#Phineas Horton
waitingforthet · 2 months
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thebibliomancer · 7 months
Essential Avengers: West Coast Avengers #44: BETTER A WIDOW...
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May, 1989
VisionQuest continues
Vision forgot to put his skin on today...
And Hank Pym's 'I'm not like the other superheroes' jumpsuit is awfully maroon today.
Last times on West Coast Avengers: John Byrne took over the book and a bunch of things changed between issues. Tigra, Wasp, and Dr Pym rejoined the team.
Then, a fake-Ultron attacked and Vision was kidnapped and unpersoned while the West Coast Avengers were distracted.
Mockingbird showed up to Explain It All and took the Avengers to the secret Vigilance base where Vision had been taken due to fears he'd try to take over the world again.
Only the West Coast Avengers arrived Too Late. And Wanda found her husband disassembled, his parts strewn everywhere. It'd be way too much gore for comics if he weren't a robot.
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Even this splash page is kinda too much, even with robot bits.
My boy! Look how they massacred my boy!
The various scientist who were just taking Vision apart are very concerned that Scarlet Witch and probably the Avengers are here instead of somewhere else being distracted.
And Wanda is not sympathetic. In fact, she's as angry as someone would be if they found their spouse turned into a pile of anatomy.
Mockingbird, who has still more exposition to exposition, explains this was the end goal of the kidnap Vision scheme. To erase Vision along with any top secret data he may have picked up when he was the internet for a hot minute.
Wonder Man shows up with project head Cameron Brock under arm and tells him to exposition more.
And since Vision has already been taken apart, Brock has no problem spilling the beans.
Vigilance is not a KGB operation but they are involved running the detention cells, which is why Mockingbird thought it was a KGB operation.
Brock reveals, he's not KGB and he's not SHIELD either. He's CANADIAN.
Wonder Man jokes about the concept of Canadian spies, showing that he has never heard of Wolverine. He then jokes about Australia, because he's going for all the hits.
Brock goes 'well actually my deputy chief is Australian.'
And he explains that Vigilance is actually a truly worldwide joint venture. Almost every security network on Earth sent a representative.
The Americans, the British, the French, the Russians, etc etc.
The kind of global cooperation almost unheard of -- all to specifically fuck up Vision.
Brock reiterates what he told Mockingbird. As long as Vision wasn't on the Avengers, everybody was willing to grit their teeth and let bygones be whatevers. But as soon as he rejoined (because Hawkeye was a sad sack who couldn't keep together a team), all the intelligence agencies put aside their differences to fuck up Vision.
Global peace, just like Vision wanted when he took over the internet. What ironies.
Wanda claims that Vision can be put back together. He is a robotty robot so clearly they just reassemble him and good as new.
Hank Pym shows up just to say nuh uh.
This is a theme in this issue. People showing up in the nick of time to say nuh uh.
Even though Hank is an expert in robotics despite being a biochemist and even though he's more familiar with Vision's systems than almost anyone, he's skeptical that humpty dumpty can be put back together again.
If Vision's brain was erased like Mockingbird said, Hank has no idea how to deal with that.
Wanda says that they can just borrow some brain patterns from Wonder Man again and use the backup memory file that Vision kept in the Avengers' computers.
Again, with this idea that Vision's brain is a computer that can be uploaded to external storage. I feel like that's at odds with how Vision has been portrayed in the past.
But it doesn't matter.
Vigilance wiped the Avengers' computer systems with a virus. Both the East and West Coast teams. There's no back-up.
(This is where John Byrne put in a backdoor, as some writers do when writing something that may be contentious. In this case, his backdoor to get out of this was that there's a copy of Vision's brain in the Titan supercomputer ISAAC. From the time that Vision linked with ISAAC.)
(John Byrne also uses the idea that Vision's brain can just be backed up as evidence that Vision isn't a real boy and is just an overly sophisticated appliance. The idea that he introduced. Sigh.)
With all the problems on the table, Hank says lets ignore the fact that Vision's unique personality is probably gone forever, erased by magnets or whatever. Just putting all the pieces back together is going to be hard enough.
Heck, the Vision was built from the base of the original Human Torch, the most sophisticated android ever created. That might be beyond Hank's level of skill!
And then Wasp shows up and goes nuh uh!
Not about Hank not being able to do it but about the thing he said about the robot Human Torch.
The shocking prisoner she found in the detention level that was so shocking it had to wait until this issue to reveal?
It's Phineas Horton, allegedly!
He supposedly died in Vision's backstory but we're about to take a big dump on that.
Vigilance wanted an expert in Vision's systems so they tried to find associates of Phineas Horton that might have worked with him on the Human Torch.
Instead they found the actual dude. Just casually not dead.
Hank is like okay weird that Vision thought this guy was dead but he could have been mistaken. Either way, hot damn, the exact expert we needed is right at hand!
And Dr Phineas Horton says nuh uh. He's already here so he didn't pop in just to say it but he's complementing Wasp's earlier nuh uh.
He's definitely the real Dr Phineas Horton (this man will later be retconned to be an imposter, womp womp, retcon tennis) and he doesn't recognize Vision's systems at all.
Vision is definitely not Horton's creation.
Elsewhere, Hawkeye didn't get the memo about waiting just outside the lab to pop in and nuh uh things so he's wandering around the backlot of the Vigilance base.
And I say backlot because aside from the main areas that Mockingbird saw and the stuff related to disassembling Vision and holding people prisoner, this entire base is just a mock-up. Just enough actually functional stuff to fool Mockingbird into thinking it was a fully operational secret SHIELD facility.
Hawkeye also wonders how the Vigilance team was able to capture Vision, which I also am wondering.
But he hears Tigra growling and follows the sound to find her having cornered a couple of Vigilance guys.
Vigilance Person: "You're Hawkeye! Help us!" Another Vigilance Person: "For god's sake... stop her!!"
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Hawkeye calls Tigra's name which makes her swing her attention from nameless asshole 1 and 2 to pounce at Hawkeye.
I guess one of her uncontrollable cat instincts is to kill birds.
(Despite the narrative caption promising that all kinds of horrible injury is about to happen to Hawkeye, he's fine when we next see him and Tigra. Typical sensationalism, tsk tsk.)
For some ding dang reason, the narrative cuts to Absolom College in Texas where some shadowy collegiate figures are trying to choose a suitable subject from a list of mutants.
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Forty-one candidates are rejected before Scarlet Witch is chosen for whatever this is all about.
If you're curious and have trouble with the tiny headshots, here's how the judging sorts out:
No: Angel, Avalanche, Blob, Caliban, Callisto, Cannonball, Cyclops, Destiny, Firestar, Forge, Iceman, Karma, Multiple Man, Magma, Malice, Mandrill, Marvel Girl, Mastermind, Mesmero, Mystique, Nekra, Nightcrawler, and Pyro.
Too powerful: Apocalypse, Magneto, and Rachael Phoenix.
Too weak: Banshee, Black Tom Cassidy. This category is reserved for the Cassidys, I guess.
Too unstable: Beast, Cloak, Dagger, Legion, Quicksilver.
Dead: Colossus, Cypher, Dazzler, Havok, and Rogue.
No longer viable: Magik, because she retconned herself back to a young girl in Inferno, or something.
Unverified: Sabra, Sabretooth.
This was hard because the marvel wiki didn't have them all. I had to go looking other places and at one point just pull up a list of Marvel mutants and check everything that fell between certain letters. Because, thankfully, this is alphabetized.
What's funny about the dead category is that Cypher is the only one who is actually dead. Everyone else just faked their deaths and moved to Australia.
Back at the plot, some paramedics take Dr Phineas Horton away for treatment. Because he was an old man and Vigilance was keeping him in a KGB-type detention cell. He's not in a great state.
Wanda asks Hank why Dr Phineas Horton IF THATS HIS REAL NAME (lol, its not, retroactively) would say that Vision isn't his work when we all know that Vision was repurposed from the body of the robot Human Torch.
Hank has no idea but he's also distracted by the police coming up and asking what they should do with the Vigilance dudes that the West Coast Avengers captured.
And Hank says 'fuck if I know, let them go, ain't no law'
Specifically, since Vigilance was every intelligence agency working together specifically to fuck Vision, they all have government approval and nothing they did is wrong. And/or have diplomatic immunity because they're from Canada or whatever.
