#Makoto the ultimate protective boyfriend
fireworksfactory2 · 3 months
Gonna repost stuff I wrote on a friend's Discod DM about how, in a way, RyoMina has been subtextually canon since The Answer, and how it's not a surprise we've seen stronger RyoMina hints since then:
Tfw you realize that the Answer may have subtly hinted at Ryomina all along.
Bcs the way Makoto stopped Nyx/Ryoji wasn't to destroy them
But turn into their protector against Erebus, the thoughts by humanity urging Nyx/Ryoji to end everything
For eternity
Doing that of course also saves humanity from dying, but it feels like Makoto was seeking to do both: protect humanity AND Ryoji
It's the ultimate act of love, at the cost of his life
When he got the Universe Arcana, there's a chance he could have tried using it to defeat Nyx/Ryoji for good, but didn't [Don't argue with me if this would have been impossible or not not looking to argue lore.]
Instead deciding to stay with Ryoji forever, protecting him
So he did protect all his friends in the end, even the one he was fighting against
Anyway, Ryomina canon all along
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lunart-06 · 7 months
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Some arts I made for the AMMM au, I think it's very cool for Hajime being able to switch conciousness with Izuru to save more energy and stamina, sadly these two don't really get along well but they tolerate eachother since both have the same purpose in mind.
Also yes Ultimate!Madoka exsist in this au! Being in a higher plane of exsistence she observes many kinds of universes and possibility, yet unable to intervene with certain ones (Magia Record for example) which makes AMMM universe one of them too. Usually, it was often have to be someone in that universe to partake as her/her role; by sacrificing themselves for the sake of everyone and becoming a higher being to protect that universe in which she cannot interact with.
Then you get Guardian!Makoto having coffee and tea with Ultimate!Madoka as they talk about their fucked up boyfriends/girlfriend and beating some alien dealer of their own game /lh
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takusan-no-ai · 10 months
Rising Hope
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PAIRING: Hiyoko x Male Reader (Romantic) (Fluff)
SUMMARY: (Y/N), Hiyoko’s boyfriend, cures his classmates of despair without the use of the Neo World Program.
Hiyoko adored you, her boyfriend. She trusted you, felt comfortable around you, and didn’t feel the pressure to be rude just to protect herself from you. Her and the whole class thought your ultimate to be the most intriguing, being titled the ultimate copycat. You could essentially copy any skill if you studied or observed it hard enough. You didn’t really feel much need to use such a skill set until everything happened.
You weren’t inside the killing game, but you escaped from the rest of your class, having the skill set necessary to reject being brainwashed and survive the Japan you once knew now in ruins. Junko, using her analyst talent, knew you would try to ruin the fun of her game, so she used your one weakness against you; Hiyoko Saionji.
You were too preoccupied with trying to save your girlfriend, so Junko was able to continue her killing game in peace. Unbeknownst to her, you were already undoing her evil deeds on the outside.
Thankfully it wasn’t too hard to capture them. You’ve seen them and many others perform their talents time and time again. It was simply a matter of outsmarting them that led to you capturing them all. Izuru was the easiest since he complied from the beginning.
By the time you had done that and found an empty building to contain them all, news of Junko’s killing game ending spread quickly. Some of the remnants were upset to find out she had died, others didn’t care much. You knew that someone would come looking for the remnants, and unsure of what would be done to them, you hid their existence from the public until you could fix them.
In order to break Junko’s brainwashing on them you tried to remind them of the old days. You made the building resemble their classroom, made a robotic version of Chiaki to fill the void of her absence, and interacted with them all as if nothing had even happened.
The quickest one to adjust was Nagito, he was relishing in the hope filled within your actions. The others, especially the more aggressive ones, were fighting back from even the slightest nice gesture.
Hiyoko was the one you wanted to focus on most. Despite not wanting to play favorites considering the situation, you couldn’t help but spend most of your time with your girlfriend. Dancing with her, having dinner dates with her, squishing ants together, anything to bring back her memories.
She was reluctant at first, but as her memories of you slowly became clearer, she removed the walls she had made and began to open up more, eventually becoming disgusted with despair. Especially once she realized Junko had only used herself and the others for her schemes.
Hiyoko jumped into your arms, sobbing tears big enough to fill a room. She regretted everything, and promised to do anything if meant things could go back to normal; just her and her boyfriend, with her friends, all in a classroom playing games and having fun with each other.
After Hiyoko was cured, the others began to follow suit one by one, each time helping you fix the rest of their classmates. By the time the Future Foundation found out where you were, all the remnants of despair were no more. Makoto was surprised by your accomplishments and told you his dream of rebuilding Hopes Peak, wanting you to hold the title of ultimate hope alongside him and his friends.
- Fin
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chrimson-oc-central · 2 months
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Name - Chihiro Osaka
Birthdate - November 1st
Age - 13-14 Years (Part 1), 17-18 Years (Shippuden), 20-21 Years (The Last), 21-27 Years (Blank Period), 33-34 Years (Boruto)
Birthplace - Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves)
Pronouns - She/Her
Nationality - Hinokoku (Land of Fire)
Hair Color - Black
Eye Color - Blue
Height - 4'11" (~149.86 cm) (Part 1), 5’3” (~160.02 cm) (Shippuden and older)
Best Traits - Loyal, intelligent, hardworking, protective
Worst Traits - Distrusting, stubborn, proud, secretive
Mannerisms - Left-handed, tilts head when confused, speaks formally to strangers (overly so when she does not trust them.)
What they hate the most - Betrayal/disloyalty, liars, the elders when they start ordering her around.
What’s most important to them - Her friends, family, and clan, as well as growing into a stronger person.
Secrets - Feels displaced at times. Feels like she doesn’t belong with humans due to her clan’s Kekkei Genkai, but is also not a beast due to the same reason. Keeps the ultimate Osaka jutsu (which is sealed in a scroll) a secret from everyone, including Neji.
Do they get along with or avoid other people - Tends to avoid strangers, but warm and friendly to friends
Parents/Guardians - Makoto Osaka (Mother)
Siblings - None
Significant Other - Neji Hyuga (Boyfriend in The Last, Husband in Blank Period and onward)
Children - Shoto Hyuga (Son), Aiko Osaka (Daughter)
Other Notable Family Members - Boruto Uzumaki (Nephew), Himawari Uzumaki (Niece), Naruto Uzumaki (Brother-in-Law), Hinata Uzumaki (Sister-in-Law), Hanabi Hyuga (Sister-in-Law), Hiashi Hyuga (Uncle/Father-in-Law)
Pets/Animal Companions/Summons - Kazemaru (wolf, guard), The wolf pack from Mitsumine Mountain
Teacher(s)/Sensei(s) - Suzume (academy sensei [kunoichi instructor]), Iruka Umino (academy sensei), Anko Mitarashi (Genin sensei)
Friends - Tenten, Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuga, Akua Koizumi, Kaori Yumeno
Best Friend(s) - Tenten, Neji Hyuga (becomes her significant other in Shippuden and onwards), Akua Koizumi, Kaori Yumeno
Enemies - Akatsuki Organization, Orochimaru, Hyuga Elder(s) (to an extent), Osaka Elder(s) (to an extent), Kabuto Yakushi
Acquaintances - Kiba Inuzuka, Akamaru, Shino Aburame, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamichi, Kakashi Hatake, Might Guy, Kurenai Yuhi, Asuma Sarutobi, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Sai Yamanaka, Hanabi Hyuga, Sasuke Uchiha, Hiashi Hyuga
Occupation - Leaf Shinobi (Ninja, Kunoichi)
Rank - Genin (Part 1), Jonin (Shippuden, The Last, Blank Period)
Chakra Nature - Fire
Kekkei Genkai - Osaka Shapeshifting
Affiliations - Hinokoku (Land of Fire), Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves), Allied Shinobi Forces (2nd Division), Team Anko, Osaka Clan
Other Names/Nicknames/Aliases - Chihiro Hyuga, She-Wolf of the Leaf
Blood Type - A+
Favorite Food - Katsudon Curry, red bean paste, barbecue meat
Least Favorite Food - Dark greens, super spicy food
Hobbies - Taking walks, origami
Brief Description:
Chihiro has black hair, and she keeps it long and fluffy as per tradition in her clan. She has pale skin and blue eyes.
She comes from an ancient shinobi clan, whose Kekkei Genkai allows them to fully transform into animals as well as call upon local wildlife for assistance (usually for recon and spying; combat not too often). According to clan legend, their founder was a wolf god, so the wolf is often used as a symbol of the clan; they also have close relations to a wolf pack in the mountains who say that their founder was the same god. Women are traditionally the leaders of the clan (it’s not a requirement but that’s kinda just how the chips fall in most generations).
Chihiro has Fire Chakra nature, which is common in her clan. Will definitely fight and win. Does not take failure lightly. Her bite is way worse than her bark for sure. Doesn’t like strangers (she’ll default to high formalities with them), but loves her friends dearly. Met Neji during their academy days, and became best friends with Tenten after meeting her when they became genin.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Friends Till The End - THH Cast x Ultimate Cuteness Reader
Warnings: Violence, attempted murder, major and minor angst, but not in every part, maybe a small dose or two of comedy
One mistake.
A small, small mistake.
That was all it took for things to go terribly wrong.
Your significant other asked you on a date, and you insisted on bringing your bunny plush. So you brought it with you.
Then at some point, you needed to leave for whatever reason.
Your significant other promised to watch the bunny for you, so you left it with them.
Then it all turned to chaos. 
Makoto Naegi 
He didn't mind that you brought your rabbit
He knew you needed it to feel safe, and he was completely fine with it
You went on a date to a coffee shop, then hung out at his house playing video games and hanging out with him and his sister
Then you needed to leave to use the bathroom, and Komaru left to do something else
Makoto happily agreed to watch the bunny for you
"Of course! I'll keep the bunny nice and safe for you. I promise!"
He sat the bunny on his bed and went to his bookshelf to find a manga to read
Then he noticed a tall, looming shadow behind him
When he turned around, the now-mutated rabbit lifted him by the throat and slammed him against the bookshelf
You left the bathroom, and came back to a shocking sight
"Bunny! Stop it!"
Startled, the bunny dropped Makoto and stepped back
You helped Makoto up off the ground, and you turned to confront the bunny
You grabbed the creature's shoulders and pulled it down to face you, demanding why it attacked your boyfriend like that
It explained that it felt that Makoto was too weak to protect you, judging by how much of a doormat he was
Not to mention how naive he could be
You weren't taking that of course, and told the rabbit that what it did was not okay
The bunny begrudgingly agreed to stand down, and it changed back to a plush
You picked up the bunny and approached Makoto, who just finished catching his breath
Naturally, he was shaken up, but you explained to him why the bunny acted out
He was a little hurt that the bunny thought that of him, but part of him understood
You asked the bunny to patch things up, and it begrudgingly agreed
They shook hands, though Makoto's hand was shaking
Komaru walked back in, and asked what happened
You, Makoto and the bunny exchanged looks and just said that nothing happened 
Then you resumed your night of playing video games while Komaru played with your bunny
And for now, things were peaceful
Byakuya Togami 
He wasn't too happy that you brought your bunny on the date
It was a library, what could possibly happen to you there?
But he begrudgingly let you bring it not that you needed his permission and you went to the library together
It was peaceful at first
You just sat down and read books together
Of course, you read books that were more your style; cute, innocent and with lots of pictures
Then at one point, you needed to leave to take a phone call
That, combined with you asking Byakuya to watch your bunny, made him even more annoyed
So you left and he went back to his reading
But he didn't even bother to watch the rabbit
It was just a stuffed animal, what did it matter?
