#Nicki Grimm
wwprice1 · 3 months
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The latest issue of Fantastic Four was so fun! Recommended!
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just-a-local-lunatic · 6 months
we're going insane tonight (aka thinking about my little characters)
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rebelliousstories · 1 month
A Grimm Mistake
Relationship: Sean Renard x Reader
Fandom: Grimm
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Brief Strong Language, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending
Word Count: 4,004
Main Masterlist: Here
Grimm Masterlist: Here
Summary: What lengths would you go to protect your love?
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“They dared no longer hide the truth from her, but said it was the will of Heaven,”
Rolling over in bed, the shrill ring of her phone made her groan.
“Burkhardt.” She answered.
“Hey sis,” her brother started, “sorry to wake you, but I’ve got a weird case that I need your language expertise on.” He finished.
“Official or unofficial?” She asked, already making her way to the bathroom to start her shower.
“I put in the request for official help, but there will definitely be some unofficial business to attend to.” Breathing a deep sigh, she nodded. Her brother had kind of trapped her if she wanted to say no.
“Alright. I’ll be at your precinct in an hour.” Hanging up the phone, she checked the time. 6:30 AM. This was far too early. Hands wrapped around her waist and drew her into a firm toned chest.
“It’s not often that I’m the one left in bed alone.” Letting out a chuckle, she turned around and kissed her lover firmly. They had yet to brush their teeth this morning, but neither cared too much.
“Oh, yes. You and your many lovers now. Those poor women.” He laughed at her sarcastic remarks, and opened the door for the shower. They stepped in together and let the steam envelope them. As she began to wash, her lover seemed more preoccupied with kissing every inch of her skin that he could reach.
“Sean, I need to get going. My brother needs me. I’ve gotta get to your precinct in less than an hour.” She complained, swatting the man away as he kept trying to pull more kisses from her.
“I’m sure he’ll understand. Besides, I’m sure his boss will understand. I hear he’s a reasonable man to attractive young ladies.” Spinning her around, he managed to steal another kiss from her lips before she pushed him away.
“Seriously Sean. I need to be going!” She scolded him, and finishing washing herself. Slipping out of the shower, she winked to her lover that was leaning against the wall with a cocky smirk on his face.
He watched her walk out of the room before continuing to wash himself. How he got so lucky to be in love with a strong and determined woman? However, that was briefly tainted in his mind by the fact that he knew he was hiding something. But there was no reason he saw to tell her about him. His mind flooded with a whisper of red hair and Sean nearly sent his head into the wall with how much and fast he tried to clear his head.
“Sean,” she yelled, “I’m taking some of the cold brew coffee. You have an espresso on the counter and a plate of scrambled eggs and toast. Love you. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Thank you dear. I love you too,” he returned her call as he shut off the shower, “see you tonight. Be safe.” Renard listened to the front door close, and wrapped a towel around his waist. He considered climbing back into bed and getting some rest before he had to be up himself for work, but that was quickly dashed out in favor of answering the phone that was still in the bedside drawer. No number, per usual, greeted Sean as he sat down on the bed, with nothing more than a towel around his waist.
Meanwhile, the female Burkhardt had arrived early at the police precinct with an email of assistance request for the captain to sign off on before she could get to work. Walking inside the busy building, it only took her a moment to locate her brother and his partner.
“Nicky!” She called, joyously going up to and embracing the man. Nick wrapped his arms around his sister in return.
“Hey thirteen.” He chuckled as the woman hit his back playfully, and disengaged to embrace the other man at the desks.
“Hey Hank.” Her smile winded as the man squeezed her tightly.
“Hey cutie. Missed you around here.” Hank replied, and finally let the woman go. As if she had a lightbulb go off in her head, she shook the small box that was placed in her hands.
“Oh, here you guys go. I know for a fact that if you guys were in the office before me, you didn’t eat.” The two men smiled before tearing into the box, and gladly pulled out their treats.
“Donut man is the best in the biz, I swear. Thanks sis. Here, pull up a chair.” Nick motioned to an empty seat that she brought over.
“Bringing donuts to cops? What did you do this time, preferred Burkhardt?” A voice known as Wu piped up behind the trio. She smiled at the man and brought the box closer to the sergeant.
“I got the one you like.” She offered, and happily watched the man dig into the donut she had brought.
“Wait, ‘preferred Burkhardt’? What’s that supposed to mean Wu?” The other Burkhardt questioned, with a touch of frosting at the corner of his upturned lips. Wu took a moment to finish the bit he was currently on, and smiled at the detective.
“Simple. It means that i like your sister more than you.” And he walked away. Hank laughed with one of the Burkhardt siblings, and the other one was Nick who was now pouting in his chair with the last bit of his donut. But he straightened up when he saw a new man come into the precinct.
“Captain!” Nick called, catching the man’s attention. Trying not to turn around quickly, the female Burkhardt turned to face the police captain that was steadily approached the group. Their eyes locked on for a second before they both turned to Nick.
“Morning. This is the translator I was asking to request for my current case. My little sister.” He offered her name to the captain, like they had just met and were not tangled up in matching sheets last night. But she hit her brother with a scowl.
“We’re twins, you moron. I’m not your little sister.” She politely shook hands with Renard who watched in amusement at the interaction he was watching.
“You’re thirteen minutes younger, so yes. You’re my little twin sister.” Nick held a beaming grin on his face at his sister’s annoyance.
“Well, it’s a pleasure to have you helping us, Ms. Burkhardt. I imagine that you’ve already gotten conformation on the request?” Sean now turned to the male Burkhardt. He tried to keep his eyes from drifting over, but it happened a couple times against his will.
“Just waiting on your signature, captain.” He replied. Renard nodded, and dropped his eyes to the floor. Anywhere was better than looking directly at her. He marched off to his office to finish up the paperwork and get away from the woman. They still had yet to tell her brother, unsure of how he would take the news of his boss and his sister together.
“Wonder what he’s all weird about this morning. Usually he’s more professional.” Nick commented, watching the captain stalk away. His sister beside him just shrugged her shoulders.
