#My poor Yoosung got himself killed
I decided to play Mystic Messenger for the first time since my middle school (which was in 2016) and I have forgotten that you have to choose which route you want to go through, not just be nice to every character possible and I ended up with Yoosung talking about RFA members being brainwashed by V and 707.
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
Okay. So I’ve got this cold sore on my lip and it suuucks. SO that got me thinking.... what would be the RFA+v+saerans repsonse to MC getting a cold sore and denying them kisses until it’s gone because MC dosent want them to get one either....
I have a million things I should be writing but like... I think I’m getting a cold sore too! So this is super appropriate for both of us JSJJS
Mmmm I think imma do this headcannon style
RFA+V+Saeran’s Reaction to you getting a Cold Sore
You can tell you’re getting a cold sore
You can feel that stupid familiar tingling feeling
Zen got home from his run
You always like to greet him at the door with a kiss when he gets home
You wrap your arms around him and opt for a hug instead. He’s sweaty but whatever
“Uh... what’s this?” He asks
You’ll feign ignorance! “What’s what Zen?”
“You... you always kiss me when I get home.”
He’s trying not to show his disappointment
“Oh. Well, I have a cold sore. So, I can’t.”
It’s the first time you’ve had one during your relationship
He grabs your face, trying to trap you to give him a kiss
You’re pushing him away with all your might
“You can’t! Zen, you can’t! Your fans would KILL me!”
You slip out from under his grasp, running to the other side of the room to put space in between the two of you
He pours. He looks absolutely crushed
“H-how long do they usually last?”
“Uhm... like a week?”
He nearly faints
“You’re kidding.”
You’re not kidding though
He really looks like he’s about to cry
You can’t even go down on him to make him feel better, a real shame
I’m sorry it needed to be said
He takes a seat. Is he seriously feeling faint right now?
“Can you go to a doctor and get it fixed faster? I can’t... I can’t wait that long.”
Oh Zen
Why would you go to the doctor for this it’s really not that big of a deal
He buried his face in his hands
“I need a cold shower”
Zen is a wreck. He can’t kiss you. He can’t touch you because if he does he’ll want to kiss you. He has half the mind to stay in a hotel for the week so he doesn’t tempt himself. You don’t let him
It was game night
You went over to Yoosung’s every Saturday to have a game night together. It was really sweet
But this time you were spotting a large cold sore on your lip
It made you self-conscious honestly
But, whatever. He would understand!
You walk into his apartment, deck of cards in hand
“Hi!” He comes bounding over to you, grabbing the cards from your hand and setting them on the table. “I missed you.”
You give him a hug. “I missed you too Yoosung.”
It doesn’t take him long to realize the sore on your face
He doesn’t want to bring it up
You can tell by the way he keeps glancing at it, then looking away just as quickly
“I have a cold sore,” you explain awkwardly
“Does it hurt?”
You laugh a little. “I mean it gets dry sometimes and that’s not pleasant but it’s not too bad.”
“I can always kiss it better for you!”
Yoosung, Honey
“Actually, if you do that then you’d start getting them too”
“Okay. And?”
“I’m not letting you do that,” you sighed.
He looked up at you, with puppy dog eyes. “But... really?”
“I’ll probably be all better by next game night. They don’t last too too long,” you shrugged simply
He nodded, then kissed your cheek. “I guess that’ll have to do for now?” He asked
You chuckled, nodding. “Exactly. I promise I’ll make up to you next time”
Yoosung isn’t that bad about it since he can kiss you on the cheek, and you’ll be all better in a week
You could feel the cold sore forming as you worked
It’s so annoying how you can just tell they’re forming
After closing, you and Jaehee like to sit and have coffee and debrief
“Today was a very successful day I’d say!” Jaehee exclaimed cheerfully, setting down your mugs at one of the nearby table
You go to join her
She leans in to give you a sweet peck on the lips, but you step back
She looks confused
“I have a cold sore forming,” you explained
“Oh” is all she says
She takes a seat. “Is there anything I can get for you to help? Some cream or something?”
She’s the best girlfriend ever
“Actually... I do think I ran out of the stuff I put on it to numb it. You wanna go to the store with me after we finish these drinks?”
“Of course! That way you can show me exactly what it is so I’ll know for the future.”
She’s so respectful and sweet
And if you don’t want her to kiss you she won’t until you’re feeling all better
You always give Jumin a kiss before he goes out the door to work
You’re tying his tie for him, getting ready to send him out
“Just so you know, I have a cold sore, so I can’t kiss you on your way out,” you mention casually
“You get cold sores? I wasn’t aware.”
You hadn’t had one since you had gotten married
You shrug. “I’ve had them most of my life.”
“And if I kiss you I’ll get them too?”
You nod
“Okay. And?”
He says it like you’re missing out on something startlingly obvious
“And what?” You ask, confused
“You’re my wife. I don’t care if I get them. I want to kiss you goodbye.”
You straighten his tie
“I won’t let you,” you say stoically.
“Really?” His face falls. “But we’re married. We share everything. Even cold sores.”
“I am protecting you from like a disease”
“Well,” he sits down on the edge of the bed. “I won’t leave until you give me a kiss”
“Jumin, don’t be a child,” you roll your eyes
“I think I’m being very mature,” he explains, a glimmer in his eyes
You look away from him
“Stop it! I can’t.”
He gets up, walking over to you, convincing you to turn to face him
His lips are inches from your own
“I’m telling you you can”
Jumin gets cold sores now.
You’re literally already kissing
You didn’t even realize you had a cold sore
He pulls away slightly
“Is that a cold sore?”
Your fingers drift to touch your lip. It is a cold sore
“Yes... I didn’t even realize,” you confess
“Damn,” he remarks
Then goes back to kiss you?
You pull away
“What? No. I can’t kiss you. I have a cold sore.”
He looks so confused
“We already kissed”
“That was an accident.” You crossed your arms
He sighs
“I probably already got it”
“But what if you didn’t!?”
“Can’t we just kiss? We already did. It’s fine.”
“You need to go, wash your mouth or something!! I don’t know. I don’t want you to get them. They suck.” You’re pushing him towards the sink
He surprisingly complies
But over the next few days he comes up with ways to get you to accidental kiss
Man pretends to faint so you can give him mouth to mouth
Eventually you do forget
Luckily though, Seven doesn’t seem to get cold sores. God Seven must be immune
V is one of the sweetest humans in this universe
Still, you feel bad inviting him over when you have a cold sore and can’t kiss him or anything
“Hi Sweetheart,” he greets you, bouquet of flowers in his hand for you.
“Aw, Jihyun! You didn’t have to be so sweet”
He goes to kiss you but you take a step back
“I have a cold sore. I’m sorry,” you frown
“Oh. Aren’t those annoying? I get them too”
V gets them too?
News to you
“I have some medicine that helps them go away quicker actually. You should’ve told me. I would have brought it! I can run back home and grab it if you’d like” he offers
He’s too good for this world
“You can do it tomorrow! I just wanna cuddle and watch a movie tonight”
He puts your flowers in a vase for you, silently
Takes him a while to speak up
“So... if I get them too, does that mean I can kiss you?”
Well... only if he wants to risk getting a new one of his own
“I guess... but you’ll probably get one then”
“That’s worth it,” he whispers, pulling you in for a kiss
V doesn’t have to worry much about cold sores since he gets his own
Poor precious boy
He doesn’t get it when you say “I have a cold sore”
He’s cuddled up with you, looks up at you
“And? What does that have to do with anything?”
You have to explain that it’s contagious
And you don’t want to give him it :(
“How bad could it be though?” He asks
“It’s annoying. And it looks bad. And sometimes it gets dry and cracked and hurts. And then you have to worry about giving it to other people,” you explain
Nobody’s ever explained cold sores to him
He nods
“I’d be honored to get cold sores from you”
Saeran no
You shake your head firmly. “I’m not letting you”
“No buts. No kisses.”
He sighs
Rests his head on your shoulder. He seems to be faking that he’s extremely distressed
“Kay. But you’re gonna have to make it up to me later when it goes away.”
Keeps a tally of all the times you two would naturally kiss
So that you can make them up exactly
He’s a baby
He’s pretty good with accepting the fact you can’t kiss him, but he makes sure to make up for it once the cold sore goes away
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anonymousbaev · 3 years
hi!! so if ur still taking requests can i get rfa and v and saeran with a chubby mc who like doesn’t rly think of herself as sexy and like,,,shies away from intimate things?
RFA with a chubby Mc
Hello hello! Thank you for the request, enjoy!  (*^^*)♡   *Slight NSFW*
    ☆ Yoosung ☆
He thought it was him, he thought he was doing something wrong.
Whenever he occasionally got intimate with you, you would always gently back up with a rejecting head shake.
He respects you so he immediately gets off of you and gives you space before apologizing 10,000 times.
You felt so guilty seeing him feel so bad, you didn’t want to make him feel that way...
But you also didn’t have the courage to tell him what was really bothering you.
You always told him the problem wasn’t him, and that it’s you, but never gone into further details leaving the poor boy so confused.
One day however the little boy got so concerned for you, thinking you might have got abused in the past or something and had to get the truth out of you.
“No Yoosung it’s not anything like that...” 
After much explanation of your insecurities and low confidence on your weight Yoosung reassures you that none of that matters and that it should not matter.
He tells you he loves you no matter what and you look perfect to him in every aspect.
   ☕️ Jaehee ☕️ 
You and Jaehee have been dating for months now and she started to wonder why you never tried more intimate things with her other than kissing.
She wasn’t so bold herself in making first moves in the subject of intimate.
So when she sucked in all her courage and asked you about it, much to her dismay you told her you would rather not.
Of course Jaehee understood and respected your decisions like the good girlfriend she is but she just had to know why.
She was worried if it was because of her.
When you shared your thoughts on how you didn’t like your body she was in a lost of words.
She just couldn’t understand because she thought you looked absolutely stunning.
“Mc that’s not true at all. I love you and everything about you. Including your body. You’re absolutely gorgeous.”
      ♬ Zen ♬  
 Zen thought you were the most beautiful human ever, even more than he was.
So it would’ve never crossed his mind that you would think so insecurely about your body.
That was until one day when you accidently unleashed the beast.
“Get ready to take responsibility, princess.” Zen pushed you onto the bed  and reached under your sweater. 
That was until tears swarmed your eyes and you had to say no more because he immediately got off of you in an instant with a concerned look as he caged that beast back up.
“Mc I’m so sorry, please don’t cry. That was wrong of me, I’m so sorry. Oh god, how can I make it up to you?” He gently wiped away your tears, slightly afraid in doing so worried that he would scare you.
“Sorry Zen...” You were so upset, and now you felt so bad because you made him feel like a hypocrite. 
You had to tell him.
When you explained about your insecurities of doing intimate things with him because of your body, he was absolutely enraged.
“WHO MADE YOU THINK THAT WAY???” You had to calm him down and told him nobody made you feel this way and told him it was an internal conflict between you and yourself.
And now he was really upset. 
From that day, he told you how those were unneeded thoughts and reminded you how beautiful you were and told you how much he loved you. 
When you were confident in your skin and ready to get intimate with him you spent an extremely hot and sleepless night with him~
    ♛ Jumin ♛ 
Jumin believed it’d be best to share the first night between the two of you after getting married, so you didn’t have to tell him about your insecurities of doing intimate things with you.
That was not until the wedding date was soon and you both had started planning for it and you were picking out your dress on a category book.
Everything revealed so much skin, so what would people think if you walked down the aisle in one of these dresses in this body?
You were so stressed, “Jumin I think I’d rather wear something more plain... something that would match me better...”
He was so confused, “What do you mean, my love? All of these dresses would match you just fine.”
You got riled up and began to tear up, “No they won’t! Not on my body, they only look stunning on thinner woman...”
He let go of your shoulder and pulled you in for a kiss, “Is that what you think, my love? Because that’s not true, none of that matters I know you will look even more stunning than the women on these magazines, you’re absolutely gorgeous and I love you so much. None of that matters.”
His words make your heart flutter and slowly he helps you gain confidence.
You end up choosing an elegant and glittery wedding dress. 
You leave everyone in awe as you look like an absolute goddess when you walk down the aisle with your dad to Jumin.
     👓 Saeyoung 👓 
You and Saeyoung were both laughing in bed as you watched memes on your phone when suddenly the vibe turned into a hot and steamy moment.
Saeyoung leaned into you as he pressed his lips against yours. You backed up soon completely laying down on the bed with him on top of you.
That was until you pushed him off of you in a hurry and sat up at the edge of the bed as Saeyoung sat against the bedpost. 
He felt so bad and you felt so ashamed. It was overall really awkward as you both suffered in silence.
“Sorry Mc... good night- I just uh remembered I had some unfinished work.” Saeyoung was walking out the door when you stopped him and made him sit back down on the bed.
You explained how you felt insecure in doing intimate things with him because of your body, worried about what he would think and he was heartbroken.
“Are you kidding Mc? You’re absolutely gorgeous. It doesn’t matter what size you are. Why do you think I wouldn’t love your body, I love everything about you.”
     🌚 Saeran 🌚 
You and Saeran were cuddling on the couch with some ice cream while binging on some shows on Netflix. Wanna Netflix and chill?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
When a sexy scene came up you nervously looked around the dimmed room with a flustered face.
That was when Saeran noticed as he grinned and pushed you down onto the comfy cushions.
Your breathing hitched as he began to slide his hand up your thighs.
That was when you pushed him off and sat up flustered as you quickly apologized and left the room into the bedroom.
Saeran immediately went after you and found you curled up on your shared bed.
“Mc what’s wrong?”
When you explained you felt insecure about your body, he was mad.
“You’re an idiot, don’t assume stuff and misunderstand things on your own!” He yelled at you but when he saw your upset face he felt bad.
“You’re gorgeous, everything about you. Including your body. I love you just the way you are, remember that...”
    ♧ Jihyun ♧ 
He could take the hint you weren’t happy with something about yourself when you would always decline his offer to take your pictures.
Jihyun was really mad at himself, he really wanted to help you but he didn’t know how because he didn’t know what was upsetting you.
He wished you would tell him what, but you always brushed him off and he didn’t want to force you to talk about it.
One day things got heated in the bedroom and Jihyun slowly approached you.
But eventually things got overwhelming at one point as evil voices in your head kept yelling at you of how Jihyun would hate your body just the way you hated yours.
“Jihyun... wait, I’m sorry I don’t think I’m ready.” He nodded as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Do you, perhaps want to talk about it angel?” He expected you to brush it off again but instead you decided to tell him this time.
When he heard everything his heart dropped, a lump in his throat and his eyes looked so sad.
“You’re beautiful, no matter what size you are. No matter what you look like. I love you so much, dear. Thank you for telling me, I’ll help you get over those voices in your head.”
I’m so sorry this took me so long requester. By the way a friendly anony taught me how to use bullets! Now I can go over my writing in google translate yes I do that I know it’s weird haha without it going like “New moon face Saeran kissed your cheeks. New moon face you blushed with a tingling feeling etc. etc. They always read the emoji’s out loud they were slowly killing me.
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alotsgonnachange · 3 years
Mystic Messenger Saeran’s AE Thoughts (.......And Prayers..) #Spoilerz
Hello, I just finished Saeran’s after ending and I have a lot of things to say and I am going to write it down while I'm still all keyed up about it.
First of all… Please DO NOT ask me how much money I spent to finish this as fast as I did…. I’m grown but my bank account is certainly going to have a good ole fashioned CHUCKLE at this….. It’s been a long quarantine I deserve a lil happiness as a treat methinks!
