#Not Your Average Legacy ~ Sims 3
gabrielle-kl · 1 year
Not Your Average Legacy ~ Sims 3
Challenge Created by: gabrielle-kl
Proofreading was done by the lovely Simphora!
Hi, my name is Gabrielle and ever since early last year I wanted to see if I could create my own legacy challenge. Going into this challenge I want you to know that it’s not just about making a sim and completing the tasks to beat the challenge. This is a legacy challenge, however, I made it with endless storyline possibilities; think of it as a narrative adventure game where the player's choice is heavily impacted!
~ R U L E S ~ 
I do not specifically have rules other than following each generation in order and no money cheats (Only cheat your money for generation 1 for the starting funds). 
If you play my challenge I would love to see your sims in action! Please tag me with #notyouraveragelegacy so I can see it!
Generation 01 - Writer’s Block 
Ah….ok that’s pretty much that! You pack your bags, check your bank account to make sure you have enough simoleons, and finally your laptop. Perfect, you're out the door leaving your small family and hometown to focus on the only thing that makes you feel like everything around you is in your control. 
Growing up you liked making crazy narratives where there was always a twist at the end. You love making others wonder how you are going to finish the story. Like every book, it has chapters and your chapter begins in your new town. Now, this isn’t smart on your part but you got your new place for dirt cheap. I mean it’s empty, it only has your basic household necessities, and it’s not that bad but could be a fixer-upper.
Ignoring the fact you have barely anything in your home you take out your laptop….and head to town. You spot a cafe, decide to chill there for a bit and start doing what you love….writing. You honestly quite like this cafe and decided to write in here often, almost like your Jughead Jones.  
Like every writer….sometimes we get stuck and can’t think of anything to write, you are under a lot of stress; I mean I don’t blame you, your home doesn’t even have a comfy couch, not to mention you are low on funds, like really low. Frustrated with yourself, you head home and try to figure out how you are going to pay bills and afford necessities. Yeah, you're going to need a job. 
Get started: Start with a house or apartment  that is practically empty it only has the basic household needs (ex: stove, fridge, bed, toilet, etc)
* When you start making money here and there that’s when you can start personalizing your home* 
Starting simoleons: § 200
Traits - Artistic, Bookworm, Frugal, Perfectionist, Shy
Lifetime Wish - Professional Author 
Zodiac sign & Favourites: you choose
Goals ~
Visit the same community lot 3 times a week to write stories on your laptop 
Complete the writing skill 
Try to befriend your neighbours 
Get a part-time job of your choice 
Find your spouse at the same community lot you always visit 
Adopt a stray
Have as many kids as you want 
C H O I C E 
This Generation has a choice for the player to make. These are choices that you could build off of and integrate into your storyline.
After a while you realize the job you have now isn't making you happy, yeah it pays the bills but it is not what you want to do.
The choices are: to quit your job or find a way to get fired then register as a self-employed writer. 
Generation 02 - You never really grew up
As a kid, you were always playing with the kids who lived in your neighbourhood along with your siblings. You would play at the park, build forts, have sleepovers, tell stories and watch movies super late. You did everything with them, but that didn’t last long. Unfortunately, things don’t stay the same; some of your childhood friends started to drift and do different things that interest them, which includes spending time with other kids. Even your siblings tell you they don’t have time to do these activities with you anymore. You lose all contact with your childhood buddies because all you want to do is what you always did with them but they find it childish but you don’t.
It hurt for a while and you found it quite difficult to build friends in school because none of them were interested. But that didn’t stop you from being a kid at heart, you would go to online chat rooms and talk to people online. You would talk to a bunch of people there and eventually end up texting and calling each other. It makes you so happy that you have people that you can connect with, that don’t find your way of spending time with each other childish. 
Traits - Childish, Excitable, Good Sense of Humor, Social Butterfly, Computer Whiz
Lifetime Wish - Super Popular (Don’t worry you don’t need to complete it)
Goals ~
Befriend the kids in your neighbourhood or even some school kids
Collect 5 butterflies or Beetles
Always accept to hang out with friends 
Call friends often 
Get the distance relationship status with all your childhood friends once a teen
Make four new friends and keep those friends 
Never move out of your childhood home
Have 2-3 Kids 
Have three failed part-time jobs (constantly getting fired) 
C H O I C E 
This Generation has a choice for the player to make. These are choices that you could build off of and integrate into your storyline.
The choices are: you rekindle a friendship with one of your ex-friends or fall in love with someone in your friend group.  
Generation 03 - Wild 
You’re quite the charmer, it stands out amongst your siblings. Hey, it followed you right to high school, you were that semi-popular kid but mostly annoyed everyone with slick remarks. Well, I guess someone finds you funny because you end up finding yourself in a relationship, the two of you just clicked. You would go on dates with each other in the most random places sometimes. 
College applications are starting and you have already applied, however, your lover tells you he/she doesn’t have any plans to go to college. You both decide that instead of breaking up, you have a long-distance relationship. 
While at college you’re having a blast, and you tend to throw big dorm parties, like cops knocking on your door-type parties. Dorm mates secretly hate you but at least you clean up after yourself…in the morning….they can’t be mad at you forever, right?
Juggling studying, partying and a whole relationship back home, yep you didn’t think this through; the stress is getting to you but you don’t show it. But then you do something that you might regret.
Traits -  Irresistible, Born Salesperson, Charismatic, Party Animal, Eccentric 
Lifetime Wish - Descendant of Da Vinci (Optional to complete)
Goals ~
Have a high school sweetheart and remain with them throughout University
Get a secret matching tattoo with your lover as a teen 
Complete the Inventing skill and Handiness skill 
Use the invention crafting bench 
Apply for University and major in business 
Join a Sorority/Fraternity 
Throw big parties every week while at University 
Graduate from University and join the business career 
Work on inventions throughout your life and sell them for a profit
Call your girlfriend/boyfriend back home often 
Hook up with four different sims at one of your parties 
Have one kid
C H O I C E 
This Generation has a choice for the player to make. These are choices that you could build off of and integrate into your storyline. So you did cheat on your high school sweetheart during a party at university. What do you do? 
Confess about cheating on your partner once you return home or never tell them what you did.
If you tell them that you cheated on them depending on how they respond, you can rekindle the love or let them go and move on. However, if you decide to never tell them you have to stay with them and have another secret hookup with one of your hook-ups from your University days. (That’s brutal….)
Generation 04 - Guilty Pleasure 
I swear you just let anything fly out of your mouth! Of course, you don’t see anything wrong with it but your parents do and they are very concerned about it. That however doesn’t bother you at all, as a kid you liked to obsess over the weirdest things and would not shut up about it. If it interested you, you made sure everyone around you knew about it too.
A lot of other people you know find the things you are into very strange and none of your friends are interested in them, they think it's weird and I don’t blame them. You pick up random hobbies but can never stick to one, you also like dressing up in random costumes doing these hobbies. You are in your own little world and to you, it’s your guilty pleasure. However, being a young adult and trying to please your parents at the same time is very tricky, so you get a job in the cooking business and try your best to be responsible and work hard in your career. But knowing you that doesn’t work out, does it? 
You check in with your parents every week and let them know how “amazing” you are in your career and how well life is going for you. It’s your way of showing them how much you've matured…..although what they don’t know can’t hurt them. You like to go to clubs and bars every weekend and sip a few drinks and go on stage and show the crowd how talented you are! Maybe a shot at stardom?…. Yeah in your dreams. 
On one of your weekly trips to the bar you get yourself into a pickle, how are you going to cover this up now?
Traits - Inappropriate, Heavy Sleeper, No Sense of Humour, Clumsy, and Insane 
Lifetime Wish - One Sim Band (Optional to complete)
Goals ~ 
Reach Level 5 in five different skills
Go out to eat with your parents / call them every week (while they're still alive)
Go to bars/clubs every weekend and have a few drinks before you get up on stage and do Karaoke
Have three good friends 
Get into two fights at the bar/club
Get Pregnant or get another pregnant sim from a random hookup
C H O I C E 
This Generation has a choice for the player to make. These are choices that you could build off of and integrate into your storyline.
Oh no! Now you’ve got a kid, what are YOU going to do? Either, keep in touch with the other parent, have he/she visit your kid and maybe this little hook-up could be more, or not? Up to you. Or after your child is born you keep the baby with you and never speak to the other parent again.
Generation 05 - Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
You can’t stand your mom/dad (Gen 4 parent) everything they do is so questionable as if they have zero idea what's going on at all times; the majority of your free time is spent watching action channels on tv or playing with action figures. You spend most of your time in your room with the door locked and you don’t care to make friends with kids your age so it’s just you. No matter how much your mom/dad tries to please you, you do not pay them any attention. You like spy movies and you decided being a secret agent is your dream job no matter what the cost was. However, being in this line of work made you quite paranoid and all of a sudden you disappeared. Where did you go?
Traits - Perceptive, Genius, Ambitious, Good and Neurotic 
Lifetime Wish - International Super Spy
Goals ~ 
Have good grades in school (child to teen)
Move out of mom/dad's house once a young adult (Get a part-time job if you have to)
Max the Charismatic skill 
Have a high level of Logic skill
Have a high level of athletic skill (doesn’t need to be maxed)
Have a mediocre relationship with Gen 4 parent
Get a job in law enforcement (eventually, go into the special agent branch)
Surprisingly you fall in love with someone you work with
Have two kids 
C H O I C E 
This Generation has a choice for the player to make. These are choices that you could build off of and integrate into your storyline.
You've grown quite paranoid ever since you started working as a spy. You think that in the middle of the night, someone is going to come for you, I mean I don’t know who but you do.
Pack your bags and all your belongings, leave your spouse and kids behind, move to an off-the-grid location and lose contact with everyone you know. Quit being a spy to start a new “safe life” (that’s not messed up in the slightest, but hey who am I to judge) 
In the middle of the night, you decide to wake up your spouse and tell them to get the kids and pack their packs and meet you in the car. Because all of you are moving to a new home that is far far away from your original home to start a “new life”. 
Generation 06 - Globetrotter 
All of a sudden your life changed overnight. Literally! Everything you once knew before is all different now, nothing feels like how it used to be and they won’t even tell you why. No one will tell you why. You started acting up as a teen; going out late at night, staying up super late, fighting, you even ran away. You only made it to a park but that was cut short because one of your parents found you, your life is a complete mess. Honestly, I don’t blame you; but apart from being angry all the time you found a hobby you quite enjoy. 
Remember when I said you attempted to run away? Well, this time you steal your parent's credit card and sneak out at night to a completely different country. Who cares where it was, you just wanted to feel some adrenaline for once. On your adventure, you decided to start taking a lot of pictures of everything you saw and started engaging in conversation with the people who lived there. Your childhood was pretty much sheltered and even though your parents are frantically searching for you, you're too busy living it up overseas; might as well send a postcard!
Traits - Hot-Headed, Commitment Issues, Photographer’s Eye, Adventurous, and Kleptomanic 
Lifetime Wish - Blog Artist
Goals ~ 
Have a terrible relationship with Gen 5 parent (if they are still in your life)
Master Photography, Social Networking
Have above Level 5 in writing 
Go for a jog once a week
Have three different romantic relationships with sims from three different worlds
Be disliked by two sims
Go on vacation five times throughout your life or even more (you are a traveller, of course)
Have a Level 5-star blog (you blog about your travels)
C H O I C E 
This Generation has a choice for the player to make. These are choices that you could build off of and integrate into your storyline.
These are your choices: Life is moving fast for you and you are a busy individual. However, you do not want to have a job and instead of just working you find another alternative….your brilliant idea is to gamble to solve all your problems! 
You love your blog, you really do and you love your followers but you want more. You want to live life luxuriously and never have to worry about money. So you find yourself chatting it up with the celebs in your city, how? I don’t know but you find a way.
Hope you really enjoy this challenge as much as I had fun making it. Dag, Dag! :)
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thepettymachine · 2 months
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She wished to turn the hot firefighter into a vampire
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simphoraa · 11 months
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Sweet & Sour Legacy Challenge - Sims 3
Created by Simphora & Gabrielle-kl 
Hey guys! Surprise, surprise. Me and Gabby did a little something.. we created a Sims 3 challenge! Woot-woot! This is our very first time creating a challenge together. We had such a blast. I’d like say this challenge is fun and unique. We put our FOOT into making this because us Sims 3 simmers are in desperate need of more challenges. Also, feel free to check out Gabby’s amazing challenge called, Not Your Average Legacy Challenge. 
The Sweet & Sour Legacy Challenge is a six generation legacy challenge inspired by fruits. These fruits have a sweet and sour aesthetic for each generation. For example, the sweet fruit generations are compassionate and up-beat. Meanwhile, there’s a little twist with the sour fruit generations because it’s more pessimistic and chaotic. All-in-all, if you're a simmer that is looking for a fruit themed and drama fulfilled legacy challenge, this is a challenge for you!
If you’re interested in doing this challenge, please feel free to tag us: @simphoraa @gabrielle-kl​ or #sweet&sourlegacy. We would love to see your progress and gameplay!
R U L E S:
You must follow each generation in chronological order. 
It is recommend that you use all of the provided traits.
If you do not have a certain Sims 3 expansion pack that is related to the traits, careers, or goals, you can make adjustments.
The aesthetic color/colours for each generation is optional.
Before moving on to the next generation, you must complete all of the required goals.
DO NOT use any money cheat codes (ex: motherload, kaching, or rosebud).
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Generation #1 - Watermelon: One in a Melon
You like to see yourself as the main character, and you think that everyone that comes in contact with you thinks so too.
Everyone absolutely loves you! Or do they? As unique as you are, you want to be a famous actor or actress. Soon enough Hollywood would be signing your name on everything! You find yourself chilling with A-list celebrities and even date a few. You have everything you could ever want! No one can ruin this for you, except maybe yourself.
Get started: Live in a small starter house or apartment. Purchase your basic necessities to survive, and progressively buy more necessities once you start earning some simoleons. Good luck!
Starting simoleons - §1,200
Traits - Charismatic, Dramatic, Snob, Star Quality, and Workaholic
Career - Film
Lifetime Wish - Superstar Actor
Aesthetic Color/Colour
Become a five-star celebrity
Ruin your reputation 2 times, make your life a little scandalous! (ex: get publicly disgraced)
Master the Charismatic skill
Reach level 10 in the Film Career (choose the actor branch)
Have 2 close friends
Host a meet & greet once a week (ex: sign autographs and take pictures with fans)
Fall in love with one of your fans
Have as many kids as you want
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Generation #2 - Lemon: When life gives you lemons.. you have to deal with some sour sh*t!
Sigh! Your childhood was already enough as it was with being a nepotistic child, but now there’s even more shenanigans.
Apart from hiding in your parents' shadows and not being the main focus when it comes to the paparazzi. You carry a nice and sweet persona on the outside. Those who were fortunate enough to have a conversation with you say your personality is like, “stuffing their mouths with a bunch of sour candy”, but you didn’t hear that from me. Just know, it’s okay to loosen up a bit. You do not always need to leave a bitter taste in one’s mouth.
In the course of time, you finally meet someone and insert yourself into their life. Love makes you do some silly things. You want to help them with their unlawful issues because you think that you can help them figure things out and get their life back on track. Realistically speaking, you would never think of laying your eyes on someone with a completely different personality than yours and a terrible outlook on life. Oh boy! You're in for a nice treat.
