#Pope heyward imagines
goldvenuslvrs · 8 months
in love with my best friend ; pope heyward
summary: you and pope are in love. everyone can see it except you. will pope ever make a move?
pairing: pope heyward x fem!plus sized!reader
word count: 2.9k 
warnings: kinda cheesy, childhood friends to lovers, love confessions, jj and john b being little shits, i have no idea how to write endings apparently so enjoy <3
an: memories/flashbacks are in italics. can we talk about that gif bc holy shit i’m having thoughts, hazel callahan imagine should be coming next week <3
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Pope Heyward was a highly logical person.
He had never understood the concept of ‘love at first sight’ because how could you love someone you didn’t even know yet? The idea of falling in love with someone in the split second after you met them was a ridiculous notion and yet, it was exactly how he felt when you first entered his English class. 
He was well aware that it wasn’t possible for his heart to skip a beat but he was certain it happened that day in the third grade.
JJ liked to constantly tease him, claiming that he’s been a simp from day one and Pope can’t bring himself to disagree. He used to despise English classes with Mr. Flynn but from the second you joined, he found himself looking forward to them. 
Pope was hunched over his notebook, scribbling and doodling on the back page when Mr. Flynn called for the class’s attention, “Everyone, we’ve got a new classmate joining us today, this is Y/N Y/L/N. After the first break, we’ll be doing some icebreaker activities so that we can get to know her a little better and she can get settled in.
For the first time, he was relieved that his friends weren’t in the same class as him because he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that if they saw the way he was staring at you, he would never hear the end of it. 
Pope could have sworn that you were the most beautiful girl had ever seen. Even the sight of your wild hair, slightly paint-stained shorts and worn-out trainers took his breath away. 
Mr Flynn had finally wrapped up his welcoming speech and allowed you to introduce yourself but Pope couldn’t focus on anything but the way you were rocking on your heels and awkwardly smiling at people around the classroom. He watched you crack a small smile and crinkle your nose when you said something particularly funny (at least to you).
He was finally forced back into reality when he heard your backpack drop onto the floor beside him and he watched as you settled into the seat beside him. He felt as though he was paralyzed, unable to move his gaze from you. He tried to say something, anything but his extensive vocabulary seemed to have abandoned him. 
“Hi,” You chuckled when you noticed that his attention was on you, “I’m Y/N  but you already knew that because he just announced it.”
He blinked.
“This is the part where you tell me your name,” You said expectantly, awkwardly giggling to fill the silence. 
“Pip, Po, I mean, Pope,” He stammered. It was in moments like this that he wished he was a little more like JJ or John B, they wouldn’t have had a problem coming up with something funny to say to the pretty, new girl. “That’s my name, I don’t just greet people like that, that would be really weird.”
You smiled and Pope knew that he would happily spend the rest of his life making you smile like that, “Hi, Pope.”
He was forced out of his reminiscing by the devil herself.
You were standing in front of him and he could instantly tell that you were a bit peeved, your arms were crossed and he was subjected to the harshest of glares. You were clearly trying your hardest to remain angry with him but both of you knew that it was a lost cause, it seemed as though you were never able to stick to it. 
Pope could read you like a book so he found it hard to take you seriously in moments like this. He was the only one who could understand you so innately and deeply that it was almost terrifying.
“Hey Munchkin,” He grinned and leaned back against the door of Kiara’s car. He crossed his arms over his chest and failed to notice the way your eyes were drawn to his biceps for a split second before they returned to his face.
You frowned, trying your hardest to maintain your composure, “Don’t give me that, Pope! You were supposed to meet me in the library so we could go through your essay together, it’s worth half of your final grade.”
“I’ve got it in the bag, don’t worry about it, but it’s always nice to know how much you care,” He teased and opened his arms wide, “Come on, you haven’t hugged me all day.”
You rolled your eyes and ignored the butterflies that erupted in your stomach at the faux pout on his lips and made yourself at home in his arms.
“Where are the others? I figured they’d be here by now?” You wondered and tilted your head up to briefly meet Pope’s gaze and tightened your arms around his torso. 
The ‘hug tax’ was something you had come up with as a joke one day. You made it compulsory that each pogue had to have at least one proper hug with you every day. You came up with it after you had gone three days without a single hug from any of them (it was the longest three days of your life). 
Pope kept his arms wrapped tightly around your waist when you pulled back from the embrace and he reluctantly answered, “JJ roped John B into some scheme involving a fire extinguisher, a ladder, and a bunch of rotten apples to the less I know, the better. Kie had social studies last period so, knowing her, she’s most likely still berating the teaching assistant about the lack of intersectionality again.”
“But I’m hungry,” Your lips fell into the most adorable pout and Pope had to bite his lip at the sight. 
He pondered for a moment and grudgingly removed his arms from around your waist and took a deep breath, “I’ll go track down the boys and make sure they haven’t gotten into too much trouble so why don’t you try and find Kie and we can get the hell out of here?”
“Fine,” You huffed and backed away, “But we will talk about this essay at some point!”
“Yes, Ma’am,” He saluted and watched as you strolled down the path that led up to the large doors at the entrance of the school. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw you pause and drop down to your knees and coo at the sight of a squirrel scurrying up the tree nearest to the front doors.
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John B and JJ were already heading towards the parking lot when he finally managed to shake off his love-added thoughts of you long enough to contemplate the destruction that his friends may had caused. 
“What is it?” JJ asked when he noticed the distracted and impatient look in Pope’s eyes. 
Pope glanced between his friends in confusion, “Huh?”
John B clarified, “You’ve got your ‘Y/N’ face on.”
“My what?” Pope laughed awkwardly.
“Your ‘Y/N’ face,” JJ repeated John B’s words in a way that suggested that Pope should know precisely what that meant.
John B rolled his eyes, “Whenever you think about her, you get this weird, lovesick look on your face.”
“Like you’re high,” JJ chuckled. 
He shook his head, “Whatever, it’s time to go.”
“Why?” John B asked and exchanged a smug smile with JJ.
Pope sighed loudly in defeat, “Y/N’s hungry.”
He turned on his heels and pointedly ignored the loud laughs coming from his best friends. 
“Dude,” JJ had thrown his arm over Pope’s shoulder and grinned at him, “We’re just messing with you, it’s cute.”
“Thanks,” Pope replied, his tone was deadpan. He was already counting down the minutes until you returned with Kiara.
