#Misaki Ono
white-cat-of-doom · 11 months
The disorderly louts and their fearless leader, Jennyanydots.
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Also fearless is Jellylorum.
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Nagoya, Japan (Photo from November 2022, but used in promotion yesterday).
Masaru Kitamura as Munkustrap, Misaki Ono as Jellylorum, Namiko Hanada as Jennyanydots, Naomi Takada as Tantomile, So Yokoi as Mistoffelees, and Tsukushi Maruno as Jemima.
Beetles: Ayu Shimizu, Haruna Sasaki, Hiroki Terunuma, Kaisaer Tatike, Kazuyuki Mandokoro, Maaya Tahara, Mitsuha Kojima, Ryujiro Isshiki, Shunsuke Ito, TaeSun Kang, Yuma Ishida, and Yuuma Tanabe.
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jessenigma · 5 months
My Favorite New Manga Reads of 2023
For the past few years on twitter, I've made threads of some of my favorite manga and light novel reads from the past year. This year, I decided I would move it over to two tumblr posts.
After the cut are some of my favorite titles that I picked up for the first time in 2023.
Talk to My Back, Yamada Murasaki
I like to pick up something a little more unusual at least once a year and so at the beginning of this year, I picked up this 1980s alt-manga title about the life of a Tokyo housewife played out in short vignettes. It's a frustrating read because of how real it feels and how much it feels like things haven't changed as much in the last 40 years as I'd like, but it's all the more fascinating for it. The essay at the end discussing Yamada Murasaki's work and placing it in context was a nice bonus too.
When a Cat Faces West, Yuki Urushibara
I love Yuki Urushibara's Mushishi (slow though I have been to actually finish it), so when Kodansha announced a license for Urushibara's much shorter series, I was there for it. It has a cool concept - there are areas of "flow" that will pop up out of nowhere and shift people and places out of time and space and one guy has tasked himself with helping people fix issues caused by it - but mostly it feels like Mushishi but set in the present day. I love a series that's just vibes all the way down.
Skip and Loafer, Misaki Takamatsu
I was absolutely smitten with the Skip and Loafer anime, so when it ended with what felt like a pretty definitive "we are not making a second season of this" final episode, I started the manga. A high school slice of life series lives by its characters and Mitsumi is the more adorable dork ever. The other characters are equally delightful, even when I don't necessarily like them, and I'm so eager to dive deeper into their lives.
Associate Professor Akira Takatsuki's Conjecture (light novel), Mikage Sawamura
This series feels a bit like what you'd get if you crossed The Case Files of Jeweler Richard and The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window: a college student with a supernatural ability to hear lies that alienates him from everyone meets a folklore professor with a mysterious past fascinated by mysteries, and together they investigate possibly-supernatural events. It's a bit silly, but the relationship between the leads is interesting and there's a lot of fun urban legends in the mix. There's also a manga adaptation that I haven't yet picked up, but maybe one day...
March Comes in Like a Lion, Chica Umino
I was curious about this one from the second Denpa announced the license just because of how much I'd heard about the series for years now, and it did not disappoint. I love a good story about a depressed and lonely teenage boy sublimating his feelings into an obsession with a uniquely Japanese pastime, especially when there's so many people around him wanting to help him stop being alone. Now I just wish that the release wasn't quite as slow as it has been, even if I know the many reasons why...though at least I still have the anime to rewatch while I wait.
Don't Call It Mystery, Yumi Tamura
After reading Basara and Wild Com, I was eager to get my hands on a newer series by Yumi Tamura, and the fact that it's a modern-day non-fantasy series made it all the more interesting. Totonou's incessant observations about the things going on around him are delightful, especially when they lead him straight into all kinds of dangers or even just leave everyone around him wishing he'd stop talking for about five seconds. I just want to pat him on the head and ask him to make me some curry.
