#NOT rpf
flykering · 4 months
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slash r scarian??? *crowd gasps*
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loslentesdepedrito · 11 months
I'm Your Wife- Chapter Two
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Bottom left gif by: @binary--sun , bottom right gif by: @interstellarflare
Pairing: Jack Daniels ‘Agent Whiskey’x Spanish-speaking f!reader and Javier Peña x Spanish-speaking f!reader (Spanish translations are provided.)
Previous Chapter: I'm Your Wife- Chapter One
Next Chapter: I'm Your Wife- Chapter Three
Word count: 5.1k+
Chapter summary: Nine years later, unexpectedly, Jack hears from you. 
Rating: 18+ no explicit content but I'd rather not have minors read these types of subjects. Warning contains spoilers, but please read if you'd like!!! They are below the cut, but if you don't want to read them, the story starts after the Whiskey bottles.
Warnings: Angst, language used by the characters is harsh and contains strong emotions, mentions of cheating, pregnancy, divorce, and childhood disease. (I hope I didn’t forget anything, it’s been years since I wrote this.)
A/N: I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for the overwhelming support on Chapter One! I didn't have much time to work on the graphic for this chapter, so it took me a while to upload it. I have ADHD, and it's currently unmedicated, so that's also a factor. I find that I work best when the house is quiet, but with children around, getting them to sleep can be quite hard, haha! Again, I wrote this years ago, so I apologize for any and all mistakes because if I read this over, I’ll overthink and not post. So, thank you for your understanding, and I hope you enjoy the story!
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As Jack's footsteps carry him back to his apartment from the Kingsmen agency, his mind is consumed by the weight of his day's work. An hour before he intended to go home, he found himself inexplicably overwhelmed by a sudden urge to rush to his apartment. It wasn't a foreboding feeling, but rather a strong sense that something good was on awaiting him. If anyone happened to catch a glimpse of Jack's somewhat clumsy dash out of his office, barely avoiding a slip on the freshly mopped floor- no one commented.
Now, in the lobby, with each step closer to his sanctuary, a glimmer of anticipation flickers within him, a faint hope that there might be a respite from the pain that has plagued his heart for years.
Reaching his mailbox, he pauses, his hand steady as he retrieves the day's mail. Among the advertisements, his eyes catch sight of a familiar return address adorned with the emblem of the firm that handled the painful dissolution of his marriage. The sight sends a jolt through his veins, instantly sharpening his senses. He feels a surge of joy and curiosity that threatens to overpower his cool demeanor. This, this is what I’ve been waiting for, he thinks.
With the letter clutched tightly in his hand, Jack climbs the staircase, his heavy and rushed footsteps echoing through the empty building stairway. As he reaches the sixth floor, he pauses for a moment, catching his breath and steadying his racing heart. Fuckin’ hell, I’m really starting to get old. 
His apartment building's signature aroma, a mix of aged wood and Reed Diffusers, drifts through the air and the illuminated corridor, offering a soothing moment. With renewed determination, he strides towards his apartment, the key ready in his trembling hand, eager to discover the message held within the white envelope.
Taking the letter inside, he fumbles to close the door behind him, his focus solely on the contents of the envelope. It feels like an eternity as he tears it open, the sound of the paper ripping echoing through the room. Throwing away the torn envelope, his hat, his phone, and his keys on the coffee with disregard, his gaze locks onto the words that lay before him, ink etched upon the pristine white surface.
With each sentence, the gravity of the situation becomes clearer, the weight of the words pressing against his chest. His heart beats faster, his breath growing shallow. The letter, written in a professional tone, contains the invitation he had never anticipated but always hoped for. She wants to meet me. The delicacy and urgency of the matter are subtly emphasized, practically begging Jack to meet you.
Jack's eyes scan the lines, his mind working swiftly to decipher the unspoken pleas hidden within the formal language. He can almost hear your voice, strained and vulnerable, begging for a chance to talk. 
The letter extends an offer of legal representation, a reminder that the cold machinery of the law can mediate their meeting. But Jack's resolve is unwavering. He wants this to be personal, as personal as it can get. I can finally clear everything up with her. Tell her what I never said. The opportunity to talk face to face with you without the barrier of attorneys fills him with a mixture of hope and anxiety, like a tightly wound spring ready to unfurl.
A surge of emotions floods his being, the years of longing and unanswered questions vying for attention. He clings to the flickering flame of possibility, for within this letter lies the chance to reclaim what was lost, to confront the lingering ghosts of his past, and maybe, just maybe, you could love him once more. Throughout the past nine years, when Jack basically pushed you out of his life, he lived in constant regret. He promised himself if he ever got a second chance with you, he would take it and do everything in his power to ensure you never felt the same pain as you did during your marriage.
Jack can't help but feel a glimmer of optimism as he sets the letter down. The future is uncertain, but the mere fact that you have chosen to reach out stirs hope deep within him. It's a fragile hope, like a flickering flame in the darkness, but it burns nonetheless.
As the weight of the letter lingers in Jack's hands, his gaze drifts toward his phone. Resting on the table beside the torn envelope lay a familiar device—Jack's unchanged phone, a device that held precious moments. He had never upgraded it because it carried countless memories. It was the very phone into which you had entered your number when you first met. It was the same phone that had kept him up on calls until the sun peeked over the horizon, the same phone that had exchanged texts with you at all hours of the day. It was the very phone where you introduced him to the world of sexting, etching those intimate moments into his memory. Jack found himself continually revisiting these cherished memories, and he never changed his phone number. Perhaps, in the recesses of his hopeful heart, he believed you might someday reach out. Even though the years following the divorce had passed without your contact, he couldn't bring himself to give up hope.
He reaches out for his phone and picks it up, his fingers gliding over the familiar touchscreen. With a deep breath, he dials the number to the firm, his heart pounding in sync with each number pressed. 
The sound of the dial tone echoes in his ear, and before the receptionist has a chance to utter a greeting, Jack's voice resonates with urgency, cutting through the silence, "Good evenin’. This is Jack Daniels. I'm callin' for Mr. Raul Santos."
The receptionist, taken aback by his directness, responds with a polite tone, "Good evening, sir. Please hold while I transfer you." The hold music fills the air, a symphony of anticipation mingled with the echo of distant voices. Jack's mind races; moments feel like hours while he rehearses over and over what he will say.
Finally, the ringing ceases and is replaced by a voice on the other end. It's Raul, the person who holds the power to give Jack his biggest wish. Jack wastes no time, the words escaping his lips before doubt can creep in, "Raul, it's Jack. When can I meet with her?" His voice carries a blend of longing and urgency.
"Jack, can you meet tomorrow at St. Andrew's Hospital at 10 AM?" The words hang in the air, filled with anticipation, as Jack's breath catches in his throat.
Why the hospital? Jack's mind questions. Summoning his resolve, Jack finds his voice and responds, "I'll be there."
"Perfect," Raul replies, his voice a lifeline in the abyss of uncertainty. "We'll be waiting for you on the tenth floor of the East Tower. When you sign in on the first floor, tell them you're meeting Dr. Navarro." Jack nods to himself, memorizing all the instructions as if his life depends on it. 
Jack's emotions simmer beneath the surface as the call comes to an end, a torrent of hope, nervousness, and a glint of renewed longing. The image of St. Andrew's Hospital burns in his mind, a symbol of new beginnings and the coming together of their separate lives.
With apprehension and excitement, Jack sets the phone down, his hands trembling ever so slightly. Tomorrow assures a reunion, a chance for Jack to apologize for all of the suffering he has caused you. It is a moment he has dreamed of, yearned for, an opportunity to correct all his errors.
As he gazes into the distance, the fading daylight casting long shadows across his tired face, Jack finds solace in the glimmer of hope that glows in his heart. The road ahead may be filled with uncertainty, but at this moment, he dares to believe that the fragments of their broken bond may find a way to heal.
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Despite his initial doubts, sleep had managed to find its way to Jack, offering him a few hours of rest. When he wakes, a surge of excitement courses through his veins, fueled by the knowledge that he will soon be reunited with you. The morning light filters through the window, casting gentle rays of warmth upon his face; as he rises with a renewed sense of purpose.
Determined to make a good impression, Jack steps into the shower, the hot water cascading over his body, washing away the traces of sleep and leaving him feeling refreshed. He carefully removes the stubble with each stroke of the razor against his skin, his fingertips tracing the sharp contours of his tanned face, ensuring a clean and polished look. The mustache, once untamed, is now meticulously trimmed, framing his pink lips.
Moving to his closet, Jack sifts through his collection of clothes; a rain of fabric and colors fall on his full-sized bed. He changes in and out of various combinations, looking for the perfect outfit. His fingers glide over the texture of his dress shirts, searching for the best one. Jack eventually settles on a deep blue dress shirt, a charcoal gray blazer, tailored pants that hug his frame just right, and a tie with subtle patterns.
Next, Jack turns his attention to his footwear, opting for a pair of polished black leather shoes. Would you examine his shoes with a magnifying glass? No, but that doesn't stop Jack from meticulously brushing off any lingering specks of dust, ensuring they shine in the morning light. As a finishing touch, he retrieves a felt Stetson hat, a prized possession that holds sentimental value because you gifted him with it. He tenderly cleans it, erasing any signs of wear, and proudly sets it atop his head.
Ready to see you- Jack leaves his apartment, the door closing behind him with a soft click. The crisp, chilly morning air greets him as he exits the lobby. I remember I met my sugar on a day like this, Jack thinks. He pretty much runs towards his car and turns the key making the engine roar to life. With each mile that passes throughout his two-hour drive, his mind remains focused on the meeting ahead.
When Jack arrives at the hospital, he hands his keys to the valet while scanning the surroundings for the reception area. He spots a man in a gray uniform and approaches him, his voice full of eagerness, "Good mornin’,” Jack begins, "I have a meeting with Dr. Navarro at 10 AM." 
"May I see your ID, please?" The man asks politely, extending his hand.
Jack hesitates for a moment and reluctantly hands over his ID, watching as the man's eyes scan the name. There's a brief pause, and then the man looks up at Jack, a faint smile playing on his lips.
"Jack Daniels." The man says with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow at the name on the identification. 
Jack, sensing the unspoken question, clenches his teeth and responds with a touch of irritability, "Yes, it's real." The man understands the tone and directs Jack toward the appropriate elevator.