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You and Kiara still weren’t back by the time they had gotten to the car so Pope figured that it was as good a time as any to bring up his plans, “I’m gonna do it,” He admitted, receiving confused looks in return, “I’m gonna ask her.”
The boys exchanged a series of sceptical glances before they burst into laughter, laughter that was so intense that JJ fell forward and clutched at his stomach.
“Wow,” He caught his breath, “That’s a good one, Pope. This must be the, I don’t know, the seventh or eighth time you’ve said that?”
“I have an idea and Kie has agreed to keep Y/N busy for a couple of hours while I sort it out.”
John B seemed to have gained some composure and realised how serious Pope was, “Alright,” He said hesitantly, elbowing JJ in the side, “What do you need us for?”
Pope heaved out a sigh and glanced at his blonde friend, clearly unimpressed with his overdramatic reaction, “I don’t know what to say. It’s Y/N so I don’t want it to be bad.”
“Alright,” JJ had finally pulled himself together and had leant back against the car door, “You’re really doing this?”
Pope nodded.
“You’re telling us that you can get A’s across the board but you can’t put pen to paper and find a way to tell a girl that you love her?” John B asked and raised an eyebrow.
He groaned and ran a hand over his face, “I’m sick and tired of pretending I don’t love her like that.”
“Well,” JJ shrugged, “It’s a good thing you came to me, we’ll have her falling at your feet in no time.”
John B scoffed, “Remind me, how many relationships have you held down?”
“There was Anna Mae in second grade-”
“A relationship that lasted more than a week?”
JJ was silent.
“Precisely,” John B smirked and turned to look at Pope, “We’ll figure it out, dude.”
“Yeah, I mean, it’s kind of inevitable that you two will end up together.”
“Ooh, baby’s using big boy words today,” John B taunted.
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Kiara was indeed berating her social studies teaching assistant. 
You had never seen a man that looked more scared for his life before.
It had taken a good amount of bargaining and distraction to get Kiara to leave the poor guy alone.
“Come on,” You said happily linking Kiara’s arm with yours and skipping down the hallway, “Time for food.”
“Hold your horses, babe.”
“Kie,” You pouted and the words came out in a whine, “I’m tired, bored and hungry. That’s a dangerous combination. Even more so than JJ and his gun.”
“Chill,” She chuckled, bumping your shoulder, “I just need to pick up a few things from my locker and we’ll go, we can even get your favourite.”
“Lobster Mac ‘N’ Cheese?”
“What else?”
Kiara rolled her eyes fondly at your antics and laughed under her breath when she realised the real reason you were desperate for her to hurry up, “Relax,” She teased, “We’ll get you back to Pope soon.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
She pinned you with an unimpressed stare, “Seriously?”
“You love him, dude.”
“Of course, I do, he’s my best friend, no offence.”
“None taken but babe, you know that’s not what I meant,” She closed her locker and linked her arms with yours again, “Think about it.”
“Fine,” You conceded, it was pointless to try and pretend that you didn’t know what she meant, “Now food?”
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By the time you and Kiara had pulled up at the Chateau, you were absolutely ravenous. Kiara had insisted that you should make enough food for the others as well, already anticipating JJ’s dramatic outburst if you showed up late with no food. 
She shook her head at you when you launched yourself out of the car and strode towards the house with determination. You didn’t look pleased when John B stopped you in your tracks. Kiara had been on the receiving end of your hangry glare more than once and she did not pity John B in the slightest. 
“Hey?” Your eyes flickered from his face to the door and back again, clearly confused.
JJ came running out from behind John B and they exchanged a smug look. They walked past you towards Kiara and the three of them wandered towards the dock, waving back at you and teasingly telling you to “have fun.”
“But not too much fun,” Kiara laughed.
You opened the door hesitantly and scanned the room. It was never a good sign when JJ and John looked as smug and mischievous as they just did. You didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary so you shrugged. 
Pope was sitting on the couch, playing on his phone. It didn’t make sense that something so mundane could make your heart skip but the sight of Pope with his arm resting on the back of the couch and his legs spread out caused your stomach to erupt in butterflies. Thankfully, you managed to calm yourself down before he looked at you. 
When he noticed your presence, he jumped up and smiled at you. 
“What’s up with them?” You said, “They’re being weirder than usual.”
Pope laughed weakly and reached a hand to scratch the back of his neck, “It’s JJ and John B, do you want to try applying logic to them?”
“I guess not,” You chuckled, shaking your head.
There was a moment of silence before Pope spoke. It was unnerving. The silence was awkward, which had never happened with you and Pope.
“Well,” He took a deep breath and slightly stumbled over his words. You couldn’t help but notice that he was pointedly avoiding eye contact with you, “I need to tell you something and it’s kind of terrifying but I just need to get it out so wait until I’m done before you say anything.”
“Okay,” You confirmed, feeling uncertain but trusting him nonetheless. 
Pope moved you to sit down on the couch and sat beside you. He reached over and held your hands in his, “I love you,” He didn’t allow your shocked expression to slow him down, “I don’t mean like you’re my best friend and I love you but more like I’m in love with you. I’ve tried telling you so many times that I’ve genuinely lost count but every time I back out because I’m terrified that you won’t feel the same and it’ll get really weird between us but I need you to know.”
Your jaw had dropped throughout his speech. He noticed that you were about to speak and put his hand up before you could say anything, “Not finished, I’ve got over this in my head a million times, let me get through it,” He let out a shaky laugh and focused his gaze on your intertwined hands, “I can still remember the day we met and I think I loved you then but now that I know pretty much everything about you, I love you even more so that’s it, I guess.”
He looked up and met your eyes, and you were almost surprised at the pure love you could see in them, “Against my better judgement, I fell in love with my best friend and I’m really hoping that she loves me back or this is gonna end up being really awkward.”
“You love me?” You blinked a few times to make sure that you weren’t dreaming. 
“Um, yeah,” His shoulders slumped. Pope saw your reaction as a clear rejection and was fully prepared to run home and hide from the world for the next 2-3 business days.
“Well,” You grinned and pushed a few stray pieces of hair behind your ears, “I guess you’d better ask me out now.”
“Ask you ou-” Pope trailed off before nodding rapidly, a smile similar to your own spread across his lips, “Yep, that’s definitely something I can do, absolutely-”
“Right, will you go out with me, then?” 
You took a moment to fully admire him, happiness seemed to radiate from his body, “Obviously,” You answered and used your intertwined hands to pull him closer to you, “I mean, who else am I supposed to date? Being in love with my best friend doesn’t sound too bad.”
