#Now i rlly don't if im making sense
sneeb-canons · 10 months
mind generally feels little to no emotion except sometimes when he just explodes (usually with anger)
Headcanon #59
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
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hands you all this cal to announce i’ve FINALLY finished fallen order (by which i mean i finally picked it up again after those couple hours i played a few months ago and then finished the whole game in 2 days lol)
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gecemi09 · 7 months
Most of the songs in Electra Heart are incredibly Jason Todd coded(except certain lines being abt romantic/sexual relationships, change those slightly and voila). No I won't elaborate because you know I'm right.
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angered-box · 1 month
the anxiety.
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2-wuv · 2 months
on one hand. loottta ideas 4 sk!llshipping art rn bc system things. on the other hand we r procrastinating on drawing them bc will people be Normal,
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exocynraku · 10 months
remember askharestar
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sotogalmo · 8 months
Hehe. It's my birthday. The 30th of September. Yayayyayayayya
Gonna hafta sleep tho. But yeah. Been getting back into Percy Jackson even tho I was just introduced to it a year ago basically(middle school, in English class. We read the first ever book of it; The Lighting Thief. Honestly I wanna do it again. Like. Read the book again. I would never stop saying this; basically PJO is my main reason why I'm taking Latin Class n being interested in Mythology. Like. No joke tbh. Can't wait to see it tbh. I rlly rlly wanna see it. And I think it's gonna be in Theaters in December????? Dunno .... but first gonna see FNAF :} and then maybe could see Percy Jackson.. honestly can't fucking wait. I see myself in that series sm. It hurts—)
So that'll explain the new stuff I'll be posting. And all.
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zhuhongs · 2 years
i am so painfully american in so many ways that I never even realized,,, like the Pain. Today I went out with my friends mom who doesn’t speak any english and oh my god was I a deer in the headlights all day. I feel soooo bad, also like she refused to let me pay for anything and gave me sooo much food and drove me around all day. I really don’t know how to thank her enough. I tried to give her a gift and she returned it to me without me even noticing... oh my god. ms. huang.. rlly.... TT thank u also I’m so sorry i’m so painfully timid and awkward
#i've never eaten like.. so many kinds of meat bc like.. yk.. americans only really like the "desireable' parts of the meat. so yea.. also i#have like a fear of swallowing bones.. long story. if u were here u were here for it. if u dont know .. its a Story. but yea so i was like.#this is... a painfully awkward meal. also i dropped my chopsticks TWICEEEEE.. pain. also I've never had shirmp with the head on so she#put one on my plate and i was like... uh.... i dont know how to eat this but I just looked out how the ppl around me did it so i got used t#it.. kinda.... god yea. and then she really kept giving me food but I have a small appetite due to the aforementioned fear of bones thing#it was a spell of disordered eating in hs. left me with a damaged throat and a reduced appetite. not body image related but trauma related#etc. etc.. so yea. i felt so bad. I was so full. she bought me so much. im sooo sorry.... but good news is i wont need to buy food at all#tmrw... and then sometimes she'd ask me a question and I'd legit have no clue how to respond. I;m so used to speaking multiple languages#with my classmates and my roommates so if i ever forget smth i can just use a diferrent language to explain and its.. so much harder to#speak only one language than i thought and hhhhh. also sidenote i COMPLETELY understand why my friend is the way she is... like yea no she#IS her mothers daughter hundred percent.... forceful. kind. not afriad to bargain. overall big appetite for life and yea no.. it makes sooo#much sense... i understand it ALL now...also her little brother is so rude.... god i don't like him. i see why she doesn't like him#like id never blame someone for hating their family but yea no i get it#hhhh so yea.. it was rlly fun but also.. a lot. super super grateful tho.#🐌.txt#also i am so tired.. what not getting enough sleep for a week will do to a mf
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
Hear me out ok? In the middle of the night u just get rlly needy and horny but u dont have the guts to wake vesper up so u use his belly mouth instead to get off. Idk if im mistaken but i think u mentioned about vesper's belly mouth is awake even in the night?
