#Petra you sweet angel!!!
dotcie · 1 year
Hi, love your writing ❤️. For the ask game. 14, 16, 18 and 59.
14. How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
I try not to overcomplicate an inherently complex scene/dialogue, and it definitely helps that I do a lot of editing. Realizing that not everything needs to be spelled out word by word has been incredibly helpful! The fact that I’m a sucker for angst doesn’t hurt either haha. 
I wouldn’t say I draw much from personal experience, besides incorporating the notion that absolutely nothing in life is black and white. I have a lot of empathy for the characters I write, but many of them are also chronically insane, so I don’t feel the need to put myself in their shoes emotionally very often. 
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing? Share one of them?
Just three! I prefer to keep my wip list as small as possible, because I actually want to write and not just plan ideas. I’ve been working on a honeypot-trope fanfic on the side, that is more descriptive and dark, with an unreliable narrator. Just a different style of writing to try out, as I am still working on improving my way with words in English. The pairing would either be Ghost or Price, I haven’t decided yet! 
I don’t want to give away too much, but the reader is a merc/hitman for an organization called ATRON. You need to be sought out and recruited by them, give up your entire life for five years to do the dirty work, and if you survive, you retire as a millionaire. The first chapter includes reader getting fucked over badly by Shadow Company, leading the undeclared romantic interest to apologize on their behalf. 
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
I usually come up with titles during the writing process! It’s quite obvious that I am following a specific style that mimics poetry lines, and I know; it really doesn’t have to be this deep lmao. I am also running out of original ideas, so the next Hearing Damage title will be a Brand New quote: “I died for you one time but never again.” 
My notes app is full of title ideas. I’ve been mainly focused on academic writings and readings for the past five years, so I do value a good, interesting title/header for basically everything by now. 
59. Does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? If not, would you tell anyone?
A lot of people do, yeah! I had a large following on a German fanfic site when I was a teenager, so my rl friends were not surprised when I told them I picked up writing again in April. I've never written smut before joining the fandom, but my content is purposely more on the realistic side and I think what I write is hot as fuck, so I don’t feel reluctant talking about it. Also: surround yourself with people that support your silly goofy shenanigans!!
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jmdbjk · 7 months
Praise and worship
I finally figured out the meaning of the Standing Next to You MV!!
But first, did Kookie wax his pits or does he always have that landing strip of hair there?
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Anyway, sorry for the immediate digression but you know it is imperative to dissect everything, even pit hair.
Back to the MV...
The opening scenes include this very non-inclusive sign:
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Only limos, no sportscars, SUVs, pick up trucks, family sedans or mopeds welcome here. They are keeping the riff-raff out. ONLY LIMOS THEY SAID CAN'T YOU READ THE SIGN?
Obviously makes sense when we see this dystopian scene where less than a dozen people are walking around inside some sort of derelict compound. A FORTRESS FOR ONLY THE STRETCH LIMO PREFERRING POPULATION!
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Incidentally, stretch limos represent 1 percent of the options available from limo companies in the U.S. (I googled it).
Amazing that they found this many in Budapest.
What was once a sign of affluence has now fallen on hard times... hence the decrepit dystopia pictured above.
Enter our female antagonist. Who does she represent? I'll get to that later...
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Our antagonist is antagonizing beautifully throughout but starts off antagonistically in her leather coatdress and 1980's heavy black eyeliner and bobbed hair. After all, the song is a throwback to that era of the late 70's/early 80's. All she is missing is the peach blush in the hollows of her cheeks. Hand me a Maybelline Blooming Colors Blush Palette and I'll fix it.
Then the dark angel makes his appearance. Ah, yes, sweet angel, come closer.
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I think he has come down or up from where ever dark angels habitate in order to correct an injustice... the injustice being the duck-billed cups of this atrociously antagonistic dress our antagonist is made to wear:
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For real... they couldn't find a better fitting dress? At least grab a roll of toilet paper and stuff those titty cups to fill them out? They are so sad and droopy looking... props to her Maybelline Expert Eyes Turquoise eye shadow though.
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I suppose the stacked pancakes... I mean bra cups... could have meant to be an homage to another 80's icon: Madonna and her cone shaped bra... but ... nah... try again. They look like hamburgers. Now I can't unsee it. So, so sad.
We do a lil spin and our protagonist spins himself up into a jewel encrusted, crotch grabbing, finger pointing master of his game.
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I think he's here to conduct a worship service.
It's time to be churched:
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Stretch limos (because no riff-raff remember?) enter the opening in a temple-of-Petra-like giant wall emblazoned with JK's sacred heart logo. Very symbolic.
In they go to gather for worship. Others sit in theatre seats while Ms. Antagonist sits on the car like a hood ornament.
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So... who is she and what's going on here?
No clue. She sits haughtily and antagonistically on her outdated stretch limo, while her little minions sit in the rows watching the object of their desire preaching the holy choreography.
However, Mr. Protagonist is about to really lay down the religion.
But first, gratuitous shot of Kookie prancing in heeled chelsea boots.
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Back to religion... the religion of Bangtan dance... one of these is not like the other.
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(*covers Hobi-hyung's eyes* Don't look its too painful.)
Did they not monitor this mess?
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I don't meant to be disrespectful and I know these guys are some of the best dancers in the industry but next to Jungkook, they look like a herd of elephants. Just sayin'.
Anyway, Protagonist proceeds to become angry at the sloppy choreo and all the limo drivers gather for a gang-brawl in the middle of the church. Probably arguing over the spelling of chauffeur. I couldn't find an urban slang reference for limo, limousine or limo driver. I'm sure some exist but being the innocent thing I am, I don't know what they are.
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Mr. Protagonist brings down the wrath and puts the fear of Hobi into his crew:
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Then the climax of the whole darn thing: a dance break. Holy communion commences with serious thrusting into crotch grabs (some are enjoying it more than others):
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Service concludes and I wonder how many takes before they got one where Kookie didn't bust out laughing with his bunny giggle?
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But seriously, the MV does seem to be an homage to an era where Michael Jackson thrilled us with his brilliant music and dancing. Jungkook is continuing to pull us and BTS as a group along, forging new paths for them in the music industry. Like Kookie, I am anxious for them to reunite and get back on that stage together. And like Yoongi, I too believe they will devour the world.
(It's humor, y'all.)
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Half the reason I created this tournament is so I could find new webcomics to read, and I know a bunch of you are following it for the same reason.
So: Here is a directory of every webcomic that was submitted!
Please note that this list is Very Long, so (1) I have not read most of these webcomics and can't vouch for their content, and (2) I have not tested any of these links, but I can fix any errors if you point them out.
Comics are listed in alphabetical order, with the featured couple(s) or poly ship(s) in parentheses. Broken into two parts because Tumblr only allows 100 links per post and there are 140 comics.
180° Angel (Sam and Lilith)
2 Slices (Ruka and Rio)
A Week in Warrigilla (Hazel and Willie)
A&H Club (Adrian and Hildegard)
Alice and the Nightmare (Edith and Quinn)
Alien Heart (Ivy and Rosa)
Always Human (Sunati and Austen)
Balderdash (Georgie and Afia)
Band vs Band (Honey Hart and Turpentine)
Blindsprings (Ember and Irelia)
Boyfriends (Jock, Prep, Nerd, and Goth)
Bugtopia (Arachne and Scarlet)
Burn Away (Abella and Edie)
Charity Case (Sylvia and Jerry)
Circuits and Veins (Ai and Aki)
Console Her (Claudia and Ava)
Cucumber Quest (Almond and Peridot; Piano and Ametrine)
Cursed Princess Club (Nell and Jolie)
Dame Daffodil (Charo and Alesea)
Daughter of the Lilies (Lyra and Margot)
Dead Winter (Lizzie and Alice)
Dicebox (Griffin and Molly)
Dirt Creek Runs Red with Blood (Ines and Sarepia)
Dom&Mor (Dominique and Morgan)
Dresden Codak (Kimiko and Elith)
Drop-Out (Lola and Sugar)
Dumbing of Age (Becky and Dina; Jennifer/Billie and Ruth)
El Goonish Shive (Ellen and Nanase; Catalina and Rhoda; Diane and Lucy)
Eldritch Darling (Ina and CJ)
Encore! (Quinn and Hana)
Ennui Go (Izzy, Darcy, and Tanya)
Errant (Sarin and Jules)
Facing the Sun (Aarya and Liza)
Finding Wonderland (Alex and Lucky)
Flowers For the Arsonist (Lucia and Paige)
Four Leaf (Carla and Lina)
Gals (Croix, Sam, Lux, and Charlotte)
Ghoul Crush (Sison and Laguna)
Girly (Otra and Winter)
Glitterlaced (Goldie and Luck)
Go Get a Roomie (Roomie and Lillian)
Guide to the Land of Monsters (Arnatuk and Tove)
Gunnerkrigg Court (Kat and Paz; Zimmy and Gamma)
Hard Lacquer (Claire and Robin; Claire and Petra)
Heartstopper (Darcy and Tara)
Heir's Game (Sevilia and Ilianna)
Her Tale of Shim Chong (Shim Chong and Madam Jang)
High Class Homos (Sapphia and Odette; Sapphia and Marla)
Homestuck (Rose and Kanaya; Calliope and Roxy; Vriska and Meenah; Vriska and Terezi)
How to Be a Werewolf (Marin and Marisa)
I Love Amy (Amy and Bibi)
I Want to Be a Cute Anime Girl (Cheryl and Delilah)
I'm the Villainess but the Heroine's Trying to Capture Me (Nelly and Nancy)
In My Heart (Wantanabe Yuki and Sasaki Mari)
Isadora (Isaline and Theodora)
It's Okay to Like Girls (Sophie and Olivia)
Kidd Commander (Phineas and Agatha)
Kill Six Billion Demons (Allison and Ciocie Cioelle)
Kiss It Goodbye (Aruka and Yukimi)
Lady of the Shard (Radiant Goddess and Acolyte; Radiant Goddess and Old God)
Lesbiampires (Daphne and Veronika)
Lore Olympus (Athena and Hestia)
Mage & Demon Queen (Malori and Velverosa)
Matchmaker (Kimmy and Marlowe)
Missing Monday (Foyle and Monday)
Monsters and Girls (Lili and Sera)
Motherlover (Imogen and Alex)
Moving In (Jackie and Riley)
Muted (Camille, Nyra, and Dendro)
My Dragon Girlfriend (Dani and Christie; Callie and Olive)
My Sweet Archenemy (Mad Spade and Miss Sunshine)
My Wish Is to Fall In Love Until You Die (Shiina and Mimi; Seiran and Ari)
Namesake (Selva and Alice)
Nano List (Chacha and Zavi)
Never Satisfied (Neith and Isra)
Nevermore (Lenore and Annabel Lee)
Night Owls and Summer Skies (Emma and Vivian)
Not So Shoujo Love Story (Rei and Hanna)
Octopus Pie (Jane and Marigold)
Offbeat (Beau and Julie)
On a Sunbeam (Mia and Grace; Alma and Char)
On Borrowed Time (Rune and Dielle)
Osora (Celia and Catalina)
Remaining links in part two!
