#Not Great
ceilingstar07 · 2 years
What a week:(
Monday, July 4): US Independence Day! Fireworks and Fun!
Also another devastating mass shooting in the US: Highland Park parade shooting.
July 6: 40+ U.K. MPs resign
July 7: Boris Johnson resigns (basically the UK government collapsed)
July 8: Former PM of Japan, Shinzo Abe is assassinated
There was an internet outage across Canada
July 9: After protestors stormed the Sri Lankan president's house, the president and PM resign.
Elon Musk backs out of Twitter deal
Ex-president of Mexico dies at 100
Meanwhile the war in Ukraine is still ongoing
What a wonderful time it is to be world leader. For the first time, the BBC's homepage isn't just full of America's problems
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heayn · 1 month
thanks to @majorpepperidge for letting me dub their dead cells comic, which you can find here!
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wildflower-rain · 2 months
Parts and pieces. We’re parts and pieces. We’re one but not the same. Like
Stained glass
And pages of a book
And stars in far off constellations
We’re threads of the same fabric
Individual brush strokes of some elaborate incomplete beautiful painting
Strands of grass
So imperceptibly close that we’re the same. The same thing. But not exactly. Sometimes we are. Sometimes we’re not. We’re close together but if you come in close. Really really damn close, we’re not the same. There is distinction. Separateness. Microscopic fissures make us ever so slightly apart.
Come in real close. Can you see the differences?
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purple-beans · 7 months
Well I know nobody on here gives a fuck about Dutch politics, but to my fellow Dutch mutuals and stuff, good luck tonight. We're either going towards the most right wing government we've had in quite a while, or if we're incredibly lucky, still hoping for maybe the first left-wing prime minister in a long time as well.
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leona-florianova · 1 year
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Dane and Dark Dane.. 
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CAUTION: sexy content ahead!
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sabeedraws · 1 year
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I'm rewatching atla, so I figured it's about time I try drawing Zuko - but it's really hard y'all omg
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I see you write Troy Otto Fics 🫣
“you fixed me. you fixed my broken heart.”
could I request a angst turned fluffy fic where Troy is being an ass but around reader he’s an awkward ass bc he doesn’t know how to process his feelings but one day reader confronts him and is like “dude tf” and he reveals it all ? 👉🏽👈🏽
It has been quite a while since I have done any requests and succeeded in actually writing them, so first of all THANK YOU. And secondly, this terrified me so I'm sorry if I changed a few things because that's how my head works.
CHARACTERS: Troy Otto x Female Reader
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Everyone within a few miles distance could have heard the yelling coming from the militia tent. No one could tell who had started it when the ruckus had suddenly erupted moments ago. All you could tell was that the boys were finally fighting back at Troy, making your feet pace a little quicker and making your way across the ranch. 
When you made it to the ruckus, you noticed the eyes peeping through the windows of the outlying RVs and tents scattered around. Giving an all knowing smile to the peeping eyes, you quickly disappeared behind the tan curtains finding a group of 5 men squaring off against 2, Troy, with Nick holding Troy back. 
Your entrance was soon noticed and the group grew silent. 
“What in the holy hell is wrong with you all?” Toeing up to John who was rubbing the newly formed bruise on his jaw. Nick let go of his hold on Troy’s jacket, heading to the back of the tent with a grunting sigh, catching your gaze as he did so. 
“You have all been a bunch of children the past few days, and now this?” Turning on your heels you make eye contact with Troy. Scanning his features, you take in the red patches growing upon his cheek and jaw line before meeting his gaze once more, this time more worry and sadness laced in your eyes. “You’re going to attract every walker within miles, and if you’re all fighting eachother, who is going to fight for the rest of us?” 
All men in the tent sunk a bit in their boots, all eyes staring at the ground. Troy’s cheeks reddened, not from a sucker punch this time. You look over to Nick, a smirk turning at the corners of his lips as he stared back. 
“I’m sorry ma’am,” Cooper spoke up. “We had a disagreement. We will watch our voices.”
John scoffed loudly, his eyes shooting back up to Troy on the opposite side of you. “I think she should know. We’re done getting the shit end of everything and still getting shit on while others can skate by and get the royalty treatment.” His eyes then shifted to you, scanning your frame up and down. You could feel the hair on your neck raise at the feeling, and you could feel the way Troy shifted his weight behind you. 
“It’s not her fault,” Nick finally raised his voice. The tone sounding over this bull shit and ready for someone to lay everything out. “You’re all being a bit dramatic anyways. Troy hasn’t done shit, except be an ass as usual.” 
This earned a raised eyebrow and questioning look from Troy, standing with both hands on his hips. Everyone knew Troy was kind of an ass, that’s how he got the miltia where it is, but you had never really seen what everyone else said about him. He was typically kind and oddly gentle when you were around him. He wasn’t this “monster” you hear the ranch whispering about. 
“Troy-” you took a deep breath, your back still turned towards him with your eyes staring straight back at John. “-Say you’re sorry.”