[Yep, correct! Fem reader.]
TW: Somnophilia; Dubious consent then enthusiastic consent.
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It's its own special type of Hell, living with Vesper.
Not because he treats you badly. Quite the contrary, as soon as you started making efforts to accept your new reality, he was the first one to volunteer any sort of help, hoping to make you feel as comfortable here as you did in your home, back on the surface. And, putting aside the volumes of mixed feelings you have regarding all this, it's... Sweet of him to at least care about your comfort.
That's not the problem.
The problem is your ceaseless libido.
Ever since you woke up in this ring, in his mansion, you've been burning up with arousal. You're always some degree of wet, sensitive, mind heading to the gutter far too frequently. You want everything and everyone, you want Vesper's touch on your body at every. Possible. Moment. You want him to slip his fingers and tongue anywhere he can and you want him to pick you up like a fucktoy whenever he pleases- Because it feels like nothing will ever sate you these days.
When you brought these concerns to the King, he was more than thrilled by the knowledge, though also a tad empathetic. It must be jarring, yes, he cooed, but you'll soon come to embrace your own desires. They're your true nature, after all.
It was... A strange conversation. To say the least.
Thankfully, Lust is the last place in the universe where you can be judged for excessive sexual cravings. It isn't the possible judgment of others that stops you from going all in, your own thoughts are what makes you hesitate.
Because, even if Vesper has made it very clear that you're to deliberately seek him out when you're bothered -No matter what he's up to- He can't possibly mean all the time, right?
It's common sense that you're not supposed to wake the Icon of Lust from a dead sleep just so you can have sex. How selfish of you! He's a King, he needs his rest.
But Gods... You're so fucking horny.
You can feel your heartbeat in your cunt. Maybe it's from sleeping in the same bed as him, where his loose fluff spreads sometimes, getting into the sheets, contaminating them. That must be the cause of your misery, in retrospect.
Well... You could get up. Look around, have a drink, return to bed after cooling off and enjoying the view from his lavish home. But you're comfortable.
And his smell... Oh, you inhale the pillow between you two faintly, it's addictive.
You don't want to get up. At all. Leaving this room sounds awful.
The tiniest bit of light creeps in through a gap in the massive curtains of your resting chambers, allowing some of the faint reddish glow of night to slink its way in, highlighting the form of your massive, recently proclaimed husband. Vesper sleeps soundlessly, a hand over his chest, the other, once holding you to his side, now dormant on the sheets, fingers periodically twitching. He sleeps bare, to absolutely no one's surprise. Legs faintly parted, offering a view you admire shamelessly in the dark. You've no doubt he has watched you like this before, so it's more than fair you get to ogle as well.
He's gorgeous. He's hot. So hot. You're married to the hottest thing that ever lived. Gods, he's such a whore.
Another flare of heat travels its way up from your loins. It would be exceptionally easy. All you'd have to do is palm at his exposed slit for a moment or two and he'd pop those treats out for you. All for you. He wouldn't even care, it's probably normal for Vesper-
With a shake of the head, you push said thoughts away as hard as possible. See? Not a moment of rest, all these gross ideas swimming around like they belong, like it's right. You're above something so rude!
But you're not above touching yourself in the same bed.
In your humble defense, you need this. You really need this, or you're going to scream and drag yourself on the ground like a bitch in heat. Panties are swiped aside with great haste, both hands quickly darting for the crux of your fire. It takes literally no effort for you to be able to slide two fingers into yourself, then three, trying to roll your clit in the best angle at the same time. It's clumsy, hurried, and unfortunately, fruitless. Instead of relieving you of this insurmountable heat, all it does is incense you further- Wishing it was more, better, bigger.
Wishing it was Vesper that's fucking your little body the way he pleases.
A whimper almost makes it past your clenched teeth.
