#Perc'ahlia fanfiction
star--joy · 1 year
Whitestone Gala
Percy and Vex enjoy their first Whitestone Gala together.
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: None
Words: 1281
Originally posted: 1/30/22
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44657167
Seeing the elegant ballroom of Whitestone’s castle bustling with the activity of a Winter’s Crest gala for the first time in almost a decade fills Percy with a ocean of bittersweet.
It’s lovely, of course it is. Cassandra is sampling the many pastries prepared, the ever-present tension lost from her shoulders. Keyleth and Gilmore are taking turns dancing with Vax, making sure he never has a free moment. Scanlan is giving plenty of feedback to the jaunty musicians, much to their annoyance. Pike and Grog are belaying wild stories of their youth to an overjoyed crowd of citizens.
Percy smiles, eyeing his strange family of oddballs. Although he’ll never stop missing his siblings, his parents, his life before… he’s happy. After all these years, all this loss, he’s come to a place of contentment that seemed unreachable for so long.
Still, there is one piece of the puzzle missing. In his opinion, the most important piece.
Vex’ahlia still hasn’t arrived.
Every few seconds, Percy’s eyes will flick to the grand entrance, willing her to finally step through. He’s excited for their first gala together.
“Waiting for Vex?” Vax’s smoothe voice asks as he makes his presence beside the Lord of Whitestone known. Percy only avoids startling because of how practiced he is with Vax’s sneaky habits.
“As if you aren’t,” he scoffs, lips ticking up. “Have Keyleth and Gilmore grown tired of dancing?”
Vax laughs, gesturing through the crowd to his partners, who have forgone him to dance with each other, instead, both giggling as they twirl through the dance floor. “No, they’ve just grown tired of me.”
With a chuckle, Percy plucks two glasses of champagne off a nearby tray, handing one to his brother-in-law. He goes to say something, a witty one liner, most likely, but any thought of the words fall from his mind when, out of the corner of his eye, he catches sight of the doors to the ballroom opening.
It’s with sheer skill, and a fair amount of luck, that Percy is able to prevent the champagne glass from slipping through his suddenly limp fingers.
Dear Gods.
Vex saunters into the ballroom, chin lifted and eyes crinkled with a smile. The navy gown she dons shimmers with every movement, a result of the tiny golden gems woven into every inch of the fabric. It clings to her upper body before spreading out in a wide flare at her hips. A gleaming necklace displaying a charm of the Whitestone Crest rests snugly against her neck.
Hazel eyes sweep across the crowd of people, many of whom are staring at the Lady of Whitestone with awe. At least, Percy assumes they are. How could anyone not be?
The glass of champagne is nabbed from his grasp, but he doesn’t pay any attention to Vax’s stealing. Every inch of his attention is focused on nothing but Vex’ahlia. She’s always been beautiful, otherworldly, even, but Percy has never seen her radiate this kind of aura.
“Stop drooling over my sister, Freddy, and go talk to her,” Vax insists, nudging Percy forward. “Tell her I love her, and that she better spend some time with me, not just you.”
He barely hears the words, but still follows the command, feet carrying him mindlessly in the direction of his wife. She spots him when he’s halfway there, lips curling into an even wider smile.
Percy swallows, trying to find a scrap of composure before he reaches her.
“Hello, darling,” Vex coos when he’s within earshot, sliding into place next to him like it’s where she belongs. Her arm hooks into his. “How do I look?”
“Vex,” he whispers, almost scolding her for bothering to ask. “You… there are no words.”
“Really? I can think of a few, myself. Gorgeous, stunning, spectacular. Honestly, there’s a whole vocabulary.”
Percy shakes his head. “None of them do you justice, my dear. I’m afraid you’ve transcended the Common language.”
“Well, you could always try Celestial,” she suggests, brushing a feather light kiss against his cheek as they begin to wander through the crowds aimlessly. He wonders if she left a trail of red lipstick on his face, but doesn’t particularly care. “Or one of the other languages you know. How many is that, again? Four?”
“I am speechless in every dialect,” Percy insists.
The grin that graces Vex’s face is so unrestrained. His footsteps falter with the force of it. For how taken he may be with the beauty of her outfit, nothing compares to the beauty of her joy. “Why, you’re sentimental, today.”
How is he supposed to be anything else when there’s Vex’ahlia? In his home, in his castle, with his ring on her finger. “You do make me feel… well, you make me feel.”
Vex peers at him, eyelids glittering with the silver shadow, curled lashes fluttering. Distantly, Percy wonders how she can make eyelashes attractive. “You make me feel, too. I’m very happy to be here.” For a moment, they simply stare at each other, love pulsing in the air.
“We’re being disgusting,” Percy notes.
“Oh, absolutely repulsive,” she agrees through a laugh. “What are they going to do? Kick us out?”
“I wouldn’t put it past them. Or blame them, really.”
“We’re the Lord and Lady of the town, Percy. How are they going to eject us from our own castle?”
“With the power of democracy, of course.”
Vex’s shoulder shake with her giggles.
Belatedly, Percy notices that they’ve stumbled upon the dance floor in their wandering, where couples of all kinds are waltzing. Vex spots it, too. “Care for a dance, Lord de Rolo?”
“How forward of you, Lady de Rolo,” he hums, easily slipping into position, thanking Pelor that his parents forced him to learn how to waltz. It’s a skill he hasn’t utilized in years, but the muscle memory is engrained.