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vixxelle · 7 months
OUYGHSH the amount of GASLIGHTING and ANGST Romeo can afflict on Petra is giving me the shivers me timbers
Like Romeo has seen every aspect of Petra’s life up till the Sunshine Institute, he knows all of her trauma and insecurities, what makes her tick.
He uses her growing guilt of Reuben, The Witherstorm, and her mother to drill the idea that she HAS to be his champion (AKA become his vessel) in order to ‘repent’ for ‘all the crap she put others through’.
Oh I can see it know:
Y’know what Petra, fine, go ahead and wander off to Jeb knows what to frolic about… I’m not really surprised, more like disappointed… I thought that opening my arms to you and giving you and your friends shelter and guidance would make you more thankful for what people do for you, hell, I even made you my CHAMPION and gave you all the love and praise - at least more than you deserve - and yet you repay me by being an ungrateful brat.
Oh I knew I should’ve chosen Jessica… Sure, you were the won that won my little games, but unlike you Jessica never put anyone in danger or fucked anyone’s life up. Jessica never acted entitled to anyone’s time, wander off like a stray ocelot. Why, she’s an angel compared to you! You used to be so eager and sweet, such great Champion material… But once I give you a task that was a little bit harder and messy than the usual, you just crumble up like paper and hobble about like a goddamn zombie. Oh heaven forbid you do some actual champion work rather than strutting around like some goddamn aristocrat.
All your life, you’ve been meandering around leeching off of anyone who gave a small speck of a shit about you. You go on all of these wacky hijinks instead of doing your goddamn job and then throw a tantrum when your friends have other responsibilities.
And when someone like me, THE ROMEO comes to you and offers you power and a way to repent by helping me create a better world, you take it for granted and act like a thorn in my side!
Stella’s more obedient than you, and she’s a bumbling buffoon!
In fact, Stella’s actually quite smarter than you!
At least she doesn’t put her friends in danger, at least she wasn’t as much of a brat that her own mother abandoned her, at least she didn’t abandon her friend over some petty bullshit, or gave some weird shaggy old man a fucking key to his plot of mass destruction for some measly diamonds, or was a burden to her entire friends during their quest to undo the damage she inadvertently caused, and got one of her closest friend’s pet killed.
Unlike you, Petra, Stella actually has a purpose in this world. Stella actually cares about doing her fucking job. And Stella wouldn’t jump into a pit of Cave Spiders to prove that she’s so tough.
Just admit it, Petra, you know goddamn well you are responsible for everything that happened to you and others. I know how badly you want to undo the damage you caused, and here you are! You have the opportunity to repent at your disposal!
…My dear, the only reason I’m hard on you is because I want to mold you into a better person! This position is giving you the position you wanted all your life! The hero who gets showered with praise, the hero who everyone looks up to, the hero who helps everyone! I’m willing to give you this if you just follow my orders and care for the Sunshine Institute…
You want Jessica and Radar to be safe, right? You want to make your dads proud, right? You wanna go back home, to Beacon Town? Don’t you? You wanna see all of your friends again, right?
You do, right?
…Yes, Romeo
Good. Now get out of my sight and guard the patients. And stop wasting my breath and time…
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hannahssimblr · 5 months
Chapter Three (Part 2)
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After lunch, Petra stops me in the shop. “Evie.” She says, giving me a big, soft hug. She is the type whose affection knows no limits, and I like that very much about her. “I was talking to Simon about you this morning, did he tell you I wanted to chat with you about something?”
“Yeah, he did actually.” I glance up and wave at Izzy as she disappears back into the studio, and then back at Petra who is pink cheeked and smiling excitedly, so I relax, knowing this is not about something I did wrong without ever realising. 
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“He mentioned to me that you do window art? For shops and things?”
“Oh, well, I did one time.”
She purses her lips and gives me a little wink. “The correct answer is yes, my dear. When a client asks you if you can do something, you say yes.”
I grin. “Yes, Petra, I do window art.”
“Well that’s lucky, because…” She spins me around to face the large, ceiling to floor window at the front of the shop. “I’d like you to do something for me.”
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“Yes, oh! Oh how exciting!”
“What would you like me to do with it?”
She spreads her fingers and draws an arc in the air with her palms. “Mezzotint. I want everyone to know who we are. The little sign outside just isn’t really cutting it, and I’d like to do something pretty with the window. Maybe something about what we do, if it fits. You know, like, ‘crafts, prints, pottery’ if it will look good. I don’t know what will look good, I’m just the shopkeeper.”
I nod. “Yeah, I think I can do that.”
“Oh, that’d be fabulous.”
“For when?”
“By Friday?”
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I think of the Christmas card deadline and feel myself start to sweat a little, but I remember what she told me about clients. “Yes.” I say definitively. “I’ll start tomorrow.”
“You’re too good.” She says, and by then I’m already halfway up the stairs with my mind set on those damn cards. I have serious work to do. 
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After work I join Shane in the gym for our weekly weights sessions. I’m useless at them, and am convinced I must have been born without any upper body strength whatsoever because even lifting the tiniest weights in the stack makes my arms quiver. Standing next to Shane, whose biceps are the size of my head and whose weights make mine look like toys for children, is an exercise in humility. 
“Keep going.” He says as he senses my wavering. “Just a few more and then you can take a rest.”
“Ugh.” I grunt. “How many is a few?”
“A few.” He clarifies, and when I roll my eyes, he does too. “Okay, here, five… four… three… three and a half… two… two and three quarters…”
He smirks. “Two, and One. Alright, you’re done.”
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I toss the weights back onto the rack and shake out my arms. “Jesus.”
“You feel the burn?”
“Yeah and I’m going to feel it even more tomorrow when I’m trying to paint that bloody window.”
“You’ll be grand.”
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I sigh and slump onto the floor while he continues to lift the twenty kilo ones like they’re almost nothing. I kick the toes of my shoes together thoughtfully while I watch him from behind, sweat staining his red t-shirt in a big U shape. “I’m going to a gig later on.” I say. 
“One of the girls I work with, Izzy, she’s a singer with a band and they’re doing some set in a bar at eight o’clock.”
“Ah, cool. I think I know of her. She’s ginger?”
“She’s ginger-ish” I smirk. “Do you think you’d want to come? I don’t know what kind of music it is or anything but it might be nice to like, do something together. You and Claire and me.”
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“Don’t think so.” He says. “She’s coming down with a cold, feeling a bit under the weather so I was going to stay over at yours and look after her.”
“God, you’re so angelic. You’re probably going to catch that cold.”
“If she goes down, so do I.”
“You’re so sweet it makes me sick.”
He grins. “Sorry. Next time, maybe.”
“It’s okay.” I sigh. “I suppose I’ll just go alone then.”
“No harm.” He says. “It’s not as if you, like, go out that much anymore.” 
He doesn’t mean it rudely, I know, he’s just awkward, so I choose not to take offence, but I really am nervous now, about being left to flail on my own with my new workmates and Jen… and Jude. It all makes me feel a bit queasy and I start asking myself serious questions about what I was thinking when I invited him.
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“I ran into Jude today.” I tell him. 
He glances over his shoulder in surprise. “Turner, like?”
“What other Jude would I mean?”
“He was outside a cafe in town. It was quite a surprise.”
“Hm.” He says. “I didn’t know he was home.”
“He says he’s around for the next week.”
