#Madam Vixen
aboutzatanna · 2 years
The Rules of Magic
One of the most frequently asked questions about Zatanna is how does her magic work? Can she really do anything by speaking backwards?    
Well there has been a few rules established about magic but they are disparate and spread out so I will try to coalesce all of them into a singular post. If I missed anything let me know. Also this post isn’t going to be listicle on magic I’m also going to add my own suggestions for how magic works in the DCU in order to fill in some of the blanks.  
Anyway, if I missed something or got something or you have your own suggestions let me know in the comments or through a PM.  
First, lets establish some ground rules: 
Magic began around the same time as the creation of the universe itself. When the Big Bang happened it also released magical energy into the universe as well.  
There are characters who are born with magical power, characters who are born with specific magical abilities, characters who get their powers from magical items or they have been physically altered by a magical item, potion or magical being.  There are multiple magical civilizations in the DCU: Atlantis, Themysicra, the Hidden City, Skartaris, Gemworld, the Land of Nighshades,  the village that Ice/Tora Olafsdotter hails from and countless others.  
There are equals, opposites and in-betweens when it comes to cosmic entities. The opposite of order is chaos, the opposite of creation is the Great Darkness seen in Swamp Thing (which in itself was a small piece of a much larger being), the opposite of Hecate is the Otherkind,  then you have beings like Dr Fate whom in some incarnations is either an agent of Order, a Lord of Order or in some versions an arbitrator between order and chaos. It really comes down to whoever is wearing the helmet. Then you have individual characters who act as opposites; famously Abel and Cain then you have Phantom Stranger and Spectre, Etrigan and Zauriel,   Spectre and Eclipso, Phantom Stranger and Madame Xanadu, etc.  
Where DC differs from Marvel primarily when it comes to magic is that in Marvel it’s a learned ability whereas in DC it’s usually an ability you are born with. Now, this a very simplified way of putting it since Marvel has characters who are born with magical power (usually as part of their mutant powers) like Scarlet Witch and Magik and DC has characters who are normal humans who learned magic like Kent Nelson, Inza Cramer and Jared Stevens. When Strange casts spells he is invoking the name of an inter dimensional being which in turn allows them more influence into his dimension, it’s usually Vishanti but even Dormammu’s dark dimension  is a place he’s sometimes drawn from as well but Strange can’t rely on one inter dimensional entity too much or they might endanger his realm. Hence why there are Dr Strange arcs where he has to make a faustian bargain with a powerful magical entity for more power because their power and longevity means they can create spells that no human can ever figure out within their life times.  
At DC too, other dimensional entities often play a role in granting power to individuals. One area where both Marvel and DC overlap are the ancient gods having their representatives or champions on earth. Marvel has Moon Knight as the current most famous example.  DC has Diana who was Athena and Artemis champions in the Perez era, Dr Fate is the host of Nabu and his representative, Spectre is the champion of the Presence/God himself, Captain Marvel/Billy Batson is the wizard Nabu’s champion and the  Merlin has his own champion in the form Jason Blood/Etrigan the Demon.  
Now, lets look at how DC has classified their magical characters:   
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This was made by James Tynion IV for DC Nation #4 and I’m glad somebody at DC tried their hand in trying to consolidate the various magical characters into a cohesive system.  
But if you turn this into columns in a table in a database and try to slot in characters you’ll probably be bonked on the head by your supervisor and told to eliminate redundancies. Why do Sorcerer and Magician have to be separate?  Why do Guardian and Champion have to be separate? Or Archmage and Judge? Where do characters like Raven, Amethyst, Blue Devil, Enchantress, Vixen, Fire (Pre Crisis), Ice (Pre Winnick) and others fit in?    
So here is my attempt at a  more streamlined version in which I simplify this into 5 categories:  
-The Enchanted:
This category denotes characters who have no innate magical abilities but gained them via potions, magical item or by being cursed by a magical being.  
To be an Enchanted one you would have to have no innate magical power of your own prior to contact with a magical item (be it potion, magical items) and even if you have altered by a magical being, you’re still free to live your life the way you want to.    
Characters who fall into this category include:  
-Jim Rook/Nightmaster who was a rockstar whose power comes from a magic sword he found at an antique shop.
-Detective Chimp who became intelligent after drinking from the fountain of youth.  
-Blue Devil aka Daniel Cassidy who was a Hollywood stuntman cursed to look like a demon. The same applies to his side kick Kid Devil/Eddie Bloomberg.  
-Vixen/Marie Jiwe McCabe whose power comes from the magic totem passed down to her by her ancestors.  
-Sargon the Sorcerer, if he possesses no magical power without his  ruby then he falls into this category as well.  
-If the Gingold that Ralph Dibny drank that gave him magical powers was of magical origin then he would count too.
-Alan Scott would count too since he was a normal human, altered by the magical Starheart and later became an immortal green energy being and he ended up passing down those genes to Jade.
-Max Mercury also falls into this category as he was a normal human granted his speed powers by a Shaman.    
-Vandal Savage is harder to classify since the origin of his meteor has never been clarified and is constantly revised.    
-Ras and his Lazarus pits would count since the pits were always described as mystical in nature.  
- Bloodwynd whose power comes from the mystic Blood Gem created by African American slaves.    
-The JSA villain Ian Karkull who uses technology to harness the powers of the dark dimension would also count. Although he is an odd case of using technology to access magic.    
-Vampires, ghosts and werewolves count as well if they were once normal humans who were transformed into supernatural beings by other supernatural beings.  
Basically, magic is energy and that energy can imbued into any object either by a powerful sorcerer or entity or the object was exposed to ambient magical energy in it’s environment.  
If somebody was changed through exposure to a magical object or being then they are an enchanted.    
Characters who have no innate power but rely on magical books and artifacts in order to cast spells would also fall into this category.    
-Homo Magi:  
These are normal humans who possess the ability to manipulate magical energy both within their bodies and ambient magical energy within their environment to cast them spells.      
There are two categories of Homo Magi:  
Type 1 Homo Magi:
This category includes characters like Zatanna, John Zatara, Madame Xanadu, Dr Mist, Merlin, Arion, Traci 13, Manitou Raven, Nabu, they are characters who manipulate magical energy in it’s purest form and the energy is formed within their bodies. They can use this power to manipulate elements (earth, wind, fire, thunder), teleport, transmute objects, predict the future, create illusions and cast spells or curses.  There are many different ‘subjects’ of magic so it’s not unlikely for someone to be good at one thing but bad at others. Zatanna has historically been terrible at seeing the future whereas Xanadu excels at it thanks to centuries of experience but she doesn’t do the flashy stuff that Zatanna usually does mostly due to the wizard Merlin blocking her powers centuries ago.  
Most Homo Magi need a ‘key’ to access their abilities. It’s not required but it’s easier if they do. Every magi group have their own ‘key’. For the Zatara’s, it’s their backward speech but most it’s hand movements or any incantations. Hence why Zatanna can still cast magic even without her backwards, it’s the difference between using a screw driver to screw something and doing it with just your hand. It is usually a mark of experience, power and control for someone to cast spells without their ‘key’.  Top level magicians like Nabu and Merlin can cast spells with very little movement and sometimes with just a thought.      
The bigger the spell the greater the magical energy is required. Stuff like time travel, traveling from one universe to another or one dimension to another, reality warping, creating life  from thin air is beyond the ken of normal Homo Magi. That kind of feat would require a huge amount of magical energy as well as magical knowledge which can only be attained through centuries of knowledge or it can be done through a power magical artifact or by bargaining with a cosmic entity. A sufficiently good illusionist can always fake reality warping and time travel.      
Think of Homo Magi as living batteries of magical power. They run out of magic power the more they use it. Prolonged magical use, much like any physical activity leads to exhaustion and hunger and they have to wait a couple of hours or days to recharge. Younger mages like Traci 13 and Zachary would have a smaller pool of innate magical energy to draw from while experienced ones like Zatanna, Xanadu and Dr Mist would have larger pools to draw from.  Magical energy grows through persistence and training.    
Type 2 Homo Magi:
This category includes characters whose magical power manifests as a singular ability or one ability that can branch out into many. Like the Type 1 Homo Magi they’re born with innate magical power in their bodies but when they draw out their power it’s already manifest as something specific. And just like Type 1 Magi, prolonged use of their abilities leads to exhaustion and fatigue and they still have to train to be able to do more with their abilities.  
Fire/Beatriz Da Cotza (in her Pre Cisis) and her green flames is one example. So is Ice/Tora Olafsdotter and her ice powers, Aquaman’s ability to communicate with marine life plus  Mera and other Atlanteans water bending ability would fall into this category.  Sometimes one ability can branch out into many like  Nightshade/Eve Eden whose primary power is creating shadow portals but she has other abilities like controlling shadows and low level magic which also stems from her shadow powers and connection to the shadow realm. You can also slot in Rose Canton, Alan Scott’s wife, and their off spring Todd and Jade as well. Jade inherited Alan’s altered human genes making her an Enchanted while Todd inherited his mothers Homo Magi genes but developed a connection to the darkness instead of plants (maybe  he has an ancestor who had that power).  You can also slot in characters like Johnny Quick and Jesse Quick into this category as it explains why they need a password for their powers to activate their  powers while other speedsters don’t.      
As established in JLA #165, if a Homo Magi had a child with a normal human, then that child would have only half their power and if that child breeds with another human, then the resulting child would have even less power. Hence why most of magical characters segregated themselves from humanity in order to preserve their power and species. Expanding on that it makes sense why those with similar powers decided to group together in single communities and explains why the DCU have so many hidden societies. This applies to both types of Homo Magi.          