Together, the couple join the others, twirling and skipping and stealing the spotlight. At least, Vex steals the spotlight. Percy just benefits from the proximity.
“Vax would like me to tell you that I’m not allowed to take up all your time,” he notes as they twirl. “Though I don’t know if I have the self-control to stay away.” It’s said half because it’s the truth and half because he knows it will make her laugh.
Sure enough, she tosses her head back with her chuckling, a sight far more majestic than the finest paintings. “I’m sure you’ll manage, dear. Besides,” Vex whispers, leaning in to mutter in his ear, “You’ll get my company all night, and I believe that will make up for any lost time.”
Heat engulfs him, smile spreading over his burning face. “Minx.”
“Patience is a virtue,” Vex sing-songs as he drops her into a dip.
Percy laughs. From the distance, he spots Vax approaching them, no doubt intending to steal his sister away for a dance or three, and despite his jokes, Percy would never get in the way of the twins’ time together. “Looks like I must hand you off.”
Standing on her toes, Vex halts their dancing to kiss him, a bit more passionately than socially acceptable. “Thank you for being such a gentleman, darling.”
“Of course. Go have fun, Vex,” Percy agrees, transferring his hold of her to Vax.
The twins flutter away quickly. Percy smiles as he watches them giggle and whisper together.
He’ll have to steal a few more dances before the night is over, but for now, he’ll be a good Lord of Whitestone and attempt to socialize, even if Vex will be the only thing truly on his mind.
One thing’s certain: he’s going to be holding a lot more galas in the future.
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katia-dreamer · 6 months
Percival is different. Like a piece that doesn’t quite fit into his surroundings, jagged edges against a smooth surface.
An arrow weighted wrong.
His white hair, his eyes that can be cold and detached but are full of the kind of fire that burns so bright it almost scalds.  His hair is shaggy and scraggly, and his body appears worn thin by whatever he suffered in his cell.
Percy looks up at her across the campfire, his spectacles flashing white. 
Who was this man who talked like a noble? Who waved about a ridiculous name and had shadows under his eyes that seemed to leech into his very skin? Who was this man who had given her his every cent? She can almost still feel the weight of the coins pressed into her palm, cold and hard.
Percival shifts, pulling his coat tighter around him. “You are studying me very intently.”
Vex bristles at his words. “Can you blame me for being curious?”
“Do you not pick up strangers from jail often?”
“What will you do with me now that you have me?” he asks.
She tilts her head, considering, and then says, “You’ll have to wait and see.”
He laughs and almost jumps at the sound, as though he was unused to hearing it. “I suppose I shall.”
He is different, but she could eventually grow fond of it.
And that’s dangerous.
Vex doesn’t make any more conversation that night.
also available on A03
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artistanilu · 1 year
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First commission of the year! Thank you to my dear friend who commissioned me to make this for her! If you like Vox Machina or are part of the fandom be sure to send her some love as well! Please do not use without permission.
Fanfic: archiveofourown.org/works/42889395
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dreaming-in-4d · 6 months
Perc'ahlia One-Shot
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Author's Note: Just a little something that I've had tucked away in my brain for a while. Rated 12+
Percy had been working extensively in his workshop with the lower corridors of Greyskull Keep. It was nearly midnight when Vex'ahlia had decided to check up on him.
"Percy, dear," she called from the doorway, "It's quite late. You should get some rest."
"In a moment," he responded, "I just need to make a few additional adjustments."
There was very little that could pull the eldest remaining de Rolo from his work. However, Vex had just the trick up her sleeve to remove him from his hyperfixated state. She approached him quietly, taking soft steps. She then stood behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders.
"Vex," Percy sighed, "I said just one--Vex'ahlia!"
The human male's body tensed up at the sudden sensation of Vex's soft lips making contact with his neck; his tools escaped his quivering hands. He felt his face heat up and his heart begin to race.
"V-Vex I...mmm~"
Percy was embarrassed and irritated at the sounds that erupted from his mouth. How dare she use her wilds to tear his focus away. He felt himself melt into her more with every passing second.
"Come to bed, darling," Vex whispered sweetly, grasping his earlobe gently between her teeth.
Percy swallowed hard and responded, "V-Very well, but rest assured...I w-will get you back for this."
"Of course, dear."
Vex'ahlia gave a light chuckle, ruffling Percy's snow white hair. She then retreated to her own chambers. She didn't have to wait long for her love to enter after her, ready to bed down for the night.
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blorbologist · 1 year
Start simple
[Gen / 4k words / Perc’ahlia + Vesper Elaina de Rolo & Vox Machina]
[First two scenes use dialog from Dalen’s Closet; gift fic for @katia-dreamer]
[HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KATIE!! I’m sorry I’m late, between the end of the semester and the conference I’ve been busy as a bee - but this was a wonderful distraction <3 ]
“What’s her name?” asks Scanlan. Even in his arms she is tiny. 
It’s by some fluke that he’s the first of Vox Machina to hold her. Keyleth was, as luck would have it, far from any trees and a fair flight besides. The whole process had Tary a little lightheaded, so he is recovering from a fainting spell in the drawing room. Pike is tidying up after the whole ordeal, and Grog stampeded off to fetch Cassandra and water and snacks in no clear order. 
