spamitami · 1 day
chag shavuot sameach its 4 am and i'm lactose intolerant
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spamitami · 1 day
i hope all the people who are protest abstaining from the vote in the us realize that what happened in europe is going to happen to them to. the reason the far right gained so much in europe is because voter turnout was so low.
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spamitami · 2 days
so are we going to talk about the fact that a neo nazi party received 15.9% of the votes in germany or what
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spamitami · 2 days
we've girldinnered our way back to 1950s gender roles
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spamitami · 2 days
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Azerbaijani artist Tunzala Mamedzadeh's Hand-Painted Quran in Gold on 164 Feet of Black Silk
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spamitami · 2 days
Some disturbing news about Wikipedia vandalism
One of my mutuals has recently discovered something interesting and very concerning about an ongoing wave of Wikipedia vandalism. Unfortunately, xe is acerbic enough that a lot of people have xir blocked, and also, the post itself is pretty long and uses some kind of overly aggressive language that I think a lot of my own followers will probably find off-putting. Xe has explicitly suggested that people should repost the information for reach, and so I think I'm going to go ahead and summarize as best I can.
Let's start with three interesting facts, all of which have been known for a while now, but have been largely talked about as unconnected:
There is an ongoing trend of a bunch of articles on Jewish culture and identity on Wikipedia being vandalized. It's a pretty specific sort of vandalism, and generally takes the form of removing mentions of individuals being Jewish and rewording articles about Jews or Judaism to sound deliberately vague and uncertain. For example, "so-and-so is Jewish" often gets quietly replaced by "so-and-so was raised by a Jewish family", "so-and-so grew up in a Jewish neighborhood", or, in some especially egregious cases "so-and-so has spoken about their Jewish upbringing but has never explicitly identified as Jewish." Similarly, "this Jewish tradition represents x, y, or z" gets replaced with "this tradition, which is primarily observed by Jews, may represent x, y, or z", even in cases where the tradition in question is solely Jewish and where there is no actual ambiguity as to what it means.
There is an ongoing trend of a bunch of articles on North American indigenous and First Nations culture and identity being vandalized in basically the exact same way. For example, "so-and-so is Native American" becomes "so-and-so has self-identified as Native American despite not having tribal membership"; "this cultural symbolism means x, y, or z" becomes "some have theorized that this cultural symbolism could mean x, y, or z"; etc.
There is also an ongoing trend of a bunch of articles on historical queer figures being vandalized to add somewhat similar vagueness and ambiguity to places where the factual record is clear. For example, the Wikipedia page on Marsha P. Johnson, who very unambiguously used she/her pronouns, is currently (as of 6/1/2024) vandalized to have most instances of "she" and "her" replaced with "they" and "them". Iirc, the page on James Barry has similar issues a while ago.
In all three of these cases, it's been known for a while now that it is likely a very small group of bad actors doing this. And people have been fighting it on all three fronts, but it's a game of wack-a-mole, and it's been ongoing for years.
Now here's the part that's news:
It turns out that these are likely the same bad actors.
I'd been aware of all three of these for a while now, but I'd attributed the disturbingly similar vague verbiage as just, this was what a bunch of bad actors had independently found worked and didn't instantly get reverted. But this mutual of mine bothered to actually look into it, and after quickly comparing notes with some First Nations bloggers, the group of them immediately discovered that at least two specific bad actors were present across both a set of antisemitic edits and a set of anti-Native edits.
Although it's not clear at this point exactly how far this goes, based on that, it really feels to me like we've been going about fighting this all wrong for a long time. If these aren't separate small groups of bigots with separate beefs with various minorities, but are instead a small group of bigots who are systematically vandalizing the Wikipedia pages related to multiple specific minorities as part of a strategy to push a more broad and encompassing bigoted ideology (white supremacy springs to mind as an obvious possibility, and I'd be very curious to see if there is similar vandalism happening to pages about, for example, Black civil rights leaders), then fighting each type of bigoted edit separately is missing the forest for the trees.
I definitely encourage people to get involved in Wikipedia editing, but more than that – I strongly encourage people to start making an effort to actively compare notes with other communities the way my mutual did. We need to stop treating these as independent issues, because in all likelihood, they're not.
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spamitami · 2 days
media literacy on tumblr has to be worse than anything else, 70k people will repost misinformation conspiracies from a biased source and when fact checked they say they did their own research. you realize you sound just like 80 year old facebook grandmas, right?
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spamitami · 2 days
just saw someone claiming that interracial marriage is cultural appropriation what the fuck has discourse turned into
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spamitami · 2 days
there’s something so legitimately sinister about the way that people painted megan to be a villain in a situation where SHE was shot, continued to harass her and spread misinformation about her before AND AFTER that napoleon-complex having, height-challenged motherfucker was sent to prison, joked about her struggling with alcoholism after she lost her mother and grandmother in the same month, pushed her to nearly killing herself, made jokes about her parents being dead and then threatened to desecrate her mother’s grave over a pink-haired crackhead who wouldn’t even piss on y’all if y’all were on fire, and are now actively spreading deepfake AI porn of her — just to turn around and say she’s “begging for sympathy” ??? as if y’all haven’t done shit but consistently victimize this woman for the past four years??? are y’all fucking insane???
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spamitami · 3 days
never say chutzpah again
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spamitami · 3 days
As A Jew, I Have No Ancestral Rights To Palestine
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"As a Jew, I have no ancestral rights to the land of Palestine. If I got a DNA test, it would show European descent.
To think that a white person would have ancestral ties to Middle Eastern land is absurd and stems from a colonizers mindset."
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spamitami · 3 days
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happy birthday omar!! 🥳
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spamitami · 3 days
fyi believe all women means believe ALL women. yes, even women who you don't like. if your feminism only extends as far as women you believe are righteous enough to deserve it, then you aren't a feminist at all.
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spamitami · 3 days
“Noa Argamani was treated well!”
She was kept as a hostage slave in a wealthy family’s apartment, forced to clean it whenever they knocked without warning, for EIGHT MONTHS. Just because they fed her does not mean she wasn’t a hostage and a slave. Her mother also has terminal cancer and was afraid she was never going to see her again.
If you start justifying human rights abuses against women, Jews, and Asians (she is half Chinese) because they are Israeli, you were never against antisemitism, misogyny, or wanted to stop Asian hate.
You can support both Palestinian and Israeli civilian lives.
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spamitami · 4 days
Imagine posting about feminism for years and then denying mass rape confirmed by eyewitness accounts and the UN because you fell into the ancient misogynistic trope of thinking women you personally dislike are lying bitches. Like how do you not realize what a waste of childbirth you were?
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spamitami · 4 days
A spontaneous protest started up at the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Hospital in Gaza as citizens are expressing their anger at the situation they are in, demanding that Hamas return the Israeli hostages and to stop the war.
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spamitami · 4 days
This is a video of Israel and Israelis celebrating Noa’s return.
Am Yisrael Chai!
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