Project head Cameron Brock smugs about how Hank figured out how untouchable they all are.
Wasp is like uh geez are you sure, Hank? They kidnapped Vision and reduced him to piles of bits. And Hank says they sure did but we can't do anything about it. We didn't know we were fighting the law but the law won. Can't fight city hall. Best they can do is call Agent Sikorsky, the Avengers' government liaison, and whine about it.
Hawkeye and Tigra rejoin the group, having missed the plot, and Hawkeye covers for Tigra by downplaying the incident as Tigra getting "a little carried away."
Since the West Coast Avengers can't do anything except take Vision's various components home and try to put him back together, Hank proposes they do just that. Just leave Vigilance and go home to pick up the pieces.
Scarlet Witch has one thing she wants to do first.
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And she blows the Vigilance base the fuck up.
Good thing everyone was already outside.
I'm not through this arc yet. I'm not even through the issue yet. But I looked at marvel wiki and Vigilance only has two appearances. This issue and the previous issue.
So I'm going to maybe jump the gun a little and talk about why, however things play out from here on, this story is going to be unsatisfying.
I don't like that the Avengers just have to shrug and accept that the government(s) killed Vision and there's nothing they can do about it.
It's a lot like how many spider-fans are still pissed about One More Day. It's not just about the marriage. Spider-Man made a bum deal with the devil and he's never going to get to redeem himself as things stand.
Sometimes cruel things just happen and there's no recourse except to pick up the pieces and try to live your life. But the superhero genre tends to be more active than that. Situations can be punched. There's always someone that can be punched.
If the Implied President of the United States is behind an evil plot to use a mutant powered UFO to take over the country, you don't shrug and decide he's too big to fight. If you're Captain America, you chase him to the Oval Office and unmask him. For one, particularly bizarre, example.
I don't know that it would make a better story if the Avengers COULD fight Vigilance in some way but it would feel less empty.
This whole thing feels less like a story and more writer fiat. Just like starting the team with Tigra and Wasp and Dr Pym back so Byrne doesn't have to do the legwork to get the team where he wants it.
An evil governments conspiracy kidnaps Vision and takes him apart so he can be rebuilt in Byrne's preferred way, everyone stands around talk talk talking about how this change is totally irreversible and the Avengers also can't do anything to the people that did it. And then Vigilance fucks off to never be heard from again.
There's more legwork done but only enough to get the change on paper. Because having Vision change like he is going to (spoilers: Vision is not going to be a pile of parts forever) and have it happen between issues is too much for the audience to buy.
Also on topic, also spoilers: this is going to lead to one of the big OH NO WANDA HAS GONE CRAZY stories which was apparently the only research Brian Michael Bendis did before Disassembled. And it may not be a good story but it may have been a better story if Evil Crazy Wanda had gone after Vigilance. Instead of what she does do. Which is apparently try to have sex with Wonder Man.
Byrne is going to ragequit the book at some point so I'm not sure how much of that is his fault. But what a blatantly obvious plot point to leave on the table.
Anyway. That's my feelings about VisionQuest. Before we even see how it falls out. It's a drastic change jammed into the book without respecting the audience enough to make it a good story.
You know when a writer really wants to write to a certain conclusion and has to expend walls of text assuring the reader that this is clearly the only way this could possibly go down? That's what this all feels like.
So that rant having been ranted, let's move onto the beginning of another dumb plot point.
When the West Coast Avengers arrive back at the West Coast Avengers Compound, they discover a distress signal has been activated from the guest house - where Wanda and Vision have been living.
Understandably, Wanda assumes the worst. That Vigilance has come after her children too, she runs to the guest house.
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The racist governess Miss Bach tries to tell Wanda that babies Tommy and Billy vanished into thin air after she put them into the bath. But when Wanda runs into the bathroom in a panic, she sees that her two babies are happily splashing around in the tub.
... Add John Byrne onto the list of artists that just can't draw a baby to save his life.
Miss Bach insists that she looked everywhere for the twins but Wanda assumes that the governess was playing a sick prank.
So she fires her ass, right on the spot.
Miss Bach appeals to Wasp that she was telling the truth. But Wasp can't tell Wanda not to fire her own personal staff. She at least promises Miss Bach that she'll get the proper severance pay.
Then we time skip two days later, where Wanda is sitting outside Hank Pym's lab while Hank tries to reassemble Vision.
It's apparently not as hard as Hank feared, just tedious. Each piece has only one place it can properly go so its just a matter of trying to find the proper place for hundreds of thousands of pieces.
Wanda wishes that they could contact the Real Professor Horton not that lying fake. Y'know, the real dead guy who died in Vision's backstory.
Scarlet Witch: "If that central fact was now to become untrue... everything we think we know about the Vision would become equally suspect."
Wonder Man says he wasn't around at the time but he loves poking holes in the Celestial Madonna Saga. That's his Thing now. So given what he's heard, he thinks Vision's backstory is sketchy if only because they heard it with the help of Immortus, who is a sketchy, manipulative man.
But then there's a loud WUMP as well as CRASH CLANG tinkle! THUD! from within the lab.
Hank sealed the lab behind a bunch of airlocked doors to prevent contamination to Vision's kibbles 'n bits and it'll take three minutes to open them all.
Wonder Man just forces them all open.
And then a robot hand shoots out of the lab and shoves Wonder Man to the floor.
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Ohhhhhh! It's just Vision! He wandered off without putting on his pants or his skin!
Wanda caresses Vision's bare skull, begging him to say he recognizes her.
Terminator Vision backhands her.
Boo. Boo to you, skinless Vision.
Wonder Man grapples Vision, saying he's going to put him down for a nice nap until they can finish fixing him. But he's hesitant to use his FULL POWER on his brother so skinless Vision tosses him across the room.
Elsewhere in the building, Hawkeye is sitting around thinking about how weird Tigra has been.
What we missed off-panel is that he just used a gas arrow when she pounced at him, knocking her out until she calmed the fuck down.
That narrative caption promising horrible violence really lied.
After coming back from the Vigilance base, Tigra has been hiding away in her bungalow.
Hawkeye isn't sure why he promised to cover for her but WHOOPS INCOMING A-PLOT.
He hears the ruckus going on in the lab and hustles down to see skinless Vision hoisting Wonder Man around.
Hawkeye shoots a constrictor arrow at the rampaging synthezoid but Vision just flexes his way free.
Wonder Man tells Wanda she's got to use her bullshit win-button powers to win because brute force isn't working and that's all he knows.
Wanda refuses to use her powers against Vision because she's worried that she doesn't have precise enough control of her hexes and that she might make him blow up.
She DID blow up a building a couple days ago. But she was really mad at that building.
And while Wanda is paralyzed, refusing to help, Vision picks up Hawkeye and shakes him upside down.
Its pretty funny.
I will say that it does make sense that Wanda would be hesitant to use her powers on the robo-man she loves. Its similar to how Wonder Man is pulling his punches.
But I do note that Wanda has been pretty useless this entire story. She was hypnotized to be unable to fight Fake-Ultron. Not sure why that was actually necessary but it was the explanation. And now she's not able to participate in the fight against skinless Vision.
She did blow up a building though.
I also have to say that Skinless Vision is a pretty intimidating antagonist.
His arm shooting out of the smokey lab to grab Wonder Man. Striking Scarlet Witch with no trace of emotion. Staggering around in the shadows as he moves on the collapsed Wanda. The way he tosses around Wonder Man and Hawkeye using just his robot strength, not his density powers. His robot noises being more audible without his skin in the way. Just the way he looks like a flayed corpse.
I gotta give props where props is earned because otherwise this post is going to be just bitter. And props, skinless Vision is alarming.
Anyway. Back to the plot. Where Scarlet Witch refuses to help.
Wonder Man: "You've got to take that chance, Wanda! Trust that your power won't permanently harm someone you love! But do it now! Before he kills Hawkeye -- or me!" Scarlet Witch: "No! No! Forgive me! I can't! I just can't!!" Dr Pym: "That's all right, Wanda..."
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Hey, thank goodness for Hank Pym.
And that answers how Vigilance kidnapped Vision.
The device Hank has is a neutralizer that Vigilance used to shut Vision off for kidnapping reasons.