But just a short moment later, he heard a creaking behind him, and quickly got out of the way before the bookshelf could fall on him
He could only stare in shock as he saw the mutated rabbit standing there, its red eyes squinted in rage
You walked back in with tears in your eyes, but when you saw the bookshelf, your expression mirrored Byakuya's
The plush rabbit was sitting innocently on top of the toppled shelf
"Are you okay?" You asked Byakuya
He turned to you with an incredulous expression
"How could I possibly be alright when that ghastly rabbit of yours attempted to murder me?!"
You looked at him in confusion 
"What are you talking about?"
Byakuya's expression changed to anger
"Don't play coy! Surely you knew that your rabbit could change forms!"
"Well sure, I had some idea; but-"
"You knew that malevolent being could mutate itself, yet you still chose to bring it here?!"
You felt yourself growing more and more anxious, and you forced back tears as you tightly held your hands together
"I d-didn't know it w-was g-gonna at-tack you, though."
Byakuya's building annoyance was changing to rage, and he felt it boiling over before he could stop it
"Well, perhaps if you could mature yourself and think like an adult for once, you would have figured it out! Instead, you carry that silly rabbit and read picture books like a child! Learn to grow up!"
Byakuya realized what he had done immediately
But before he could apologize, you took the rabbit and rushed out the door with tears running down your face
Byakuya was ashamed of himself for what he had done, and could only sit on the ground while holding his head in his hands
Chihiro Fujisaki 
You hung out in his room and sat on his lap while he coded
He was more than happy to have the bunny along for the ride
So you spent a good chunk of your time sitting on his lap while reading a book and playing with your bunny in silence
Sometimes, you would ask what Chihiro was doing, and he would excitedly explain what he was working on, and you'll smile at his adorableness
Later into the date, you left to find a different book and Chihiro happily agreed to watch your rabbit
You gave him a kiss on the cheek before you left, making him blush and giggle
After you left, he continued with his work
But he was so immersed in his coding that he didn't notice the rabbit had disappeared 
Suddenly, his monitor was lifted from his desk and it crashed into the ground, completely shattering it
Chihiro looked up to see the monster rabbit standing on the desk, staring at him with rage-filled eyes
Horrified, Chihiro quickly backed away from the rabbit beast as it slowly raised its claws over him
You arrived on the scene, and quickly pushed the rabbit against the wall, alarming it and turning it back into its not-so-innocent plush form
Then you turned your attention to Chihiro, who was curled up into a ball on the floor
You sat down in front of him and gently turned his head up to face you
The sight of him crying and afraid broke your heart
You held his face in your hands and spoke to him gently and softly
"Shh... It's okay, Chi-Chi. You're safe now."
You turned away and noticed the broken monitor on the floor
"Oh no... I'm so sorry. I can buy you another one."
You offered, but Chihiro shook his head
"N-No, I can fix it. B-But..."
He crawled into your lap and held onto you for dear life
"I-I was so scared... (Name)..."
You held him close while you pet his head
"I know, Chi-Chi. I know. But you're safe now. Nothing's gonna hurt you."
You weren't sure why the rabbit wanted to hurt someone sweet and harmless like Chihiro, but you did know that you would be there for him through his recovery process
Leon Kuwata 
He brought you to a baseball game he was forced to go to
He figured it would be more bearable if you were there watching him
And he didn't mind the bunny plush at all
He actually smiled when he saw it with you
A couple hours before the game, he practiced a little bit on his own, since he hadn't practiced for the entire season
You watched him for a little bit, cheering him on
Then you needed to leave to take care of something
Leon decided to take a break and scroll on his phone a little
Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his shins, and he fell onto the ground in pain
He looked up, and your bunny stood over him, bat in hand
Leon wasn't sure what was going on, but he was horrified
The rabbit swung at him again, but he dodged and got back on his feet
The nearest object to him was a baseball, so before the rabbit could swing again, Leon picked up the ball and threw it at the rabbit with his full power
The ball hit the rabbit right in the eye, and the impact changed the rabbit back to a plush
The plush fell onto the ground, and Leon stood there, frozen in shock
You came back and asked if he was okay
Leon knew you would ask about why its button eye was dislodged, but he didn't want to say exactly how it happened
Maybe you wouldn't believe him, and would blame him anyway
Honestly, he himself could hardly believe what happened
He decided he would rather take the blame for an "accident" then try to tell the truth, only to be rejected
So he picked up the plush and brought it to you
You asked about its eye and how it got dirty, and Leon took a moment to formulate a response
"Well... The baseball machine over there launched a ball, and I swung really hard, and accidentally hit the bunny. I'm really sorry, (Name)."
Surprisingly, you bought the story and you weren't even that mad at him
Instead, you said that you'll patch up the bunny later, and thanked Leon for telling you the truth
Little did you know however, that he didn't tell the truth at all
But Leon held his tongue and you attended the game with him, clueless of what happened earlier
Kiyotaka Ishimaru 
He brought you on a study date
Not that you're a bad student, but Taka thinks that everyone can always do better
He didn't mind that you brought the plush, as long as it wouldn't distract you
You studied together for about an hour, until you asked to take a break, which Taka agreed to
You left to get a drink and he agreed to watch the rabbit for you
He situated the rabbit's sitting position, and turned away for a second to go through his bag
Then he felt a sharp pain in his face as he toppled sideways
When he looked up, he saw the mutated rabbit standing over him with a very heavy textbook in its hand
The rabbit swung again, and Taka barely dodged it
Out of desperation, he took another textbook and hit the rabbit in the face
This disarmed the rabbit and turned it back into a plush
You came back with some apple juice or whatever else and saw Taka holding his hand to a bruise on his cheek
You asked him what happened, and he quickly said that he fell, that's all
He hated to lie to you, but he didn't even know how to explain what happened while you were gone
You bought it and got an ice pack for his bruise before getting back to studying
But Taka couldn't even concentrate anymore
He was too focused on what happened before, and the guilt from lying to you
Mondo Owada 
He wanted to ride around on his motorcycle before picking up dinner somewhere
He grumbled a little bit about your bunny, but oh well, whatever
You met up with him, then realized you forgot the helmet he gave to you
So he waited impatiently while you ran back to your house to get it
Mondo stood against a nearby wall while the bunny hung out on his motorcycle seat
Then he heard the engine revving, and he turned in confusion
Then he had to jump out of the way when the monster rabbit tried to hit him with his own motorcycle
He sat on the sidewalk, frozen in shock and fear
Luckily, you came back before the bunny could try again
You saw Mondo on the ground and got confused
"What happened? Are you okay?"
Mondo forced himself to stand up
"Fuck no I'm not okay! That psycho-ass rabbit just tried to kill me!"
Your eyes widened at that
"What? What are you talking about?"
He gritted his teeth in rage
"Bullshit! You knew this was gonna happen, didn't you?! That must be why you left it here, to give it time to kill me!"
Your eyes were tearing up, and you did your hardest to not let them fall
"M-Mondo... Please..."
But even though he knew he was being unreasonable, he kept going
"Oh, quit acting all innocent! You sicced your bunny on me! Why, because I get pissed off sometimes? Because I'm a biker gang leader? Because-"
He cut himself off when he saw you running away with tears in your eyes
He wanted to ride after you, but there was a hole in both tires
Must've been the damn rabbit's work, he thought
Maybe the rabbit was right to hate him, after all
Mondo could only sit on the sidewalk in guilt and shame as you ran further and further away
Yasuhiro Hagakure 
You hung out at home with him and his boss ass mom
You actually got along with her pretty well
But Hiro brought you upstairs to show off his cool fortune telling stuff, and some of the things he bought with his earnings
He did palm readings for you, read your fortunes, and peeked into his "crystal" ball, only to throw some flirty comment at you with a wide ol grin
After an hour, Hiroko called you down for some snacks
You went down to get some, and Hiro was right behind you
At least he was, until he tripped over his fortune telling shit, and started to put it away
Then he realized his crystal ball was missing
He started looking for it, but he couldn't find it anywhere
When he happened to look up at the doorway, he saw your mutated rabbit standing there, and it threw his crystal ball at him with all its might
Luckily, Hiro ducked, so it missed and hit the wall
Meanwhile downstairs, you heard the glass break and wondered what it was
Hiroko didn't seem bothered by it though
"Eh, probably another one of his crystal balls. He breaks those things at least once a week. I tell him not to waste his money, but that boy just doesn't listen."
You, however, felt that something was wrong, so you went back upstairs to see what was up
And you were right, because you walked in to find the bunny holding Hiro up by his neck while he desperately tried to get out
You knocked on the door, and the bunny snapped its head toward you and dropped Hiro
Hiro was naturally freaking out, and started talking about the occult and demons or whatever
You somehow managed to calm him down and explain that your bunny was just very protective of you, and that it won't happen again
It took him some convincing, but he reluctantly agreed to let it go
You talked him and the bunny into making up, which was met with aversion on both ends
But you finally got them to shake hands, and you and Hiro finally went downstairs for some snacks
Hifumi Yamada 
He brought you to his place to read/draw manga together
He wanted to show off some of his recent creations 
So he rambled about his drawings while you sat and listened
Then you left to go take a piss
While you were gone, Hifumi flipped through his comics to find another one
Then he stumbled upon a drawing he'd never seen before
A tall, monstrous rabbit preparing to kill him with a knife while Hifumi cowered in fear
Confused and unsettled, Hifumi put the drawing down and looked away from it
He looked up to find that very same monster rabbit with the very same knife standing in the very same position
Horrified, Hifumi let out a loud, ear-bleeding squeal
And you came running back
The rabbit heard you coming and switched back
You asked Hifumi what was going on, and he couldn't even produce words
He could only hold up the rabbit's violent drawing with a shaking hand
You put two and two together and had a talk with your bunny
Upon your request, the two begrudgingly shook hands
And you went back to your date, though Hifumi needed a lot of comforting after that
Kyoko Kirigiri
You went on a nice peaceful date to a coffee shop before spending some time at your house
You mostly spent your time talking and cuddling while watching a show
At some point, you left to get some snacks
Kyoko waited patiently on the couch until you got back
Then she noticed the rabbit wasn't in the same spot
She looked around for a moment, and saw its shadow looming over her
She looked behind her and saw the tall rabbit behind her
The rabbit had its hands in what looked like a choking position, but now that it was caught, it just stared wide-eyed at Kyoko
They had a long staring contest until the bunny awkwardly backed away and changed back into a plush
Its attempt had failed, and it was forced to accept defeat
When you came back with the snacks, and Kyoko handed the plush to you
You asked if everything was alright, and she just said that she had an interesting moment with the rabbit, but everything was fine
You weren't sure what that meant, but let it go
With that, you both resumed your date with no incidents
Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack
Oh here's when it gets good~
You had a nice, relaxing time at the library
Toko wasn't too keen on having the rabbit there, but oh well
So you read together while Toko playfully teased you about your taste in books
Then you left to take a phone call
While Toko waited, she accidentally inhaled some dust and let out a sneeze
Now we know Genocide Jill doesn't like to stay in one place, so she bolted out of the library started running all over the place
You came back to the library in a distressed state
You could guess what happened, and started to look for Genocide Jill with an exhausted sigh
Suddenly, you heard her shriek loudly, and immediately followed the sound
Meanwhile, the monster rabbit backed Genocide Jill into a wall, and she did not care for this
Out of pure impulse, she shut her eyes and lashed at the rabbit with her scissors
When she opened her eyes, the rabbit's right arm was on the floor next to it
An expression of genuine pain crossed the rabbit's face, and it changed back into a plush
And when you arrived on the scene, she switched back to Toko
Your eyes widened in shock when they landed on the de-armed rabbit
"Th-There you are! Come g-get your animal!"