“Maybe it’s the charm I’ve got. Wu likes me more, so maybe your captain does too.” She teased, clapping her brother on the shoulder. They returned to the desk and waited for the email to come through before he could show her the evidence. A ping caught their attention, and they eagerly opened it.
“Looks like Agent Burkhardt is on the case as a consultant.” Nick proclaimed proudly to his sister.
“Let’s get this done. Hey, how’s Juliette doing? With the whole, you know, remembering thing?” She asked as her brother rummaged around for a file. He paused for a moment and felt himself stiffen under the question.
“She still doesn’t remember and I am now staying at Monroe’s.” Nick admitted quietly.
“Oh. I’m sorry.” She did not know what more she could say than that.
“It’s fine,” he brushed it off, “hey, how’s it going with your boyfriend that you refuse to introduce me to?” Now it was her turn to stiffen.
“He’s good. He’s been a little distant lately, but I think it might be the work he’s doing. Other than that, he’s good.” It almost sounded like she was trying to convince herself, as Nick raised an eyebrow while he passed her the file.
“You sure about that? Do I need to have a talk with Mr. Law Enforcement?” He teased, and laughed as he dodged a swat from his sister.
“If anyone is gonna be beating someone up, I’m definitely joining.” Hank commented, coming back in with another thing of coffee.
“No one is beating anyone up.” Came her squeak as Hank ruffled her hair.
“Who are we not beating up?” Wu joined in. She let out a frustrated sigh.
“No one. No one is beating no one up.” She tried to turn to the file.
“Her boyfriend she refuses to introduce me to.” Nick replied, and laughed at the way she blushed with her nose in the file.
“Oh I’m free tonight or next Wednesday. So let’s pick a time that I can join.” Wu stated, and walked away with a smile on his face.
“Okay, okay. We should probably get down to business. I mean, we have plenty more time to tease your sister.” Hank saved the female from the relentless teasing. She sent an appreciative smile towards the man, and tried to understand her work in front of her.
“So this is a lot of Russian it looks like. Obviously a very well read man but it’s an odd combination.” She commented, and grabbed a scrap piece of paper off of her brother’s desk along with a pen as she began to transcribe the writings in the photos that she saw. The bloodied messages were beautiful, which was the conundrum as to why they were written in blood.
“What did you find?” Nick over his sister’s shoulder, and tried to see what she saw.
“These phrases, they’re all about heaven and God.” She held up the photo with a grease in Russian that he could not tell what it said.
“This phrase, the lord give the and the lord taketh away. Literally translates to God gave, and God took back. Where as this one,” she held up the next picture from the wall of the victim’s home, ”third times a charm. Literally, God likes trinity.” She finished with her explanation.
“What about this one?” Nick pointed at the last photo. Her face did not show much enthusiasm.
“God marks the crook.” Came her solemn phrase. The three breathed deep sighs.
“So could we be looking at a vigilante with a religious streak? There were three victims in the house. Maybe he thinks that he was marking the crook.” The male Burkhardt thought aloud.
“So we need to find someone proficient in Russian, has some sort of ties to religion, and likes three’s. Shouldn’t be too hard.” Hank piped up finally.
The trio sat to work, burying themselves in what they could find, entirely unaware of the eyes that were watching them from an office. Sean’s yes kept drifting in between the two Burkhardts, and felt the overwhelming urge to march out of there. But he forced himself to remain in his seat and work. The flashes of last night and this morning were marred with streaks of red hair and brown eyes, which kept coming back no matter how many times he tried to get rid of them. However, he could not focus too much longer, as the trio left together.
“I don’t even know where to start and we’re already hitting the books.” Hank complained as they settled into Aunt Marie’s trailer. Nick scoffed, already thumbing through the pages.
“I feel you. We should have gotten food.” He seconded his friend’s lament.
“I told you to stop but you said no.” His sister’s voice cut through the fog. Nick leveled a look she did not bother to look up to see. And with a jump, she stood and brought her book to her companions attention.
“Here we go. A Chelovekvolk. Literally translated to a wolf man, but it is interpreted as-”
“A werewolf. Wow. Out of all we’ve seen, never thought I’d be able to see one of these.” Nick cut her off and took a closer look to her book.
“Here,” she pointed to an entry, “Russia, 1918. Just after the Great War. ‘I have encountered such a baffling discovery. A true werewolf. Only this one does not require the full moon to transform, only itself. I waited in the snowy woodlands around his cabin for two days and two nights before I found that he was harboring a selection of young girls from the neighboring villages. I tried to dispatch him, but no matter how hard I hit him, he only seemed to become more enraged. In a desperate attempt for anything, I failed to notice his hands close around my neck, yet jumped back as soon as he did so. Burned into him was a perfect impression of my cross which had been gifted to me, made entirely of pure silver.’” She continued to read the page even with her brother butting in.
“So were to find a werewolf vigilante? This sounds like a comic book.” Hank joked, rubbing his eyes. Making their way out of the trailer, the trio stopped off for some food. Happily, with food now, they returned to the precinct to find whoever they were looking for. This was the difficult part, finding a way to make their Grimm knowledge helpful for their detective work. When they did it the other way around, having a suspect but not knowing what type of wesen it is, was always so much easier.
They stayed there until late, even later than their captain who had bid them a goodnight, and tried not let his eyes linger on the female Burkhardt for too long. Everyone was running on fumes at this point, with a box of pizza discarded and a few cups of coffee emptied. Leaning back in his seat, Nick yawned for the third time in five minutes.
“Alright. Let’s start fresh in the morning. We aren’t getting anything done like this.” Burkhardt commented, that his sister and partner seconded.
“Well, let’s go get some sleep. Goodnight boys.” Giving out hugs, and promising to see them in the morning, she made her way to her car. She grabbed some takeout on the way home, needing something to eat and knowing that Sean could never refuse the olive oil cake that the little Italian diner had. Making her way up to the condo, her expression hardened as she heard something roughing up inside. A tentative knock was given and the noises stopped.
