#Ons 134
rev3rb · 4 months
Hey again. Just read the latest chapter, and umm idk how to feel. It was nice to get some more insight into Ferid and see how even as a teen he was always just ~ like that™️. But, I’m a bit taken aback by the implication that Crowley might be Ferid’s reincarnated brother?? Bc to me it read like that was either the 440th person he killed or 440th time he killed his big bro. And knowing Ferid, 440 does not seem like a high enough body count. But idk maybe the brother flashback isn’t related to Crowley at all and is just used to establish a pattern? Regardless, rip to Crowley, Chess, and Horn.
Plot relevant things aside young prince Ferid with his classic ponytail bow was adorable, still unhinged, but also pretty adorable.
I get that. Personally I'm kinda angry about it.
You're right in that it was nice to get some insight into Ferid, but I don't know if that was worth the trade off of what we got. What the HELL do you mean that named characters that were prominent at one point (even if it wasn't THAT prominent) got killed OFF SCREEN with no indication that this was the case up until now. I would probably be fine about it if we'd had ANY foreshadowing about it, but no. Instead they disappeared without explanation and then are just declared dead. Their disappearance didn't even ring as that weird since Ferid, and therefore Crowley since he's following him around, are up to things that aren't popular with the majority of the vampire population. I remember mentioning that they hadn't shown up in a long time semi recently in one of these, but the reason I hadn't harped on it as much as someone like Narumi is bc they disappeared at a natural point instead of in the middle of the arc. I'm getting side tracked though. Ultimately, this felt INCREDIBLY dumb and a bit like Kagami just wanted to kill them off since he had no further purpose for them. If you're going to do that, at least HINT that the fact that they haven't shown up in a bit is weird. I just. oooough. I'm talking in circles. But yeah. Imagine if this happened to Rene and Lacus too :) (likely won't since Lacus has that whole thing with Yoichi).
I also find it annoying that Crowley was killed with so little fanfare. I get that it's because of the whole vampires have no feelings thing, but still. It's just insane to kill a character who has been around for so much of the story like that. It really makes Crowley come off as a plot device for Ferid's story rather than anything of real importance outside of that. Without the added context from the Mikaela light novel spin off (which reminder, still hasn't been finished) he feels like there's just so little going on with him other than his relationship with Ferid. Don't get me wrong. I think Crowley is a fun character, which is why I think this is just doing him so dirty. Was I asking for some drawn out fight between him and Ferid before he was killed? No, not really. I just find the situation of Ferid killing him off at all kinda dumb. idk. I have no suggestions about what I'd like to see. It just... wasn't that. Maybe I'll feel better about it later if his death is revealed to be more plot relevant.
ANYWAYS! I better move on before I'm here all night. ...Okay but last thing. YET A FUCKING GAIN we're jumping from one subject to another JUST to draw out some reveals and give us more questions. I'm going to pull my hair out lol. I really shouldn't be surprised that the second Shinoa starts diving into The First's memories we flip to this scene. I have a bit of a feeling that it's because she's going to learn what the audience already knows, but I just don't get why that wasn't lumped into the previous chapter. Would have felt much better if we'd just started this chapter with Ferid and Crowley. I guess page count could have factored in but... just feels like maybe you could have cut down some of the last chapter to make space for this. Ah... but maybe I'm just being a hater at this point. Anywho...
I too was wondering if that was the implication, but yeah, the number tripped me up. That DOES seem too frequent to be his brother, so I'm also wondering if that's the number of people he's killed. Yes, it seems a little low, but maybe that's people he's killed with a specific purpose in mind. Ones that tie into that rebirth mentality he has going on here. I'm sure we'll find out eventually. It does seem like we need more context to figure out what it is exactly Ferid is doing. Maybe he IS just killing people because he feels like it's time for them to go, but you'd think that he wouldn't bother to count them. Who knows.