After the Rain, Jun Mayuzuki
I got a card for the Japan Foundation's ebook library not too long ago, which has been great for picking up a lot of books that aren't available in my local library's collection, including this series. I had heard about it but was a bit hesitant because it's about a teenage girl who gets a crush on her much older boss...but hey, why not give it a try from the library? I'm glad I did because there was such a sweet relationship between them that ultimately helped them both out of the ruts they were in with their personal lives and dreams.
River's Edge, Kyoko Okazaki
I still can't decide if I actually enjoy Kyoko Okazaki's work or not, but I got a little closer to it with River's Edge. It's a harsh story about disaffected teenagers who find a dead body, but somehow it feels less depressing than the other works of hers I've read because they're teenagers and there's still the possibility that they can escape the lives that are dragging them down. I will say this - Okazaki's stories are never boring, whether I enjoy them or not.
Her, Tomoko Yamashita
I got a little overambitious this year and ordered the Italian release of a Tomoko Yamashita title I've been wanting to read for years. Can I read Italian? No. Did I think maybe I could figure it out kinda okay because I've studied French and Spanish? Yes. Did I end up reading everything through a translation app? Also yes. But this collection of interconnected stories about women and relationships was excellent despite the language barrier. I was thrilled to finally see the context for the kiss between a younger woman and an elderly woman that I so admired in Yamashita's 15th anniversary artbook, and its story was a touching exploration of what "normal" means. I would love to see this in English, but unfortunately I can't see it getting picked up.
Glitch, Shima Shinya
I was thrilled that Yen Press decided to pick up another title from Shima Shinya after Lost Lad London, and Glitch has been well worth my time. While it is a fantasy story about a town full of glitches in reality that I'm excited to see play out fully, what really caught my eye is the sheer amount of diversity in the characters - one of the leads is nonbinary, there are mixed race characters, there's a lesbian couple, etc. It's all part of the story but not in a didactic way, which I appreciate immensely. Shinya's art also makes me so happy, and I hope Yen continues to get more of their work.
Lilies and Voices Born Upon the Wind, Renmei
Speaking of diversity in characters, I enjoyed this series not only because it was a nice yuri with a motorcycle lesbian (always a bonus in my book, the motorcycle) but because it had some really thoughtful discussion of asexuality in multiple forms. I wish I could've gotten one of the printed copies that were available for purchase at one con, but alas.
Witch Hat Atelier Kitchen, Hiromi Sato & Kamome Shirahama
Did we really need a cooking series spinoff of Witch Hat Atelier? Probably not. Am I glad we got it in English anyway? Absolutely. This is basically an Olruggio/Qifrey slowburn domestic au fanfic and I adore it. And I love that they keep up the conceit about magical ingredients in each chapter's recipe, even though they are legit recipes you can actually make with the real ingredients recommended as substitutions. What Did You Eat Yesterday? but with witches, clearly an ideal combination.
Scribbles, Kaoru Mori
I am not actually a diehard fan of Kaoru Mori's work - I drifted away from A Bride's Story when I ran out of volumes at the library - but I do unabashedly adore her art. Scribbles is just perfect for me with its pages from her sketchbooks and her commentary about things like the ideal skirt tightness. I bought this in hardcover and all and will continue to get the other volumes in hardcover even though I almost always get Yen Press titles digitally because it's so much cheaper that way, that's how much I like it.
Innocent, Shin'ichi Sakamoto
I've had my eye on Shin'ichi Sakamoto's work for a while because I saw a bunch of panels from Innocent on here and fell in love with the art. What I did not expect was that the violently erotic story about a French executioner would actually get an English license. It's gorgeous and violent and weird and I am so here for it. Now, if I could just be sure that Dark Horse actually plans on releasing the whole thing...
Barbarities, Tsuta Suzuki
Much like with Innocent, I saw panels from Barbarities on here ages ago and wished I could read it without much hope, given the lack of other licenses for Tsuta Suzuki's bl since SuBLime's relicense of A Strange & Mystifying Story ages ago. But thankfully I am getting to read this nebulously historical drama with all of its social machinations and pretty men getting flustered by other flirtatious pretty men. And such nice clothes!