Vex’s heart beats empty with her daughter - her daughter! - a few feet away, pulling each inhale taut until she can hold her again. It’s a new feeling. It’s terrifying - and altogether exhausting, moreso than the whole birthing business. 
Percy brushes sweaty hair away from her temples for the nth time - neither have the strength to rebraid the tangle to keep it that back. She can’t quite tear her eyes away from their baby to see his face, but from how his voice stumbles over the smallest sounds she knows it’s messy with adoration.
“Do you want to -”
She shakes her head. “Oh no, it’s all you.”
He takes a breath so big she feels it tremble against her back. “It’s Vesper.”
(Vesper is an old Celestial word for the evening star - fitting, then, that the sun had only just closed its eyes before she began to squall.)
Scanlan’s smile widens. He half-nods, or maybe readjusts his angle to get a better look at her. “Oh,” he says, “that’s pretty good.”
Vex lied, earlier. It’s not all Percy. “Vesper Elaina,” she adds, because that’s her mother’s name and she knows Scanlan. Knows how he fights off tears too big for him with an even bigger grin.
“Vesper Elaina de Rolo,” Percy finishes. She suspects he’ll never grow tired of saying it. Doubts she will, either. It feels revitalizing, a healing word, their daughter’s name a spell on them.
Finally, after a long silence, where Vex’s heart beats too loud and her ears prick for even the faintest gurgle of protest and all of her -
Scanlan’s eyes flit their way, coy. He rocks over, all gentleness Vex has never known to him, and makes to return the baby to her parents. Pike is stirring, so who knows how long they have. “Just one middle name?”
“Start simple,” says Percy.
[Keep reading on AO3!]
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scurvgirl · 1 year
Some Uncle Grog fluff for your Sunday. Shout-out to all my fellow dyslexics out there.
Anyways, here is little Wolfe De Rolo bonding with his Uncle Grog.
While Vox Machina wasn't always together anymore, there were times where they made sure to be together. Winter's Crest was one of those times. Grog was in Whitestone Castle, getting ready to head out to the bakery before probably working out with the Whitestone guards - gotta remind them that defense isn't ALL in the guns.
Grog walked through the hall when his ear twitched at a noise. Huh. That was weird. Curious, he turned and opened up the door closest to him. It was closet, full of mostly blankets but also Wolfe.
"Oh it's just you, Uncle Grog." The boy sighed.
"Uh what do you mean by that, just Uncle Grog?"
"I mean you're not...one of them."
He sighed again, "My tutors. Leona....my parents."
"Hmm, Percy has been in a pissy mood lately."
Wolfe shrugged, "Mum's pregnant, he's always in a mood when she's pregnant. But that's not why I'm in here. Look I just...I just can't do school today."
"Oh, well you want to go out with me? I was gonna pick up sweets then hit some stuff."
Wolfe's eyes lit up, "Yes! I'd love to do that!"
"Alright! Let's go, little buddy."
"Hey! I'm tall for my age!"
Still small to Grog but maybe Wolfe was right - he wasn't gnome sized even. "Medium buddy!"
They headed to the bakery, picked up a bunch of bear claws then headed to the training yard.
"Alright, boys put down your little fun sticks - time to practice some REAL combat!" Grog shouted, ready to get a nice brawl going when...hm. Wolfe was here. Vex had two, no, THREE rules for the babies. One, no beer. Two, no brawls. Three, no house of lady favors. It limited Grog severely BUT maybe...maybe he didn't need to brawl but show Wolfe some beginner steps. Percy certainly didn't seem to be training the boy for anything for guns and school. It occurred to Grog then that he could teach Wolfe how to be strong.
"Make room for the...little lord Wolfe De Rolo! Today, he learns how to be strong!" There's a pause before the guards hollar and hoot in agreement. Wolfe smiles brightly up at Grog which makes him feel a weird warm tingly feeling in his chest. Not bad, kinda like when Pike heals him but also not like that. Cool.
For the next several hours Grog showed Wolfe how to train. They did push ups, sit ups, pull ups...lots of ups, not many downs. He even showed Wolfe how to properly hold a sword and how to punch without breaking your fingers.
Grog called the end when Wolfe started looking like he was maybe a bit in pain or too tired. No sense in making his nephew hurt.
"Alright! That was good! Keep working out like that and maybe you'll be as ripped as me one day."
"That was intense but good. I liked it, I think my body may feel different tomorrow - but this was good. What do we do now?"
"Now we go to the bar! Like strong men do!" That earned Grog another bright smile and warm feeling in his chest.
They headed to a tavern where Grog bought himself some ale, a giant sandwich and....a giant sandwich for Wolfe too.
"You got a weapon you think you would like?"
Wolfe smiled, "Mum has us practicing the bow, which I like. But...I want to try an axe."
"Atta boy!" He reached over and clasped Wolfe's shoulder. "So, you gonna tell me why you didn't want your parents and...others to find you today?"
The smile on Wolfe's faded and the warm feeling in Grog's chest was replaced with a twisty feeling he did NOT like.
"Oh, did you poop your pants or something?"
"No! Nothing like that. I just..." Wolfe sighed, "everyone in my family is so smart. Dad invented guns and mum is so, so good with money and Vesper knows so many languages now. Leona reads so fast, and even little Danny is beginning to read. But...I'm not like that. Reading...is so hard, Uncle Grog. It doesn't make sense in my head, the letter and the sounds... they thought my eyes were bad like Leona but nope, it's not my eyes. I'm just...not smart."
