#Mirella's muses
only-1-a · 15 days
I don't know if I actually wrote this into a fic or not but I just remembered back in my malec days imagining Magnus having a heartfelt confession to Alec that as a Warlock he can't have children, and Alec just deadpan replying, "Ummm, last I checked, two men usually can't have kids together."
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mirellapryce · 3 months
I came up with this because I enjoy torturing myself and others with tragic plots. Based on the line “Somebody told me, that you had a boyfriend that looked like a girlfriend that I had in February of last year.”
Probably best suited to a modern AU, LBH spots LQG at some kind of gathering. He’d heard that LQG had a new boyfriend, but something about the man beside him looks familiar. He doesn’t usually like interacting with LQG if he can help it, but he’s curious about this stranger. It’s not until he’s upon them that he recognizes the person and realizes his mistake.
Maybe someone in the circle tries to introduce them, but it’s with a shuttered look that Shen Yuan interrupts and says, “Binghe and I already know each other.  I go by Shen Yuan now.” And he holds out a hand to shake like he and LBH weren’t INTIMITELY acquainted before last year. I think LBH would still be in too much shock, faced with the love of his life dating someone else (AND BOY IF LBH HADN’T THOUGHT IT SUSPICIOUS WHEN HE HEARD THAT LQG WAS DATING WHEN THE MAN HAD BEEN AFTER HIS PARTNER FOR YEARS). When LBH doesn’t take SY’s hand, he retracts it and tries to explain that he had realized he was a man and he couldn’t pretend he wasn’t. He says he knew LBH was straight and so that’s what led to him breaking up with LBH last year. He did it before Valentine’s day, because he thought LBH deserved better than to go through a romantic holiday he loved when SY knew they would have to break up soon.
Now for the tragedy. LBH sees this man in front of him, and he’s still in love. It’s not that LBH was “straight” so much as it was that he was in love with SY. He was in love, and our dear maiden-hearted, romantic Bing-mei was planning to PROPOSE on that Valentine’s day. He was absolutely broken hearted when SY dumped him before he could, and barely gave any explanation. Worse than that was that SY more or less disappeared from all social media, so it was like the love of his life disappeared entirely. It would be one thing if he met SY again now as a single man, but he’s here as LQG’s BOYFRIEND which means LBH has no chance. He lost the love of his life and he wasn’t given the opportunity to do anything about it.
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siderealxmelody · 2 years
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 months
hey besties we all know I have no chill and I'm not even halfway done my current pinterest list so my muses could be somewhere else entirely by the time I start another batch but still
in my next batch of pinterests:
Zoe Giardi or Josie St James ( Glee )
Calleigh Sheridan or Mirella Gold or Odelia Kowroski ( OUAT )
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womanofwords · 9 months
STEM Kids Shenanigans (Chapter 5)
Chapter 5: Trinkets
Angelo Riva woke up to the feeling of his little sister weakly pushing him with all her three-year-old might. “You gonna go to school,” she said.
Angelo’s blood ran cold while he frantically scrambled for his phone to see the time. When he saw that it was 10 AM, he almost passed away. But when he saw that it was Saturday, he was relieved. “It’s Saturday. I don’t need to go to school today,” he told the three-year-old. “Who told you I had to go to school?”
“Santo,” Mirella replied.
“Oh, he said that to you?” Angelo asked. Mirella nodded. “OK. I’m gonna talk to Santo. You just stay here, got it?”
“OK,” Mirella said.
“You’re a good girl, Mirella,” Angelo said, messing with her hair and leaving her in his room. The soft tone in his voice faded when talking to his older brother. “Santo, what the hell?”
“Watch your language, Mirella might copy you,” Santo taunted. The duvet he’d wrapped himself in looked comfortable, so Angelo took it. “Hey!”
“Why do you keep telling Mirella to wake me up for school when it’s Saturday?” Angelo said.
“Because it’s adorable to watch her try and it’s funny to watch you freak out,” Santo replied. “Simple. Now give me my duvet back.”
Angelo pretended to think about it. “No.”
“Fine. I’ll just take you and the duvet.” Santo pulled on the duvet, sending his little brother flying forwards. The duvet Angelo was holding onto now became the material that swaddled him. “So, how do I correct this attitude before it gets worse? What should I do with you?” He spied convenient pockets in the way he’d wrapped the duvet around his brother and grinned. “Oh, I think I know now.”
Angelo raised an eyebrow. “Am I gonna get beaten up now or something?”
“Oh, you wish,” Santo grinned, as he plunged his hands into the pockets and prodded at his brother's ribcage, playing him like a piano.
“Depends. Are you gonna be really nice to your big brother?” Santo punctuated each word by squeezing Angelo's sides. Angelo's squeaks and squeals alerted Mirella, who rushed in and saw Santo sitting on her big brother.
“Leave big brother alone!” she yelled, punching Santo. It wasn’t a very hard punch, considering that she was three.
“Ow,” Santo groaned. “And what do you mean by big brother? I’m your big brother too, remember?” Santo groaned.
“Angie is my big brother! You leave him alone! He’s tired!” Mirella yelled.
“Mimi, Santo is your big brother too,” Angelo explained.
“No, he's not.”
“Yes, he is,” Angelo told her.
“No, he's not.”
“Yes, he is.”
“What is this?” Angelo’s mother asked, looking into Santo’s room and seeing all three of her kids. “Why are you all in Santo's room?”
“Santo mean to Angie!” Mirella yelled.
“Santo, be nice to your little brother. And all of you go downstairs for breakfast,” their mother ordered, leaving the room. Angelo began the process of extracting himself from the duvet, grumbling all the while.
“Santo is such a pain,” he grumbled. Halfway through the extraction process of removing himself from the treacherous duvet, Mirella hugged him.
“I protect big brother from Santo,” she said.
Angelo smiled and picked her up. “Yes, you did. You’re the best baby sister.”
Angelo prepared himself and Mirella two bowls of chocolatey cereal while the whirring of the blender confirmed the making of Santo’s protein shake. “I regret buying you that stuff,” their mother sighed.
“I’m just glad you remembered breakfast,” their dad said, reading a book on the couch. “And it’s better they eat it instead of wasting it, I guess.”
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and they are starting off their day with junk!”
“We can hear you, Mama,” Angelo said, draining the milk out of the bowl. “And it’s not even a school day.”
“With that blender, I’m surprised that you can hear anything,” their dad mused as Santo turned it off and poured his beige protein shake into a cup.
“Is it supposed to look like that?” Angelo asked, tilting his head with confusion.
“I said that about you when you were born,” Santo taunted.
“SANTO!” their parents chorused.
“I’m kidding, I promise. Angelo knows I’m kidding.” He crouched down to look at his little brother. “Right, Angelo?”
“I’d like some space, please.” Angelo got up and went up to his room. “We’ll talk when I get back.”
“Angie!” Mirella whimpered. Angelo smiled, turning around to stroke her hair.
“I’ll be back in a few hours, OK, principessa?" he soothed, before going up to his room. He needed his space and his board.
The best thing about skateboarding, according to Angelo Riva, was how he felt at peace with air rushing past him and no floor underneath. He felt like he was flying as he performed flips and turns. And even when he was resting with his board at his side, he could watch the other skaters and smile. He was practicing a spin when two young men came up to him. They looked to be around twenty. “Who are you, little guy?” the one in front asked, a toned and shirtless guy with a silver dog tag necklace around his neck.
Angelo looked up at the large boy, gulping nervously. “Angelo,” he said. “What do you want? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, little guy, you’re awesome!” he said, the other agreeing. “How many tricks do you know?”
“Only a few,” Angelo admitted. “The basics. Ollie, sliding, stuff like that. I try to learn more, but my parents don’t like when I stay out too long.”
“What trick are you trying to learn, little guy?” the other guy said, a slightly shorter guy who had a shirt.
“360 spin,” Angelo admitted. “But I keep failing at it.”
“Oh, that's OK,” Dog Tag said. “You have to suck at something to get good at it. Now, how about you demonstrate and we see where you’re going wrong?” Angelo nodded and got onto his board, skating towards the ramp and trying to turn all the way. He fell hard. The two older skaters came running. “You OK, little dude?”
“I’ve had worse,” Angelo grunted, getting up and dusting himself off. “I have knee pads underneath this, so no bleeding.”
“Good. Now, you’re trying the spin too early and it throws your balance off,” Shirt Dude said. “How about you try again? And once you figure this out, we’ll show you a few more tricks.”
Angelo agreed immediately. “Cool.”
Angelo got ambushed by Mirella the moment he came home. “Big brother!” she squealed, hugging his legs. Angelo smiled and picked her up.
“What’s the problem, honey?” Angelo asked.
“Want big brother,” Mirella whined.
Angelo laughed and spun her around, listening to her squeals and giggles. “All right. Is there anything else you want?”
“My Little Pony!” Angelo steered her to the TV and turned the channel from the news to magical unicorns. Once the theme song was blaring and Mirella was engrossed in the TV, Angelo snuck away to the basement.
The basement was Angelo's favourite part of the house, second to his actual bedroom. Unlike his bedroom, the basement has a key that he could lock from the inside or outside, meaning that he could keep other people out when he had to. He could also take part in his favourite hobbies: inventing new things and collecting interesting trinkets. He kept his trinkets in a large plastic bin that he occasionally took out and looked at. His trinkets included, but were not limited to:
A small silver skull charm that looked like it had fallen off a gothic charm bracelet.