Traits - Bookworm, Grumpy, Hopeless Romantic, No sense of humor, and Perceptive
Career - Journalism or Private Investigator
Lifetime Wish - Star News Anchor or Pervasive Private Eye
Aesthetic Color/Colour
Get romantically involved with a criminal  
Be disliked by a few sims. Having “friends” isn’t your thing because people disappoint you
Master the Writing or Logic skill
Reach level 5 in the Journalism or Private Investigator Career, and then quit or get fired
Have 1 failed marriage
Have only 1 child
Have a bad relationship with your child
Find a hobby or skill, and make a source of income out of it
Have a rebound relationship with someone
C H O I C E:
This generation has a choice for you to make. These are choices that you could build off of and integrate into your storyline.
Hmm, it looks like you have found love again. Are you genuinely happy this time? You may be a little traumatized from the last relationship. Just remember, everyone isn’t the same. This rebound relationship could be turning into something really serious. There may even be wedding bells in your future. Do you want to give marriage a second chance or stay in the “dating” stage?
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Generation #3 - Strawberry: You’re the sweetest pick of the patch!
Everyone loves you, at least this time. Nobody is actually lying. Good job! Everyone finds you to be the sweetest sim in the patch. And, trust me, you will most definitely take full advantage of all this attention. You mainly use it for a good cause. You love power, but not in an evil kind of way. You want to use that power to help those in need.
You attend University in hopes of being the future president of the free world and eventually start raising a happy family that is way better than how your current family dynamic is right now. I don’t really know anything, but deep down you want to be better than your parents because you have a weird feeling that they were doing some shady things before you were born.
Traits - Friendly, Family-Oriented, Good, Irresistible, and Schmoozer
Career - Political
Lifetime Wish - Leader of the Free World
Aesthetic Color/Colour
Fix your relationship with your parent
Maintain A’s in school and even aim to become an honor/honour roll student (child-teen)
In high school, join the debate club
Enroll into University and major in Communications
Host a rant/protest once a week
Donate to a charity once in a while
Join a Social Group (Nerd, Rebel, or Jock)
Throw a party every weekend
Earn the Communications degree
Reach level 10 in the Political Career
Be a good role model as a parent and a faithful spouse
Have about 2-4 kids
Retire from the Political Career once an elder
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Generation #4 - Green Apple: One bad apple doesn’t spoil the whole bunch..
You want to find love just like how your parents have it. You can’t seem to find someone that fits the description of your dream partner. All of your attempts seem to fall flat. Why? You’re not that bad of a person. You’re just exploring a bit. You may be a little picky, but everyone has their own personal preferences within a person. Right? Hmm.. maybe you're just picking the wrong kind of sims? Do not give up. Keep putting yourself out there until you find the one. Just do not get yourself caught up. They say the world is one tiny place..
Traits - Commitment Issues, Flirty, Over-emotional, Social Butterfly, and Unlucky
Career - Any self-employed career
Lifetime Wish - Heartbreaker
Aesthetic Color/Colour
Maintain a good relationship with your parents
Create an Online Dating Profile
Go out on a date every weekend
Have 10 failed relationships (get caught cheating or initiate a break-up)
Have an accidental baby from a hook-up
Avoid/Lose contact with some of your friends. You forgot about them. You’re too “caught up” in love
Start a Personal Blog
Post daily blogs about your life
Reach level 7 in Social Networking skill
Attempt to meet someone through the Sim Finder App
C H O I C E:
This generation has a choice for you to make. These are choices that you could build off of and integrate into your storyline.
Good news! It looks like you may have found the sim of your dreams through your blog. Out of all those fishes in the sea, it only took ten different sims to find them. Do you try to fix your reputation, and finally settle down or continue to be a.. heartbreaker?
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Generation #5 - Blueberry: Life is very sweet, and you are naturally sweet
Being generous and compassionate is one thing, but doing it all the time, even to the sims that do not deserve it.. gets draining. You kept it pushing. Hey, even I am surprised you lasted this long. Everyone makes mistakes. Although, some people are just unforgivable. It turns out you're the type of sim that doesn’t hold others' mistakes against them forever because holding grudges is immature.
You’ve studied hard to be in a career that has long tiresome hours where you're barely at home, and if you think you got lucky in some extra lounge time – Oh! There goes your alarm, it’s time to clock in! Unfortunately, since you're never home, some things just seem to slip under the rug. Only so much can be slipping through the cracks for you to be completely oblivious. Hmm, I wonder how long this has been going on for? I could never trust someone again after that stunt. Could you?
Traits - Ambitious, Eco-Friendly, Friendly, Genius, and Loves the Outdoors
Career - Science
Lifetime Wish - Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder or Renaissance Sim
Aesthetic Color/Colour 
Have your sim live the Eco-friendly lifestyle (ex: own a bicycle, eat organic food, recycle, etc)
Start a garden
Fish once a day
Catch/Collect 5 different uncommon or rare type of fishes
Master the Gardening, Handiness, and Fishing skill
Grow a plantsim or create a small farm (ex: raise chickens, cows, horses, etc) [PICK ONE]
Fall in love with one of your co-workers
Once married, make your Spouse have 2 affairs and you must stay with them
Try repairing your marriage with your spouse, but only if you catch them cheating
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Generation #6 - Grapefruit: Don’t be such a sour puss!
Let’s be realistic here. You need to get your life together. I’m sorry. I know this is something you do not want to hear, but ya need to put a pep in your step and do something with yourself. Pronto!
You find it quite unfair how other sims around you get to go on fancy trips, have nice cars, live in mansions or high-rise buildings, and afford expensive meals. You wonder to yourself how one can achieve all these kind of lifestyles. Dangerous choices can lead to serious consequences, but it’ll never stop you. I would say you like to live your life on the edge. So, what if you leave a place with five different things that do not belong to you? Any who --- hey, wait a minute... since when did your neighbor/neighbour get such a nice car? Oh my god! Did they seriously leave their keys in the slot like that? Someone could just steal it. It is a really nice car though. I think I might take it for a little spin around the block.. Finders keepers, losers weepers!
Traits - Athletic, Childish, Hot-headed, Kleptomaniac, and Night-owl
Career - Criminal
Lifetime Wish - Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
Aesthetic Color/Colour
Steal 3 items a day
Possess §50,000 worth of stolen items (do not sell anything)
Befriend your ALL of your neighbors/neighbours. No one knows what you do in your free time. You could get some valuable goodies from them, wink wink
Get arrested
Work out 3 times a week at the community Gym
Master the Athletic skill
Live in a house worth over §100,000
Scuffle with someone once a week
Adopt a child
C H O I C E:
This generation has a choice for you to make. These are choices that you could build off of and integrate into your storyline.
Uh-oh, there’s a new addition to the family. Now, you have a lot of responsibility on your hands. This is very important to you. Is this the perfect time to finally get your life together by quitting your job as a Criminal and find a new job? Or, remain a Criminal, but hide it? This has been your lifestyle for a while. Just remember that this could also make you look like a “bad parent” because children can be easily influenced.
If you have made it to the end of this challenge, we want to thank you so much for participating and completing it. Let us know what you think as well!
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playing-it-groovy · 2 years
Groovy Legacy Challenge
This challenge was inspired by the other amazing 10 generation storytelling challenges out there including, Not So Berry, Sims in Bloom, Whimsy Legacy Challenge and many more! 
A massive shout out to my friend Sophie 'Folklore Adventures' for helping me with this challenge, coming up with ideas and helping write the backstory for each generation. 
General Rules: 
-Each Generation complete the given aspiration & career 
-Max out required skills for each generation 
-Money Cheats allowed for story telling purposes ie freerealestate
*Make the challenge harder by not using any cheats 
-Play on any lifespan you wish (although short is not recommended with all the goals that need to be achieved for each gen) 
-Please add extra story elements and ideas throughout the challenge and make it your own, have fun!
-If you do not own all required packs, either leave that part of the rule out or change the trait/skill to something that is similar 
-Some Generations are named after tv shows or movies and the storyline for these are not the same, they are just inspired by them.  
-You will notice each generation has two colours, an aesthetic and inspiration. These are not required for the challenge but are a fun add on to the Groovy theme of the legacy (though I know this style isn't for everyone). You may like to just do the colours or the aesthetic or neither, it's totally up to you! 
-If you decide to play this challenge I'd love you to @me playing_it_groovy on instagram or use the hashtag #Groovylegacy
Packs needed: 
Seasons,Get to Work, Outdoor Retreat, Snowy Escape, Strangerville, City Living, Cottage Living, Realm of Magic, Get to Work, Parenthood, Knifty Knitting, Jungle Adventure, Get Together, Highschool Years, Spa Day, Dine Out, Bowling Night, Discover University, Horse Ranch
Optional New first Gen (can continue with following generations after)
Generation 1 (alternative): Not your average Rancher:
Your parents gave you the perfect suburban upbringing, but the world is changing and you don’t want a mundane job and a house in the suburbs. So you run away and start a new life with only the clothes on your back. You are quirky, with a love for all things colourful and fun, you show this part of your personality through your home interior and how you dress. Your deep connection to nature, animals and gardening inspires you to start your own farm on an empty ranch. You find someone who shares your love for the outdoors and together you raise a family that grows along with colourful quirky farm.
Aspiration: Expert Nectar Maker
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Rancher, Horse Lover
Career: Nectar Making (make your money from your farm and nectar making)
Skills: Gardening, Nectar Making, Horse Training (get a horse to level 10 in 3 out of 4 skills)
-Start from nothing Rags to Riches style, you can either start with $400 or $0 if you would like to make it harder! -Build your home from the ground up - it grows as your family grows -Must end up owning all the 'colourful' mini sheep types -Own a colourful horse -Must also own at least one chicken, cow, goat & llama   -Have a minimum of 3 children
*Colours Pink & Green *Aesthetic Colourful Western *Inspiration: Western Barbie, Barbie Movie, Dont Worry Darling
Generation 1: Flower Child 
Your parents gave you the perfect suburban upbringing, but the world is changing and you don’t want a mundane job and a house in the suburbs. So you run away and start a new life with only the clothes on your back. You are strong, independent and are driven to make a true difference in the world. Your deep connection to nature, plants and flowers inspires you to find someone who shares your youthful hippie spirit and cares for the environment like you do. Together you raise a conscious family who appreciate the environment and the world around them. 
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Vegetarian, Self-Assured 
Career: Conservationist - Environmental Manager
Skills: Flower Arranging, Herbalism  & Gardening   
-Start from nothing Rags to Riches style, on an empty lot with no money 
-Build your home from the ground up - it grows as your family grows.  
-Your home is always decorated with flowers from your garden 
-Collect and grow all flower types used for flower arranging and grow to Magnificent quality
-Make all types of flower arrangements
-Have a minimum of 3 children 
-Take family on camping holidays for each of their child to teen birthdays 
*Colours - Green & Brown 
*Aesthetic - 70's Flower Child 
*Inspiration - 1960s Hippie Movement, Films - Hair, Dare to be Wild, Across the Universe
Generation 2: Space Oddity 
You were raised to love and care for Mother Earth but as the rest of the world begins to look towards the stars, you wonder what else might be out in the world. Ideas of space and the supernatural consume your thoughts and while people might find you strange, you don’t mind at all, because you know there’s something out there.  You’re a neat freak and long for the next genius idea you’ll have in the shower. You leave the family farm and move to an unusual new town hoping to meet like minded people but when things start getting strange, you go searching for answers.  You finally find a Sim who accepts you for you, quirks and all. 
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery 
Traits:Genius, Neat, Erratic  
Career: Astronaut
Skills: Rocket Science, Logic, Handiness  
-Live in Strangerville
-Build rocket ship 
-Have a fleeting romance with an alien from Sixam 
-Collect all Geodes 
-Collect all aliens 
-Collect and Grow all Alien Plants 
-Get married to to a sim with the geek trait and raise a family together 
*Colours - Turquoise and yellow 
*Aesthetic - Retro Futuristic/Fallout 
*Inspiration - Classic Sci Fi films, War of the Worlds, Area 51 
Generation 3: Brady Bunch 
You grew up in an unusual family and just long to fit in with everyone else. You dream of a simple family life, with routine, order and nothing out of the ordinary. You find your soulmate and raise a large family of six children. You love being a stay at home parent and focusing on your children. You strive to be the perfect parent, knitting for your family, cooking big family meals and helping your children with their studies. You don’t have many friends other than your family so you decide to have pen pals.  
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Traits: Family Oriented, Cheerful, Perfectionist 
Skills: Knitting, Parenting and Cooking
Career: NA
-Be a stay at home parent 
-Have a hobby of knitting and selling your craft
-Have 6 children (adopt or have naturally) 
-Help Children with all school projects 
-Cook a large family meal every night 
-Collect all postcards through having penpals 
*Colours  - Orange and Green 
*Aesthetic - 60's/70's California 
*Inspiration - The Brandy Bunch, Leave it to Beaver 
Gen 4: Grease 
Growing up in a large loving family, you were the perfect child that couldn't do anything wrong. You are a straight A high school student and cheerleader, but you wonder if there’s more to life than having the perfect home and family.  Towards the end of your teen years, you meet the Sim of your dreams who is the total opposite to you. They are adventurous and rebellious but they change you for the better and bring out your wild side. You live a busy, fast paced and exciting life having adventures together and only have one child. You have a career in writing, sharing your travels with the world. While you teach your only child to follow their dreams, you don’t spend much time together because of your busy travel schedule.    
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast 
Career: Freelance Writer
Traits: Good, Bookworm, Adventurous (last trait given) 
Skills: Selvadoradian culture, Skiing, Rock Climbing 
-Get A's in School
-Be a cheerleader in High School 
-Have a partner that also has the Adventurous trait
-Only have one child 
-Have at least 3 tattoos 
-Go on as many trips and adventures as you can afford 
-Collect all Omiscan treasures 
*Colours - Red and Pink
*Aesthetic - Grease 
*Inspiration - Films - Grease, Dirty Dancing
Generation 5: Arts Factory
If your globetrotting, absent parents taught you anything, it was to have fun and follow your dreams, so that’s exactly what you do. You move to the city as an aspiring artist/photographer, live with a group of fellow artists and creatives and throw lots of fabulous parties together.  You find yourself an incredible muse, have a whirlwind romance, move into your own apartment and have a baby. But long term relationships just aren’t your style and realising you’re losing your creativity and passion, you break up and raise your child alone. You’re forever destined to search for your next muse, while living out to your artistic and party animal dreams. 
Aspiration: City Native
Traits: Creative, Party Animal, Noncommittal 
Career: Painter
Skills: Painting, Photography, Mixology  
-Complete childhood aspiration Artistic Prodigy 
-Move to city once young adult and stay for remainder of life
-As YA live with roommates (must be other creatives)
-Throw a party once a week with your roomates & make drinks for guests (whilst in shared apartment) 
-Collect all City Posters 
-Paint and keep 5 masterpieces for your apartment
*Colours - Black and White 
*Aesthetic - 1960s New York Art Scene 
*Inspiration - Andy Warhol, Edie Sedgewick, Yoko Ono, Films - Factory Girl, Music - Bob Dylan, David Bowie, The Velvet Underground
Generation 6: Bewitched 
You grew up in a dysfunctional apartment in the city surrounded by wild parties and celebrities and dream of a more quiet, traditional life for yourself. But there’s a catch, because you’re a witch! While you love being a witch and developing your powers, you long to fit in and want the world to think you’re just a regular Sim. You find a partner that you love and tell them your secret, but don’t disclose it to anyone else. To your neighbours and friends you’re just a regular suburban parent, who bakes for their kids, cross stitches and enjoys bowling. You go all out celebrating every holiday, while living a secret spellcaster life. 
Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery 
Traits: Proper, Cat lover, Overachiever 
Career: Education 
Skills: Baking, Cross Stitching, Bowling 
-Become a Spellcaster as a teen 
-Collect all 26 magical artefacts 
-Decorate and go all out for every holiday 
-Always own a black cat 
-Get married before starting a family
-Have a hidden locked room for all spellcaster items 
-Only perform magic at home or Glimmerbrook
-Go Bowling as your hobby 
*Colours - Navy Blue and Purple
*Aesthetic - 60's suburbia 
*Inspiration - Bewitched, Practical Magic, Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Generation 7: Saturday Night Fever 
During the day you work a typical nine to five job just to please your pleasant suburban parents, but all you really want is to be going out dancing. You love music, disco and all things shiny. You love the nightlife, you love to boogie!  
You go out dancing multiple times a week. You find it hard to commit to one Sim but you love the chase and romancing them on the dance floor. One night you accidentally get pregnant 
(or get a sim pregnant) from a one night stand. This makes you change your ways and you become the most loving parent and devote most of your time to raising your child. You still go out dancing when you get the time.
Aspiration: Serial Romantic 
Skills: Dancing, Charisma, Dj Mixing Skill 
Career: Business 
Traits: Dance Machine, Romantic, Childish 
-As a young adult go out dancing/DJ at least twice a week 
-You do not need to reach level 10 in this career as you are not passionate about it 
-Never get married or have a long term partner 
-You love wearing all things that sparkle 
-Collect all Crystals 
- Throw a Gold Medal birthday party each time your child ages up
*Colours - Hot Pink and Silver 
*Aesthetic - Disco 
*Inspiration - Saturday Night Fever, Flashdance, Studio 54
Generation 8: Commune Farm 
You grew up surrounded by bright lights, sparkly things, music and dancing. You had the best parent, who worked a job they hated just to make sure you had a great upbringing.  But now you long for a simple life, away from all the hustle and bustle, connecting with like minded people. You move to the country to live off the land, reconnect the earth and participate in a harmonious community. You are all about wellness and living a clean lifestyle. But are you getting yourself into a commune or a cult? You have a child with one of your friends in the community and everyone helps raise your child.You make money from selling produce and items you craft by hand, while living your dream hippie commune life. 
Aspiration: Zen Guru 
Skills: Handiness, Wellness, Fishing
Career: NA 
Traits: Maker, Animal Enthusiast, Recycle disciple
-Have all types of farm animals 
-Live on a lot with simple living and off the grid traits
-Survive off the land and your farm only 
-Sell items you farm and make on woodworking table 
-Invite sims to be your roomates that you want to live with you on the farm 
-Collect all types of fish 
*Colours-Orange and Yellow
*Aesthetic - 1970s Age of Aquarius 
*Inspiration - 1970s counterculture, Hippie Commune, Woodstock
Generation 9: Almost Famous 
You grew up surrounded by music, playing instruments and listening to stories about  the wild music festivals and concerts from your commune family attended. And while commune life is nice and all, you dream of more. You want the rockstar lifestyle and when you’re old enough you take off to chase your dreams of being a famous musician. 
Your guitar skills start to pay off as you make your own music and busk on the streets for money. You hang out at all the celebrity hot spots in the hopes of meeting someone famous and you do! You fall in love and live your lives in the spotlight. Now that you are with a celebrity and you start to enjoy the finer things in life and focus on creating beautiful music on the piano. 
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Any part time job to make extra money 
Skills: Guitar Skill, Piano Skill, Gourmet Cooking
Traits: Music Lover, Foodie, Self Absorbed 
-Play instruments as a child 
-Start learning guitar skill as a teen 
-Move to Del Sol Valley as a young adult stay there for life 
-Busk to make your main income (allowed to have a part time job to earn more money) 
-Focus on Piano Skill later in life 
-In spare time hang out at celebrity hot spots until you fall in love with one
-Dine out for meals at least once a week
-Collect all experimental food prints 
*Colours - Black and Red
*Aesthetic - 70's/80's Rock
*Inspiration - Films - Almost Famous, The Doors, Dazed and Confused
Generation 10: Charlie's Angels 
With two famous parents, you grew up in the spotlight but you long for a different life, one far away from fame. So far away in fact, that you decide to be a spy. You are always well put together, fit, fashionable and intelligent, the whole package. Growing up with the finer things in life, you like your home to feel special and enjoy splashing out on expensive household items. You meet the love of your life but they can never know what you do for work. To them you are the perfect partner, but they have no idea of the adventures you go on and enemies you make along the way. 
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Secret Agent Career (Diamond Agent) 
Skills: Fitness, Mischief, Programming Skill 
Traits: Materialistic, Active, Overachiever 
-Have a beautifully decorated home 
-Constantly update your home with expensive items 
-Hide your career from your partner and children 
-Have 3 enemies 
-Collect all fossils 
*Colours - Light Pink and Blue 
*Aesthetic - 1970s Charlie's Angels 
*Inspiration -  70s Spy Gene, James Bond  
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brownsuga-sims · 3 months
Below is a legacy challenge I decided to create on my own. Leave your comments and let me know what you think. I'll start playing it soon on my YT Channel.
Discovering My Simself Legacy Challenge
Discovering My Simself Legacy Challenge
General Rules:
1. Create your simself
2. The only cheat that can be used is the freerealestate for your legacy home, but no other money cheats can be used.
3. You can use lot traits and rewards to boost skills
Any packs can be used, but be sure you have Get to Work, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Parenthood, Get Famous, and Spa Day
1st Generation: "A Fresh Start"
Against your parents' wishes, you decide to pursue your dream job instead of teaching. As a result, you are cut out of their will and forced to start a life of your own with the little money you saved from working in college. Your goal is to obtain your dream job (this can be whatever career you wish), become the first millionaire in your family, find a soulmate, get married, and have two kids to carry on your legacy.
1. Complete the Successful Lineage aspiration.
2. Have two kids (Gender doesn't matter). Both kids must complete at least one aspiration and have a B average in school.
3. Max the cooking and parenting skills.
4. Must love kids and have the family aspiration trait.
2nd Generation: ( You can start Rotational Gameplay in the 2nd-10th generations)
"Style Influencer " Your mom taught you the value of dedication and hard work and expects you to carry on her legacy of wealth through your own dreams and hard work. However, you want to experience a little fun along the way without it interfering with the seriousness of your life. Your goal is to find your dream job, get married, and start a family of your own of at least two kids
1. Complete the fabulously wealthy aspiration.
2. Charisma, painting, photography, and writing must be high levels but not required to be maxed out; Ambitious and Outgoing traits must be maxed.
3. You can have both of your young adults to become rich or only one to become rich while the other live a successful lifestyle with a good paying job without living in the limelight. If you choose both to become rich, choose one career to be a Social Media Influencer and the other one a Style Influencer.
4. The young adult sim who is famous will have an additional trait of Party Animal.
3rd Generation: "Best-Selling Author"
You come from a family of wealth who was always in the spotlight. However, you are a quieter and reserved sim with a love for writing. You prefer a quiet, country life. Your goal is to continue the family wealth and become the #1 best-selling author, meet your soul mate, and start your own family in the country.
1. Traits: Creative, genuine, loner, bookworm
2. Complete the Best-Selling Author Aspiration.
3. Max Writing Skill
4. Write the Book of Life and bind it to your parents to save them from death.
4th Generation: "Running for President"
You will prove to your family that you have what it takes to run your sim world. You will become an exceptional leader! Your goal is to get married and have three kids in the process. This will be no easy feat.
1. Complete the mansion baron aspiration.
2. Max the Politician Career.
3. Traits: Max out self-assured trait
4. Skills: Max out Charisma Skill.
5th Generation: "Musical Genius"
Since you were a kid, your love for music has always been a gift with singing and playing instruments. Your goal is to start a career in music. You have no desire for marriage but will have an affair with a five-star celebrity to become pregnant with at least one child
1. Complete the World Famous Aspiration
2. Max out the Singing Skill
3. Max out at least two skills on an instrument
6th Generation; "Movie Star"
Since you were a kid, you have always wanted to be on the big screen. Your friends laughed at you when you told them you wanted to be a movie star. However, your family has always supported you. Now is your chance to prove to your friends that you can be a superstar. Your goal is to become a movie star, marry a celebrity, and have three kids.
1. Complete the master actress/actor career
2. Max Acting Skill
3. Must reach Proper Celebrity Status
4. Must have high maintenance Trait
7th Generation: "All About the Business"
Your family has carried on the wealthy legacy for generations, and you don't have to work too hard to get to the top. However, you want to establish a positive presence and work hard to the top of the corporate ladder. Your goal is to get a career in business, marry a 5-star celebrity, and have one kid.
1. Complete the fabulously wealthy aspiration.
2. Max the Charisma and logic skills
3. Traits are Genius, Self-Assured, Outgoing
4. Reach the top of the business career and eventually retire to enjoy the fruits of your labor
8th Generation: " The Veterinarian"
Your family is extremely wealthy, so you know you didn't need to work hard to earn money. Instead of going to college, you decide to use the money and open up your own veterinarian clinic. Your goal is to own a 5-star clinic, become romantically involved and marry a celebrity sim, and start a family on your own with two kids.
1. Complete the Friend of the Animal aspiration
2. Max the veterinarian Skill
3. Run a 5-star vet clinic
4. Own at least one pet and be good friends with him/her
5. Must be either a cat or dog lover
9th Generation: "Self-Care Specialist"
Born and bred into a generational wealthy family, your parents have taught you the ins and outs of running various businesses to acquire wealth for yourself. They have given you the money to own your very own spa. It's up to you to make a lucrative career out of it. Your goal is to own a successful spa business, have a secret affair with a 5-star celebrity, and have at least one kid.
1. Complete the Self-Care Specialist Aspiration
2. Have the high maintenance trait
3. Max the wellness skill.
10th Generation: "Exploring Space
Being on the big screen has never appealed to you. However, being the last generational kid to carry on the legacy of wealth your family has worked hard to build, you understand the importance of maintaining a positive image and maintaining wealth. You want to think outside the box and be extraordinary. Your goal is to explore space. Marriage and kids don't really appeal to you. Your family is big enough with enough kids to love on, but if it happens, you won't be too upset over it.
1. Complete the Nerd Brain Aspiration
2. Max the logic and Rocket Science Skills
3. Travel to SIXAM at least one and bring back a souvenir to show off to family and friends
4. Must have the genius trait.
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coolunspokenforname · 2 years
The “Building a Legacy” Challenge
The main premise of this challenge is to create a family in which each heir creates a legacy for themselves. This doesn’t have to be a world renowned legacy, but one where they are at least well known in a select group of people. For instance, one sim can be remembered as a programmer who created a virus and all programmers know their name, but can be completely unknown to the average person. You do not need to make these people celebrities, if you have get famous, but can if you want. Some generations have less goals or story than others, so you are able to choose what happens and expand on the sim’s personality.
Notes: If you don’t have a pack and need a replacement let me know, since I enjoy writing these and I don’t want people to feel left out because they don’t have a pack. Just mention if you’re just base game or which packs you do have, and I’ll do my best to create generations you are able to play. I don’t know much about the newer packs, so those may take a tiny bit longer, but otherwise I am totally happy to change a couple things. Also, I have not actually gone through this challenge, so if any parts are actually impossible, just let me know.
No cheats that give a gameplay advantage (however, for aspirations like Renaissance Sim that require one or more careers that are different from the career mentioned in the legacy goals, it is okay to cheat that part after completing everything else in the aspiration level)
Normal lifespan
Start with young adult (for story reasons, you can get a roommate if you want)
Unless it is in the goals of the generation you don’t have to complete the aspiration
Live anywhere unless specified in the generation’s story
Gender of sims is unspecified, it’s up to you
Very few generations mention spouses, so it’s normally up to you on your sims’ relationships
Extra goals are at the bottom, but aren’t necessary 
Gen 1: Musician 
Aspiration: Musical Genius 
Music Lover
Self Assured
Story: You've grown up being told music is useless and never had access to musical instruments. Now that you've become a young adult you are desperate to not just listen to music, but also create it. Unfortunately, with how little you were allowed to even see instruments, you don't even know where to start. You don't give up, though, and make it your goal to not only find what your preferred instrument is, but also master it and become famous.
Try all instruments, get at least level 2 in each
Complete Musical Genius aspiration
Level 10 of chosen instrument
Level 10 of entertainer career (Musician Branch) 
Gen 2: Actor
Aspiration: Master Actor
Self Absorbed
High Maintenance
Story: Your parent started out with nothing and in their lifetime rose to the top. You plan to use the fame you got from your connection to them to meet or even surpass their fame. In your teen years you tried to become a youtuber, but when you realized that wouldn't work, you decided to become an actress. After all, you’ve always been able to twist your parent(s) around your finger, how difficult would it be to wrap the audience around it too?
Make videos as teen
Complete Master Actor aspiration
Level 10 acting
Level 10 actor career
Gen 3: Conservationist
Aspiration: Beach Life
Child of the island
Story: All your early life was spent running around with your parent, never really stopping and having a chance to breathe. As soon as you can you get out of that life and move to Sulani, hoping that the islands would give you some much needed relaxation. However, you soon find out how polluted the island is. While you still take time to relax, you start to clean up the islands and make it your goal to create better islands for the future generations.
Heal Sulani
Complete Island Living aspiration
Level 10 conservationist career (Environmental Manager Branch)
Gen 4: Archeologist
Aspiration: Archeology Scholar
Loves the outdoors
Story: You loved travelling, enjoying going to the different islands of your home. You loved exploring the oceans and that, eventually, turned into loving exploring everywhere. You also loved learning of the different histories of places. When you learned that you could find these mysteries yourself, you jumped at the chance. Though, you also had a great love of teaching people about history, educating the future generations. So, you set to combine those two things, becoming a professor and vacationing to Selvadorada every weekend to dig for artefacts.
Put artefacts found in museum
Complete Archeologist aspiration
Level 10 archeology
Level 10 education career (Professor Branch)
Gen 5: Criminal
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Family Oriented
Story: All your life you've lived in comfort. Your family was well off, especially with one of your parents being a professor, and often went on vacations. You wanted to give your children the same kind of life, so as soon as you became a young adult you joined the business career. However, you hated the work and the pay was terrible. You never could sit still, and working at an office, sitting at a computer all day, sounds like torture. Only a few days after you joined the work you decided to quit. Unfortunately, that rushed decision left you with no backup plan, and no one wanted to hire you. Well, almost no one. That’s how you ended up working at a criminal organization and deciding to make it work.
Work in business career for a few days
Move house often after entering the criminal career
Complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Level 10 criminal career (Boss Branch)
Gen 6: Detective
Aspiration: Super Parent
Story: Your parent was one of the biggest crime bosses in the country and, surprisingly, was an incredibly good parent. Sure, they were sometimes a bit distant, and they didn’t talk about their job at all. Plus all the moving so they couldn’t be tracked, but otherwise they were a great parent. However, you still didn’t feel entirely comfortable with their job. Maybe it was because of all the detective and cop shows you watched as a kid. You decided to follow those interests into adulthood and your parent was still proud of you. You made it your goal to be as good as them to your kids, along with excelling at your job.
