#Lyra's Papa
xoxo-bunnydumpling · 8 months
When I met Eli (back when he was just "Hot Librarian") I expected to sleep with him. We're both grown, it is what it is, not a damn thing wrong with that.
I did NOT expect to be woken up on a Sunday morning by him singing "Doctor Worm" to our daughter at full volume in the kitchen while he makes waffles.
REALLY did not expect a dance to go with it.
Best possible outcome. Truly the absolute best.
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topazshadowwolf · 2 months
GoopTales: Part 22, waking up and domestic fluff
And now, they wake up...
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22(you are here)/34
AO3: Ch 1 (1-4), Ch 2 (4-8), Ch 3 (9-12), Ch 4 (13-16) Ch 5 (17-19), Ch 6 (20-23), Ch 7 (24-27), Ch 8 (28-31), Ch 9 (32-34)
Something moving started to pull him from the deeper sleep he had been enjoying. It wasn’t the first time he felt something move while sleeping. It frequently happens; he ignores it and continues to sleep, which is how it usually goes. His tentacles, reacting to the emotions that his dreams stir, are typically what he feels when moving about in bed. 
This was different, though.
It felt like small hands pushing on his back as someone was climbing on him. Soft, hushed voices telling the one who was climbing him confirmed his suspension. Nightmare groaned softly before opening his eye and looking at the little skeletons. Killer continued to climb up on him, settling down in the center of his back, making it hard for Nightmare to see him.
“killer,” Horror hissed softly in a whisper, “you woke him up.”
“i did?” Killer asked without the care of keeping quiet.
“You did,” Nightmare said before yawning. Slowly sitting up, he felt Killer safely slip down onto the bed in a fit of giggles.
“sorry,” Dust said softly.
“No need to apologize. I actually had a pleasant sleep. I hope you four did as well,” Nightmare said as his tendrils curled around the four small skeletons in a hug. “Now, if only I woke up on my own accord and not because some little minion decided to start crawling all over me. A rude awakening by an intrepid mountain climber is a poor start to a day.”
“intepit?” Cross asked.
“In-trep-id,” Nightmare corrected.
“intrepid,” Cross said, trying again.
“There you go, it means fearless or adventurous,” Nightmare explained.
“that’s me!” Killer exclaimed, holding his arms up excitedly.
Nightmare used a tendril to pick the child up, purposefully holding him upside-down, “Yes, that was you, but your actions were still rude. Were they not?”
Killer giggled, “sorry!”
“Why do I doubt that you are?” Nightmare asked, and Killer giggled more as Nightmare set him back down. “Alas, the youth these days have no respect for their elders. Whatever is an old man like me to do?”
“i re-pect you, mr. night,” Cross said quickly before whispering to Horror, “what’s re-pect mean?”
“respect, it means… um…,” Horror put his hand to his chin as he thought. “i know what it means just… um…”
“You are unsure how to define it, or put it into words?” Nightmare asked, and Horror nodded. “Start, and I will help you when you need it.”
“okay, um. it means that you… show uh… well you listen and you…show someone they are important,” Horror said, then looked at Nightmare.
“Exactly. You honor them by listening, doing as they ask, and being polite.” He smiled and patted Horror on the back. “You did well, Horror. You did not need my help after all.”
“thank you, mr. night,” Horror said with a smile.
“i respect you! i just like being silly,” Killer giggled.
“That you do, you little imp,” Nightmare huffed.
To that, Killer gasped and folded his arms, “i’m not an imp! i’m a skeleton!”
“Yes, you are. Come along, babybones. Time for breakfast,” Nightmare said as he stood from his bed.
“oh! oh! can you carry me, pleeeeaaase~?” Killer asked, holding his arms up in the traditional ‘pick me up pose’ all children seem to know naturally.
“me too! please!” Cross said, putting his arms up as well.
“Alright,” he said as he used his tendrils to wrap around those two and lifted them off the bed. Killer giggled and squirmed a little before finally settling into the hold. It amused Nightmare as the youngest, Cross, patted the tendril as if it were alive while whispering, “thank you” to the limb. As Cross continued to gently pet the limb, Nightmare turned his attention to Dust and Horror. “What about you two? Do you want to be carried, as well?”
“yes, please,” Horror replied, and Nightmare curled a tendril around him. Horror simply hugged the limb that held him with a content smile.
Dust was hesitant and fiddled with his fingers for a short moment before he softly muttered, “please?”
And with that, Nightmare lifted him off the bed as well. Just as before, there was a flinch at the initial contact, but Dust soon relaxed and was lifted off the bed. He looked down and around himself, interested in the different angle he now had to view everything. 
Nightmare made his way out of his room to theirs to help them pick out what they would wear and get them ready for the day. Keeping Killer and Cross focused was a struggle, but he could after that good sleep. One at a time, he helped them brush their teeth, Cross needing help with the action to make sure he got all of his teeth, and a tendril around Killer kept him in place long enough to complete the task. Once done and dressed, he walked them down the hall.
“what about you, mr. night? you still have your jammies on!” Cross asked.
“That I do. Once you four are being watched by Lyra, I shall change and brush my teeth,” He explained as they continued on their way. This time, they wanted to walk on their own—Killer and Dust on one side, Horror and Cross on the other side of him. Killer and Horror were holding a tendril in one hand and the other’s hand in the other.
Once they reached the kitchen, he found Lyra at the refrigerator going through its contents. She looked up at Nightmare and the others and smiled. “I hope you do not mind. I decided to make meal plans for the week,” she said, closing the refrigerator door.