All the ruckus Wanda and Wonder Man heard in the lab was Hank reactivating Vision and then Vision smashing stuff up because when he's activated without his brain functioning, he defaults to defensive actions.
Hank only just regained consciousness and shut Vision back down.
Skinless Vision is more of Brainless Vision. Head empty, no thoughts, just lashing out.
Hawkeye decides that this is his cue to call Washington and yell at Avengers liaison Sikorski.
Hawkeye: "Look, Sikorski, I don't care if I woke you out of your death bed! I want to know what you paper-pushers are gonna do about the Vision!" Sikorski: "Do? You seem to be missing the point, archer. We've already done it. The Vision has been rendered harmless. He presents no further threat to the security of this nation... Or any other, for that matter. You Avengers are now at liberty to reprogram him to suit whatever function you wish."
Wow. What an asshole.
He's still better than Henry Peter Gyrich but only because Gyrich would have said the same things and been 1000% smug about it.
God I hate Gyrich.
I'm glad Abigail Brand shoved him out of an airlock.
Anyway. Implication seems to be that Sikorski was In On It or at least was told after the fact and agreed 'yeah, excellent decisions all around.'
Vision isn't a dude. He was a malfunctioning appliance that had to be reset to factory settings so he could get back to Fighting Crime Or Whatever.
Hank argues that a) the Avengers can't just reprogram Vision that easily, b) the Vision they knew has effectively been killed by death of personality, and c) even putting aside all that, this is going to fuck up Wanda.
Which Sikorski acknowledges and says he regrets. That specific point.
What an asshole.
Anyway, as long as the Avengers called him to yell at him, Sikorski has some information he should have told them earlier but I guess he forgot or he's just shit at his job.
On top of killing Vision, the government has also decided that the West Coast Avengers and Vision need direct government oversight and have sent someone to take over the team. And the West Coast Avengers either accept this or the government cracks down on their future activities.
And judging by the silhouette, it seems like the new guy is an old guy. A guy they can all get along with.
But silhouettes often lie in comics and this is the opposite of all that. A new guy that none of them can get along with.
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When the government issued an ultimatum our way or the highway to Captain America and he quit and became the Captain, the government gave the Captain America name, costume, and shield to John Walker.
But recently, you may have noticed that good ol' Steve Rogers is back in his old costume and name and shield. Well, the government gave Cap's the Captain outfit to John Walker and dubbed him U.S.Agent.
And by editorial mandate governmental order, he's joining the West Coast Avengers.
Yeah, actually, it was editorial mandate.
According to John Byrne, editor Gruenwald, who created John Walker, insisted that Byrne put him in the West Coast Avengers book.
A captain-esque guy on every team!
John Byrne, who rankles at any degree of editorial meddling, had him written in as being forced on the team by an uncaring asshole higher power so he can annoy everyone on the team and not fit in.
John Byrne is not subtle sometimes.
Buuuuut. Like I said with the Worst Roster. A team having friction is very often more interesting. And there's a kind of poetic irony to Hawkeye having been the asshole constantly butting heads with Captain America getting his own Brand X Captain America to be the asshole to butt heads with him.
It rhymes.
So VisionQuest continues for another issue but AS OF RIGHT NOW I have to say it takes a sharp dip in quality after the first issue.
The first issue really jumped into things with a newish team suddenly assaulted by a Fake Ultron and having Vision stolen right out from under them.
Issues 2 and 3 are in full justification and retcon mode so it all bogs down into walls of text and explaining how this sequence of events is the only sequence of events.
I'm actually excited to see U.S.Agent here to shake things up and be a pebble in the team's shoe right when they're already going through the identity death of a beloved teammate.
Just please. Fewer walls of text.
Follow @essential-avengers for all these posts but only all these posts. Like, reblog, and comment perhaps.
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vertigoartgore · 6 months
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1993's Marvels Vol.1 #1 by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross turn 30 today. Feel old yet ?
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coverpanelarchive · 2 years
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Human Torch Comics 70th Anniversary Special #1 (2009)
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imperiuswrecked · 8 months
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Wake Pinocchio! Skip and run! Good Geppetto needs a son! Pinocchio, my artificial man. Fruit of my labors. I made you. You are mine. No one else's. Yet I don't know what to do with you. How to fix you.
Secret Avengers (2012) #35 / Marvel Age 1000 (2023) #1
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nerds-yearbook · 2 years
Marvel Comics 1#, cover date October, 1939, introduced numerous characters, including the original (android) Human Torch, Prince Namor McKenzie the Sub-Mariner, and the David Rand version of Ka-Zar (the modern age Ka-Zar is Kevin Plunder). Timely Comics eventually be renamed Marvel Comics. ("The Human Torch", "The Angel", "The Sub-Mariner", "The Masked Raider", "Jungle Terror", "Burning Rubber", "Adventures of Ka-Zar the Great", Marvel Comics 1#, Comic, Event)
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artzzyb00-27 · 7 months
||🍕Headcanons🍕;part 1||
Random headcanons about the turtles!
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Leo 💙
◊ he's a nerd for animated shows, specifically young hero-esc ones
◊fell in love with Mel from Arcane
◊wants his own pet bird, he thinks they're pretty cool
◊HATES, and I mean hates, when shows or movies force relationships
◊begged Donnie to pirate Spider-verse
◊Pizza is actually his second favorite food, his first favorite food is Onigiri
◊him and Mikey are best friends, no questions asked
◊going off the pirating Leo head canon, he was going to do it anyway without any of the brothers asking
◊plays Life is Strange games religiously
◊*cries in Before the Storm*
◊him and Raph rewatched Horton Hears a Who actually every night because they loved the singing at the end, had to be giving a time limit by Splinter
◊they even started singing randomly out on patrol and Mikey and Leo just stared at them, Donnie does the high at the end
◊gave his brothers coupons for when they need him to fix things, other than that they need to give him something
◊BTS, anime, manga, video games, the holy grail in this guys mind
◊favorite disney movies are the underrated ones, specifically Brother Bear and Treasure Planet
◊has a playlist with  GÆ energy
◊Criminal Minds and 9-1-1 are his favorite shows
◊animated show nerd like Leo
◊loves Christmas because of the snow and lights around town
◊Barrios are his favorite parts of town because of the food and culture
◊first time he had enchiladas he shed a tear of happiness
◊favorite drink is Horchata
◊as much as he loves pizza, like Leo it's his second favorite
◊favorite food is cheesecake
◊remember Chompy from 2012, yeah, he had a pet red-eared slider turtle named Stripe
◊Phineas and Ferb AT2D is his favorite nostalgia movie
◊convinced his brothers to have a sing a long to iconic 2000's and 2010's songs
◊favorite artist is Elijah Naslin
◊loves oldies music and rock
◊when Nimona came out on Netflix, he related a little too much to the shapeshifter
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"you dress like buford phineas and ferb" "you dress like jojo from horton hears a who" let me out of here
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souurcitrus · 4 months
Since I started getting more into Marvel I made a bunch of OCs for the media, and with time I created a whole universe to insert them in the stories. So I'm gonna start posting here my personal time-line.
These events include stories from the comics, a bit of the cartoons and the movies. Many events or characters have their backstories changed and I will include my ocs here.
It's just a project I do for fun (and has been taking my mind in the last years help). It's not complete. There's still a lot to work but I got the basics.