“Not too bad, huh?” He teased and his arms wrapped around your waist until he seemed to relax into you. 
“I mean, you did take your time.”
He chuckled and silenced you with a kiss.
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“Can we come back in now?” JJ asked with a smirk on his face. Pulling away from each other, you turned to see him standing in the doorway, Kiara and John B stood behind him with matching grins on their faces, “...or do we need to evacuate the premises?”
“I guess so, but you’re paying for pizza tonight.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” He saluted, sat on the couch and pulled his phone from his pocket.
John B followed him and routinely leaned over his shoulder, pointing at the screen and picking out what he wanted whilst Kiara walked over to you and Pope. 
“What the fuck, you guys,” She said and her gaze darted back and forth between you, “Who am I supposed to give the speech to?”
You tilted your head back and laughed at your friend’s faux outrage. You wrapped your arms around Pope again and laid your head in the crook of his neck, “Both of us?”
“I guess I’ll have to,” She sighed. “I need some garlic bread in me first.”
She wandered over to the couch, pushed John B out of the way. 
You shook your head and looked up at your boyfriend, “They’re idiots, aren’t they?”
“Yeah, but I wouldn’t have said anything without them so I guess they’re alright.”
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ruewrote · 1 year
𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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ranting n raving.
nothing else matters.
a little behind.
the little things.
to be loved.
well deserved.
dont put the blame on me.
im holding on. . . barely.
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i can fix him.
fuck it.
nothing without you.
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love, love, nearly loss.
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mrsstarkey1 · 1 year
Hiii! Could you do Pope Heyward x Fem! Reader where reader is comforting Pope after he found out the cross was fake? Like just some cute fluff?? It’s okay if not!
a/n: thanks for the request!!! @pogue-princess ! also why are there literally no pope fics out there?? i love him sm
word count: 0.5k
warnings: criminally short
You shut your bedroom door cautiously, careful not to let the sound wake your parents down the hall. "They'll be out for the night," you said quietly, turning to where Pope was sitting on your bed. You opened up the middle drawer of your dresser - Pope's designated drawer, and grabbed out a sweatshirt and a pair sweatpants of his. You handed them over to him with a small smile, "these'll be more comfortable."
"Thank you," he said weakly, offering a grateful half smile. You moved to your bathroom, changing your own clothes and leaving him to change in your room.
You returned moments later, eyes softening immediately at the sight of Pope lying on your bed staring at the ceiling. You shuffled over to the other side of the bed, climbing under the covers next to him. You were exhausted from the events of the day, so you couldn’t imagine how Pope was feeling.
You laid on your side, eyes trained on Pope. "I know this is probably a dumb question," you started softly, getting his attention, "but are you okay?"
“I don’t know,” he said quietly after a couple moments, tilting his head toward you, revealing his glossy eyes.
Your heart clenched immediately at the sight. You knew it was killing him; losing the cross. Again. “I’m so sorry, Pope,” you said softly, wrapping your arm around his middle and resting your head on his shoulder. “I know what the cross meant to you; to your family. And I have no idea what’s going through your head, and I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. But I want you to know that I’m here for you, whatever you need.”
Pope nodded weakly, “I know,” he leaned onto your shoulder, sinking into your embrace. You felt him let out a long breath into your neck, and you tightened your arms around him.
You traced circles onto Pope’s back in an attempt to console him and help him finally get some rest. You were starting to drift off to sleep yourself, comforted at the feeling of Pope’s arms around you.
“I just-” Pope started after a couple minutes of comfortable silence. He pulled his head from the crook of your neck, letting it fall onto the pillow. “I can’t believe we lost it again. We were so close. I thought we finally had it, y/n.”
You nodded in agreement, propping yourself up on your forearm to hover slightly above him. “So did I, baby,” you said softly, thumb tracing over his cheek lightly.
Pope’s eyes met your loving gaze, and he let himself smile for the first time tonight. “Thank you,” he spoke softly, fingers trailing along your arm, “for always being here.”
You responded by leaning down to press your lips to his in a short, sweet kiss. “I love you, Pope,” you whispered against his lips.
“I love you, y/n.”
taglist(message me to be added): @rafes-bae @willowpains @maybankslover @housekeeperjjswife
check out my obx masterlist
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babeydollx · 2 years
Hello! I love ur work and I wanted to ask for a long Pope Hayward smut.
My fav is so underrated
Thank you ❤️
Love At Midnight
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Warnings: cursing, smut, soft sex, oral sex, slightly dom!Reader?, unprotected sex, soft!Pope, fluffy smut
Pairings: Pope Heyward x Female Reader
Summary: In which Y/N and Pope end up making love at midnight.
a/n: so I do have some writers block right now so, I am really sorry if this isn't as long as you wanted it to be but, I'll do my best.
© Maybanks-Luver, please do not steal or translate my work
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You slowly woke up to the feeling of soft kisses being planted on your neck. You took a minute to fully wake up as best as you could before looking back at your boyfriend and smiling. "What are you doing?" You asked with a tired giggle. "Oh, I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to wake you up." Pope said softly. "No, no.. it's okay." You said with a lazy smile. You looked over at your alarm clock on your bedside table. 12:05 AM. "What are you doing up so late? It's past 12 AM." You said as you looked back at your boyfriend.
"I was having trouble sleeping." Pope said with a sigh. "I tried reading, listening to music on my phone, a bunch of stuff and nothing was working. So, I decided to start loving on you a little bit to see if that would help. I know it sounds stupid." He said with a sigh. You smiled and rolled yourself over to face him fully before taking one of his hands in your own hands and kissing his knuckles softly. "It's not stupid, I get it, babe." You said with a soft smile. The two of you laid there in silence for a moment before you got an idea.
"Hey, what if there was a way that I could help make you sleepy again. Well, make us both sleepy actually." You said with a grin. "What are you talking about, Y/N?" He asked with a soft chuckle. "Well..." You trailed off as you crawled on top of him. "I think my idea is something that we would both really, really, really enjoy." You said with a smirk. Pope now knew exactly what you were getting at and smirked. "Well, I am totally down if you are." He said with a grin. "Of course I am down! It was my idea after all." You said with a laugh. Pope laughed with you before you leaned down to kiss him lovingly.