“I do not mind at all. I will admit, I was so busy with other things that I just decided on meals when it was time to eat,” Nightmare admitted. “Speaking of meals, I have four little baby bones-”
“i’m not a baby! i’m an intrupid,” Killer started.
“Intrepid,” Nightmare corrected.
“intrepid… umm… oh! climber!” Killer announced.
“you are a babybones,” Horror grinned while patting Killer on the head.
“nuh-uh!” Killer rebutted.
“Alright, no more arguing. All four of you are baby bones, adventurous nature or not. Now, if Lyra is alright with it, I will leave you four in her care as I get myself ready for the day,” Nightmare declared.
“okay, mr. night!” Cross said before hugging Nightmare around the legs.
“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea. I will have them help with breakfast, and when you get back, we will enjoy a meal together,” Lyra smiled.
It had been long enough that Dust could now eat most of what was given to him without making him sick. And with them helping, that should keep Killer out of trouble and Horror entertained enough not to prank the others. Content they were in good hands, Nightmare started to turn to leave when he felt someone holding one of his tendrils.
Looking down, he saw Dust holding the limb in question. He was near tears as he looked up at Nightmare with a pleading look that said what his voice was failing to say. Dust wanted to come with. When he was alone with the boys, Dust stayed close whenever Nightmare was home. He usually did not initiate physical contact beyond holding a tendril like now, but he did accept it when offered. At this moment, when the others were going over to Lyra to learn what she had planned for breakfast and how they could help, Nightmare considered Dust may have become “clingy.”
What was he to do…
Nightmare will not admit it, but after his troubles as a small child at the hands of adults… he had a soft spot for them. Such young children should be his brother's concern. And yet, Nightmare just had a hard time hurting, emotionally or physically, children. It just felt like bullying.
He just… didn’t like bullying of children…
That dislike only seemed to get stronger the older he got.
But this wouldn’t be bullying… it would be telling Dust he had to wait with the others.
And yet…
He was getting soft…
Those sad eyelights, tears in the corner of his sockets, as the child silently pleaded…
“Dust,” Lyra said as she walked over and knelt down. “Mr. Night just needs to get dressed and cleaned up like you did.”
Dust looked down at the floor and nodded; he understood, but… Nightmare was the first adult to show him kindness and love. After all the anger and hate he had experienced, Dust seemed scared to be away from Nightmare. He felt safe when Nightmare was around and wanted the guardian who was protecting him from “The Doctor” to stay nearby.
“Lyra, I,” Nightmare started, but Lyra shook her head.
“Dust, I have an idea. Can you help me? Nightmare is going to be very hungry by the time he is done, and I do not think I and the other three could make enough food for him without your help,” Lyra said as she held her hand out to him.
“Hmmm, I am feeling rather peckish right now,” Nightmare said thoughtfully.
“I am sure you will be ravenous by the time you return,” Lyra grinned.
“i thought you didn’t hafta eat since you eat emotions!” Killer blurted out. He then gasped, “what about all the times you didn’t eat with us? Was that because… because you didn’t make enough for all of us and you?”
“Well… I require emotions more than food, but I also enjoy food,” Nightmare explained.
“you really need my help?” Dust asked in a whisper to Lyra.
“I do,” She whispered back. “So, will you help us?”
Dust looked up at Nightmare and then back at her with a nod. With that, she extended her hand, and he placed his hand in hers. She then stood and guided him over to the others. Dust looked back momentarily but then focused on where she was guiding him. With the group distracted with breakfast plans, Nightmare turned and left the room to prepare for the day.
He could get used to this…
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bleaksqueak · 2 months
speaking of, how would the cast fare with beingq sick ?
Maia and Elias are basically kindred spirits on this one. Both of them would so fervently hide anything actually wrong with them that even the most untamed of wild animals would be impressed. Maia would likely carry on as best to her abilities if she's sick with anything that isn't contagious, though would make up a convenient-but-believable excuse for why she can't come in if it *were* catching. Elias would simply carry on like all is fine and vanish, though. Audric's a bit stubborn about it, but he's no hypocrite here. He *would* take his rest, since staying in top condition is pretty necessary for his line of work... plus, my man's exhausted, and he'll take a chance to rest up when a legit one is finally at his feet.
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healertm · 11 months
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something something... life is better when canon x oc... something... words.
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xfortunearcana · 1 year
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// Por favor vean Pinocho de Guillermo del Toro. Es lo más hermoso que he visto este año.
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crypt-keepers-den · 9 months
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[Astarion x Reader]
Warnings: None really, there are implications parenthood (the reader is adressed as mama/mummy), i just want to write fluff for the vampy boi <3
The soft glow of sunlight finds its way through your curtains, you turn your back to it before it can rouse you from your soft slumber. Your nose comes in contact with astarion's spine, pressing your face into his back which rouses a soft chuckle from deep with his chest, the vibrations cause you to slightly open your eyes. "Goodmorning my love" he turns to face you his pale skin glowing in the morning light, a smile present on his face, oh how you love his smile, everything about it from the crows feet that appear next to his eyes when he smiles genuinely, the way his fangs peek out from under his lips. He was perfect.