Beside you, there's sudden movement. A large tail swatting back and forth -Wagging?- While Vesper's brows furrow and his breathing hastens rhythmically, like he's sniffing. When you halt, mortified, so does his stirring.
What a bright idea. As if the King of Lust wouldn't feel your desire right next to him.
Childish irritation settles in you as you sit on your own stewing arousal, sulking. Until a loud rumble jolts you, that is. After a pause of stunted blinking, you put two and two together.
While the demonlord may be fast asleep, a part of him is clearly active. Gaze falling to Vesper's abdomen, his sizeable second mouth can be seen parted, greedily flicking a fat tongue over sharp chops. It pants, a dopey sort of smile, muscle lolling as it very easily detects some poor horny sap nearby.
Or, maybe it recognizes you already. This certainly isn't your first meeting with Vesper's second mouth.
Amused, getting a couple of nasty ideas, you smile at the organ. " Hello there... " You whisper to it.
It doesn't react too much to the sound of your voice, although gleefully wets its lips and chuffs, waiting. You're sure it'll settle back down given enough time.
It's just a matter of ignoring it.
Fuck it.
Guilty eyes glance from Vesper's peacefully resting complexion to the shifting mouth beneath, and you gulp, self-control falling victim to rabid want. Again.
Slowly, silently, you wriggle out of your undergarments, keeping your breath in check as you move to straddle Vesper's abdomen. Given the size difference, and he seems to plump in a couple areas, you have a difficult time stretching your legs enough to encompass his waist.
Little does it matter, as you don't even get to sit before that muscle has already slapped itself onto your soaked cunt with a decidedly loud PLAP. Cosmic luck alone prevented you from moaning immediately. Vesper turns his face, then settles once more.
This might have been a bad idea.
The mouth is merciless on you, drool slathered on your tights, ass and belly as it gluttonously slurps at you, making lurid sounds you hope to whatever's out there won't wake the King. Terrible idea or not, it's well worth the trouble, because it's exactly the type of pressure you need to get off.
A sweet sigh makes it past your lips when shaky legs lower, having to brace your palms firmly on each side of the bed when the mouth starts smooching tenderly at your lips. How... Sweet. Cute.
Then, suddenly, it latches on. Literally. Its size allows the organ to wrap around your groin easily, applying an all-encompassing suction delicious enough to have you rolling your eyes and jerking your hips forward, nerve endings frying on a pan. God fuck yes, you didn't know it could do that!
An orgasm approaches fast, likely due to how long you've been waiting for it, building up tension. As sensation makes your lower body jerk and tense, shaky legs press you harder against that hungry maw, almost nicking yourself with bold teeth. It feels wonderful. Delightful.
Even asleep, only Vesper can make you feel this good. It's almost too funny a concept to be true.
Nothing halts the flow of keens and gasps you offer when it pauses its slurping to shove that roving muscle into your pussy, flirting with your entrance a little before feeding you more and more and more of itself, until you're groaning at the fullness. The first experimental undulation it makes is so strong that you legitimately moan out, loud and clear, dropping squarely onto Vesper and holding on for dear life as your jostled with each thrust.
You're sure you're drooling on his belly, though it hardly matters, eyelids fluttering, nonsensical pleas chanted in the dark.
" Oh fuck- Yes- Please please please, I need to come. Fffuck, I need to come... "
You're so close! It's right there, you can't wait to get licked and sucked as you ride it out, it'll be so-
" Mm, why didn't you say so? "
You don't even get to have a moment of shame when realization dawns. Large hands grab onto your hips and screw you onto the demonlord's tongue hard enough to make you see stars, the movement in your walls so frantic that you have no choice but to howl in bliss before a single excuse could flow past your parted lips.
And all you can do is flail and cry in overstimulation when Vesper continues sucking at all the arousal you can offer him.
" My Queen should want for nothing. "
His sickly magenta eyes leer at you from the darkness.
" You will come. "
It's a promise.