The two of you made out passionately for awhile before you pulled away from him. You pulled off your night shirt, revealing your bare breasts to him, your nipples hardening from the cold air. Pope sat up and gently began to massage your breasts before drawing your right nipple into his mouth. You hummed and let your head fall back as your hands found his hair. After sucking on your hardened bud for a few minutes he pulled back and smiled. "Well, we can't let the other one feel left out now can we?" He said with a grin as he began to suck on your left nipple now, his hand playing with your right nipple.
After awhile you gently pushed him back onto the bed with a smirk. You got off of him only to tug off your night shorts and panties before helping Pope pull off his sweatpants and boxers. You got back on top of him again and stroked his hard dick a few times before aligning his cock with your pussy. You slid the tip of his cock through your wet folds a few times before sinking down on his cock completely. You both let out soft, breathy moans as you did so. You took a second to get yourself adjusted before beginning to grind on his cock. Pope moaned out softly under you as you slowly grinded against him.
His hands held onto your hips and helped you grind yourself onto him. After grinding against him for awhile you decided to switch it up and you began to bounce on his cock. Pope used his hands to help you bounce on his cock more. You began to pick up the pace, moans and curse words tumbling out of your mouth as you did so. Pope threw his head back on the pillow and moaned out as you continued to bounce on his dick faster and faster. You then began to feel that familiar knot bubbling in the bottom of your stomach and you knew that you were going to cum any second now. You clenched around Pope's hard cock, signaling to him that you were about to cum.
"Come on baby, cum for me." He said. With that your eyes rolled back and you clenched around his cock as you gushed on him. You clenching around his cock was enough to make him let go as well, spewing his warm seeds deep inside of you. Before you could do anything, Pope pulled out off of his cock and laid you down on the bed before getting up and spreading your legs wide. "I- what are you doing?" You asked with a giggle. "Well, I have to clean up the mess we made." Pope said with a smirk before shoving his head between your legs. He swore that he was going to clean up every last drop, and that is exactly what he did.
a/n: I hope y'all enjoyed this fic!
Taglist ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
@drewbooooo @gillybear17 @bethoconnor @my-baexht-ls @ceceswriting @masteroperator @vashappeningkevin @n-kkpoly @luversgirl @penutssssss @onmykneesforrafe
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poeticmystery · 7 months
send jj maybank requests please guys omg 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
or pope or like anyone from outerbanks but mainly pope and jj i wanna write fro outerbanks again but i have NO IDEAS
so yeah please and thank you!
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rubixgsworld · 4 months
By any chance does someone know any fics about Pope Heyward???? Like I can barely find any on here and I would love the help :)
He needs more love <3
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Snow on the Beach
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Outer Banks Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Summary: Falling in love with someone can land both ways, either the other person feels the same way, or everything goes downhill. You and Pope Heyward are a different story. The both of you have been falling for one another for a long time, slowly sinking into the pit of love. It was hard for the others to not tell the two of you that you were in love. It only took one nice walk on the beach for it to all come together.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Warnings: language
Pope Heyward x-reader
My legs stretched over the backseat of the Twinkie. I waved my hand around as Kiara played music loudly from the car's radio. The four of us waited for John B while he went to convince Sarah to join us down at the beach. Her dad grounded her for some stupid reason, so John B was going to help her sneak out.
"I'm starting to think Sarah isn't coming," JJ commented. He sat across from me with a blunt in one hand. We had been sharing it, but Pope and I never really smoked. Although, Pope would occasionally if he needed confidence or a break from life.
I sat up with my knees bent. My fingers played with the loose thread from my bracelets that hugged my wrists. "What do you think they're even doing?" Kiara peered through the driver's side window. JJ shrugged, looking out as well. "Oh, you know," I pointed the blunt at my mouth.
Pope (GIF Above) and JJ laughed while Kiara rolled her eyes. "I don't think they're doing that," Kiara disagreed. "You never know, Kie. Young love can do stupid things," JJ said.
She reached back and hit the back of his head. He scowled and looked back at her. Pope continued to laugh at my comment, causing me to softly chuckle. Pope and I always seemed to be the closest ones in the group.
When we were kids, we'd do everything together. I mean, taking baths when we were toddlers, everything. Our parents grew up together, so that helped with the bondage. Now that we're older, the feelings have shifted.
I used to see him as just a friend, but now I wonder if that's even the right word to use. We've shared kisses, but nothing passionate, a little kiss on the cheek here and there.
[Flashback: two months ago, third person view]
One night a few moons ago I saw flecks of what could've been lights But it might just have been you Passing by unbeknownst to me Life is emotionally abusive
The Pogues sat on the dock at the chateu. The sun had just set, and everyone was wasting the night away, drinking and listening to music. Y/N leaned against Pope's side. Their legs draped over the dock's edge, just a few inches from the water.
"You ever wonder what's at the bottom?" Pope referred to the water in front of them. The water looked pitch black, given the time of night. "I'd rather not think about that when we're sitting right above it," Y/N answered. Y/N rested her head on Pope's shoulder.
She could feel him tense up, but his reaction melted after a second. Pope set his drink beside him and put an arm around Y/N. He felt complete when she was with him. Pope wouldn't say it aloud, but he was utterly in love with Y/N Y/L/N. He couldn't figure out why.
Maybe it was how her eyes lit up when she saw her favorite animal. Or, maybe, it was how she spoke about the things she's passionate about. It could also be her ability to make his day when she looked at him or spoke to him. Pope Heyward just knew that he was in love with her.
Y/N also wouldn't say anything. She adored the way he'd 'fact-bomb' everyone by being him. Y/N loved how Pope would get energy bursts and want to do everything at once. He would go out of his way to ask her how her day was.
And time can't stop me quite like you did And my flight was awful; thanks for asking I'm unglued, thanks to you
[Present Day, Y/N's Point of View]
Fast forward to now, where I haven't told Pope. Usually, if I ignore these feelings, they would magically go away. But I've been told by my mom that that's not always the case. "Who wants to play a game?" JJ said. "No," Kiara shook her head. "What? Why not?" he sat up in his seat.
He reached over and handed the blunt to Pope. Pope stared at it for a quick second before taking a hit. I took it from him, letting the blunt rest between my fingers. "Because typically, when we play your idea of a game, either one of us gets into an argument," I blew the smoke out the window, "Or we get in trouble."
JJ snatched the rolled blunt from me, claiming I lost weed privileges for the rest of the night. "That is not true," he shook his head. "Oh, that is totally true," Pope said. Before we could start JJ's 'game,' Sarah and John B came into view.
