maddiesharafian · 2 years
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The Drinker
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snailsnaps · 1 year
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Why does he look so much like us?
[ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 ]
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szkin-art · 10 months
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An SSC Emperor outfitted for the Glass Fleet of the Baronic Navy, bearing the Coat-of-Arms of House McKenzie. It is equipped with the Marathon Arc Bow standard for the Emperor chassis, and a VALKYRIE-type Bolt Nexus Quiver.
The onboard VIDAR-class NHP is a standard Baronic combat support clone, seemingly modified through unsanctioned interfacing with the human pilot; the effects of this interfacing appear to have progressed both ways.
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Ed + Stede Moments Per Episode: 1x9 Act of Grace
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ace--of--swords · 3 months
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Come, enjoy the view.
End game cg : DDDD
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chestnutisland · 4 months
First date for the k18 request!
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BdayRQ04; First date to @sea241
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madmothmadame · 7 months
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dinitride-art · 1 year
Mike Wheeler in Season Four (Analysis/Theory) pt.2/3
As I was saying, there’s a window with open blinds behind Mike and Will, and ‘open sign’ that we can see in the group shots, and the thought bubble that El sketched out framing the two of them. Everyone can see Mike looking to Will for reassurance. It’s not the same as season two when they were younger and it could be passed off more easily. It’s way more noticeable to the people around them now. And Mike keeps looking to Will, and Will keeps answering. And everyone can see it.
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We see that Mike starts to look at bit tense after El and Argyle formulate the plan.
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And then we see Will keeping close to Mike again. But there’s a more noticeable separation between Mike and El, created by this. Not one that anyone really seems adverse to though.
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When Mike’s filling the pizza dough freezer with water, Will looks at him. And he looks concerned. The whole situation is tense, but this concern is specifically directed at Mike.
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“What if [he] doesn’t need me anymore.” El’s back, and Will lied about the painting, and Will’s been the one that Mike’s been leaning on this whole time. Mike’s done this before. He did it when El came back in season three, he did it when he got to the airport, and Rink O’ Mania, and when they went back home and at breakfast when he wouldn’t talk to Will. Red tomatoes in the fridge, and a blue light behind Will’s head. He’s thinking that it’s happening again.
This time he was the one to push Mike towards El, though. But Will is an unreliable narrator. And we know that he doesn’t have all the facts. That Mike doesn’t love El like that. That Mike doesn’t talk to El like he talks to him.
But this is what Will’s seeing. And this time he understands why it’s happening. Because he played a key role in it.
Jonathan talking to Will about what’s going on is showing us that he can see it too. That Mike and Will reaching for each other isn’t going unnoticed. It’s the first time it’s mentioned this explicitly, but he’s not the only one to see it. Suzie was looking at Mike looking back at Will, Argyle called Mike out the first time he met him for being fake, Jonathan’s been looking at the two of them the entire time, and El put them in a thought bubble.
They’re seeing it and the audience is too.
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We see Mike and Will (still) sticking really close together later, and this shot is showing us that Jonathan and Argyle can see them. It’s from over both Argyle and Jonathan’s shoulders. And they’ve got space between them. Mike’s hands are clenched and again, Mike’s in yellow light, and Will’s in blue. The background colours are the opposite of their outfits, both complimenting each other, and showing their contrasted roles.
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As things get worse, Will starts shifting closer to both Mike and El. Mike’s hands are still curled up and he’s in the same tense posture that Jonathan is.
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It’s easier to see a little later on. Jonathan and Mike are reflecting each other. And we know that Jonathan has been having problems with stress and anxiety and he’s been self medicating with weed. At least it’s implied that’s what’s happening with him. Their clothes even kind of reflect each other, with being open button ups (to an extent) and a white undershirt underneath showing. They’re all freaking out here, but the focus is on Mike and Jonathan. Although, it is mostly on Mike.