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Shane says nothing for a few curls, and then thoughtfully asks. “Were you like…” A pause. “Were you alright when you saw him?”
“Yeah I was fine. I think I’m probably over all that weird stuff from before now. He was with his girlfriend and everything, and I think it was good for me to actually, you know, like, see her in person. Do you know what I mean?”
His brow furrows. “Astrid?” 
“I thought they were broken up.”
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My stomach does an involuntary flip. “Are you sure?  Because he introduced her as his girlfriend.”
“I dunno then, maybe they got back together or something.”
I sit up straighter. “You heard that they broke up though? Definitely? Or are you not sure?”
“No, definitely. He told me.”
“When did he tell you?”
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Shane sighs and throws me an impatient look, because we both know I’m asking too many questions for a person who is supposedly over him. “Ages ago, Evie. I thought it was like a year ago, but you wouldn’t know with him, he’s always got some manic shit going on with some girl, I can never keep up with it.”
“Oh right.” I say. “He didn’t tell you they got back together? Cause he definitely said ‘girlfriend’.”
“So she must be his girlfriend then.”
“But you don’t know what happened?” “No, I don’t know.”
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I sigh. “Men are so strange. How can you be someone’s friend and not know these kinds of things about each other? Do you never think to ask? Like what do you talk about when you’re together if you’re not talking about literally the most pivotal and important things in each other’s lives?”
He laughs and shakes his head. “What do you think we do? Lie on the bed giggling, kicking our legs and painting each other’s nails? Gossiping about girls we fancy and all?”
“No.” I huff. “Just if my friend broke up with someone and then just got back together again I’d probably want to know what happened.”
“Is it really that important, like?”
“Well then. I don’t know what happened. Let’s move on.”
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“Ugh!” I stand up and start making headway towards the dressing room. “Hey!” He calls out. “Get back here, you still have two more reps.”
“Oh, kill me.” I mutter, and stomp back to snatch the weights back off the rack again. “When I get fired for being unable to hold a marker tomorrow I’m blaming you.”
“You’ll thank me for your toned arms eventually.”
“Yeah. Piss off.” I stick my tongue out at him and he just lowers his head, shoulders shaking gently with laughter as I start up another tortuous rep.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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sparkywrites25 · 2 years
Birthday Tea
Summary: Your birthday gift to Levi gets caught up in confusion.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Reader
Taglist: @ladycheesington
December 848
It was Hange who had let Levi’s birthday slip, one day when they were giving you a check up. You’d taken a tumble when you’d twisted your ankle. Hange had declared that your ankle wasn’t badly hurt and that, if you rested it today, you should be able to return to training tomorrow. They’d commented on the Christmas market coming up and how much of a pain it was trying to be imaginative when it came to buying Levi a joint Christmas and birthday present. 
You kept that in mind, somewhere near the back, as you and Gunther rode into Trost with the rest of Levi Squad, minus the captain himself who had chosen to catch up on paperwork. Now that winter had fallen, the Scouts were mostly occupied with training, freeing up more time for the officers. You’ve been thinking about the captain a lot lately. On and off duty. You like to think you’ve done a decent enough job concealing it, considering none of your comrades have teased.
Three years had passed since Wall Maria fell and two since 20% of humanity had been wiped out in the Operation to reclaim Wall Maria. Trost had recovered steadily from the famine that had plagued the Walls and Walls Rose and Sina had enjoyed a better harvest this year. It’s good to see the town doing well again.
The market was bustling with cheerful, freezing people and your eyes gazed over many stalls, drinking in baked treats, colourful fabrics and ornaments. As usual for the height of winter, snow has fallen thickly everywhere but there’s beauty to it. Children race around, making snow-people and angels. Numerous braziers stand around radiating warmth. People linger around their fires between exploring the stalls. You smell hot tea and sweet baked treats.
By the time a couple of hours have passed, you’ve picked up some small gifts for your squadmates and friends: a book Gunther has had his eye on for a while (and which Eld promises to keep Gunther for buying for himself), a duck-egg blue sweater for Oluo (which takes some master maneuvering to slip away from his nosy self ), a set of miniature carving tools for Eld since his last set are looking worse for wear, and finally a pair of colourful, patterned scarves for Petra. 
Your budget has been all but annihilated when you spot a gorgeous, oak box, polished and sitting centre stage on a stall covered in jars of tea leaves. The box is covered with carvings of tree branches and leaves. You’re instantly drawn to it. The stall proprietor opens it, allowing you to see that it contains six different types of tea. Black, green, peppermint, ginger, chamomile and lavender, so you’re told. 
Your thoughts turn to the perpetually tired-looking captain, slaving away in his office and his love of tea. Hange’s revelation creeps back into your mind and so, the Christmas market finishes off the last of that month’s wages.
Once most of the scouts have gone home for the Christmas break, you take the opportunity to deliver Levi’s gift when Commander Erwin calls him to his office after dinner. You can feel your nerves tapping away as you creep into his office and approach the desk. 
You frown at the four piles of immaculately stacked paperwork that have taken over most of the desk. You ponder putting it on the chair instead but you immediately conjure the picture of him sitting on it instead and you bite your lip to prevent a laugh. 
Cautiously, you slide one pile of papers closer to another, allowing for some space between. You carefully lay the box- newly wrapped in an emerald-coloured scarf that you’d forgotten you’d intended to give to the captain for Christmas. It set the tea box off beautifully. You secure the present and lay the small card of well-wishing on top of it. 
You creep out of the room, unable to hide the wide smile on your face at the thought of Levi’s reaction. If only you could see it.
Hours later, you realize you forgot to sign the card.
There’s not many scouts left around HQ lately and so you’re all mostly scattered around the mess hall come breakfast time the following morning. A morning which also happens to be Christmas Day. Levi’s birthday. You wonder how old he is while you eat. He looks so young for someone of his rank but then again,you’ve all trained young. 
You and Nifa are sharing a table. You’ve been friendly with her since your training corps days although you tend to run with different groups. However she’s decided not to visit her family over the holidays, mentioning something about a massive argument and tensions being horrible at home according to her brother. You don’t try and convince her to stay. It’s not like you can toot the horn of Christmas spirit bringing the family together. Your family is a topic that’s off-limits.
“Hey Nifa,” Levi’s voice, despite not being spoken that loudly, carries easily across the mostly empty room. He approaches your table, dressed in a grey sweater and black slacks. You suppose that’s holiday attire for him. The casual attire looks good on him, you think, in the seconds before you see that he’s holding your present - the scarf in one hand and the box in another. 
“Happy birthday, Levi!” Nifa chirps with a grin. “Merry Christmas too!”
He gives her a nod and a thin smile before holding up the gifts. “These are appreciated. But you should have indicated we were exchanging gifts this year,” he chides her. “I haven’t prepared anything for you.” 
Your jaw drops a tad. He assumed it was from Nifa? Why? Your appetite drops and you feel an ache take form in your chest. 
Nifa’s eyes shift to the presents in Levi’s hands. ”We’re not,” she told him with slightly widened eyes. “Sorry, Levi.I didn’t give you those.”
Instant suspicion clouds over Levi’s face and it hurt you to witness the way he eyes the presents. Confusion wrinkles in his brow as though he can’t fathom why someone else would give him such things. He lowers the gifts and steps away from Nifa. 
“I see,” he answers. “Thanks for clearing that up.”
Nifa frowns up at him. “Hey, does it matter who they’re from? That scarf is lovely and… what is that anyway?” she nods to the box.
“Flavoured tea.”
“Pretty thoughtful gift,” Nifa smiles. “Guess you’ve got an admirer, Levi. Had to happen eventually.”
“Shut up,” his retort is quick but not as cutting as normal. He’s already making his way out of the hall before Nifa can respond with more teasing. 
You stare after him miserably. It was like you were invisible. He didn’t even consider asking you. You drop your bread onto your plate, all hunger gone. 
If Levi asks around about his mystery gift-giver then he doesn’t approach you, yet again. You keep quiet, feeling less and less like admitting to it by the day. Nifa speculates that it was probably from Petra or something and that just makes you feel worse. Yet it’s all your fault because you forgot to sign the damn card. 
You distract yourself with private training (as there’s only you out of Levi’s squad staying here for Christmas, he sometimes lets you train unsupervised). When you’re not training, you spend your free time curled up in your room with a book and a cup of tea. Although, each cup stirs up regret and the temptation to come out and admit to it, you decide that you’ve waited too long and questions will be asked that you’d rather not answer. 
You also finish a report that you’ve been working on. It’s not due to be submitted until Erwin visits Mitras next week but you take care of it now. The problem is that you have to submit it via the Captain first.  As much as you half-wish you had dragged it out longer, you suppose there’s no escaping the inevitable. 
It’s nearly 9pm on New Year’s Eve when you knock on the Captain’s office door. 
“Enter.” A flat voice beckons you. 
You step inside, holding the report neatly against your chest. “Good evening, sir,” you tell him. 
Levi doesn’t lift his gaze from the paperwork he’s filling out. You note that there’s only one pile tonight. Good. Maybe he can rest early. You muse as you close the door behind you. The flames in his fireplace are beginning to dwindle. 
“Throw another log on there, would you?” he says, again not looking up. 
You crouch down and pluck a long piece of log and toss it onto the flames. A small wave of heat wafts at you as you rise. “I have the last report for you,” you say as you venture forward and hold it out to him. 
