dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 9 months
More Ex Mate stuff
 Touya knew during his first week of morning sickness that he was pregnant again. That despite his begging, his fighting and clawing at his Alpha, he had been a slave to their mate bond and once again it had consequences.
 The Omega couldn’t hold back the sobs as he hunched over the rim of the toilet bowl thinking of his last pregnancy. How the pregnancy hadn't made it far, Touya had tried to run, tried to ignore his Alpha’s command to return, but hadn't gotten far. He had been dragged back, beaten and forced to "refresh" the Mating bond again.
 Touya survived it. The unborn baby he had been trying to save from his Alpha, had not. Touya miscarried mere weeks later. The stress of his slowly starving Omega, for affection, for food, for his Alpha, drove away any possibilities of another heat. As well as decreased the risk of another pregnancy as Touya continued to try to escape.
 Now, against the odds he was pregnant again.There was no point in lying to himself that this was an illness, a stomach bug, that he’d eaten something wrong. He wanted to curl up and hide in the closet. Wanted to run away.  He would never make it with the fresh mating bond, bloody sore and sensitive, seared into his neck.
 Touya stood up, rinsed out his mouth and looked back at exhausted blue eyes with stark white hair. He looked like his mother.
 Rei hadn't stood up for Touya when he was sold away. When his pale eyes and hair he got from her were marketed by Enji for other Alphas. When the Enji had said a wedding ceremony would not be necessary due to Touya's “unreasonable” aggression. She had cried as he packed a bag, as well as said she wished she had succeeded in drowning him as a child. Touya was not Rei. The front door slammed and Touya lifted his lips in a snarl.
 There was the noise of Touya’s Alpha stomping down the hall as Touya braced himself with deep breaths. If his mate wouldn't let Touya and his baby go, wouldn't let Touya live. Then Touya’s Alpha wouldn’t get to live either because he had another thing coming if he thought Touya was going down alone.
  The Omega’s quirk fired beneath his skin and he let out a blood curdling growl as he opened the restroom door, challenging his mate. Breathing blue flame straight into his Alpha's furious face as they turned to meet him. Bringing one hand up Touya kept going, using the other to hold over his stomach. It was unlikely either of them would survive.  He had fought fang and nail against bringing a baby into his mess of a life. It was time to pay the piper for his Alpha’s choices, and Touya would be      damned    if he was the only one paying the steep price.
 Blue flames licked up his frame. Hungrily they ate at the walls and at his Alphas skull, then his chest, entire body was vanquished in the hot flames. Touya's mate bond wailed through the anger as he threw the burning body of his Alpha out the door.
 Touya survived, somehow. He's not sure how. The      doctors    were not entirely sure how. Covered in flames and snarling, Touya had thrown the burning body of his Alpha out the front door, before proceeding to walk directly over the corpse and into the street in his stupor.
 Dabi was born that day, finally getting to leave the Todoroki name behind. New hair, new name and even a new home. If you could call squatting in abandoned buildings or hotel rooms a home. Then there was a sickening moment where Dabi's pants were difficult to button despite the lack of food Dabi could keep down. The black haired Omegas chest ached and his mating gland cracked, leaking bits of blood through his damaged skin. Trying to pump out too many pheromones in an attempt to lure Dabi's ex back from the grave. His libido increased to the point he was unable to ignore his cunt literally dripping slick. Trying to reach past the swelling of his stomach as the weeks went by became impossible and uncomfortable. Fondling his aching breasts brought him no pleasure either. The areolas itched and the weight of them made his skin ache. There was no relief from the constant ache, Dabi half wished that he had thought to bring something of his Alpha’s to help curb the withdrawal with an Alpha's scent.
 Milk started oozing out in small droplets as the weeks went by. Drying uncomfortably on his skin as he laid in the nest in the closet. His baby was growing inside of him, quickly. His stomach looked swollen with twins and no way Dabi laid in the closet was comfortable. The need for an Alpha increased and Dabi had difficulty getting up the energy to scavenge the kitchens for unappetizing food he would just throw up anyways. Much less the energy or mental fortitude to keep moving nests.
 Then the consequences of the severed mate bond grew worse. Dabi’s Alpha tended to leave for long periods of time,he liked coming back to an Omega desperate for him. Dabi thought he knew what the Alpha withdrawal would be like.That was before the withdrawls from his bond mark didn't leave him gasping as his insides twisted with pain; or screaming and clawing at his arms in loneliness. Alpha had been kind sometimes, surely Dabi had overreacted. Alpha told him he was over emotional and the scratches he left in his arms supported his words.
 Dabi sobbed clutching at his freshly dyed hair, one hand protectively held over his stomach as he squirmed in his nest on the floor of a closet. There was no going back now, Dabi was glad for it during his more lucid moments. He would have gone crawling back to his Alpha to elevate the pain and need he felt now.
 There was another Omega that started visiting him despite the rather violent welcoming Dabi greeted them with. Just as grouchy as Dabi himself, judgmental to the 7th circle of hell and back about Dabi’s nest.
 In a closet was fine, at least strategically speaking. But in the middle of the room and spread out was more typical and comfortable for Omega’s to use. A closet as well as using whatever somewhat decent materials were nearby was practically a crime in the other Omega's eyes. Shigaraki shoved food at Dabi whenever he came to visit, which Dabi struggled to choke down, and rarely kept down. Making a mess of his nest only for the other Omega to dart out, coming back with a brand new comforter to replace the towel he turned to ash rather than wash. A pack bond quickly formed as the other Omega started staying by his side for longer periods. Trying to comfort the distressed and embarrassed pregnant Omega as much as he could.
 The more they bonded, the more questions Shigaraki had. Why was Dabi alone? Shigaraki only asked once and happened to do it during a day when the broken bond withdrawals were particularly bad. The hormonal mess of screaming and crying as Dabi tried to draw blood first from Shigaraki, attacking his friend and then himself led to the other Omega dropping the subject.
 Eventually Shigaraki lured Dabi out of the closet, the Omega in even worse shape than he had entered the closet in. Pregnant distended stomach making movement difficult, to the point Shigaraki had to help ease him up onto his sore feet. Dabi clung to Shigaraki’s gloved hand as his arm shook trying to hold his weight and the added baby weight as he braced himself against the wall. They were going to find him a surrogate Alpha. Similar to a Heat Alpha, a surrogate Alpha would service him throughout his pregnancy. Stopping Dabi’s hormones wrecking irreversible havoc on his frail body by providing him with consistent food and with…affection. All he had to do was follow Shigaraki to a friend the other Omega knew would help Dabi out. Several times Shigaraki suggested calling the Alpha for assistance getting to his den but the last thing Dabi wanted was to be taken in the middle of the street if the Alpha happened to ‘lose control’ or collapse if his body gave out at getting what it desperately needed.
 The Alpha was a Hero, as was Shigaraki which had earned Shigaraki a deep furious burn mark on his wrist when Dabi had found that out. Whether his Quirk was suppressed or not Dabi had made it known what he thought of 'Heroes'. However, they were as dirty as Heroes their rank came, as safe as Heroes came for people like Dabi. Still Dabi hesitated after agreeing to leave his temporary nest when Shigaraki disclosed who his Alpha friend was. Hawks; winged hero and Alpha. Fastest hero alive.
  Shigaraki was known to leave both Heroes and Villains alike to be crushed by buildings if you were on his bad side. Keigo was known to flirt with Villians the second he was off the clock. Frequently letting non dangerous criminals dance around him until his shift ended before waving a cheery goodbye. Dabi still hated the idea of being reliant on him, the image of Hawks reclining in midair while waiting for something to happen stuck in his mind. Shigaraki’s confidence in his friend would only go so far, Heroes tended to be different behind doors.
 The stairs were a struggle as he climbed up to the door. Shigaraki knocked for him as he leaned on the porch railing to catch his breath. Ignoring the scene of two empty chairs set up with a bistro table in between them. One of which was a rocking chair decorated with a plush throw on it. Tag still on and flapping in the wind. Piled high with cushions and Dabi ached to curl up in it as he forced himself to keep standing.
 According to Shigaraki, Hawks had been waiting for the right Omega to enter his life for a long time. However the Hero had issues with the Hero commision inserting himself into his personal life as well as Omega's idealizing the Hero persona. So many relationships that the Hero attempted never worked out, which was the same reasoning he gave when Dabi suspiciously questioned why the alpha was even still available. Having been one of the people convinced that the Hero had a Omega hidden off somewhere. Assuming it was Shigaraki who Hawks was dating had gotten a deep flush from the other Omega and an immediate denial.
 The door opened and Dabi straightened up with an audible crack from his protesting spine. Alpha scent immediately hit his senses and even as his palms smoked and sparked his Omega whined. Knees buckling as his head clouded. Strong arms caught him before he could hit the ground, hands already out to brace himself. Hawks gently righted him and settled him in the chair he had been eyeing. With all the cushions and the throw, the one obviously set up for Hawks mate when he got one.
 Dabi pulled Hawks closer and inhaled his scent with a growl even as his knees opened for the Alpha and his slick increased. It was hard to think past the need for the Alphas scent and Dabi rubbed his cheek against the Alphas jawline. Uncaring that they were still outside or how pathetically needed he must have looked.
 "Woah sweetheart,      sweetheart    I did not know you were this pregnant." The Alpha soothed in awe as he hovered himself above Dabi, letting the Omega scent him. Dabi tugged hard on his shirt before the Alpha could properly brace himself and Hawks stumbled. Not into Dabi's belly thankfully as he caught himself as his hand accidentally groped Dabi's bare breast beneath the cloak.
