rosyhue-nightss · 3 months
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this is NOT how you insult your nemesis.
Smelly probably? How "probably" mister? You two have already spoken face to face...you already know how he smells (ok yes, he doesn't have a nose but neither does Angel Dust and I don't see anyone point out that he doesn't have a sense of smell. Yeah i know he's literally a screen but why write that? Why are you curious about what your archenemy smells like? huh? huuh?? )
Furry? Dumb hair? Lame stick? Gross hoof feet?
TRIANGLE ASS??? Why are you pointing out the shape of your enemy's butt? Why are you looking at his butt?
Look at the state of that drawing??? How long have you kept that portrait?
And why is the drawing so accurate and cool?
The only mockery seems to be the bad smell and you don't even know about that! (and the dildo but I'm sure that was Valentino, and it's debatable whether it's really an insult)
Also, maybe I'm wrong but since Alastor doesn't want to appear on camera I can assume that getting a photo of him is difficult. So can I also assume that this drawing is at least 7 years old? and it was created just because a certain loser missed him and was hurt from being rejected?
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They're looking at him so suspiciously...
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love4-bunny · 3 months
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Normal day for shiho
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robo-beasty · 4 months
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geronimomo-spd · 4 months
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still obsessed with this, my boy C'rizz that cannot understand the concept of time
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thefanartisthoho · 1 month
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astrojulia · 1 year
Olá! Tudo bem? Sou nova seguindo a sua conta e, se caso ainda permitir perguntas astrológicas eu queria fazer uma, quero trabalhar com artes plásticas (pense na Frida Khalo) e provavelmente será uma arte confrontadora, crítica, com temas pesados, tabus ou apenas sombrio/melancólico, eu queria saber que tipo de fãs eu teria? Eu sei que há uma asteroid em especial que fala sobre, é o fan, eu tenho ele em escorpião na minha casa 10. Grata antecipadamente.
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How Your Natal Chart Can Reveal Your Target Audience
~ Arts Edition
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚Your target audience // Asteroid Fan (151590) // Ruling Planet ·˚ ༘´>
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Olá Mefemmefatale!! Como você está?? Sei que demorei um pouco pra responder, mas é que o seu post criou posts extras pra eu poder responder da forma que eu queria... Quando li a sua pergunta eu queria responde-la assim como te ajudar de verdade. Por isso que fiz um post sobre o Asteroide Fan (151590) assim como mudei um pouco a resposta. Eu não quero que você tenha só fãs, mas clientes que vão comprar da sua arte e que isso possa ser uma forma de sustento seu, por isso a mudança. Nisso eu fiz um post para falar "tudo" sobre como você pode atrair clientes assim como estou escrevendo agora algo mais específico para artes. Realmente espero que você goste e que eu possa ter ajudado... O post vai estar em inglês só para que todos do meu tumblr entenda! Beijos do fundo do mar!!
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╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ 5th house: Trying to summarize, and a lot, the 5th house, it is the house of pleasures. Creativity, self-expression, and artistic talent are included in this. The sign located in this house can provide clues about your artistic style and the types of clients who may resonate with your artistic work.
・❥・ Aries in the 5th house: you have a bold and fearless approach to creativity, and you be drawn to projects that require a lot of energy and passion. Clients who are attracted to fast-paced, exciting work be drawn to your style.
・❥・ Taurus in the 5th house: can indicate a talent for creating beautiful, luxurious works of art. You have a slow and steady approach to your craft, but your attention to detail and dedication to quality attract clients who value high-end, long-lasting pieces.
・❥・ Gemini in the 5th house: you have a versatile and adaptable approach to creativity. You be drawn to projects that allow you to experiment with different styles and techniques, and your ability to communicate effectively attract clients who value clear, concise messaging in their artistic projects.
・❥・ Cancer in the 5th house: can indicate a deep emotional connection to your creative projects. You be drawn to works that evoke strong feelings in others, and your ability to tap into the emotions of your clients make you a popular choice for projects that require a personal touch.
・❥・ Leo in the 5th house: can indicate a bold, dramatic artistic style that appeals to clients who are drawn to attention-grabbing works. You have a natural talent for performance and self-expression, and your charisma and confidence make you a popular choice for projects that require a larger-than-life personality.