B. C - Events
• Okkara and the Enriched
• Birth of Apocalypse
• The Clan Akkaba
A. C. - Events
• Thanos' birth
• Creation of the Ten Rings
• Fall of Titan
15th / 16th / 17th Century - Events
• Odin brings the Tesseract to Earth
• Rise of Count Dracula
• Apocalypse and the Army of Darkness defeat Dracula
• Fall of Tenochtitlán
• Creation of Talokan and birth of K'uk'ultan
• Selene Essex becomes Lady Sinister
• Trial of Agatha Harkness
• Apocalypse is sealed by his subordinates
18th / 19th Century - Events
• Mystique's birth
• Victor Creed's birth
• Logan's birth
• Victor Creed and Tereza Márquez (OC) meet
• Howlett's Tragedy
• Irene Adler and Raven Darkholme meet
• Fall of Akkaba Clan
• Origins: Wolverine I
20th Century
1900 - 1930 - Events
• Origins: Wolverine II
• Wolrd War I
1940 - Events
• World War II
• Johann Schmist finds the Tesseract
• Steve Rogers becomes Captain America
• Bucky Barnes becomes his partner
• Phineas Horton creates the original Torch
• Sgt. Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos
• Foundation of Weapon X by Dr. Abraham Cornelius Truett
• Captain America dissappears and Bucky Barnes is taken by HYDRA
• Logan marries Itsu. Later she is murdered by the Winter Soldider and his son is taken
• Cain Marko and Charles Xavier become stepbrothers
• Wong starts his training in Kamar-Taj
• Howard Stak works for SHIELD
1950 - Events
• Cain Marko and Charles Xavier fight in the Korean War. Marko dissapears after finding the Temple of Cyttorak
• Max Eisenhardt marries Magda
• The original Torch dissapears / dies
• Logan meets Silverfox
• Magda and their daughter dies, Max Eisenhardt changes his name to Erik Lehnsherr
• 1950 Avengers
1960 - Events
• Charles Xavier meets Moira Mactaggert and Gabrielle Haller
• Sabretooth and Wolverine join Team X
• Adam Brashear becomes Blue Marvel
1970 - Events
• Professor X, Magneto, Mystique and Destiny create the first team of X-Men
1980 - Events
• Captain Marvel
• Ghost Rider
• The Incredible Hulk
• Iron Man
• Ant-Man and Wasp
• Hawkeye and Mockingbird
Age of Heroes - The first famous groups of heroes start to rise, the first conflicts earth went through after FF, the Avengers, the X-Men, the Decenders and the others formed.
1989 - Events
• The Fantastic Four
• Puppet Master
1990 -
• The Avengers
1991 -
• Jessica Drew works for SHIELD as Arachne
• Logan adopts Amiko Kobayashi
• Matt Murdock debuts as Daredevil
1992 -
• The X-Men (Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Iceman and Beast)
• The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
• X-Men VS Juggernaut
• Sam Wilson becomes the Falcon
1993 -
• Simon Williams joins the Masters of Evil as Wonder Man
• New Avengers (Black Panther, Hercules, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Hawkerye, Falcon)
• Jennifer Walters becomes She-Hulk
1994 -
• Sue Storm and Reed Richards Wending
• The Fantastic Four meets Black Panther
• Dane Withman becomes Black Knigt
• Z'Nox attack
• Wade Wilson becomes Deadpool
• Silver Sufer and Galactus
• Alex Summers becomes an X-Man
• Betsy Braddock becomes Captain Britain
1995 -
• Mesmero attacks Krakoa. Lorna Dane joins the X-Men as Polaris
• Patsy Walker becomes Hellcat
• Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man
• Jessica Jones becomes Jewel
• Heroes for Hire (Luke Cage and Danny Rand)
• Norman Osborn becomes the Green Goblin
• Natasha Romanoff leaves the Red Room and joins SHIELD, working alongside Mockingbird and Hawkeye
• Frankie Raye joins the Fantastic Four as Photon.
• The Avengers battle against Ultron and Vision
• Among us stalk the Sentinels! Ororo Muroe and Sean Cassidy join the X-Men
• Frank Castle becomes the Punisher
• Jean Grey absorbed the power of the Phoenix
1996 -
• Hank McCoy joins the Avengers
• Greer Nelson becomes Tigra
• Secret Empire
• Avengers / Defenders War
• Flint Marko becomes Sandman
• Second Genesis.
• Hulk VS Wolverine
• Cyclops starts a new team of X-Men (Wolverine, Storm, Thunderbird, Colossus, Nightcrawler and Sunfire)
• X-Men VS Erik the Red and D'Ken
• Wanda Maximoff and the Darkhold
• Darren Cross becomes Yellow Jacket
• Wanda uses her magic to create her sons
• Mystique and Destiny start a new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
• Kitty Pryde and Alison Blaire join Xavier's Institue
• Dark Phoenix and death of Jean Grey. Cyclops leaves the team
• Kree / Skrull War
1997 -
• Days of Future Past. Rachel Summers and Lucas Bishop join the X-Men
• Cyclops meets Madelyne Prior.
• Rogue absorves Carol Danvers powers
• Rhino VS Spider-Man
• The trial of Hank Pym
• X-Men VS the Brood
• She-Hulk joins the Avengers
• Wanda and Vision find out their sons are magic creations of the Darkhold
• Illyana Rasputin is captured and taken to the Limbo
• New Mutants
• The Morlocks
• Rogue joins the X-Men. Logan marries Mariko.
• Beta Ray Bill!
• Venom arrives at Earth
• Hawkeye creates the West Coast Avengers
• Forge joins the X-Men
• Curtis Connors becomes the Lizard
1998 -
• Jean Grey returns
• Nathan Summers is born
• Mutant Massacre
• Madelyne is corrupted by the demon N'Astirh, becoming the Goblin Queen
• Asteroid M
• Fall of the Mutants
• Franklin Richards is born
• The Punisher took over the Assassins' Guild, and later became a substitute teacher while investigating drug trafficking at a school
• Wolverine and Jubilee work together against the Hand
• Gambit joins the X-Men
• Genosha X-Tinction Agenda
• Legacy Virus
1999 -
• Kree/Shi'ar War
• X–Cutioner Song
• Rise of Midnight's Children
• Maximum Carnage
• Fatal Attractions
• Bloodties. Fabian Cortez kidnaps Luna Maximoff
• Sabretooth goes to the X-Men after he starts losing control of his feral side
• Cyclops and Marvel Girl marry
• Generation Next and Phalanx events. Emma Frosts takes the new mutants as her students. Blink dissapears.
• The Hellions die
• Peter Parker meets Olivia Octavius, who later becomes Dr. Octopus
• Sabretooth escapes. Angel loses his wings
• Ozyamndias comes to warn the X-Men about the return of Apocalypse
2000 -
• Jessica Drew joins the Heroes for Hire
• Graydon Creed's assassination
• Apocalypse returns with his Knights
2001 -
• Mantis creates Adam Warlock. Later Gamora is sent to kill them, but decides to betray Thanos. With Drax, Groot and Rocket, they become the Guardians of Galaxy.
• The Thunderbolts
2002 -
• Sepent Crown's arc. Lemuria and Talokan are revealed to the world
2003 -
• Jessica Drew returns as a heroes and joins the Heroes for Hire with Cage and Rand
2004 -
• The start of Infinity Gaulent arc. Earth's heroes lose the battle to Thanos. Half of the Universe dissapears.
• The X-Men split in Team Gold and Team Blue
2005 -
2006 -
• Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson marry
2007 -
2008 -
2009 -
• Mayday Parker is born
2010 -
• The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Guardians of Galaxy and Denfenders join forces to fight Thanos once more
• Thor becomes king of Asgard
2011 -
• The Avengers rebuilt their base.
• Scott Lang joins the team as the new Ant-Man.
• Emma Frost and Scott Summers re-open the Academy X
2012 -
• E is for Extinction
• Runaways!
• Jean Grey dies fighting Xorn
• Gitfted / The Mutant Cure
• Ana Corazon becomes Spider-Girl
• Logan meets Laura Kinney
• The Winter Soldier Returns
2013 -
• M Day happens
• Vulcan takes the throne from Lilandra
• Peter Quill joins the Guardians of Galaxy
2014 -
• The Young Avengers!
° Iron Lad (16), Kate Bishop (17/18), Wiccan, Speed (16), Patriot (16), Hulking (16), Sting (14), Jonas (??)
• The New X-Men
° Armor, Loa, Prodigy, Cuckoos, (15), Rockslide, Pixie Hellion, Flubber, Gentle, Wind Dancer, Surge, Wallflower, Onyxx, Quill, Network, Wither (14),
° Mercury, Indra, Dust, Ink, Laura, Elixir, Kidogo, Trance, Dryad, Icarus, Tag, Preview, DJ (13), Wing, Wolf Cub, Rubber Maid, Bling!, Anole, Match, Specter (12)
• Stryker attacks Xavier's Institue
2015 -
• World War Hulk
• Birth of the Mutant Messiah
• The Avengers and other heroes fight Kang. Sam becomes Captain America
2016 -
• Skrull Invansion
• Dark Reign
• The X-Men move to Utopia
• The Inner Circle attacks Genosha
• Hope returns as the Messiah
• Hank Pym opens the Avengers Academy
2017 -
• Children's crusade
• Hope and the Lights
• Apocalypse Solution. Warren Worthington III becomes heir of Apocalypse
• Fear Itself
• The Schism between the X-Men happens
2018 -
• Miles Morales (13) becomes Spider-Man
• Logan opens the Jean Grey School For Higher Learning
• Jean Foster is diagnosed with cancer
2019 -
• The Phoenix returns
• Rage of Ultron. Hank Pym dies
• Khamala Khan (16) becomes Ms. Marvel
2020 -
• Ms. Marvel, Nova and Spider-Man create the new Champions
2021 -
2022 -
2023 -
• The Mutants create Krakoaland
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scarlet--wiccan · 5 months
Is Vision black since both the human versions of his sister and daughter are?