 Immediately Dabi let out an embarrassed Yelp, his breast heavy with milk overflowed with the gentle pressure. The relief making Dabi's pussy throb with need. Seconds after the cloak grew damp and darkened over his breasts there was the dripping sound of his slick hitting the porch accompanied with Dabi's low moan. His pheromones were working overtime, forcing him into a pseudo heat in an attempt to keep this Alpha here. Hawks straightened back up after gently disentangling Dabi’s hands from his shirt. And why was this Alpha so gentle? Dabi was literally dripping and half out of his mind with need for an Alpha, he could treat him any way he wanted and Dabi would probably thank him at the moment. Just to keep the Alpha pheromones relaxing his body and mind, luring him into a sense of safety and comfort.
 Hawks let out a purring rumble as Dabi hissed in embarrassment. Helping the Omega to his feet. Ignoring the tempting smell of his slick as he placed a hand on the small of Dabi's back, walking them inside with Shigaraki attempting to be impassive behind them. Dabi still wasn’t sure if Shigaraki didn’t want the Alpha or just didn’t think he could keep him.
 "He thinks it multiplies. I'm inclined to believe him since he's super far along." Shigaraki shrugged, twisting at the edges of his sleeves as Dabi was placed in a readied nest. His own version of a nervous habit despite the confident glare on his face.
 "Hurts. Alpha." Dabi whispered. Almost hoping that he was unheard or ignored by Hawks. Hawks sat near the edge of the nest and helped support him when Dabi moved closer. Until his nose was resting against the Heroes t-shirt and he was tucked against the Heroes scent gland. Inhaling the scent of Alpha as his body sank into the nest and all of his muscles relaxed.
 "You can call me Keigo. Shigaraki here said that your suffering mate withdrawals while pregnant, did your Alpha abandon you?" Keigo questioned softly and Dabi's scent grew more distressed. Mixing with the milk and arousal in his scent to become something rancid and rotten instead of his regular smoky cedar scent.
 "Don't." Shigaraki warned Hawks with a look, something unsaid passing between them that Dabi couldn't drag his mind up from the depths of      Alpha    to care about. Taking off his own sweater and handing it over for Dabi to add to his nest. Dabi grasped it hesitantly, looking at the other Omega under his eyelashes. He had never fully explained, but Shigaraki seemed to know anyway. He tilted his head on muscle memory; exposing the cracked bleeding scar of his severed mate bond. Heard Keigo's sharp inhale and the scent of angry Alpha at the abused gland. It jerked Dabi’s mind right back to the present with a flinch he didn’t bother to mask or pretend it was anything but what it was.
 "What? Did you think I was some pure unmated Omega? I killed him." Dabi hissed violently despite the nausea crawling under his skin. Making him threaten to make a mess of the Alphas nest with nothing but bile. The blankets were probably expensive, Hawks would be angry and Shigaraki would regret introducing them.
 Both Heroes said nothing at first. There wasn't an answer to the question that would please Dabi and both of them were well aware of it. Hawks eventually let out a noncommittal hum and guided Dabi's head back into the nape of his neck. The feisty Omega settling and purring instinctively as the scent soothed his frayed nerves. He shuffled deeper into the plain nest.
 "Did you think I was the type of Alpha to care? Or the type of Hero to not think he deserved it?" Hawks calmly retorted and huffed a breath of laughter. Dabi gave a half-hearted growl at him, letting himself relax and drift again. At some point Shigaraki left and Dabi drifted off to a restful sleep for the first time in a long time.   Knowing that he had an Alpha to guard him and his baby made his chest feel too full to deal with.
  Dabi woke up to Hawks on the other side of his nest. Resting against the edge as he played a game on his phone. Dabi absentmindedly whined at how far away he was and Keigo crooned back without looking up from his game. A moment later he turned around with a questioning look on his face.
 “Sorry. Was I asleep for long?” Dabi mumbled out with his face down in the blankets. It was hard to force himself to speak. So comfortable and surrounded by Alpha scent . He was burning warm, like he was in Heat but without the pain that usually accompanied the foggy feeling. Like his thoughts had to move through a sea of syrup, sticky and slow.      “Not really considering the strain you’ve been putting on your body.” Keigo reassured, still hovering on the outside of the nest. Dabi shrugged off his shirt and scented the air again. He could smell Keigo’s interest in him, the spicy scent of Alpha arousal flavoring the air. It made Dabi blink in surprise. It smelled good, Keigo smelled good. Smelled safe, Dabi hadn’t felt this safe with an Alpha around in a long time. But if Keigo was interested, why had he not entered the nest; entered      Dabi    while the Omega was sleeping?
 “Can I come in?” Hawks asked politely, like the Hero didn’t have enough signs pointing to a yes already.      “Do you need a handwritten invitation?” Dabi snarked back, Curling into himself defensively as he spoke.      “Only if you want to go through the trouble.” Keigo quipped back as he entered the nest finally. Dabi felt, stalked, vulnerable as Keigo stared into his eyes as he crept closer to Dabi carefully in the nest. His cunt throbbed at the heat in the Alpha’s gaze and Dabi involuntarily let out another whine through his teeth. Hawks paused as Dabi tensed, waiting for Dabi to relax again. His boxers were soaked and uncomfortable, and he knew that just the scent of an Alpha wouldn’t stop his body for long. That the pseudo heat he was entering would erupt into a full one if nothing was done.      “Sorry. Just…Keep going.” Dabi couldn’t stop his tensed muscles, despite how safe Keigo’s scent made him feel. Keigo laid next to him, pressing their bodies together as he waited for Dabi’s to relax, and then for Dabi to turn to him with a scowl.      “I’m not going to beg, you agreed to help me and both of us know that you have to touch me eventually.” Dabi spat out, irritated and off balance with Keigo’s calm scent beside him. Even if the Alpha’s scent turned slightly Minty in arousal mixing with his baseline Ozone scent. The entire reason Dabi had come here was so that his body would stop throwing such a hissy fit and stop throwing his mind into chaos as well.      “You’re going to be alright, I’m still gonna take care of you. Just let me settle you first.” Hawks rumbled next to him, opening up his arms in an invitation for Dabi to crawl into them. Dabi resisted the invitation for a few moments, maybe waiting to see what Keigo would do, maybe just gathering his courage. He turned onto his side presenting his pregnant belly to Keigo and tucked his face into the Alpha’s neck where he didn’t have to look at his soft gold eyes. Taking deep breaths as his mind drifted a little and he slicked up, dampening his shorts further. He hesitated to remove them, they were becoming uncomfortable against his sensitive skin but he didn’t know if Keigo wanted to do that or not.        Dabi let out a whimper as Hawks tugged him closer. He had said he wouldn’t beg but was already rethinking that as he ached with the need to be filled. Keigo answered him with another calming rumble and Dabi felt a rush of slick coat his thighs embarrassingly fast. It made him flush as he grabbed Hawks hand, bringing it between his legs as he kept his face buried in the Alpha’s neck.
   Keigo parted the wet folds with a pleased rumble and Dabi’s hips bucked up. Gripping Hawks hand as he attempted to get his heavily pregnant body to grind against Hawks hand. The most he could manage was soft presses as he struggled to lift his hips, making tears pool in the corners of his eyes. Slick pooled beneath Dabi as Keigo gently helped turn him onto his back. Following the Omega so he was half leaning over him as he started pressing soft kisses into his skin.      Along his collarbones and neck and then grazing over the severed bond mark. That jerked Dabi out of the calm heavy brain fog he had been enjoying to let out a deep growl, a threat Keigo headed with a soft kiss to his sternum in apology. His tongue darted out to taste the skin as he moved over to Dabi’s breasts, his hand drenched in slick coming back up beside Dabi’s head to help brace Keigo as he grasped one of the sore breasts heavy with hulk in his hand. Kneading at the flesh as he bent down and with Dabi urging him on, the omega’s hands tangled in his hair and guiding him down, he stuck one of the nipples in his mouth.      Dabi, oversensitive and unused to being pleasured in general, shuddered at the sensation. Even more so when he felt his chest begin to leak milk and Keigo didn’t pull off. Instead looking up at him with a mischievous smile before giving a harder suck to the nipple, encouraging more to flow out and a relief to slowly start coming to the sore tissue.      “Alpha, Need you.” Dabi didn’t recognize his own voice, was barely aware of his begging when it was taking all of his willpower to not flip them over and sink down onto Hawks knot. Baby belly be damned he would have figured out how to make it work. He ached and was dripping from his cunt. Wanted the Knot. Wanted the reduction of pregnancy and bond withdrawal symptoms that came with as a bonus. Dabi’s arms shook where he clutched Hawks biceps.
   Keigo nipped at his flesh to bring Dabi back to the present and Dabi arched into him, even as he tried to give a hiss and shove at the Alpha’s head. Suddenly fear and anger were coursing through his veins and Keigo was pulling back in concern.      “Don’t, Don’t fucking.” Dabi growled, “No Biting.” torn between begging Keigo to bite him over the mate mark and setting him on fire for daring to nip at his skin at all. Even if it was in the wrong spot for a mating bond. The memory of another's Alpha’s teeth clamping on his skin before sinking down and breaking it -
 Dabi drew a deep breath scented with lemon and mint. Sharp and tingling his nose, helping pull him back to the present as Keigo held Dabi’s face to his neck. Alpha pheromones relaxing him as they rutted against each other.
