#Only partially edited 🙈
snakebites-and-ink · 25 days
Hero Villain Amnesia Whump CYOA thingy idk
Do I have other WIPs I should be working on? YES. Would it be better to space out CYOAs instead of running two at the same time? ALSO YES. But I think I was experiencing some form of partial writers block, and this was the only thing over 100 words I could get my brain to really work on. So
*gestures widely* enjoy I guess.
Disclaimer/heads up before you get invested: Unlike my other WIPs, this was created with zero premeditation and instead was conceived and hammered out in a single hyper-focused sitting. I will write at least a second part at some point, but because it is entirely the product of my changeable whims, I make no promises about the timeline of this, or how many parts there might be, updating schedules, or even whether it will remain a cyoa. I also might decide to write the next part before the poll actually officially finishes so uhh might wanna get your votes in during the first couple days it runs. This is very much my “indulge those momentary impulses” project lol. Which is also why it doesn't have a real title yet adsfalkfjsd (titles r hard)
CW: Explosions (just in the background), multiple people trying to manipulate you, amnesia that was almost certainly inflicted deliberately, building falling apart around you idk
You wake up with no memory of where you are. 
As a matter of fact, you have no memory of
You take stock of your surroundings. Currently you’re in a room by yourself, with cuffs that look like they’re built to be a lot more effective than they are currently. The lights are dim and there’s some kind of alarm going off.
You get up and leave the room, wandering aimlessly, until you bump into someone moving with a lot more urgency.
“What are you doing here?”
You stare at them blankly. You don’t know any more than they do; probably less, actually.
“Whatever. I’ll get you out of here. Come on.” They hold out a hand, and having no better ideas, you take it.
They pull you through twisting halls in various states of damage. Some look untouched, some have floors full of rubble and air full of dust.
An explosion sounds some distance off, sending vibrations through the building. That probably explains the damage.
The stranger leading you rounds a corner and bumps into another person. Both of them practically bristle like a couple of furious cats upon seeing each other.
“Villain! Where are you going with them!?”
“Anywhere but here,” the person dragging you along—Villain?—grumbles, trying to go around them.
The newcomer steps to the side to block them. “Now hold on—”
“This is not the time, Hero! I know foiling me is your usual MO, but right now Superhero is absolutely off their rocker. Go deal with them and let us go.”
“If you think I’m just going to let you steal my sidekick—!”
“Your sidekick? They’re Superhero’s sidekick—and we just established Superhero’s gone crazy, so I’m taking Sidekick away from them if you don’t mind.” They try to step around Hero again, and Hero gets in their way again.
“I do mind, if it means you’re taking them back to your villain lair to join all of your villain cronies.” Hero catches your free arm, and they are admittedly gentler with you than Villain is. “I’ll keep you safe from Superhero. Please come home with me. You remember me, right?” They fix you with concerned, pleading eyes.
You don’t remember anything, but before you can explain that to them, a new voice cuts through the dust in a singsong tone. “My ears were burning~!” 
Villain swears, softly but emphatically, and runs toward the nearest door. They pause there and turn back to you, but look ready to bolt the rest of the way out at a moment’s notice. Hero lowers their arms almost as if afraid of getting in trouble, so both the hands that were on you are suddenly gone.
The new speaker steps into view and their eyes alight on you with a pleased smile. “There you are. Let’s get you back where you belong, hmm?”
“Superhero, you really need to dial it back—”
“Not now, Hero. I’d be happy to talk once I’ve dealt with this little breakout.”
So this is Superhero? You unconsciously take a step back; despite the discrepancies in their stories, both Hero and Villain talked like Superhero was someone to be concerned about, at least with the way they were right now.
Still, you can’t very well run until you know who to run from and who to run with. Out of control or not, maybe Superhero can set the story straight. You swallow, and ask, “Whose sidekick am I really?”
“‘Sidekick’? Is that what they told you? Cute, but we can’t give you a new identity until you’ve finished the program. Come with me and I’ll set you up. Quickly, if you don’t mind, I’ve got several more escaped villains to catch.”
“What?” you say.
“You’re a villain, love,” they coo, “which is why you need to come with me so we can get you through the remainder of the reformation program. Everything will be better then. Come on.” They turn to Villain and add, “you too.”
