#Marielle the Apprentice
abbiedreamer · 10 months
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Sometimes you just needa draw some Arcana angst hahaha~ UwU
Glad that this is a thing around the fandom and people's MCs that there's a piece of jewelry or whatnot from their character that Asra finds at the Lazaret when he finds them dead hahaha~ Now it's my turn with Marielle's necklace uwu
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witchybitchy222 · 1 year
Rhysand x Reader | Silver Threads
Based on this prompt “my family thinks we’re dating.” Requested by @lillithathecat hope you love it!!
“Fuck” you breathed as you looked down at the blood welling on th tip of your finger. You set down your needle and walked to the bathroom, washing the blood off before it ruined the expensive fabric you were working with.
You were normally careful with your sewing, but it was getting close to lunchtime and your thoughts were distracted. It was almost time for your weekly lunch with the High Lord. You knew it was his way of thanking you for the countless dresses, suits, cloaks, and coats you’d made specially for his inner circle, but you couldn’t help but get butterflies at the thought of seeing him again. You’d been having these lunches for nearly a year, after you’d made him and his entire family their starfall outfits last year. He’d come in the next week and insisted on taking you to a nice lunch as a thank you, and he’d been doing it every week since.
You’d opened up your shop only six months before that. You were a refugee from an Illyrian war camp where you’d spent most of your time patching the warriors’ leathers. You weren’t treated well by any means, but you loved to sew and create, and fixing up the tears in the thick leather outfits was a way to make yourself useful at the camp. You’d been born a “half-breed” and weren’t blessed with wings. You were lucky you had magic, or else you likely would’ve been killed as a babe.
Creating things, sewing them from scratch and making sure they were perfect, had always brought you joy. Sure you could’ve sped up the process with magic, but making things by hand gave them a unique quality, and your embroidery skills were what you were most proud of.
You’d met Mor first, she’d stopped in and requested a dress made for a ball she was attending in the winter court. You’d made it exactly to her specifications (something sexy and alluring that wouldn’t leave her freezing her ass off in the winter snow), and she’d been coming to you ever since.
Not long after you’d made that first gown, you’d gotten a visit from the High Lord himself, wanting a new suit. You’d been totally mesmerized by him from the moment you met him, those violet eyes and full lips imprinted on your mind. You weren’t naive however, you knew you’d never have a shot with the High Lord. He was sophisticated and powerful and you were just an average person. He interacted with as many of his citizens as possible, making sure the needs of everyone in his court were met. You were just another one of his people.
The bell above the door rang and you knew without looking it was him. Rhys just had a presence about him, something you could always sense. “Coming!” You shouted, grabbing a bandage for your still bleeding finger.
“Hey!” You greeted him as you stepped around the front counter. He looked at your finger with furrowed brows, a silent question.
“Ah” you said, raising your hand, “battle wound.” You grinned as he chuckled.
“As long as you didn’t get any blood on my starfall suit.” He winked.
“Of course not, my lord” you teased and he rolled his eyes. He hated being addressed by anything but ‘Rhys’.
“You ready?” He asked, turning toward the door.
“Almost,” you leaned back over the counter, “Marielle!!” The young girl came around the corner, he auburn curls bouncing as she walked.
“Yes, Y/N?” She asked before her gaze landed on Rhys, eyes widening as she dropped into a bow “My lord.” She greeted, reverence lacing her voice.
“For the millionth time Marielle, Rhys is fine” the High Lord said as the girl rose from her bow, cheeks stained pink. “And bowing is never necessary.” He shot her a wink and her face deepened to an even rosier color.
You smiled at her, she was always a mess in front of Rhys, but she was a great apprentice, hard-working and caring.
“We’re headed to lunch,” you told her, “I’ll be back in an hour.”
The girl nodded and you turned to head out the door with Rhys.
You strolled through the city streets, chatting about your week, how many new orders you’d received and how well Marielle was doing. Rhys was incredibly easy to talk to. He always knew how to make you laugh and make you feel at ease. In the last year he’d become your absolute best friend.
Rhys led you to a cafe by the Sidra, the hostess immediately sat you, recognizing the High Lord right away, leading you to a table on the patio.
Lunch went by quickly, the two of you slipping into easy conversation, splitting your dishes so you could both try something new.
Stomach feeling full, you sat sipping your lemonade, watching the way the sun glistened on the Sidra.
“So,” Rhys began as you turned to face him, “I’ll actually need you to make one more dress for starfall.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, it was less than a week until the holiday and you were already making an outfit for every member of the inner circle.
“You’re putting me on a time crunch, but sure.” You joked, “I just need to know what kind of silhouette to design and I’ll need to get measurements.”
“Oh you already have their measurements I’m sure.” Rhys said with that smirk of his, “the dress is for you.”
“Me?” You were completely taken aback. You had no starfall plans, let alone any that would require such a dress.
“I’d like to invite you to starfall at the house of wind.” He said with a gentle smile.
“Oh, Rhys, that’s really not necessary.” You replied, fidgeting nervously with your napkin.
“Y/N,” he said, grabbing your hands, “I want you there.”
You looked into his violet eyes and the vulnerability there made your breath catch in your chest. He was so devastatingly gorgeous, his tan skin and dark hair perfectly framing his face. You found your eyes dipping to his lips, wondering what they tasted like.
The waitress came to clear the table and the spell was broken, Rhys released your hands and sat back, clearing his throat.
“I’ll come to pick up around 7, we’ll have dinner beforehand.” He said as he stood from the table.
You opened your mouth to protest when he cut you off, “I’m not taking no for an answer, so make yourself something nice to wear or I’ll bring you in your pajamas.” He smirked at your sigh of defeat.
You spent the rest of the afternoon finishing the silver embroidery on Rhys’s starfall jacket while thinking of what you were going to make for yourself.