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
#dont rb#no like. look. i don't rlly hardcore ship anything anymore. im super casual abt it and i just do whatever i think is fun at that moment.#but like... what they've got going on with the two of them is frustrating at best.#im definitely not against like.. the dynamic i guess? it makes enough sense. a boy is in love with his presumably Very Straight childhood -#- best friend who also has a girlfriend. he doesn't know what to do but in the end he just doesn't wanna lose his best friend.#ive been there. that's not the problem.#my main complaint is just that like. they can't seem to decide what they wanna do with that whole thing.#they act like its Super Secret Subtext and that its just up for interpretation when it's really truly not.#the scene where he's talking about all the things el must love about him? its SO damn clear that he's talking about his own feelings too#he made a whole damn painting with mike as a focus. he's spilling out his heart in a way that hopefully won't be noticed.#mike doesn't of course because he's a presumably very straight teenager and he's too busy thinking about his gf to notice#mike feels reassured and goes back to focusing on other things while will ends up hiding his face from him and crying#jonathan notices and has a very knowing expression before he goes back to focusing on the road#even if you ignore the super mega obvious scene it's prevalent throughout the whole season#will wants to support his now adopted sister el and her boyfriend mike and he tries to keep it friendly but its difficult#mike ignores him for most of the summer bc he's your standard straight boy teen and is uber obsessed with his gf#he never calls and he ignores will when he asks if he can show him a painting he did and he ignores his worries and advice#its so damn obvious. will is trying to keep up a friendship bc he knows he'll probably never get to be with him but he still cares about -#- him dearly bc they've always been friends and at the very least he doesn't wanna lose that#ive been there!! ive been in that scenario so many damn times!! that's a common queer experience!!!#but the showrunners are always like. Oh But It's All Up For Interpretation ;) Will Is Just A Good Buddy To His Friendly Friend ;)))#also to clarify: i know what the actor himself has said about all of it. im not gonna go after the insta post he made when he was like 12.#he himself has talked about it not mattering in more recent stuff too and that's fine. i rlly have no qualms with him over this.#im mostly just frustrated with like.. the duffer brothers and maybe some of the writers. y'know?#it's just poorly executed. ignoring the elephant in the room ain't a good look. it's not the end of the world but it ain't great either.
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chyeyuj · 4 months
hey, can i request for hanni x drunk reader where you eat her out on the kitchen countertop while she tries to get quiet (reader came home drunk with minji and reader is oblivious that hanni likes her and got jealous with reader and minji so you eat her out to compensate to her being pouty and jealous also her pulling reader’s hair…. i need her)
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pairings : pham hanni x fem!reader
warnings : uhh, sub hanni receiving, jealous phammie, drunk reader, eating out in the kitchen
note : did this when i felt rlly sleepy so ignore how i basically repeated the same sentence from my last fic + doesnt make any sense
hanni stared at the time on her phone for the nth time, waiting for you to come back. you promised her you would watch a movie her after the party and not get drunk but it looks like you broke your promise. hanni was about to give up and go to sleep until she heard the door open which revealed minji with you on her side, hugging her arms. "oh, i thought nobody was going to be home. i was just about to stay with yn." minji said, letting out a sigh of relief. she brought you to the couch to let you sit and rest but you tugged on her jacket, looking up at her with a pout. "you're going to leave me?" you murmured, your words a bit slurred. "yeah but dont worry, hanni is here with you. she'll take care of you." minji reassures you, giving a light pat on the back before heading towards the door. "also, yn is a bit grumpy when she's drunk so goodluck with that." minji had told hanni but all she received was hanni glaring at her so she quickly left, gently closing the door. "not you acting as if you know yn better than me." hanni grumbles and walked to you who was leaning against the couch, mumbling random things. "yn get up and take a shower, you smell like alcohol." hanni grabs you by the arm, gently pulling you up but you resisted. "dont tell me what to do, you're not minji." you look at her with hooded eyes, she could see how red your face was, you probably drank alot. "oh so you prefer minji over me? the person who has been there for you for a long time?" hanni started getting a bit upset that you chose minji over her. "you're drunk, you probably didnt mean it." she thought to herself to make her feel better but it didnt seem to work because she suddenly remembered how close you and minji are, even the others thought you both were dating.