It’s then that Levi raises his gaze to the paper you’re holding out. “Good,” he says as he takes the paper. He goes very still when he sees the report.
“Is something wrong?” you ask.
“You filled out the report?”
“Yes sir.”
Levi closes his eyes for a moment, placing the report to one side before rubbing the bridge of his nose. “I knew I recognized that handwriting,” he murmured.
It takes you several beats longer than you’d like to connect the dots. Your eyes glance to the right where you see that the box of tea is sitting on his desk, with the card atop it. Your stomach begins to churn and a grimace slides over your face. 
“So it was you,” Levi leans back in his chair, arms moving into their signature fold. “Why not come clean when I asked Nifa?”
You can feel your embarrassment burning through your cheeks. “I was embarrassed that I forgot to sign the card, sir,” you admit. “And you just assumed it was Nifa so I felt uncomfortable.”
“Nifa is always joking about me being an easy person to gift. How she can just keep buying me tea.”
You almost comment on how friendly he and Nifa seem but then remind yourself that it’s really none of your business. If you’d have been more aware and less worried about being caught, there wouldn’t have been this confusion to begin with. “Oh,” you manage to say quietly. 
A small sigh escapes your captain. “How did you know it was-” Annoyance quickly swarms his expression. “Never mind. Hange.” When you simply nod, he rolls his eyes. “They have a big mouth.”
“You- you don’t like to celebrate?” you ask. ”Sir?” you add hastily. 
“Tch. Not much point in celebrating living in this shithole is there? With titans outside looking at us like we’re their fucking birthday cake.”
You frown at the comparison even though it’s not exactly wrong. Even so, Levi’s attitude towards his own birthday - while it was his choice to take it - didn’t quite sit right with her. Not considering the advice he’d given all of them in his squad, at one point or another. 
“I’m sorry, sir but that’s a little confusing.”
“What the hell’s confusing about it? You squish enough humans together-”
You raise your hand, trying to push that visual out of her mind. ”Not what I meant,” you say. You eye him with some wariness considering you just interrupted him but his eyes invite you to continue. “It’s just you’re always saying we need to live in the moment because we’re not guaranteed tomorrow. That we should do the things we’ll regret least or not at all.”
Levi’s expression shifted only in the raising of one slender eyebrow. “And?”
“And so shouldn’t we celebrate birthdays?” you ask, holding out your open palms by your sides. “Shouldn’t we celebrate being alive, experiencing things like Christmas and all the good things in our lives? Won’t that make all the bad stuff more bearable?” As the speech leaves you, you feel your cheeks redden more. 
For that moment, your captain simply watches you. However, after a moment, the corner of his lips tugs upwards. “You’re so tender-hearted for someone with your titan kill count.”
Despite your deepening blush, you smile. “Yeah.”
His sort-of smile drops and he gestures to the present next to him. “What are you doing buying me gifts anyway?”
You shuffle your weight between your feet, holding onto your elbows. The truth is, you only sort of know why and you’re not ready to make any declarations about it until you’ve thought about it some more. But you can still tell him the truth in a way. 
“Well Hange mentioned your birthday and I saw that at the market. I thought it would make a great gift for you.”
“That doesn’t tell me why. You could have just told me about it.”
Annoyance flashes across your face and you force yourself not to snap back. “I wanted to do something nice. I thought someone should treat you to something like that. You work so hard.” You make yourself stand still. Why did he have to talk like you’d done something to be a nuisance?
He frowns at you, eyes narrowing like he isn’t sure whether to believe you. Long seconds pass as he observes you. You let your mind wander over what kind of things could have made him this irked about receiving a present. There’s so little that most people know about the captain after all. 
When he points to a chair in front of the desk, you sink into it automatically. 
“Well,” he says, after another tense pause, but you can see his face begin to soften, “as you did not grant me the courtesy of any warning over this gift, I was unable to return the favour.”
“Sir, really you wouldn’t need to-”
“You’ve interrupted me twice now, Y/N. It’s really not advisable to make it a triple.” Your captain cuts you off. “As I could not return the favour, I feel it’s only fair that you should join me for some of this tea. Any objections?”
You’re too startled to speak at first but it’s long enough for the thought of spending time with him, to settle in. For bubbles of joy to rise up into your chest. You begin to smile across at him.
Not a bad way to start the New Year. 
“Yes, sir.” You answer. 
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levi-akerman248 · 1 year
Lately the same scenario keeps popping into my head, and I just need to write it out so here it is.
Not proofread and very spontaneous.
Welcome Home.
Where- Where am I?
Levi looked around, confused. All he saw was an endless void that held the same presence as a warm fire on winter day.
Cozy. That's what it was.
But, where was everyone?
Connie, Jean, Historia, Gabi, where were they??
It felt as if he already knew the answer but just couldn't say it.
All of a sudden the void was gone and he was falling. No, not falling. Flying. But, not where he wanted. More like a leaf that gently falls of the tree and lands softly on the ground.
And thats exactly what happened. Levi felt himself land softly on a hard surface. He didnt look but he somehow knew if was the ground. But not the cold, wet ground like the kind in the underground. He couldn't explain it but it felt, soft.
"Hey, levi. You just gonna lay there?"
That voice. He knew that voice. But where from? Its been so long.
Suddenly, a face came into view. A face that use to haunt his nightmares, a face that he hadn't seen in so very long, a face that belonged to a dear friend.
And just like that, it was as if levi woke up. Not from this world, but from the chains that seemed to keep him lying on the floor.
Levi jumped to his feet and into the arms of his friend. "Farlan"
Farlan couldnt help but laugh almost awkwardly as he hugged levi back.
"It's good to see you too. We've been waiting for you, you know"
Levi pulled away from Farlan as he wracked his wiped memory for who else could be here in this calming land when a force hit his back, almost knocking him over as a high-pitched cry screamed in his ear
Another Click
Levis eyes widened, and he quickly turned around to embrace the grinning red head. "Isabel"
Isabel giggled and leaped off of levi with a proud smile, "You sure took your time getting here, huh levi-bro?"
Levi couldn't help but roll his eyes and grin
Farlan clapped Levi on the shoulder, grabbing his attention. "Well, as much as we'd love to give you the tour, you have a lot more greeting to do."
At first, levi was confused, and then, like a curtain being lifted, a field of familiar faces started to appear around him. How he didn't notice all the people was beyond him, but clicks were going off everywhere.
Everywhere he looked was another face he didn't think he'd ever see again
But something was missing. No, someone. But, who?
Levi whipped around so fast he almost fell over, but it was worth the sight he saw.
The face on front of him was the same one he wore, only this one had much longer hair. He ran almost immediately into her open arms and it was like he was a child again. Her arms wrapped around him so tightly as if he would dissapear, and he did the same. Tears fell from his face and his chest heaved as he sobbed
After a moment that felt like a lifetime, she gently pulled away and held his face in her hands
"Oh Levi, my sweet angel"
Levi's lip wobbled but he tried his best not to cry anymore, his broken voice spoke
"Welcome home, Levi."
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ohm-myy-god · 2 years
Hello Edna and Harvey enjoyers here is my conclusive list of what Edna Bricht Aus characters would be as food (and/or drinks)
Includes all (as of my memory) characters from the first game
(Semi organized by story involvement, so “very- background character” to “supporting cast” to “main guys”)
Bruce/juppi: mushy flax cereal
Ticket inspector: coffee with raisins in it
Nervous guy: Mountain Dew monster crossover (also has sprite)
Almilio: mulch shaped into food (the kind a kid would try to sell on the playground)
The chef: a full, live lobster
Tobi (Angry guy in the watch tower): ants.
dr marcel’s chauffeur: tiramisu
Hulgor: smoothie made of egg shells and orange peels in a blender
The bartender: stinkydrink
Therapy lady: the most regular, uninteresting, unnoteworthy coffee you’ve ever seen
Security guy at the front desk: a donut with a mullet made of hardened sugar
Mr frock: codfish sandwich with mayonnaise on white bread with white coleslaw
Paleontologist guy: maple syrup candies shaped like mosquitos in amber
Beeman: a warm brownie in a mug
Newbie: biscuits and tea. trying really hard to be normal- perhaps too hard
Priest: communion wafer that’s actually a spicy potato chip
Mr hornbush: hard tack. no flavor to be detected and will absolutely break your teeth
Bobo the brain: vegetarian burger
Keymaster: a poisonous soufflé
Babbit/stiesel: cold toast thats somehow also burnt
Bladder: water
Peter: room temperature watery tea with a now unrecognizable flavor
Petra: cheap angel cake with sprinkles in it; no flavor but simultaneously too sweet
Droggeljug: a bagel (the best food)
Adrian: dog food disguised as caviar
Aluman: pure energy
Hoti: macaroni
Moti: and cheese
Dr marcel: a really expensive pizza with no cheese, no sauce, and a burnt crust, served with expensive wine that’s actually dish-soap
Mattis: grape juice that you think is spiked but no. it’s just grape juice
Edna: a milkshake with all of the available toppings as well as all of the food toppings. is it even a milkshake anymore? Also there’s lint?