I have been playing this absolutely insane game since I think 2016? When I first started playing the deep routes had JUST come out I think? And I was just finishing up high school and am now a college grad...lmao
I’ve played all routes at least once except Jaehee but i’ve seen walkthroughs of her route (I’ve heard it makes you hate Jumin and he’s my favorite so um. hehe). V’s and Saeran’s routes I found to be so emotionally intense and just….a lot and I've been waiting a long ass god damn time for this after ending okay…. I would theorize and make up an ending in my head but i’m no writer so it was hard to figure out lol. I’m a Jumin stan mostly but I love everybody and yeah I should probably play that jumin dlc too but I need like a DAY to recover from Saeran’s AE. Enough about me HERE are my thoughts on it overall
Major Saeran AE Spoilers under da cut!
Can we please discuss V showing up to the C+R conference room with basically chloroform and made everybody Pass Out like??? I was alone in my room at like midnight just SCREAMING at my phone???? And the creepy ass CG ???? It’s like that gif of sarah paulson from ahs being like “I put arsenic in the wine….and the pasta”
Anyway I screamed at V a lot during this process!!
Loved RFA being sweet and kind to saeran (before V fucking drugged them…)
This is such common V behavior “I have to do it all myself...there’s no other way..” GIRL SHUT UPPP You do this every route....
SO many CG’s and I enjoy them a lot
Saeran’s sprite looks a little TOO crisp compared to everyone else but maybe its a glitch??? V next to him is in 480p while saeran is like 1080p
Hearing both Saeran and Saeyoung missing the other brother the whole time??? PAIN. All my homies know is PAIN
BOSS and his V for Vendetta ass guy fawkes mask??? I literally yelled “this game is TERRIBLE!!” several times at my phone
Their dad is so>??????? When he was sitting on the couch with saeyoung in that one CG while simultaneously telling him to kill himself?????????? Maybe chairman han is actually the best dad in this game somehow
When V and Rika were like we’re back together teehee teehee okay pack it up bonnie and clyde ..
When chairman han calls u and says hes jealous of u and saeran…..HUH????? I’m calling HR
When they go to the apartment and see boss and vanderwood and poor saeyoung is sitting there seeing his brother for the first time in years i wanted to D word sooooo bad like PAIN...PAIN….
Can we HAVE A DISCUSSION ABOUT JUMIN HAN BEING THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME AND HE LOST EVERYTHING IN THIS AE……. he just took the blame and moved on jumin what the hell….. I love him so much r we serious? He watched his 2 closest friends betray him in the worst way and found out abt how Rika abused Saeyoung and Saeran???? I felt just AWFUL. Terrible ...Terrible….
Rika’s change in demeanor from Saeran's actual route is certainly a Choice. I find her much more bearable this time around and unfortunately i think I was too nice to her and ended up with a bad end LMFAO
I was happy to see Saeran stand up for himself and become stronger and confident. You go king!
The CG of Yoosung laying in Zen’s lap is everything to me…
HOWEVER YUP I sure did get a bad ending and I was so mad fdsafdskfdhsf ! (I would be happy to clarify how I got the good one the second time.) MAKE SURE To SAVE EARLY in days 2 and 3 bc the branches on day 4 is where the bad end will show up. For me it was the first day 4 chat and then a story mode titled “SAVIOR”.... If you see that RUN FOR THE HILLS!!
I was so mad! But I had saved in day 2 and replayed and MANAGED to get good end
I’m obsessed with everyone calling V and Rika “that psychotic couple” like…..its true its true…
No those two are so toxic… V’s route was torture watching them go on and on about the sun like yo can yall just call each other babe like normal people.
I respect straight people but not V and RIka that shit was just wrong… Straight marriage was a mistake
Oh lord i also FULLY Forgot Rika killed the twins’ mother…. Yeah that scene was um Certainly a lot but it needed to happen eventually
Like it’s good they know but damn that storyline is just so bleak
I think it was satisfying TO A DEGREE….To see Rika understand where she was wrong, why she was wrong, fess up and even APOLOGIZE! I was very surprised.
Saeran and Saeyoung are Certainly twins with the amount that those two self sacrifice in every route MY GOD…..
The scene with Jumin talking to his father and the other scene of him praying oh my god I cannot tell you how happy I was to see him begin to understand and address his own feelings in a route that was not his own. My main problem with Jumin’s route has always been the trapping MC in his penthouse aspect.. This way Jumin understands love and emotions without being overly possessive !!! YAY also loved seeing him be on good terms with his dad who was surprisingly profound
That last Story mode was Really a Lot…. and Strange things occurred which I will get into in just a minute
Jumin becoming a politician is so funny but ngl … i see it.
Yoosung going to france to study pastries ok king I see u! (it made more sense to me than the vet thing anyway)
Lastly Zen FURRY ERA
MY BEEF With the AE
I was happy with how they handled it for the most part. I think Cheritz heard our feedback about V’s after ending and was like okay….let’s try something different
Saeran…. Sweet kind saeran… IS SO AFFECTIONATE HAHA….
He must have said I love you like 300 times…..very mushy gushy flowery language...and maybe that’s just his personality but for me it was like eating cake with buttercream cake. It means well, but god damn is it sugary and going to cause a stomach ache later.
He was just… SO MUCH! SO forward and ON all the time in his affections. I honestly felt kind of smothered and by day 3 and 4 I was sooooo over all the compliments… King you’ve come a very long way, but ur still putting MC on a pedestal and probably need to see a therapist.
Nextly….Rika and V….. Naw that knock out gas really ...that hurt lol. Coming from “I would do anything to protect RFA” V? Idk like…. EYE felt betrayed reading that. It was just hurtful. I can’t even imagine how the members would have felt as they were passing out. It was just so cruel. I suppose I understand why but like?? Just TERRIBLE
Them being in cahoots with the agency and the prime minister..HUH??? Also too much
V just felt so irresponsible like I do understand that he ended up in a weird web of secrets that’s hard to untangle but he’s so fucking stubborn he’s SO stubborn it makes me insane. Like sir… It seems like in other routes he wanted to try to protect Rika and the RFA.. But in this AE it seems more to me that he was like yeah i’m protecting Rika and That’s It… so fucking hurtful to me. Both of y’all apologize ESPECIALLY to the twins and Jumin..
The forgiveness thing…… Okay so I think some people will not like that Saeran decided to “forgive” the people who hurt him (Rika, V, Saejoong, his mother). I would point out that I actually think this was approached somewhat well. He says at one point that he doesn’t think they’re good or bad, just people. I think he sounded mature and like this was the way for him personally to accomplish his healing process. Would I have loved for Saeran to flip V and Rika off and kick Saejoong off a cliff? Yea I really would. But like…. If that’s what HE needs to do to heal then who am I to judge?
HOWEVER…. Everything Eye just said goes out the window when the scenes at the end with Saejoong come up… I was PERPLEXED. Like why did he HUG his deranged father who just kicked the shit out of him??? Also all the chat options that MC has with him r like blah blah you’re like this because no one loves you were so corny to me LMFAOOOO?
AND WHEN HE WAS IN THE ROOM LATER WITH SAERAN… i’m sorry but if that were me I would have called a nurse to deck his ass. Cool he turned himself in YOU SUCK SOOOO BAD AND I NEVER WANT YOU TO COME NEAR SAEYOUNG AND SAERAN AGAIN THANKS.
*scratches ass* I wish I got to see saeyoung and saeran finally sit down and have that first conversation after a long time and hug CG but the ending was fine I GUESS….. I dont care about ROMANCE I want those boys to be happy brothers together
Anyway that was really emotionally exhausting but I fr think I got it out of my system after literal years… And I can rest in peace knowing the choi twins are happy. THATS ALL I WANTED TO KNOW!!!!
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yoosungisbabie · 4 years
it kills me to think of you (with another man) - day one
Tumblr media
jumin x mc
rating: T
prompt: {jealousy} / nightmares / manipulation 
warnings: none♡
word count: 2,838
ao3 link
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Jumin hears something he shouldn't have and assumes the worst.
“I’m so sorry!” Yoosung cried over the phone, making her snicker as she glanced up at Zen. She’d put the call on speaker about halfway through, so he was able to hear every apology that came out of Yoosung’s mouth.
“It’s okay, really,” she replied with a warm laugh, smiling at the thought of his blonde hair sticking up and his eyes wide with panic. “We can meet up another day. For now, just make sure you get a good meal and don’t stress too much,” she told him, glancing down at the pavement as she heard a defeated sigh from his end.
“Get going already!” Zen whined, flashing her a playful smile when they both heard Yoosung groan in protest.
“Whatever. I’ll talk to you later,” he sighed, hanging up quickly. She glared a little at Zen, watching him chuckle as she returned her phone to her back pocket.
“Poor thing,” she said, mostly to herself. Yoosung had slept through his alarm, missing his early morning class and running late to their lunch meetup.
Zen scoffed, turning to walk in the direction of the cafe they’d agreed on. She followed, hearing the annoyance in just that small sound but knowing that he was just as worried about Yoosung.
“He needs to learn how to wake up on time or he’ll never grow up,” he grumbled, pulling his sunglasses down from resting on his head as the sun peeked out from behind the clouds. She smirked to herself, tilting her head to watch his face as they walked.
“Says the guy who drinks so much beer that he’s practically made of it,” she teased, watching his jaw drop in mock offense.
“Alcohol is for adults. That boy is not an adult,” he replied, keeping the scowl on his face for a few seconds more until he broke down into a smile. She nudged him a little as they walked, laughing happily to herself. She was glad that everyone in the RFA cared for each other so much, even if they didn’t always show it.
Just as they arrived at the small cafe, she caught a glimpse of a nearby newspaper stand. Her fiancé’s face was on the cover of all the magazines, and she was sure they were all talking about the big business deal that was going on behind the scenes at C&R. She’d been trying to put all of it out of her mind, and lunch with Yoosung and Zen had been another effort to do so.
As the two of them ate, they talked about Zen’s upcoming musical role and about the work she was doing to prepare for the next scheduled RFA party. Lunch was delicious and filling, but she couldn’t stop worrying about Jumin. He’d been buried in work for weeks, and she knew that day would be no different. His energy was completely gone by the time he returned home, and she knew it was wearing on him more and more as the days passed.
“You know,” Zen spoke up, pulling her from her thoughts while her chin rested in her hand. She blinked at him quickly, embarrassed to have zoned out during their conversation.
“I’ve found that acting helps you forget what’s going on in real life,” he said, raising an eyebrow at her like he was proposing something. She narrowed her eyes in response, sitting back in her chair. Zen had always been able to easily read her, but she was sure anyone would have been able to tell that her mind was miles away.
“What are you trying to say?” she teased, watching as he crumpled the napkin resting on his thigh and tossed it onto his empty plate.
“I’m saying,” he started, his expression shifting into one she was more familiar with. “That coming back to my place to help me rehearse my lines would probably help get your mind off of it,” he offered, clasping his hands together when she sighed and rolled her eyes. He was always ready to beg for her help, even if he was joking most of the time. But she could tell that he was really worried about her, so she considered it.
“The CEO-in-line won’t be home for hours. Just a few scenes?” he pleaded. She weighed his statement, knowing it was true. He probably wouldn’t return home until the later hours of the evening, and it was only early afternoon. Zen sighed, giving her an overdramatic pout that broke her facade and made her laugh.
“Fine,” she agreed, seeing him happily fist pump at his side which made her roll her eyes again.
They walked back to his house from the cafe and enjoyed the nice, spring day, all while Zen filled her in on the finer details of his show. She’d heard a lot about it already, but he also focused on informing her about the character she would be playing. She couldn’t see herself getting too into it, but if it would help him, she was willing to give it a shot.
Her mind continually drifted back to her fiancé, worrying about his stamina and state of mind. She also debated about mentioning her change of plans to him. She’d never said how long she would be out with Yoosung and Zen, but she figured Jumin would want to know if she was going to be somewhere other than where she’d originally planned.
But it was Zen’s house. She knew he would be opposed to it, whether he vocalized it or not, and bothering him when he was busy with such important work was the last thing she wanted to do. It all made the phone in her back pocket feel heavier, but she tried to calm herself by reasoning that she wouldn’t be there for very long.
She’d only been to Zen’s apartment on a few rare occasions, but it felt homey and comfortable every time. She sat down on the couch, and Zen went to freshen up, leaving her to research a few acting tips on her phone while she waited. She knew he didn’t expect her to be naturally talented, but she didn’t want to embarrass herself either.
The door to the bathroom opened behind her, making her jump a little and shove her phone into her back pocket without thinking to turn the screen off.
“Ready?” Zen asked, chuckling a little as he moved to sit next to her and saw the panic in her eyes. He handed her the script, waiting expectantly for her answer.
“I guess,” she nervously laughed, completely unaware of the number she’d accidentally dialed in her back pocket.
Jumin’s phone vibrated irritatingly against the wood of his desk, disrupting his thoughts completely. He pinched the bridge of his nose, dimming the brightness of his computer monitor as he reached across his desk to retrieve his phone.
When he saw her caller ID, the tension in his shoulders and neck released, and he was left with a warm, excited feeling. Everything would be alright if he could just hear her voice.
“My love,” he greeted, leaning into the hand that held his phone to his ear as his tired eyes fluttered closed. But he was met with silence, making his eyebrows furrow on his forehead.
“Hello?” he called, listening carefully and hearing what sounded like rustling paper.
“Go ahead,” he heard suddenly. The voice was muffled, but when he remembered her lunch plans with Yoosung and Zen, he placed the voice as belonging to the latter of the two.
“This marriage...this arrangement,” she spoke, making him sit up a little straighter and listen harder. What was she talking about? Why wasn’t she answering him?
“Hello?” he tried again, listening intently for a reply.
“It’s not what I want!” she exclaimed, her voice pained and awkward. Jumin tried to think clearly even as his heart started to race, wondering if she’d called him without knowing.
“Then why are you doing it?” Zen asked. He tried to focus on being rational, but when he realized they were talking about their engagement, his blood ran cold.
“I have no choice! I feel so...trapped,” she responded. Jumin felt a wave of nausea crash over him, the weight of her words hitting him unexpectedly hard. He couldn’t help the anguished, shaky sigh that left his lips, his mind aching to know more even though he wished to have never picked up the phone.
“You’re the one I love. It’s always been you,” she spoke passionately. He could have sworn he felt his heart tear itself into pieces, a trembling hand reaching up to press against his chest.
“I hoped that you felt the same, but...what about him?” Zen asked, prompting the hand that held Jumin’s phone to his ear to slowly fall to his desk. He ended the call, knowing that he’d heard enough.
Jumin stared at the pile of work in front of him, absently wondering if he’d ever felt such a tight, strangling feeling in his throat before. And when a tear rolled down his cheek, he almost laughed at how ridiculous he felt.
For a few moments, he was furious with himself. He’d known better than to follow in his father’s footsteps, but he’d been blind. She’d blinded him. His heart had become hers so quickly, so completely, because he’d thought she would be different.
After those moments passed, his anger was redirected, and his hand found his phone again. He burst out of his office, knowing that things needed to be dealt with swiftly for the sake of the company. He couldn’t waste any more time.
Driver Kim asked no questions as he drove to Zen’s apartment complex, and Jumin ignored every call from Jaehee, declining them as they came. His teeth were grinding together so harshly that part of him feared his teeth would shatter. The tension in his clenched fists only grew as he imagined what the two of them were saying, or doing, as he grew nearer.
Jumin silently got out of the car once they’d arrived in front of the apartment building. He hadn’t anticipated the trembling in his legs or his hands, but he worked to make his stride purposeful and swift. He felt as if he would fall apart at any moment, but there was no time for that.
Four swift raps on Zen’s door sent his heart into a frenzy once more, and he realized only then that he would see her within seconds. Her face, her lips, her eyes, her smile. But he’d already chosen to give all of her up. She didn’t truly care for him anyway.