You knelt down and swept the rabbit into your arms
"What happened? Why did you do this?"
"It w-wasn't me! It was h-her! B-Besides, it was y-your fault for leaving that d-damn rabbit with me! M-Maybe if you l-learned to let g-go of these c-childish things, you w-would know b-better!"
You looked up at her with a glare
"You're right. I should've known better than to trust you with anything."
You spat the words like venom, and you took your rabbit and walked away
Toko could only watch as you left, wanting to apologize but not knowing how to
Aoi Asahina 
She took you on a pool date
And she was more than happy to have the bunny along
The bunny chilled in a pool float while you and Aoi played and splashed each other
Near the end of the date, you left to grab some towels while Aoi was getting out
When she did, she noticed the bunny wasn't in its original spot
She bent down a little to see if it fell into the pool
But when she did, she felt a tight grip on the back of her neck followed by her head being shoved into the water
She frantically flailed her arms, but to no avail
Out of desperation, she hooked her legs underneath her attacker's body and threw them over her head and into the water
She raised her head from the water, coughing and trying to catch her breath
You came back and rushed to her side immediately 
You wrapped a towel around her body, and when you asked what happened, she could barely even speak
But seeing the plush bunny float to the top of the pool, you could guess what happened
You helped Aoi to her feet, collected your plush and together you left the pool to do something more relaxing
Sayaka Maizono 
That night, she planned to take you to one of her concerts
You watched her practice in the auditorium, cheering and clapping for her
Then she took a break and asked for some water
So you left to get her some
Sayaka spent some time looking through her sheet music and songs, when her intuition told her something was wrong
Then she realized the bunny wasn't in the same spot, sitting in one of the theater seats
Then she heard the stage creak behind her, and she felt afraid to look behind her
There it was, the bunny
In all it's twisted, mutated glory
And it held Sayaka's microphone in its large hand
And it slowly brought the microphone over her head
Before the rabbit could swing down, Sayaka quickly moved out of the way
It swung a couple more times, until Sayaka grabbed the mic stand and sharply prodded the bunny's back, pushing it off the stage
With an innocent squeaky sound, it hit the ground and changed back to its plushy form
Sayaka stared down at it, not knowing what to do
You walked back in with some water, and seeing Sayaka's expression, you asked if she was alright
Forcing a smile, she told you she was fine, and thanked you for the water
And you walked on the stage and hugged her with a smile
And she tensely hugged you back, feeling guilty for lying to you
Celestia Ludenburg 
You had a chill date at her place
Drinking her delightful milk tea and sharing quality time together
At one point, your phone rung and you went outside to answer it
Celeste took your cups and brought them to the kitchen to wash them later
Then she noticed the rabbit was missing from its spot on the table
After looking for a brief moment, she found it
Except it was in its monster form, biting into her shoulder
Celeste didn't even have time to stop the rabbit's actions before it pulled away and stepped back
It stared down at her in anger, and it lifted its hands to place them on her shoulders 
But you walked back in with a distraught expression, and the bunny changed back before you could notice
Celeste didn't notice your expression
Instead, she asked you one question and one question only
"My dear, why does your little rabbit despise me so?"
You lifted your head and faced her with a tired expression
"Huh? What do you mean?"
Celeste narrowed her eyes
"Don't tell me you do not notice. There is a very large bite mark in my right shoulder, and I'm quite sure that it wanted to push me into that fireplace before you intervened."
Your eyes widened at that
"Oh... Well, I don't know."
Celeste glared at you before looking away
"Hm. Well, if you paid the slightest bit of attention to the world around you instead of tuning it out to live in your made-up child's world, perhaps you would. How disappointing."
She didn't raise her voice, but she spoke with such intensity and sharpness that it hurt you just as much as yelling
With that, you took the bunny and left her mansion
Celeste knew what she had done, but it was too late to fix it
She could only sit on her couch and bow her head in shame
She would deal with the bite later, but for now, the overwhelming guilt of what she had done hurt far worse
Sakura Ogami 
You met her at her family dojo to watch her train
You started the day working out together, meditating together and enjoying her world famous protein coffee
And now, you got to watch her train her hardest for any challenges ahead
When it was time for her to take a break, you left to fetch her a protein shake
She smiled and thanked you before you left
While you were gone, she did some stretches to warm up for her next exercises
Then she noticed the rabbit was gone
She looked around for a moment, and noticed it standing on the other side of the dojo
It beckoned her toward it with its hand
Sakura recognized an invitation to fight, and she refused, not wanting to hurt your most beloved possession
But it ran up to her and started to throw punches, it's fur bristling with rage
Sakura dodged the blows, but the anthropomorphic rabbit was surprisingly skilled
Eventually, enough was enough and she landed a strong punch to its stomach, right in the little heart pattern, and sent it flying towards the back wall
That sent it in a daze and changed it to its smaller plush form
Sakura took a moment to calm down, immediately regretting what she did
She quickly rushed to the bunny and carefully lifted it into her arms
You re-entered the dojo with her favorite protein shake, and saw her in a distressed state
She walked over to you and carefully handed you the bunny
"I am so sorry, my love..."
Upon questioning, you learned that your beloved rabbit tried to fight her, only to lose miserably
She apologized over and over, but you reassured her that it was only self defense, and that you didn't blame her at all
Plus, she didn't wound the animal in any way, so what was there to be sorry for?
She eventually stopped apologizing and thanked you for the protein shake before hugging you
Then she resumed her training, and you supported her from the sidelines all the while
Mukuro Ikusaba 
Mukuro wanted to something calm for a date, so you went to a nice coffee shop
Then you walked back to her place together
Junko was busy with a modeling gig, so it was just the two of you
Mukuro showed you around her backyard, where she often trained
There were different kinds of targets, and dummies used for practice fighting
You went inside to use the bathroom, and Mukuro used that time to sharpen her gun skills
Then she stopped, feeling that something was off
And she was proven to be correct when your now mutated rabbit grabbed one of her guns and fired at her
She swiftly moved to dodge it, and hesitated before grabbing her own gun
She didn't wanna hurt the rabbit, it was your favorite thing!
Then it fired at her again and again, and she had no choice
So she engaged in a duel with this rabbit, shooting back and forth and dodging each other's shots
Soon, Mukuro decided enough was enough and fired at the bunny's stomach
That was enough to put it in its place and turn it back to plush form
Mukuro took a minute to catch her breath before you came back outside
You asked if she was alright, and she insisted to be fine, and you noticed the plush rabbit on the other side of the yard
Mukuro followed your gaze and picked up the rabbit before handing it to you
She shyly explained what happened, and apologized profusely for harming it
Of course, you understood completely, and you weren't angry at her
She still felt bad, so you hugged her, which helped a lot
You spent some time watching her train before settling down and watching movies for the rest of the night
Junko Enoshima
She took you on a shopping date to find you cute clothes
You went to like, five shopping malls before calling it a day
Any time you tried to slow down, she convinced you to go to another mall
She's got money galore, it's no problem at all
In the later afternoon, you went to her house
Mukuro was out on the battlefield again, so it was just the two of you
She had you try everything on, and she loved almost every look on you
She had some constructive criticisms here and there, but she mostly showered you with compliments 
She helped you put all the clothes away before ordering food
Then she entered her room to fix her makeup while you waited downstairs
Then she noticed one of her makeup brushes was gone
Particularly one with a very sharp end
Frustrated, she turned the light on and started looking for it 
It didn't take long for her to figure out where it went
It was in the large, clawed hand of a certain anthropomorphic rabbit
It held the opposite end, the sharp one, in Junko's direction
It slowly approached her with the brush held over Junko's face
She quickly kicked the rabbit away and threw a nearby shoe at it before running downstairs
She dragged you back upstairs to show you the rabbit, only to find it back in its plush form
Thankfully, when she explained it to you, you believed it
She was really skeptical about the rabbit when you explained why you acted that way, but she supposed she could understand
After all, her sister was the exact same with her
So she agreed to leave it alone and continue with your date
And for the rest of the night, you ate food while watching movies cough cough Mean Girls and falling asleep in her room
Despite everything, it was a perfect date
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speuradair · 2 years
☆~ Danganronpa Masterlist ~☆
♡ Fic
☆ Headcanons
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♡  After School Lesson
☆ Dating Makoto Naegi
♡ Home
☆ Makoto With A Very Affectionate S/O
☆ Nights With Makoto
☆ Yandere! Makoto Naegi
☆ Makoto, Byakuya Realizing They Have A Crush
☆ Byakuya, Makoto With A Seemingly Confident Crossdressing Boyfriend Who’s Secretly Insecure
♡ “Shh, You’re Safe. I Won’t Let You Go.”
☆ Makoto With An Autistic S/O Who Wears Headphones All The Time To Block Out Sound
☆ Makoto With A Childhood Friend S/O
☆ Makoto, Nagito With An S/O Who Has Trichotillomania
☆ Cuddling With Makoto
☆ Makoto, Byakuya, Izuru Getting Stuck In A Locker With Their S/O
☆ Tamaki, Makoto, Nagito With An S/O Who Likes To Play With Their Hair
☆ Makoto With An S/O Who Gets Tired From Too Much Noise
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♡ Breathless
☆ Dating Byakuya Togami
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Has ADHD
☆ Fighting With Byakuya After Trial 2
☆ Byakuya With An Ultimate Seductress S/O
☆ Domestic Byakuya
☆ Byakuya With An Ultimate Witch S/O
☆ Byakuya With An Autistic S/O
♡ Mom
♡ Comfort
☆ Byakuya, Mondo Cuddling
☆ Yandere! Byakuya
♡ Hold Onto Me
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Saves Kittens
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Grew Up On A Farm
☆ Nights With Byakuya
☆ Byakuya With A Gamer Girl Girlfriend
☆ Fighting With Byakuya
☆ Byakuya Playing A Horror Game With His S/O
☆ Byakuya Teaching His S/O To Slow Dance
☆ Byakuya With A Very Quiet and Shy S/O
☆ Makoto, Byakuya Realizing They Have A Crush
☆ Byakuya Playing Just Dance With His S/O
♡ Breaking Point
☆ Byakuya With A Stoic S/O
☆ Byakuya Being Convinced To Play In The Rain
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Gets Really Giggly And Silly When Tired
☆ Byakuya Playing Among Us With His S/O
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Loves To Hug Him
☆ Byakuya Playing Minecraft With His S/O
☆ Byakuya Celebrating His S/O’s Birthday
☆ Byakuya Walking In On His S/O Dancing To Britney Spears
☆ Byakuya Kissing
☆ Byakuya Helping His S/O Study
☆ Byakuya Helping His S/O Through A Panic Attack From Their Parents Fighting
☆ Byakuya Helping His S/O Deal With An Abusive Mother
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who’s Only ‘Friends’ Are Mean To Them
☆ Byakuya and The SHSL Liar Coming To Terms With Their Feelings For Each Other
☆ Byakuya Celebrating Christmas With His S/O
☆ Byakuya and His S/O Speaking French In Front Of The Other Students
☆ Byakuya With A Rookie K-Pop Idol S/O
☆ Byakuya With An Alternative, Goth S/O
☆ Gifts From Byakuya
☆ Byakuya With A Delinquent S/O
☆ Byakuya Comforting His Boyfriend Who Has Internalized Homophobia
☆ Byakuya With A Girlfriend Who’s an Internationally Famous Socialite and Runway Model
☆ Byakuya, Nagito With A Very Sick Girlfriend
☆ Byakuya Playing Animal Crossing With His S/O
☆ Byakuya Listening To Music With His S/O
☆ Byakuya Comforting His Friend After A Break-up
☆ Byakuya, Makoto With A Seemingly Confident Crossdressing Boyfriend Who’s Secretly Insecure
☆ Byakuya Introducing His Girlfriend To His Father
☆ Byakuya Making Tiktoks/Vines With His S/O
♡ “You Are Very Endearing When You’re Half-Asleep”
☆ Byakuya With A SHSL Strategist S/O (Like Norman from TPN)
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Has Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Has Really Bad Period Cramps
☆ Byakuya Playing Stardew Valley With His S/O
☆ How Byakuya Having A Male S/O Would Affect His Family
♡ “Please Marry Me.”