A Home Far Away, Teki Yatsuda
Kuma really gets some stellar licenses and A Home Far Away was especially good. Set in 1990s America, it reminded me of nothing so much as My Own Private Idaho crossed with Banana Fish and made me weep absolute buckets in the end. I don't think it's for everyone, but if you were ever an aficionado of depressing 90s queer cinema like I once was, this might be one for you.
À vos cotés [Tonari ni], Basso
I was shocked when the announcement for the French release of this title crossed my twitter timeline earlier this year - France has even less by Natsume Ono than the US does, but one of their publishers managed to get one of her actual bl titles published under her bl penname? So naturally, I had to get it. It's super sweet, about a young man who likes to take photos of horses at a racetrack who meets a much older man, and I swear reading it was just like reading her non-bl work only this time the two characters actually got to say their feelings out loud. This would be a perfect addition to several mainstream US publishers' bl lineup, and I would be the first in line to buy it if they did license it in English.
Dear, My God, Nemui Asada
More by Nemui Asada in English! I love Asada's work for its unique storylines and this one didn't disappoint, with a story about a priest having sex with a cult member to help save him and another story about a guy who ends up with a talking plant. It's a bit disappointing that it's only available on futekiya - when will we get some of these titles in print already?
Ikigami & Donor, Hiko Yamanaka
Hiko Yamanaka is another one whose work is always a bit outside the mold, and Ikigami & Donor is an interesting sci-fi bl about powerful "living gods" who have tremendous abilities but can't heal from injuries without blood, bodily fluids, or tissues from one specific donor. It's a fascinating concept and the way the relationship between one ikigami and his donor played out made for an interesting story. I hope to see more from Yamanaka one day.
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ayahachitwister · 11 months
The World Ends With Witches Chapter 5
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Shiki and Rhyme go to ask the witch Fuya if he knows anything about the vampire. And it wouldn’t hurt to also get their fortune read by the witch Kaie.
Chapter 5: Good Fortunes
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aspec-manga-snom · 8 months
My Aspec Manga List
This list will be continuously updated from time to time.
Everything on this list will be my personal recommendations for manga that either give off the aspec vibes, have a canon character or have an indirectly labeled character. I will admit a lot of these may be headcanons more than anything, but they aren't without their backing.
I'm using the term aspec as an umbrella term for arospec and acespec.
Trigger Warning Key:
*Contains Sexual References (Jokes, Mentions, etc.)
+Depictions of Sexual Imagery/Complete Nudity (Usually won't go that far, but just to be safe.
-Homophobia,Transphobia, Aphobia, etc.
!Themes of Suicide
/Gratuitous Violence, Gore
Aspec Stories with Canon Characters:
In which the words are said.
