#brain dump with minimum editing lol
snakebites-and-ink · 25 days
Hero Villain Amnesia Whump CYOA thingy idk
Do I have other WIPs I should be working on? YES. Would it be better to space out CYOAs instead of running two at the same time? ALSO YES. But I think I was experiencing some form of partial writers block, and this was the only thing over 100 words I could get my brain to really work on. So…*gestures widely* enjoy I guess.
Disclaimer/heads up before you get invested: Unlike my other WIPs, this was created with zero premeditation and instead was conceived and hammered out in a single hyper-focused sitting. I will write at least a second part at some point, but because it is entirely the product of my changeable whims, I make no promises about the timeline of this, or how many parts there might be, updating schedules, or even whether it will remain a cyoa. I also might decide to write the next part before the poll actually officially finishes so uhh might wanna get your votes in during the first couple days it runs. This is very much my “indulge those momentary impulses” project lol. Which is also why it doesn't have a real title yet adsfalkfjsd (titles r hard)
CW: Explosions (just in the background), multiple people trying to manipulate you, amnesia that was almost certainly inflicted deliberately, building falling apart around you idk
You wake up with no memory of where you are. 
As a matter of fact, you have no memory of…anything.
You take stock of your surroundings. Currently you’re in a room by yourself, with cuffs that look like they’re built to be a lot more effective than they are currently. The lights are dim and there’s some kind of alarm going off.
You get up and leave the room, wandering aimlessly, until you bump into someone moving with a lot more urgency.
“What are you doing here?”
You stare at them blankly. You don’t know any more than they do; probably less, actually.
“Whatever. I’ll get you out of here. Come on.” They hold out a hand, and having no better ideas, you take it.
They pull you through twisting halls in various states of damage. Some look untouched, some have floors full of rubble and air full of dust.
An explosion sounds some distance off, sending vibrations through the building. That probably explains the damage.
The stranger leading you rounds a corner and bumps into another person. Both of them practically bristle like a couple of furious cats upon seeing each other.
“Villain! Where are you going with them!?”
“Anywhere but here,” the person dragging you along—Villain?—grumbles, trying to go around them.
The newcomer steps to the side to block them. “Now hold on—”
“This is not the time, Hero! I know foiling me is your usual MO, but right now Superhero is absolutely off their rocker. Go deal with them and let us go.”
“If you think I’m just going to let you steal my sidekick—!”
“Your sidekick? They’re Superhero’s sidekick—and we just established Superhero’s gone crazy, so I’m taking Sidekick away from them if you don’t mind.” They try to step around Hero again, and Hero gets in their way again.
“I do mind, if it means you’re taking them back to your villain lair to join all of your villain cronies.” Hero catches your free arm, and they are admittedly gentler with you than Villain is. “I’ll keep you safe from Superhero. Please come home with me. You remember me, right?” They fix you with concerned, pleading eyes.
You don’t remember anything, but before you can explain that to them, a new voice cuts through the dust in a singsong tone. “My ears were burning~!” 
Villain swears, softly but emphatically, and runs toward the nearest door. They pause there and turn back to you, but look ready to bolt the rest of the way out at a moment’s notice. Hero lowers their arms almost as if afraid of getting in trouble, so both the hands that were on you are suddenly gone.
The new speaker steps into view and their eyes alight on you with a pleased smile. “There you are. Let’s get you back where you belong, hmm?”
“Superhero, you really need to dial it back—”
“Not now, Hero. I’d be happy to talk once I’ve dealt with this little breakout.”
So this is Superhero? You unconsciously take a step back; despite the discrepancies in their stories, both Hero and Villain talked like Superhero was someone to be concerned about, at least with the way they were right now.
Still, you can’t very well run until you know who to run from and who to run with. Out of control or not, maybe Superhero can set the story straight. You swallow, and ask, “Whose sidekick am I really?”
“‘Sidekick’? Is that what they told you? Cute, but we can’t give you a new identity until you’ve finished the program. Come with me and I’ll set you up. Quickly, if you don’t mind, I’ve got several more escaped villains to catch.”
“What?” you say.
“You’re a villain, love,” they coo, “which is why you need to come with me so we can get you through the remainder of the reformation program. Everything will be better then. Come on.” They turn to Villain and add, “you too.”
Now you have three stories that don’t match.
The stalemate doesn’t last long before Superhero’s head snaps to the side as if in response to a sound only they could hear. “I’ll be back to collect you soon. Don’t run too far now!” They leave in a new direction, moving quickly like they’re in pursuit of fresh prey.
“Let’s go,” Villain hisses, ducking out of the door and heading in the opposite direction of Superhero. Hero pushes you out of the room before you can sort through all the new information.
You’re back in the labyrinthine halls, which seem to be falling apart even more now. You have no idea how to get anywhere, so you follow Hero since they seem to have some idea of what’s going on and everyone else ran off in different directions while they were holding onto you.
You get increasingly turned around as they navigate the way through the ruined building, one hall after another.
“Wrong way!” Villain runs past you in the opposite direction. Moments later, it becomes clear why as you come into view of a gaping hole in the side of the building, most of the opening taken up by a large flying machine.