They were running towards the Twinkie, hand in hand. John B waved for one of us to start the car. Kiara crawled into the front seat just as the couple got in. Sarah sat beside me as John B was in the driver's seat. "What took you two so long?" Pope asked. Kie pulled away from the Cameron mansion.
"Rafe knocked on Sarah's door, so I had to hide," John B replied. He breathed heavily, putting on his seatbelt. Sarah laughed with her chest rising up and down too. "Okay, we were just about to play a game. Who's in?" JJ leaned against the door of the Twinkie.
"No," Pope, Kiara, and I said in unison.
(Later, at the beach)
And it's like snow at the beach Weird but fucking beautiful Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful You wanting me tonight feels impossible But it's coming down, no sound, it's all around
Pope and I decided to take a little break while the rest of the group swam as the sun began to set. Sarah continued to check her phone, so much that John B took her phone away, claiming she needed to live a little.
Since Sarah and John B started dating, Sarah has gotten out of the 'bubble wrap' and has been more carefree. Pope's head sat on his arms as we stared at the sky. I closed my eyes to feel the wind and hear my friend's laughter. I felt Pope's eyes land on me as I took everything in.
I looked at him. He reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Pope's hand remained on my face before setting his arm back down. A tint of pink appeared on my cheeks. I hoped that my sunburn covered the blush. Pope sat up with his hands digging into the sand on either side of us.
Pope and I watched JJ tackle John B into the water. Sarah and Kiara roared with laughter at the two. JJ was always finding an excuse to tackle John B.
Like snow on the beach Like snow on the beach Like snow on the beach
"Please don't kill each other!" I exclaimed, setting two hands around my mouth. JJ reached up and shot me the finger. John B managed to rise up from the water before pushing JJ. Another splash occurred, and we were all laughing now. "How long do you think Sarah will last before she wants to go home?" Pope spoke.
He leaned into me as he spoke. I could feel his body beside me, making me shiver from the sensation. "I think she'll last a while. The cops haven't shown up yet, so, I think we're okay," I responded, "Did you want to go back in?" Pope shrugged and lifted his hands from the sand.
He brushed the sand away. He set his hands on the bright green towel. I looked at him and then at the sun still sitting in the purple and blue sky. "I can't promise you that JJ won't try to tackle you," I said. Pope laughed and sighed. He finally agreed. I stood up from my towel with his hand now with mine.
The two of us ran to the water. Goosebumps arose when the crisp waves hit my ankles. Sarah put an arm around me, separating me from Pope's grasp. We could still hear the music blasting from Kiara's speaker. "This scene feels like what I once saw on a screen. I searched aurora borealis green," Kie sang as Snow on the Beach by Taylor Swift played.
Pope turned to me with extended hands, gesturing for me to dance with him. I can't lie that Pope definitely enjoyed Taylor Swift's music. His favorite album was Lovers, no idea why, but it was his go-to. I didn't hesitate to set my hands on his. He twirled me around with the water splashing around.
I've never seen someone live from within Blurring out my periphery My smile is like I won a contest And to hide that would be so dishonest And it's fine to fake it 'til you make it 'Til you do, 'til it's true
I chuckled as JJ splashed Kiara before picking her up and threatening to throw her in. She cursed at him to put her down, but that didn't phase him. Pope began to burst into song. He didn't stop until I set my hand on his mouth. Pope's brows furrowed at my action.
"I'm sorry, but you're a terrible singer," I shook my head. "I am not," he said. "Hate to break it to you, buddy, but you really are," John B spoke.
I pointed to John B in agreement. He gave me a fist bump. A little bit later and we were all getting a little tired. "Hey, you want to walk on the beach for a bit?" Pope asked. I nodded and followed him down the shoreline. I watched as the waves swallowed the shells and seaweed that appeared on the sand.
Now it's like snow at the beach Weird but fucking beautiful Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful You wanting me tonight feels impossible But it's coming down, no sound, it's all around Like snow on the beach Like snow on the beach
"We never figured out what JJ's game was," Pope kicked up sand as we walked. I shook my head, thinking back to the ride here. "Part of me doesn't even want to know," I softly chuckled. Our hands brushed against one another. We stopped walking just where the sun aligned with some houses behind us.
I plopped down on the side, ignoring the sand as it found its way back to my legs. Pope joined my side with his arms resting on his bare knees. "You want to play a game?" he leaned to the side, tapping his shoulder with mine. I turned to him with my brows raised.
"Not JJ's game."
"Good," I sighed. "Let's play. two truths and a lie. I'll go first," Pope sat up straight, "I am terrible at painting, my dad has my name tattooed on his leg, and I was in that Pampers commercial when I was little."
I tapped my chin in thought. A moment passed, and I finally answered. "The painting one is a truth, and your dad does not have a tattoo," I said, "But you were in that Pampers commercial." He applauded me and rolled his eyes.
"You were so cute in that commercial. I remember going to set with your family, your mom was so excited," I said. Pope rolled his eyes and motioned for me to go. "I go to Pilates with my grandmother every weekend, I won a pie-eating contest when I was in elementary school, and I used to eat Plato when I was younger," I said.
"The pilates one is a lie. You won that pie-eating contest in fourth grade because your brother thought it might be funny, and you were sick for a week because you kept eating that stupid red Plato."
I pointed at him in agreement. The sun had completely set, with the moon now replacing it. I looked up and noticed the stars had begun to scatter. "How did you not get sick from eating all those pies?" Pope questioned. "No idea," I said. It was nice to reminisce, something the two of us have always done.
I can't speak, afraid to jinx it I don't even dare to wish it But your eyes are flying saucers from another planet Now I'm All For You like Janet Can this be a real thing? Can it?
It grew silent between us. Pope's eyes shifted from me then to the sky and ocean. "You know that feeling when you lock eyes with the person you like, and your heart skips a beat?" I stated.
Pope opened his mouth to speak but closed it. I could already tell he was going to reply with a fact, trying to find some response. "Yeah, that's Arrhythmia. You could die from that," he said. Yep, there it is. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. He agreed and looked out at the ocean.
The clouds started to fill with rain. Cold droplets fell from the sky, which created little indentations on the warm sand. I covered my head with my hands as if that would keep me from getting hit by the raindrops.
When I looked over my shoulder, I saw Kiara and Sarah holding hands as they twirled in the rain. My smile grew wider as I saw my friends dancing with the rain falling and the music playing. It was like a scene from a cheesy Rom-Com my mom enjoyed.