"whats on that mind of yours lover?" he casts you a teasing glance causing a geniune smile to grace your lips, your hands reach out to find one another, your fingers finding comfort in the grooves of his hand, feeling the gold band that sits proudly on his ring finger, the matching one adorning your finger, your voice is soft and groggy from sleep "this is first time in a while ive had you to mysel-" as if on cue the sounds of little feet on the hardwood floors brings your attention to the door, you sigh; however your still smiling "it would appear darling our little spawns have a different idea" . Your stifle a laugh your head resting on his chest as you both wait for your bedroom to turn into a chamber of madness. Astarion presses a kiss to your temple, his fingers combing through your hair.
your bedroom door creeks open, two little figures finding their way to the foot of your bed before climbing up and jumping onto their father "Morning mama and papa" Lyra, your 3yr old daughter sits ontop of her father, she almost his double, sharing his pale skin and silver curls, her eyes however are the same as yours. You feel small hands patting at your side, you look over and your 2yr old son Caspian is making grabby hands, he wants up to join in with everyone else; you lift him up allowing him to get comfortable on your chest, the small boy shares his father's facial features, along with his red eyes, however he shares your skin color and hair color.
"my my, little spawns you are up early today whatever is the reason?" astarion gently pokes and tickles his daughter, her squeals of laughter filling the room, caspian slaps his chubby little hands together in excitement. "papa you promised we'd go to the market today!". She was right, today was the first of the autum market and Astarion and you had promised your little ones (well only Lyra could understand really) that youd take them to see it and pick out a few things for home. Asatrion lets out a dramatic sigh, throwing his head back onto the pillow "I suppose i did didnt i" lyra laughs at him.
you seize the moment to tease him " Tell him to hurry up Lyra, hes a dramatic old elf" you pull a funny face causing your daughter to start giggling frantically, Astarion's head snaps around to look at you before attacking you and lyra with kisses "How dare" another kiss "you two" this time it was on your nose "call me a dramatic old elf" the final kiss was on your lips.
He scoops Lyra and Caspian up into his arms, lyra giggles at their father's antics, while caspian chews on his chubby little fist babbling back at his dad "alright my little darlings, lets go get ready" he approaches you with both children in his arms, he plants a kiss on your lips before disappearing out the bedroom door to ready your children for the day, you take a moment to listen to the now alive little cottage,
"papa can we buy pumpkins today!" " I dont see why not- caspian take that out of your mouth young man" "ew papa why are you covered in caspians porridge" You laugh listening to the mayhem, what a beautiful family you have, it might not be perfect but its the vampire spawn and now retired tav kind of perfect.
this was going to be another perfect day.
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writers note: i just love this vampy man and i wanna give him everything bc he deserves it <3 i will be taking requests for more baulders gate stuff so please spam my inbox
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ellecdc · 4 months
hello!! i came across cbbh a few days ago and im OBSESSED 🩷 definitely one of my faves!!
can i request a blurb about cbbh sirius x reader’s little domestic moments as they raise their family 🥹 tysm 🩷
you absolutely can babes! thank you so much for reading and the request 💖
CBBH Sirius Black x reader - bedtime foul
You moved at the pace of a snail as you closed the door quietly to Aurora’s room, not wanting to wake the girl you had finally gotten to sleep. Trying to get the nearly-five-year-old to go to bed almost made Lyra’s nine-month-old sleep regression look like child’s play. 
You followed the gentle sound of Sirius’ voice murmuring to the offending infant’s nursery, leaning against the door to enjoy the view.
It was a painfully domestic scene, watching your husband in his band tee and plaid pyjama pants hold Lyra’s small form up near is head as he murmured into her dusting of black hair, looking out of the window into the night as it fell upon Potter Manor. 
“And then, Princess Y/N and the brave Knight Regulus jumped out from their hiding spots and defeated the monster, and they all lived happily ever after.” You heard Sirius finish before Lyra grabbed a fist full of his hair and tugged hard before letting out a guttural scream. 
“Oh, you poor darlin’. What’s your papa doing to you, hm?” You commiserated with the baby as she reached her pudgy arms out to you. You took her easily into your arms and Sirius, though disappointed at the usurpation, gladly released his grip on Lyra after she relented her grip on his hair.   
Lyra, much to your husband’s chagrin, calmed instantly and watched your face as she let out a shuddering breath, tears drying up almost immediately.
Sirius leaned his forehead onto your shoulder from behind you and the three of you rocked back and forth like a boat at sea. 
It wasn’t long at all before Lyra’s breathing evened out, and you were almost sorry to have to disturb this little vertical family cuddle that was happening, but you wiggled your shoulder signalling for Sirius to move his head before you went to place the infant into her crib. 
You both left the nursery and moved across the hall toward your own room. You closed the door behind you as you let out a breath you weren’t completely aware you had been holding. 
“These girls make Draco look like an angel baby. I don’t remember us having such an issue at bedtime with him.” You complained as you moved to the bathroom to brush your teeth. 
“It’s ‘cause Lyra hates me.” Sirius muttered petulantly, causing your toothbrush to pause on its way to your mouth. 
“Lyra does not hate you!” You argued emphatically. In fact, it could be said that he was Lyra’s favourite person – especially as Padfoot. You’d be damned to admit that to the likes of him, however.
“Sure she does.” He scoffed as he spread moisturizer on his face. “You probably thought I’d been accosting her with the way she started squealing; she’d have you thinking she acted in self-defence.”
“I did not think that. I heard you speaking so sweetly to her!” You said through a mouthful of toothpaste.
“Well, if I’m so sweet to her, why does she yank at my hair?” He asked. 