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When El starts choking, everyone starts freaking out. Especially Mike. This is also where Will reaches out and touches Mike regardless of who’s looking at them. It’s like the shootout. They can reach for each other there because who gives a fuck? They might die and they’re scared enough that it doesn’t matter anymore. Similar situation with the monologue.
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When Will puts his hand on Mike’s back, Mike is shocked. He literally whips around so fast his hair has a frame by frame journey. This is not a comforting gesture that can be written off as anything other than what it is. It’s not hidden, or small. Or anything that might be able to hide Mike and Will from everyone else.
Will’s reaching for Mike, because they’re all freaking out, but Mike’s been spiraling the entirely of this season. And Will’s been trying to keep Mike together this whole season. So, it makes sense that we’ve built up to Will’s hand on Mike’s back. (Not even his shoulder. Which can be seen as somewhat acceptable. Will’s hand. Is on Mike’s back. And that is very different.)
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Confusion and devastated realization. Will just comforted him in a tense and stressful situation, and then slapped him in the face.
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And there’s some weird stuff going on here with left eyes, and split facial expressions, and bright white lights, and Vecna- but I’m going to ignore that for right now.
Mike and Will both are hurt by what’s happening. Neither of them want this, El doesn’t want this- this is the first time this season that Will has hurt Mike since their fight at Rink O’ Mania. Not intentionally, here, but after spending the season trying to make sure Mike’s okay, this is a full turn around.
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No ones happy with what’s going on here. No one.
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But even after the monologue, and Will sitting a part from Mike and El, they’re still gravitating together. But their roles have swapped again.  Because now, Mike’s the one keeping close to Will. They’re both not doing well, though. So it might be that the two of them are keeping close to each other an equal amount now. Which isn’t a good thing. It might mean that they’re both starting to break.
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This is the first hug between Mike and Will this season, and it’s very telling that Lucas is there as well. Group hugs are fine. Mike and Will hugging at the airport in front of a bunch of people they don’t know (and do know) is not.
Mike’s still tense here. Probably because he can see Max, and whatever guilt he has for not being there and letting her in to the party and Mike’s got a lot of reasons to be anxious right now. The looming threat of Vecna, his feelings for Will becoming more visible to the people around them as they get older, losing Max, El getting her powers back and his whole relationship with El, Eddie’s dead (he may or may not be aware of that by now- wasn’t shown or discussed), and the fact that Hawkins is very different from California. That’s a few reasons that Mike might be spiraling right now.
Hands clenched, eyes wide open. Whatever the reason may be- Mike’s not doing well. Will’s fingers curl into his back, and it’s another subtle hidden form of comfort from Will to Mike. But it’s hidden because Lucas is there and it seems normal within the context of a group hug.
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Then El and Lucas hug, and Will’s taking up a considerable amount of this shot, so this might be showing us that two friends can indeed hug each other after a long time of not seeing each other. Contrasting what happened at the airport.
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As they go to Max, Mike moves closer to Will. This time Will’s the one with clenched hands and tense posture. They’ve moved from Will comforting Mike, to an equal share of distress and comfort.
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El leans on Mike, and Will’s head is tilted towards Mike. But they’re in a situation where they cannot safely reassure each other that it’s going to be okay.
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Lucas might be picking up on what’s happening with them though. This is a shot that is similar to and OTS shot, so I’m going to assume it’s somewhat an indication of perspective as well. Because in this shot, Mike and Will are taking up half the frame and we can see Mike’s shirt pocket pointing to Will. And we, the audience, saw Mike gravitate towards Will.
There’s a new consistency with Mike and Will reaching out to each other, and then an indication that someone else is seeing it.
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(usually it’s Jonathan)
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(Suzie sees Mike looking back at Will, this is an OTS sort of shot again)
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They are being perceived.
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They keep looking to each other. And people keep looking at them. 
They’re beginning to notice that Mike and Will are different. 
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tsubaki94 · 2 years
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Ectoberhaunt comic 2022
The hunt for the king.