Thankfully it wasn't thundering, so we could stay outside. When I turned back to the view, Pope's eyes were on me. "What?" I said. "Nothing. You're just really pretty," he replied. We noticed that the group was starting to pack up our things.
The Twinkie wasn't parked too far away from the beach. So, we wouldn't have to be in the rain any longer. "We should probably get going. Don't want to be caught up in the storm on the way home," I stood up from the sand and brushed myself off. Even though I was trying to get the sand off, the rain kept making it stick.
Are we falling like snow at the beach? Weird but fucking beautiful Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful You wanting me tonight feels impossible But it's coming down, no sound, it's all around
"Wait," Pope grabbed my wrist. I was unprepared for the feeling of his lips on mine. It took me a couple seconds to comprehend what was happening. Was it really this easy? Was this all I had to do, to tell him how I felt?
Questions upon questions filtered through my mind, so much that I forgot what was happening. Pope's hand disappeared from my wrist as it laced with my hand. The rain slid from my skin onto the warm - now cold - sand.
Who would've thought that I'd ever have a kiss in the rain? Pope looked at me with a smile on his face. "No one's ever kissed me like that before," I said. "Is that a good thing, or...." his sentence wander. I bit my lower lip, nodding in reply. Pope grinned widely before leaning in for another kiss.
Like snow on the beach Like snow on the beach. Are we in a dream? Like snow on the beach Like snow, but it's coming down, no sound, it's all around
Kiara was the first one to cheer. The rest of the group followed along. "Thatta boy!" John B exclaimed, throwing an arm up in the air. Pope leaned his forehead against mine. He brought an arm in the air as well and hollered. Pope put his arms around me, hugging me tightly.
Taglist: @kasidy709 @soflties @elliecool123
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maybankprincess · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
kinktober 2021 will be continuing this year, hence the title "kinktober 2022", looking forward to amazing stories. they will start on the 8th of OCT!
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blueathens · 1 year
Pope Heyward
Attention: Requests Are Closed.
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“And to quote The Hobbit, 'Down, down, to Goblin Town. Down, down, you go, my lad.’”
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Love Taylor - Fics Inspired By Taylor Swift
Our Home - Fics Inspired By Harry Styles
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princessmaybank · 5 months
Outer Banks P!Links PT2
Here's Part 1: P!Links
*Once again: I'm aware some of them look nothing like them, but that's okay, it's all for fun*
~A lot more than last time! Please enjoy! I didn't check to see which was already used, so I'm sorry if there are repeats from the last post!~
Him Pounding Into You
Riding JJ While He Plays With Your Tits
Soft Fuck With JJ
Jacking Him Off
Teasing Him With Your Pussy
Riding Tatted JJ
69 Tatted JJ
4 Fingers
Oral And Riding By The Pool
Wants To Try Something From Your Book
Rubbing Your Pussy
Tatted Rafe POV
Cumming On Your Stomach
Hitting It From Behind
Riding Him
Gently Playing With You
Fucking You Outside
Fingering Then Fucking You
Slapping Your Pussy On The Way To Midsummers
Rubbing You Until You Can't Take It
Bent Over His Lap
Anal By The Pool
John B:
Sucking His Dick In The Twinkie
Playing With You
Couldn't Resist You
Having Some Fun With Kiara
Parking Garage Fun
Tatted JB, Playing With Each Other
Making A Mess In Your Panties
Using His Dick While He Plays His Game
Sitting On His Face By The Pool
Upside Down 69
Dicking You Down While JJ Drives
Tatted Pope, Waking You Up
Bouncing On His Dick
He Asked For A Handjob
Jacking Him Off Then Riding Him
Under His Desk While He Studies
Fucks You In Your PJ's
Bouncing You Back
Tatted Pope Fucking You On The Counter
Anal From The Back
School Girl Fantasy
Riding Pope On The Couch
Kiara Eating You Out
Eating Out Tatted Cleo
Tribbing With Sarah
Tatted JJ & Rafe Sharing You
Playing With Sarah's Pussy
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ruewrote · 3 months
𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑤𝑒 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒.
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PAIRING: pope heyward x gn!reader WARNINGS: none GENRE: fluff SONG INSPIRATION: shell suite by chad valley WORD COUNT: 248
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it wasn't a lie that you were broke. so were the rest of the pogues. in your opinion as much as it was shitty it made you appreciate life a lot more than a wad of cash.
money couldn’t buy those morning surfs or just simply soaking up each other's company.
so the pogues always appreciated the little things. you especially, pope found that out as he listened to you the most, hanging onto every single word you spoke as you excitedly walked beside him, happily swinging your intertwined hands.
it started out with him finding the prettiest stones and seashells to give to you.
each time you were a little more amazed at the little trinkets he’d conjure up.
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it was no lie you and pope were the most introverted out of the group, that's probably what made you click so easily.
so when you weren’t digging up gold or annoying the kooks, the two of you were found in the hammock outside of the chateau with you reading to him. rocking backing and forth normally led to you both falling asleep on each other.
your head laid on his chest, one of his arms wrapped around your waist and one behind his head with your legs tangled together.
as you can tell it didn't take the two of you long to get together just by this. everyone became blind to the no pogue on pogue macking rule when it came down to you two.
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© ruewrote.
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rubiehart · 4 months
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cockwarming bestfriend jayj would just be so ughhhhhhhhhh. you’re both a little past the point of tipsy, having slipped away together from the kegger back to the chateau, legs tangled together in the hammock as you watch jj slowly inhale the joint he still managed to roll pretty well even in his intoxicated state. his eyes flutter closed as he sucks in the smoke and reaches over to place it between your fingers as he blows it out, too focused on the way the smoke clouds his face and then disappears, blue eyes trained on your figure, raking up your bare legs and ending on your face.
you blink away the thought and bring the joint to your lips and inhale deeply, looking into his eyes as your hold the smoke in your mouth, not too sure what this eye contact meant from his end but you knew exactly why you were doing it, the reason evident as you feel your cotton panties dampen a little, choosing to ignore it as he reaches his arms up behind his head and groans, stretching his legs out and his foot nudges your leg to get your attention.
you rip your eyes away from his for a second, your high clearly taking over your actions, grinning at jj as he knits his brows together, a little smirk laying on his rubied lips, tonguing the little cut on his bottom lip as he watches your frame. you pass him the joint and he takes another long hit, coughing a little when you start crawling up his body, situating yourself on his lap. he reaches one hand to hold your waist as his eyes widen. “oh- hey, watch’a doin?” you just smile and giggle as you reach down to capture his lips in a kiss.