“Sean, is that you?” She called, and waited for an answer.
“Yes.” He growled. His voice sounded deeper, almost like a- no. Sean was not a wesen. She would have seen it before had he been. Being a Grimm for almost twenty years, she did not get snuck up on anymore.
“Okay.” Her key fit through the hole, however a thud prevented her from opening it.
“No!” Sean roared, frightening her enough to make her take a few steps back.
“Sean, are you okay? Let me in.” She tried once more, and had to shove the door in order to get inside. What she saw was carnage. A vase was shattered, pictures were knocked over, the table by the front door had been lying on the floor face down. but her boyfriend refused to show her his face. All she saw was his back.
“Sean?” Reaching her hand out, she was amazed at the heat coming off of his skin. He reacted violently, turning his body more into himself than previously.
“Stop.” He let out another growl, and held his face in his hands.
“What aren’t you showing me? Are you hurt on your face?” She tried to spin him around, but Renard kept his feet planted firmly on the ground.
“You wouldn’t understand.” Came his whimper. He did not sound like the strong and confident man that she had fallen in love with.
“Sean, just let me see. It can’t be that bad.” Her attempts to turn him around were in vain.
“No. You wouldn’t understand it. I can’t control this right now. You need to leave.” Sean tried to stalk into the bedroom, but his lover followed him.
“I’m not leaving till I see your face. Did something happen?” She kept pushing but he did not allow her to get close again.
“You’ll hate me.” He whispered. It was so low that she thought he had not said anything for a minute, and simply thought that she had imagined it.
“How could I hate you for something you can’t control? I love you Sean. That’s not going to change.” She rested her hands against his back, and tried to move him once more. When she finally got him to turn, his face was perfectly fine. It confused her so much, and his voice when he spoke was different once more.
“I’m fine. See? No harm done.” He tried to reassure her, but she was confused.
“Why wouldn’t you show me your face?” She questioned, scanning over every inch of him now.
“It’s nothing. Let’s eat, okay?” Once more, Sean tried to steer them back towards the kitchen, but he was not having it.
“No. Why wouldn’t you show me? What wouldn’t you show me?” Her voice kept growing louder and louder with each demand.
“Darling, let’s just sit down and eat something. It’s been a long day for both of us. I know I’ve had a stressful day.” Renard’s pleas kept getting in the way of her demands as he tried to calm her down.
“What’re you trying so hard to hide?” She finally screamed, her back hitting the ledge of the counter. Sean felt like he was caught between a rock and a hard place with her. His mouth gaped open like a fish out of water as he struggled to find the right words to say.
“There’s something about me that, if you know, I’m afraid it will change how you look at me.” He admitted quietly. Having nowhere else to go, she allowed her lover to get closer and closer until he finally closed his hands around her that hung limply down.
“Well, I know for a fact you’ve never been to jail or prison. So what could you possibly have that would make me go away from you?” Her questions made Sean’s heart hurt in his chest.
“Just know that it’s still me, okay? But I can’t keep hiding this from you. Not with everything else that is going on in my life right now. This is just-” choking on his words, Sean suppressed the woge he felt coming. But her hands raised, and cupped his cheeks softly.
“Tell me right now, Sean. Or I’m walking out of that door.” Her threat sounded like a promise. Taking one last deep breath in, Renard tried to memorize her scent just in case. The smell of her perfume and her beautiful shampoo and conditioner. The same ones that laid in his bathroom right now. They could be gone in an instant. This instant. The man took one step back, and felt it come on. And he heard her shocked gasp.
Sean could feel his right eye and left side of his lips deform, and immediately felt shame. He was not often ashamed of his heritage, it came in handy more often than not, but right now; he detested himself with every ounce of his being. Shutting his eyes, Renard waited for the inevitable door to shut, and leave him alone. But it never came. The sound of footsteps drawing nearer to him almost made him want to open his eyes. His zauberbiest side felt like it was in danger with the Grimm in the room.
The shock of feeling her hands trace on his face made Sean flinch. Her delicate fingers ran over the deformed sides of his face, and he was now the one confused. Opening his eyes, he saw her before him, gazing at him in confusion but with an undertone of love.
“What are you?” She whispered. Her voice was so low that he almost missed it.
“Zauberbiest. Half, actually. It’s the male version of a hexenbiest.” Renard whispered back, keeping his hands down by his side.
“Why couldn’t I see you before?” Any other person would have questioned exactly what she meant, but not Sean.
“The other half of me is royal. And I have very good control over myself.” Shaking her head, she rested her hands against his cheeks and stared at him.
“And you know what I am?” It almost came out like a whimper from her.
“Yes.” He confirmed.
“Do you know about my brother?” Another question.
“Yes.” Another confirmation. She exalted a breath from her lungs, as if she had it knocked out of her.
“Does he know?” Her question came several minutes after Sean had spoken, but he shook his head.
“No. He doesn’t.” Feeling like he had proven his point, he forced the woge back underneath his skin. But she looked up even faster when he did so.
“Don’t hid yourself from me. Please?” She begged, thought neither one of them would acknowledge it. Renard laughed in disbelief as a smile spread across his perfect and normal features.
“You want to see that again? Why aren’t you running for the door or to take my head?” He questioned, finally raising his hands to rest on his lover’s hips.
“Because,” she began, running her fingers over where the marred skin had previously been, “you’re still my Sean. You knew exactly what I was when we began dating and didn’t run for the hills. So either you truly love me, or you’re using me.” She joked, and felt the face under her hands change.
“Which if you are using me and playing the long game, just gotta say, that’s impressive self control.” Sean let out a chuckle at that. He sent the biest back into its cage, and pressed a kiss to her head.
“Oh no. You’ve deduced my sinister plans already. I’ve got to find a new plan now.” He teased, and wrapped her in a hug that kept her tucked against his chest.
“That’s what I do. I ruin your plans.” She joked back,and pressed a kiss to his chest.
“Are we still good?” Renard asked once they had calmed down, and allowed a moment of silence.