A unicorn hat that Mirella had put on his head to make him the unicorn princess.
His old Willy Wonka costume that he went trick-or-treating with when he was eleven before he got the growth spurt that transformed him from a scrawny kid to a big dude. He had the purple Gene Wilder version, although he did like the goggles on the hat that Johnny Depp's version had.
His old roller-skates that he grew out in terms of both size and the hobby itself.
The toy toolkit that he got for his fifth birthday.
He’d collected these things for ages, things that meant a lot to him. His inventions ended up on shelves, but he put his trinkets in the box on the floor, for the sake of easier access.
“Angelo, time for dinner! We got pizza!” their mother called. Angelo stopped reminiscing about the past and dutifully went upstairs.
A hand clamped over his mouth.
“I knew you'd come if you thought there was food,” Santo said triumphantly, holding up the audio recording device on his phone.
“A recording of our mother’s voice? Seriously?” Angelo asked.
“Hey, it worked,” Santo said. “Anyway, I need to make sure that Mum and Dad know that there’s nothing bad between us.”
“But there is none.”
Santo studied his little brother’s face. “Really? Are you serious?”
“Of course I’m serious. I have to be; I’m a terrible liar.” Angelo smiled awkwardly up at his brother. Santo wasn't buying it.
“Nah, I should probably make sure, just in case.” Angelo was dragged into Santo's bedroom and subjected to tickles. “Poor little inventor. Nobody’s going to help you. Dad’s asleep, and Mum is shopping.” He went to squeeze his brother’s knees to make the inventor go weak with laughter, and he found a strange hardness. “Are you still wearing your knee pads?”
“Oh, I forgot I had those on," Angelo said, removing them with ease as his older brother looked at him with horror.
“I think it’s somewhere between muscle memory and obliviousness.”
“For you, it's definitely obliviousness." Santo took the time to grab his knee and squeeze cruelly, listening to his brother squeal and attempt to squirm away.
“Please don’t do this when my friends come over,” Angelo begged, through his giggles. Santo paused.
Angelo gave his brother a weird look. “Yes. When Mum and Dad come back, I’ll ask them if my friends can come over to study.”
“Of course you’re all studying.” Santo rolled his eyes.
“Normally, we’d do this in school, but we keep getting hounded by this school prefect.”
“Oh, really? Who’s this prefect person?” Santo sat and nodded in all the right places as Angelo explained who Melanie Sainsbury was, the times that she’d burst into their meetings to catch them doing something wrong, and the accusations she'd levelled against them. “She sounds like a nasty piece of work.”
“She is. Something about us makes her angry, and I don’t know what.”
“I bet Mum and Dad will totally say yes,” Santo replied.
“I’ll ask them,” Angelo said, pulling out his phone.
Angelo: Can a few of my friends come over on Wednesday afternoon?
Dad: You never told me you had friends.
A: I made friends at school. They're called Dante, Layla and Yujin, and we need a place to study that is away from school.
D: Sure, so long as their parents know and give permission for them to be there.
A: Thank you.
“He said yes,” Angelo told Santo.
“Never doubted him for a second,” Santo muttered. “Now, where were we?”
And the torturous tickles began again.
Italian translation
Principessa: Princess
To read the other parts of this fic, see Masterlist.
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aeviterncl · 9 months
5, 7, 9 , 12, 13, 23 / random! you can answer each one with whoever you like
MEME ┊accepting.
Answers are under the cut due to the length of this post.
5. “How easy is it for your muse to say, “I love you”?
Shea is the type of person who directly conveys his feelings. He finds it very easy to say he likes someone, even if it isn't in the romantic sense. In fact, he says it so effortlessly that many often question whether he means it seriously (AKA romantically). While Shea does often play the dense or innocent card, he is much more attuned to implied meanings than others give him credit for. He usually does mean what he says when he likes someone and isn't shy about repeating it either. Most of the time he uses the phrase "I like you" but he can still use "love" without a problem—although he hasn't really found an opportunity to use "I love you" yet, as willing as he would be to say it.
7. What is the longest relationship your muse has been in?
Out of everyone on the current roster, Marcel is the only one who has legitimately been in a romantic relationship. He used to have flings almost constantly while in attending university with whichever girl was alright with his rules (this was his attempt to cope with feelings surrounding Karoline). The relationships lasted no longer than a couple of months each though, as many realized how awful he was due to his projection issues. At this point, he prefers to pretend they never happened, but those who hold grudges are likely to bring up this shameful stage of Marcel's life to get under his skin.
9. How physically affectionate is your muse with their partner?
Izan communicates with action by nature. His words aren't his strong suit, and his actions often convey his intentions much better. Even in non-romantic partnerships, he defers toward being physically close to people, whether it be leaning over their shoulder, snuggling a bit too close for comfort, placing his hand on someone's hip, and the like. He also ruffles people's hair and gives lots of hugs from behind regardless of the defined relationship.
I'd expect that in romantic relationships, Izan would be even more affectionate now that he has the excuse of the new relationship status. Expect a lot of sleepy forehead kisses in the morning, more clingy behaviors like keeping them in bed a little longer, and if he was truly feeling bold, he might be more adventurous with his acts in the sense of maybe luring them into more spicy activities. At some point, he'd definitely make a habit of biting a particular spot on them as a form of marking to keep others away (including his brother).
12. Does your muse enjoy giving/receiving grand gestures of love?
Although he is grateful for gifts, Ryder is not the best at accepting them. His low self-worth makes it near impossible to accept something from others unless it's some sort of punishment or penalty or some leftover thing that needs to be thrown out. He doesn't see himself as doing anything valuable enough to warrant a gift or affection. He is much more low-key and despises grand gestures; grand gestures put a lot of pressure on him and he can't bring himself to be honest in those moments, choosing the answer that would result in the least amount of pain for his partner.
In short, he finds receiving gifts to be really stressful because then he has to think about what to do in return (and with him, nothing is ever good enough for others).
13. What personality trait/type does your muse find most attractive?
Mirella is someone who is looking for someone who makes her feel seen. What she wants is someone who can see through her conduct and mannerisms. She isn't the best at being open with her feelings and she fails to show herself kindness. Her ideal partner would be a companion who she can lean on for support and keep her in check when she goes too far in depriving herself of her needs (as she punishes herself for needing to feed from humans, forming a deal with a demon, and killing her brother on accident).
Obviously, she will give back just as much if not more, but someone she can be honest and vulnerable with is a must. Being open about how she got to her current life is not easy and having a partner who can accept everything about her would be a dream come true.
Zerah's answer is here if you'd like to read his.
23. Is your muse smooth when it comes to flirting? How do they handle being flirted with?
Once someone manages to get past his aggression, they'll find out that Souta is really just a soul unable to handle love and kindness. He did not grow up with these sorts of things, so receiving affection, praise, and delicate/gentle touch are foreign to him—foreign enough to get him flustered and panicking. Flirting is something that will either get him extremely enraged to the point of literally taking out his bat to club people with or shock him enough to make him lose any sense of functioning he had prior—resulting in his aggression dissipating into nothing.
On the flip side, Souta is awful at flirting. He couldn't flirt even if he tried. Smooth lines will make him cringe, and he isn't delicate by nature. He is more on the forceful side and intimidating, so the typical approach of treating others delicately doesn't come easy to him. However, he is capable of showing he cares in his own, somewhat harsh, way. It just wouldn't be considering flirting by any means.
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denscontrol · 1 year
Knock knock for Mirella Q Melromarc
Send me "Knock, knock" and my muse will answer the door wearing nothing but a towel
The Queen had been tired from last night’s drinking and with the doorbell being rung and the door was knocked upon the woman stirred and lazily walked towards the door. She swore up and down that she grabbed her robe and threw it over her body. But she actually hadn’t which is what led to her being bare nudity to the young blonde male.
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matthew-adams · 3 years
💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak?
sex+romance headcanons!
💔 What was my muse’s first heartbreak?
His first serious girlfriend Mirella was the first and probably the only girl who broke Matt’s heart. He’s had relationships in high school but none of them were serious and the break-ups were amicable. Mirella, on the other hand, was a different story. He’s met her during his second year at Columbia. They hit it off right away and dated for three years, Matt was pretty sure he’s found his soulmate. However, one morning Mirella told him she’s not in love with him anymore and broke up with him. After that, he has gotten a little bit cynical about relationships.
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only-1-a · 20 days
Once again poking into the S and D Tier tag to ask if anyone would like to beta Alex and Morgan's honeymoon for me?
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abrasife · 4 years
8, 11?
MEME ┊accepting.
who is your latest muse? can be someone you’re only considering / not planning to play at all, but is tempting you.
Well, I don’t have any canon muses and I doubt I’ll ever be able to write a canon character other than the one I previously mentioned in the other response for this meme. As for latest original character, I made it for a private group roleplay (that’s not on tumblr). It’s a sci-fi fantasy setting one and I thought I’d give it a shot. In short, she’s an android.
As for a canon muse who is tempting to me–there’s nobody in mind except for going back into the fandom i really can’t stay in anymore. I love the characters and series but the fandom is just a bad experience for me.