he groans into your mouth and releases the smoke he’d been holding. you start to slowly grind on him, little whines of pleasure leaving your lips as he winds his tongue with yours, kissing you back as desperately as you. pulling away for a second and using his thumb to wipe away a string of saliva from your lip while you look at him all big eyed. “jayj..” you whisper before he nods, as you fumble with the buttons of his cargo shorts, pushing them down his thighs until his boxers are exposed, flicking your eyes up to see his dilated pupils and parted lips, the joint still between his ring-clad fingers.
he brings it to your lips as you pull down his boxers, his rock hard cock standing up, his mushroom tip leaking precum. he groans, eyes widening when he sees you unbutton your tiny denim shorts you’d been teasing him with all night, slipping them down your legs to reveal your little cotton panties, biting your lip and looking up at him whilst slipping them to the side, the weed seemed to give you some new found confidence, and maybe the way jj was looking at you “jesus fuckin’ christ..” he mumbles at the sight of your glistening cunt in the moonlight, prepping your hands on his chest, lifting yourself up.
“hey, hey, hey. a-are you sure?” he asks, panicked at your sudden confidence as you nod eagerly. “are you?” you giggle, still hovering over his cock. “fuck yeah.” he grins as you finally sink down, hissing at the stretch, his eyes transfixed on your face the whole time, your tiny pussy stretching around his dick making him groan, your face comforting and whining when he’s about halfway in, him grasping both hands to your hips after putting the blunt out on the bark and dropping it to the dirt. “shhh.. you got it, yeah?” you nod slowly, teeth sinking into your lip as your resist the pain, stroking your hip with his thumb softly. “good, goooood girl. there ya’ go.” the praise sliding off his tongue so casually making you clench around him. finally getting to the hilt and he lets out a huff.
“feel so fuckin’ good..” he whimpers, as you roll your hips a little to get used to the feeling making him let out a pornographic groan. “you’re so big..” you whisper, leaning down to rest your head in the crook of his neck, feeling the stubble on his chin against your forehead as he breathes deeply. “keep talkin’ like that and i’ll fuckin’ bust.” he whispers into your hair making you giggle a little, leaving a little love bite on his neck and he reaches down to cup your ass, kneeding the fat of it in his palms as you roll your hips gently, making him suck in a breath. “fuck..you’re gonna kill me baby.”
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luvstarss · 2 months
Life as a family with JJ maybank
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His Protector
OBX Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Summary: You and Pope were an interesting duo: you being more confident whereas Pope was a little more reserved. Some people expected you to be with JJ, but you loved being with Pope given his sweet and calm natured side. To him, seeing you protect him was something he loved about you.
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Fighting, blood, injuries, etc...
Rafe Cameron being a complete asshole
Pope Heyward x-reader
The bright sun beat down on me, making me warm as time passed. I tossed the crab crate over the side of the dock. I couldn't wait to hop in the water after my shift was over. My mother - owner of Y/L/N Tackle - stood on the porch, monitoring me as I did my job. She motioned me to the three crates behind me.
I gave her a thumbs up and twisted around to retrieve them. She nodded before stepping through the double doors. My mom had owned Y/L/N Tackle when my grandfather passed away about two years ago.
Both her and my dad had taken the responsibility, knowing that the store would be torn down for some Kook's house. Instead of taking that risk, they decided to keep it in the family so that I would inherit the bait & tackle shop some day.
Beads of sweat began to trickle down the sides of my face. I wiped it away with the collar of my shirt. The porch door was cracked open, a rock stopping it from closing. I walked up the stairs and sighed when the AC hit me. My mother looked over her shoulder with a smile directed towards me.
"How do the crates look?" my father questioned, appearing from the back room. He held a box of some fishing books. His hair was tucked away by his favorite baseball cap. "Good. I made sure that they're all secured," I replied. My father pat me on the head. He handed me the box of books.
"What! I've finished my shift," I spoke with my brows raised. "You can do that," my dad pointed to the box, "and then you can leave." He set a kiss on my forehead. I sighed and followed his order.
Within just a few minutes, all ten books were organized near the front counter. My dad gave me the 'okay' and I quickly made my way towards my car, praying that my parents wouldn't instruct me to do something else. I had planned to meet up with my boyfriend and friends at the chateau, John B's house. I threw my bag in the passenger seat.
I pulled out of the parking lot and decided to stop by the convenient store on the way to John B's. It wasn't too crowded, but enough to struggle for a parking spot. I finally found a spot closest to the side of the store. Sarah texted me a list of things the boys wanted, including some of her and Kiara's favorite snacks.
The cashier smiled kindly as I set the groceries onto the counter. She began scanning each item, dropping them into the reusable grocery bags. Kiara had lectured to me that using reusable bags were the way to go, and since then that's all I've used. "Your total is $35.28," the blonde women read from the screen. I nodded and handed her the money.
She set the cash into the register then handed me the printed receipt. I thanked her - her responding with a smile - then walked down the front steps of the store. My Y/E/C eyes caught sight of Rafe Cameron leaning up against the side of my beat up light blue truck, something I had received from my grandfather before he passed.
"Awe shit," I muttered.
Just when I thought I could get to my friend's quicker, there was the king of douche bags himself. I kept my head high and continued to walk down the steps like I didn't notice him. Rafe cleared his throat to gain my attention. "So, Y/L/N, how's that boyfriend of yours?" the Kook asked.
I opened the passenger side of my truck and set the groceries on the seat. Rafe rounded the back of the old car, smirking mischievously. I went to step forward, but was stopped by Rafe firmly grabbing my arm. His grip on me tightened when I looked up to meet his eyes. "Y/N, how's Pope doing?" Rafe repeated the question in a different way.
He pushed me against the side of my car, keeping an arm on my neck. I gritted my teeth when he pressed harder. "I knew Pope was a sad motherfucker, but I didn't know his girlfriend was one too," he remarked. I gained enough energy to bring a leg up to knee him in the stomach.
My knees were met with the pebbled driveway, gasping for air. Rafe chuckled as he sat on all fours. I hopped up from the ground but Rafe wrapped his hand around my ankle, bringing me down to the ground. A groan escaped my lips as I felt my chin collide with the parking lot. I got up on my knees and began crawling towards my truck to escape inside.
"So, you can do two things," Rafe wiped his lower lip, "You can agree that Pope is a lifeless nobody who I should've killed at that golf course."