“Yeah. We are.” She replied, feeling safe tucked into her man’s chest. However, her stomach chose to rumble at that moment, causing the pair to draw away from each other.
“I need food.” She giggled, and turned around to the takeout that was still on the counter. Having no remembrance of how it got placed there, she happily dug into her pasta and garlic knots that were now room temperature.
“Ah. I see someone decided to treat themselves to some Italian.” Sean commented, but was soon stunned into silence by the cake that was pressed into his hands.
“I got you your cake. Figured you had a bad day so I wanted to cheer you up.” She said, through bites of pasta and bread. He set down the cake and procured two forks while he waited for his lover to finish her meal. Having seemingly inhaled the food, it was only a few more minutes before she was wiping the last bits of sauce from her mouth and hands.
“Join me?” Sean asked, holding one of the forks out to her. She accepted and was pulled to the couch by the man. There they sat, a Grimm and a zauberbiest on the couch, eating a shared cake, and enjoying their company.
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nevenkebla · 2 months
La fuerza cero
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Fantastic Four (2018) #25
Guionista: Dan Slott Dibujante: R.B. Silva
— Reed Richards: ¡Escúchame! ¡Te lo suplico! ¡No abras el contenedor cero! Busques lo que busques… ¡Te juro que no está dentro! — Helmsman: Ah, ahora tengo que mirar, ¿verdad? Ábrela. — Cormorant: Como desees. — Reed Richards: ¡Sue, haz invisible la caja! ¡Que vea que no es lo que busca! Es nuestra única esperanza. — Susan Storm: ¿Qué nos has estado ocultando, Reed? — Reed Richards: ¡Una fuerza con la que no debería haber jugado! Algo que jamás debería dejarse libre en… ¡Oh, no! Demasiado tarde.
— Susan Storm: ¡¿Qué es eso, Reed?! — Reed Richards: ¡La fuerza cero! — Johnny Storm: ¡¿Qué significa eso?! — Doctor Doom: La fuente de poder preprimordial. Una energía anterior a nuestra mismísima existencia. Y la descubriste… antes que yo. — Cormorant: Tenía razón: no es lo que buscamos. Así, nuestra misión debe proseguir. Adiós. — Ben Grimm: ¡Ya, colega! ¡Más te vale salir echando chispas! ¡Si sabes lo que te conviene!
— Susan Storm: ¿Reed? ¿Doom? ¿Alguno de los dos vais a decirnos a qué nos enfrentamos? — Reed Richards: Es la energía que pone fin a un universo… y da comienzo a otro. En el pasado, cuando no era más que una chispa, pude contenerla, pero ahora… — Doctor Doom: ¡Ahora seguirá propagándose, de forma voraz! Sobrescribirá nuestro universo con otro. Desde esta costa hasta Latveria, y el resto del mundo… ¡Y luego el cosmos! — Zora Vukovic: ¿Qué necesitas que hagamos, mi señor? — Ariana Diamante: ¿Estás loca? ¿Qué podemos hacer nosotros contra eso? — Susan Storm: Mantened la calma. Tenemos a dos de las mentes más brillantes del planeta. — Johnny Storm: Y un mogollón de superpoderes. Ya se les ocurrirá algo. En cualquier momento. — Doctor Doom: Esta energía no es muy distinta de la de los cañones de Big Bang que usé para derrotar a Galactus. — Reed Richards: Correcto. ¿Cómo conseguiste controlar todo aquel poder en bruto? — Doctor Doom: Con años de planificación metódica. — Reed Richards: Ahora no es el momento, Victor. — Doctor Doom: Según la cronorradiación de fondo… has mantenido la fuerza cero contenida durante más de una década. En todo ese tiempo… ¿No has resuelto este problema? — Reed Richards: ¿Qué, el misterio del universo? No, Doom. No lo he resuelto. Pero quién sabe, tenemos 38 segundos antes de que consuma toda Manhattan. Quizá tengamos suerte.
— Valeria Richards: ¡O quizá no sea necesario! — Johnny Storm: ¡Son los niños! — Ben Grimm: ¡Jo! ¡Nick! ¡Val! ¡¿Qué os pensáis que estáis haciendo?! — Jo: ¿Y a ti qué te parece? ¡Salvar a todo el mundo! — Susan Storm: ¡Salid de ahí! — Nicki: ¡Ese es el plan! ¡Saltad! ¡Os tengo! — Doctor Doom: ¿Qué ha hecho tu hija, Richards? ¿Qué es esa máquina? — Reed Richards: ¡Es nuestra telecápsula! ¡La ha embutido en el corazón de la Fuerza Cero! Está reconfigurando… ¡No, es más que eso! Está atrayendo toda la energía hacia ella… ¡Y la usa como fuente de energía!
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daughter-of-melpomene · 2 months
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“Brooklyn Nine-Nine OC” — born March 2nd, 198
General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag.
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hearteyesmcgarrett · 6 months
Nobody actually tagged me, but I saw this and wanted to do it! In no particular order here are 10 of my fave characters from fave fandoms
Leverage - Eliot Spencer
Stargate Atlantis - John Sheppard (duh)
Stargate SG-1 - Daniel Jackson
Hawaii Five-0 - Steve McGarrett
Grimm - Monroe (though he and Nick are probs tied)
The Old Guard - Nicky
The Librarians - Jake Stone
Star Trek - James T Kirk
Star Wars - Han Solo
White Collar - Peter Burke
no pressure tags: @frostysfrenzy @sga-owns-my-soul @spurious @dedkake @monkeymeghan @sun-ni-day @wonkyelk @judgeverse @massharp1971 @bidanieljackson
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lgbtqjockshowdown · 1 year
Our Competitors!
Hello and welcome to the LGBTQ Jock Showdown! We have 104 individual competitors, so we'll have 52 brackets! To prepare for our brackets, I wanted to show y'all who you'll have to look forward to. Under a readmore because it's a Lot(tm). Also you're more than welcome to start sending in your propaganda.