For an original muse… I’ve been tempted to make another one but I have no ideas at all and I don’t want to impulsively add them to my work in progress blog. 
have you ever built or picked up a muse because you wanted to use a certain faceclaim? how did it go?
I’ve never picked up a canon muse that way (I say as I’ve only written one canon character). I’ve definitely made original characters because I wanted to use a specific face claim though! It’s a hit or miss on whether they stick around or not.
I lot of my original characters are characters I have a face claim in mind before I even start writing them up so I guess that also falls in this category. Keith is also part of it. I can name the whole list. It’s under the cut.
fandom original characters
Sorin Lupei (Fir/e Emb/lem: Awakeni/ng)
Viorel Glenn (Fir/e Emb/lem: Awakeni/ng)
Eirian Kendrick (Fir/e Emb/lem: Awakeni/ng)
Koen Jardine (Fir/e Emb/lem: Awakeni/ng)
Christian Solberg (Fir/e Emb/lem: Awakeni/ng)
Azriel Karim (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Lonan Vilar (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Lucian Allard (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Kyou Ishikawa (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Ryouichi Hamasaki / Aulis Nurmi (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Shinobu Ueno (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Mirella Desroisers (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Aaren Zanetti (Fir/e Emb/lem: Fa/tes)
Keith Jardine (Fir/e Emb/lem: Ec/hoes)
Rachael Jardine (Fir/e Emb/lem: Ec/hoes)
Reanne Atkinson (Fir/e Emb/lem: Ec/hoes)
Ryder Elliot (Fir/e Emb/lem: Ec/hoes)
Senn Adrichem (Fir/e Emb/lem: Thre/e H/ouses)
Ryuuko Oshiro (Dan/ganr/onpa: Trig/ger Ha/ppy Hav/oc)
Katsuo Todoroki (M/y He/ro: Aca/demia– this was before the second brother was revealed?? I don’t read the manga and I stopped watching the anime after s3;; I still love his character though)
fandomless original characters
Marie && Marcel Brändle
Aeron Vaughan
Lian Everhart
Kazuya Yamamoto
Lihua Song
Niko Mendel
Verena Mendel
Marianna Alagona
Valeri Orlov
Alister Macbeth
Jiang Liao
Elise Sommer
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
//I spoke too soon apparently//
They moved through the snow stopping beside them as they looked down at the Witch Fortress.
"I hear if I want some fun in Orkirh I should stick by you. So what are we doing today to these little witches."
It had witches that had caged them after all. They were itching for some more screams from them. To feed on their terror and hopelessness like they'd done to them.
Their power crackled around them, this was going to be fun.
Dark eyes rose from those caged before her, she felt the presence within the air as it worked its way through the snow. Not many dared to venture this far, not many had found the place she had been using to fortify her coming plans.
Mirella turned, standing tall as she heard the words come from it. A creature she had never seen before, yet the stories that had once been shared by her Uncle and Mother came to mind. It's question drew a smile from her, her head tilting to the witches.
"And who told you a thing like that?" She asked. "As for the witches, they refuse to serve their purpose so they are going to slowly freeze until they either die or relent to what I asked of them."
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sin-heart-sin · 2 years
I don’t have Xandrian’s history/background written anywhere in detail, yet, because I haven’t gotten around to it and it’s not critical to anything, in my opinion. Other muses wouldn’t know about it anyway.
Obviously he does have one, though, and while he’s had a lot of less than pleasant crap happen to him over the course of it to the point that he probably has the least happy background of all of my XIV characters (AND I COULD SCREAM A LOT ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE THE FACT HE’S STILL A CHEERUFUL, HAPPY GO LUCKY, MOSTLY NICE DUDE DESPITE ALL OF IT), one thing that always sticks out to him is what happened after he escaped to Eorzea, and more specifically, the Black Shroud, followed by Gridania.
‘Cause there was this one lady he met, named Mirella, a pretty af midlander native to Gridania, that kinda picked him off the street and seemed really sweet and nice and caring and what have you. He was grateful to her for putting a roof over his head, showing him around, and pointing him to work opportunities. All that good stuff to help him get back on his feet. They got to know each other better over the course of it, he started to like her, she started to like him from the looks of things, Gridania was feeling a lot like home thanks to her, all was going well.
And all went well for quite some time, honestly. Enough that he settled in and started to feel comfortable in the whole thing, in his life and the relationship. He dared to be happy and hopeful.
Of course, considering he has no one named Mirella in his life anymore, it didn’t end well. Once the honeymoon period was over, the cracks started to show up, sus behavior on her part that he wasn’t sure what to make of at first. And for as reliant as he was on her in many ways, Xandrian isn’t an individual that lacks in the areas of confidence and daring.
So when she started to show her less pleasant tendencies, there were only so many apologies he took, only a handful “I won’t do this again, I’m so sorry, I love you” he put up with. He loved her, but he didn’t stay blind to the fact it wasn’t actually mutual and she was just using him to... Whatever it was she got out of him.
And he wasn’t going to stay just because his emotions were genuine. He wasn’t gonna be ground under anyone’s heel through emotional manipulation and toxicity, and he wasn’t so easy of an target for those kinds of things that he wouldn’t have withstood the gaslighting, instead of starting to believe in the lies she told him. He wasn’t that desperate.
She was all he had at that point, but he never had much in his life, at any point of it, so he wasn’t afraid to abandon the little he had and beat it the hell out of there after it was beyond obvious she was just a beautiful narcissist.
He practically fled Gridania to get away from her and headed South, which eventually landed him in Ul’dah, where he thieved a barely living for himself until he ran into Drusilla and after some... Complications, was eventually given a place in the Lemures. And even got himself trained into a Reaper. Fancy that.
But that is why Xandrian really doesn’t like going to Gridania and avoids it as much as he can. One woman soured the whole city for him, not that the suspicion he was treated with by most Gridanians helped any. 
He kind of considers the Lemures one of the first legit good things to happen to him in his life, though. Especially after everything that happened in Gridania it was just such a contrast that it didn’t take him a long time at all to dedicate himself to the Lemures in return for everything they’d done and continued to do for him.
But he’s not yet over the whole deal. It was his first relationship, of course it was going to be a big thing for him, and for him it was serious. He wasn’t prepared for it to go down in flames, and for as much as he pretends the whole thing didn’t really matter to him even when he talks about it, it did matter a lot to him and has made him distrustful of other people’s intentions if they show interest in him. He hasn’t sworn off relationships or anything, but I can’t exactly see him going for one anytime soon anyway.
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madminniefics · 7 years
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still life
it all started in the stairwell. an art school au ft. skipped classes, wet paint, and finding art in the everyday.
The air whistled through the leaves on the branches above Mirella Santos’ head as she laid under the largest tree on campus. With eyes closed and a hand on the sliver of tan skin peeking from between her tiny pink crop top and even tinier black shorts, she listened to the sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling. It was her routine: wake up, drink a glass of coffee spiked with rum, and lay under her tree for an hour before painting. It was reinvigorating and it gave her time to relax while her type-A roommate, Billie Thomas, shuffled papers or switched outfits six times or paced back and forth or whatever else she did before she went to her business classes.
Rey leaned up on her elbows, pressed the home button on her phone, and smiled. It was nine: time to go back to her apartment and work on her newest landscape painting, which was just of the view outside her window. She had ten canvasses stacked in one corner of her room with matching landscapes in different color schemes. Everything from neon to greyscale as she searched for her signature style.
Tossing her tan backpack over her shoulder, Rey walked away, raking a hand through her black hair to dislodge the dry pieces of grass that she knew were stuck in her strands. She took slow, small steps towards her shared apartment ducking through classmates heading in the opposite direction towards campus. She caught a glance of herself in the window of her favorite boutique and smiled. Getting out of that tiny town in Pennsylvania had been the best thing that ever happened to her. Rey had never been as happy as she was since moving to Oxford. Even if her family called at all hours of the night.
Rey’s phone buzzed in her back pocket as she walked up the stairs to her apartment. With keys in hand, she swiped across the screen with the other before placing the phone up to her ear.
“Hi Mami,” she said, smiling as Mami’s voice rang through the speaker. They didn’t talk much due to the time difference and Mami’s busy schedule at the hardware store. That week alone she’d closed, opened, closed, and was opening again that morning. “You getting ready for work?”
“Yeah,” Mami sighed. The sound came in far away, as if Mami had put her on speaker. “I have to go in early today because the fucking alarm went off and you know i’m the only manager they can call.”
Rey could feel Mami roll her eyes from across the Atlantic. Four managers and yet Mami was still the one who ended up with most of the responsibilities on her shoulders. It was unfair but Mami would do anything to help Rey make ends meet. She listened to Mami go off about how shitty her fellow managers were as she walked onto the tiny landing just as one of her new neighbors' guests did, causing her to fall back against the wall and drop her phone as his shoulder clipped hers.
“I’m so sorry,” He huffed as he scrambled to keep his laptop from falling on the floor. Rey swiped her phone off the tile and let out a relieved breath when she saw the screen was intact. She could hear Mami asking what was wrong but couldn’t take her eyes away from the man in front of her. His eyes were the same color as her favorite green tea. She thought of the paint she had upstairs and whether she could replicate his eye color for the pastel landscape she was creating.
“It’s fine.” She smiled, pocketing her phone as she waited for him to move so she could start her day.
