curse is fake? That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus." I question, recalling what Elena caught me up on last night.
Elijah explains that part. "Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it...He'll be a true hybrid."
"Then why are we letting him break the curse?" Damon asks when he walks in "We can kill him today. With Bonnie."
"Damon..." Stefan starts. "No. Bonnie can't use that much power without dying." Elena argues. "I'll write her a great eulogy." Damon says
Elena glares at him. "It's not an option, Damon."
I sighed and waved my hands around "All right, how do we break this curse?"
Elijah continues. "Well, the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak, you already know."
"The moonstone." Stefan says.
Elijah nods. "A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that's bound within the stone. After that, Klaus, being both werewolf and vampire, will sacrifice one of each."
Elena looks at him with a raised eyebrow "And where do I fit into it?"
"The final part of the ritual."
Elijah takes a wooden box from the shelf and turns around to face us.
"Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelgänger...to the point of your death." Damon looks at Elena as I tense up. Stefan takes Elena's hand She looks at him. Elijah opens the box and takes a jar from it, it looked old which it probably was and looked expensive.
"And that's where you come in." Elena says, being optimistic.
"This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation."
Elena furrows her eyebrows. "So I'll be dead?"
"And then you won't."
Damon looks at Elijah skeptically "That's your plan? A magical witch potion with no expiration date?"
He looks at Elena. "You want to come back to life, what about John's ring?"
Elijah argues in that. "Those rings only work on humans. The doppelgänger's a supernatural occurrence. Odds are, the ring won't work." He has a point.
"I'll take those odds over your elixir. What if it doesn't work, Elena?" He asks her in worry.
Elena sighs. "Then I guess I'll just be dead." Damon looks at Stefan and me for help but we stay silent. Damon glares at Elijah before he leaves. 
"Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this? Does he have a werewolf?" I ask Elijah. Elijah looks at me as he answers. "Klaus has been waiting to break this curse for over a thousand years. If he doesn't already have a werewolf, my guess is by tonight, he will." 
"What do you mean Carol Lockwood is in the hospital?' I ask Caroline over the phone, "She had a bad fall, I'm on my way now, meet you there?"
I'm about to answer when I hear Jenna arguing with who sounds like Alaric. "What was that?"
"Uh I don't know, I'll call you back care" I cut the call and I walked out and into the hall where Jenna stands holding a crossbow, pointed at Alaric. "Get out!"
"Jenna, Jenna!" Alaric says, trying to calm her.
"What's going on?" I ask holding a hand out towards Alaric wearily.
Alaric looks at me. "It's me, Ariel, I swear, okay? He let me go. Klaus let me go." Alaric explains as Elena, Damon and Stefan join us. "Prove it." Damon says.
Alaric looks back at Jenna since there really wasn't anything he kept from us.
"Okay, uh, first night you and I spent together, Jeremy walked in right when I was about to..."
"Okay, it's him." Jenna yells out before he can finish his sentence, lowering the crossbow. I shudder, Ew. "Why did he let you go?" Stefan asks.
"He wanted me to deliver a message. The sacrifice happens tonight."
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Klaus - 4
"Hey, is she gonna be okay?” I ask when Elena closes the door to Jennas gonna be staying at, “She’s in shock. I tried to tell her as much as I could, but I barely scratched the surface” 
I sighed and start feelings tears well up in my eyes “Oh god, I hate this” 
“I know, and it’s my fault” Elena said truthfully, 
“Anyway I have to go back to Elijah” She said and started going. 
“Wait? What? No!” I exclaimed
dragging her back
“Ariel, I promised Elijah that I would return, I can’t break that promise” 
I sighed and wiped my tears “I’ll be okay, thank you for being such a concerned sister”
I tried to smile “Concerned older sister” She chuckled and I embraced her.
“Just be careful” She nodded
“I will” 
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Asked Damon as he turned the corner with Andie on his tail, “Back to Elijah” 
Damon used his speed to block her path
“Get out of my way Damon-“ Elena said with a grunt when he grabbed her by the arms 
“If you so much as try to take a step out of this house…” Damon said all threat like 
“Damon easy” Said Andie from behind him with a soothing voice 
“Stay out of this Andie” 
I sighed and put my hands on my hips and annoyed “Damon” I said sternly. 
