#Marine Boy
animenostalgia · 1 month
News - In Summer of 2024, Classic television network MeTV will be launching a new classic animation channel called MeTV Toons! While they are heavily advertising such classics as Bugs Bunny & Friends, Tom and Jerry, Popeye, Scooby Doo, ect, they will also be carrying vintage English-dubbed anime like Speed Racer and Marine Boy! MeTV Toons will be available on regular broadcast television, as well as free-with-ads streaming platforms.
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john-artbuckle · 1 year
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Catherine Warwick's Marine Boy in the Mother Style!
(If you haven't heard Taxi Driver from the single, you're missing out)
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digitalsemporium · 1 year
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Chibi Army Boy Emote, Navy Emote, Marine Emote, Serve and Protect Emote, Army Emote, Twitch Stream Emote, Discord Emote, Kick Stream Emote
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Anybody else remember Marine Boy?
When I was a kid I adored this show (yeah, I'm that old). In the fevered rage of reboots, why hasn't anyone tagged Marine Boy for a do-over?
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earhartsease · 1 year
probably hardly any of you have ever seen Marine Boy (originally Japanese Kaitei Shōnen Marin), our first ever anime obsession
we had a massive kid crush on both Marine Boy and his mermaid friend Neptina (in retrospect of course we wanted to be both of them somehow) - anyway it was pretty batshit and we really like the animation style and also the music, here's several eps, enjoy
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wishingformoredogs · 25 days
Tired of “oh Percy would be a marine biologist” “oh Percy would be a teacher” that man is a stay at home dad. And I mean that.
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queerdraws · 4 months
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Fanart for a snippet of my most favorite heartbreaking moment from swordsmans's fic bone-breaker ospreys mate for life (rated E)
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special-boi · 3 months
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special request ai art by @special-boi
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Lee Seung-cheol, daughter of 'diving player', "Rhythmic gymnastics has been in the eight-years...slump" ('Grand Class')
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batbootie · 2 years
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Let me present you purple hearts: the bisexual wet dream.
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You can't tell me our main man Jim, Jim Kirk, James Kirk, James T Kirk, James Tiberius Kirk, CAPTAIN stack of books on legs James Respectful and Sensitive Tiberius Kirk does not know about Vulcan hand touching and their significance.
This man. JAMES KIRK. Looked at Spock, clearly vulcan spock, hands firmly planted behind his back Spock. LOOKED him up and down, and despite absolutely knowing it would not be considered impolite if he didnt offer a hand shake, looked at Spock, tall drink of water Spock, Vulcan sensitive hands used as terms of affection Spock, and was like hmmmm absolutely will make this Vulcan shake my hand. AND SPOCK gave like 1 second of thought before he was like yes absolutely here is my hand to hold for you and you only. I AM DECEASED
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possumcollege · 6 months
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It's pretty cruel that they even stock pauldron wax that high to begin with.
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bethanythebogwitch · 7 months
It's October and I want to talk about something creepy, so this Wet Beast Wednesday is about the lancetfish. These things look like what would happen if a fish became a vampire. Lancetfish are the only members of their family, Alepisauridae and consist of two species: The longnose lancetfish Apleisaurus ferox and the shortnose lancetfish Apleisaurus brevirostris. While they are often caught as bycatch, there is still a lot we don't know about them.
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(image: a lancetfish held by an angler. Its body is long, skinny, and silvery. Its dorsal fin extends down most of its back and is supported by a series of long, thin spines. Its head is pointed and the moth is very wide. It has a large, green eye. The tail is out of frame)
Lancetfish are long and skinny fish capable of reaching up to 2.08 meters (6.8 ft). Their dorsal fins are especially notable, stretching down most of their backs and being spiny, resulting in one common name for them being the "handsaw fish". The fin likely gives stability when the fish swims fast and can fold down. The fin is situated in a groove so when it folds down, the top of the fish is smooth and reduces drag. Lancetfish are also one of the relatively few fish to have an adipose fin. The mouth is large and opens very wide. It has long, skinny teeth that point backwards and are adapted to hold onto struggling prey. Their bodies have no scales, only smooth skin with pores for the lateral line. The name "Alepisaurus" means "scaleless lizard", a reference to their body shape and lack of scales. The stomach can expand to hold a very large volume. Lancetfish lack swim bladders and are simultaneous hermaphrodites, posessing male and female gonads at the same time. They show some anatomical differences from other hermaphroditic fish, including testicles that are independent from the ovaries.