“I’m Harry,” He stood on the step below her. She couldn’t help but notice that he was still taller than her. But then again, at just over five feet, everyone seemed to be taller than Rey. Even her baby cousin Edgardo had passed her and he was barely thirteen.
“Nice to meet you, I'm Rey,”
He reached his hand out for her to shake. Rey hid the shiver that raced up her back at the feel of his ice-cold hand in hers. She clasped her hands together in front of her but still felt his hand around hers.
"See you around, Rey," Harry smirked and sent her a mock-salute as he walked down the stairs and out the door. Rey swallowed hard as she watched him leave before reaching into her pocket and placing her phone back up to her ear.
"Mami?" Rey waited for Mami to make a noise before continuing. "Perdon, es que..."
Her voice trailed off as she wracked her brain trying to formulate an excuse for what just happened. If she so much as mentioned a man she knew Mami would go off. Whether she would encourage it or tell Rey to focus on school all depended on Mami's mood. And Rey didn't feel like hearing it either way.
"Tenias alguien en tu apartamento?" Mami said casually. Rey knew better than to take the bait. She could almost see Mami smirking as the gears worked in her mind. She knew damn well Rey had been talking to a man.
"No, I bumped into someone on the stairs again,"
Rey stuck the key in the door as Mami sighed. Pushing the door open, Rey would bet a million dollars that Mami was about to tell her she needed to be careful. It wasn't the first time they'd had the conversation and it wouldn't be the last. Rey had always been clumsy. She'd always blamed it on her inability to focus on more than one thing at a time.
"Tienes que tener cuidado,"
"Si, Mami, yo se,"
"I'm just saying. If you break something Mami can't fly over to take care of you," Mami laughed but her voice was tinged with sadness. Rey frowned at her easel. She hadn't seen her mom in almost a year. Before moving away to university, she saw Mami everyday. She'd drive Rey to and from school whenever she could. On weekends they would go shopping together. When Rey had braces in tenth grade Mami would keep her out of school all day whenever she had orthodontic appointments. They would go to her appointment in the morning and in the afternoon they would see a movie.
They were more like sisters than mother and daughter.
"I'll let you go, baby, so you can work on homework or something. I'll call you tomorrow, it's my day off, finally," Mami laughed, this time more up beat, and Rey smiled. They said their goodbyes quickly before one of them cried. When Rey first left for school, they cried everytime they spoke on the phone. Now? Every once in a while.
Rey fought a yawn as she walked into her room to get her box of paints. Time to work on her eleventh landscape of the month.
Ever since running into Harry in the stairwell, Rey could do little other than think of his eyes. Instead of the landscapes that she'd painted almost obsessively for months, she'd taken to painting eyes. Everything she'd painted in the past month was colored in an assortment of greens as she tried, in vain, to recreate the not-quite-mint green color that haunted her every waking moment.
She had to see him again.
Yes. Yes! That was it. Harry was her muse and, without him, she would never be able to release herself from this funk. All she had to do was find him. That would be easy enough.
Turned out that knocking on her neighbors doors' on the weekend of a big midterm—yet another pro to being a visual arts major and not something deathly boring like English or math—was not something her neighbors were particularly into. Most were engaged in their study groups, wearing pajamas that were so dirty they looked like they could stand up by themselves, and sharing flash cards or quizzing each other. Things Billie would do with her fellow business majors. The types that, with no hesitation or provocation, would happily "explain" to Rey why visual arts is a "trash" major and that in "give or take six months after graduation you'll be working for us."
Rey couldn't handle business major ego. They truly believed they were the greatest thing to grace the Earth since...since...since Selena. And, bitch, nobody could touch Selena, Rey's idol, the reason she was following her passion. Even as it took her across an ocean to a country where she was alone.
Snatching the canvas from the easel, she threw the still wet work against the wall. The tear ducts were all wrong. The eyelashes? Even more so. Things that had worked before were suddenly no longer working and Rey didn't know what to do.
Her support system was an ocean away. They were busy with their lives 3,516 miles away from her. She promised them she was going to create a life from scratch in England. That they didn't have to worry about her because she was outgoing, friendly, and brave.
It was easy to say those things with the comfort of your family surrounding you, encouraging you, urging you to follow your dreams so they could live through you.
Didn't you know Titi Milta always wanted to live in England? She’s too old to do so herself, but she would love a postcard or two. Maybe even a letter! She would love a letter. Send Titi letters, Reysita.
Your Abuela Mirella, your namesake, loved to draw. She drew whenever she had a free moment between raising seven kids in a shack in the mountains of Puerto Rico and taking care of your Abuelo Josue when he deigned to show his face after running off with another woman in town until she kicked him out, learning what Abuela Mirella already knew: he was a piece of shit. But he was a piece of shit with a pension, and her children wouldn't starve just because she fell out of love with her husband. Drawing was the only thing that Abuela truly enjoyed doing. Estas cargando un gran legado, Reysita. Do it because Abuela couldn't.
But, perhaps what hurt Rey the most, were the reasons why her own Mami encouraged her.
No quiero que termines como yo, mis ojitos de oro. I want you to be someone. I want you to achieve more than I did. Be more than the girl who became pregnant at seventeen after a five minute, unremarkable, hook up in the back of a car with the captain of the baseball team. The girl who was forced to marry that boy because of the pregnancy. You know all the shit I go through at work, Rey. I don't want that for you. If you want to study in some other country, if that's what will make you happy, I promise I will make it happen.
And Mami never broke her promises.
Rey slumped to the floor in front of the easel. But what if that was too much pressure? What if she didn't want to write letters or draw because it was some legacy passed down from her favorite Abuela or do better because her Mami didn't want her to hate her life?
Scrubbing her face, Rey groaned and plopped on her side in the fetal position. She'd been in university for three years. For three years she'd been keeping up pretenses with her family.
Yes, Titi Milta, I have enough to eat.
Yes, Papi, I'll call you if I need anything.
No, Tio Padrino, you don't need to take time from your busy schedule to visit. Save the money for my prima Adriana's quinceañera. She had big hopes and you'd need that money to fulfill them.
Yes, Mami, I'm happy.
When would Rey do something for herself? Because it made her happy, not because her family expected her to do it so they could live through stories she told during Christmastime.
Pushing herself up with one shaky hand, Rey wiped her brow where beads of sweat had accumulated during her anxiety attack. She was breathing hard and unsure of what to do next. On any other day, she would call Mami. No matter that it was the middle of the night and Mami had closed the store the day before and it was her first day off in two weeks. Rey knew that Mami would answer.
And that's why she didn't call.
She scrambled up instead and retrieved the thrown canvas. Setting it back up on the easel, Rey tilted her head and squinted at the lonely eye. Closing her own, she conjured up Harry's face in her mind and smiled as she picked up a piece of kohl. With eyes closed, she drew what she saw behind them.
When she opened them thirty minutes later, she smiled. She'd actually created something she wouldn't be ashamed to display.
A black and white portrait of Harry, as seen through Rey's perspective.
On the canvas he was all bright, blinding smile and enchanting eyes that, somehow, you knew were heart-stoppingly green in person.
The next time she saw Harry it was in her beloved art supply store. The one on the outskirts of campus, where first years and students taking art classes for elective credits rarely ventured, that Rey had discovered her third week on campus when she got lost trying to find her psychology class.
(A required class, otherwise Rey would not be caught dead in a class where you might be made to take a test on a scantron sheet.)
Harry was standing in between the marker and paint aisles as if he couldn't decide which medium to use. A man after Rey's own heart. She'd convinced herself to stop looking for him because, as Mami always said, when you stop looking for something that's when it shows up.
Except she ducked into the canvas aisle to avoid him. Instead of facing the object of her daydreams, and one really weird dream about talking tootsie rolls, she ran away. The canvasses blurred together in front of her eyes as she took deep breaths. Closing her eyes tight, she breathed through her mouth as she hoped that Harry wouldn't walk down her aisle.
After she heard the ding of the front door three times, she decided it was safe to move to another aisle. Her walk was bouncy, her ponytail swung behind her, as she repeated her mission in her head: paint, and lots of it, in shades of green and peach.
Another day, another failed canvas.
This one, at least, had somewhat resembled Harry. It was the coloring that was all wrong. He'd come out looking like a vampire and that just would not do. Where were his rosy cheeks and matching lips? The minty green of his eyes? His skin bronzed from his holiday to the south of Spain (thanks, Billie, for that info)? It was all missing and those were the details that brought a piece, and a person, to life.
Instead of throwing the canvas across the room like she'd wanted, she turned on her reggaeton spotify playlist. Songs that she'd grown up listening to, songs that she remembered Papi rapping along to while they waited for the light to change, songs that Mami had taught her to dance to. The raunchy, not safe for work songs of her childhood that spoke casually and explicitly about sex, drugs, and other illicit things with women moaning in the background all while keeping up a perfect rhyme.
Rey had always wondered if those women were paid well.
The songs, with their strong bass beats, boomed from the speakers attached to Rey's laptop as she stood and began to dance along to the music. It began with her hips. She'd learned at a young age—some would say too young—how to mimic the beat of a song in the swing of her hips. The song began slow, giving Rey a chance to get into the rhythm, before dropping the beat thirty seconds into the song. She shook her hips and tilted her head back, hair dangling past her mid back, with a grin on her face.
When was the last time she'd felt that carefree?