Sunday: Freeday
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Soft Touch Baby
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 | Pt 4 | Pt 5 | Pt 6 | Pt 7 | Pt 8 | Pt 9 | Pt 10 | Pt 11 | Pt 12 | Pt 13 | Pt 14 | Pt 15 | Pt 16 | Eddie’s POV | Song | ao3
(Holy fucking shit y’all. 15 parts to get here and the tag list has just kept growing. Just one more, and you’re in luck; a Valentine’s Day special means I’m posting it right after this one!)
“I’m glad you called.” The phrase echoes in Steve’s head. And here’s the thing; he knows Eddie’s not in the habit of saying something he doesn’t mean. So he knows that even though he woke Eddie up, and even though Eddie’s taking time out of his night to come comfort Steve when he could be sleeping instead, even through all of this, he’s glad Steve called.
Steve finds himself being glad he called, too.
Soon enough the door opens. Shoes drop to the wood floor, kicked aside. A stair creaks. There’s a gentle tap at his door, and Steve turns to look as he says, “Yeah.” His voice is hoarse, rough from sleep and emotion.
Eddie leans on the doorpost. “Hey.”
Steve smiles. Small, but genuine. “Hi.”
“You okay?” He winces. “Dumb question. Don’t answer that.”
Steve ignores him, says honestly, “Better with you here.” He chews on his lip and shifts as he thinks. Eddie’s already here, came all this way, there’s no way he wants-
“Steve.” Steve hums. “What do you want?”
He shakes his head. “It’s fine, you’re already here, you just drove all the way here, you-”
“Steve.” He moves closer, cautious hands out. “Can I touch you?”
Steve nods, leans in when Eddie sits and grasps his forearms, lets his forehead rest on Eddie’s shoulder. Breathes. Decides, here like this, he can be brave. Mumbles, “Don’t wanna be here.”
Eddie rubs his arms. “Wanna go for a drive?” Steve nods, forehead rubbing against Eddie’s t-shirt. Eddie tightens his grip slightly, leans away. “C’mon. Let’s find you a jacket, it’s not all that warm outside right now.”
Steve frowns, taking in Eddie’s outfit. Gets up to walk to his closet. Grabs a sweater for himself. Tosses a hoodie at Eddie, who laughs. “Thanks.”
Eddie leads him downstairs, slips his shoes on, locks the door behind him. Pockets the key subconsciously, then realizes, freezes.
Steve shakes his head. “It’s okay. Keep it.”
Eddie smiles, knows everything he is and isn’t saying. “Okay.” They get situated in the van, and Eddie grins at Steve. “Do you trust me?”
Steve looks at him. Breathes. Nods.
Eddie throws the van in gear, driving off, before resting his right hand on Steve’s thigh. Steve looks at it, considers, then grabs it. Eddie’s fingers tighten around Steve’s like he’d been waiting.
Eddie drives out of town, Dio playing softly, hand branding Steve’s.
Tonight we run / We can hide in the dark when the moon steals the light from the dying sun / Oh run / There's a better thing than we have ever done
Maybe he’s running, but here with Eddie, it doesn’t feel like it. He knows he can’t escape his problems by running. Not forever. He can’t outrun them.
But, he thinks, feeling Eddie’s hand in his, maybe he doesn’t have to.
Eddie pulls off the road, shifts to park, and turns to look at Steve. “How about it?”
Steve blinks. “It’s a field.”
Eddie grins. “Yup. I have blankets in the back, if you want to sit or lay. Or you can run.”
Steve has to look away. Can’t bear the weight of Eddie’s eyes on him, knowing him.
He runs. Heart pounding, feet thudding, arms pumping, hair flying. He finally jogs back over to Eddie, who’s laying on a blanket in the middle of the field. He sighs and collapses next to him, smiling when Eddie’s fingers brush his hip.
He’s feeling a lot, too much, when he threads his fingers with Eddie’s. “Thank you.” He keeps his gaze firmly focused on the sky, but can feel Eddie shift to look at him. “I don’t know how you do it, but somehow you always know what I need or want. You never judge me for it. I just… I feel safe with you.” His breath shakes. He ignores it. “And I… I’m a coward. I wasn’t ready to give this up.” He shakes his head. “And even though I’m sure this is going to have to end, I hope we can at least still be friends.”
