#stone legacy gen 2
lunarsimmer · 29 days
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[Begin Image Description:
Image 1: A sim with light brown hair in a side bun pushing their hands together while talking with another sim with short wavy black hair.
Image 2: A bed with a cream, orange and light blue, teal, green, light orange and grey chevron pattern bedspread moving around with small pink hearts shooting out of it, above it is a purple text box reading Break out the candles! Make it romantic! Darwin and Sonia are Woohooing for the first time!
Image 3: A sim with short wavy black hair standing in front of a dark brown wooden mirror.
Image 4: A sim with short wavy black hair holding a piece of paper in their hands while gesturing, in front of them is a blue text box reading Reached Acting Level 2 followed by Darwin is now skilled enough to practice Acting with another Sim. He can also Cry on Demand as a self-interaction.
Image 5: A dark and light gradient yellow banner with the words Stone Legacy on the left with three beaming quavers music notes, a fountain pen with stars and a paper airplane swirling around it and a paint palette with a brush above it and the words gen 2 on the right with three beaming quavers music notes, a fountain pen with stars and a paper airplane swirling around it and a paint palette with a brush above it.
End Image Description]
Story and dialogue below cut:
With Darwin and Sonia’s fertility both tested (plus I gave one of them the Fertile Reward Trait) it’s time to get to the main event.
Sonia: It’s weird the Watcher is so enthusiastic about this, isn’t it?
Darwin: Yup, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be enjoyable for us both ;D
Alright then, and once that is done Darwin needs to start working on his acting skill so he can start actually getting some auditions.
Darwin: To be or not to be, that is the question...
Is it the most cliche line in theatre? Yes, but it’s one that I actually know so there you go.
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geminipixels · 1 month
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Pool Party🎈!
That leisure day, the Twins both wanted to throw a pool party. Sadly Hidden springs doesn't have a beach, as Atlas wanted to swim in the ocean...but the rejuvenating pool was the next best thing.
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glowfrogs · 11 months
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(no strings attached)
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siminspires · 6 months
Test of Time Challenge Gen 1
Night Family Round 4
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Storm continues being depressed and having bad luck with women.
His love life is going so bad he wants to buy a love potion... I’m not sure that’s even possible since I banned all npc’s. I’m glad Moss doesn’t like him, that would have been bad.
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kaleen-art · 2 months
Lupin Zero Sucks (Clickbait)
Spoilers. Duh.
Lupin Zero is a 2022-23 6 episode miniseries following the adventures of Lupin III and Daisuke Jigen as teenagers. I watched the full series recently. It’s very rare I watch a show and am both in awe and also disappointed. Here are my thoughts:
Chapter 1: Aesthetic
Lupin III Part 1 is my favorite Part. It’s where I think the characterizations are at their best and the A-Production episodes with the involvement of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata are some of the best Lupin adventures to this day (not a big fan of Osumi’s “deep and emotional” episodes, will make another essay about this probably). Zero takes a lot of influence from Part 1 and I love it. The music is on point and matches with the very late 60s-early 70s stylings of the first series. The animation and expressiveness is also on point. The artstyle is always distinctive and it’s amazing how they were able to translate the artstyle of the original series into a digital era when I felt like previous attempts (see: digital Part 1 art, Return of Pycal (sorry Shmeepy)) failed. I hate the filter applied over the series though. Besides it just muddying up very nicely done backgrounds and artwork, it also makes the whole series feel like a TikTok “edit”. It’s gross. But at least everything else about the series’s aesthetic is strong enough that this is only a minor nitpick.
Chapter 2: Lupin and Jigen
The best part of Lupin Zero is definitely the relationship between Lupin and Jigen. Jigen is a stone-cold criminal with experience to his name at the start of the series and Lupin is (though he wouldn’t admit it) a rookie crook. Both have exactly what the other one needs. Lupin gives Jigen the love Jigen seemingly gets from nobody else, and Jigen provides Lupin with a partner in crime. Their dynamic as the show goes on, especially prominent in Episode 4 (The Best One) and Episode 5 (Had the great scene between them) is great and the highlight of Zero. The gay vibes are strong on this one and I’m pretty sure this is the part of the show the writers wanted to do the most. Like I said earlier, the show ties in with Part 1 very nicely and the Lupin-Jigen dynamic is no exception. I love Part 1 Jigen so it’s no wonder why Zero Jigen is also great. I like when he Has Fun and Smiles I wish they let him do that in Part 2 and the new stuff.
Chapter 3: Lupin and his legacy
I really like how they executed Lupin’s relationship with his family. Lupin (the Third) and Arsene Lupin both want him to become a thief, but Lupin the Third wants to forge his own path instead of adhering to his grandpa’s expectations. Meanwhile, Lupin II wants Lupin to follow the “straight and narrow”. I think this show not only speaks to the feelings of teenagers of every generation, but especially the generation growing up in the 50s and 60s who would become adults in the 70s. Speaking as a teenager who is in the Gen Z generation I understand how it is to feel the weight of the previous generations and their expectations for you, but I also know this was an especially prevalent issue amongst the youth of the mid 20th century, and I think Lupin in Zero really represents that. At the end of the show, he is able to forge his own path and later becomes the Lupin we know and love, resolving this generational conflict. This is another aspect done great in Zero.
Chapter 4: Lupin and Yoko
Fuck Yoko. She ruins the show. This isn’t a joke.