Hero pulls you back, immediately reversing directions, but before you can leave the way you came, someone appears in the doorway. Villain’s path was likewise blocked, and they’re nervously backing up to the center of the room with you.
A doorway of some sort opens on the machine in the wall. A figure appears in it, and you can just tell they’re the one in charge of all these new arrivals.
“You!” You didn’t even see Superhero come in but suddenly they’re tackling the other to the ground at a furious speed.
The two tangle before simultaneously withdrawing with no clear winner, both looking a little worse for wear but just as ready and able to keep fighting one another at the drop of a hat.
Superhero glances at you. “Told you I’d be back! I caught about half of the others, but someone—” they glared at their foe—“kept me from the rest. Let’s get you all reformed and you can leave this whole disaster behind you.”
The newcomer looks at you as well. “Come on, let’s go,” they order.
“Um…who are you?”
“I’m Supervillain, your boss. They messed with your head so you’d forget that.”
“That’s a lie!” Hero cries out, “They’re my sidekick!”
“Superhero’s sidekick,” Villain mutters.
“Oh, of course. They all offered you stories full of grandeur. A villain offered a second chance, or a heroic sidekick working with one of the best. Things you’d want to be real. I’m afraid the truth is far less glamorous. You were just a low level goon, until you showed unexpected levels of power, and they all decided they wanted a piece of the action. But I’m a generous boss. Come back to me, and you can rule by my side when we take over.” Supervillain gestures towards the entrance to their flying machine in invitation.
“Let’s get out of here,” Hero whispers in your ear. They’ve been eyeing one of the henchmen blocking the doors, and seem to like their odds.
“You don’t want to leave the reformation program half-done. I’ll fix you.” Superhero holds out their hand, a small smile playing at their lips.
“Psst!” Villain beckons you from a hole on the side of the building. They look like they’re itching to go.
You don’t know who to trust. If only you had your memory.
Follow-up poll
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suga-kookiemonster · 4 years
writing tag game
Tagged by: @kpopfanfictrash @lamourche @underthejoon. thanks babes!!💕
Tagging: whoever wants to because i took so long to answer this that i’m sure everybody has already been tagged at least once or twice already 😂
What is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
i always listen to music to concentrate, but it has to be either a playlist i’ve heard a bajillion times (so i don’t get distracted and start singing along) or calming background music with no words. i’ve got writing playlists that are full of chill music (like jhené aiko and namjoon’s mono and the weeknd trilogy) and others that are full of final fantasy and anime OSTs 😂 i also sometimes write using zenwriter, which takes up my whole screen and comes with a number of calming background songs to help you focus.  
as for setting, for the most part, i have to be somewhere with absolutely no distractions. this, of course, is impossible, because i write on my computer and my phone is readily available and i sabotage myself all the time 😩 but for the most part, changes in location help me to focus, so i move to different places around my house, and when that doesn’t work, then i hit up a café or the library. those are last resorts because there are people constantly walking around who can distract me, but something about getting in my car and driving to a place specifically to write gets my brain into the mindset of okay. we came here to write. it’s writing time now. and it works. corona has really fucked up my process because i can’t leave my house and so there’s nowhere new for me to attempt to write 😭
What is your favorite genre to write?
smutty crack. or smutty angst. THERE IS NO IN BETWEEN 🤪 but honestly, i like something where i can delve into relationships, romantic or not.
Do you prefer to write on paper or digitally?
digitally for sure! i actively edit as i write things, so that would be super annoying to do on paper.
It’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. What do you do?
if i’m half-awake, i promise myself that i’ll remember when i wake up and then never do LOL. if i’m a bit lucid, i type it out in the notes on my phone. my phone has so many fic notes in it that i add throughout the day, it’s ridiculous 😩
Who is your favorite person to write about?
taehyung, 🗣🗣NEXT CALLER 🗣🗣 😂
Do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
i’ve been writing fanfiction for a really long time, though this is the first fandom i’ve been in where the characters are based off of real people. in any case, that’s the key--they’re characters and based. so i think of them all as my original characters, because i’m simply filling and expanding on a mold! and i do currently enjoy that more than having to start from nothing.
Have you ever written a book/story with more than 15 chapters (100K words)?
yes, for another fandom! more than 15 chapters, and i think it hit 100k. and it’s looking like ego is going to be 80k minimum--more than that, knowing my dumb self 🤦🏽‍♀️
How often do you get ideas?
literally all day, errday. again, the notes on my phone are a fucking MESS 😂 and i have multiple documents where i dump these ideas, and they move between them depending on how fleshed out the idea is/how likely i am to pursue it
Do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
sooooo many. i literally won’t start writing a fic until i’ve outlined the whole thing and i know where it ends, and i’m sure i can finish it. this is why i have fic ideas out the wazoo--even if i like the idea, they all wait there until i can properly tackle it and flesh it out and give it the time and energy i feel it deserves. i don’t want to waste a good idea on a half-assed attempt.