“Let her go,” Stefan said, walking in and looking at his brother. Elena looked up at Damon all smug like
“Are you kidding me? We just got her back” 
Stefan grabbed his brothers arm, and Damon looked down at his hand on his arm in fury 
“You heard me. I said let her go” 
Elena really tried to hide her smile as she was glad Stefan was on her side
“That’s twice today, you’ve stood in my way. I wouldn’t try a third” 
"Tired of your little play thing already?" I hear Stefan ask Damon as I enter the room from the other hallway.
"Don't start with me, Stefan. She's just my distraction." Damon replies. 
Stefan scoffs, "She's a person. You're victimizing her." 
Damon looks at his brother. "You should be thankful she's here. She keeps me from going for what I really want." 
Stefan turns around to him. "You're right. Thank you for being in love with my girlfriend." 
Damon puts his glass on the table beside him and gets up.
"And there it is." 
"There it is." Stefan says as he takes steps to him.
"You know, you can be in love with Elena all you want...If it means that you'll protect her. But I have the one thing that you never will."
"Oh, yeah? What's that?" Damon questions.
"Her respect." 
Damon punches Stefan so hard that he flies into a bookshelf and breaks it.
"Damon!" I scold as I run in.  Stefan gets up and rushes over to Damon. They grab each other by the shoulders, trying to harm one another.
“Enough!” I yell as I get a hold of their arms and push them away from each other. 
I look at them with bewilderment
“You two are brothers! So start acting like it!”
They keep staring at each other but lower their gaze and turn away from each other.
I shake my head a bit disappointed and I’m about to storm out of the room when I freeze in my spot because Elijah is standing with Elena by the banistor. 
"Now you've invited him in?" Damon questions/scolds when he sees them as well.
"Elijah and I have renewed the terms of our deal." Elena explains. 
 "The three of you will come to no harm at my hands. I only ask for one thing in return."
 "What?" Stefan asked as the boys took a spot next to me. 
Elijah takes strides to us. "An apology." 
Damon looks between me and Stefan, our expressions just as confused.
"A what?" 
Stefan walks closer to them. "I'm sorry for the part that I played in your death. I was protecting Elena. I will always protect Elena." Stefan says. 
"I understand." I sigh and take steps toward him.
"I'm sorry I put a dagger through your heart" All eyes look at Damon.
"The sacrifice is going to happen, Damon. Bonnie will be able to kill Klaus without hurting herself and Elijah knows how to save my life.
I told you I'd find another way. And I did." Elena defends herself. 
Damon bores his eyes into Elijah. "Is that true?" 
Elijah nods. "It is." Damon looks at Elena.
"And you're trusting him?" 
Elena nods.
"I am." 
Damon scowls.
"You can all go to hell." He leaves and I can't help but feel pity. Stefan looks at Elijah.
"He's angry with me right now. But he'll come around." 
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Klaus - 3
"Well, who does, right? But believe it or not, they do have a place in our history. And as a history teacher" He says looking at us, that comment just makes me glare at him even more.
"I find them fascinating." He says while he looks at Stefan.
Jenna scoffs. "Why are we talking about this?"
"Well, you've been angry with me for keeping secrets, and this is one of my secrets. I'm obsessed with vampires. There. I said it."
Obsessed, ha. More like is one, sort of, kind of.
Jenna scoffs at him. "Are you joking?"
Alari-Klaus shakes his head. "Not at all. How about you, Stefan? Are you a fan of vampires?"
Stefan walks to him all menacingly "In literature. Bram Stoker. It's dense, but I appreciate it."
Alari-Klaus hums, "Hmm. Did you know that vampires are the oldest creatures of the night? Except for werewolves, of course."
Jenna chuckles "Werewolves. Werewolves. Now I know you're joking." She says as she walks to the table.
"You know, I've read that there's an Aztec curse on both species that keeps werewolves slaves to the Moon and vampires bound by the Sun.
Isn't that right, Stefan? You know, they say these creatures would do anything to have this curse broken and that they wouldn't care who they had to kill to do it."
Jenna looks at him alarmed. I wish I could kill him.
Alari-Klaus, Jenna, me and Stefan are sitting at the table having dinner, if eating in silence is considered dinner.
"Oh, I know this all sounds so crazy, but...vampires are real. Would you care for some more wine?" Alari-Klaus asks her.