Eddie sits up on an elbow, frowning. “Steve, what are you saying? This doesn’t have to stop.”
Steve’s breath hitches. He realizes, distantly, that he’s crying. “It does, though. And I’ve been so selfish and taking this when I know, I know, it was all coming to this anyways, and I’m sorry, and I wish I didn’t feel the way I do, but… I do.” He bites his lip. Releases it. Whispers to the sky, “I think I’m in love with you.”
Eddie’s breath catches, and Steve lets out a self-deprecating chuckle, reluctantly sitting up and letting go of Eddie’s hand. Doesn’t look at him when he says, “Yeah.”
“Well,” Eddie says, and grabs Steve’s hand again. “That’s really good news for me. I thought I was falling for a straight boy.” He smiles when Steve whips around to look at him, tucks his hair behind his ear. “Can I kiss you?”
“Eds,” Steve whispers, eyes wide, and nods.
They lean in, and their lips touch, and the grass beneath them is itchy and Steve can’t quite feel his hands and he can taste his tears but it’s perfect, and all of a sudden he knows.
He doesn’t just think he’s in love with Eddie Munson.
He knows he is.
Pt 16
@thegingervulcan @snapshotmaestro @the-redthread @tiny-enthusiast @thatonepotatochild @maya-custodios-dionach @imsociallyanxiousgetoverit @vhelt @newtstabber @huskysarelife @singmeyoursimpsong @gaysonthefloor @darkwitchoferie @vi-an-te @kato-hoeven @biatcgh @vampireinthesun @goodolefashionedloverboi @awesomeimportantfan @oreos-ate-my-balls @theotalksalot @raysreads
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pullakori · 10 months
Febuwhump 2023
Day 27. Survivor's guilt
Erik was helping with the construction of the new wing for Genosha's community center. The island had seen a steady increase of people and more space was greatly needed. They had been busy building new houses the last few weeks and after this, Erik could finally have a small break with work.
He was just finishing the roof, placing the last tiles there with his powers, when a timid voice called from down on the ground.
"Umm, Magneto?" Erik looked down and saw a group of four young adult mutants, barely out of their teens. They seemed worried about something and as the roof was as good as done, Erik yelled to the other workers that they would have a ten minute break, before he floated back down.
"Yes, what is it?" He asked the group and the girl with brightly coloured feathers pushed the blond boy forward.
"Well..." The boy started, before looking behind him at his friends, each of whom looked at him expectantly. The boy took a deep breath and continued. "We were supposed to go to the the Shark Trap beach, but as we were walking past your house- Because, you know, it's the fastest way to get there!" The boy hurried to explain, not that he had to, Erik didn't care if people walked past his house, but these kids seemed to be newcomers. He just hoped that the boy would get to the point. "But when we tried, we just couldn't." The boy finished and if that was the point, then Erik didn't get it.
"You just couldn't?" He repeated, trying to urge the boy to explain better and it seemed that his friends weren't too impressed with him either.
"You really suck at narrating, Halo." The boy with completely black eyes stated and the blond boy, Halo, turned to glare at his friend.
"Well why don't you speak, then!?" He hissed.
As the two boys were staring daggers at each other, the other girl with black hair sighed and spoke up.
"What we meant, Magneto, is that it felt like some kind of power was preventing us, making us feel... Terrible, both emotionally and then even physically." As the girl spoke, Erik could feel the worry grow in his chest.
"And then we remembered, that your friend is a telepath isn't he?" The feathered girl barely managed to end her sentence when Erik already hurried past them.
If Charles' powers were going rogue, the whole island might be in a lot of trouble. But Erik was more concerned about his friend. It had been clear to him, that Charles was still recovering fom everything that had happened with Mystique and that Jean girl months ago. When he had come to Genosha he had been exhausted and wary of everything and everyone around him. He had managed to open up more as the time went on, but he was still prone to withdrawing into himself when the memories and the pain became too much.