Murmuring the lyrics under her breath, it was all too loud for her to hear the front door open or Billie announcing herself and her guest. It wasn't until a few minutes later, near the end of the song, when Rey turned around and opened her eyes that she realized she had an audience.
And not just any audience. The eyes she'd been trying to perfect for a month, the eyes that were doodled on every scrap of paper and most of the canvasses lining the perimeter of the room, were suddenly right in front of her. There, in her living room, stood her Harry. The man that she swore she would never see again after the failed encounter at the art supply store.
Rey cleared her throat and simultaneously pulled her grey tank top up and the hem of her soft, blue, sleep shorts down. Her cheeks burned as if she'd accidentally fallen asleep on the beach. Billie had one hand over her mouth, like she was trying her hardest not to laugh, while Harry was looking down at his feet. His cheeks matched Rey's.
She scrambled over to her laptop to turn off the music. Without it, the silence echoed in the quiet room until Harry cleared his throat.
"Nice to see you again," He smiled and scratched the back of his neck.
Rocking on the balls of her feet, Rey bit her lips and nodded. Billie looked between the two with furrowed brows.
"I'm missing something," She said. "Why are y'all being weird?"
You could always count on good, old, Southern Billie to be as blunt as possible in any and every situation. If you wanted someone to be subtle, you didn't want Billie. Nothing about the girl was subtle. Not the corkscrew curls in her afro, not her neon colored clothes, and especially not her personality. Billie was trying to keep her 4.0 gpa. She didn't have time to beat around the bush. Rey closed her eyes tight and squeezed the bridge of her nose. Harry laughed. Rey wished she could bottle up the deep hum that was his laugh so she could open it and use it whenever she needed inspiration.
Billie looked from Harry to Rey before shaking her head and walking into the kitchen. When she walked back in, with a glass of water and bag of chips in hand, Rey and Harry were still looking at each other awkwardly. Billie set her snack down on the battered coffee table before clapping her hands together.
"Ready to study finance?"
Harry's eyes dimmed as he nodded and sat beside Billie on the couch. Rey deflated. Finance? So he was a business major?
"I'm done for the day so take your time," Rey smiled and sneakily grabbed at the canvas on the easel. As if it wasn't already awkward, Harry didn't need to spend however long while he studied with his own face staring at him.
"It's only noon," Billie squinted her blue eyes at Rey. "Didn't you say you had a huge project due soon?"
Rey's eyes widened and she almost dropped the canvas in her hand. Shit. The massive, half-of-her-overall-grade project for her photography class that she'd forgotten about was due in two days. She somehow needed to find a subject for her portraits, take pictures, and edit them all in two days.
Slumping down into the bean bag chair on the opposite side of the room, Rey hugged the canvas to her chest. She could feel the wet paint sticking to the front of her already paint splattered pink tee shirt. When she looked up, Billie was looking at her with something nearing pity in her eyes. She knew how much this meant to Rey. Billie was also the first in her family to go to university. She knew, better than anyone, the pressure that Rey was under.
Billie set her notebook on the coffee table and scooted to the edge of the couch. Harry was looking at Rey with a small smile on his face. As if he didn't notice that, at that moment, Rey was going through all the reasons why she would fail out that semester.
"Harry's test isn't for another week. Do you mind if I help Rey with her crisis today instead?" Billie turned slightly towards Harry with a hesitant look on her face.
Harry shook his head. "Let's help Rey. Finance can wait."
Rey perked up at the sound of her name passing his lips. The canvas slipped from her arms as they loosened and slipped to the floor face up. Billie looked down and her eyes widened. Launching herself from the couch, she snatched the canvas from the floor and leaned it against the wall, facing inwards so that Harry wouldn't see. A true friend.
"Ok, so what do you need help with?” He asked.Rey cleared her throat. “I need a model and at least twenty good, useable portraits.”
"Harry can you model? My hair's not done." Billie said with a straight face. Her hair was, in fact, done and looking amazing that morning but nobody would dare argue with Billie. She was a future business lawyer. She had the whole 'I'm-Lying-But-I-Dare-You-To-Say-Otherwise' face down. It was better to stay on Billie's good side.
Without hesitation, Harry agreed. Rey grinned and ran into her room to change into a pair of light wash skinny jeans, a white tank top, and pink cropped bomber jacket. After running a brush through her hair, she grabbed the camera bag from it's place on the floor next to her nightstand and walked out the room.
They spent the majority of the afternoon walking from one side of campus to the other trying to find the perfect lighting. Billie kept checking the time on her watch and on her phone, as if the time would be radically different from one medium to the other. Rey was kneeling a few feet away from Harry, camera pointed upwards, as he looked up at a tree stoically when Billie cleared her throat.
"This has been super fun," Billie snorted. "But I have marketing in like twenty minutes. Toodles!"
Harry moved from the position he was in to stretch his neck. Rey bit her lip and looked back through the pictures they’d taken. She needed to submit twenty of her best photos. She’d taken nearly one hundred, so she was sure that she had enough. But she didn’t want the afternoon to end. Billie felt more like a babysitter than a friend that afternoon, in the way that she’d rushed Rey and gave her “pep talks” (which were just Billie reminding Rey that she had no time to be “lollygagging around”). Having some time alone with Harry was exactly what Rey needed.
“Have fun in class!” Rey called as Billie walked off. Turning to face Harry, she bit her lip. “Do you think you could spare another hour?”
He grinned and she felt her world spin. That feeling you get in your stomach when there’s turbulence on an airplane? That’s how Rey felt whenever Harry smiled. It was unsafe but she loved it.
His eyes were especially bright that day. Maybe it was the sun that seemed to come out just for Rey or maybe he was happier that day or maybe…maybe that’s what he looked like and she just didn’t remember. It was plausible. She barely remembered what he looked like that day in the stairwell when they met. She liked to think he just walked around with bright eyes and smile every day. She liked to think of him as happy.
“I’m all yours, Rey,”
If only.
By the time the pair finished, it was dark. The streets were full of students getting out of night classes, going to and from dinner, and enjoying the mild temperatures. In a few weeks it would be cold and nobody, not even Rey, would want to lay outside. It was a shame, though, because campus looked beautiful in the winter.
Rey held onto the strap of her camera bag tightly as the crowd jostled her. Harry placed his hands on Rey’s shoulders. She could feel the goosebumps erupt on her arms beneath her jacket. Swallowing hard, she looked up to find him already looking at her with a smirk on his face. He winked and looked forward, guiding her through the crowd so that nobody else would try to take her shoulder with them.
“You don’t have to walk me home,” Rey said when they walked past the crowd. “I’m sure you’ve got other things to do.”
“I really don’t,” He laughed and shook his head as he fell into step beside Rey. He looked down at her and the wide smile on his face caused his dimples to form. She stuffed her free hand in her pocket to keep from reaching up and poking the one closest to her. “Besides, I had fun today.”
She smiled and nodded. “Thanks again for helping. Not sure what I would’ve done if you hadn’t been there.”
“You would’ve had to do a series of selfies or rope Billie into agreeing to model,”
They laughed at just how absurd those suggestions were. Billie? Model? She would never. Rey was certain of that. Shit, she’d asked her many, many times over the past three years and the answer had always been an overwhelming ’NO.’ Eventually Rey stopped asking. She valued her friendship with Billie more than the pictures she knew she would be able to get. When Billie’s afro hit the light? Perfection.
But, Harry had been a good alternative.
Rey stuck her key into the door as Harry waited behind her. She opened the door, took a step inside, and turned to smile at Harry.
“Thanks, again, for today.”
“No problem,” He shrugged. “Anytime you need a model, let me know. I loved it.”
Rey’s eyes sparkled in the low light as she grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Is there any way I can see the finished product?”
“Of course! Here,” Rey handed him her cell phone after unlocking it. “Put your number in and I’ll text you when I finish editing so you can see them.”
“Perfect,” He tapped the screen quickly before calling himself. He handed the phone back. “Now I can send you my horrible iPhone pictures.”
Rey laughed. “I can’t wait to see them.”
“You say that now,” He laughed before backing up. “See you tomorrow.”
“See ya,” Rey waved as she closed the door and walked up to her apartment where Billie would, no doubt, be waiting for her in the living room to continue their latest binge watch.
No, that wasn’t right. The lighting was all off. The layer made Harry’s skin glow but darkened his eyes. Rey rubbed her eyes and deleted the layer. She’d been working on the pictures since that morning—forgoing her usual morning under the tree to get a head start on her project—and it was now nearing ten at night and she was still at it. At least she could see the finish line, now, as she worked on the last picture. The rest were stacked neatly in a folder, printed and ready to go. It was just this last one, Rey’s favorite, that was giving her trouble.
Her phone buzzed on the table in the computer lab. Without looking, she knew it was Harry. He’d been texting her all day beginning with a picture of his yogurt, blueberry, and granola smoothie bowl that morning. Rey still couldn’t figure out why they called it a smoothie if it was really just a parfait, right? She’d sent that thought to Harry, who’d apparently enjoyed a nice laugh, according to all the cry-laughing emoji’s he’d sent back.
Tearing her eyes from the computer screen, she snorted at the message on her phone screen. It was a selfie. Harry’s chin was resting on his fist, his eyes closed tight, with a pouty frown on his face. The text that accompanied it read, ‘when Rey refuses to let you see her pictures even tho you’re the star.’ She shook her head with a grin on her face before snapping her own selfie—a picture of her and the computer, with a tired look on her face that she didn’t have to try too hard on—and replying with a ‘when Rey is a perfectionist and spends all day sitting in a computer chair.’