Achilles Adora Aiden Kane Alex Alex Claremont-Diaz alex price Ander Muñoz Andrew Minyard aoi asahina Basilton Grimm-Pitch sakura ogami Bobby Drake / Iceman Boris Bram Greenfeld Brittany S. Pierce Caleb Michaels Chad Danforth Chandlo Funkbun Charlie Spring Colin Hughes Connor "Whiskey" Whisk Dana Fairbanks Danny Mahealani Eli rodriguez Emily Fields Eric 'Bitty' Bittle Garroth Ro’Meave Gideon Nav Grizz Haruka Ten’oh Harvard LeeIlya Rosanov Jack Zimmerman Jess Bhamra Jess McCready Jock Jock Girlfriend (Alex) joe / kojiro nanjo Jules Paxton Julian Bashir Juri Arisugawa Kent Parson Kevin Day kineshi hairo Korra Lukas Rivers Lukas Waldenbeck Luke Sunborn Lupe Garcia Megan Bloomfield Missy Pantone Mitch Mondo Owada Morgan Nao Neil Josten Nicholas Cox Nick Nelson Nicky Hemmick noelle holiday Pat Napat Jindapat Jeremy Harkiss Peppermint Patty PHINEAS / FINNY Prince Amir Prince Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Prince Wilhelm Prince Zagreus Ragh Barkrock Rawhide Kid/Johnny Bart Renee Walker Riku Riley Stavos Ronnie Lee Santana Lopez Sarawat Seiji Katayama shane hollander Simon Eriksson Smith Parker Soren Souta Steve Palchuk Taissa Turner Tanaka Issei Tangmo Thun Thunyakorn Troy Barnes Turbo undyne Utena Tenjou Van Victor Nikiforov Victor Salazar Viola Hastings Win Phawin Wanichakarnjonkul Xena Yang Xiao Long yasmina fadoula Yuuri Katsuki Zane Park zarya (aleksandra zaryanova) Zero
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dragonking10 · 2 years
Lancaster Night at the Museum AU
(Summary: Jaune and Ruby lost their lives taking down Salem, with her gone the Grimm were too gone never to be created again and the world have found peace at last, many many years later the people in Remnant had made a museum with great details of history all over the place.
The place is filled with wax figures, T-Rex skeleton, mini Greek Roman Empire along with mini Cowboy figures, stuffed monkeys, a mummy in an egyptian coffin with a strange tablet, etc etc, but the one that stands out most of all was a new addition to the museum a wax figure of a knight in white and gold armor with Crocea Mors in one hand and a shield with gold Arc symbol on it in the other that wax figure is no other then Jaune Arc standing on a cliff facing the audience but he was missing something or someone in particular his lover Ruby Rose and in front their was a sign that reads:
"The Knight and The Rose Reaper, both great leaders that fought a long war in a young age against monsters called Grimm that was controlled by an immortal witch Salem, but together they smite the witch freeing the world from a great evil but it came with a heavy price and that price was their lives. Some might say they saved the world with their courage and leadership but what really won the war was their Love, their love for their friends and family, their love for humanity but most importantly their love for Each Other."
The strange tablet next to the mummy suddenly let out a glow one night and all of the museum props was coming to life but what noone knows is the souls of Jaune and Ruby were never put to rest as one soul suddenly fell from the heavens and landed inside of the wax figure of Jaune.
With Jaune now free to roam around the museum only at night searching for his love but stopped has he hears shouting and banging noises nearby, he follows the sound until he sees a night guard and a boy along with 3 strange looking people and 2 very tiny people on that strange helmet fighting a giant 3 headed snake made of stone and like a Hunstman he jumped in the fray saving the people from the stone beast.)
After slaying the headed stone snakes Larry and his son Nicky came to Jaune "Hey thanks for the help" Larry said, "That was awesome" Nicky said with excitement. Jaune put Crocea Mor in a shieth form and put on his hip turned around and took his helmet off shaking his head so his blonde hair isn't on hia face so can see "I'm happy to help, the name's Jaune Arc, Huntsman sworn to protect Remnant and all humanity" Jaune said extended his hand offering a handshake.
Larry shook his hand "I'm Larry a night guard of this museum and this is my son Nicky" Larry said introducing his son "It's nice to meet you" Nicky said shaking Jaune's hand, one of the wax figures and shakes Jaune's hand "Theodore Roosevelt President of United States of America" said Theodore,
Jaune was confused but smiled "I have no idea what that means" Jaune said. Jaune looked around and turned "So where am I?" Jaune asked "Why in the museum my boy" said Theodore, "I can see that but how did I get here? The last thing I remembered was Ruby and I taking down Salem and then a bright light came outta nowhere and the next thing I know I woke up in this place" Jaune said. "Perhaps I can answer that". Jaune and the others turned around and saw an egyptian prince Cat Faunus named Ahkmenrah coming in the room with the tablet in his hand but the gold tablet was slowly turning to stone.
After Ahkmenrah, Theodore and Larry explained Jaune was in disbelief trying to make sense of this "So let me get this straight my soul is linked to that tablet, I'm a wax figure of this museum and centuries has passed with the Grimm now extinct am I getting this right?" Jaune asked "That's pretty much the gist of it" Ahkmenrah said "That is a lot to take in" Jaune said
"I don't blame you, I should be dead by mummification but with this tablet's magic all of the museum have come to life and prevent my body from decaying, this tablet must have pulled your soul into your identical wax body" Ahkmenrah explained
Jaune was sitting down on chair trying take all of this info in. "So I'm forever bound to this museum as long as the tablet is fully functioned but wait that bright light was the tablet taking my soul does that also mean" Jaune thought before he turned to Ahkmenrah "Hey Ahkmenrah if that tablet took my soul then by any chance hace you seen Ruby?" Jaune asked hoping to see Ruby.