・❥・ Virgo in the 5th house: can indicate a meticulous attention to detail in your creative work. You be drawn to projects that require a lot of precision and accuracy, and your ability to organize and streamline your work attract clients who value efficiency and practicality.
・❥・Libra in the 5th house: you have a natural talent for creating beautiful, harmonious works of art. You be drawn to projects that require balance and symmetry, and your ability to create aesthetically pleasing pieces attract clients who value beauty and elegance in their artistic projects.
・❥・Scorpio in the 5th house: can indicate a deep and intense approach to creativity. You be drawn to projects that explore complex emotions and themes, and your ability to create powerful, transformative works attract clients who are looking for something truly impactful.
・❥・Sagittarius in the 5th house: can indicate a free-spirited, adventurous approach to creativity. You be drawn to projects that allow you to explore new ideas and perspectives, and your ability to infuse your work with a sense of joy and enthusiasm attract clients who value a sense of playfulness in their artistic projects.
・❥・Capricorn in the 5th house: can indicate a disciplined and structured approach to creativity. You may be drawn to projects that require a lot of hard work and perseverance, and your ability to stay focused and committed to your goals attract clients who value reliability and consistency in their artistic projects.
・❥・Aquarius in the 5th house: can indicate a unique and unconventional approach to creativity. You be drawn to projects that push the boundaries of what is expected or accepted, and your ability to think outside the box attract clients who value innovation and creativity in their artistic projects.
・❥・Pisces in the 5th house: can indicate a deep connection to the spiritual and mystical aspects of creativity. You be drawn to projects that tap into the subconscious or explore deeper, metaphysical themes, and your ability to infuse your work with a sense of magic and wonder attract clients who value a sense of enchantment and mystery in their artistic projects.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ 5th house Ruler in the houses: The ruler of the 5th house can provide additional insight into your artistic style and the types of clients who may resonate with your work. The placement of the ruler in your chart can indicate which areas of life may inspire your artistic work and which types of clients may be drawn to your style.
・❥・Ruler in the 1st house: You may be drawn to projects that allow you to express your individuality and showcase your unique talents. Your clients may appreciate your confidence and your ability to stand out from the crowd.
・❥・Ruler in the 2nd house: You may be drawn to projects that have a practical application or that allow you to make money from your artistic work. Your clients may value the quality and craftsmanship of your work and be willing to pay a premium for it.
・❥・Ruler in the 3rd house: You may be drawn to projects that involve communication or that allow you to share your ideas with others. Your clients may appreciate your ability to explain complex concepts and to present information in a clear and concise manner.
・❥・Ruler in the 4th house: You may be drawn to projects that are inspired by your family or your personal history. Your clients may value the emotional depth and authenticity of your work and be drawn to the sense of comfort and familiarity that it provides.
・❥・Ruler in the 5th house: Your artistic style and your clients may be closely aligned, as this placement emphasizes creativity and self-expression.
・❥・Ruler in the 6th house: You may be drawn to projects that require a lot of hard work and attention to detail. Your clients may value your ability to organize and streamline your work and to deliver high-quality results.
・❥・Ruler in the 7th house: You may be drawn to projects that involve collaboration or that allow you to work with others to achieve a common goal. Your clients may appreciate your ability to listen to their needs and to work with them to create something that meets their expectations.
・❥・Ruler in the 8th house: You may be drawn to projects that explore the deeper, darker aspects of life or that allow you to tap into your own subconscious. Your clients may value the intensity and emotional power of your work and be drawn to the transformative effects that it can have.
・❥・Ruler in the 9th house: You may be drawn to projects that involve travel or that allow you to explore new ideas and perspectives. Your clients may appreciate your sense of adventure and your willingness to take risks in your work.
・❥・Ruler in the 10th house: You may be drawn to projects that have a strong professional or public component. Your clients may value your ability to create work that is both practical and enduring and that can help them achieve their own professional goals.
・❥・Ruler in the 11th house: You may be drawn to projects that involve social change or that allow you to make a positive impact on the world. Your clients may appreciate your innovative and unconventional approach to your work and be drawn to the sense of possibility and hope that it provides.