Rafe paused to kick me in the side. I fell once more with my fingers digging into the pebbles. I winced as I could feel them getting stuck underneath my nails. Rafe strolled towards me when I had made it to the back right tire.
"Or, I could beat you to a bloody pulp," he added. Without him noticing, I was able to pick up a rock and launch it at his head. I stumbled up from the ground and ran towards the drivers seat. My hands shook when putting the keys into the ignition. Fortunately, I was able to flee the store and head towards my house.
(A little bit later)
I sat in front of my vanity mirror, doing my best at patching myself up. After getting home from the little bickerment, I had messaged my friends that I wasn't feeling too great. Of course Pope being Pope, he insisted that he come over to help bring me back to health.
So, now I was trying to figure out how I was going to tell him what happened. Usually it wasn't this bad. A knock from the front door interrupted my thoughts. I quickly washed my hands before walking down the hall to the door.
Pope stood on the other side with a grocery bag in hand, wearing one of my favorite shirts of his. He broke into smile when he saw me through the window. Once I opened the door, his expression dropped at the sight of my busted lip and bruised neck.
"What the hell?"
"Nice to see you too."
I stepped aside so he could walk in. He hadn't taken his eyes off of my state when I opened the door wider. Pope set a hand on the side of my face to turn me towards him. He brought an arm out and closed the door. "Rafe?" he questioned. I nodded, biting the inside of my cheek.
He dropped the grocery bag and gave me a hug. I felt him lightly kiss the side of my neck. "You really gotta stop stepping up for me, Y/N," Pope said. "I can't. You know I can't," I responded. He carefully threw an arm around my shoulders. Pope led me back to my room. I sat on the edge of my bed, watching as my wonderful boyfriend helped clean up the room.
Shortly after that, Pope came back with the grocery bag of goodies as well as the first aid kit. He held up the kit and sat down beside me. "You did a shitty job at patching yourself up," he commented. I shook my head in amusement, the corners of my lips turning. "Why thank you, Popesicle," I stated.
He ignored the nickname I've called him since elementary school. Pope dabbed the cut on my chin. A few minutes passed and he had finished tending to the injuries. "I brought Finding Nemo and The Maze Runner," he held up two DVD's, "I know those are two different types of movies, but Kiara recommended Nemo and JJ the runner movie; something about how Dylan O'Brien is his man crush."
I smiled despite the cut on my lower lip prohibiting me from grinning. Pope kissed my forehead and set one of the DVD's into the side of my laptop. He rested the computer on a pillow and leaned back with open arms. "Thanks," I set my head on his chest. "Anytime, squirt," Pope replied, putting an arm around me so I couldn't comment on the silly nickname.
Taglist: @kasidy709 @soflties @elliecool123 @ramaalkayyali
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fxllfaiiry · 1 year
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𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 ʚɞ
★ mistake - @luversgirl
★ my medicine - @highreevess
★ oxytocin - @ghostselena
★ what did you call her? - @winchester-books
★ I feel it coming - @rafesdior
★ innocent!reader x rafe - @novxturient
★ this blurb <3 - @/novxturient
★ rafe as your bf - @/meadowscarlet
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𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 ʚɞ
★ this concept <3 - @wanturvideo
★ this blurb <3 - @idcntlikedarkness
★ practice makes perfect - @meadowscarlet
★ physical touch - @lvstcd
★ jj protecting you from your brother - @mvybanks
★ these hcs <3 - @maybankswhore
★ greedy - @hybridluv
★ bikini collection - @tell-me-when-ur-ready
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𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐁 ʚɞ
★ reputation - @/rafesdior
★ kiss the kook - @fangirl-writes
★ beer kegs and jealous boyfriends - @pankows-girl
★ casanova - @milazka
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𝐏𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 ʚɞ
★ skin - @jjmaybud
★ lesson #1: don't eat out your best friend's girlfriend - @msgorillagripcoochie
★ imagine - @/msgorillagripcoochie
★ the drive in - @honeymunson
★ this fic <3 - @avenging-fandoms
★ honestly - @ssserafim
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𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐡 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 ʚɞ
★ sandy knees - @realmsdelght
★ a little selfish - @honeybear-yammy
★ experimental love - @ilovefandoms102
★ hush baby! - @popespussypocket
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𝐊𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐚 ʚɞ
★ [10:45] - @claireunoia
★ lucky - @sl-ut
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princessslutt · 2 months
heyy, could you do sm with reader who is addict to make up and she buys a new lip plumper and give rafe a kiss, how would he react to the burning feeling ?
you had been begging and begging rafe to go shopping with you today, he promised you after he got all of his work down he would take you out to go shopping.
“rafeyyyy — cmon I’m bored! you’ve been working alllll day” he hadn’t really been working all day, you just really wanted to get out of the house.
“oh yeah, let’s over exaggerate it, princess.” you could tell by his tone that he was getting annoyed, and the way his jaw clenched. you huffed and stomped away to lay in your queen sized bed, that he bought you.
you were spoiled, got everything you wanted — anything that you laid your eyes on was yours. so when rafe told you to be patient you had absolutely none of it.
instead of acting like a brat, you decided to be good for rafe and sit still like a good girl.
you must have been waiting for awhile because you had fallen asleep. only to be woken up with rafe carrying you to the car.
“said you wanted to go shopping, that’s exactly what we’re gonna do.” you got overly excited because you had been wanting a new lip plumper for awhile because you ran out of your favorite one.
when you arrived at the mall, he followed you to the makeup store, arms crossed.
“rafe look! it’s the one i ran out of — can i get it please?” you whined, but how could he say no to you? he nodded his head and just rolled his eyes.
when he takes his card out to pay for the product you wait patiently for him to give it back to you.
you leave the store, practically running to the car to flip down the mirror in the passenger seat and apply it.
it was exactly the same one you had ran out of. the sparkly, the shine it laid on your lips.
rafe just though you were a ray of sunshine, he loved buying you new things.
“thank you rafey — thank you so much!!!” you smile, leaning over the center console and kissing him right on his perky lips.
“sweetheart, why – why is it burning?” you giggle at his words, rolling your eyes and smiling.
“it’s lip plumper silly. it’s supposed to tingle on your lips!” he glares at you, finding it impossible for a lip gloss to do that to your lips.
“never kiss me again with that on your lips.” he starts to drive and shakes his head.
you pout, even though he was just playing.
˚˖𓍢ִ🛍️✧˚.💋୨୧ ⋅˚₊
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