Harvey: catsup and mustard combo that also has caffeine in it
Alfred: raisin cookie that someone stepped in
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twwpress · 6 months
Weekly Press Briefing #75: November 25th - December 2nd
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from November 25 - December 2. Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
There are no open challenges/prompts that we know of this week. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 6, Episode 7: A Change is Gonna Come aired on December 1, 2004.
Here’s what was posted from November 26 - December 2:
Allison Janney posted a photo of herself backstage with Ricky Martin. 
Allison Janney posted a video for her niece Petra’s non-profit, Amelia Air Rescue, for Giving Tuesday. 
Dule Hill posted a video of his daughter Kennedy playing college volleyball along with a sweet message. 
Josh Malina posted a video about Jewish actors in American theatre related to a New York Times article. 
Marlee Matlin posted a photo from the Media Access Awards, encouraging everyone to tune into the 2023 Media Access Awards, airing Sunday December 3 at 9 pm on KCET in Los Angeles and December 15 at 8 pm PR on PBS SoCal with streaming on both websites and on the free PBS app.
Marlee Matlin posted a photo of herself and Henry Winkler eating out at 7 Adams restaurant. 
Peter James Smith posted photos from his theatre trip to NYC.
Peter James Smith posted some baby photos of himself. 
Peter James Smith posted a photo of himself in an ornament on The West Wing Teen’s tree. 
Rob Lowe posted a photo of a rainbow on the Unstable set. 
Donna Moss Daily: November 26 | November 27 | November 28 | November 29 | November 30 | December 1 | December 2
Daily Josh Lyman: November 26 | November 27 | November 28 | November 29 | November 30 | December 1 | December 2
No Context BWhit: November 26 | November 27 | November 28 | November 29 | November 30 | December 1 | December 2
@twwarchive: November 28 | December 1 
#donnamoss: princess face, killer body, samurai mind by @nacejisbon [VIDEO EDIT] #joshdonna: you're losing me by @nacejisbon [VIDEO EDIT] #joshdonna: new year's day by @hvnleia [VIDEO EDIT] #ABBEYBARTLET: but it’s me who’s been making the bed. by @livsbenson [VIDEO EDIT]
Editors’ Choice: 
Chanukah begins this coming Thursday evening, so we rounded up some fics to celebrate. We did our best to prioritize works by Jewish authors; if we missed any of your favorite stories, please feel free to reblog with links! Happy Chanukah! 
what else can I give him, poor as I am? by park_all_covered_with_cheese | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | It's been a long time since Josh Lyman celebrated Chanukah properly, in his own home. But Sam needs cheering up, and Josh needs an excuse to find out what's wrong. Sufganiyot and Other Declarations Of Love by eowyn_of_rohan | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn | Complete | The way to Josh’s heart is through his stomach, so Sam has planned accordingly this holiday season. (Obligatory Hanukkah fic! Chag urim sameach!) Bless Us As Well by altschmerzes | Rated T | Josh Lyman & Toby Ziegler (Gen Fic) | Complete I It's the first Hanukkah after Rosslyn, and Toby has a gift for Josh. “It’s a tallit,” Toby tells him stiffly, and Josh nods. “I know what it is,” he says, voice soft and lacking any recrimination. He may not be an observant Jew, but he’s seen a prayer shawl before. “Why did you… What?” “It’s the tallit that I wore when you were shot. I wore it while I prayed that you would live. That you’d be okay. And I want you to have it.”
This week's fics will be reblogged onto this post in a moment!
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limetameta · 2 years
kimblee's mom: solf's a bit odd, isn't he?
kimblee's dad: both of them are odd, sweetheart.
kimblee's mom: i'm not opening that can of worms right now. i'm just talking about solf. he's a bit slow when it comes to people, isn't he? would rather spend all of his time with books and cats. that's not normal.
kimblee's dad: honestly if it weren't for his sister he wouldn't have any friends. she pulls him towards people. she's our social butterfly :) my little angel. my sunshine.
kimblee's mom: i see she's your favourite.
kimblee's dad: oh she's not. solf is. but i love my little sunshine. :)
kimblee's mom: she's so sweet and always so kind. she could never hurt a fly. meanwhile one of the women at the market asked me if solf killed petra's dogs? the nerve of her.
kimblee's dad: well, did he?
kimblee's mom: i have no idea. i haven't brought it up to him. but he's very gentle with the cats so i don't think so. i think they're just using his strangeness as a means to accuse him of things.
kimblee's dad: dear god, what if he did do it, though?
kimblee's sister: so, SO - SO! you know that bitch who lives a block over who called you names? the one with the wandering dogs?
solf: yes. those dogs bit me once, i remember. i was always scared of them as a small kid. one of them ate my cat. mittens. the big one that couldn't run fast.
kimblee's sister: :D wELL, they're never going to do that again. she wasn't very nice to either of us and i decided to teach her a lesson. calling my voice screechy? calling my brother weird?
solf: what have you done????
kimblee's sister: pffffft. forget about it :) just go to sleep.
solf: i can't now :/ i'm thinking about your crimes.
kimblee's sister: a crime is not tying them in the yard and letting them wander onto the road. that's a crime. she only has herself to blame for what happened to them.
solf: was it an accident?
kimblee's sister: if i say yes will you go to sleep?
solf: ://// no.
kimblee's sister: you know everyone loves me, right? they'd never suspect me. it helps that you're related to me so they'll just point at you. but it's obvious you didn't do it because you have witnesses and an alibi. so people will just forget about it or get it in their heads that someone passing through did it. some weird serial killer. *wriggling fingers* ooooohhhhh. it's the perfect crime.
solf: don't upgrade to people, please.
kimblee's sister: nah. of course not :) i have a whole music career ahead of me to worry about. killing a few dogs is nothing compared to getting caught for manslaughter.
solf: well, as long as you're aware of it. *turning away from her to sleep* good night.
kimblee's sister: good night! :D
*minutes pass*
the sister: i mean obviously you aren't going to tell anyone i told this to you tonight because if you do, i can and will throw you under the bus and say you killed the dogs, right? like you're aware of that, right?
solf: :/ i'm not an idiot.
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anothanobody · 1 year
not related to any aus or anything but it enrages me to see people making fun of Mikasa’s femininity when she herself is insecure of that aspect.
Her having muscles and short hair doesn’t make her any less feminine. Because out of all the females, she’s literally one of the most “traditionally feminine” as what they would say. She knows how to sew, in her casual days she likes to put on a dress, and out of the “main female character” she speaks so soft when not in a battle (that’s what I’ve noticed, there’s Historia, Pieck and Petra too, but really, she speaks the sweetest and is overall shy)
And even so, there’s nothing wrong if someone is masculine or feminine, because they’re just spectrums on how to express ourselves. It’s just this stupid patriarchy that made them something negative, especially if it’s on the feminine side and about women. Sorry for the rant but that’s just my two cents 😭 to everyone here, y’all wear whatever you want, express yourselves however you like to
ngl not even the muscles or her pack. she’s actually thin while having all that. much that she seems small compared to eren, jean and reiner. she’s literally the epitome of femininity in aot tbh. far more than other. she talks like a freaking angel. soft and sweet. literally everything about her. 😩😩 i’m with you anon!!! let’s rant!
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kurokrisps · 2 years
What songs do you associate with your ocs?
May is pretty much my primary OC at the moment and my thoughts are plagued by her daily so ima just do hers.
May Davis (SDJ)
Marceline - Lil God Dan
Boot - Tamar-kali
Sweet November - SZA
Miss Negativity - Night Club
Minerva - Deftones
Do You Think I'm A Whore? - Kittie
Just Like You - Falling in Reverse
Sonne - Rammstein
Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare All) - Type O Negative
And ima add songs I associate with her ships just bc.