Jack complied eagerly and made his way toward the elevator. With anticipation, he reached out and pressed the button, making it glow orange. A ding echoed behind him in a matter of seconds. He hurriedly stepped inside the elevator and quickly jabbed at the close button, unwilling to wait for another passenger. Jack kept repeating a mantra of hurry, hurry, hurry in his mind. Without wasting a second, he confidently pressed the number 10.
Jack grows impatient inside the elevator, his fingers tapping restlessly against his hips as he paces back and forth. The rising numbers on the display screen get his attention, frows burring with each digit slowly increasing- reminding him of precious time slipping away. "This has to be the slowest fukin' elevator in the world." He growls in the empty elevator. Frustration lingers in Jack's thoughts; You should've taken the stairs instead of the goddamn elevator, his inner voice cursing the choice that delays the meeting with you. And when the tenth floor finally arrives, Jack leaps into action, his boots hitting the clean baby blue floor with a resounding thud.
Startling the receptionist, Jack raises a hand in apology and walks toward the front desk. He provides his name and appointment details, receiving a buzz of approval before being directed to his destination. Jack rushes forward, his heart pounding. Unbeknownst to him, the receptionist shakes their head, silently cautioning him to be careful, a concern in the receptionist's head so he won't stumble and falls on his ass because of his hurried run. 
The instructions echo in his mind, and he checks them off as he goes; walk to the automatic white doors, check, press the buzzard, check, walk to the end of the corridor, check, make a left, check, take one last left, chec-
And there you are, seated on a gray leather bench outside the meeting room, your eyes locked onto the black screen of your phone as if you’re waiting for it to light up, lost in a world of your own. Jack's breath catches in his throat as he takes in the sight of you, and his eyes well up with tears. Time seems to stand still as he stares at you, overwhelmed by the flood of memories and emotions that surge within him. Despite the passage of years, you still possess the power to make his heart flutter, your presence stirring a mixture of awe and love. She's still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, he thinks.
However, Jack's expression falters as he realizes the missed opportunities, the unspoken words, the love not fully cherished. Regret taints his thoughts as he reflects on the path that brought the both of you to this moment. He wants to make amends for the pain he caused you, but Jack knows that this meeting has a different purpose; he doesn't know why the exact reason, but after everything he put you through, there must be a reason you need him. He's not going to let you down, not again.
Summoning his courage, Jack calls out your name. Your head immediately turns towards the voice, one that hasn't graced your ears in years, and for a quick moment, he sees a flicker of reluctance in your eyes. Seeing Jack again, admittingly, stirs up an overwhelming desire to hide from him. All you can see are the haunting memories. A flood of painful flashbacks that would bring you to tears in privacy. The temptation to approach him surges within you, but it's not for a hug or a kiss, no. Instead, you imagine the crimson mark your hand could leave on his cheek. But you take a deep breath, reminding yourself of the reason you reached out to him after all these years.
"I didn't think you were going to show." You finally say, your voice tinged with relief and guarded vulnerability. Rising from the bench, you stand before him, your hands tucked inside the comforting embrace of your black hoodie's pouch. 
Jack's heart aches at the sight of you, knowing that the pain he inflicted has left an unforgettable mark on you. Though he craves to erase the memories of hurt, he understands that redemption lies in actions, not words alone. Taking a deep breath, he suppresses his own desire to close the distance, touch you, and maybe taste your lips again. He mentally shakes his head, focusing instead on the reason for your reunion.
"Hi, Sug-" He stumbles for a moment, realizing he no longer has the right to call you by the affectionate nickname. "I mean, hello. I'm here." 
"I'm glad you came."
Jack nods, his throat tight with emotions he struggles to put into words. "I knew I had to be here," he says, "I couldn't let this opportunity slip away." 
"There are things we need to address, wounds that need healing. I want to make things right, to find a way to move forward together."
You want to interrupt, to rip the bandaid off, but Raul's advice rings in your ears, urging you to let the meeting room be the place to lay everything on the table. So you hold back and let Jack do the talking.
Jack takes a step closer, the distance between you shrinking. His heart pounds in his chest as he gets closer. "I know I've caused you so much pain," he continues, his voice tinged with regret. "I'm here today because... because I want to make things right. I wanna understand, I wanna listen, and try to heal the wounds I've caused. I wanna be there for you, to support you, to love you, and do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness. And if you'll let me, I wanna be a part of-" 
Just as Jack was about to request something that has always been on his mind, a door opening from behind you interrupts him. Raul with one foot inside the meeting room and the other in the corridor, calls out for both your names.
"We're ready for you," Raul announces a sense of urgency in his voice. He holds the door open, his gaze shifting between the two of you.
You exchange a quick glance with Jack, seeking reassurance, a silent confirmation that he'll follow through and both of you follow Raul into the conference room. The door shuts softly behind you, filling the room with the only sound. Your gaze sweeps the room, and you take in the white conference room with its black and white marble table in the middle and the soft glow of natural light.
Feeling a wave of emotions crashing over you, you instinctively shut your eyes for a few seconds to compose yourself. This is a lot harder than I expected... the thought lingers in your mind. Dr. Navarro's words echo in your memory, urging you to relax through the simple act of breathing. Breathe in, breathe out, you repeat silently, allowing the rhythmic inhalation and exhalation to steady your racing heart.
Choosing your chair carefully, you opt to sit with your back facing the window. It provides a sense of security and shields you from external distractions allowing you to solely focus on Jack. Your hand reaches out and lands upon one of the gray roll-on chairs, its smooth leather headrest cool against your fingertips. 
On the opposite side of the table, Jack is reluctantly guided by Raul to his designated seat. Oh, I can sit wherever I damn well please, he scoffs silently, but I suppose I can play by the rules for now. Just think about all the appointments with Dr. Reynolds and what-if scenarios. Don't mess this up. He takes a seat, begrudgingly accepting the arrangement, while his back deliberately faces the door. The positioning serves as a physical reminder of the boundaries and emotional distance that have grown between the two of you throughout the years.
Raul takes a seat at the head of the table. Clearing his throat, he breaks the silence. "Thank you both for coming today. As you may already know, the purpose of this meeting is of utmost importance. Mr. Daniels, the reason my client-"
Jack interrupts, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and vulnerability. "Stop. I don't want this to be an official meeting. I just... I want," he glances at you, his eyes searching for understanding, "I just want you to do the talking, please." He knows he has no right to make demands, but he wants to talk with you directly, to bridge the gap between you, if even it's just for a moment.
Raul looks at you briefly, to see how you're doing. "My role is simply to facilitate the conversation," Raul responds, his voice assuring and tinged with a hint of anger. Maldito inútil malparido (Fuking useless bastard). This asshole hurt her so much. How dare he make demands? Raul is well aware of the pain Jack caused you. He was one of the first people you confided in about the divorce, and he naturally helped you with the process. Raul cashed in many favors to expedite the process which would usually take time. In fact, he stayed up all night to ensure that he could serve Jack the papers the morning after you left him.
Truth be told, Raul initially liked Jack when you first introduced him to your friends. However, as time went on and you grew more serious, Jack's repeated slips of the tongue and thoughtless actions made Raul's opinion of him sour. The final straw for Raul was when Jack couldn't even give you the wedding you deserved. Raul knew how much you loved Jack, so even though he could see through your forced smile when discussing the wedding details, he congratulated you both and sent a gift.
You meet Raul's gaze, conveying your appreciation for his support. "Raul, está bien. (Raul, it's okay.)" You say softly, recognizing his concern and knowing that you need to have this conversation directly with Jack.
With a nod, Raul settles back in his chair, allowing the focus to shift solely to the two of you. The room is filled with a charged silence. As you prepare to speak, you take a moment to gather your thoughts and decide how you want to phrase everything.
"My baby... my baby has Fanconi Anemia and needs a blood donor." You explain, your voice trembling with desperation. "No one in the family has been a close match. Even among friends, no one is a match. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that almost everyone I know has been tested, but a donor hasn't been found."
You pause, the weight of the situation making your heart hurt. "Just a month ago, we were hopeful. A match was finally found through the National Marrow Donor Program. We finally felt like we could breathe, but then she was involved in a severe car accident. She was T-boned by a drunk driver, and her car fell into a ditch, causing a traumatic brain injury. Thank God she's going to be okay, but unfortunately, her condition disqualifies her from being a donor."
Tears well up in your eyes, threatening to spill over. "Now, we're back to square one, searching for a compatible donor, but it's going to take a long time again. Jack, I know you didn't love me or care about me, and I understand that you didn't want me to have the baby. But please, I'm begging you to get tested to see if you're a match. If you are, please consider donating."
A rush of emotions floods through you, a mixture of fear, vulnerability, and a glimmer of fragile hope. You gaze into Jack's eyes, desperately searching for a spark of compassion, a willingness to help. "I understand you still resent me for everything. If you do this, I promise it will be the last time I'll contact you. I won't ask for anything more. Please, Jack." 
Jack takes a moment to absorb your words, his eyes flickering with a complex mix of emotions. "What's their name?" He asks, his voice filled with curiosity and a hint of longing.
"His name is Ángel." You reply softly, feeling a bittersweet ache in your heart.
Jack's eyes widen, and a myriad of emotions passes over his face. "Ángel." He repeats and although he can't quite replicate your pronunciation thanks to his accent, it's still beautiful to him.  "I have a son." He whispers, his voice barely audible.
A flood of thoughts and emotions washes over Jack, overwhelming him. He shuts his eyes momentarily, attempting to process everything. This newfound knowledge stirs something deep within him, a sense of responsibility and a longing to be a father. I lost a son before he was born, I missed out on Ángel’s life when I said I didn’t want him, but I won’t lose him again. 
With determination in his voice, Jack looks at you. "I'll donate. I’ll do whatever it takes to help Ángel.”
He’s going to do it, you let out a sigh of relief. The alleviation that surges through you, washes away some of the anxieties that had been weighing you down. You're grateful that Jack is willing to take this step, to offer his help for the sake of your son. However, before you can express your gratitude, Jack's questions pour out in a rush.
“But... what is Fanconi Anemia? How bad is it? Is the procedure going to hurt him? Does he need surgery? What if I’m not a matc-" his voice trails off, uncertainty and concern etched on his face.
Realizing his anxieties, you reach out and gently interrupt him, calling his attention. "Jack," you say softly, trying to soothe his worries. "Breathe."
"I'm sorry. I forgot to explain Ángel's condition. His doctor was supposed to join us, but I can explain for now."