hanni grits her teeth, trying to calm herself down. "fine, then let her take care of you." she said before storming off to the kitchen while you sat there, slightly dumbfounded. it took you a while to process what happened and you quickly got up from the sofa, stumbling a little then walking to where hanni went. you saw her leaning against the counter with her arms crossed and pouting. sighing, you walked your way towards her and held her hips. "are you sulking now?" you asked, looking down at her with a frown. she didn't seem to reply, only looking away from you and pouting. you stared at her for a while before an idea crossed your mind. you pulled her up, and placed her on the counter which surprised her. and without warning, you pulled her shorts down, surprisingly and you almost tore her panties off. "what are you doing?-" she gasped and you simply looked at her with a smirk. "trying to cheer you up of course." you replied, not wasting any time and diving in, lapping up her wet folds.
hanni's moans were like music to your ears, her hand was finding its way through your hair, tugging on it. she grinds against your face, the tip of your nose constantly hitting her clit which had her nearing the edge. "mngh..yn- don't stop please...im almost there.." she moaned out, pulling on your hair a bit more hard, causing you to groan. you did it even faster and harder, her legs began shaking as she pulled you closer, cumming on your face.
you pulled away, looking at her with a lazy smile. you didnt even bother wiping the cum off your face and just straight away kissed her, letting her taste her own fluids. "feeling any better?" you asked and hanni nods, nuzzling your neck. hanni knows for sure she wont forget what happened tonight.
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
My second time writing a request foe someone rlly nervous lol
Can you do a
reader x earth 42 miles
Where reader wants to buy things for themselves but miles keeps buying stuff for them like anything we look at or love next thing Yk he’s buying it?
I rlly hope you can understand this bc im not sure if it made sense 💀
-sincerely sorry miller
Oh don't be nervous I understand perfectly fine!! (Under the cut as usual)
"See you, Carol!" You wiped the sweat forming around your hairline as you untied your apron with haste. You had taken extra shifts at the diner this week for extra spending money, and it had you counting down the days until Friday.
Slinging your bag over your shoulder, the bell jingled as you pushed open the glass door with a grunt.
Right next door to the run-down diner was a small clothing shop, one of the few that managed to stay open. You had made it a habit to check the window for the mannequin that had your jeans on: A flaired, denim number that was optimal for weekend block parties.
"Come Friday, you're mine, baby." You say to yourself with a hand on the plexiglass display.
"I thought I was already yours," a familiar voice nearly made you jump out of your skin.
Miles' footsteps could almost never be heard, you swore he was a ninja in his spare time.
"Don't fuckin scare me like that!" You whined, smacking his shoulder as an amused grin spread across his lips.
He ignored your outburst and pointed towards the mannequin. "You want that?"
You gave him a warning look. "I'm gonna go shopping this weekend. When I get paid."
"You didn't answer the question."
"No comment," you said, spinning on your heel to walk away with Miles' gentle laughter following behind you.
When you don't stop, he jogs after you and traps you in a bear hug.
"Fuck off, Miles!" You laughed, fake struggling to escape.
"Alright, tell me what I did."
He let you go and opted to walk next to you, his long legs making it easy to keep up with you.
"Okay look, whatever you're mad at me for, I got a surprise waiting for you," Miles poked his head in front of you as you both walked, twin braids dangling over his shoulder. "Come over?"
You sighed, "Fine."
He gently took your hand and started tugging you along, presumably in the direction of his mom's apartment. "Thank you."
Miles' brow furrowed as he fumbled with his keys a bit before quietly unlocking the door. He turned to you and placed his index finger over his lips, and you nodded in understanding.