Yoko is… I think? Lupin’s love interest? “But isn’t that Jigen-” THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING! The show felt the incessant need to add a female lead so they could have boobies on screen. The problem is it’s really gross in Zero. Yoko is an adult ass woman flirting with Lupin the 13 year old and it’s very groomy. In the first episode she even sings about forbidden love (with someone younger than her) to Lupin and Jigen. She contributes close to nothing to the show up until Episodes 5 and 6 (a two-parter). In those episodes, she has a plot with this guy named Gaucho who is like, the villain, and like… She loves him but she also loves Lupin, and it gets really convoluted and dumb. If it seems like I don’t care, it’s because I don’t. 
At the end of the show Gaucho dies and Yoko is in a life-or-death situation, so she decides to kill herself to die with Gaucho. She does this in front of two children, one of whom she is fully aware that he's in love with her. This is a character we are meant to feel sad about when she dies.
She's a total creep and throws me out of the show whenever she's on-screen. I feel like if she didn’t show any interest in Lupin besides an innocent friendship, and Lupin just fell in love with her anyway, that would be significantly better. As is, she gets way too flirtatious with someone literally less than half her age for me to give a fuck when she dies.
I think if they really needed her to be in the show (she does not need to be there) they should’ve removed her and Lupin’s “romance” entirely and instead tried to parallel Lupin and Jigen’s romance plot with her and Gaucho, showing how she and Gaucho are like a bad version of the two. That, in my opinion, would’ve worked a lot better.
Chapter 4: Too Much, Too Little
My biggest problem with Lupin Zero is it tries to cram too much into 6 episodes. If it had just stuck with Lupin and Jigen’s relationship blossoming + Lupin vs. his family, it would’ve been killer, but the stuff with Yoko as well as the final two episodes’ weird war-government plot just muddies up a great idea. It leaves me disappointed because I think Lupin Zero had so much potential but it was ruined by the writers forcing in ideas that detract from the themes already present instead of adding to them. 
Overall, is Lupin Zero worth a watch?
I mean it’s only 6 episodes, you might as well if you like Part 1 or Lupin x Jigen or anything of that sort.
But do I think it’s as great as people have said it is?
God, no. It’s messy and I think overall it’s a 6 or 7 out of 10. 7.5 on a good day.
Good but nothing remarkable. But if this kind of show is what Lupin III series…es went forward with? I wouldn’t be mad, not one bit.
Anyway don't forget to like and subscribe for more bad takes, ok bye see you when I remember I have a tumblr again
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macaroonsims · 1 year
12 Dancing Princesses Legacy Challenge
based on the barbie movie. use cheats if you want, complete all generation goals.
Gen 1: Princess Ashlyn.
Ashlyn is the eldest of King Randolph and the late Queen Isabella's twelve daughters, since she is the oldest she is the crowned princess or the heiress apparent to the throne. Ashlyn loves to play music, especially the flute. She and her little sisters all love ballet dancing. 
traits: creative, music lover, family oriented.
career: musician
aspiration: musical genius
colour: purple
As the eldest, help raise your younger sisters.
Master piano, pipe organ, violin, guitar, singing, and dance skills.
Gen 2: Princess Blair.
The second eldest
traits: animal lover, active, creative
career: vet
aspiration: country caretaker
colour: red
own a cow (there's no horses)
master vet, pet training, and dance skills
max imagination skill as a toddler/child
have a ruby gemstone
buy the brave trait in the rewards store
Gen 3: Princess Courtney,
traits: clumsy, bookworm, genius
aspiration: bestselling author
career: writer
master dance and logic skills.
colour: blue
have a sapphire gemstone
Gen 4: Princess Delia
traits: active, hot headed, adventurous
aspiration: bodybuilder
career: athlete (any branch)
colour: green
have a twin sister
master athletic and dance skills
have sunflowers in your room
Gen 5: Princess Edeline
traits: goofball, active, active
aspiration: joke star
career: comedian
colour: orange
have a twin sister
master comedy, athletic, and dance skills
have a citrine gemstone
Gen 6: Princess Fallon
traits: romantic, animal lover, music lover
aspiration: soulmate
career: up to you
colour: pink
master singing, violin (no harps in game) and dance skills
gen 7: Princess Genevieve
traits: cheerful, genius, loyal
career: up to you
aspiration: big happy family
colours: pink and white
master dance and logic skills
plant roses in garden
be best friends with your younger sister
have a cat called twyla
Gen 8: Princess Hadley
traits: active, outgoing, cheerful
aspiration: extreme sports enthusiast
career: athletic (whatever branch you didn't pick in gen 4)
colour: teal
have a twin sister and be best friends with her
complete the rambunctious scamp (?) aspiration as a child
master dance and athletic skills
Gen 9: Princess Isla
traits: active, cheerful, genius
aspiration: any
career: any
colour: lilac
be best friends with twin sister,
master dance and athletic skills
plant lilies in your garden
have an emerald gemstone
Gen 10: Princess Janessa
traits: loves the outdoors, self-assured, outgoing
career: politician
aspiration: leader of the pack
have two twin sisters, be be friends with second eldest (you are the eldest triplet)
colour: light blue
have the jonquilyst gemstone
complete bug collection
master dance skill
Gen 11: princess Kathleen
traits: cheerful, creative, art lover
aspiration: painter extraordinaire
career: painter (any branch)
have two twin sisters, be best friends with the elder one
colour: light pink
master dance skill
plant daisies in your garden
gen 12: Princess Lacey
traits: genius, dance machine, family oriented
aspiration: any
career: doctor
colour: lilac
have two twin sisters, but be best friends with your older sister
plant lilies in garden,
have the amethyst gem stone
master dance skill
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Two passions of mine are lists and family trees/next generations. One of my bigger gripes with the Fandom Wiki is that they will put absolutely everything to be a character category... aside from “next generation”...