Now you have three stories that don’t match.
The stalemate doesn’t last long before Superhero’s head snaps to the side as if in response to a sound only they could hear. “I’ll be back to collect you soon. Don’t run too far now!” They leave in a new direction, moving quickly like they’re in pursuit of fresh prey.
“Let’s go,” Villain hisses, ducking out of the door and heading in the opposite direction of Superhero. Hero pushes you out of the room before you can sort through all the new information.
You’re back in the labyrinthine halls, which seem to be falling apart even more now. You have no idea how to get anywhere, so you follow Hero since they seem to have some idea of what’s going on and everyone else ran off in different directions while they were holding onto you.
You get increasingly turned around as they navigate the way through the ruined building, one hall after another.
“Wrong way!” Villain runs past you in the opposite direction. Moments later, it becomes clear why as you come into view of a gaping hole in the side of the building, most of the opening taken up by a large flying machine.
Hero pulls you back, immediately reversing directions, but before you can leave the way you came, someone appears in the doorway. Villain’s path was likewise blocked, and they’re nervously backing up to the center of the room with you.
A doorway of some sort opens on the machine in the wall. A figure appears in it, and you can just tell they’re the one in charge of all these new arrivals.
“You!” You didn’t even see Superhero come in but suddenly they’re tackling the other to the ground at a furious speed.
The two tangle before simultaneously withdrawing with no clear winner, both looking a little worse for wear but just as ready and able to keep fighting one another at the drop of a hat.
Superhero glances at you. “Told you I’d be back! I caught about half of the others, but someone—” they glared at their foe—“kept me from the rest. Let’s get you all reformed and you can leave this whole disaster behind you.”
The newcomer looks at you as well. “Come on, let’s go,” they order.
who are you?”
“I’m Supervillain, your boss. They messed with your head so you’d forget that.”
“That’s a lie!” Hero cries out, “They’re my sidekick!”
“Superhero’s sidekick,” Villain mutters.
“Oh, of course. They all offered you stories full of grandeur. A villain offered a second chance, or a heroic sidekick working with one of the best. Things you’d want to be real. I’m afraid the truth is far less glamorous. You were just a low level goon, until you showed unexpected levels of power, and they all decided they wanted a piece of the action. But I’m a generous boss. Come back to me, and you can rule by my side when we take over.” Supervillain gestures towards the entrance to their flying machine in invitation.
“Let’s get out of here,” Hero whispers in your ear. They’ve been eyeing one of the henchmen blocking the doors, and seem to like their odds.
“You don’t want to leave the reformation program half-done. I’ll fix you.” Superhero holds out their hand, a small smile playing at their lips.
“Psst!” Villain beckons you from a hole on the side of the building. They look like they’re itching to go.
You don’t know who to trust. If only you had your memory.
Follow-up poll
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sopebubbles · 2 years
These questions are so interesting!!! I really wanna hear a little 🌈 about each fic because I love them all!!!
Oof let's see. I don't really remember the moment of inspiration for each one, so I've tried to capture what I wanted to achieve with each story and a bit of my thoughts in the early part of the process. It got a bit long, so it's under the cut.
I honestly don't know what brought it up at the time that I decided to do The Sea Without You, but I've always been fascinated by the question of to what degree people are innately themselves. What makes you interested in your interests? It can't be all environment or upbringing. Would you still be you without all your memories and experiences? So that's part of the inspiration.
For The Pact, it was partially me looking at turning thirty and Jin turning thirty (I Korean age) and the fact of being older than all of the members. I feel like that's not a perspective that's explored very often, especially since there's so little Jin fic (particularly among smaus). I wanted to have a little bit older of a perspective. I think a lot of that at the time came from me getting to know my sister-in-law, who is from South Korea, better. The part where Yn's dad said she was so old Jin didn't need to ask permission to marry her was basically a direct quote from when my brother asked to marry his wife. We had also talked a lot about military service and things like that back then. I also wanted to play around with some tropes.