Mine-Kun is Asexual by Isaki Uta (ace)
My Astible by Amupaka * (aroace and demiaroace)
Our Dreams at Dusk by Kamatani Yuhki *-! (aroace)
Is Love the Answer? by Isaki Uta - (aroace)
Sex Education 120% by Takaki Kikiki, Illustrated by Hotomura *+ (aroace)
I Want to Be a Wall by Shirono Honami (aroace)
Scum's Wish Décor by Yokoyari Mengo *+- (aroace) (sequel anthology, haven't read the original)
Ame ga Shinai Koto by Okaya Izumi * (aroace) (they don't say the words but "never falls in love" is just right there)
Bloom into You by Nio Nakatani * (aroace) (demiromantic lesbians)
Kiryuu-sensei wa Renai ga Wakaranai by Haruka Ono * (aroace)
Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku by Umi Takase *-! (alloace)
Ano Yoru no Pool by Pukupuku (aroallo)
Romantic Killer by Wataru Momose * (aroallo)
Hatsukoi, Catharsis by Nuko Hatokawa * (gayace)
Lilies and Voices Born Upon the Wind by Mei Renjouji *- (aroace) (pan, demiace)
She Loves to Cook, She Loves to Eat by Sakaomi Yuzaki (ace lesbian)
Sensitive Boy by 46 *+! (aroace supporting)
Basically Unconfirmed but Implied Aspec Headcanons (Some Personal, Some Universal):
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. by Asou Shuuichi (aroace)
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End by Yamada Kanehito, Illustrated by Abe Tsukasa * (aroace)
Oshi no Ko by Akasaka Aka *! (aroallo)
It's Not Meguro-san's First Time by 9℃ *+ (alloace and aroallo)
Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon by Usui Shio *- (demiaro ace lesbians)
Last Gender: When We Are Nameless by Taki Rei *+-! (arospec aspec)
Umi ga Hashiru End Roll by Tarachine John (aroace)
Fly Me to The Moon by Hata Kenjiro * (aroace)
I Think Our Son Is Gay by Okura *- (aroace)
Renai Daikou by Akasaka Aka, Illustrated by Nishizawa 5mm * (arospec)
Spy x Family by Endou Tatsuya */ (aroacespec) (I'll die on this hill)
One Piece by Eiichiro Oda *+-!/ (aroace)
The Apothecary Diaries by Hyuuga Natsu & Nanao Ikki, Illustrated by Nekokurage *!/ (aroacespec)
Something Like the Dust That Is My World by Amano Shuninta*+- (aroallo)
Seibetsu "Mona Lisa" no Kimi e by Tsumuji Yoshimura *+-! (aroacespec) (kinda bad ideology of gender binary)
Dr.Stone by Riichiro Ingaki, Illustrated by Boichi * (aroace)
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun by Izumi Tsubaki * (aroace)
My Love Story!! by Kazune Kawahara, Illustrated by Aruko * (aroace)
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge by Nozomi Uda * (aroallo)
Skip & Loafer by Misaki Takamatsu * (demiaro? demiace?) (strong platonic relationships)
Dungeon Meshi by Kui Ryoko*!/ (aroace)
Girl Meets Rock! by Kuwahali, illustrated by Tetsuo Ideuchi (aro)
Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu! by Miman *+ (aro & demiaro coded)
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We all know that every single TWEWY character is autistic, but who's the most autistic? Time to figure that out!
Welcome to the TWEWY Autism Showdown!
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Please vote based on the character's autism, not how much you like them! I will be including a brief description of what autistic traits each competitor has, so make sure to read those before voting. Propaganda is encouraged!
Round one of the tournament starts Friday, March 24!
Round 1 Matchups:
Neku Sakuraba VS 777
Hishima Sakazuku VS Shoka Sakurane
Raimu "Rhyme" Bito VS Coco Atarashi
Eiji Oji VS Fuya Kawahara
Kaie Ono VS Uzuki Yashiro
Mitsuki Konishi VS Itaru "Yammer" Yokoyamada
Shiki Misaki VS Megumi Kitaniji
Tsugumi Matsunae VS Shuto "Shooter" Dan
Sho Minamimoto VS Kanon Tachibana
Makoto "Mick" Miki VS Shiba Miyakaze
Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki VS Koki Kariya
Eiru VS Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu
Beat Bito VS Ken Doi
Hazuki Mikagi VS Yodai Higashizawa
Rindo Kanade VS Tosai "Fret" Furesawa
Sanae Hanekoma VS Nagi Usui
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twewytransswag · 1 year
inspired by @twewyautismshowdown! welcome to the twewy trans bracket!
it's a well-known fact that every twewy character is trans but which one of them is the most swag about it? that's what we aim to figure out here!