Convict 3 criminals
Complete Super Parent aspiration
Level 10 detective career
Level 10 parenting
Gen 7: Artist
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Art Lover
Story: Your parent wanted the best for you and your siblings, but you never made it easy for them. Argumentative as a child and teen, you often snuck out of the house to hang out with your friends. You were often grounded and, when you didn’t sneak out, painted to pass the time. It was actually quite helpful for your emotional state, and you began to paint more and more, eventually deciding to make a career of it. Soon enough you were selling masterpieces to rich buyers, but something was missing. You had fallen out of love with your highschool partner, and they didn’t love you either. You parted ways peacefully, and still talk to them once in a while.
Keep 5 masterpieces to put in museum
Breakup/Divorce highschool partner, but stay friends
Level 10 artist career (Master of the Real Branch)
Level 10 painting
Gen 8: Politician
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Green Fiend
Story: You’ve always been very connected to nature, enjoying exploring it as a child. As you grew up, though, you began to see your neighbourhood get dirtier, more polluted. As a teen you decided to work to fix it, and the best way in your eyes was to become a politician. On your way to the top you lost a few friends, but you were focused on your goal and didn’t care. You tried to be there for your child, but with the debates and charity balls, they were sometimes put on the backburner. You reasoned that you were doing this for them, so they could live a childhood like you did, but still felt bad about your distance. You decided, then, to have another child for them to have company.
Complete Eco Innovator aspiration
Level 10 politician career (Politician Branch)
Level 10 charisma
Gen 9: Astronaut
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Story: You were your parent’s second child, and it was clear that they just had you so you could keep your sibling company. However, you weren’t fishes, and growing up you hated each other. You also hated the world your parent had spent their life cleaning, so you wanted to leave it. Space was always interesting, and it was an escape since you were young, so you decided to become an astronaut. However, when you finally got to the alien world after years of work, you realized that you loved your home just as much. While you still love space and going to the alien world, you now spend most of your life with your feet on the ground, and try to create a new connection with your sibling.
Go to alien world
Level 10 astronaut career (Space Ranger Branch)
Level 10 rocket science
Gen 10: Vet
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Cat/Dog Lover
Story: You’ve never been the most outgoing person, and always preferred animals to people. It wasn’t that you didn’t like people, but that you felt like animals would never leave you. You got a dog when you became a teen, and after realizing how expensive vet visits were, you started learning how to treat pet’s illnesses, often going to classes on the weekend. As you got better, you started helping other people’s pets too, and eventually decided to get a vet clinic. However, in your free time you still take care of strays, and even adopt one that you got attached to.
Get vet clinic to 5 stars
Treat strays in free time
Adopt  at least one stray
Level 5 veterinarian skill
Gen 11: Scientist
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Story: As a teen you helped out at your parent’s vet clinic, and you really enjoyed it. Your friends always said that you were lucky, since not only was the job fun, but you were also getting paid, unlike other friends who were helping out their families’ businesses. Your favourite part of the job was creating the anecdotes and treats. Your family has always called you their “little scientist” and you actually really liked the idea of that, so when you became a young adult you started working for a science lab. You have a lot of invention ideas, and you’re excited to bring them into the world.
Work in the vet as a teen
Level 10 of scientist career
Be good friends with your child
Gen 12: Hero
Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery
Family Oriented
Story: You have always been a bit of a conspiracy theory nut. You trusted your parent, of course you did, but always felt like the system was strange, that there was something hidden from the both of you. That’s why, when you start noticing people acting strangely and alien fruits popping up, you know it’s something to do with that lab in the middle of the crater. You start to research and even sneak into the lab to find out, but when you were almost there your friend/partner gets infected too. Now you're desperately searching for a way not to just help them, but also to stop whatever is going on.
Have a friend get infected
Complete StrangerVille Mystery aspiration
Note: This generation, after completing the mystery, is pretty loose. You can add on to this whatever you wish, whether it be a different career or, if you have the paranormal pack, they can even be a paranormal investigator. (while that sounds interesting, I can’t actually play that out, so it’s not in the challenge) Though, I would recommend they be either a freelancer or self employed.
Gen 13: Chef
Aspiration: Party Animal
Dance Machine
Story: You’ve always loved the party life and food, so you decide to make your life all about those two things. Why not? You are always either at work, at the club, or throwing parties. You are the go to party planner, and are constantly looking for a thrill. After a one night stand you are left with a child, and trying to make it work with a person you barely know.
Throw 5 parties (at least 1 gold)
Complete Party Animal aspiration
Level 10 cooking
Level 10 culinary career (Chef Branch)
Gen 14: Social Media
Aspiration: Soulmate
High Maintenance
Story: You felt that your parent never really cared about you, but you refused to let it get you down. As a kid you start posting videos on the internet, and as you grow up the interest stays. Eventually you get a job with a social media company, and you quickly rise to fame. You love how everyone looks at you, how you’re able to influence everyone. One day, though, you meet someone who doesn’t seem to know who you are, and you fall deeply in love with them. You didn’t know much about love, your parents didn’t have it, and you never felt it until now, but you know you can’t let this person go. You both have a whirlwind romance and marry only a year after you met. Maybe you rushed into it, but you never looked back.
Marry spouse soon after meeting them
Complete Soulmate aspiration
Level 10 of social media career (Internet Personality Branch)
Gen 15: Athlete
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Story: Most of your early life you were a geek, interested in video games and computers, never leaving the house, the works. In highschool you were mercilessly teased by most of the more popular kids, except for one. They were an athlete, not the most popular, but close enough to the top. They start talking to you, and after becoming friends they invite you to join a team. You find out you really love sports and, possibly, like your friend too. You both get a job as athletes, and rise the ranks together. Then tragedy strikes. They pass, and you’re left alone, wishing you had told them your feelings and wishing you could see them again. Still, you try to move on, becoming one of the most famous athletes in the world. You find love again, and name your first child after your friend. Even after all that has changed in your life, you still enjoy playing video games in your spare time, and you pass that love down to your child/children.
Be best friends with one of the popular kids in highschool
Lose that friend as a young adult
Level 10 fitness skill
Level 10 athlete career (Professional Athlete Branch)
Gen 16: Programmer
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Story: Your parent was an athlete, but they still loved computers and video games. You got that from them, and since you were young you tried to learn how computers worked. You loved to figure out how computers and robots worked, and even started a robotics club at your highschool. You always got good grades, but that never stopped you from hacking into the school and improving your friend’s grades. Why would you get a part time job when you could get three times that by hacking into the Landgrab funds. However, after your rebellious teen years you want to do good, deciding to start building robots that help others.
Level 10 engineer career (Computer Engineer Branch)
Level 10 programing
Level 10 robotics
Gen 17: Writer
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Story: You’ve always loved reading. Since you were little your parent would read to you, and as you grew up you created new stories. However, in your teen years you gained a new interest. You found out in class that generations ago there was a musician with your name. Looking deeper, through births, marriages, adoptions, and deaths, you find out that you are directly related to them. They are your great (x14) grandparent. Having learned this, you decide to look into your family history, only to realize that they all became famous, even your parent. You don’t expect to become famous, but decide that you have to write down their lives and publish them. But, to your surprise, bringing your family’s history into the public made you famous as well.
Level 10 writing
Level 10 writer career (Author Branch)
Write one non-fiction book for each prior generation
Extra Goals:
Gen 1-Play at one community lot in each world (except vacation worlds)
Gen 2-Go to the spa every weekend (or multiple times a week)
Gen 3-Have two kids, one becomes diver the other is the heir
Gen 4-Lecture about archeology to at least five other sims
Gen 5-Cause a sim’s death
Gen 6-Marry a lawyer/criminal
Gen 7-Get back with ex
Gen 8-Live in a green neighbourhood
Gen 9-Have one alien kid (can be heir or not)
Gen 10-Get level 5 training skill
Gen 11-Complete whiz kid childhood aspiration
Gen 12-After healing friend live together for the rest of their life (can be as just friends, QPR, partner, or spouse)
Gen 13-Get level 10 gourmet cooking
Gen 14-Post one video every week from teen to elder
Gen 15-Play video games whenever you have the time
Gen 16-Create a simbot
Gen 17-Visit every place your ancestors have left themselves in (paintings, photos, important objects, ect)
Extra Overall Goal: Create a museum to remember all your sims. Include things like books written, paintings they made, pictures of them and their spouses, etcetera. (A warning-If you go to university and live on campus all pictures/previous degree plaques in household inventory will be reset, deleting all info on them)
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gabbaclub · 2 years
here’s another legacy challenge!
Welcome to the video game legacy challenge! This challenge is basically your average legacy challenge but each generation is loosely based off of a different game. Feel free to look up the description of each game to learn more about it if you desire, each generation has a  YouTube channel next to it so you can watch a video on the game to understand it for story telling purposes. Each generation is a basic description of the games but obviously changed to make it fit into the sims. for gen 3 since Roblox doesn't have just one main objective I incorporated the main gist of it instead of choosing one specific thing. Now for gen 9 I chose more of a player type path for the generation.
Also you will need a few mods for this which I will link below 
Extreme violence mod: https://sacrificialmods.com/extreme-violence-news.html
Basemental gangs mod: https://basementalcc.com/
Here are the links to each YouTube channel I mentioned:
Kubz Scouts: https://www.youtube.com/c/thekubzscouts
Denis Daily: https://www.youtube.com/c/DenisDaily
lilsimsie: https://www.youtube.com/c/lilsimsie
moresimsie(her stream reupload channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/moresimsie
CoryxKenshin: https://www.youtube.com/c/CoryxKenshin
Universal rules:
No money cheats unless stated otherwise
Every heir must live in a different world than they were raised in unless stated otherwise
Heirs and spouses can be of any gender
No adopted children can be heir
Lifespan must be on normal
all careers and aspirations must be completed unless stated otherwise
I hope you have fun playing and don’t forget to enjoy it as it is your game and only you can decide how you play!😊
Gen 1- Yandere Simulator(KUBZ SCOUTS)
You were always a cold hearted child, never showing much emotion just like your mother. Your mother always reassured you that she went through the same thing before she met your father and that you too would feel emotions once you met your "senpai." Well when your parents left you as a teenager to go to America, you finally met your Senpai on your first day of high school, but there was one issue... there is a girl talking to him and they seem close, well what do you do? The only logical answer is to KILL her and every girl that stands in your way obviously.
Traits: Jealous/ Evil/ loner Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Salary person(both you and your spouse need to be in this career) Rules:
must live in MT Komorebi 
you may cheat for a house but set your money to 5000 this will be the amount your parents left you
Meet a classmate that your sim will marry 
Meet 10 other classmates, these will represent the 10 rivals in yandere simulator
Kill all 10 rivals before you become a young adult
Marry the original sim you met in high school once you become a young adult and stay with them till you die
Have at least one child 
Have a basement/attic in your house where you keep your journal that you wrote about the killings in 
Complete simies collection
Gen 2- Phoenix wright ace attorney(KUBZ SCOUTS)
Your parents had a very cute love story from what they told you at least, But the older you got the more you started to uncover about your family's history when finally when you turned 18, while you were digging through the family basement you found an old notebook where your mother wrote about all the people she hurt to get to your father, where she also talked about how your grandmother did the same thing...How horrible! your family are murderers! From that moment on you devoted all your time to studying to go through university to become a lawyer and put a stop to all evil, little did you know your biggest lawyer rival would be the perfect sim for you.
Traits: Self assured/ Good/ Perfectionist Aspiration: Academic Career: Lawyer Rules:
Read your mothers journal before you move out
always have a negative relationship with the previous heir after reading the journal
Go to university then join the lawyer career
meet another lawyer and fall in love with them
Have two children(you can have twins if you want)
All children must have good manners
Gen 3- Roblox(DENIS DAILY)
You grew up in a very strict household with both parents being successful lawyers and always wanting to keep you and your sibling out of trouble. You thought it was nice how much your parents cared for you but you knew that with your crazy mind you would rather have a life of chaos rather than a strict safe life.
Traits: Erratic/ Out going/ Goofball Aspiration: Chief of mischief Career: Comedian Rules:
Never have above 2500 simoleons in your house hold funds
date one sim and have a kid with them but break up after and never have any other partners or children
complete 3 collections
never have a close relationship with your child
Only ever have a two bedroom house/apartment 
Gen 4- Mother simulator(KUBZ SCOUTS)
Your life growing up was very chaotic and super dangerous, you hated it and wished your mother stuck to your grandmothers rules instead of being so crazy. Because of your mothers crazy ways you moved out with your high school sweetheart immediately after graduating high school and got engaged. You knew your kids were going to have a great life after you and your partner got married and finished university.
Traits: Family Orientated/ Neat/ Cheerful Aspiration: Super Parent Career: Education Rules:
Meet a sim in high school and fall in love
Move out with them after getting engaged 
Have both you and your partner enroll in university
Finish uni and join your careers
Get married after you get one promotion 
after the wedding start trying for a baby
always have 1000 simoleons in the house hold funds unless you have to buy baby things
Gen 5- Stardew Valley(lil simsie)
Your life was great, your parents always had the money to give you and your siblings what you wanted due to them going to uni. When you were a kid you always helped in your mothers small garden and eventually fell in love with it and knew that's what you wanted to do with your life. It was simple and sweet just how you liked things.
Traits: Loves outdoors/ vegetarian/ Lactose intolerant Aspiration: Freelance botanist  Career: gardener  Rules:
Move out to a 40x40 lot or bigger (i recommend moving to Henford on Bagley)
Have a healthy garden
Participate in at least one finchwick fair
have at least one type of farm animal(cows, llamas, or chickens)
Sell canned goods and other baked goods through the selling table
Gen 6- 60 seconds(KUBZ SCOUTS)
Growing up on a farm was fun and all but for you it was all about the city...but your broke so you could only afford the worst apartment in san Myshuno, great. Moving to the city was going to be the best thing ever or so you thought, only a day after moving into the city you were watching tv on a box tv when the news came on in a frantic explaining that there was an atomic bomb that was about to drop on the sim world in 24 hours and the main target was san Myshuno, the news reporter urged every san Myshuno resident to move to Newcrest in the neighbor hood that was abandoned. Right after you saw that there was a knock on the door, It was your neighbor, The attractive one who was franticly telling you to hurry and grab some items and come with them where you two can move into one of the houses together to hopefully survive. Your neighbor only gave you 60 seconds to grab everything you needed before you two took off to a very run down house where you would spend the next few years together waiting out the radio active air.
Traits: Clumsy/ Gloomy/ paranoid Aspiration: Nerd brain Career: none Rules:
Move to 910 Medina Studios
After living in your apartment for one day have your neighbor visit and time your self 60 seconds and put as many items as you need in your household inventory
move to an abandoned house in Newcrest(you can cheat for the house it just cannot have any furniture except a basic kitchen and bathroom)
Never leave the house except when you go to get your care package
only make money from a woodworking table that was left in the house
Max woodworking skill
Receive a “care package” every week that contains fresh ingredients to cook with (these care packages will also have portable furniture like air mattresses)
have twins with your now roommate who you started dating 
once your twins are teens the wasteland will be clear enough for everyday life to resume(you may now unlock the doors and go outside
after your sims are free then you may get married to your partner
Gen 7- Fixer upper(lil simsie)
You and your twin grew up living in a house never going outside till you were teens because of the atomic bomb that went off when your mother and father were very fresh out of high school, they never knew what exactly they were doing but they tried there best to provide for you two in the radio active wasteland. One day after a successful scavenge your mother let you and your twin pick out one magazine each and you chose the décor one not even realizing you would soon fall in love with the idea of renovating houses.