♡ Safe
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Has Hearing Aids and Hearing Loss
☆ Byakuya With An Autistic S/O Who Vocal Stims A Lot
☆ Byakuya Going To The Beach With His S/O
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Has Bipolar Disorder
☆ Soft Kokichi, Byakuya Clinging To Their S/O When They’re Exhausted
☆ Byakuya and Leon Dating The SHSL Figure Skater
☆ Drunk Byakuya With His Sober S/O
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Dresses in Lolita Clothing
☆ Byakuya Holding His Daughter For The First Time
☆ Byakuya, Mondo With A Girlfriend Who’s Insecure About Their Appearance
☆ Byakuya With A Very Protective S/O
☆ Byakuya’s Clingy S/O Waiting For Him To Get Home From Work At Night
☆ Byakuya’s S/O Coming Out As Bisexual
☆ Makoto, Byakuya, Izuru Getting Stuck In A Locker With Their S/O
☆ Byakuya Being Convinced To Build A Blanket Fort With His S/O
☆ Byakuya With A Trans S/O
☆ What Would Make Byakuya Cry (+ How His S/O Would Comfort Him)
☆ Byakuya, Hajime Taking Their S/O To Halloween Horror Nights
☆ Byakuya With A Toddler-Aged Daughter
☆ Byakuya With An S/O Who Gets Dizzy A Lot
☆ Byakuya Playing A Dating Sim With His S/O
☆ Byakuya With A Significant Other Who’s Like Haruka Tenoh
☆ Byakuya Walking His Daughter To School On Her First Day
☆ Byakuya With An S/O From A High-Society Family
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♡ “Kiss Me.”
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☆ Jealousy
☆ Byakuya, Mondo Cuddling
☆ Yandere! Mondo
☆ Mondo Being A Very Protective Friend
☆ Byakuya, Mondo With A Girlfriend Who’s Insecure About Their Appearance
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☆ Kiyotaka With An S/O Who Takes Anti-Depressants
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☆ Kirigiri With Her Girlfriend
☆ Kyoko With A Criminal S/O
☆ Tenko, Kirigiri With An S/O Who’s Insecure About Their Physical Appearance
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☆ Leon With A Male S/O Who Loves Feminine Clothing But Is Afraid Of Being Judged
☆ Leon With A Male S/O
☆ Leon Defending His Boyfriend From Homophobic Bullies
♡ “Don’t be silly, I want to stay up with you"
☆ Leon With An Autistic S/O Who Uses Stim Bracelets Headcanons
☆ Byakuya and Leon Dating The SHSL Figure Skater
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☆ Junko With An Autistic S/O
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☆ Celeste, Shuichi Fluff and Affection
☆ Celeste Dating The SHSL Ballerina
☆ Nights With Celeste, Sonia
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☆ Cuddling With Yasuhiro
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☆ Mukuro With An Autistic S/O
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♡ Nagito’s Goodbye
☆ Now Playing: Nagito Komaeda
☆ Nagito Playing A Horror Game With His Easily Scared S/O
☆ Domestic Nagito
☆ Yandere! Nagito Komaeda
☆ More Yandere Nagito
☆ Byakuya, Nagito With A Very Sick S/O
☆ Cuddling With Nagito
♡ “I Think I’m In Love With You, And I’m Terrified”
☆ Nagito With An Autistic S/O
☆ Makoto, Nagito With An S/O Who Has Trichotillomania
☆ Nagito, Shuichi With A Reckless S/O
☆ Nagito Comforting His S/O After A Bad Day
☆ Tamaki, Makoto, Nagito With An S/O Who Likes To Play With Their Hair
☆ Nagito Dating The SHSL Unlucky Student
☆ Nagito With Supportive, Reassuring Best Friend
☆ Nights With Nagito, Chiaki
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☆ Hajime With An Autistic S/O
☆ Yandere! Hajime Hinata Headcanons
☆ Hajime, Shuichi, Katsuki With An S/O Who Has Trichotillomania
☆ Byakuya, Hajime Taking Their S/O To Halloween Horror Nights
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☆ Izuru With An Autistic S/O Who’s Usually Understimulated
☆ Autistic! Izuru Kamukura With An Extroverted (ESFP) S/O
☆ Izuru With A Hyper and Affectionate Scenekid Boyfriend
☆ Makoto, Byakuya, Izuru Getting Stuck In A Locker With Their S/O
☆ Autistic! Izuru Confessing His Feelings To His ESFP! S/O
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☆ Nights With Nagito, Chiaki
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☆ Fuyuhiko Falling For An Innocent Fem! S/O
☆ Fuyuhiko With An Autistic S/O Who Worries About Being Useless
☆ Rantaro, Fuyuhiko, Korekiyo, Kaito With An Overworked S/O That Gets A Bit Delirious From Caffeine
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☆ Nights with Celeste, Sonia
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☆ Kazuichi With An Autistic S/O He's Very Protective Of
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☆ Yandere! Shuichi
☆ Yandere! Shuichi Being Possessive of His S/o
☆ Shuichi Playing Minecraft With His S/O
☆ Shuichi Realizing He Has A Crush
☆ Shuichi Playing Animal Crossing With S/O
☆ More! Yandere Shuichi
☆ Yandere! Shuichi With An Extremely Flirty S/O
☆ Shuichi With An Autistic S/O Who’s Sensitive To Sound/Light and Gets Very Hyperfixated
☆ Celeste, Shuichi Fluff And Affection
☆ Nagito, Shuichi With A Reckless S/O
☆ Shuichi With An S/O Who Gets Left Out Of Everything
☆ Hajime, Shuichi, Katsuki With An S/O Who Has Trichotillomania
☆ Domestic Life With Shuichi
☆ Shuichi With An S/O Who Makes Noises While Doing Things
☆ Shuichi With An S/O Who Blames Themselves For Everything
☆ Shuichi Comforting His S/O Who’s Having A Bad Mental Health Week
☆ Shuichi With A Streamer! S/O
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☆ Yandere! Korekiyo
☆ Korekiyo With A Chubby and Insecure S/O
☆ Yandere Vampire! Korekiyo
☆ Korekiyo Teaching His S/O To Ballroom Dance
☆ Korekiyo, Kaito Cuddling
☆ Korekiyo Comforting His S/O
☆ Rantaro, Fuyuhiko, Korekiyo, Kaito With An Overworked S/O That Gets A Bit Delirious From Caffeine
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♡ Pumpkin Antics
☆ Kokichi With A Shy S/O
☆ Yandere! Kokichi
☆ Kokichi With An Ultimate Strategist S/O (Like Norman from TPN)
☆ Kokichi With An Extremely Jumpy S/O
♡ “I Think I Love You”
☆ Yandere! Kokichi With A Darling Who Actually Loves Him Too
☆ Kokichi With An S/O Who Loves To Spoil Him
☆ Kokichi With A Fem! S/O Who Apologizes For Everything
☆ Soft Kokichi, Byakuya Clinging To Their S/O When They’re Exhausted
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☆ Relationship with Rantaro Amami
☆ Yandere! Rantaro
☆ Domestic Life With Rantaro
☆ Rantaro With An Autistic S/O Headcanons
☆ Rantaro, Fuyuhiko, Korekiyo, Kaito With An Overworked S/O That Gets A Bit Delirious From Caffeine
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☆ Tenko, Kirigiri With An S/O Who’s Insecure About Their Physical Appearance
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☆ Korekiyo, Kaito Cuddling
☆ Kaito With A SHSL Prosecutor male!S/O
☆ Rantaro, Fuyuhiko, Korekiyo, Kaito With An Overworked S/O That Gets A Bit Delirious From Caffeine
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☆ Ryoma, Gonta With An S/O Who Loves Reptiles
☆ Cuddling With Ryoma
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☆ Ryoma, Gonta With An S/O Who Loves Reptiles
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miyuwuki · 3 years
same anon who thanked you for your hanamiya characterization, do you think i could request some general dating headcanons for him, maybe some nsfw ones too? gender neutral reader would be preferred, but female is fine too!
warnings: nsfw content. bdsm. blowjobs. (minors dni 18+)
hanamiya makoto x reader hc’s + nsfw
have you ever imagined hanamiya makoto as your boyfriend?
everyone would be shocked that he even got a girlfriend and they’d all be worried for you
but no one took the time to get to know him like you did and he just needed a little loving and expression
he puts you first over anything and everything because no one has ever given him so much love and care
will literally beat up any guy who eyes you down or bothers you
and they don’t because an arm is always protectively wrapped around you
he always makes sure your needs are met and that you’re okay
he learns to be more compassionate with you though
you scold him for being reckless or hurting others in game. you love him but you want him to do what’s right and he also learns with that too
would never lay a finger on you
very cuddly and touchy behind closed doors
loves it when you play with his hair
sometimes he attempts to cook for you
loves hugging you from behind
his heart literally leaps when you give him chocolates; chocolate bread, chocolate milk, chocolate bars..
he will also give you chocolates
he just loves chocolates
it’s canon btw
he often tutors you when you have trouble with schoolwork, especially chemistry since that’s what he’s good at
and he bookmarks his pages when he’s reading so he can tell you about it later
“babe you will always be beautiful to me and i’ll never stop loving you— fuck, that was weird sorry i found that quote in this book”
he’ll show you annoying attitude but he loves that you can be an airhead sometimes
he’s never met anyone so vulnerable and open he just wants to protect you :(
when you’re having a bad day he wraps you in his arms and whispers encouraging nothings
“hey it’s okay, alright? stop crying, please stop crying”
when you both argue he can be pretty petty and ignore you for a while— and he can be pretty cold
but will fold because when he sees you crying wondering what you did wrong and why nothing you do is right; it’s the death of him
so he apologizes first
he takes you out once in a while, most opting to stay at home
but one time he took you to a an empty field and set up a picnic for you both
he doesn’t really like posting you on his socials only because he wants to keep you to himself, but he definitely posts stories of you candid
he listens to the playlist you make him everyday
honestly gets insecure when people tell you that “he’s a bad person” or “you’ll get hurt”
because he knows he’s of those things but he doesn’t wanna lose you
but fortunately you understand him more than anyone so with the squeeze of your hand on his, he feels assured
you attend most of his games
he hates losing but feels better with a hug
you’re his bestest friend <3
naturally he’s rough in bed
he wants all the control and ultimately he wants to make you feel euphoric
at first it would be pretty sweet and vanilla because he doesn’t wanna hurt you and he wants to show that he respects your body
but as time grew you wanted him to be more rough with you
and sex could never be better
he has his hands around your neck fucks you so dumb he manhandles you in any way he wants
blowjobs are brutal since he’s so big
when you’re feeling needy in public he’ll pretend to be nonchalant but sneak in a couple digits in your tight cunt
dirty talk, loves to dirty talk
“yeah? you’re so right around me, gosh. loosen up pretty thing”
praises you more than degrading
loves cumming in your mouth
loves overstimming
“you can’t cum? no, i know you can. come on, give me one more”
loves watching you ride him knowing you can’t finish without his help
he’ll have his hands behind his neck with the biggest smirk
“fine, i’ll help you. just sit still and take my cock, ‘kay precious?”
very rough but very loving so it’s a win win
this was in my drafts for a while but i hope you enjoyed <3
**✿❀reblogs and likes are appreciated❀✿**
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s-serendipit-y · 3 years
dating - antagonist edition
a/n: slight spoilers for nagitos and kokichis part
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——— byakuya togami
you must have the patience of a saint for byakuya to actually acknowledge and accept his feelings for you
let alone date you
even when you two start dating he still has his aloof personality
but when you two are in private he’ll let you be affectionate towards him
he prefer to be the big spoon (it’s the superiority complex )
he’ll constantly complain about cuddling as you lay against his chest
but after a while he shut up and read his book, either out loud as you listen or silently while you sleep.
even though he’ll never admit it, he does get jealous when you talk to other people.
one time you were talking to Makoto and Byakuya just walked over and pulled you away.