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inbox is open for all kinds of propaganda but do be nice or i'll revoke anon privileges. we all love this game so let's have a nice time okay? :D
polls will open... when i finish the graphics. so who knows! soon though i promise
Round 1 Matches!:
Shiki Misaki vs Coco Atarashi
Sanae Hanekoma vs Eiru
Futoshi vs Makoto 'Mick' Miki
Rindo Kanade vs Sho Minamimoto
Shoka Sakurane vs Beat Bito
Koki Kariya vs Sota
Shiba Miyakaze vs Tsugumi Matsunae
Kaie Ono vs Yoshiya 'Joshua' Kiryu
Eri vs Hazuki Mikagi
Nao vs Kanon Tachibana
Fuya Kawahara vs Eiji Oji
Neku Sakuraba vs Shuto 'Shooter' Dan
Nagi Usui vs 777
Mitsuki Konishi vs Uzuki Yashiro
Fret Furesawa vs Ayano Kamachi
Hishima Sakuzuki vs Rhyme Bito
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blood-darkened-moon · 7 months
Square Enix
The World Ends with You
Characters Neku Sakuraba | Shiki Misaki | Mr Mew | Yoshiya Kiryu/Joshua | Daisukenojo Bito/Beat | Raimu Bito/Rhyme
Rindo Kanade | Tosai Furesawa/Fret | Nagi Usui | Shoka Sakurane
Reaper Sho Minamimoto | Koki Kariya | Uzuki Yashiro | Ayano Kamachi | Kaie Ono | Tanzo Kubo | Hishima Sakazuki | Shiba Miyakaze | Megumi Kitaniji
Sanae Hanekoma | Hazuki Mikagi
2B | 9S | A2 | Pod 042 | Pod 153 | Adam | Eve
Kaine | Devola | Popola
Octopath Traveler
Ophilia Clement | Cyrus Albright | Tressa Colzione | Olberic Eisenberg | Primrose Azelhart | Alfyn Greengrass | Therion | H'aanit/Linde
Gideon | Lianna Clement
Final Fantasy
FFVI Terra Branford
FF VII Cloud Strife | Tifa Lockhart | Aerith Gainsborough | Vincent Valentine | Yuffie Kisaragi
Sephiroth | Jenova
FF VIII Squall Leonhart | Quistis Trepe | Seifer Almasy
FF IX Kuja | Garnet Til Alexandros
FF X Yuna | Tidus | Lulu | Auron | Rikku | Kimahri | Wakka
Seymour Guado | Jecht | Braska
FFXII Fran | Balthier
FF XIII Lightning Farron
Summons Leviathan | Anima | Ifrit | Shiva | Diabolos | Odin
Monster Bomb | Ahriman | Chocobo | Coeurl | Behemoth | Cactoid | Malboro
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composereggwrites · 2 years
Oh insomnia, seems we meet again (won’t you bring this waking nightmare to an end?)
Rating: T
Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fandom: Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You (Video Games)
Characters: Sakuraba Neku, Kiryu “Joshua” Yoshiya, Mikagi “Haz” Hazuki, Misaki Shiki, Bito “Rhyme” Raimu, Bito “Beat” Daisukenojo, Eri (TWEWY), Ono Kaie, Shibuya (TWEWY), Shinjuku (TWEWY)
Relationships: Kiryu “Joshua” Yoshiya/Sakuraba Neku, Beat & Eri & Joshua & Neku & Rhyme & Shiki (TWEWY)
Additional Tags: Shin Subarashiki Kono Sekai | NEO: The World Ends With You Spoilers, Sakuraba Neku’s 3 Years in Shinjuku (TWEWY), Sakuraba Neku-Centric, Families of Choice, Post-Shin Subarashiki Kono Sekai | NEO: The World Ends With You, Dissociation, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Grief, Isolation, Overstimulation, They/Them Pronouns for Bito “Rhyme” Raimu, TWEWY Bang 2022
Three years.
Three years is a long time to spend isolated, alone. Ghosts and tenuous connections to keep him company. To keep Neku grounded enough to be himself.
Three years is a long time to come to care for echoes of a city he won’t get to keep. He has Shibuya. He has his friends, his home. 
He survives. He lives. 
(How does he do it? How do Neku’s friends cope with his disappearance? And is it a hopeless daydream that Shinjuku might live, too?)