Most characters listed here are connected to hidden magical societies. Zatanna’s mom hails from the Hidden City. Raven is from Azarath.  Amethyst is from Gemworld. Ice was originally from a hidden society of heroes with ice powers. Eve Eden is from the land of Nigthshades. Dr Mist comes from the ancient African city of Kor.  Xanadu and Morgane Le Fay are form Avalon. And there are some like John Zatara and Beatriz Da Costa (Pre Crisis) who weren’t born in magical societies but still developed magical power likely because they had an ancestor who had magical powers.      
I would slot in the wizard Shazam and Black Alice as Type 2 as well.  I would interpret their abilities as being able to tap into and draw power from other magical beings and create a facsimile of it either for their own use or in the Wizard Shazam’s case, grant it to someone else like Billy Batson. This would mean the Wizard Shazam and Black Alice are very, very, distant relatives.      
Obsidian, Shade, Nightshade, Shadow Thief and  Ian Karkull  are not related but they draw power from the same dark dimension.   Either through their magical heritage, magical items or in the case of  certain iterations of Shadow Thief and Karkull, using technology.  Different keys to access the same power source.
Some characters like Eve Eden/Nightshade and Raven draw power from their dimension and these dimensions are ruled or threatened by powerful entities.  
-The Entities:    
These are the pantheons, the lords of order and chaos and other cosmic entities.    
They are masses of magical energy that accumulated over time given life by human thought and imagination eventually becoming autonomous beings in their own right. They are our dreams and nightmares. Some of are so powerful that humans once worshiped them as Gods and they rule over different dimensions, others are so weak they can be exorcised when you stop believing in their power or existence.  
Since they are Gods, they  shouldn’t be so easy to kill, they are energy and energy can never be created nor destroyed just changed from one form to another.   So even if you ‘kill’ a god, the energy that made them up will simply reform either into a different version of the old god or a new being entirely.  If you happen to be standing to next to a ‘magical hotspot’ the magical energy could form into something resembling your worst fears or your best dream. Or if you died near there, a facsimile resembling you (like a ghost) could be created.        
Trolls, orcs, goblins, dragons shouldn’t count as entities unless those being were specifically created using pure magical energy by a sorcerer or an entity. Otherwise, they are just beings who exist in other realms much like humans and animals do in ‘our’ realm or they are just beings living in hidden societies on earth.  
It is possible for Homo Magi to attain god like power but because they started off as humans, they are still considered Homo Magi albeit very powerful ones. This is where characters like Nabu and the wizard Shazam would fit in. They’re powerful but they’re still not Entities.      
Energy changes over time and the Gods exist in cycles, some exist in physical forms, others change their forms constantly and some don’t take on any forms but humans see them however their minds process their appearance.  And because Gods exist in cycles, there are old gods and there are new gods, chiefly the ones from Apokolips and New Genesis who have a slightly different kind of existence as the Fourth World characters are melding of both magic and technology. As established in the Days of Vengeance story line, there are different ages of magic and the rules change slightly for each age but they overall stay the same. What would change over time would be the power and potency of magic. I would interpret the first age as when gods and mortals co existed due to both the human and god dimension overlapping and magical power flowing more freely into earthly realm. Then the second age when the two realms moved apart, the third age when they were the furthest apart and the fourth age when they began to intersect again and the fifth and current age being the just like the first age when the two dimensions became even more closely aligned.        
There also exists Entities who exist not because of belief but because of the mere existence of the aspect of existence, they are Neil Gaiman’s Endless. Dream will exist so long as someone dreams and likewise Death will exist from the birth of the first being to the end of the universe. They are the highest level of beings. Higher than than Greek, Norse or Abrahamaic pantheons, all of whom, while still unbelievably powerful and representing an aspect of existence, still require followers to sustain their existence. Even if a human does not worship them, just knowing they exist or writer stories about them or name things after them is enough for them to sustain their existence. The Titans of Myth exist on a level higher than Zeus but below the Endless.    
Most entities exist in other dimensions. Some can’t leave either because it would upset the cosmic balance since they are so powerful or because of a pact they made with other entities.  If there is a dispute between various entities, the ones who settle such conflicts would be the  Lords of Order and Chaos and their representatives. Their job is to act as arbitrators and keep the   Entities in life and eliminate them if necessary.      
What most entities want is to spread their power and influence sometimes at the expense of other entities while others want to maintain peace and balance while still looking after their followers. The entities know they have to maintain followers and representatives in order to preserve their existence.  If they are forgotten, they lose their power and they die a true death (this does not apply to the Endless). Hence why many of them will outright life claiming credit for creation of life on earth or other similarly outrageous claims.    
Because some entities are so powerful and because any all out conflict between them would result in annihilation of everything and because some of them can’t actually leave their realms without help or can’t directly interact with the mortal world, they often need a representative to carry out their will. Which brings us to:  
-The Champions:  
They are the representatives, the enforcers, the ones who carry out the wills of the various entities.  
-Wonder Woman is the champion of Athena and Artemis.  
-The Spectre is the champion of the Presence.    
-Deadman is the champion of Rama Kushna.  
-Jason Blood/Etrigan are the champion of Merlin.    
-Billy Batson and the Marvel Family are the champions of the wizard Shazam.    
-Swamp Thing who serves the Green (or at least when he serves them) counts as well.
-Raven can be interpreted as a Champion of Trigon but she rebelled against him.  
-The Phantom Stranger is at times shown to be a servant of the Lords of Order.  But other times he’s shown to be operating on his own will... or is he? You can never really tell with the Stranger and that’s how it should always be.    
-Dr Fate is usually depicted as a servant of the Lords of Order.  Although I do have an issue with order being depicted as inherently good while chaos is depicted as  inherently bad. After all fascism is a kind of order albeit a tyrannical one while democracy is a form of controlled chaos. When order becomes stale or tyrannical then chaos is necessary to uproot them while order is necessary because too much chaos leads to injustice and prevents us from achieve a common goal.  Personally, I like the suggestion made during the Eric and Linda Strauss era Dr Fate ongoing and in Gaiman’s Books of Magic and even during the  exxtreeeeme 90′s era Jared Stevens Dr Fate book that order and chaos aren’t inherently bad and that Fate has both order and chaos in him and acts like more like an arbitrator between them. He has to choose whether order or chaos is necessary for each situation.  
-Donna Troy's Titans Seed origin definitely counts as an example of being a champion.
Basically to be a champion you have to be empowered by a cosmic entity or a sorcerer on a similar level to serve as an agent who carries out the will of their benefactors. Some have more free reign like Deadman, Billy Batson and to an extent Diana while others like Phantom Stranger,  Dr Fate and Spectre operate under much tighter rules.
By carrying out the will of the entity, the champions are (intentionally or not) maintaining the belief of the existence of said entities which prolongs their existence and allows them greater and greater influence over the mortal world.  
Black Adam does not count as a champion since he only  serves himself and acts 100% of his own will. He was a champion once  with powers granted to him by the Wizard Shazam but because he was  corrupted by them he was banished by the Wizard Shazam to the distant cosmos which he didn't return from until centuries later. So he is an ex  champion but now one of the Enchanted.
-The Offspring:
They’re the children of Entities.    
To count in this category, you have to be the child of an entity and another non entity being (human, troll, orc, alien, etc).  If you’re a being  created from nothing or clay brought to life like Diana or the Galatea from the myths then you don’t count. If you’re a descendant of a powerful sorcerer like Merlin, Nabu or Shazam and have inherited their power through the generation then you don’t count either.    
-All the children Zeus sired with mortal women would count as this but not the ones he sired with other Goddesses.  And just like in Greek mythology, a child of a God could be born perfectly normal (like many Greek heroic figures) with no supernatural powers beyond feeling a connection to the parent God or they are born as a full blown God themselves with their own powers.    
-In the recent Truth & Justice #1 mini we learned that Vixen is a descendant of Anansi. He was her great, great, great, x1000 grandfather. Thus she shares a psychic connection to him and so she counts as an Offspring.    
The more human like Offspring may not have flashy powers but they do share latent abilities from the entities which mostly manifests as a psychic connection to the Gods.
-Raven would count as well since she is the child of a human woman and a demonic father and all her powers stem from her demonic father.  
-Lilith Clay from NTT is the daughter of the Theia of the Titans of Myth and  a mortal man and that’s the origin of her vast psychic ability. If an Offspring gains powers, it’s usually not the exact same ones as their parents or ancestors. It can be something vastly different. None of the children of Ares has the same powers he does either. The same goes for the various children of gods in other mythologies as well.    
Prior to the Nu52 continuity, Wonder Woman’s mother Hippolyta was revealed to be the daughter Ares during John Bryne’s run:
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Source: Wonder Woman Vol 2 #136
And also during the Silver Age WW comics:  
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Source: Wonder Woman Vol 1 #183
But she has no special powers beyond the ones that the Goddesses granted her as well as power derived from various magical items.  
Yes, there are also overlaps in the way I categorized magic.  
-Vixen/Marie Jiwe McCabe would count as both Enchanted and Offspring. Seeing as she is a descendant of Anansi and her power comes from her connection to the amulet.    
-Raven would also fit into Champion and Offspring category. After all, she was born with her powers, Trigon has attempted to use her multiple times as his pawn and gateway to the mortal world and Trigon himself would count as an Entity.        
-Alan Scott is an Enchanted who had offspring with the Homo Magi Type 2 (Rose Canton) resulting in Jade who inherited her fathers ability (which were a result of his genes being altered by the Starheart) which makes her an Enchanted. While Obsidian inherited his mother’s genes and her schizophrenia but his abilities are different from his mothers. This could be explained away as Rose having an ancestor who had shadow abilities.  
