fawns-antlers · 14 days
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ethel cain new posts
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
It's About Time
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Y/n and Georgie have been best friends for years. Everyone in town is waiting on when they will get together...including Y/n herself. When a new girl comes into town and interests Georgie will they ever get together??
1 - Matching Marks
2 - Possible Futures
3 - Memaw's Car
4 - New Feelings and a Videotape
5 - The Birthday Surprise
6 - Will He Ever Realize?
7 - Love Letter
8 - The Jealousy Plan
9 - Jealousy Plan in Motion
10 - Switching Coopers
11 - Changing the Game
12 - Late Night Confession
13 - Good / bad decisions
14 -
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad @ashsallyblue2
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khandedoe · 2 months
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It's a 3 minute walk to my favorite spot on the mountain
And theirs a wooden slab I sit on and stare off into the big rocks and wonder if aliens are real
Sometimes I feel like a weirdo sitting up there all alone with just a backpack sore ears from the constant use of my earbuds
and my occasional xl big gulp drink from circle K
Because from my view I see pairs of people doing the things I do alone
And I've been by myself for so long I forgot that people take time out if their own day to experience a view with one an other
I wish hopefully one day I can find a friend who seeks memories with me and vice-versa
Because the orange sunsets
Or the pink clouds after a storm
Stop feeling like a meditave moment and more like a chore I do for myself
The aliens can back me up on this
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pooki333 · 2 months
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Memaw vs Oncelers mom 😈
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corpse-dolly · 1 year
@mothercain could’ve written the bible, but the disciples could’ve never written strangers
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irisdelgadohno · 1 year
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I no joke breathed a sigh of relief when the year ended. Cheers to 2019-2023 being all the same never ending horrible year.
I have hope for this year though. I’m finally able to reap the fruits of my labor!
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griffinalana · 4 months
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Fruit Desserts - Memaw's Lemon Sunshine Cake Peach nectar adds fruity flavor to a rich, sunny lemon cake made with cake and pudding mixes. On top, there is a simple lemon glaze.
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tankertalk · 5 months
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tankerTWEETland comix #1590: The Shits -"His Name Is...” (1/2/2024)
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laventureantarctique · 10 months
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Memaw's Lemon Sunshine Cake A sunny and rich lemon cake made with cake and pudding mixes has peach nectar for a fruity taste. There's an easy lemon glaze on top, too.
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cinebeasts · 10 months
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Memaw's Lemon Sunshine Cake Recipe Peach nectar adds fruity flavor to a rich, sunny lemon cake made with cake and pudding mixes. On top, there is a simple lemon glaze.
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Recipe for Memaw's Pet Milk Pudding Here is a traditional recipe for rich vanilla pudding that uses eggs and evaporated milk. It's a cherished family recipe for comfort food in the South.
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
5 - The Birthday Surprise
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Part 6
It’s About Time
Mr. Cooper parked the truck and let me and Georgie get out at the tire shop. Georgie had helped fix a part in his truck and now he had started working there. I dropped my backpack on the nearest work table and hoisted myself up to sit down to watch. “So you’re saying he's got a tire gift?”
“Yes ma'am. Just watch.” Hershel nodded standing by me.
George Sr entered the tire shop and his neighbor handed him a beer. “Let’s see what you can do.”
“Okay.” Georgie nodded, slipping on some overalls and picking up one of the torn tires and laying it down on the table across from me. He basically laid on the tire rubbing his hands over the surfaces whispering, until he lifted his finger off a certain spot. “Tell me where it hurts baby…got ya.”
“Did you actually find it?” Jumping off the table I parted my mouth open, surprised.
Georgie lifted his finger off the spot a few more times showing me. “Yep.”
“That’s incredible.” I couldn't believe it that he made it look so easy.
George Sr looks at his neighbor. “I've got goosebumps.”
“I told ya he's got the gift.” Hershel nodded, taking a drink of his beer. “So are we all good with him still working here?”
George Sr finished his beer. “Yeah. His mom just said if his grades slip then he can't anymore.”
“Would you want to work with me too?” Georgie looks in my direction with such excitement.
I paused in thought. “Well that'd be up to Hershel. Plus I was thinking of working at this sporting goods store. Dales I think it's called.”
“There's an offer there if you change your mind.” Hershel said throwing the empty beer bottles in the trash can.
Georgie shifts his eyes to the wall cloak. “Oh hey it's almost time. Dad, we better go.”
“Go where?” I ask my best friend.
Georgie takes my hand in his dragging me back to the truck with his father thanking the man. “You'll see when we get there.” The three of us climbed in the truck and drove out almost to the edge of the town line. There was this area just past the Medford town sign that we pulled into.
“Georgie, why are we here?” I asked him after he had helped me out of the truck.
We had snuck out there with a few of our friends the year before we were going into high school. It had become our personal camp area, especially since Sheldon didn't care for the outdoors. “You'll see. Come on.” He tugged me by the hand around the corner and down a small dirt trail until we came to a clearing of trees and I saw our friend group all waiting for us.