Jack x May
Gingerbread Man - Melanie Martinez
Always Forever - Cults
Me And My Husband - Mitski
Slipping Away - Angel J. Nelson
Stargirl Interlude - The Weeknd ft. Lana Del Rey
Dark Red - Steve Lacy
Don't You Want Me - The Human League
Using You - Mars Argo
Ian x May
Norman F*cking Rockwell - Lana Del Rey
You're Not Here - Silent Hill OST/Akira Yamaoka
I don't smoke - Mitski
Highschool Sweethearts - Melanie Martinez
Training Wheels - Melanie Martinez
Sweet Jane - Cowboy Junkies
I Hate U - SZA
Boys Like You - Tanerelle
Shaun x May
Bad Habits - Steve Lacy
Sure Thing - Miguel
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Brooklyn Baby - Lana Del Rey
Unholy - Sam Smith ft. Kim Petras
505 - Arctic Monkeys
A New Kind of Love - Frou Frou
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hpd--ena · 1 month
Okay update I can now name over 200 pjsk songs!!! Every niigo song + every wxs commission
NeedLe, Stella, awaiting clear skies, meteor pulse/pulse of the meteor, peaky peaky, teratera, suresure, stage of sekai, flyway, hurray, regulus, connecting the stars, aioi, from Tokyo, 1, roki, teo, hello world, hello worker, hide and seek, lost and found, were still underground, dramaturgy, tale of the deep sea lily, don't go, lost ones weeping, from y to y, glow, attract light, hibana reloaded, ghost rule, six trillion years and an overnight story, time machine, night sky patrol of tomorrow
Newly edgy idols, ai no material, color of drops, icedrop, angels clover, more jump more, hug, jumpin over, dream place, if, parasol cider, float planner, motto, momoiro key, worldwide wander, metamo re:born, teammate, happy synthesizer, nostalogic, patchwork staccato, love trial, shoujo rei, deep sea girl, flos, kiss the villain, Romeo and cinderella, booo, happy Halloween, near
Ready steady, forward, rad dogs, cinema, beat eater, Mirai, moonlight, realize, crazy, beyond the way, blender, rekka, hollow, one sheep/the sheep, machi, overthrow, kashika, awake now, bring it on, children record, traffic jam, alter ego, devil's manner, egoist, aun no beats, fragile, airhead, doctor=funk beat, just be friends, ifuudoudou, Shanti, unaware drunkard, uninterrupted indigo, ghost city tokyo, rain and petra
The world hasn't even started yet, becoming potatoes, nijiiro stories, once upon a dream, tondemo wonders, showtime ruler, niccori^^ survey team theme, 88, what kind of ending do you want, the miniature gardens coral, glory steady go, Mr showtime, kirapipi kirapika, cyberpunk dead boy, filament fever, the tetrad that illuminates the world, starry sky melody, starry sky orchestra (think that's all of them! Sorry if I missed one I usually do this on a quiz instead of off the top of my head), buriki no dance, sweet magic, as you like it, fixer, king, positive dance time, remote controller, childish war, your adventure log has vanished, ah it's a wonderful cats life, selfish princess, all I need are things I like, living millennium, goodbye deceleration, telecaster b boy, alien alien, solar system disco, dance robot dance, dance orchestra
Identity, composing the future, cellphone Love story, jackpot sad girl, infinitely grey, IDSmile, melody-lit sky, saisei, lower, tricologe, nomad, give me your night, I nandesu, engeki, Twilight Light, passion at 25:00 watashi wa ame, bug, kitty, samsa, charles, hello/how are you, self-inflicted achromatic, solitary envy, otome dissection,, hated by life itself, hurting for a very hurtful pain, bocca della verita, cutlery, villain, venom, dokuzu, bad apple, godish, slow downer, it's just life, even if it's your happiness, Phony, irony, blooming into the mud, lagtrain, non-breath oblige, bitter choco decoration, envy baby (that's all I could get off the top of my head,,, djfgdjfb. There's actually around 53 I think (54 if I count a leak I saw for a cover) but as I said before I'm more used to having it in quiz format)
Magic number, machine gun poem doll, waltz of the deceased amarå, I'll Miku miku you (for reals), Miku, alive, blessing, hibikase, hello planet, meteor, relayouter, on the rocks, Leia - remind, snowman, judas, thousand year solo, I cant win against dense guys, piano x forte x scandal, bad end night, my love is hellfire, servant of evil, daughter of evil, dune, luka luka night fever, butterfly on your right shoulder, hatsune creation myth, sick of house, the intense voice of Hatsune Miku, the disappearance of Hatsune Miku, rin-chan now, hopes and tears at the end mark, don't fight the music, the emperror
Cosmospice, blue paint, salamander
Im so normal !!!!/sillie
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fullcupceramics · 5 months
A year in review
I started the year with two loves of my life and pizza. I said goodbye to my magical northern Israeli life. The quiet and calm. The isolation. The finding of beauty in pink streets, moo hikes, and farm runs. To my arab school and my sweet classroom. Children who found love in a forbidden relationship.
The finding of love.. the sharing of intimate moments in our sacred bubble. This was ours. A girls trip with my best friend and chosen family. Fuck Beer Sheva. Where are my keys?! So much weed. Eilat hikes with my sweetie, Allison.
Moving to Tel Aviv. Feeling overwhelmed. I miss the north. To starting ceramics and crying. I can't fucking communicate. This isn't me. To finding crochet and girlfriends. To breaking my heart. To crying and feeling withdrawn. To running along the Tyelet and buying a bike and seeing the city pass. WeEE. Wow. This place is freedom. Young and vibrant. Is this what it means to be happy? Finding tutoring jobs and nannying with families that became my own. Joining protests and marches. Somehow ending up in the front. To running my first half marathon. I did that. I became the person who does things. Mom and dad visited. Feeling that this feels like home. This is my home. Can I tell you this? Should I? How will you react? Do you trust me? I went in front of the camera. I posed. I felt radiant. I am beautiful. Yes, I AM beautiful. I AM beautiful. JORDAN. IZZY. food, petra, wadi rum. My hair in the jeep. I couldn't drive shift. Petra is SO much more than that one picture. Yoga festival. Meeting angel Yael. My first sign. My first tent. I went in a car with Rotem. I went alone. Bold. You are fierce. to finding dance. Ecstatic. Look at them. Look at them feel. Energy transfers, soul alignment, connection. Intimacy. Sex. Blindfolds and oil. Coconut water and fruit. An animal hunting for substance. Bite. Lick. Smell. Women. Love letters to Noam. I feel heard. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for lifting my. Higher frequencies. Yoga. More women. More sacred spaces. How graceful my body. How glorious my body. Each scar. All the cellulite. All the flubber. All the muscles. All the inconsistencies. Thank you for bring me here. August rain. August home, comfort, planning. Yearning. Its Israel I need to be. A little longer. I'm not done yet. Midburn. Mystic Queens. What could have been. Bikes. New friendships. Vitamin D. Starting. Leaving.
I experienced the most intense anxiety I have in my life. I hurt my ankle and couldn't run the marathon; I was devastated and couldn't handle it. I couldn't comprehend loving a place so far away from "home." I am still making sense of the word "home." I had debilitating anxiety trying to figure out how to spend my summer. Whether or not to come back to Israel. How to make a decision that I knew would upset the ones I love. Resettling in Tel Aviv only to realize that the bubble had broken and while the city is magical, you still need to pay for bills and deal with maintenance people who you can't speak to and figure out a confusing visa process and figure out how to get a new bike tire after yours was stolen and figure out how to get a job and fill out a tax form... Only 3 weeks later to be caught in the midst of a war. Feeling so desperately out of control. Feeling so desperately in pain. Screaming out, "this wasn't part of the plan." To temporarily move back to your parent's house but unable to see the temporary nature in it. To be in a dark spiral for 7 weeks. To lose all sense of growth and thrill for the life I had just built, had just discovered. Wondering, would I feel that again? Would I find her again? Or would I stay lost in this girlhood version of myself who needed a hug but I refused to give it to her. I couldn't. I was traumatized. My thoughts spiraled. They looped. A broken record. Each day. all day. To feel that this was all a dream. That I was living a dream. Not now, but always. If I touch you, will you feel it? Will I? ... To decide that the only way out of this would be to return to my magical place. The place I never mentally or emotionally left in the first place. Only then did I believe could I see clearly. Could I return to myself. To return and breath a sense of calm and peace, of knowing that I will dance again. Feeling unsure and confused but trusting. Feeling angry and numb but trusting. Diving inward. Studying guitar, art, Hebrew, and psychology. Returning to movement. Returning to my breath. Returning to dance, to bring on a new year.
I dance for the ones who can't. I dance for the child that didn't. I dance for the moment I wanted to jump. I dance for the moments of dark. I dance for the tears, the joy, the laughter, the anxiety, the depression, the friendships, the bad weed, the hospital visit, the loss, the love, the closeness, the distance... I dance because it's the only way forward. I dance because I trust.
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sutorus · 8 months
HI PETRA !!! how are you doing today angel, i hope you week starts off good MWAH <33
RYLIEEEE SO SWEET ILY MWAH i’m doin great!!! less busy this week thankfully hbu ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡°◌̊
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colorfulbard · 3 years
Hopelessly devoted
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Summary: Things between you and Levi got weird ever since you saved him.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Warnings: Fluff and some angst(?)
Words: 4.6K
A/N: I got this idea from a tiktok a while ago, can’t remember the user. Yes, I know the title is very cliche, I thought it was cute.
The uncomfortable mix of sweat and blood was a common feeling most scouts got used to, but not you. To you, it was probably always going to feel bothersome like an itch you couldn't scratch. Not like anyone really blames you, even if the blood evaporated the feeling of it somehow always remained. With an annoyed groan, you grabbed the handkerchief from your pocket and attempted to wipe excess blood that remained along with sweet off your brow.
You sighed at the sight of your now dirty handkerchief and leaned back against the tree. It wasn't a good idea, but you decided to close your eyes even if just for a moment. Ever since the destruction of wall Maria, there had been no expeditions outside the actual walls. At the moment, all there was to do was figure out ways to plug up the holes and exterminate titans skulking around.
Those extermination missions have proven to be tiring considering the way almost felt yourself falling asleep. You shook off the sleep and opened your eyes to look down at the handkerchief again. There was quite a bit of blood on it now thanks to you. You stowed it away back into your pocket with a chuckle. He wasn't going to be too pleased to see the way you dirtied it.
You automatically stood at the sound of your name. Nearing your line of sight, you recognized someone from Levi's squad. You squinted to try and make out their appearance. Your eyes returned to their normal state when you recognized it to be Petra, making her way towards you at an alarming speed.
Your brows furrowed as she landed in front of you with a worried expression. "Is everything alright?" You asked, not giving her a chance to speak. It shouldn't be too much of a cause for concern considering Petra was always one to be a tad nervous, but something felt different this time.