-Now, I also slotted in Johnny and Jesse Quick  as T2 Magi. This is my own interpretation of their power set. In the latter’s case, this would make Johnny's daughter Jesse Quick is both the child of a Homo Magi and a Meta human (her mother is Liberty Belle).  Jesse and Johnny have only one power which is  access to the speed force by reciting a formula (the key). Jesse has some of her mother abilities like super strength and enhanced durability and ability to access the Speed Force from her father. The Magi gene is non dominant so it’s rare for her to inherit it in the first place. Think of it as similar to how blood types are passed down. Since Jesse Quick married Rick Tyler (Hourman 2) who is a meta human, their kids would most likely be meta humans, although if they had more than one kid, it’s possible that one of them will have a less potent version of her Homo Magi abilities. Or may be it will show up in their grand kids or great grand kids at some point.    
As we head down the rabbit hole of classification, things are bound to get more complex.  
For example, all Atlanteans count as Enchanted since their ability to breath under water was granted to them by a powerful sorcerer and entities. Still, among them there are Homo Magi of both types as well as meta humans.    
On Themyscira too, all the Amazons would count   as Enchanted, since they were all women whose lives were cut short by violence, given a second chance on a Paradise Island with new bodies by the Greek Goddesses.  Among them there would be Amazon Homo Magi of both types and possibly metas. This explains Amazon mages like Magala and the Hecate tribe seen in JLD.    
Wonder Woman herself was the soul of a child that Hippolyta had during her mortal life, whose soul was preserved by the Goddesses and then reincarnated into the mortal world which would put her in the Enchanted category. Then she won the contest becoming a Champion and when she died, ascended to being the Goddess of Truth.
And if Diana counts as an Enchanted one because of her birth then so should Hector Hall; the son of the Golden Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl who were reincarnated ancient Egyptian. Hector was born without a soul, which made him a target of various magical beings, seemingly died and was later reborn as the 5th wearer of Dr Fate. He also had a romance with Lyta Hall (who was initially the daughter of Diana and Steve Trevor and later the daughter of a different hero)   resulting in Daniel Hall who would go on to replace Dream of the Endless, thus ascending to an Entity.    
Here is a rough Venn Diagram to represent these classifications in which I tried to fit in as many characters as possible:  
Now lets look at things from a cosmic perspective:    
Origin of Magic & GL
As established in the comics, the Big Bang also released magical energy into the universe.    
I imagine not every part of the universe were bathed equally in magical energy, some parts more than others. I imagine the Maltusians (the race that the Guardians of the Universe) hails from had little to no magical energy affect.  But sectors like Earth, Mars, the planet Despero hails from and Thanagar were more affected than others. Hence why there have been sorcerers and entities from those worlds. We know from Neil Gaiman’s Sandman and Martian Manhunters ongoing that there have been Martian Gods. There have also been a few mystical characters hailing from Krypton but I don’t think they were as common on Krypton as they are on  Earth/Thanagar/Mars. Same goes for Rann, Tamaran and the Vega System (which Tamaran is located in).
We know from the comics that the Maltusian Krona attempted to look back in time, to before the Big Bang but the experiment went wrong resulting in the creation of the Multiverse as well as the Anti Matter world with the Anti-Monitor and his counterpart the Monitor. Krona is responsible for unleashing ‘evil’ into the universe hence the Maltusians became the Guardians of the Universe in order to rectify that mistake.    
Now, ‘evil’ is an abstract concept so what if instead of ‘evil’, Krona accidentally unleashed excess magical energy into the universe? The excess magical energy combined with the imagination of sentient beings lead to the birth of various cosmic entities. One of the GLC’s oldest foes are after all the ‘Empire of Tears’ a race of demonic creatures imprisoned in Ysmault and also Nekron.    
Now, the Monitor and Anti-Monitor wouldn’t count as magical beings even if the same incident gave rise to them. The Anti-Monitor was born, not from magical energy, but from anti-matter energy and to counter balance him, is the Monitor and logically his powers would stem from matter.    
So in order to rectify this mistake, the Guardians created the Manhunters but they malfunctioned resulting in the genocide of Sector 666 and setting Atrocitus on the path to becoming the founder of the Red Lanterns. The Guardians chose to disband the Manhunters and in their place chose to empower the residents of the sectors with a tool powered by their will and imagination thus the creation of the GLC. The organization wasn’t created just to fight Entities but to allow each GL to protect their homeworlds from other invaders and threats.              
So are the GLC magic?
Nope. The ring is pure technology. It’s tech so advanced that humans can’t even comprehend it yet.    
Imagine if you and a Magi were trapped in a darkened tunnel and the Magi illuminated the tunnel by summon a palm sized ball of light but you used a flashlight. Same result but different ways to get there. In this analogy, the GL rin would be akin to the flashlight.    
Furthermore, in the comics, it’s also established that the Starheart or the ‘Green Flame of Light’ was mystic energy of the universe that the Guardians couldn’t control so they balled it up and tried to hide or suppress it but a small piece of it ended up escaping, accumulating debris along the way, becoming a meteor and crash landed on earth in ancient China. There, it was fashioned to a lantern and later given to Kublai Khan as a gift who in turn gifted it to Marco Polo and centuries later ended up in the hands of Alan Scott who became the Golden Age GL of earth.
The Guardians created their own power source comprised of their own mental energy which became the Central Battery which the GLC draws power from to this day but it’s likely they took inspiration from the Green Flame of Light to do so.
The current volume of Green Lantern, ‘Green Lantern Vol 6 (2021)’ introduced a race of magical beings who worshiped the Starheart and hates the Guardians for taking away the ‘magix’ of the universe.      
So.....to summarize everything I’ve written thus far:  
-The Big Bang released magical energy into the universe. Some parts of the universe were more affected by this energy than others. This magical energy mixed with the imagination of various sentient beings resulted in the creation of various Entites.  
On earth, these entities were worshiped as Gods.  To restore order to the universe and rectify their mistake, the Maltusians aka the Guardians of the Universe created the Manhunters and when that backfired they created the Green Lantern Corps. They also suppressed the magics of the universe but a small fragment of it landed on earth and at some point it became the ‘Starheart’, the power source of GL Alan Scott.    
There are 5 categories of magical beings:  
The Enchanted: Not born with any power. They get their power from various magical items, potions or they have been cursed by a sorcerer or demon which results in supernatural ability. And they have free will to do whatever they want.  
Homo Magi: Those who are born with magical power.  Their bodies create magical power naturally. There are two types; Type 1 who can create pure magical energy (like Zatanna, Xanadu, Traci 13) and Type 2 who has either one power or one power that can branch out to into many (Nightshade, Johnny and Jesse Quick, Fire, Ice).   You are either one or the other you can’t be both types at once.    
The magical gene is non dominant so generations of intermingling with humans would lead to the power being wiped out. Hence why the Magi segregated into magical societies for centuries.  
Entities: As described above beings made of pure magical energy who reflect the fears and hopes of humanity.  Different entities have different levels of power. On earth, they maintain harmony through pacts and bargains. They can’t be killed only changed from one form to another and their existence is sustained by beliefs. If enough people stop believing in them or powering them they would cease to exist. Eg: Ares exists due to war, if war and conflict ended then Ares would cease to exist or if war lessened then he would be depowered at the very least.        
The Champions: the ones who carry out the will of the Entities or a powerful, wizard or sorcerer as their representatives and have been granted power by them. ��Eg: Dr Fate, Spectre, Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel/Shazam, Phantom Stranger, Deadman, etc.  
The Offspring:  the child of an Entity and another being (usually human). Some of them have powers, some do not but they do share a psychic connection to their Entity parent even if said Entity was a distant ancestor.  
All the various dimensions we see were formed after the Big Bang that sent that magical wave across the universe. Some were created or at least shaped by powerful sorcerers or entities. As established in ‘Adventure Comics #413′ if a powerful sorcerer finds themselves trapped in a dimension they can’t just teleport themselves away from they’ll just have to find the nearest magical portal that will take them home.    
And that about wraps it up.    
What do you guys think?  
A lot of the information here isn’t new.  I’ve made only very few additions and  a few tweaks here to canon (like the Quicks being Homo Magi and Obsidian’s powers coming from a distant ancestor). I mostly focused on categorizing existing canon material in a  cohesive way.   Make each category broader but still defined to fit in as many characters as possible. It’s not a wholesale rewriting of the DCU power system so much as it is a new way of organizing them and thinking about them.  
One thing I couldn’t find a straight answer for is whether Jason Blood had magical abilities before he was bonded to the demon Etrigan. Blood has been shown doing magic on his own but whether it’s through rituals or due to his bond with Etrigan was unclear. Same for Dr Occult, it wasn’t clear whether he had innate magic or whether the source of his power was the talisman he always carried. He seems to have some innate powers but mostly seems to rely on magical items.  
Neil Gaiman’s Books of Magic series and Sandman run, Ostrander’s Spectre and Suicide Squad runs, Wolfman & Perez’s New Teen Titans, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing run and his short GLC stories which also heavily influenced Geoff Johns Green Lantern run, Johns own GL run, Wagner’s Madame Xanadu series, the current GL run by Thorne, Robinson/Goyer/Johns JSA run, Pasko & Simsons Dr Fate mini series, Giffen & DeMattis’  Dr Fate series, JLD Vol 2 by Tynion VI & Ram V, Neal Adams Deadman stories, were all heavy influences in creating this post and I recommend checking it out if you haven’t already.        
Also, I know my posts are loooooong and I try to break them up with images, bullet points, bolding specific texts and other tricks to make it more readable. If you have any suggestions to make posts more readable and accessible, do let me know.    
