#Nonprofit industrial complex
rainbowpopeworld · 6 months
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“Stakeholders” should always include people who are using whatever is being distributed. And their opinions should matter more than the people who are currently gatekeeping the resources.
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faintinggoatx · 1 year
I work at a women-led nonprofit and it’s such bullshit. The execs get away with the cruelest capitalist moves because they’re women and any pushback is seen as sexist. In fact, they’re often celebrated for being just as cut throat as a lot of the boys in the industry.
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pumpacti0n · 2 years
"During times like this, it’s important to understand that Black people’s deaths often become opportunities. After a white supremacist made an ideological statement through his attack, many will gather around the dead with exploitative intentions. Rather than stopping these crises, much like the nonprofit-industrial complex, the problem becomes a driving force for opportunists. We’ll see people push their respective lines, whether organizational, party politics, or policy responses. These rolling disasters and the gravesites they produce become a gathering place where everyone can say, “This is why I’m right,” instead of, “This is why everything’s wrong.” The difference between the two is the sincere observation of the failure of so much around us."
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Not knowing how to reconcile "voting as harm reduction" with "electoralism gets us nothing because it is a tool of the state"
It's the same vein as the way the non profit industrial complex serves to uphold capitalist/patriarchal/white supremacist state machinery. They mitigate the horrible, natural outcomes of the violent systems (mass incarceration, abysmal healthcare access, food insecurity and hunger, etc) just enough so that conditions don't boil over into crisis. But what do we do about it, then? How can we possibly reconcile building structure/community/resilience with not investing resources into tools co-opted by the state (meaning nonprofits-- electoralism is a tool of the state by nature) AND create conditions for revolution?
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alanshemper · 2 months
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jazzikayz · 3 months
I grew up in activist spaces, going to trainings on how to organize and address systemic oppression in our policies. I don't think that almost any of the people who were at the front knew what they were saying or felt what they were saying. We didn't know who we were in the world, who we were in relation to our friends, our communities, our practices, our neighborhoods, our communities. We didn't know how these concepts actually showed up in the real world.
The act of protesting and making change or the idea of a future that could be was more of a feeling than the present moment. Keep kids in the present, let them feel that before they worry about the future.
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kaydub80 · 8 months
Elected officials in Hawaii are mad that the mutual aid organizations are more competent than them
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“Empowering NGOS: Optimizing Impact in Humanitarian Missions” book is available on Amazon
by Embassy Row Project
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In the relentless pursuit of humanitarian excellence, NGOs worldwide face complex challenges that require innovative solutions and robust strategic planning. “Empowering NGOs: Optimizing Impact in Humanitarian Missions” provides a comprehensive roadmap for NGO executives, humanitarian aid experts, and individuals passionate about making a difference. With a unique blend of practical insights, cutting-edge strategies, and an in-depth understanding of the humanitarian field, this book serves as an essential guide to enhancing and sustaining your mission’s impact.
Here’s what you’ll learn from this illuminating read:
· Understanding Humanitarian Aid: Grasp the essential definitions, scope, and principles that shape the framework of global humanitarian efforts.
· Strategies to Overcome Access Challenges: Learn actionable tactics for penetrating hard-to-reach areas, breaking barriers, and delivering aid where it’s needed most.
· Building Sustainable Finances: Master the art of fundraising and explore innovative financing models to create a solid financial foundation.
· Cultivating Donor Relations: Develop techniques to forge trustful relationships with donors, ensuring continued support and investment.
· Managing Risks in Volatile Environments: Mitigate and manage the inherent risks in conflict zones and unstable regions, ensuring mission security.
· Balancing Diplomacy and Mission Delivery: Navigate the intricate political landscapes with finesse to maintain mission focus while honoring diplomatic nuances.
· Aligning with Multiple Stakeholders: Achieve seamless coordination with governments, other NGOs, and agencies to enhance collaboration and impact.
· Fostering Sustainable Development: Move beyond immediate relief to drive long-term positive change and sustainable development in communities.
· Engaging with Local Communities: Understand the vital importance of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity to foster genuine connections and community engagement.
· Future-Proofing Humanitarian Aid: Prepare for the emerging trends and transformations in humanitarian aid, from leveraging digital media to focusing on mental health and self-care for your team.
“Empowering NGOs: Optimizing Impact in Humanitarian Missions” is more than a book; it’s a lifeline to those striving to make a tangible difference in the lives of the most vulnerable. Whether you are at the helm of a large organization or working on the ground, these chapters offer a treasure trove of wisdom, innovative strategies, and actionable tactics. This book is an invaluable resource that unites every facet of humanitarian work into a cohesive and effective framework. Dive into these pages and embark on a journey of empowerment, efficiency, and extraordinary impact. Join the ranks of those who don’t just provide aid, but who masterfully craft a better world, one mission at a time.
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Now Available on Amazon!
Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Empowering-NGOS-Optimizing-Humanitarian-Missions-ebook/dp/B0CDF4T9YG/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1YUMHU2201TE3&keywords=Nonprofit+for+Dummies+2020&qid=1693410109&s=digital-text&sprefix=nonprofit+for+dummies+2020%2Cdigital-text%2C655&sr=1-5
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For more books, please visit James Scott on Amazon.