Zen had no smile for him as the door swung open, only an expression of confusion. Seeing the man in front of him sparked something that he’d never felt before, but he tried to contain it because he could easily see himself barreling his fist into Zen’s face.
And he might have gone through with doing so if she hadn’t popped out from behind him with the brightest smile he’d seen all day.
“Jumin!” she exclaimed, pushing past Zen and rushing to his side. She gazed up at him happily, but the look he met her with stopped her in her tracks.
“Jumin?” she asked, her voice small. His eyes returned to Zen as he felt the tips of his ears burn with anger.
“I know what’s going on,” he growled, his voice coming out much lower than he’d anticipated. Zen glared in response, looking irritatingly clueless.
“You do?” she asked beside him, her hands pressing against his upper arm and distracting him. But that only made him angrier, so he stepped away from her, trying not to acknowledge the pang of guilt that shot through him when her face fell.
“You still don’t realize you called me while you two were confessing your feelings,” he said lowly, seeing her eyes widen and shift to Zen.
“Wait--” she started, quickly being cut off.
“What are you talking about?” he asked loudly, taking a step towards Jumin. The fact that they were both trying to deny it filled him with rage, making a short, loud breath rush from his nose.
“I understand your dislike of me, but this is a level of disrespect I didn’t expect, even from you,” he spoke firmly, seeing Zen’s expression twist into anger to match his own.
“Disrespect? I have no idea what you’re even talking about!” Zen yelled, making Jumin stop and take a deep breath before he lost his control completely.
“I heard you,” he began, taking another breath before looking at his fianceé. “I heard you telling him that you love him.” Her lips pressed into a trembling pout, and tears gathered in her eyes. He looked away quickly, unable to contain the emotions surging within himself at the sight of her.
“And I heard you say you felt the same way,” Jumin seethed, returning his hard gaze to Zen. The actor flinched, stopping to think for a moment before raising his eyebrows.
“Hold on,” he scoffed, a brief laugh coming from him. The sound infuriated Jumin further, the impropriety in his crimson eyes finally pushing him over the edge.
Jumin grabbed the collar of his shirt, shoving him back against the wall next to his apartment door. Zen gasped, his eyes blowing wide open in fury and shock.
“Tell me right now,” Jumin growled, twisting his grip against the fabric of Zen’s shirt. “How long has this been going on?” His ears were ringing to the point that he couldn’t hear his fianceé begin to cry behind him, his senses completely honed in on the man he’d pinned to the wall.
“No, you listen!” Zen yelled, gripping his wrist forcefully. “If you’re talking about the lines we were practicing for my show, congratulations! You look like a complete idiot,” Zen spat, making Jumin narrow his eyes.
“Excuse me?” he spoke lowly, feeling another wave of nausea hit him but not wanting to believe he’d misunderstood so severely.
“I-I must have accidentally c-called you,” she spoke up, rushing to their sides with tears on her rosy cheeks. Jumin eyed her, glancing back at Zen for confirmation.
“She was helping me practice for my upcoming rehearsal,” the actor offered, his eyes still wide and his expression still one of disbelief. “I’ll show you the script if you still don’t believe me. Will you let go?” he hissed, yanking on Jumin’s wrist as he hesitantly let Zen away from the wall.
His eyes wandered back to her as she trembled just beside the two of them, her hands over her heart. What he’d perceived as guilt now became worry in her shining eyes, his shattered heart plummeting into the pit in his stomach. He’d never felt so childish and ashamed.
Zen smoothed out his shirt, huffing in exasperation when Jumin met his eyes for a moment. He could feel the bile rising in his throat, his knees weakening underneath himself and threatening to give out. What had he done?
“I...I’m sorry,” he choked out, not daring to meet her eyes even though her watery gaze was glued to him. He turned quickly, keeping his eyes on the ground as he quietly excused himself.
Jumin began walking back to the car, willing himself to become numb instead of dealing with the whirlwind of emotions inside of him.
He heard footsteps rushing after him, his eyes falling closed when his own steps faltered involuntarily.
“Jumin,” she whimpered, moving to stand in front of him. It took him a moment to meet her eyes, cursing himself for all of the horrible things he’d assumed about her in just the past half hour.
But in that moment, all of her attention was on him like Zen had never existed, and he wished he was worthy of falling into her arms and hiding from the rest of the world and all his sins.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, bidding more tears to fall from her reddened eyes. He shook his head weakly, clenching his fists at his sides.
“I made assumptions and didn’t think to talk with you first. I’m the one who’s should be apologizing,” he said, sounding pathetic and small. She sighed heavily, shaking her head and moving closer into a hug that he didn’t have the strength to resist.
“It’s always been you, Jumin,” she breathed, holding him tightly. He longed to find comfort in her words, but couldn’t help but find the resemblance to the ones he’d heard over the phone, line from a script or not.
He let her hold him, feeling his hands continue to tremble as he pressed them against her lower back. The way she embraced him spoke volumes to him about her sincerity, but he couldn’t remove the seed of doubt that had been planted in his heart.
So he tightened his arms around her, swearing to himself to make sure she’d remain by his side even if she’d been lying.
aaaah thank you for reading, and welcome to mysme angst week 2020! 
writing like this is definitely a little new to me, but i had a lot of fun preparing these pieces for this week! i hope you all enjoy, and thank you for all your support and love! <3 
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falling-heights · 4 years
Hi can I request yan!hcs for 707, zen and yoosung:)) if it’s too much than just any of them💞 your so talented n ily
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[Forgive me if this doesn’t seem 100% accurate as I haven’t his path yet. I’m just going by what the other paths say about him.]
Now 707 is definitely the eccentric type. 
He can and most certainly will brag about how he managed to get you as his s.o. before anyone else. 
His obsession would most likely start behind a monitor. His eyes observing you through the camera’s at Rika’s apartment. 
After seeing you though, he’ll dig up any information he can on who you are, your past, and any current relationships you may be in. 
Plus any dirt he can dig up in case he needs to make a quick threat.
Watching you through his computers will become a new hobby, even more so than torturing Jumin’s poor cat. 
He’ll fantasize about doing grandiose romantic gestures all for you.
Much like getting married on a space station. 
He may even share such fantasies with you, relishing in your giddy reactions, though he misses the fact that you think he’s joking. 
Now obviously Luciel is all too vocal about his desires, only to you of course, and it’ll only be all the more shocking when you realize how serious he is about everything he says. 
When you’re life is on the line, however because of the bomb, he immediately steps up to be your knight in shining armor. 
He’d take you back to his secret hideout, and he plans to keep you there. 
He insists it must be this way, as a way to protect you.
Though he doesn’t realize that it’s him who you need protection from. 
You’re life will be filled with nothing but comfort and all you can eat Honey Buddha Chips.
If you’re looking from help, Jumin would be the first to notice any discrepancies. 
He would find it odd that Luciel would suddenly lose so much interest in Elizabeth, but more importantly, he would take notice in how little you seemed to show up in the chats anymore, and when you did, it always seemed… off, or at least out of character. 
Though that’s as far as he’d be able to get. Luciel is far to protective of you by now to let you just slip through his fingers by someone like Jumin Han. 
He’d likely set up a call to Jumin, forcing you to lie about your state of sanity and safety.
Compliance would only be all the more easy to enforce with a sprinkle of blackmail. 
This is a dangerous man, and through his joyous and carefree mask lurks a criminal, who has the ability not only harm the ones you love, but also you.
Though of course he’d never do anything to harm you physically. 
If worst comes to worst, and you forced his hand on the matter, it would likely be a branding of sorts. A contract to seal your fate to his.
Once he has you, there is no escape except through death, but even that is out of reach because of his constant surveillance. 
Your his new plaything, a living doll of the perfect partner.
He likes to think that you were sculpted by some higher being just for him. 
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Such a sweet little boy Yoosung can seem to be~
At least, that’s how he presents himself to you and others.
He can come across as carefree or lazy
Deep down, though, its busy busy busy
He’s the type to constantly be worrying about your safety and happiness.
He’d consider it an honor to be able to see your smile every day
However, if you have yet to even know each other personally, you’ll be nothing but every thought he has until the RFA party. your help, he can break away from the delusion- though it’s quite doubtful if he gives in to his yandere side.
Yes, in the game, he obsesses over Rika, but I’m sure with 
In terms of types, Yoosung is a stalker
He can be highly protective though eh possesses little to no physical ability to actually protect you. 
He’ll probably pick up a hobby of photography from one of his short-lived clubs. Meaning he’s got quite the collection. 
Anything from you out in public to more burlesque subjects like you undressing.
He can also be the type to get jealous easily, but it’s more in the sense of a pet not getting enough attention.
Yoosung’s sanity revolves around you and how you react to his ever-intensifying behavior. 
Meaning, if you try to deny the feelings he insists you have for, I wouldn’t count my blessings too soon.
Oh yes, if you push him hard enough, he’s more than ready to end both his and your life. 
Poison is his most likely alternative, and he’d likely inject it in you while your asleep.
He’s no brute. Of course he’ll still have a small bit of sensibility in the method of your death.
Whether or not you accepted his feelings, though, the result would be the same. 
See, Yoosung constantly doubts himself, and it would be no surprise if he became suspicious of why you said yes. 
He’d find ways to make conflict, ways to accuse you of wrongdoings against him although through most arguments you’d be innocent.
 If you, in any way, catch this sweet boy’s attention, I doubt you’ll live past the new-found relationship. 
Because he’d rather die with your corpse in his ams than let you go. 
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Oh dear, it would seem you’ve awoken a beast in this man.
Zen is a control freak, not nearly as bad as Jumin, but it shows in your relationship.
He always wants to know where you are, who you’re with, and when he can see you next. 
Don’t be surprise if you’re phone dies and after charging it, you find dozens of missed calls and texts from him. Though of course he could never hold it against you.
[And it’ll nearly kill him if you happen to be the new RFA member.]
Everyone, and I mean everyone will know about your relationship, and just how deep it goes. 
He’s predatory, and likes to mark his territory. 
He’ll leave love marks in the most obvious and the not-so-obvious places so that people know exactly who you belong to.
His fan group may cause some rough edges, but nothing would be able to keep him away from you. 
Controversy or not, you are by far more important than the state of his career. 
Now, how would you be able to awaken this irrational behavior in such a man, one might ask?
Most likely, it would be over some cheezy comment that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Either that, or you straight up tell him that he’s not your type despite having “flirted with him on RFA chats.
Now something as awfully corny as that would be never taken seriously by anyone else, but we all know the Zen isn’t just someone else. 
He’d browse through all his selfies, then start begging for 707 to show him what you looked like. Now of course, being the reasonable type, Luciel would refuse for as long as he could, but a bribe for a one-way trip to see Elizabeth the 3rd would immediately sell him out. 
Now onto types: An interesting question for someone like Zen.
He’s into the bold type, someone that can keep him on the edge of his seat. In other words, he likes the occasional surprise. 
However, don’t mistake this as an opportunity to take any first steps before him. He always prefers to make the first move, and take the lead of the relationship.
He likes the quiet type, someone who can listen willingly, as he’s a very talkative person. (Especially about himself)
Cuddling is an especially hard-to-break habit with this man. He’ll want to be holding you 24/7
Though, occasionally, even if he tries to hide it from you, you’ll see a glimpse into his darker side.
Thought he’d never consciously hurt you, he can easily lose control.
During heated arguments, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he struck you. And though he may apologize time and time again, and you forgive him time and time again, it’ll haunt him for months on end.
Quite Ironically though, even anyone other than him even tries to touch you, he’ll only see red.
not even you could stop him from beating the shit out of whoever the culprit was. And the worst part, he’s in no way apologetic about it, as he sees it as only protecting you.
He’s not the most idiotic yandere though. 
The only reason he’d have to kill if if someone attacked you physically or tried to ruin your image in any way. 
Murder is his last resort, but it is in no way beyond his ability. 
I wouldn’t trying to turn him down either. 
Although he’d never kill you (as you become his point in life), he can most certainly make your life seem like a living hell. 
His fans are a lethal weapon, and if he makes mention that you broke his heart, they would all end up targeting you until you agreed to go back to him. 
In the end, you’re best just going by everything he says and desires. Because the consequences are far worse than what he can offer you. 
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Kait Reacts To The AE: Other Endings
NORMAL ENDING! I’ll likely be doing this for the Bad Endings as I collect them but that make take a few days because I’m not sure where all of them are and I have to play the Route over and over. So, here’s my reaction to the Normal End as well as what happens. Spoilers ahead. If you click it, it’s your choice. 
Alright, so to clarify this ending is triggered when you select the option [Don’t go Save Saeran.] I wondered what that meant since I used all my Saves on the Day 4 Branches. That’s how I got all of the Bad Endings on that day today, by the way. Your save spots always come in handy if you know where the branch is that may trigger the Bad Ending. I wish I bought more save spots, though, because I have a feeling where the other Bad Endings are. 
I have to start from the beginning to get them. I should have 3 more by tomorrow if I do it right. Anyways, this ending starts out when you finish having the talk to Rika. To set the scene, it’s when you start looking Saeran with the group, Rika, V, Driver Kim, and yourself. You know that it’s dangerous but you have to go and find him now. You get a sinking feeling and speed up to the lake. 
Saejoong is in the process of taking Saeran, but when you try to run Driver Kim holds you back from running. You plead with Rika and V to save him because he is your life, your love. If you can’t do it, someone has to do it. That being said, your pleas do not fall on silence. Rika sees the desperation in you and she is willing to help. She may be... complicated, but at this point, she’s decided that enough is enough and she can’t run away anymore. She tells V to get in touch with the unit. You know, the ones hunting for her, and for the Prime Minister in a way, as well as the RFA. 
V hesitates because... they sold their souls to avoid prison time. But, he’s at that point where he can’t tell Rika no. Saeran is literally about to be taken away and harmed. As cruel as they have become, they don’t want the boys to die. I will give the two of them that much. They don’t want them to die. Rika is the one that says, call them. V does it. She tells you to stay close to her now. 
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The two of you approach the scene with Saejoong. You rush to Saeran’s side to be with him but he’s unconscious by the time you get to him. Unlike the Good Ending where you find him and he’s somehow hanging onto himself until the very end here. Saejoong is surprised to see her now but he scolds her for what she’s done. He says that they’re kids, she should have been able to stop them from doing anything. She says that the deal is off. 
Saejoong begins to tell her that they should make a new one instead. He thinks that he can sway things to his favor, but Rika doesn’t want to hear his bullshit at this time. Rika, and V, as messed up as the two of them are, at the end of the day here, both realize that they can’t run away anymore. It’s time to grow up, and face the music for everything that they’ve done. 
Every single crime that is on the horizon.
They must pay the price. 
Your actions have consequences, and at last, Rika is admitting that she’s been horrible and cruel and toxic. She isn’t going to try to fix anything. She doesn’t expect forgiveness, and she knows that the road ahead of her is going to be a dark place for the rest of her days, but she’s okay with that because Saeran has shown her something that she never thought she’d ever get. 
Saeran is a saint. 
I will never forgive Rika for what she did and I can’t forgive V for what he did in this AE. I cannot. Saeran is the one that decided that he wanted to go to the end by using forgiveness and I respect that. It helped him and it was the straw that broke the camel’s back with Rika, alongside us giving her a chance. Giving one a chance doesn’t mean you forgive them. 
I don’t trust them, but I gave them both a chance because I know they don’t want Saeran to die here. If they turned against me, it would only further prove my own thoughts about them. So, hey, in a lifetime of doing things wrong, you did one thing right but it will ever excuse what you did. I’m glad to see that you know this and understand that. 
That’s some maturity never shown from Rika. Can’t say how much of that is even her being honest but at least she’s done one thing right. 