And as always feel free to ask me anything.    
litnu txen emit!
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seraphmeraph · 8 months
I literally don’t know what I’m doing with my life but I love bi han
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Possessive Bi Han is hot
MK1 smut starring Bi Han
TW: sex (+18), GN reader, dom!bi-han, sub!reader, jealousy, possessiveness, degrading, idk what else to write
A/N: idk what I'm doing just enjoy this. I tried to make this as gender-neutral as possible- I didn't proofread so mb for any mistakes
Your chest was pressed into the sheets with your ass propped up. Bi Han slammed his cock into you unforgivingly. His balls slapping against you every time.
"You think Johnny could ever bring you this much pleasure?" He spoke with gritted teeth. His anger showed through with his relentless thrusts that fucked into you delightfully every time. One hand held the headboard while the other wrapped around your waist.
This resulted from earlier this morning at Madam Bo's shop. Johnny had been hitting on you, the Grandmaster's lover. Bi Han felt he was trying to steal you away from him. Johnny's flirtatious remarks and little puns had started to get on Bi Han's nerves, and it was evident from how he was clenching his fists and gritting his teeth.
"Are you a magician?" Johnny had whispered in your ear, causing you to giggle. "Because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears."
Bi Han had to excuse you both from the scene, and it was silent on your way home. He struggled to contain his emotions, and you could feel the tension building up inside him. You knew he was jealous, and it was starting to make you nervous. You tried to lighten the mood by cracking a few jokes, but Bi Han remained silent.
His lips were on yours as soon as you got home, leading to this moment.
Tears fell from your eyes due to the sheer amount of pleasure you felt. "It's too much. AhH~ I can't take it!" You moaned out, scratching at his broad back.
Bi Han continued with his relentless pace, his grip on your hip and headboard only tightening, ice forming under his fingertips. He gave a low groan, a testament to his pleasure.
"You can take it, my little vixen. You belong to me, only me. No one else can make you feel as good as I do, can they? Tell me, tell me how good I make you feel," He demanded, his voice laced with desire and dominance. His thrusts became even more forceful with each stroke, driving deeper into you.
You whimpered and moaned, arching your back impossibly more for your lover. A mixture of pleasure and pain overwhelmed your senses, causing you to dig your nails deeper into his back, struggling to keep up with his demanding pace. 
"You- You make me feel so good," You managed to gasp out in between breaths, your voice shakey and filled with need. "No one else can- ah~ Nobody can compare to you, my love. Only you can make me feel this."
Your skin bruised under Bi Han's harsh grip, his possessiveness and jealousy fueling his actions. He reveled in the power he held over you, his thrusts becoming more aggressive as he claimed you as his own. The room echoed with the sounds of our bodies colliding, and his grunts of pleasure mingled with your occasional whimper of pain.
You felt your release near, but so could Bi Han. Your moans were almost screams of pleasure, your breathing heavy.
Suddenly, he slowed his thrusts, slow strokes taking over. He let go of the headboard. Instead, his hand went down to grasp your hair. He refused to let you be satisfied until he claimed every inch of you. His grip on your hair tightened further, pulling your head back as he leaned down to whisper in your ear. "Not yet whore. I want to hear you beg for it. Beg for release. Beg for me to finish inside you," he growled.
Unable to deny him, you whimpered and pleaded. Your voice filled with desperation. "Please... Please, Bi Han- I can't take anymore. Please let me cum. Let me feel your release," Your voice sounded so pathetic to Bi Han. He almost felt bad for you.
Pushing your head back down into the pillow, he held it there before viciously thrusting into you again. A cruel smile crossed his lips as he granted your plea. It was almost punishing as he brought you close to your release.
Finally, you reached your climax, screaming out Bi Han's name. You were almost sure others had heard it, but you were too pleased to care. Your legs shook violently as you rode out your release. Bi Han continued his relentless pace, his nearing climax driving him further, his thrusts even more forceful. 
"Bi Han," You whimpered, your body sensitive and overstimulated, still trembling from the intensity of your pleasure. "I-I can't," You spoke, muffled, your voice filled with exhaustion and desperation. 
But he seemed determined to claim you. Without a warning, he flipped you onto your back. "You're mine, remember? I decide when you've had enough," He snarled, his hand snaking their way to your face to grip your jaw tightly. His pace quickened, his thrusts becoming erratic as he chased his own release, seemingly unaffected by your pleas. Your legs were on his shoulders now, his other hand grabbing your thigh.
You grabbed at the sheets beneath you, your body trembling. As Bi Han finally reached his own climax, his grip on your jaw released, instead going to hold both your thighs. You felt him spill inside you, his cold liquids painting your walls white and marking you as his own.
Guess who's gonna give him a son soon.
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ellecdc · 4 months
hello loveeee 🩷
can i request cbbh universe jily take harry to diagon alley and shop for school supplies before he goes off to hogwarts for the first time 🥹 i cant stop thinking of their reactions when harry gets matched with a wand (+ jily getting emo remembering their first time at ollivanders too 🥲) and james hyping his boy up as they get him his broom 🥹
this is totally not me tryna heal from canon trauma ha ha…
I fucking loved this - thank you for requesting! May we all heal from the trauma that was the canon HP universe.
CBBH James Potter x Lily Evans Potter // Sirius black x Vixen
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The boys were practically vibrating with excitement as the group of six made their way to Diagon Alley. And by boys, Lily meant Draco, Harry, Sirius, and James.
“Okay, so we’ve got to go to Ollivander’s for your wands, Flourish and Blott’s for your books, Madame Malkin’s for your robes, and the Apothecary for potions ingredients. We’ll also stop to get you your own cauldrons...” Lily read from her list methodically.
“And we’ll go to the Pet Emporium and then we’ll get you brooms!” James cheered like a kid at Christmas. Lily wanted to chide him, but she was (nearly) just as excited as her husband and son.
“Okay,” Y/N said as she patiently patted her husband’s shoulder, urging him away from his best friend (and thus, a source of trouble). “why don’t you go with your mum and dad Harry, and Sirius and I will take Draco.”
“Wait.” Sirius barked dramatically. “Can we do the fun parts together?” 
“It’s all fun, Pad’s.” She chided.
Sirius grumbled but continued. “I mean the brooms and the pets. I bought my godson’s first broom – I’d like to buy him his first school broom too.” He stated with pride.
“And I’ve always wanted to carry on the tradition with my godson!” James said excitedly.
Draco laughed. “Aren’t mum and dad technically my godparents already?”
This earned him a gentle pat up the back of the head from Sirius. “Don’t talk back to your godfather.”
“Yes sir.” Draco said good humouredly and shared a fond eyeroll with Harry. 
“Okay. Why don’t we complete our checklists and then meet at Florean’s for ice cream before we do the fun stuff.” Lily relented.
Sirius and James cheered while Draco and Harry shared a high-five. 
“Onwards!” James declared. 
It was very important to Lily to get this experience with Harry, as well as for Draco to get this experience with Sirius and Y/N. 
Draco already lost the opportunity to experience this with his birth parents; he deserved this chance to make happy memories with his parents like Lily and James did at his age.
And she couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that had the war gone differently, she may have never gotten the chance to do this with her son. 
Remus and Regulus agreed to spend the day with Jasmine (Potter), Aurora (Black), Posie (Potter), Lyra (Black), and Leo & Stella (Black) at home for both sets of parents while they were off with the boys. Regulus grumbled and complained but also showed up to the playroom with an astronomical amount of craft supplies, while Remus was out-and-out giddy at the prospect of spending the day with his nieces and youngest nephew. 
Lily and James decided to let Harry choose which order they did their shopping in.
They began by getting him a cauldron and his potions supplies. James moaned and groaned the entire time, muttering about “Slytherin’s this” and “Snivellus that”, but Harry (the good lad he is) just assured his dad he wanted to get the boring bits out of the way first.
Then they went to get his books, which Lily was most excited about though James continued to whine. 
“Next year we should let Uncle Moony bring you to get your books, he’d be in heaven.” James said.
“Okay but only if mum can come too!” Lily called from somewhere else deep within the store. 
After they left the shop, Lily started trying to redistribute the bags so that they weighed roughly an even amount as they got heavy. She suddenly realised her son and husband were laughing at her. 
“What?” She spat in faux irritation.
“It’s like you forget you’re a witch.” James said as he looked at his wife’s confused face with unconditional love. 
James quickly cast a weightless charm on the shopping bags and shrunk them down to fit inside Lily’s tote bag.
“There ya go, love.” He said with a smack of a kiss on her cheek.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the heat moving to her cheeks. Some habits were hard to break, she supposed. 
They then continued to Madame Malkin’s to purchase Harry some uniform robes. They bumped into Sirius, Y/N, and Draco whilst they were there, and James and Sirius spent the entire time pretending to be strangers to one another exchanging pleasantries.
“Ah, nice to meet you, good sir. First time?” Sirius asked in a deep register.
“Yes, yes. This is my first born, Harold Jameson Potter the Seventh. And you?” James responded in like.
“Naw, this ain’t ma first rodeo.” Sirius said, transitioning to a (terrible) Southern American accent. 
“Yippee ki-yay.” James returned.
The boys were giggling from their platforms as they were being fitted, causing Mrs. Malkin to shush them as Harry received a stray pin to the shoulder. 
Finally, the part everyone had been most excited about, was Ollivander’s. Lily couldn’t help but remember her poor muggle parent’s – dragging a petulant Petunia behind them – trying to be supportive of Lily even though they had no idea what anything meant.
When a witch or wizard get their wand – the hope is that the wand will remain with them throughout their life. The wand chooses it’s wix, and throughout the user’s life, they learn from the wand and the wand learns from them. 