Chapter 1 excerpt:
When he opens his eyes next, Neku is standing in a street, and the sun hasn’t shifted at all. The clouds obscuring it are static in position.
The last image in his head is Joshua pointing a gun at him. Again. And yet he knows, he knows, that this death was not Josh’s fault. Wherever he is, on the other hand. However he got here, probably is.
Scratch that probably. Definitely. Given what hangs at his neck.
There’s a soft hum from the feather as he reaches up to touch it. Grounding him. Giving him room to breathe without risking shattering.
Not that he needs the air.
(Not that the air here means anything).
Neku knows that a new scar on his back will be joining the other two. Matching the one on his head (hidden by bangs), and the one over his heart. He’d check, but that would mean finding a mirror. Revealing more skin than he’s comfortable with, in this ghost town.
And that’s when the people appear.
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text list of bracket competitors under the cut!
2nd command drs guy Maito Minami Sumio Tanaka Futoshi Susukichi Sho Minamimoto Hishima Sakazuki Ayano Kamachi Nagi Usui Hanekoma Shiki Misaki Eiji Oji Tanzo Kubo Shrimp Coco Atarashi Keiichi Okada Shiba Miyakaze Koki Kariya 777 Neku Sakuraba mitsuki konishi Joshua Fuya Kawahara Makoto Miki Kaie Ono Eiru Beat Megumi Kitaniji Ryoji lord tomonami Yodai Higashizawa Sasai tamao Ken Doi
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wotakugo · 8 months
The Dead Mount Death Play anime has released a new trailer ahead of the airing of its second cour on October 9. Geek Toys is animating the series, with Yoshihiro Satsuma, who Manabu Ono as the director.[wpcc-iframe data-lazyloaded="1" data-ezsrc="about:blank" title="【第3弾PV】TVアニメ「デッドマウント・デスプレイ」|2023年10月放送開始!" width="1170" height="658" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HN9kSVYalcU?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen class="ezlazyload"][wpcc-iframe title="【第3弾PV】TVアニメ「デッドマウント・デスプレイ」|2023年10月放送開始!" width="1170" height="658" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HN9kSVYalcU?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen]Dead Mount Death Play – Second Cour TrailerThe first cour of the anime aired from April 11 to June 27 this year for 12 episodes. Takaharu Ookuma and Yoshiki Kitai served as assistant directors, while Hisashi Abe did character designs. The cast for the anime includes:Inori Minase as Misaki SakimiyaYuki Sakakihara as Polka ShinoyamaHaruka Shiraishi as Saki AikawaRumi Ookubo as Izuna AjijoNobuhiko Okamoto as Kozaburo AraseIkumi Hasegawa as Koryuto IchonaseAtsumi Tanezaki as Risa KurakiYuma Uchida as Takumi KuruyaMisato Fukuen as Xiaoyu LeiKazuhiro Yamaji as Rosan ShinoyamaYou Taichi as Saya ShinoyamaTakuya Eguchi as Tsubaki YuwanomeDead Mount Death Play is based on a manga series by Ryogo Narita with art from Shinta Fujimoto. The manga has been serialized in Square Enix’s bimonthly magazine Young Gangan since October 2017. There are currently 11 volumes out.Yen Press licensed the manga for English release and published eight volumes as of September 2022. The official website describes the plot of the first volume as:It’s a showdown for the ages as the legendary hero takes on the corpse god necromancer, but when the dust settles, something isn’t quite right… In the final moments of their epic confrontation, the corpse god’s final gambit shot was wholly unexpected — reincarnation magic! Across space and time, a boy named Polka Shinoyama awakens feeling…not quite himself…… Who could’ve expected that the climactic battle between good and evil would turn out like this??Source: Official Website© Ryogo Narita, Shinta Fujimoto / Square Enix, “Dead Mount Death Play” Production CommitteeAfter AnimeCorner
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white-cat-of-doom · 2 months
A recently shared photo of the Jellicle pyramid in Nagoya, in promotion of tickets for the next stop in Shizuoka going on sale.