Bulletproof heart was inspired a lot by BTS's early era. I also had recently watched Moxie and wanted to create a female character who wanted to break the mold. I was really enjoying dipping into angst and hurt/ comfort after a lighter piece like the pact. Oh, I also wanted to start from a place where she could end up with anyone! I only planned the first arc when i started, and it really could have gone in any direction. In fact, a throuple want even in my imagination (thanks for that one, berry). For a while i thought it would end up being Tae, and there's an alternate version of chapter 17 that has Tae being her main source of comfort, before I decided to explore the seokjin route. Initially i thought of him as being too respectful and honorable to make it romantic. But I'm happy with the result.
21st century girl! This one actually started for some reason with me imagining the group chat between yn and the girls, called men are trash. I wanted to make an au where Yn actually had girl friends, and I decided to throw Jimin in there because I have a strong best friend Jimin agenda. I wanted to break all the fuck boy tropes and make a story where there wasn't any cheating or doubt, but growth and trust. I liked that he was teachable. I always wanted it to be Joon and after I heard his comments during the UN about how he consulted a women's studies professor about his lyrics, I knew he was the right choice.
The idea for Serendipity came from my lovely berry while i was still working on Bulletproof Heart. She was in a bought of baby fever bc of other fics she was reading, and she kept sending me bts baby edits and it somehow spiraled. It was always going to be jungkooks baby, but there was this side thing with Jimin, and somehow, within a couple of hours of rapid fire planning, it became a Jimin fic. No regrets. I never wanted it to be about the choosing between jimin and jk tho. I wanted it to be about BTS strengthening their bonds from a broken place, and Yn and the baby were just something that brought them together.
Sorry for making that so long 🙈
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ilovemanwhohateme · 3 years
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cover by me
Requested : me lol 😀🙈
Pairings : Bjorn x Reader
Warnings : MAJOR SPOÄ°LERS FOR SEASON 6, Alcohol abuse, radical way to sober up.
Summary : Reader loves Bjorn so much and this love make her crazy...
Not : this is my first fic and there will be more like this because im in looove with this SHIT 😀🙈 and thank you so much to my angel Beta Reader @vikingstrash for gave motivation to my social anxoiety to write and thanks for the excellent editing she did to the story after i wrote this. if she wont help me i was fucked up, she is a real queen â€đŸ˜­
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Gif represents reader
It was the ultimate slap to the face for you, when he told you they were going to get married while you were getting ready to tell him you'd forgive him. You've never been this offended, it was more than you could handle. You were devastated and just walked out with an uttered, "Okay then."
Your heart was hurting so much and there was no way to relieve this pain. It weigh so heavy on you that he preferred a woman he's only known for a short moment over you - while you had been loving each other for the past years.- You couldn't accept it, and this should have been the last thing for him to do to you, while you were willing to forgive his betrayal.
From that moment on you gave yourself to the alcohol to numb yourself. The beer was suppressing your sadness and making you happy like nothing ever happened and that's exactly what you needed right now.
In the morning of that fateful night, you've spend the whole day drinking beer on the beach, still wearing your muddy nightgown -your hair resembling straw by now and your bare feet growing cold.-
You were devastated- both mentally and physically, you felt like shit. You hadn't eaten anything at all, only drinking beer, hurling it out again while crying and continued the circle by drinking more beer. You weren't sure where you were, what time of the day it was, or even if you were alive.
Pic represents reader
All you knew was that you were extremely angry. For it was all that simple, it made you laugh at losing your happiness over this bitch for the past two days. You wanted to kill her so everything would be okay again and you and your husband could go on as if nothing had ever happened.
In the midst of all these thoughts, you continued to advance towards your goal -still barefoot and with harrowing sobs shaking your form, you ignored the light- headedness that made your world spin around you and how your sight went partially blurry. It all resulted in the fact that you could hardly stand up straight. When you finally reached your destination, it was like you made both the simplest and most difficult journey of your life. When you started knocking on the door with all your might- ignoring the guards in front of the door and as you were trying not to kneel over, it wasn't hard for the guards to prevent you from entering.
The guards were both laughing at you, while you were yelling, "Get your hands off me, don't stop me, I'm going to kill that bitch." It amused them that a fool like you who couldn't even stand up anymore was promising to kill a shield maiden, when she wasn't even able to slap an ordinary person. After your shouts and kicks, Gunnhild's maid opened the door and gave the guards a "who the hell is this maniac"-look while you yelled, "Where is she?" and ignored the guards holding you.