What is your least favorite plot?
uhhhh, i read pretty much everything, honestly 🤷🏽‍♀️i don’t appreciate when people throw plot points or sexual moves in simply for shock factor, i don’t appreciate when people are clearly following a formula for notes (pwp + jungkook + dom+ big dick, for example). actually, in writing that, i’m not really big on pwps because i get nothing out of them--i want to have time to get to know the characters and understand how they feel about each other and why they’re boning. the buildup is just as sexy as the fucking, imo, so no-buildup fucking bores the shit outta me 💁🏽‍♀️there’s only so many ways you can write about penetration, so it’s the things that happen around it that matter and make it good.
and i’m all for artistic liberties, but as you’re crafting your fictional world, everything that happens needs to make sense, in accordance with the rules you have set up for said world. have your characters make decisions that real people would actually make, in the situations you have put them in. have your plot make sense. i will click out of your fic so fast if it’s not logical, i can’t stand shit like that lol
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yellowfang89 · 4 years
It’s wild how much has happened and changed since 2010, and now going into 2020. I was going to put in a "read more" out of courtesy but for some fuck ass reason, when I came in to edit it, Tumblr isn't giving me that option and the code ain't working and now I'm slightly buzzed so what the fuck ever you can just keep scrolling if you don't care lol.
January 2010- Obsessed with Legend of the Seeker. Wrapped up finishing playing Pokemon Diamond- my first pokemon game on recommendation of my best friend at the time. My last semester of community college started.
March/April 2010- got acceptance letter to the local state college I planned on transferring to. Best friend didn’t get any notice on whether she got accepted or not, but got an acceptance letter from another college about an hour away, and decided to go there instead. After making this decision, she finally got the acceptance letter from the local state college. But she still ended up going to the hour away one. Also, I turned 21 and had my first margarita.
May 2010- Graduated community college with an AA in art. God, I remember when I used to love art.
At some point I ended up officially leaving Myspace for Facebook, kicking and screaming, because everyone had ditched Myspace for it. I hated Facebook but got used to it.
August 2010- went on a two week cruise to Alaska. Came back and started new college afterwards. Had no friends and was lonely, though kept in close touch with best friend over Facebook. Got new Macbook.
September 2010- Finally found myself in a new friend group. Saw a beautiful boy on lightrail I wanted to talk to, but had no courage to. Realized that this kind of shit was probably why I didn’t have a boyfriend, and I wanted a boyfriend for the sole reason of not feeling like a loser for never having one.
October 2010- Saw same beauty, gathered up the nerve and talked to him. Turned out he also went to my school. We started seeing each other regularly on there and things started taking off. 
November 2010- Started hanging out with him regularly, got my first kiss from him. Became an official couple.
2011- Can’t remember what months and for what, because things start blending in together. But
- Beloved cat of five years died.
- Lost my virginity
- Didn’t have much money in bank account and stressed out over it. Couldn’t get a job to rectify the situation cuz no experience.
- Started feeling guilty over the smallest things like asking to borrow a piece of paper from someone. Mentally acknowledging this was weird but also shrugging it off. 
- Lost my appetite and had food problems overall- despite always having “food problems.” Never wanted to eat.
- Distinctly remember my stomach rumbling in class and thinking, “good maybe i’ll starve to death!”
2012- Shit blended in together again this year, and for every year here on out.
- Came to the realization one day when walking to the bus that I literally would not care if someone came at me with a gun because I just… didn’t want to exist anymore. Saw nothing wrong with this.
- The thought “things would be better if I was dead” came to my brain out of nowhere. I briefly wondered if this counted as a “suicidal thought.”
-Decided to Google shit like suicidal thoughts, went down a rabbit hole that made me suspect I had depression. It explained things that I thought were off but didn’t care enough to do anything about.
- Eventually saw a counselor at school about this.
- Got a hamster. Hamster died this same year.
- Got a volunteer position at a library scanning old yearbooks onto a computer so I could have some sort of “work experience” to get a job.
- Boyfriend had got me Pokemon Heartgold earlier. I started trying to “collect them all” because why not.
- I switched from using an ethernet chord to WiFi and it changed my life. Especially since I was able to go on the GTS in Pokemon and trade, though it was fucky cuz you could only trade Pokemon you’ve already seen back then.
- Ended up getting Pokemon Black, and it introduced GTS Negotiations which allowed me to match with other trainers and trade Pokemon live. Due to this, I managed to obtain every Pokemon I couldn’t get in my other games. Except event legendaries, unfortunately. I consider this one of my greatest accomplishments and keep up with this to this day.
- Considered switching my major from Graphic Design to Digital Media because I liked my Digital Media class a lot more than my Design classes. And made that switch.
- I decided to minor in psychology because I had already taken a few psych classes for GE credits so why tf not.
- Towards the end, got a “student” job at that same library doing the same thing except with artwork instead of yearbooks. Finally had money. Depression starting to lift? But job was only a 4-8 hour a week deal so not that much money in the long run.
- Discovered demisexuality via a comment on Reddit. It described me pretty damn well. Weight lifted off shoulders I didn’t even realize was there. Things made sense omg.
- Joined Tumblr.
- Best friend came over for what turned out being the last time. She was moving to Arizona.
- Got a second job working at the tech company my Dad worked at, helping out the customer service rep.
- Slowly found myself drifting apart from friend. Depression still present. Made things hard but tbh she never contacted me either. I got the impression she was mad at me given she unfollowed me on Tumblr without explanation.