“come on s/o, don’t waste your breath on this commoner.”
he buys you a lot of gifts
even when you don’t ask for them
he doesn’t really expect gifts back
but he still reluctantly takes what you gave him
“why are you buying me gifts s/o? i can easily buy this myself.”
he keeps everything you buy
he also likes when you read with him
basically he just enjoys when you show interests in his hobbies
absolutely NO pda
he’s trying to protect you from toko
honestly he’d be an amazing boyfriend, you just have to be patient.
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——— nagito komaeda
i know every head canon says this- but you literally are his ultimate hope.
honestly nagito was surprised that you even accepted his feelings.
“wow, s/o. you, the ultimate ____ actually likes me? but i’m just trash, with no talents.”
you have to constantly reassure him that he isn’t trash.
in the relationship however, you’d have to initiate a lot of the affection at first.
like i said, he feels like he doesn’t deserve you.
he’s not opposed to pda either, imo
also i don’t think he gets jealous, but definitely insecure
“oh s/o is talking to akane? well she isn’t trash like me, so i don’t blame them.”
just reassure him with kisses or hugs and he’ll be happy again.
he’ll rely on his luck to get you your favorite snacks or gifts.
like that one scene from the despair arc
also pls don’t let him near bombs
nagito also loves talk to you about your ultimate or the other ultimates in your class.
touch his hair, there’s no way it isn’t soft
he loves when you touch it. especially when you two are cuddling.
on the topic of cuddling, nagito wouldn’t mind being the big spoon or little one.
whatever one you want to be, he’ll be the other with no complaints.
10/10 best boyfriend
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——— kokichi ouma
good luck
you are NEVER safe from his teasing or pranks.
anytime you ask him for affection or give him affection he always teases you for it.
“s/o do you have a crush on me? of course you do.”
anytime you shut him down, cue the waterworks
“WHAAAA! s/o doesn’t love me anymore.” “kokichi, of course i still love you.” “i know s/o, that was just a lie.”
also he has major trust issues, as seen in the game
it would take him a while before he actually opens up to you
most of the time, he would tell you something about himself but quickly says it was just a lie.
it’s your job to figure what was the truth and what wasn’t.
“DICE actually has 10 members, not 10,000.” “that’s nice kokichi” “stupid! that was just a lie!”
honestly he would be a lot to put up with, always having his feeling guarded.
he isn’t used to people actually liking him
however, once he knows that your the real deal, he’ll introduce you to DICE
of course the all love you, you make their leader extremely happy.
also kokichi definitely likes pda
it’s another way to tease you and to make others around him uncomfortable.
especially kaitos.
“can you get off of s/o? i’m trying to eat.” “your just jealous that i’m with s/o and you’re with maki roll.”
kaito and maki began chasing him leaving you alone with shuichi.
sorry for the maki slander
yet despite kokichis trust issues and constant teasing, he’ll definitely be a great boyfriend (or maybe i’m biased)
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annabethsgodcomplex · 3 years
Discussing Danganronpa executions (Not in a creepy way just as someone who watched them) Part 1: Trigger Happy Havoc/Danganronpa the Animation + Chiaki’s First Execution
Blast Off: When I first watched the anime version I thought this was part of the intro and skipped past it. It was only later when I was reading up on all the executions so I could overanalyse them for fun that I realised it wasn’t and actually fully watched it. When I found out the guy executed in this one (Headmaster Jin Kirigiri) was Kyoko’s father it made it so much sadder. Honestly, not the best execution but it definitely showed that this series was definitely not going to be lighthearted.
Spears of Gungnir: First off, I’m a massive lesbian and I’m gay as hell for both Mukuro and Junko so this scene is just mean. I mean Mukuro very much loved her sister (just a little too much but we don’t talk about that) and the straight up look of absolute betrayal breaks me. HOWEVER Junko loved Mukuro too and she considered this execution a gift to her sister. Junko wanted Mukuro to kill her but she would never do that so she killed MUkuro to give her sister what she always wanted (the absolute despair of being killed by your own sister) because she loved her sister and thought she loved despair as much as Junko. But seriously Junko wtf. That is your sister. 
The 1,000 Blows: This was brutal. I don’t like Leon at all but the fact that they used his talent to kill him was both sad and fucking brutal. What’s worse is he actually wanted to be the ultimate musician and he died before he could become that. Sort of like Monokuma’s/Junko’s fucked up way of reminding him that his death would be by the only thing people bothered to know him before despite his true ambition being something else and that he never got to realise that ambition. 
The Cage of Death: This one made me literally throw up it was so horrifying. I was fine in the cage part when I thought ‘yeah he’s the ultimate biker gang leader, he’s dying on his own gang’s bike. very symbolic.’ but then he got turned into butter in front of his boyfriend ‘bro’ and was eaten by Monokuma. It made me so sick and I now struggle to eat butter without feeling sick which sucks because bread doesn’t taste that good without it but anyway. Mondo wasn’t my favourite character but I did think he was pretty cool and I ship him with Taka. Seeing what his execution did to Taka was so heartbreaking.
The Burning of the Versailles Witch: Celestia my beloved, you were way too chill about your own death. I love that she seemed to be liking it, even praying for herself to die this way and then Monokuma’s like ‘NO! Fuck you lemme just slam this truck into you bitch!’ just cause he wanted her to realise at the last second that she wouldn’t get her dream death, to fuck her up. 
Excavator Destroyer: Alter Ego and Chihiro were so precious. I just want to gently hold them and protect them from stupid Monokuma and my lesbian panic inducing Junko. (Because of the fact that they turned out to have been born a boy but dressed as a girl, I was a little confused on what pronouns should be used so I use they/them pronouns for Chihiro) Anyway, this execution broke my heart. (Not as bad as Chiaki’s which I’ll get to later) It was symbolic of their small bit of hope being destroyed in the name of despair and an added blow to Sakura’s death because you thought since she killed herself (I adored Sakura so much and her and I headcanon her and Aoi as lesbians because of their relationship and because I’m a lesbian and I wanna project) there may be no executions but noooo Monobitch had to ruin that.
After School Lesson: This one was interesting and definitely torture. Being taught sex ed is bad at the best of times but being taught sex ed on the way to being crushed to death is wayyy worse. At least he didn’t get killed thanks to the amazing, precious, deserved better Alter Ego. And luckily Kyoko didn’t get killed either but I legit though Makoto was going to die even though he was innocent.
The Ultimate Punishment: I may have mentioned I’m majorly gay for Junko and her execution did not disappoint. But seriously what is Junko made of??? She can’t be human. She survived 5 of the previous executions only to be crushed in the 6th. How did she survive 5 executions???? Also she was so happy the entire time it was kinda freaky...
Chiaki’s Unnamed First Execution: I adore Chiaki and she deserved so much better. This was the longest execution and the saddest probably. First off with Brainwashed Despair Chisa betraying her and then having to fight for her life knowing if she dies her friends will fall into despair. Then she reaches her ‘goal’ and is punctured with the spikes. And she lives long enough to talk to Hajime/Izuru but he doesn’t recognise her despite only joining the Kamukura Project to become someone he could be proud to be around Chiaki :( and then he shows the first bit of emotion since his transformation when she dies. It was so sad and best girl Chiaki deserved better and I adore her so much. 
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cookiesnt · 3 years
The male protags with an s/o who gets bullied for their height
I get it, anon. I’m pretty tall myself and I’ve definitely been made fun of for it.
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When you first met, it was quite a sight to see the two of you getting along so well.
You had to look down to see him, and he had to look up to you.
It didn’t take long for you to get closer... and closer.
Until you finally announced that you two were together!
Unfortunately, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
Makoto had seen you come back seeming upset a few times, but he never knew why.
Eventually, he asked you about it.
“Someone made fun of my height again. They said that no one would wanna date someone so tall.”
He shut that down right away.
“Look at me, s/o, I’m literally the ultimate lucky student. And I am lucky enough to be your boyfriend! Those jerks are just jealous that they don’t have you to themselves!”
That managed to bring a smile to your face, seeing your boyfriend like that.
After your conversation, he stayed with you a lot more.
If someone bullied you in front of him, he’d kill ‘em with kindness.
“You can’t talk about them like that! They’re perfect just the way they are!”
You were childhood friends.
Even before your growth spurt, you were taller than him.
Once you reached middle school and hit puberty, you shot up like a beanstalk.
Hajime got pretty tall too, standing at 5′10, but he looked short compared to you.
Once you started dating, the height difference became a joke between the two of you.
“Don’t ever talk to me or my son ever again!” “S/O I’m older than you!”
After a few months of dating, however, he noticed you joked less and less about it, until stopping altogether.
He was a bit concerned, but didn’t press the issue.
That was, until he saw you getting made fun of.
“Jesus, S/o! All that hitting your head must’ve made you stupid!”
Oh hell no.
“Hey! Back off!” He stormed in your direction and stood in front of you protectively. “Don’t ever talk about them like that again or I’ll knock you down a peg, got it?!”
The bullies sighed, walking off, leaving you with Hajime.
“Are you- Hey, don’t cry!”
He sat on the ground with you in his lap and your head on his chest. He used his tie to wipe your tears.
“S/o, I love your height. I wouldn’t change a single thing about it. You’re the smartest person I know, and that will never change.”
You met in the first year of high school, before your growth spurt.
Once it happened, it happened quick.
He’s a pretty average guy at 5′7, but he feels short next to you.
He actually quite likes it.
Makes him feel safe.
The day you became a couple was the happiest day of his life.
He just loves you so much.
But then... you started acting strange.
Shuichi is the Ultimate Detective for a reason. He’s very perceptive.
Eventually, he asked about it.
“Hey, S/o? You’ve been acting different lately. Is everything okay?”
You were quiet for a moment, then came clean.
“A bunch of kids at school made fun of my height. It really, really hurt, Shumai...”
He pulled you into a hug.
“Thank you for telling me, S/o. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. Just remember that I love your height, okay? I wouldn’t change it for anything.”
He stood on his tiptoes and gave you a kiss.
The next day, your bullies avoided you.
Shuichi smiled.
“I uh... May or may not have let Kaito and Maki know about the situation.”
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cobaltusami · 3 years
May I request some naegiri, with lee!makoto, cause we all know that Makoto is babey
Hi! Yes, Absolutely! I love Naegiri, and lee!Makoto Is super adorable! ^^ Makoto Is sweet sunshine child who must be protected.
I had fun writing this! for some reason my mind immediately jumped to Angst/Comfort for the topic.
I’m also sorry If this isn’t long enough, This Is the shortest fic I’ve written...
