#Phil Bloom
badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have Son of Paleface 1952
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momhowell · 4 months
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I have finally finished my cross stitch/embroidery project to give to Dan at the last WAD show :))
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i HAVE to know if dan likes crazy ex-girlfriend because it's literally my favorite show of all time and i think he'd love it. i simply must know if he's seen it.
this post is for all my phannies out there who are avid cxg fans. all like 2 of us.
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meirimerens · 1 year
is that picture of notkhan kithing cropped or something.... people need ro SEE.....
yeap i mentioned in the tags it was cropped because it looked funnier. full thing is this
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do you think love can bloom. even [in] a [plagued town in which children endlessly replicate the pains of adults]
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bleaksqueak · 4 months
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Lyra watching me work over the top of my stand
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shepards-folly · 6 months
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not tagging this properly cuz its just concept sketches but I have a bad habit of deleting my art and I like these first concept doodles so well up they go
#shep arts#i didnt really do any color balancing for these first pass designs so ragh not 100% on the colors but i like these 2#I did do winged designs for everyone this go around but tbh finley and florence might end up wingless#i really like them as just a deer/faun and a cat hybrid respectively#florence would absolutely wear like cosplay wings though…. like specifically a pair that he made himself thats shitty but he’s proud of.#gonna be honest I don’t know shit about actual like colorza lore or whatever besides their names. I just went insane abt the concept lol#i love designing pretty much the same guy several times…#anyway other notes for future design attempts… ‘m considering making frey a dragon…#i do like the concept of skeletal wings or idk i think I usually draw them with clipped wings cause something something headcanon#cant remember why exactly but my designs are inconsistent as hell anyway lol#uhh considering giving phil some angel stuff… cause phin is a demon and I do love things like that… somthjn somethin opposites#ACTUALLY WAIT I HAD A WHOLE THING ABOUT THE OPPOSITE COLOR ONES#angel n demon / good n bad / peace and violence (<- phil and phin) but i think both of them get to be morally complex as a treat so yeah#black cat and yellow bird (<- florence and fletcher) [i think they had sun and moon imagery at one point too??]#and uh tbh i forgot finley and flynns… i think it was something about like nature (finley) and technology (flynn)#frey and pheo… death and life… decay and bloom… ugh their colors aren’t opposites but out of the rainbow they’re both outliers
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dreamingalto · 8 months
My face when I got the Dan and Phil Games Youtube notification earlier:
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krispyweiss · 1 year
Song Review: James Casey - “New Bloom”
James Casey’s omnivorous musical tendencies are all over “New Bloom.”
The sax man, who plays with the Trey Anastasio Band and Phil Lesh & Friends, melds smooth jazz and trip-hop with ocean sounds and disco strings on this mostly instrumental track. And just as the groove starts to dig a deep trench, it gives way to a symphonic interlude and Casey speak-singing:
No matter what problems come your way/you’ve got today/and no matter what happens today/you’ll be OK - poignant words inspired by Casey’s battle with colon cancer.
The track previews his full-length debut, the Kaua’i Project, an eight-track album based around “beats recorded on a 15-month stay in Hawaii, and the personal journey that followed,” per a statement. The Project serves as the followup to Casey’s 2022 holiday EP A Little Something for Everyone.
There’s no release date for the LP.
Grade card: James Casey - “New Bloom” - C
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philgennuso · 2 years
Late Summer (#Nature #Haiku #Saturday)
Late Summer (#Nature #Haiku #Saturday)
Phil Gennuso Arts late summer new yorkgentle winds beneath the shadefragrant blossoms with soft hues
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Sabrina is losing her heart, and Hilda and Zelda must stop Josh from liking her in Sabrina The Teenage Witch (1996) Episode 15 (90 overall) "Love in Bloom" (February 11, 2000)!
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two-sides-halved · 9 months
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Meme | Accepting
Send me a ✧ and my muse will bold all that apply to your muse.