The maid asked you, "Who are you talking about?" her expression clearly showed her disgust with this awful state of yours.
"Who do you think?“ You saw Gunnhild and who will soon be her husband and also your ex husband coming over while you continued to yell, "Of course I'm talking about that bitch who stole my husband!“
"I'll take care of her,“ Gunnhild said to the maid (who quickly) moved away to another room.
You didn't know how pathetic and stupid you looked -unaware of anything. Your sadness and anger had blinded you and turned you into a pathetic fool. "Who will you take care of? Me?" you hissed at her, laughing nervously. “Oh no, of course not me right? Its about my peaceful marriage- a marriage you gave an end to!“ You kept laughing maniacally, "That's your job!"
“Look, I don't understand what you're talking about,” Gunnhild replied and you wanted to tear her hair out right here.
"Of course you know! You are a witch- you stole my husband, my happiness from me! You bewitched him!“ You hissed at her. You were trying to get rid of the guards to get away, as Gunnhild sent them a sign telling them to let you go they complied.
When you finally got rid of the guards, you went towards your husband who was watching the events with a blank expression. Just a few steps behind her and held his hand as you addressed him, "Husband, she's a witch, she did a trick on you,“ touching his face and hugging him you kept saying "I know you love me, we belong to each other, Please," you begged, letting from him a bit to look at him, "let's get away from this woman, before she can do a spell on me too,“ you said as you pulled at him to make him leave with you.
Your husband sighed heavily and pushed you- even though he didn't use much force, it was enough to knock you down. You felt your heart shattered into tiny pieces once again, "You have to believe me, it's real," you told him and started to cry anew, with heavy sobs shaking through your body. Gunnhild, who was sorry for the situation you were in, leaned down towards you and said, "Look, I know you won't believe me, but I'm sure I don't harbor any hatred for you. You have to pull yourself together, you can't live like this." But you couldn't stand a single word from her- the way she talked drove you crazy, so you slapped her away and said in a harsh tone, "get out of my sight you lying bitch!"
After that, when Bjorn had called for the guards, they were right behind you, keeping a tight grip on you, while you were trying to resist them.
You're yelling and weeping with all your might, saying, "Let me go, I'm not lying! She's a witch, she tricked my husband! (Bjorn,) please believe me I know you don't love her! You love me- we love each other, I know!“ You sobbed.
While you were shouting and crying for your lost love as you were clamoring for the guards to let you go, one of the men went up to Gunnhild and Bjorn. You took the opportunity and tried harder, but the man still holding onto you was too strong and you were unbelievably weak, especially at that moment and you suddenly found yourself tossed in the chair brought by Gunnhild's maid, while the bodyguard and the maid hastily fastened the ties around you- binding you to the chair.
Then you saw the man who had left Bjorn and Gunnhild's side come out of the hall.
You couldn't stop thinking, that this bitch must have plans for you, if they tied you up like this. Despite your tied hands and your muffled voice because the cloth in your mouth that suppressed most of your words, you kept struggling and shouting at Bjorn- who was looking at you with disbelieving expression on his face- and his soon to be wife, in hope of getting out of the chair. Even with all your struggling and the most force you could muster up, no one answered you.
After waiting for a while with your tied hands and mouth gagged, a bodyguard who had went) out earlier, came back in with a few men and a huge barrel filled with water from the frozen river. You panicked and kept on calling out a muffled “I hate you, leave me alone!" as they started to untie the ropes, you wanted to take your chance and run away, but you couldn't resist against them. The men took your hands and clasped them behind your back before they dunked your head into the barrel.
When you took that unwanted dived into the icy water, they didn't pull you out until you were positive you were going to pass out and when they did, you were taking a gulping deep breath. You were still trying to talk through your clattering teeth, only moments later you found yourself in the barrel once again. As the guards pulled you out this time, you were trembling from the cold- your thin nightgown soaked with icy water and your drenched hair causing you freeze even more. With the shock of the ice water, you quickly sobered up a little, but the icy cold still gripped at you.
You allowed the maid to wrap you up in an already warmed fur and (let her guide you to a room with a bristling fireplace- all at the behest of Gunnhild. The maid handed you dry clothes and a warm meal before she left the room.
