#Prevention tips
Strategies to Prevent Flooding in Your Home
Take these expert-recommended precautions both inside and outside your home to be ready for flooding. They'll all aid in your preparation, some of which you may do yourself and some of which call for a pro.
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Discuss about grading. Make sure the area is properly graded away from the house to prevent surplus water from regularly entering your property. Utilize garden drainage options as well to manage runoff and safeguard vegetation.
Pay attention to runoff. To guarantee appropriate water drainage, keep leaves, debris, and animal nests away from gutters and downspouts. In severe weather, a little routine maintenance pays big benefits.
Consider surfaces outside. Think about front yard and backyard landscaping that reduces the amount of impermeable surfaces. Flooding can be lessened by planting native plants and erecting swales or other natural barriers to absorb excess water.
Elevate the equipment. It is advised to elevate outdoor equipment, such as heat pumps and air conditioner compressors. He continues, noting that you must confirm that the work complies with any applicable local building codes in your area.
Pay attention to the gas tanks. Install cheap ground anchors that are attached across the top of the tank with metal straps, or secure outside fuel tanks to a sizable concrete slab heavy enough to withstand the force of flooding.
Employ barriers and flood vents. Dry floodproofing prevents floodwater from entering a building by erecting a barrier, typically across doors or windows. It's critical to evaluate your property, the degree of flood danger, and your local rules prior to selecting a particular application.
Set up the sump pump. Water that builds up in crawl spaces and basements can be removed with the installation of a sump pump. Make sure the pump is installed correctly, serviced on a regular basis, and equipped with a battery backup in case of an electrical outage.
Sewer lines should be observed. In order to stop floodwater from backing up into your drains, install check valves in your sewer lines. In the event of a flood, this can lessen the chance of sewage backup. To complete the installation, use a qualified plumber.
Seal the walls. Watch out for potential entry points for water and take action to prevent it. To stop water seepage, apply waterproof sealants to the floors and walls of your basement.
Protect indoor equipment. Certain objects, including water heaters, cove security detectors and HVAC units, can be suspended from ceiling joists or placed on walls if the appliance is made for mounting and the ceiling or walls are sturdy enough to hold its weight.
Obtain an insurance. It is usually necessary to obtain a separate policy for flood damage since standard homeowners' insurance usually does not cover it. It's a means of safeguarding your house and possessions.
Not only may flooding cause damage to your house, but it can also result in injuries and even fatalities, therefore protecting it against it is crucial.
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headlinehorizon · 6 months
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This is for my unwritten fics game, responding to @JaztheBard's ask on "The Love of a Parent."
So, this story is very firmly about Elrond and his weird parents, none of whom are supposed to be in the world any more (M&M are dead, Earendil and Elwing are forbidden from setting foot on Arda). Of course, none of this stops Elrond's parents from wanting to be involved in his life, and making sure nothing bad happens to him.
Gil-Estel always seems to appear on the dark nights when Elrond's grief catches up to him, or when he's struggling to find hope. The birds of Lindon– and later, Rivendell– often give him things, little tokens, some of which are very obviously from Valinor. Elrond doesn't sail often, but when he does, the sea always seems to welcome him, calm and gentle. The strange, unearthly songs that seem to follow him out on the water unnerve most people, but Elrond finds them comforting. He gets caught up in orc attacks a few times, in the Second and Third Ages. Somehow, he never seems to get captured, or even badly injured. Neither he nor the people he's with really understand why. All they can remember is the smell of smoke and a flash of something that could not have been fire.
The actual plot of the story, however, is Elrond deciding to try and convince his parents (or at least, whatever is left of them) to come live with him in Rivendell. This includes, but is not limited to:
Elrond chasing a wraith (spirit? ghost? living flame?) that may or may not once have been the eldest son of Feanor through the woods
Arguments with the Valar about what constitutes fair labor practices for stars
Elrond spending a bunch of time in slightly shady dock towns tracking down rumors of a "wandering spirit" who roams the beaches
More arguments with the Valar, this time about how keeping incarnate beings (especially part-humans) from the world against their will is like, maybe kind of cruel
Several people finally getting to meet their grandchildren
A surprisingly peaceful family lunch in Rivendell's welcoming halls
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Uhh if you're still taking requests... A2 Makoyuma please please please pleaseeeeee
I love your art style a lot :>
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i think it's funnier if he leaves his mask on for this lol
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I forget the YouTuber Witch I got this from. Once I find them again, I’ll update this post and credit them.
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Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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houseofborgia · 2 months
i really try to avoid being condescending when discussing media because i hate that tone and it was never that serious but how do you guys deal with people who deliberately misinterpret characters in bad faith? have they ever heard of the concept of nuance?
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