After taking a quick once over of her, you noticed the edge of her cape was wrinkled. Most likely because she had been wringing it between her fingers. That was something you recognized to be one of her nervous habits. However, you'd never seen her do that during a mission. It was clear that whatever was happening was probably serious.
You placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a comforting look as if to will her into talking. She seemed to appreciate it and took in a deep breath before speaking, "we got separated from the captain and can't find him anywhere," she said, choking up on her words.
You rose a brow at her. Levi was a smart man, he was most likely fine. Besides squads get separated on missions all the time, you were even separated from your own at the moment. Miche was usually never concerned when you did either way.
Petra should have enough faith in her captain to know that by now. "I don't understand..." You took a moment to think, "why is this a cause for concern?" You inquired.
"Before the expedition, we distracted him and I don't think he ever got the chance to do maintenance on his gear..." She trailed off as her words got caught in her throat. The edge of her cape was getting more wrinkled as the seconds passed.
"So, you think there's a chance it could've malfunctioned?" You asked. Your eyes couldn't help but widen in surprise. Even after being apart of the scouts for years, it seemed like there was a first for everything. Even if it had to do with someone as meticulous as Levi.
"I'm not sure," she responded, "I can't remember the last time he did maintenance on it." Her gaze shifted down to the ground as if to try and remember.
You nodded, "alright go inform the commander and Mike of the situation. I'll go and begin searching-" you grabbed your handgrip- "after that, join your squad and continue the search," you instructed.
Petra nodded, "we already sent Eld to inform the commander," she assured. She was about to pull her trigger until she turned back to you, "thank you, Y/N."
You gave her a reassuring smile and squeezed her shoulder. "No problem and try not to worry," you said, "I'm sure he's fine, we just have to be quick." With that said, you pulled your trigger and jumped down once the anchor sunk itself into a tree.
Once your horse was in your sight, you reeled back your anchor and landed next to it. The landing wasn't your best, you stumbled a bit, but there wasn't time to think about that now. You quickly mounted your horse and kicked your feet back to coerce them into running.
It felt like you had stopped breathing the moment you were able to pull your thoughts together. In hopes of saving time, you hadn't even bothered to let yourself properly breathe. You'd have to thank Petra later for telling you, you knew she didn't have to, but it was still nice that she thought of you at that moment.
After taking a deep breath to expel the nerves slowly forming in your gut, you willed your horse to go faster. Clearly, the words you had said to Petra weren't currently working on you. It wasn't as if you had no faith in Levi. It was more so that you had no hope that fate would be kind to you at this moment.
Taking deep breaths wasn't helping all the intrusive thoughts coming up. You couldn't even blink properly without horrific images flashing behind your eyelids. You tried to shake them off and pushed forward. This was Levi you were thinking about, he had to be okay, right?
How troublesome could this expedition get? Not only did his gear malfunction, leading him to slam his body into a tree, but he also had a rough landing causing his leg to break. At least, he assumed it was broken, even if he could walk a little. Not that it mattered at the moment considering there was nothing around.
Even with all these odds stacked against him, Levi was never one to give up so easily. Which willed him into attempting to use his gear about five more times to no avail. He groaned under his breath in frustration, "damn it..." He grumbled.
As much he would like to put the blame on an inanimate object, there was no point. There was no one to blame, but himself. Levi had been apart of the scouts for so long, you'd think maintenance would be second nature to him. He should've been more attentive, even if his squad was hammering with dumb questions. So much for that being one of his more exceptional qualities.
Levi supposed he should count his blessings. So far, everything was quiet. That calming thought lasted for about five seconds before he heard a loud groan in the distance. His eyes widened to see a titan slowly making its way towards him. "Just my luck," he cursed at himself.
No point in sitting around like a wounded, helpless animal. Levi knew he still had a chance to survive, even if it was slim. He took his blades to prepare to hopefully kill it. The titan's eyes narrowed in on him at the sound of his blades being unsheathed.
"Shit, so much for thinking it was already looking at me." He knew it was a curse to think this, but could it get any worse?
As if the titan could comprehend what he was thinking, it began crawling towards him at an alarming speed. Levi grit his teeth as it grew closer and closer. "It just had to be abnormal, didn't it?" He asked himself.
Levi looked down at his legs and his posture slacked, no point in running. He wouldn't get very far and would have to deal with wondering when the ugly fucker would get it over with every second. That meant the only thing left to do was try and fight back. He gripped his blades and thoughts of why he was fighting came to mind.
The first thing was him being known as humanity's strongest, meaning he had a duty. No telling how everyone would react knowing their strongest soldier died. The next, everyone he had grown close to in the scouts. Just imagining their devasted faces brought a sour taste to his mouth. Lastly, you.
Levi was usually never one to get sentimental in moments like this, but he couldn't help it. If there was a chance these were his last moments, it'd be nice to be thinking of you. All of those private moments together just simply enjoying one another's presence. You truly were good to him, always assuring him that those moments were enough and that there was never a need for an actual date.
You knew how awkward he can be when it came to public displays of affection and never gave him shit for it. You truly were a blessing in his eyes. Too bad the last time he would ever see that blessing was in his memories.
Once the ugly thing came close enough, he reared his arm back to prepare to take out its eyes. However, it seemed like there was no point in even trying. The titan didn't even get a chance to come within six feet f him before it went limp.
There it was, the familiar voice of his savior. You stood from your knelt position at the titan's neck with a wide smile at the sight of him. "You're okay!" You exclaimed in relief as you slid off the titan's body. Without even giving him a single second to process your being there, you wrapped your arms around him.
You sighed as you felt him squished against you. "I'm so glad," you whispered in his ear, "I thought I was going to be too late."
Levi brought his arms around you, not even fathoming how you were here. Call him a sap, but you almost looked like a guardian angel in his eyes when you peeked over that titan's head. His grip on you became tighter, happy to feel your familiar shape in his arms. He could gladly stay forever like this, had it not been for this fucked up leg. A groan came from him when he readjusted his footing.
You immediately pulled away at the sound and inspected him. "What happened?" You asked, worried.
He gestured to his leg which was limp. "Gear malfunctioned and I had a bad landing because of it," he explained, "but I'll be fine."
You furrowed your brows, something you always did when you thought he was lying about something. Levi poked a finger between your brows to fix them. "Don't look at me like that-" he began to unconsciously lean into you- "I'm fine. Just need to get back to headquarters."
You nodded and knelt down in front of him. The silence between you two was thick as he stared two holes into your back. "You're kidding, right?" He asked rhetorically. Even he had to admit to himself being carried on someone's back was slightly embarrassing, it made him feel like a toddler.
"It's either this or I can carry you in my arms like a blushing bride," you responded cheekily.
Levi swore he could feel you smirking even if he couldn't see your face. Nonetheless, he relented, it was better than dying at least. Getting comfortable on your back was easier said than done, his shitty leg definitely wasn't helping. Eventually, he got the hang of it and tapped your shoulder.
You gave a nod and stood up, albeit a little shaky, but you managed. Even after getting used to the weight of your own gear, pairing another along with Levi proved to be a challenge. You tried not to let it show, but a pained grunt managed to slip past your lips anyway.
Levi tensed on your back at the sound you made. "Alright let's try something else." He made an attempt to get off, but you tightened your grip.
"No way, I'm fine," you said, your voice rasping. You managed to grasp your handgrip and placed your finger on the trigger, "hold on, it's gonna be an unstable ride."
Levi relented at the sight of your determination and wrapped his arms around your neck. He braced himself as you immediately took off at the feeling of his arms. A few hiccups occurred during your flight, but you managed to land close to your horse without a permanent scratch.
You took a breather once Levi let himself off your back. You bent yourself back to get rid of the ache that was forming. Your little break didn't last long when you spotted Levi limping to your horse. You quickly grabbed an arm and put it over your shoulder to aid him.
"You know, I'm starting to think all that tea is giving you a little extra weight," you teased in an attempt to make light of the situation. You knew he had to be feeling useless at the moment. It always happened whenever he got hurt.
The only response you received was a pinch to your side causing you to squeak. "Ouch..." You whined while trying to soothe it by rubbing it.
"That's what you get for teasing your superior."
You gawked at him. "Wow, you're pulling out the superior card now?" You questioned, "Would you rather I tease you in other ways?" You wiggled your brows at him. He looked away from you and pinched you again.
"Shut up."
Things had been a little odd ever since that day and you were positive you were the only one who noticed. Levi was still out of commission, but that didn't stop him from fulfilling other duties. The only reason why it bothered you is that he was currently using crutches to move around. You were, however, put at ease when you were told his injury was only a hairline fracture.
All of that wasn't the biggest issue though. The issue at hand was Levi was practically hovering over you as if you were the one injured. He never made it obvious in fear of being called out by comrades. You, of course, didn't miss the way he followed you everywhere until he was called away to do something important.
His hovering only got worse whenever you were asked to assist in Hange's titan experiments. There was also the issue of him getting weird headaches at random times of the day. You usually caught him suffering from them when you returned from different errands. You tried asking what caused it, but not even Levi could figure it out.
After long deliberation, you decided it might be a good idea to get out for a little while. Some time away from everything scout related might be good for him. So, you dragged him along with you to Trost. Fortunately, it was one of your days off so there was no need to convince Erwin to give you one anyway.