- Since not a lot of work to be done helping the csr, I ended up helping our our shipping guy and became his backup. Eventually the purchaser left on maternity leave and I took her place, eventually becoming the main purchaser because they moved her to accounts receivable.
- Decided that my depression was making me a piece of shit friend so I decided to contact best friend to see how things were, only to get a cryptic, passive aggressive, two-word response back. Ended up just dropping it and figured she’d eventually come around and tell me what was wrong. She never did…
- Depression on and off due to the stress of going to work and going to school. At this point I hated all art and wanted nothing to do with any of it and only went to school for the piece of paper saying I graduated college.
- I think this was when I started calling myself gray ace instead of demi because why the hell not and I’ve only been sexually attracted to one person anyway. Possibly still demiromantic though- to this day I’m still unsure tbh.
- Boyfriend taught me to drive. I got my license. I got my first car.
December 2014- I graduated college. It cured my depression. Unfortunately, it was replaced with carpal tunnel. 
- Carpal tunnel still full force. All I could do was read.
- I caught up on all the books I’ve wanted to read. Eventually came across Warrior Cats. Thought it was stupid for the first 50 pages, but then became addicted. Lost interest when I had to wait several months for the next arc to come out.
- The year I got into wrestling. I shipped Rolleigns so fuckin’ hard.
- Undertale came out and became one of my favorite games of all time.
- Find out brother is addicted to painkillers which is why he had been acting like such an ass.
- Dumped Facebook.
- Driver at the company I worked at quit. Company wants me to be “temporary” driver on top of purchasing, shipping, and assisting the customer service rep.
- Got into writing and wrote a book and continued writing off and on from then to now.
2016/2017/2018? I can’t even keep track anymore.
- Pokemon Go came out and I finally got a smart phone because of it.
- Brother gets girlfriend and then gets married after only being together a year. Brother seems to have gotten better.
- They started having marital problems almost immediately. My brother turned out being an alcoholic and fuck knows if he’s still doing drugs or not he says he’s not but he’s also a chronic liar. A lot of drama happens that I don’t want to get into. They are now divorced- after two years of marriage. 
- Got new laptop cuz Macbook got too old, although it still works.
- The company I had been working at, which had always been a shit company with no money, starts going down the shitter more than it already was.
September 2017- customer service rep quits and I have to do her job on top of purchasing, shipping, and driving. Mental breakdowns become common. Depression worse than it had ever been in my life. 
January 2018- get a 45 cent raise because minimum wage went up meaning I was now making minimum wage doing all the bullshit I was doing.
May 2018- Get new job doing ONLY shipping for a few extra bucks more an hour. Depression cured.
- Got in a car accident (not my fault). Car totaled. Replaced it with a 2018 car so it’s all good.
- Experienced my first flat tire half a year later.
- Still get random bouts of depression.
- Still with same boy from 2010. Would love to move in together but fuck if I know when that’ll happen. 
- Still wondering wtf happened with my (ex) best friend and am still trying to get over it. Am considering the possibility that it was probably my depressed ass not talking to her at all for like 4 months. Unfortunately I have no way of contacting her to try and make peace because we both dumped Facebook.
- Got back into Warrior Cats.
- Dad got new girlfriend. Parents finally working on getting the divorce they wanted to get 20+ years ago but never did cuz neither one wanted to spend money on it.
- Briefly considered taking up drawing again but my skills have tanked significantly because I haven’t drawn since graduating college. Plus I’m lazy. 
- Obsessed with The Witcher.
So much has changed throughout this decade and fuck if I know how next decade is gonna turn out for me but I sure hope it's a better one.
Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night!