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I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧ I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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simplydnp · 11 days
i can’t get over how happy and comfortable and radiant they are ever since they revived the gaming channel . it’s like their hearts bloomed open
it makes me sooo emotional
there was a point in time that i figured we'd never see dan in a regular casual setting again, let alone regular joint content. so getting to see both of them together, in and of itself, is lovely. and then there's the added factor that they have been glowing since the revival! genuinely radiating sunshine, the both of them. you can tell they've very much settled into themselves in the 5 years since regular dapg. there's a quiet confidence in their interactions--an ease of sorts, of being more of themselves on camera. they make those jokes and freely laugh at them. they laugh at each other's jokes without worry or stress or care. they look at each other! like we joked about heart eyes howell before and it's partially because it was rare. and now it happens every video! and phil's less shy about it too! there's less looks to the camera like 'oh shit. ahah. uhm. bazinga' and more 'this guy 🙄💞🙈'
they're also doing more things that they like and want to specifically do. going back now, and even at the time, you can see some of the fatigue setting in on dapg right before the hiatus. a lot of 'just get through it'. vs now it's 'dan can we play a litte longer 🥺' and 'we wanted to do the whole game as a huge video' and 'im really enjoying being back'. they're glowing because they're having fun--not only with the games but with each other, and with us! the phan twitter 2 video they are beaming with joy. full-body laughter. playing into bits to make each other laugh. it was palpable.
they're so high on life rn it's insane. 15 years and yet, they might be in the best of them
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fifi-in-the-new-world · 5 months
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Philza's ultimate: Friend of Rose. By activating his rose charm, Phil becomes a temporary vessel for the Rose the flower deity.
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When Friend of Rose is active, Phil gains resistance to magic damage, a bonus to passive energy regen, and whenever one of Phil's attacks hits, there is a chance the target is tangled and frozen in place for a short time.
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Philza can make a melee attack and tangle the target in brambles and vines, slowing them down and dealing damage whenever they try to move.
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Bloom Sanctuary surrounds Philza in an aura of petals, increasing the health of any adjacent allies.
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Garden summons a well of regenerative power that continuously heals allies who stand inside.
The second of Phil's ultimate abilities! The third and final will be posted tomorrow!
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rainbowchaox · 4 months
Why Pissa Works: Qsmp Analysis Essay
This is more of an analysis of the relationship in general and why it’s so important to understanding both Missa and Phil as characters. And it’s a disgrace if you ignore their relationship as it’s very important to their characters. I already delved into them as characters but I miss them and therefore I want to dissect the dynamic in this essay. And why it works so well. This time I am having some help from friends to give me their thoughts on them as well. As they are as “normal” about them like me.
At the start no one really knew what sort of longing and pining and loyalty that would spawn from what is practically a random lottery. Missa and Phil being together was fate. I think no other pairing would have clicked so well for Missa or Phil. They were sorta destined to be together to be husband’s. But no one could have guessed how important they would be to each other. No one would have guessed how important this random lottery would be.
When they were paired. They immediately clicked. They immediately joked and laughed. They had fun together. And that was the spark for their relationship to blossom from. They were THE couple. Everyone was jealous of them. They were disgustingly happy. And there was always a GREAT something between them from Day 1. There’s reasons why Chayanne and eventually Tallulah are so protective over their marriage. But even then, they were just cute. They didn’t have the extra something that changed us for the better and the worse. What really made Pissa so special. Until……
The four months of utter pain. Of yearning. Of everyone accepting that things might be over before things really could blossom. But it wasn’t the end for someone. It never was the end for Phil. Time is different for someone touched by death. “Phil is patient and doesn’t take breaks between meetings as difficulties. Their relationship will never sour. When Missa is there, he picks up where they left off.” an excerpt from my talks with Ash. And she is completely correct. I have mentioned this plenty of times in my previous essays about their characters. But Phil doesn’t mind he has to wait for Missa. Time passes differently for immortals. But also Missa just being Missa has long acquired his loyalty. Something hard to get but harder to lose.
And it’s because of Phil utter loyalty and willingness to wait that their dynamic really was able to bloom. Missa took his heart. The less Phil can do is wait. Because when Missa does Phil always has so much fun with him. Missa always reminds Phil why he stays loyal to him. Missa is JUST so good. Phil can see that.
Phil always had valid reason to move on from Missa especially during the four months. No one knew he would return. And he almost gave up hope by the end. But throughout the four months he mentioned him, he looked at skulls all sad, and he yearned for him. And when he came back? He was so happy. He never blamed Missa but you can tell he wants to spend time with him more. You can tell he missed him. You can miss someone being gone and not hate him. He just missed his husband.
“Missa also rolls with the punches a lot, when Phil says there's a new kid, Missa takes that and immediately bonds with Tallulah, when something crazy happens, Missa is there to eventually bring a smile to his family faces. They both don't get hung up on the craziness in between.” As quoted directly from my friend Ash. She is right. This right here is what changed the pissa dynamic for the better. Phil notices things and he noticed how kind and wonderful Missa is. Phil remembers others kindness.
