#Polski Fiat
scavengedluxury · 2 months
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Corner of Daru street and Fehlévizi street, Budapest, 1988. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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elsipe · 5 months
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Polski Fiat 1100 Coupé, 1975. A prototype sports car built by Fiat’s Polish subsidiary using components from various Fiat models 
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alekksandar · 1 year
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a commission for my friend YandereSnake
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localdriver · 1 year
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radracer · 8 months
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Fiat 126p
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koenvlecken · 2 years
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Wszędołaz ("Everywhere", in Polish), a prototype Fiat 126p – or Polski Fiat – on caterpillar tracks, built to inspect power lines during the severe winter of 1979-1980. Unfortunately there was a critical design flaw : the tracks were supposed to push snow out, but instead accumulated it to the point they fell off.
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scavengedluxury · 7 months
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Finland, 1976. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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easternblocrelics · 3 days
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Zhiguli-Polski Fiat Óbuda Car Service ad 1979
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meirimerens · 8 months
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they will do just about whatever to maluchom. at this point
(1972 - 2000 Fiat-Polski 126p)
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prince-of-elsinore · 7 months
@luminescent-chorus tagged me to respond to the following. Thanks friend! I know it's not Wednesday, but hey, we need our Wincest fix between Wednesdays too, right? :)
Happy Wincest Wednesday! I have a few questions for people to answer. Feel free to answer them all or just one (or none at all) even if you’re not tagged!
what song describes samdean the most?
if spn was set in europe, what country would the Winchesters be from? What language/languages would they speak?
This is such an interesting question to think about! The possibilities that first come to mind are: Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Poland. On a superficial level, this is probably because Sam and Dean look Anglo-Saxon, and these countries have climes and landscapes not too dissimilar from damp Vancouver, where the series is filmed. But there are some cultural reasons, too.
First, Ireland/Scotland: (ignoring for now that supposedly the BMOL made hunting in the British Isles obsolete) There's a ruggedness to parts of the countryside and, stereotypically, to its working class inhabitants, that I think fits John and Dean quite well. It's easy to imagine young Dean being (or rather, posturing as) one of those mad lads at the pub, you know what I mean? While Sam went off to Dublin or even, God forbid, London, for school. I could maybe even see them being from Wales or Northern England--I could imagine Dean with a Mancunian accent. And when he picks up Sam from school, Sam's developed this posher, southern accent that starts slipping the longer he's on the road with Dean. This AU opens up a whole rabbit hole to explore: is Dean a bit of a chav? Or is he, in his anachronistic way, more of a skinhead (in the original British, not neo-Nazi sense)? Is he more into punk than classic rock? Aesthetically, it could make sense, but did John listen to that? And what does it mean for Sam to consciously distance himself from that?--etc.
Germany/Poland: the blue-collar aesthetic is intrinsic to spn, and it's interesting to me to think of that in an Eastern Bloc context. If they were German, they'd be from the East. Their childhood was spent behind the Iron Curtain, and part of escaping that life, for Sam, would be going west, maybe to Munich or even (*gasp*) Paris. Dean's romanticization of the past would be tied up with Ostalgie. Maybe they drive a Trabi, or a Polski Fiat 126p (lol). Would we get gopnik/dresiarz tracksuit-wearing Dean (bigger lol)? Or maybe he idolizes and emulates icons of Western pop culture (a precious commodity for him growing up) just as much as in canon. Maybe he loves "Eastern/Red Westerns" and Bruce Springsteen. As far as languages go, I imagine hunting would take them across borders all the time, so they'd both have a working knowledge of several Central European and Slavic languages. Dean's English would be learned entirely from pop culture and would reflect that, while Sam's would be much more academic. Sam would speak much better French than Dean (and than canon Sam *cough*) and probably Italian, Spanish, and Greek as well.
if they didn’t have the impala, what car would they drive?
is there a project you’re working on currently? Do you have a line or sketch from it to share?
I am currently working on a multi-chapter post-15x19 thriller! He's an excerpt:
What it comes down to is that he’s Dean fucking Winchester, and he should’ve known that would catch up with him sooner than later. Not because of the enemies he’s made, but because he wasn’t built for good things. He’d let himself forget that. Because he and Sam beat God and saved the world, and for a moment it’d felt like they had a new lease on life, and they got a dog for Christ’s sake because the worst was supposed to be behind them and they were finally free—what a joke. Freedom doesn’t mean the good life. Freedom is just a nice sounding way of saying that the rug can be pulled out from under you at any moment and you’ll never find a satisfactory answer why, because there are no rules, no guiding principles, no divine design behind your suffering.
what’s the first fanfic for supernatural you’ve written? Did you publish it? Or if you don't write: what's the first fanfic you remember reading?
is there another codependent/enmeshed duo from a different fandom you enjoy? Are there parallels to Sam and Dean?