The twisty feeling in Grog's chest worsened. It reminded him too much of the hard parts of being in Vox Machina, of always being around smart people.
Wolfe kept going, "But...maybe I don't need to read. Maybe I can just be strong! Like you, Uncle Grog!"
That...felt wrong. This was Percy and Vex's boy, and more...Grog hated he couldn't read for so long. Hated books, hated words, hated...his brain. Wolfe shouldn't go through that.
"We worked a lot on being strong today. You did some really good work. But being strong isn't all about muscles." He said carefully, thinking about Earthbreaker Gruun.
"It isn't?"
Grog shook his head, "Strength is about doing hard things. Doing things that make you work. You don't get strong by doing easy things. You get strong by doing the work and...and standing by your friends because sometimes that's hard too.
"Sure, you could get all muscly like me but you have to ask, Wolfe - where does your strength come from?"
Wolfe was silent for a long moment before he sniffled, "I don't know, Uncle Grog."
"That's okay. You can answer that later. But first, reading is a challenge, yeah?" Wolfe nodded. "Meet the challenge. Beat it. And if what you're doing isn't working, then WE can find a way that does."
"Okay...will you help? I don't think I can do it alone."
Grog smiled at the boy and clasped his shoulder again, "Of course. And when you need a break, we can BREAK stuff!"
They finished their afternoon meal before heading back to the castle. Halfway there, a familiar, pissy voice came in over the earring.
"Grog Strongjaw, tell me you have my son with you."
"Hey, Percy. Yeah, Wolfe's here. We had a good man day!"
"MAN DAY?! Did you take my son to a brothel?! He's NINE, GROG!"
"Relax! We got sweet, hit stuff, then got sandwiches at the tavern."
A long suffering sigh phased through the earring. "Just...bring him home."
"Already on our way."
Wolfe looked up at Grog, "Is he mad?" Grog shrugged.
"He'll get over it. Hey, you wanna ride on my shoulders?"
"Hells yeah!" Grog hoisted him up and they finished the rest of the walk this way with Wolfe peering down at everyone who was suddenly much shorter than him.
They reached the castle, which meant meeting a pissy Percy, a perturbed Vex, and put-out tutors. Grog took the blame - he wanted some alone Uncle Grog time with Wolfe. He could take his friends' annoyance. Leona and Vesper took Wolfe aside to go play upstairs while the grown-ups stayed in the study.
"So uh, Wolfe told me that reading is hard for him."
Percy waved him off, "Yes, we know, we are working on it-
"Well, it's not working. I'm gonna stay to help. Show him what worked for me."
Vex looked at Percy and shrugged, "He makes a good point, darling."
They all talked a little longer, working out what Percy called "logistics."
Before the children went to bed, Wolfe ran over to Grog and gave him a hug.
"You're the best uncle, Uncle Grog. Thank you."
Grog held him a little tighter. He was a good uncle. That warm little feeling in his chest returned in full strength.
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rachel-of-autumnbow · 7 months
Day 9 of @fanovember: Vampires.
Percy enters a mansion presumably haunted by a couple of vampire twins, but there's nowhere else to spend the stormy night.
Probably grammar mistakes. Perc'ahlia. Vampires. Side Vaxleth cause i cant help it. Percy is a (literal) wet cat. Enjoy
9. Vampires
The storm was raging and Percy was soaked, as well as his glasses. He could barely see, and his backpack was heavier than usual. It was dark, the only source of light were the lightning that broke the sky in two every minute in a deafening burst also shaking his whole body.
He finally made it to the mansion atop the hill and knocked on the front door. It opened with that mere push, which was strange, given the strength of the wind. Suspicious, Percy entered the hall and closed the door behind him. He shook the water off his head and his glasses and let the backpack down on the floor. There were candles on through the room. “Hello?” Only his own echo answered, along with the muffled storm outside. “Anybody home?” Rain falling on the rose window, but nothing else. “Fuck it.” Percy hung his backpack on his shoulder and started walking towards the stairs, decided to find a room for himself, and maybe even a bathroom.
When he got to the top of the first section, he heard a laugh. A masculine laugh. Percy shook his head. “Don’t let the local stories get into your head. Vampire twins. Yeah, sure. This has been abandoned for years.” Another laugh, a woman this time. Percy turned around to try and see, but his glasses were still dripping. He continued to the first corridor, “Must be my influenced imagination,” he said to himself. He tried opening the locked doors until he found an open one. "Finally!" The fire was set. He let down the back pack and took out everything that would need to dry, mainly clothes.
He barely looked at the bed, neatly made or took out any rations to eat. He sat at the desk with all his tools ready to fix his guns in case they had water inside too. Luckily Bad News didn’t have any, although that wasn’t the case with the pepper-box, so he started working on it silently.
“Need any help?” Percy stood and turned around, pointing Bad News at the source of the voice. A woman sat on the edge of the bed, legs crossed and a hand resting behind her. She laughed. Pointy fangs on sight. “I don’t think that’s going to be of any use, dear.”
“Who are you?”
“Don’t worry, if I wanted to harm you, I would already have done so.”
“Who are you?”
She sighed and stood up too. Percy unlocked the safety catch and she lifted her arms. “My name is Vex, pleasure to meet you, Mr. Big Gun.” Percy didn't laugh with her.