Okay this is just way too creepy, he’s using the body of my freaking history teacher/trainor, why do vampires have to be so sheesh all the time.
He starts to get up and go grab a bottle of wine for Jenna but she’s had enough of his behavior and snaps.
"Get out." Jenna says sternly.
Alvaro-Klaus frowns. "Excuse me?" He questions.
Jenna looks up at him. "I don't know what it is you're trying to do or why you're saying these things, but..."
"I said get out!" She yells.
Stefan and I practically shoot out from our seats.
"You heard her." I bark out.
Alari-Klaus looks between me and Stefan. "I'm afraid I don't want to"
"Fine! I'll go." Jenna exclaims as she stands.
Alari-Klaus picks up a kitchen knife off the counter and points it in her direction, I move almost immediately to stand in front of her.
"You're not going anywhere." Klaus threatens.
Stefan grabs him and pushes him against the wall with his super speed and puts the knife on his throat.
"Stefan!" Jenna breaths out.
"Ariel, get out of here now!" Stefan yells.
"You can't kill me, Stefan." Alari-Klaus tells him.
"Watch me!" Stefan yells as I reach and grab for Jenna. "We need to go, now" I try to pull her but she breaks from my grasp and runs to Stefan.
"I may not have a witch protecting me today, but if you kill this body, what's to stop me from choosing Jenna as my next one?" Alari-Klaus says, making Jenna confused.
"Ariel get Jenna out of here, go." Stefan yells and I grab Jennas arm.
"But you're...you..." Jenna starts and trails off when Stefan turns to her with his vamp face.
"I said go!" He yells and Jenna doesn't think twice. She starts for the door and I do a double back,
“Please don’t hurt him Stef” I run after Jenna, and get to her by the car, “Come on get in” I get in the driver's seat and start driving to the boarding house.
"What was that?" Jenna asks me. I sigh as I make a speedy turn on a corner.
"We will explain everything Jenna, alright? I promise. But first we have to get somewhere safe"
"Did you call her?" I ask Stefan as I walk into the kitchen and prepare Jenna more tea. Stefan nods.
"Yeah, she's uh, she's on her way" I nod as I pour Jenna's tea.
When Jenna and I got here, we led her to the parlor, and told her everything. Well, almost everything. She couldn't bear to hear it.
"Well, while we wait. I'm gonna go bring her this" I say, motioning to the tea.
I walk back into the parlor and set the cup down at the table. "Why didn't no one tell me?" She asks me with tears in her eyes.
I sigh and sit down next to her.
"It wasn't my call. Elena didn't want to tell you, she wanted to protect you" I explain and look away from her, wiping away the invisible tears.
"I found out before Elena." I say to her.
"Really?" She questions. I nod and sigh, leaning into the couch.
"We tried keeping it from her but she found out eventually. She was angry at me for that, for not telling her"
Jenna looks at me with a skeptical look.
"She got over it eventually, I'm sure you will too" I say. Jenna heaves out a shaky breath.
"How'd you find out?" I glance up at her. "A long story for another time" I say, Jenna leans into me with tears and I wrap an arm around her in support.
When the door opens and Elena enters I pull away from Jenna and stand up, putting my hands in my pockets.
"I'll leave you two alone" 
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Klaus - 2
I walked in the parlor with a duffel bag over my shoulder, Damon was still pretty mad at us for not going to go find Elena but we didn’t even know where she was so what could we do?
Stefan and I were going to go out into the woods so he could hunt and I could train, and he was supposed to help me train because that’s a 2 person job and my trainor is otherwise um, occupied. “Hey ready to go?” Stefan asked as he got up from the couch, I nodded “Yeah lets get-” I was cut off by my phone ringing and I cursed silently.
“Give me a second” I muttered, digging into the bag to find it.
I managed to dig it out and when I saw Jenna’s name I let out a breath.
"Jenna, hey." I exclaimed as innocently as possible when I answered.
"Hey Ariel. Do you know Where's Elena? And Jeremy? No one's answering their phones." Jenna asks me.
I run a hand through my hair. "Ah, Elena's not here at the moment. Is, uh, is everything okay?" I ask as Damon takes a drink of bourbon.