 “No biting then, you ready for me Dabi?” Hawks asked softly. Dabi’s knees fell open wider and he ground their cocks against each other in response. Not trusting his voice. Dabi let out a low whine instincts taking over as he slipped into a false heat. Just for a few days to ‘keep’ this Alpha and get him all the Alpha pheromones his body desperately needed. Trick his body into thinking that it had done it’s job and could stop attempting to get him fucked by a dead man.
   “Good Omega.” Keigo hushed as he pushed the head of his cock finally into Dabi’s tight hole with a hiss. Dabi let out a loud wail and locked his ankles around the small of Hawks back. Pulling forward deeper and faster than either of them had expected. Resulting in Dabi shaking around him as his walls spasms and a gush of fluid gathered beneath them. Cumming immediately at feeling so full and      wanted    .      Keigo pressed kisses to his collarbones as Dabi shuddered through the aftershocks. Looking up at him with glassy sapphire blue eyes as they started to water and the Omega underneath him let out a terrified whimper.      “Oh no baby, sweetheart.” Hawks rolled onto his side and Dabi chased him, keeping them connected even as he flinched away from Hawks hand brushing his bangs back out of his eyes.      “I like that I made you feel good sweetheart.” Hawks rasped as he did his best impression of an Omega purring, the sound getting stuck but the attempt had Dabi nuzzling into his chest. Keigo stayed still for a few minutes until Dabi started squirming underneath him, pulling his cock almost all the way out before guiding it back in. giving them both a slow almost lazy build up to their orgasms. leaving Dabi to gasp and twist as he was repeatedly filled. Keigo’s knot swelled and he gently worked it into Dabi’s cunt, pressing it past Dabi’s rim with a soft pop. Dabi raked his nails down Hawks back as he orgasmed again, walls milking Keigo’s knot as it locked into place, assisted by Dabi’s tie this time as Dabi came with a scream. Hawks helped Dabi lift his hips so he could place a towel under where they were joined, soaking up the puddle of fluids underneath them. His cock pressed into Dabi’s prostate as he did so and Dabi moaned, thighs trembling where they were still clutched around him. His cunt giving a weak dribble around his Alpha’s knot.
 A feather went and grabbed a wet cloth to help clean up Dabi’s still leaking chest. Carefully cleaning the sticky mess up as much as he could while still being locked together. Dabi couldn’t stop touching him, glassy eyes looking at the Alpha above him in wonder and stroking over his arms and chest. Hawks bent down, scenting the Omega along his neck and the scared over bond gland. Dabi went still but didn’t let go of him, scenting him determinedly back with a purr, like he would disappear any second even while knotted inside Dabi.  
 They drifted off into sleep like that, Keigo attempting to ignore the protective urge to go kill an Alpha he knew was now dead. Dabi letting out a barely audible whimper with each movement he made, hands tightly holding to him even in his sleep. Hawk was still there when he woke up and Dabi tucked his head against his chest. Relieved to find that Keigo was still there. Still rumbling calmly against him and massaging his sore skin with some type of lotion. Taking care of the pregnant Omega.
Hey if you like this fic consider supporting me! anything helps! thankyou!
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rzypl · 1 year
i need a shigadabi where dabi or touya whatever, is tomura's weakness, just let dabi be the damsel in distress pleasemaybe where touya is still a civilian and his life after the coma was that he had to stick with the todorokis but it's very complicated shit because there is no good relationship with his father and there is still comparison with shouto (and all the additional traumas, those never go away) but after a big fight with enji about how the situation is being dealt with after the big confrontation the heroes had with the villains and remarking to enj that it's unfair he leaves home very late and somehow he doesn't know he ends up straying down alleys he doesn't know and out of nowhere he sees a lump on the ground and touya's first instinct is to get out but then the guy on the ground groans in pain and and well touya reacts, then touya has the basic knowledge of wound care on his own but whatever happened to the guy must be more than what touya is used to because he seems to be in agony, he crouches down and tries to get him to sit against the nearest wall they have, that's when he realizes that this man is the same one who has caused catastrophes in just days, then he has shigaraki tomura dying in an alley and touya is the one who actually helps him, the reasons are the least of it, maybe out of simple selfishness towards enji or because he couldn't let someone die who could help, I really don't care and it all goes from there you have a resentful touya keeping tomura alive for some reason and maybe the first reaction when shiggy wakes up is to attack but then you have a pretty face with big blue eyes and he's just a man okay?everything is a blur from that moment on, touya explains that he found him in an alley and he didn't really have a reason to save him so he owes him his life (i'm paraphrasing) then tomura also tells him without being asked why he was in that alley without his people and they never stop talking as if they've known each other all their lives and somehow touya becomes everything to shiggy and tell me if it's not powerful that the same man who brings down cities with a touch is willing to give his life for ONE person to add spice to life, in the end the rumors that there is someone with the fucking tomura shigaraki spread like wildfire and touya is kidnapped and tortured to such an extent that they end up killing him and neither enji nor tomura can do anything to stop it and tomura no longer has anyone to feel sorry for, the world knows no peace since that day.
o o also one after the war where dabi gets pregnant (because there is too much need for more omega dabi fics) (but it's hard for me because i don't like omegaverse fics too much let me)
and then they have a crisis because he thought he couldn't have children but he wants children, that stability of being able to form a family (traumas) he tells tomura and although at the beginning he was also undecided but seeing the happiness of his omega is enough, practically they won the war so everything is fine until dabi is 4 months old, somehow the heroes have tracked them to where they are and there is a raid.
things go wrong very quickly, even though everyone in the league was unharmed they still got it very complicated, they have to escape but dabi tells shiggy that for a moment he looks like he is going to faint then there is blood running down his legs.
obviously this is a big shock, in the few years the two had become so attached to the fetus and then dabi has a miscarriage due to a situation that they don't control but that doesn't make it any more enjoyable. they have a very, very bad time and then they have another raid when shiggy and the others go to look for supplies and only toga and dabi are left and although toga does his best they end up taking dabi with him.
clearly chaos ensues
(as an extra point dabi has a twin pregnancy and only one dies so 😁)
everyone has a hard time here, don't worry
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fairystar111 · 1 month
More context on the AUs
ABO AU: Katsuki is a neglected omega pup hiding his classification due to his parents telling him omegas cannot be heroes. After the incident where he is chained to the podium at the Sports Festival. He is stalked and then kidnapped by the league. In their care he succumbs to their manipulation easily due to the neglect he received at home. He will view Shigaraki/Dabi as his parents and the rest of the league as his pack.
Overhaul AU: Overhual stalks and kidnaps a middle school Izuku due to his quirkless status. He is convinced he is one of the only clean/pure beings left as a result he forms a obsessive attachment to the boy. He convinces Izuku that he is worthless to everyone except him. (Don't have that much for this one yet but that's the general jist.)
Twisted Endeavor AU: Enji is trying to be a good father by locking Shouto away and keeping him away from hero work for his own safety after he is injured during his work study. He convinces everyone that Shouto is mentally unwell or more injured than he really is and that that is why he is gone. He forcibly cares for Shouto treating him like a child, doing the things he never did the first time around. Will include things like: Endeavor drugging(Safely) Shouto to make him weaker, quirk suppressants, Shouto entering a childlike state of mind to cope with his new reality.
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katthepq · 2 years
Touya has wanted to be a sailor for as long as he could remember, a dream his father nurtured...until he presented as an omega. Shortly after a pirate attack Touya is dropped at an omega school and left there for years. When his brother arrives to liberate him, Touya assumes it's so he can finally return to the Endeavor, and be the sailor he always knew he was. Instead, he's told he's been promised in marriage to a Keigo Takami--a landowner and merchant. And probably old as the hills and a landlubber, to boot.
Alpha Keigo Takami has a second identity--the well known and feared pirate Hawks, captain of the Ghost (if you see her, you're about to become one). He decides to get a look at the man his uncle Tsunagu promised was his perfect match, and raids the Endeavor. When Touya raises a sword, determined to fight him, Hawks falls hard and fast, already dreaming of their honeymoon. Which is how he ends up bargaining with Touya for a kiss...and then more.
Plunder (Explicit content forthcoming, over 18 only please)
Chapter 2 just posted
#TouyaTodoroki #Dabi #MyHeroAcademia #KeigoTakami #Hawks #dabihawks #dabihawksweek22 #dabi x Hawks #omegaDabi #alphaHawks #omegaverse #pirates
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ao3feed-todoroki · 4 years
That's Not a Nest Dabi
That's not a nest Dabi by Slashitortrashit
Dabi's never had the urge to build a nest like he does now. Shigaraki steps in and helps him make it something useable. DabiHawks is mostly background and Shigaraki teasing him about it.
Words: 2649, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Relationships: Dabi & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Dabi is a Todoroki, League of Villains as Family, omegadabi, Omega Verse, Omega Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24426274
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mrpenguinpants · 5 years
BNHA Omegaverse - Omega Dabi HC aka why does no one write this hello???
You know what we need more of? Omega Dabi. It has come to my attention that there is LITERALLY NOTHINGGGGG on omega Dabi. There are like 2 fics and they're both fucking short. So as this world’s lord and savior I’m back with more. This is kind of a sequel to my first one that you can find here: Omegadabi but you don’t HAVE to read it to read this one. Anyways
Dabi is the most closeted slut of an omega. No, he's not horny 24/7 he's just really really deprived okay? There's a difference
Dude just really wants your love and affection
He will hog and steal all your clothes even if they barely smell like you, he does not care. You’re gonna need to invest in a second wardrobe 
Since Dabi wasn't exactly treated nicely back at home he plays catch up now
Even tho he's probably in his 20s it does feel like you have a 15-year-old mate that just got their second gender
Got super excited when you first bonded so he could finally know what it was like to make a nest
Dude had mother fuckin heart eyes, it was blinding
Is the type to call Hawks at terrible times just to ask for advice
“Is it bad if I have spoons in my nest? Well you’re basically a bird, birds sometimes put shiny things in their nest”
Dabi is so fucking cute when he lets his inner omega run free
He walks around with a stick up his ass and a terrible mouth that can only be shut up by his alpha sometimes 
But gosh dang is it worth it when he decides to let his inner omega take control
The softest shit you’ve ever seen
He is the purest boi when he’s trying to scent your clothes. He takes it very seriously 
“Dabi. I know you’re worried about other omega’s but we’re going to be late”
“Hush, I want to make Shigaraki gag when you walk in reeking of my scent. This is important.”