So, I’m making my own list of next generation characters from all over the multiverse. Which is ungrateful, to be quite frank, due to how hard they are to find if you haven’t met them personally in a comic yet.
Which brings us to this post. Consider it a WIP as well as an ask for help. If you are as interested in next gen characters as I am, look at the shiny list! If you have read comics including next gen characters not listed here, please tell me the source and name so I can add them!
(Listed in braces behind are home Earth and continuity; if nothing is listed, it’s a child from the main continuity. Also, the list is in alphabetical order by hero alias, so if you want to just check a particular hero, that’s where you’ll find them.)
Children of Aquaman / Arthur Curry / Orin
With Mera:
Arthur Curry Jr. (New Earth main continuity; dead and also erased)
Arthur Joseph ‘AJ’ Curry (New Earth main continuity; erased)
Andrina ‘Andy’ Curry (main continuity since Rebirth)
Arthur Curry Jr. (Earth-12; Batman Beyond; listed separately because this one does not die in infancy but lives to be an adult)
Marina/Mareena Curry (Earth-12; Batman Beyond)
Eldoris Curry (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Artur (Earth-16; Young Justice cartoon)
Children of Aqualad / Garth
With an unnamed mother:
Tula (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
With Dolphin:
Cerdian (New Earth main continuity; dead and also erased)
Children of Batman / Bruce Wayne
Adopted Children:
Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson
Jason Todd
Timothy ‘Tim’ Drake
Cassandra ‘Cass’ Cain
With an unnamed mother:
Bruce Wayne Junior (Earth-3839; Batman/Superman: Generations)
With Diana Prince:
Stephanie ‘Stevie’ Trevor (Earth-3839; Batman/Superman: Generations; stepdaughter, biological daughter of Steve Trevor)
With Talia al Ghul:
Damian Wayne
Ibn al Xu’ffasch (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Athanasia al Ghul (Earth-49; Injustice)
With Selina Kyle:
Helena Wayne (Earth-2/Earth-203/Unnamed Earth of Batman/Catwoman)
Aion (Alternate Future; Batman in Bethlehem)
With Kathy Kane:
Bruce Wayne Junior (Earth-154; Super-Sons)
Stepchildren, with Harley Quinn:
Bryce Quinzel (Earth-616; White Knight)
Jackie Quinzel (Earth-616; White Knight)
Due to Amanda Waller’s cloning of his DNA:
Terrence ‘Terry’ McGinnis (Earth-12; Batman Beyond)
Matthew ‘Matt’ McGinnis (Earth-12; Batman Beyond)
Children of Batwoman / Kate Kane
With Renee Montoya:
Jason Todd (adopted; Earth-24; Bombshells)
With Maggie Sawyer: Unnamed Daughter
(Earth-24; Bombshells)
Children of Black Lightning / Jefferson Pierce
With Lynn Stewart:
Anissa Pierce
Jennifer Pierce
Jacob Pierce (Earth-118; Dark Knights of Steel)
Children of Bumblebee / Karen Beecher
With Malcolm Duncan:
Rhea Malia Beecher Duncan (Earth-16; Young Justice cartoon)
Children of Cyborg / Victor Stone
With an unnamed mother:
George Marvin Stone (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Children of the Flash #1 / Jay Garrick
With Joan Williams:
Judy Garrick (retconned into the main continuity as of The New Golden Age)
Bartholomew ‘Barry’ Allen (Arrowverse; The Flash TV show; Jay Garrick and Henry Allen as well as Joan Williams and Nora Thompson are confirmed to be doppelgängers, technically making Barry the child of Jay/Joan)
Children of the Flash #2 / Barry Allen
With Iris West:
Dawn Allen
Donald Allen
Nora Allen (Arrowverse; The Flash TV show)
Bartholomew ‘Bart’ Allen II (Arrowverse; The Flash TV show)
With Jessica Cruz:
Jason Allen (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Jenny Allen (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Nora Allen (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Children of the Flash #3 / Kid Flash / Wally West
With Angela Margolin:
Iris West (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Bartholomew ‘Barry’ West (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
With Linda Park:
Iris ‘Irey’ West II
Jai West
unnamed/unborn baby
Children of the Green Arrow #1 / Oliver Queen
Roy Harper Jr.