You may also visit Embassy Row Project.
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Nonprofit Industrial Complex Primer
I have worked in several various roles in the #nonprofit sector, from disability employment coaching to housing case management and more. I need you to understand the message that is being conveyed in this video.
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truths89 · 10 months
In the womb, I knew I wasn’t safe Bloomed into a sullen waif
I felt too much too soon Earth is a hostile goon
Known many a coon Life is a surreal cartoon
When you pray melanin To be medicine, but seldom is it genuine 
To be incarnated is to be incarcerated  By the nature of one’s flesh and cells, we are attenuated 
As if memory were a holy book, I’m ripping my tongue in Sumerian 
I am a fish deep in the sea Spirit, Imma need you to get that hook at me
Fight or flight, evil is a fake bright I’ll be polite, and with delight
I’ll smite the parasite of its appetite
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gilliatt83 · 11 months
The Revolution Will Not Be Funded: Peter Buffett
The son of billionaire Warren Buffett has been one of the most critical voices against what's called the nonprofit industrial complex - the problem of wealthy people, through foundations, exercising control over charities and nonprofits. We also feature an in-depth look at a nationwide project of the African American Policy Forum, who hosted a series of public hearings on the status of women and girls of color, with the goal of building a gender inclusive racial justice vision.  
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aleenapaulsposts · 8 months
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Albert Einstein said
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing any thing.
In my opinion bystander not consider as a guilty but coward who ignore the crime
ALEENA PAUL || NEW DELHI ,INDIA _published 9 sep 2023
I am just a consciousness raising women and i want to tell my story because we matter our voice matter.
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Have you seen this image ever before ? If ‘No’ then its right time to describes about this image .its seems like I am going to describe about a such type if crime which happens in every day in our life this is not just about our country but a serious issue around the world .
I don’t know what you call this crime but I call it coward bystander .
You know what people fear the most ?yes .its ‘FEAR’ and that’s make a person coward.
Today we will discuss about very important issue which you call as bystander which known as crime but not crime in law
Have you hared about a very popular crime murder case which was happened in 1964 in newyork city the bystander effect following the violent attack and murder of a women name ‘cathedral kitty genovese’. This crime occurred over 30 minutes. During this time 38 neighbors heard kitty cries for help .but no one helped her or call the police so shameful incident . she attempted to save her own call was made to the police but it was dismissed as a domestic dispute all though the incident become globally famous. Image of news published in 1964.
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Simpler to this case one more incident was done by a boy called sahil in metropolitan city delhi , INDIA on March 2023 ‘nikki murder case’ .which gone very viral.
In this case sahil who was prime suspected for his girl friend nikki murder case .which was cord in cctv camera which visible very clearly in cctv camera the boy nihal stabbed 21 times then battered with boulder. Public cought in cctv camera delhi girl killed as people walk by .
The girl suffered a ruptured skull during the attack according to the preliminary final post mortem report .scenes captured by cctv camera in a lane located in the shahbad diary area of delhi rohini.
Now my intention was not to discuss about such crime murder case but a small alert related such crimes .a topic which happen every day life in entire world a globle problem which every one ignore .known as bystander.
Before we discusses about this topic can I ask you a question?
What type of personality you are upstander or bystander?
If you are any of these plz comment .
Some one who sees or know about bullying or any crime but takes no action to address it or report it.simply who sees the crime happening but simply ignore or wrought take responsibility or simply ignore may be he/she don’t know how to handle this.
Eg – shy , fain-hearted , coward etc
Someone who recognises when something is wrong and act to make it right.
Eg – honest , faithful , brave and supporter etc.
We are upstander and want to create a campus environment where every members of our community feels included , valued and safe.
We all play a critical role in identifying situation that have a potential for harm and intervening it something dons’t look or feet quite right.
Don’t just be a step and protect people who need help your action could prevent some one from becoming a victim of any crime.
🟥 Be aware of event around you
🟥 take responsibility for the well-being of everyone in the community.
🟥 step in help others
🟥 step indirectly and separate the person
🟥 use distraction to re – direct the forces of one person elsewhere
🟥 let some friends know what going on and recruit them help
🟥 if the situation looks like unsafe call the police department or ngo for help .
Watching but doing nothing (bystander)
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🟧 effect occurs from interdependence between group of people .
🟧 people in a group may expect someone else to help which relieves them from any type of responsibility to take in action.
🟧 if know one help still the blame for in action applies to everyone in the group.
🟧people may feel a shared responsibility where in a larger group so individual may not take action because they feel less responsibility when other are present.
🟧 fear of unfavourable judgement.
🟧 pluralistic ignorance is a thought that how will we do .if no body else is taking action bystander will think it is not a emergency situation and it is not my problem.
🟧 passive supporter who witness the incident but do nothing to interface.
How can we encourage bystander to get support to bullying victim?