“This is filled with silver bullets, just so you know.”
“Precious, I wouldn’t waste them if I were you.”
“I don’t believe you’re actually a vampire.”
“So, you’re a skeptical one. Well, I’m not here to convince you.”
“Then why?”
“Just to tell you you can stay here for as long as you want, but this is Keyleth’s room.”
That name was familiar, he heard it in the town, when the shop owner told him about the vampires. “That’s the girl you killed.”
Vex bursted a new laughter. “Believe me, killing her is not what my brother did with her.”
“She never went back to town.”
“That was her own decision to make.”
The door opened and both Percy and Vex looked at the girl. “Oh, uhm… hi.” That was the voice he had heard laughing climbing up the stairs. Her teeth didn’t show any signs of vampirism.
“Keyleth, dear, we have a visitor.”
“I see, uhm… I see you made yourself at home already,” she smiled, “Don’t bother to pick anything up, I can sleep in Vax’s room today, uh… What’s your name?”
Percy glanced at Vex side eye and lowered the gun. “Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III.”
Vex walked towards the door and stood next to Keyleth. “Good night, Percy, if you need anything you can pull this cord here. My room is right next to this one, and the next one is my brother’s.”
Percy was pretty sure he didn’t imagine the wink Vex threw at him before disappearing with Keyleth.
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littlebosslady7 · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia Characters: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Gwendolyn Zahra Melanie Von Musel de Rolo, Allura Vysoren Additional Tags: Spoilers for Campaign 3 (Critical Role), Fluff, Humor, Light Angst, Domestic Fluff, Fix-It, Ficlet, Missing Scene, Minor Spoilers Series: Part 39 of D's Critical Role Stories Summary: When Bell's Hells returned to Castle Whitestone, Percival and Vex'ahlia took the evening to converse and reconnect after a busy couple of months. They cherished every little moment with one another.
 As they water drain, Vex applied some of her evening creams while Percy worked some salve into his bruised-looking knee. It had been quite awhile since she and Percy had anytime alone together because she never recalled his beard looking so long and unkempt.
“Percival, do you mind if I help you shave your beard?”
“Not at all, dear.” He concurred without argument, scratching a patch of dry skin, “This thing on my face is getting ridiculously itchy and uncomfortable.”
Percy set up his shaving kit, and Vex brought up in a chair from a darkened corner in their bed chambers. He applied a nice soothing gel over his freshly washed face.
Vex wondered with a mischievous grin, “Can I-?”
“Yes, I suppose you can draw something phallic in the gel. It washes off anyway.”
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belleflowerwrites · 5 months
Take Heart, a pride and prejudice AU
Chapter 5: Vex takes care of her sick twin at Netherfield Park and gets to know Miss Keyleth Hayward and Lord Percival de Rolo a bit better. Vex also learns about some interesting new arrivals coming to Westruun.
After fleeing her restrictive upbringing in Syngorn, Vex’ahlia Taylor had no intention of re-entering the ranks of high society. That is, until a young, single woman, Miss Keyleth Hayward, takes up residence in Netherfield Park. Alongside her is the mysterious, sullen Lord Percival de Rolo. As Vex'ahlia learns more about the tragedies that have befallen the de Rolo family and she gets to know the lord himself, she must determine if her first impressions are all they seem.
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sparklegemstone-cr · 8 months
Perc'ahlia Week Day 6: Yours / Later
Yay @percahliaweek! Also on AO3.
Forever At My Heart
Summary: Percy's missing. Vex says she doesn't know where he is. (a brief snapshot of dark!Vex'ahlia) This contains minor spoilers / hints of what transpires in C1E63 of the stream and S2E8 of TLOVM.
Keyleth gently knocked on Vex’s door.  It was the room Vex stayed in whenever they were in Whitestone, so Keyleth knew where to find her.
“Come in.”
Keyleth opened the door and stepped up to the threshold.  “Hey, Vex.  I’ve been looking for Percy, have you seen him by any chance?”  She reached out a hand to pet Trinket’s head when he walked over to smell her.
Vex sat on the bed with the contents of per traveling pack spread out before her.  “I can’t say that I have.”
Keyleth stepped fully into the room and grasped her staff with both hands slightly off to the side, disappointment on her face.  “Yeah I—I was hoping, but—no one else has seen him either.  I’m starting to get worried.  It seems like the last time anyone remembers seeing him was the night after we got back from the Feywild.  That was two days ago.”
“I wouldn’t worry about it,” Vex reassured her.  “You know how lost in his projects he gets sometimes.  He’s probably tinkering away in his workshop without the slightest notion of the time.”
“That was my first thought as well, but I’ve checked multiple times.  No Percy.”
“Then perhaps he’s taking an extended stroll of the grounds while dreaming up his next dragon-killing contraption.”  Vex stepped from the bed and in one graceful motion placed a hand on Keyleth’s back and turned them both around to start walking towards the door.
Keyleth turned her head into Vex.  “Are you sure you’re okay?  After everything with Saundor?  That was pretty intense.  I just thought you’d be more concerned—”
“I’m fine.  I’m sure he’s fine.  Honestly, you worry too much Keyleth."
For just a speck of a moment, Keyleth thought that Vex's expression hitched, got stuck in a position that suggested something sewn on and artificial.  It unnerved Keyleth, but it was gone so quickly and Vex was back to her smiling, charismatic self that she wondered if she was just imagining things.