Traits: Neat/ high maintenance/ squeamish Aspiration: Zen Guru Career: Home decorator Rules:
Watch the home decorator channel everyday after you become a teen
after you become a young adult join the home decorator career
you don’t have to finish the aspiration or career but you have to get at least 3 promotions
have at least a 3 bedroom house
Don’t get married till adulthood and have a big wedding
max the wellness skill
Gen 8- Grand theft auto v(idk)
You grew up with a pretty average life, leaving you with a longing for some excitement, this feeling of being bored all the time went away when you met the love of your life who introduced you to their friend group who welcomed you to their life of crime, you weren't excepting too but you thrived on their late night robbing, when you became a young adult a local criminal gang offered you and your now fiancée a spot in their gang, obviously you decided to join where you managed to fall in love with a rival gang member leaving you questioning the last few years that you spent with your fiancée
Traits: Evil/ kleptomaniac/ slob Aspiration: public enemy Career: criminal Rules:
In high school meet a sim and join their friend group
every weekend at night go with your friends and partner to different places and steal at least 2 items
become a drug dealer
stay with your partner and get engaged to them when you become a young adult
move to strangerville
when you’re almost adults meet a rival gang member and fall in love with them
leave your fiancée and start dating the other gang member and have kids with them
move to san Myshuno
complete the poster and snow globe collection
move to sulani after you become an elder
Gen 9- Bitlife(KUBZ SCOUTS)
Your parents were infamous gang members and were always running from place to place which never gave you enough time to get to know anyone so you were always meeting new people. When you became a teen you met a sim that you were really interested in, you two started dating but soon you had to move to a new town starting a new school where you met another interesting sim whom you also started dating, but wait you never broke up with that other sim, oh well they won't ever find out so what's the issue? this is how you realized you didn't really care about the feelings of others and you only cared about fulfilling the hole where your heart should be.
Traits: Romantic/ non committal/ hates children Aspiration: serial romantic Career: politician  Rules:
As a teen start dating a sim but never talk to them again when you move to san Myshuno
start dating another sim in san Myshuno but never talk to them again once you move to sulani 
once you become a young adult move to willow creek and never keep a relationship for more than a week
have at least 4 kids but only move your last one in with you but never take care of them
never have a close relationship with your children and only visit them once they are born but never again after that
never marry anyone
You never knew any of your siblings or your parents mainly because you only lived with one and they were only interested in their next date rather than teaching you how to talk. Luckily you were naturally gifted from your parent you never met you assume because it sure wasn't your mother who was smart. You met a nice sim through a close friend after you were almost an adult. You and this sim fell in love and moved very quickly getting pregnant almost immediately after you got married and moved in together. Little did you know moving in with your spouse also meant moving in with their evil grandmother who would lock you in the basement every time your spouse left the house. sadly there was nothing you could do about her because of how much your spouse loved her. good thing she was already one foot in the grave.
Traits: Loner/ creative/ art lover Aspiration: painter extraordinaire  Career: painter Rules:
Move in with your high school sweet heart and their evil grandmother 
have a 100% negative relationship with their grandmother
never have a nice conversation with the grandmother
always get locked in the basement whenever your spouse leaves for work
when you give birth to your first child “escape” from the basement one day when the grandmother is napping and runaway with you and your baby
send divorce papers and a note in the mail to your ex telling them what their grandmother did to you(use mc command center to divorce your sims)
never speak to your ex until the grandmother dies then marry them again
Congradulations! you finished the challenge! I hope you had fun playing, feel free to tweet me your sims from this challenge @gabbaclub​ and if you need another challenge to play then you should check out my tumblr as I have written multiple other challenges
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lunarsimmer · 28 days
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[Begin Image Description:
Image 1: A sim with light brown hair pulled into a side bun talking to another sim with short wavy black hair slightly covering one eye; next to them is a blue text box reading Alright, I’ll go see what’s what.
Image 2: A sim with short wavy black hair slightly covering one eye looking off to the side while walking out the door.
Image 3: A sim with light brown hair in a side bun slightly holding their stomach with a text box reading There is nothing to indicate that your fertility is anything but average. This is not bad news, it means there is nothing to worry about! Another sim with short wavy black hair just brushing above one eye is standing next to them with a blue text box reading You seem to be more fertile than average! Be sure to be extra careful if you don’t want a pregnancy!
Image 4: A dark and light gradient yellow banner with the words Stone Legacy on the left with three beaming quavers music notes, a fountain pen with stars and a paper airplane swirling around it and a paint palette with a brush above it and the words gen 2 on the right with three beaming quavers music notes, a fountain pen with stars and a paper airplane swirling around it and a paint palette with a brush above it.
End Image Description]
Story and dialogue below cut:
And because of how stressful Gen 1 was, Sonia and Darwin are both going to get their fertility tested so we at least know ahead of time what we’re getting into.
Sonia: So, Darwin...
Darwin: Don’t worry, already on it.
And looks like we’re good to start working on Gen 3! (Is it a bad idea to be trying to get pregnant while planning a wedding? Probably, but it’s the Sims so...)
Sonia: I’m already feeling sick...
Darwin: This will be fun...
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How to Download Train Sim World 4
An existing knowledge of Unreal Engine 4 development would be recommended. Functionality will be limited at first, but we hope to build upon it with player feedback. The PC Editor will be available at launch and distributed via the Epic Games Store but can be used with the Steam or EGS version of Where i Can Download Train Sim World 4. Hear us talk about and show off the PC Editor for the first time in the videos below.
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Two additional features will be coming to Train Sim World 4 within the first few months after launch. The Training Center is the core of Train Sim World 4 and the perfect place to start your journey. However, that is supplemented by a selection of add-ons depending on which bundle is right for you. Admire stunning lighting, volumetric fog and advanced rain effects - perfect for dramatic shots in Photo Mode - along with updated OHLE rendering. Roam across a route with a train of your choice, unleash your creativity with the tools at your disposal and share your passion with a thriving Train Sim World Community. You can write your own review for this product to share your experience with the community.
Train Sim World 4 Download is the newest game in the popular Train Sim World series. It lets players drive many types of famous trains on different tracks that look just like the real world. Every sound and movement in the game feels real, from the loud engine noise to the squeak of the brakes.
If you have never downloaded this add-on for a legacy game before, you may have to “redeem” the correct version from the store before it is added to your library. To do Where i Can Download Train Sim World 4 this, enter the in-game store of your legacy Train Sim World title. Then select the add-on you wish to download and press View to be taken to the hidden store page.
Creators Club is the hub that ties all our creative tools together and allows you to share/download player creations known as “mods”. Now it’s easier to find those hidden gems with the improved search functionality. Use the new filters to view mods that are compatible with the content you have installed.
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Once the progress transfer has been completed you are no longer required to have previous games installed. Transferred data will include medals, profile stats, and general completion progress. We have revaluated our system requirements to give players a better understanding of what hardware will be necessary to reach certain resolution and performance targets. Our recommended requirements now represent what hardware would be needed to play with High settings, 1080P with an average frame rate of 60 FPS, across a range of gameplay conditions. This is our version of the Unreal Engine 4 toolset, the very same one our developers use. However, due to the complexity of this tool, it is best suited for advanced PC users only.
From record breaking speeds to scenic commuting with Steam, Diesel and Electric you can grow your hobby, your way. Train Sim World 2020, Train Sim World 2 and Train Sim World 3 will no longer be available for purchase digitally. Once a mod has been uploaded, you may log into Train Sim World 4 and download an editable copy of that mod. If you do not wish to upload your mods, they will safely remain in Train Sim World 3. However, achievements will not automatically unlock after profile transfer.
Start your adventure with Training Center, or dive straight into the action across the UK, USA and Europe. Learn to handle the speed, plan your own scenarios or get creative with liveries that you can share with the community at the heart of the hobby. For the less ambitious and those new to the franchise, a simpler HUD, easier-to-drive locomotives in Training Center and user interface changes make driving trains in Train Sim World easier than ever before. There will be a short window after the release of Train Sim World 4 Download where Train Sim World 3 will receive updates focused on improvements to tutorials, scenarios and the Trenton – New York timetable.
Here's everything to know about Train Sim World 4 PC Download, including gameplay, trailer, and more. Once entitlements for compatible add-ons are live (refer to post-launch schedule) any compatible add-ons you own on the same platform and account will automatically be available to download for Train Sim World 4. This will be the same process as downloading any other add-on you own, so please refer to the instructions for your platform.
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wildfangz · 10 months
Some current thoughts and plans for the New and Improved Zodiac Legacy
1 ) Trait Pools instead of three set traits, though most generations will have either one set-in-stone trait, or you'll be able to choose from 2 or 3 that are similar or conflict e.g. Materialistic may be a requirement for Taurus, but for Leo you may be able to choose between Self-Assured or Self-absorbed. If you use trait mods you can widen the pool so long as they fit the theme.
I feel like this works out a lot better than just having three set traits because it provides more versatility for gameplay and storytelling if you don't just want to play a Straight hardcore stereotype or would just like a more "developed" or "underdeveloped" character, it highlights the strengths and flaws of every sign and eliminates some of the more overly negative or positive sentiments you may get going with strict mainstream stereotypes, and obvi it provides more options from the start if you have growing together and want to allow more traits. One rule though is that each sim must have at least one "Flaw"
2 ) No specific play order. You can roll with whatever you want or what comes naturally, whether that's following the traditional astrological calendar, playing your favorites first, using a randomizer, following a story... going with homestuck troll introduction order. Whatever. I figured this was for the best since it's longer than your average Legacy so it'd be good to encourage engagement by just allowing players to go with the flow or set their own limits.
3 ) Some bonus rolls for each generation you can do for added fun or drama utilizing a randomizer. Even with a larger selection of traits each generation still has kind of a general goal, so you have unique options for each. Will probably include some major life events you can roll once and some smaller things you can roll to give you something to do each week.
Little spoiler example, Cancer is focused around the home and family, since a lot of positive traits tend to center around nurturing, softness, loyalty. At the same time Cancers can be highly emotional and even volatile on the more negative end of things, so while a spouse is one of the set goals of the generation, you could have a roll later for that relationship crumbling to dust. Or you could roll to have or adopt another child. On the smaller side, you may roll one week to cook with the family and have a picnic or adopt a pet. I might include some more general rolls as well for all generations like a death or party or w/e. All optional but I thought it'd be a nice touch!
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statbanana · 2 years
Thug 2 pc hack
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#Thug 2 pc hack how to
#Thug 2 pc hack archive
#Thug 2 pc hack Patch
#Thug 2 pc hack full
(PC) Get the latest Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PC (PC).
#Thug 2 pc hack archive
The game offers two ways to travel, you can either click the botton on your mouse in the direction you want to go or … star wars: battlefront Ii (2005) Cheats, Pc Ultima Online: Third Dawn Cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc The incredible hulk cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc Best archive of The incredible hulk Cheat codes are used to unlock cheats or hidden game features like skaters, levels, FMV, … THUG (PC).Īlien Shooter: Vengeance Cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc The Bureau: Xcom Declassified Cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc Bookworm Adventures Cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc Alien Legacy Cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc Alien Legacy Cheats and Cheat Codes, PC. List of Cheat codes used across the THPS game series. Trainers, cheats, walkthrough, solutions, hints for PC games, consoles and smartphones.
This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for BioShock 2 for PC.If you’ve discovered a cheat you’d like to … Ben 10 Cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc Ben 10 Cheat Codes – PC.
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Resident Evil Revelations 2 Cheats, Pc Resident Evil revelations 2 cheat codes, Trainers, Patch Updates, Demos, Downloads, Cheats Trainer, Tweaks & Game Patch Fixes are featured on this page.
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3 health potions + 3 mana potions = 1 Rejuvenation … The Undead And Deadly Cheats For The Sims 4 On Pc How to do you enter cheats in The Sims 4? 1 = Your difficulty 2 = Still quite easy, no change. Hit the ENTER button and type /players 8 There are 8 modes. Then enter the following codes during game … First, this only works OFF-LINE. The game offers two ways to travel, you can either click the botton on your mouse in the direction you want to go or … star wars: battlefront Ii (2005) Cheats, Pc Ultima Online: Third Dawn Cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc The incredible hulk cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc Best archive of The incredible hulk cheats, cheats codes, hints, secrets, … This page containsĬheats Cheats For Elemental: War Of Magic On Pc In the ‘Shortcut’ used to launch the game add ‘Cheat’ (example: C:Program FilesElemental War of Magicelemental.exe cheat). The Bureau: xcom declassified cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc Bookworm Adventures Cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc Alien Legacy Cheats And Cheat Codes, Pc Alien Legacy Cheats and Cheat Codes, PC. Here's how to unlock every cheat in the game. … There are some cheats in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2, but you need to earn them.
For Tony Hawk’s Underground 2 on the PC, GameFAQs has 42 cheat codes and secrets.
Runs at stable 60FPS in game, minor stutters when going into cutscenes in story mode. Only problem I've encountered so far is trying to apply a created graphic onto my character going to "Create a Skater" after loading my custom graphic causes the emulator to crash. Haven't tested Story Mode yet, but I can confirm that Classic Mode works like a charm, and so does character creation. Random crashes, unless dual-core is turned off. Main menu isn't even playable, and I know my system should be able to handle it.
#Thug 2 pc hack full
My experience with this game is similar to Terry Suave's, I can run many other games with full speed and graphical enhancements, however this game runs 20-30% lower than all others. Works really well on my machine, slight glitches but nevertheless, perfectly playable Use settings above for optimal performance. Not sure if it is an incompatibility with my system/ settings or the game itself. This title has been tested on the environments listed below:įor some reason, I experienced extremely laggy gameplay, averaging 15-28FPS. However, compatibility may extend to prior revisions or compatibility gaps may exist within ranges indicated as compatible due to limited testing. Compatibility can be assumed to align with the indicated revisions.
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0 notes
The Brothers and Side Characters Play the Sims
I don’t know what possessed me to make this but WHATEVER. I’ve been playing the Sims since I was a wee little girl, and I’ve seen my fair share of weird Sims stuff that I feel would fit these bozos perfectly.
My Sims have a Functional Family Life Because I Don’t (Lucifer)
God dammit Levi’s obsessed with another game... ugh.
Spends 5 minutes in Create-a-Sim and hops into a starter home.
Lucifer’s the type to start with all the average stuff and then build their stuff up as his sim gets promotions.
It’s just... so peaceful...
...he’s adopting a dog.
Look at his new little virtual family... his sim-kids are self sufficient and getting A’s in school, his Sim spouse MC or Diavolo take your pick loves his Sim-self, his sim-dog-
He’s fine. It was just a virtual dog. *sniffle*
He’s now spending his free time drinking Demonus and playing the Sims.
What’s a mod? Levi why does your sim have gun?
Behold, My Gorgeous Home... It’s a Box (Mammon)
Mammon, like the rest of the HOL, is mooching off of Levi’s Origin account.
