#Memes de aidan
stargazer-sims · 1 year
Here they are, the fictional J-pop boy group nobody asked for... Sugar Valentine
I'm ridiculously proud of how they all turned out. Senjirō is my bias, though, with Keigo a close second. I… think I accidentally made Sakuharu look a bit like Hyunjin from Stray Kids. Oops 😬
I need to get them out of CAS and into a photo setup, so I can do some proper in-game shots of them, but you can have some CAS screenshots for now.
Sugar Valentine is a five-member group. They sing, rap and dance, and they've written and composed a lot of their own material. Senjirō is learning how to produce, and star dancer Keigo is learning how to create choreography.
Their fans are known as Valentines.
Ryu (Yoshida Ryuusei) - rapper
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Ryu is the oldest and the group's de facto leader. He's very serious and doesn't always have patience for the shenanigans of his younger members. He loves all of them like brothers though, despite them sometimes getting on his very last nerve. Ryu is one of the group's writers, and enjoys bouncing new song ideas off Senjirō and the others. In his spare time (what is that?), Ryu enjoys playing video games and teaching himself how to play the guitar.
"Nothing good is ever achieved without passion, patience and hard work."
Kēki (Sasaki Keigo) - singer
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Keigo is the second-oldest member of the group. His stage name means "cake". He's the most chaotic; the undisputed trickster of the group, but also the soft and cuddly one who's always there to comfort his adopted brothers or cheer them up when they need it. He can often be found in a cuddle pile with Senjirō during their downtime. Keigo is the best dancer of the five of them, and often takes time to help the others learn complicated routines when they're struggling. The fans have nicknamed him “Sweet Samurai” and among the fans he’s most noted for singing this tagline along with his own made-up lyrics to the tune of “Sweet Caroline” in exceptionally poor English. It shows up in just about every “what every Valentine should know” fan edit, and Keigo will never stop being amused by it.
"You don't need to ask where the party's at. The party's here. I'm the party."
Haru (Abe Sakuharu) - rapper
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Haru is a fan favourite and, according to his own very scientific internet research, he's the member of Sugar Valentine who has gotten the most marriage proposals from Valentines. Of the five members, he's the least advanced in learning English, and (also according to his own research) has the most fan-made memes featuring his funny English fails. He loves the fan edits the Valentines post online, and everyone knows he's found a new one when they hear him laughing hysterically in his room. Sakuharu's favourite thing outside of performing is making fiber crafts (knitting, crochet, embroidery, etc.) It's his "hidden talent" which isn't the least bit hidden now that the Valentines know about it.
"Never judge anything or anyone at first sight. Most times, the truth is found deeper than the surface."
Senjirō (Aidan Senjirō Okada) - singer
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Senjirō is the second-youngest member of the group. He's the quiet, thoughtful one, and the one who's most calm and rational in a crisis. He's also ridiculously intelligent, a fact that the other members tease him about renlentlessy. Regardless of his even-tempered, easygoing personality, Senjirō knows how to have fun. He can be just as silly and chaotic as the rest, especially when he's being cheered on by his favourite sidekick Keigo. Senjirō loves to eat; he'll eat almost anything and can wolf down twice as much food as anyone else (and yet still manages to be the tiniest member of the group). Senjirō writes a lot of lyrics for the group, and works closely with Taiji to put together their compositions.
"Don't panic."
Taiji (Kanematsu Taiji) - singer
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Taiji is the baby of the group, and has been aptly nicknamed "Baby Sugar" by the Valentines. He can play a variety of instruments, and does a large amount of musical composition for the group. Music is his true passion. Taiji shares his room with Sakuharu and is happy that he doesn't have to be alone. He's a social creature, loves to perform, and loves being with his friends. What he doesn't like is how the Valentines assume so much about him and the other members or how they simply make things up to suit their own personal narrative. Ryu and Keigo have told Taiji multiple times to stay off fansites and fan-created social media accounts, because all they do is upset him, but for some reason, Taiji can't leave them alone despite the fact that they cause him so much distress.
