#New Regime
Seduction - New Regime
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fatbastad · 8 months
Here we go again. I am back on the Huel, joined the gym and trying to eat more healthily. Down a stone already in just two months so something is working. Perhaps the addition of therapy has something to do with it.
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rambroplays · 1 year
Abbas Staged Coup Against Altair & Usurps The Title Of Mentor | AC Revel...
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spamitami · 23 days
yes, iran IS bad. if you find yourself defending the fucking ISLAMIC REGIME OF IRAN then maybe take a few steps back and see how far into the rabbit hole of propaganda you have fallen, because oh my lord the number of pro-iran government posts that i have seen here is alarming. and i can guarantee you that these are mostly white leftists who live in first world countries saying these things.
people on here are trying to whitewash this regime, to make it fit into their good v bad, oppressor v oppressed narrative. it doesn't work like that, the world doesn't work like that. you are defending a misogynistic homophobic theocratic dictatorship.
women in iran have been EXECUTED for not wearing their hijab PROPERLY (not even taking it off, just wearing it the wrong way). women have been beaten, raped, and forced to live under a theocratic dictatorship, and you sing the regimes praises because 'west bad'.
the regime literally funds terrorist organizations all over the middle east, including hezbollah and hamas. on october 7th, iran technically attacked israel as well as hamas.
a lot of people are talking about how israel bombed an embassy. israel attacked the building next to the embassy, not the embassy itself. It was a consulate and did not have the same international protections. Of the 7 dead from the consulate bombing, 5 were members of terrorist group IRGC. 2 of the dead had coordinated terrorist attacks on leaders and were high ranking officials.
israel bombing the consulate was a response to the way that iran uses their proxies to fight israel. this is a shadow war that they have been fighting for years now, and you really expose your dumb ignorant asses when you pretend that the israeli bombing of the iranian consulate was just a random attack.
when you say 'iran has a right to defend itself', you are not standing up for the civilians of iran, you are standing up for the terrorist government.
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leroibobo · 6 months
really do not think people understand the extent to which palestinian sites/landmarks (especially muslim ones) were destroyed, beginning in 1948 until now, even in cities. the oldest extant mosque in jaffa (al-bahr mosque) was built in 1675, even though islam came there in the 7th century
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vampyretaemin · 2 months
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I never asked to be like this.
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christophermtaylor · 9 days
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Maison de Mère d'Youville, 1693, Montreal
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trinijanjan · 3 months
Coming in March '24...
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March is packed. Enjoy!
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xtruss · 3 months
Across the Middle East and Asia, Palestinian Solidarity Social Media Posts and Boycotts have made a significant dent in the sales of several Western Brands over their perceived support for the “Illegal Regime of the Zionist 🐖 🐷 🐗, the Isra-hell.” Seattle based Starbucks, a Prime Boycott Target, saw its shares tumble 8.96% within a span of 19 days in November 2023, accounting for $11 Billion in losses. This marked the longest decline in the Company’s history. Yet, despite being a Prime Boycott Target, Starbucks is not the only International Brand that has been affected.
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 2 months
In April 1933, Einstein discovered that the new German government had passed laws barring Jews from holding any official positions, including teaching at universities.[129] Historian Gerald Holton describes how, with "virtually no audible protest being raised by their colleagues", thousands of Jewish scientists were suddenly forced to give up their university positions and their names were removed from the rolls of institutions where they were employed.[131] A month later, Einstein's works were among those targeted by the German Student Union in the Nazi book burnings, with Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels proclaiming, "Jewish intellectualism is dead."[129] One German magazine included him in a list of enemies of the German regime with the phrase, "not yet hanged", offering a $5,000 bounty on his head.[129][132] In a subsequent letter to physicist and friend Max Born, who had already emigrated from Germany to England, Einstein wrote, "... I must confess that the degree of their brutality and cowardice came as something of a surprise."[129] After moving to the US, he described the book burnings as a "spontaneous emotional outburst" by those who "shun popular enlightenment", and "more than anything else in the world, fear the influence of men of intellectual independence".[133]
A quote from the Wikipedia page of German-American Jewish scientist, Albert Einstein.