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mingyus-noona · 5 years
Stubborn (Jaehyun, Taeyong, Mark, Yuta, Lucas, Jungwoo)
Title: Stubborn Members: Jaehyun, Taeyong, Mark, Yuta, Lucas, Jungwoo Fanfiction type: Oneshot Genre: Angst, Friendship, Drama Word count: 2,028 Just a short little idea I had. This is the second day of my posting spree and I’m still keeping with it. Let’s see if I make it until the 31st! Haha. Hope you enjoy it! Based on when I showed my mom pictures of NCT and she said Jaehyun’s looked like he had a hangover. I imagined him waking up in a hotel room in Vegas after a night of drinking and he sees all these random kids from his school who he doesn’t know and then Jaehyun sees they’re not that bad after all. Somehow turned into this instead, but I can still write that other one if anyone is interested. I made Jaehyun such a jerk in this. My baby D: I wanted to add more to this, but I knew if I worked on perfecting it, it wouldn’t get posted today lol ============================================================ When Jaehyun pulled into the driveway, it was 10:47, meaning the first showing of the new movie he'd been wanting to see would start in less than half an hour. Today was a professional development day at school, so there were no classes. He pulled out his phone and dialed Taeyong's number, tapping his fingers on the dashboard to the beat of the song playing from his radio. He was still waiting by the time the song had changed, and he began belting it out loud, sticking his head out his car window and in the direction of the house in an attempt to get Taeyong's attention in case he was still sleeping in. Finally, Taeyong picked up, apologizing for taking so long to answer the call. "About damn time," Jaehyun joked, getting out of the car and walking to the front door. "Is the door unlocked? I'm coming in." He turned the knob and pushed on it, shutting the door behind him. "Yeah, but I have people over. It's for a school project." "You're spending a day off from school doing homework?" Jaehyun had reached the basement door by now, so he opened it and took the stairs down to the ground level. With his phone still pressed to his ear, Taeyong said, "Yeah. We needed to finish this project, like, today. It's due second period tomorrow." Both of them hung up on the call now that Jaehyun was in the same room. "It probably won't take too long. Just pay some games or something for a bit, and then we can hang out." Taeyong gestured to the game system that was set up on the other side of the room. Jaehyun complied, but couldn't help but glance over at Taeyong here and there. He was surrounded by four other guys. Jaehyun recognized one of them as a sophomore named Mark, and he always heard other people talking about that guy. What a conceited prick. Fuck Mark. Mark was an asshole. There was another kid Jaehyun vaguely knew of, but the extent of his knowledge was that he was weird. As they were finishing up the project, he kept saying random things and being super loud. Jaehyun almost told him to fuck off, but he managed to bite his tongue and keep his comments to himself. By the time they were finished, Jaehyun learned that his name was Lucas and the guy who kept throwing pillows at him to get him to shut up was a senior exchange student named Yuta. The fourth guy hadn't even spoken, and Jaehyun still didn't know his name. "Are you guys done yet?" Jaehyun finally asked, having tired of playing video games. He tossed the controller onto the couch and stood up, walking over to the five guys huddled around the computer. Taeyong looked at his friend with a pleading expression, like he was begging for him to quit it. But then he cleared his throat and asked the fifth guy―Jungwoo--if he could proof-read the assignment for them and turn it in online. He was the best one at editing, apparently. Jungwoo nodded, and Jaehyun thought he heard him quietly mumble something, but he couldn't be too sure. "So, we can go now?" "Where are we going?" Mark asked. Jaehyun scoffed. "Not you, Lee. I don't see your name on tickets to the movies. Just me and my best friend." Mark was hardly able to hold in his laughter at the jealousy that was laced in Jaehyun's voice. "Okay," he mocked. "What are you two best friends seeing?" "None of your business." He turned to Taeyong, who gave him another soft look, as if to ask Jaehyun to stop being rude. "What?" Jaehyun asked. "It wouldn't be so bad if we all went, would it?" "We've been waiting for this to come out for months," Jaehyun pointed out. "Us. If you really want to hang out with them, you and I can see it another day then." They all looked offended that they were lumped into the "other" category, the undesired, the rejects. Jungwoo looked like he wanted to burst right open or leave or pee his pants because of the tension in the room. Yuta was probably seconds away from standing up to show this Jaehyun guy a piece of his mind. The thought was already on Mark's mind, but he was too chicken to stand up and do it. Taeyong didn't want to cause a scene, so he stayed quiet. And then there was Lucas. "So, where are we going then?" Dumbass echoed through several of their minds after his question, but they all still felt too awkward to say anything. It was clear Taeyong's friend hated them the moment he stepped foot downstairs. For no reason, other than his jealousy. If Mark were brave, he would have told Jaehyun to stop being such a big baby. Taeyong was allowed to have other friends. He and Taeyong had met in a music class and had become rather close friends. Not as close as his friendship with Jaehyun, of course, but not that of the relationship between strangers either. They'd hung out outside of class a few times and even goofed off during class by freestyling some raps. During one class period, they joked about starting a rap duo. And even though it was just a joke, part of both of them actually wanted to take it seriously, thought it would be cool to actually develop it further. "Do you wanna take this one, or should I?" Jaehyun asked Taeyong. He was about to slap the stupid out of that Lucas kid. "We could go for a hike," Taeyong suggested. Jaehyun stifled a laugh. "What now?" Mark rolled his eyes. "Well, except for one brain cell here," he gestured to Lucas, "the rest of you look skinny, weak, and soft as fuck." Lucas was about to protest and defend himself, but as Jaehyun said the word soft, with his eyes on Jungwoo, the rest of the guys glanced over at him and down to the teddy bear-printed sweater he was wearing. Jungwoo smiled nervously. "Wh-what?” Jaehyun had to bite his tongue in order to not respond and crush the kid's soul, make him cry, or both. Honestly, he couldn't understand why Taeyong would want to hang out with these losers. Okay, he understood that they had a project to work