Mia Dearden
With Chloe Sullivan:
Jonathan Queen (Earth-167; Smallville TV show)
With Dinah Laurel Lance:
Connor Queen (Earth-49; Injustice)
Laurel Queen-Lance (Earth-11)
Olivia Queen (Earth-22; Kingdom Come/Earth-11)
With Felicity Smoak:
Mia Smoak-Queen (Arrowverse; Arrow TV show)
With Samantha Clayton:
William Clayton (Arrowverse; Arrow TV show)
With Shado:
Robert Queen Jr. (New Earth main continuity; erased)
With Sandra Hawke:
Connor Hawke
Children of the Green Arrow #2 / Connor Hawke
With presumably a version of Bonnie King:
Cissie King-Hawke (Earth16 - comics-verse, not cartoon verse, so the continuity of The Just)
Children of Harley Quinn / Harleen Quinzel
With an unnamed partner:
Unnamed Daughter (Earth-12; Batman Beyond; mother to Harley’s grandchildren, Deidra and Delia Dennis)
With Pamela Isley:
Unnamed Child (Earth-24; Bombshells)
With the Joker:
Lucy Quinzel (Earth-49; Injustice)
Bryce Quinzel (Earth-616; White Knight)
Jackie Quinzel (Earth-616; White Knight)
Children of Nightwing / Robin #1 / Dick Grayson
With Barbara Gordon:
John Thomas Grayson (Earth-2)
James ‘Jimmy’ Grayson (Earth-616; White Knight)
With Koriand’r:
Mar’i Grayson (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Jacob ‘Jake’ Grayson (Alternate Future; The New Order)
With Unnamed Mother(s):
Elainna Grayson (Earth-12; Batman Beyond)
Thomas Grayson (Alternate Future; Generation Lost)
Children of Red Arrow / Arsenal / Speedy / Roy Harper
With Jade Nguyen:
Lian Harper
Children of Supergirl / Kara Zor-El
Lucy (Unnamed Earth; Last Daughters)
With Brainiac-5:
XTC (Earth-22; Kingdom Come; inofficial name of the character)
With Clark Kent (in-vitro):
Kara Junior (Unnamed Earth; Created Equal)
Children of Superman / Clark Kent / Kal-El
With Diana Prince:
Bruce Kent (Unnamed Earth; Distant Fires)
Jonathan Kent II (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Three more unnamed children (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Jonathan Kent II (Earth-686; Dark Knight Returns)
Lara Kent (Earth-686; Dark Knight Returns)
Unnamed son (Unnamed Earth; Act of God)
Zod-Ur (Earth 12; Batman Beyond; though he is the biological son of E12!Diana and E50!Clark and fostered by E12!Clark)
With Linda Danvers:
Ariella Kent (New Earth main continuity; erased)
With Lois Lane:
Jonathan Samuel Kent
Jonathan Kent (Arrowverse; Superman & Lois TV show)
Jordan Kent (Arrowverse; Superman & Lois TV show)
Christopher ‘Chris’ Kent (Earth-16 - again, The Just comics, not YJ; their son in YJ is a version of Jon)
Clark Kent Jr. (Earth-154; Super-Sons)
Jorel Kent (Earth-2020; Superman 2020)
Joel Perry Kent (Earth-3839; Batman/Superman: Generations)
Kara Kent (Earth-3839; Batman/Superman: Generations)
Jason White (Unnamed Earth; Superman Returns movie)
Adam Kent (Unnamed Earth; Created Equal)
Hunter Prince (adopted; Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Children of Wonder Woman / Diana of Themyscira
With Clark Kent:
Bruce Kent (Unnamed Earth; Distant Fires)
Jonathan Kent II (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Three more unnamed children (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Jonathan Kent II (Earth-686; Dark Knight Returns)
Lara Kent (Earth-686; Dark Knight Returns)
Unnamed son (Unnamed Earth; Act of God)
Zod-Ur (Earth 12; Batman Beyond; though he is the biological son of E12!Diana and E50!Clark)
With Steve Trevor:
Hippolyta ‘Lyta’ Trevor-Hall (New Earth main continuity; rewritten to no longer be either of their child/Earth-2)
Vicki Trevor (Earth-34; Wonder Woman: Amazonia)
Ettie Trevor (Earth-34; Wonder Woman: Amazonia)
Stephanie ‘Stevie’ Trevor (Earth-3839; Batman/Superman: Generations; also Bruce Wayne’s stepdaughter)
With Steppenwolf:
Donna of Amazon Island (Earth 2)
With the Darkness:
Hunter Prince (Alternate Future; Justice League: Legacy)
Children of Wonder Girl / Troia / Donna Troy
With Terry Long:
Jennifer Long (stepdaughter; New Earth main continuity; dead and also erased)
Robert Long (New Earth main continuity; dead and also erased)
Children of Zatanna Zatara
With John Constantine:
Zatara II (Earth-22; Kingdom Come)
Raven (adopted; Earth-24; Bombshells)
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agentofmischief · 1 year
Birthstone Legacy Part?
Honestly, I can’t remember what part I was on. All I remember was last time, Aelia and Erik had become teens, and I believe Traeth had just become a toddler. And Will a kid. That means, I’m starting to get work done on Aelia’s Citrine generation, which is:
November stone: CITRINE
    Color: Dark Yellow (almost Gold)
Citrine’s yellow stone radiates happiness, creativity, and wealth. Named for it’s citrus like color, it’s no wonder it’s the stone for a month known for it’s food. Citrine is known also as the Merchant’s stone for it’s golden color.
Traits: Cheerful, Foodie, Creative
-Complete Culinary Career.
-Complete Culinary aspiration.
-Master Cooking and baking skills.
-Own a fruit and vegetable garden with every possible fruit and veggie in your game.
-Own a Bakery or Restaurant.
-Cook an Excellent quality Grand Meal.
-Learn 10 Food Stall recipes.
Also, I had made a small note when I opened this save a few days ago that with the attraction system, Azalea and Gregory found each other unattractive. Well, CAS, as expected fixed that. They now find each other basic, but their relationship is so close, that doesn’t matter. I also added a Home-Ec/cooking class room to my High School, so when Aelia’s at school, she can work on those skills.
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I had a whole weekend before school, though, so I got her cooking and baking skills up before then. 
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She is working on her gourmet cooking skills now alongside her cooking and baking skill. I did have her make her first few meals as a kid with her dad, Gregory, so I think story-wise, she got into cooking because her Dad liked to cook with her, and she likes to emulate him.