Dennis and Dee Reynolds from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Rick and Morty. Both of these duos have a considerably less healthy dynamic than Sam and Dean, but I think disentangling themselves from each other would be just as unthinkable as for the Winchesters. They also all have an element of "this person knows me better than anyone else, and we've shared experiences no one else could possibly understand."
what type of wincest dynamic do you currently enjoy most? (sexual, platonic, dark, fluffy, early seasons, etc.)
Mostly sexual (especially developing feelings), usually somewhere between dark and fluffy (bittersweet, melancholy, or hard-earned happiness), and often pre-canon or post-15x19.
These were fun! I tag @flownwrong, @mannequin3thereckoning, @thegoodthebadandtheart, @zmediaoutlet, @flashbulb-memory, and @nigeltde-fic, if you feel like it :)
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butxerflyv2 · 8 months
dostalam od ojca koszulkę z napisem "Polski Fiat is the best" imorel
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starzec · 4 months
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SD-80, 2009
One of three motor wagons manufactured by Fiat, purchased by Polskie Koleje in the 1950s. It was the fastest rail vehicle in Poland at that time. Decommissioned in the 1970s, it fell into disrepair for many years in the bushes near the former Railway Museum. Shortly after the photo was taken, it was extracted and set aside for renovation, which, as far as I can see, has not happened to this day.
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dedibelyegei · 1 year
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Visszatérünk az európai kontinensre, méghozzá a közelbe Lengyelországba. A fent látható bélyeg egy 1987-es hattagú sorozat egyik tagja, mely a lengyel járműgyártás főbb mérföldköveit hivatott feldolgozni. A sort Jacek Brodowski, a lengyelek egyik ma is élő, jelentős bélyegtervezője és grafikusa készítette. Design szempontból érdekesség, hogy a keretezés 'inverz', ugye a bélyegek jelentős részének a fogazat mellett vékony fehér kerete szokott lenni, itt viszont széles színes keretek emelik ki még jobban a világos háttérre helyezett járműveket. A sor két 10, két 15, egy 25 és egy 45 zlotys bélyegből áll, a legértékesebb kettőn lengyel motorok láthatók.
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Kicsit pedig még a saját bélyegemen látható teherautóról, az Ursusról. Ez egy alapvetően a '20-as évek második felében, a lengyel állam megrendelésére olasz licenc alapján gyártott teherautó volt, számos változatban és célra. 1924-ben 1050 teherautóra szóló rendelés érkezett, vegyesen 1.5 és 3 tonnás autókra, azonban a gyár annyira lassan épült fel, hogy végül az első harmadát a rendelésnek egy az egyben megvették az olaszoktól és franciáktól (az eredeti verziót ami még SPA 25C Polonia névre hallgatott), a második pár 100 darabot, már sikerült úgy megoldani, hogy az összeszerelés Lengyelországban történt, és végül az első 52 darab igazi teljesen hazai gyártású Ursus A, csak 1928 tavaszán gördült le a gyártósorról, ez látható a bélyegen is. Az autó lényegében az olasz SPA módosított változata volt, melyet a keményebb lengyel időjáráshoz és gyengébb minőségű útjaihoz igazítottak, illetve például fél tonnával nagyobb volt a hasznos teherbírása, mint olasz testvérének. Végül összesen 3 évig tartott a gyártás, ami alatt 884 készült, mielőtt átvette helyét a már nekünk is sokkal ismerősebb nevű Polski Fiat 621 teherautó. Íme a fotó ami alapján alighanem készül a bélyeg, még a felirat is stimmel a platón:
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A bélyegsoriból amúgy természetesen rengeteg készült, a motorosokon kívül mindegyikből 8,5 millió darab, a 45 zlotysból csak bő 1 millió. Ennek megfelelően filléres értékük van még ma is, full sorozat kb 2 dollár.
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sage-bambi · 2 years
Hello dragons,
I would like to pitch my idea for Neil jostens car, it is this beauty a 126 polski fiat with one door that had to be changed to a new when he accidentally went into a pole with the door open (looks like the inbetweeners car):
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I would like for you to consider this greatly as I myself have done.
Thank you for your time
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scavengedluxury · 11 months
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Rest area on the M7 motorway near Siófok, 1971. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.  
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