You had an idea of what style you’d like, but weren’t sure what color to go with.
“You should make it in silver! That way you’d match with the High Lord.” Marielle said dreamily as she looked over your sketch.
“Do you think that would be appropriate?” You asked the girl as you finished the last swirl on the jacket’s lapel.
“Of course!” She exclaimed, “he asked you to come! You’re his date!”
“I don’t think it’s like that Marielle, we’ve just become good friends this year is all.”
“Sureee” the girl said, wiggling her eyebrows. You rolled your eyes at her and hung up the suit jacket. You walked to the back room, fingers trailing over the bolts of fabric lining the walls. Your eyes caught on a swath of silver in the back corner, it was light and smooth with just enough sparkle, it’d be perfect for the gown you’d designed. “Oh what the hell” you said, grabbing the bolt, it wasn’t every day you got to spend a holiday with the High Lord and his family, might as well go all out.
The night of starfall came quickly, and before you knew it, you were staring at yourself in the mirror of your apartment above the shop, wondering how you got yourself into this. The dress had turned out beautifully, just as you’d wanted. The top was cut low, the V ending just under your bust, where the skirt cinched together before flowing to the ground, a slit cut on the left side giving it plenty of movement to match the flowing sleeves of the bodice. It was gorgeous, some of your best work. You’d pinned your hair up, leaving only a few pieces to frame your face, and lined your eyes with kohl, a hint of silver glitter on your eyelids. You really looked lovely if you let yourself admit it.
You sensed Rhys outside just before he knocked and made your way down the stairs.
When you opened the door, you took a moment to admire him. He was stunning in the suit you’d made. It was his signature black, with hints of iridescent silver lining the cuffs and swirling across the lapels of his jacket.
You made yourself pull your eyes to meet his, and found him appraising you as well.
You blushed under his stare, feeling suddenly very exposed.
“Y/N,” he breathed, “You look… breathtaking.” You smiled and took his hand, stepping into the night with him as he smiled that dazzling smile of his.
You moved closer to him and he winnowed you to a balcony overlooking Velaris.
“Wow, it’s so beautiful.” You said, looking out over the city with its twinkling lights, the Sidra curving through, shining in the dying sun.
“Welcome to the House of Wind.” Rhys said as you turned your attention to him. “Dinner will start soon, and everyone is eager to meet you.”
“Right.” You said, smoothing out your dress and taking a deep breath.
“Oh,” Rhys said, taking your hand, “one more thing before we go in. My family thinks we’re dating.”
You nearly choked out “what??” Your wide eyes swinging to his amused ones.
He shrugged “they think we’re dating.”
“Why on earth would they think that Rhysand??” You asked, baffled.
“Well, we do spend a lot of time together,” he smirked, “they just assumed and well, I never corrected them.”
“What? Why not? Did you want them to think that?” You questioned him, heartbeat speeding up at the implication that you and the High Lord were more than friends.
“Maybe.” He stepped closer to you, “maybe I want us to be.”
You couldn’t speak, his words and proximity all but overwhelming you.
“I care about you, Y/N, deeply. And…. And I’d like to be more than friends. If you’ll have me.”
“Rhys,” you breathed, staring into those violet eyes, “nothing would make me happier.”
The High Lord broke into a grin, pulling you closer and pressing his lips against your own. You barely had time to process before a whoop cut through the air. You pulled back and looked at the door where Cassian stood, grinning like an idiot.
“Mor!” He shouted into the open door behind him, “you owe me! They didn’t even make it 5 minutes!”
You couldn’t help but laugh, looking up at the High Lord of the Night Court, your now more-than-friend.
@kayla26 @augustinerose @strawbwebbie @judig92 @bankerfrog @meritxellao
@amdiriel @kristalhi @everyonehatescarmen @reareaikea @nothxney @toothhurtyam @goldentournesol
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writernopal · 10 months
Happy WBW :) what is the most heartwarming thing in your world? (a tradition or cultural aspect, an oc / species fact, anything!
Happy WBW, Kraken!
This feels a little like cheating but I'd say the relationships that the characters in AASOAF form with each other. And I don't just mean the ones of the two main romances but the other romances and friendships in the story. Here are some of my favorites!
Rapheus and Jace. Master and apprentice but also pseudo father and son relationship. They are also each other's designated caregivers and support system since they are both disabled.
Wilkes and his adoptive father, Walter. They love and care for another very much and Wilkes holds him in the highest esteem, often mirroring many of his habits in an effort to emulate him. Yes even now at the ripe old age of 45 🥺
Fay and Anise. The ultimate sister from another mister/"please adopt me bc I'm poor" LOL. Anise is constantly asking Fay for monetary handouts and she pretends to hate it but she doesn't. Fay also admires Anise very much but will never tell her because her head will blow up to the size of Mars LOL.
Axtapor and Lady Fisla (aka grandma!). You know I HAD to put this one here. And I think it speaks for itself! Ultimate grandma's boy if there ever was one!
Mariel and Yula. Yula is a secondary character in AASOAF 2 that I absolutely ADORE so I won't talk about her and Mariel too much bc spoilers. But writing their scenes together was a lot of fun!
Lexlar and Hartim. These two absolutely don't get enough page time but I love them so much. Hence why they are getting their own book hahaha. They have a whole backstory I won't get into but safe to say I would jump in front of a bus for them.
Fay and her adoptive mother, Alma. Fay can literally count on one hand the people she truly, and I mean truly loves and would never betray. Alma is one of them. She loves that woman with all her heart.
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kennys-friend · 1 year
If you were trapped in the From town, what job would you like to do?
Oooooh, I would probably tend to the farm animals because who doesn't love animals? I would also help Kristi out if she needed an extra set of hands because I know that's a very important job and she's just one person! (Well now Marielle is there but she's going through things) So although I don't know a whole lot medically, I would do what I can. I would be like a volunteer or apprentice. What if Kristi died? Everybody would be screwed.