The Vision is a robot. All of the humans involved in his creation are white, although it's worth noting that Phineas Horton was Jewish. In the past, when he has assumed a human disguise as "Victor Shade", he appeared as a white man, and his predecessor, Jim Hammond, also had the appearance of a white man. Simon Williams, whose brain scans act as the basis for Vision's emotions and personality programming, is white, and Vision is considered an informal member of the Williams family-- who, again, are white.
So, no, I don't believe that Vision is textually coded as anything other than white. Other members of the synthezoid family, like Victor Mancha, Jocasta, and, as you mentioned, Viv Vision herself*, are explicitly depicted as people of color. I don't believe that has ever been the case for Vision himself.
His experiences can been read as an allegory for, frankly, a lot of different stuff, and I think that's intentional. He is marginalized as a metaphorical outsider, not unlike the mutants. These metaphors are versatile, but they're also deeply imperfect, and there is often no right way to label them. I think Wanda's marginalization as a mutant and witch during V&SW is an obvious stand-in for her race and percieved foreignness, but that's because she's a textually racialized character whose fictional attributes are directly correlated to her real-world identities.
Many Black readers and critics have written about the Vision as a Black character or an allegory for Black experiences. There is a lot to be said about race and robots in fiction, particularly depictions of Blackness and Black bodies. I am not the right person to have that conversation with.
*Genuine question, though-- is Viv's human form Black? Is that something that we know for certain was the intent? I always assumed that she designed as an Ambiguous Brown Girl™, which is a whole problem unto itself.
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
May 11th - The Vision
The hero known only as The Vision is a ‘synthezoid,’ an advanced android, built to replicate the human form using Horton Cells.  He was created by the villainous Ultron-5, using parts from Phineas Horton’s abandoned android, Adam One, and provided with a Solar Gem that give him consciousness.  The personality matrix that Ultron used as a scaffolding for his creation’s consciousness were based the brain engrams of the hero, Wonder Man.  Ultron’s aim in creating The Vision was to use him to destroy his hated rivals, The Avengers.  
The synthezoid first attacked The Wasp who inadvertently gave him his name, referring to him as a terrifying ‘vision.’  The other Avengers interceded and The Vision was defeated.  Afterward, the android informed the Avengers that he had been sent by Ultron-5 to destroy them. The Vision’s sentience had now expanded to a point as to provide him free will - thus enabling him to defy his initial programing.  He chose instead to aide The Avengers in defeating Ultron-5.  Soon thereafter, The Vision was asked to join The Avengers.
The Vision would go on to prove himself an invaluable member of the team, accompanying The Avengers on numerous missions.  Tentatively at first, the android embarked on a romantic relationship with his teammate, The Scarlet Witch.  The pair were ultimately married and they spent several years with the group before retiring to live a quiet life in New Jersey.  Some time therein, The Scarlet Witch used her hex powers to enable her to become pregnant with The Vision’s child.  She ended up giving birth to twins whom they named William and Thomas.
The Vision and Scarlet Witch later joined the West Coast branch of The Avengers.  Not long thereafter, The Vision was apprehended by rogue governmental officials who completely dismantled him in an effort to reverse engineerthe creation of a synthezoid.  Once the Avengers recovered his remains, Hank Pym rebuilt him as best he could.  Wonder Man, however, would not allow his brain patterns to be used again to provide a matrix for the Vision's emotions.  This, along with damage to the Vision's synthetic skin when he was dismantled, resulted in his being resurrected as a colorless, emotionless shade of his former self.    
Soon thereafter, The Scarlet Witch was told her children were merely simulacrums created by hex magic and made from a portion of the demonic being known as Mephisto.  Agatha Harkness allowed the twins to be reabsorbed into Mephisto and erased the memory of them from The Scarlet Witch’s mind.  It would ultimately turn out that the twins were not destroyed but rather sent a handful of years back in time and born to new parents; and the two would eventually become the Young Avengers known as Wiccan and Speed.  Nonetheless, the loss of their children coupled with The Vision’s now cold sense off personality, led to The Scarlet Witch’s divorcing The Vision.
Some time later, The Vision regained his ability to feel emotion by way of adopting new brain patterns from the deceased scientist Alex Lipton.  The Vision continued on with The Avengers for subsequent missions until he was destroyed by The Scarlet Witch after the rediscovery of her surprised memories of her children caused her to become overwhelmed by her hex magic and embarking on a destructive rampage.  
The Vision was eventually rebuilt by Tony Stark, who once more used the memory engrams of Simon Willson so to enable the synthzoid to experience emotion.  He went on to rejoin the Avengers and had numerous adventures as a member of the team; he additionally briefly served as a member of the all-android Avengers A.I. squad; as well as a part of the Uncanny Avengers unity team.  Although it took a while, The Vision was eventually able to forgive his ex-wife for her action and the two were able to foster a friendship together.  
Sometime after forcing himself to purge the emotions associated with his memories so to augment his processing speed, the Vision decided to take his pursuit of humanity a step further and created his own family in order to live the ‘American Dream.’  He built for himself a wife named Virginia along with a son and daughter named Vin and Viv.  
Unfortunately, The Vision’s plan to have a normal family went disastrously awry.  irginia’s programing to be a protective wife and mother caused her to become homicidal and Vin was accidentally killed by Victor Mancha.  Virginia then killed Victor before self-destructing.  Only The Vision’s daughter, Viv, remained.  Having attained her own sense of sentience and independence, Viv ultimately left her father to join the young hero group known as The Champions.  
The Vision did his best to contend with his lost family.  He returned to The Avengers and more recently was involved in the No Way Home event where his actions proved pivotal in defeating the evil goddess known as Nyx.  
A version of The Vision has featured in the Marvel Cinematic Universe portrayed by actor Paul Bettany.  The hero first appeared in Avengers Vol. 1 #57 (1968).  
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thespectralvision · 2 years
The White Vision: A Comic Overview (Part 3)
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PART ONE - Vision Quest Part 1 (WC Avengers #42-45), Avengers Spotlight #23, and Marvel Comics Presents #38
PART TWO - Vision Quest Part 2 (WC Avengers #47-49)
Vision Quest Part 3 (West Coast Avengers #50-53):
West Coast Avengers #50 picks up the Vision part of the story again, where we dig deeper into his associations with the original Human Torch. Hank Pym and the rest of the WC team had been looking into this, after they were approached by a woman named Ann Raymond, the wife of Toro, the sidekick to the original Human Torch.
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BACKSTORY: While you may recognize the name The Human Torch as Johnny Storm from the Fantastic Four, he took the name as tribute to the original WWII era hero. For those who aren’t as familiar with comics - the Human Torch was one of the first Avengers waaaaay back alongside Captain America in Marvel Comics #1 (1939). He was an android created by a scientist named Phineas Horton who could set himself on and control fire. He deactivated himself because he feared he was a danger to those around him. It was believed that Ultron stole his body and used it to create Vision, which is a big part of the Giant Sized Avengers run that ends with Wanda and Vision’s wedding.
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Wanda is not exactly thrilled with this...and Vision once again leaves the other West Coast Avengers behind to help her. (Spectral’s Commentary: See, this is why I don’t buy Vision just leaving Wanda behind and not caring about her anymore because he’s White Vision. He keeps making the effort for Wanda’s sake. Almost like he still cares, even if he claims it is just the way he’s programmed - and trust me, this is not an isolated incident.)
The story then gives us a lot of backstory regarding Ann and Toro and the original Torch. Her husband was believed to be dead, but she is hoping that with the news Vision is NOT the Torch, perhaps that information had been false too. The team (minus Wanda and Vision) agree her story may be plausible and decide to help Ann look for her husband and the Orignal Torch.