The familiar smell of yellow rice and scented candles engulfed the both of you when you entered the empty apartment. Rio was at work, and Uncle Aaron was likely napping in the living room, as it was only the late afternoon.
"So, where's the surprise?" You whispered.
"My room. Been up there for about a week."
You rushed up the stairs as quietly as your feet could carry you to catch up to your boyfriend, who was already halfway there and glancing down at you with an impish grin. You roll your eyes playfully. Typical.
"Lemme take that," Miles stuck his hand out for your work bag as he removed his sneakers.
Deeply inhaling the cool air of his room, you let him take it off your shoulders. You were sure that thing was starting to leave a mark from carrying it on the same side every day.
Miles sat on his bed for a moment to rummage through his black knapsack, and produced a small, pink plastic bag no bigger than the hand that held it. This confirmed one of your suspicions, and you gave him a tired smile as he stood to place it gently in your palm. He was a funny sight, hands clasped together in anticipation like a parent at Christmas.
Inside the bag was a little white box, which held a small necklace cushioned in the middle. You recognized the teardrop pendant from the mall. You had practically dragged Miles along, looking bored and scrolling through his phone the entire time. Or so you thought.
Now, he looked about ready to run a marathon from here to Manhattan as you removed the delicate necklace, the silver chain catching the little light that Miles allowed into his room in shiny strips.
"Thank you baby, I love it," you bit your bottom lip, "It's just that-"
"I could put it on you?"
You sighed, and held out the necklace. "Of course."
He damn near snatched the piece of jewelry from you to unclasp it, rushing to get behind you.
"Miles, if you break it-"
"I won't, relax!"
The cool metal settled on your skin as he gently draped it around your neck, and fastened the clasp.
"How does it look?"
Miles moved your braids back and planted a kiss on your cheek. "Pretty."
"I know you know more words than that, sir," you teased, "try again."
"Alright, breathtaking. Stunning. Effervescent."
"Now you're trying too hard."
"I'm about to take this necklace back," he muttered, earning a short outburst of laughter from you.
When the laughter subsided, you turned to face him. He let your braids slide across his hands before they fell back at your shoulders.
"Miles, I need you to do something for me."
Worry settled over the boy's soft features. "Such as...?"
"Don't buy me them jeans," you said, arms crossed but still smiling.
His brows shot up. "Why, you don't like 'em anymore?"
"I do," you draped your arms around his neck, "which is why I've been saving up to get them myself."
You watched Miles' eyes dart back and forth in thought before settling back on you. He was silent, imploring you to explain further.
"If I wanted everything gifted to me, I wouldn't have gotten a job."
Miles nods, and something seems to slot into place for him.
"So no more surprise gifts?" He says, pouting exaggeratedly.
"For at least another two weeks."
Miles winced, taking a nervous glance at his knapsack, "Damn."
Following his line of sight, you noticed the white plastic bag poking out from it.
Your jaw drops, and you give him another good smack on the shoulder.
"You bought it, didn't you?"
He smiles tightly. "Hypo...thetically?"
A/N: idk why the hell that took me so long to write but it was fun! Happy reading!
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gorgeouslypink · 6 months
hey pink!
i was hoping you could offer some encouragement and advice to me. basically the entire luckyvoidgirl thing yesterday, i acctually liked her success story, it made sense to me and i even listened to cee's subliminal and my parents ended up saying i don't have to go to this dumb event i was dreading so im even seeing successes with it
the thing was she said something that i can't stop thinking about. she said that a lot of tumblr is just misinformation and that the original blog that brought the void to tumblr was divineangelbee and she was exposed for lying about the void. everyone just copied whatever she said and kept spreading the same stuff she put out but her own experience was all a lie. it really got me thinking about how educated this community is about loa, like the void state and loa is so intertwined. luckyvoidgirl never said she used loa and she did something different but she got so much flack bc the void community on tumblr is so deeprooted in loa, possibly bc of angel. but anyways for a community that is so deeprooted in loa, so many people haven't entered and even worse, so many bloggers have been exposed for lying about their success story. the crazy thing is its so easy to lie on tumblr so the fact that so many have gotten caught makes me wonder how many we haven't even caught and really how does a community that knows loa struggle like this.