・❥・Ruler in the 12th house: You may be drawn to projects that involve mysticism or that allow you to tap into the spiritual or metaphysical aspects of life. Your clients may value the sense of wonder and enchantment that your work provides and be drawn to the emotional and spiritual resonance of your artistic style.
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╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Moon: The Moon represents emotions, instincts, and creativity. The placement of the Moon in your chart can provide insight into your artistic inspiration and the types of clients who may resonate with your work on a deep emotional level.
・❥・Moon in Aries/1st house, you may have a bold and energetic artistic style that reflects your passion and enthusiasm. Your work may be inspired by your instincts and your desire for new experiences, and you may enjoy taking risks and exploring uncharted territories. Your client base may include people who are drawn to your adventurous spirit and your fearless approach to creativity.
・❥・ Moon in Taurus/2nd house, you may have a sensual and tactile artistic style that emphasizes texture, color, and form. Your work may be inspired by the beauty of the natural world, and you may have a talent for creating works that appeal to the senses. Your client base may include people who appreciate the richness and depth of your work and who are drawn to the sensory experience of your art.
・❥・Moon in Gemini/3rd house, you may have a versatile and expressive artistic style that reflects your curiosity and your love of communication. Your work may be inspired by a wide range of subjects, and you may enjoy experimenting with different mediums and techniques. Your client base may include people who value intellectual stimulation and who appreciate the diversity and versatility of your work.
・❥・Moon in Cancer/4th house, you may have a deep emotional connection to your artistic work that is rooted in your family and upbringing. Your work may be inspired by your personal history and your memories, and you may have a talent for creating works that evoke a sense of nostalgia and comfort. Your client base may include people who are drawn to the emotional honesty and authenticity of your work and who value the sense of comfort and familiarity that it provides.
・❥・Moon in Leo/5th house, you may have a dramatic and expressive artistic style that emphasizes individuality and self-expression. Your work may be inspired by your passion for life and your desire to make a bold statement, and you may enjoy being in the spotlight. Your client base may include people who appreciate the confidence and creativity that you bring to your work.
・❥・Moon in Virgo/6th house, you may have a precise and analytical artistic style that reflects your attention to detail and your love of order. Your work may be inspired by your desire for perfection and your appreciation of the beauty of simplicity, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both elegant and practical. Your client base may include people who value precision and clarity and who appreciate the understated beauty of your work.
・❥・Moon in Libra/7th house, you may have a harmonious and balanced artistic style that reflects your love of beauty and your desire for peace and harmony. Your work may be inspired by the principles of balance and symmetry, and you may have a talent for creating works that bring people together. Your client base may include people who value aesthetics and who appreciate the serenity and tranquility of your work.
・❥・Moon in Scorpio/8th house, you may have an intense and mysterious artistic style that reflects your deep emotional intensity and your passion for the unknown. Your work may be inspired by the darker aspects of life, and you may have a talent for creating works that provoke strong emotions and reactions. Your client base may include people who value intensity and who are drawn to the depth and complexity of your work.
・❥・Moon in Sagittarius/9th house, you may have an adventurous and free-spirited artistic style that reflects your love of exploration and your desire for freedom. Your work may be inspired by your curiosity and your love of travel, and you may enjoy experimenting with different styles and techniques. Your client base may include people who value freedom and who appreciate the spontaneity and vitality of your work.
・❥・Moon in Capricorn/10th house, you may have a disciplined and structured artistic style that reflects your ambition and your desire for success. Your work may be inspired by your dedication and your love of tradition, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both practical and enduring. Your client base may include people who value reliability and who appreciate the hard work and discipline that you bring to your craft.
・❥・Moon in Aquarius/11th house, you may have an innovative and unconventional artistic style that reflects your desire to break free from tradition and explore new possibilities. Your work may be inspired by your vision and your love of experimentation, and you may have a talent for creating works that have a futuristic, visionary quality that speaks to clients who are looking for something fresh and new.Your artistic style that resonates with clients who appreciate non-traditional, out-of-the-box ideas.
・❥・Moon in Pisces/12th house, you may have a dreamy and imaginative artistic style that appeals to clients who value creativity, spirituality, and sensitivity. Your work may be infused with a sense of otherworldliness, and you may be particularly skilled at conveying deep emotions and spiritual themes through your art. Your clients may resonate with the deep emotional resonance of your work, and be drawn to the introspective and contemplative nature of your artistic style.