Send asks
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cathygeha · 4 months
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Rogue of My Heart
Six historical novellas to give you a taste of authors you may love or have yet to read ~ Am halfway through and posting as today is release day. I will write reviews for the other half as I read them.
TEMPTING THE SCOUNDREL by Tracy Sumner was a delight the first time I read it and just as wonderful when revisited last night. I loved this story of a young man who sees “the one” but leaves to apprentice to a watchmaker only to serendipitously find “the one” ten years later while repairing clocks for a titled gentleman. Love this author and loved revisiting this story.
LOVING MY WICKED ROGUE by Dawn Brower introduced me to a new author that had me scratching my head. This was a bit unbelievable and had me wondering how a young woman of the ton could so easily allow herself to be kissed (and more) without even knowing the man she was with. I did finish it but have to say that the main characters seemed mismatched but am glad they ended up with a HEA.
A LADY:S GUIDE TO MARRIAGE by Tabetha Waite was about mature love between a married couple given a second chance to rekindle their marriage. This had to do with lack of communication, miscommunication, assumptions rather than discussions and though it came out okay in the end…wanted to shake the husband and wife and wondered how they let those five years apart happen
Still to be read:
* A Marriage Most Convenient by Tonyn Frzhsty
* I Kissed an Early by Merry Farmer
* Passion’s Lasting Promise by Amanda Mariel
Thank you to the authors and BookSirens for the ARC – This is my honest review.
3-4 Stars
This winter rediscover the worlds of 6 passion filled historical romances. These alluring stories are full of indulgences and scandalous liaisons that will keep you enthralled. Embrace the magic of these tales of forbidden desire and seemingly unattainable love. Tempting the Scoundrel by Tracy Sumner Loving My Wicked Rogue by Dawn Brower A Marriage Most Convenient by Robyn Dehart I Kissed an Earl by Merry Farmer Passion's Lasting Promise by Amanda Mariel A Lady's Guide to Marriage by Tabetha Waite
641 pages, Kindle Edition
Expected publication February 13, 2024
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jdfreads · 3 years
Reading every redwall book in publication order: Redwall
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I finished Redwall like two nights ago and I’m only just now writing the review of it! Okay, lets dive in. (this is not a critical review, its just a bunch of my thoughts dumped into one spot)
Welcome to Mossflower Wood, where the gentle mice have gathered to celebrate a year of peace and abundance. All is well... until a sinister shadow falls across the ancient stone abbey of Redwall. It is rumored that Cluny is coming–Cluny, the terrible one-eyed rat and his savage horde–Cluny, who has vowed to conquer Redwall Abbey! The only hope for the besieged mice lies in the lost sword of the legendary Martin the Warrior. And so begins the epic quest of a bumbling young apprentice–a courageous mouse who would rise up, fight back... and become a legend himself.
Death count of named characters: 21
Death count of unnamed characters: literally unknowable. But definitely over a hundred.
Rating thing: Fun romp with a lot of plot in it, lots of characters to root for, and very satisfying to read.
Some overall impressions! This was a really charming story. It was a little hard for me to really get into the groove of reading it, but honestly I think thats just because my copy of the book is Very small and hard to hold, along with my funky fresh ADHD. But I was kinda forced to get into it because my mom got a really bad migraine and I had to watch over her while being real quiet, so bam! Reading. From there I was invested and it was all easy going.
I really enjoyed the Vibes of the book. The atmosphere? Immaculate. I wanna be a mouse hanging out in the woods with all my mouse friends. Also slightly weird thing about this book, every single meal is described in great detail. We always know what these mice are eating while under siege by Cluny the Scourge. I thought it was kinda weird, but it also was a nice atmospheric detail.
Brian Jacques does not go heavy on descriptions and poetic language, which makes sense because this is a children’s book. Its all very straightforward and is written in a sort of omniscient viewpoint. We don’t dwell in characters heads all too much, and the character we follow changes very frequently. This is sometimes called “head-hopping”, which can be confusing in some books but I find that its a very common convention in middle grade novels.
Matthias! Our main mouse man! He’s endearing and fun to read about. I think he’s a bit stereotypical and I could not care less. Mousey man has sword, heheh. 
I kept misreading Cluny’s name as Clowny and oh man, that just decimated him. What’re you gonna do clown man? Murder me? Probably. He was one of those pure evil villains, but I think it worked because we got to be in his head a lot and see all the behind the scenes and inner workings. He wasn’t morally complex but he was very fun to root against!
This book relies very heavily on moralized species. All the rats are evil, all the mice are good, stoats and ferrets are also evil, snakes are evil, shrews are argumentative but good, sparrows started off evil and ended kinda neutral-good. It’s a product of the conventions of the time and so I’m not going to count that against it, but I really hope this gets changed in the Netflix adaptation.
This book was. Incredibly gory. That one person didn't lie when they said it was just Game of Thrones but with mice and other woodland creatures. And that brings us to the death count! (Of named characters) So many characters die in this. Quite a few of them die while we are IN THEIR POINT OF VIEW. Which is... holy shit. The first named character death happens 15 pages in, when a rat named Skullface gets crushed to death under a wagon wheel. Let me just read you the description: 
“Skullface had time for just one agonized scream before he fell. The iron-shod cartwheels rolled over him. He lay in a red mist of death, the life ebbing from his broken body. The last thing he saw before darkness claimed him was the sneering visage of Cluny the Scourge roaring from the jolting backboard,
‘Tell the devil Cluny sent you, Skullface!’”