A wand is nearly synonymous with a marriage: perhaps more. 
Lily chose James and James chose Lily – but both could function without the other. If they fell out of love tomorrow, they’d both find ways to move on.
But Lily’s relationship with her wand is her longest relationship of her entire life, and without it – she would feel naked. The wand provides her with protection, strength, knowledge, and power. Without it, she’s just a girl.
And today, she gets to watch her son as he finds the wand that will provide him protection, strength, knowledge, and power throughout his whole life. She felt her sinuses sting as the bell rung above the door.
“You okay, love?” James whispered into her ear as Harry eyed the rows and rows of boxes lining every wall.
Lily didn’t trust herself to speak, so she simply nodded and offered him a watery smile.
“Oh, my flower.” James said as he rubbed his wife’s back, but Lily didn’t miss the wetness of his own voice. She knew he was probably thinking about coming here with Effie and Monty at Harry’s age (and his near doppelgänger) to choose his own wand. His parents would have understood the significance of finding his first wand - how momentous this moment would be – just as Lily and James did now. 
“My, my, do we have another firs- oh!” Mr. Ollivander started as he poked his head out from the back room, interrupted by the scene in front him.
“Why...it can’t be...but, wow!” He cheered as he came around the register. 
“Introduce yourself, Haz.” Lily encouraged her son.
“I’m Harry P-”
“Potter, yes." Ollivander completed for Harry. "Of James Fleamont Potter who was matched with an 11-inch mahogany wand with a dragon heartstring around this time about twenty years ago. And Fleamont Hari Potter some thirty-eight years before that. My...”
“I never forget a customer, you see.” He clarified when Harry turned to his parents somewhat concernedly at this stranger’s familiarity.
“It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Ollivander.” Lily said with a smile.
“Ah, and you, Miss Evan’s, or, Mrs. Potter, I suppose.” 
Without further ado, Ollivander started pulling boxes from the stacks, trying Harry on for size.
The first one nearly singed everyone’s eyebrows off and was quickly returned to its box.
“Temperamental, that was is. Hm,” Ollivander said mostly to himself as he carried on.
The second set off the sprinkler system above them and got sent back to its home as well.
Finally, a wand was handed to Harry (the wand) from the stack. An 11-inch holly wand with a phoenix feather core. Harry picked it up, and (quite beautiful, in Lily’s opinion) fireworks sprouted from its tip.
“An odd combination of wood and core – I’ve not seen many like it myself.” Ollivander admitted.
“Well, Haz is a bit of an odd guy.” James said as he ruffled his son’s hair.
“Dad!” Harry screeched as the two began to roughhouse.
“Okay, oi, this store is not big enough. Boys!” Lily reprimanded.
The trio finished up their shopping and headed towards Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream parlour. Sirius, Y/N, and Draco were already seated, which Sirius was very smug about.
“Must be hard being second best at everything, Potter.” He called out to James. This resulted in James leaping over the barrier of the parlour’s patio seating area and landing on Sirius. Y/N had her face in her hands and Draco was (unsuccessfully) trying to smother his laughter. 
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake.” Lily grumbled as she shot an auguamenti at the two boys men.
The two men shot apart like cats in an alleyway after someone threw something at them for howling in the middle of the night. 
“Go get your wives and sons ice cream.” Lily barked at them.
“Yes ma’am.” Sirius and James responded, each bringing their first two finger to their forehead and offering a salute before walking marching inside. 
After their quick treat, where Draco and Harry compared their wands and showed each other all that they had bought, they carried on to the ‘fun stuff’. 
“Have you thought at all about what kind of pet you’d like, Draco?” Y/N asked the boy.
Draco appeared to consider something before a blush permeated his cheekbones. 
“I think...I think I’d like a cat; like my mum had.” He admitted quietly.
Sirius offered a sad but delighted sigh at his son and Y/N pulled him into an embrace.
Narcissa Malfoy attended her first year with the company of a regal white long-haired half kneazle. That cat (monstrosity, if you asked Sirius) was her most prized possession for years to come after that. 
“That sounds like a beautiful choice, my love.” Y/N offered as they made their way to Magical Menagerie. 
There was a pure white long-haired kneazle cross available that Sirius was positive Draco would beeline for. 
However, surprising everyone, Draco found a small tortoiseshell kitten with a missing eye. “This one!” He proclaimed.
And so, it was.
He named her Larissa – after one of Neptune’s moons, and in the same vein as his mum’s name Narcissa.
Harry insisted on getting an owl so he could “race them with his new broom.” He landed on a beautiful snowy owl with piercing yellow eyes. Lily found her a little off-putting; “no owl should look like they know so much” she had said.
To name her, Harry decided to flip open to a random page of one of his textbooks. Harry named her Hedwig, which he found on page 158 in Bathilda Bagshot’s book “A History of Magic”.
Y/N and Lily found a bench near Broomstix and watched as the four boys walked (skipped) into the store, speaking over top of one another in their excitement. 
“God we’re so lucky.” Y/N said quietly.
Lily felt like her heart was a well that was just overflowing with love.
“We really are.” She agreed. 
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
I can imagine in slow boiled stone egg AU Jiuweihuli is more upset with Macaque than she is with Wukong because 1) she expected him to be more professional 2) he could have injured the baby/induced a miscarriage on Wukong and 3) he's technically wedlocked Wukong
referencing my idea for Jiuweihuli/The Nine-Tailed Vixen in the LMK verses.
Oh yesss
Even though the vixen doesn't care for Wukong on a good day (he did break her kit's heart and bonked her on the head with the staff), her attitude flips immediately when she hears about the Egg.
Since she sees a lot of herself in Macaque (a creative demon flung from their place in the Heavens), she immediately goes Beast Mode on him when the news gets to her about the Stone Egg (most likely recounted by the twins). For her perspective, her understudy is inacting betrayals on Wukong that she felt many centuries ago.
*(Macaque, trying to set up for "Shadow Play" when he meets the theatre owner)* Macaque: "Wait... Madam?" Jiuweihuli: "Oh Mihou! My darling! It's so good to see you!!" *(embraces Macaque in a big mom-hug before violently whacking him with her ornamental fan)* Jiuweihuli, speaking in-between hits: "YOU! IDIOT! CUB! Have I not taught you better? You left that poor boy pregnant and alone for how long?!" Macaque, trying to hide from her wrath + also has no idea whats going on: "Eh!? So he is pregnant??" Jiuweihuli, chasing Mac around the lobby like he's a cat: "Everyone knows it!! Sun Wukong himself confirmed it when he was captured by the Spider Queen! My twins were In. The. Room!!" Macaque, trying to defuse the situation: "Jin and Yin? How are the little rascals?" The Twins, blocking off the exits: "Just as mad as our Mum!" "Yeah!" Macaque: "shit."
Jiuweihuli is super insistent that Mac makes it up to Wukong, or at the very least be present in the Egg's life. To her, Mac abandoning his former mate in this state is tantamount to throwing him to the wolves. And she def tosses in a few extra whacks for fighting Wukong while he's in this state, even if Mac didn't know at the time.
Wukong is the most confused, cus he hasn't recieved a kind word from the Vixen in the entire time he's known her. Of course once he realises that the wider demon public assume his Stone egg is of Mac's doing (which SWK figures kinda is), he torments Mac by visiting "Grandmama" at the theatre with all the baby shower stuff PIF has already planned out. Jiuweihuli literally showers the expectant monkey with gifts and supplies for the baby, and has even more she gives to Mac to pass on to Wukong and/or MK (who the vixen suspects is another secret grand-kit of hers).
Macaque secretly keeps a pair of baby shoes the vixen gave him to pass on to Wukong throughout S2 and S3. They're coloured auburn and white like the feet of a baby fox.
It's not just the possible connection to her understudy that makes Jiuweihuli soften to the Monkey King. She remembers when she had the twins; Single, very limited support system, and going through a high-risk pregnancy with the father nowhere in sight. Even when she learns that the Stone Egg was essentially "spawned" by Wukong singularily, she'd still consider herself an honourary grandparent/aunt to the infant.
Also in the au timeline, she deliberately sends the twins + the accountant cousin to follow Macaque during S3 to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. They end up catching up to the Monkie Kid gang to warn them that Mac's very soul/the safety of the Egg is on the line after the twins witness the shadow monkey being tormented by LBD.
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Save me Orpheus, save me
Rated Explicit | Warning: prostitution, shady stuff
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“This is the only pearl necklace I need from you, Orpheus.” Spoken as cums over your chest, you drag his cock across your collarbone smearing his cock on your skin. His eyes dark with desire as you stand up and crawl on his lap.
“I will still insist upon paying you.” His hands on you waist, your wet cunt dripping all over his still very hard cock. “Dinner.”
“Dinner is nice, but what about the other meals of the day?” You moan as you rock your hips, “I love to have a man at least three times a day, love.”
He pins you down, taking your breath away, “You will not be needing any other man after this, my dear.”
You bite your lip as he holds his cock in place before thrusting himself completely inside of you, your body arching and the moan you let out is the fake loud ones you mastered. No, he fills you perfectly. “Orpheus!” Crying out his name as he barely gave you time to recover.
Your legs lifted up, crossed together and brought to your chest. Fuck, he feels deeper inside of you! Your hands gripping the sheets for dear life. The man is a beast, feral and eager to devour you.
“Say you're mine.” It scares you how calm he is while making you see stars, “Scream it to the heavens and hells you belong to me, (Name).”
Why? Did he mean those words before all this? About giving you the life where you will want for nothing? It seems too good to be true, but you can play along.