You take a deep breath, grateful that Jack is willing to help. "Fanconi Anemia is a rare condition where the bone marrow doesn't produce enough blood cells." You explain, your voice filled with sadness. "Ángel was diagnosed fairly recently because he didn’t have any physical abnormalities. But then, he started experiencing frequent nosebleeds, which was weird to us. We took him to his Pediatrician, who ordered blood tests. The results showed abnormally low blood counts, and that's when we knew something was wrong."
A twinge of admiration and pride fills your words as you continue. "He underwent a bone marrow needle biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. It wasn't an easy procedure, even though they numbed the area. I could see the discomfort in his eyes, but he never complained. In fact, he saw that my eyes were red and swollen, and he reassured me that he didn't even feel it. I knew it was a lie, but he just wanted to protect me."
Your voice trembles with a blend of love and admiration as you speak of your son's strength. The memories of his bravery since before his official diagnosis fills your heart with both pride and a deep ache. You pause for a moment, to regain your composure.
You are about to explain more about his condition and the procedure when the door behind Jack opens. Jack's gaze is solely focused on you since he assumes his son's doctor is the one coming in. Suddenly, you have a smile on your face when you look over Jack's shoulder, and he's confused until he hears the voice of the man that has given him nightmares ever since he got served with divorce papers.
“Cariño, Danny, and Heidi are staying with Ángel now,” Javier says as he makes his way to you, his presence a comfort for you and unease for Jack. "Sorry I'm late, I wanted to stay to see if he could keep his food down." He hovers over you and kisses the top of your head.
He pulls out a chair next to you, and that's when Jack sees it – a wedding band on Javier's left ring finger.
Unconsciously, you pull your hand from underneath the table and place your left hand on Javier's for comfort.
You had your hand covered the entire time, and that's when Jack notices it- your rings. 
You’re married to him? Jack seethes in his head.
“Jack.” Javier nods but Jack can’t respond. How can he respond when another man is married to the love of his life? 
In a moment of anger and hurt, Jack blurted out, "Did you cheat on me with him? Is that why you wanted a divorce?" Jack asks, the pain and jealousy bubbling to the surface.
Just like that, some of the gratitude for Jack shatters.
The response from you was immediate, “Jesus, no, you asshole,” you spit out, offended. “How dare you ask that?”
“You didn’t love me. That’s why I divorced you." You retort, feeling the anger resurface.
At that moment everything he discussed with Dr. Reynolds, all of the progress was gone. He did just find out so much within the past few minutes, and his usual coping techniques seemed to fail him in this moment of overwhelming emotions.
“Wait, if you cheated on me with him, that means he could have been the one to knock you up. How do I know Ángel is my son?” Of course, you remarrying was killing him, but if that on top of having his son snatched when he just got him back, it would end him.
“I never cheated on you, Jack.” You spit out, offended. “You were the one that was involved in another relationship, even if it was emotional. Not me. Don’t make me the villain.”
"You’re Ángel’s biological father, Jack." You emphasized, hoping to dispel any doubts he had. But he seemed stuck in his head.
Biological, the word echoed in his ears. It was a harsh reminder that he was just the man who contributed to Ángel's DNA. He hasn't been his dad, and if he keeps this up, he will never know his son like he wants to.
"You want a paternity test? Done," you offered, wanting to rid his doubts. "But if you don’t want to take my word for it, Fanconi Anemia is an inherited disease. Ángel has the FANCR gene, which is autosomal dominant. I got screened for it, and I’m not a carrier. Autosomal dominant means that a gene from one parent can cause the genetic condition. If I didn’t pass the gene, that means you’re the carrier. That’s how Ángel got the disease."
The reality hit him like a ton of bricks. I did this to my son. He’s sick because of me.
The room falls silent, the weight of the revelation hanging in the air. The pain and guilt wash over him, and Jack is overwhelmed by his emotions.
"Querida, calm down. This isn’t good for you. Te va ser daño. (It’s going to harm you.) This isn’t good for the baby," Javier tries to soothe you, his voice gentle and caring. Javier's dark eyes bore into Jack with rage. Jack can feel the anger emanating from your husband. Javi leans forward, his body language asserting his presence. His jaw clenches, the muscles in his neck visibly tense, and his hands grip the edge of the table as he struggles to keep his emotions in check.
The baby? Jack thinks.
The hospital is always cold, which is why you always have a sweater with you, but right now, you feel like you're burning up. You lean back from the table and unzip your hoodie, instantly feeling cooler with your sweater out of the way.
Jack's eyes are drawn to your swollen and round stomach, and he's speechless.
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Extended note: Just as I thought, Jack is more popular than Dave, so in the meantime, I'll be working on the graphics for this series instead of Eres Mía. Dave is one of my top 3 favorite Pedro characters, and I think he's highly underrated, but I get the love for the cowboy! 
I'm slowly adding titles of fics that I plan on sharing, so if you see something without a link on my masterlist, I'll get to it (eventually). After this series is completed, I think I'll post another Whiskey one-shot (he's been to therapy in this one :), but I'm not too sure yet.
If you've read this far, thank you, and have a great day 🤎
Please feel free to comment and reblog! I truly do love reading them!
Tag list: @kchavez666 @ttupelohoneyy
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hermitcraft-shifter · 2 months
I know I just posted a story idea with this concept, but Joe being the 'canary' of Hermitcraft— pretend or not —gives me brainrot. Like, I was looking up types of canaries to see if there's a blue variant, and I realize that a 'miner's canary' isn't just a canary a miner brings to their death. A canary is trapped in the mine. I know that Xisuma can also fit the definition in that case since he's been 'trapped' on Hermitcraft since the beginning as well and would definitely be considered the first warning of danger/death if something happened to him, being the admin and all, but maybe that's the point.
Joe isn't unique.
The canary curse isn't really a real curse, but the thin line between being taken for granted because you've always been there and everyone being lost without you because you've always been there helping. It's not a curse, but a classification. It's not a curse, but a handmade prison. You're too important to lose, but you're too ingrained to be notable. You've never left. You don't think you can leave. Everyone's always left you.
A canary trapped in a bird cage in a coal mine.
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chillychive · 1 year
Having so much brain rot abt teacher Mumscarian so I’m gonna throw it at you lovely citizens of the inter webs:
- Grian is the part time art teacher who subs a lot at the school.
- Mumbo is the tech teacher who everyone is a little afraid of before they get to know him and realize he’s just a tall, intimidating goofball.
- Scar is an architect who is known for 2 things: Amazing architecture and his cat who he manages to mention in every single conversation regardless of topic. You could be talking to him about geothermal heating and he’d find a way to work in Jellie in something that made complete sense in the moment but was utterly bewildering upon reflection.
I accidentally wrote a fic, so here you go!:
Grian sighed, heading to the main office to check his mailbox after a long day. He passed his sister, Pearl’s desk, on the way and paused.
It was utterly wrecked, piles and piles of papers decorating it. She was so stressed out at dinner last night…
He sat down. She could owe him for this one. He sorted through the papers, finishing the easy ones and making neat piles of the rest.
It was nearly 9 now, he was going to be late for dinner, but he knew Mumbo was finishing up some work- a student had wrecked their project in the rain by accident so he was painstakingly assembling a replica for them so they didn’t fail the class- so he wouldn’t be home for a while, either.
Mumbo’s love for his students was a big part of what Grian loved about him- it was hardly the first time Mumbo had gone far, far out of his way to help one of them- once he actually drove all the way to a student’s house to talk them through a project that would make or break their grade after they called him crying.
Partially to distract himself and partially to annoy Mumbo, Grian pressed the button on the intercom. Everyone would be out of the building by now, so he wasn’t worried about annoying anyone.
“Main office to Mumbo Jumbo, how are you, dearest?”
It only took a couple seconds for Mumbo’s reply. “Grian?! How-“ Grian could hear Mumbo’s smile in his voice, “You almost made me drop the whole project! I’d have to start from scratch!”
Grian laughed. “Sorry…”
“No you’re not.”
“Nope!” Grian grinned into the mic, squinting at the page in front of him. “Did you go to the assembly today?”
“Yep… had to go to the first one and the third.”
“The presenter was so hot.”
Mumbo laughed. “Seriously, the man was way too attractive for his own good.”
“And his cat was the cutest.”
“No, the cutest was how much he loved her.”
Grian grinned. “Okay, you’ve got me there. And his eyes, too.”
“What about them? I wasn’t close enough to see.”
“They were like this really vibrant shade of green- I’ve literally never seen someone with that color eyes before- and it perfectly complemented his suit too- I wondered about the maroon until I saw his eyes…”
Grian slowed his ramble, and Mumbo clearly noticed but didn’t say anything.
“Anyway, yeah, he was so hot.”
Mumbo laughed. “I’m nearly done here, but I have a lot of clean up to do, so I’m gonna go for a bit.”
“Okay! I’m just tidying in the office, so I’ll be here when you’re done.”
“Love you, Gri.” Mumbo said over the intercom, and Grian grinned, turning it off with a quick “Love you too.”
Grian had finished cleaning Pearl’s desk and had moved on to his own papers when he was interrupted by the door opening.
“Ready to head home, babe?” He asked, not looking up.
Someone cleared their throat. “Sorry, just wanted to let you know I’m leaving…”
Well that definitely wasn’t Mumbo. Grian looked up.
“Oh.” His face was definitely burning. “I- sorry, can I help you?”
The man in front of him- a taller guy in a wheelchair, wearing a maroon suit with a cat snuggled into his lap. Grian drew his eyes up to his face, which was currently doing it’s best to color match the suit, to meet those startling green eyes.
“I’m Scar.” The man offered, rolling toward the desk. “Do I need to sign anything or can I just go?”
Scar’s voice was smooth, but his red face betrayed how flustered he was.
“Nope!” Grian squeaked.
“Hear that, Jellie? Time to go.”
Grian watched Scar’s rapidly retreating chair, cursing his bravery for what he was about to do. “Wait! There is something I need you to sign.”
Scar’s head turned quickly. In moments, he was in front of the desk again. Grian shoved the paper he had just written at him.
Scar read it, eyebrows raised. “This is a… non-disclosure agreement?”
“So you don’t tell everyone about what you overheard.” Grian explained, blushing.
Scar’s face stretched into a classic salesman smile. “Oh, but what if I want to tell someone?” He rolled closer. “I can think of a few things I’d like to say.”
Grian, stupidly, raised his chin at this. “Oh yeah?”
“How about, ‘Are you single?’” Scar asked, equally confident.