"Percy can take care of himself.  Good luck finding him, though,” Vex bid her as she guided her out the door.
“Thanks—” Keyleth turned around to say, but the door had already shut in front of her.
Vex paused her trek back to the bed, happily waylaid by a bear-sized detour.  She bent down to scritch behind Trinket’s ears.  “Hey buddy.”  She paused, in thought.  “We’re going to have to find you a new way to get around when the terrain gets too difficult, won’t we?”  She switched to scratching under his chin, but he gave a low, unhappy, uncertain rumble and backed out of her reach.
Ignoring the bear's uncharacteristic behavior, Vex straightened to her feet.  “I bet Percy will devise something.  He comes up with the most wonderful things for us.”  She brushed her hand against her collarbone, feeling the almost woody, tendril-like growths decorating the surface of her skin under her tunic, and caressed the amulet hanging prettily just above her heart.  A thin whisp of smoke arose from it at her touch.
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percivaliumold · 2 years
Flufftober 2022 - 1. Wearing Each Other's Clothes
The long coat fits a bit more snug than she anticipated. She shouldn’t be surprised, really. They have similar upper-body builds. Archery… gunslinging…  both require a fair amount of shoulder strength, strong biceps and triceps, the whole works.
She steps around the divider and twirls around, “How do I look, darling?” She flicks her braid over her shoulder in emphasis. “Noble enough for you?”
“Vex…” he sighs, flustered. “It’s not exactly tailored for you.”
“Why’s that matter?” she pouts. “I didn’t ask if it was tailored for me, I asked how I look.”
Standing from the armchair, Percy crosses the small space between them and rests his hands on her shoulders. “Dear, you look like you’re wearing a coat that doesn’t belong to you.”
Vex’ahlia hrumphs and turns away from him to look at her appearance in the elongated mirror next to her.
He leans in, whispering over the shell of her slightly-pointed ear, “But if you want my honesty, you look … exquisite.”
The blush creeps from her neck, past the lapels of the blue garment and up to her cheeks. Casting her eyes away from her reflection with a smirk, “...was that so hard?”
Percy doesn’t answer, instead focusing his attention to the open mouth kisses he trails down her ear, her jaw, the crook of her neck. The coat is nudged aside, giving him more room to pepper feather-light kisses on her skin as he navigates a path to Vex’s collarbone. One hand falls from her shoulder, skating down her side and landing on her hip, which he uses as leverage to bring her closer to him.
“Hard is relative.”
-=-=-=- Read more on AO3 -=-=-=-
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katia-dreamer · 1 year
Bad Idea for Perc’ahlia? - Ghost
“Percival, what are you plotting?”
“What do you mean?” He grins at her while she finishes fixing his tie.
“You have that look in your eye that always means you are up to something.”
“Vex,” he stills one of her hands with his. “Do you trust me?”
Vex scrunches her nose but says, “Yes.”
Percy gives her a quick kiss on the forehead, but he notices that her frown remains. “What’s wrong?”
Vex leans forward and buries her face in Percy’s chest. “This is a bad idea, isn’t it? I haven’t seen him in so long and- oh, this is such a bad idea.”
Percy wraps his arms around his wife and holds her close. She smells like her favorite perfume. “We don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
She looks up at him, her eyes wide with realization. “He would be so angry.”
“He would.”
He thinks Vex seriously considers it for a moment, then she says, “But Velora would be disappointed.”
“She would be,” he agrees. “Just remember that you won’t be alone. I’ll be at your side, ready to verbally dissect your father if you ask me to.”
She leans up and kisses him once. Then she says, “Thank you, darling.”
When Percy refers to Vex as Mrs. de Rolo at supper later that night, he thoroughly enjoys how Syldor’s eyebrows shoot up into his hairline. But his favorite part is the way Vex grins.
This song has been done by a few others, so hopefully, I did it justice.
Thanks, friend!
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agentlyddon · 7 months
Achilles Come Down
Chapter One: Journey to the Past
~Present Time~
Percy looked over the room at the darkness that covered the Ziggurat but he could spot where he stood when Orthax took over him. When he started to feel the need to enact his revenge for his family on the Briarwoods and finish his list of killing who caused his family deaths and his pain. It was just another wrong in his list of fuck ups he has done in his life starting with believing he could've grown up to be inventor and alchemist while being a noble who would've found love with someone else. But that one day of the family dinner with the Briarwoods ended that dream of growing up with his family and meeting all of his nieces and nephews.
He thought of his actions of becoming a heartless, and emotionless killer for revenge. The way he killed the carriage driver with no forgiveness or mercy as he was just another person who was tortured and controlled by the Briarwoods. He had no mercy for the people he killed just to get close to Ripley and the Briarwoods just to be captured but was found by Vox Machina. His friends weren't just friends but his family didn't give up on him when he was controlled by Orthax and was accepting of coming to Whitestone to stop the Briarwoods and bring justice to his family. He thought Vax and how he was so accepting of his faults and past to a point he loved him and married him not just once but twice after their first wedding was basically an elopement considered by nobility which explains the second wedding for publicity and to prove the marriage to the public. He feels like he failed Vax. He shouldn't be in love with him. He is a mess, a failure, a murderer, a mortal, and most of all a disappointment to Vox Machina.