After you had entered the room willingly, Gunnhild was able to turn to your husband and said, "We just have to give her time. The moment she gets sober, she'll realize what she has done and will be too embarrassed to continue. She will hate you, so you just have to give her what she needs right now."
Bjorn sighed, showing his discomfort, "I know, but you..."
"It's okay, I'm just aware of her situation and I want to help her. You just need to be close to her and make her feel good."
Bjorn asked, "I don't know what to say, are you sure?" and kept looking at Gunnhild with a confused expression.
"Yes, just do as I say, I trust you," she promised and then winked at her soon-to-be husband before she gave him a short kiss on the lips.
"I'll do whatever you want, in a way that won't hurt you." He kissed her back softly and then, after waiting for a while for you to get dressed, he made his way over to your room.
As soon as you had arrived, you had quickly put on a dry nightgown that was with the clothes the maid had brought for you to choose from. You had gotten into bed to warm up in the quickest way possible- the furs pulled around you tightly and over your head to hide the fact that you began to silently cry.
The beers you had downed upset your stomach now, which hadn't allowed you to eat anything.
Between your silent tears, you could noticed the door opening quietly and then someone was moving towards you. When you lifted your head from the furs to see who it was, your heart started to beat with excitement as you recognized your husband Bjorn. You were convinced it was a dream, when he got into bed and lay next to you, only to then proceed to lift his arm on your side to pull you in towards him. You were certain it had to be a dream, because it was too good to be true, when you lay your head down on his chest and enjoyed the way he wiped your tears away and kissed your wet hair. He had come back to you just as you'd thought, you knew he would realize the truth and that he loved you. He had come back to you, you thought. You raised your head and looked up at him and started saying, "You really-"
But Bjorn stopped you, "Shhh, yes," and bent down to kiss you so softly you wanted to cry out of happiness and for the kiss to never end.
When your lips parted and your eyes met, he gently touched the side of your face with his free hand and stroked your hair away lovingly as he whispered,"Don't think about anything, just sleep." It caused you to willingly close your eyes, only to cherish this moment and make sure it was real. You didn't want to fall sleep yet, though,because you were sure it was probably only a dream- and sleeping in a dream could actually be waking up- you were so afraid that this dream would end at any moment.
I'm afraid to sleep beause I know if I sleep now I'll lose you. I'm so afraid of losing you again.
She was afraid to fall asleep because she was afraid that she would wake up the next morning completely alone, she was afraid that he would not be there the next morning and that she would wake up next to a cold mattress. That she would not be able to see him next to her when she woke up there will be no one beside her in this small and dark room the next morning.
She could feel it as he passed his message through her hair, slowly running his fingers through her long and messy and still partly wet hair. He pulled her close to him, so close that she could clearly feel his breasts rising every time he inhaled she could feel his breathing on her neck, every time he inhaled she could clearly feel it, he tilted his head and kissed her neck, he slowly kissed her neck for a few moments and then he said it slowly and gently
"Dont worry, You wont lose me, I won't leave you,
now just get some sleep.
His voice lulled you right sleep to sleep
Now you can sleep.
You've probably been awake for an hour, but when you remembered what had happened yesterday, it almost kept you bound to the bed. The moment you woke up fully, you noticed there was no one in the room with you and you thanked the gods for this small gift.
You wanted the earth to upend itself and swallow you whole, so you could hide inside, destroy yourself unseen from prying eyes.
Gunnhild was a good woman, you realized this when you woke up and started to remember everything that had happened yesterday. She just wanted to help you and you were so stupid to embarrass yourself like that. As you thought about that you tried to make yourself as small as possible.
"Oh, shit!“ you exclaimed while biting your lip ,"what am I going to do now?" you asked yourself, rubbing your face with your hand and gasping in distress.
There was only one thing to do and that was getting yourself out of here by letting as few people see you as was possible. And after that, you would leave Kattegat so fast no one would see you leave and you would never come back again. Because there was no reason for you to stay here anymore now, it was just embarrassing for you to be anywhere near your late husband and his new wife.
After thinking all of this over, you got up and left the room, never to come back here again.