Grian frowned, pretending to ponder the question. He leaned forward, face inches from Scar’s. “I suppose that wouldn’t be a breach of contract…”
“Perfect.” Scar breathed. Grian started to lean in. Scar sat back in his chair, teasingly. “And what about the other fine fellow on the line? Would it be imprudent to ask about him as well?”
“Oh, not at all!” Grian grinned, sitting back in his seat. “In fact, I could call him right now, see if he has any objections to our little contract.”
“I think that would be quite appropriate.”
Grian turned on the intercom. “Mumbo Jumbo to the main office?” He turned it off again, leaving no room for Mumbo to protest.
“And now, would it be a breach of contract to suggest, say, dinner?” Scar asked, eyes gleaming.
“Actually, Mumbo and I are going for dinner soon… any objections to Thai?”
“That sounds amay-zing!”
It was that moment that Mumbo walked into the main office, tugging a backpack on wheels behind him. Mumbo stopped in the doorway seeing Scar. Behind Scar’s back, he mouthed to Grian “He’s been here the whole time?!”
“Ready to go?” Grian replied, standing and gathering his things. “We have a date.”
“Sorry, what?”
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mcyt-parodies · 18 days
prophecy from taylor is so smallidarity lim life coded...love ur parodies btw
Isn’t it! As soon as I heard the song I put it on my Smallidarity playlist which will soon be on my other mcyt side blog for playlists (self promo)! This basically wrote itself but here we are! I absolutely adore the way it came out. I’m also so glad you’ve liked my other stuff! It’s a rediscovered hobby of mine so if I can make people other than myself happy with these, then that’s all the better! (Smallidarity is everything to me btw, my number two favourite ship)
The Prophecy (Canary Curse): A Smallidarity Take, sung by Joel
One, two, one, two, three, twenty four
Hand on the throttle
Thought I caught lightning in a bottle
Oh, but it's gone again
And it was written
He was cursed like Eve got bitten
Oh, was it punishment?
Pad around when I get home
I guess a lesser man would've lost hope
A greater man wouldn't beg
But I looked to the sky and said
I've been on my knees
Change the prophecy
Don't want anything
Just someone who wants my company
Let it once be me
Who do I have to speak to
About if they can redo the canary curse?"
Cards on the table
Mine play out like fools in a fable
Oh, it was sinking in (Sinking in, oh)
Slow is the quicksand
Poison blood from the wound of the canary
Oh, still I dream of him
I've been on my knees
Change the prophecy
Don't want anything
Just someone who wants my company
Let it once be me
Who do I have to speak to
About if they can redo the canary curse?
And I sound like an infant
Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen
A greater man stays cool
But I howl like a wolf at the moon
And I look unstable
Gathered with my boy on a bridge unstable
A greater man has faith
But even statues crumble if they're made to wait
I'm so afraid, he sealed his fate
No sign of soulmates
I'm just a paperweight in shades of greige
Spending my last coin so I can tell him it'll be okay
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
I've been on my knees
Change the prophecy
Don't want anything
Just someone who wants my company
Let it once be me
Who do I have to speak to
About if they can redo the canary curse?
Who do I have to speak to
To change the canary curse?
Hand on the throttle
Thought I caught lightning in a bottle
Oh, but it's gone again
Pad around when I get home
I guess a lesser man would've lost hope
A greater man wouldn't beg
But I looked to the sky and said ("Please")
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kkzkzk-zze · 1 month
you should do gribeans!! (grian x joel)
there you go this is my first time writing this ship
Grian couldn't contain his excitement as he welcomed Joel to the Hermitcraft server for season 10. Grian happily starts showing Joel around and showing the hermitcraft grass Which is definitely greener than normal Minecraft grass. But now, with Joel officially joining Hermitcraft, Grian felt like his heart was soaring.
As the two of them began to collaborate on projects and explore the vast world of Hermitcraft together, Grian found himself drawn to Joel in ways he hadn't expected. Their laughter filled the air as they worked side by side, their chemistry undeniable.
One day, as the sun set over the horizon, Grian took Joel by the hand and led him to a secluded spot in the woods. There, surrounded by the beauty of nature, Grian poured his heart out to Joel, confessing his feelings in a rush of emotion.
To his relief, Joel's eyes sparkled with joy and he took Grian's face in his hands, leaning in for a kiss that sent sparks flying between them. In that moment, surrounded by the sounds of nature and the warmth of each other's embrace, Grian knew that his heart had found its home in Joel's.
i tried my best
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libraryboy · 4 months
i am SO CLOSE ,, so close to writing mumscarian ,,, the urges ,,, THE URGES !!!!
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smuggonifico-lmao · 6 months
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“Well Jelly, I think this will be our last joyride, won't it?”
He threw his head back, barking out a half-sincere laugh at their current predicament. The wide ocean stretched beneath the metal of his ship, waves glittering in the evening sun. At least he will get to see the sunrise for one last time if his calculations were right.
Hands left the steering wheel and grasped an old worn photograph that was framed in a wooden construct. It had seen better days and so did Scar as he looked at it, a finger softly gliding over a crack in the glass.
“We used to sit here together, all of us, didn't we?”
Drawing Jelly was wo hard actually, she’s a beautiful colorful little kitty but goddammit
Anyway, read my sad fic pls thank youuu
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cuomorivers · 1 year
rayrard and peterick are the same to me. they are best friends they are soulmates in every way they are musically entwined. whatever
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bluuedraws · 25 days
Fight or Flight
Chapter two
Xelqua blinks open bleary eyes to the muted light of dawn. Shades of pink and orange faintly light up the dim cave around him, cool stone pressing against his bloody cheek. With a groan he slowly sits up, feathers rustling and shifting behind him and glowing in the morning light. His body aches all over, his cuts smarting, but he can’t bring himself to care.
He’s actually here. Actually in a world, a player’s world, and he’s not Watching. He’s sitting in the cave, and he’s actually touching the stone. Xelqua traces a finger against the rocky surface, numb shock spreading through his chest. He relishes the feeling of smooth stone against his shaking fingertips. Rocks roll over beneath his touch, bits of dirt and gravel caught up in the sweeping movement of his hand. His gaze flicks upwards and the cracked walls are filled with moss and greenery, flowering plants and vines snaking their way up the sides of the cave.
It’s beautiful.
For the first time, the full weight of his situation crashes over him. The realization sends him reeling. A strangled sob escapes his throat and he clutches his mouth with a shaking hand, bent over and trembling. He feels strangely light, and a mixture of strange emotions clashing together inside of him. Another sob escapes, and he squeezes his eyes shut as the tears begin to fall. He stays there for a long time, hunched over and sobbing against the wave of emotions, body shaking with the force of his tears.
When his breaths finally slow and his eyes blink open once again, the muted hues of dawn have been replaced by the bright light of day. Xelqua takes a shuddering breath and slowly straightens, quivering wings tentatively stretching out behind him. He needs to do something, to move, he can’t just sit here forever. He can’t allow himself to be overwhelmed like that again. Shame bubbles in his chest at the weakness he’d just displayed. He’s lucky his stupidity didn’t cost him his newfound freedom. Anyone could have stumbled in on him, could’ve taken him out easily. 
He won’t make that mistake again.
Okay. Oh man, okay. J-just… just calm down. Let’s think about this logically.
He takes another shuddering breath, forcing himself to calm down. He needs to focus. His fingers tap against the ground in a strange rhythm he doesn’t quite recognize, a nervous, repetative movement. His teeth gnaw at the inside of his cheek, eyes flicking back and forth nervously as he scans the area around him for any signs of life.
Just start with what you know.
He’s in a beautiful, strange world, no doubt being hunted by Them, and he’s seriously injured. There is every possibility the players on this server know of his arrival, and are hostile. Xelqua doesn’t know if their Admin recognized Watcher magic during his forceful entry to the server, but they must suspect he’s not a normal player. No normal player could claw their way in the way he had.
More than likely, everyone is his enemy. More than likely, everyone wants him dead.
All in all, not a good start to his new life.
Xelqua flinches as the pain in his chest flares up again. He looks down at his torn robes, stained with blood and hanging in shreds of dangling fabric. Right. There’s another problem for him to deal with. Usually, he’d just wave his hand and heal himself no problem, but he can feel how low his magic has gotten. He’d used the last dregs of it in his escape, and what remains he should save for emergencies.
Looks like I’m healing the old fashioned way.
There's moss in the cave, the soft and absorbent kind that springs back into shape after you touch it. Xelqua peers closely at its code before deeming it clean enough to be used. A few moments later, he’s fastened a makeshift bandage across his chest, vines holding the moss in place over the angry red slashes. Feeling slightly better, he raises himself up slowly, leaning against the wall for support. He’s shaky from blood loss and there's a pounding ache in his head, but he feels well enough to start gathering resources. Staying in this cave forever wasn’t an option, as much as he wants to lay down and never get up. If he wants to survive, he needs proper shelter and food. A couple careful steps later and he’s standing outside in the sun, blinking in the bright light. Raising a hand to shield his eyes, he spots a patch of berries growing amidst the greenery. The sight of them brings a small smile to his lips, and he stumbles over, bending to pick the delicate berries and carefully placing them in the folds of his cloak. He places one on his tongue, relishing the flavor as the sweet juices fill his mouth. It’d been so long since he’d tasted something, anything, as flavorful as this. Holding the precious berries close and taking care that none fell out of his makeshift pouch, Xelqua shakily makes his way back to the cave and deposits them in a corner. Just that little bit of exertion has him quivering, and he sinks to the ground once more.
This is gonna take forever…
“Scar, what are you doing?”
Scar jerks up from his kneeling position in surprise, bonking his head on the table above him. Wincing, he slides out from under it to find a very confused Mumbo standing in the doorway. His friend is dressed in his usual suit and tie, looking as dapper as ever. His usually perfect hair is a little messier than usual, a testament to how anxious he’s been since Xisuma’s announcement. Scar himself had been feeling a little nervous, but more than that he was curious. It wasn’t everyday some mystery player broke into your server.
“Oh, why hello there Mumbo! I didn’t see you come in!”
Mumbo just stands there, brow furrowed in bewilderment as he stares at the man still sitting on the floor. 
“…Evidently not. Why are you down there?” 
Scar casually picks himself up and leans against the wall, blowing a strand of hair out of his face and smiling widely at his friend.
“I was petting Jellie, of course! She didn’t want to come out from under the table, so I had to go to her.”