Ahkmenrah frowned and answered "I'm sorry young Jaune but as far as my knowledge goes it was only your soul that this tablet took", Jaune was devastated at the revelation "I'll never see Ruby again?" Jaune thought while he was thinking, Ahkmenrah turned to Larry and asked "Larry can I speak with you for a bit? It's an emergancy" "Sure" Larry said as Ahkmenrah was leading him away from the group.
Ahkmenrah revealed to him "Larry I fear that the tablet is losing it's magic if this tile is not fixed to the correct position by midnight then all of the museum will remain frozen and even as we speak I can feel myself slowly dying again." "Oh no that is not good, do you know how to fix it?" Larry asked concerningly "I asked my parents how and they told me only an Aura Amp with tremendous amounts of Aura can fix the tablet" Ahkmenrah explained but what they don't know is Jaune was eavesdropping their conversation and he was lost in thought
"If that tablet's magic wear out that means my soul can be put to rest and reunite with my love, I just need to find a way to get that tablet and destroy it somehow" Jaune thought.
Jaune suddenly came up with an idea and looks very guilty as he looks at Nicky "I'm so gonna hate myself for this but desperate times come desperate measures" Jaune thought as he went over to Nicky and grabbed him by the hood of his clothes " HEY WHAT THE-" Nicky said alarmed but was cut off as a sword was close to his neck threatening to slit his throat.
Everyone turned to see what happened and was alarmed but no more than Larry as he sees Jaune holding his son hostage "Give me the tablet and I promise the boy won't be harmed" letting go Nicky's hood and holding his hand out, Larry afraid for his son he grabbed the tablet and handed it to Jaune, "Thank you" Jaune said before pushing Nicky to Larry and took off out of the room heading towards the roof.
"QUICK AFTER HIM!!!" Ahkmenrah shouted and they all ran after him, after some time they finally caught him with him on the roof but stopped as they saw Jaune pointing his sword at them while holding the tablet threatening to drop it to the ground.
"Wait Jaune don't do it" Larry said holding his hand out and calmly inches over to Jaune slowly, "Stay back or I'll drop this damn thing" Jaune said "Look we can figure this ou-" but Larry was cut off as Theodore suddenly froze up and fell on the window on the roof, his lover Pocahontas kneeled down to check on him but too was frozen.
Ahkmenrah kneeled down holding on the rail as his body was decaying rapidly "Larry we're out of time" Ahkmenrah said with a weak voice Larry turned to Jaune and got closer "Listen to me if we don't fix that tablet every museum prop will die including you" Larry said, "A world without Ruby isn't a world worth living" Jaune said already accepting his upcoming death.
Suddenly a monkey named Dexter whined holding his chest pain before collapsing Nicky saw that and yelled out to his father "DAD!!!" Nicky said Larry turned around and noticed his little monkey friend was on the ground "DEXTER!" Larry yelled before quickly ran and kneeled down next to Dexter "Come on buddy stay with me you gotta stay with me" Larry said trying to help his friend, Dexter weakingly holding up his arm, Larry saw that and encouraged Dexter "You're gonna slap me? Go ahead you can do it" Larry said on the verge of tears but what ge didn't expect was Dexter wiping a tear off of Larry's face before hugging his hand closing his eyes forever.
Jaune saw that was filled with guilt and remorse "Oh Ruby what have I done?" Jaune thought Ruby wouldn't have wanted this. "I see now I know what I must do" Jaune said before walking to Larry, kneeled down and held out the tablet to him "Forgive me" Jaune said remorsefully.
Larry quickly grabbed the tile and fixed the tablet but it wasn't working "It's not working it needs aura and I don't have enough" Larry said before he noticed Jaune's hand grabbed the tablet and looked at Jaune "Then I will give it some of mine" Jaune said closing his eyes in concentration suddenly Jaune's hand started glow along with the tablet that also started to glow breaking out of it's stone prison looking good as new.
As soon as the tablet was healed all the museum figures was coming back to life, Ahkmenrah was back to full health and Dexter suddenly sat up, Dexter was happy that he's alive he quickly got up to his feet and jumped to Larry embracing him.
Jaune at the scene before looking at the sky with sadness thinking of Ruby suddenly his thoughts were interrupted has he felt a hand on his shoulder he turned his head and looked at Larry with Dexter on his shoulder "Hey you did the right thing I'm sure Ruby would be proud" Larry said Jaune smiled in appreciation for what Larry was trying to do but his words could not fill the void in his heart where his love was.
Some time later that night there was a party going on where all the museum props were having the time of their lives all except Jaune though he tapped his foot to the song that reminded him of his dance with his team back at Beacon but Jaune quickly thought of Ruby and every moment they spend together "Oh Ruby if only you were here" Jaune thought lost in his head in memory lane but was soon interrupted.
"JAUNE!" someone shouted, Jaune quickly opened his eyes he recognized that voice "JAUNE!" someone shouted again, he looked to whoever was shouting his name but was quickly shocked as the person who was shouting his name was no other then his lover Ruby Rose who was running towards him.
"Ruby?" Jaune said to himself hoping his mind wasn't playing tricks on him "JAUNE!" Ruby shouted, "RUBY!" Jaune shouted happily as he ran to Ruby, the two lovers quickly ran to each other and hugged to each other never wanting to let go.
After some time they stopped hugging but they never let go as they were staring into eachother's eyes Jaune lifted his hand and put it on Ruby's face his thumb touching her cheek and Ruby leaned into his touch holding his hand in place. "I thought I'd never see you again" Jaune said Ruby took Jaune's head in her hands and slowly pulled him closer as their forheads touched "And I you" Ruby said before they slowly pulled each other in for a long kiss as the two lovers were reunited.
As the day light came the audience came to see the knight in the museum but noticed something different as they see two wax figures of Jaune and Ruby frozen in place holding on to eachother in an embrace staring at eachother with a smile on their faces and love in their eyes.