"Okay, then want to explain why the two of you left me weird messages to stay away from Rick? I’m your guardian Ariel. What's going on?"
I sigh. "I know but, It's really hard to explain over the phone, but, um, we were hoping that you could stay on campus for a little while longer."
"Oh, that's kinda hard to do from my kitchen." My eyes widen at this.
"Wait, you're back home?"
"Yeah. What's going on? Where's Elena, and where’s Jeremy? I'm supposed to meet Ric at the Grill for lunch, to talk."
"Jenna, listen to me carefully. Whatever you do, do not meet Alaric at the Grill. I'm going to come over right now and I'll explain everything."
I hang up and look at Stefan, "We have to go" I say and then Stefan looks at Damon, who's pouring himself a drink.
"Wow, I'd love to lend you a hand, but you wouldn't want me doing anything stupid." He says.
I raise an eyebrow, not amused. "It's seriously going to be like this?" Stefan questioned.
Damon just looks between the two of us, pointing a finger.
"She’s your sister and your girlfriend are calling the shots. I'm just backing off, Stefan." I scoff and then Stefan and I run out.
“Hurry” Stefan exclaimed from behind me as I stuck my key into the door lock.
After Jenna became my guardian, I got my own key to the house, which is better than waiting for someone to let me in.
“Hey! Don’t hurry me, I’m not a vampire, remember!” I got the door open and pushed it open, letting ourselves in.
Jenna appeared from the living room and I breathed a sigh of relief as Stefan closed the door.
"Hey, Jenna. Thank you so much for not going to the Grill." I exclaim as I walk in.
"Um, Stefan, Ariel..." Jenna starts.  I turn to her. "No, listen. We can explain."
She looks over Stefan's shoulder. I frown and we both turn around.
Klaus/Alaric's there with a grin on his face.
"Hi, Stefan, Ariel. How's it going?"
Alari-Klaus is chopping some food with a big knife as Jenna, me and Stefan are looking at him.
"You know, I find chopping...calming. The feel of the blade in the hand, maybe."
Jenna looks between all of us, mostly Stefan and me considering the death glare we're giving him.
"I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what the hell's going on."
Alari-Klaus grins at us. "Well, would one of you like to tell her, or should I?" He asks.
Jenna frowns. "Tell me what?"
Alari-Klaus looks over at her "Do you believe in vampires, Jenna? No?" He adds noticing the look on her face, and laughs.
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Klaus - 1
I walk out from the kitchen in a daze, with a robe draped around me and a coffee cup in hand when I spot Andie standing by the parlor with a cup in hand. “Morning” She greets enthusiastically, I yawed in response “Morning” I said tiredly as I headed straight for the couch. I sat down and sipped my coffee even though my eyes wanted to close again, god I am not a morning person. “Elena!” Called Stefan from the hall. “Have you seen Elena?” Stefan asked me and Andie as he paced. “Good morning to you too” I grumble as Andie responds with a no. “Hi, sweetie” Says Damon as he walks towards Andie from the hall. “Good morning” Andie says before they peck on the lips. “Hey, where’s Elena?” Stefan asked, irritated as he looked at them both. “I don’t know Stefan, it's your girlfriend, mine’s right here” Damon replied referring to Andie. “Oh hey how’s the shoulder? Have time for a bite?” Damon asked Andie and I scrunched my face up at the question. “I’m so hungry” “Oh it’s really messy. Can you just use a blood bag for today?” Andie suggested. “No!” Damon said all whiney like, with a pout. “I’m already late for work” Stefan left a quick message to Elena when I got up from the couch making a gag face when Damon and Andie started kissing. Stefan scoffed at the sight “What are you doing? She’s not a wind-up toy” Andie turned to look at Stefan all cold like “It’s really none of your business, is it, Stefan?” “Yeah what she said” I rolled my eyes lightly and headed for the kitchen, because one cup of coffee wasn’t going to get me through the day. I froze when I saw the basement door open, okay, guess my coffee deprived self didn’t notice it on my to and fro the kitchen. I put my coffee down on a nearby table as curiosity got the best of me and went inside. I gasped when I reached the cellar and instead of seeing a daggered Elijah, I saw it was empty. The boys came just a second later looking at the empty space in shock. “No, she didn’t” ............... “Do you want to explain where the hell are you?” I exclaim into the phone, we’ve been calling non stop but she finally