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(image: a lancetfish held by a child on a boat. More detain can be seen on the dorsal fin, which includes four spines that grow long past the webbing. The tail ends in a forked fin.
Lancetfish are found worldwide except for arctic regions and are more common in temperate to tropical waters, but have been found as far north as Greenland. They are found in the mesopelagic (twilight) and bathypelagic (midnight) zones, but sometimes swim closer to the surface and can be found at a huge variety of depths. They are unusually large for fish that live in those areas. They are generally believed to be solitary, but may gather together to mate. They may also be migratory, as they have been reported seasonally appearing and disappearing in some locations. Lancetfish do also travel to colder waters if food is scarce. They are predators with extremely wide diets that include fish, cephalopods, tunicates, and crustaceans. They are also notoriously cannibalistic, as lancetfish show up in the stomachs of other lancetfish very frequently. There have even beec cases of scientists finding a lancetfish inside of a lancetfish inside of a lancetfish. They are so well known for cannibalism that they are often named "cannibal fish". Lancetfish are likely ambush predators. Their muscles are gelatinous, which is unsuitable for chases but does work for sudden bursts of speed. They most likely hang motionless in the water, waiting for prey to pass. How lancetfish reproduce is unknown, but they are probably broadcast spawners.
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(image: a lancetfish in its natural habitat. It is suspended vertically in the water, with the head pointing up. Its dorsal fin is folded back)
One interesting feature of lancetfish is how slow their digestion is. Lancetfish are often found with undigested or partially digested food in their stomachs. One hypothesis is that They digest food slowly wile living a low-energy lifestyle to make the energy gained from each meal last as long as possible. Another is that the stomach acts like storage and will only begin digestion if the fish is low on energy. This provides an interesting avenue of research. Lancetfish caught as bycatch or that was up on beaches can be dissected to investigate their stomach contents, which are so much more pristine than those of other species. This means each lancetfish acts as a net, containing tons of specimens that give us a good (if biased) look at the bathypelagic food web and local biodiversity. Scientists are starting to find a lot of plastic in lancetfish stomachs. It is hypothesized that some of this plastic may be ingested by prey who practice daily vertical migration bringing tiny pieces of plastic down into deeper waters where they are ingested by larger predators. Some plastic pieces found may be too large to be explained by this method alone, such as a fragment of a black plastic bag around the same size as a hand towel found in one lancetfish. This is part of growing evidence that shows plastic pollution is not just a problem for the surface as was previously though, but exists throughout the water column.
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I told you, its a vampire fish (image: a close-up of a lancetfish head. Its mouth is open, showing the teeth. They are long, skinny, and sharp. Most are short, but a few on the top and bottom are much larger than the others)
Lancetfish are not commercially caught as there is no market for them. Their gelatinous meat is considered unappetizing, though it is also said to taste sweet. They are considered pests in longline fishing industries for taking bait intended for other species. The amount of lancetfish bycatch is increasing, possibly indicating population growth due to overfishing of their competition and prey. Known predators of lancetfish include tuna, cod, opah, salmon sharks, and sea lions. Because of how deep they live, not much is known about any conservation needs
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(image: a juvenile lancetfih. Its body is green and translucent and much shorter than that of the adult. The head has the same shape as the adult. The dorsal fin is much smaller and less distinct. The body is curved at the spine and the internal organs are visible through the skin)
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Does anyone else remember Marine Boy?
When I was a kid I adored this show, but it seems like no else has even heard of it. How's that possible? It was fucking awesome.
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glimblshanks · 7 months
Thinking about Mariner's trauma reveal, and how Carol and Alonzo had to watch their bright, high achieving (at least according to Ramsey) daughter come back from the Dominion War broken and angry. How they had to just sit by as her trauma responses got her demoted over and over again. How they did everything they could to keep Mariner in Starfleet because they still remember that bright, high achieving girl and and how much potential she had, and they know that part of their daughter must still be in there somewhere even if it's hard to see.
And sometimes Carol can't cope and starts to think that Beckett really doesn't belong on her ship, and sometimes Alonzo can't deal either and cuts Carol's frustrated com calls short because it all just hurts too much. They haven't let go of who Beckett used to be, but she will never be that wide-eyed Starfleet cadet that they were so proud of ever again, and neither of them can do anything about it.
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acquired-stardust · 3 months
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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Gameboy Color 1998
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