The cat in question pads out into the open, shooting a death glare at Mumbo before hopping onto the couch and beginning to groom herself. Scar smiles and gives her a quick scratch behind the ears before turning back to his friend (who was looking at him quite strangely). 
“Anyways, welcome to my humble abode! How can I help you?”
“You’re joking right?”
Scar blinks. “Uh…”
“Scar, it’s our turn to patrol. Did you not check your console? Xisuma told us, like, an hour ago!” 
“O-oh, uhm…” He stutters, scratching at the back of his head. “…yes?”
The truth was, he’d been lying in bed for the past hour, gritting his teeth and trying to ignore the aching pain in his legs. They’d been giving him trouble all day, and the painkillers he usually takes just hadn’t been cutting it. He’d had to resort to using a little magic to ease the pain. Even now they ache a bit, feeling weak against the magic-infused braces wrapped around his knees.
Mumbo sighs in exasperation, fingers pinching his very furrowed brow. “Well, we need to get going. Keralis and Ren just finished up, so we’d better get there quickly.”
“Fine, fine! Just let me grab my stuff. I’ll be quick, I promise!”
Quickly grabbing a backpack and filling it with various supplies they’re probably need, Scar slings it over his shoulder and follows his friend ourside
A few minutes later, the two are flying over Hermitcraft, elytra strapped securely to their backs. They touch down in a meadow, just on the outskirts of the main part of the server. All seems fairly quiet, apart from a few strands of birdsong here and there and the buzzing of insects all around. All in all, it’s a lovely summer day. Scar turns his face to the sun for a moment, relishing in its warm caress before re-focusing turning towards Mumbo.
“Sooo… what do we do now? Just walk around and look for some weird player none of us recognize?” Scar asks, looking around the empty clearing. 
 Mumbo shrugs, fiddling with his hands as he glances around nervously. He looks pretty out of his depth, unsure of how to go about the patrol. Scar feels a stab of pity for the man. Mumbo rarely fared well with unpleasant surprises, and it was impressive he was managing so well. Still, it was probably best not to push him in this state.
“I mean… I guess? X told us to just keep an eye out, and to not engage with it if we do see anything.” He hesitates again, obviously unsure. 
Looks like it’s up to me to take charge! 
“Alright, sounds good! You go left, I’ll go right. See you in a bit!” 
“W-what? Scar, wait!”
Scar’s already halfway across the meadow when Mumbo catches up to him, grabbing his arm and bringing the man to a jerking halt.
“Scar, the last thing we should do is split up! What if this thing’s hostile?!”
“….You know, that’s a good point.” Scar chuckles and turns back to Mumbo, swinging his arm around his shoulders and leading him into the forest. “Guess it’s probably best for us to stick together, huh?” The redstoner gives a large sigh of relief, and allows himself to be pulled along. “I swear, sometimes I think I’m the only sensible one.” He mutters under his breath. Scar just chuckles.
A couple hours of trudging through brushy foliage and ducking under low hanging branches later, they’ve travelled nearly halfway around the server. Both are panting hard, and Scar can feel his knees slowly beginning to give out. With a groan he flops to the ground, hanging his head back and taking a moment to breathe. Mumbo sits down beside him. “You seem a little tired.” 
Scar huffs. “I don’t know what you mean, my dear Mumbo. I think you’ll find I’m doing perfectly ah-may-zin!” 
The other playfully nudges his shoulder, chuckling at his performance. “Well you could’ve fooled me, what with all that gasping and panting I heard.”
“Wha-! I would never do such a thing!” He gasps in mock indignation, hand over his chest and eyes wide. Both are giggling like little kids, trying (and failing) to stifle the noise with their hands.
“Sure, sure. Here, take some water Mr. Athleticism. Maybe it’ll help with your lying skills.” 
Scar takes the bottle from Mumbo’s outstretched hand, shoulders shaking with laughter. He tips his head back and lets the cool liquid soothe his dry throat, cold and sweet and absolutely delicious. With a sigh he holds the bottle back out to Mumbo, mouth open to give his thanks when he spots the flash of movement behind him. Scar freezes, eyes trained on the thick leaves of the forest. Was that just the shadows of the leaves against the ground, or was someone there? A shiver runs up his spine as he senses… senses something odd, something out of place.
“You gonna give me that back anytime soon, mate?” Mumbo chuckles. 
Scar just stares.
“...Uh, Scar?”
“There, in the trees. Look.” Scar breathes, completely still.
Something is definitely there, he can tell. A figure is moving, gently rustling the leaves and hopping from branch to branch with a cat-like grace. He and Mumbo sit there as if frozen, breathless and staring. The foliage is too thick to make out much, the leaves shrouded in shadows. Scar squints, straining to make out something, anything notable. He lets out a small exhale before starting to slowly draw on his magic and weave it into his vision. A cold, tingling sensation grows in chest, spreading and growing through his body. His vision sharpens, and suddenly everything is clear, spread out before his eyes. And then shock spikes through Scar’s body. He can’t breathe, his chest is tight and he can’t stop staring at… at whatever it is.
Looking through the lenses of his magic allowed him to see the world as it truly was, to see the magic flowing though everyone and everything, pulsing like a beating heart. And from the forest comes the brightest surge of pure magic Scar has ever seen. The light is blinding, forcing his eyes closed and his head to turn away, to hide from the pure power radiating out towards him,
“Mumbo!” Scar manages to gasp, reaching out and clinging desperately to his friend, his whole body shaking.
“What? Scar, what’s wrong!? What did you see?” Mumbo’s panicked voice seems distant to Scar, but he manages to crack one eye open against the surge of power. He blinks once, then again. The magic is gone, the figure vanished along with it. The whole thing must have lasted only a second.  He stares into the forest with unfocused eyes, until Mumbo’s voice draws him back to the present. 
“Scar! Scar, can you hear me? What’s going on?!”
“S-sorry, sorry! I’m good now.” His voice is a little hoarse, and he clears his throat before raising his head to give a weak smile to his friend. Mumbo seemed to visibly relax, breathing a shaky sigh of relief before fixing him with an angry glare. “Well then, what on earth was that you absolute spoon?! Just felt like freaking me out for no reason?”
“Sorry…” he muttered again. “But I… I saw something in there, something really really powerful…”
He slowly picks him self up until he’s standing on two shaking legs, leaning against Mumbo for support. He looks back at the tree line. Everything is quiet, still. No magical presence anymore. 
“I think we found it, Mumbo.”
Xelqua was in trouble.
He was in really, really deep trouble, actually. His heart is pounding against his chest almost painfully as he frantically flaps his wings, ignoring the aches and pains that spike through his body with every movement. He’s soaring high above the clouds, well out of sight from anyone below. God knows where he found the strength to fly, but he suspects pure panic had quite a lot to do with it.
Oh, I’m so stupid! Stupid stupid STUPID!
He wants to yell, to scream, to cry, to hide away in his cave forever and to never do or feel anything ever again.
How had he been so careless? 
The excitement of the new world had gotten to him, despite his anxieties and many, many problems. He’d wanted to explore so badly that even his weak body wasn’t enough to deter him. He’d promised himself he’d be careful. No one would see him. Besides, it seemed necessary to explore his new home a bit. He’d need to know the basic lay of the land, so he could survive until his magic returned and he could escape into a single player world.
He’d thought he’d been doing well, up until the tingle of foreign magic began to creep up his spine. He’d turned to find two players watching him, fear in their eyes. Xelqua had panicked, had drawn the last dregs of his magic into his hands and wings in preparation to fight, kill if necessary, he just could be caught, wouldn’t go back, he couldn’t-
But then one of them had fallen back, collapsing into the other with a gasp. He’d taken the opportunity to run, launching himself into the air when he was sure he was far enough away not to be seen again.
And now he was here, high in the sky, probably with a manhunt out for him at this very moment. Oh, he was screwed. He was absolutely screwed.
He dives down into the forest, shooting past the hanging vines and flower and into his cave, landing with a thump! on the floor and shaking from head to toe.
What do I do what do I do what do I DO-
He jerks back and forth, unsure of where to go and battling with the two warring ideas in his head. The first is obvious: Attempt to run again, use the very last of his magic to force his way out before the players caught him. A full watcher wouldn’t be scared of mortals, could destroy entire world with a wave of their hand. But Xelqua isn’t a normal watcher, and with how weak he’s grown he doubts his abilities to take on a whole server. Which is why he needs to leave, to slip into the void and-
And then what? He’d be immediately on Their radar again. The void was the Watcher’s domain, they knew everything going on in there. Xelqua doubts he’d have time to even attempt to jump to another world before they caught him, and that’s just assuming he had enough magic to do it. That wasn’t going to work.
Option two wasn’t looking much better, though.
Do I stay and risk being captured by a server of players who despise what I am and would love to be rid of me, or do I leave and practically guarantee going back to Them?
He hates both options, but he can’t deny that one is sounding much better than the other.
Even with a posse of players constantly snapping at his heels, even being forced to run and hide for centuries, even with the aching wounds covering his body that weaken him even more, he knows he’d rather endure this than go back.
He won’t going back.
He refuses to keep hurting others for his own selfish needs.
Then I guess I’m staying.
After the panic begins to die down, Xelqua spends the next day hiding his little cave, working his fingers to the bone as he weaves vines and flowers to cover the rocky entrance. With any luck, this would be enough to keep him hidden until he had the strength to find a proper hiding spot. For now, he’s content with spending the days in his cave, munching on sweet berries and staring at the walls. After years of never ending white marble structures and pathways, he still finds everything fascinating. The colors and textures are all so vibrant that he spends hours just memorizing every part. Some moss is piled in the corner, a decent bed for him to sleep on. It’s soft, softer than anything Xelqua has felt in a while. It feels like a luxury.
Everything is… honestly, not too bad. Things could be a lot worse. So much worse.
The was one problem, though.
His wings were bit of a mess. They itched horribly and kept twitching, and he was in a constant state of discomfort.
He did his best to ignore it, not wanting to do anything other than sit and stare at the mossy wall.
The constant itching is starting to drive Xelqua a little mad, though . It’s always there, ever present in the back of his mind, constantly reminding him of his feathery limbs slowly falling into disarray.
Itchy itchy itchy ITCHY ITCHY ITCHY-
Xelqua flings himself backwards onto his makeshift bed in his frustration, wings flaring out behind him and twitching in discomfort. They need preening desperately, but Xelqua just hasn’t had the energy to sit down and do it yet. Well, excuse him for being a little preoccupied lately. Self care was hard to remember when hiding from a whole server full of players.