Okay, maybe I'm just imagining it but I SWEAR we'd seen a younger Ferid design before at SOME point, but for the life of me, I can't remember where. Something about him talking about how he was a Mikaela candidate too or something like that? I bring it up to say that I swear we've seen a Ferid design somewhat similar to this before, but regardless, you're right. It is nice to see that design and that he really doesn't seem to have changed much over the years. Vampirisim apparently didn't change him.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 4: Deranged Bedfellows
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.5)
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#mdzs au#lan wangji#nie huaisang#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#This is the *first* part of what was supposed to be a much longer comic (LWJ's morning routine in full).#I'll finish the remaining part as a reblog to this post! I just think this is the funnier chunk.#Lan Wangji absolutely is the kind of person who has a perfect internal alarm clock for when it is time to get up.#He already has a dedicated sleep schedule. He is accurate within 10 seconds of 5am every day.#I think the Jiang disciples are most likely used to waking up around 6:00-7:00am#But the allure of having a guaranteed time keeper getting you up in the morning is worth the earlier hour.#I imagine they started outside lwj's door and slowly moved closer as the weeks went on.#Now LWJ has to cope with being way too warm in the night from all the extra body heat.#LWJ is not a fan of this but they scamper off immediately after he wakes up and they at least show initiative to follow routine.#NHS joins in only because he is a chronically heavy sleeper and needs this level of intervention to get up early.#His boldness would be a death sentence in the cloud recesses but here? Whole new game.#Yungmeng Jiang isn't a lawless land. It's just a land with different laws.#And one of those laws is to forcefully domesticate the catboy coded Lan boy through any means necessary.#Completely different tangent: I drew the thumbnail for this before I did comic 134. I then realized they had the same visual gag.#So I had to space this one out so it didn't seem like I repeated the waking up joke. That's my secret and all of you have to keep it.#And in my land the law is that snitches get itches (telepathically transfers hives onto your body)
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help-i-lost-my-sock · 2 months
Fireworks (Sanji x Reader)
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Word count: 1666
The Straw Hats have a day off from adventuring. Reader has a crush on Sanji, but is unsure whether he likes her back... Until that night.
Other notes:
Inspired by Episodes 134 & 139 (Firework Island & Rainbow Mist);
Written with pre-TS Sanji in mind.
Not proofread.
Traveling the seas brought the Straw Hats to all sorts of new places, one more exciting than the other. But no matter where they went, you could be sure to never get bored.
You’d been traveling with the Straw Hats for some time now, and for some time now you’d had your eye on a certain love-cook. His grace, charms, and manners captivated you instantly, but it was his cooking - second to none - that truly sealed the deal, and reserved him a place in your heart, and in your mind, where he’s now been living rent-free. 
You couldn’t help but marvel at him. His chivalry was truly unique. His charms, while quirky to others, never failed on you. Sometimes you wondered if he noticed; wondered if he truly paid more attention to you or whether you were just imagining it - whether you were just blinded by your fancy, looking for a sign that he felt the same. 
Whenever he’d cook, you’d be in the kitchen with him, helping out wherever you could. You honestly weren’t even sure anymore how it started - did you really enjoy cooking, or were you then already looking for an excuse to get closer to him? 
When the dishes would be more elaborate, Sanji, polite as always, would seat you down with a treat while he did the work. His treats were delicious, always and without exception. But no sweet in the world was as sweet as his goofy smile when he turned to look at you over his shoulder. Even then, his skilled hands never stopped the preparations - steadily chopping, slicing, dicing, grinding, or stirring. His hands… You so often found yourself staring at them - so graceful, and so skilled. Every once in a while your thoughts would slip a little further, wondering what else those beautiful hands of his could do, and just how skilled they would be with you. Other times you found your eyes drawn to his rolled up sleeves, or the way the shirt hung off his back, or the way those pants suited him well enough to drive you mad. His cheerful voice, and bright smile would tear you out of your daydream every so often, as he asked you questions you did not hear. The smoke from his cigarette would swirl up, clouding the air around him, much like he clouded your judgment. 
But today was a day to relax. The crew was in no hurry to their next destination, and decided to stop on a small island along the way to restock their provisions, and spend a day off the sea’s swaying waves. 
After finishing the necessary shopping, the crew split up to explore the island. You, Nami, and Robin thought of going shopping. As luck would have it, Sanji and Chopper decided to tag along, while the others went their own merry ways for the remainder of the afternoon. 
Shopping with the girls was always a unique experience, what with Robin’s dark humor, and Nami harassing the vendors for unreasonable discounts. Nevertheless, it was your quality time with them. But today, with Sanji there, things were bound to be different. 