Is surprisingly cool with you interacting with other omega’s and beta’s. For all his insecurities, after you two bonded all those worries have vanished
Any semblance of jealousy is replaced with pride. Yeah, look at your alpha. Now back at mine. 400 % Out. Of. Your. League. Mister 
If he ever does feel threatened, he’ll just waltz up like the smug son of a bitch he knows he is and complains how your bond mark is fading 
Honestly, Dabi’s confidence level went through the roof when you two bonded. It was a really big moment for him and it helped him deal with his insecurities as an omega. As your omega
God, he knows that his quirk is fire but fuck, does he melt when he looks at his and your bond mark 
Now, when he gets his heat he’s like a ticking time bomb. Before he would push you away to hide and deal with it himself. But after he finally accepted you as his alpha it’s almost impossible to separate the two of you 
Dabi will throw fire at anyone that walks in on you two. He doesn’t give a shit who it is, they are not more important than this and his time with you
While Alphas are more protective to Omega’s, Omega’s do take on the parental aspect 
Dabi will notice if you’re not eating enough, not sleeping enough, or overworking yourself. Sometimes you need to take a moment out of your day to question who the fuck your omega is sometimes
Who is this mother hen?? 
Dabi blames it on the fact he grew up with younger siblings
One day, you ask him about his younger siblings and Dabi just freezes up 
He isn’t open much, that’s still a hurdle for you both but he does tell you who his father is. This includes what his father did to him
“Dabi, I’m going for a walk”
“At 3 am?”
“A very important walk” 
The news reported that day about how Endeavours hero agency suddenly burned down 
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ao3feed-dabihawks · 4 years
by Slashitortrashit
Dabi's never had the urge to build a nest like he does now. Shigaraki steps in and helps him make it something useable. DabiHawks is mostly background and Shigaraki teasing him about it.
Words: 2649, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Dabi (My Hero Academia), Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Relationships: Dabi & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: Background Relationships, Dabi is a Todoroki, League of Villains as Family (My Hero Academia), omegadabi, Omega Verse, Omega Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
Dabi hates the way his stomach twists the first time Hawks brings Toga a 'gift'. He's been feeling the Hero out, the occasional flirt sent his way being welcome. The insults almost teasing and now, now Hawks was bringing them gifts. It was one thing to not bring up the shit Dabi was stealing out of Hawks apartment for everyone else.
But this was worse, worse than when he finally made his move on Dabi for all the dinners out and the medicine. Worse than when he'd been so nice about it, giving Dabi the option of paying later rather than now.
-Hawks kissing along Dabi's jaw and one of his hands by Dabu's head, half boxing him in and he gets nervous. Dabi's not sure Hawks will take a no, whose faster isn't a game he wants to play with Hawks. He dosen't want to say no, not yet, Hawks other hand is warm in between his thighs where he's nicely groping at Dabi over his pants.
"Let me know if you don't want to do this Dabs." Hawks pulls back to mutter in his ear before he sucks on the spot underneath it. Dabi's dick twitches at Hawks raspy voice and the attention as he lazily opens his eyes to check the exits.
If he doesn't do it now he will just have to pay Hawks back later. Maybe when he's not as generous or Dabi isn't as turned on.
"It's fine Hawks, now fuck me." He tilts his head to whisper in Hawks ear and let's himself moan.-
Toga, Toga is a child. Teenager really, a year away from legal adulthood that she never fails to remind him of. Hawks gives it to her and Dabi's heart leaps to his throat.
Hawks won't take it out from her, probably. He's not the kind of man, everyone wants to believe their husband, brother, father, cousin, best friend is incapable. That's how they get away with it.
Dabi watches and keeps the cost tally. He keeps Hawks attention on him, it's easy, the way Hawks still dotes and spoils him most. How he still leaves things to give everyone out. Then Hawks gives Toga a brand new Lolita styled coat, matching boots,gloves and hat and Dabi drags him into his room immediately. Stripping off his dirty over washed white T to reveal himself.
He's, Dabi knows he's not much to look at. He's rail thin and his ribs are clearly seen, sure he's got his nipples pierced but his scars distract from the jewelry.
"Hey wait a minute hot stuff, I want to see it on her." Hawks still gives Dabi a rake over and tries to duck around him to the door.
"Your taking it from me. Not her. She should be able to have nice clothes without worrying." Dabi grits his teeth as he draws his boundaries in the sand.
Preparing for the pain, or the embarrassment of wearing a dress again, or the bargaining that such a expensive gift will entail. Dabi closes his eyes and starts adding up his old rates.
Hours vs kinks vs entire nights. Hawks could own him for a week and do whatever he wanted for that brands ensemble. Its expensive, durable and fashionable. The kind of place Fuyumi should have been able to shop.
"What are you talking about? I'm not taking anything from you or her?" Hawks smile is too stiff, his confusion too fake. Dabi swallows hard, Hawks finds him attractive. He, he can do this. Toga needed the winter gear and it's something she will wear without Dabi chasing her down to do so. Hawks finds him attractive, he mentally deducts his prices a little as he considers how he looks compared to Hawks.
If he's resorting to this Dabi might be in pain afterwords, despite how nice he's been so far, that might change once Dabi puts his foot down. As much as he's able anyways.
"She's 17 Hawks. A teenager whose not ready for these deals." Dabi rolled his neck and lowered his eyes when Hawks gaze snapped to his. Holding the eye contact. "40 a hour, 10 a kink and 100 a night, pretty bird."
Dabi crooked his fingers at Hawks and gave a little smirk he didn't feel. He was already tired and regretting this. Shigaraki would need a new coat as well as Spinner. They were used to nice usable things and money to get them.
Hawks paled as he watched Dabi and then he was diving for the window, shoving it up out of its stuck position and hurling outside.
Dabi's heart sunk. He knew. He knew it was different in the daylight. The staples and piercings did little to distract from the scars and how they stretched, how his skin was work and scraped where he was held together. He was too skinny but he couldn't afford food when he was busy sneaking the leftovers and Bento's onto the younger members and Shigaraki.
"Your not taking it back and she's not paying you. Take it or leave it Hero." Dabi growled out, braced for Hawks to react violently and to loose his source of 'free' supplies and food. As well as his "gifts."
"Tell me, that, what were." Hawks couldn't get out while he was dry heaving. "I'm not that disgusting. Made enough to live and for you to take under your oh so flammable wings." Dabi snapped out. Shoulders tense and shivering as he stood there shirtless and uncomfortable. Hawks realized how small he really was, the bento's- Dabi hadn't eaten them had he?
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
Ex Mate Au
Warnings: Omegaverse. Dabi had a previous Alpha that has left him with trauma and a hormone imbalance. Past rape and assault in a abusive relationship alluded to. Dabi kills the unnamed Ex.
It was funny at first. Watching the spy jump around like he's courting Dabi. He snickers about it to himself and to the League. Shielding him with a spare umbrella if it's raining, giving a flirtatious little bow when he greets the Villain. 
At first it's obvious it's a show. Dabi greedily uses it to his advantage. A eyelash flutter here, a low shirt there. Nothing drastic yet, but it's kind of funny being the center of the Alpha's attention.
Then, Dabi makes a mistake. He's caught out in the rain and away from the base, bleeding from a wound in his side.  He's got enough scars, the Omega would have just burnt it shut and kept going. Make it back to the base, have a drink and sleep for the next 48 hours.
Hawks see’s him. Evidently he's got more to his quirk than the flashy red mind controlled knives. Like those weren't enough already.
"Just come to my apartment. You're not going to get far bleeding out." 
It was warm and dry. Dabi was already tired. Still exhausted from a heat. his body didn't handle them the same anymore. Burning him up and flashes of pain through tense muscles as Dabi's dead bond bite throbbed. Shitty hormones didn't understand there was no Alpha any longer. 
Dabi had accepted quietly. Watching the obnoxious Alpha flutter around him. The feathers didn't pin him to the door or wall to arrest him. Dabi nearly fell flat on his face when the blood loss and his empty stomach made him stumble over his own feet.
Hawks, hero too fast for his own good, had moved too fast to catch him. This time Dabi couldn't hide the flinch as his quirk ignited. Scorching Hawks and leaving Dabi to catch himself. 
"Hot stuff? Don't you want help before you rip that gash any wider?"
"Do I look like I need help? Save the flirting for an Omega who gives a damn Hawks, it's getting old."
He sneered as he picked himself up, shaking off a memory of another Alpha, another floor and a diffrent injury.
Hawks had still offered a hand up, posture rigid. Rolling his eyes Dabi and ignored it. Rolling his shoulders with a crack as he locked himself in Hawks bathroom. Disinfecting the wound before starting to stitch it closed. Every so often a whine or a whimper would escape through clenched teeth.  When he came back out Hawks was cooking dinner, headphones on.