╭┈◦•◦❥•◦ Neptune: Neptune governs Creative Expression, Imagination, Visual, and Aesthetic Appeal. Its influence can enhance your sensitivity to visual stimuli, enabling you to create art that is visually captivating and evocative. Here, we can discuss how you allure people, making them unconsciously drawn to your art.
・❥・Neptune in the 1st house: You may have a dreamy and imaginative artistic style that is infused with a sense of mystery and enchantment. Your work may be inspired by your innermost thoughts and emotions, and you may have a talent for creating works that are deeply personal and introspective. People may be drawn to your art in a way that feels almost unconscious, as if they are being drawn into a dream.
・❥・Neptune in the 2nd house: You may have a highly developed sense of aesthetic appeal that allows you to create works that are visually stunning and evocative. Your work may be inspired by the beauty of the natural world, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both practical and beautiful. People may be drawn to your art because it has a timeless quality that speaks to something deep within them.
・❥・Neptune in the 3rd house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of magic and wonder. Your work may be inspired by your love of communication, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both visually appealing and intellectually stimulating. People may be drawn to your art because it has a transformative quality that sparks their imagination.
・❥・Neptune in the 4th house: You may have a deep connection to your personal history and your cultural heritage, which inspires your artistic work. Your work may be infused with a sense of nostalgia and sentimentality, and you may have a talent for creating works that evoke a sense of comfort and familiarity. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of emotional resonance that speaks to something deep within them.
・❥・Neptune in the 5th house: You may have a natural talent for creating works that are emotionally resonant and visually captivating. Your work may be inspired by your love of self-expression and your desire to create something truly unique and beautiful. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of enchantment and magic that is hard to resist.
・❥・Neptune in the 6th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are both practical and beautiful, with an emphasis on attention to detail and craftsmanship. Your work may be inspired by your love of order and your desire to create something that is both aesthetically pleasing and useful. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of refinement and elegance that speaks to their sense of taste.
・❥・Neptune in the 7th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of harmony and balance. Your work may be inspired by your love of collaboration and your desire to create something that is both beautiful and meaningful. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of emotional depth that speaks to their sense of what is important in life.
・❥・Neptune in the 8th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of mystery and intensity. Your work may be inspired by your fascination with the darker aspects of life, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both beautiful and haunting. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of emotional power that speaks to their sense of the unknown.
・❥・Neptune in the 9th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of adventure and exploration. Your work may be inspired by your love of travel and your desire to create something that is both beautiful and meaningful. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of wanderlust and exploration that speaks to their sense of possibility and adventure.
・❥・Neptune in the 10th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of ambition and professionalism. Your work may be inspired by your desire to achieve great things in life, and you may have a talent for creating works that are both beautiful and practical. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of purpose and direction that speaks to their sense of what is important.
・❥・Neptune in the 11th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of community and social change. Your work may be inspired by your love of humanity and your desire to create something that has a positive impact on the world. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of social responsibility and awareness that speaks to their sense of what is right and just.
・❥・Neptune in the 12th house: You may have a talent for creating works that are infused with a sense of spirituality and mysticism. Your work may be inspired by your love of the unknown and your desire to create something that is both beautiful and otherworldly. People may be drawn to your art because it has a sense of transcendence and wonder that speaks to their sense of what is beyond this world.
Thanks for reading this far! I hope you enjoyed it and that I could have helped in some way on your journey!! Feedback, likes, reblogs and ideas for new posts are highly appreciated. See you next time! Kisses from the Sea.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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kaufmann-6 · 7 months
I’ve been thinking about the fact that if Jasico were canon Jason would probably be alive because he wouldn’t have left camp with Piper and would’ve stayed with Nico instead.