You hummed as you finished brushing your teeth and spat into the sink. “Maybe she doesn’t hate you, maybe she just hates your hair.” 
The lid to his moisturizer fell to the sink below him as he whipped his body to face you. “Why would you say that?” He interrogated you in a whisper. 
You started to chuckle, and he quickly shook his head.
“Babe.” He insisted, “why would you say that?” 
Sirius had always had a better poker face than you, and you were nearing full on belly laughter at this point. Sirius remained stony faced, though his lips looked a little tight and his eyes were full of mischief. 
“Take that back.” He demanded.
“Hey, you asked.” You said with a chuckle as you left the ensuite and moved towards your bed. You didn’t make it far before Sirius had launched himself at you and you were bearing the brunt of his weight in a very crooked piggy-back-ride. 
“You take that back right now.” He demanded again as he clung to your form. You were still laughing as you continued to step towards your bed with his feet dragging uselessly against the ground behind you.
As you made it to the bed, you turned your body so that your back - and thus, Sirius - were facing the bed and fell backwards, trapping Sirius under your weight. 
Neither of you said anything or made an attempt to move, inhaling deeply at the quietness that seemed to be missing from the Manor all day. 
“This hair, Y/N,” Sirius started solemnly. You closed your eyes and started giggling silently which left you basically vibrating from your place on top of your husband. “This is the hair of legends, okay? Generations of Black’s have specifically passed down th-”
“You can say bred. You were bred to have that hair.”
“Specifically passed down the trait for this hair. Okay? It was what generations of Black’s strived for.” He continued slightly louder as if you hadn’t interrupted him at all.
“M’kay, you’re like an F3 goldendoodle.” You stated simply which earned you a pinch in the ribs and an indignant ‘oi!’. “You’re like a GMO.” You continued.
“I beg your pardon!?” Sirius all but screeched.
“A genetically modified organism.; you were genetically engineered. Your ancestors were like mad scientists.” You answered as you placidly rolled off of him and landed face down into your mattress.
“You are so lucky that a) you are all the way over there now, b) so incredibly pretty and the love of my life and c) that I’m so fuckin’ tired right now because I would absolutely beat the crap out of you for that cheek.” He said as he reached his arm over to demonstrate the new-found space between you two, though it didn’t amount to much when his fingers landed on your bicep. 
“You’re all bark, Black.”
Sirius sighed dramatically. “You’re right. I’d never.”
You smiled to yourself and the two of you laid there - the top half of your bodies on the bed and the bottom halves hanging off - for a few moments just enjoying the silence.
You both had nearly fallen asleep like that when you heard Lyra wail from her room.
“For fuck’s sake.” You muttered as you stood, pushing Sirius back down onto the bed as he went to do the same. “Stay here, protect that hair.”
Sirius groaned but did as you told. “She better not hate my hair, that little minx is bound to inherit it herself.” 
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autumn816 · 1 month
2 and 58 <3
Ngl, I thought about this prompt for a while and I couldn't come up anything first but then I came up with one scenario and changed it completely after. I really liked this combination. Hope you like it :)
Royal Au + Accidental Eavesdropping
Lyra walks quietly in the marbled hallway. It’s nothing out of the ordinary. She has made nightly kitchen trips a lot of times. She knows the way by heart. 
“Notice me?”
Lyra slows down as she reaches the kitchen and hears Papa’s voice.  
“I doubt you would have even looked towards me if we hadn’t gotten married first.”
Her eyebrows furrow. Uh, what? What did Papa mean by that? She hides behind the wall, not wanting her dads to see her. 
“Of course I would have looked towards you. You, George William Russell-Hamilton, are impossible not to.”
“You wouldn’t have. You can admit it. It’s fine.”
“No point dwelling on it now. I fell in love with you eventually.”
“We just had to get married first.”
“It’s not like you were in love with me before that.”
Lyra’s jaw drops. Her dads weren’t in love when they got married. What the hell? 
“Princess Lyra.”
She jumps, a shriek halfway up her throat. 
Dad’s advisor, Mr. Vettel or as she likes to call him, Uncle Seb stands a few feet away from her.  
“You cannot be eavesdropping. Your parents have told you it’s not a good habit.”
“I’m not eavesdropping.” Lyra tips her chin in the air. A lesson taught by Papa. It can be a sign of confidence. “It’s not eavesdropping if Dad and Papa are talking in a shared space.” 
Uncle Seb tries to look unimpressed but the twitch of his mouth gives him away. He places a hand on her shoulder and before she knows it, she is in the kitchen. 
“Look who I found lurking.”
Dad and Papa startle. Papa is sitting on the countertop, holding ice cream and a spoon. Dad is standing between Papa’s legs with his spoon in his mouth. 
“I wasn’t lurking!” Lyra exclaims. 
“You are right. You were just eavesdropping.”
She looks at Uncle Seb in betrayal. They were supposed to be partners in crime. She can’t believe he betrayed her like that. 
Uncle Seb only laughs and ruffles her hair before leaving the kitchen. Traitor. 
“I wasn’t. I…” She needs her brain to come up with something. “I… I was waiting for you to finish your conversation. You taught me that it’s not nice to interrupt so I was only following that.” 
Lyra might have just come up with one of the best defences ever, if she says so herself. 
Dad snorts, pointing his spoon towards her. “You have never once followed that.”
Her mouth forms an O in mock offence. “Yes, I have.”