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thirstyandbeautiful · 4 years
When is the next part of Lando vs Lance coming??🙈 Hands down, I'm so obsessed with this fic
Good cause this fic may never end haha Let’s keep this hoe train going!!!
Edit NOTE: hoe fairy is only good at hoeing cause I fucking CAN’T COUNT. I was reviewing the master list for lando vs lance and realized I’d left out Part 10! The part 10 that’s linked now is the real part 10 and all the following parts have been renumbered. So yeah, we are up to PART 14 (!!!)
lando vs lance
Part 14: lance says too much and lando says check mate bitch
recap part 13
You couldn’t believe your eyes. You couldn’t believe how perfect everything had been, and how quickly it all just changed. 
Lance had made pole, the first of his F1 career, had taken off like a rocketship from the start, and had led the race for more than half of it. He was more than poised to win, it felt inevitable to you. You had had this kind of gitty excitement swelling inside of you since yesterday because of it. 
But then he made one pit stop and you watched in absolute shock as his car just completely lost pace and he careened down the grid. 
An absolute nightmare. 
You had practically cringed as the finally nail in the coffin was sent by Lando overtaking Lance after he went wide, Lance losing another position with just two laps to go. You felt so guilty when Lando’s radio came on, his happy little cry making you want to smile.
Lando’s race had been great.
Lance’s race had been horrendous. 
To add insult to injury, you had been texting Lance little bits of encouragement while you watched via imessage on your macbook, and had basically stopped that when his race fell apart. It looked bad, really bad. 
You sighed and pushed both men from your mind so you could focus on Lewis with everyone else. Lewis, now a 7 time world champion. A complete living legend who seemed superhuman in this sport. It was the first time you’d seen some of your coworkers actually crack your usually shared stoic demeanor, not wanting to seem partial towards any one driver. But you and your little circle of coworkers were proud of his accomplishment, and teared up as you watched the podium ceremony. You hadn’t had the pleasure of talking to him one on one, but his presence always exuded humility and a sort of gentle control that made this zen bubble around him. It was amazing how he carried such an aura about him, and how he just continued to build a legacy with such sincerity. 
When the podium was over, you pulled up your imessage tab and typed out a sweet message to Lance. You told him you were proud, that one day doesn’t define anything or anyone, never could, and that he’d proven alot today. He’d have plenty of opportunities to lead a race, to get pole. This weekend wasn’t a lost opportunity, but a learning experience. He proved that not only could Racing Point seriously compete, but that he himself was a serious competitor. 
You sighed as you read it over before you pressed send. 
Then you clicked on your thread with Lando.
Lando felt very good about himself. He had been so angry yesterday, so annoyed the whole weekend. He had tried to push away the thought that today would go just as badly, and evidently that had worked. He felt absolutely amazing to have had such a good race in what was probably the most challenging circumstances of the season, to get back in the points and most of all, to pass Lance with two laps to go- and with relative ease, at that.
He also had the talk with you to look forward to. He had thought about it for hours, what to say, how to say it. He was ready to take your dating seriously, now that he realized he really wouldn’t mind it. He wasnt surprised that you had agreed to talk, he knew you could feel what he felt.
He hummed to himself as he waited to get weighed, was friendly to the people waiting at the end and then grabbed his water. He headed for the media bay for his post race interview. When he saw a tall figure in pink, he couldn’t resist. He clapped his hand on the back of Lance’s shoulder.
“Good race, mate.” He let out a small laugh as he looked over his shoulder at the absolute deadliest facial expression on Lance’s face.
He smiled as he got closer to the entrance out to the media bay, grabbing his phone to check it before heading out. He had a few missed messages from his family, a couple of friends and one from you. 
incredible drive, congrats x
He smiled and locked his screen, stepping outside. The weekend had really turned around.
Lance had done his press duties, finished debrief and fled to his driver’s room. He’d been in there for hours, sulking and just kicking himself. He felt stupid, he felt embarrassed, and most of all, the feeling of helplessness he’d felt as his car lost pace and all the cars passed him had stuck to him. It was a horrible feeling.