idk i just can't stop thinking about this and was hoping for some guidance.
hey love! im technically on break but you're not the only one spiraling so i rlly wanted to answer this.
first of all, i want to say she's just lying and this community is great but i can't. the truth of the matter is she is right. the person who brought the void to tumblr was @divineangelbee and she was the one who went around saying it was super easy and anyone can do it and she was and is still pretty much the blueprint for how a lot of voidstate tumblr thinks, but she was exposed for harassing her friends to enter the void for her. since then, many other bloggers who basically parrot the same thing as her have been exposed as well.
however i want to highlight something here. just because someone preaches something and it doesn't work out for them doesn't mean it's false. this is a super old argument, like back when bloggers like cleo and raven were super popular but people were arguing abt Sammy Ingram. basically she was a big affirm and persist girlie and people were going at her for saying this but never losing any weight (her main goal with manifestation was to lose weight but she never did and just gaslighted anyone who pointed it out, saying they were bodyshaming her). while something was off for sammy (maybe she didn't persist or maybe she just didn't bother doing her method at all), her method worked for so many people. there's boatloads and boatloads of success stories from her videos and methods. so someone can be lying about the void and still be giving legit advice.
however, the void state community on tumblr DOES have a lot of misinformation. ive seen people claim the void state is just SATS, just alpha state, theta state, delta state, it's acc just a placebo for you to guarantee manifestations, and all sorts of nonsense. now there's a new addition, people who tell you to pay money and they'll get you into the void state. it's honestly crazy how hard the community went against the luckyvoidgirl but not some of the other stuff i see here.
but anyways, what do you do?
you need to realize that you entering the void has nothing to do with the state of the void community on tumblr. people lying abt entering the void doesnt make the void a lie, it makes them a liar.
ive been in that position where i hailed bloggers and felt attached to this community so drama here messed with me internally. you shouldn't be doing that. please read my Doubts post where i talk about overcoming this and also provide many sources of proof that the void is real so that you don't need to rely on tumblr to know that:
also it helps to find a few reputable sources. i just wanted to give a shout out to someone rn: @voidprincessblog
her page is the page i would recommend to everyone. you can tell the amount of research and effort she puts into every post and you can trust her to be a reputable source on info.
im going to attach this other post of mine for you as well:
i wish you the best of luck on your void journey and hope this helps! 💟
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nqctar · 5 months
♡ anton as your cg!
cg! anton lee x female!little reader
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pairings: cg! anton lee x f!reader. genre: sfw age regression, fluff. warnings: no major warnings apply.
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이찬영 / anton lee ★
dni: if you sexualize little space.
wc: 495
hmm where do i start??
he loves you SOOOOOOOO much.
you’re his babygirl. like no ands ifs or whatever.
calls you babygirl more than your actual name.
& it makes you blush so much that you consider hiding from him!!
SO YOU DID! but he just kept being all
“where’s my babygirl hiding??”
loves cuddling. like he’s sooo soft for you he just wants to cuddle and hold you 24/7.
does everything for you,, bc ur a baby! his baby!! why wouldn’t he???
anton occasionally baby talks you when he rlly wants to make you blush!
his voice is always so soft. will NEVER raise his voice at you.
never really reprimands you. usually if you’re throwing a fit or about to, he’ll just hand you a cherry lollipop to get you to calm down.
but when that doesn’t work he pretends to be on the phone with “a big scary monster who eats littles that don’t listen to their daddies!” 
and you’re like,, NOOOOOO
so you listen to him and save your life
yall know how i wrote matt doesnt care if you call him daddy or mattie?
hmm don’t call anton by his real name when you’re little!