The tent went still. No one, not even Troy, was expecting that. No one told Troy what to do other than his late father and brother, and after they had expired, no one would have ever tried. Let alone tell him to apologize. 
To everyone’s surprise, Troy spoke. 
“I’m sorry,” his voice low and grumbled through gritted teeth, but he said it. The men all shook their heads in response. Not knowing how or what to do next, they funneled out of the tent one by one. All as quiet as a mouse leaving only Troy and yourself in the space.
Turning on your heels, you lock eyes with the tall brunette. His face red and one eye growing bloodshot from what you assume was a nice hit from John. His eyes weren’t angry though… he was nervous as he tried his best to maintain the eye contact. 
“I didn’t think you would actually say it, but I’m glad you did.” Your lips turned into a gentle smile, closing the distance between you both. Your hands reached up to his face, cradling his jaw in both palms, fingers carefully brushing over the small cuts and broken capillaries in his skin. 
Troy returned the smile once he felt your warm touch. His blue eyes fluttering closed with a sense of comfort that felt so extraterrestrial to him. “Thank you for stopping us, Nick, that bastard, was close to getting his ass kicked too.” His voice cracked witha chuckle between his words. 
“Your still a ass though, Troy. You have to change that. I hear it from so many here, yet I never see it. So I know you are capable of being a gentleman, Troy Otto.” 
“If you tell me to, then I guess I have to.” Troy’s body shook with a mischievous laugh. His eyes opening to find yours once more. The closeness between you both instinctively closing little by little. “You fixed me, you know that?”
His words caught you off a little bit, making you stutter in your actions. His skin felt warm against your touch, his mere presence so close brought on a sense of safety and openness. You could have stayed like that for hours… days. It somehow felt right. 
What he spoke, however, caused a twisting feeling in your gut. 
“I was broken after everything, after everyone was gone. I was alone and hurt in so many ways,” Troy’s eyes softened. He had figured opening up to you would be impossible, his feelings always getting the best of him and taking any words he wanted to say and throwing them out the window. Bu here and now, with you like this, he was at peace. 
“I was broken and you fixed me-” His eyes fell from your own to land upon your lips, those nerves that had stopped him from saying it all previously appearing in his belly again. “-so thank you.”
You could feel his tension grow in the moment so you took matters into your own hands, raising to your tip-toes and crushing your lips to his. Years it had been since you had ever felt this feeling. Even then, it didn’t feel like this, not this strong. 
Troy was a pain in the ass. 
At times, an actual ass. 
But you were his golden key to change. 
And there was about to be a lot of it. 
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mysti-kay · 5 days
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Made this picture magnet for a friend. I realized I am sorely out of practice with drawing anime boys. 😅😅😅 Also added more ✨️fat froggies✨️ for effect.
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woahfourfingers · 1 year
i like how the vote damien pins hanging off of zee's ears imply that he either already had earring holes or pierced his ears with them himself that day to support damien
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marlynnofmany · 7 months
Pro tip for anyone who lives in a building with a toilet: if the plunger isn't working, and you're tempted to leave the clog until the morning, make sure the water isn't still flowing into the bowl.
And make sure it's not on the ground floor of a two-story house, with a communal plumbing pipe that is now clogged deep enough for any water upstairs to come out that toilet.
Related tips:
Carpet that has been soaked in poo water cannot be cleaned by human hands, even with one of those steamer machines.
Drywall that has been soaked in poo water will need to have a one-foot "flood cut" carved into it, to remove the damaged area.
You know that part in ET where the house is covered in tarps because Biohazard™? The water damage people will need to recreate that, with zipper doorways and industrial dehumidifier fans roaring day and night for 3-5 days.
Cats can and will climb inside any holes in the wall. Yes, even that one. Yes, they can climb upward too.
Homeowner's insurance is GREAT.
This little misadventure will cost upwards of $17,000 to fix (but we only have to pay $1000 of it). That's still an expensive clot of toilet paper.
In other news, our new carpet is going to be a different color, and that's exciting.
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megahorous · 2 months
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Tried to make a Prince FleaSwallow who more closely resembles a Frog
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respectthepetty · 5 months
I thought it was just these three fools!
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But Boss Man was there the entire time listening to this ridiculous story!
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And this entire discussion about pampering someone to the point that he becomes incapable of being independent is really Taiwan stating it acknowledges feminism but also
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SPOIL THE MAN so he never wants to leave!
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Taiwan really stays flexing that marriage muscle.
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And like the customers in the restaurant, we ALL notice.
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Thanks, Taiwan, for a simple little story.
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And as usual, the domesticity.
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who-even-knows-0-0 · 3 months
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v1 in the maid dress
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kunfetti · 8 months
Sure didn't have Onlyoneof performing at an event connected to a homophobic cult on my bingo card, but here we are
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inuhalfdemon · 2 months
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Another angsty sketch-doodly thing. "Dirty Dealings" is holding my brain hostage. This one is less dumb though so there's that. 👍
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