Nami wasn’t particularly fond of having Sanji tag along at first, not looking forward to his attentions, until she realized that she could use him as a mule. Robin didn’t seem to mind. She never seemed to mind spending time with any of the crew. And besides, she knew that while Sanji always spoiled the ladies, there was one in particular he always paid more attention to in particular; one in particular that, if given the choice, he would naturally gravitate towards, and that was neither her, nor Nami. It was you. You, who’d been pining for him for so long, and yet, were still so blind to his affections. Robin found it amusing. She and Chopper even had a little bet on it.
As your little group sauntered from store to store, Sanji’s load of bags piled on and on. You tried to refuse his help at first, feeling bad for him caring so much, but Sanji, ever the gentleman he was, would not take no for an answer, as his deft hands swept the bags from your hands. The feeling of his soft skin brushing against your own, made you feel all warm and tingly with a soft, sweet, subtle kind of joy. And so, the only thing you were left to carry for the day, was your ever-growing love for the love-cook. 
As the day progressed, you and Sanji spent most of the time talking to each other. Robin and Chopper exchanged looks and chuckled to themselves, knowing that their bet was soon to be settled. Nami seemed a bit suspicious - suspicious of Sanji’s lack of flirting with her and Robin, suspicious of Robin and Chopper’s discreet glances, and suspicious of how in the world you were able to put up with him for so long, and not go insane. You could see it in her eyes, as she looked at the rest of her group. Her brows would furrow in confusion every so often, before she’d shrug it off - at least she didn’t have to put up with him, right? And you, surprisingly enough, actually seemed to be enjoying yourself. 
By the time the evening started setting in, it felt almost as if he’d forgot about everything else but you. And you, about everything else but him - his calm and soothing voice, his kind and flattering words, his poised walk, the way always kept an eye on you, the way his lips moved when he spoke. By the time the evening started setting in, the two of you were so immersed in each other that you had shut the world away. 
But every day must come to an end, and so, your little group headed to the ship to drop off the bags, and regroup with the rest of the crew, before heading into town for the evening. 
The evenings were your favourite time of day to explore new towns - the enticing smell of local cuisine, the cheerful townspeople toasting at the pubs, the stars shining brightly in the sky as the whole world left shed their worries, and came together. 
“Oooohh !! That smells good! Let’s eat there!” Luffy was quick to catch a whiff of a local spiced roast, and then quicker still to rush towards the place. 
“Oy, Luffy! Wait a seco-” Nami tried to stop him, but it was too late. Once Luffy zeroed in on food, there was no holding him back. 
The rest of the crew laughed and shrugged, and started following their captain. 
The skies were clear that night, exposing millions of stars twinkling in the skies. But clear skies also brought chilly winds, and Sanji, who’d been walking right beside you since you left the ship, was quick to notice you shiver, even if only so slightly. 
“Ah, ___-swan, are you cold?” This man - always so attentive, always so chivalrous - had no intention of waiting for an answer, and was already taking off his suit jacket. “Here, take my jacket. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold.” 
With a small nod, you allowed him to guide your arms into the sleeves of his jacket. A smile made its way to your lips, and your eyes softened as your mind zeroed in on the jacket. It was so warm. So soft. And above all, it smelled of him, and his cologne. It’d never really occurred to you before, but now that the scent was so close, you remembered it - it was the same cologne you gifted him for his birthday a few months back. 
A booming sound followed by crackling caught your attention before you could reach the restaurant. The crew all looked up to the skies to see the dying sparks of a firework, quickly followed by another, and another, and another two, then five, then ten, twenty, until the skies were lit with spirals, and scattered sparks of red, and gold; of blue, and green. 
Most of the crew were transfixed by the fleeting artworks that painted the skies above them in a myriad of colourful sparks, there one moment, gone the next. 
As you gazed at the skies - your eyes wide, glittering with joy; your mouth agape in awe - you felt an arm wrap around your waist, gently at first, testing for a reaction. When you turned around, you found none other than Sanji, looking down at you with a soft and warm expression on his face, though you knew he was nervous. You could see it in his shy smile, and the way his arm tensed around you. Sanji, the object of your affections, was holding you. And most of all, he seemed genuinely nervous - nervous to not mess this up, because it was you that he wanted most of all. And what a pleasant surprise this was. 