“that’s not my name right now, is it baby?” he gently scolds. his tone is still so gentle!! he could never rlly get mad at his babygirl
nope, he'll just "call" the monster again
as for bedtime, an anon said he'd be the type to read you a bedtime story or sing you a lullaby, which is SOO true!
you wouldn't even have to ask, he's gonna hold you against his chest and lull you to sleep, story or song, you don't care. you just love being held by him!
will draw/paint/colour with you at any time, just ask!
"should we colour tigers today, baby? or princesses?"
princesses. it's always princesses.
OH he also loves buying you stuffies. nearly every time he comes home he's bringing you a new one. sometimes he'll attach a really sweet note to it and leave it for you to find somewhere before he leaves.
anton definitely always carries band aids with him.
one day he tells you to stop running, but you keep running
and you trip :p
and cry :[
he's just like "this is why we listen, hm?" while he covers your scrape with a hello kitty band aid.
....but you still end up running again.
always wants to hold your hand or pinkie!!
if he wants you to slip he'll just lower his voice a bit. it's weird how it works, anton isn't usually loud.
his voice is almost at a whisper. it's calming, there's a sense of comfort. there's always a sense of comfort.
you always feel soooo safe with him.
im gonna have to do a pt. 2 i could literally go on and on abt all this
to wrap it up, you're his babygirl and he loves you so so much <3
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aerequets · 4 months
Hi pookie🤭💕, i’ve been inspired by your art for a while and was wondering do u have any art tips to help draw the same character consistently? Also, how do u chose to design anime characters in ur art style(like getting x character to read as x character in a different style than the show)
hi pookie 😋 first off thank you!! :D i am honored
Honestly it takes me a bit of practicing at first to get a character's look down. usually the defining features (when i draw/ in my style) are the hair, eyes, and also face shape. i think that last one gets overlooked often because people tend to default to the typical anime face shape, but if you look at loid for example, his jaw has more structure and his chin is wider instead of being so narrow (in the manga. the anime Animefies him but i like the manga style mroe). same with yor, her face is a little wider and more heart shaped, and anya is a child so obvs round face but her face is also rounder than becky's. so yeah get the feel of the defining features down and try practicing those.
as for designing them in my style, it's kinda just what i said above? i don't rlly think about designing them i just go for it till it looks right LOL it really is just trial and error
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here i drew loid in 3 pretty diff styles but it's u can still tell it's loid in each pic (maybe bc i always be drawing him KFGHKSHA but pretend it's not just that...). now obviously im still working on consistency and whatnot but the defining features (hair, eyes, face shape in this case) are the same. and yeah even though his hair is different in all 3, it looks like the same hair styled diff ways rather than completely diff hair if that makes sense?
anyways i feel like i just yapped a lot but i tried LOL thank you for the ask <3
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bladestfrb · 8 months
It's that time of the week..
Ceo of Noah/Alenoah (or any ship I can think of) writing ideas, Pt.4 🤩!!
Also, I'm not gonna make this one look all fancy and stuff bc I'm tired and I rlly want more Alenoah/Alenoaheather fics (I'm procrastinating on my own)
- Alenoaheather fic idea -
Prompt: Alejandro and Heather have been together ever sense world tour, and through out all stars.
Eventually, The paparazzi became too much and they decide to move to a small town (place of your decision)
Alejandro and Heather go to a college in said small town
After a few weeks of living there, They spot Noah walking around the collage campus (They don't even know how they didint see him there before)
You can either have Alejandro and Heather interact with Noah on campus when they see him, OR, they lose Noah on campus so they cant talk to him BUT theh run into Noah at the coffee shop he works at part time.)
Noah is..surprised, nonetheless to see them there, an eel and a snake, An eel and a snake he thought he'd never see again?
Also, Noah isint rlly in contact with anybody from total drama
-- Woo time skip later in the fic or smth --
'Shit' Alejandro and Heather re-fall in love with Noah like they did on world tour, maybe this time they will confess, unlike world tour (💀 LMAO)
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