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Saejoong basically tells her off for being blinded this. Rika calls him out at every single turn and doesn’t give him leeway. She lets him know that in his heart, he is very greedy and wrong. She says that he will never know what love feels like because he never let that in. He is the monster of his own creation and if he is a monster and he hates himself, and he feels alone, it’s his fault. He did this all to himself and that’s his only person to blame. 
She knows because she did the same thing. She says that solitude and suffering will his cruelest master and if he doesn’t stop now, it will damn him. She knows that no matter how far he climbs the ladder to the top, nothing will ever take away that empty feeling in his chest. He will never know what it feels like to be alive or to feel love  in his heart. She says that she is the same way. She says she’s been screaming for so long that she’s perfect. 
That she’s not wrong. 
That she’s doing the right thing.
But, none of that was right. It was never right and she didn’t know how to even admit to that until now. She says that love is the only thing in life that is worth the trouble and is the purpose of our lives. She says that Saeran protected his love with his life and it kept him from suffering. She says that Saejoong is blind and ignorant, and he will never understand as he continues to argue with her about it. 
She says it’s a miracle that Saeyoung and Saeran were born, filled with love and happiness for each other and the rest of the world. She says that is their power and that will be their guiding force in life. Saeran was wiling to forgive her even when he didn’t have to do it. She says that Saeran... and Saeyoung, they are innocent and they just want to love, and to be loved. Nothing more, and nothing less than that. 
Rika: The only dirty thing here? It’s you, and it’s me. We’re the ones that tried to manipulate them and break them. I’m going to tell the world what I did. I’ll give up all of my life for their protection from people like me and from people like you. So, you take your hands off of Saeran and don’t you ever touch him again! 
Saejoong is panicking now. 
V says it’s over. They’re coming for him.
He panics and demands someone kill all of us. When they don’t listen, he goes to do it for himself. We have to leave now for our own safety but Rika tells us that she is thankful for meeting us and that we gave her a chance, she says that we should live a happy life. She admits everything that she did was wrong and that she wishes Saeran and us the best. 
And it fades to black.
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I don’t really like Rika and I never have. But, she had the gall to admit that she was wrong and she went down for it. Good. She can work on herself while she is in prison. I don’t wish poor health on anyone so it’s a good thing that she was very willing to say that. She can only grow for herself when she admits that she is wrong. So, in a lifetime of wrong, you did one right thing. 
It will bring you nothing but she didn’t do it for selfish reasons. 
She did because it was the right thing to do. 
She expects nothing in return and she will get nothing in return. 
You can ask Rika and V what they’ll do next but they both say: We choose to do this. We must pay for it. But, no matter what happens, at least we know who we are now. 
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[3 Months Later]
You are treated to a chatroom. Jumin lost the race in this ending. He’s back at C&R but everyone loves him. He’s likely to be the CEO in his future and that’s a good thing. Jaehee’s with him. Nobody knows what the RFA did because the plan was given out anonymously. The RFA isn’t... well, the public knows that they aren’t bad now but still... it’s not a great note. That’s why this is a Normal Ending and not a Good Ending. 
Zen is going to have to struggle to fix his career and get back. Yoosung is going back to school and he’s going to have a hard time. In this ending, it’s not the best outcome for everyone but it’s.. okay. It’s not the worst but it’s not the best thing for everyone. Saeyoung had to work for months to beat the Agency but it worked out. This ending gives more clarity to what happened with Saejoong in the Good Ending. 
Saejoong runs but he’s caught in this ending. He’s going to school forever. Rika isn’t going to be free if at all. It’s going to take decades. Jihyun, on the other hand here, he will be away for a while but not forever. They’re all facing what they should for what they did but again, the RFA is not talking about them for very long. So, I know that they’re not letting them back in. Not V, and Rika, and honestly, that’s how it should be. 
I wouldn’t let them back in, either. 
But, it’s okay to wish their mental health the best in the end, if anything. We’re still with Saeran and Saeyoung in this ending, though. We’re all together but it doesn’t feel as great as it did in the Good Ending. As it turns out, in this ending, we all moved. We’ve got a quaint little life in a house somewhere that has a big and nice greenhouse for Saeran. He seems to be happy with everything here and he does look healthier. 
It’s a bit bittersweet because... he never got to confront his father and he never allowed himself to get that last sense of closure in his life. It’s not very perfect but again, this is a Normal Ending. It’s not supposed to be perfect. It has to feel like there’s something missing and having already played the Good Ending, it’s definitely something missing here. 
Either way, I’m happy to see Saeran so happy in a garden of his own. He says that he has so much work to do and things to tend. I tell him to not stress himself because I’ll help out whenever he wants. He says that it’s okay, he feels that he is much stronger than before. He feels that he’s okay and I can see it in his eyes as he speaks. He does look better. 
He says that he’s happy. 
He wants an ordinary life with me. Oh, and he’s back to talking to the flowers about how much that he loves me. I sputtered when he did that because he is the type of person to whisper his secrets when he’s alone in the garden because it’s so... It’s so Saeran. He says that he’s happy that I agreed with him when he suggested that he find a nice little house. 
He says that he feels grateful for what he has. That he’s blessed. Though, he does have a tiny suggestion. I prod if it’s something important, something that he’s been wanting to ask for a while. And, then he hits me with that good old question that makes you heart flutter and a stupid laugh come to your lips and I’m almost punching myself for not clicking: Aw, I should have asked you first! 
I said, I think you’re missing something, though. You know, for our lives to be perfect... and he says that he wants to make a family, and we all know what is to come before you say that you want a family. 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
OH, GOD. My heart. My heart is weakened right now. We know that this is one of those things that is going to happen in the Good Ending at some point, but I like that we actually go and start traveling with Saeyoung and Saeran first instead of tying ourselves down to anything. 
I think it’s a lot more fun to explore the world and just... 
Be free. 
Don’t get me wrong, I’m looking forward to the day where he does propose to the MC, but I preferred how things were handled in the Good Ending as to the Normal, but that’s to be expected in my case simply because I liked how we were able to help Saeran see things through to the very end of his emotional journey. 
The CGs for this are... the bomb, though. I love it. 
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juminhanswife48 · 4 years
Yoosung X MC: walk to college
“MC?!” Yoosung yelled as he pounded on MC’s door for the fourth time. He’d been standing on her porch waiting for her, for god knows how long. It felt like an hour to him. He impatiently pulled his phone out of his pocket, to call MC. As soon as he unlocked it, he saw a text.
So sorry woke up the second U got here, be out in 5 mins lol xoxo
He softly smiled to himself, then looked at the time. He still had 40 minutes to get to class, so he wasn’t stressing out too much.
He put his phone back in his pocket then sat down on the porch. He had never really observed the surroundings of MC’s house. The road was a little uneven, with gravel, rocks, and minor potholes littering the middle of it, but it was cute. Over the road, a distant patch of overgrown grass with a few flowers sprinkled in quietly sat in a pile of sand.
She didn’t life in a poor neighborhood, per se, but it wasn’t the best. Tiny houses were stacked together, with children running and screaming early on in the day.
Her house sat in front of a tiny mountain, which displayed a beautiful scenery for the morning time. The sun appeared right before the mountain, clouds surrounding it to make it look like a farm painting. It reminded him of his childhood; running around the backyard with his sister.
“Good morning baby.” MC said as she bent down and pecked Yoosung on the head.
“Hey.” He blushed.
She got up then grabbed the doorknob from behind her, gently shutting it.
“I got here early. I wanted to walk around with you and talk,” Yoosung smiled as he stood up on his feet. “Oh my god, MC!” Yoosung said as he looked at her. “Why are you carrying so many things?” He grabbed her portable coffee cup, that was about to fall out of her hand.
Yoosung loved her to pieces, but she was a mess.
Her hair was messily tied into a knot on the top of her head, with tiny baby hairs peeking through her forehead. She had a tote bag balanced on her shoulder, stuffed full with papers and other pieces of junk that he couldn’t quite make out. She was holding a portable coffee cup in the middle of her palm on one hand, and her keys and sunglasses were fighting for space in between her fingers in the other hand.
“Sorry for making you wait. I didn’t have much time to get ready either,” MC nervously rambled. “I texted you, did you see it?”
“Yeah i did, i’m not mad at you!” Yoosung smiled.
She placed her sunglasses on her head, then looked up at Yoosung. His stray pieces of blonde hair slowly followed whatever direction the breeze took it. The sun illuminated through the blonde, almost making it invisible.
“It’s only 6:05, we could go see if cafes are open.” Yoosung suggested.
MC jumped out of her trance, almost, then nodded her head. “Yeah, wait, no.” She said. She looked at Yoosung, who was dressed in jeans with a grey top. He looked presentable. Then MC looked down at her baggy sweats, then remembered that she looked like she had been up studying all night.
“I can’t go to a cafe looking like this.”
“It doesn’t matter, you look cute!” Yoosung said as he extended his hand out. “We are students anyway, I don’t think they care.”
MC scrunched her nose. “I’m trusting you on this one, Yoosung.”
“I wouldn’t lie to you. You’re so cute,” he grabbed her hand. “Come on.”
The streets were damp from last night’s rain showers. Worms all throughout the street struggled to squirm to their holes in the dirt. They ran from the sun that was slowly coming up, which would dry them up and eventually kill them.
The phone lines that plagued the sky occasionally dripped left over rain onto their heads. They hadn’t officially decided what cafe they were going to, they just decided to walk in the direction of the university until they saw one thst was open. It was still sunrise, after all. They’d be lucky to even find one.
“Last night i was playing LOLOL,” Yoosung said breaking the silence. “...and i was thinking about if after this semester we could start talking about moving in together?”
MC looked up at Yoosung’s face, expecting a confident smile, but instead was greeted by an insecure smirk shielded by a rose colored blush on his cheeks.
“Awww are you nervous asking me that!?” MC giggled.
Yoosung’s cheeks heated up to a deeper red color, slightly out of embarrassment and slightly out of guilt.
Did i go to fast? Does she think this relationship isn’t serious?
“Sorry. That was too quick.”
“Nooo,” MC squeezed his hand tightly. “I want to talk about that too. It would be easier for us.”
The butterflies in his stomach free flowed whenever she referred to them as a thing. Maybe since it was his first relationship, or maybe because she had such a special place in his life. But either way, everything she said and did had a big affect on him.
“Oh good,” He looked down at MC, who was staring at the morning sky. Her hair bounced every time she took a step, and her small stature made Yoosung feel big and protective- for the first time he had ever felt that way over another human. He snuck a small kiss on her head, then whispered “I love you.”
MC met her eyes with his, then smiled wide. “Wait, Yoosung that’ll be so cute we can wake up together and walk to school everyday.”
Vendors walking with materials taped to their backs began appearing at every corner, which made Yoosung grasp MC’s hand tighter each time. He felt a really strong sense of protection over her. They both knew that under his sweet persona, was a tough and scary man. MC had only seen that once before, and never wished to see it again.
“Yeah that’d be really nice!”
They’d both decided on a small student run cafe 5 minutes from the university. It was snuck away in a line of corporate shops, it only caught the couple’s eye because of the single lightbulb illuminating the whole cafe. Maybe it was a kidnapping trap, or maybe it was a cafe, but both of them were desperate for breakfast, so they didn’t object to going in.
It was a really tiny cafe. Only four booths were avalible, 2 of them being piled in with half asleep students who lounged over their coffees in a languid manner. Yoosung and MC were the complete opposite. The waitress caught them blowing straw wrappers at eachother, while giggling up a storm.
They ordered a small breakfast, and talked about school gossip for a good half an hour.
“Oh my god!” MC laughed loudly. “We have 4 minutes to get to class!!”
MC and Yoosung erupted into laughter, then began to gather up all their things.
“The only time i’m early to pick you up we somehow still manage to be late.” He said as he dug in his wallet for  ₩24011. He placed the money on the table, then grabbed MC’s hand and they quickly opened the door.
“Thank you!” MC joyfully said as she made eye contact with the waitress. The waitress put on a phony smile, then MC turned around while Yoosung dragged both of them out of the cafe.
“I’d love to run with you but all the papers in my bag will fall out.” MC said.
“Let’s speed walk very quickly.” Yoosung joked.
He wasn’t mad for losing track of time, but he was a bit disappointed. Usually MC and him went straight to school, or were a little bit late, but they always made it on time. He hated the embarrassing moment that always ensued when you were the last one to class, everyone staring you down as you pitifully found a seat in the back.
“What class are you going to?” Yoosung asked MC.
“Uh...management studies!”
Yoosung sighed, as he knew that was halfway across from where he was going, but it would be very rude to let MC walk to class alone, so he sucked it up and guided her.
They rushed past the crowds of people that constantly filled the hallways during class time. They always took up all the space in the hallways, and didn’t budge even when asked nicely. So, you had to push people aside and move them with your hands. They didn’t mind that either, they were boneheads.
Yoosung and MC finally got to her class, which had already started. MC could hear her professor begin to lecture a crowd of uninterested young adults. Yoosung couldn’t imagine how late he was going to be. Her side of the school compared to his side was at least a 5 minute walk, so he was going to be at least 10 minutes late.
Yoosung let go of her hand, then they faced eachother. “I’ll pick you up in an hour, ok?” He said.
She got closer to him then stood on her tippy toes and gave him a hug. “This is so dramatic but I miss you all the time when we aren’t together.”
He put his arms around her shoulder, then buried his head in the crook of her neck. “Me too...I’ve always felt that way.”
MC separated herself from him, then smiled. “I’ll see you in an hour, good luck in class today.”
“You too!!” Yoosung said.
He stood and watched as she opened the door, then disappeared into the classroom. He peeked into the window of the door and noticed all the stares MC was getting. Realistically it was because she was late, but his jealously began to come out and he stared down every boy who was looking at her.
He was already annoyed and it was only 7 in the morning.
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college au (spicy)
Yoosung x MC? 👀
Oop I see you there nonny :0
MM college AU (Yoosung x MC) nsfw-ish wink wonk
Warnings: uhhh lote of fluff and also sum drinking so uh yeah (idk if I should put it as a warning but there ya go anyway, just in case!)
You bitterly congratulated yourself as you looked at the text message you just received from your classmate.
Basically you had overslept, playing games too late at night(or should we say morning? You went to sleep at 4am and your class was at 7!) You didn't hear your alarm and basically missed your first day of class!
To be fair, you had planned on going to sleep at 12, but all of a sudden this bastard stole your loot and you wanted v e n g e a n c e
Sadly you weren't able to find the guy and had to cool off by playing a few rounds of LOLOL and just massacring the enemy team. Still, you swore to get back that amazing item you had just received.
The thing was, the first day of class, your professor had actually given everyone a group project! Yes, he was one of those teachers -_-
Since you hadn't been there you weren't able to group with your friend, and you had gotten paired up with people you didn't really know. You weren't super good at making friends, so you were getting a bit nervous, and you also didn't want to loose the whole percentage of the work, since you did have to get good grades!
A few weeks later, the group (who had already made a group chat a few days after you missed class, there were a total of five people with you included) and you all decided to meet at the coffee shop near the campus to talk about the project. It was due in two days, and you already had most of your part of the work done thankfully! We stan being responsible (a/n says the procastination queen LMFAO SORRY)
When you made it to the coffee shop, you only saw a total of two people there. One of them was a plain looking dude, with brown hair wearing some purple glasses, and the other one was a blonde boy who immediately made you think of a golden retriever! The two guys looked up at you, with the blonde one immediately standing up and introducing himself.
"Hi! Uhm, my name is Yoosung! Yoosung Kim! Nice to meet you!"
Oh my goodness he's adorable... though where have I heard that name before...?
You introduced yourself and told him your name, replying that it was nice to meet him too!
As you sat down beside him, you couldn't help but sneak glances in his directions. He was very very cute, his purple eyes looking all happy and excited all the time. Yet sometimes you could see a hint of.... hopelessness. You wondered why.