This takes place either right after the school went Into lockdown before the killing game started or in the middle of a non despair AU, It’s open for interpretation :)
Hope you enjoy!
Words: 1395
Characters: Lee!Makoto, Ler!Kyoko
Weight of the world
“Good morning.” Kyoko greeted her classmates as she entered the dining hall, met with greetings in return she scanned the room, she noticed It was more quiet than usual this morning. Her purple eyes fell on an empty chair, one that was usually occupied by… 
“Where’s Makoto?” She asked.
“He said he wasn’t feeling well.” Sayaka answered, hand In front of her mouth as she spoke. She swallowed her food and set her fork down. “He said something about a headache.”
Hmm… That’s not like him. He doesn’t ever skip breakfast. 
Kyoko lingered for a moment longer before wordlessly going to the kitchen and preparing a plate of food for Makoto, Grabbing a bottle of water on her way out. “I’m going to go check on him.” She said over her shoulder as she made her way to his room.
She pressed her elbow against his doorbell and waited patiently.
Inside the room, Makoto groaned and pulled himself out of bed.  “Just a minute.” He called to whoever was standing at his door.
After realizing he was still In his pajamas, He quickly pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt before shuffling over and opening the door. “K-Kyoko?” 
“May I come In?” She asked politely. He nodded and stepped aside so she could.
She set the plate down on his table and turned to him. “I wasn’t expecting you to get dressed, You must be feeling a little better.”
Makoto’s cheeks flushed. “Uh, Not really. I just thought you might appreciate It if I answered the door wearing pants.”
Kyoko smiled a bit to herself In amusement. “I know that Sayaka said your stomach was hurting, But I brought you some breakfast. I think you should try to eat some of It.” 
She purposely threw out the incorrect ailment, trying to trip him up.
Makoto, Being a terrible liar, forgot what he told Sayaka to get rid of her this morning. So he just nodded and went along with it. 
“Makoto. What’s really wrong?” She asked, Stepping closer to her boyfriend. “You can tell me.”
“W-What do you mean? I just--”
“You told Sayaka you had a headache, And then just agreed to telling her you had a stomach ache.” 
Makoto bit his lip and looked away, knowing better than to lie any further to the Ultimate Detective. “Alright. I’m sorry for lying to you, But I just didn’t feel like eating and I didn’t want everyone to make a big deal out of it.” 
Kyoko put her gloved hands on his shoulders and guided him over to the bed where they sat down. “What’s bothering you?” She asked, setting her hands in her lap.
“I don’t… It’s just…” The brunette looked away from her warm gaze, biting his now trembling lip. “I feel… Hopeless.”
His eyes filled with tears as the feelings he’d previously pushed aside came festering back. “I’m supposed to be the Ultimate Hope, But I feel so…”
“So full of Despair.” She whispered.
He nodded, blinking away the tears.
“It’s hard being locked up here, I know. I can’t imagine the weight on your shoulders, You feel like you always have to uplift everyone and give them Hope. Even when you yourself don’t feel Hopeful.” Kyoko started, prompting tears to spill down his cheeks. “You feel alone, Isolated. You might even be angry to an extent that no one can see past that to your pain.”
She took his trembling hands in hers and stared Into his eyes as if searching the contents of his very soul. “But you aren’t alone, I’m here. And I see your pain. Your feelings are valid.”
Makoto wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and cried into her shoulder.
Kyoko ran her hands over his back in a comforting manner, not saying anything else so he had some time to process his feelings.
After a few minutes he calmed down and pulled back, wiping the tears away from his face. “S-Sorry about that…” He meekly apologized.
She offered a small smile in response. “It’s okay. Do you feel any better?”
“Yeah. I’m feeling better now.” He mustered up a smile and went to stand up but was pulled back down.
“No you aren’t.” She saw through his lie yet again. “I don’t like being lied to, Naegi.” 
She spoke In a stern voice, However there was an unnerving edge to her words. Something that resembled playfulness.
Something that resembled ‘Makoto’s in trouble and about to get wrecked.’
“I-I’m sorry Kyoko! I didn’t even realize I was doing It!” Makoto panicked, His words flooding out like a waterfall. A very panicky waterfall. 
Kyoko pushed him down and straddled his legs to stop him from getting up and running away. “I think you need to be taught what happens when you lie to a Kirigiri.” She smirked, shoving his shirt up.
“W-Wait! Can’t we talk about this-- Pfft n-no! Kyohohohokohoho!” He dissolved into a fit of giggles as he felt her gloved fingers scribbling all around his sides.
She smiled, The air In the room felt ten times lighter now that he was laughing. “Sorry, But no. We’re done talking for now. Now you get to laugh and think about how unwise It is to lie to me.”
“I’m sorryehehehe!” He giggled, writhing underneath her. He didn’t try to stop her though, subconsciously he must have realized he needed this attention right now.
“It’s too late for sorry, Makoto.” She teased, fluttering her fingers across his stomach. “Does this tickle?”
Makoto squealed and arched his back, which only pressed her fingers further into his ticklish stomach. “KYOHOHOHO!”
“Yes, Makoto?” She asked innocently.
“IHIHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!” He whined, covering his quickly reddening face.
“Does It?” She smiled in amusement. “I had no Idea.”
The smooth texture of her gloves tickled like hell, and she was well aware of this. Kyoko wasn’t even tickling that fast or hard but Makoto was damn near In hysterics, Especially when she suddenly dipped down and blew a raspberry on his belly.
The Ultimate Hope screamed, Unable to form words as he laughed his heart out. After the third raspberry, He began pushing at Kyoko’s head In an attempt to escape. “KYOOHOHOHOHO! PLEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP!”
“Hmm. How can I be sure you really want me to stop?” She asked coyly, Dipping a finger into his belly button. “You keep lying to me, So for all I know… You want me to keep going.”
Makoto girlishly squealed and tried to suck in his stomach. “I’M SOHOHOHOHORRY FOR LYING TO YOUHUHUHU!” 
“I don’t know, That could be another lie…” She smirked, Wiggling her finger faster. “Are you really sure?”
“YEHEHEHES! I’M SOHOHOHOHO SORRY!” Makoto cackled, Tears slipping down his cheeks for a second time today, Though this time It was for a happier reason. “PLEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN’T!”
Kyoko pulled her hands back and climbed off of her giggling and panting boyfriend, coming to rest right next to him. “Are you feeling any better now?” She asked, turning over onto her side to look at him.
Makoto nodded slowly as he wiped his tears away with the heels of his hands and pushed his shirt back down. “Yeah… Thank you, Kyo.” He turned his head to look at her for a moment before leaning closer and planting a soft kiss against her lips. 
“You’re welcome. Just remember, You may have a lot of weight on your shoulders, But you don’t have to carry It alone.“ She smiled, her cheeks tinting a pale pink. “Now come on! Let’s go get some breakfast.” 
Kyoko got out of bed only for Makoto wrap his arms around her waist and pull her back down into the bed with him. “Can’t we just stay here for a while? I’m kind of tired…”
She giggled as he nuzzled into her neck and closed his eyes, gently she pushed him back. “No. I’m hungry, And you haven’t eaten either.”
“You can have the plate of food you brought me.” He offered.
“Nice try. It’s cold by now. Come on, Get up. Everyone Is probably wondering where I am.”
She had to practically drag him behind her, but at least he had some life back In him.
While things may still be super tense and stressful for Makoto, It comforted him to know that he wasn’t alone, And didn’t have to shoulder all of this responsibility alone.
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softfae · 4 years
saiteru headcanons because they’re cuties
dedicating this post to @sai-teru, @resident-of-the-mind-palace + @terusaihell just because i adore their blogs and saiteru content <3 
Their dates are usually quiet ones at his house (once he finally gets his parents to leave them alone) because Kokomi knows how much he hates excessive attention and she also is happy to be alone with someone that she doesn’t have to be perfect in front of. Date activities include lots of baking, naps (you can’t convince me that they don’t), video games (in which Kusuo sometimes lets Kokomi win just to see her smile, but admits she’s a good opponent) and coffee jelly. 
Kusuo is too tsundere to admit it to anyone except for his mother, but he keeps a photo of his girlfriend in his wallet. 
People may not think so, but these two secretly tease each other a LOT; Kusuo’s wit paired with Kokomi’s??? Perfection. 
Kokomi likes baking him desserts and coming to school early to leave them in his desk. Kusuo of course, pretends to be surprised each time because it makes her happy + she’s cute when she’s happy. 
Kokomi blushes a lot around him (like a LOT) and he finds it amusing so he’ll say flirtatious things unexpectedly just to watch her get flustered.
He’s the only one who Kokomi is completely open with; some nights they’ll talk about everything from their annoying brothers to their biggest fears. She listens to him wholeheartedly and he does the same for her. 
Kokomi kills the bugs while Saiki hides behind her. 
Saiki Kusuo is the ultimate Protective Boyfriend™, which we’ve seen evidence for multiple times in both the manga + anime, ESPECIALLY whenever Makoto is around. If any man makes some kind of advances towards her that Saiki doesn’t approve of, they always coincidentally end up unconscious or in a garbage can.
Kokomi is a very cuddly person and it makes him blush ever so slightly whenever she hugs him from behind. She likes their height difference. 
Saiki initiated the first kiss because Kokomi was too shy to do so. 
Saiki would commit arson for her and probably already has 
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its-nebula · 3 years
Why Don’t You Love Me?
Chihiro x Reader during the Killing Game
Warning: Angst and sadness. I apologize in advance for what you’re about to read lmao
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He could feel his eyes watering as he read the note that he held in his shaky hands, the piece of paper threatening to fall. He read it, again and again, unable to comprehend its contents.
S/O is going to reveal your secret tonight.
It had just appeared under his door moments ago, after he’d come back from reading that horrid motive, revealing that Monokuma knew his secret. He didn’t see who slipped him the note, but at that point, it didn’t matter. How could they? After what they’ve been through together, this is the thanks he gets? He’d always thought that they’d made a pretty good team. That their relationship could withstand anything.
So why was a simple secret plausible enough to cause them to reveal something that he’d told them in confidence? It took courage to admit that he was a boy to them, to be vulnerable to them, to expose himself and his past to them and now it just seemed like it was all just...for nothing. All the memories of his past began to cloud his mind. The bullying, the teasing, the being made fun of, the crying in his bed at night wondering when it all would end...
No. He couldn’t go through it again. Not like this. He wasn’t strong enough, and he knew it. Any confidence that he had to work on himself, improve his mental health, and reveal his own secret to the world on his own terms was completely thrown out of the window, all because of that one note.
Throughout the day, he was weary of S/O’s advances towards him. After all, this was all obviously just some sick joke to them. Their hugs did nothing for him. Those soft, warm hands that he once longed to hold felt as cold as ice now. Every kiss between the two of you left a bitter taste in his mouth. Losing trust for the only person you’ve ever loved was definitely despair inducing, and yet, it’s not like Chihiro even tried to fight it.
Despair had already won.
“Chihiro Fujisaki!” S/O finally approached him at the top of a stairwell, frustrated with his distant nature throughout the day. “What’s gotten into you today? Where is the sweet boy that I’ve come to know and love? What’s happened to you?”
Damn, he couldn’t stop those tears from falling down his face, and he absolutely hated himself for it. Damn this killing game, damn this despair, damn it all to hell. “W-Why don’t you love me anymore?” He managed to choke out angrily, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. “What did I ever do t-to you? I loved you, I trusted you, and you’re willing to throw it all away for some dumb secret that you have?” He took a step towards them.
“Ch-Ch-Chihiro? What’s wrong with you? What the hell are you talking about?!” S/O accordingly took a step back, afraid of whatever it was their once sweet and loving boyfriend was talking about. You’ve never seen him this upset before, and it scared you.