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And Aelia’s first day as a Barista to get some money going. Erik is currently also working as a construction worker on the weekends.
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Aelia and Erik’s first day of high school. I feel like Erik is going to drop the renegades, just because his likes and dislikes say he’s a lot more preppy.
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He’s also and excellent older brother.
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Also found out that Traeth and Will had birthdays the same day, meaning Azalea and Gregory were about to have a house full of teenagers!
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New family photo!
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I randomized all likes and traits for everyone except Aelia. Erik is preppy and chill. Will is a bit self-conscious of himself, and likes streetwear. Aelia is just an indie-yellow ball of sunshine with cookies. And Traeth’s favorite colors randomized to Pink and Black, so I think he’s going to grow to be our Punk Prince who likes the ocean.
Of course, I was grinding both Pink Tourmaline Gen (1) and Citrine Gen (2). So here is where I’m at:
Pink Tourmaline Goals:
-Complete the Politician career as a Charity Organizer. (7/10)
-Complete Friend to the World aspiration. (3/4) *I am 2 charisma points away from this though.
-Adopt 2 kids (Do not have to be legacy continuation).
-Max out friendship/be best friends with 4 sims before becoming an Adult. The friendship must be maintained throughout life.
-Have a rose garden.
-Write 5 Children’s books. (4/5)
-Volunteer with family 5 times. (5/5)
Citrine Goals:
-Complete Culinary Career. (Start at YA)
-Complete Culinary aspiration. (1/4)
-Master Cooking and baking skills.
Cooking (5/10) 
Baking (2/10) 
Gourmet Cooking (1/10)
-Own a fruit and vegetable garden with every possible fruit and veggie in your game.
-Own a Bakery or Restaurant. (YA)
-Cook an Excellent quality Grand Meal.
-Learn 10 Food Stall recipes.
So, we are making progress. Soon, I will only be worrying about Azalea’s career. She’d have been promoted if her job worked more days. Gregory just got promoted.
I think my plan for Aelia is to just get her cooking skill and baking skill as high as I can before she becomes a young adult, as well as start collecting Food Stall recipes and cook an excellent Grand Meal in two days on Thanksgiving. She’s not far from the 2nd level of the culinary aspiration either.
Happy simming!
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xolta · 1 year
Games part 5
Xolta's Big old recommended games list Part 5 gen 6-7
Dreamcast: Illbled(mind fuck/ surivival horror) Sonic Adventure 1&2(platformer) Chu chu rocket(puzzle) Crazy taxi1&2(taxi em up) Dynamite cop(beat em up) Jet Set Radio( 3d platforming) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (adventure) Power Stone 1&2(platform fighter) SoulCalibur(fighting) Space channle 5(rythm)
Game Boy Advance: Advance Guardian Heroes(beat em up) Advance Wars(Tatics) Astro Boy: Omega Factor (anime em up) Bomberman Max 2(bomber man) Bomberman Tournament(zelda like rpg) Bubble Bobble: Old & New (singel screen platformer) Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (metroidvania) Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure (platformer) Digimon Battle Spirit 2(platform fighter) Drill Dozer (platformer) F-Zero: Maximum Velocity (Future racing) Fire Emblem (Srpg) Game & Watch Gallery 4 (mixed bag) Godzilla: Domination! (kaiju fighting) Golden Sun (rpg) Gunstar Super Heroes (Run and gun platforming) Justice League Heroes: The Flash (im speed em up) Konami Krazy Racers (kart racing) Metal Slug Advance (run and gun) Metroid Fusion (metroidvania) Pinball of the Dead (pinball) Mario advance series(platformer) Sonic Advance series(platformer/ bullshit pits) Summon Night 1&2(rpg/Gay charters in the 2000s) Super Puzzle Fighter II (puzzle) Wario Land 4(platformer)
Xbox (og): Beyond Good & Evil (adventure) Blinx: The Time Sweeper(platformer) Breakdown(first person action) Burnout 3 (raceing) Crazy taxi 3(taxi em up) Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge(plane fighting action/plup em up) Fable(rpg) Gladius(rpg) Halo 1&2(fps/ i perfer the pc port) Jet Set Radio Future(action 3d platforming) Ninja Gaiden Black (charater action) Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (Fps/tps) Panzer Dragoon Orta(on rails shooter) Phantom Dust (action/wackey) Psychonauts (platformer) Super monkey ball deluxe(ball rolling/rage)
PlayStation 2: The Adventures of Cookie & Cream(platformer) Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance(action rpg) BCV: Battle Construction Vehicle(janky vehicle combat) Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (3d metroidvania) Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (3d metrovania) DarkWatch(fps) Final Fantasy X-2 (jrpg) Final Fantasy XII (jrpg) Gitaroo Man (rythm) God Hand (charater acrion) God of war(charater action) Grand Theft Auto 2-3(sandbox action) GunGrave (big dumb action game) IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (combat racing) Katamari Damacy (Ball rolling action) Killzone (fps) Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (platformer) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (hack n slash) Maximo vs. Army of Zin (Platformer) Metal Slug Anthology(collection) Namco Museum: 50th Anniversary (mixed bag) Nightshade(action hack and slash platformer/Ninja ass and tits) OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast(raceing) King Kong(adventure) The Punisher(tps) The Red Star(beat em up/shooter) Samurai Western(samuri em up) Sega Classics Collection(collection) Shadow Hearts series (jrpg) Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1&2 (jrpg) Shinobi (action platformer/Ninja ass and Dick) Soul Calibur 2&3(fighting) TimeSplitters 1&2(fps) War of the Monsters (3d kaiju fighting) The Warriors(beat em up) We heart Katamari(ball rolling) Dragon quest 8 (jrpg) Viewtiful Joe 1&2(CRAZY ACTION/i perfer the gamecube versions)