Ryker, Marlowe, Hannah and Ashley all cheered. “Happy birthday.”
“Georgie!” I throw my arms around his neck hugging him as a big thank you.
He hugs me back looking at his dad who brought in our bags from the truck. “I'll pick you all up tomorrow morning. Happy birthday Y/n.”
“Thanks, Mr. Cooper.” I smiled and he left in his truck leaving us teenagers by ourselves.
Hannah came over removing me from Georgie’s grasp and over to the cooler’s they had set up by some bag lawn chairs. “I was able to snag some stuff without my dad finding out. Happy birthday.” She hands me a wine cooler.
“Thanks, Hannah. Don’t go getting arrested now.” Her father was the local police officer of our town so we would be in deep trouble if he found out.
Ashley nudged my arm coming over to us. “Stop worrying. Hannah and I are great liars.” Ashley and I had first met in Kindergarten after she wanted to play legos with me and we have been close ever since. Not as much as me and Georgie but pretty close.
Taking a drink from the bottle Hannah peaked her head over my shoulder where the boys had gone over on their own to talk like we had done. “What do ya think they’re talking about?”
“Football.” I answered her.
Ashley added on. “Annoyed, we are already gossiping over here.”
“I’ve got one better. Our bros are interrogating Georgie to finally ask the birthday girl out.” Hannah did a thumbs down and made a wrong answer buzzing sound.
Ashley’s face lit up. “Oooh yes.”
“Are you two still on that fairytale concept we joked about in fifth grade.” I scolded them feeling my face begin to turn red so I took a longer drink.
Hannah aims her wine cooler bottle at me. “It’s not a joke, Y/n. You and Georgie are falling all over each other making it so obvious.”
“No we are not.” I fought back.
Ashley finished her drink, sending me a smirk. “You totally are.”
“I don't know what you are talking about.” I denied what my friends were saying.
Hannah taunts me. “What if I told you that he was dating Veronica and didn't tell you?”
“He wouldn't dare!” Stomping my feet on the ground my voice raised in anger.
Hannah waved her fingers in my face. “That proves it.”
“You totally like him!” Hannah and Ashley squealed at the top of their lungs, jumping around me in a circle.
Ryker came over to the three of us, Georgie and Marlowe following suit in his steps. “So birthday girl, you down for some football?”
“I'm a Texas girl. What kind of question is that? Of course I'm down. After drinks and pizza though, deal.”
Ryker stuck out his fist and I bumped mine with his. “Deal.”
Our group of six got settled on some lawn chairs around a fire that Marlowe got started since his parents had taught him the most about wilderness survival.
Leaning back in my chair I opened another drink Georgie was sitting beside me and we were just enjoying the sounds of nature. I glance over to him with the corner of my eye noticing that he was staring at me and I just now had noticed he had been. “What ya looking at me for, Cooper?”
“I got ya something for your birthday.” He reached inside his jacket pocket, pulling out something.
I trailed off until he held it up in the firelight. “Georgie, you didn’t have to get me anything. The surprise was enough - oh wow it's beautiful.” He turned out to be holding up a necklace that was a Locket which had a picture of us when we were really little all hugging up on each other.
Georgie nervously smiled. “So you like it?”
“I love it. Thank you.” I got up from my chair flinging my arms around his neck hugging him.
He wrapped his arms around my waist tugging me down to sit on his lap. We held onto the other for a few minutes until he mumbled into my hair and I drew back to look him in the face. “Happy birthday, darling.” Biting my lip I soon realized that we were extremely physical close to each other, which normally wouldn’t have been a problem if we weren’t in a very romantic setting sitting together around the fire and the rest of our friends were over by the coolers with drinks and snacks away from the burning fire.
“Georgie…” I mumbled his name slowly leaning down and he to my surprise leaned up looking like he was going to kiss me.
But the moment was short lived when Marlowe came running over to us. “Hey, you guys ready to play footbal”
“Yeah sure.” Georgie and I separated and I scrambled off his lap, catching sight of us both blushing. Yet I brushed it off going over to hang out with our friends with the idea still in the back of my mind that I almost kissed my best friend.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley @skeletonontheroad
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khandedoe · 2 months
Secrets in the mane
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chosenxbyxetro · 1 year
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Memaw's Lemon Sunshine Cake Peach nectar adds fruity flavor to a rich, sunny lemon cake made with cake and pudding mixes. On top, there is a simple lemon glaze.
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shiftythrifting · 1 month
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manyunhappygreenies · 8 months
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have an unfinished comic, won't be finished and never will be because of burn out:
TLDR: Leo takes a blow that would have killed Casey. [A parallel of Raph protecting Leo from a blow that would have killed her in the movie] Leo suffers compartment syndrome, so her arm needs to be amputated.
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