“Acting as if you don’t know. Of course.” Chihiro pulled out the note from earlier, shoving it in their face. “Then explain this! Why do you want me to be unhappy so badly?” By now, he was desperately sobbing, almost unable to speak. S/O stood there, stunned, trying to process the note and what was going on. Through their silence, Chihiro was able to choke out one last sentence.
“What did I do wrong?”
S/O’s expression softened, and they began taking steps toward Chihiro. No wonder he acted like he hated you; he thought they hated him! Well, now was the time to set things right. S/O wrapped him in a tight embrace, calmly stroking his hair. He didn’t return the favor, instead sobbing in his hands.
“I’d never, ever reveal your secret if you didn’t want me to. I couldn’t do that to you, you know that. I love you too much.”
No. He couldn’t trust them anymore. He couldn’t trust anyone. Everyone was exactly the same. They all wanted to watch him crumble. They all wanted to walk all over him, like the doormat they thought he was. Not this time.
It all took place so suddenly. One minute, you were hugging him tightly, trying to calm him down, and the next, you were at the bottom of the stairs, a pool of blood starting to slowly form around your head. All Chihiro could do at that point was stare in silent horror, knees trembling and eyes wide. 
What has he done?
The class trial moved slowly, at least to Chihiro. For the most part, he couldn’t pull together a sentence to contribute. With no obvious clues besides the note Kyoko had found beside the body, that was the only lead they had. It seemed nobody could figure out who wrote the message, or who it was for, until...
“This is getting painfully boring.” Byakuya frowned at the others. “It was me, you imbeciles. I wrote the message to S/O.”
“Byakuya... you wrote the message?” Makoto questioned. “But how did you know that she knew someone’s secret? More importantly, how did you know what the killer’s secret was?”
“Simple. She simply knew about their secret beforehand, I didn’t have to know anything about it.” An uncomfortable silence befell the room, as everyone slowly started to put the pieces together. It was something nobody wanted to say out loud, but it looked like the only possibility.
“Chihiro... it’s not you...is it?” Makoto squinted at Chihiro. All he could do is look down in shame, biting his lip. 
“She’s not answering! Why is she not answering?!” Aoi demanded, making Byakuya scoff.
“It’s not obvious to you, yet? She’s the killer. She killed S/O in cold blood, all to protect some trivial secret she was keeping. How ridiculous.”
“Chihiro, please, say that you object to this!” Sakura butted in, not wanting to believe the ugly truth. “Tell us that he’s wrong.”
Chihiro took a deep breath. There was no getting out of it now. “You’re right. I’m the one who killed S/O. It was all my fault, a-and I shouldn’t have pushed them down the stairs...!” He clenched his fists, angry at himself for stooping so low. “All because...I wanted to keep my secret. But there’s not a secret in the world that was worth losing her life over. So... that’s why I feel the need to tell you all, right now. I...I’m a boy.”
“A...boy?” Aoi covered her mouth in surprise. Another uncomfortable silence fell upon the room, before Monokuma spoke up.
“Puhuhuhuhu! Well it seems you all have reached your conclusion, so now, it’s time to cast your votes!” As everyone sadly casted their votes, Chihiro got ready to accept his fate. “Everyone guessed correctly! The person who killed S/O is Chihiro Fujisaki!” He laughed, holding his stomach.
Chihiro turned to Byakuya, trying to wipe the tears about to spill from his eyes once again. “Byakuya...why would you write that note? Why would you do that?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, this is a game, and our objective is to survive. Feelings have no place in an environment such as this, and that’s what ultimately got her-- and soon, yourself-- killed.”
“I also couldn’t just simply allow my secrets to be revealed to everyone in the world. The Togami name has a reputation to upkeep. All I did was plant the seed, and you carried out the rest.”
Chihiro was stunned. “O-Oh. I see.”
“Now then, I’ve prepared a very special punishment for Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer!” Monokuma cheered. Chihiro turned to face everyone, a sad smile on his face.
“I’m sorry everyone. I’m sorry, S/O. I’m so, so sorry...”
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morri-m · 3 years
Naegiri♥️💖 comfort: nightmares
Rain was pouring down from the dark and overcast sky which was crowded with clouds. Thunder crashing and lightning striking every few moments.
To put it into more simple terms, it was an awful night.
But the weather wasn’t nearly as awful as the dream Makoto Naegi was having.
Blood was splattered all over the walls in that terrible despair-inducing building, Hope’s Peak Academy. Dead bodies were spread out all over the floor, and maniacal laughter was filling the dark, twisted room.
Makoto recognised who the cruel and maniacal laughter belonged to at once.
Junko Enoshima.
Makoto screamed as he saw her, desperate to escape.
The ultimate despair laughed more as she walked forwards and shoved him into the ground.
“You can’t escape Makoto! You’re stuck here! Stuck forever!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” The brown haired boy felt tears welling in his eyes, and he began to sob and whisper something that even he couldn’t make out.
Kyoko awoke to something trembling beside her, and she turned to see who it was.
“K-Kyoko..” Makoto whimpered.
“K-Kiri help.. Help me..”
The silver haired girl placed a hand on her boyfriend’s shoulder, gently shushing him and rubbing a circle with her pointer finger.
“Mako, hey.. Don’t worry, it’s me. It’s Kyoko.. Ssh.. It’s just a nightmare, Hun.”
The short one clung onto his girlfriend as tears spilled down his face, soaking the bed. He was sweaty but he was also shivering, which Kyoko assumed was out of fear.
This had been happening for months now, poor Makoto was always having bad dreams, if they could even be called that they were that terrible.
Back in Makoto’s nightmare, things were beginning to get even worse.
“Aw.. Do you need your girlfriend to come save you? That’s just too bad! Hahaha! Have you not noticed the dead body hanging from the ceiling?”
He looked up, and screamed as he saw the dead body of his beloved girlfriend, swinging side to side.
Junko laughed even more, loving every second of Makoto’s despair. She never wanted it to end, the look of absolute terror on his face, the tears falling from his eyes, the sobs escaping his mouth, every part of it was completely wonderful to her.
“Babe, please.. Wake up.. You’re okay.. It’s only a dream..”
Kyoko was still struggling to wake him up. Until the lucky boy finally jolted up, screaming again and clutching onto her shoulders, burrying his face into her shoulders and letting out cries of pain and fear, soaking Kyoko’s shirt.
“Ssh.. It’s okay Makoto... Ssh.. I’ve got you.. It’s gonna be okay.. It was just a really awful nightmare.. Ssh.. I’ve got you sweetie..” Kyoko comforted.
“K-Kiri it was so.. So awful... I.. I’m so scared. I’m so so scared”
The detective pat the so called lucky one’s back, running her fingers through his hair.
“You’re pretty sweaty.. I’m gonna go get you a new shirt.”
Makoto nodded as Kyoko walked over to the closet, and she pulled out on of her own shirts, thinking it would be more comforting to Makoto.
It was black and baggy, and once she pulled off the smaller boy’s own shirt and replaced it with hers it draped over him and went down to his thighs, but it seemed to be doing a good job at solacing him.
“Wanna talk about your dream?” Kyoko encouraged as she wrapped a blanket around them both.
“Mm. It-it was about Hope’s Peak. I-I was surrounded by dead bodies.. Everyone was dead this time.. In-Including y-you.. A-and Junko was l-laughing the whole time.. A-and blood was ev-everywhere..”
Kyoko nodded as he pulled him back against her chest, cradling his tiny body in her arms. “It’ll be okay, Sweetheart.. It’s gonna be alright.. I’ll protect you.. I’m gonna keep you safe.. It’ll be alright..”
Makoto squeezed her more as she began to gently rock him back and forth, and than she started singing.
It wasn’t a song, really. Kyoko was just singing him a gentle melody, occasionally humming too.
Eventually, the green eyed boy began to breathe in sync with her singing, and his eyes began to feel heavy. And soon enough, they closed gently, and Makoto drifted off into a nice, sweet slumber.
The taller one smiled as she removed the blanket from herself and fully draped it around Makoto, who was now snoring softly as Kyoko sat him back in bed and snuggled into him, pulling the covers over them both.
She smiled one last time as she gingerly kissed his forehead, stroking his hair some more.
“I love you. Sweet dreams.” She whispered quietly as she soon fell asleep herself.
She barely made out the silent words that Makoto muttered back sleepily.
“I love you too.. More than anything else in the world..”
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Gundham angst. You’re in FF & he’s in UD you two dated before but he went missing (Not knowing he was in UD) as FF you were sent to retrieve him not know it was Gundham. When you see him and his animals you trying to him, but he doesn’t talk or speak. You able to get to him & touch his face. You tell him how much you miss him, the Devas miss them (you have them) & how much you love him. His giant snake attacks your shoulder & your scream causes him to snap out of his trance. Happy end please
Fuck YES! I’ve been wanting to do something with Remnant Gundham for a while! Thanks for giving me the chance!
Reunited with Despair-Gundham Tanaka x Reader
You walked down the halls of the Future Foundation. You had been called to one of the meeting rooms for some reason. You weren’t quite sure why, but you assumed it was for a briefing about the situation on the outside world. You frowned as you thought about it. It still seemed so surreal to you. The whole world just...tearing itself apart?
You shivered as you reached the room you were told to go to. You looked into the door window as you placed your hand an the door handle, and were a bit surprised to only see Makoto, Kyoko, Byakuya, Yasuhiro, Aoi, and Toko in the room, the survivors of Junko’s sick killing game. You furrowed your brow at not seeing any higher level Future Foundation officials and opened the door.
The six looked up as you entered the room. Toko glared at you. “F-f-finally you g-get here.” She muttered.
You smiled and chuckled awkwardly. “S-sorry. I didn’t mean to be late...”
“You aren’t late. Don’t worry, Y/N.” Makoto assured you, giving you a kind smile.
You gave him a grateful look as you sat across from him. “I have to admit, I was a bit surprised to only see the six of you. I thought this was a meeting about the outside world’s condition.”
“Nah, this isn’t about somethin’ like that.” Hiro told you, digging in his ear. “This is about mission assignments! We’ve all been given ours and were told to give you yours.”
You tilted your head. “Mission assignments?” You repeated.
Kyoko nodded. “Correct. The Future Foundation has given us each a job to complete. Yours is to retrieve what we believe to be one of the Remnants of Despair.”
Your eyes widened. “Wh...what?! You’re asking me to go capture one of the Remnants by myself?!”
“Of course not.” Byakuya responded, rolling his eyes. “Doing something like that would be suicide, especially for one such as yourself.” He slid something over to you. As you picked it up and examined it, you realized it to be a pager of some kind. “When you locate the target, simply press the button and a fleet of Future Foundation members will come to your aid.” The Togami heir explained.
“You’re basically like a scout!” Hina told you, giving you a bright smile. “You’re just going to scope the area out and let the professionals know where the Remnant is!”
You nodded, relaxing slightly. “R-right. Yeah, that makes sense.” You looked up to them. “When do I leave?”
You walked along the streets, clutching the megaphone you had been given as protection in case a Monokuma came to attack you. You looked down at the GPS you had that was leading you to the last sighting of the Remnant of Despair.
You furrowed your brow as you thought about the Remnants. You had no idea who they were. You were rescued fairly early on by the Future Foundation. On the day of the Tragedy, you had been extremely sick and unable to go to school, so you had gone to the doctor’s. As you left, you were attacked by a rioter and gravelly injured. You were thankfully rescued by the Future Foundation, and after you healed you were recruited.