"Music is one of the elements at the center of life. We have music for celebrating every special occasion, music for grieving, for comfort, and to help us sleep, and we have music that's just for fun. Music is everywhere, and it's everything."
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blackflag-rp · 1 year
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¿Les ha gustado el anterior meme? Jean nos ha bendecido con dos mas.
Los dados no han acompañado a Aidan en esta primera ronda. ¡Pero cuidado! Dicen que jamas hay que confiarse, mucho menos cuando se trata del temido Queen's Anne Revenge. ¿Has oído hablar de ese barco?.
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mattressdemon · 1 year
For the ship meme, what about Aidan and Fenris?
thanks for askin!! sorry it took me a few days, there was an outage in my area but it's finally fixed. 🥴
i haven't really written about him any here before so i guess. a quick tour. aidan is mainly a purple hawke, some red, and a very few blue choices. he is very good at maintaining boundaries and minding his own business, but he tries to de-escalate situations by being silly. he is naturally assertive, but it can turn into aggression quickly if he feels like it's about to come down to a fight. which, of course, it does regularly. he's extremely protective, to a fault, of his people specifically. if they are all accounted for, then he will turn his attention to doing right by others.
in my first playthrough of da2, aidan romanced anders. i actually took fenris out very rarely in this playthrough because i imagined hearing anders and fenris bicker would annoy aidan enough that he would avoid it, so i actually never got prompted into his act 2 quest as it has some rather specific triggers. and then he turned on me in the last straw. rip king.
my next playthrough, the poly mod had come out, so i romanced isabela and fenris. that is aidan's canon route now. it was the first one i really got to know fenris in, and i think the aidan/fenris/isabela triad is so full of potential fluff... i want to eventually write all my characters stories but we'll see if i can ever get the motivation for that,.. 😇
anyway, aidan is a very laid back guy and very adaptable. his calming presence and seemingly never-ending patience is why he is able to form such strong bonds with everyone that gravitates around him, and i realized pretty quickly that fenris would likely respond well to that sort of temperament. aidan would also like how fenris moves and holds himself, so there would be immediate attraction there and the flirt during his recruitment quest is unskippable.
i think that fenris would also find a lot of support and growth leadership in isabela. she models self love well, and between isabela and aidan, i think fenris would find as much stability as is possible in that precarious time. over the years the three would develop strong, supportive serious relationships with each other.
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consultingsister · 1 year
🍷 / Aidan or James maybe?
a meme, probably for: @webreak + fitz verse: midnights become my afternoon
She would say she started drinking that morning, but since she was drunk the night before, really she's just been drunk for twenty-four hours. No. Thirty-six? Forty-eight? Maybe she's just been drunk since she got on the train to Paris. Come to think of it, the Eiffel Tower did look wobbly. On the way back to London, she was the sort of obnoxious Brit she herself hates. But worse than that, she's the sort of woman who now ditches her friends to go see her husband.
If she didn't have a stake in the club, they wouldn't have let her in the door. As it is, they let her in the door, down the stairs, and into the office.
As the door opens, she stands from his chair and yells, "Ma chérie! Tu m'as tellement manqué. Oh mon dieu, donc le deuxième jour, Poppy se promenait, et puis elle était comme dans la fontaine mais attendez, laissez-moi vous parler de-- oh non! J'ai oublié les pâtisseries! Je les ai laissés dans le taxi! Attends, pourquoi tu me regardes comme ça? Oh merde. Anglais!" She covers her mouth, then grins. "Sorry!"
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aidan-fans-blogs · 3 years
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*Insertar meme de aidan*
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archivodeunicornio · 6 years
Headcanon de nuestros muses.