He never noticed Dabi letting himself out the balcony window. Stitches aching and borrowed bathroom spotless of the blood that had been staining it.
After that, Hawks got more serious. Dabi brought Twice with him after Hawks got a little too bold. Inviting him back to his apartment for drinks and 'to relax'.
Except, Twice and Hawks got along fantastically well. He scowled when Keigo showed up with takeout for 2 from a seafood place, and then held a hand out for one of those damn knives to deliver a separate bag to him. 
"And your lunch, gorgeous." Keigo gave a wiggle of eyebrows. They held eye contact as Dabi took the free meal. The tension was thick enough that it was clear even to Dabi that Keigo was serious.
The stupid tiny vase and fake flowers found one evening on his windowsill didn't help. Even as his cheeks flushed and he placed the little knickknack on his bare dresser, his heart thudded with mixed emotions.
Little gifts,  flowers that Dabi could keep and food. All he was missing was the blankets covered in Hawks scent. More of a after shared heat thing anyways. 
"So?" Shigaraki swatted at him with a couch cushion.
"So what?" 
"When were you going to tell me he was courting you?" Some scary leader of Villains Shigaraki was digging for gossip and buried in his own nest on the couch. He had an Alpha that liked to spoil him. Being surrounded by soft things also calmed Shigaraki's extreme anxiety. Nests built out of Alpha's gifts weren't uncommon for Omegas.
Dabi placed his hand over his scared bond mark. Almost directly on top of the scent gland on his neck and always kept hidden.
Dabi didn't know how he'd feel about one. If he could ever stand to be surrounded by a Alpha's scent again without
-waking up and not knowing anything but that he ached. His head pounded and he gagged. His neck was bloody again. Everything smelt like him, there was shouting and footsteps towards the room.  Blue fire erupted from where he laid and Dabi closed his eyes.-
"He's not. Not seriously." He gripped the edge of the couch and Shigaraki flickered his eyes between Dabi and his switch. Really, he was flattered that Shig would even share it. But Dabi wouldn't even know how to make a character move.
"Twice says he's trying. A bit over the top." Shigaraki shrugged. Dabi knew it for what it was, an offer to get rid of the Hero. Even if he's seen the mark and knows the story.
If Dabi wasn't interested.
"I don't know how I feel about it yet. It's nice? Even if he doesn't mean it." He shrugged and Shigaraki narrowed his eyes. Picking at the scabs on his own neck.
"You think he's stringing you along? Just for sex or? Your allowed to just have a fling you know." 
"I haven't made any innuendos and neither has he since that time he invited me to his apartment." Dabi could kick at Shigaraki and snap at him until the both turned blue in the face. But here he was, picking at his own line of staples in his hand. Pressure behind his eyes and he swallowed hard. Knowing he couldn't cry anymore. 
He didn't remember doing that, but the hospital he woke up in told him he'd done the burns under his eyes himself so he'd stop bawling.
"Dabi." Shigaraki was stupid soft when it came to the League. Rest of the world could truly burn in hell and he'd never look up from his game. Dabi didn't look at him. Keeping his eyes trained on the ceiling.
"No c'mon. Sako and Kuroguri have been telling you, like me, that sometimes you have to look at people when they talk to you."
"Fine then." A soft 4 fingered grip closed on his leg. His muscles jumped at the unexpected touch, from someone who hated touching.
"Dabi, as your pack leader, the boss of the League of Villains, a fellow Omega and your best friend. I would never let you disappear. Even to the #2 Heroes apartment."
"I know Shig." Dabi blinked as a plushie landed on his face.
"Good. Because you wouldn't be fighting yourself out or killing him alone this time." Dabi stared at him. Then decided to keep the plushie. Served Shigaraki right for being an annoyingly right fuckface.
Twice didn't have to go to the meeting anymore. He was a little disappointed but when he teased Dabi that he just wanted his alone time with Hawks, and Dabi turned colors, he found it hard to be upset. There would be other times. Hawks was a good guy, genuinely trying to court Dabi. He stayed up with Dabi the next meeting night as he paced around the kitchen, making homemade karage with shaking hands. Twice and spinner chatted with him until it was done, then all 3 decided it was time to drink a beer and watch crappy TV which they of course fell asleep watching.
"When are we coming for you Dabi?" Kuroguri straightened the cuffs on his suit as Dabi drummed his fingers on the lid to the karage. His courting gift. Easy enough for him to make but showy at the same time. Sako had helped steal the ingredients and pick the dish.
He was doing this.
The broken bond mark scorched in pain and Dabi ignored it. It was done, it didn't matter.
"What? You remember what time right? The coordinates? I can leave them on the fridge-"
"Dabi. You need to say it. Say it and believe it before I teleport you." Soft yellow eyes bored into his. Kuroguri wouldn't ever leave anyone behind, too much of a dad.
"Your opening a portal onto warehouse 19's roof in 5 hours. Sooner if I call." He recited, stupid as it sounded and even felt a little, it felt easier to breath.
"If your not there, we are sending Magne into Hawks apartment. Finding you is our first priority, so should you change your mind our first goal is to find you. The step 10 minutes after that Shigaraki takes the city. And we keep taking city's until your home Dabi." Sako leaned against the wall as he watched Kuroguris portal open up.
"I know. I know, is it weird that I'm excited?" He bit his lip before he could continue but Sako grinned wide.
"I don't know, Hawks is hot. Maybe you should stay home. I'll go deliver your home cooked food to the Hero." Dabi flipped him off as he laughed, offering a one armed hug he stepped into.
This is what pack was to him now. People he believed would come looking for him. Not stopping until he was found.
He shoved Sako as he ruffled his mop of dyed hair. Stepping through to the cries of the base yelling to use protection. Keigo was already there, out of uniform for once and awkwardly holding a folder in one hand, and a plastic bag in the other. Coffee cups held by feathers wavered dangerously before righting themselves.
"You brought food?" He asked dumbstruck. "You said Twice wasn't coming..." 
Dabi walked over to a table shoved up on the roof for this reason and sat down.
"You waiting for me to put something in your mouth? Or are you going to close it?" He wiped his palms on his pants. Out of his villain get up for once. Not, in the fully 3 peice suits a date would have once meant to him. Uncomfortable and stifling. Instead just in thrift store Jean's that were a little rugged, a button up shirt that wasn't fully fastened but clean, and a couple bracelets. Large rings decorated his fingers just in case the worst happened and he couldnt use his quirk. 
He also had knives in his boots and boxers. Honest to god, who taught Toga this shit? Half humorously Dabi wished someone had thought to teach him that sooner.
"Gorgeous I would eat anything you put in my mouth with you looking like that." Hawks winked as he fluttered over, setting one of the cups down carefully in front of him.
Fuck, he couldn't do this.
"Is that chicken in there? I wanntttt some!  Dabi did you make me chicken?"
"Karaage, and give me the schedules we asked for. Should have named you vulture." Dabi huffed at him. 
"This is my favorite, you know." Keigo spoke softly and hesitated before opening the tupperware. Like he was asking if he could take it as a courting gift.
The bond mark flared, but Dabi didn't touch it and it went away.
"I know. I looked it up." He muttered. The embarrassment worth the emotions Hawks face went through.
True to their word a swirling portal opened on top of a building exactly 5 hours later. They had eaten, gone through the Heroes schedules and then Keigo had presented him with the plastic bag. It was stupid, it was just useful thing for the league. Basic medical supplies, pain killers, some medical staples, lotions and scent patches. Nothing they couldn't have stolen.
It still made Dabis heart thud. Hawks was not just gifting him something, he was gifting his pack. People looking to hook up didn't do that. Not even in rich families that bought their wives.
The second bundle was just for him. Keigo called then stupid things, Dabi was inclined to agree, if not for the fact that they meant alot. Acrylic paints notebooks and a fold away easel. Dabi didn't draw or paint, but it would be fun to learn.
Things he could live without. And that's why he appreciated them so much more.
There's more meetings, and then just dates. Dabi's able to stop hiding his face behind a folder for half of them. Even when Keigo has an answer for every tease and innuendo Dabi can shoot at him.
Part of it is probably due to being a public hero, and a model. The amount of lines he must hear a day makes Dabi jealous, instead he's here. With Dabi.
Dabi eventually doesn't need the security of Kuroguri picking him up anymore. The league arn’t going to let him disappear into a Alpha's arms and never be seen again. This decision was only helped by Sako yanking him back through a portal as Keigo kissed him once. Just, grabbed his shift collar and dragged him away.
Sako did apologize later. A little half hearted and too amused.
The next date also goes well, until it doesn't. Meeting at Keigo's place just makes sense. He has more space, privacy and it's easier for Dabi to get to him than Keigo flying across the city to him. Fastest Hero or not. 
Cuddling and talking during a movie is fine. Normal. Dabi does feel safe with Keigo. Which is why he doesn't know why he reacts the way he does when Keigo nips at his neck.
It's not a true bite. They were excited and Dabi had all but forgotten the bond scar. There's too many scars that hurt to remember one when it's been fading daily, the more time he spends with an Alpha the less it burns.
Hormones realigning themselves or balancing he's sure. Enji had him pulled out of the class that covered Bond Mark's and sex ed. Citing that it was a problem for home.
Only to never tell Dabi anything, so when there was that first unwilling bite, and the endorphins had told him it was okay. He had gone home with the Alpha. And hadn't known upon waking up that it would take years for it to turn to a proper bond. One that would scar and burn when broken. 
Keigo nips, because that's what Alpha's do, and because it's nice for both parties. Dabi's quirk flares intensely and he shoves himself off Keigo as his skin smokes. He focuses on not erupting into flame.