answers. “Ariel, I’m fine” “Fine? No, I think you’ve gone mentally insane! Where’s Elijah?” I demand as I pace in front of the boys who are using their hearing to listen in. “He’s right here” Damon makes a gesture with his hands saying hurry up and I return it with a 'don't rush me' “Where? Tell me so we can come get you” “No Ariel. Elijah and I need some time alone” “You’re joking right? Elena, he's an original! By definition one of the oldest vampires in history! He will use you to get to Klaus! He can’t be trusted!” I exclaim slapping a hand on my hips as if she was right in front of me and not on the other side of the phone. “Elijah is a noble man Ariel. He lives by a code of honor. I can trust him. He knows that I’d be incredibly stupid to betray him again. By removing the dagger, I have proven myself” “No, you’ve proven that you’ve gone mentally insane” “If you don’t trust him, trust me Ariel. You’re my sister and I love you, so please respect my decision. Okay, you can tell the boys that, and please make sure Damon doesn’t do anything stupid. I’ll be in touch” She had to break out the sister code. “Did she just hang up on you?” Stefan and Damon both said simultaneously. “She did,” I said with the phone still frozen in my ear. “She’s lost it” Damon says dumbfounded as I slipped my phone in my back pocket. “If anyone can get him to help her kill Klaus it’s her” Stefan said, deciding to go with Elena on this one. “Bonnies the way to kill Klaus, he thinks she’s dead. We have a chance with her” Damon argued. I gave him a raised eyebrow “You and I both know that Elena won’t let Bonnie get killed in the process. And as much as I hate that she’s going to Elijah for help she has all the right. She’s looking for another way, and I’d do the same thing” “Her way’s going to get her killed” argued Damon. “So we need to find her and stop her,” Damon said, getting up. “No, you need to back off” Counterd Stefan
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The Last Dance - 4
Elena and I sit next to the fireplace with tears in our eyes. Stefan had draped a blanket around us, and we snuggled, leaning onto one another.
"Hey. Here, drink this." Stefan tells us as he hands us some mugs filled with coffee.
I take the glass and start to drink the hot liquid, needing it's warmth. This is like Vicki all over again, this is how I coped with my mother's death and Vicki's. Drinking anything warm and reading, painting, it always calmed me down when I thought about them. I thought I didn't have to lose anyone else after them.
Guess I was wrong.
So lost in thought I didn't register what Stefan and Elena were saying, only when Damon walked in is when I regained myself.
"What did you do with her?!" She yells at him as soon as she lays eyes on him.
"Will you please calm her down?" Damon asks of Stefan, Elena extends an arm behind her to Stefan, saying don't you dare.
"Don't talk like I'm not standing right in front of you." Elena yells.
Damon puts his hands out as I stand right next to Stefan. "Please calm down."
"You knew! Didn't you? You knew that if she harnessed all that power, that she would die, didn't you?" Elena says through tears.
Damon nods. "Yes. Yes, I knew."
She slaps him square in the face after he said that, but he wasn't even mad.
Damon glances at her and me.
"You need to listen to me, and prepare for what I'm about to say. Bonnie had to die. Klaus in Alaric's body was a total surprise. She wasn't prepared for that. And he wasn't going to stop, and we weren't going to be able to stop him until he knew she was dead. He had to believe it."
Wait, what?
"She cast a spell. Bonnie's okay."
Elena and I glance at each other and rush to each other, I let the blanket fall off my shoulder when we embrace. We sob, cry tears of joy.
She's alive, she's alive.
Elena and I break into a smile when we see Bonnie's face via webcam.
"Bonnie!" We exclaim with joy when we see her.
Bonnie smiles. "You guys, I'm so sorry." Bonnie apologizes, her voice breaking.
I smile and wipe at the tears. "It's okay, it's okay. We just needed to see you for ourselves." I say shakily. Bonnie starts to crying. "There wasn't enough time for me to tell you." Bonnie exclaims.
Elena nods and smiles, her tears starting to dry on her face, "It's okay, seriously. Damon explained it all."
When we finished talking with Bonnie, Elena went to go apologize with Damon for what she did, for slapping him, for accusing him.
I went to my bedroom on the west side of the manor. I open the door and almost cry when I see my bed, my old bed. This isn't the room where I met Lexi for the first time.