Before Levi could bother resisting you had already forced him to mount your horse. You had to come up with a creative solution for his crutch considering it'd be uncomfortable for him to hold onto, plus you were going to make him hold your basket anyway. You managed to tie the crutch onto the saddle and sat behind him to hold onto him. You knew he wasn't entirely opposed to the idea considering he could've shoved you off him, even if he was injured. You smiled when he leaned back against you to relax if only for a moment.
The ride didn't take too long and you quickly dismounted your horse when you reached some stables. You hesitantly held out your arms to assist Levi but judging by the look on his face, he'd much rather fall. You held your arms up in mock surrender and let him dismount on his own, a little clumsily.
The marketplace was a little more crowded than normal. You glanced at Levi to see if he was okay, it seemed like he didn't mind. You linked your arm with his free one and smiled. It wasn't notable on his face, but you could tell by the way he gripped your arm that he was content.
Even if it was crowded, it was nice to see it more lively. After wall Maria was breached in Shinganshina, everyone in Trost had been put on edge. But now, everything seems to have returned to some form of normalcy. Not to mention, more people meant more merchants.
"Should we go see if we can find some new tea leaves?" You asked absentmindedly. Your eyes went from stall to stall, not even paying attention to where you were walking.
Levi hummed. "With all these merchants around there's a good chance we might find something new," he surmised, pulling you closer so you didn't bump into anyone.
You nodded, "well then, we better start looking."
There was so much to see you couldn't help yourself. You barely ever had a chance to walk through markets thanks to the survey corps. It was fun walking from stall to stall with Levi on your arm. It almost made you feel like an old married couple with no worries whatsoever. The thought brought a big smile to your lips.
You glanced at Levi who was busy observing various tea leaves. You knew your life with him wouldn't change with a ring on your finger, but you couldn't help thinking about what it would be like. You giggled as you thought being referred to as Mrs. Ackerman.
"Oi, what are you laughing at?"
You tensed, "uh, nothing important," you said in between nervous giggles.
He rose a brow at you but shrugged it off. Fortunately, his seriousness with tea leaves made him forget of your silliness. You knew he'd be here for a little while and proposed that you would go ahead while he took a moment here. He seemed hesitant at first but nodded nonetheless.
As you walked ahead, the stalls got more scarce. "Oh well," you mumbled to yourself. They were a lot more exciting near the front, which made sense. Too bad there wasn't anything more exciting or rare back here.
You took a final look around and decided to walk back to where Levi was. The sun was beginning to set, so it was best that you went back to headquarters now anyway. Before you could even take another step, something grabbed your basket and tugged you back.
You grunted and landed back against something hard. You glanced behind you and saw a man standing there, his hand grasping your basket. You rose a brow, "I'm sorry, did you need something?" You asked, slapping his hand away.
He yelped in response and frowned at you, "is that any way to treat a gentleman?" He asked.
"Well, when a so-called gentleman grabs a lady without her permission, yes," you responded, crossing your arms.
He chuckled at your words, "how cute-" he grabbed your wrist- "don't you know that ladies should use kinder words when addressing a man." You could feel his grip was tightening.
"I could've used cruder words than that, sir," you sneered, tugging your wrist free.
Your choice of words only did more damage and excited him. "Oh, how crude?" He asked while laying a hand at your waist, "wanna tell me?"
To Levi, it felt like no time had passed as he stood at the same stand looking over various teas. Looked like coming to Trost wasn't such a waste after all. He managed to find tea leaves he'd never tried and his favorite. Now all that was left to do was locate you and go home.
The longer he walked the more he began to wonder how far you could've gotten. He knew you had a tendency to wander, but he never thought you would've gotten this far. Levi practically made it to the end of the market when he overheard your voice.
"I'll tell you when titans fly!"
Levi blinked as he processed the words you spoke, that's definitely you. He rose a brow before he caught sight of you. You were currently fighting off a man who had a tight grip on you. He immediately frowned and got ready to toss his crutch into the man's direction. He stopped his actions when you kneed him in the crotch and elbowed his back when he knelt down from the pain.
You huffed and straightened your clothes. You continued to frown until you spotted Levi standing a couple of feet away. The frown melted away into a smile and you waved at him. "Levi, are you all done?" You asked, walking up to him and taking his arm again.
Levi couldn't help but blink at you again. You rose a brow at his silence, clearly wondering what was wrong. "You just kicked him in the balls without a second thought..." His words trailed off, unsure of what else to say.
You chuckled, your brow still raised. "Of course, what else was I supposed to do?" You asked rhetorically, "now, come on. Let's go home." Your grip on his arm became tighter as you began to walk.
Before Levi could even take a single step, he flinched and gripped his head. That same familiar ache came back and once again, he had no idea what the cause of it was. These headaches were becoming a nuisance and he didn't know how much more he could take.
He could feel you staring at him, even with his eyes shut tight. He just knew your brows were furrowed, concern shown on your features.
"Levi, are you alright?" You asked, laying a hand on his head.
All he could do was nod in response. The pain was still making his head feel like it was throbbing, but he didn't want to continue making you worried. So, he pretended everything was fine and peeled his eyes open. He noticed you let out a sigh of relief when he did.
Everything would be fine as soon the both of you returned to headquarters. Fortunately, everything felt like a quick blur while walking back towards the horse and riding back to headquarters.
The moment the horse stopped he didn't bother waiting for you to help him and jumped down on his own. Levi ignored the small twinge of pain he felt and walked to his room as if nothing happened. He hadn't even seen the concerned look on your face as he did.
Later on, at night, you thought you would be able to speak with him. As soon as you had gotten to your shared room earlier, he had holed himself up in the bedroom. You figured he wanted to be left alone for a little bit based on the headache he had earlier. But, now, you assumed he had enough time to himself and walked in with tea in hand. You thought you might get him to relax a bit with some.
"Levi?" You asked softly, shutting the door behind you. "Are you alright?"
The only response was a small grumble. You sighed and walked over to his side of the bed where he laid. You watched as he perked up a bit at the new smell, it was the new tea leaves he had bought. With a small smile, you placed the cup on the nightstand and sat next to him.
"Levi, talk to me." You placed a hand on his leg, "I'm worried. You've been in here since we got back in silence."
Speaking of, the silence was suffocating. He wasn't looking at you, you couldn't tell if he refused to or if the only way to soothe the headache was to cover his eyes. You sighed again and moved your hand from his leg to get up from the bed.
Before you could fully get up his hand caught yours, stopping your actions. You looked at him, waiting for him to speak.
"I'm sorry..." He sighed while squeezing your hand. You rose a brow at his apology and sat back down. You remained quiet and waited for him to explain.
Levi's grip on your hand tightened as you watched him grit his teeth. You knew he was trying to find the right words to say. You moved your hand around to rub your thumb over his knuckles to soothe him. He seemed to slowly relax with the motions as he stopped gritting his teeth and became less tense.
The silence continued dragging on, so you decided to give him a gentle nudge to persuade him into talking. "For?" You asked.
Levi took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He was nervous about what he had to say and you had no idea why. His grip on your hand tightened again. "For not being able to protect you," he admitted, "I'm so useless like this." He gestured to his leg.
Your eyes widened at his words. It took a moment for you to get over the initial shock, but once you did you grabbed the arm that covered his eyes to move it away. You don't know if it was moonlight streaming in through the crack in the curtains or your eyes playing tricks on you, but it looked like there were tears in Levi's eyes.
You ignored it for now and placed your hands on his cheeks. You called his name forcing him to look into your eyes. "You're not useless, please don't say that-" you began stroking his cheek with your thumb- "you never say that to me when I get injured, so, don't say that about yourself."
You lowered your forehead to rest against his. "You don't have to worry about me, I can take care of myself," you whispered. "Don't you have faith that I'm strong enough to take care of myself?" You asked.
Levi let in a shark intake of breath as he heard your words. He began to sit up causing you to move away from him. "Of course I do," he replied, "I just... Can't help it." His voice was strained as if it was painful to even say.
"I want to protect you no matter what." He was staring down at his lap. "But when I can't-" he gestured to his injury- "it hurts..." He laid a hand on his forehead.
Your brows furrowed. He was being so cryptic, it was hard to tell what he meant. You couldn't help but ask, "what hurts? Why?" You laid a hand on his cheek to make him look into your eyes.
Levi didn't answer as he stared into your concerned eyes. Based on the inner turmoil you saw in his own eyes, it was safe to say that he couldn't even begin to explain the feeling. You shook your head as a way to tell him that he didn't have to explain. A shadow cast over his eyes when you did.
You let your hand fall to your side and dropped your gaze to your lap. You didn't want to leave him alone with his thoughts tonight, but you weren't sure of what to do next. Fortunately, an answer came unexpectedly.
Levi leaned forward and rested his head against your chest, his hands were on your waist. You welcomed the unexpected affection but froze for a brief moment. Most of the time, Levi was never one to initiate intimate moments like this, but it always made you happy when he did.
You brought a hand to the top of his head when he spoke.
"I'm just hopelessly devoted to you."
You said nothing and continued cradling him close to you with no intention of letting him go. There was no way of knowing if either of you would ever find out what was wrong, but you knew you would find out together.
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