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feelingthedisaster · 2 months
unpopular opinion: piper mclean is the most powerful demigod
not the strongest, not the smartest, not the scariest (even though i'd be scared of her the most if she was real), but the most powerful
let me explain
yeah, percy can make tsunamis and hurracaines, hazel can literally make your weapons and your enviroment against you, nico can raise the dead, they can fight and will win a fight, but the thing is piper doesnt need to do. she doesnt need flashy powers or to even have fights, she can literally control people to do it for her
need a hurracaine? charmspeak percy, he'll do and he cant resist to. need to do anything of insanely amount of things hazel can do bc she is so fcking powerful? piper can charmspeak her into do it if she doesnt want to. need an army? just charmspeak nico into summuning one. you tried to fight piper? she can just charmspeak you into not doing it
the only reason she isnt slaying everyone is because she doesnt want to, she explictly said she doesnt like to have the ability to charmspeak and when isnt extremily nessesary she wont use it, but what if she didnt think that way? what if she charmspeak people into doing basicly whatever she wants?
she has a really really powerful charmspeak, more than other charmspeakers probably and if she would train herself to use it instead of avoiding it, she would be unstoppable.
she could finish wars, start wars. enslave people. make people do everything, and when i say everything i mean everything.
mind-control is one of the most scariest superpowers and the most powerful to have because the powerful people arent the ones with brute force, they are the ones in control
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millaysmaeve · 11 days
richonne deserves more outside pov fanfics
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measlyscrapofseafood · 9 months
there needs to be more horror content abt rinzler
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washmchineheart · 28 days
alicent and rhaenyra are two sides of the same coin in a patriarchal misogynistic society but while rhaenyra is trying to change that (because yes women can WANT power!!) and fights for autonomy and her rights, alicent adapts to it, mostly because of the manipulation she suffers from her father
they both suffer from it in different ways and the contrast is actually very interesting
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td-julia · 5 months
Cabinet Man Harold, that's the post
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opuestocomplementario · 3 months
So I was scrolling on ig as one does and I got recommended not one, not two but multiple female racers, and tell me why I just found out yesterday that there is such thing as female racers??? Obviously I follow them and started watching their races
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42bakery · 20 days
The 3 times Alberto ignored the rules in favor of Dani
when Alberto and Ezpeleta ignored Dani's age and include him in the pre-selection of the riders for Movistar Joven Activa Cup
when Alberto decided that 8th rider Dani Pedrosa was the one to complete the 3 riders team for the 2000 CEV.
when Alberto included Dani in the 2001 team that moved towards the world championship excluding a rider that had better results than Dani.
Source: Source: Dani Pedrosa, elegido para ganar (Dani Pedrosa chosen/handpicked to win) from Teledeportes or MotoGP. It’s also in DAZN Spain under the name El origen del samurái (The origin of the samurai)
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Sabias QUE?
El es Heman Bekele 👨🏾‍🔬 y ahora es conocido por ser el científico más joven de Estados Unidos es por eso que encabeza la buena del día.
Un adolescente de 14 años de Virginia ha roto todos los esquemas en el mundo de la ciencia. Heman Bekele, que llegó a Estados Unidos desde Etiopía cuando tenía solo cuatro años, ha desarrollado un jabón que tiene el potencial de tratar formas leves de cáncer de piel. 
 ¿Qué llevó a este joven a desarrollar este innovador jabón contra el cáncer de piel? La inspiración surgió de su país natal, Etiopía. Bekele recordó cómo "la gente trabajaba muchas horas bajo el sol y no había conciencia o información sobre los peligros de la exposición solar”. 
Y de ahí surgió la motivación para abordar un problema que afecta a tantos. El cáncer de piel es el tipo de cáncer más común en Estados Unidos, con costes muy elevados de tratamiento. El STS utiliza nanopartículas para liberar medicamentos que combaten el cáncer, activando las células inmunitarias del cuerpo y haciendo más asequible el precio para los pacientes.
El impacto potencial de este jabón que ayuda a tratar el cáncer de piel es inmenso, y Bekele ya tiene planes para su futuro. Está enfocado en obtener la aprobación de la FDA y luego, en un gesto de generosidad, aspira a crear una organización sin fines de lucro para que todos tengan acceso a su jabón y sus beneficios.
En un mundo en el que las noticias suelen centrarse en temas negativos, es refrescante y esperanzador ver a jóvenes como Heman Bekele, que con su talento y dedicación, buscan hacer del mundo un lugar mejor.
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clownfire · 28 days
I need to animate Deacon doing the Akira slide but it's just him unsummoning his horse.
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