Lando hadn’t improved that feeling with his bitchy remark. He knew he wasn’t a joke to everyone, that no one really paid him any mind. But that was his rational brain, his irrational brain screamed that they were all laughing at him, that he had proven that he was a joke, that he had some bad luck looming over his head. His confidence had taken a blow and he was teetering back and forth between taking it personally and letting it go all afternoon. 
He was hunched down in a chair in the corner of his room, waiting for a few more hours to pass before leaving. He didn’t want to risk running into anyone period, so staying at the track until midnight seemed like a solid strategy to avoid everyone here and at the hotel. 
He didn’t feel like talking, so when someone knocked at his driver’s room door at 10pm, he felt his annoyance spike. 
He pulled the door open, “What?”
You stood in front of the door, wide eyed. “Hey, sorry. I just-”
“What?” Lance asked you, cutting off your slow, awkward rambling. 
You made a face and pushed past him. When you were in the room, he shut the door and leaned against it, crossing his arms and looking down at you. You stood at the other end of the room, your back to the wall. 
“Look, Lance, I know you’re upset but-”
“You have no idea how I feel.”
“Well, obviously not, but I was worried-”
“Worried? About me?”
“Yes, can you please just let me talk?” You looked at him before continuing, “I know how much today meant to you and I felt horrible for you, imagining how you must be feeling, so I really wanted to talk to you.”
“Why? So I can confirm that I feel just as shitty as you think I do?”
“Lance, I just want to help.”
“There’s nothing you can do to help me. I don’t even know why you came here.”
“To see you.” You replied.
“Yeah, cause obviously no text, no call, and me not coming to you clearly is just a big sign for please come bother me: I want to be around you right now.” 
You rolled your eyes, all your patience gone. “I don’t know if you know this, but I’m not your car so you can stop taking this out on me.” You had waited hours to talk to him, finally found him hiding in his drivers room and this is how he wanted to talk?
Lance let out a dry laugh. “Maybe you are like the car.” You looked at him with narrowed eyes. “Beautiful, but always working harder for another man.”
“Get out of the way.” You hissed, taking a step towards him where he was blocking the door.
“Oh, you don’t want to talk now? What happened?” Lance knew he was being an asshole, but he just couldn’t stop. “Tell me, how do you do it? How do you justify jumping beds between me and Lando in that pretty little head of yours? Do you seriously tell yourself that this was how you’ll end up in a relationship?”
“Shut up, and move.”
“Just seems cheap to me. If you want to sleep around, sleep around, don’t disguise it as something more.” You looked down at the floor, silent now, so he went on. “You seem to think that if you sleep with both of us enough you’ll magically decide who’s the winner like you’re some prize. You ask me to jump through hoops like we’ve just met and I haven’t been fucking you for over a year. You show up like you care but I know that if I don’t keep you nearby, you’ll just run to suck his dick.” 
“Fuck you, Lance.” You lifted your head to look him straight in the face, your eyes glossy from unshed tears. 
He instantly felt the guilt hit him like a gut punch, the tears in your eyes bringing him back to the right headspace. “I didn’t-”
“Get the fuck out of my way.” He’d never heard such a tone from you before. 
He wordlessly stepped aside, letting you pass right out his door. The room shook with how hard you slammed his door on your way out.
You were never so grateful to have convinced your coworker to leave you the keys for their rental. You practically ran to the car, your stuff already in the trunk. You sat in the driver’s seat, remembering the conversation you’d just had. The way Lance had taunted you echoed in your mind like a bad song. It was cruel, he was being cruel to make himself feel better. You’d seen Lance mad, upset, sad, but never cruel. You leaned back in the seat with the key in your ignition, trying to breathe deeply as some tears slipped down your face. 
If you want to sleep around, sleep around, don’t disguise it as something more.
You could hear your shaky breath as you tried to wipe the tears off your cheeks, but they were falling as quickly as you were wiping. His words stung, and the realization that he was right hurt more. 
Neither Lance nor Lando were dating you, and thinking of it, nothing had changed since you explained what you wanted to both of them. It was clear on their end what they wanted, and now you just had to come to terms with it yourself. All the little butterflies that had been flying around inside you seemed to shrivel up as you settled into the reality of Lance’s words. 
You switched the gears into drive, taking off for the hotel. Lance was right, and you were going to stop pretending he wasn’t. 