So. yeah. This book ain’t messing around. When Cluny decides he’s going to take Redwall and he sends his rats out to get more recruits, he literally tells them to smash the dens of the recruits so they have nothing to go back to. And that they can either join, or die. Pretty intense for a guy named Cluny. Also hearing this book describe every single rat ever as evil scum of the earth was hilarious because I couldn’t stop thinking about this:
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This man is a war criminal. Those tiny pink paws bring death and destruction.
Ne ways, read Redwall. It good.
List of named character deaths (in chronological order):
*=death either from that character’s point of view or in disturbing detail (a)=either killed or eaten by Asmodeus
-Skullface* -Three-Leg -Scratch -Shadow -Ragear*(a) -Scragg* -Redtooth*(a) -Sela -Methuselah -Chickenhound*(a) -King Bull Sparra -Cheesethief* -Mingo(a) -Guosim(a) -Darkclaw* -Asmodeus -Frogblood -Killconey -Fangburn -Cluny the Scourge -Abbot Mortimer
And hundreds of unnamed side characters
Next on the list: Mossflower Mattimeo Mariel of Redwall
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w4yne4ndersen · 4 years
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So, here’s Ren before the plague! He was... Very different from what he’s like now.
So I already mentioned a long time ago that Ren (actually called Allen) is the son of general and baroness Marielle, who rules over a military city called Anghol. His father, Jianjun, died at war some years ago, but that didn't stop him from wanting to go. Marielle, of course, never let him, which made him feel like she didn't think he was enough and underestimated him. This lead Ren to want to be better than everyone else and to try to prove he was stronger than his mother thought, which didn't turn him into the best person. After he moved to Vesuvia with his aunt and Asra, he started getting into a lot of fights and because he was Julian's apprentice and all he often ended up under Valdemar's care. Their relationship wasn't the best at the beginning and the quaestor thought of Ren as a reckless hooligan, though they kinda warmed up to each other with the time (I might talk about their relationship in another post since I still have to work on it a bit). Asra tried to push him away from that lifestyle, but Ren didn't really listen to him. Also, despite what his appearence might suggest, he wasn't a total scruff. Being a baron and all, he was used to having a pretty good hygiene; he just didn't care that much about his appearence and wore whatever he though was comfortable or was used to wear. A couple of years later, however, he received a letter from Marielle authorizing him to go into the battlefield this time. Eager as ever, Ren went into his first battle. Since he had always been on the winning side, he didn't know how horrible war could be and he thought it was something cool and badass. However, things didn't go so well. Hearing his peers' cries of pain and agony shook him off of his fantasy, and he began to realize just how serious his situation was. In the end, it was all too much for him and he completely lost his cool, losing an arm as a result. Unable to face his mother after that, he went back to Vesuvia where he started going as Ren. Some years later, he died of the plague. After Asra resurrected him (getting his arm back in the process), he had no memories of his past life, and therefore, he didn't remember any of his insecurities. Thanks to that, he became a lot more chill and friendly, much to Asra's relief. After that it's just the plot of the game, except he falls for a certain quaestor along the way-
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lordviridis · 5 years
24. “Patience… is not something I’m known for.” 21 ATC
Aleena receives a call from Mariel’s mother that makes her cross paths with her old friend under less than happy circumstances. 
It had taken Aleena two weeks to get a meeting with Darth Khamounder. She had expected it with a high ranking Sith, but it had meant that Mariel had to suffer longer. She’d contacted him the moment Mariel’s mother had called her and told that Mariel had been sold into slavery. Apparently, Mariel had mouthed off the wrong person, and with no protection of citizenship…
Khamounder was what she had expected. Wealthy and arrogant. Sitting like he owned everything, hand stroking Mariel’s montrail up and down. Mariel didn’t raise her eyes, sitting on the floor, not moving. She’d never seen Mariel so still. For her Mariel was always happy and energetic. Heaviness sets in her stomach, this wasn’t right.
“Tell me Apprentice Marwil, to what do I own the pleasure,” Khamounder says, his sunken red eyes studying her.
She schools her face to neutrality, not wanting to show her true disgust at what she was pretending to do. “I’ve recently found myself in need of a slave and was informed that you might be able to help me.”
“I’m a strange place to start when it comes to that. I only train slaves for my own needs, not to be bartered with. I’d start with the slave markets if you need one.”
“It’s not as simple as that. I had set my eyes on this one particular Togruta,” Aleena’s eyes wander towards Mariel, wishing she’d look at her, “but was too late to acquire her.”
“She’s a beautiful specimen, why should I sell her?”
“I wish to have a reminder of the victory on Lothal. She’s from that planet.”
“There are plenty of other slaves from Lothal. So, what makes this one so special?” The question sounds more rhetoric, hand lowering to Mariel’s chin, turning her head side to side, as if to inspect her, to figure out the puzzle laid before him.
Mariel twitches under the gaze, trying to turn her head away, struggling against the iron grip. Lightning cracks in the air, coursing through Mariel as she cries in pain. A small gasp escapes from Aleena’s lips as she forces herself to stay still.
Mariel slumps to the floor when Khamounder loosens his grip. “How often must I remind you slave, patience…” he turns to Aleena, the words clearly for her rather than Mariel, “is not something I’m known for. Tell me, why her?”
Seconds tick by as she wonders if she should tell the truth. It might amuse him, or make him even less likely to let her leave here with Mariel. “I remember her from my time on Lothal.”
“Is it revenge or rescue that you are attempting here? In any case, my answer is still the same, I’m not interested in selling her.”
“Why not? You clearly are displeased with her.”
“I gain less from selling her to you than finishing her training.”
She bites her lower lip, wondering how to force his hand. Part of her wants to hurt him, make him yield, but she doubts she could take him. “How about to my father?”
“But he isn’t looking to buy her, you are.”
“And if he were?”
“I might reconsider it.”