He started looking at his gun in his hand loaded and ready to fire any moment. His gun that he created with help by Orthax although unknown to him until it was told to him. This weapon should’ve been never created as it is dangerous and should be erased with him. But it can’t as Ripley started spreading them all over the world and gave the blueprints to other inventors to make. These weapons are creating death, fear, and grief to everyone that is around them and being used against by the wrong people. He should’ve kept the gun hidden away from Ripley to never see it and get interested in it. He put the gun to his head ready to pull the trigger on himself to end it all but he stops as he thinks of the grief and pain he will bring to his family. Or at least the people who shouldn’t have saved him from that jail cell so long ago.
“Do it Percival you know you want to end it here away from your friends. If they really cared for you they would’ve been here by now to stop you.” The old familiar voice of Orthax in his head said. He looked up in fear to see the same smoke figure of Orthax in front of him. He shouldn’t be here, his contract is broken, he has no way of being here. So why is he here now in front of him saying to kill himself and he started feeling the possession that Orthax had on him. At the moment as Orthax appeared Vax with the rest of Vox Machina appeared running in ready to stop him from doing.
“Percy stop this isn’t you please don’t kill yourself!” Vax yelled not seeing Orthax in front of Percy. Percy turned to look at him with tears and fear in them he thought he wouldn’t be found before he did it. He didn’t want them to see him at his lowest point and as he went to put down the gun to run to them. Orthax forces him to hold it there and move a finger on the trigger. Percy knows he is unable to fight him so he turns to Vax and looks him in the eyes and then back to Orthax to give a hint that he isn’t in control at the moment. Vax used his death ward armor to run up the steps of the Ziggurat to get to Percy. Vax looks at Percy’s eyes and realizes he is afraid and that he is trying to tell him something.
“Percy put down the gun and away from the ledge please Freddy for me.” Vax said, reaching up to Percy’s location. Orthax made Percy walk nearer to the edge ready to have Percy throw himself off the edge to plummet down to his death. Vax stops and puts his hands up in surrender . At this point he could see the form of Orthax over Percy’s shoulder and that in one of Percy’s eyes is black with an orange iris.
“Freddy, you need to fight him, you won against him before you can do it again. Please come away from the edge and put down the gun.” Vax said hoping to get Percy’s hope back in him to fight Orthax but he knows Percy’s mental and physical state is not in top shape after not eating, drinking and sleeping for many days. He will need Pike to help him fight Orthax off for control.
“I can’t put it down Vax I wish I can but I won’t put you through this pain of loving me. I am just a broken, heartless, a murderer, a disappointment and worse of all a human. How can you love me when I will die first out of everyone here including you? I won't be able to see you for years and I probably won’t be in Elysium. I will probably be put down in Nine Hells for my crimes against humanity. I am not a hero or good soul. I don't deserve or earned my right to go to Elysium that is a place for you, and Vox Machina. I am just someone who slows everyone else down, who is tainted by a demon forever. I am not the right man for you to love if anyone you should’ve loved is Gilmore. He fits you more than I do. I am not your perfect soulmate or even a perfect husband. I have not shown a drop of love to you in months. How can you still love me when I have almost killed you so many times simply by my presence nearby. I could’ve killed you that day in the hallway in the jail when we were rescuing Archie. I’m sorry I am very sorry for putting you through this pain but I do not regret it.” Percy says as he pulls the trigger and falls down to the steps tumbling down them breaking many bones and his glasses on the stone. “Percy No!” Vax yells as he rushes to catch him but fails and falls on the stone watching his body fall and tumble.
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wrenthemoralfander · 11 months
Evil Possessed Percy x Vex fanfic? Any one got one?
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blorbologist · 2 months
Architects of our demise: Chapter 6
Breaking News: white academic forced to endure nature. Champion of death comments, 'He's being very brave about it'. More at 6.
“And you’re sure?” Percival presses. 
“Yeah, yeah. Of course!”
She does not ask what he’s not sure of. 
(There are a great many that Percival could list: is she certain this oasis is that way? Can she be sure they can leave the Grey Huntress here unattended? Will they make it there alive?)
The last few days have been uneventful; no signs of even a performative chase by peacekeepers, light rain at worst, and little in the way of stimulating conversation between him and Vex’ahlia. She is certainly friendly, and approachable, but after the last attempt he is happy enough to have his space on the ship. They are partners in this grim and blasphemous business, and little more. 
At least there is enough trust for them to sleep properly, taking shifts in the cabin’s plush bed. Percival finds her sleeping restlessly more often than not, eyes darting beneath her eyelids. When he lays down, the sheets are only faintly warm where she was, and smell of subtle flowers he cannot name.
It has all left room for Percival to drive himself up the wall - or up the mast, as it were - with stress. Because he is throwing himself into the wilderness at the heels of a barely-not-stranger.
He stuffs his hands into his pockets, feeling the deed crystal carefully. That accounted for he fingers his holstered guns, flicks his thumb over his palm to assure himself the residuum is charged. (Not the least bit reassured, if that was not obvious.) 
Vex’ahlia seems to catch on. Or, no - she likely picked up on his unease twenty minutes ago and is only now taking pity. She lopes back from inspecting what she claimed is a path. 