Barely two seconds passed before her phone buzzed. Harry’s face—courtesy of one of the selfies he’d sent that morning, with his eyes crossed and a smile on his lips—showed up on her screen. She swiped to answer and held the phone between her ear and her shoulder.
“Are you in the lab still?” His voice was strained like he was walking up a hill and couldn’t catch his breath.
“Peachy. Byee.” He hung up, leaving Rey staring at her phone screen with an incredulous look on her face. Shaking her head, she placed her phone back on the table before leaning back in her chair to look at the portrait on the screen. Harry was laying in the grass beneath Rey’s favorite tree. His eyes were closed and he had a huge smile on his face, all teeth, that showed off his dimples to full effect. His skin was golden and glowing, his hair windswept, and his clothes perfect for the occasion. You’d be hard pressed to find an occasion on campus where black skinny jeans and a white tee shirt were unacceptable.
Plus, if you looked close enough, you could see Harry’s nipples straining against the threadbare fabric of his shirt. Those were the details that Rey lived for.
Exactly twenty minutes later, as Rey added a layer that accentuated the pink of Harry’s lips, the door swung open hitting the wall behind it and making Rey jump from her seat. Hand on her heart, she turned with a pencil in hand, held in a defensive position as if she was really about to stab someone with it. Rey wasn’t about that life. Unlike Mami, who had once pressed a knife against a stalkers’ throat when he tried to follow her home from work one night. Rey wished she was that badass.
“I come baring food.” Harry grinned and lifted a white plastic bag as if he hadn’t scared Rey half to death.
“Knock next time, bud,” Rey laughed and stood to stretch.
“But then I would’ve missed that cute jump thing you did,” He winked and set the food on an empty table before grabbing Rey by the hand and walking her over. He sat her in one of the chairs before pushing it in towards the table and sitting in the seat across from her. “I made a little something.”
“You didn’t have to do this,” Rey said. Her mouth watered as Harry brought two Tupperware bins from the bag. One was filled with white rice and the other with homemade sesame chicken and broccoli. Rey’s stomach rumbled.
“Have you eaten?”
Harry took two plates and two forks from the bag and placed one of each in front of Rey. She shook her head, hoping he wouldn’t notice, but he crossed his arms and raised a brow.
“Really.” He blinked, unamused. “How can you art at the highest level without eating?”
Rey laughed. “You can’t. That’s why I’ve been working on this one picture for almost four hours.”
She nodded her head towards the computer screen and Harry cut his eyes towards the screen for a moment before giving it a second glance. His mouth opened, jaw dropping slightly, before looking at Rey with raised eyebrows.
“That’s amazing.”
She scrunched her nose. “You think so? I can’t get the eyes right.”
“No, it’s perfect,” He said, breathless. “I don’t think I’ve ever looked that good in real life.”
“You looked that good yesterday,” Rey giggled. “How else would I have gotten the picture?”
He joined in her laughter. The melodic sound was sweeter than any other Rey had ever heard. If she were only allowed to listen to one sound for the rest of her life, she would choose his laugh. Every time.
“You could have drawn it,” He winked and she knew that he knew. That he’d seen the canvas the day before, somehow, before she and Billie had gotten a chance to hide it.
Rey looked away and cringed. “About that…”
“It’s flattering,” He shrugged one shoulder. “Draw me like one of your French girls and all that.”
She couldn’t keep her laugh from bubbling out. She was glad that she hadn’t taken that moment to sip from the bottle of water that he’d brought her. Could you imagine? Accidentally spitting water on Harry because he knew that she had at least one canvas with his face drawn on it. That would have been the most embarrassing moment of her life. And she lived through her parents chaperoning senior prom.
“Best movie reference ever.” She said through laughter.
“I aim to please,” He winked before tucking into his portion of rice and chicken. They ate in silence for a while, trading glances when the other thought they weren’t looking, and blushing whenever their eyes met. Rey had a permanent smile on her face. By the time they finished eating, she was itching to get back to work on the last portrait. "Can I stay until you finish or do you want me to go so you can focus?"
"No, stay! I'm almost done," She pointed at the bulging folder with the stack of other pictures. "You can look at the other pictures while I finish if you want."
Harry sat in the chair next to Rey and snatched the folder from the desk before leaning back and opening the folder. As she put a few finishing touches on the last picture—which, honestly, looked better than it had before she ate—Harry carefully looked through the fragile prints. Every so often he'd stop and stare at one or gasp when he shuffled to the next one. It made Rey's heart burst.
She clicked print and leaned back in her chair. Exhaling, she turned her head to smile at Harry. He was looking at her incredulously.
"This is amazing," He lifted the folder in the air, careful not to bend the pictures. "You're so good at this."
"Thank you," Rey said softly. She looked away and debated whether she should say what she wanted to or keep it to herself. Before she could overthink it, she looked back at Harry. "This isn't even my preferred medium. I'm more of a canvas and paint kinda gal."
"I'd like to see you work your magic with a paintbrush,"
Rey blushed. "If you're lucky."
"Oh, I hope to be very lucky," He murmured. Leaning into Rey, he smirked as his eyes shifted between her eyes and lips. She licked her lips and all of his attention focused there. "Can I kiss you?"
"Yes," Rey breathed shakily as Harry leaned closer and closer until their lips barely touched. His were soft, unlike other boys' lips she'd kissed during her time in university, and she was glad for it. Nothing was worse than kissing chapped lips.
He grazed her bottom lip with his teeth and she leaned into him. The feel of his lips on hers was unlike any other. There was a deeper connection there, something bubbling just under the surface, that Rey was eager to discover. She placed her hands on his shoulders and scooted as close as the chair allowed.
Harry sensed that she wanted to be closer and scooped her up into his lap. She maneuvered her legs to straddle his lap as he placed his hands on either side of her face. The kiss had gone from innocent, soft, unsure to rough, primal, passionate. Hands roamed from cheeks to waist to hips to the curves of their backs. Harry held Rey's ass in one hand and her neck in the other. Rey moved closer as if there were any empty space between them.
The only sound in the room were their loud, labored breathing. Harry's lips moved down Rey's jaw to her neck. She squealed when he licked just beneath her ear. She was ticklish.
The doorknob jiggled but the couple couldn't hear it through the haze of lust. Someone cleared their throat and knocked on the door loudly until Harry leaned back from Rey. There was a student worker in the doorway. He didn't look as if he'd just walked in on two people making out.
"Lab's closing," The student worker said in a bored tone before closing the door behind them.
Rey placed her forehead on Harry's as they laughed before gathering up their things and heading home.
Rey and Harry walk down the street hand-in-hand as the sun set behind the buildings between them and Harry’s apartment. A month had passed since their first pseudo-date in the computer lab and they’d been inseparable ever since. Sleepovers at each others’ apartments, making out all night, skipping classes to lay tangled in bed talking about everything under the sun. Billie gave them a lecture about responsibility whenever she caught them laying in a makeshift tent in the living room watching movies and sharing sweet, sugary, Reeses’ flavored kisses.
“Billie has people over this weekend,” She murmured.
“Say no more,” He pressed a kiss to her temple as they cut through an alley towards Harry’s apartment. One that he didn’t have to share with any roommates, thanks to his very rich parents. That was the one topic that Rey and Harry hadn’t touched on: her family. She knew that, as soon as he found out that she was struggling, he would try to help her. He would start leaving money around her room or in her backpack or things like that and Rey wasn’t the type of person to accept charity easily. She didn’t want to feel like someone was pitying her.
Especially not if that someone was Harry. He was her boyfriend, not her sugar daddy.
His apartment was bigger than the one she shared with Billie. It was better for creating pillow forts, better for making dinner, and better for painting thanks to the large bay windows in the living room. The appliances were all stainless steel, the cabinets were dark (real) wood, and the countertops were marble. The bathroom matched the kitchen. It also had a rain showered and a bidet, which reminded Rey of her Tia Madrina Norma’s house back in Puerto Rico. The bedroom looked like every minimalistic bedroom picture online. White sheets, white duvet, one picture above the bed (Rey would change that real quick), a leafy, green plant towering in the corner, two silver nightstands, and a matching desk. The warmest room was the living room. A grey couch, dark blue pillows, cream throw blanket, dark wood coffee table sitting atop a dark blue shag carpet, the same silver nightstands from Harry’s room acted as side tables in the living room. Plus, there was a giant tv/video game/sound system on one wall.
Basically it was Rey’s dream apartment, minus the lack of art.
“Pick a movie,” Harry called as he walked into the kitchen.
Rey unzipped her boots and placed them by the front door before taking off her leather jacket and hanging it up on a hook next to the door. Harry’s apartment looked like a Real Adult’s house and it made Rey laugh whenever she thought about it. The first time he brought her over he’d told her that his mom decorated it. It showed. Tucking back into the couch, she tucked the throw blanket around her lap and turned Netflix on.
Their tastes in movies and tv were similar so Rey felt no hesitance in searching for a Nicholas Sparks movie. By the time Harry plopped next to Rey she had the movie on the tv ready for her to press play. He placed a bowl of popcorn in her lap and ripped open a bag of M&M’s before tossing them in with the popcorn.