“I'm yours! Fuck, Orpheus, you have me!” You feel in a daze as you for the first time in forever actually feel good, properly being fucked by a man.
“Yes, I do.” Opening your legs and putting them over his shoulder, “Let's seal your fate, my vixen.”
You cum before him, new for you. Cumming and unable to recover quickly, you feel drunk. Moaning as he groans long and deep as he paints your walls with his seed.
“Orpheus…” Out of breath and tired. Doing these things all night should not tire you out so fast! After all, this is your job. “One moment and I will leave.”
He laughs, “Leave? Love, you gave yourself to me. There is no leaving.” You are about to question him when he turns you over without pulling on. There on your stomach, his other hand lifting you ass in the air, “You are mine, and I promise to take care of you.”
There are so wild stories back in the Cat House about clients that get possessive, the madam watches out for those but… Only in the establishment.
“How much?” You shiver at the grace of his lips upon your back. He does not move, no, he touches you, savoring you before another feast.
“Enough to pay the debt and keep her mouth shut.”
“You own me.” Could be worse.
“Only if you want,” He holds you, “You can walk away, but I promise you will want for nothing if you stay.”
You hum, “Good cock and money? I suppose I can be persuaded, Mr. Orpheus.” Licking his fingers as he two fingers trace your lips.
He chuckles at the way he knows your mind is made up, he has you finally all to himself.
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pink-tk-a-latte · 3 months
Fish in the Pool
⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ ⋅𓇼 ⋆.˚ 𓆝⋆.˚ 𓇼⋆ 。𖦹 ⋆。°𓆉✮⋆⭒𓆟⋆。˚𖦹𓆜✩⋆𓇼
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KOKOMI!!!!!!!! My favoritest character ever!!!!! Fun fact her bday is the same day as one of my friends and the girl I have a crush on kinda and her twin brother which is pretty wacky. Anyway take this lovely fic bc she (plus most of the Genshin women let’s be honest) needs more content /lh!!!!!
(Also happy late bday to Hitori Gotoh aka Bocchi!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so sorry I love Bocchi the Rock sm it may be my favorite anime but it’s hard to write for rn 😭😭)
Painfully professional and introverted to the end, Kokomi spends her birthday alone, even when her devotees conspire to give her the day off. That is, until the Guuji Yae, with her impeccable and enigmatic ability to read people’s hearts, arrives.
Tickle fic!! Lee!Kokomi, Ler!Yae Miko (platonic). I had to write this fast, and in the dark, and without my glasses lmao, but it’s all for my best girl!!!!
⋅˚₊‧ ଳ ‧₊˚ ⋅𓇼 ⋆.˚ 𓆝⋆.˚ 𓇼⋆ 。𖦹 ⋆。°𓆉✮⋆⭒𓆟⋆。˚𖦹𓆜✩⋆𓇼
Kokomi was not the type of person who should have been the Divine Priestess.
Sure, she could contrive for victory with minimal casualties, negotiate peace with a fearsome god, keep the economy of Watatsumi afloat (ha, fish pun), and memorize the faces of all its inhabitants, but it was the workload and public image requisite that left her drained and achey at the end of the day. Lately, she hadn’t even been able to get through a chapter of her book without falling asleep in the middle. And it always ended up as wasted effort because she could never remember what she’d read.
So it was only a minor surprise that, on the one day of the year where she should get a break, her soldiers and priestesses did everything in their power to give her one.
She’d issued directives on what should happen if she needed to step away for a full day, but she’d never seriously intended to use them for something as trivial as her birthday. They were only for important overseas meetings and such matters!
Yet, Gorou had clandestinely arranged for him, the priestesses, and the rest of the army to take over for Madame Sangonomiya so she could have her day of rest. All without her knowledge — and only mild suspicion.
Kokomi was endlessly grateful and majorly anxious, but Gorou reassured her that everything would go smoothly.
“It’s only for one day! Besides, since the war is over and everything is settling down, we don’t have as much to manage,” Gorou yipped with a canine-filled smile. “So rest, Your Excellency. And have a happy birthday!”
“Thank you, General. You don’t know how much this means to me.” Kokomi smiled, eyes liquid, which instantly flustered Gorou as he tried to prevent her from crying. Then they sent her off with a huge cake and congratulations.
And, Kokomi was… alone. As she blew out her candles, she blew also a chill into her bedroom. No one there to sing. No one there to cheer. No one to touch.
That was another thing: Kokomi was not the type of person to have many friends.
Most people spent their birthdays with family or friends, didn’t they? Yet, where were hers? Occupied, either running her island or off on their own. All she had were her books and the pop of jellyfish droplets to keep her company.
Kokomi pulled her fingers through frazzled salmon-to-periwinkle hair. She curled into herself on her bed, and her Hydro fish pressed into her skin where she wished another source of warmth could. Her searching stare found her window.
Maybe… she should go out to the sea.
Kokomi fixed her hair and trotted downstairs. Everything was pink and made of seashell, pearls, or coral. But there was one addition to her living room that was, while still pink, made of fur instead.
Kokomi gasped.
Yae Miko, her pen pal, lounged on her satin couch and toyed with the jellyfish lamp on the table next to her. She turned to regard Kokomi with a satisfied grin. Kokomi narrowed her eyes at the vixen, even while her heart leapt.
“‘Fried Tofu with All the Frills,’” she called, “how did you get into my house?”
“Did you forget? My connections are infinite. I’m impossible to hide from.” Yae chuckled. “And I could never miss our precious Priestess’ special day, now could I? Especially since you seem to be all alone.” Her voice pouted with her, a tone Kokomi knew all too well. “I can practically see the tears falling from your big, blue eyes.”
Kokomi did not wipe her eyes with her sleeve, because she knew better. “I’m surprised the cold-hearted Lady Yae would put in the work to come all the way over here. Especially since she’s always so focused on stealing my general,” she jabbed back.
“Possessive, are we?” They both glared. Then they fell into laughter as Kokomi fully descended. She floated into the kitchen for a kettle and a pair of teacups.
“Tea, my lady?”
“Oh, no. I couldn’t ask you to lift a finger on your special day. I insist.” Yae ushered Kokomi away from the stove and took the dishes from her hands, already holding a bundle of sakura leaves. Kokomi looked at her in surprise.
“Well, thank you, Lady Yae.”
A moment later, Miko and Kokomi were on the couch again, catching up and discussing the latest Yae Publishing House novel. Leaning against a pillow, Kokomi was effervescing about The Legend of Sword again, which Miko was so sick of hearing about, and Kokomi was, honestly, starting to drift off when—
Yae’s claw-like nails fanned over her knee, a shiver that tore straight up to her brain. Kokomi yelped and immediately covered her mouth.
“Don’t fall asleep on me now. And, my my, what was that adorable sound?” Her near purr was anything but quizzical. “Was it… because of this?”
Again, Yae scribbled over her knee and was met with an almost-giggle and a kick. She tutted.
“You’re always so jumpy when I come near.” Speaking slowly, she met Kokomi’s prey-round eyes with a simper. “Could it be that you’re not used to touch like this? You must not be, always buried in your books. Even on your birthday.” With each word, her nails inched farther up Kokomi’s leg.
Kokomi squeezed her eyes shut and pulled away. “Wahahait, Yahahae!”
“You must’ve wanted this, right? I could tell from the beginning.” Yae shifted closer, skating her nails under Kokomi’s chin. She inhaled. “Well, then, allow me,” said Yae. “Consider it my gift to you.”
Yae’s fingers traced the tops of Kokomi’s thighs. She pulled her closer by her wrists, sitting on her shins. Kokomi buried her face in the pillow under her.
“STAhahahap! It tihihickles!” Giggles rose out of her like bubbles.
“Does it? How shocking.” Yae’s Electro tazed her nerves. Jumping, Kokomi squeaked.
“EHEHaha thahahat’s unfahahahair!”
“Come now, you should be familiar enough with the policies of war.”
She was right. Maybe Kokomi could have tried to strategize her way out of this, but in all practicality, she was trapped. And maybe she wanted to be.
Licking her chops, Yae dug into Kokomi’s hosiery-clad flesh. She squealed and gripped the pillow and shook her head until her hair was mussed.
“THIHIhis is so undihiHIHIgnified AHAHa nohoHO!” her shrill voice pleaded.
“And?” Yae laughed. “Who are you to be embarrassed of? Me? I already don’t revere you nearly as much as that fluffy dog child does.”
“Hehehe’s my GEHENeraHAL!” Kokomi screamed as Yae found her hips, disregarding the loose fabric that flowed around her. The fox traced circles around her bones, pinched and prodded at her soft pudge, flicked her nails over shivering muscles. Kokomi found herself flat on her back, shadowed by the predator that was Yae Miko.
“I can’t neglect this little one, can I?” Miko rested the points of her nails on the pocket of Kokomi’s abdomen, swelling with breaths and laughter. Her shuddery giggles answered. Tactically, she sucked in her stomach wherever Yae’s fingers hovered.
“Ehehehe nahahat THEHEHEHERE!” Kokomi hiccuped and squealed again while Yae squeezed her sides and scratched the ridges of her umbilicus. Her hands flew to defend from Miko’s weapons of choice, but defeat was imminent. “AWAHAHA ohohoKAHAY! CeheheHEHEASE!”
At that divinely ordained moment, a wheezing and whistling that did not belong to Kokomi could be heard from the kitchen. Sighing as if disappointed, Yae halted her attack and slipped off the couch to the sakura tea. Kokomi curled around the pillow and buried the remnants of her tears and laughter in it.
“Youhohu’re a cruhuel mistress…” Kokomi breathed as Miko returned. She peeked up from her pillow and accepted the offered cup of tea. “Thank you. For keeping me company.”