Missa is always on his family side. Phil can depend on him always. So of course he is also Tallulah father. Missa was happy to take that responsibility. Missa is there to bring a smile to his family even in the rainiest of days. He is there when they need time to just enjoy living instead of surviving. Which is addicting to a man that only knew how to survive. Theres reasons why Phil fell for Missa.
Phil doesn’t verbalize his emotions. He is always a show not tell type of character. But it’s clear to anyone he adores missa. He stares at skulls missing him. He has his obession with giant Missa. He always has a place for Missa in his home. He collects Missa art like shinnies. He is so darn possessive of him. He loves Missa so much and it’s clear through his actions.
Missa also brings him great comfort in general. Missa is similar to him in the ways that matter but his complete opposite in other ways. Phil is emotionally repressed while Missa emotions bleed out like ink. Phil is skilled in fighting and surviving while Missa is best at music and art. Not skills you really need to survive.
So they always had this sweet dynamic and it grew with patience, with love, and a healthy dose of yearning on both sides. Enjoying each other when they are able. Soaking each other affection and love. But then Purgatory happened.
And they got spilt up. And this caused both to realize they just didn’t love each other. But they needed each other. Flaws and all. And that they definitely couldn’t harm each other. That they always been each other homes. They needed to separate to realize how important the other is. They both had their realizations. And post-purgatory we did see an uptick in very affectionate pissa.
And it was beautiful to see how their relationship has grown. But then Prison happened. And they fully showed everyone how much they care about each other. Phil and the kids just soaking Missa being present. Them being so happy despite in actual prison. Phil being possessive over Missa. Phil and Missa finally kissing (numerous times).
Purgatory may have made them realize they needed each other but prison made them realize they wanted each other. They wanted to be a family. They wanted to be happy. And it made both of them selfish. Which was they always sorta wanted.
They say I love you with every glance. They say I love you with every tired cuddle. They say I love you with every smile. They say I love you when they are watching the kids sleep. They say I love you protecting each other. They say I love you finally letting the others see them vulnerable. They don’t need to use words. They know they love each other. And that’s beautiful. No wonder why we are so “normal” about their sweet relationship.
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mikaikaika · 6 months
"I love how in the animatic it's just couples and then it cuts to me and I'm just alone" Tubbo says while shielding his hurt amidst laughs. Phil brushes it off as normal Tubbo banter and others around him play it off as his normal humour with pats on his back.
But no one knows about the repeated walks Tubbo takes to the mailbox praying to every power in the universe for the light to be on, only to be met with disappointment yet again and again. No one knows that the tattered necktie that now serves as an armband once used to be a symbol of ambition and resilience that Tubbo once held as he embarked on a journey to look for his crush despite all odds. No one sees the ashes of sadness that the embers of hope have left behind as it slowly flickered off with every passing day.
Unspoken promises, whispered names, and hopeless prayers in the obscurity of the night are all that's left in the place where flowers and love once bloomed unbridled.
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theyarewrestling · 2 months
Dan and Phil, The Blair Witch Project, and taking back agency.
In their latest video, «DanAndPhilCRAFTS - Slime» Dan and Phil have made a very clear homage to the 1999 found footage film «The Blair Witch Project» directed by Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez. The movie tells a story about a group of students, who travel to a small town in order to film a documentary about a local legend. In the process of filming, however, they get lost in the woods and never make it out of there, being haunted and then presumably killed by the witch. In this essay I am going to analyze how the visual narrative is structured in both films in relation to one another, the way «Slime» differs from «Blair Witch» and how that difference conveys the shift in Dan and Phil’s public presence.
Let's start with imagery associated with the paranormal in both films. In Blair Witch one of the signs of the witch's presence become the "dolls" made out of sticks. They are filmed by the characters, who are naturally freaked out by the dolls appearing seemingly out of thin air, signaling the presence of the dangerous and inhuman Other.
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Dolls are also used in Dan and Phil's video, the main difference being that the pair are not haunted by the paranormal and unexplainable Other, no, they willingly put the dolls there, they are taking active steps in bringing about their own doom.
While in «Blair Witch» the dolls are placed ominously in between tree branches, filmed from below to make them look like they’re floating above the camera, being forces of a power that the characters ought to be afraid of, in «Slime» the dolls are nailed to a steady surface at camera-level, and while they do provide an unnerving atmosphere, they are not a danger to the characters, at least not a danger they’re not aware of.