It turned out, that the other group members had suddenly called in sick, or said they had a family emergency. Not only that, but the plain guy with glasses gave you both an usb and mumbled that he actually had to go somewhere else today, but that he had his part of the presentation done and was in the usb.
Of course that did not make any of you happy at all. Yoosung looked as if he was about to either cry or punch someone, maybe both, and you werw mad that your teammates were so useless. But you tried to stay positive, I mean hey, now you get to spend time with the cute guy alone!
The two of you seemed to be the only ones to have done any work, the glasses dude's presentation was....let's just say wrong information and a white background with a yellow sans font. No I'm not joking.
"AGHHH this is impossible! How are we going to get all this work done in two days!? This is three people's part of the project, and it's not exactly short! Were gonna be here all afternoon!" Yoosung sobbed, as he covered his face and laid his head on the table.
"H-hey it's alright! We can uh...we can do it! I'm sure it won't take that long!"
It did take that long.
In face, it was 3am when you finished and had to leave the place because it was closing, so you had to go to your room and finish it there.
As soon as you were done, you both let out a tired victory yell and you fell back on your bed.
"Oh,hey Y/N, could I borrow your computer for a second? I just gotta check something that can't really wait..."
"Sure!" You gave him a thumbs up and rolled on your side to face Yoosung who was probably checking his emails.
You were not prepared for the scream that he suddenly let out.
He flinched when he heard your voice and slowly got up from the chair, pointing a finger shakily in your direction.
"Y-you....y-y-you a-are....TortillasRock320?"
You immediately sat up upon hearing the username you had made when you were 13 suddenly being said. Then you nodded. "How...how do you know me...?"
Yoosung's face became paler and you could see him start fidgeting a little before he pointed at himself.
You immediately let out a gasp, shocking the poor boy and you stood up. "YOU!! YOU STOLE ALL MY LOOT IN LOLOL!"
"I...ugh....dammit. it just had to be you didn't it?" You rubbed your temples and then Yoosung looked up from the ground.
"U-uhm...I could give it back...and uh...maybe get you some food?"
"Food isn't gonna cut it, as much as I love it."
"W-well how about we go and eat in a few days f-for now and then uh...we couldddd....think of something else!" He looked at you with a big smile and who could say no to that face?
So you exchanged phone numbers. It was just meant to try and see whenever the two of you could meet up for some food, but then it became into LOLOL discussions, and just talks about everything and anything. He talked a out his family, his friends, and his struggled with school, with you eventually telling him about your struggles as well. Before you knew it, the two fo you were speaking every single day, at any hour, and you had found out so much about each other. Not only that, but you had eventually become attracted to him.
Finally, vacations came! And the two of you decided to celebrate it by going to a bar with your friends! But then the two of you left because there was too many people, so you bought some beer and went to a nearby internet cafe to play....you guessed it! LOLOL
The two of you had such an AMAZING time, taking shots everyone one of you got killed, or destroyed a tower, or killed one of the dragons, or....well eventually it was just you two drinking and playing.
When you were done it was about 1am, and the cafe closed so you decided to go to Yoosung's place to maybe play there. But then, as the two of you drunkenly made it up the elevator, you suddenly remembered that Yoosung owed you from stealing your loot!
"Hic! Y-Yoosung...l-listen to me y-you brat. You oweeee me a wishhhh."
"Huh?.....oh wait...yeah I d-do right? Bec- hic! Becauzeee I stole your loot last t-time right??"
"I k-know what I want. L-lets just go to y-your apartment first....hic!" You smiled evilly as you thought about what you would do.
You grabbed Yoosung's hand, and he led you towards his place. After laughing and fumbling with his keys for a solid 2 minutes, Yoosung managed to open his door! He mockingly bowed and said "Y-you firstttt~" which made you courtesy and giggle replying "Wh-what a gentleman!"
You waited for Yoosung to close the door, and then he turned around to look at you with a big smile on his face.
"S-sooo Y/N! What...what do you want me t-to do?" He asked.
You made your way towards him and smirked. Then before Yoosung could reply he let out a help as you grabbed him by the hair and made him kneel in front of you, in all fours. "Yoosung. I want you to be my....servant for a day. I want you to do anything I ask you to."
Yoosung gulped and shyly looked up at you, his entire face red. "I...I should? Anything?"
You chuckled. "Yes. You owe me remember? That was a pretty rare item, the one you stole for me. So you should....pay...for what you've done, don't you think so?" He slowly nodded and you pet his head. "Good boy~ Now how about we start by....you taking your clothes off."
Yoosung's eyes widened, but you tightened your grip on his hair and he slowly started undoing his shirt buttons. Then he looked up at you again. "U-uhm...Wh-what else should I do...?"
"Mmm how about you take your pants off now? And do it quickly Yoosung, we don't have all day."
He nodded and took his pants off, kneeling in the ground only in his boxers, and then, in the heat of the moment (you don't exactly knew what took over you) you pressed your foot between his legs, making Yoosung let out a surprised gasp.
"Oho~ You like this don't you? You're hard." You chuckled and pressed harder between his legs, and Yoosung let out a moan.
"I'm...ngh! S-sorry, I d-don't really understand why it's...it's like that uhm.. I'm sorry."
You chuckled and knelt beside Yoosung, cupping his face in your hands. "Yoosung you don't need to apologize. It must feel hot down there...how about we make you feel good?"
Yoosung became even redder, but he looked to the side and covered his mouth with the back of his hand, shyly nodding at you to continue.
You smiled and took Yoosung's underwear off, his member already hard, and slowly, you started licking the tip making Yoosung moan.
"MNGHHH! Y-Y/N!!!"
"Mhmm? What ish it Yoosung? Mmph..." You replied, looking up at him while having his member in your mouth.
"Y-you're....s-sucking...it! Ah! I- I'm....if you do it with your tongue like that...I'm going to...-mmmgh!".
He's adorable, you thought, as you sucked harder and harder. Soon, Yoosung reached his climax, and you mischievously smirked. "I'm glad you enjoyed it...now how about we go to the main course? I deserve to feel good too, you know?" You said, as you took your jeans and underwear off.
"H-huh?! N-no, wait I just ca-AHHHHN~"
Yoosung gasped as you slowly took him in, straddling him. You tangled your fingers in his hair while Yoosung gripped your hips, his hands trembling.
"I'm....I'm moving now, ok Yoosung?"
Yoosung moaned as you started grinding your hips against him, your hips moving quickly up and down on their own. You laughed and leaned your head back, making Yoosung look confusedly up at you.
"You're just so adorable Yoosung!....I really like you, you know?"
Yoosung stared at you, and then he quickly grabbed your head and pulled you in for a rough kiss.
"I...mhm...I've liked you...too...mmm...for a very...very long time...Y/N." He whispered between kisses. "Agh! Y-you suddenly tightened up, down there....mhm it...it feels really good." He said as he looked at you, his eyes teary and full of lust.
Goddamn this man.
"Yoosung...I...I like you too!" You felt your face heat up a bit, and Yoosung quickly pulled away to look at you. Then, he tightened his grip on your hips and quickly started moving up and down
"Y-Yoosung!!!! Y-you're moving t-too fast! Mhm!!! I can't!! Too fast! Too fast!"
"Y/N...Y/N...." He whispered, burying his face in the crook of your neck, as his thrust became faster and harder.
"I'm going to...." You gasped.
"M-me too! Let's...let's do it...together!"
You pulled Yoosung in for a kiss and the two of you moaned as you both reached your climax.
The two of you held each other for a bit, until Yoosung got cold and he carried you to his bed. The two of you kissed each other for a bit, before falling asleep.
The next morning you found Yoosung on the corner of his room, his ears all red while he hugged his knees.
"Uhm....Yoosung! Mor...ning...?"
He flinched as he heard you and then he slowly looked up. Before you could ask him what in the diddly darn heck his ass was doing in there, he got up and bowed.
"I'm so sorry!!! I'm sorry about, about yesterday I was drunk, and then I just got really excited and kept going even after you said it was too fast, and I also said all that weird stuff and I'm just, I'm really really sorry!!"
You were taken aback for a minute before you smiled and made your way towards him, making him look up at you. "Yoosung...you don't have to apologize for anything. I know we....we were a bit uh...well we were really drunk but... I still stand by everything I said yesterday. I do like you. I...I like everything about you Yoosung."
His face became red, bue eventually Yoosung slowly and shyly smiled at you. "You...you really do?"
"Heh....I'm...I'm so happy Y/N...I really like you too!"
He cupped your cheek and the two of you slowly got closer and closer until your lips were touching in a chaste kiss. When you finished Yoosung chuckled, still red in the face. "So uhmm...does that mean we're a...couple now?"
You smiled and poked his cheek. "Yup! And there's no going back after this, you hear me?"
"Y-yes! Of course I'd never think of it!"
"Good! Now how about we go back to bed...and have a little fun hmm?~"
Yoosung smiled and pulled you towards him, smiling. "That doesn't sound too bad...and we're on vacation right now, so I don't see any reason we shouldn't stay in bed and do...that all day."
You laughed and Yoosung picked you up bridal style, gently throwing you in his bed and pinning you down.
The two of you officially became a couple that day! Yayyy!
Also btw you got an A- in the assignment so good work fellas ;)
The end!
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elvendara · 3 years
March Madness 2021
AKA Yooran Month
March 19th
He walked with his head tilted towards the sky. The sun was shining and there were several fluffy clouds in the sky. Cumulus. He’d done some research on the types of clouds there were and cumulus were definitely his favorite. The wind whipped his red hair, obscuring his eyes. He made a mental note to get a hair cut, it was getting too long. He took the hand tucked into his pocket out and swept his hair out of his eyes bringing his gaze back to the mundane sidewalk and the few people out this early. In his other hand he held the grocery bag from the convenience store.
As he passed between two buildings a burst of childish voices reached his ears. It sounded like they were enjoying themselves. Saeran stopped, intrigued, wondering what it was like to be a child and have that kind of fun. There were three small boys about 60 feet in the alleyway in front of two green dumpsters. One held a stick and was poking at something between the dumpsters. Saeran took a step into the alley before he heard a loud wailing sound. A cat. They were torturing a cat. Before he realized what he was doing Saeran began to run towards the boys.
“What are you doing?” he yelled at them. They gasped in surprised, turning towards him. They looked at each other guiltily then ran. “Hey!” Saeran yelled after them but didn’t chase. The boy holding the stick had dropped it and Saeran stepped on it, breaking it. He stopped and looked down, then to the right, between the dumpsters. He could make out the cat’s head as it tried to pull itself further in. Something must be blocking it from behind.
He knelt in front of the cat and held out his hand. “Hi little guy. It’s Ok now. You’re safe.” The cat recoiled and hissed. It was dingy but Saeran could tell its fur was a light brown with some yellow highlights. Its eyes were a gemlike purple. He could see that the poor creature was trembling. Saeran sat, made himself comfortable, as comfortable as he could be surrounded by trash and stench. His pants were probably ruined now. But it didn’t matter. He was going to sit here as long as it took to coax the frightened animal out.
He extended his hand slowly, pausing when the cat hissed. But he could tell it was losing its fear. Eventually it poked its nose out to sniff at Saeran’s fingertips. Little by little it came out more and let Saeran pet it until he was able to lift it into his arms. It was scrawny and appeared to have a gash on its head between its ears. The blood was still wet, it must have come from the boys. Saeran clenched his jaw but there was nothing to be done about the kids, he had to take care of the cat.
He picked up his bag and looped it into his arm then braced the cat against his chest. He took it home. It was quite passive as Saeran set it in the bathtub and gently washed it clean. There was a chunk of its fur missing where the wound was. He dabbed at it with disinfectant, wondering if he should take it to a veterinarian instead. As he looked at the cat, who was obviously the worse for wear, he didn’t have the heart to put it through anything else. He was as gentle as he could be and was grateful the cat didn’t attack him.
Once clean Saeran brought the cat into the kitchen and set it on the floor. He found a lone tuna can in the pantry and spooned it onto a plate and set it next to the cat, along with a small bowl with some milk in it. The cat nibbled at the tuna, then gobbled it up with more gusto, washing it down with much of the milk. Once it was done it looked up at Saeran and blinked slowly. Having a full belly apparently made the cat sleepy, it yawned, stretched, then rolled up right there in front of the bowls.
Saeran stepped away, not wanting to disturb the cat. Thankfully his brother Saeyoung was away for the day due to work. He was going to go crazy when he saw a cat in the house. Saeyoung loved cats, they just didn’t love him back. Of course, it could be because Saeyoung was a little too intense with his love. Saeran chuckled thinking about how he might have to save the cat again, from his own brother.
Throughout the day he watched as the cat woke up and began to hesitantly explore the house. At dinner Saeran fed the cat again. He would have to go to the store to get supplies if he was going to keep it. He made a makeshift litter box with some newspaper in a box and set it in the bathroom floor.
He finally went to bed around midnight. The cat jumped up on the bed and curled up next to him. He fell asleep stroking the cat as it purred quietly.
“What the fuck?” Saeyoung gasped, amber eyes wide and confused.
Saeran woke with a start, something heavy on his chest. He opened his green eyes and saw a rush of blonde hair as the sheet was yanked from his grasp.
“What…” he fell off the bed at the realization that there was somebody in bed with him.
“Uh, did I interrupt something?” Saeyoung smirked but looked with some concern at his brother. He certainly wasn’t acting like he was aware of the naked man who was laying on his chest.
“Who…” muttered Saeran as he got to his feet. The brother’s stood next to each other staring at the huddled figure on the bed.
Saeran gulped and made his way to the other side of the bed and sat softly. He reached out and pulled the sheet down to reveal the face of a young man with shaggy blonde hair with brown roots, a chunk missing in the middle, and the largest amethyst eyes he’d ever seen. It was the eyes. He recognized them. But it couldn’t be, could it?
“You…you’re the…cat?” he whispered in wonderment. The man blinked at him slowly, his terrified eyes going from brother to brother.
“What’s going…” Saeyoung began but Saeran hushed him with a wave of his hand.
The man reacted with fear, pulling the sheet back over his head. Saeran wasn’t sure what he was feeling, but his instinct was to continue to sooth. He made shushing noises and felt the man stop trembling beneath his hands. He shooed his brother away and though Saeyoung was incredibly curious about what was happening and who this man (cat?) was, he complied, closing the door behind him.
“He’s gone, you’re safe.” Saeran said.
The man’s eyes popped over the sheet and stared at him. He looked around him to be sure they were alone and finally sat up, the sheet falling to his waist. Saeran could see the man’s ribs poking through his skin. He was unsure how to proceed.
“Thank you.”
“Saving me. From those boys.” The man’s hand went to his head, fingers delicately running across the wound.
“I’m glad I did. What’s your name?”
“Yoosung, Yoosung Kim.”
“I’m glad to meet you Yoosung.” Saeran spoke softly, trying to keep the man at ease. “What were you doing out there alone?”
“I…my family…they, they kicked me out.”
“Look at me. I’m nothing but a weakling. I had no desirable mates. I was useless to my family and taking up resources.” Tears welled up in his eyes and he looked away. “I tried to live as a human, but I wasn’t able to make enough money. I lost my job, lost my apartment. So I thought I’d try to survive as a cat. It worked for a while, people like cats, but some really don’t and I became afraid to approach anyone after a man tried to kill me.” He shook at the memory and Saeran hugged him.
“That sounds awful. I’m so sorry.” Saeran could sympathize with family that didn’t treat you well or treated you like a parasite with no value. Yoosung froze at the familiarity, but soon thawed to the warmth. He circled his arms around Saeran and lay his head on his shoulder feeling a deep-seated relief wash over him. All the anger, fear, resentment, anxiety rushing out of him in a barrage of tears. He was safe. For the first time in his short life, he felt safe. In this man’s arms, he was safe.