“AW SHIT! This house looks awesome! I’m gonna build it for Sim-me to live in!”
Mammon proceeds to build a box with rooms. Yay...
He just picks the funnest sounding job if he picks any job at all for his Sim. That’s how he ended up making 9 dollars an hour in the criminal career.
Didn’t stop Mammon from buying that solid gold bathroom set from Get Famous... a box with solid gold bathrooms.
His Sim is broke send help-
“Leviiiiiii my sim needs money... the people my sim kidnapped and is forcing to paint aren’t making enough money...” “Ugh... press control shift C and type ‘motherlode’.”
...Levi made a mistake.
His sim’s life is so chaotic, he has a piranha pool that his sim has almost died in twice, the sim is carrying on several torrid love affairs, his sim got struck by lightning, his sim has nearly died in a grilled cheese making accident twice... in the same day.
At least once Sim-Mammon and Sim-MC get married things calm down a little.
Mammon finds out what custom content is and proceeds to download EVERYTHING HE CAN FIND.
And now he’s asking Levi why his computer is running so slow.
Expansion Pack King (Leviathan)
He got into it back when the Sims 2 was new, he’s a veteran fan.
“Bro remember when Agnes Crumplebottom would show up and whack the shit out of your sims if they were flirting?”
“Remember when that witch would show up randomly on the lot you were on if you had Makin’ Magic?”
“Remember when Bella Goth was abducted by aliens and we just... didn’t question it?”
He whines about the Sims4 and how crappy it is but still buys every expansion pack, game pack, and stuff pack.
This boy watches like 40 hours of built tutorials and ends up sobbing over his weird roofs.
The mod folder is so full istg-
Levi gets custom content for the sole purpose of making his favourite fictional characters.
This is why Henry and the Lord of Shadows are married and Ruri-chan and Sim-Levi are roommates.
Oh my god they were roommates-
Levi also added his brothers to the world and uh... Sim-Mammon died in a tragic pool accident F.
Levi then proceeded to befriend the Grim Reaper.
He’s anxiously awaiting the release of Paralives.
Wait Gameplay? In This Build Simulator? (Satan)
Satan’s here to build and leave. Gameplay who?
Our favourite bundle of rage is a master architect and the amount of followers on the Gallery he has shows it.
He takes up those build shell challenges and always ends up making them look positively perfect.
Asmo’s always using his houses, and Satan often takes requests when he gets bored.
No Mammon, he reserves the right to refuse to build a golden castle for you- YOUR SIM HAS 40 SIMOLEONS-
No mods, no CC, he’s building with what EA gave him.
...and EA gave him debug objects, and he’s not going to explain how to get them.
The one time he did actually play with a family... it was one sim and seven cats.
He tries to play without cheats... and ends up getting frustrated and turns on cheats.
All hail the Pets Expansion Pack.
Custom Content Soap Opera (Asmodeus)
Asmo spends 5 hours in Create a Sim then just... clicks out of the game.
That’s how it goes most of the time, buuuuuut when he gets super invested in a family he’s made, boy howdy is he INVESTED.
Sim A is carrying on an affair with Sim C who’s in love with Sim B who’s married to Sim A but Sim D wants to kill Sim A and C even though they’re the illegitimate child of Sim C-
When Asmo realizes that in the Sims 4 he needs to manufacture all the drama himself and he can’t just sit back with a glass of wine and watch the fireworks, he switches to the Sims 2 and 3.
“...why is this old lady beating up my Sim..?”
He immediately recoils in horror upon seeing how ugly the Sims are pre Sims4.
Ah, there we go, perfect. Custom Content to the rescue!
He ends up remaking the entire world just so he doesn’t have to look at weird looking Sims.
Asmo is the only one to have finished a proper Legacy Challenge, but it gets crazy chaotic after gen 3.
“My sim just got abducted by aliens and now he’s pregnant- WHAT?!”
He has about 40 saves and only two he actually plays.
Just a Big Ol’ Happy Family (Beelzebub)
Beel found the game, proceeded to make everyone in create-a-sim to the best of his abilities, and made everyone get along.
That’s why Sim-Lucifer and Sim-Belphie are on a swing set together, they’re friends :D
“Hey Luke do you think you can make this?” “I-is that a cake shaped like a hamburger?” “Yes. Please make.”
He took one look at the cooking options and decided to max out his Sim’s cooking skill to unlock all the options.
Beel proceeded to drool all over his keyboard. Gross...
Boy howdy did he have some crazy dinner suggestions!
Overall, very wholesome Sim-life, except for the time Sim-Levi died because the toilet caught fire, don’t worry, Sim-Beel knows how to make ambrosia.
All is good in the Sim save...
...until Sim-Beel ate pufferfish nigiri and fuckin died-
Wait Did I Not Pause- (Belphie)
Huh, this game looks fine... I’ll play for a little- *SNORE*
Belphie makes some sims, plops them into a starter home, plays for an hour, then falls asleep.
He wakes up five hours later to absolute carnage.
Three sims have died because someone decided to make Mac and Cheese and the oven caught fire, the kids were taken away by social services, and the dog ran away.
“...heheh, holy shit everyone look.”
He doesn’t play often, but when he does, death occurs. He has found out every death method for every game from Sims 2 to 4.
And that INCLUDES the Sims Medieval! You guys remember that game?
Sometimes it’s not intentional, but Belphie got bored with the totally normal life his sims were living and decided to spice it up.
“Why are the ghosts breaking my showers..?”
Help There’s a Bug- (Diavolo)
The Crown Prince started playing when he noticed Lucifer was playing it.
He was immediately obsessed.
Dia mostly plays the Sims Medieval because he likes the feeling of achievement after completing a quest!
“Barbatos... why isn’t my Sim completing their task? The icon won’t show up.” “My lord it appears the game is bugged.” “:(“
No one thought to tell Diavolo that EA doesn’t plan on offering bug support to a game made in like... 2009
This doesn’t matter! Look at how great his kingdom is doing- oh no his hero has the plague-
He plays through the Pirates and Nobles expansion and manages to get the peaceful ending, he’s so proud of himself.
“MC! Look! My Monarch’s sword is permanently on fire and I’m fighting an evil wizard!”
When he does play the other Sims games he’s pretty basic, though, he does a great job at furnishing!
Dia gets crazy sad when his Sims die... he turns off aging.
Builder no. 2 (Barbatos)
Barbie doesn’t have time for this... but when he does, he builds.
No create a sim.
No playing the game as intended.
Just builds.
It’s relaxing, okay? A nice little suburban house he’s never going to play in, maybe a treehouse, maybe a big Hollywood Mansion...
The only time he actually plays the game outside of build mode is when someone needs his help to fix something in-game.
He does download custom content build items if he feels bored by the current selection.
Oh Crap What Am I Doing?! (Simeon)
Help him. Please.
He’s so confused.
“Luke, why is my sim upset?” “He’s hungry, Simeon.” “Oh, how do I fix that?” “...Simeon-”
There’s a toilet in the middle of the living room.
The fridge is facing the wall.
There’s no bathtub or shower.
The house is on fire- there is no god- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Okay, once he gets the hang of it he’s sitting pretty. His sims have good jobs, the kids are getting good grades, everything’s fine.
But Simeon won’t forget the nightmares.
What Even is This Save? (Solomon)
Solomon’s save is the definition of chaos.
One sim’s a vampire, the other is a spellcaster that really wants to fight the Callientes for some reason, there’s one normal sim that’s always sick for some reason,
It gets weird, confusing, and horrible.
Just how Solomon likes it.
His house makes no sense, like, what even is architecture?
Money cheats are needed because Solomon‘a goal of chaos and confusion is proving to be kind of expensive.
Square up Mortimer Goth, Solomon’s sims are here to steal your weird knight statue that’s worth a shit ton of simoleons for NO REASON.
He joined the scientist career for the sole purpose of getting to the alien planet and kidnapping adding an alien to the household via cheats.
The vampire ended up dying on their wedding day because Solomon forgot that he gave them the sun weakness.
Oh well, the ghost got added to the household! VAMPIRE GHOST!
The Child (Luke)
Before you say Luke’s too young to play the Sims, you should know that I was nine when I first started playing, and I turned out fiiiiiiiiiine.
He’s just happy to be playing.
Look, his sims are gardening :D
Look, two of them are getting married :D
Look, they had a baby :D
Look, his sims are building a rocket ship :D
Look, his sims’s rocket just crashed-
The concept of death hit the little angel right in the face that day.
“*sniffle*... my sims...”
Don’t worry, with tears in his eyes, Luke quit without saving and everything was fine!
Speaking of My Sims, Luke played MySims Sky Heroes and that was when Luke had his first bout of gamer rage.
MC came over to hang out with Solomon and Simeon, and in the distance they could just hear:
Okay, maybe Simeon should take the game away... just for a bit... he should take heed not to be bitten by the incredibly angry chihuahua.
MC: Why are our Sims married?
*Insert Boy Here*: Uh... that’s weird... I have no clue why they’re doing that...
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bakersimmer · 2 years
Hi! Would you consider sharing the rules you follow in your legacy? :)
Hello. I've mentioned previously that I don't follow any specific rules. But I do like goals, so I try to set some for every generation.
And I stress that it's not a challenge or anything. These are just the goals I have set to make playing more interesting for myself 😬
Gen 1 - I will build us a home
Follow these rules or make up your own
Gen 2 - I will sway my brush
Study art 
Marry a sim you met while in the university
Become a freelance artist
Gen 3 - Not all who wander are lost
Complete 4 travel-related aspirations - Can't have kids before all the aspirations are completed
Live in 3 different worlds
Don't commit to any career - Only odd jobs
Tiny house enthusiast - Can't move to a bigger house before having kids
Gen 4 - All these broken hearts
Go to university
Complete the Serial Romantic aspiration before graduating
Graduate with a grade point average of B + or higher
Choose a Detective Career and reach the top
Marry a colleague
Gen 5 - Put your magic on me
Have a negative relationship with parents
Run away from home - Can't go to school
Live in an abandoned house/tent - Unlock resources/comforts through skill-building
Get left at the altar
Become a spellcaster
Self-sufficient - Make money by selling potions, fruits, and vegetables
Fix the relationship with parents before they die
Gen 6 - It’s me or the medicine
Become a doctor - Start at the bottom and work your way up
Don't develop magical skills before becoming an elder
Gen 7 - An alien like me
Get abducted by aliens
Save Strangerville
Choose the Military Career
Max robotics, handiness, logic, programming, and rocket science skills
Become best friends with an alien
Gen 8 - Together in death
Drop out of university
Complete the Best Selling Author aspiration before dropping out
Choose the Critic career (Arts Critic)
Befriend and marry a vampire
Turn into a vampire
Max writing, painting, charisma, vampire lore, and pipe organ skills
Complete the Good Vampire aspiration
Gen 9 - Before I leave this place
Complete the Mt. Komorebi Sightseer aspiration
Complete the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration
Complete the Beach Life aspiration
Complete the World Famous Celebrity or Master Actor Aspiration
Become a Silver Screen Icon
Become a Global Superstar
Max 10 different skills before becoming an adult
Regain humanity
Gen 10 - Dancing in the kitchen
Max cooking, gourmet cooking, baking, and mixology skills
Learn all the experimental and food stall recipes
Become a restaurateur
Marry your employee
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nexility-sims · 3 years
Storytelling asks 12, 13 and 14 ❤️
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒  /   accepting !
these were fantastic questions !! thank you !! ❤️❤️❤️
12. do you actually play the game or do you just use it as a storytelling medium?
lately, it’s been 100% storytelling, but i am so eager to actually play the game soon. i’ve been working on my historical legacy for ........ geez, like five years or so? i guess it began as my bastard version of the decades challenge, lmao. anyway, long story short, i haven’t finished it, and i need to so i can replay the parts i miss. additionally, my plan is to finally get the cottage one when i finish part ii of the story !!!!!!! and do some legacy gameplay (haven’t decided if it’ll be canon yet but it will, as i’ve said, be jered circa 2007). 
13. from basic planning to a finished post, how long does that take you?
OOF. it varies? here are the steps u didn’t ask for
get an idea, scribble some notes in my journal or on scraps of paper i then stuff into the journal. draw diagrams as needed.
scour the internet for poses (detour to make my own sometimes)
build a set (this is what i do 65% of the time. sometimes it takes half an hour, sometimes it takes a few hours. depends on if i need to download cc, build an exterior, spend 45 minutes arranging deco items NO ONE WILL SEE ssdjflksgfs)
occasionally, a detour to recolor / convert objects (not often but often enough that i know how to do these things now djfshgkjsg) 
dress up my sims !!! make sure they have different versions with accessories as needed, etc. (ex. for the bachelor party, alf & his friends each had six outfits. nightmare.)
take screenshots !!!!! i do this... based on the mental script in my head. so 60% “i know what happens,” and 40% “vibes only.” takes longer if i have to mess around with lighting (using reshade and/or by ... breaking everyone’s poses to adjust the light fixtures. usually for night scenes.)
pick max of 10 screenshots from the 1287398494 i took. i just upload them to photoshop & click around until i’ve got the best of the bunch. sometimes i post the rejects as previews or outtakes.
upload screenshots to tumblr drafts & let them marinate.....
add captions !!!! i’ve started writing them in photoshop, aka the most cursed approach. i just revise & rearrange until it reads well & hits all the marks i had in mind for the scene. i’m WORDY so seeing the text on the image helps them ... not be giving a monologue in every episode. just most. then, replace drafted shots w/ captions screenshots.
potentially, after marinating, i decided i hate the screenshots & redo them !!!!!!!!! not all the time, but maybe 3-4/10 times.
write the scene. this varies wildly bc sometimes i slap two sentences & call it a day, but other times i pull out my writing laptop & pour over it for ... anywhere from a week to twenty minutes. 
ideally, the draft marinates again, then i queue it at least 10 minutes before midnight
SO ........ overall, i would say this process can take anywhere between 2-3 hours to a few days. the longest i’ll have an average draft waiting is a week ?? 
14. do you have any regrets about your story so far? if you could go back in time, how would you fix these?
my number one regret is ... not realizing how invested in this hobby i would be, so therefore not bothering to properly plan things !!! winging it was fun and easy, but now i’ve learned so much—from both trial and error & the amazing storytellers i’ve met. still, rather than going back in time, i’m excited to apply all of this to the upcoming parts. hopefully the story will be much tighter, richer, and visually pleasing as a result !!!! also. wish i’d known about the tool mod sooner ......... sigh. lastly, i wish i’d learned how to make my own cc any of the previous times over the years i’ve attempted it. sure would come in handy, what with all the period specific fashion i want >:^( maybe next time.
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junker-town · 3 years
Western Illinois, Year 40, 2046-2047
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The final season of our sim dynasty with Western Illinois in College Hoops 2K8 is here.
Welcome back to our simulated dynasty with the Western Illinois Leathernecks in College Hoops 2K8. You can find a full explanation of this project + spoiler-free links to previous seasons here. Check out the introduction to this series from early April 2020 for full context. As a reminder, we simulate every game in this series and only control the recruiting and coaching strategies. Dynasty mode runs for 40 years.
Before we pick up with the Leathernecks at the start of Year 40, here’s a recap of everything that happened last season:
Western Illinois entered Year 39 trying to three-peat as national champions for the first time in program history. We lost two starters early to the NBA coming into the season, but still had enough talent to be ranked No. 10 overall in the preseason polls.