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The same can be said for other "occult" imagery and artifacts. While in «Blair Witch» the characters finding strange symbols and even bloody remains in the forest strengthens the tension and suspense, signaling the close presence of the witch, in «Slime» all of the unnerving, "occult" and "satanic" exists under the characters' control. Dan draws the symbol on the wall himself, the animal skulls are presumably also brought in by the characters. Instead of being signs of danger, uncontrollable, they are merely tools in the hands of the pair.
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The interior of the shack where the students meet their end in the 1999 film is filthy and decaying, which only strengthens the fear within the characters and us as the audience. It is filmed using close up shots which show the shack in it's decrepit and unnerving state. The shack that Dan and Phil's video is filmed in also seems abandoned from the interior, it is broken down, dark and dusty. However, instead of being mortified, like the characters of «Blair Witch», they occupy the space quite comfortably. Instead of being haunted by the building, they become the ones who haunt it, once again taking back control of their own demise. The interior is filmed at strange angles, almost reminiscent of German Expressionist films, in which the odd angles conveyed the detachment from reality and perpetual insanity, which in Dan and Phil's case could be used to depict the pair's descent into madness which leads them to their ritual.
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Nature plays a crucial role in «Blair Witch» as the witch herself is never shown. The characters are "surrounded" by the unnerving dark trees, which presumably hide the horror that is never allowed to be seen directly.
Dan and Phil make an obvious homage to that with their shots of the trees, however there is a major difference. While the shot is still desaturated and somewhat unnerving, the flowers on the tree are in bloom, symbolizing a new beginning and the hope that comes with it. The new "life" that is going to happen after the pair summons Baphomet.
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In «Blair Witch» Heather's final message is a long shot filled with pure fear and desperation. Dan and Phil's shot mimicking it is almost unnecessary as it lasts only a few seconds, however in those few moments it manages to showcase the pair as a unit, they are calm and in the process of their ritual, determined to bring it to fruition. While Heather is left alone in the dark forest in which she will die, Dan and Phil are not alone: they are in this together, they are a team. If they die, it's because they chose to do so. "Creativity is nothing without friendship".
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Now for the infamous "Blair Witching it in the corner". In this memorable scene from the 1999 film one of the students is stood in the corner facing the wall. Heather and the audience both know that, according to the Blair witch mythology, this position is a prelude to being killed, as that is how the murderer, who was persuaded by the witch, used to place his victims, for he couldn't bear to look them in the eyes. This face-to-the-wall position conveys pure helplessness at the hands of the persecutor. In «Slime» there is a scene that makes an obvious homage to the «Blair Witch» scene: Phil is stood in a dark corner of a room, the shot is in black and white. There is, however, a stark difference: Phil is facing the camera. With just this one change the scene no longer feels like a display of helplessness. Phil is looking straight at us, he is not a victim at the hands of unknown horrors, he is in control.
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The way the "monster" is presented in both films differs significantly. A big part of the horror in «Blair Witch» is our inability to ever see the witch herself. The "monster" not being shown to the camera is a trope as old as low-budget horror: it helps build suspense and also hides the lack of budget. In «Blair Witch» the rapid movement of the camera also makes it feel like the horror is too great for a human mind to comprehend, too great to be caught on camera, Lovecraftian in nature.
The 1999 movie starts with the characters interviewing Blair locals, who tell the characters and us, the audience, the legend of the Blair witch. The witch was sentenced to death for practicing witchcraft, so she haunts those who try to disturb her peace. Here we can make the connection between those persecuted for "practicing witchcraft" aka being Other with being queer and being othered and, historically, persecuted for it.
This interpretation correlates well with the fact that the "monster", in this case the devil Baphomet, is present in «Slime». More than that, Dan and Phil actively seek him out. In the final scene of the short film, Baphomet has his arms around the pair, claiming them. The characters are willingly allying themselves with the Other. Dan and Phil see the "monster" and yet they do not run away, instead, they worship him. In the theme of reclaiming your agency, this could symbolize coming out, proudly and purposefully becoming part of the Other.
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They are doomed from the start, but they are not helpless victims of the Other, scary and unknown, they are the ones bringing about their own doom. This is taking your agency back, and I feel like this narrative rhymes really well with Dan and Phil's current presence on the internet. While the early years of their careers were filled with public speculation and being stripped of their agency, something that "was just theirs" being scrutinized by the public, which definitely affected the way they had to behave, their current self-described "chaos era" is very different. They no longer make the effort to pretend to be anything they're not. They are the ones in control of the narrative, keeping their private life private, while also sharing way more openly and freely, knowing that we know and not really caring about the public's perception, as post coming out they have taken the power and agency back into their own hands.
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