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nicolagrimm · 1 month
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⸻ ♡ 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 ⟨ the details ⟩
Name: Nicola Grimm
Nicknames: Nic, Nicki, Cola, tba
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 35
Neighborhood: Orchird Park
Occupation: owner of The Lost Page and Spellbound Society
Orientation: lesbian
Status: single
Residency: local, left at 18, returned 10 years ago
⸻ ♡ 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 ⟨ the past ⟩
Throughout the course of her life there had really only been one thing Nicola Grimm had been passionate about: art. In any form in came in, she loved it and always tripped of in awe of it when she found herself in the presence of it.
She was born and raised as a middle child to a pair of Covington's elite somewhere among the mansions of Avonlea Terrace.
Most of her youth was dedicated to ballet, her mother's choice and insistence, and she was quite good at it. The performances she was a part of caught the important eyes of some top trainers and directors all the way up in New York and as far reaching as London and Paris.
At her father's pushing, Nicola was also quite the impressive scholar, having read all the classics by the time she'd entered high school. She was a part of a literature society and had her own bookclub as a teenager. If she ever brought home a grade less than an A Nicola would be punished.
Though all of that, whenever she found some peace and alone time, Nicola escaped into the world of paints and brushes to canvas. She experimented with colors, textures, mediums, even the styles in which she painted. Everything she felt and endured was put onto canvas as a way of purging. When she couldn't paint she would sketch and draw in a notebook, finding little reprieves throughout the day when needed.
Aside from growing up with her family's wealth and prominence she'd always known that she was different. Not because of the ballet or high achieving scholastics, but something further than that, something deeper and not well accepted in the south when she was growing up. When all of her friends were becoming boy crazy and chasing them around the playground, she was sneaking peeks at girls. This of course was kept a secret and something she kept buried within herself for years, only coming out when she was caught read handed by her father with one of her friends in a compromising situation.
That incident had her sent off to Paris where she attended university and worked to be apart of the ballet. Eventually Nicola made it in, never a Prima Ballerina, but a principle dancer. It wasn't good enough for her parents who pushed for more yet still found it brag worthy.
The biggest blessing being so far away from home meant that Nicola had the room to be herself, find herself, and enjoy herself. It took some time for the strict regimen to ween off but she found herself with friends all over the city and beyond going to restaurants, cafés, art shows, concerts, etc. There was even time for her to paint freely, whenever she wanted, and never any shame in someone seeing what made it onto her canvases.
In Paris Nicola was also free to date whom she wanted out in the open. Without the shame of her parents or their friends seeing. Without schoolmates judging. She was a new person in France, she was Nicola Grimm. Her first girlfriend was an art major at the university and after seeing Nicola's paintings she introduced her to a curator. One thing led to another and all of her paintings sold out after a show.
It hadn't meant that her art career began. Still she was under her parents thumb in many ways, afraid to rebel too much as she had been conditioned her entire life to please them. Nicola continued to create and sell her work on the side of university and ballet. It wasn't until she received a phone call one day from one of her siblings that their father had been arrested on tax fraud charges. With that news something broke free within her and Nicola say fuck ballet and left Paris with another girlfriend upon graduation.
They traveled around Europe for a while, spent extra time in Rome, but Nicola eventually came home after her father was sent to prison. Some glimpses of his trial she'd caught on the news, she felt betrayed by him. The man's harsh rules and judgements had her living in fear for so long, away and outside of her true self, when all along he'd been the one that was wrong.
When Nicola and her girlfriend settled in Covington, she used the money she'd made from selling her artwork to buy The Lost Page. Literature was still a passion of hers and she wanted to reclaim that from the years her father had dictated her enjoyment of the written word. Her witchy, spiritual girlfriend had convinced her to also buy Spellbound Society, so that she had something to do and something to run. And run was what she had ended up doing just over a year into Nicola's hometown. The small town America life hadn't been for her she'd said in a note she'd left behind.
So, Nicola lives making art and running her shops. She doesn't know why she's kept Spellbound Society other than it would always be a nice reminder of someone special at a special time in her life.
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idkanametoputhere · 1 year
I tired, sleepy and working on a request so instead have a list of songs I'd play to freak out the twst characters or get them to leave me alone
note that all of this is meant as a joke and I listen to most of the artists/songs mentioned
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I feel like riddle would freak out by anything remotely sexual or anything too loud so I'd blast "HOT DEMON BITCHES NEAR YOU" by CORPSE(or anything by insane clown posse now that i think ab it)
for trey it's hard but I think just something a kid would listen to, like smth his little siblings listen to that he has grown sick of, so something like that fortnite song that goes number one victory royal, yeah fortnite we bouta get down" or however it goes
cater, for him I'd just put something related to all those bottled up feelings he has and he'll be gone faster than you can say "mentally ill". anywhore, I'd just play smth like idk "pity party" by melanie martinez or just any song that talks about loneliness or moving
Ace is very easy. anything slow or sappy. smth like "paris" from the chainsmokers or (surprisingly and embarassingly) "someday" from the disney chanel zombies movie, but like the second time they sing it which is slow and shit
for deuce its the creativity song from DHMIS, no more explanation given
for leona it's something that would keep him from sleeping do smth like "freaks" by timmy trumpet
ruggie is cardi b's "up", solely for the "broke boys don't deserve no pussy" line. man's would be offended
jackkkk is a difficult-ish one but I think he wouldn't like "everywhere I go" by Hollywood undead
for azul it's anything by ashnikko, nicki minaj, scene queen, corpse, cardi b, doja cat, need I explain?