Gamecube: Alien Hominid (run and gun) Animal Crossing (life sim) Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and The Lost Ocean (jrpg) Beyond Good & Evil (action adventure) Bloody Roar: Primal Fury(fighting) Custom Robo (mecha combat) Donkey Konga (rythm) DragonBall Z: Budokai 1&2(anime fighting) F-Zero GX (future racing) Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles(action rpg) Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (tatics rpg) Gauntlet: Dark Legacy(hack n slash/warrior needs food badly) Kirby Air Ride (racing) Lost Kingdoms (jpg) Mario Kart: Double Dash (kart racing) Mario Superstar Baseball (baseball) Mega Man Anniversary Collection (collection) Metroid Prime 1&2 (fps/3d metroidvania) Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (rpg) Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (platformer) Puyo Pop Fever (puzzle) Resident Evil 4 (surivial horror) The Simpsons Road Rage (crazy taxi clone) Skies of Arcadia Legends (jprg) Sonic adventure 1 &2(platformer) Super Monkey Ball (ball rolling/rage) Super Smash Bros. Melee(platform fighter) TubeSlider(future racing) Ultimate Muscle( Wrestling) Viewtiful Joe 1&2(CRAZY ACTION) X-Men Legends (action rpg) Sonic heroes(platformer)
Nintendo DS: Advance Wars: Dual Strike(tatics) Advance Wars: Days of Ruin(tatics) Aliens: Infestation(metroidvania) Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow(action rpg) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow(metroidvania) Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin(metroidvania) Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia(metroidvania) Contra 4(run and gun/hard) Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies(jrpg) Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime(action adventure) Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker(monster rasing rpg) Elite Beat Agents(rythm) Final Fantasy Tactics A2(srpg) Izuna 1 & 2(rouge like/rpg) Kirby Canvas Curse( kirby rolling) Kirby Squeak Squad(platformer) Kirby Super Star Ultra(platformer) The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass(advenutre/ gimmicks abound) The Legendary Starfy(platformer) Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ(shoot em up) Metriod prime pinball(pinball) Lunar Knights(action adventure) Mario kart ds(kart racing) Metal Slug 7(run and gun) New Super Mario Bros.(platformer/bah bah sim) Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword(charater action) Okamiden(adventure) Pokémon Platinum& daimond(monster rasing rpg) Pokemon soul sliver and heart gold(monster rasing rpg) Pokémon Black and White 1&2( monster rasing rpg) Scribblenauts 1&2(puzzle) Scurge: Hive(metroidvania) SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighters DS(tgc) Sonic Rush (platformer) Sonic colors(platformer) Super Mario 64 DS(3d platformer) The World Ends With You(action rpg) WarioWare: Touched!(mirco games)
Xbox 360: Bayonetta (charater action) Beautiful Katamari(ball rolling) BioShock 1&2 (fps with some rpg elements) Blue Dragon(rpg) Burnout Paradise (raceing) Crackdown1&2(Sandbox tps) Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (manily anime em up) Halo 3(fps/I perfer the pc version) Lost Planet 1&2(tps) Tekken Tag Tournament 2(fighting) Vanquish (tps/Exploding knees) Viva Piñata(life sim) Sonic Generations(platformer) Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (action adventure) F.E.A.R. (fps/horror) Forza Motorsport 3(sim racing) Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (kart racing) Call of Duty: Black Ops 1&2(fps) Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2&3(fps)
Wii: Animal Crossing: City Folk(life sim) Battalion Wars 2 (rts/tps) The Conduit (fps) de Blob (platformer) Donkey Kong Country Returns (platformer/ i perfer the 3ds version) Epic Mickey (3d platfroming/Bad camera) Excite Truck (racing) Excitebots: Trick Racing (racing) Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn(Srpg) The House of the Dead: Overkill (light gun) Kirby's Epic Yarn(platformer) Kirby's Return to Dream Land(platformer) MadWorld (charater action) Mario kart wii(kart racing) Metal Slug Anthology (run and gun) Metroid Prime Trilogy (fps/3d metroidvania) Monster Hunter 3 Tri(monster hunting) Muramasa: The Demon Blade (action) NEW Super Mario Bros. Wii(platformer) NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (flying/jank) No More Heroes 1&2(action/ i hear other versions are better) Okami ( adventure) Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers( hack and slash jank cheese cake fest) Rodea the Sky Soldier (flying platformer/ dont play the wiiu version its trash) Sin & Punishment: Star Successor(rail shooter) Sonic Colors (platformer) Super Mario Galaxy 1&2(3d platfromer) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (platform fighter) Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars(fighting) Wario Land: Shake It(greed) Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure(puzzle adventure) Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law (law em up)
psp: Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles (paltformer) Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower (fighting) Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law (law em up) Metal Slug XX (run and gun) Power Stone Collection (platfrom fighter) Wipeout Pure(future racing) Wipe out pluse( future racing)
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lunarsimmer · 28 days
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[Begin Image Description:
Image 1: A sim with light brown hair pulled into a bun on top of their head sitting on a toilet staring a pink pregnancy text, off to the side is a blue text box reading Sonia is not pregnant. Maybe next time!