Now the good samaritan law was introduced in india .to provide legal frame work to motivate and encourage the bystander to offer aid to the victims with out any fear of legal hassles.good samaritan who make a phone call to inform the police or emergency service .for the person lying injured on the road .shall not be compelled to reveal his name and personal detail .government of india provide cash who saves lives in road accident by those who saves lives in road accident by taking them to hospital within the golden hours. The amount of good samaritan is 5000/-rs per accident. The scheme will remain will remain operational the completion of the 15th financial cycle till 31st March,2026. One of the historic figures was mahatama gandhi ,nelson mardela and martin luttor.
Who are upstander and what they do? UPSTANDER are community members who provide acknowledgement , understanding and support for neighbours facing challenges as a result of hateful acts , natural disasters , violence or interference that threaten the integrity of their community.
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aronarchy · 1 year
Abusers in movement work gravitate to leadership roles (formal and informal) in nonprofits because it’s a way to have it both ways: have loyal followers for “doing the work” and continue building social capital; and gaining/maintaining power to be able to continue abuse.
Young people who have not been exposed to nonprofits see them as an opportunity to get paid and do good all at once. Then they realize their drive to help their community is what leads to exploitation, sexual harassment, racism, and burnout. Abusers in leadership know this.
To be clear not all nonprofit leaders are abusers. Also well-intentioned people will often try and fail to buck the trend. Precisely because these power structures are in place.
Nonprofits will weaponize lefty language for cover and use charisma to shield themselves. They will then belittle their subordinates, cover up for their abuser homies, and step on people to get ahead. This then permeates throughout nonprofit culture as “the way things are.”
Leadership at nonprofits will then posture as the adults in the room and scoff at their former radical colleagues as impractical and too radical. Cursory allies, but naive idealists. Means to them to secure more power.
It all fits in to broader patterns of liberal cooptation and counterinsurgency. This shit happened at WTO, at Occupy, Ferguson, and I’m sure it has happened already from the uprisings last year.
Never trust people who seek money, power, influence, clout, from work that is meant to be for community.
If someone is putting their government name on stuff and putting their face out there and making money off of the stuff they purport to be doing for the people that should tell you a lot. You can always tell the people who are making sure they are being seen at actions or events.
You can always tell with who is grabbing the megaphone. This is not uncommon.
The number of nonprofits that rely on government funding is staggering and that’s why the nonprofits will never try to rock that funding boat.
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ephemeral-winter · 7 months
i work at an american jewish nonprofit that has basically decided to go quiet on social media ~during this difficult time~ which lol okay (their moral cowardice is driving me insane but i don't have a lot of capital to burn here in order to push back) but there's been a lot of internal discussion about what other american jewish nonprofits are doing about promoting their work or upcoming events and a lot of those places are apparently deliberately moving away from using language like "celebrate" or "party" rn even when they are literally about to host a party celebrating queer jews and it's kinda sad to me that in a time where it feels really necessary for privileged diaspora jews to articulate a joyful vision of judaism that is separate from isr*el a lot of people have chosen to just... not
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chthonic-cassandra · 2 years
It doesn't matter how radical or inclusive your clinical methodology is or what your own identities are - if what your private practice does is offer therapy out of pocket for $200-250 a session it is not meaningfully making services accessible to underserved communities!
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homiciderat420 · 1 year
The Homelessness Industrial Complex - A Tentative Concept
A simple way of viewing many things happening in the United States or across much of the world I presume, is to look at things as government and businesses. This is certainly a valid and helpful way to view problems with how homeless people are dealt with by our society, but I have an alternative view which is more specifically tailored to the homelessness problem.
What I have tentatively called the homelessness industrial complex is made up of three "pillars": the nonprofits/"charities," the police along with the security institutions, and the healthcare institutions. These three sets of institutions nearly completely govern every aspect - all of the variables - of homeless life. At least, shelter- and street-homeless life. And discrimination from people working in these sectors is most painfully felt by homeless people. Sickly old women being kicked out of shelters in the middle of the night into deathly frigid weather on the whim of shelter staff who didn't like the inmates ahem participants getting uppity or daring to be emotionally escalated after being repeatedly traumatized by people with power over them, of which this was yet another similar interaction. I have witnessed this many times with multiple women in the shelters I have lived in. Sickly old women being kicked out of hospitals for being delusional or emotionally escalated, even though they clearly have legitimate medical concerns that need to be addressed (including being delusional - which they somehow treat as reason to be turned away from treatment if you're homeless??). Bad treatment from the people who are supposed to be taking care of your physical health can and does lead to death. I have witnessed this once, as well as a similar medical neglect/discrimination incident in which an old woman was kicked out of the hospital and put on a random bus when she was not capable of getting herself home, and her wearing only hospital scrubs into the cold night. Are these medical professionals deliberately killing homeless people? Also, so many times I have seen, (often elderly) people with substance use in their medical history are treated like shit by doctors. Imagine, having an addiction dealt and over with seven years ago, and therefore you aren't allowed to have painkillers now. Cruel and unusual punishment for inmates certainly, and yet perfectly acceptable to treat homeless people this way. And it is self-evident to all homeless people that police & security employees' main purpose is to harass and fuck with homeless people as much as possible, and it is self-evident to all who pay attention that it is also their purpose to kill people of color and/or mentally ill people, communities which face disproportionate rates of homelessness.
That is all. Discuss.
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