But this week, Charles had been doing well. Erik hadn't seen him much, busy as he had been with the construction work, but when he would return home, Charles had always been smiling and would talk to Erik about his own day and been curious about the progress with Erik's crew. It had seemed that Charles had been getting his old energy back. Until today.
Erik made it at the front of his house and could immediately understand the earlier group's words. The closer he got to the front door, the heavier the air felt. He could feel the shame and self-loathing come from the house in waves and it started to even manifest with pain in his chest and head. All his senses were telling him to turn around and get away, but Erik kept walking with heavy steps. Charles needed him.
"Charles?" Erik called out when he managed to get inside. Everything looked as it had when he had left that morning and somehow it only made the house seem more eerie. There was no answer, so Erik tried again, but this time with his mind. 'Charles?' But the result was the same.
It was only when Erik rounded to the kitchen that he found Charles. Or, he saw his wheelchair first, lying sideways on the floor while Charles was sitting on the floor, leaning against the cupboard doors in the corner. He didn't seem hurt in any way, but his eyes were bloodshot and looking at nothing and he was tightly hugging himself.
Erik was by his side immediately, kneeling on the floor. He put one of his hands on the telepath's shoulder and the other he used to cup his cheek and turn his head.
"Charles." Erik called his friend'd name, but there was no change, so he brought their foreheads gently together. 'Charles.'
There was a tidalwave of hurt and visions of fire, blood and death. So many dead, because of him. He should have worked harder! He should have seen what he was becoming! It should have been him!
'Charles!' Erik all but screamed in their minds that had been slammed and coiled together. He had to shake Charles out of this state, he had to wake him up from the nightmare he was stuck in.
And to Erik's relief, he could hear a gasp of breath and the telepathic pressure that had surrounded their home seemed to dissipate. Not completely, but mostly. Erik opened his eyes, not sure when he had closed them, and saw Charles' eyes looking back. He seemed shaky and thin, somehow, like a tiniest blow of wind would make him fall apart like an autumn leaf.
"Erik?" His voice was barely a whisper and had Erik been an inch further away, he couldn't have heard it.
"It's okay, Charles. I'm here." Erik comforted the man, running his hand up and down the telepath's arm, trying to steady him. "Can you tell me what happened?" He asked and Charles' eyes turned unfocused again.
"A nightmare." He muttered. "I tried to ignore it. I tried to keep moving but I couldn't." His voice broke with the last word and he closed his eyes.
Erik gathered him into his arms and pulled him to sit sideways on his lap, Charles' head resting against his shoulder. The telepath's hands gripped Erik's shirt tightly and he hid his face against his neck.
"It should have been me." He sobbed quietly and Erik held him little tighter.
"Shhhh. It will be okay." Erik murmured. "I got you."
Charles had been there for Erik, when he had felt the same after his family had been taken from him. He had helped him find a way back to light when he had thought there was nothing left for him. And now it was Erik's turn to do the same for him. He would not leave Charles alone to deal with this pain.
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tolerateit · 6 months
survived the final
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loudlooks · 7 months
Day 29 - Sweater Weather
A/N: unestablished tiva, sprinkled with McGee being absolutely done with the whole thing (kinda like me with this challenge), a bit all over the place when it comes to POV? I don't know what I did here but, like I said, I'm done with it
Tag for blocking/following: 30 days of fall
Prompt: sweater weather
Word count: 755
"Look at them, McGee," Tony said, leaning back against the bench after discarding his napkin and empty coffee cup in the trashcan next to it.
McGee looked in the vague direction Tony was looking and frowned.
"It's sweater weather," Tony said as if it was the most common thing in the world. "As soon as the leaves start to change color, the sweaters come out."
McGee rolled his eyes, and finished his sandwich.
"Wide neck sweaters with scarves and pencil skirts." His gaze was drawn to his right, where he instantly spotted Ziva walking towards them. "Fluffy turtlenecks with skinny jeans and boots," he said smiling widely.