Image 2: A sim with light brown hair pulled into a bun on top of their head smiling while talking to another sim with short wavy black hair in a bedroom.
Image 3: A sim with light brown hair pulled into a bun on top of their head resting her head in her hand while staring at a pink pregnancy test.
Image 4: A sim with light brown hair pulled into a bun on top of their head gasping, hand pressed against her chest while the other holds a pink pregnancy test. Next to them is a purple text box reading Sonia is Pregnant! followed by There’s going to be a new addition to this household.
Image 5: A dark and light gradient yellow banner with the words Stone Legacy on the left with three beaming quavers music notes, a fountain pen with stars and a paper airplane swirling around it and a paint palette with a brush above it and the words gen 2 on the right with three beaming quavers music notes, a fountain pen with stars and a paper airplane swirling around it and a paint palette with a brush above it.
End Image Description]
Story and dialogue below cut:
Don’t worry about it Sonia, people rarely get pregnant on the first try, it’s alright! *eye twitch*
Darwin: She’s having flashbacks isn’t she?
Sonia: Yup.
Sonia: Oh dear Watcher...
And with that, Gen 3 is officially on the way!
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geminipixels · 1 month
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Once you finally let your guard down, you manage to make a friend! Eventually this friendship turns into a relationship. However this sim isn’t a good influence on you at all… ✅
Alessi clearly was feeling Azura little too much, and immediately asked her to his girlfriend. And Azura being Smitten by love accepted very quickly.
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simmer-rhi · 2 years
It Girls Legacy - Gen 1
Oasis Springs Desert Spa Booking Confirmation
1 x Hot Stone Massage
1 x Hand Massage
1 x Sports Massage
1 x Mud Bath
2 x Yoga
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siminspires · 6 months
Test of Time Challenge Gen 1
Stone Family Round 3
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A few more babies joined the family.
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Diamond grew up to a child.
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Amethyst proposed to Daisy and she moved in.
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𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐁𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐜𝐨-𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 beckons you with a cool climate, lush mountainscapes, and unobstructed panoramic views - a setting that evokes the old Baguio charm.
🏗️𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞: 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐨 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞: November 2028
𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞: ▫️Studio - 35sqm to 49sqm ( ▫️1BR Deluxe - 68sqm ▫️2BR - 91.50sqm
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬: 📍Burnham Park, SM City Baguio, UB Square, Baguio Center Mall, Camp John Hay, Baguio City Market, Baguio Loakan Airport, Good Shepherd Convent.
𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐬: 📍UP Baguio, Philippine Women's University, Baguio College of Technology, University of Baguio, Baguio City Academy Colleges, St. Louis University (Phil.), National Baguio University, Pines City Colleges, Philippine Military Academy.
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 & 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲: 📍AI Naboye Baguio Gen, Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center, Notre Dame de Chartres Hospital, SLU Sacred Heart Medical Center, Pines City Doctor's Hospital.
𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 & 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Tuba Fire Station, Tuba Central Police Station, Baguio City Police Office Station 5, Baguio City Police Station - Session Road Branch, Baguio City Police Office Station 8.
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 & 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Uncle Sam'a Agri-Tourism Park, BenCab Museum, Wright Park, The Mansion, Mirador Heritage and Eco Park, Tam-awan Village, Pan-ay Ayaman Playground, Mines View Park, Igorot Stone Kindom Inc., Lion's Head.
𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓? ☑️ The things you love about the "old Baguio" ▫️ Less disturbed natural setting ▫️ Less traffic ▫️ Less pollution ▫️ Less noise ▫️ Uncrowded streets ☑️ Cool Climate ☑️ Magnificent views ☑️ Low density municipality ☑️ Flowers always IG-ready ☑️ Mountain Resort Amenities and Features ☑️ Eco-agri Sustainability and Community-Integration ☑️ Accessibility ☑️ Arts and Culture ☑️ Emerging Benguet District ☑️ The BLISTT Concept ☑️ Tuba, Benguet Residential Land Values ☑️ DMCI Homes Legacy
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𝐷𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑊𝑎𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝐵𝑢𝑦 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒, 𝐵𝑢𝑦 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑊𝑎𝑖𝑡.
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬!
💥𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐃𝐌𝐂𝐈 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐞-𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 & 𝐑𝐅𝐎 🔎 Taguig City | Pasig | Makati | Mandaluyong | Las Piñas | Parañaque | Manila | Pasay | Quezon City | San Juan, Batangas | Tuba, Benguet
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tsikli · 2 years
Ðusyþ showcase: Excerpt from the King of Gattis
The King of Gattis, (also known as the king of Glottis) is one of the most important Ðusyþ works in history. Written in Middle Ðusyþ, this epic tells the tale of a King, his family and his kingdom's collapse during the Glottan War, a major war fought in the Ahms plains.
Below is an extract from Chapter 6, Scroll 13. It has been translated into Modern Ðusyþ.
! Content warning !: The final line contains a description of a character's intentions to engage in extreme violence against a group of individuals.
efrieikallu, fksengöl'le'els.
come.PST-father-GEN.3 through-hall-DEF
His (Xybra's) father walked over, across the hall.
efrixöþnyðalDyrir, ek heisaimenajrôjreisöð, ðafheisairôn.
come.PST-3SG-LOC-door-GEN-Ðyrir, and open_door-AUG-NARR-3SG>3SGOBV COM-flourish
He advanced to the door of Ðyrir, and swung it open with a flourish.
yktngreilly: "Lyngllik ej ngöznghe, Ðyrir Felun."
speak-PTS-AUG "come.PST.PF-1SG in_order_to meet.HAB-2SG, Ðyrir King"
"I have come to see you, King Ðyrir," he said, loudly.