They’d gone on their fourth date earlier that night. He bought tickets for a local theater performance and then they’d had dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant. All of it felt more like two kids playing house than anything else. But maybe that’s what life was. Everyone just going through, pretending like they knew what they were doing, when in reality nobody knew what was next. What Rey wouldn’t give for a roadmap.
Rey blinked to focus her eyes back on the movie. Twenty minutes had passed, somehow, as she’d thought about the state of her life. Harry placed an arm around her shoulders and she leaned into his body. It was strong next to her own and she suddenly felt grounded. More alive than she’d felt in months, since her last visit home.
He turned his head suddenly and caught her staring. A cute blush colored his cheeks as he smiled sweetly. She kneeled on the couch and placed a hand behind his head. With the barest amount of pressure from her fingers, he leaned forward and captured her lips with his. Rey leaned back on the couch slowly all the while making sure their lips were connected. He licked her bottom lip and she opened her mouth, her tongue stroking his.
She pressed down on his ass and he laid down on her with most of his weight being supported by one of his arms holding onto the side of the couch. The feel of his hard dick against her thigh made her bite his bottom lip. He grunted against her lips and trailed his other hand over her stomach. That’s when she broke the kiss. Not because she wanted to, but because she was ticklish and he touched one of her weak points.
Harry’s eyes were molten when she looked back up at him. They were darker than she’d ever seen them; nearing the color of the ocean on a stormy day. He flexed his hand and wrapped it around her hip before dragging her body against his. She ground her hips up against his and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt like she was sixteen again dry humping with her crush in a dark corner of the gym during the Homecoming dance.
“Is this okay?” He murmured against her lips. His hands were on the buttons of her blouse. Rey nodded scared to speak just in case a moan would escape. God. All they were doing was dry humping and she was already gone.
His long fingers grazed her skin as he slowly unbuttoned her shirt. She squirmed beneath him wishing he would just hurry up and take her clothes off. There was no need to take three minutes to take someone’s shirt off like, no.
As soon as her shirt was unbuttoned, she sat up and reached her hands underneath Harry’s white tee-shirt to whip it up over his body and toss to the side. Biting her lip, she grazed her fingers down his torso. Leaning closer, she reached her tongue out to lick the planes of his stomach. He shuddered and unbuttoned his jeans so fast. While he stood to remove them, Rey did the same. Within moments they were tangled on the couch again hands and lips roaming.
“Oh,” She groaned, feeling him lick his way from her neck up to her ear. She gripped onto his side before pushing him away. “Condom.”
Without so much as a reply, Harry hopped off the couch and ran back into his room. When he walked back into the living room, in all his naked splendor, he had a fist full of condoms and a cocky smile on his face.
“Are we doing a sex marathon?” Rey nodded at his hand and laughed.
“That’s up to you,” He winked, opened one of the packages, and rolled the condom over his hard dick. Rey’s mouth watered but there would be time for blowjobs later.
Harry laid on top of Rey and they continued their make out session. Before long, it was all biting and licking and touching. When he placed his fingers against her clit for the first time, Rey gasped. She’d been so distracted by his tongue licking around her nipples that she hadn’t thought to pay attention to what his hands were doing.
Reaching out to return the favor, Rey pumped his dick in her hand and felt as his body shuddered. He reached down and moved her hand away from his dick to position it in front of her entrance. Neither of them could wait any longer.
The first feeling of his dick against her pussy was like nothing she’d ever felt. With her past boyfriends, sex had just been something for their benefit. With Harry, he already had her careening towards orgasm and they’d barely gotten started. He held onto her hips as he slid slowly inside her. Rey’s head tipped back as Harry’s dick filled her up perfectly.
It was when he licked his fingers and rubbed them against her clit that she lost it. Completely. Lost. It. She moaned without a care or thought to Harry’s neighbors—a lovely older lady next door and a family of four upstairs. The only thing Rey cared about was the way his fingers felt against her skin.
He pulled out slightly before pushing back in a little rougher. With each thrust he began going faster and faster. It drove Rey wild. She pulled on his neck because she needed to feel his lips on hers. The combination of the kisses, his fingers on her clit, and his dick inside her took her over the edge. She screamed out loud before Harry could cover her mouth with his to stifle the noise. Moments later, his head tilted back and he grunted as he came.
“Let me take a nap before round two,” Rey said through a yawn. Harry giggled as Rey pressed her back to his front. He held her close to his body and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. Rey couldn’t believe Harry was still half-hard, poking against the back of her thigh. She tingled between her legs and, without thinking, turned in his arms and stole a kiss. Harry’s hands reached down to her ass and brought her as close as possible to his body. His dick twitched against her pussy as Harry kissed down the column of her neck.
They did, in fact, use all of those condoms that night.
If Billie thought Harry and Rey were inseparable before, after that day? Well, they may as well have been conjoined twins. Harry waited outside of Rey’s classes with her favorite coffee. Rey sat outside Harry’s lectures as she completed the homework that didn’t require extensive supplies. And that was on days where they even went to class.
At the moment, Rey was taking advantage of Harry sleeping in her bed to continue her final project for her visual arts class. It was, unsurprisingly, a portrait of Harry. She was barely beginning the work, she’d just finished drawing it on the canvas, but she already knew it would be her favorite of the Harry Series, as the man himself had taken to calling them. Rey smiled. She couldn’t have asked for someone better to enter her life. He understood her completely and encouraged her. It’s what she needed.
She sat with a canvas atop a tarp on the floor. After opening the paints, she took her time mixing the greens to the perfect color. She knew that green by heart, now. She decided to start with the base color of the eyes and work her way out.
By the time Harry woke, she’d been working for nearly thirty minutes. The base of his face was complete but she’d stopped since she couldn’t decide if she wanted him to be clothed or naked. Should she share the intimate knowledge she had of his tattoos with the world (ok, it was just her class but) or should she keep it to herself? He yawned drawing her from her thoughts.
“That’s one good looking dude.” He laughed.
Rey joined in on his laughter before looking from the canvas to Harry.
"Wanna help?" She smirked as she dragged her eyes over the exposed skin of his torso that peeked out from under the thin blanket on her bed. Just knowing that he was naked underneath made her mouth water. Knowing how perfectly her lips fit around his dick…the thought seemed to go straight from her mind to between her legs.
He stood, in all his naked glory, and his dick ended up nearly in Rey’s face. Biting her lip, she sat up on her knees and licked up the underside.
“Fuck,” The word was ripped from his throat as he almost fell backwards onto the mattress. She pressed a hand to his thigh, squeezing it to feel the muscle beneath, and sucked the tip of his dick before sitting back on her feet. He looked down, dazed, before leaning the canvas against the wall. When he came back, he grabbed Rey’s hand and led her to lay on the tarp. The leftover paint was cold against her skin but she didn’t care.
All she knew was she needed him, now.
When Rey woke that cold, foggy morning in November it was to Harry sliding a finger up and down her spine. Goosebumps erupted on her arms as she registered the feeling. The clock read eleven thirty nine am. She’d missed an art history lecture and Harry missed a finance lecture. But both knew the powerpoint information was already on the class’ website. She stretched and nuzzled towards Harry’s shoulder. The freezing tip of her nose pressed against the warm skin of Harry’s shoulder made him shiver.
“Morning, beautiful,” Harry whispered. He pressed a kiss to the top of Rey’s head. She wondered how she’d gotten so lucky. Everything about the past few months since they started dating felt like a dream. With Harry by her side Rey no longer struggled to paint. In fact, she was knocking out between three and five large canvas paintings a week, depending on how busy she and Harry were in their extracurricular activities.
“Morning,” She said. Rey lifted her head to press a kiss to Harry’s chin. He ducked his head down to graze her lips with his. Before long Rey was straddling his hips with her hands in his hair. He brushed his lips across her cheek, on her jaw, and down her neck making her giggle. The sound disappeared as soon as he pressed an open mouthed kiss to the spot directly below her ear. She leaned her head back in pleasure as he sucked on her neck. He enjoyed giving hickeys and she enjoyed receiving them.
A moan burst from her throat as one of Harry’s hands snuck back to grip her ass while he nibbled on her ear. That was Rey’s new routine. Wake up beside Harry, have sex, and then paint. Sometimes she’d even make it to her afternoon classes. She placed her hands on the back of his neck and tangled her fingers in his hair. It was silky and she couldn’t get enough of running her hands through it.
Harry set a foot on the bed and rolled so that he was on top of Rey. She bit her lip and looked at him with a smirk. Before she could register what was going on, he was pressing kisses down her body. Her breath left her body in an abnormal rhythm as she arched her back and moaned. Harry got to her thighs and paused. She leaned up on her elbows after registering the loss of contact.
He was looking at her pussy like it was the last morsel of food on Earth and he was starving. Like it held all the answers in the universe. Like it was the only thing keeping Harry afloat. Rey watched as he lowered his head to blow on her clit. The air on her slick skin made her shiver with anticipation. He pressed a hand to her lower stomach, knowing that she was more than just a little ticklish, before lowering his mouth to press a kiss just above where she wanted it most.
A whine sounded from Rey’s throat and Harry chuckled. His laugh sounded rough, gravelly, and it only made her want him more. She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
“You’re taking too lon…” Rey’s voice trailed off as Harry pressed his mouth to her clit. Her arms gave out a moment later and she plopped back down into the pillows. “Oh, God.”