After giving her some time to cool off, Hank Pym goes to talk with Wanda and Vision and explain what is going on. 
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(Spectral’s Commentary: I love Vision’s hand on Wanda’s back in that panel. Again, over the course of this story it seems he is getting more comfortable with Wanda even though he’s still clearly adapting to the changes)
After more discussion, it is brought up that Immortus (who was involved in Vision’s journey as self discovery waaaay back in the Giant Sized Avengers arc) seems to be the common thread between these discoveries. And how convenient we get a panel of Immortus himself, spying in on the West Coast crew. (Immortus may be better known to MCU watchers as He Who Remains from Loki...or, better known as a variant of Kang the Conquerer)
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We move forward to the team going to investigate the aformentioned cemetary. They are denied the rights to exhume the grave but decide to go around it with Vision being extra weird and phasing into it instead.
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We then get one of my favorite Scarlet Witch panels (she has no time for all this nonsense and it’s so very Wanda), and the use of her Hex powers reactivates the Torch. He flys off and Simon goes after him.
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The issue gives us a change of scene, returning to the Maximoff-Vision house where a poor distraught babysitter is given a suprise - It was Agatha all along! (Not really she’s here to help the poor girl out)
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Simon gets the Torch back down and he shakes hands with Vision. It’s a big deal.
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They all go back to the West Coast Avengers headquarters and talk about what’s happened. Hank Pym concludes Vision was not made from the Torch, but rather, Ultron used spare parts from the Torch to assemble him, hence the assumption that they were the same android. Everyone is happy, the Torch cries (Even Androids can cry after all), and then...Iron Man appears?! (Spectral’s Commentary: IronMan is believed to be dead at this point so it’s kind of a big deal)
Issue #51 picks up with Hank, Simon, and US Agent John Walker interrogating Iron Man (who they believe is an imposter). More importantly however, Wanda and Vision have a talk as they head to their home to check on the boys:
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(Spectral’s Commentary: Yet again, Vision is trying to please Wanda and make her happy. She’s the one rejecting *him* at this point. It’s a complicated situation, and I can understand her side...but I rarely see this brought up in discussions about the White Vision. Most of the time it is implied he doesn’t care or doesn’t even try and just leaves, but throughout this run he seems to be making an effort for Wanda’s sake.)
Agatha is waiting for them and reveals that the twins are not real, but also knows how devestating this news is for Wanda (and she assumes, Vision). Vision seems unaware of this fact, likely becuase when they are together the boys are present, and Wanda denies Agatha’s claims. She even directs Vision to comfort his wife. 
(Spectral’s Commentary: I have a lot of opinions about why Wanda and Vision’s marriage falls apart other than Byrne didn’t want them together, because I like context. I suspect if Vision was himself and not dealing with his own issues at this point, and had been able to grieve with Wanda or at least offer his support, things may have turned out differently. Wanda has effectively lost her husband AND her children within weeks of one another, honestly all things considered she’s reacting more rationally than a lot of people I know. I have additional interpretations of what happens between them I’ll get into further in at the end of this run, but it’s all snowballing to that point.)
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While Wanda, Vision, and Agatha have a chat, the Human Torch goes for a flight around the complex...and a bunch of demons attack! What a day - but that’s pretty normal for Avengers honestly. The team get to work fighting them, but a few manage to get to Wanda and Vision’s home. Wanda is not handling this well and Vision is doing his best while Agatha prepares to fight.
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And while their parents are distracted, the demons (lead by Master Pandemonium) manage to steal Billy and Tommy away.
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Pandemonium returns to his creepy Hell-hide out and gives an evil villian monologue to the boys, telling them about how he was saved from death by Mephisto but the price to pay was shards of his soul. He’s trying to get them back and only missing two - the two that were ‘stolen’ by the Scarlet Witch to create her babies.
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Wanda is, understandably, distraught by all of this. The West Coast Avengers gather in her ruined home to discuss a course of action. Vision is even trying to comfort her:
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Only, the team are more interested in how Agatha showed up (since the last they heard she was dead), and get distracted discussing that. Wanda gets angry, punches Wasp, and demands Agatha help her get her boys back.
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Agatha agrees, with the usual ‘You can’t go alone it is too dangerous’ and the team all agree to help, because that’s what friends do. Agatha opens a portal to Hell, and they all go through it. We also get a cut of Immortus (Kang) watching this and getting upset that they are foiling his plans which haven’t actually been revealed.
The WC Avengers end up in this trippy fantasy world and fight their way through the demons to get to Pandemonium’s stronghold, where he is waiting. Oh and the babies are now his hands:
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(Spectral’s Commentary: Yeah...I don’t know either.)
Our final issue of Vision Quest (WC Avengers #52) picks up here, with the Avengers telling Wanda to be careful or she may harm her children in the attempt to save them.
Pandemonium keeps taunting everyone as they fight, reminding the team that they boys are part of him to begin with.
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Vision is...frankly useless. He makes it 6 pages in and gets knocked out by a demon. It feels like a cheap way to not have to deal with him in the fight, in my opinion, but here we are.
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We then return to Earth, where Agatha, The Human Torch, and Anne  (Toro’s wife) are hanging out and waiting for the team to return. They end up discussing what is going on and how Wanda’s children play into this whole mess and Agatha explains Wanda wanted a normal life for herself so desperately she used her magic to create one (sound familiar MCU fans?).
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(Spectral’s Commentary: I find it interesting that Agatha comments that there are MANY types of reality, and Wanda’s powers are great. While she confirms Wanda can’t create life from nothing, she does not outright say the boys are not real in some sense.)
The Avengers are struggling in the fight against Pandemonium and his hordes of demons, but Hank Pym has a realization - if William and Thomas are the pieces of his soul, why were they born BEFORE his accident?
On cue, Mephisto pops up (yup, that Mephisto that everyone thought was going to appear in WandaVision).
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Turns out Mephisto tricked Pandemonium. After Mephisto’s supposed death (at the hands of Franklin Richards in Fantastic Four #277), his essence had been shattered. With only a fraction of his power, he turned Pandemonium into his tool to regain them. 
The Human Torch shows up at this point claiming to have the final two pieces of Pandemonium’s soul, and bargains with him to let the Avengers go. Of course it’s also a trap, and when Pandemonium falls for it he’s still missing a piece and implodes. Agatha Harkness had given the Torch the pieces but didn’t tell him what they would do.
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Mephisto gloats at this point, saying he has reabsorbed William and Thomas into himself. Agatha’s cat-demon Ebony transforms and attacks him. Agatha also reached out to Wanda, and is able to get the team home. Only, by doing so, the spell also erases Wanda’s memories of William and Thomas. It allowed the old witch to defeat Mephisto temporarily, and she explains everything that happened to the team.
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The team disagree with this, but ultimately what is done is done. Agatha explains that Wanda’s memories of the boys will be locked away, as if they never existed. (Spectral’s Commentary: Yeah, that’s going to come back and bite everyone in decade or so. Avengers Dissassembled/House of M here we come!)
That is the official end of the Vision Quest arc, though there are a few more stories before Vision officially leaves Wanda behind. I’ll get into those more in Part 4, but I want to include some ‘retcons’ from the Tom King 2015 Vision run before we do.
The Vision (2015) #7:
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One day I’ll likely do a full breakdown of the Tom King Vision run, as it is my absolute favorite comic story. King took time to explore Vision’s trauma in a way no one really had, and issue 7 is all flashbacks of Vision and Wanda’s relationship. The White Vision panels are of particular interest to me, because they changed my initial impressions of Vision Quest and play into how I interpret the character.
Firstly, the issue implies that Vision was aware the boys were disappearing when Wanda was not thinking of them.
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Spectral’s Commentary: Vision being aware of this, and trying to talk with Wanda is an interesting interpretation since it was never implied in the original run. Vision is nothing but a happy father in the older comics, and I like the idea that he also desperately wants a normal family. It’s something he and Wanda share - they have both been other their entire lives, and that other-ness drew them together in both the Comic-verse and MCU. Wanda lashing out against Vision feels very in character for her, and to start showing the cracks in their marriage before his own deconstruction I think helps understand his frame of mind later on when he eventually leaves her.