Ðyrir y'*: "ðrôxsmik hyllnymengkswyktdafe. ðe hen?"
Ðyrir speak "remember-NEG-1SG start-PST-1SG-meeting-COM.2SG who 2SG?"
"I do not remember making an appointment with you. Who are you?" Ðyrir replied.
y': "yktsylao ðuwfsyköfmi. xök, riþzngulktyllxngk. Illlluxn, y."
speak "name-GEN.1 important-NEG. stand-1SG give-INTG-1SG-offer-DAT.2SG favour perhaps"
"Who I am is not of importance. I am here to give you an offer. A favor, perhaps."
Ðyrir y': "fiklmisei llu fynlsn, ðun illlluxn rôj els lykinghe ek xözyþsjpeirkjengxöþönsels.
Ðyrir speak: "mine-NEG-IMP after midnight, or favour in one recieve.NRFTR-2SG COP slice-axe-LOC-LX.neck-DEF."
"You better get on quickly, or the only favor** you're receiving is an axe to the neck."
y': "erksreis. zysyly'eilduwf, lletl'llaty'yly ðafKaitynsf. llyqyktqx ðið eifnjxaty'yly. ek, ðek:"
speak use-NEG-1SG-time-AUG know_plight_of_others take-PST-PF-brother-GEN.2 COM-Glottans. OEX-speak-NRFTR-1SG>2SG where keep-3PL-brother-GEN.2. but, ask-1SG
"I will keep it brief. As you know, your brother has been captured by the Glottans. I will give you where the Glottans keep your brother. But, all I ask for you..."
fyllpi'allu, ek ðaf els ðö, lliþnllys eilli höllDyrir.
lift-PST-3SG-wand-GEN.3 and COM one motion destroy-PST-3SG-table near-Ðyrir.
He lifted his wand, and in a single motion destroyed a table that was next to Ðyrir.
ðyktx öj, ah, öjmi rôj els, ðyktx ölreilly ek llidwf Hôllirx. lletlinlly'ixel'lly eilli xyrall ngk. ekde: ðuwfsyköfmi mein, ek ðyktmiqu. nail ðequ: ölusei, saweibrkyke'allu, ek lliluneinafjx, fesönafjx, oflfle'iwllnafjx. ömþzk e'idyqöjllazôðajuhyfingajuhy; ömþzk exle'iwllhynajuhyngöðakels; ömþzk meskððkilailajuhyngurymf; ömþzk exle'iwllöwuþxnailajuhy'ontltxallu, sasijaisilhe'ontltx þus – ömþzk zuqenanallusyllyngrirtx, ömþzk ðysmekþnailajuhy xöþlleþentxels, ömþzk lluzðhellnailajuhyxöþpiða'uzmi, ömþzk ôqswat'hebelfeiptxsyongkfqylleis,ömþzk lyngqöj wôq ïtl xôsduwftxajuhy; ömþzk lla'utlyfyngrysnllxôsdymekwsaljuhy, ek öngusnll. ömþzk ðizlliheþô'ajuhype'uzeng, sa'ybitrallpe'uzensei.
require-1SG>2SG kill, ah, kill-NEG in one, require-1SG>2SG kill-AUG and maim Hôllirx. take-PST-3SG-something that dear DAT-1SG. COP-what: matter-NEG DAT-2SG, and require-NEG-1SG>3SG. all ask-1SG>2SG: kill-3SG-IMP, then-find-1SG-family-GEN.3, and burn-ACC.3PL, stone-ACC.3PL, starve-ACC.3PL. want-1SG nurture-blood-GEN.3PL-garden-GEN.3PL; want-1SG feed-house-GEN.3-DAT-earth-DEF; want-1SG evenly_split-money-COLL-GEN.3-DAT-poor; want-1SG feed-book-COLL-GEN.3-dog-PL-GEN.3, then cook-2SG-dog-PL alive – want-1SG drown-land-GEN.3-INSTR-tear-PL, want-1SG free-horse-COLL-GEN.3.PL LOC-plain-PL-DEF, want-1SG throw-2SG-child-COLL-GEN.3PL-LOC-sea, want-1SG pollute-2SG-well-PL-GEN.3PL-COM-mercury. want-1SG visit 1,728 fox corpse-PL-GEN.3PL; want-1SG loot-PF-grave-GEN-before.person-PL-GEN.3PL and empty-PF. want-1SG transform-2SG-legacy-GEN.3.PL-ash, then-bury-PF-ash-IMP.
"I need you to kill, ai, not just kill, I need you to violently kill and maim Hôllirx***. He took something dear to me. What it is is none of your business, and I do not need it back. All I ask for you is to kill him, then find his family, and burn them, stone them, starve them. I want their blood to nurture their plants; I want their house fed to the earth; I want their riches divided to the poor; I want their books fed to their dogs, I then want the dogs to be cooked alive – I want their land drowned in tears, I want their horses freed back to the plains, I want their children hurled into the sea, I want their wells poisoned with mercury. I want a thousand foxes to visit their corpses; I want their ancestor's graves looted and emptied. I want their legacy reduced to ashes, then those ashes buried."
*the abbreviation y' is often used for "ykt (to talk)"
**pun: in Middle Ðusyþ the word for "favour" also meant "reward".
***a friend turned enemy of Xybra's father.
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mmmatchasims · 2 years
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Dulce: *screaming*
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