It took you but a moment to return his smile, as you looked up in his eyes. A soft blush crept onto your cheeks as you settled deeper in his embrace. This was all he needed. You quickly felt his hold of you tighten, pulling you closer still into him, and deepening your blush. 
Sanji leaned down to your ear, his breath warm as it fanned against your skin, his golden locks soft as they brushed against your cheek. 
“The fireworks may be beautiful, but they cannot compare to you,” he whispered, just loud enough for you to hear. 
Bewildered by his words, his whispers so intimate, you turned your head to look up at him, before he continued…
“For you, my dear… Are breathtaking.” 
There was no cigarette smoke to cloud the air tonight, but he continued to cloud your mind, and his words of romance would have you stripped of inhibitions, as you raised yourself up on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his. 
The fireworks, as charming as they were, could not compare to him.
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every-nami · 30 days
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nono-uwu · 4 months
Alrigthy, I've calmed down amd the chapter is officially out so
Chapter 134 thoughts
Spoilers duh
- when I said I wanted to see Crowley again THIS ISN'T WHAT I MEANT T-T
- rip man. At least he gets to see Malron and Jose and all his friends again </3
- well now I have plenty of angst to write for my oc's... silver lining i guess :,)
- also Ferid, what is that mouth. Jeebus that is nightmare fuel
- ok, so shikama is really having a bad time, but it's good to see Shinoa embracing her full potential :)
- aaand Ferid backstory. Wowzers. So his whole deal the whole time was to stop reincarnation? And with Crowley being the 440th... what does that mean. Since it's that chain thing again, I wonder if a vampire is killed that way it will completley stop the whole human-vampire-demon cycle. Or it ouright stops reincarnation from happening. So Ferid has succesfully made 440 vampires just stop existing and never reincarnate? Gah
- So we're in endgame now. One of the more important characters died for reals and I expect for more slightly less important important people to be dropping real soon (guren squad maybe? Narumi?? Kureto??? Idfk)
- also Mitsu supporting Shinoa. Nawwww
- Well honestly this might be the best ending for Crowley. Bro has been through enough. I'm still sad though :(
- ok now this bugs me a lot. Ferid just straight up killed Chess and Horn off screen. When exactly though? Since when we saw them they were just kinda left in Sanguiem. Did he just kill them rq without Crowley seeing it? Bc I doubt he would've had the time to slip back and kill them seperatley. (Not even gonna touch on how stupidly misogynistic it is that they were killed off screen after years of radio silence. Sure, they're kinda unimportant and I'd understand if it'll be like that for other not-so-important characters. But istg it still points to Kagami not being able to write women. Oh well. And the mystery of how they even became acquainted with Crowley is just left in the dust. :/)
- "It wasn't half bad." Man. Win for crowferi shippers ig? Not me though. I guess it does makes sense with Crowley's character of just being very apathetic even to the guy who ruined his entire life.
Art wise, Crowely looked surprisingly decent (mostly, miss his fuller hair tho) and Ferid and Shinoa had some nice panels. That's it really.
Otherwise I'm still devastated but at least Crowely got a slightly somewhat okay-ish ending
Nah I'm lying this is me rn:
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Edit: I just remembered. WHERE TF IS KRUL????
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maximumqueer · 2 months
One Piece Reread - Ch. 134
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God I forgot how fucking funny these scenes were. The casualness in which they are just punting the lapins like footballs while having this absolutely insane conversation about what people in snow countries are like is sending me.
Also love that Luffy's claim has a kernel of truth to it, because if you fall asleep OUTSIDE in sub-zero temps without the proper gear, you will likely die from hypothermia. But Sanji? He's just being horny. And then getting called stupid for said horniness.
I love these fucking idiots so much.
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every-monkey-d-luffy · 8 months
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distinguished-slacker · 4 months
Next time I check Narumi, Guren squad and Aoi are killed offscreen
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plague-of-insomnia · 17 days
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younger Tanaka, from ch 134
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“Stab wound? You mean extra pocket.”
- Kai 125 at some point
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floareadeaur · 4 months
Ferid and his reincarnated elder brother - Character analysis
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Ferid's same expression when his brother appears, Crowley's same physical position as his past reincarnation.
Reverse Contexts : In his previous life, Crowley as Ferid's older brother seeks him out in order to draw his younger brother into a political and military alliance.