We then get the infamous “Daddy why are you white?” panels (which break my heart). Vision, freshly reconstructed, denying he is the same Vision. This is something Vision Quest didn’t delve into so much, but we start to see more of after in later White Vision stories (and in post-White Vision as well). 
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Spectral’s Commentary: “Is the truth not kind?” Is a wonderful line. It feels like something Vision would say regardless of if he is white or red, and echos the sentiments in the previous pages when he has the fight with Wanda. Vision is a being of logic, and of right and wrong. At his core, the white Vision is not a villian or a monster, he is simply coded to see the world in 1s and 0s as it were. There is a panel way back in old comics where Vision is asked if he is lying, and he states his circuitry makes lying difficult. When he is reconstructed, it is very much like someone hit the reset button. There is no malice or cruelty, just cold logic in his responses. If you’ve read up to this point, we see that he fights that to try and pretend things are like they were for Wanda’s sake. He has emotions buried in there, he just doens’t know how to process them right now.
The final pages from the King run I’ll include here take place after Vision Quest, and allude to a scene in West Coast Avengers #53. It is one of my favorite scenes in the comics, mostly due to my own interpretation.
If you are not familiar with the King run, in this issue the idea of “Tomorrow always comes” is a repeating theme in this issue, first introduced as a way for Wanda to cheer Vision up when they first start dating:
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It’s then used again during their wedding night:
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Which just makes the callback here beautiful but painful:
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This throwback is one of the reasons I adore this comic run so much. Vision telling her he will leave, and discussing that they are both ‘like new’ is poetic. I would love the MCU to play with this idea, though I am not certain how much they will - but there is certainly an opening to do so.
In the issues following Vision Quest we see Wanda is catatonic. She’s a broken woman, incapable of processing losing so much in so little time, not to mention likely side effects of Agatha’s spell. King adds a scene of Vision coming to her, and the artwork just sets the mood. The way the rain seems to play on his face in the final panel to almost look like he is crying, and his changing expression to imply some sort of emotions - sorrow, sadness. 
Spectral’s Commentary: So this is where I’m going to get into some headcanons and meta regarding Vision Quest and the White Vision. In a few issues we’ll see that he certainly *does* experience emotions, though Vision continues to claim he does not even beyond the Alternate Visions story (Avengers #360) where he gets a red body back. As I get further in this series we’ll see as he plays at being human but it is always clear there is a Wanda-shaped hole in his life that Vision can’t quite fill. That’s still true as of comics coming out today. It is my opinion that Vision feels something here - that he is dissapointed and greiving the life he wanted just as much as Wanda. He lost his sons too, even if he isn’t certain they are his sons right now. The King run explores this more in my opinion, when he creates a wife based on Wanda and just happens to give them twin children - and how desperate he is to hold onto Vivian in a later Champions story arc. Something to keep in mind regarding Vision and his emotional state here, is that Vision Quest all takes place within a matter of DAYS. Trauma like this would take anyone weeks to process, so for him to be so distant and emotionless right after his reconstruction seems natural, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel anything - no matter how hard Byrne tried to make that seem. I believe that seeing Wanda in so much pain, and knowing that he (even indirectly) caused it, was uncomfortable for Vision. He couldn’t fix this problem, he couldn’t bring their boys back or even give her other children - this plays into his future choices to not reunite with Wanda A LOT. When he finally makes the choice to leave her with that in mind, it seems less like he does not care about Wanda but more like he can’t bear seeing her so unhappy and knowing that.
Phew that was a lot! I hope you enjoyed these first few installments. My goal is to work through EVERY White Vision comic appearance, though admittedly we may skip around a little - I will notate when a story arc does not have enough content to justify delving into though.
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supeherosunite · 1 year
Original Characters
Pax kent ( cousin of kara) ( Kryptonian cousin / adopted earth sister of Clark) face cam bailee madison
Edith Kent (sister of Clark Kent) face cam Heather Rattray
JaKari Kent (brother of Clark Kent) face cam Laird Macintosh
Lara Kent ( daughter of Clark Kent ) face cam Amanda Fein
Lulu Kent ( daughter of Clark Kent ) face cam Caitlin Fein
Gaia white ( Meta-human with nature powers ) face cam Georgie Henley
Uranus white (Meta-human with nature powers ) face cam Freddie Highmore
Yara smith ( mutant avenger ) face cam Bridgit Mendler
Amity Jones ( young S.H.I.E.L.D. agent ) face cam Drew Barrymore
Lilly Cullen (adoptive daughter of Alice and jasper ) (twilight) face cam Becky Rosso
Violet Smith (profiler) (criminal minds) face cam Haley Lu Richardson
Sammy Brown ( agent) (ncis) face cam Julia Butters
Senara Sohma (Zodiac member) (fruits basket) face cam Emma The Promised Neverland
Martha Kent
Clark Kent (Superman)
Jon Kent (Superboy)
Jordan Kent (Superboy)
Jonathan Kent (kon-El)
Lois Joanne Lane
Doctor Emil Hamilton
Tess Mercer
James Bartholomew Olsen
Chloe Sullivan-Queen (Watchtower)
Ryan James
Jonathan Sullivan-Queen (Speedy)
Kara Zor-El (Supergirl)
Alex Danvers (Director Danvers)
Mon-El (Prince of Daxam
Winn Scott (Toyman)
Nia Nal (Dreamer)
Lena Luthor
James Gordon (police commissioner)
Alfred Pennyworth (Penny One)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Kate Kane (Batwoman)
Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Terry Wayne (Batman)
Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
Jason Todd (Red Hood)
Tim drake (Red Robin)
Damian Wayne (Robin),
Duke Thomas (The Signal)
Henry King (Gotham)
Luke Fox (Batwing)
David Zavimbe (Batwing)
Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan (Ghost-Maker)
Barbara Gordon (Oracle)
Stephanie Brown (Spoiler)
Cassandra Cain (Orphan)
Claire Clover (Gotham Girl)
Jean-Paul Valley (Azrael)
Julia Pennyworth (Penny-Two)
Tiffany Fox (Batgirl)
Harper Row (Bluebird)
Barry Allen (flash)
Iris Ann West-Allen (Eye in the Sky)
Nora West-Allen (XS)
Bart Allen (Impulse)
Wally West (Kid Flash)
Jesse Chambers Wells (Jesse Quick)
Jenna Marie West (Trajectory)
Joanie Horton (Joanie Swift)
Dr. Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost)
Ronald Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)
Cisco Ramon (Vibe)
Harrison Wells
Dr. Harrison Harry Wells
Harrison H.R. Wells
Harrison Sherloque Wells
Harrison Nash Wells (Pariah)
Maya Wells
Allegra Garcia (Ultraviolet)
Chester Phineas Runk (Black Hole)
Hunter Zolomon (Zoom)
Julian Albert (Alchemy)
Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper)
Green arrow
Oliver Jonas Queen (Green Arrow)
Felicity Megan Smoak (Watchtower)
William Clayton (White Feather)
Mia Smoak (Blackstar)
Thea Dearden Queen (Speedy)
Roy William Harper Jr (Arsenal)
Dinah Laurel Lance (Black Canary)
Captain Sara Lance (White Canary)
Rory Regan (Ragman)
Zoe Ramirez (Canarie)
Thomas Tommy Merlyn (Dark Archer)
Sara Diggle (Harbinger)
Emiko Adachi Queen (Green Arrow)
Titans/ Young Justice
Garfield "Gar" Logan (Beast Boy)
Koriand'r Kory Anders (starfire)
Rachel Roth (Raven)
Garth (Aqualad)
Karen Beecher (Bumblebee)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
Billy Batson (Shazam)
M'gann M'orzz (Miss Martian)
Evelyn Sharp (Artemis)
Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl)
Mike Dugan (starboy)
Beth Chapel (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Yolanda Montez (Wildcat)
Richard Tyler (Hourman)
Henry King Jr. (Brainwave junior)
Joey Zarick (Zarrick the Great)
Cameron Mahkent (Icicle junior)
Beebo (God of War)
Zatanna (Mistress of Magic)
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)
Ray Palmer (The Atom)
Martin Stein (Firestorm)
Nate Heywood (Citizen Steal)
Amaya Jiwe (Vixen)
Patrick "Pat" Dugan (S.T.R.I.P.E.)