Ugh… It’s gotta be done though. Stupid wings and their stupid preening…
He sighs and reluctantly sits up. Better to get it over with now, during this rare moment of peace. He curls his right wing around his body, brushing his hand against the soft feathers. Carefully, he begins the long, arduous process, delicately straightening every feather and picking off the bits of dirt and grime that have collected in his week in the overworld. It feels good, a comforting chore that Xelqua is glad he finally started despite his complaints. He hasn’t looked at his wings in a while. There were no mirrors here, at least none that he had access to. He’s surprised about how… normal they look. They’re still the dark purple that all Watcher wings are, tipped with lighter purple that glows in the dim cave. But no longer do they have the strange sheen coating them, as if they’d been dipped in liquid magic. No longer were the feathers heavy with power, weighing him down with every step. Now, they’re soft and dull, filled with dirt and twigs and looking very messy. No longer the perfection they were meant to be. Xelqua’s not sure how he feels about that. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts (he realizes he does that a lot), he huffs, annoyed at the mess he has to clean up. It’s like there are clumps of dirt under every feather, bits of grime nestled into every crevice. Xelqua can’t remember the last time his wings had been so dirty. During his time with Them, everything has been so pristine and perfect he’d rarely ever needed to preen. And on the rare occasions he’d had to, it’d been a simple matter of straightening out a few feathers. Over and done with in a matter of minutes. 
The last time his wings had been in such a state was…
It’d been a long time ago. 
Xelqua’s throat tightens as he remembers the delicate fingers that had once caressed his wings, practiced strokes that had rendered him helpless against their touch.
That had been during Evo…
His breath hitches in his throat, fingers tight against his curled wing. He feels the tears begin to form, and he blinks quickly to rid his eyes of them. He doesn’t have the right to cry over them, to take even a second to mourn. Not when their deaths were his fault.
No, he deserves far worse than what he has now.
The memories are threatening to overtake him, a wave of despair and guilt he isn’t sure he can overcome. His teeth clench, grinding against each other as he focuses on one spot on the floor, taking note of every particle of rock and dirt that speckled the floor. His heart is racing and hurts more than he ever thought possible, and he doesn’t know how long he can stave off the tears. With a strangled sob, he shoves the emotions deep, deep inside of himself, crumpling them into a tiny little ball that rests in the pit of his stomach. He stills, hurting, but the pain is more concentrated now, a focused pressure instead of the whole body ache he’d been feeling mere seconds before.
 He takes one long, shuddering breath, then another. He feels his wings shaking above his head as he blearily opens his eyes, peeking out from beneath the canopy of feathers. 
I’m so stupid.
Xelqua raises a shaking hand and presses it against his face, shutting his eyes.
So fucking stupid.
He keeps letting his emotions get the better of him. Keeps breaking down at the most random times. It’s so stupid, he’s so freaking weak. His laughter fills the cave, a jittery, echoing noise that he couldn’t stop if he tried. His hand drags down his cheek as the laughter shakes his body, leaving red scratch marks in its wake. 
Oh, for fucks sake…
His wings are still dirty, still itching, still a constant reminder of Them, permanently attached to his back. 
He knows they’ll fall into disarray if he doesn’t care for them. He knows he needs to, for his own safety.
He knows.
He leaves them be.
Hope you all enjoyed! <3
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numinousmysteries · 2 months
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Ok who allowed this book to be published? I am one chapter in and it is insane. To be clear, I am not complaining.
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loslentesdepedrito · 11 months
I'm Your Wife- Chapter One
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Top right gif by: @uuuhshiny , bottom left gif by: @userdjarin
Pairing: Jack Daniels ‘Agent Whiskey’x Spanish-speaking f!reader and Javier Peña x Spanish-speaking f!reader (Spanish translations are provided.)
Word count: 4.7k+
Next Chapter: I'm Your Wife- Chapter Two
Chapter summary: You're filled with excitement as you share news with your husband, Jack. However, his reaction isn't what you were expecting. His hurtful and hateful words leave you reeling, causing you to reconsider your marriage. Luckily, friends and family are there to help you through.
Rating: 18+ no explicit content but I'd rather not have minors read these types of subjects. Warning contains spoilers, but please read if you'd like!!! They are below the cut.
Warnings: ANGST, topics of death and mourning, language used by the characters is harsh and contains strong emotions, pregnancy, divorce, toxic marriage. (I hope I didn’t forget anything, it’s been years since I wrote this.)
A/N: Yes, I'm aware that this piece bears similarities to my first work (Jack Daniels and Frankie Morales) that I shared here. However, I only realized this after creating the graphic at the top. Oops! If you've grown tired of the Whiskey storyline, I have another piece with Dave York available!
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"Jack?" You call out, anticipation and happiness filling your voice. Jack brings his head up and looks at you, his eyes reflecting the joy that radiates from you.
"Yes, sugar?" he responds, mirroring your smile with his own.
You can't help but let your smile grow wider. "I'm pregnant!"
But the moment the words escape your lips, Jack's smile vanishes before your eyes. Confusion swirls within you, and you can't understand his reaction. "No, you ain’t," he denies firmly.
You refuse to let his denial dampen your excitement. With a quieter voice, you insist, "Yes, I am."
Again, he denies your claim. "No. You ain’t pregnant." His Southern drawl carries a mix of shock and denial.
He’s got to be in shock, right? you wonder silently, trying to make sense of his reaction. He must be, you reason, which is why you decide to make it more tangible for him.
"I am. Look!" You declare proudly, pulling out the glossy black and white sonogram from your pocket, and presenting it to him.
But to Jack, it all feels wrong. He glances at the sonogram, your name on the top left corner, and the blurry white image representing the tiny life growing inside you. Overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, Jack shuts his eyes tightly, wishing desperately that this is all just a nightmare. Meanwhile, you remain over the moon, your gaze fixated on the sonogram, admiring the newly forming person you already love the most. I already love you more than words can describe. You’ll be loved so much, I promise. 
In an instant, a sharp sting shoots through your right fingertips, eliciting a hiss of pain from your lips. Startled, you look down and see the crumpled sonogram on the floor. It becomes clear to you that Jack's intention was simply to drop the picture, but the force behind his action accidentally inflicted pain on your fingers. As you wince from the ache, Jack's realization dawns upon him, triggered by the audible hiss of pain that escaped you. However, the physical pain in your hand pales in comparison to the overwhelming confusion and hurt that now blossoms within you.
The sharp sting brings you back to reality, and you struggle to comprehend why you felt the need to step away from your own husband. Your heartbeat quickens, mirroring the pace of your racing thoughts, as you bend down to pick up the now-bent sonogram.
Jack has never laid a hand on you before, not even in the slightest way. You take a cautious step back, ensuring a safe distance between you. Your voice quivers with a mix of concern and hurt as you ask, "What's wrong with you?"
He shakes his head frantically, before he finally speaks, "This ain’t supposed to happen."
Confusion deepens within you, and you struggle to understand his meaning. "What... what do you mean, love?"
"This ain’t supposed to happen," Jack repeats, his voice filled with desperation.
You remain silent, your heart pounding in your chest, waiting for him to offer an explanation. But his next words cut through you like a knife. "You can't be pregnant... You just can't!"
You flinch back, wounded by his outburst. The pain in his words sears through, and tears well up in your eyes. "This ain’t supposed to happen with you," he continues, his voice filled with anguish. "I... I was supposed to have a family with my wife."
His reference to his first wife, tragically taken from him years before you entered his life, shatters your heart into a million pieces. The weight of his grief and loss settles heavily upon you, mingling with your own pain. You whisper, barely audible, "I'm your wife."
The words escape your lips, your voice barely registering as a hushed murmur. But Jack's confusion echoes in his question, "What?"
"I'M YOUR WIFE!" you shout, your voice filled with hurt and frustration. "It's me! You married me!"
"I held my tongue for so long, but I can't bear it any longer," you continue, your words pouring out in a torrent of pent-up emotions. "You make me feel like the other woman like you didn't even marry me."
"You always call her your wife when I'm right next to you. And no, this isn't being dramatic or exaggerating. Did you know you've always done it? Even my own family noticed and they keep having to pull me aside to tell me about it. It wasn't just a slip of the tongue, because you always do it. That's why no one in my family likes you!"
Tears stream down your face as you pour out your heart, laying bare the insecurities and pain that have haunted you for the entirety of your marriage. "I never told you because I didn't want to seem selfish or disrespectful, but you're the one who only thinks of himself and has no respect for me.”
“¡Dios mio!" You exclaim in exasperation. "I told myself I was going crazy for feeling this way. You said it when we were dating, then when we got engaged, and foolishly, I thought you would stop once we became husband and wife. But no."
"When we were dating and talked about our future, I made it clear that I wanted to get married and eventually have children. You knew this! If you didn't want the same things, we should have parted ways, but you said you wanted it too." You say, your voice choking with emotion.
Your voice cracks with frustration and heartache as you continue, "Well, I guess you needed a big wedding to consider me your wife, huh?” You let out a bitter chuckle, the sound carrying a tinge of despair. “You couldn't even give me the wedding of my dreams. I always wanted a celebration with all of my family, and you disregarded my wishes. Fuck, I should have seen this coming! You didn't want a big wedding to overshadow your perfect one, right?" Your words are filled with bitter resentment as you yell out your frustrations.
"YES!" Jack explodes, his own emotions coming to the surface. "I didn't want to replace her memory with you! My first weddin’ was perfect, and nothin’ could have beat it. So, why should I have tried to replicate it with you? I still love her and my boy so much... I tried with you, but it just ain't right! You need to get rid of it. Y'can't keep goin' through with it. She's the love of my life, and you..."
His words slice through your heart, leaving you in pieces. You collapse into sobs, your entire being overwhelmed by the weight of his contempt of you and the anguish of his lingering love for his late wife. "Your first wedding or your first wife?" You choke out through your tears. 
"Marrying you was the worst decision I ever made." Jack's words hit you like a punch to the gut, intensifying your heartbreak.
Why the hell did he marry me then? Echoes in your head, tormenting you with unanswered questions and self-doubt.
"Then why am I still in your life?" you manage to say, your voice barely audible as you struggle to understand why he hasn't let you go if you're such a disappointment to him.
"Because you're needy and fuckin’ clingy, and you won't let g-" Jack's words are abruptly cut off by your interruption.