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thetwoplayergays · 4 years
RFA with a royal MC 👑
Quarantine has thrown me back into my old fandoms, as I’m sure it has for many, and I’ve been reading Mysme headcannons all week so I thought I’d throw my hat back into the ring
Yoosung’s been working for the royals since the day he was born, being from a poor family
His parents were the personal servants for the king and queen back in the day, that’s how they met.
Naturally, when the two best servants of the castle had a son, they had their eyes on the boy
Rika was Yoosung’s mentor and taught him all he needed to know to get comfortable in the palace
He still can’t cook though
“Rika look what I made!”
“...Yoosung are you trying to poison the princess?”
The first time Yoosung meets you, he bumps into you in the corridor carrying a load of clean sheets
You both end up on the floor, sheets flying everywhere don’t worry Yoosung Jaehee will take care of it
The poor boy is already apologising before he even looks up and realises who he just bumped into
Now he’s not just sorry-
He’s horrified
He knocked over the princess!!!1!
Immediately he’s on his knees, gathering up the sheets and apologising over and over- poor boy looks like he’s about to cry.
But you aren’t angry at him. No- you start to laugh
“Mistakes happen! It’s okay- here let me help you!”
Yoosung watches in awe as the princess starts to help collect the laundry for him
She’s not meant to do that?!?
“I-it’s okay it was my fault-“
“Nonsense. I wasn’t watching where I was going, I am just as much at fault as you are, okay? No hard feelings!”
And then she
Yoosung’s down for the count- game over
He meets you again the next day and his face just bursts into a bright shade of red
“It’s you again! Looks like we keep bumping into each other, huh?”
Hahaha kill me now Rika quick my heart can’t take this
It takes Yoosung a few weeks to get used to seeing you around the palace without making a total moron of himself every time
You even manage to have a few delightful conversations before you’re whisked away for some royal duty
It took even longer for him to actually introduce himself to you
“Yoosung? What a sweet name...”
Good job MC you killed him again
You already know this dork is the most famous actor in the whole village
He puts on a play every week in the town square and the people love it
He eats up all the ladies’ attention, I mean,,
Are any of us surprised?
“Zen! You were amazing tonight! If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’d even have impressed the princess if she saw you!”
Little did he know, she did see
When you heard about this so called ‘handsome actor’ down in the village of course you were going to go investigate for yourself
With the help of some of the maids who you confided in Jaehee, you manage to sneak down into a village just in time to see the performance for yourself
Naturally, you were hooked
Good job Zen you made the princess horny have a cookie
Of course Zen continues to perform every week, non the wiser to the newest addition to the audience
That was until one night where you accidentally locked gazes with eachother and he saw this girl smile for the first time
Dumb bitch forgot his next line and got a deadly glare from his co-star
After the performance, Zen immediately ran into the audience, ignoring the swarm of fans that surrounded him as he looked around for the girl he saw in the audience
In that brief moment, Zen was so entranced by her that she hadn’t left his thoughts since. She was so beautiful, she even reminded him of the princess.
Funny how that is
That’s when he spots you, diving into the dark streets of the village in a dark cloak
“Excuse me- yes I’m so glad you enjoyed it- yes- excuse me- coming through!”
He pushes past all the fan girls and full on sprints after the princess, ignoring the shouts coming from behind him.
This lovesick fool is convinced he just met the love of his life and he wasn’t about to let her get away
Eventually he manages to catch up to you and grabs your shoulder before you can leave again, giving him a brief moment to catch his breath.
“Why princess, leaving so soon? I never even got a chance to say hello~”
He meant it as a flirt.
He didn’t expect to look up and be talking to the actual princess
Shit fuck shit shit oh fuck-
“I- I mean- um-“
“They did warn me you were bold...”
You tease him with a small smirk on your face, watching Zen’s face morph into panic upon realising who you were.
“I normally hate being called princess... I’m open to making exceptions however. Your performance was incredible.”
You lean forward just then and place a chaste kiss on the actor’s cheek, pulling away with a small blush on your face.
“Perhaps we’ll meet again at your next one.”
And just like that- she’s gone
Zen is left in the empty streets, stunned, flustered, and completely convinced this princess was going to be the death of him.
Regardless, he’s practicing for next week’s performance before he even gets back home
Everyone in the royal family knows that maid Jaehee is the best in the kingdom.
She’s perfect at her job in every way, and always knows how to make the royals feel as comfortable as possible living in the castle.
Need something cleaned up? Call for Jaehee.
This food doesn’t taste quite right? Call for Jaehee.
Princess needs a personal maid? Call for Jaehee.
When the king and queen first approached Jaehee on the subject, she initially refused, telling them that although she was extremely flattered they had thought of her, she didn’t want to abandon the rest of the duties around the castle.
But the king and queen insisted, only wanting someone they trusted to help their daughter.
And who would be stupid enough to deny a request from the royals themselves
Jaehee was forced to accept the position.
It was difficult having to adjust her priorities with the new job. Jaehee no longer was in charge of the castle as a whole, but rather her focus had to be entirely revolved around you at all times.
Though you were incredibly nice to her, she tried her best to keep things professional as one should. She never spoke up, never crossed her line as a maid and always did her job perfectly.
....at first
One night, you requested for Jaehee to accompany you on a walk around the castle, and of course the girl was happy to oblige.
She quietly listened as you rambled on, talking about your passions, listing all the things you had to do that day, etc.
Everything was fine until Jaehee spotted a rather shady individual approaching you two from behind, but was a second too late in realising they had a knife.
Within an instant, they aimed the blade at Jaehee’s throat and ordered the princess to come with them peacefully, or the maid ‘gets it’
Oh no honey, you don’t threaten Baehee
This girl takes down the man in a flash, barely giving you time to realise what had just happened before guards were surrounding them.
“Oh I- I learnt a few martial arts moves from the knights when I was younger.. it was simply a hobby..”
“I couldn’t possibly Princess-“
The next thing she knew, the princess and her maid would sneak out every night for private self defence lessons
The maid grew to look forward to those evenings, the one-on-one time with eachother giving you and Jaehee time to bond and properly grow as friends rather than simply working under the professional environment of the castle.
Jaehee was able to relax and show her true colours to the woman she was dedicating her live to every day, which only made your ‘friendship’ stronger.
“My father told me today that he’d have to start looking for suitors for me to marry soon..”
“Oh... have you got anyone in mind, your highness.” Why do I feel so upset
You never spoke of that conversation again.
That didn’t stop it from keeping Jaehee up at night though
Oh this boy is already a royal. I mean.. do I need to explain myself?
You and Jumin actually met when you were just children, your families visiting eachother often in order to form alliances.
Everyone always said how cute of a couple you two would make when you were older, cooing over the two children who just wanted to play swords.
Let the children play swords King Han come on!
Eventually, the alliance that Jumin’s kingdom and your kingdom had broke apart over petty quarrels, and the two children were ripped apart, likely never to meet again.
“Jumin!! I don’t want you to go... I thought we were going to play king and queens...”
“Don’t worry MC, I’ll become the greatest king of my kingdom, and then I can visit you whenever I want. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?”
As the years flew by, Jumin’s childhood friend became nothing but a distant memory, his future as king being his primary focus.
His father was constantly bringing many woman into the castle, claiming to his son that she could be the new queen until she disappeared a few weeks later when he got bored of her.
It made Jumin despise the idea of marriage, making a silent promise to himself that he would never marry once he was on the throne, no matter how many woman threw themselves at his feet.
One day, King Han recieved message that another woman had arrived at the castle, asking to visit the prince.
Jumin initially marked it off as another woman trying to convince him to marry them so they could become princess, and told his father he was not interested.
“My son, one day you will take over this kingdom of mine, and when that time comes you will need a woman to help you bear an heir. Send her in!”
Mr-I-Won’t-Marry remained in his chambers during the woman’s visit, refusing to even give her the piece of his attention.
But he couldn’t avoid her forever, eventually having to leave for supper, where he discovered the woman having a polite conversation with his father.
Great. Another one had fallen for his tricks.
“If you have come here to attempt to marry into the royal family, I suggest you leave this instant before I call the guards.”
“Oh Jumin.. you don’t recognise me do you? It has been a long time. You haven’t forgotten me entirely, have you?
Surely enough, once the pieces began to fall into place, Jumin instantly recognised the kind and beautiful woman standing before him.
How could he possibly forget such beauty?
“I’ll leave you two alone to catch up! It has certainly been a while, princess. Please make yourself at home.” Use protection son
Once you and Jumin had started talking, he quickly fell into his old habits of conversating with the princess, having forgotten how easy it was.
“Remember when you told me you would become the greatest king of this kingdom Jumin? Oh naive we were back then..”
“Yes. Though I still plan on taking over my father as soon as possible. I think it is about time that the contract of our kingdoms’ alliance is revisited, don’t you?”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
Every good kingdom needs a little spy dog- Right?
At least that’s what your kingdom agreed upon when they hired a young boy off the streets to come work for the palace
Saeyoung had a pretty good life growing up amongst the court, which was a startling difference to the village below. He wasn’t there just for fun though.
The king and queen needed to keep the village in check, to make sure there were no riots or attempts to overthrow them. That’s when Saeyoung came in.
This redhead acted as the kingdom’s informat, regularly taking visits down into the streets to chat up the royals, learn of any criminals who had plans to tarnish the good reputation of the court and quell any possible rumours of a rebellion amongst the common folk
He was real good at it too, and everyone in the kingdom loved Saeyoung with all their heart.
Protect the boy
One day, he was taking his weekly trip down to the town when he sensed he was being followed, and immediately put himself on high alert.
He would wonder through alleyways, zig-zag through the busy streets in the hopes of losing them. Nothing worked however, which forced the redhead to confront his stalker head on.
To his surprise, upon cornering the figure in a dark alleyway in town, he was met with the face of the princess, full of guilt and annoyance over being caught.
You explained how much you had wanted to visit the town and see the nitty-gritty of what it was really like to live there, something that was always hidden from you during royal visits.
And Saeyoung had to admit, this chick had some real kick to her
He still dragged you back to the castle though
He thought that would be the end of it, but the very next day he felt the same stalking presence behind him as he left to go into the village
That sneaky little-
“My my~ Princess, if you wanted to spend time with me all you had to do was ask.”
Your face blushed a bright red at the comment, coming out of your place of hiding in defeat at being caught once more.
You waited for Saeyoung to take you back to the castle immediately, however, the sturn instruction never came, and you look up at the boy to see not anger, but a large smirk on his face, a hand outstretched towards you.
“One day. That’s all you’re getting. Got it, Princess?”
To say you were overjoyed was an overstatement.
At the end of the day, Saeyoung was almost disappointed to have to take you back to the castle, finding the two of you made incredible companions together. Spending time with you was one of those few moments where he could genuinely smile and laugh, not forcing it politely in front of the royal family or a group of rioters who he needed to win over.
No, this was new.
The next time Saeyoung had to visit the village, he was almost disappointed to find that you weren’t behind him. So what did this idiot do?
Continue to do this job alone like he was being hired to?
Or climb up the side of the castle towards the princess’ chambers?
If you answered B, congratulations
Luckily for both parties, You were sat on the balcony, looking longingly out into the world like a Rapunzel waiting for her Prince Charming.
“Hey Princess!” Oh would you look at that
“I heard there was a group of bandits that were going to rob a local store tonight. It would be a shame to have to stop them alone.... unless purrrhaps you felt it was necessary for me to be accompanied by someone?”
“Oh, do you need a guard?”
“Wha- no, Princess I meant-“
“Can the great Saeyoung Choi not beat a group of bandits on his own? Or does he need the fragile princess to beat them for him?”
“Marry me”
It was your birthday and your whole day was filled to the brim with celebrations of every kind
It was exhausting
All you wanted to do was to sit down for more than ten minutes without a guard finding you and dragging you back for your next activity.
You even tried to hide in the maid’s quarters until Jaehee found you and scolded you 
After a long day, the royal family was finally able to sit down and relax for an hour or two for the last activity of the day.
What was the last activity you ask?
What kind of a birthday would it be without having your portrait painted by the finest artist in the kingdom.
The idea of having to sit perfectly still and look regal for god knows how long wasn’t the most appealing thing in your opinon, but it was better than standing on your feet for any longer, so you took what you could get.
Of course, when the painter walked into the room for the first time, your attitude definitely changed.
“MC, this is Sir Jihyun Kim. We will be sure to make you look magnificant.”
On the outside, Jihyun was calm and collected, being professional in the presence of the princess.
On the inside, this boy was panicking
What if his work wasn’t good enough? What if he made the princess look ugly? Can you be executed over a bad painting?
You noticed a few minutes into the session how his shoulders were extremely tense and how he would barely make any conversation with you. 
Sorry Jihyun, but the princess gets what she wants on her birthday
You began to talk him up more, complimenting him on his other paintings that you had seen around the castle, asking him about his life at home and why they had never met before despite him being the best painter in the kingdom.
Eventually he explained to you that Rika, one of the royal advisors, had recommended him to the royal family back when they were engaged, but now that the couple had split under rather unfortunate circumstances, he wasn’t as comfortable as he used to be in the castle and only visited to paint for the King and Queen occasionally before leaving again.
He expected after admitting all of this for the silence in the room to return, but to his surprise, you continued to talk to him, expressing sympathy over the situation and how you would have liked to meet him sooner.
Before you knew it, you both had fallen into a comfortable conversation with eachother and the hours that you had previously been dreading had flown by.
“Sir Jihyun, how’s my portrait coming along?”
“Oh- uh...” 
He’d finished it hours ago. He just didn’t want to stop talking to you
When he finally gathered up the courage to show you the final product, he was incredibly relieved to see the smile on your face as you praised it, thanking him for such a beautiful piece of art.
“Sir Jihyun this is wonderful! I can’t thank you enough.”
“It was no trouble, your highness. I enjoyed painting such beauty.”
Okay so maybe attempting to break out of the castle prison early wasn’t  the best idea
But in his defense, his backup team was being too slow to rescue him, so he took matters into his own hands
Saeran wasn’t the most noble of people by far, oh no, but he’d never done anything worthy of the death sentance
Just a few robberies here and there, maybe a heist or two.
Did he have some of the crown jewels in his pocket when the guards caught him?
Regardless of what happened, here he was now, running through the halls of the castle after lockpicking his way out of the dungeon, with the guards close behind.
Stupid dork didn’t think this far ahead.
Turning a corner, Saeran spots the handful of guards facing away from him at the end of the hall, and knowing how close the ones behind him were to catching him, he knew he was trapped.
There were no windows to jump out of either, only a door beside him leading to who knows what.
What other choice did he have?
Saeran yanks the door open and sneaks inside quickly, hoping that he was quick enough not to get caught as he closed it behind him. He leans up against the wall in an attempt to hear the guards outside passing the room, non the wiser to where he had gone.
Well... almost
What Saeran hadn’t accounted for was you, who had watched the whole ordeal go down from the foot of your bed. In your room. Which he had just trapped himself inside.
Slow clap for Saeran everybody
“To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Saeran’s victory smirk was quickly wiped from his face as he turns to face you, a brief expression of panic flashing across his face as he took in where he was.
Oh fuck
“I don’t owe you anything, princess.”
“Are you sure? Because it’s seems you’re losing your little game of hide and seek with the guards.”
“Alright listen here you little-”
You were right though, the guards outside had slowly begun to narrow down the short list of possibilites where Saeren could have hid himself, and it wouldn’t take long for them to burst into the princess’ chambers looking for him.
Of course, you knew that, evident by that smug look on your face.
The boy had no choice
“...What do you want?”
“I want to come with you!”