Harry laughed against her sensitive skin, the vibrations giving another dimension to the sensation, and Rey gasped. She felt like she was wound too tight, like all she needed was for Harry to stick a finger inside her, to fill her so she could come undone.
As if he could read her mind, he thrust one finger, and then a second, inside her as he sucked harder on her clit. Squealing, Rey squirmed beneath the hand that was holding her against the bed. If it wasn’t there she may have twisted and turned until she fell off the bed. The sensation was too strong and she couldn’t handle it for much longer.
“Fuck me,” She whispered. Grabbing Harry’s shoulder, she tried to pull him up her body but he resisted. He pumped his fingers inside her faster and faster and sucked on her clit until she screamed. Her orgasm came as a full body reaction. Toes curled, head thrown back against the pillows, eyes screwed shut, hand covering her mouth to muffle the moans, back arched.
When she opened her eyes again a few moments later, stars floated on the ceiling as she struggled to catch her breath.
Harry’s arrogant smirk was the first thing she saw when she ripped her eyes away from the ceiling. She glared.
“Don’t be like that,” He caressed down her cheek. She could smell herself on his hand. Reaching a hand up, she gripped the back of his neck and brought his face to hers. The kiss was rough. Rey bit Harry’s bottom lip and dragged it with her as she leaned back. He retaliated by licking in her mouth, making sure she could taste herself on his tongue, before sucking on her bottom lip. When she had enough of the teasing, she reached back and handed him a condom from the nightstand. After quickly rolling it on, he tossed the package somewhere behind him.
They looked at the apex of her thighs, the space Harry kneeled between, his dick just inches from the place they both desperately wanted it to be. Rey licked her lips and reached a hand up to her chest. Tweaking one of her nipples, she moaned to urge Harry on. He placed his hands on her hips and dragged the tip of his dick up and down her folds. The warmth encouraging him to enter.
Tired of the games, Rey placed a hand on Harry’s ass and squeezed. His hips jerked forward unintentionally and Rey gasped as he slowly entered her. So that’s how he wanted to play. He wanted slow, Rey could do slow.
Reaching a hand up to his face, she smiled and pressed a kiss to his temple. Once he was fully sheathed inside her, he laid his head on her shoulder and took a long, shuddering breath before moving his hips again. Slowly, a rhythm slower than they’d ever attempted during sex before, and it hit Rey as she stared into Harry’s beautiful, bright green eyes.
This was love.
When people spoke about making love, this is what they meant. Feeling like you could spend all day, all night—the rest of your life, even—stuck in this embrace. Knowing that the person you were sharing that moment with could be the person you would share the rest of your life with. Realizing that everyone that had come before Harry had just been practice for this. Trial and error that led her to the love of her life.
A tortured gasp wrenched itself from deep in Rey’s throat. Harry leaned forward to press his lips to hers in the softest kiss they’d shared. His breath was erratic against her lips. She ran a hand through his hair, pulling at the shorter pieces at the bottom, and pressed a kiss to his chin. Harry growled and started thrusting faster.
“Yes,” The word passed Rey’s lips without her even realizing it. She grit her teeth and reached a hand out to grip the sheets. Harry hitched one of her legs over his hip to reach deeper within her. The noise Rey made next couldn’t be described. It was a moan, but it was also a scream. It was a growl, but it was also a whine. It was something altogether new that neither had ever heard before.
The sound of skin meeting skin echoed throughout Harry’s apartment.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Harry chanted as he tried to angle Rey’s hips in the perfect way. He was close. She could see the glint in his eye and feel his dick twitching inside her. She wanted them to come together. A symbolic gesture of their love.
She wasn’t ready, but she would be. Reaching a hand down to her clit, she quickly brought herself to the edge. When Harry noticed what she was doing, he replaced her hand with his. His steady rhythm turned erratic as his hips and hand struggled to continue while he held off his orgasm until he heard her first gasp. Her head shook from side to side as the feeling took over her entire body. It was like a wave crashing. The beginning, as the wave grew tall, was the build up: the tingling, kisses in unexpected places, and soft moans. The wave racing towards the shoreline was the middle: erratic, loud, impatient. And the end, when the wave finally crashed against your feet, was the best part: the back arching, screaming, tingles that gave way to pulsing sensations deep in Rey’s core. It was those sensations that finally brought Harry over the edge, too, as he came with a roar before his elbow gave out and he fell half on Rey’s body, half on the bed.
They stared in each others’ eyes for a long time. Rey debated whether it was the right time to confess her feelings. Should she tell Harry that she loved him after only four months? Was she in love with him? It could have been a heat of the moment feeling. Was it love or did he just give good dick?
But then he smiled and she knew. She loved him.
They stayed in bed all day talking. They’d covered favorite superheroes, movies, childhood cartoons, and books before falling into a comfortable silence. Rey had a leg hiked over Harry’s torso while he kept one arm around her back the other on his stomach, lazily running his fingers up and down her arm.
“Tell me about your family,” He whispered.
Rey hid her face in his chest and shook her head. He leaned back to look in her eyes.
“I want to know everything about you,”
She took a moment to consider what to do. She thought about what they’d just shared, the knowledge that she loved him already, and knew that telling him about her baggage was the least she could do. Even if she knew she wouldn’t be able to hide bitterness that came when she spoke about her family.
“My family isn’t…like yours,” Rey sighed and sat up. The blanket slid down her torso exposing her bare breasts. She ran a hand through her hair before turning slightly to face Harry. “We don’t vacation in the south of Spain or buy three hundred dollar jeans or go out for dinner every day. We struggle. We’ve struggled as far as I can remember.”
Harry placed a hand on Rey’s knee but stayed silent. She was glad. For so long she’d ignored the realities of her family and the situation they have been in for decades—centuries, even—and it felt cathartic to just let it all out. To talk to someone who wasn’t family or Billie, who was technically family at this point, because they would just tell Rey that things would get better. Don’t worry, Rey, once you’re a big time artist we’ll be fine. Don’t worry, amor, we’re hard workers and we’ll make it.
But what if they didn’t? What if, despite how hard they worked, it didn’t get better? Nothing was promised. And that whole ‘pick-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps’ mentality was bullshit. Mami had worked three jobs until getting a full time position when Rey was ten and they were still poor. So fuck your bootstraps.
“My mom works nearly sixty hours a week. She goes two weeks without a day off, sometimes more, just so that I can be here.” Rey took a deep, shuddering breath. Her voice broke and chin wobbled as she fought the tears. “This isn’t just the beginning of the rest of my life. It’s the beginning of the rest of my families’ lives.”
“I can’t imagine the pressure you’re under.”
She sniffled and turned to face him head on, her legs crossed and hands in her lap, she never thought she’d be comfortable sitting naked with someone. But there Harry was. And not only was she comfortable with him, he knew exactly what to say to comfort her. Like he’d been built especially for her.
Looking down at her lap, she smiled. Harry sat up and mimicked her position.
“I wouldn’t trade them for the world, though. Despite the pressure, and the expectations, I wouldn’t be who I am without them.”
He leaned forward, placed a hand behind her neck, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She closed her eyes and exhaled. With it left all of the tension from her body.
“Tell me more about them. What is your mum like?”
“Mami is a loose cannon. Sometimes she’ll say things that are kind of…off the wall but she’s the most loyal person I know. She’s so friendly, too. She can walk into an elevator and walk out two minutes later with three new friends.” Rey grinned. “She’s my best friend.”
From there, the pair spent hours talking about Rey’s family members. She told Harry about Titi Milta’s glass eye, playing dominos with her Tio Luis, and all about the food that her family came together to make during the holidays. Rey nuzzled Harry’s shoulder while he ran a hand over her hair before laying it on the small of her back.
“You should visit for Christmas,” Rey yawned. “I can get you drunk off coquito and we can watch my cousins light fireworks and…”
Harry looked down at Rey when she didn’t continue speaking only to find that she’d fallen asleep. Silly girl. She was always falling asleep on him. He pressed a long kiss to her temple before looking down at her.
“I love you, Rey,” He whispered.
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divinebetrayed · 5 years
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
1. Takumi/Mirella - fasfgdsa i know she’s only a guest muse atm but like, from what i’ve seen of her so far i think this could be interesting? she could tease him a lot lol
2. Rhajat/Kamui - hksagf i’m fucking-i mean my rhajat is less corrinsexual than canon rhajat and likes other girls too, but. i notice in her bio that kamui likes magic and now i’m all 👀
3. Celica/Sorin - this one could also be interesting like-a character who mostly acts based on emotion and intuition and another character who’s pretty much apathetic…hmm
4. Isamu/Koen - uhh idk if much can be said about this one…..i mean meeting him on the battlefield? imagine a random nohrian foot soldier meeting the son of the youngest hoshidan princess, wild
5. Xan/Ryder - oooh, i think this one has an interesting dynamic (healer and fighter is my aesthetic). also…xan would worry his ass off over ryder pushing himself and it makes me go ahgsdfhdf
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millijana · 4 years
I’m glad I’m back to writing my Sheard - only in a german fic, so probalby nothin I’ll ever share here. I mised her and I missed her struggle to be a human and a woman beside the baedass soldier who’s carrying the galaxy to the win.
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