Try to think of positive things, - what positive things! 
As Dabi’s emotions tip and slide sideways. Remembering being held down and used wherever he was, preceded with a mating bite to make him less likely to fight it. He doesn't want to fight Keigo. The Omega was even interested in moving to the bedroom minutes ago. So why is he reacting like this?
"Hey. Hey firecracker." Keigo's voice melds into and then slices through his thoughts. Taloned hand held his lightly. Just around the fingers so he can pull away.
Dabi keeps hold of his hand as he blinks. Stares at Keigo and his kind eyes. Crouching down on the floor with him. Keigo is safe, and if he ever isn't. There's a plan.
The League won't let him disappear again. Keigo would never steal him. 
"No biting." He manages to breathe out. Grimacing at the way it sounds like a demand. Better than a plea.
"Alright. No biting for Dabi." Keigo soothes. He doesn't ask why, Dabi doesn't tell him. They just wait until Dabi can climb back up on the couch and Keigo can hold him. He's sure Keigo has questions, but he's too tired to answer them again.
It's not brought up again. Just like the fact that Dabi doesn't want to get naked quite yet with Keigo. Despite being fine if he's pulling Keigo's off. 
How does he even tell Keigo about that scar? In a way he wants to, Some part of Dabi wants to tell Keigo and know the Hero will believe him. Even if Keigo has already told Dabi he never has to tell the Alpha things.
There's a fight with the League and some morons trying to challenge them. They get their ass kicked but Dabi feels a couple staples pop loose anyways. Under his shirt and far enough behind on his back he will have trouble reaching. Sako offers to fix them, he has before. But Dabi takes the opportunity and makes the call to Keigo. Telling the others not to wait up, that he may not be back tonight.
Keigo steps into his apartment at the same time as Dabi and immediately starts checking the visible areas for injuries. 
"It's fine Kei. I'm not hurt bad. Few popped staples." 
"I thought we agreed only I could pop your staples, and only if I put them back in." Against his better judgment it makes Dabi laugh and breaks the heavy air.
"You get to help me put them back okay?"  He snorts and heads to the bathroom. First aid kit already sitting on the sink. Keigo doesn't say anything, just hops up on the counter and makes himself look busy messing with the kit as Dabi removes his shirt.
Something clatters back into the box as Keigo drops it. Shoulders tense and another staple decides to vacate the tension in Dabi's back. 
"Oh sweetheart." Is the first thing Keigo mutters and his fingers flutter over it. 
"I was young. I didn't know that it took multiple to get a permanent bond. He just,  he was nice. Until he marked me. Then, he made me disappear."
"He's dead right? You're not still, bound to him?" Keigo gently wiped away the blood on his back. It sounded more like a offer than a accusation. Dabi let his eyes close in relief.
"I burned everything down one day. Coming out of a heat. My quirk just, decided to light me on fire. Burnt myself, the bed and that Alpha up in minutes."
Keigo was quiet for several long moments.
"It makes your heats difficult, right? Even with it broken?"
"No." Dabi swallowed. "It makes them painful. With random burning from it sometimes still."
"Dabi, if you want. I can-" Keigo starts putting in the line of staples. So careful it barely hurts. 
"No. I don't want you to bite over it. Or replace it... I don't want any more bonds or Mark's in my life. No, no biting for me please." Dabi's frame shook slightly in the mirror. But he watched Keigo put two of his fingers to his lips, then press the kiss over Dabi’s scared mating mark. A way for Keigo to still say he loved him, without having to mark him.
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
Mated Au Headcanon
In a Mated au thing what if Dabi is just, completely confused on why Keigo would continue to spoil him after mating him. At first he try's to brush it off but the gifts keep coming and Keigo keeps showering him in love.
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
Aizawa realizing Dabi is actually really scared. Most criminals or homeless are when they get caught. 'Dabi' is no diffrent, probably more afraid of the consequences of his actions than anything else.
Aizawa rolls his eyes and erases his quirk, and when theres not smoke coming off him he can see that Dabi is shaking. Not slightly, and not unlike an addict. Full on trembling in fear, far too skinny. Fuck. Somebody has already fucked this kid up.
"Age?" He inquires. 'Dabi' gives a weak hiss at him and Aizawa can see his eyes flickering around the dead end alley they're in.
"22" the black haired omega spits out and backs up just a little bit further. Hes got no where to go and he knows it. He's picking at bandages on his arms. The reason Aizawa had even trailed him all the way here, to check on him, make sure he wasnt too young doing things he shouldn't for nessacities Shouta could get him.
"Bull. Age and Name omega." He snaps his fingers, checking his reaction time and focus. Bad idea. The kid starts hyperventilating and flinches away. Breathing hard. Aizawa raises his hands up and backs up a little. Dabi , he guesses he can call him that, already smells like preheat. Juvenile thankfully. But it also means Dabi is already lying about his age.
"Kid, you gotta come home with me. I'll get you set up in our spare room with some food and you can nest. Your not far from hitting your heat" he starts out. As gentle and soothing as he can. Like when he's coaxing a cat out from under a dumpster. Dabi scrambles back against the brickwall of the alley.
"No. No your not going to take me home and get to tou touc touch me fo for god knows how long." Dabi is sobbing against the opposite wall and baring his teeth everytime Aizawa so much as twitches. So He does the only thing he can think to do.He calls Hizashi.
Who arrives about a half hour later as Dabi's eyes are dropping in exhaustion from being so on edge and hes whimpering every once in awhile. Preheat scent getting thicker.
Hizashi places his tiny portable speaker next to Aizawa and sets down a styrofoam container from the dinner near his work a few feet away from Dabi. Right in the middle of where they've been having their stand off. Hisashi turns on one of Aizawa's favorite songs and doles out coffee he also brought.
Aizawa and Hizashi wordless start tucking into their lunch and Aizawa cant help but to lean into him a bit. Hes always so warm and like a human battery for him.
Dabi watches the exchange for a few minutes, before hungrily snatching the food brought for him, and withdrawing back to his corner.
"Hey, let me know if you've got a request little listener! We're going to be here until we can either escort you so a safer area or you let my omega Aizawa help you out." Hizashi send Dabi and of his friendly grins.
Dabi wipes at his crusted over eyes and then down at the food and couple.
"No sex. I just want. I'm only 17 okay? I cant go home." It takes everything in him but Aizawa does not rush the teen and pull him into a hug then and there in that alley.
He does that later in his nest at home when Dabi finally succumbs to sleep.
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
Dabi: fuck you I'm scenting your couch and sleeping in your bed
Keigo: ... want me to hand feed you? Cuz uh, I will...😍
Dabi: k cool. Cool. Cool. Cool um.
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
As much as I like the idea of Dabi feeling out of depth with Omega behavior or instincts I like the idea of him strutting in like he owns the place too.
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
Ace Omegaverse
Warnings: DabiHawks attempt to navigate their relationship and what they want from each other. Assumptions are made and conversations that Dabi would rather avoid have to be had. Hawks is a version of Ace, they talk regarding intimacy and heats, how Keigo deals with those vs how Dabi is used to dealing with them. 
Past Sexual assault and rape while Dabi was in a previous abusive relationship are touched on.
This is not meant to represent the entire ace community or anyone in it. It is a story idea. If you do not feel represented properly by this story your welcome to give this one a tip, and request something that would rep YOU better.
It’s always inconvenient to lose a base. They are more than meeting places, that’s why they keep getting discovered. If the League had enough time to set up a warehouse where they could meet, and a seperate one where they could live, it might work out better. Shigaraki was refusing to let them split up though, eyes maniac as he scratched his neck bloody and insisted he keep his pack close.
It led them to situations like now, Dabi approaching his heat right on time and with them still trying to find some place to rest. Shigaraki doesn't stop him when he peels off from the group like he did any other time. They both know where he’s going. Shigaraki’s heats are too erratic to keep track of, striking suddenly, but he actually does a decent job of keeping track of the rest of theirs. He considers it part of being the pack leader, Dabi had dragged out of him during one argument over knowing where Dabi was at every moment. Apparently it drove him nuts that something could happen to a League member if they went into heat or rut and out in the open. 
Dabi’s headed to Hawks. The Hero he’d been dancing around a relationship with anyways. The recruit Dabi knew wasn’t an actual recruit. Dabi broke into the apartment enough that doing it in the rain that was pouring down wasn’t even that much of an added challenge. He picked up the feather he knew would alert Hawks he was there as he stepped inside. He set it on a table as he stripped and headed for the shower. Birdie would be home whenever he felt like it, Dabi at least wanted a shower first before he got there.
He knew Hawks, he reminded himself as he stepped into the hot water, washing his hair with Hawks’ shampoo. The scent relaxed him further. Visiting Keigo’s apartment was always nice, but maybe Keigo wouldn’t even come home before his heat ended. Keigo had just offered Dabi his apartment the last time he showed up smelling of post heat. Probably due to Dabi being a little more willing to light feathers on fire than normal.
Dabi stepped out of the shower feeling drained of energy, a sign his heat was settling in. He paused at the empty hallway bedroom door, considering if it was for him to use. The door was unlocked and a stack of thick comforters with blankets at the end of it. It was wide open as he paused in the doorway. Hawks still wasn’t home. He could come home at any time to find Dabi in his apartment. If he didn’t want Dabi unsupervised in his apartment he should get better locks on his damn doors. The hair on the back of his neck raised as he stepped inside, he forced his shoulders down but it felt too much like invading a room he was not supposed to be in.