“You can easily escape them if you climb down the balcony, but only if you take me with you.”
“...Why would I take you with me?” More importantly why would the princess want to leave with someone like him
“You know your way around the village don’t you? I want you to show me what it’s like down there. What it’s really like. It’s a small price to pay for letting you escape don’t you think?” 
Oh this one’s fiesty. I like her
“Alright then princess, you got yourself a deal. Don’t come crying to me though after this. It can be rough down there.”
just how she likes it
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fishsticksloser · 4 years
Airtight!! I'm being greedy here but... Headcanons for the RFA and MLQC boys watching the new year's fireworks with MC
New Year's Fireworks
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RFA x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff
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There's a park near his house
You drug him to the park to see the fireworks
He had brought drinks
Yes alcohol
So you two drank and chatted
Soon people started counting down and you looked up to the sky to see the fireworks
Right at midnight, Zen turned you to face him and kissed you
You almost missed all of the fireworks, but you pushed him away
You two enjoyed the rest of the fireworks in each others arms
SU had a New Years Party
You two went together and got drinks
You went to the dance floor with Yoo following
You danced to the music and Yoo was just standing there not knowing what to do
You grinded on him (lets be honest)
Poor baby boi was blushing so hard
He started getting flustered when you grabbed his hands
You placed them on you and he felt you up
When the count down started, you wet back to his dorm
And the fireworks went off as you two "cuddled" on his bed
The coffee shop closed early so you could watch the fireworks from the shop
You two sat across from each other drinking hot cocoa
You two chatted, listened to music, and danced a little
When it was 11:58 you two sat back down and counted down
When the fireworks went off, you two cheered
You hugged her tight
"I'm so thankful to have you in my life, MC."
He took you out to a private beach to see the fireworks
He danced with you on the beach
You two drank wine and had snacks
At 11:59 he started to tell you how much you mean to him
When the fireworks went off, he kneeled in front of you
And asked you to marry him
All you could do was kiss him
He wanted to do the fireworks himself
So you sat in the back yard
You had Honey Budda chips and PhD Pepper sitting next to Vanderwood who was not impressed
"I swear to God if you blow us up, I'll kill you."
Seven set off the fireworks and ran towards you
Fuck. He wasn't slowing down
He tackled you and kissed you with a fit of giggles spilling out of him
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
RFA+Minor Trio Reacting to an MC in the Mafia
requested: y e s 
a/n: listen,,,,, im a huge sucker for mafia au’s ,, and perhaps i’ll upload a full story with all of them on Patreon! So stay tuned for that one! Definitely more mafia AU type things coming soon though  if you want to see more mysme mafia and want to support my work, feel free to buy me a coffee!
warnings: vanderwoods is really good
-Prohibition-Era Italian Mafia mod Alex 
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- corporate heir of a multi-million won company married to the runaway child- now mafia member? my god what a cliche
-it’d originally been a few weeks before he’d planned to propose when he suddenly realized that he had... never actually met your family? He’d always figured that you’d tell him when you felt comfortable enough, or when you felt like it, but he genuinely wanted to propose, to marry you and make you his, however he felt he needed your fathers approval, something.
-he’s surprisingly calm when you tell him the truth, that you’d run away from home at a young age and upon asking for a job at the local bar, as anything, someone who works in the back and does inventory, trash person, anything, you’d found out that this bar was a front for a mafia organization, who’d promptly adopted you and taken care of you ever since 
-you’re not sure what kind of reaction you expected from him, but you receive none, only an understanding nod and a question, same as before, “Can I meet them?”
-the next day you take him down to where you work, a lovely little rustic bar downtown. 
-he notices as you visibly relax when you take him into the back, smile spreading on your face as you greet various members cheerfully, a reluctant grin, changing to a threatening frown when they noticed Jumin holding your hand and following you to the back
-you’re not expecting the meeting to go well, pacing around the door, where your boss, is privately speaking to Jumin, hand placed firmly on your grip of your gun, finger threateningly over the safety lock, ready to fire if something bad went down
-so you’re exceedingly surprised when the two come back out on an embrace, chuckling as they greet you. waving the two of you off with a genuinely kind smile, you turn to Jumin, demanding an explanation as you get back into the car.
- “Jumin?????” you gesture wildly, inviting the explanation.
- “Yes dear? - Home, Driver Kim please” he nods in Driver Kims direction.
-He gives no explanation, knowing it’s going to drive you insane, only says, “We’re having dinner with your family next week by the way.”
-corporate mafia family
-her dream, to own her own cafe, with you! her love, her joy, her future wife!
-so she can’t understand you when you’re extremely hesitant to leave your job, what looked like a? boring bartending job?
-she knew there was something you weren't telling her, and she ends up figuring it out herself, putting two and two together, using various news reports about the bar, mixed with information (or lack thereof) of the manager of the place
-she stomps up to you in a cold but angry manner, and thrusts a piece of paper in your hands, a list of collected evidence. “Tell me you’re not part of a gang MC.”
-her voice is scarily cold, but hints of tears that threaten to swallow her whole still manage to reflect through her voice.
-you explain your story, the whole ordeal since you ran away until you found the job, to how they all took care of you, and hey its not like you were the most powerful one, you were moreso like the little sibling of the group, still having skills but never in any direct danger.
-she doesnt speak to you for two days, “contemplating the information” (aka making you feel guilty for hiding this)
-when she sees just how broken down and sad you are as you get into bed, movements sluggish as you flop into the comfort of your shared bed, it finally makes her realize that,, this was something you had chosen as a child and even if she wasn’t okay with it, it wasn’t her choice to make. This was your family and she had to respect that. 
-biting on the inside of her lip, she slips next to you, pulling you towards her silently. resting your head on her chest, you look up at her hopefully, “does this mean I’m forgiven?”
-the ghost of a smile graces her face as she closes her eyes, “We’ll see tomorrow. Lets sleep for now y/n.”
-when jaehee meets the crew its a lovely spring night and,, well,,,, basically they end up scared of her and you’ve never been more in love with the woman sitting across from you at the dinner table
-nonononononono his sweet baby angel cant be in the mafia
-the fact that you’re you know,, a part of the mafia doesn’t even register in yoosungs brain, his main concern is that you’ll get hurt, that something will happen to you in the line of duty and you won't come home
-you assure him that you’re mainly the person who talks to the targets beforehand, gathering intel and helping prepare for the missions
-you dont necessarily tell him much about anything or anyone, preferring to keep him in the dark, for his own safety
-of course you’d mentioned Yoosung to Byung-Hee, the mafia boss and your paternal figure, but he’d never thought much of Yoosung; that is until Yoosung bursts into the storage rom of the bar, and with around 15 different guns pointed at him, he threatens Byung-Hee, that if he ever dare let anything happen to you, he’d come in and kill him himself, using his medical knowledge to make his death look like an accident
-Byung-Hee is,, amused. Yoosung is not threatening in the least, but the dedication it took to march into mafia headquarters uninvited and threaten the leader while thirteen different people had their guns trained directly at him,,, shit takes guts
-All he does is nod, extending his hand to shake Yoosungs, who is,, extremely confused. When Yoosung’s hand reached Byung-Hees however,, the boss yanks Yoosung close, whispering in a threatening manner that if h e ever hurt you, he’d kill him in the most painful way possible and no one would ever know
-needless to say as soon as he gets back home, the adrenaline rush fades and runs directly into your confused embrace as he cries, mumbling something about how you’ll always be safe and his promises
-sjdhfskjdfh bitch you think you’re dangerous? i’m part of the mf mafia
-he never found much about you when he looked you up, only records that existed were report card grades in elementary and middle school, but past that it was as if you’d fallen off the face of the earth; no credit cards, social media accounts, guilty 2 am internet purchases, not even so much as a water and power bill or an address, until you suddenly reappeared three years ago, but it’s still not much
-the two of you drive the rest of the messenger to insanity, and even your FBI agents are sick of see your texts to each other, questions masked in playfulness, both trying to get the truth out of each other. Nothing making sense except to the two of you
-often he’ll poke you awake in the middle of the night, glasses slipping down his nose rapidly as he pesters you with incoherent questions about your past; but all you do is shift, intertwining your legs with his and pushing him back down to the bed, placing your head on his chest as you go back to sleep
-its around six months later post having moved in together when the two of you when you decide enough is enough. the truth had to come out sometime no? the two of you gather all the fast food and snacks you can, and facing each other sitting cross legged on the couch, no interruptions, you take turns firing questions at each other, answering them no matter how hard it might have been
-his reaction to you being in the mafia is at first, concerned. because he knows how mafias operate, and the last thing he would want is for a client to come into his job and for your gang to be the target that needs to be eliminated. 
-his next question is what level of illegality do you operate at?
-with your response being an even 5, he presses for more. you explain how you take funds from the rich, expose the businessmen who steal from the company’s funds, bribe and threaten powerful congresspeople to pass better laws to help the poor, the basic steal from the rich, give to the poor type deal
-he listens intently, the story of how you got to this point completely capturing him. he never thinks badly about you; in a way you guys were helping out the world. if he spins it the right way, its almost like the two of you are doing the same job, just different methods
-work buddies! while he hacks and does his work for the agency, you’re right there sitting next to him trying to learn all you can about your next target and making a detailed plan, on constant call with Hyun Ki and Hyun Shik, dubbed the “intelligence twins.” When you’re getting visibly stressed he reaches over, gently squeezing your hand reassuringly as he breaks out the HBC for the both of you to take a short break, and when he gets stressed you do the same. 
-finally having a place to rant about work, of course neither of you can ever disclose the targets names, but its still good to get things off of your chest
-honestly the only thing he has trouble believing is that you’re an actual bartender. “yes seven, i actually went to school to get my certificate for this” “why u always lyyyiiinn”
-when he sees something on the news, another politician knocked down from the public eye, a mysterious amount of money donated to the local orphanage, he makes sure to congratulate you, genuinely grinning as he picks you up to kiss you, proud of his s/o 
-if you’re chosen to do some first hand intel, go down and charm someone into signing x y or z paper or get them to a secondary location, he uses his own skills to keep an eye on you and make sure nothing bad happens 
-when its time to meet the family, he goes in jokes ablaze, making what was supposed to be a refined mafia dinner at an upscale restaurant a comedy center,, and the lack of fear on his behalf frankly amuses the boss. sevens a mess the whole dinner. he observes the similarities between the gang and the RFA, both having the same familial dynamic between each other, a kind of comfort and complete happiness. 
-of course as soon as you get married he instantly becomes a part of the family as well
-they hate him. like,,, they love him but also hate him.
-terrible jokes from his part; “hey y/n can you take care of this client for me? here kind of a dick but i’m not allowed to say anything. it'd be great if,,,, something happened to their money”
-he knows you’d never do it to anyone that doesn’t deserve it but its a funny bit that keeps the two of you sane
- “absolutley not mc”
-he hates your job already, working at a bar in downtown, but the fact that its just a Front for a Mafia gang? that you’re a Part of?
-absolutely not.
-he springs into protective mode instantly, launching himself into a long rant on how he’s going to get you out of there, you dont need to worry because you dont have to be there, no matter what dirt they have on you, what you did in the past, he still loves you and he’s going to help you no matter what it takes
-meanwhile youre sitting there watching him pace around, trying not to burst out laughing
-when you explain to him that they’re quite fair, a robin hood type deal made of people who grew up poor, people who were cheated by the government and were forced into poverty, broke their way through the ranks and were trying to help others that were currently in their situation, taking from the rich, bribing businessmen in high power to put forward better laws for consideration, dropping money on random peoples doorstep, all under the cover of anonymity.
-he sits on this for a while, trying to digest what you’d just said. as much as he hates it, he empathizes with the situations that brought you there, and his opinion of this gang has,, drastically changed
-he’s still wary of your safety, hence you suggest he meet the members himself
-bringing out all the toughness he can muster, he strides in with you at his side, cooly talking to the intelligence twins, Hyun Ki and Hyun Shik. He meets others, Jae-Sang and Byung-Hee, and they accept him into the family surprisingly quickly
-he gets along with everyone,, r e a l l y well
-nervous boye 
-he doesn’t want you to get hurt, but he understand your reasoning as to why you started in the business of money laundering, understands better than most
-he listens to your story, about the way you ran away and straight into the arms of Byung-Hee, who offered you a job. With no other choice you joined, but eventually warmed up to the idea, and now you love them like family
-of course, he cant help but call you during your lunch break, needing to hear your voice and make sure you’re okay, that you haven't been killed or turned into a murderous member
-a part of him does think its somewhat cool, especially the fact that you willingly got in and can belong to a group like this and not be you know,, abused traumatized and poisoned repeatedly.
-when he finally meets them, he barely musters a word or two, but as time goes on, he gets increasingly comfortable with them. if you trust them, he trusts them.
-he cant go through this cult mafia shit again bro
-it takes a lot of reassurance that the boss is actually fair, and even proving to him that you guys dont do others harm, nor do you forcibly recruit people
-you tell him about how they took you in as a scared and alone high schooler, essentially adopted and raised you, gave you a job, a roof over your head and urged you to do what you want in life
-of course theres the thing that you cant officially leave them, so technically you are trapped there, but they took pity on you, looking at you as a little sibling, and at most they only make you gather intel or have you as the driver
-he’s not the most calm about it, but he understands that they’re your true family, and he tries his best to get along with them, trying to view the members as multiple brothers sisters and or parents instead of,,, dangerous mafia members
-he seems extremely calm and chill whenever you guys all go for dinner, very professional and sleek, but in reality he’s trying not to run into the restroom and escape through the window
-you started off as his client, the one he were supposed to gather intel on and report back to the boss, find his way to your own boss and kill him
-so when Vanderwood found out that you were also the rfa he felt like the luckiest man in the world
-he pretty much always hangs out in the bar during your shift, trying to overhear any useful information; but damn he never expected you to look,, like that.
-week after week, he finds himself enraptured in your beauty, buying water after water, trying to be smooth as he talks to you
-he convinces himself that the little flutter he gets whenever you smile, when your fingers momentarily touch his as you give him yet Another glass of water no ice,, your focus when you experiment with different drinks, the way you get ridiculously excited when said experimental drink turns out good, immediately giving Vanderwood a glass,,, missions,, weren't supposed to be like this right?
-he pries, asking about your boss, but its the adoration of which you speak of Byung-Hee that breaks him, the gestures you make as you talk about him like family
-he skulks back to base, head running wildly. he knows he can’t let you go, he cant fall in love with a client, however he can't bring himself to bring you or your family harm. 
-trying desperately to regain his composure, he spins a story how the original intel he received must have been wrong, because there was no hidden agenda behind the bar. He makes up a lie how he went through the bank statements, hacked the system, did it all, but the bar was 100% clean
-he knows he can never go back, to you, but just protecting you will have to be enough
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space-kitten-606 · 6 years
Can you do something with yooseven please ^-^
Sure thing, lovely ^-^  It was honestly super relaxing to let my mind wander a little with this so thank you so much for sending this in :3 I hope you like it! :)
best friends to lovers? Best friends to lovers!!!!
honestly they both don’t really know when or how it started
like one night it was just sleepover and comfort cuddles because everything sucks
and the next they made out for the heck of it
well, actually Yoosung complained how he never got to kiss
so they ‘practice’
turns out it felt like super nice and natural???
both kinda just rolled with it and here we are
they don’t make a big deal out of it
they don’t even really set a point where they go out officially
that’s just a thing now.
Zen is the first to find out.
They don’t directly tell him, though.
It’s pretty much just passed by him when they hang out together.
“Hey! There’s a Subway over there! I’m starving! Wanna go?”
“Nah. Won’t work.”
“What?! Why not???”
“Yoosung and I happened to make out there a little and I apparently got a little too touchy. Anyway they kicked us out because we were being too inappropriate. Pretty lame but what can you do?”