Over an hour later her Force is flowing into Mariel’s unconscious body, healing the damage done by Khamounder over the several past weeks. She wishes she could have freed Mariel, but having her owned by dad was at least some improvement. He wouldn’t hurt her, aware she wouldn’t forgive him. Not that it seemed to have stopped him punishing the rest of his slaves… She really needed to get Mariel out of the Empire.
“I should have known better than to hope you’d finally seen reason,” Mortis says, looking to the back seat.
“Never. I got her into all this trouble, it’s my responsibility to get her out of this as well.”
Mortis scoffs, “She should have known better than to question her betters. Not sure what else one should have expected from an ungrateful alien.”
“Just draw the papers for her freedom and you’ll never have to think about her again.”
“And waste all the money, as well as the favour I promised? No.”
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googleyfish · 6 years
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Introducing Mariel — my Apprentice for the Arcana game
art and edit by @whycouldntikissrikerlynch
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fleacollar999 · 6 years
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It’s a crappy image, but introducing @googleyfish’s and my fan apprentices Myr (left, mine, pronounced “myrrh”) and Mariel (right, Jill’s). They’re magical twins from Prakra; Myr is a stitch witch and Mariel has plant magic. Myr is following Julian’s route while Mariel is following Asra’s. It’s been fun trying to adapt the @thearcanagame storyline to fit twins! I really want to clean this pic up and color it so you can see our girls in all their glory (but knowing me that won’t happen orz)
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abbiedreamer · 1 year
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I recently (and by recently, I mean two months ago) decided to finally use my hoard of 17,000-ish coins that I’ve been saving for a few years aaand I bought the routes of my beloved Asra, Muriel, and Portia~💕✨💕✨
Heheh, thank you past me for having the patience to save up coins for so long~💕✨ It’s finally paid off heheheeh
Enjoy the bonus sketches that I cleaned up~ uwu💕✨
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭38‬-‭39‬ ‭NIV‬‬
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justanartsysideblog · 6 years
Elenaril 14 & 15?
Oh man, you know how to hit hard, don’t you Tress?
14. something written about your OC, post-Trespasser
The Inquisitor endures.
The loss of her arm has taken its toll. We were terrified when The Iron Bull returned with her unconscious, with a high fever and in great pain. We thought we would yet lose her for several days, but she is strong. She would not abandon us while we still need her guidance.
It seems she forgets that her arm is gone, from time to time. Marielle says that she often tries to grab her tea or a piece of parchment while in her rooms, and has tripped and tried to catch herself, only to no longer have the arm to do so. It is hard to see her like this, but she carries herself well. She tries her hardest not to show weakness, and to keep us from realizing how much pain she is still in. 
She has begun learning to use a saber from Michel de Chevin, to compensate. It must be difficult to use a sword with a new hand, especially when she was known for weilding a two-handed greatsword. She does not complain, despite how she must feel.
We will be alright. The Inquisitor will not fail us. Whatever awaits us, she will lead us well.
15. something written to your OC by a younger member of their family. (Elenaril doesn’t have a younger sibling, but she does have an older brother, so I went with him)
Little sister,
Keeper Deshana has told us you are safe, but I wished to hear from you myself. Winter has begun to set in, and we are hard-pressed to send or receive word, but an Inquisition courier passed us near our northernmost trading post, and I asked if they would send this on to you. 
Are you well? These rifts haven begun to open throughout the Free Marches, and many of our travel routes have been cut off until we can find a way to move safely around them. We have lost two of our warriors and several scouts already. Seran and Ilrith are among those lost. I know you knew them well. Keeper Deshana has sent word to the other nearby clans. Maybe if we stay together we will have a better chance of surviving this new threat. 
Your apprentice Harrith has done well with his work. It is not as fine as your own, but the armor and weapons are usable and durable. Our little Norana has reached her sixth year, and enjoys weaving with her mother. She will make a fine seamstress yet!
Mivha and Lemvhen have bound themselves together, and we recently celebrated their union. Your absence was sorely noted. Your steady presence is missed. Many of the younger hunters and warriors want to fight, but we must keep ourselves safe first and foremost. Keeper Deshana has been hard put to keep them from running off to prove themselves by felling a demon.
We will be heading to Wycome to spend the winter, and I will go to the city to check for any letters, should you decide to write back. I know it must be frightening, to be near so many shemlen, but perhaps you can do more good there than the hahrens think. 
Stay safe, and remember your clan. Maybe Ghilan’nain guide you safely, and Mythal protect you and grant you her wisdom. 
DA:I Codex Prompts
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humss11-13blog-blog · 7 years
Mahal kong kaibigan,
Shiela, isa sa mga di ko makakalimutang pangyayari at karanasan sa aking buhay ay ang paghuhubad sa maraming tao. Hindi ko ito makwento sa iba at kahit pa ang mga nakasaksi at mga nakaranas ay hindi na rin binubuhay ang isyung ito. Marahil para sa ibang mga tao ay kababawan ang ginawa naming paghuhubad para sa iilang kapirasong mga istick, goma, istraw at iba pa para makabuo ng isang matibay na tower. Ngunit para sa aming mga Apprentice(nagsasanay) ay itinuturing kong isang malaking prebelihiyo ang nangyari na iyon.
Una ay nagkaroon kami ng aktibidad kung saan pipili ka kahit sinong kapareha at sasabihin mo ang lahat ng mga bagay na maganda sa kaniya pagkatapos ay grinupo kami at pinapunta sa isa pang room sa itaas. Kampante naman ako na walang mangyayaring masama dahil grinupo kami. Medyo nabahala lang ako kasi may itim na tela na nakapalibot sa room. Isang hudyat na kabahan ka na at pinalilibutan ka ng itim na tela. Umupo kami sa unahan at grinupo din ang ibang mga miyembro. Nabuo na kami at nagsimula. Kakaiba ang laro na ito. Akala ko team building lang to dahil pinagdala kami ng mga istraw, isticks, goma, at iba pa upang magpagandahan ng magagawa. Oo nga at ganun ang kaso ay may twist/pakulo nga lang lahat ng makukuha namin na gamit o materyales sa paggawa ay kailangan namin ibigay ang kanilang hinihingi mula sa saplot ng aming katawan. May banker/bangka na kung saan sya ang mag lalabas ng materyales na kailangan namin at magsasabi kung anong kapalit ng mga bagay na iyon.