Lisa snart (Golden Glider)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Miles (Ultimate Spider-Man)
Gwen (Spider-Gwen)
Cindy (Silk)
Michelle (MJ)
Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)
Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
(White Wolf)
Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel)
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Young Avengers
Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel)
Doreen Allene Green (Squirrel Girl)
Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch)
Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver)
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sonofcoulson · 1 year
1941 The Human Torch
Johann Schmidt, a high ranking nazi science officer is menacingly threatening Dr Abraham Erskine as they are not making enough progress with their formula. Erskine is reluctant as he knows what Schmidt will use it for. Several Nazi soldiers and prisoners have died after being used as guinea pigs by Schmidt.
Schmidt wants to find another scientist and decides to activate his American sleeper agent to find one.
Dr Phineas Horton and his assistants (Fred Raymond and James Bradley) demonstrate his "synthetic man" at the first Stark Expo. He takes a volunteer from the audience, Jim Hammond (a US soldier in uniform, volunteered by his date) and uses his brainwaves to make the android move and talk. People think it's just a stunt until it bursts into flames. People leave shocked.
Howard Stark is interested and starts to talk to Horton but we don't really hear their conversation as we focus on Jim leaving with his date, Julia Koenig.
Jim is moved out to Hawaii at Pearl Harbor.
He has made friends with Willie Lohmer, son of German emigres, who is conflicted about the prospect of the US going to war in Europe. They take tea in the Lotus Café and have clearly done this regularly as they banter with Lady Lotus. She subtly uses her secret psychic powers to stop an argument that was threatening to turn violent after Willie was overheard sympathising with the Nazi cause, with Jim vehemently disagreeing along with other American patrons. Lady Lotus says "stupid Americans" (baka Amerikajin?) back in the kitchen.
After the two go back to base, still in a heated argument about what was going on in Europe, the Japanese attack, seemingly killing Willie and the next hit takes out Jim. (This seems like a long preamble but each scene could be done in 5-10 minutes)
He wakes up in a private room in the Stark mansion. Stark refers to Horton here as "Doctor", so Jim asks when he can go home from the hospital. They gently try to explain that he is not Jim Hammond, he is an android (Horton's newest model), and they were not expecting him to have Jim's memories.
Jim thinks it's a prank, he laughs. They persist, he gets angry, creating a surge of energy and flames up.
Horrified, he runs. His super strength and flaming body, which he doesn't know how to control leave a trail of destruction. Howard and Horton eventually catch up with him standing outside Julia's house, his last memory before going to war, and they talk him down. We see Julia see all this through the window. She makes a phone call saying she has found something interesting.
Underneath his synthetic skin he is red, just like Vision will be in the future. He does not look like the actor playing original Jim, he is Paul Bettany obvs.
Back at the mansion Agent Flynn of the Strategic Scientific Reserve says this synthetic man, a walking torch, is a great danger to society and must be contained.
Jim, Howard and Horton comply, planning to encase him in an airtight container surrounded by concrete. Jim is worried about breathing and eating, Horton reminds him he is an android and doesn't need to breathe and he is powered by the sun (although he can eat, it all gets converted into energy).
Jim: What will happen?
Horton: It will be just like falling asleep.
Howard: We'll be working round the clock to help you get this under control.
Fred: Then Flynn will have to let you out.
Toro: Don't worry Jim.
Jim: Jim's not really my name, is it?
*They don't have an answer*
It is done. But there is a slow leak in the tube because of the installation of the radio system (James Bradley not communicating with Fred properly there).
Jim panics at the thought of not being able to breathe, as he still feels human. The panic grows as he flames up. The flames grow stronger eventually bursting through the leak point and causing an explosion in the lab.
Jim calls out but no one answers, he doesn't know if they are alive or dead. He wants to help them but realises he's aflame.
He runs in shame and panic, causing destruction again and this second incident draws the attention of the press, earning him the (incorrect) nickname of "Human Torch".
He eventually crashes into a swimming pool, putting out the flames.
Later that night, he breaks into a department store for clothes (burnt off) and make up (cover the red). He is interrupted by Anthony Sardo who is stealing from the cash register. Initially not believing what he's seeing (a completely red man), Sardo takes pity on Jim and takes him under his wing. Montage of Jim making himself look human, showing Sardo his powers and using said powers to get money for Sardo, food, and clothes and make-up to cover himself after continually losing control when flaming up.
The police (Officer Betty Dean and her partner. Officer Dean is referred to by name by her partner) catch up with them. Sardo says, "stay here kid" and gives himself up, pretending that Jim has legged it. Jim feels guilty and anxious and flames up a little ("not now!"). The cops notice him and tell him to "freeze!", if only he could. He flames up and finds that he is flying. He is impervious to their bullets, though he doesn't like being shot at. He escapes, flitting across the rooftops using his new found power.
The next day he sees in the newspaper that Howard Stark has been kidnapped. He tracks down Horton and surrenders himself, offering to help find Tony, who was taken to Europe, behind enemy lines.
The SSR are reluctant, but Howard is being held in a heavily fortified base in Germany and they have lost two teams.
Jim doesn't really understand/can't control his powers yet so...training montage! Practicing powers, hydrogen helps him control the flame.
Howard is reluctantly helping Dr Erskine under threat of both their lives, building the machinery for phase 2 of the Nazi super soldier program. New volunteer Willie Lohmer, rescued from a field hospital by Hydra agents after learning of his friendship with Jim and his Nazi sympathies, tests the final iteration of phase 1, finding a working formula that works but doesn't kill anyone. Schmidt is pleased with the results and dubs him Master Man ("that should keep the Furher happy"). Erskine tries to give him some warnings, but he doesn't want to hear.
Julia wants some, none left. Phase 2 formula untested and more dangerous, needs machine.
Jim turns up with Dum Dum Dugan and his unit and they rescue Stark and Erskine.
Jim is surprised to see Willie. Willie is shocked at Jim's appearance but says that he looks different now too. They are both a little reluctant to start fighting, having been friends, but Julia shoots Jim and tells Willie (MM) to do his duty.
Jim sees Julia and is hurt and confused at her using (original) him to spy.
MM decides he must do it for Germany. His strength is superior but Jim is on fire!
In the resulting struggle, the machine and some of the phase 2 formula explodes, injuring Julia. They douse him with water, but he can control his flame better and will be able to get it back if MM would stop pounding on him.
MM's formula wears off and he goes back to normal. He is defeated.
Schmidt says he'll have to take matters into his own hands and takes the untested phase 2 formula, despite Erskine's warning. His skin starts melting.
The allies escape.
Phineas Horton can still be a dbag but he got funding from Stark and Stark now answers to SSR. So despite his protestations, he has to keep his work confidential.
Post credits - Lady Lotus is found by Johann Schmidt (his RED SKULL hidden with prosthetics) and he retells her story in a montage with his voiceover (her family was taken to an internment camp after Pearl Harbor, she used her powers to escape).
He knows that she is angry and says he knows about her power but that she doesn't need to use them on him.
He offers her a chance at revenge for her and her family, her people. He asks her to head up a team to keep Jim busy as he is working on something very important.
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twinkskeletons · 1 year
61, 74, 96 !!!
61: Colored pencils, markers, or crayons?
markers i never draw traditionally anymore but they’re def the easiest to use + look at least kind of ok. i do love the kind of look u can get w coloured pencils but i dont have the patience i think u must need 4 that (or my supplies r just low quality lol)
74: Favorite show as a kid?
well the first one i remember was the 80s alvin and the chipmunks show on youtube when i was like 5 .. my first and i think fave anime was tokyo mew mew it was the first one i ever watched in japanese bc i wanted to see how it ends but i think my fave show overall had 2 be phineas and ferb :3 i only ever had the free tv channels so watched it online and still have the notebook where i wrote down which links led to which episodes
96: Favorite fast food place?
this one is kind of fun since in the uk we have different + less options umm maybe dominos? i think it’s worse in the us but here it’s good even if it’s often too much. mcdonald’s and tim hortons are also pretty good
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waitingforthet · 4 years
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He’s an old man, Wanda. From different times.
Check my Patreon out if you’d like to support the comic, even a little bit helps. Or just to check out the reward tiers, there’s some neat bonus stuff and I tried to make them fun: https://www.patreon.com/waitingforthet
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