That had actually been fairly recently, and no one had yet filled you in on who the Remnants were. “You think that’d be useful information if I’m supposed to retrieve one.” You muttered. “What the hell does ‘You’ll know when you see them’ even mean?” You sighed as you continued following the signal. All you knew was that they were dangerous, and part of the reason the world was the way it was.
The more you thought about it the more you began to worry. What if you couldn’t press the button in time? You’ve heard about all the damage the Remnants have done. What if they got to you and-
The GPS beeped, jolting you out of your thoughts. You looked down and saw that you had arrived. You looked around anxiously and frowned. You didn’t see anything. As you cautiously walked down the street and looked for anything and anyone, you felt something move inside your purse. Looking down, you saw a furry little head pop out.
You smiled. “Hey, Cham-P.” You said softly, petting the hamster with your finger, “You need to stay put, buddy. These streets are really dangerous. We’ll be back at HQ soon.” You tried to gently push the hamster back into your purse, but with a sniff in the air, the large fur ball hopped out and began to scurry across the pavement.
Your eyes widened and you quickly ran after him. “Cham-P!” You exclaimed as you followed the small creature down the sidewalk. “Wait! Come back! You’ll get-” You cut yourself off when you turned a corner. There, sitting in the middle of the road surrounded by an assortment of animals, was someone you didn’t think you’d ever see again.
“G...Gundham Tanaka?”
His head lifted slightly at your quiet whisper of his name, but he made no other sign of acknowledgment. He...didn’t look like you remembered. He still had his iconic purple scarf and strange hairdo you loved so much. But, instead of his normal black coat, he had a fluffy white hood around his head, and what appeared to be a black...straightjacket? Not to mention he had a new scar on the right side of his mouth, and a strange mark on his forehead.
Was this...was this really your missing boyfriend?
Cham-P had stopped a good distance from the strange sight. He was staring straight at the center of it all, and it only confirmed your suspicions. That really was Gundham. And then you realized.
He was a Remnant of Despair.
You were here to capture him.
You felt like you were about to cry. He glanced at the pager in your hand, then over at Gundham. Biting your lip, you placed the pager into your purse. You walked closer to the circle of animals, scooping up the Dark Deva as you did so.
“Gundham?” You called his name again. He didn’t move, only continued to stare at the ground. You glanced at the animals worriedly. Many of them were large ones like elephants, gorillas, even lions. You took slow steps towards your former love, keeping an eye on the guards around him. They watched you closely, and the lions snarled, but none made a move to harm you.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you continued to Gundham, now only a few feet from him. “Gundham, do you hear me?” You asked. “I-it’s me, Y/N.” He lifted his head up and opened his eyes. The two of you kept contact for a while until he closed his eyes once more. You felt your heart break.
“P-please, Gundham.” You shakily walked closer to him. “You don’t know how hard it’s been without you. I-I had no idea what happened to you. I thought you were out there, barely surviving, or worse you’d been killed!” You felt the tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you got within arms length from the man. “I never stopped thinking about you. I-I missed you s-so much, Gundham.” You looked down to your purse and held out your hands. Four little critters crawled out and looked sadly at the man before them. “We all have.”
The Remnant opened his eyes again at that, and when he spotted the hamsters, you swear you saw a spark of light in his eyes. “I’ve been keeping good care of them, Gundham.” You assured him as you placed them back in your purse. You looked up into his eyes sadly. “But I’m no Ultimate Breeder.” You gave a sad smile. “I...I love you so much, Gundham. God, I love you. I’m so happy to see you, b-but at the same time it hurts so much. It hurts seeing you like this.”
You slowly reached a shaking hand out towards him, half expecting him to stop you. But he didn’t. He simply kept eye contact as you slowly caressed his cheek. You sniffed as the tears finally began to fall. “Oh Gundham. You don’t know....You don’t know how badly I’ve missed holding you. I’ve missed you so much, my love.”
You knew what you had to do. You had to alert the Future Foundation of Gundham’s whereabouts. But you also knew what they wanted to do with the Remnants. They wanted to kill them.
You couldn’t allow that, no matter what he had done.
“I can’t lose you.” You muttered. “I thought I had already, but now that I know you’re actually alive...” You clenched your fists, and before you could stop yourself, you threw your arms around his shoulders in an embrace.
And almost immediately you were forced back, letting out a cry of agony.
There was a searing pain in your shoulder as you fell onto your back. As you looked over, tears stinging your eyes, you noticed an extremely large snake latched onto you. It soon began to curl itself around you, constricting you. You tried to get out of it’s grasp, but each move you made only made it hurt more.
You glanced back over to Gundham, about to beg for help, and were surprised to see he was standing. He glared at the snake that was slowly cutting off your air supply. “Arbo-K!” He spoke for the first time since you found him, and his voice boomed all around the deserted street. “Release her at once!”
The snake stopped what it was doing, and after a few moments of not moving, it slowly uncoiled from around you and unsheathed it’s fangs from your shoulder. You began gasping in air and clutching the wound. You looked to Gundham as the snake slithered behind him.
The Remnant began to slowly walk over to you. You looked up to him with frightened eyes. You loved this man with all your heart, but you didn’t know what he was capable of doing anymore.
He stopped in front of you, simply looking down at you for a few moments. And then he extended a hand. You looked at it warily before slowly accepting it. He pulled you to your feet, and when you were standing, you locked eyes with you. “Y/N?” He spoke, his voice gravely and low. “Is...is it truly you?”
You felt a spark of hope in your heart, and you nodded. “Yes! Yes, it’s me, Gundham!” You confirmed, barely stopping yourself from throwing your arms around him again.
The man looked you up and down, examining your uniform. “You...you belong to the Future Foundation.” He stated, his gaze returning to your face.
You nodded, your face turning to a frown. “Yes...and you belong to the Remnants of Despair.”
He nodded as we, sadly examining himself. “It appears I do. However...” He takes your hand in his. “I...I wish to be wherever you are.” Your heart did a thousand happy flips. “You do not understand the despair it brought not knowing your location nor your condition.” He looked to the ground. “In my state of mind, it is one of the reasons I did not search for you. Imagining you dead brought so much despair that my warped mind did not want to ruin that.”
You felt tears threatening to fall once more. “It hurt me too, Gundham.” You told him. “I wanted to know you were alright. I wanted to hold you, kiss you, to tell you how much I loved you. But...I thought you were dead. I never would have thought you had become....this.”
Your boyfriend sighed. “Unfortunately I fell to Junko’s manipulation.” He looked at your uniform again. “...I assume you were sent here to retrieve me, were you not.”
You bit your lip, then nodded slowly. “Y-yes...” You confirmed. “But...but they want to kill you, a-and I can’t let them do that. I won’t let them do that! I-I’ll tell them you’re better! T-that you snapped out of it, t-that-”
Gundham silenced your worried ramblings with a kiss. He pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around you and trapping you against him. You closed your eyes and placed your hands on his chest, enjoying what you had missed for so long.
When he finally pulled away, he looked at you, a soft smile on his lips. “Do not fret, my dark queen.” He spoke softly, running his fingers through your hair. “I am sure we will be able to work everything out.”
You smiled lovingly up at him. “You’re right, Gundham. Together we can do anything.”
You’re boyfriend chuckled. “Of course we can.” He held your hand gently and began to lead you away. “Now come. Before you alert your organization, let me tend to your wound.”
You nodded as your smile widened. You followed behind your once lost love, the happiest you had been in a very long time.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #724: Memorial (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
9:12 a.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room.....
Morgana: (Walks Down the Stairs While Yawning and Rubbing his Eye) 'Morning, every- (Eyes Widened at What is In Front of Him) -one?
The energy of living room is a lot more unusual this time of morning. Everyone is dressed in black, Dark Pit playing a sad song the Organ with Misako and Kyoko beside him, Sonic's already behind the podium with a paper in his hands, and a black and white picture of Mario is standing right beside the podium itself, for everyone to see.
Morgana: (Already Confused) What in the-
Haru: (Turns Around and Sees Morgana) ('Gasps') Mona-Chan! (Happily Made her Way to her Baby, Picks Him Up and Hugs Him) Good morning~ How are you today?
Morgana: Alright.......(Looks Around the Living Room) Haru, what the heck is going around here? (Eyes Widened Once Comes to Realization) Did someone actually died today!?
Haru: Wellllllllll........(Starts Whispering To Morgana's Ear About Everything is Going On Right Now)
Morgana: Wait. (Eyes Widened Yet Again) That's what you guys are doing?
Haru: (Happily Nodded)
Morgana: How come none of you woke me up sooner?
Haru: I didn't want anyone to disturb your sleep. You look so adorable whenever you take a nap.
Morgana: (Gives Haru a Deadpinned Look on his Face) How many times I have to tell you people that I'm not cute?
Haru: (Gives Morgana a Playful Smirk on Her Face) Multiple. Doesn't change the fact that you are in our eyes. (Gives Morgana a Kiss on the Cheek) Now, come. It's time for us to get started. (Makes her Way to her Seat While Still Holding Morgana in her Arms)
Peach: (Giggles Softly While Walking Downstairs with Mario) And then, I told Bowser that he can-(Eyes Widened at What is Front of her and Mario) Huh?
Mario: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confused) Ummmm.....What exactly is going on here? And why there a photo of me in black and white?
Sonic: Ladies. Gentlemen. (Looks Down at a Certain Audience) Kirby.
Kirby: (Happily Cheers While Sitting on Ann's Lap) Poyo!
Sonic: We are all gathered here today, on this fine morning, to mourn the loss of an icon, a plumber, an amazing dad, and the greatest hero that ever lived. The death....of Mario.
Mario/Peach: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) WHAAAAT!?
Mario: (Couldn't Believe What He Just Heard) What on Earth are you kids talking about!? I-I'm alive and well!
Peach: (Immediately Hugs Mario Protectively While Having a Pouty Look on her Face) And is very much protected by yours truly! (Gives Mario a Quick Peck on the Cheek)
Mario: ('Sigh') Peach......
Peach: Don't "Peach" me, mister. You know that's the truth.
Ren: (Completely Ignores the Couple's Voice) Huh. Funny. For a second there, I thought I heard something very familiar..... (Shrugs it Off) Eh. Probably the wind.
Makoto: (Rest her Head onto Ren's Shoulder) It's best not to think about it too much, Ren-Ren.
Banjo: Agreed. ('Sniff') It saves you from all the sadness.....
Kazooie: (Gently Pay and Rubs on Banjo's Back) There there, big guy. It's okay.
Pit: (Suddenly Got Down on his Knees and Reach his Hands up to the Sky in an Overly Dramatic Fashion) WHY MUST YOU TAKE HIM AWAY FROM THIS WORLD, MOMMYYYYY! (Place his Hand on his Face and Begins Crying)
Viridi: (Got Down on her Knees in Order to Give her Angel Boyfriend a Loving Hug) Dummy...... Please don't cry. ('Sniff') I'm here for you please!
Mario: (Finally Begins to Facepalm Himself While Sighing Once More) Peach, do you even know what is going on here anymore?
Peach: (Place her Hand onto her Forehead) I'm just as lost as you are, dear. ('Sigh') Those darn, precious kids.......
Mario: Tell me about it.......I bet this is all Wario's doing.
Wario: (Walks By the Couple While Holding a Bowl of Chicken in his Hands) Leave me out of this, walking dead man.
Peach: Yeah. I don't think Wario would be cleaver enough to put on a prank like this.
Mario: ('Sigh') True.....
Rest in Peace, Mario.
You Will be Missed.
Mario: Mamma Mia....Even the narrator of this story thinks I'm dead!?
Peach: This is gonna be a long day of this, isn't it?
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