What's notable here is how academics and intellectuals raised almost no protest to the systematic purging of Jews from universities in Germany. This is because, as historian Niall Ferguson has noted, that German academics had been promulgating the intellectual basis of Nazism during the 1920's (and probably beforehand).
What we can see here is that rather than defending the dignity and liberty of the individual, academics and intellectuals were the first in line to accept, permit, and collaborate with tyranny. They believed and invented lies. They turned a blind eye to mounting crimes against humanity.
When we look at today's college campuses and see a rising sea of hatred against Jewish students; when we see thousands of non-Jewish students showing little to no concern whatsoever for the rise in antisemitic hatred; when we see academics who glorify Jew-hating mass murderers, we should not be surprised.
What has been is what will be.
The academics who have promulgated anti-Jewish hatred (or stood by and allowed it to spread) today are betraying the same spirit as the German academics who allowed German Jews to be purged and threatened with death by the Nazi regime. And, like the German academics of the 20's and 30's, they believe that their betrayal of justice and liberty are all in the public's best interests.
Of course, they have been wise enough to change their official scapegoat from the Jews to "Israel".
But the net result is the same: Jews-- no matter how great their achievements, like those of Einstein-- are being purged from academic spaces and polite society, once again, to virtually no protest from their peers.
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bennidraws · 5 months
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comm for @dracoqueen22 for her EXTREMELY HOT serennedy fic Ties That Bind
(here is the full adult version 🙏)
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Love In Motion - New Regime
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azural83 · 2 months
Did everyone just collectively forget that the iran is an islamist dictatorship
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kevattie · 7 months
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she is an active member of a fetish-based forum, i fear
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luminalunii97 · 1 year
The Islamic Republic Executed 3 more Protesters This Morning
The regime has executed more than a hundred of kurd, baloch and Arab activists in the last few months, all of them under false or ambiguous charges. Habib Asivad, an Arab rights activists who was kidnapped from turkey and brought to Iran by the regime, was one of the recent ones.
This morning the regime executed 3 more protesters who has been arrested during the nation wide Jîna revolution. They were tortured and forced to confess to a murder they didn't commit. In fact, there's a document that shows the murder was the regime guards doing. typical.
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The three political prisoners wrote from jail on Wednesday urging the people to stop their execution.
Describing themselves as "children of Iran" in the letter, the three prisoners said: "Hello. We ask our dear fellow citizens not to let them kill us. We need your help. We need your support.
On Sunday night, demonstrators had gathered outside the prison hoping to stop the feared hangings. Campaigners say the prisoners were tortured into confessions, and there is no reliable evidence against them. -Iran International News
As it was mentioned, people tried to stop the execution by protesting and gathering in front of the prison and it was postponed but at the end the regime executed them anyway.
Meanwhile Iran has been chosen to chair the UN Human Rights Council 2023 Social Forum. This is not a joke anymore, it's the tragedy of western human rights. Apparently murdering your people for protesting grants you a human rights council chair in west.
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mumblingsage · 8 days
It is always right to call fascists fascists, but I would like to see a bit more...not even caution, quite...awareness that "Bad thing X" is not unique to fascism and/or predates it and manifests in other systems. In both fiction and real life. Someone analyzing the Dune universe called the Great Houses fascist and, my friend, that is feudalism. (Frank Herbert was not the most realistic writer but even he knew better than to pretend a fascist regime could function for thousands of years. This is not to understate the threat of fascism, but part of the threat from that vicious tantrum disguised as a political system is that it is so incredibly unstable. And the reason I think I'm not just being pedantic is that when we call more long-running or "successful" - while still evil - regimes or philosophies fascist, we are giving fascism credit it very much does not deserve! We're also missing how bigotries and pathologies are much more widespread and can even appear in our own preferred political projects.)
Sometimes the word people are looking for is "authoritarian," and once again I'm pointing to researcher Bob Altemeyer's free ebook on the topic, available on his website.
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