Nagsimula na at ibinigay ko na agad ang t-shirt ko hanggang sa maubos na. Gumagawa lahat ng kani-kanilang mga building napalibot ako ng tingin kahit bawal ay sumulyap ako sa ibang mga grupo at halos lahat kami ay nakahubad na talaga. Dumaan pa ang ilang mga oras at lahat kami ay nakahubad na. Nakakakita na ako ng mga bagay na di dapat makita. Oh no my virgin eyes. Charot haha Kailangan naming mapatibay yung tower/tore namin. Kailangan pa naming ng mga materyales kaya naman ang banker ay agad na nagpalabas ng utos kapalit ng mga mga pampatibay na materyales katulad ng tape at goma ay kailangan naming mag all-out sa madaling salita ay kailangan tumayo kami at mag-darna (tumingkayad habang nakataas ang mga kamay) ng ilang segundo para makakuha ang mga bagay na iyon at paunahan lang dahil limitado para sa iilang grupo lamang ang kanilang ibinibigay.
Nagpatuloy na ang laro, sobrang naglalawa na ang sahig dahil sa mga pinaghalong pawis na mula sa aming mga katawan. Sobrang init dahil nakapatay ang bentilador at nakadagdag pa ang kulob dahil sa itim na telang nakapalibot. Tensyonado ang lahat na mapaganda at maisaayos ang kani-kanilang mga tore. Ilang minuto at binawalan na kaming ayusin ang tore. Tapos na ang oras na ibinigay kailangan na ilagay sa harapan tapos man o hindi. Agad na nagsipagbihisan at binigyan kami ng sampung minute upang ayusin ang aming sarili. Pinababa na kami at kinumusta ang nangyari.
Maraming nanibago at nahiya sa nangyari ngunit pinaintindi sa amin na hindi kami naghubad para sa wala. Lahat ng bagay may dahilan. Napagtanto ko na hindi lang kami basta naghubad kundi binigyan kami ng prebelihiyo na ihonor ang aming mga katawan at ibigay ang puso sa sining at sa grupong aming kinabibilangan. Masusukat din ang pagtitiwala sa isa-‘t-isa at sa grupo. Maraming mga bagay ang nagpaliwanag sa aking isip na mangyari iyon. Hindi ito maaring ikwento sa iba dahil di nila kami maiintindihan at bakit namin ginagawa ang mga bagay na katulad na iyon. Ngunit dahil ikaw ang pinagkakatiwalaan kong kaibigan ay sinasabi ko ito hindi upang sabihin na 'di na birhen ang aking mga mata at nakakita ng live at gumagalaw na anes. Kundi para iparating na nagtitiwala ako sayo gaya ng pagtitiwala ko sa aming grupo. Nawa’y maunawaan mo kaming mga taong teatro ay hindi bastos at pinapahalagahan ang sining gamit ang aming katawan. Hanggang sa muli, susulatan kita muli tungkol sa mga bagong karanasan ko sa teatro. Paalam kaibigan. Hanggang dito na lamang.
Nagmamahal na iyong kaibigan,
Mariel Valentin
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aconitecafe · 5 years
22 Indie Fantasy New Releases for June 2019
22 Indie Fantasy New Releases for June 2019
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Summernight By Sarah K.L. Wilson Release Date: 6/28/19
Tamerlan has just five days to save his sister or she’ll be sacrificed to a legendary dragon at the height of the Summernight Festival. But as an alchemist’s apprentice, how can he oppose his city’s rulers? Marielle has just five days to catch a thief of magic or the fate of her city will be sealed. As a Scenter – a branch of the City Watch…
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 7 years
Self-Insert Week: Day 1
So since I couldn’t really write one, I decided to take one I wrote a long time ago right around the beginning of my obsession with my anime husband XD for @shannybloo  ‘s self-insert week! Because I really wanted to participate! And I haven’t posted this yet. So here’s my little fic for the first day of this amazing week! ^.^ For the first day First Encounters, here’s my fic Meeting the ‘Villain Behind Glasses’!
"Ashley, will you be a dear and tell Marielle that Shiroe will be coming to discuss some business with us?" 
I turned towards Henrietta's voice, seeing her standing at the top of the stairs, leaning over the railing and staring at me with starry eyes. Tilting my head, I exchanged glances with her and raising an eyebrow curiously. "Shiroe, from Log Horizon?" The woman nodded, trotting down the stairs towards me. My eyes widened when I saw a familiar glint in her eyes, and I started to run off in the other direction before she caught me. 
Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, and she rubbed her face against my cheek. What was her problem? She usually only acts this way towards Akatsuki. The only member of Log Horizon that I have formally met. I have only been a member of Crescent Moon for a short time, so I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the Log Horizon guild as a whole. I have to admit since I've been hearing things about this man, I've always wanted to meet him. It's usually terrible things I hear.
Henrietta looked up at me with wide eyes. "That's right! You haven't met Shiroe yet! Oh, this is exciting! Come along, Ashley. I will formally introduce you to him when we have our meeting. I'm sure he won't mind if you listen in," She said with a smirk, "You are my apprentice after all." I cringed at that word, watching her face turn malicious as her smirk darkened. I sure hope Shiroe isn't as crazy as she is, but from what I've heard... he beats her in that department. She sent me off to find Marielle, allowing me a few moments to breathe. She seemed too excited for me to meet Shiroe. What was her game? While I was thinking on it, I knocked on the door to the office, waiting for the words before I opened the door.