“You ha–”
“Why are you up?” Papa steps in, jumping down the countertop. “It’s late. You have school tomorrow. It’s way past your bedtime.”
“I’m Princess Lyra Avery Russell-Hamilton. The only heir—the future Queen of Mercedes and Williams. I don’t have a bedtime, Papa.”
Both of her parents stare at her.
“That,” Dad breaks the silence, “was an unnecessary and a very dramatic speech just to say you don’t have bedtime.”
“Did it work?” Lyra asks cheekily. 
“It did.” Dad’s eyes switch from her to Papa who has his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. “Not.” Dad clears his throat. “It did not. Sorry, kiddo.” 
Lyra switches the topic, wanting to avoid getting in trouble. Also, because she is curious. “Well, I can’t really go back to sleep now. Not after I found out you weren’t in love with each other when you got married.”
The room falls into silence for a minute. 
“How much did you hear?” Papa asks. 
“Enough to know that.”
“What about the stories? How you broke your other wedding two days before because you were in love with Dad?”
Lyra grew up hearing them. Everyone always told her that. She loved hearing them while she grew up. 
“Sweetheart,” Dad says. “Come here.”
Lyra walks up to him and sits on the countertop. Her dads surround her. 
“I love your Papa very much.”
“But you didn’t always.”
“No, I didn’t always.”
She knows realistically her dads couldn’t always be in love but it still wasn’t something she was prepared to hear. 
Papa tucks her hair behind her ear. Lyra leans into the warmth of his hand. “It was a long time ago, Ly.”
“What about your other wedding?”
Papa sighs. “It was a bit complicated. We had no other choice at that time.”
“Will you tell me more?”  
“Not tonight,” Dad chimes in. 
Lyra protests. “But–”
“Right now, you need to go back to sleep. You won’t wake up on time otherwise.”
“But, I want to know more.”
“How about this? Sleep now and school tomorrow and then we can talk on the weekend.” 
This was the original plan.
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But then I saw edits of Robin and Barney from How I Met Your Mother to loml by Taylor Swift and I was like gewis’ story told as a flashback to their child. The original plotline can still work but this time it would be told as a flashback when George and Lewis are telling Lyra their love story.
Mash-up trope
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seriowan · 1 year
Picture this:
The whole dad!batch taking their respective little ones out together camping, sitting around a fire roasting food while they listen to their kiddos laughing and running around the camp-site around them. Hunter periodically telling them not to go to far, Tech telling his little ones about all the plants in the area they shouldn't touch, wrecker and his brood setting up the tents, echo and his mini bringing over supplies from the ship, all of the kids yelling and asking to take turns on sitting on Crosshair's shoulders because he's so tall.
You've simply ruined me with all of the dad!clone content and I eagerly await more
without further ado, more dad!batch fluff and baby fever below the cut! to make it easier to write and know who's who, i named each of the kids! i took this idea and ran with it so this ended up becoming a whole fic instead of a blurb. enjoy!
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in the wild - a dad!batch camping trip rating: g - general audiences word count: 5k
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What would have been a peaceful night in the solitary woods was now chaos as voices and laughter bounced off of the towering Alderaanian trees. Wood scraped and thunked as it was chopped. Water from the nearby lake splashed when stones were picked and tossed, bouncing atop the clear, starry surface.
  Hunter stood right on the edge of the lakeshore, water lapping against his boots as he looked over the water. With his arms crossed over his chest, his brows pinched with a tension he didn't even realize, he was lost in his train of thought. 
   A small tug on his coat caused him to blink, eyes flicking down at his side.
  The tension faded, replaced by a faint smile as his little son peered up at him with big brown eyes. He held up a stone and smiled when Hunter chuckled.
  "You sure this one will work, Kai?" He asked, scooping up the two-year-old boy in his arms. 
  Kai nodded, his small voice murmuring shyly, "Flat, papa. Throw."
  He wasn't old enough to form sentences yet and Hunter secretly wished he'd never really get there. The little toddler speech, single words that meant so much, was honestly too endearing to really let go of. No more baby talk meant little Kai wasn't going to be little much longer.
  But Hunter didn't want to think about that right now. So long as he could hold his son in his arms, he’d soak up every moment they had together. 
   Stone in hand, Hunter faced the lake and reared back his arm. On his hip, little Kai shyly peaked over his arm, clinging to his father. When the rock flung out of Hunter’s hand, he held onto his adi'ka and watched with shared attention as Kai’s preciously provided stone bounced seven times before sinking. 
   Hunter bounced the boy on his hip with a soft cheer, causing his shy toddler to giggle and duck his head against his shoulder. Smiling from ear to ear, Kai finally looked up when Hunter kissed his forehead. His cheeks were pink as he reached out to touch Hunter's tattooed cheek. With a tilt of his head, Hunter pretended to bite Kai’s palm, earning a loud, shrieking giggle that so rarely fell from his little boy’s lips. 
   With a quick kiss to Kai’s forehead, Hunter lowered the boy to his feet and pat his bottom with a playful tap, nudging him toward camp. 
   “Go on, scout. It’s getting late and you wanted some s’mores, right?”
   Kai looked up and nodded, offering his hand for Hunter to grasp.
“Tea, too."   
   Hunter chuckled, nodding. 
   “I’ll get you your tea, son.” 
Lyra liked exploring. 
   For an eleven-month-old baby, she did a lot of crawling and searching, turning over rocks and tugging on flowers. Being too small to walk on her own, she needed help to keep herself upright. With her large hands clenching her father’s two fingers, she waddled from side to side in her denim jumpsuit and red booties. 