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This photo is from the 39th anniversary week in November 2022.
Kohei Nakahashi as Asparagus, Mitsuha Kojima as Bombalurina, Hiroki Terunuma as Carbucketty, Maaya Tahara as Cassandra, Ryujiro Isshiki as Coricopat, Hikari Ono as Demeter, Shunsuke Ito as Gilbert, Masae Ebata as Grizabella, Misaki Ono as Jellylorum, Tsukushi Maruno as Jemima, Namiko Hanada as Jennyanydots, TaeSun Kang as Chorus Macavity, So Yokoi as Mistoffelees, Yuuma Tanabe as Mungojerrie, Masaru Kitamura as Munkustrap, Kazuki Kanemoto as Young Deuteronomy, Jimu Yoshioka as Chorus Tugger, Ayu Shimizu as Rumpleteazer, Kazuyuki Mandokoro as Rumpus Cat, Haruna Sasaki as Sillabub, Kaisaer Tatike as Skimbleshanks, and Nemu Kondo as Victoria.
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ayahachitwister · 10 months
The World Ends With Witches Chapter 10
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Rhyme goes to see Kaie and Tsugumi, only for them to get a surprise visit from an enraged Ayano. She wants to see Shoka, but what can they do with Shoka’s curse still in effect?
Chapter 10: Noisy Streets
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Congratulations to the winners of Round 1! 🎉
Round 2 will begin shortly, matchups below the cut.
Neku Sakuraba VS Shoka Sakurane
Raimu "Rhyme" Bito VS Fuya Kawahara
Kaie Ono VS Itaru "Yammer" Yokoyamada
Shiki Misaki VS Shuto "Shooter" Dan
Sho Minamimoto VS Makoto "Mick" Miki
Kaichi "Susukichi" Susuki VS Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu
Beat Bito VS Hazuki Mikagi
Rindo Kanade VS Nagi Usui
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maceemayson · 2 years
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Happy holidays from the twewy gang!
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hectopascals · 3 years
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hello, friends. today i offer you twewy textposts over a spaghetti-sauce-red background. tomorrow? who knows...
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composereggwrites · 2 years
Insomnia, Chapter 4
Rating: T
Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Fandom: Subarashiki Kono Sekai | The World Ends With You (Video Games)
Characters: Sakuraba Neku, Kiryu “Joshua” Yoshiya, Mikagi “Haz” Hazuki, Misaki Shiki, Bito “Rhyme” Raimu, Bito “Beat” Daisukenojo, Eri (TWEWY), Ono Kaie, Shibuya (TWEWY), Shinjuku (TWEWY)
Relationships: Kiryu “Joshua” Yoshiya/Sakuraba Neku, Beat & Eri & Joshua & Neku & Rhyme & Shiki (TWEWY)
Additional Tags: Shin Subarashiki Kono Sekai | NEO: The World Ends With You Spoilers, Sakuraba Neku’s 3 Years in Shinjuku (TWEWY), Sakuraba Neku-Centric, Families of Choice, Post-Shin Subarashiki Kono Sekai | NEO: The World Ends With You, Dissociation, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Grief, Isolation, Overstimulation, They/Them Pronouns for Bito “Rhyme” Raimu, TWEWY Bang 2022
Three years.
Three years is a long time to spend isolated, alone. Ghosts and tenuous connections to keep him company. To keep Neku grounded enough to be himself.
Three years is a long time to come to care for echoes of a city he won’t get to keep. He has Shibuya. He has his friends, his home.
He survives. He lives.
(How does he do it? How do Neku’s friends cope with his disappearance? And is it a hopeless daydream that Shinjuku might live, too?)
Chapter 4: Neku is having a time in Shinjuku with the echoes of people, Shiki is trying something new, and Beat has a conversaiton with Joshua
Ao3: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
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