on. Whatever. But he could have easily gotten rid of them and then gone to the movies with Jaehyun. Instead, half an hour later, the six of them were getting ready to go, snacks and drinks in tow. Mark, Lucas, Yuta, and Jungwoo had brought their backpacks with them, and Taeyong easily had access to his because they were all at his house. The best Jaehyun had were the pockets of his jacket, but it'd have to do. They all raided the snack cabinet in Taeyong's kitchen and grabbed bottles of water and sports drinks before heading out. On the way there, with all of them piled into Jaehyun's car―much to his annoyance―the amount of insults were kept to a minimum. Mostly because Jaehyun had to focus on driving, but also because Taeyong made the effort to keep the conversation flowing between everyone. Little questions about what kind of things everyone was into or what plans they had for the weekend. Anything to keep Jaehyun from mocking them. Taeyong felt bad enough already for all his friend had said to them and for the fact that he hadn't really defended them, only tried to silently signal to Jaehyun to cut it out. Jaehyun wasn't a bad guy at all. He'd been Taeyong's best friend for as long as he could remember. It made sense that Jaehyun was jealous. Sure, he was being a bit childish and over-reactive, since they really need to get work done and Taeyong was allowed to hang out with other people, but Taeyong definitely understood the feeling of being left out, so he couldn't entirely be mad at Jaehyun. He was his best friend after all. Which was why when they encountered a snake later that day, Taeyong immediately grew nervous. He didn't want any of them to get hurt, but he had a soft spot for Jaehyun. And of course, he was the one to get bitten. And of course, Taeyong was a coward and couldn't even move at first. Jaehyun hadn't seen the snake coming, but he wasn't too far off from Yuta and Lucas, who were able to scare the snake away by stomping on the ground. All Taeyong could think to do was to grab his bottle of water and dump it onto Jaehyun's wound to try disinfect it. But seconds after this thought and trying to put it into action, Mark swatted the bottle away and started untying the flannel shirt from around his waist. Jaehyun protested. "He was trying to help me. What the hell? Why would you do that?" "You're not supposed to wash it. If there's venom left on the skin, it can help identify what kind of snake it is, and therefore, what plan of action needs to be taken. Keep your leg still." Mark was busy straightening out Jaehyun's leg. "Don't bend it. And stop moving. You'll make it worse." Jaehyun tried his best to comply as Mark held his shirt tightly to Jaehyun's leg. "Aren't you supposed to tie that around my leg?" Jaehyun asked. "Isn't that just going to make it spread quicker?" A hand came into contact with Jaehyun's cheek. It was a light, but still sharp, slap that left him with his mouth wide open as he stared at the person who delivered it: Jungwoo. "Ow, what was that for?" Jungwoo looked nervous, like he was regretting having slapped Jaehyun. Then he softly said, "It sounds like he knows what he's talking about. I think you should listen to him." "You're not supposed to make a tourniquet,” Mark said. “You just need to have pressure against it. As much pressure as you can. Lucas, you're stronger than me. Hold this down. Taeyong, call 911 if you have a signal." Luckily, he did, but he was so scared he could hardly move. He could barely process what was happening. First, he couldn't react to his friend being in danger. Then he almost made a mistake that could harm him even more. Now he couldn't even do one of the simplest and most important things he could do: call for help. When it was clear he was in too much shock to do what he was told, Mark took out his own phone and made the call. And there it was again. Taeyong being too much of a coward to do the right thing. It hurt him, how he kept things in and didn't do what he needed to. He couldn't stick up for Mark, Jungwoo, Yuta, and Lucas when Jaehyun was being rude. And he couldn't make a simple fucking phone call to get his best friend medical attention. And even though he felt he'd made a lot of mistakes that day, he'd been in the right mindset. He was just a little too shy to confront Jaehyun outright. After going to the hospital and receiving medical attention, which turned out to not be as necessary as the guys originally thought, Jaehyun was the one who felt worse. He definitely knew he hadn't come off as the nicest person earlier, but in his mind, he felt he was just defending his friendship with Taeyong. But the guys he'd thoughtlessly and harshly judged earlier had proven to be lifesavers. Even if the bite wasn't that serious, he was lucky enough to have had them there to begin with, because things could have easily been worse. Everyone had flaws. Taeyong was very caring, but often shy to express his thoughts, preferring to hold back in case he offended anyone. Jaehyun, on the other hand, offended people all the time, but was blinded by how his words and actions affected others. He was stubborn, judgmental, too quick to think he knew someone based off of appearance or one thing they did. But people could surprise you. So, he'd started out calling Mark Lee every bad name in the book. But now, he wasn't so bad. Sure, he wasn't going to jump at being his friend, but he was okay.
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xadial · 6 years
black paladin lance?
probably just incoherent rambling. but here are the reasons i think lance will have some relation to the black lion, even if it is co-leadership with keith.
honestly, i... have absolutely no reason to doubt it’s going to be a thing in some shape or form based solely on this fucking shot
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why? well, this is from where allura is delegating the lions, and this shot in particular is for black. first and foremost in the shot is shiro, who was the first pilot, and then second there’s keith, who was the second pilot, and third there’s lance, who--
but alex, you say, this doesn’t prove anything
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these two were the only ones shown on screen during the entire time the blue lion was mentioned, and the only time where allura acted differently - an anomaly to set her role in giving blue away apart from the rest of the lions if you will. they were also in order in a way - allura saying the stuff about the blue lion in the shot before these two can be discounted as a formality or whatever you want to call it. it appeared in all the other lions’ giveaways (shut up it’s late) so it isn’t anything significant. so first shown was lance, and second was allura, which is also the order that they piloted blue.
you need more evidence?