We ran through the regular season schedule, losing only one game to UCLA during the non-conference season and sweeping Summit League opponents once again. We entered the NCAA tournament at 29-1 on the year and earned a No. 4 seed to the big dance.
We beat Brown in round one, knocked off Georgia Tech in the round of 32, beat Indiana in the Sweet 16, and lost to Florida in the Elite Eight. We know enter the final season of my career tied with John Wooden with 10 national championships.
We added three players in our last ever recruiting class: five-star JUCO SF Jerald Obasohan, four-star SG Erwin Walls, and four-star PF Kenny Butler.
Here’s a first look at our roster for Year 40:
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It feels like only yesterday that a fresh-faced, 25-year-old came to the small town of Macomb, Illinois with big dreams. Coach Rick was hired by Western Illinois to do the impossible: win a national championship with arguably the worst team in college basketball. After 39 seasons at the helm, our tiny program has accomplished that and so much more. Now it’s time to hang it up.
Our journey at Western Illinois is finally coming to an end. In literal terms, College Hoops 2K8 forces mandatory retirement upon coaches in dynasty mode after 40 seasons. All good stories need closure either way. As we start our final season, we have some big stakes attached to our swan song.
Western Illinois has won 10 national championships in the Ricky Charisma era. That ties us with UCLA legend John Wooden for the most in history. What started as a mission to win a single national championship has now left us with a different goal: to become the undisputed greatest program in the history of the sport.
While we failed in our bid to three-peat last season — falling to Florida in the Elite Eight — we did bring back all four breakout juniors for this season. We only lost starting center DJ Foster to graduation. Yeah, it’s been a while since we last published Year 39 (thanks for your patience), so let’s go over the roster:
PG Christano Ngounou, junior, 89 overall: Ngounou made major strides after being forced into the starting lineup last season, and now looks like a rock solid contributor going into our final year. An international recruit out of Cameroon, Ngounou is a fast 6’3 guard with lockdown defensive ability and a slightly above average three-point shot. We have bigger names on this squad who will be expected to carry the scoring load, but Ngounou is going to play a huge role because he’s way better than every other point guard on the roster. We need quality minutes from him in the tournament. Former five-star international recruit with B potential.
SG Bernie Doyle, redshirt senior, 92 overall: Doyle is an incredible talent who enters his senior year looking to fully blossom into a superstar. The 6’9 shooting guard uses his immense size on both ends of the floor. He’s elite at getting into the passing lanes and forcing steals (a team-high 1.8 per game as a junior) on the defensive end, and has a sweet three-point stroke offensively. Doyle is such a smooth scorer and dominant defender that it feels like he has the natural talent to develop into an all-great in his senior year. Let’s hope he’s up to the challenge. Former No. 36 overall recruit from Detroit with C potential. Projected lottery pick.
SF Floyd Keller, redshirt senior, 92 overall: Keller checks every box for a small forward. He has good size at 6’7. He has a three-point rating in the mid-80s. He’s the best dunker on the team. He’s an elite offensive rebounder for a wing with a rating in the low 90s, which helps equip him to play minutes at the four. After a tough shooting night in our Elite Eight loss last season — he went 1-for-7 from three — we’ll need Keller to be consistently great if we want one more run through the bracket. Former No. 101 overall recruit out of Dallas with C+ potential. Projected second round pick.
PF Oscar Fray, redshirt senior, 88 overall: Fray enters his third year as a starter with a fascinating combination of size and skill that could set him up for a breakout senior year. The 7-foot power forward is a great three-point shooter for his position with a rating just below 80. Defensively, he’s the top-rated shot blocker on the team, and also does a pretty good job on the glass. Former No. 118 overall recruit out of Lynn, MA with C potential. Projected second round pick.
C Brody Munoz, redshirt senior, 92 overall: Munoz finally gets the spotlight as a senior after backing up DJ Foster — a one-time NCAA tournament Most Outstanding Player — for his entire career up to this point. We’re expected big things, and not just because he’s tied for the highest rated player on the roster going into the regular season. What Munoz lacks in elite size at 6’11 he can make up for with strength, agility, and rebounding. We expect him to be really good at forcing turnovers, grabbing putbacks, and helping fortify the paint. Former No. 169 overall recruit (No. 6 center) out of Nashville with B potential. Projected lottery pick.
We have an incredibly deep bench for our final season. Center Logan Polk (85 overall) will be our sixth man, and should be able to form a three-man front court rotation with the two starters in the tournament. After that, we have a lot of options but not a lot of good options.
Here’s the rest of the bench: wing Jaycee Queen (80 overall), wing Jerald Obasohan (79 overall), guard Archie Howell (78 overall), wing/guard James Haranga (74 overall), guard Edwin Walls (74 overall), and power forward Kenny Butler (74 overall).
This is really it. Year 40. The last dance. What a ride it has been. We start the season at No. 4 in the polls.
How did the regular season go?
For our final regular season, we tried to schedule a good mix of local schools and historic big conference rivals with a couple in-season tournaments thrown in for good measure.
Here’s how the regular season went:
Win over Bradley
Win over Nebraska
Win over UTEP
Loss to Southern Illinois
Win over Florida
Loss to Northwestern
Win over New Mexico
Win over DePaul
That sets up a rivalry game against Illinois. We’ve played the Illini in almost every season, and we don’t want to end this dynasty without one more dub. The losses to Southern Illinois and Northwestern were a real bummer, and we need a palate cleanser. Let’s go!
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Big win, 102-68. Look at Cristano Ngounou hanging 17 points and six assists on the Illini. Love seeing both starters in the front court — seniors Oscar Fray (13 points, 10 rebounds) and Brody Munoz (18 points, 11 rebounds) — each dropping a double-double, too. And how about our new five-star JUCO addition Obasohan chipping in 12 points off the bench? Really promising performance from the boys.
We get a big win over Kansas in our next game. That sets up another marquee game with a program we don’t like very much out of the state of North Carolina: Duke. We’ve battling with Duke on the court and on the recruiting trail for 40 freaking years. Can we end this rivalry with a dub?
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Ugh, loss, 88-83. Nice games from Bernie Doyle (19 points, four assists) and Oscar Fray (14 points, 12 rebounds), but it isn’t enough. That’s our third loss of the season. Get bent, Duke.
We end the year with three more non-conference games.
Win over Illinois-Chicago
Win over American
Win over Arizona State
While we may have lost the final battle to Duke, I won the war over Coach K with a significantly better career by any measure (more on that in a minute). Now it’s time to jump into conference play in the Summit League.
Did we go undefeated in conference season?
Yes we did, another perfect 18-0 stretch.
Now we enter the conference tournament. Can we punch one more automatic bid to the NCAA tournament?
Win over UMKC
Win over Southern Utah
Win over UL-Calcutta
We’re going to the NCAA tournament for the last time, but that isn’t even the headliner after winning the Summit League. Im taking home the conference tournament championship, I won game No. 1,171 of my career. That currently puts me ahead of Coach K for the most wins all-time.
We have built a great legacy at Western Illinois. Before we enter the NCAA tournament, let’s take a look at our statistical leaders:
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What a year for Munoz. Dude sat on the bench for four seasons before finally getting a starting spot, and all he did was lead our team in scoring at 17.2 points per game. Fray was awesome, too, averaging a hair under 15 points per game while chipping in nearly two blocks and six rebounds per game. It’s good to see Keller and Doyle both hit double-figures in scoring. I’m a bit surprised Cristano couldn’t even put up seven points a night after his big game against Illinois, but the assist and steals numbers are solid. We’re going to need him in March.
The Leathernecks are heading into the NCAA tournament at 32-3 on the year. I can’t wait to see what seed we get.
2047 NCAA tournament
Well, we couldn’t end this dynasty without getting swindled by the Selection Committee one more time. We’re a No. 6 seed in the NCAA tournament. I thought we should have been a top-four seed without question.
We’ll open the tournament with a game against No. 11 seed Syracuse. Sheesh. Before we get to the game, let’s check in on our roster one more time:
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I’m loving the way this group progressed through the year. We have two awesome wing scorers with an elite combination of size and shooting in Keller and Doyle. We have plenty of beef up front with Munoz, Fray, and Polk. Ngounou entered the program as a 77 overall and shot up to a 92 in three years without a redshirt. The bench also really improved during the season and should give us plenty of different lineup options in March.
This is going to be a tough run, starting with Syracuse. The Orange have knocked us out of the big dance before, and consistently put together really strong teams.
Our last dance starts now. As always, we’re simulating every game, I’m not controlling the ‘Necks.
Let’s go!
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Win, 105-73! What an absolute beatdown. We’ve moving on to the round of 32.
Long-time followers of the series will know that our Leathernecks have always been known as a second half team. It happened in a big way in this game. Syracuse ended the first half strong to cut our lead to nine points, but we quickly turned it into a blowout out of the break.
I thought this was a tremendous all-around team effort. Six players hit double-figures in scoring with no one putting up more than Floyd Keller’s 15 points. Everyone who played recorded an assist. I loved this play from the first half when we set two screens for our five-star JUCO Obasohan that helped get him an easy layup.
Our bench is a big question mark coming into this tournament, mostly because it’s filled with a lot of fresh faces who haven’t played big minutes in clutch spots before. I have to say, the performance of our reserves in our tournament opener was super encouraging. Obasohan in particular looks like a keeper after scoring 10 points on 4-of-5 shooting and knocking down a three. We always need wing depth, and he should be able to provide that on this run.
The clear highlight of Obasohan’s night: this sick two-handed dunk in transition for an and-one.
We love to turn defense into offense, and Ngounou and Doyle’s ability to get into the passing lanes really helps us out there.
Speaking of Ngounou in transition: he had a beautiful finish on the break to put the game fully out of reach. That’s what you want out of your point guard.
The win sets up a second round game against Colorado State
The Rams have been a solid program throughout this sim dynasty, regularly making NCAA tournament appearances. We have a decisive edge in talent heading into this game.
We are one win away from going to the Sweet 16 and extended our run in the big dance. One time, ‘Necks. Let’s go!
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Win, 109-79! We’re going to the Sweet 16!
We didn’t need to be a second half team in this one. Our ‘Necks blew the doors off Colorado State from the opening tip-off. I thought we played a great game offensively thanks to our inside-out ball movement.
We had five scorers in double-figures in this one, but it was senior starters Bernie Doyle and Oscar Fray leading the charge. We know Doyle is capable of taking over a game at his best, and he was awesome in this one: 20 points on 7-of-13 shooting from the field and 4-of-6 shooting from three. The real story was Fray, though.
Fray was probably the least appealing long-term prospect of our recruiting class when he entered the program alongside Doyle, Keller, and Munoz. That was mostly because of his 74 rating and C potential grade. While he’s always been rated a few points lower than his classmates, Fray’s skill set on the court is so important to us. He’s a massive 7-foot power forward who can protect the rim and shoot threes. What more do you want?
Fray went off in this game: 22 points, eight rebounds, two assists, two steals on 9-of-11 shooting. I love watching the big man shoot from deep. This was from NBA range.
Here’s one more catch-and-shoot three for good measure.
Fray might get slept on a little on this team, but he’s absolutely critical to our success if we want to win it all.
I also want to shout-out the bench for another solid performance. I liked what I saw out of Obasohan (11 points) and Howell (10 points). Since we already have two Obasohan clips in this post, why not make it three? Love him hitting this triple in the first half to help us open up the lead.
We’re rollin’.
The win sets up a Sweet 16 game vs. Alabama
We’re now four wins away from ending this dynasty with a national championship. A Sweet 16 game against Bama is going to be an absolute battle.
In our simulated future, the Tide have become a basketball school. This program seems to make the tournament every year, and they’ve given us plenty of trouble in the past.
A trip to the Elite Eight is on the line. Let’s go!
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Win, 112-69! We’re onto the Elite Eight!
Say it with me: SECOND. HALF. TEAM. After a tight first half left us with a six-point lead coming into the break, our ‘Necks absolutely torched the nets in the second half to come away with the blowout win. Seriously: we scored 66 points in the final 20 minutes. That was an offensive clinic at its best.
I had a good feeling about the second half when Cristano got this three hit the rim like 50 times before falling. Sometimes you need some good luck on your side.
A couple possessions later, Floyd Keller came down a ripped another three. We finally had a double-digit lead, and we’d never look back.
It was great to see Keller (15 points) get going from deep. He hit all three of his attempts from beyond the arc.
While we don’t have any clips of the front court from this game, they absolutely deserve credit for the win.
Fray turned in another incredible performance, this one somehow even better than his last. He ended the game with 25 points, 14 rebounds, four assists, three steals, and three blocks on 10-of015 shooting. He didn’t attempt a three (booooo) but he dominated the game on both ends. His front court mate Munoz was almost as good. The senior center finished with 20 points and 16 rebounds. We kept going inside — Munoz and Fray combined for 35 (!) field goal attempts — and they were making the Bama defense pay.
Not the best Bernie Buckets game (9 points on 3-of-10 shooting), but I clipped this shot from the first half, so I might as well embed it here.
Elite Eight, here we come.
The win sets up an Elite Eight matchup against No. 1 seed Indiana
Our run in the NCAA tournament has been a breeze up to this point, but I fear things about to get a lot more difficult. Our plucky No. 6 seed is about to run into one of college basketball’s blue bloods: the top-seeded Indiana Hoosiers.
The Elite Eight has been something of a bugaboo for us. We lost in this round last year. We’ve lost in this round many times before. I don’t want it to happen again.
A Final Four trip is on the line. As always, we’re watching a simulated version of this game; I am not controlling the Leathernecks. Let’s go!
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Loss, 96-86. Oh my gosh. And just like that, our dream of ending this dynasty with a national title is over.
I am devastated. I really thought this team was good enough to send me out on top, but it wasn’t meant to be. The Hoosiers’ outside shooters did us in. Indiana’s guard-heavy lineup caught fire from deep (10-of-21 for 47.6 percent), and our perimeter attack couldn’t keep up. We only hit 6-of-22 (27.3 percent) attempts from three.
What happened to our second half team this time? We were only down two going into halftime, but we were outscored by eight over the final 20 minutes. Tough scene.
There were some solid individual performances. Munoz went out strong with 23 points and 10 rebounds. Bernie Doyle dropped 21 points and hit this three-pointer to keep us in it early.
Floyd Keller just didn’t give us enough on the wing. He shot 1-of-8 from three in the loss. He did give us a little juice in transition, at least.
Cristano played all 40 minutes, and had eight points and nine assists. I really wish I got another year with him as a senior next season.
Unfortunately there is no next season. After 40 years at Western Illinois, our sim dynasty is over. Here are some final numbers on the series:
Final record: 1,177-213
10 national championships (tied with John Wooden for the most in men’s college basketball history)
15 Final Four appearances
25 Sweet 16 appearances
Final NCAA tournament record: 113-27
38 Summit League regular season championships
35 Summit League tournament championships
38 seasons with 20+ wins
61 players drafted
The thing I’m most proud of? After we made the NCAA tournament for the first time in Year 3, we didn’t miss it again the rest of this dynasty.
Is Ricky Charisma the greatest men’s college basketball coach ever?
I think so. Here’s how we stack up to other top coaches in NCAA history in important categories.