"Don't," You interject. "You don't have to finish that sentence." You say through the knot in your throat. "I know where I'm not wanted. Don't worry, I won't force you to stay in this so-called marriage, and I will not force you to be my child's father.”
Your voice trembles with a mixture of sadness and determination, as you gather the strength to continue. "I can't keep being the only one fighting for this relationship. The only one who wants to be in this marriage. I won't even suggest therapy. Remember the last time I asked you to go? You wouldn't fucking talk to me and kept going to her grave and god knows where else! For two weeks! Do you have any idea how I felt? I can't keep doing this. I won't compete with a ghost. Not anymore. I'm done.” After those two weeks, I don’t know how I believe we could have worked through his grief. I just.. I didn’t know he didn’t love me...
The words hang in the air, heavy with finality. You take a deep breath, mustering the strength to continue. "I'll contact my lawyer and initiate the divorce proceedings. The papers should arrive soon. I won't ask you for any financial support for my child. So, just do one last thing for me — I mean, you've never really done anything for me — but sign the papers as soon as you receive them, so I can stop being the wife you despise. I'll stay somewhere else tonight, and people will come tomorrow morning to move all my personal belongings. Anything we purchased together will be sold, and the payment will be spl- You know what? I don't have time for this. My lawyer will clarify everything." The words leave your lips with a mix of sadness and determination, the image of a shattered dream painted across your mind.
Through tear-filled eyes, you gather your strength and make a decision. It's time to take control of your own happiness, to reclaim your sense of self-worth. With a trembling voice, you declare, "I won't let myself be treated like this anymore. I deserve to be with someone who loves and cherishes me. I won't settle for anything less."
You feel drained, your heart shattered, but you know you need to leave. You put the sonogram in your purse and turn to head out, but not before you deliver a final blow. "When someone asks about your wife is, you can say her name. You already do."
Jack stands frozen, his mind filled with regret and the realization of the irreparable damage he has caused. Part of him wants to chase after you, to beg you to stay, but he remains rooted to the spot, consumed by guilt and sorrow. The room feels empty and suffocating, the shattered dreams and broken promises hanging heavily in the air.
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Jack's eyes snap open to a sudden commotion reverberating through the walls of his house. His Statesman training kicks in, and he springs out of bed with the speed of lightning. The adrenaline coursing through his veins fuels his urgency to investigate the source of the disturbance. Hastily, he descends the stairs, his mind racing, and his heart pounding in his chest.
As Jack reaches the ground floor, he is met with an unexpected sight. A decent group of movers, your family, and your friends filling the space. Instantly, his gaze falls upon your cousins, aunts, uncles, and fucking Javier Peña. Jack's blood boils with a deep-seated hatred for Javier.
Javier had been your best friend during your early childhood, but with a move across the country, you never saw him again. Until, five months ago, when everything changed. You and Jack were out grocery shopping when you reached for a package of chocolate abuelita. In that split second, a large hand enveloped yours, jolting your attention towards a deep voice that called out, "Cariño?" The whirlwind of emotions Jack experienced was suffocating. He watched, consumed by jealousy, as you recognized the man before you. Witnessing the radiant expression on your face, he saw you embrace Javier and ecstatically exclaim, "Javi!" The sight of your reddened cheeks when you released him, burned a searing image into Jack's memory. Despite Jack’s language barrier, he observed how animatedly you conversed with Javier. Although he couldn't understand most of the conversation, he caught the moment when Javier mentioned that he was only in town for one day and then swiftly requested to exchange contact information. Concealing himself around the corner, Jack surreptitiously observed the scene of you giving Javier one last hug, unable to tear his eyes away.
Right after you parted ways with Javier, you excitedly recounted the encounter to Jack, oblivious to the torment it caused him. You spoke about your long-lost friend Javier, sharing every detail, and Jack listened, pretending it was all fresh information. Before the day was over, you informed Jack that Javier had called to tell you he accepted a position at the local police department and asked you to meet him so you could catch up.
The memories flood back for Jack, his resentment towards Javier intensifying. He vividly remembers the christening of one of your second cousins, a significant event, and one where your family showered Javier with adoration. It was another moment that added fuel to Jack's growing disdain for him.
Now, here he stands, witnessing Javier Peña loitering around his home, overseeing the packing of your belongings into cardboard boxes. The sight ignites an inferno within Jack, further fueling his abhorrence for the man everyone loved.
In a flurry of activity, everyone rushes about, their movements brimming with urgency. Oblivious to Jack's presence, they fail to notice him standing at the bottom of the staircase. Suddenly, your friend, colleague, and lawyer, Raul, approaches Jack, breaking through the chaos. The weight of the forthcoming conversation settles heavily upon Jack as Raul addresses him, his tone grave, "Mr. Daniels, we have some matters to discuss."
Jack tenses, fully aware of the impending storm that awaits him. Every word uttered by Raul feels like a stab wound, each syllable a reminder of the impending divorce. The word echoes relentlessly in his mind, sending shockwaves through his entire being. Jack longs for a blink, a mere blink to make all of this vanish, to have you by his side once more. Deep down, though, he knows he cannot be the father your child deserves, and he fears you'll never take him back after the hurtful words he unleashed. Helplessly, he stands there, his emotions raging, as every piece of your shared life is stripped away. Clothes, jewelry, pictures, shoes, bags, kitchenware, even the goddamn fridge magnets—every item is callously placed into clear bags and then transferred into their respective brown cardboard boxes, their labels written in bold red letters.
The pain intensifies as your favorite cousin removes your wedding pictures from the wall, carelessly flipping them upside down before removing them from their expensive frame, and then unceremoniously tossing only the pictures into a box labeled 'QUE ARDA.' Jack wonders what you plan to do with those cherished memories. He makes a mental note to translate that phrase later, his mind cluttered with thoughts and emotions.
As the relentless dismantling of memories continues, Jack withdraws into the sanctuary of your shared bedroom, seeking solace amidst the chaos. The weight of despair presses upon him, urging him to preserve a fragment of what once was. With trembling hands and a heavy heart, he surreptitiously slides one cherished wedding photograph beneath the protective shelter of his underwear drawer. It rests there, hidden from prying eyes, a bittersweet reminder of a love that now hangs by a thread. The image captures the essence of your wedding day, a moment frozen in time where love and hope intertwined. It represents a fleeting glimpse of happiness that Jack yearns to hold onto, to cherish, even if only in the confines of his solitary existence. As his eyes settle upon the drawer, a surge of emotions courses through his veins, reminding him of the role he played in their unraveling.
In the depths of his soul, Jack confronts the painful truth that he bears responsibility for their crumbling relationship. Regret claws at his conscience, its grip unyielding. The yearning to hold onto the photograph, to clutch onto the semblance of what they once had, tugs at his heartstrings. It is a bittersweet reminder of the love they had, now tainted by his own shortcomings and mistakes. To Jack, the photograph is a painful reminder of what he has lost, a reminder that this photograph, like their love, now resides hidden away in the depths of darkness. I did love her, I still do… he finally admits to himself 
But even as he acknowledges his fault, the reality of their situation remains unchanged. The impending finality of divorce looms before him, a painful reminder that holding onto faded illusions will not resurrect her love. With a heavy sigh, Jack turns away, unable to escape the weight of his actions and the consequences that now unfold.
Stepping back, Jack's eyes lock onto the figure of Javier, approaching the room with purpose. Clutching a box labeled 'ROPA,' the weight of past joys and sorrows, Javier carries an unmistakable yellow envelope securely tucked beneath his arm. The sight sends a surge of conflicted emotions coursing through Jack's veins. There, within the confines of that envelope, lies the final decree that will sever the bonds his marriage once held.
Jack wrestles with conflicting desires. He longs to keep the photograph close, to savor the image that once symbolized their dreams and aspirations. Its presence would serve as a evidence of the love they once shared. Yet, the impending finality of divorce tugs at his conscience, reminding him of the futility of holding onto a fading illusion.
His moment of introspection is abruptly interrupted by Javier stepping into the room, "We just need this room, and then we're done," Javier's voice cuts through the heavy air, each word dripping with finality. He strides past Jack with deliberate intent, their shoulders colliding in a jarring collision. It’s a calculated move, a manifestation of tensions and unspoken grievances. The impact reverberates through Jack's being, jolting him with a surge of mixed emotions that threaten to overwhelm him.
Javier's voice pierces through the silence, demanding Jack's compliance. "Oh, and sign this," he commands, holding out the document that seals their separation. Jack's heart sinks further, aching with the weight of his mistakes and the harsh reality of his actions. He realizes that his choices and his inability to fight for their love have led them to this precipice of destruction.
A whirlwind of emotions swirls within Jack as he struggles to maintain composure. He longs to retort, confront Javier, to defend himself against the accusations that echo in his mind. But the fear of breaking down, of exposing his raw vulnerability to his nemesis, forces him to swallow his words and bury his pain beneath a façade of indifference.
Suppressing his emotions, Jack forces out a strained response. "I'll go get a pen," he mutters, his voice betraying the cracks in his armor. Of course, he notices a pen casually protruding from Javier's pocket, but doesn’t acknowledge it. Jack's intentions are twofold - to avoid indebtedness to Javier and to steal a fleeting moment of solitude, where he can gather his shattered pieces and shield his vulnerability from prying eyes.
"No need," Javier replies, retrieving a black fountain pen from his crimson shirt. "Here."
Jack accepts the pen wordlessly, turning away from Javier. A wave of emotions washes over him as he approaches the smooth surface of your cherished vanity. Its polished veneer reflects the dim light in the room, casting a soft glow that dances upon the surface like distant stars in the night sky.
As he places the envelope down, he can't help but notice how out of place it looks amidst the serenity of the vanity. The contrast between the cold, impersonal paper and the warmth of the polished wood is sharp. It's a physical manifestation of the turmoil raging within Jack's heart, a stark reminder of the shattered dreams and promises that now lie in ruins.
His attention is momentarily diverted, his ears pricking up at the sound of hangers clanging against each other in the closet. Javier's intrusion into this intimate space feels like an invasion, a violation of the sanctity that once existed between you and Jack. The echoes of the hangers serve as a painful reminder of how swiftly everything has unraveled, leaving him feeling helpless and adrift in a sea of emotions.