Yae laughed in the way she always did, a laugh that betrayed nothing, but Kokomi thought she could read the sincerity between the lines. “Why of course. Anything for a forlorn, needy little pet.” Their teacups clinked. Miko smiled sharply at her through the steam. “Happy Birthday to you.”
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I love Kokomi bc she was my first five-star and she’s the prettiest and she’s so sweet and I kin her but she’s also powerful and intelligent and she’s pink and ocean-themed and just eepy and a bookworm and she was so underrated and I want her to have more lore and her name and she’s jst so CUTE and dragon and war and—
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showalittlespine · 2 months
LOCATION —  Vixen. DATE — April 15th, 2024. STARTER — closed for @ceceliaahathaway
Well, no point in being a good thief if not to use the spoils. The redhead's words return to her, along with that high, disbelieving laugh. 'They wouldn't talk to you anyway, did you see the people in that club?? They're made of money!'
So Nicoleta has made herself up of money, too. Scrolled dozens of articles on Cecelia Hathaway, saved enough pictures on her latest phone to inform her shopping spree. And by the time she's done, she's bought half a wardrobe, some makeup, an expensive wig, and a book to brush up on her French. If Aviv returns before she can put it all to use, Nico figures she'll just bash his brains out with the book instead.
And then she waits.
It's the hardest part, because it involves staying still. She's got eyes on the Club before it opens, but Cecelia isn't among the first to come in, which might've been unexpected but vraiment chouette of her. The hours crawl by, and Nico begins to think she won't show at all, and that she'll have to do this all again tomorrow. The desire to bash Aviv's head in becomes all the more appealing a fantasy as she gives up and decides to enter the club for a drink. Maybe a chance to get information out of someone else. Another bartender, perhaps, or one of the patrons.
She orders a martini, which isn't her drink of choice but the only one on the menu she remembers how to order in French. It's been years since she's had any practice, and since then she's gotten rusty. But she's always had a knack for picking up languages, learning the essentials quicker than most. Unless it's English. Fuck English.
And it's right there, with her martini glass freshly in hand as she turns to survey the crowd — that she spots her. Cecelia Hathaway, sweeping through the Club with all the airs of an eagle in flight. Slipping off her stool, Nicoleta begins to move.
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She catches up, navigating the crowd and cutting into the woman's path from a diagonal, twisting abruptly to stage an accidental run-in. The alcohol in her glass sloshes over the rim and she startles back, feigning surprise. "Excusez, madame."
Her native tongue bleeds heavily into her French, but all she needs is the woman's attention. "Cecelia! Quel belle surprise! And oh, look... We have same haircut now."
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flymeandtiememaam2 · 1 year
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ANA Prisoner POV 9
What was the worst bit of my predicament? Was it being made to sit unceremoniously on a dusty Tokyo Airport floor, behind a reception desk, with my hands tightly tied behind by back and my ankles bound - captured and humiliated? Or was it the identity of my main captor - the female member of All Nippon Airways ground/security who had apprehended me, searched me and found the drugs stashed in the white case she had now confiscated - meaning I was now humiliatingly the bound prisoner of an East Asian young woman? Or was it the fact I found the uniform the vixen was wearing - tight grey knee length skirt, tight short grey jacket, dark pantyhose encasing her lovely legs, or even her low heeled uniform shoes, all of which I was forced to gaze at from the place where I had been contemptuously dumped?
No, the worst aspect of this indignity was the fact the woman carried on helping out customers and their queries like I wasn’t there. All of them couldn’t help but stare at me, agog with curiosity. I couldn’t even yell at them to keep their noses out, because the little Japanese minx had gagged me with her uniform scarf after my first outburst! That, together with her arrogant and smug explanation to her customers: “Don’t worry about him, madam- he is simply waiting to be collected.” Witch!
Source: Slow Woman on Pinterest
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Suicide Squad Members both Past and Present (Minus both Captain Boomerangs)
Amanda Waller
Rick Flag Jr
Rick Flag Sr
Bronze Tiger
Karin Grace 
Black Orchid
Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
Parasite (Rudy Jones)
Mr. 104
Captain Cold
Shade the Changing Man
Count Vertigo
Dr. Light
Lady Liberty
Silent Majority
Major Victory
Poison Ivy
Black Adam
Silver Swan
The Writer
King Shark
Sam Makoa
Cameron Chase
Manchester Black
Sgt. Frank Rock
Big Sir
Clock King
Major Disaster
Solomon Grundy
Power Girl
Star-Spangled Kid
Double Down
Atom Smasher
Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Tattooed Man
The General
King Faraday
Thinker II
White Dragon
Yasemin Soze
Black Spider
El Diablo
Harley Quinn 
The Unknown Soldier
James Gordon Jr.
Power Girl
Black Manta
Joker's Daughter
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Parasite (Joshua Michael Allen)
The Hunky Punk
Killer Croc
Mad Dog
Killer Frost (Caitlin Snow)
General Zod
Juan Soria
Lord Satanis
Master Jailer
Rag Doll
Scream Queen
Tao Jones
Baby Boom
The Shark (totally different guy from King Shark)
The Aerie
Chaos Kitten
Deadly Six
Black Mask
Film Freak
Shrike (Boone)
Ambush Bug
Black Siren
Nightmare Nurse
Heat Wave
Major Force
Victor Zsasz
Madame Crow
Black Hand
Etrigan the Brainiac 666
Gentleman Ghost
Klarion the Witch Boy
Snargoyle (deceased)
Alchemaster (deceased)
Doctor Thaumaturge 
Black Bison
Johnny Sorrow
Doctor Polaris
Emerald Empress
Doctor Destiny
Doctor Psycho
Hector Hammond
Manchester Black
Maxwell Lord
El Dorado
El Gaucho
Zachary Zatara
Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)
Polkadot Man
Gotham/Bane (idk some dude named Henry Clover Jr.?)
Arkham Knight
Mr. Bloom
Mr. Freeze
Luke Fox
The Verdict
Ratcatcher II
Killer Frost (Crystal Frost)
Ten Eyed Man
@ednygmaaskme I'm sorry it's long as hell. I also want to apologize in advance if this list has duplicates. It's hard to keep track.
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herstoriies · 7 months
The Staunton Family Barony Title
I've come to the idea to call the Staunton Family Barony...
So we have:
The Right Honourable Baron & Baroness Staunton of Foxley
& later this becomes: The Right Honourable, Lady Staunton, The Dowager Baroness of Foxley.
I think this would also be correct: Priscilla, Dowager Baroness Staunton of Foxley
As far as Barony succession goes, I’m gonna say it started with Edmund’s great-great grandfather, so that makes them:
The Right Honourable…
Lord Staunton, 5th Baron of Foxley & Lady Staunton, 5th Baroness of Foxley
Or simply, The 5th Baron/ess of Foxley.
FWIW, some of the other Barony names considerations: Hastings, Windermere, Montagu, & Brockhall. They all sounded fun and regal but I couldn’t find much as far as meaning behind it. Maybe they can be reused? Open to feedback here too.
Kept coming back to Foxley because, well, Pris & her stories' vixen/fox motifs. And it leads to a possibly solid clue for the inspiration to her alias "Madame X". (Inspired by the John Singer Sargent painting of the same name … & y'know like the 'X' in Foxley? a house full of cunning foxes stealing chickens I mean priceless art?)
Also another big bain headcanon idea...
the Foxley barony crest has a fox on it, but the Staunton family crest/heraldry has a lion. Hence, Edmund's alias is:
Leon de Cryme
Also when I saw this on Google when looking up the Staunton crest I was sold on the whole Foxley idea:
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Broadway Divas Tournament: 2A
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Harriet Harris (1955) "HARRIET HARRIS (Madame) is enjoying a career of highs and not-so-highs. Due to word count constraints, let us focus on the omnium gatherum of highs. 2022 Tony and Drama Desk Awards for Best Featured Actress in a Musical for Mrs. Meers in Thoroughly Modern Millie. Other Broadway: Present Laughter, Cry-Baby: The Musical, Old Acquaintance and The Man Who Came to Dinner. Off-Broadway: Standing on Ceremony; Yeast Nation; Jeffrey (Drama Desk Nomination); Bella, Belle of Byelorussia (Drama Desk nomination), Christmas on Mars; Rude Entertainment. Regional appearances include Guthrie Theater, La Jolla Playhouse, Kennedy Center. Film Credits include Memento, Nurse Betty, Addams Family Values. TV credits include "Desperate Housewives" (as Felicia Tillman), "Frasier" (as agent Bebe Glazer). Member of the Acting Company, AEA." - Playbill bio from Cinderella, November 2013.
Carmen Cusack (1971) "CARMEN CUSACK (Clare Boothe Luce) LCT: South Pacific (1st national tour), Broadway: Bright Star (Theatre World Award, Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Ctitics Circle, Drama League nominations). Off-Broadway includes Call Me Madam (City Center Encores!), and Carrie (MCC). Regional includes Designing Women (TheatreSquared), Lempicka (Williamstown Theatre Festival), Annie McDougen in First Wives Club (Chicago), Dot in Sunday in the Park with George (Chicago Shakespeare Theater), and Elphaba in Wicked (1st national tour; also Melbourne, Australia). West End includes Fantine in Les Miserables, Rose in The Secret Garden (Royal Shakespeare Company), Saucy Jack and the Space Vixens (The Venue) and Kim in Personals (Apollo Theatre). U.K. tour includes Christine in The Phantom of the Opera and Eve Cassidy in Over the Rainbow. Film: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. TV: "Sorry for Your Loss" (Facebook Series).
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"Harriet Harris is a delightfully batty old broad who is killing it in her late-stage career. She is booked, busy, and getting the recognition she deserves."