This is my old room. There is a picture of my mom on the nightstand, pictures of me with my best friends and family on my dresser. And at the corner was my painting/book section.
I change out of my outfit and go for a pink shirt with flannel pajama bottoms
I got under the pillows and drifted to sleep.
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The Last Dance - 3
I ended up getting to the dance earlier just to scout out, maybe find someone I haven't seen before. Which didn't help considering I know practically everyone in the dance.
Speaking of the dance, Caroline knows how to throw one, the music is great and the streamers, with the hanging lights along with my art is amazing.
"Hey you two. Oh, you look nice." I compliment as I approach Bonnie and Elena. "So do you" They say with a giggle as we embrace.
"You guys ready to do this?" Stefan asks when we part. We all nod and go inside.
Inside everyone is dancing. Dana goes onto the stage and speaks into the microphone.
"Thanks for being here, everybody. We have a special shout-out tonight."
Elena, Stefan, Bonnie, Jeremy, me and Damon stop in front of the stage.
"This is for Elena. From Klaus." Dana says, making us all furrow our eyebrows.
"Dedicated to the one I love" starts playing which doesn't spell Creepy.
"That was a lame cheapshot. He's just trying to bate us" says Damon.
"I've been around the gym twice. We know everyone here" I state taking a look around.
"Maybe he's not here. He just wants us to believe that he is" Stefan offers.
"It's a party people, blend. Let him come to us" Damon says.
"Good Idea" Bonnie says in agreement and drags a complaining Jeremy off to dance.
I grab Damon's arm and point to Alaric "There's Ric"
"We'll be back," Damon says to Stefan and Damon.
"Special dedicating huh?" Alaric says when we reach him. "This guys a little twisted"
Damon shakes his head "I'm not impressed" Ric turns to us "No?"
I shrug "I don't know I guess I was just expecting something more witchy or carnagey" I mutter.
"Keep an eye out for anything"
"Dance with me" Stefan says when he reaches me, spiking the punch. I nod and take his hand and we start to dance
"What's wrong?" I ask. "It's Bonnie, if she takes in Klaus she'll die" Stefan explains as he spins me around
"Are you serious? Where is she?" Stefan points out in the crowd with his chin, he spins me one last time before I sprint out and reach Bonnie just in time as Elena does.
"Let's talk, now" Elena says as she closes in on Bonnie.
"How could you not tell us?" Elena exclaims as we walk away from the party and to the parking lot.
"'Cause I knew how'd you'd react." Bonnie says.
I shake my head. "No. No way, it's not an option."
Bonnie shakes her head. "It's our only option."
"Then we'll find another way, okay? Bonnie, you're not dying to save my life." Elena yells.
"I have the power to save you! If I don't use it and something happens, that would kill me more."
Elena shakes her head and crosses her arms. "I can't let you."
Bonnie sighs and looks at us, "Just answer one question...if the situation was reversed, would you do it for me?" Elena and I don't answer.
She looks between the two of us "Would you do it for eachother?"
We stay silent and that's her answer.
"So you know why I have to."
"No. No!"
The three of us keep discussing when Alaric runs up to us.
"Elena!" He calls out. We all turn to him. "What is it?" Elena asks.
"He has Jeremy." Alaric explains.
Bonnie, Elena and I exclaim.
Alaric nods. "Yeah, Klaus has Jeremy. Come on."
We follow him through a side door and into a hallway of the school.
"Okay, so where are you taking us?" Elena asks as we walk behind him, through the hall.
"Just a little further." Alaric replies. I take a look around the hallway and realize it's too quiet, eerie quiet.
"Wait...Something's not right." I comment.
"Where's Jeremy?" Bonnie asks.
Alaric stops walking and laughs.
"I just had to get away from that dance. The sixties, ugh. Not my decade." He says as he turns to us. The girls and I share looks of confusion when He laughs.
"I mean, whose call was that, anyway? I much prefer the twenties. The style, the parties, the jazz."
"Alaric. Are you on vervain?" Elena questions.
"Now why would you ask me that question, Elena?" He says, folding his hands behind him.
"He's being compelled." Elena says.
"Nope. Try again." Alaric says. I gasp slightly, Katherine said that Klaus always had witches handy, does that mean?