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these three were shown in the red lion part, and the reason that allura holds on to red for a long time is because of the connection with her father (it could be a hint at when she breaks down in red when she can’t fly her because she feels she’s failed her duty and heritage) - but the only two actually looking at red are keith and lance. and they’re in order of who flies red (foreground -> background) at that.
so this scene by itself is one fucking colossal five minutes of foreshadowing. sometimes the writers fuck up and sometimes they do this. oh and just to wrap this scene up
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these two are the only ones in the shots relevant to their lions and guess what - they haven’t changed roles at all and are exceptionally unlikely to do so.
so... absolutely everything in this scene is foreshadowing that’s actually canonically happened at some point, apart from lance and black? and lance is next to keith in the shot of black? and keith is flying black at the moment? have patience we have four seasons left that’s all i’m saying
regarding the lions and their paladins
allura is permanently in blue
i don’t have the will to screenshot it but in season three there’s a massive scene about allura joining the team and lance handing blue over to her. you know, the one in the hangar? we even see the bayards change hands which is the boldest symbolism of permanence and closure you could ask for. then, allura bonds with blue and unlocks that sonar thing waaaay faster than lance did and lance even goes and acknowledges this to keith. so, allura is staying and lance is done with blue.
however. there was absolutely nothing like this for keith and lance, with red. it might have been because of time constraints in the show or a fear of being repetitive but if they wanted to show any sense of permanence they would have done the very bare minimum of showing some exchange. it just feels like lance isn’t quite settled yet.
all the lions just really seem to fucking adore keith
count how many times red has rescued keith compared to all the other paladins and their lions. i can think of at least three separate occasions and it’s kind of disproportionate. their relationship (?) was dynamic, to begin with it was more difficult than the rest but these are some of the things that make it kinda standout. again, the lack of permanence about the bayard exchange for red runs both ways - it also feels like keith isn’t entirely done with red yet.
keith bonded exceptionally fast with black, but i’m not absolutely 100% on the validity of this. shiro’s essence was in the lion the whole time to help him and we haven’t actually seen him try to pilot black again without his brother’s help. to me it would make a heckload of sense if he struggled a little more with black now shiro can’t influence anything. also, i think shiro’s essence being in black absolutely affected her choices. it’s why she chose keith over anyone else to pilot her after shiro, yes lance wanted to pilot her for himself (to prove his own self-worth to himself) instead of the team but shiro was also in there and shiro wanted keith to lead. i also believe that shiro played a part in black rescuing keith after his fight with kuron - would black have come otherwise? it’s likely but it’s just an interesting thing to think about. it just shows you the influence shiro had or may have had over things that black did - and black really, really loves shiro too.
shiro is probably retiring
he has grey hair. need i say any more?
everyone except him has a lion, if he had to displace anyone it couldn’t be allura, pidge or hunk - i explained allura’s and he doesn’t appear in pidge or hunk’s shots when they get their lions, you know in the first bit of this post. he’s not going to pilot them. i feel patronising explaining that part because everyone know that lol. so it would have to be lance or keith he replaces, when keith had this massive arc about being leader and lance flies red which i cannot at all picture shiro taking.
anyway, the ‘rest now’ thing is probably not only for only shiro in that scene but also applies to him in the rest of the show. dude spent two years forcibly dissociating and then comes back with an arm missing, i doubt he feels like fighting much more.
hella foreshadowing
what, even more foreshadowing alex? i’m going to end up doing that thing where you say spoon too many times and it ends up burning a hole through your cerebral cortex
anyway look at this and tell me it doesn’t remind you of something
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and this was a scene where he showed legitimate leadership skills. also. heh. literal. uh. FOREshadowing. heh. gotta be competing with tungsten for the highest density award to see absolutely nothing in this. (also, putting my chemistry brain nerd back in his cupboard and dumping custard over his head just give me a second there we go okay let’s continue)
this shadow (you know. like shiro’s scar. shiro the black paladin leader shiro.) is only there for a few seconds and has no relation to lighting or anything, it isn’t caused by the helmet. make of it what you will.
other than this
-when keith flies black he complains it’s too slow and when lance flies red he complains it’s too fast. seems like a problem that could be solved by...... switching.......
lance doesn’t have a fixed place or role on the team, not really, and i realise you’ve likely heard the ‘water sign, adaptable, yada yada’ before but it’s true. each paladin has only unlocked one class of weapon and variations of that class, apart from him. he’s unlocked two classes and it’s almost as if he could fly... two things..... as well
idk though i guess the altean broadsword was alfor’s weapon so it may signify his adapting to flying red, alfor’s old lion. BUT this still shows adaption so all hope is not lost
anyway keith and lance are the only two who still feel slightly incongruous in their lions? as i mentioned at the start i have a very very strong hunch about some form of co-leadership. keith admittedly was given that writing cop-out and now is magically a good leader, but as i said half of that was with shiro’s help? if everything with keith and black remains as progressed as it got with shiro’s essence in black i’d be surprised i guess.
i don’t know how exactly it’s going to happen but
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this means something and it makes no sense for lance to appear here otherwise.
we have four seasons left. lance has been called stability, wingman, impulse control. his role, whatever it is, will still be critical in keith’s leadership. don’t quote me on this (i might edit once i finish my re-watch) but in s6 when keith came back and led voltron him and lance had a lot of communication when fighting as voltron? more so than with any other specific paladin at least. they have a bond, next to shiro lance is the paladin keith is closest to, and from a shipping standpoint or not this means something and it will have an effect on the team and the way that they are lead by keith.
anyway. i cannot emphasise enough. even if my brain is too fried to figure out what and how exactly is going to happen in relation to lance and the black lion, this means something.