   Tech hovered over her, cautiously following her as she guided him around the campsite. Lyra babbled and squealed, wordless yet emotive with every single little flower and bug that caught her eye. 
   And Tech was there to explain it all. 
   “Eh?” Lyra sang in a questioning tone, crouching and pointing at a stone. 
   Tech crouched by her, holding her upright with a hand on her hip while using the other to tilt the rock over. The two hunched closer to the ground, ears pressing together as Tech gestured to the various bugs. “That is a millipede and this is a grub.” 
   She babbled and sputtered, and Tech nodded as if he understood. “Yes, and this is a poisonous centipede so we don’t want to be making physical contact with that one, ladybug.” 
   Lyra looked him dead in the eye before turning and stretching, reaching her little finger toward the centipede that Tech just warned her about. He sighed, tugging his troublemaker backward by the straps of her overalls. She looked up at him with an innocent smile and he shook his head, chuckling at her impulsive nature. 
   Lyra grasped his fingers as best as she could and pulled him along, waddling and tripping only for Tech to save her with gentle swings, raising her legs up and down. With little light left in the sky, he wanted to give her enough time to explore and tire herself out — it was the most reasonable plan to give her the chance to sleep throughout the night without waking him up every so often. 
   She pulled him to a patch of purple flowers and, like before, crouched down to get a better look. Tech kneeled beside her, picking one up to hold to her eye level. 
   “These are wild lavender,” he explained. “They have a very aromatic fragrance. here, smell it, Lyra.”
   When all that she did was blink at him, Tech decided to demonstrate by lifting the flower to his nose. He sniffed it and smiled when his baby girl giggled. Tilting it her way, she placed her hand on his chest to keep herself steady and leaned, sniffing the plant with her little nose. 
   Suddenly, in unison, the two scrunched their noses and sneezed at the same time. 
   Lyra fell against him in a fit of baby giggles, laughing even harder and louder at the second, third, and fourth sneezes that barrelled their way through Tech’s system. He huffed, sniffling and scrunching his nose from the outburst. With wide eyes, he looked at his laughing ladybug and furrowed his brows. 
    "Odd," he hummed, “It seems we both have an allergic reaction to wild lavender. Perhaps it is best if we return to the campsite and inspect Wrecker and Olive’s progress with the tents. Alright, ladybug?” 
   She babbled and turned to flee when Tech scooped her up, bringing her up in his arms. Lyra whined and kicked her legs in defiance but he just chuckled, pressing his mouth against her neck to blow raspberries. Her giggles were so cute, he couldn’t help but press a kiss to her temple, smiling when she placed both palms on his cheeks and began to pinch and tug.
Tech just sighed, allowing her to pull and pinch his cheeks and nose as much as she pleased.
“You sure you can do it?” 
   “I can do it, dad.” 
   “M’kay… just sayin’, cause if you can’t then that’s ok-” 
   Olive sighed, glancing at Wrecker with furrowed brows. “Dad, I can do it.” 
   He held his hands up in surrender. “Alright alright. Give it a shot then, kid.” 
   Lifting the hammer above the tent spike, Olive gave a few testing swings toward the spike’s head before bringing it down. Her accurate hit sent the spike straight into the soil, causing her to smile and look up at Wrecker with a victorious grin. 
   “See,” the ten-year-old sang teasingly. “I told you. I’m just as strong as you, daddy. I’m even stronger.” 
   Wrecker arched a brow, his smile slowly curling into a challenging grin. 
   “Oh yeah?” 
   Olive gasped and dropped her hammer, screeching when Wrecker picked her up and turned her upside down. With his grip on her ankle, he effortlessly held her a few inches off the ground, giving her enough space to keep her palms to the dirt. 
   “Take it back,” he shrugged as if it was a simple answer. 
   Olive huffed, crossing her arms over her chest with a defiant smirk. “No! Now put me down!” 
   Wrecker gave a deep and loud belly-laugh. “No. Now take it back before you start gettin’ woozy, kid.” 
   Just as she began to writhe and wriggle like a worm on a hook, Tech came around the tent corner with Lyra cradled snugly in his arms. He paused in his tracks, staring in confusion at the sight of Wrecker dangling his daughter upside down by her ankle. 
   “What are you doing?” Tech asked, glancing at the poorly fashioned row of family-sized tents. “Is this what you’ve been doing for the past hour?” 
   “Hey, Uncle Tech,” Olive grinned, waving. 
   “Hello, Olive Oil,” Tech responded plainly, his nickname causing Wrecker to bark out a laugh. “May I ask what you are currently doing?” 
   Olive smirked. 
   “Just hanging.” 
   Wrecker proudly cheered, lowering his hand down for Olive to give it a hearty slap. “Haha, that’s my girl!”
   Tech shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. Lyra watched him with a peculiar gaze and slapped her tiny hand from his face, giving his nose a sympathetic pat. Tech gave her an odd look before realizing why she seemed so concerned. “Oh no, ladybug, I’m not injuring myself-” 
   “Uncle Tech?” Olive called as she dangled. “Can you tell dad with really smart words that I’m stronger than him?” 
   Tech pushed up his goggles up the bridge of his nose, making Lyra giggle and babble. “Shall I tell the truth or offer a fabrication?"
   “Fabrication the heck out of it.” 