“Oh, alright….wait. You what now?!”
No one is really that surprised tbh
safe for Zen
Seven has always been weird and they have been super close since shortly after they met, so nothing much changes for the other members
Also, gamer boyfriends!!!!
If they’re on a server together there’s no way you’ll beat them
unless Saeyoung decides to tease the puppy boy by raising the friendly fire rate enormously
sniping him over and over again
or killing him in other weird ways, depending on what game they’re playing
“What?! Ugh, my game is glitching out again. It won’t show me who got me!”
“Yeah. Well I’ll be respawning any second now. There we go- Oh, come on! What the heck?! How did they know???”
Don’t tell him.
Remember how hard it hit Yoosung when Saeyoung decided to leave the RFA?
Yeah. This is so much worse now.
Poor boy doesn’t know what to do with himself or in general now.
They make up way quicker though.
You bet Yoosung drops by the bunker in no time to talk some sense into his lover.
Lots of crying involved, but still. No way he’s just gonna watch.
They encourage each other to eat more healthily
which means Yoosung shows Sae how to cook some proper meals, because boy!
Just adding chips to everything is not cooking; you need to stOp!!!!
Not that Yoosung isn’t guilty of stuffing himself with junk food but he’s slightly more experienced in a kitchen
slightly being one hell of an understatement. But he’s learning, okay?
Seven won’t hesitate to help Yoosung a little with getting up his grades in return
in completely legal and sometimes also illegal ways, of course.
the other definitely doesn’t approve but does Seven ever listen?
The answer is no. No he doesn’t.
“It’s for the greater good!”
Additionally to the cat Jumin finds in the parking lot they also get a dog.
In remembrance of Sally
and to remember the person Rika used to be in their eyes
His little family helps Yoosung a lot with coping with everything that went down
there’s only one downside
Yoosungs parents really do not approve
not because Saeyoung is a man or because he likes to crossdress though it makes them kind of uncomfortable sometimes, no.
It’s because each time they’re invited he claims he has another job
In the beginning it’s really not that bad.
He starts out with normal things like saying he works as security or a developer
later on it gets a little more…special though.
“I work as a therapist for couples.”
“Well…that sounds nice.”
“- for turtles, to be more precise. It’s heartbreaking to see the oncoming divorce breaking through their hard shells.”
Cue: nervous laughter.
They’re just concerned that he may not be the right person for their son to spend his life with
but they value Yoosung’s happiness more than their concerns
they will still ask him if he’s really serious about all this but the pure boy won’t waver
they’re not really planning to get married but it probably happens sort of spontaneously at some point
Or they’ll have their own little ceremony one afternoon when they’re bored and exchange fish shaped buns instead of rings
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lolol-player-2-blog · 5 years
Unpopular opinion on V’s AE
I’m tentative to write this but I really want to say my piece. I’m not trying to start an argument so if this is something you disagree with then please just scroll on.
Let me start with something that perhaps we can all agree on, the music was incredibly beautiful! The piano version of Light and Daffodils was so gentle and the song that played whenever Rika had the conversation with the celestial being was so beautiful. The instrumental version of Light and Daffodils that played at the end made me cry even more.
My opinion about V’s AE is that it was beautifully done and well thought out. Given the complexity of V’s route, as compared to everyone else’s, there were some unresolved points that I’m glad were addressed in the AE. EVERYONE was affected by what Rika had done in V’s route. We got to see how everyone was disturbed and struggling in the aftermath of everything. This is so realistic. We are given the chance to sort of help everyone come to grips with what has happened depending on your decisions. This kind of follows with what Cheritz has done in every route, which is to show support to our beloved RFA, and now we were given the opportunity to do so in V’s AE. Although I do think that Cheritz could’ve given us more options when dealing with Rika. I didn’t like the fact that our only choices were to be gracious or vindictive.
Yes V was absent for more than half of his AE but that’s not out of character for V. After what he’s been through, I think he deserved time to heal and sort himself out on his own. Not only that but he decided to redeem himself by rescuing Saeran and helping him heal as well. This would take time. I’m eternally grateful to Cheritz for making this happen. Imagine how this helped V? No this AE wasn’t about the happy ending between V and MC. His whole route was about his revelation that he should have loved himself first. I think Cheritz was in the right that V would’ve chosen to prioritize his own recovery so that he could be the man that MC deserves. Not that he wasn’t already but he was broken. He needed, no, deserved time to piece himself back together.
There was a lot of Rika in V’s AE and a lot people feel as though it’s Rika’s AE rather than V’s. I really don’t know what to say to this except that V’s route had a wider scope than just V himself. Perhaps we could’ve seen more of V’s journey with Saeran as they recovered. But I’m glad I got to see how everything was handled in the Rika/Mint Eye aftermath. The confrontation between Yoosung and Rika broke my heart but I’m proud of Yoosung for saying what he felt. Oh and Zen!!!!! A real gentleman to the end! How he so respectfully shut Rika down! Just damn. And poor Jumin. He was taking everything really hard. Me in real life: **raises my glass of wine in salute to Jumin. I just wanted to console him so badly. Jaehee didn’t have as much interaction with Rika and didn’t appear to have been as badly affected as the others. Then again, she was kept quite busy handling matters for C&R and the Intel team. So that’s understandable, poor Jaehee, always working. Saeyoung......hwa. He nearly killed me. Actually my heart did stop for an instant. And then he proceeded to shatter it. Oh! How could I almost forget Vanderwood?!? He’s amazing and I really want more Vanderwood. I appreciate all of this though. Rika had a huge role in V’s route. In my mind it makes sense that she also have a huge role in the AE. I’m sorry to those of you who are disappointed in the AE. I’m not.
More could be said the longer I think about it but I think I’ve gone on long enough. I have hope that Cheritz will redeem themselves and appease your disappointment when they finally decide to make V’s Valentines day DLC. All of RFA has one so I’ll hold out hope for V’s and Saeran’s. Please don’t hate me for this post and please ease up on Cheritz. Thanks for hearing me out and please please please no hate remarks.
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juminsmysticmc · 6 years
Oh! Maby RFA reacting to mc who hides their problems to help them and others! If you want to you can add minor trio ( ^o^)/( ♡ᴗ♡ )
RFA + Minor Trio with a Mc who hides her own problems and helps them with their problems instead 
I know I said that I couldn’t post anything today but I thought that some of you would be disappointed and so…well I still didn’t sleep but it’s okay! I hope you like it, love! Tell me what you think about it! Have a nice day! 
Jumin Han’s wife, Mc. 
You were his wife but still, someone threatened you?!
It was true. 
Someone sent you messages and told you, to stay alert.
You wanted to tell Jumin but you noticed that he was struggling with work and own problems. 
,,My dad is in love with a new woman-again! Ahh and the new co-worker messed up…’’ he told you tired. 
You hugged him and told him to stay calm ,,Everything is all right, okay? The Co-worker needs time and your dad is blind with love….’’ 
You decided to ask Seven to take care of your problem, to help you at least. But in the chat he told you about his worries
,,Miss Vanderwood is mean…and the agency…I don’t have time to eat…..I CAN’T EAT…I need to go, Mc. Is something wrong?’’ 
And so you ended up telling him nothing. 
You stayed at home, you were barely going out. 
You didn’t even eat. You thought the Chief could use poison. 
Luckily a bodyguard noticed your odd behavior and told Jumin about it. 
Jumin took your phone while you were sleeping and read the messages. 
He was angry. Angry at the person behind this all, at himself but also at you. 
When you woke up Jumin was at your side, stroking your arm. 
,,Hello, my Love. Don’t worry. Luciel and my team are searching for the person who sent you those messages. But, why didn’t you tell me?’’ his voice was calm. You felt secure in his embrace and cried in his arms. 
,,I’m so afraid but you have your own problems and I….I just…..I’m sorry!’’ 
,,i’m not angry but for the future, just tell me, okay? I once told you, I want you to live a selfish life and put me aside too, promise me, Mc. Just tell me. I will protect you!’’ 
You didn’t know how you could tell him that everyone at work was mean to you. 
You didn’t want to be such a crybaby but everyone told you how ugly you were or that Zen was cheating on you. 
Theses little voices were always following you, even at home. 
Nothing worked at all, you knew, you were a bad manager. 
And he still seemed to love you….
You decided to tell him that you felt uncomfortable, alone, that you were always cold because everyone hated you. Yes, none showed you warmth….
,,Zenny, can I talk to you?’’ you asked him. 
,,Of course, babe. Just a minute. I need to know this sentence…ahhh the director is killing me these days….and I hope we can pay our apartment…I’m sorry Mc…and my family….they still hate me. please be patient with me!’’ he smiled at you. 
You were hurt. He was fighting so hard for you and you were there, complaining about your work? No. You couldn’t do this to him. 
You decided to go on. 
But one day he over heard a Co-worker of you.
He was shocked and helped you right away. 
,,Why?’’ he asked you, looking away. 
,,Why didn’t you tell me, Mc? Am I not good enough to help you with your problems?’’ he asked you. 
,,No, Zen! It’s just…you were busy! You had things to do and….I thought I…You have problems on your own.’’ you said a´with an almost silent voice. 
,,Mc. All my problems are also yours. And so are your problems. They are also mine. Please, I want, at least, I want to help you with one thing, okay?’’ 
You couldn’t tell him that you boss just laid you of. 
You couldn’t. 
It was the worst day. His job was enough but, what would he think about you? 
You were helpless. 
Tears falling down your red cheeks as you tried to find a solution. 
You were afraid and your hands were trembling like a leaf. 
You came home and acted normal. 
,,How was your day, sweetie?’’ he asked you happily. 
You were about to tell him but he walked against the door. 
,,Oh god Yoosung! Are you okay?’’ you asked. 
,,I’m sorry. My eyes are still useless. A dog died today. It was the same dog as Rika’s….’’ a tear left his eye. 
,,Sally was a nice dog…’’ you just couldn’t tell him the truth. 
You smiled and hugged him, resting his head on your chest ,,I’m sure she was…but now the dog is at Sally’s side, with Rika. I’m sure they are happy.’’ You stayed at home for the next days and Yoosung didn’t notice since he came always later. 
Just this day, he was earlier at home and found you, and the newspaper. 
,,What’s the meaning of this?’’ he asked shocked. 
,,Well…I’m just helping out a friend and…’’ 
,,Don’t lie to me, Mc.’’ yes, an angry Yoosung was nothing funny, you knew. 
And so you told him. 
he hugged you and cried into your lap ,,I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you! I shouldn’t have talked about me! It’s my fault! But Mc, i love you! You don’t have to go to work! I’m happy the way we are now! Just stay here and wait for me and my love!’’’
You were so afraid. 
After the thing that happened it was almost impossible for you to work. 
You lied to your best friend and just said you were sick. 
You knew it was mean of you but after a guest abused you…
You were too afraid to go out or help in the shop. 
,,Hello, Mc. How are you feeling today?“ she asked you. 
,,Mh…I don’t know…I would like to tell you something.“ you said with a fake smile. 
You knew you had to tell her what happened but….she looked at you with this tired smile…
You knew, she would be worried to death. She wouldn’t sleep for days because of you…
,,I think I can work tomorrow.“ you lied. 
,,Really? I‘m happy! I‘m going for a shower!“ she was happy. 
,,I‘m so dumb…“ 
The next day the RFA, except for Jumin, came in your shop. 
The guest too. 
He smirked. 
Your hands were trembling while you brought him his Coffee. 
And let it fall, all over his white Shirt.
You were totally ashamed. 
,,You should help me now…“ he laughed. 
You wanted to cry but…
,,Excuse me Sir, you can use the Toilet.“ Jaehee and the boys were right behind you. They noticed your odd behavior. 
,,Please don’t come anymore.“ Jaehee showed him her fits. 
After the guest went away she asked you ,,Why didn’t you tell me that he made you feel uncomfortable?“ 
You told her that you didn’t want to be annoying with your problems but she hugged you
,,You’re not annoying……“
It wasn’t a serious problem. 
It was just that you got a virus on your phone. 
You visited an illegal website and couldn’t do anything. 
You wanted to tell him but were stopped when you heard him argue with his brother. 
You helped them go through this rough time. 
Vanderwood couldn’t keep up with the house tasks and so you helped him too. 
You never changed. Since you were little you cared about others and their problems instead of yourself. 
You decided to not use your phone anymore. 
The RFA noticed that you didn’t participate any chats and so he asked you one day
,,Mc? Is something wrong?’’ you looked at him. 
Well you didn’t want to have any secrets with your fiance and so you told him. 
,,OH NO WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME SOONER?!’’ you were shocked. 
,,Poor you! Someone attacked my beautiful girlfriend…..REVENGE! I WANT-‚‘’
,,Saeyoung, it’s just my phone.’’ you laughed. 
,,How can you say something like this? A phone….it’s the birth of our love…Mc. In the future, please just tell me sooner. I want to help you and make sure that everything is fine.’’ 
He smiled at you and you agreed.
Yes, it was okay to tell him if you had some troubles. 
You were struggling with your problems…. 
You had a big discussion with a friend of you. 
You thought you were right. 
You wanted to tell someone. After all, the whole RFA was practically your family. 
You thought you didn’t need your friend since Jaehee was your best friend. 
You wanted to tell her and visited her but the poor woman was tired because of Jumin. 
,,It’s okay, Jaehee. I will help you. Tell me what to do!’’ you smiled. 
Everyone came with their problems to you and you felt as if you had nobody to talk. 
But Saeran noticed. You couldn’t sleep well anymore… 
,,Mc. You would tell me if something would trouble you, right?’’ 
,,Yes, Saeran. You’re my boyfriend.’’ 
,,Okay but why are you lying?’’ oh no, he found out. 
And so you cried in his arms, your face on his warm chest, his hands stroked your back… 
,,It’s okay….pssst……’’ 
You told him every details and he told you ,,I think you are right. But your reaction was too brutal….Let’s talk with her.’’ 
Since that day you told him everything right away. He was a good listener after all.
You were an artist too. 
You were drawing for children books but since a few days none wanted to have your work. 
They thought it was nothing for children. 
You were helpless, you thought about to stop but you first wanted to tell someone about it. 
You were on your way to Jihyun but he was talking to Jumin ,,Don’t worry…Yes I will talk to my father. Yes, the company will be fine.’’ 
You too tried to calm Jumin after he told you how he felt in the chat. 
You didn’t know who talk to but this wasn’t importand right now. 
Zen was also struggling with his lines and Yoosung didn’t understand anything at school. 
You helped them all since they were like a family to you. 
One day Jihyun noticed that you didn’t work for days and asked you about. 
You were embarrassed ,,None wants my work….’’ you confessed. 
,,Why do you think so?’’ 
You told him that everyone was against a publication and he got a bit angry at them.
,,Your work is fantastic! Don’t give up! Someone will like your work. Just search and don’t give up!’’ 
He was there for you and helped you with the search. 
You were happy that you told him.
Your boyfriend wasn’t someone who noticed your troubles or worries. 
But once he did, he helped you with all his strength. 
That’s why you never told him when something was troubling you. 
You rather helped other people with their problem. 
Because even if they asked you about your problems, they were never really interested. 
It was also something that hurt you. But you just ignored it. 
One day, you were just finished with work, you decided to help Saeyoung. He was so tired because of his work.
He told you about his problems, that he was afraid, that he didn’t know what to do with Saeran…. 
You listened to him and helped him, like always. 
Vanderwood listened to it and asked you about it. 
,,Is something wrong?’’ he asked you. 
What should you say? 
But you couldn’t handle it anymore and told him your problem. 
,,Dumbhead! You should have told me sooner! Come on! That’s serious!’’ 
He hugged you for a few minutes and then tried to solve your problem….
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