Marielle had her head down on the desk, groaning under her breath. It had been another long day for her, and it looked like she'd been in that position for a while. Chuckling under my breath, I stepped into the room. "Miss Marielle, Henrietta wanted me to tell you that Shiroe is coming soon. Also, I think she's going to have me listen in. If that's alright," I said, as formally as I could. I wasn't sure why I did that. Speaking politely was always something I did, but for some reason, in this world, I find myself speaking rather... strangely. It almost sounds a tad bit like Old English sometimes. Shaking the thought away, I watched as the blonde haired woman lifted her head, nodding over to me. Her tired eyes seemed to roll back, and her head fell back onto the table.
"I hate this," She grumbled, "All I wanted to do was have one break. Being cooped up in here all day is exhausting."
"I can imagine. Is there anything I can do to help?"
Marielle shook her head, pushing herself up from the desk. It took her a while to regain her footing, and she collapsed onto the large couch in the middle of the room. Her hand patted the spot beside her, signaling for me to take a seat. I obeyed, plopping down beside her and listening to her rant about her boring day. It was always fun talking to Marielle. She may be crazy like the rest of us, but she's a fun conversationalist. Not to mention, her exaggeration of things keeps me happy. Not that I'm laughing at her. I understand that she's got a lot on her shoulders, and I look up to her a lot for that. Her and Henrietta. I joined Crescent Moon mostly to surround myself with powerful men and women. But, to be honest, it was an offer that I wasn't going to refuse. Their guild was strong and powerful and extremely close. Being offered a position in this guild made me feel important. Like I belonged somewhere. And I've made amazing friends from it.
Marielle reached toward me, pulling me into a tight, constricting hug. I gasped for air, feeling my face turning hot and slightly blue from loss of air circulation. "Oh, you're so cute, Ashie! You make me feel so much better!" She screamed, petting my hair like I was a dog. As I was struggling to break free from her grasp, I heard the door open and two people stepped through it. Henrietta was talking to someone, and her voice stopped once her eyes fell on the scene before her. I gagged, pointing frantically and waving my hands towards her. The man that stood beside her tilted his head and scrunched his eyebrows. But he started to chuckle when she refused to let me go.
"Marielle! You're choking the poor child!"
"But she's so adorable! Is this how you feel with Akatsuki!?"
"We don't have time for this," Henrietta grumbled, stomping towards us. Her fingers clawed against Marielle's arms, breaking me free from the chokehold. Grasping my throat, I gasped for air, feeling relief washing over me with every release. "Thank you," I said with a coarse voice, "I was afraid for my life for a second." Henrietta smiled, swatting at the blonde woman's arm when she tried to grab me once again. The two of them argued for a few minutes, completely ignoring the man that stood in the doorway. I hadn't noticed him while I was regaining my voice, but when he spoke up, my eyes turned to look at the lovely sound.
"I can come back another time if you need me to."
My eyes widened, and the air I had just fought to get back was gone once again.
"Don't be ridiculous, Shiroe. Come in, sit down. Oh! I almost forgot!" Henrietta said with a grin when she smiled. She noticed Shiroe's eyes glancing over at me, and immediately she ran to my side to introduce me. But it was hard to focus on her words with the eyes that were looking at me. Shiroe was much different than I expected him to be. He had a smile that was kind and gentle, and he was fairly cute. I'd heard so many things of him being crazy, psychotic, devilish, inconsiderate, manipulating, and many other terrible words. But, looking at him now, I would have never imagined that they would be the same person. I blinked a few times, wiping at my eyes to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. My heart did backflips every time he spoke, and I felt a huge lump in my throat when I tried to speak.
What was going on?
This guy so wasn't my type.
Not that I mean that in a terrible, bitchy way. He just wasn't the kind of guy that I would usually go for. But there was something about him that kept making me weak in the knees. Maybe it was the way he was looking at me. Maybe I was still lightheaded from Marielle's hug. Yeah, that was probably it. I'm definitely not having a love a first sight moment with Shiroe.
"This is Ashley. The newest member of the Crescent Moon Alliance. Isn't she just a doll?" Henrietta said with a wink in my direction. Swallowing thickly, I held out a hand in his direction. The man reached for it, closing his hand around mine and shaking it firmly. "Nice to meet you, Ashley," Shiroe said with a smile. The way he said my name made my heart sink to my toes, but still ring loudly in my ears. This had to be a side effect from almost passing out from lack of oxygen. Totally not falling for him. Just a normal occurrence.
"N-N-Nice to meet you too," I stammered, shaking his hand back with equal force. It's only a handshake, but I feel a lot of electricity from that small touch. A spark that is the start of something big. It isn't anything but a sparkle, but I can feel it in my bones. I know that there is something bigger coming soon. A bigger explosion. He's just a cute, adorable guy. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone finds someone attractive, but that doesn't mean it's anything more than that. I can have these feelings. It's totally normal. Nothing weird is going on here. Nothing weird at all.
When his hand disconnected from mine, I felt a missing piece was gone from me. Like there was something taken away from me from that small interaction. I let the thought slide, listening to Henrietta speaking firmly to Shiroe and Marielle. The three of them talked about a few problems around the city, but that was the extent that I got out of the conversation. the whole time they talked, I couldn't help but steal glances at Shiroe. Every time he looked away, I'd sink my eyes into him and absorb him entirely. Henrietta's words were like muffled background noise. All I could hear was my heartbeat and my uneasy breaths.
At one point, Shiroe and I made eye contact. I almost fainted. He sent me a small smile, returning his eyes to Henrietta once again. Did he notice? Did he know that I've been staring the whole time? My heartbeat started to escalate, and I felt my breathing quicken. This was it. This was where I die. Right now, in front of my guild master and a possible crush. Why couldn't I just stand outside the door and creep like everyone else does? Instead, I had to be sitting here, squirming and trying to steal glances of a man I barely knew. But that was the thing. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to know everything about him.