"Klaus!" I exclaim as I step in front of Elena.
Alaric/Klaus smiles broadly. "Surprise!" He says, waving his hands in effect. "Is this witchy enough for you?"
"Oh, no. No, it's not possible." Elena refuses.
Alaric/Klaus looks at her. "Just relax, Elena. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight." He then looks at Bonnie, who stands in front of us in protection.
"But you are."
He starts towards Bonnie but she throws him against the wall with her powers.
"Now, did I mention that I knew a witch? You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that." He comments as he gets up.
He rushes over to her and she throws him against a display case, smashing the glass, He falls to the ground but laughs.
"By all means...Fire away!" He yells as he gets up.
"If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy."
"Go. Run. Run!" Bonnie yells and we all break into a sprint down the hallway.
Bonnie closes the doors with her powers. Damon runs through another pair of doors and joins us.
"What happened?" He asked,
"Klaus is in Alaric's body." I explain out of breath, "What?" Damon questions.
"He's possessing it or something." Bonnie says.
Damon looks at Elena and me.
"Go find Stefan. Now." He orders.
"Okay." I say and grab Elena and start running to the dance.
The two of us are moving through the dance floor, looking all around for Stefan. We run into Caroline and Matt and Care has a worried look on her face
"Hey! Are you okay?" She asked seeming worried,
Elena nods out of breath. "Um...Yeah. I'm just...I'm looking for Stefan."
Elena nudges me when she sees Stefan.
"Seriously, what's wrong?" Caroline asks again.
"Uh, just, um, just stay with Matt, okay?" I tell her before Elena and I run over to Stefan.
When we found Stefan we told him about Klaus using Alaric's body and right now we're trying to find Bonnie and him.
"There you are." Damon calls out when he enters the hallway through a pair of double doors.
"What are you doing? Where's Bonnie?" Elena asks looking around him.
"She's doing what she has to do." Damon says.
"What?" I question.
"Where is she?" Stefan asks. "Stefan, let her do this." Damon says looking at his brother.
"Damn it, Damon, where is she?!"
Bonnie was still fighting Alaric/Klaus when we arrived, when she saw us, she shut the doors so we couldn't come in.
"Bonnie, no!" Elena and I yell.
Alaric/Klaus is crawling on the floor.
Bonnie fights Alaric/Klaus with her powers and lights start bursting, sending a shower of sparks raining down.
Elena screams and Stefan and I try to open the doors but can't. Bonnie looks at Elena and me with a sad smile.
Alaric/Klaus gets up and Bonnie faces him. Suddenly with a jerk of her body she bends back and falls on the floor. The doors burst open we rush over to Bonnie in the now dark room.
"No! Oh! Bonnie!" Elena yells when we get to her side.
"Bonnie, Bonnie! Bonnie! Hey, hey." I sob as Elena and I take Bonnie in our arms.
"Stefan, she's not breathing!" Elena yells. She starts crying and my crying just gets worse.
"Stefan! Stefan, I can't find her pulse! Stefan! Do something, please! Stefan, please! Just give her blood, do something, please!" Elena begs.
Stefan slowly looks up at Elena.
"It's too late. I'm sorry." He says, his voice breaking with every word.
Elena's still crying and shaking her head in disbelief.
"No! No. No, no, no, no, no! Bonnie! Bonnie, please, no!" I cry right along with her, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"
"Stefan, get them out of here. I'll deal with the body." Damon says when he arrives.
"What do you mean, deal with it?" I shriek with tears down my face.
"The sheriff can't know about this. Last thing we need is another mysterious death." He says as he goes to Bonnie and picks her up.
"This is Bonnie!" Elena yells.
Damon looks at Stefan. "Get them home. Now. So I can clean this up."
Stefan grabs Elena and helps her to get up and Damon helps me up, despite my squirming to get away from him.
"Hey, hey, hey." Stefan says to Elena in a soothing voice.
"No. Jeremy. Oh, my God, Jeremy. What about Jeremy?" Elena asks as I grab her arm and lean into her.
"I'll find him." Damon assures. Elena and I take one last look at Bonnie before Stefan leads us out.
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The Last Dance - 2
Elena and I walk up to Bonnie and Jeremy carrying our lunch trays in hand.
"Hey, Jer. How are you doing? Are you okay at the house alone with John?" Elena asks her brother.