Gabrielle Afrodita & Aidan Ares
Ninguno de los dos cree que su relación sea algo más allá de lo carnal. Siempre lo pasan bien juntos pero la verdad es que poco se conocen más allá del plano sexual, es como una línea invisible que ninguno quiere cruzar, porque entonces involucrarían sentimientos y eso sólo complicaría más las cosas.
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maarigolds · 3 years
Quindi riassumendo in 8 episodi di leonardo le cose belle sono state:
-le opere d'arte
-la gayaggine (quella poca che c'era)
-le faccette da meme di aidan turner
-salaí the evil twink (complimentary)
-le zinne di matilda de angelis
-e basta
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jcndeukies · 4 years
1, 2, 16, 20, 21, 30
ask meme para 1x1: accepting.
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1. faça um fmk com os meus personagens. (personagens da pessoa que enviou a ask)
escuta aqui, gizelly giovannah, eu não posso, nem vou, matar nenhum dos seus personagens porque eu os amo, mas: fuck: jintaek marry: malee k(iss): dakho ou alessia, os dois.
2. faça um fmk com os seus personagens. (personagens da pessoa que recebeu a ask)
hmm... esse é um pouco mais difícil, considerando que eu tenho 432978854 personagens, mas deixa eu ver... fuck: arthit, porque é o maior dos gostosos. marry: taeil/sehun/hansol, que são os gado mor. kill: ethan, aidan, que são dois filhos puta.
16. me conte um headcanon angst que você tem sobre o nosso ship.
o maior hc angst que a gente pode ter com certeza é em laurent e aimee... imagina a cena: o laurent que sumiu por tanto tempo porque ficou famoso demais, a fama subiu à cabeça dele demais e agora ele volta pra cidade pras festas de final de ano e fica sabendo que, não sei, a aimée ta se envolvendo com alguém, ou tá saindo com alguém e ele fica totalmente mexido e sai correndo pra ir visitar ela e aquela coisa totalmente “you left.” e dores no coração e-
20. não vale roubar! digite @ e veja a primeira pessoa que apareceu (que seja partner ou mutual). agora marque ela num gifset aleatório na dash. não diga nada, não taggeia nenhum ship ou personagem. apenas marque pra ela aparecer confusa.
21. me diga um fc que você quer muito jogar contra (wanted opposite).
atualmente eu tava bem querendo um ten de opposite!
30. você gosta de criar personagens NPCs para ajudar a desenvolver seus plots de 1x1? fale sobre um dos seus NPCs!
eu AMO de paixão criar NPCs pros meus jogos. acho que 90%, se não mais, dos meus 1x1 tem NPCs envolvidos. vou falar sobre um NPC que é muito importante em um plot f/f meu, que é o namorado da minha personagem, chamado mark. o mark é um namorado meia-bomba que não faz ideia que sua namorada tem praticamente um onlyfans com a roommate, em que elas gravam coisas se pegando etc pra pagar pela faculdade. apesar de tudo, ela realmente gosta dele e não queria estar enganando ele tanto assim, mas ele é o típico jock de faculdade, com minhocas na cabeça, que acaba fazendo merda sem nem perceber.
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heroesathxart · 4 years
@nowassemble enviou uma ask: If they had a kid ( Alexei x Alice ) If they had a kid meme : send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
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Name: Drake Theon Barton
Gender: Masculino
General Appearance: O Drake tem os olhos claros do pai, mas todo o resto ele acabou herdando da mãe, como os cabelos negros e etc.
Personality: Vejo o Drake como sendo um garoto mais calmo e na dele, mas que quando incentivado pode ser bem arteiro e um mini demônio ( especialmente quando ele se junta com os primos dele lol )
Special Talents: Ele herdou o poder de cura da mãe e é muito bom em improvisação.
Who they like better: Acho que ele gosta dos dois, mas consigo ver ele sendo um pouco mais próximo da Alice.
Who they take after more: Em personalidade ele se parece um pouquinho mais com o Alexei, mas em aparencia ele puxou mais a mãe.