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"Look, 2016 was the Hamilton year, and Bright Star was probably not a strong contender even without it, but I remember being vividly enamored by the pretty woman who did the Tony performance. Lo and behold, Carmen Cusack."
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Jiǔwěihúlí/Jiuweihuli - The Nine Tailed Vixen
By the way; Wukong in "The Monkey King and the Infant"/TMKATI au isnt the only monkey getting an adoptive parental figure >:3
Went down a little of a Huli jing rabbit-hole after recieveing this ask from @dorothygale123:
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And while researching Jin and Yin in the book, I realised some stuff;
In "Journey to the West", the Jin and Yin's mother is frequently described as "aged/old madam", making it likely that she had them in the demon equivalent of middle-age.
Here's the poetry Wukong jots down (he does that alot in the book) when he sees her for the first time;
"Snow-white hair all tousled,
And starlike eyes all aglow.
Her face, though ruddy, has many wrinkles;
She‟s full of spirit though few teeth remain.
Charming—like the frosted chrysanthemum;
Rugged—like an old pine tree after rain.
A scarf of fine-spun white silk wraps her head,
And bejeweled gold rings hang from her ears"
For some odd reason, the monkey cries at the sight of her (his excuse being that he has to bow to her while disguised as a servant). Then he abruptly bonks her and her servants while travelling before stealing her divine Binding Gold Rope and disgusing himself as her to trick her sons. And of course the whole Calabash incident happens, the boys uncle calls down an army of fox demons to fight the pilgrims, and Lao Tzu has to show up and smack his lab assistants across the head.
Which leaves the question... how does Lao Tzu know the kids of a random fox lady???
Well you see, in the Han-era (206 BCE - 220 CE); Xiwangmu was often depicted with a white-furred Huli Jing among her ladies-in-waiting. But any worship of fox-deities was out-lawed in the Song dynasty (960 CE - 1279 CE) due to a cult religion that worshipped Su Daji (of the "Investiture of the Gods/Fengshen Yanyi" fame).
So my idea for Jiuweihuli in the extended LMK-verse, is that she's was once Xiwangmu's og bestie, even long before the celestial tigress became Empress. The fox being among many chaotic and infernal spirits in the future Queen Mother's posse.
Upon the abdication of Yuanshi Tianzun as the Divine Emperor; Jiuweihuli would assist the future-Jade Emperor in his ascension to the throne, gaining her the titles "Dragon-Crushing/Supressing Vixen" due to her defeating multiple draconic rivals in battle.
For many centuries, Jiuweihuli and her family were welcome members of the Imperial Court. The older vixen having a position almost equal to a head consort despite her and the Emperor not having such interest in eachother.
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Then the Investiture crisis happened...
Within years, all that Jiuweihuli had built in the Celestial Realm crumbled. The actions of Su Daji soured opinion of the Celestials towards all fox spirits. Jiuweihuli was forced to be exiled from the Jade Palace down to Earth to prevent her being killed in an angry mob.
Penniless, alone, and with only her trusty pipa to her name; Jiuweihuli would travel and sing.
Eventually she gained a reputation as a grand preformer, drawing in audiences and tudis alike. Most of her trainees were unaware of her true nature, and those who did kept it quiet - drama kids loved the tragedy of the vixen's tale and would sing it throughout opera houses.
And one day, some time after the Monkey King tore through Heaven; Jiuweihuli gained a very unusual apprentice.
Jiuweihuli, sitting at her vanity table: "You look familiar." Macaque, stepping out of the shadows: "I was once the attendant to Princess Iron Fan, but I believe both of our places in the court have been absolved." Jiuweihuli: "Oh yeah, I went to that wedding. Had to wear a glamour. Is that Bull prince treating her right?" Macaque: "He is. He was even willing to sacrifice his place in his own court for her." Jiuweihuli: "Ah. Young love. But what brings you here?" Macaque, sheepishly: "I uh... heard you were the person to go to if I wanted to learn how to preform professionally." Jiuweihuli: "...your boyfriend's in jail, right?" Macaque: "Uh, yeah?" Jiuweihuli, getting up from her vanity table: "Good. 'Cus you're about to recieve many admirers." Macaque: :'D!
You see, the older fox spirit knew she wasn't to be the "Vixen of the Stage" for much longer. She was already thousands of years old, and had found herself in the family-way by means of a romance gone sour. So when the dark, mysterious, and deadly beautiful Six-Earred Macaque showed up in her dressing room asking for mentorship? Jiuweihuli knew she had found her understudy.
With the Macaque taking on her most famous roles, Jiuweihuli was able to focus on raising her twin sons; Jin and Yin. Macaque often found himself dragged into babysitting the little terrors by the maternal fox, even if he had to admit their thieving skills were very good. The vixen in turn would protect the monkey from more imposing audience members/fans and encourage his more sarcastic humor.
She was of the shoulders Macaque cried upon when him and Wukong had their falling out.
Eventually the vixen managed to get into contact with an old... "friend" (the twins gag at the thought) Lao Tzu to provide the reckless boys some decent education.
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Aaand of course Wukong had to show up centuries later and cause havoc for the fox family when the twins got a little wild with their teacher's stash/artifacts. Luckily Jiuweihuli's brother, Hu A'qi, managed to smooth things over with heaven and offered his studious daughter as another lab assistant to keep the boys in check. Jiuweihuli, cleaning her wounds, sent a letter informing Macaque that his "idiot boyfriend" was out of jail...
Jiuweihuli soon lost her understudy.
The shadow monkey too blinded by anger to consider who would have to pick up the pieces if he failed. Jiuweihuli would eventually go on to teach a hundreds of aspiring actors and musicians, but she always would mourn for her little shadow.
Cue the events of "The Monkey King and the Infant" where Macaque begins frequenting and eventually working at the Megapolis Threatre House. He recognises not only his Brotherhood-era friend Jade-Faced; but a certain old master of his...
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Jiuweihuli: "Do I know you?" Macaque: "I should hope so. I was your understudy for many years." Jiuweihuli: "I've trained hundreds of understudies, hon." Macaque: "You trained me during the Tang-era? I could manipulate the shadows?" Jiuweihuli: "Doesn't ring a bell." *sly smirk* Macaque, realises she's messing with him: *sigh* "My idiot boyfriend hit you on the head with a cudgel and I stupidly ran after him and got killed." Jiuweihuli, dropping the act: "Mihou! My little moonlight! Oh how I've missed you!" *gives him a big lipstick-stained smooch on the cheek*
The old vixen is very protective of her understudy now that she has him back. Her motherly side really comes to the surface when she's interacting with the shadow monkey, even if her interactions with her biological children isn't as soft. Jin and Yin get a slap of her sandal more than a few times for their foolishness.
If she learns that Macaque has a kid/kid on the way, Jiuweihuli is going full Grandma-mode. She's always considered her understudy as equal to her own kits and now he's all grown up!! (╥ ω ╥)
And you better believe a certain Monkey King is getting his ass kicked by an old lady the second Jiuweihuli learns he's around.
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vixenluver448 · 5 months
welcome to my blog!!☆
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Hi everyone! My name is Courtney! But you can call me c.c! This blog will mainly be about my favorite band…vixen! (Pictures, videos, and other goodies!!) But I will be posting some stuff about myself here and there! I’m fairly new to the whole glam metal scene so excuse me if I don’t know much! I also listen to other types of metal such as thrash, death, and many others! Some other bands I’m into are Motley Crue, Guns N’ Roses, W.A.S.P, poison, ratt, death, megadeth, slayer, Judas Priest, madam x, and many more! thanks for reading! ^_^
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kwojciechowicz · 1 year
🏳️‍⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌈🏳️‍⚧️This month you can win prizes if you donate to her fundraiser on GoFundme: https://lnkd.in/dZSD-VVJ 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Canadian author ✍️ K Kampeas-Rittenhouse talks more about the book and the prizes awaiting those who donate:
Here’s what my friend Dorothea Burn O'Craigie wrote about the book “Mara and the Bad Wolf”:
Thank you so much! ❤️🥰😁🙏
Dear Friends,
Please support and publicise this worthy fundraiser to help publish an LGBT-themed children's book.
My Australian-Polish artist friend, Kama Arts Kamila Wojciechowicz-Krauze is doing beautiful illustrations for this book, which is by a young Canadian writer Ké Kampeas-Rittenhouse.
The book is being published in English and has universal appeal. It will resonate with older children and teenagers in any country, including Australia.
Mara and the Bad Wolf is a novel for children aged 10-12 or over. The main character is a young vixen Mara (she is 11 in human years). While being looked after by a neighbour, Madame Lupassian, she meets the lady's grandson Seth, who is a trans wolf. She goes with him to a magic island where she discovers her true identity.
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Mara and the Bad Wolf could be regarded as a modern version of Alice in Wonderland, while also containing elements similar to Zootopia, a film by Walt Disney. The book shows diversity, tolerance, sexual orientations and sexuality in a very sensitive and age-appropriate way.
It is a book full of magic and as such is a fairytale fit for children of our times. It aims to educate children that they should feel free within their body, that there is room for everybody and that the single most important thing is love. Citing the drag queen Ru Paul: Love is love”, and The Beatles: "All you need is love".
If you have any questions or ideas regarding the fundraiser and how you could help to promote it please contact me.
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#gofundme #lgbtqcommunity #lgbtqia #kamaarts #childrensbook #maraandthebadwolf #kkampeasrittenhouse
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tiny-katara · 2 years
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hardcore-lonewolf · 10 months
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This is for my "Gods Among Us" story on Wattpad, I'll be pasting the link on the part today.
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