   “Then yes,” Tech pointedly muttered, shaking his head. “You are somewhat stronger than your father, Olive. Now Wrecker, would you please put your offspring down so that she may watch Lyra? I refuse to let my daughter sleep in a haphazard contraption like the one you’ve just made.” 
   Wrecker frowned. “If you wanted a mansion, then why don’t you do it, Tech?” 
   “Fine,” Tech shrugged, nonchalantly turning around to find his baby carrier, leaving Wrecker and Olive back to their previous dilemma. 
   “Hey, daddy?” 
   Wrecker glanced down at Olive. “Yeah, squirt?” 
   “I give up,” she whined. “You’re stronger than me. Now can you put me down? I think I’m gonna throwed up.” 
   “Shoot, right. Sorry.” 
Echo stared up into the Marauder with his hand on his hip, scomp arm tapping impatiently against the edge of the ramp. He waited while deafening clatters echoed from the ship’s interior, followed by mischievous giggles and hushes. 
   “Quinn?” Echo called gruffly, furrowing his brows in frustration. “Sky? Are you two doing what I asked you to do or are you messing around again?” 
   “We’re still looking for the marshmallow sticks, dad!” 
   “Quinn found some cool blasters-” 
   Echo paled. “N-no! How did you- that locker was locked-!”  
   “Echo,” Tech called as he walked up to the ship, “Are the twins inside?” 
   With reluctance, he nodded. “I sent them to get the marshmallow sticks twenty minutes ago and they haven’t come out yet.” 
   “And you didn’t consider checking on them?” 
   “I was setting up the campfire!” 
   Tech glanced down when Lyra babbled and offered his finger with a wiggle. She grabbed it with eager hands, chewing with teething gums while he nonchalantly peered up into the Marauder. His ship. If Echo’s troublemakers were in there alone, he could understand Echo’s reluctance to go inside. Anything could’ve been hiding beyond the doorway from a prank to a total mess. 
   “Sky? Quinn?” He called, his tone tilting towards a warning. “You are aware that you are on my ship, correct? If I go up there and find something I will not like, you better believe that I will lock you in the storage compartment for the entire trip home.” 
   Panicked shuffles echoed before two heads popped out from around the corner. Sky giggled, nervously chewing on his nails. Quinn gave his father a grin. 
   At that moment, the two looked far too identical to him and Fives in their early days. 
   “We have a surprise for you,” Sky sang. 
   Echo immediately groaned, placing his hands on his face. “Sky-” 
   “It’s not bad, buir,” Quinn assured, sharing a smile with his brother. “We promise. right, Sky?” 
   “Right, Quinn.” 
   Lyra squealed while Tech and Echo both shared an unconvinced look. 
The two jumped out from behind the doorway, holding up Echo’s scomp tool case. Under normal conditions, it would’ve been charcoal gray and cleaner than a freshly bathed newborn. Now, it was painted blue and covered in stickers of stars and old republic symbols. They even drew a stick figure of their entire family: cousins and spouses included. 
   Echo slowly lowered his hand from his face, arching his brows with an impressed smile. 
   “You got into the paint and did that in twenty minutes?” 
   The 12-year-olds both nodded in unison. 
   He cocked his head, smiling. “Not bad. Fives and I would’ve done it in ten.” 
   Quinn rocked his head back, groaning while he retreated back into the ship. Sky placed his hands on his hips, raised his nose in the air, and smartly chided, “We got it, dad. We’ll surprise you someday.” 
   Echo crossed his arms, huffing a chuckle. “I doubt it. Now can you please find the marshmallow sticks and lanterns before we start making s’mores at bedtime?” 
   “That’s the best time!” 
   “Yeah, dad, the best!” 
   Twigs crunched as Hunter approached the ship, holding sleepy Kai’s small hand. When he saw the collection of fathers standing at the foot of the ramp, he pinched his brows in suspicion and tilted his head to peek into the ship. 
   “The twins?” 
   “Unfortunately, yes.” 
   Hunter nodded, “Huh. Well, could they give me Kai’s headphones and blanket?” 
   “I need Lyra’s carrier as well,” Tech added. 
   As if telepathic, the twins stuck their heads out at the same time and said, “Coming right up!” 
   Not a moment later, Quinn came running down the ramp with Lyra’s carrier in hand while Sky followed a bit slower, careful to keep himself from tripping on his newly healed ankle. Echo took the headphones and blankets out of Sky’s arms and handed them to Hunter, giving Sky a slightly subtle look of warning when he frowned. 
   “My ankle’s not broken anymore, buir,” he muttered, too embarrassed to talk about his injury. “It’s fine.” 
   “Sure it is, but I don’t want you to get hurt again.” Echo placed his hand on Sky's head, giving him a small smile while brushing his unkempt hair out of his face. “We can’t both be accident-prone.” 
   A deafening thunk echoed from within the ship and the two turned, glancing up as Quinn slowly stumbled into the Marauder’s doorway. His hair was sticking up in all directions, clothes disheveled as if he just braved a storm.
   On one hand, he had his fist clenched around a copious amount of metal marshmallow sticks. 
   On the other, it seemed he had also managed to lose a tooth in the process, causing him to grin widely.  
   “It’s a HUGE one, dad!” 
   Sky looked up at his father with a snarky grin. 
   “Looks like we’re all accident-prone like you, dad.” 
   Echo just palmed his face and sighed. 
   ”Quinn, come here and let me see which one got knocked out…” 
  “Is this a good stick, daddy?” 