Personal Head canon: O nome do meio dele veio de Game of Thrones e a culpa foi do Alexei porque é o personagem favorito dele lol E o Drake ama animais e tem um cachorro de estimação que ganhou quando tinha 5 anos de idade. Eles são inseparáveis.
Face Claim: Aidan Gallagher
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joiedecombat · 5 years
8 People I’d Like to Know Better Tag Meme
I was tagged by @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond~!
Name: Joie
Birthday: June 11
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Height: 5′
video games
pestering my cat
Favorite colors:
Jewel tones in general, especially blue, purple, and red.
Also forest green.
Favorite books:
Oh dear lord where to even start?
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes series, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen (Pamela Aidan’s Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman pastiche trilogy is also an excellent read, BTW)
The Chronicles of Narnia series, C. S. Lewis
The Time Quintet (A Wrinkle in Time et al), Madeleine L’Engle
The Dresden Files series, Jim Butcher 
Pretty much any of Robin McKinley’s novels, but especially The Blue Sword and Chalice
Cordelia’s Honor, Los McMaster Bujold
...just for, you know, the tip of the iceberg. (*eyeing overflowing bookshelves*)
Last song listened to: “Baba Yetu,” Alex Boyé + BYU Men's Chorus & Philharmonic
Last film watched: Spider-Man: Far From Home in the theater.
Meaning behind your URL:
I originally took it from a line in Laurie King’s Sherlock Holmes pastiche The Beekeeper’s Apprentice:
His eyes gleamed in the last flicker of the lamp’s wick, with a curious, intense relish such as I had seen on his face the week before, when he was facing a young assailant with a large knife. Joie de combat, I supposed, and my heart quailed before this changed Holmes.
I keep using it as a default internet handle mostly out of convenience, since it’s hardly ever taken - if you see someone with the username “joiedecombat” on another site, it’s probably me! But also I like the way it sounds, and it shortens conveniently to “Joie” which is also nice.
I will tag...  @honekitteh and @black-ravens-cry (if you guys are so inclined)?
It’s not eight people. I am very bad at tagging.
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amandaarmy7 · 2 years
Era mentira lo que publique hace días que dije que no me gustaba Aidan era mentira pero no me gusta tanto como antes ahora ya no mucho
Por acá memes y cosas de hoseok y bts
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La última no aplica mucho porque mi mejor amiga le gusta J-hope y no nos peleamos tanto por el pero igual a veces si pero igual a ella le gusta JIMIN asi que ya no nos peleamos tanto por el (no nos peleamos seriamente es como que yo le diga para molestar que soy más compatible con ella porque SUGA (Yoongi) es picis y yo igual pero es molestando XD)
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helioswrites · 6 years
Name: Isa Favourite Faceclaims: 
For me to use: Alicia Vikander, Margot Robbie, Jessica De Gouw, Eleanor Tomlinson, Ana de Armas, Gabriella Wilde, Annabelle Wallis, Laura Haddock, Blake Lively, Phoebe Tonkin
The ones I drool over: Aidan Turner, Jamie Dornan, Gaspard Ulliel, Francois Arnaud, Sam Claflin, Garret Hedlund, Oscar Isaac and too many more to name
What type of muse do you like to play?: Ones that I can see through and I am able to imagine vividly the moment I read the character’s biography. If I cannot picture them, begin to understand them or getting to their head I cannot do the character justice or bring them to life. So, long story short, I will play any muse that I connect to and do not limit myself to one category.  You can only watch one TV Show for the rest of your life. What do you pick?: One TV show??????? Are you kidding me right now? No matter how many lists, graphics, diagrams and notions I make to come up with the one TV show that I had to watch for the rest of my life I would not be able to. I am going to try and loop hole this and say that my former self would say Downton Abbey and myself right now in the present based on the shows that are on air at this moment would go with Dark.  You’re stranded on a deserted island. Three fictional characters are stuck with you. Who would you want to have with you? Hermione Granger, Door, The Doctor. An intelligent wizard, a young woman from London Below (Neil Gaiman’s Novel, Neverwhere,) that is able to open anything, and the Doctor who has a time machine and can travel through space and time. I have all of my basis covered on good company and getting the hell off of that island in no time.  Favourite meme?