You marched straight into the hotel, leaving all your gear in the trunk. You scrolled through your texts to find the right floor that was mentioned as you made a beeline for the elevators. Seventh floor.
When the elevator opened back up on the floor, you practically ran out, following the signs until you were speed walking down a corridor, your head turning back and forth to find the right new number.
You’d never been more thankful for Lando’s suggestive text messages before.
You knocked on the door and bounced on your heels until you heard the door click.  
“Oh, hi-”
You threw yourself at him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed yourself to him as you worked your lips against his. He moaned into your mouth, squatting down slightly to grab the back of your thighs, lifting you as he turned you both into the room. The door slammed shut behind you, the sound almost lost from the moan Lando let out when you nipped his lip and sucked it between your teeth.
“Fuck,-” Lando pulled you off of him, dropping you on to the bed. 
He pulled your hips forward, you legs bent and together so your ass hang off the bed and pressed against his pelvis. You leaned back and brushed your hair from your face and Lando’s hands on your clothed body froze. You looked up at him in confusion as he leaned forward and brushed your face with his fingers. 
“What’s wrong?” He leaned over you, his voice soft.
You looked at him, and realized you never looked at your face in the mirror. You could feel the slight puffiness around your eyes as he pressed his fingertips into the skin. You looked down and pulled yourself on to the bed, sitting up and crossing your legs underneath you. Lando sat down next to you, using his hands to cup your face.
“Talk to me, what happened?” 
Lance was mean to me about being a slut so I decided to prove him right by coming here to fuck you? That definitely wasn’t the right to say.
“What did he do?” Lando’s voice took a sharp turn as you flinched, giving him all the confirmation he needed. “Let me guess, he took his shit race out on you?” You nodded your head. “He say some fucked up stuff?” You nodded again. 
Lando sighed and pulled you to him, hugging you closely to him. As soon as he leaned his head down into your shoulder, you melted. You needed the comfort so badly, and it felt so good to be held by Lando. You felt stupid and childish, and tried to pull away from him, feeling selfish for coming here to use Lando. 
He held on to you tighter. “No, you’re not going anywhere, darling.” 
He hummed into your shoulder, still holding you close. “I know.”
“No, I just.” You sighed. “I shouldn’t have come here.” 
“No, I’m glad you did.” He muttered. “Like you here.”
“I was going to use you.”
“That’s what I was doing at first, consider us even.” He leaned back, a small smile on his face as he stroked your cheek. “But you grew on me.” He giggled and looked down, a blush on his face. “And now we can talk!”
You laughed, shaking your head, wiping your eyes to get rid of your unshed tears. “About what?”
“Us.” He poked your side, laughing when you jumped. “If you want an us. I would like an us.” He tilted his head at you, and you had to giggle from how adorable he looked.
“I think I’d like that too, but I’m not-”
“We’ll take it slow. You can still do whatever with him, if you still want to, we’re not like exclusive.” You looked at him. “I want to date you, seriously. Not just sex. Definitely still want to have sex, but I also want everything else.”
“What’s everything else?”
“I want to be able to sleep next to you, have you be the first one I see every morning.” He leaned in and kissed your cheek. “I want you to teach me how to decorate my house, how to use my oven for more than almost burning down the place,” You laughed and dropped your forehead against his shoulder to hide your burning cheeks. “I wanna take you to top golf whenever you want, I want to take you anywhere, everywhere, as long as its with me.” 
You leaned back and looked at him, the smile on his face smug. He knew he had all the right words.
“But you want to take it slow?” You laughed.
“Yeah.” He nodded and his face got serious. “I don’t want to mess this up.”
“Were you worried about messing up that speech? Cause it sounded kinda rehearsed.” 
Lando overdramatically gasped and laughed. “You know, you’re hard to please.” 
“You better remember that.” You poked his chest. 
You both laughed. 
“So, you wanna hang out tonight?” Lando asked before putting his hands up. “No sex.”
You nodded and smiled. “Yeah, I’d really like that... but I think I wanna shower, change. I came from the paddock, so...”
“Just couldn’t wait to jump me, huh?” He laughed. “How bout we hang out in your room? I’m ready to hang out. You can get comfy in your own room.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
“Okay.” He agreed. 
part 15
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