Fuyumi had hated him stepping into her room; he’d gotten in trouble for that often enough with the nanny. His stomach turned as he kept his ears tuned for any sound at all. There were worse consequences now than when he was a child, sneaking into his siblings room out of curiosity. Even with the type of house Touya had grown up in.
He swallowed hard as he turned and walked out of the spare room. The tempting idea of curling up by himself, placing the bedding into a half hearted nest and closing the door had been overshadowed by his unease. A mental image of Hawks dragging him out of it bringing a shiver down his tense spine. Dabi shuffled into Hawks’ room instead. It smelled better there anyways. Stealing a pair of Hawks’ sweats he found while snooping around, he crawled into Hawks bed, eyes drooping as he struggled to stay awake. If Hawks came back to his apartment he wanted to be aware of it.
He lost the fight eventually, after several times trying to wake himself back up. He was warm, clean, and the room smelled like an Alpha while he was about to enter heat. It was a losing battle that Dabi unwillingly gave in to. The door opening woke him up and he struggled to lift his heavy eyelids. He knows he should wake up. He gets himself prepared and ready to talk about boundaries, Sako had told it was important to establish them right away. The hand gently carding through his hair did not help.
“Why are you in my room, hot stuff? You could have taken the blanket into the spare one.” Keigo nudged him over and Dabi’s eyes finally fully snapped open. 
He couldn’t just let himself drift off like that in the Hero’s home. No matter how much his own instincts and heat were telling him the Alpha was safe, he knew better. Wanted to lay the hard lines and the gruesome consequences until he couldn’t enforce them anymore. His neck was burnt to hell and back, the scent gland beneath damaged and still, Alphas went for it. He’d been pressed against too many alleys nosing for that scent of safety and Alpha.
He liked Hawks, even, it wasn’t like it would be difficult to just let the heat take over. The Alpha was already kneeling on bed beside him, encroaching into his space. Dabi crawled out of the blanket and yawned, ignoring Hawks’ eyes softening at him.
“Do you need any help with your heat?” Hawks wouldn’t meet his eyes as Dabi removed his borrowed sweatshirt. Warm and soft as it was, his staples tore away from his skin too easily to let Hawks take it off later, better to just do it now.
“No biting my scars, even for a mating mark,.” he muttered as he swung himself over Hawks hips leaning down and stealing a kiss from the hero.
Hawks let out a soft noise of surprise as Dabi moved his attention downwards. He wasn’t even truly horny yet, just interested with his stomach doing strange swoops at the sight of Hawks. Alphas tended to relax his instincts and give a false sense of safety anyways. With Hawks it may even be real, Dabi didn’t know and didn’t want to find out how patient he could be, letting the haze of heat start fogging his mind over with it’s insistence that he nuzzle into Keigo’s neck. Mouth at the sensitive skin where his shoulder and neck met, right on his scent gland.
Keigo didn’t move underneath him. What was more surprising to him was that his scent wasn’t affecting the Hero from what he could tell. Most Alphas Dabi had met had one out of two reactions to him. Either they found his scent disgusting after whatever the scarring had done to them, or they didn’t care and took advantage of his damaged nerve endings. There was no arousal burning in his nostrils, Keigo wasn’t kicking him out or throwing him off of him either. He just laid there stiffly beneath him, maybe surprised Dabi was actually here. He could have offered his apartment as a joke. An empty gesture Hawks didn’t expect to be taken up on.
Not his problem if the stupid Hero had decided to offer him a safe space to spend his heat for the first time since the League’s base got raided and not expected him to take him up on it. This was actually not a bad way to spend one all things considered. The nagging thought that Keigo had hoped for more than Dabi’s bony ass draping himself across Hawks lap still wouldn’t let him relax. His back was cold and the texture of Hawks flight suit was annoying him. One way to get him out of that.
Dabi gave a sharper nip to Keigo’s scent gland and started pulling off the others fluffy aviator jacket.
“Dabi, wait.” He wrapped his wrists around Dabi's, seeming to flounder for words as Dabi stared at him dully. Keigo looked distinctly uncomfortable and a coil of unease slunk deeper into the arousal his heat was giving him. If it was a weird kink of some sort it wouldn’t make sense to tell him now. Unless he was just giving Dabi the illusion of choice. It was always the Heroes that were into the weird crap and never told him ahead of time. Dabi’s blood went cold as Keigo continued to stutter uncomfortably at him and avoided looking directly at Dabi. Fine, Dabi knew he wasn’t exactly a model like the Alpha underneath him sometimes was, but Keigo never had problems meeting his eyes or looking at the Villains’ battered body any other time.
“No biting the scars, including a mating mark. Only rule, Hawks.” He grit his teeth and jerked his hands away from Hawks, diving for the Hero's belt and ripping it off. Boundaries, set them in stone and don’t let the Hero change them, Sako had advised him. The arousal was getting worse and part of Dabi wanted to let Hawks do whatever got them both off. Piecing his skin together or hiding the bloody slow healing marks from the League wasn’t worth it yet. 
“It’s not my only rule. Get off me, Dabi.” He growled as he ‘helped’ Dabi, firmly grabbing him by his hips and setting Dabi beside Keigo on the bed again. The effortless way he manhandled Dabi had the Omega swallowing thickly. It did interesting things to his dick at the same time he could see Keigo throwing him out with very little effort which was not arousing.
“You are not kicking me out like this,” he snarled at Hawks, uncaring how stupid he must have looked in his desperation. “If you weren’t intersested in fucking me you shouldn’t have given me the option of staying here.”
“Whatever joke you wanted to play on me is now on both of us, I took you up on it so you’ve got to deal with me,” Dabi hissed, shivering and wrapped the comforter he had discarded earlier around himself. One of his staples pulled extra tight with the tension and Dabi grimaced.
“This is why I wanted to talk to you,“ Hawks snapped at Dabi before taking in the way he was gripping the bed and furrowing into Keigo’s comforter. Like Dabi could physically hold onto the mattress and stop the Alpha Hero from removing Dabi from Hawks’ own bedroom. “I didn’t invite you to spend your next heat here to fuck you.”
“I’m sure.” Dabi sneered at him. “That’s why you offered ‘help’, I’ve woken up pressed into a wall or mattress too many times. Tell a better lie Hawks, you're getting nowhere by waiting until I’m already in heat to talk about whatever you want from me.”
Hawks face contorted and he finally turned around to refix his belt. The silence was deafening to Dabi, only the low growling coming from himself filing it. Breathing in an Alpha’s scent, Hawks’ scent from the blanket barely put a stop to it. He shouldn’t have called the other out on his lies. It had never gone well for his mother when she got sick of Enji saying he’d do better and contradicted him.
“Dabi, I offered to ‘help’ and asked if you needed any heat products, because I’m not interested in fucking you.” He sat down on the bed again and leaned back against the headboard. “I’m not really interested in anyone like that, so if you need, I can get you some Omega products for heat relief but I don’t want to help you like that.”
Silence greeted the room for several minutes as Dabi wrapped his head around what Hawks was telling him. It wouldn’t bother him, he didn’t think at least. His heats did make him want something in him, someone to fuck him, but that was rare and outside of heats he hadn’t thought about it.
“We’ve been flirting for weeks.” A flash of heat pulsed through Dabi and he laid down. Pressing his thighs together against the building arousal. 
‘Be honest about what you need as well, Dabi. I don’t trust Hawks to ask you if you don’t tell him.’ Kuroguri had quietly advised as he sent Dabi through a swirling portal.
“I, Haw— Keigo. I don’t like not knowing what’s going to be done to me. I can handle most kinks, I don’t care once the heat gets going. I can’t keep bites clean enough to avoid infection. Just tell me whatever thing you don’t trust a regular corner Omega to not stain your reputation with.” Dabi glared out from where he was enfolded into the blanket at Hawks. His dick strained against his borrowed sweats and he moved a tiny bit closer to the Hero. He just wanted to be able to smell his scent again, maybe lay down on him and get off later. 
“I, Dabi, it's not you, the press. Can we get you through your heat first? Then I can tell you all about how I’m on the Ace spectrum. You're not just some corner Omega, not convenient and I do like you, just later, okay?” Hawks ran a hand through his hair and opened up his arms. 
A trap, clearly a trap and Dabi scooted further into it anyways. Pillowing his head against Hawks bicep and breathing in the addicting sense of safety. Hawks ran his hands through his hair again and Dabi slumped into the touch. Was he desperate for something more to happen and alleviate some of the heat? Yes, but it was secondary at the moment to the gentle touch and scent he was foolishly buying.
“You like to be told what I’m going to do when you're in heat. Given, what— what you just implied, I think that’s a necessity at the very least. I’m not going to do anything sexual to you, but I don’t mind if you have to get off or want some toys to help you through it.” 
“You said nothing sexual. What does that leave?” Dabi bit his lip. He wanted to trust Keigo, he just didn’t know how to make himself fully believe the Alpha. Past experiences had taught him better,  every Hero every Alpha was kind until they suddenly weren’t. There had been enough favors and deals made before Girian and the League. Even if he smelled good and was letting Dabi take over his bed. 
“This, cuddling and letting you scent me. Pretty much just being here for you in other ways.” Keigo spoke softly and ran his fingers through the Villain's soft black hair.
There wasn’t a response Dabi could come up with to that. So he waited for the heat to completely take over. Like it had every other time in his life, it never happened. He just relaxed into the Alpha next to him, fresh citrus and mint filling his nose. Keigo eventually moved him closer, so he was pressed shoulder to hip against the Hero and also relaxed. Scrolling through social media on his phone.