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This or that?
Dramas or Comedies? Netflix or Youtube? Soda or Wine or Beer? Wood burning fires or Sun on the beach? 12:00PM or 12:00AM? Tattoos or Piercings? Cats or Dogs? iPhone or Android? Instagram or Snapchat? Salty or Sweet? Zelda Games or Mario Games? Zodiac or Myers-Briggs?
Choose a GIF that accurately describes you:
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berensaats · 6 years
☠ which muse is The Worst™
Eu acho que depende do sentido?? Mas, uh, no sentido mais memetastic, Zara, Ilyas & Ilhan
🔪 which muse would you most likely be enemies with
Kali, Murad V & Zara, sem sombra de dúvidas.
😔 which muse is the biggest spoilsport
Hm…. boa pergunta. Acho que meu sultãozinho Murad e o Aidan.
🎨 which muse is the most artistic
Ah, cara… foda porque eu tenho muito muse em diversos ramos da arte né. Acho que o Arturo tho. E a Sarah também
munday meme // multimuse edition
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ragecndybars · 7 years
Get to Know Me Tag Meme
I got tagged by @random-hylian and @phillozophy !! There are 92 questions so I’m putting them under a cut oops. Also I’m tagging only @tonyandaflygon and anyone else who wants to but you’re supposed to tag 20 people.
1. Drink: Grape Soda 2. Phone call: My mom, to tell her I aced my test! :O 3. Text message: My friend Collin 4. Song you listened to: “Better Than You” from Camp Camp S2E01 5. Time you cried: i d e f k  m a n
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: I’ve never even dated someone once 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I’ve never kissed someone (romantically) of my own free will. I have been kissed against my will, though, if that counts? 8. Been cheated on: Nope, never had the opportunity. 9. Lost someone special: Yes. 10. Been depressed: Every day since seventh grade my dude, my man 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve sworn off alcohol for my literal entire life. LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Navy blue, dark red, and... uh... maybe pastel periwinkle? IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes. None irl, though, which is very sad since I’m at a new school this year.
16. Fallen out of love: Actually, yes, kind of.
17. Laughed until you cried: Y E S.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: No, although I have my suspicions.
19. Met someone who changed you: I change every three seconds my dude
20. Found out who your friends are: Not really.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Still haven’t kissed anyone (consensually).
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them.
23. Do you have any pets: Yes, unfortunately. I have a yorkshire terrier named Simon, I don’t like him very much.
24. Do you want to change your name: Ehhh, I don’t know what I’d change it to. And it’d take forever to get used to it.
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: n,,, othign,,,,
26. What time did you wake up: Like, 3 AM, then like 5 AM, then like 2 PM.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Writing and trying to calm down my dog who was afraid because of the thunder last night.
28. Name something you can’t wait for: The moment I’ll have enough money to buy a Nintendo Switch.
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Like, a week ago.
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: My being a “smart kid” and “””genius””” when I was younger.
31. What are you listening to right now: Nothing.
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: My father is named Tom.
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: People constantly telling me that I could be trying harder when I actually couldn’t be.
34. Most visited website: fanfiction.net and archiveofourown.
35. Mole/s: On my chin.
36. Mark/s: I have a birthmark on my back that looks like a scar and a few scars on my legs that look like birthmarks.
37. Childhood dream: I wanted a lot of things, but I still have three dreams from childhood. Publish a book, have my book have a fanbase, and purchase a 250 pack of Crayola crayons.
38. Hair color: Light brown/dirty blonde
39. Long or short hair: Medium
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Only fictional characters at the moment.