for floyd we need something that would bore him, so I'd play Christmas carols but like the boooooooooring ones
jade is difficult, jade is very difficult. but I think he wouldn't like anything like nightcore or sped up ig. like he wouldn't like any of the high pitches. if nightmare doesn't work it's the Alvin and the chipmunks version of "bad romance"
for kalim we need something sad...anything by Conan gray
jamil on the other hand uhhhh I have a feeling deep in my heart that he wouldn't like songs from musicals, Hamilton specifically, so I'd play "the Reynolds pamphlet"
vil is easy, "mr boombastic" by idk who OR "mrs potato head" by melanie martinez
rook is a trick question, he won't leave, please help he has been staring at me through my tablet-
epel-> any old gacha life songs-
idia uhhh any comedic song from Wilbur soot ORRRRR that "heyyy brother, there's an endless world to rediscover" song cause ✨️trauma✨️
for ortho it's anything with cursing, idia has programmed him to leave
malleus would need something like "washing machine heart" by mitski or any song that has the meaning hidden. his two braincells cannot cooperate to figure it out
you can't get rid of lilia with music, physically impossible
sebek: idk man smth about anarchy or overthrowing the royals or smth like that
silver: is asleep
grimm: hello kitty theme song
Crowley: ANYTHING by Eminem, ANYTHING
crewel: anything slightly off tune so anything by the front bottoms
trein: "3 musketeers" by uhhhh idk
sam: idk man I'm tired and out of ideas
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eddysocs · 3 months
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Introducing: Thea Reynard
Fandom: Orange Is The New Black
Face Claim: Rosa Salazar
Full Name: Thea Alison Reynard
Nickname/Alias/Pet Names: Lez Bait, Foxy
Age: 28
Myers Briggs Type: INFP
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Love Interest: Nicky Nichols
Occupation: Correctional Officer
Collections: Rings
Style/Clothing: If Thea could live in just tank tops and sweatpants, she would. She doesn’t hate dressing up a little more, but being fashionable is something she doesn’t consider to be in her repertoire.
Signature Quote: "If I had made just one different decision, I could be one of these girls instead of standing guard over them, so sue me if it seems like I care too much."
Plot Summary: Known to the inmates of Litchfield as Lez Bait, Thea Reynard is thought to be far too pretty and kind hearted to do her job efficiently, but she can be assertive when she needs to. During the time when Boo and Nicky face off to see who can get the more points for bagging the most girls, Nicky sets her sights on Thea. When winning over Thea turns out to be easier than she planned, Nicky ends up in a sticky situation when Thea can’t quite let their encounter go. Boo thinks it’s hilarious and Nicky wishes she wasn’t starting to have a soft spot for her.
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @ginger-grimm, @bossyladies, @atjsgf, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @kissykissymouth, @blood-moon1234567890
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mult1f1cs · 7 months
Started: 10/17/2023
Last updated: 03/24/2023
Total works:
Sam and Colby
Colby Brock
Ghost hunting
Harry Potter
Severus Snape
After hours
Bellatrix Lestrange
Narcissa Malfoy
Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Aaron Hotchner
Hotchner Family oneshots-
Sick Days Part 1
Sick Days Part 2
Nick Burkhart
Rosalee Calvert
Law and Order: SVU
Olivia Benson
Alex Cabot
Casey Novak
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Abby Scuito
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Maria Hill
Enid Sinclair
Wednesday Addams
Larissa Weems
Abbot Elementary
Melissa Schemmenti
Ava Coleman
Orange is the new black
Nicky Nichols
Carol Denning
Alex Vause
Resident Evil Village
Alcina Dimitrescu
Donna Beneviento
Elizabeth Olsen
Scarlett Johansson
Mariska Hargitay
Lana Del Rey
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fantastic4 · 3 years
This one detail is going to make me CRY it's so cute
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At first I was like "why's Nicki waving like that?" at first I thought that was the Spock sign. It's not. Then I was like "maybe it's the sign that skrulls do to greet each other? Interesting."
Ben only has 4 fingers. Her wave only has 4 fingers. Did she only JUST learn about waving for the first time and thought it had to directly resemble her new dad's?? this is so cute I'm gonna die
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beomundi · 3 years
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Spooky lad but still a good boy :>
that background looks kinda trash the more I look at it but I had such one at the time with it
and that's what matter damnit
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❝ Nicky was used to not being “normal��. He’d been diagnosed as autistic at the tender age of eleven, and from that point on had been the subject of many hateful looks and uncreative taunts from his neurotypical classmates, who apparently thought that having an autistic person among them was the worst kind of injustice. Nicky had then been disowned and thrown out of the house at the age of seventeen by his fervently religious parents, who apparently could accept an autistic son but not a gay one, and had been forced to rely on the kindness of his friends’ families for a place to stay until he had graduated high school and won a university scholarship that allowed him to stay in a dorm on campus.
Years after graduating from university and the police academy and finally becoming a detective like he’d always dreamed, Nicky was transferred to Brooklyn’s ninety-ninth precinct, where he expected to once again be treated like a strange outsider by his “normal” co-workers. But to his utter surprise, Nicky quickly found himself one of the only sensible people in his new workplace, at least compared to Jake Peralta’s chaotic antics, his captain’s general incompetence, and... literally everything that went on with Hitchcock and Scully.
But now the Nine-Nine has a new captain, a much more serious one who promises to finally knock some sense into this madhouse of a precinct. However, Jake continues to resist Holt’s attempts at forcing him to act responsibly, Rosa continues to be a stoic lover of weapons and violence, and Nicky? He continues to be an awkward mess of bad jokes and fidget toys who has a hopeless crush on his most chaotic co-worker.
Maybe Nicky’s life, and Nicky himself, will never be “normal”. But, maybe, that’s not as bad a thing as he’s always lead himself to believe. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @manyfandomocs.)
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brokehorrorfan · 4 years
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Broke Horror Fan has the pleasure of exclusively revealing six works of art from Poster Posse’s tribute to Gretel & Hansel, which opens in theaters this Friday, January 31, via Orion Pictures and United Artists Releasing.
The pieces above are designed by Luke Butland, Attila Szarka, Nicky Barkla, Ben Mcleod, Orlando Arocena, and Rodolfo Reyes, respectively. The rest of the art from this tribute will be released by Poster Posse today at 1pm EST.
Based on the German fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, Gretel & Hansel is directed by Oz Perkins (The Blackcoat's Daughter). Sophia Lillis, Samuel Leakey, Charles Babalola, Jessica De Gouw, and Alice Krige star.
A long time ago in a distant fairy-tale countryside, a young girl leads her little brother into a dark wood in desperate search of food and work, only to stumble upon a nexus of terrifying evil.
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