Total wins
Ricky Charisma: 1,179
Mike Krzyzewski: 1,170
Jim Boeheim: 1,083
Roy Williams: 903
Bob Knight: 899
Dean Smith: 879
Jim Calhoun: 877
Adolph Rupp: 876
Bob Huggins: 828
Eddie Sutton: 806
Tournament wins
Ricky Charisma: 110
Mike Krzyzewski: 94
Roy Williams: 77
Dean Smith: 65
Jim Boeheim: 57
Tom Izzo: 52
Jim Calhoun: 49
John Wooden: 47
Final Four appearances
Ricky Charisma: 15
Mike Krzyzewski: 12
John Wooden: 12
Dean Smith: 11
Roy Williams: 9
Tom Izzo: 8
Rick Pitino: 7
Denny Crum, Adolph Rupp, John Calipari: 6
Consecutive tournament appearances
Western Illinois: 36
Kansas: 31
North Carolina: 27
Arizona: 25
Duke: 24
Michigan State: 23
Gonzaga: 22
Winning percentage
Ricky Charisma: 84.7
Mark Few: 83.44
Sam Burton: 83.33
Clair Bee: 82.444
Adolph Rupp: 82.1
John Wooden: 80.3
National championships
Ricky Charisma: 10
John Wooden: 10
Mike Krzyzewski: 5
Adolph Rupp: 4
Roy Williams: 3
Jim Calhoun: 3
Bobby Knight: 3
Who is the best player in Western Illinois history?
That’s the big question within the fanbase right now. Before we get to it, let’s look back at our greatest recruiting wins.
We landed five five-star recruits out of the domestic high school ranks during my time at Western Illinois. We also signed nine five-star JUCO recruits, and six five-star international recruits from places like New Zealand (shout-out Dave French), Montenegro (anti shout-out Vitor Andrisevic), France (what up, Kim Kone!), and Cameroon.
The highest-rated recruit in program history was Sammy Yan at No. 10 overall in 2032. He was pretty much a disappointment. The program’s all-time leading scorer was center Vinnie Harmon with 2,452 career points during his career. He was the No. 122 overall recruit and the No. 8 center (those that followed the series or played the game know that centers are always weirded underrated on the recruiting trail).
Here are some more numbers during tournament games only (aka, the games we streamed), from the amazing Leathernecks Database maintained by our fans:
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The highest rated player in program history is a tie between small forward Nic Cummings and point guard Duncan Martinez, who are the only players to reach 97 overall. Cummings in particular is a great choice for the GOAT. He ended his career with three national titles, though only one as a starter. He’s top-10 for me, but not No. 1.
The people’s choice for the GOAT is Deke Van, the legendary center who helped carry us to our first national title in Year 8. Deke’s turn from from Year 7 goat to Year 8 GOAT is the most memorable we’ve ever had. We couldn’t have done any of this without you, Deke.
When Coach tell you youre guarding @deke_van https://t.co/RDhmDAPRA8 pic.twitter.com/fm2udgvMZT
— Ryan Thomas (@RTtheSID) May 10, 2020
As the series went on, other great players emerged who finished with gaudier stats and better resumes.
My personal favorite might be Bert Draughan, Mr. Basketball out of Chicago (No. 29 overall recruit), who went on to win a title with us in Year 13 and also starred for our Year 11 team that began the season 35-0 before losing to Michigan State in the Final Four. Harmon is another fine choice. Skip Clemmons helped us win three national titles in Year 23, Year 24, and Year 26. Albert Jagla, Clemmons’ former teammate, played a big role in our first back-to-back championship squad, and is arguably the greatest perimeter bucket-getter in program history.
All-time favorite moment? Impossible to say. The first one that comes to mind is Kim Kone’s go-ahead corner three in the 2024 tournament. Najeeb Goode’s steal vs. UCLA in the Final Four to help us win our second title in Year 13 also stands out. There was also the time superstar power forward Allen Cunningham took off his pants mid-game.
Thank you to everyone who read, watched, and interacted
I started this series on April 11, 2020, a few weeks after the pandemic had shut down all ‘real’ sports. At the time, I was gearing up to cover the 2020 NCAA tournament. That never happened. I had college basketball on my mind, and I always wanted to write something on ‘College Hoops 2K8’, probably my favorite video game ever. This project is what came of it.
I had no idea if anyone was going to read this. I definitely did not think I’d finish out all 40 years like a complete lunatic. I didn’t think I’d write the equivalent of multiple books in terms of total word count.
Just before I dropped the first post in the series, I tweeted this:
Got a real dumb blog post coming
— Ricky O'Donnell (@SBN_Ricky) April 11, 2020
I wrote around 70 posts in the series, counting the inaugural Hall of Fame induction (read a big Deke Van retrospective at that link) and two posts of my Deke Van x Seattle Supersonics spin-off. I’m estimating I wrote 200,000 words in this series. That’s about the length of “The Fellowship of the Ring.”
I still can’t believe everything that came from this series. The Washington Post wrote a profile on it. I went on WGN TV and did a few radio spots promoting it. We sold a Deke Van t-shirt with Homefield Apparel. Our series inspired a new friend in Japan named Thanh Nguyen to write a pair of e-books adding greater depth to our story. Friend of the program Mike Rutherford did an amazing hype video for our first championship run. When I moved the series to Substack for a few months, more than 7,000 people signed up for email updates and still remain. Our first Twitch stream for the Year 8 Final Four drew more than 7,000 total viewers, and had 2,500 concurrent viewers on it at as we were closing out the win. On SB Nation, the series has been viewed more than 500K times.
What really made the project special was always the community around it. Some quick shout-outs:
The Leathernecks Database is an amazing companion to this series. You can lost in there. Thank you to the diehards to helped maintain it, and reader Evan for starting it.
Thanks to my guy who started the Leathernecks Nation instagram fan page and whoever is behind the wondrous fake Deke Van twitter account.
Thanks to everyone in the Discord who maintained ‘Necks discussion always and forever.
Thank the diehards that came out for every Twitch stream. I don’t want to name names because I’ll forget someone, but you know who you are. I love you all. I also want to thank the readers for keeping up with the recaps, and everyone who emailed me feedback throughout the series. I also want to thank my buddy Scott for introducing me to the game and running through multiple 40-year dynasties with me way before I ever considered blogging through it like this. This series would not exist without him.
What a ride it’s been. As I sim through to the end of the calendar, I’m greeted with this message.
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Thank you, everyone. Go ‘Necks.
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Dr. Claw's guide for arcane mages in TBC
This is a guide for those that want to play an arcane mage in phase one of TBC classic. It is not intended to convince you it is better than fire. Also, if there is a typo in my simulation code, this will affect the results :P. 
This is an analytical approach, and does not include procs or trinkets, as these are difficult to handle analytically. The simulation-based aproach of Osthyvel (https://cheesehyvel.github.io/magesim-tbc2/) is better for optimizing individual gear pieces, and includes trinkets and procs.
Arcane mages in TBC get a new spell called Arcane Blast (AB). When cast it gives you a debuff that increases the mana cost of AB by 75%, and reduces the casting time by 0.33s. The debuff stacks up to 3 times, and lasts for 8 seconds. The default casting time is 2.5s, and this goes down to 1.5 on 3 stacks.
Note that cast time is calculated when you click the button, but mana cost is calculated when the spell is cast. If you start casting while the debuff has less than 1s left, you will cast it fast for cheap.
Also note that the AB debuff increases the mana cost by 70% of the base mana, and is applied after other modifiers (arcane power, tier 5 set). This makes AB benefit more from arcane power than other spells. 
Basic premise The basic premise of the arcane mage is that you have two rotations. One save rotation and one burn rotation. You balance these so that you go OOM (out-of-mana) at the same time as the boss dies. The burn rotation will be an arcane blast spam
The save rotation will differ for arcane-frost and arcane-fire: arcane-frost:     3xAB->3xFrostbolt arcane-frost:     3xAB->Frostbolt->AM arcane-frost:     Frostbolt spam arcane-fire:        3xAB->Scorch->AM arcane-fire:        3xAB->scorch->2xFireball arcane-fire:        Fireball spam (keeping up scorch debuff)
The differences are not huge, but 3xAB->3xFrostbolt is the best possible rotation with arcane-frost, while a Fireball spam or 3xAB->scorch->2xFireball is best for fire (FB spam is slightly weaker, but easier to maintain, the difference is slight). 3xAB->scorch->2xFireball will be significantly better once you get 2 pc tier 5 set. (with any arcane-fire spec you will have to cast scorch to ramp and keep up the scorch debuff). 
Note that if you are arcane-frost, you can optimize your 3xAB->3xFrostbolt rotation by casting AM when you get a clearcasting proc, so long as you don’t drop the AB debuff. This has minimal effect on your DPS (detremental if you have high latency) but is good tip for conserving mana if you spend too much in the beginning of the fight. 
Switching between rotations
Typically you will use your burn rotation relatively early while popping all CDs and trinkets. Using your CDs together with an AB spam gives you the most benefit. Once they arcane power, icy veins and your trinket buffs have faded you may mix and match the rotations as you see fit for the rest of the fight. 
A god tip is to try to match your mana to the boss HP. You do this by inserting extra AB into your rotation to burn any additional mana you may have.
If you get a second Icy Veins (by cold snap) or heroism not matched with arcane power and/or trinkets, you may use the burn or save rotation during this as you see fit. You may think you get more benefit if you use AB spam, but since you balance you mana so that you go oom at the end of the fight anyway it does not matter. (think of heroism/icy veins as increasing the fight duration). However, cycles such as 3xAB->3xFrostbolt rotation does not work with icy veins because AB debuff no longer drops due to the shorter casttime of FB. I have found no obvious way to deal with this, and you may find that you have to do a frostbolt spam or fireball spam, if you don’t have the mana for AB spam.
Balancing your rotations
If you know how long the fight will be, you can calculate how much time you should spend in each rotation. Mathematically this is not complicated, and I have plotted the amount of damage you do from each rotation in the plot below. The x-axis is the total time you spend casting. The blip at 60s is from evocation. Before this the optimal play is to not use evocation, while after this the optimal play is to use evocation. (I do not included wand-dps after you go oom, although that is not shown in this plot. I also do not let you use AP etc. twice)
In practice you will start with the  save rotation until the boss is at low HP and then switch to the burn rotation.
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If we divide the total damage by the time, we get the average DPS:
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As an arcane mage your average DPS will be higher the shorter the fight is. (although this is also true for other classes/specs due to cooldowns).
Talents and gear: The above plots are calculated with the following talent spec: https://legacy-wow.com/tbc-talents/mage-talents/?tal=2520050300030150330125000000000000000000000000535000310030010000000
and pre-raid, no PVP gear with crafted gems: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/c37P41hxKGNvQkh36a9UYD (I mean this to be an example of early gear, and I ignore the difference in +spllpower for different schools, and the set bonus from the spellfire set. The code supports it, so you may include these yourself.)
Optimizing your gear means finding the right stat weights.  I did this by calculating the derivative of the damage done with respect to the different stats. This will also depend on the fight duration, as you can see in the plot below:
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Note how high intellect is. You can see the stat weights I used for the gear at the link above. (spirit will be lower in molten armor)
Arcane fire vs Arcane frost Here arcane fire uses the same stats as arcane frost and the following build:
https://legacy-wow.com/tbc-talents/mage-talents/?tal=2520050300030150330125050500201230000000000000030000000000000000000 You may observe that arcane fire outperforms arcane frost for fights longer than ~160s. This is primarily due to Icy Veins, which you can use twice with Cold Snap. I am assuming you get maximum benefit from this, which may not be possible in fights where you have to move, where maintaining a fireball spam is easier (even if you have to keep up the scorch debuff)
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Comparison to Fire
I am assuming you are raid buffed (Blessing of kings, blessing of wisdom, improved mark of the wild, improved divine spirit, curse of elements with malediction, and judgment of wisdom on the boss). You are also using your mana emerald and a single mana potion. (I am using molten armor. At this gear level the choice of armor makes no difference to the DPS of arcane specs, but is significant for fire. At better gear the arcane mages want mage armor) The fire build includes Icy Veins: https://legacy-wow.com/tbc-talents/mage-talents/?tal=0000000000000000000000050520201230333105312510235000010000000000000 With conventional stat weights: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/rognn7N3mUmUT53xFzzxxM
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It appears that the difference is not huge. It is easier to see the difference if we just plot the % difference, here with respect to fire. 
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The optimal spec depends on the fight duration, and we can see above that arcane is superior for fight durations shorter than ~160 s or longer than ~200s.
Realistically, I expect fight durations between 90 and 180 s (+movement and other phases). I base this on the number of casts our mages do during various bosses in naxx, but other ppl in the community can probably estimate this better than me. We don’t know how this will shake out in TBC classic. For Arcane Fire, the difference to Fire is less than ~ -4% on the negative side. At this point the player matters more than the spec.
Shadow Priest and Innervate
It is somewhat likely that you will have a shadow priest in the raid, and if you do, it should be placed in your group. It is also somewhat likely that a druid can innervate you. The following plot shows the DPS you can expect with one innervate and a shadow priest 1000 DPS (you get 5% of this as mana)
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At this point the fire mage will never go oom, and never use evocation. There is a single crossover point at around 180s. We can see more detail in the relative plot. 
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Again all three configurations appear reasonable for reasonable fight durations. The take-home message from these plot should be that fire-mages also benefit from SP, as it means they don’t have to use evocation (and take the DPS hit that gives). But arcane mages benefit more. Another thing to note is that arcane-frost is only better than arcane fire due to cold snap. If you don’t use cold snap (and/or if you have the spellfire set) you should consider arcane fire.
Frost spec In TBC frost mages get water elemental, which is a huge DPS up combined with cold snap If you can keep it alive. I am also making the assumption that the WE has enough mana to cast continuously. I am not sure if this is true. (frost mages use same gear as fire)
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On paper frost looks decent. However, I don’t expect you to be able to follow this curve exactly, since it assumes 2x icy veins and 2x water elemental, without the WE dying. (but if you can, all the more power too you!)
Why do some players say that arcane is only good after you get t5? Not everyone has realized how important intellect is to an arcane mage. If you gear your arcane mage with focus on +spelldamge (like a fire mage, or as you did all of classic), you get the following result instead:
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You can see how fire now outperforms arcane in all (basically) fights.  The key to playing arcane is to select gear with a lot of int! My arcane mage has 497 int, while my fire mage has only 333. A lot of this is from gems. The arcane mage uses Yellow +8 int gems. (these will probably be dirt cheap, compared to red gems...) On the topic of t5: This is what it looks like if we simply add the 2 piece t5 bonus:
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Why should you trust this?
You shouldn’t trust this blindly. I have verified my code against a spreadsheet i found online from 2008, and it agrees generally with osthyvls sims. 
You can download my source code here https://github.com/ClawDoctor/TBC_GUI_sim. You may run it with python3 or the executable (TBC_mage.exe included here https://www.dropbox.com/s/6gi620649sdfmdy/TBC_GUI_sim-main.zip?dl=1) on windows. (but you probably shouldn’t trust a random .exe you download from a shady site on the internet...). It looks like this,  
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Where the talent configurations are in text files (see the file browser on the left) and the stats are in separate text files in the same folder. You select the mages you want to compare and click ‘run’.
You can also select and compare different buff states, by selecting different configurations:
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There may be bugs i still haven’t found, and I will update this post if I discover some
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