41. What do you like about yourself: hhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats a good one im gonna use that
42. Piercings: None. I am deathly afraid of needles
43. Blood type: I don’t know actually?
44. Nickname: Rage, Zoro, Sour Milk, Milky
45. Relationship status: Not emotionally prepared for the emotional commitment of a romantic relationship
46. Zodiac: Aries / Pisces
47. Pronouns: Any but he/him. I prefer she/her sometimes and they/them at other times.
48. Favorite TV Show(s): RWBY, Camp Camp, Fullmetal Alchemist, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Red vs. Blue, Steven Universe, I could go on
49. Tattoos: None. Again, deATHLY AFRAID OF NEEDLES
50. Right or left hand: Right
51. Surgery: I’ve had surgery done on my elbow when I broke it very badly, but that’s it.
52. Hair dyed in a different color: I dyed it auburn once! I messed it up and it was hardly noticeable tho...
53. Sport: In middle school, I played soccer for one year and ran track for two years on the insistence of my parents. It was hell.
55. Vacation: I’ve gone to South Carolina and Florida, but neither appealed to me.
56. Pair of trainers: Um?? I have a few??? MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Birthday cake oreos and popcorn 58. Drinking: Grape soda 59. I’m about to: Write, God willing 61. Waiting for: The sweet embrace of death. 62. Want: A Nintendo Switch. And to find my fukcign art tablet. 63. Get married: DISTANT FUTURE. OR NEVER. 64. Career: Linguist? Comic artist?? Teacher??? Author.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: Same height, I have neck problems 68. Older or younger: People of the same maturity level as me. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: A R M S 71. Sensitive or loud: It’s not mutually exclusive yo 72. Hook up or relationship: R E LA T ION SHIP 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: No 75. Drank hard liquor: ACCIDENTALLY 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: The fukcign screw came out of my glasses and vanished into the carpet and I needed a new set of frames :’) 77. Turned someone down: Yes, multiple times, but those guys were all creepy as all fuck. Except Aidan, he was kinda cute. Poor Aidan. It’s not you, it’s my crippling depression and paranoia. 78. Sex on the first date: No sex ew 79. Broken someone’s heart: I doubt it 80. Had your heart broken: Not really 81. Been arrested: Nope 82. Cried when someone died: Yes 83. Fallen for a friend: Yes, my first and only crush on an actual human person
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: hhHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA 85. Miracles: Yes!! 86. Love at first sight: I believe that infatuation can become love, so sort of. 87. Santa Claus: In spirit. 88. Kiss on the first date: Eh, depends on how long I’ve known the person
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: Connie 91. Eye color: Brown (????) 92. Favorite movie: Um, Zootopia maybe possibly? NO NO WAIT, Moana
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cherrorey · 7 years
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:v y sigo sacando la mercancía chicos xD Ok no :v (creo que aidan se apodero de mis hojas :'v ) pisos dibujitos de practica :v cosas q de repente salen :v #elescualidodeaidan #traditionaldrawing #sketch #drawing #🌚 (insertar meme de la momia x la foto del final)
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gyc-danger-blog · 7 years
#, %, $.
Para ver mais ask memes, clique aqui.
# para mensagem aleatória
|16:51 @danger — to @Naoki: Você acredita que o Aidan quer pintar o cabelo? DE ROSA? |16:51 @danger — to @Naoki: Ele tem só dois anos……..|16:51 @danger — to @Naoki: Esse vai me dar trabalho quando crescer.
% para mensagem curiosa
|20:06 @danger — to @Naoki: Hey… Quando termina seu expediente na Fujiya?|20:27 @danger — to @Naoki: Tem algum compromisso pra essa noite?
$ para mensagem acidental
|02:36 @danger — to @Naoki: Baby, vem logo, já está tarde, quero aproveitar a madrugada com você na minha cama!! #pisk|02:36 @danger — to @Naoki:…… Pera|02:36 @danger — to @Naoki: Etto!! Gomenasai!! Errei a janela, por favor releve.
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