When he couldn’t stand it anymore Dabi just, gave his body what it wanted. Small noises occasionally escaping him. He wasn’t out of control, hadn’t fought to stay focused as long as he could. Keigo asked him if he was alright when he really started burning up, and came back with a mostly frozen bottle of water. 
“Thanks, for taking care of me.” The words weren’t as hard to say now. Droopy eyed and comfortable in Keigo’s bed.
“It’s what anyone should have done, though I wouldn’t say no to a cuddle ever.” Keigo placed a kiss on Dabi’s forehead. Hesitantly, like he wasn’t sure if he was welcome to. 
In the following days Keigo wasn’t always there but Dabi didn’t care. The room still smelled like him when he wasn’t there and it was comforting enough. When Keigo was in his room he didn’t seem to care what Dabi was or wasn’t doing. True to his word, the Alpha mostly left him alone or let him take naps up against him. It was possibly the fastest heat Dabi had ever gone through, he didn’t have a pounding migraine or nausea when he sat up several days after he had taken over Keigo’s bed.
There was the sound of him on the phone in another room so Dabi rolled his neck as he checked himself over. No torn staples and the only aches he felt were common for him. The blue eyed Omega grimaced as he stood and made a beeline for Keigo’s shower. 
Keigo was waiting for him when he got out. 
“Are you feeling alright now, hot stuff?” 
“What gave it away? Showering without you nudging me for the first time in days?” Dabi strutted up to his… whatever they were. Keigo was his, and he liked him enough to want to keep him. That’s all that mattered to him.
“Yeah, there’s your usual charm.” Keigo flashed him a grin as he looked Dabi over.
“So, since you're not checking me out when you do that. What are you doing?” Dabi flopped onto the couch next to the man he’d spent days in a bed with. While in heat. Keigo had stayed true to his word, never touching him sexually. 
“Who said I wasn’t?” Keigo smiled at him, teasing just a little.
“Pretty bird, I’m no model and I know we agreed to talk about your special umbrella when I was done being stupid horny and sappy,” Dabi sneered as he spoke. Keigo glared at him but he shrugged. Maybe if the bird wanted him to be serious he shouldn’t string him along like he had. 
“Just because I’m Ace doesn’t mean that I don’t find you attractive, Dabi,” he bit out.
“So you find me attractive but didn’t take the chance when I offered up anything on the table?” The Villain tilted his head with a slow smirk and a gleam in his eye.
“Dabi, you didn’t even know what was on the table,” Keigo calmly pointed out through his teeth. The Villain knew just how to dig under his masks, try as he had, Keigo didn’t think he could do it back. Hard to dig into a bruise when Dabi was nothing but open wounds, physical and Keigo was beginning to suspect otherwise. Some people that life hurt, got back up angry with no soft spots left.
“Have you heard of the Ace spectrum? Or are you assuming things about me again. Like that I would kick you out or take advantage of you?” Dabi’s face didn’t so much as twitch an eyelid. He was back to being wrapped up, unwilling to show Keigo much of anything.
“You said we’d talk about it but so far all I see is making excuses for, that’s the thing that’s getting me tripped up. For what? We’ve been flirting for weeks, gave me a little smooch while I was down and that was it. What gives, Keigo?”
“I like you, I want to do things like kiss you. Take you out to dinner and listen to you when you're not being a fucking bastard on purpose. I didn’t know you’d decide my room was so much better than the one I set up and left unlocked for you. Not like I actually expected you to warn me you’d be over,” he snapped at him and Dabi nudged his leg with his foot until he looked back at him.
“Kiss me, but not fuck me?” Dabi turned his hand in a go on gesture.
“Kiss you, court you, you insufferable ass but no. No sex. It’s just, not something I’m interested in. Never really have been. I haven’t been leading you on, I just didn’t expect you to climb up on me in my bed like that.” Keigo fluttered his wings and Dabi grabbed the end of one with a warm grip.
“When were you originally going to tell me then? Since my biology was inconvenient for you,” Dabi drawled and let his head hang back to stare at the ceiling. The scent gland on his neck was swollen and irritated. Keigo sighed and sent a feather to find a jar of crap for it.
“Presumably when we got to that point. Some point after you stopped spooking everytime I moved in a way you didn’t expect. At the very least until after you stopped tracking every feather attached to me.” Keigo watched Dabi’s fingers tap out a rhythm as he thought. The Omega was thinking about it, tilting his head up to avoid his eyes and look like he wasn’t. The finger tapping down turned lips and biting the inside of his cheek all betrayed him anyways.
“I can’t. Not flinch. Or stop watching your hundreds of telepathic knives. Just like the, when I assumed you wanted sex from me. I’m working on it. Talking to some people. It’s the best people like me are going to get.” Keigo opened up his returned jar and stood up, walking behind the couch. Dabi was still tracking him across the room, of course Dabi was and knowing what little Dabi had told Keigo, that wasn’t something that was going to stop. He held the jar out for Dabi to take himself. 
Instead Dabi drew a breath in through his nose, deep and slow, and turned to expose his irritated gland and neck to Keigo. 
“Court me?” Dabi closed his eyes and crossed his arm to hide the slight shaking of his hands. Closing his eyes as Keigo got a better look at the damaged skin around the irritated gland. Almost hidden by how it was placed was a faint scared biting mark. Keigo made sure not to touch it as he dabbed the clear thick creme on the irritated gland. No biting or mate marks Dabi had stressed.
Dabi was asking for more than how Keigo was going to court him. He was asking if he still would. Dabi’s eyes flicked open when there wasn’t a response right away, only to lock onto Keigo’s steely gold ones. Lips close enough that if he turned his head right they would touch. The good stomach squirming appeared and while he hesitated Keigo did not. Swooping in for several chaste kisses.
“If you can get me that meeting with Shigaraki so I can finally get his blessing.” Keigo pulled back. 
“You're a spy,” Dabi countered. Although at this point, it wouldn’t matter. The word 'court' spun around in his head, making it hard to think straight.
“I want to meet your best friend, your pack leader. Not the leader of the League of Villains.” Keigo sat back down beside Dabi and wasn’t surprised when Dabi flopped himself into his lap.
“Dabi, before you agree, understand that my life is very public outside of you. You're going to hear a lot about parties I won’t remember enough to separate and who I supposedly went home with.” A hand found its way to his and he took it. The press had wrecked most relationships. Partners thinking some person he didn’t remember enough to refute was getting some part of him they weren’t.
“Let them. I’ve spent three days in your bed, with you able to do whatever you wanted. I said you could, and you chose nothing. Only a idiot would believe you fucked someone else on a drunk whim after that. Besides, you're Ace, don’t want to fuck anyone.”
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
Dabi's first mate hadn't courted him. Hawks hadn't either. Between falling in bed with a villain he was supposed to be spying on, dodging the League of Villains and Hero work. There just hadn't been time. It's one of the few things Keigo would change about things. Dabi acted like it didn't matter, saying the meetings they had were enough to count as courting. He didn't want large shiny jewels (Hawks would ignore the pilfered stash of jewelry and cash that said otherwise. Dabi's safe stash, it had ripped his heart straight from his chest when he first found it.)
Feeding a homeless villain as he traded information with him didn't count in Keigo eyes. The meetings later, where he came home to Dabi in his home, certainly didn't either. It's, important to him. To get the chance to woo Dabi. Because he deserves to be shown a good time, because Keigo wants to.
Every time he lays his eyes on their mating mark, his stomach twists with regret. Dabi hadn't given him much time, it was either mate his lover, or watch him be arrested again. All of Keigo's favors used up this time.
So when Dabi comes home one evening, Hawks is there in street clothes, having taken the evening off. His smaller wings flutter against his back. Facing Shigaraki and Aizawa together to get this plan done was worth every second.
Shouto with Aizawa, Shigaraki, well Shigaraki was the reason his wings were small. The reason Dabi had been gone long enough to set up and Keigo got a night off tonight.
Hawks pressed play on his speakers as Dabi's mouth made a tiny 'oh'. It was adorable, how his face brightened as he took in Keigo's apartment. Decorated with flowers and table set, a bottle of wine chilling.
"I know you said I didn't have to. And the sex meetups and info swaps counted as courting in your eyes, but I wanted to." Keigo stretched a hand out for Dabi to take. Starting to lead him in a slow dance around the apartment.
"You were perfect, when we were. Why?" Dabi flushed as he tried to get the words out. Stumbling a few steps before catching the rytham of the dance steps and following his Alphas lead.
"Let me court my Omega, my mate." Dabi's head rested on his shoulder as they swayed. Letting Hawks hold him.
"What if I get used to it and expect it more often?" Dabi teased and Keigo leant down to kiss him.
"I hope so. I have a schedule worked out and everything. Little date nights we can plan together."
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
Dabi realizing Hawks can get the LoV suppressants extremely low risk and theoretically safe. Question is… how bad does he want them and what does Hawks want for them? Dabi has his "tubes" or Omega version tied or burnt/damaged/starved too badly to get pregnant… but hes willing to let Keigo pretend its possible and not tell him that.
Keigo doesn't think anything of it until Dabi mentions it. But of course he will get Dabi the Suppressants. It hadn't occurred to him what the League may be struggling with. After all. Suppressants are as common as birth control these days. Common in drug stores, handed out at good clinics, on shelves. Its everywhere and easy to pick them up on a errand. With the groceries Dabi makes him get.
He doesn't want kids, Hawks doesn't wants kids. They are allergic but once or twice they mention it. In the moment and Dabi never corrects him. However... he ends up having too when hes sick a few too many times and Hawks starts flipping out thinking he got Dabi pregnant.
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