The entrance of more voices into the room disrupts Jack's already tumultuous thoughts, shattering the fragile stillness that once enveloped the space. Amidst the chaos, a distinct sound catches his attention—an unmistakable rustling of a bag. He turns, his gaze drawn to one of your uncles holding a storage bag. Its contents hold a precious piece of your shared history, the short, simple white dress you wore on your wedding day. The bag appears relatively small, but it carries an immense weight that lodges itself as a hard lump in Jack's throat.
A rush of memories floods his mind, triggered by your words uttered just the night before: "You couldn't even give me the wedding of my dreams." The sting of truth reverberates through his being, for he knows deep down that you were right. You had shared your dream for a celebration surrounded by all your loved ones, but he had selfishly protested. It was never a matter of financial constraints, as both of you were financially stable, but rather his fear of overshadowing the memory of his first marriage. The image of your tear-streaked face flashes before his eyes, when he said he “didn’t want to make a big deal about the wedding," a haunting reminder of the pain he inflicted upon you with his own demons.
His heart aches as he realizes that you had ultimately surrendered, selflessly agreeing to a courthouse wedding to avoid further conflict. There were no grand gestures, no best man to stand beside him, and only your parents as witnesses. The weight of his own choices and the consequences of his actions press heavily upon him, like a heavy stone lodged in his chest. Regret engulfs him, his remorse magnified by the sight of your dress being packed away, a symbol of the dreams he shattered and the happiness he denied you. 
Jack sees your uncle place the storage bag in the 'QUE ARDA' box he noticed earlier, and he knows he will never see that dress again. Unable to bear the weight of these memories any longer, Jack lowers his gaze, seeking solace in the downward cast of his eyes. The room buzzes with activity as more of your possessions are packed away, each item serving as a painful reminder of the life he once shared with you. The anguish wells up within him, threatening to consume his fragile composure. He longs to shield himself from the mounting pain, to retreat into a fortress of emotional detachment, even as his heart aches with the knowledge of the devastation he has caused.
Jack knows he must face the inevitable. He doesn’t want to, but he knows he doesn’t have another choice. He didn’t love you as he should have. He wasn’t a husband to you in the truest sense. Reluctantly, he opens the envelope, gingerly withdrawing the papers contained within. The bold letters of "Decree of No Fault Divorce" sting his eyes, and tears threaten to spill onto the pages. A part of him wants to let them flow freely onto the papers, to show you just how deeply this affects him too.
His gaze traces the contents of the documents, fixating on your initials, your signatures, and the relinquishment of parental rights. He shouldn't be so close to letting out a sob at the sight of everything laid out. The pain is overwhelming, almost suffocating. He had said that he didn't want to be a father to your child, screaming those hurtful words at you. This is what he wanted, isn't it?
Thoughts whirl in his mind as he contemplates sending the papers to a lawyer, as your lawyer had suggested. But he doesn't want to prolong your agony. He senses your urgency to sever ties with him. He doesn't want to contest the division of assets, knowing that what rightfully belongs to you should remain with you. He reads a statement noting that while you're not asking for child support, he understands if the court mandates it.
With a heavy heart and trembling hand, Jack signs his name on the designated line next to your signature. By the time he surrenders his parental rights and agrees to everything else, his hands have gone numb.
Lost in his thoughts and emotions, Jack is unaware of the activity in the room until he notices your lawyer approaching him. Raul's presence jolts him back to reality.
"Very well. I will expedite these papers," Raul states, extending his hand to collect the envelope.
Jack hesitates, his grip tightening on the document, reluctant to surrender it. In fact, a surge of defiance pulses through him, urging him to tear it into countless pieces, to feed it to the pigs, and restore all your belongings to their rightful places within the sanctuary of your home. But he knows he must suppress these rebellious impulses. Reluctantly, his fingers loosen, and he extends the envelope, a mixture of sorrow and resentment coursing through his veins. The burden of the decision he made hangs heavy upon him, a haunting reminder of the choices that have led to this painful moment.
Unexpectedly, Raul reaches into the depths of his dark gray suit pocket, retrieving a small black box. Jack's heart clenches in recognition, knowing all too well the contents that lie within. 
"Here is my client's wedding band and diamond ring. She wanted to return them to you." Raul informs him.
The box becomes a symbol of shattered dreams and promises, a vessel holding the remnants of the love that once bound them together. It serves as a perfect reminder of the life they had envisioned, now irrevocably altered.
The gravity of the situation bears down upon Jack's weary shoulders as he gazes at the box, his mind flooded with a whirlwind of emotions. It is a bitter pill to swallow, suddenly acknowledging the pain he has caused and the irreversible damage inflicted upon the once-vibrant tapestry of their relationship. Regret seeps into every pore, intertwining with the threads of sorrow that bind him, leaving an indelible mark upon his soul.
Jack's fingertips tingle with a mix of trepidation and resignation, for in surrendering the envelope, he recognizes the finality of their life together.
With a heavy sigh, Jack reluctantly releases his grip on the envelope, its transfer an act of surrender and acceptance. The bittersweet taste of resignation lingers on his tongue, a poignant reminder of the love that once burned brightly but now smolders in the ashes of what could have been. The echoes of his unspoken regrets reverberate through his being as the envelope changes hands, sealing their fate.
Javier's voice pierces the silence, "Ya está todo" ("It's all done"). Without a single word directed at Jack, everyone exits the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Your family and the movers pick up the boxes and load them into a truck that will carry them away, transporting them to a place where you can begin anew, free from him.
The sound of the door closing echoes through the nearly empty room, and Jack retrieves his phone, launching the translation app. He enters the phrase "QUE ARDA," and his stomach churns as he reads the translation of what you intend to do with your wedding items and the pictures you once cherished: "LET IT BURN"
Overwhelmed by emotions, Jack collapses onto the bed in the nearly bare room, tears streaming down his face. The weight of his actions and the consequences of his words crash down upon him, suffocating him in remorse and regret. He yearns for a way to turn back time, to rectify the pain he inflicted upon you throughout the years. How did she keep up with everything I put her through? He asks himself.  But he knows it's too late. All he can do now is bear the burden of his mistakes and hope that someday, somehow, you can find it in your heart to forgive him.
In the depths of his being, Jack understands that the time for desperate gestures and sentimental hopes has passed. It is a painful admission, an acceptance that their love has slipped through his fingers like grains of sand. And as he looks at his underwear drawer, the image etched into his memory, he carries the burden of his own fault, knowing that he didn't want his wounds to fully heal, which, in turn, caused your own wounds.
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Extended note: (Repeating from my previous Dave post from yesterday, because I believe there isn't much overlap between Jack and Dave fans. So I'm sharing this here as well.) As I mentioned in my initial post, I have been writing fanfiction for a long time. However, I recently decided to start sharing some of my work. English is my third language, and while I have experience writing and publishing grants, research papers, proposals, and so on, it’s nothing compared to fanfiction and erotica. Also, I have always had a team to revise my work, so this is definitely outside of my comfort zone. With this being said, I apologize for any and all mistakes because if I read this over, I’ll overthink and not post.
I don't know when the next part will be up because I like to create dividers and the image displayed at the top of the post. I'm not quite sure what to call it—Collage-like manner gifs? Banner? Oh, and I'm horrible at graphic design, so it took me an embarrassing amount of time to create the ones included here.
If you've read this far, thank you, and have a great day 🤎
Please feel free to comment and reblog! (If you would like to, of course :)
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hermitcraft-shifter · 2 months
I have so many feelings about the Moon Crash. Like, narrative-wise, it hits me so hard, man. Joe told Cleo to leave them, yes, but the sign... It's intriguing to imagine it as a test that Cleo failed.
I mean, Joe's been there from the beginning. It's reasonable to assume that they've seen many people leave and it's reasonable to assume that there could be a insecurity (/rp) there about it. With the context that Hermitcraft is real life, Joe might be scared (at least subconsciously, no matter how irrational) that people are leaving because of them, that— despite no evidence —there're 'not enough' for people to stay... which leads to Joe being reckless and using the Moon Crash to test to see if Cleo would leave them in a clearly dangerous situation.
And they failed, not because Cleo didn't understand it was dangerous, but because Cleo trusts Joe. Cleo trusted Joe, even when they didn't want to, even when Joe really just wanted their support.
In Hermittopia, did Joe even know they could go back if things got dangerous, that Cleo exiled them— yes, because they were being a little dumb and self-destructive (because who hands out resumés to clearly dangerous people and steals a horn license without being a little self-destructive?) but also —for the bit? Like, narrative-wise, Cleo's actions could be interpreted as both a messed up joke and an urge for Joe to take some time to think.
Joe, as a character, is as kind as they are reckless, especially with their own health, and as a character, liberties can be taken with how their actions and behaviour reflect on themself in a 'Minecraft is real life' context. Yes, Hermits helping Hermits is very sweet, but when you literally live in a trash can that you even struggled to find a place for because nobody left room for you after you spent so long helping someone, only for them to thank you and leave everything behind like it was a stepping stone, after your team had been forgotten and left out of closing ceremony without a second thought until it was too late... and that whole permit thing with Doc...
I have a lot of feelings and thoughts, as you can see.
Narratively speaking, Joe gives and gives and gives— They give so much and seem content to fade into the background, be taken for granted (well, that's exaggerating, but when you're always pushing yourself to give so much, it's normal to feel bitter, even when you're the one pushing yourself to do it). It's ok to want attention, of course. Joe thrives on attention, but without proper communication, it can fall flat quickly. Humiliation can help one learn, and as a content creator, Joe knows what they signed up for. As a character? That's free game.
A decade is a long time, after all, and it's certainly enough time for miscommunication to happen. In a game, it's not so bad, but when that game is real life?
Well, that's the fun of storytelling!
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[Image ID: A digital drawing of joehillssays and ZombieCleo from Hermitcraft on a white background. joehillssays' face is shown being held up and squished by ZombieCleo, and has a shell shocked expression while tears are being wiped away. ZombieCleo's face is obscured and has a distant expression. 'I trust you. I don't want your trust. I want your support.' is written in the top left corner. /.End ID]
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cowgirlorde · 6 months
go check out my fic on ao3 if u like bedrock bros, sza, and/or the "do you think we're *blank* in every universe?" trend
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je11y-f1sh · 1 year
season 1 fwhimmy >> season 2 fwhimmy
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mellophase · 2 years
Korse: Killjoys hate the sand, but they hate the city. Ghoul: Sand is gross, but mind control is grosser. Hope that helps! Korse: Think of it as assisted happiness. Ghoul: Assisted happiness is what I feel when I suck my girlfriend's dick.
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