Jeremy sighs. "It's not ideal." He gets up as I sit down, pulling out a sketch book because I owed Caroline some art work for the decade dance.
"You haven't heard from Jenna, have you?" I asked looking up at him.
Jeremy shakes his head. "It looks like she's staying on campus. Look I'm...I'm late for class."
He leaves and Elena sits down with us.
"What's going on?" Elena asks Bonnie, referring to her brother.
Bonnie shakes her head. "I told him he had to dress up tonight and he got all uptight."
"Oh." I say and laugh, I pull out several different pens, biting one in between my teeth, That would be Jeremy.
"Hey, Elena, there you are." Dana exclaims as she rushes over
"Okay. This is going to sound freaky, but this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if you're going to the dance tonight." I frown at Dana, looking at Bonnie and Elena. "Tell him she has a boyfriend." I say.
Dana smiles. "You could at least meet him. He'll be at the dance tonight. Look for him. His name is Klaus."
We all tense up and Elena lowers her arm, I pull the pen out of my mouth and look at Dana in surprise.
"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" I ask, silently hoping I didn't just hear that.
Dana repeats herself. "His name's Klaus. I know the name's stupid, but I swear he's hot."
Bonnie looks around us. "Where is he? Is he here?"
Dana shrugs. "I don't know."
"She's been compelled." I realize.
Dana smiles. "But he wants to know if you'll save him the last dance. How cute is that?"
"So we go to the dance, we find him." Damon says, a very very, stupid plan.
"Really?" I question, crossing my arms. "How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like."
Damon lifts a hand. "Something tells me he's not going to be sixteen and pimply."
"He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school." Stefan points out.
He looks at Elena, Bonnie and me.
"I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?" He says, and I huff, making a face at him who makes one back,
Someone knocks on the door and Alaric enters.
"There you are." Damon says turning to him,
"Sorry I'm late." Alaric apologizes.
"Hey, I need you to put me down as a chaperone at the dance tonight. Klaus made his first move." Damon shares.
Elena speaks up. "Okay, so we find him and then what, hmm? What's our plan of attack?"
Bonnie glances at us all. "Me. I'm the plan. He has no idea how much power I can channel. If you can find him, I can kill him."
Alaric chuckles. "That's not going to be that easy. I mean, he is the biggest, baddest vampire around."
Damon nods. "Alaric has a point. I mean, what if he..."
He rushes at Bonnie but she throws him on the other side of the room with her powers, without touching him.
Stefan's eyes widened. "Well, I was impressed."
Bonnie looks as Damon stands. "It doesn't matter if he's an Original. I can take down anyone who comes at me. I can kill him, Elena. I know I can."
When I got home, I took out an easel from the storage closet and dug into my room for paints. I ended up painting a piece of the 60's. What I liked about the 60's was all the color, it really is beautiful, it's basically a painter's dream world.
I opened my closet to pull out my outfit when I noticed something wrong. I locked my door and pushed aside the clothes on the rack, seeing my bow in a different position than when I last left it. I frowned, huh.
I reached under my bed and pulled out a large box. I opened it and inside were loads of crossbows, arrows, my quiver, automatics, stakes and etc. of weapons. I have exactly 24 arrows, I picked them up and counted.
Did Matt? No, there's no way, Caroline compelled him. But what if?
I put everything away and snuck into his room, he was in the shower so I wouldn't have to worry. I dug around in his room but didn't find anything. You know what, he must have found one , before Caroline compelled him. But what if?
I put everything away and snuck into his room, he was in the shower so I wouldn't have to worry. I dug around in his room but didn't find anything. You know what, he must have found one , before Caroline compelled him.
Guess I'll just have to make due with 23.
I went back to my room and showered, I changed into a burgundy mini dress with peace and love sign prints and long bell sleeves, fringe detailing boots, vest with fringes and a Kelley thread leather headband with a white daisy on the side.
I added a long Peace sign necklace which thankfully was longer in length then my locket so they wouldn't cross each other and my hair was curled from the bottom up. Ooh, I just realized, Lexi's mode ring is perfect for this. I usually take any jewelry off in the shower.
You know what I probably shouldn't wear this near Stefan, I wonder how many times it's changed color around him. I should probably look for a color key.
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