In Crowley's present life, he, as the younger (vampire) brother of Ferid is called for a military plan.
In Crowley's past life, as Ferid's older brother, he was the one in authority. Ferid asks him if he has to call him "majesty" now.
In the present life, Ferid is the one in a position of authority over Crowley and Crowley calls him directly by his honorific title.
Am I also saying that their whole story is the other's destiny reversed in a way?
In Crowley's previous life, he is the eldest brother, and Ferid lives as the second in line, as his shadow. And the older brother wants to draw Ferid into a forced alliance where he would be under his control.
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In Crowley's present life, Ferid drags him into a forced alliance as his younger (vampire) brother and makes him live as his shadow, never giving him answers.
Ferid remembers about how he killed his older brother in his past life before killing Crowley.
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Ferid here calls out to Heaven, speaking to his brother's soul tells him that he hopes he has not reincarnated yet.
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" I hope you haven't gotten reborn yet."
In the novels about Crowley, it is specified how Ferid waited for Crowley for 150 years and "felt" his birth. But it is not specified why he could felt his birth.
The chapter about them, where Crowley is killed exactly like his previous version (Ferid's older brother was decapitated, what Ferid does to Crowley destroys his nervous system, the vampire equivalent of decapitation. If he did not do that, Crowley, as a vampire, would not have died beheaded like a human) is called "Reincarnation Rondo".
Ferid says after killing Crowley that he is number 440.
Ferid asks his older brother, as a human, after killing him, "Who are you again?"
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The older brother's name is not mentioned in the flashback because it is not important. He was reincarnated 439 times as Ferid's brother. The 440th reincarnation is Crowley.
Even Crowley's destiny as a human is a combination of his previous destiny as Ferid's older brother (he is as tall, muscular, same facial expression, similar gestures, very popular, loved by people) and Ferid's destiny as his younger brother (Crowley has his own psychic deception, he is the youngest of his family, just like Ferid was with him)
The conclusion is that Crowley ended up in Ferid's place in his last life: the youngest son of his family, with a psychic deception, dragged into an alliance with an older vampire brother who made him live as his shadow.
Ferid lived as a human as the youngest son, with deep psychic disappointment, as the shadow of his older brother who wanted to drag him into an alliance where Ferid would be controllable.
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Even the fact that Ferid's background was scheduled to be released in 2017 as a light novel, as a sequel to the one about Crowley's life, is an explanation.
The logic was to present Crowley's miserable life and then why his life was the way it was.
It was payment for his ignorance in his past life as Ferid's older brother.
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If he was not happy that his younger brother saw no point in living, wanting only the power of the throne, Ferid would not kill him, run away from home, meet Rígr, become a vampire, and would not turned Crowley (the reincarnation of his older brother) into a vampire, destroying his life.
It is a lesson: Do not ignore your younger siblings for power. The wheel of life turns.
What Crowley experienced was a payment, and I think that if things did not go that way, the tensions between him and Ferid as brothers would never be resolved. Ferid would have been always condemned to reincarnate as his shadow.
Maybe that is why Crowley dies so at peace now, compared to his previous life. In both he is killed by Ferid, his younger brother, but now he understood more, he learned about what it is like to be the younger brother, to suffer and live in the shadow of an older brother. His soul has evolved.
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Ferid always told him that they were "brothers". It was all literary.
Their story as brothers is a masterpiece.
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kitty-meowskers · 3 months
how tf do i get aventurine to 3600 defense and still have ok crit dmg and a lil crit rate😭 he has around 3000 def w 143 crit dmg and 20 smth crit rate AND THEN 50 EFFECT RES (which isnt bad but like... def...)
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ngl its a decent build for my standards (very low)
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freeway fanart
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pelgraine · 3 months
Is there a Halo TV series Discord?
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bblackthing · 1 year
Batman (2016) 134 Spoilers!!
I can die happily now
Janet and Tim, my babies 😭
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nono-uwu · 4 months
At least they can be together again 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
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(the height differences don't really fit so uhhh pretend crowley is knealing or smth)
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My current exploration team on genshin bc Wrio, Ei and Kirara remind me of Crowley, Horn and Chess respectivley :,) (Xianyun is there bc I just got her and wanna play with her lol)
I accidentally let Kirara fall to her death once and ngl i wanted to kms in that moment /lh
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