“Percy,” she implores, “I trusted you to guide us through Aeor. This is my favored terrain; I’ve been doing this for a hundred years.” Bouncing on her heels, she adds, “Anyways! I can always ask my brother if we’re on the right path. Call it a Champion’s intuition.”
Asking for directions is the opposite of intuition. Percival narrows his eyes. She winks. He narrows them further. “Would he help, though? You said this was your goal, not his.”
Does the Reaper Prince even want to resume mortality? It hadn’t occurred to him to consider this, so wrapped up in Vex’ahlia’s wholehearted dedication to this path. But… if this was wanted, why has the god not helped her? 
“I’m not sure,” she admits. Which, admittedly, lends weight to how sure she is of the rest of this venture. “I mean - maybe he knows and just isn’t stopping me, or maybe he doesn’t. I don’t think he’d let me get lost in the jungle, though.”
… This is going to be even more difficult than anticipated.
Prologue | Keep reading on AO3!
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scurvgirl · 2 years
Vex’s Cub
Alright, I’m not even done with VM but I know spoilers. But uh, I wrote...CR fanfic...from Trinket’s POV because he is best boy and I love him. This is so cute and sweet, you may get a cavity. 
This has probably been done, but I don’t care, it’s been a hard week so enjoy my self-indulgent writing about a bear and a baby. 
Vex smells different. It’s not a big change and not noxious, but it is curious to Trinket. She is eating her morning meal when he lumbers over and begins to sniff her in earnest. Something is off, something - aha! There. 
“Trinket! What are you doing?!” Vex laughs, leaning back as his snout pushes into her side. She smells like...like she is to have a cub. Excitement jumps through Trinket. A Vex cub! Oh, he would very much like a Vex cub. Another Vex to love and lick. He misses Vax, a cub would be nice.
He snuffles in response to Vex’s question then pointedly nudges at her stomach. A hand finds its way to his ear and rubs it. Ooooh, yes, Vex scritches are best scritches. 
“What’s going on, darling?” 
Vex’s nose isn’t as good as his, she wouldn’t know yet. But he knows. His Vex is strong, and he makes her stronger - nothing is going to get near that cub.
Vex moves differently while carrying the cub. Her belly is much bigger now and sometimes there is movement under her skin. Good, the cub is strong. She leans against Trinket sometimes...and sometimes she pushes him away, whining that his fur is hot. Percy is rarely far from her these days, which is also good, Trinket likes Percy. It’s Percy’s cub too, Trinket supposes. He hopes it smells like Vex. 
Vex is in pain and it’s a fight that Trinket can do nothing about. Percy is similarly frustrated as he sits by Vex, holding her hand. Trinket is on the other side, her hand shoved into his fur. It’s uncomfortable but he doesn’t mind, not for his Vex. It lasts for hours, but he doesn’t leave her side. Eventually the cub enters the world, screaming and wet and it’s Vex’s cub!! Percy gets up to look at the cub, but Trinket looks at Vex who is sweating and breathing heavily. He licks her face and she smiles. 
The small, squealing cub is carried over by Percy and put into Vex’s arms.
“A daughter,” he says, crying. 
Trinket lifts his head to sniff and look at the cub. She smells like Vex, but also...different. Like herself. It’s right, he thinks. Just right, Vex’s little cub.
The cub is loud and interrupts Vex’s cuddle time with Trinket. He’d complain but the cub likes to cuddle too. He could call the cub Vesper, but she’s so small, cub is better. She is so small and so weak, but very smelly. And loud. Vex and Percy are always with her. Trinket likes it best when Vex leans against him while she feeds the cub. Sometimes the cub reaches out and grabs a fistful of fur. He likes the cub even when she’s loud and smelly, so sometimes he leans over and licks her head. She squeals in surprise and wiggles in a very funny way.
The cub has learned to crawl and life is good. Trinket and the cub go everywhere. But not everywhere everywhere because there are some not safe places for cubs. When that happens, he oh so gently picks her up by the ruffles on her dress and redirects her route. One time, the cub tried to go into Percy’s Special Off Limits No-No Trinket Room and that would have been bad! Trinket picked her up and she squealed her happy squeal before the door opened. Percy saw them and laughed before reaching down and taking the cub away. 
Percy has made something new for Winterscrest. He brings Trinket into the Special Off Limits No-No Trinket Room and puts lots of things on him. He asks Trinket to stand up and says Trinket has gotten fat since not adventuring as much. Trinket appreciates the compliment. 
On the day of celebrations, Percy puts the new thing on Trinket again and presents him to Vex. His Vex gasps and immediately moves to put the cub on top of Trinket! He goes stock still as he feels the minute change in weight on his back.
“Oh Percy, she’s riding him!” 
A-ha! The cub is to ride him like Vex! He chuffs in approval and he hears the cub giggle. As they walk throughout Whitestone, there are gasps and murmurs. There are other cubs out and about, but none are like Vex’s cub, who is clearly the best cub. What other cub has Vex and himself?
Apparently, there will be more cubs to sat they have Vex and himself. It is much later. The first cub, who he should really start calling Vesper since there are to be more cubs, is much bigger. She walks and talks like Vex, though she is still smaller. Sometimes she glows, which makes her easy to find in the woods. Another bear got close once, curious about the glowing girl but Trinket made sure that bear knew she was off-limits.
But now, Vex is having more cubs! More cubs to lick and sniff and carry and love. He loves his Vex, and so he loves his Vex’s cubs.
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