"Seriously?" McGee asked slightly exasperated, brushing crumbs of his pants. "You are obsessed with women."
Tony vaguely hummed, never taking his eyes off of Ziva.
McGee frowned as an attractive brunette in a short skirt and high heels walked past them seductively, without eliciting any reaction from Tony. He followed Tony’s line of sight and spotted Ziva. "Maybe it's not so much women, but one woman in particular," he prodded.
Tony's smile widened, then fell as the words sunk in. He scoffed, and reluctantly dragged his gaze away from Ziva to glare at McGee. "You don't understand the intricacies of women." His gaze drifted back to Ziva. "The essence of sweater weather."
McGee scoffed, and with a smug voice said, "Is that why I have a girlfriend, and you don't?"
Tony's head whipped back in his direction. "Ha, I could have a girlfriend if I wanted to."
McGee rolled his eyes again. "Then why don't you?" he asked genuinely, getting a confused look in response. "Tony, that brunette practically undressed you with her eyes just now and you didn't even notice."
Tony glanced at Ziva, a hopeful smile tugging at his lips. "She did?"
McGee sighed. "Not..." He pointed in Ziva's direction, then dropped his hand. "Grow up, Tony," he almost pleaded, "Life's too short to not go after what, or who, you want. You of all people should know that."
Tony clenched his jaw, and  crossed his arms as Ziva finally reached them.
"I had a breakthrough", she said cheerfully.
McGee grinned mischievously. "So did, Tony."
Ziva focused her full attention on Tony.  "Really, what?"
Tony glared at McGee, and in a sharp tone said, "The wife did it."
Ziva shook her head in confusion. "What wife, there is no wife in this case?"
"There's always a woman involved." He evaded her gaze, and frowned as a poodle wearing a sweater entered his line of vision.
Ziva looked at McGee, and nodded in Tony's direction. "What is wrong with him?" Before giving him a chance to answer, she stared down Tony. "Are you seeing someone? You always act weirder than usual when you're dating someone." She turned back to McGee. "Is he seeing someone?"
McGee chuckled, and stood up, looked between them, and said, "It's the weather."
Ziva watched McGee walk off and took his vacated seat. She inspected Tony's profile. "Are you getting sick?"
Tony frowned and turned to her. "Under the weather means you're sick." He gently tugged at her sleeve, a slow smile building. "I like your new sweater, very soft and fluffy, it really brings out your eyes too."
Ziva smoothed the front of her sweater, confused at the sudden compliment and mood change. "Thank you," she said, and placed her hand on his as her concern that he was avoiding the subject increased, "but are you sick?"
Tony felt the telltale signs of lovesickness increase exponentially as he gazed into her eyes. With a soft smile, he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, and said, "Yeah, but it’s the good kind of sick."
Ziva drew her hand back and ran it through her hair, biting her bottom lip. "That does not make any sense."
Tony laughed cheerfully, stood up, and held out his hand to her like a gentleman. "Let's go deal with your work-related breakthrough."
She accepted his hand and stood up, holding on to it longer than necessary. Pulling him closer, she tilted her head and in a soft voice asked, "What was your breakthrough?"
Remembering McGee's advice, he licked his lips, and said, "If we finish work at a decent hour, you should come over, we can watch ‘The Peanuts Movie together’."
Ziva let go of his hand and took a step back. "You want to watch a movie about peanuts?"
Tony chuckled, refused to give an explanation, knowing full well she would show up at his place regardless.
tagging @hopeless-nostalgiac, @mrsmungus, @indestinatus, @happygirl-0408
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every-tome · 9 months
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forge-heat · 1 year
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“He took a deep breath, gathered his thoughts and his nerve.”
Stuck With A Stark — Chapter 14
Arya tries to ghost Gendry, but she can’t avoid him forever.
A modern Gendrya university AU in which working together on an assignment turns out not to be so bad.
Read it on AO3
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