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lance is hella adaptable and shows this in contrast to the rest of the team which could equate to being adaptable with which lion he flies (..... both red and black for our awesome bi boi cough cough)
no closure with keith and red which means keith could still fly red at some point, even temporarily -- if you look at the shot of red with keith and lance at the top of this post they’re waaaaay more balanced to look at than the dramatic shot and imbalances with character heights in black’s part, which suggests kinda equal power with her? am i wording this right?
he first and foremost communicates best with keith when fighting
so much foreshadowing you could drown in it
im. very tired.
lance would want you to have hope
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steviehapless-blog · 7 years
Inside my mind
I thought this girl didn’t like me. Why must people only acknowledge me when I’m being serious? But also complain that I’m being too serious. Stop worrying, but I wont pay attention to you when you don’t worry anymore. Stop stressing, but when you do find it in you to wake up with a carefree attitude I’m gonna judge you. Why cant someone pick up the damn toys in the living room? Why do I always have to clean? I mop the floors rarely now because so many feet and spills get dumped. It’s pointless. I find it funny typing and internet rambling can be so freeing. I’m talking to myself basically. Does this make me crazy? Will I ever be recognized for my time on Earth? Will people love me after I die more? I wonder if I’ll ever be a recognized artist. I feel like I have the talent. But will my porn career in the past dull my actual talent in writing? I worry a lot. I miss my children I dont get to see. There are so many people on facebook who bother me, but it still makes me happy to have them in my life. For some reason I want to see them succeed or have them be actively in my life, but they irritate me sometimes. I dont know why. I should probably seek therapy. But then when I write out my thoughts and re-read them, they seem semi-logical and people-relatey. I wish I could sell my soul to write for the rest of my life, but Id rather sell it to God than that weird Satan dude. Dont get me wrong, some explicit stuff is my jam, I could dabble in it, but I prefer those frilly, pretty feelings in my body. The ones that feel more like pixie dust and butterflies and less like a beehive. Sleep deprivation is one of the best things for me, being an expressive writer. I’m half dead on the outside, my eyes burn, I dont need to see the screen, my keyboard lights up and I can just type whats on my mind. I’m a pretty damn fast typer so I can just get it all out as fast as I can. But the bed calls my name, but the writing does too. I want to eat a banana, but I also want to sit here and write for the rest of my life. Why cant things just be handed to me? Here, I’m Oprah or Ellen, I’ve recognized that you have a gift for writing. Please spend your time on Earth reading, editing, printing and anything pertaining to writing for the rest of your life and we will give you an almost-rich-person salary. Pat you on the head or butt and let you walk away. While we’re at it, why dont we try and get those precious kids back in your life that were wrongfully pulled away from you during struggles of just becoming an adult after having a baby at the age of sixteen WITH the guy you first had sex with. Not enough? Well your life is so overemotional, why dont we give you the opportunity to answer questions about it and make your life into a book...maybe a movie.... A girl can dream. But even these wishes can just fall apart at the seams. None of this is real. i m a g i n a r y  & that’s a conflict in itself. Do I seek mental help? Nah. I think my brain just likes to admit things. Orrrr that’s my feelings and my brain just keeps telling my feelings to shuut up and go to sleep. Eat that banana, drink something, eat something. Go to bed. Worry about writing tomorrow, even though I will forget. I want to write the rest of my life and I want these things to come true. I want to be known as someone whose experiences can help others through. I want to write things and have people like things that aren’t my comments on a popular facebook article comment thread. (the likes do make me feel more confident though) I want to fall asleep and wake up in a house with 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms minimum and a yard that in weather changes the sun shines through, on rainy days the whole house is alive with windows I can see and hear it tapping too. I want curtains to open like a princess would, strolling like a disney female lead, as she sauntered to open all the windows with such grace. A modern day Belle, but more about writing the books on the shelves. I could write a dictionary just because.  But I think I have dreamer’s disease. I cant stop daydreaming about the things that would make me happy. It’s so much easier to paint it so eloquently.......so tired. I’m googling things. Define this word to know that I’m using it properly. Remind myself that I’m on incognito mode, but it still has to be....well, imperfect, but not worded entirely improperly. My online diary LOL I’m just thinking and there goes my brain telling me to sleep. But to keep writing. Maybe another day I’ll say things that mean more..... like how much I love the rainy weather because it means I get to stay indoors and not be criticized. How I might reveal too much if I keep this up. I could go all night. The raindrops are pretty outside and I gotta go to bed soon because I’m expecting an awaited delivery today. I guess it’s time to go. I’ll take my brain and escape this page. I’ll write another day, if it’s my last night, goodbye. But for now goodnight. I know the people I love know I love them, so I’m not scared. Death is unpredictable and inevitable but obviously when I’m vulnerable it likes to pry. Seriously, goodnight. I’m not crazy, I just like to write whats on my mind. sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
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