How did I not see him until now?
This was getting out of control. Henrietta finished talking, and the three of them turned to me with worry on their faces. Oh god. What did I do? Did I say that last part out loud? My eyes shifted from each person, my heart feeling like it was going to explode from my chest at any moment. "Ashley, are you alright, hon?" Henrietta asked. It was then that I noticed I was sweating and shaking. I must've looked like a disheveled mess. Swallowing thickly, I nodded my head and stood up from my seat. "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry. I-I-I-I should probably get some air," I said, bolting for the door. None of them stopped me. That was a good sign. I was able to leave the room, and exit the guild hall without anyone else breathing down my neck. The only problem was, I was no longer near Shiroe. I couldn't think of any other way to get his attention.
Wait... why did I want to?
This was supposed to just be a small crush!
I'm not going to do anything about it.... right?
Shaking my head, I took three, even and deep breaths. This doesn't mean that I'm going to marry the guy. It's just a simple spark of friendship. If it turns to something else later, then that's just how it is. But if it doesn't, then that's how it is too. But I found myself wondering if this was only the beginning of something bigger. Like I'll be telling this story to a friend a day before our anniversary. My eyes widened, and I almost slapped myself upside the head. "What the hell am I thing!?" I screamed, throwing my palm over my face in frustration. Listen to me! I was going crazy over this man. This stranger I've only met today.
"Okay, Ash. Get yourself together," I said to myself, "You're going to march back in there and act like an adult. This is normal. Just be cool. Just a normal day."
I turned on my heels, opening to the door and reentering the guild hall. Henrietta and Shiroe were ascending the stairs when I entered. Great, I thought to myself but faked a smile. My own words kept repeating over and over in my head. Just be yourself. Be cool. Breathing another sigh, I approached the two of them as they reached the bottom. "Sorry about that, Henrietta. I got a little... overwhelmed," I said. The woman nodded, shifting a small string of hair behind my ear. She had a look on her face that I couldn't read. Her attention turned back to Shiroe.
"Ashley's still getting used to us here. She's still being formal and calling me ma'am. She's such a cute little child."
My eyes narrowed, and I looked up at her through clenched teeth. Be cool, Ashley. I continued to smile, even though I was screaming on the inside. She just called me a child! I wasn't about to seem younger than I really was. Truth be told, I was in my early twenties. That counted as an adult. Not a child. But I guess, looking at me, someone would assume I was a high schooler. I probably looked fairly young. Swallowing hard, I wiped my hands on my skirt, feeling them starting to sweat from my anxiety. "It's a habit. I was grown up to be polite, after all," I said with a small smile, "I'm still getting used to being called ma'am myself." There you go! Slide that into the conversation. I'm not a child. Henrietta nodded and laughed, patting my shoulder.
She changed the subject not too long after I answered, relieving me of my embarrassment any further. Even though, it seemed like she put me on the spot on purpose. Henrietta walked Shiroe to the door, their conversation turning playful. I stayed back, pretending to be focused on a spot on the wall. Even though, truthfully, I was thinking about Shiroe. Will I ever see him again? Of course, I will. That's a stupid question. But will I ever get the chance to know him?
My eyes shifted towards the door as I watched him leave. Henrietta and the others can't know. They can't know that I might possibly have a crush on Shiroe. It would be passed around, and eventually, everyone will know. Even him. I need to keep this to myself. Especially, since I just met him today. This was my first introduction. It's strange to have someone crushing on you that you barely know. I would know. I've been there.
"He's something, isn't he?" Henrietta asked, drawing me from my trance. She smirked down at me, pushing up her glasses. For a moment, I saw a shimmer in her eyes. Does she know? No, she can't. There's no way she could. Swallowing my pride, I nodded quickly, lifting my chin a bit. "Yeah. I still don't see how he gets his nickname," I mumbled, referring to the phrase that everyone knows him as. Henrietta laughed, clutching her stomach. It was the first time I've heard her laugh like that. She seemed to find my comment hilarious, which made me smile slightly.
"Don't worry," She said, "You will."
She patted my back, passing beside me to ascend the stairs once again. Once she was gone, I released a sigh and seated myself on the bottom of the steps. I wasn't sure what she meant, but it was something to keep in mind. Although, I couldn't help but excite myself at the thought that hung over me after that comment. I'll most likely see more of him in the future. Somehow, I'll get closer to him. I'll know the man behind the rumors. The thought excited me even more, especially since I had a small inkling of a crush on the horizon. Giggling at my own joke, I stood up from the steps and stared at the door. The same door he once entered from.
I'll see you again soon, Shiroe. I'll finally know why they call you the villain with glasses.
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ao3feed-thearcana · 5 years
by LalaAndersen
Count Lucio tries asking for Baroness Marielle of Anghol's hand in marriage in hopes that a new alliance will be formed between the two cities, but she refuses for obvious reasons. However, her son Allen seems more than willing to take her place. When he arrives in the palace of Vesuvia, however, a certain quaestor catches his attention more than the Count himself...
Words: 4686, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Arcana (Visual Novel)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Valdemar (The Arcana), Lucio (The Arcana), Apprentice (The Arcana), Portia Devorak, Vulgora (The Arcana), Volta (The Arcana), Valerius (The Arcana), Vlastomil (The Arcana)
Relationships: Apprentice/Valdemar (The Arcana), Valdemar (The Arcana)/Original Male Character(s), Valdemar (The Arcana)/Original Character(s), Lucio (The Arcana)/Original Character(s), Lucio (The Arcana)/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Arranged Marriage, Arranged Marriage, Extramarital Affairs, Affairs, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Slow Burn
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