   Zion held up a thin little piece, big eyes honing on his father like two beams of pure pressure. His gray-haired mini looked so hopeful that Crosshair had no choice but to nod his head in approval and take it, adding it to the pile under his arm. “Yup, that’s a good stick.” 
   He felt a tug on his jacket and glanced down at the little girl on his opposite side. 
   “How ‘bout this, daddy?” She asked with a soft voice, causing Crosshair’s heart to swell. Little Zoya held up her own twig with a hopeful gaze and Crosshair nodded yet again, finding it impossibly hard to deny her. He added it to the wood pile before continuing toward their campsite, glancing left and right to keep an eye on his six-year-old twins. 
  They toddled along beside him like sheep flanking a wolf, gleeful grins and smiles on their faces while crosshair had his typical deadpan stare. While he carried the wood in his arms, Zion and Zoya did their best to contribute, helping their father like perfect little gray-haired soldiers. Zoya added twigs and sticks while Zion just looked around, gazing over nature like he was truly soaking it all in. 
   “Daddy, I'm tired,” Zoya whined, pausing by a boulder to rub her knees. “My feets hurt.” 
   Crosshair stopped walking, arching his brow at her. “You don’t want to walk anymore?” 
   She shook her head and he nodded in understanding. Lowering the wood to the floor, Crosshair crouched and offered his back for Zoya to climb up. Jumping on him with a giggle, she dangled her legs over his shoulder and placed her chin on his head before he picked up the wood and stood. 
   Zoya yelped when she saw how high up off the ground she was. glancing over at Zion, she called his name loudly, “Zion! Look! I’m a giant like daddy.” 
   Crosshair rolled his eyes muttering under his breath, “I’m not like the trees, adi’ka. I’m average… maybe a bit above… actually, pretty above if we’re talking about Hunter, too.” 
   Zoya giggled softly, her angelic voice causing him to huff a chuckle. 
   “Uncle Hunter is small.” 
   “Oh yes, he is,” Crosshair smirked, “And if he asks you where you heard that, what are you going to tell him?” 
   “That ba’vodu Wrecker told me.” 
   Crosshair smirked, nodding his head. “Atta girl.” 
   When he heard nothing but silence from his son, Crosshair glanced at Zion as he graced his hand across the flowers and stopped to smell the wild lavender. 
   “You ok, kid?” He asked, arching his brows when Zion looked at him. The grey-haired boy nodded and they shared a small smile. 
   “I want marshmallows,” he chirped, causing Zoya to gasp from atop Crosshair’s shoulders. 
   “Me too!” 
   Crosshair nodded. “Okay. Anything else?” 
   “And hot chocolate?” She questioned curiously, making Crosshair’s eyes narrow. The moment he looked over and saw Zion’s hopeful eyes, he caved in. Manipulators. “Fine. Just a bit.” 
   “And cuddles tonight?” 
   “Of course.” 
   “And cinnamon squares for breakfast tomorrow?” 
   “Nope, not that one.”
   Crosshair grimaced, sighing, “FIne, but that’s it.” 
   Zoya hummed. “Maybe… story time tonight?’ 
   At this, Zion was by his side in the blink of an eye, clutching Crosshair’s sweater while begging, “Ple-a-a-ase read us The Tiny Tooka tonight.”
   “I read you that all the time,” Crosshair muttered. “You need to find a new favorite. That one’s lost its charm.” 
   “Plea-a-a-a-ase?” They both wined, big eyes from both Zion and Zoya. 
   With a sigh, Crosshair surrendered. 
   “FIne… but only this once…” 
   Olive roared and fired her finger guns at Quinn and Sky before sheathing them on her hips. She turned on her heel and ran, sprinting around the circle of logs surrounding the blazing fire. Sky yodeled out a battle cry as he sprinted after his cousin, leaving Quinn to hobble after them while gasping from laughing too hard. 
   Echo sat on a log, watching his twins play in the light of the campfire with a faint smile. Memories atop memories flooded his mind when they’d play like this, reminding him of days gone by. 
   Beside him sat Tech, cradling a swaddled and sleeping Lyra in his arms. She was out like a snuffed light, snoozing in the comfort of being bound by Tech’s own specific wrapping method. She had a little beanie on her head to keep her warm and ear muffs covering her blanketed ears, earning a few endearing looks when he sat down by the fire. He spent a decent amount of time gazing down at her, lovingly tracing his fingertip along her sleeping face while making sure she wasn’t cold. 
   On the other log sat Hunter and Wrecker. While Wrecker kept an eye out on Olive and Echo’s twins, Hunter held Kai on his lap, keeping his son warm in his own coat. Kai had his sensory headphones and blanket on his lap, leaning his head against Hunter’s chest as he calmly and silently looked into the fire. He was such a quiet little soul that Hunter often wished to see him running around and having fun, but he wouldn’t push it. He enjoyed holding his boy so close to him, especially if kai was in the range of forehead kisses.
   The final member of the squad returned to the campfire a bit later than the rest. Crosshair approached with a pile of sticks under his arm and Zoya perched on his shoulders. Zion skipped alongside him with a smile, adding his own tiny pile atop the reserved wood. 
   Crosshair sat down on a lone log with a sigh, gently dipping his head so that Zoya could slide off his shoulders and into his arms. He set her down beside him while Zion climbed up, the two of them snuggling against Crosshair’s sides with synchronized hums of comfort. He opened his jacket so that they could get in on the warmth, causing his jaw to clench when he felt their cold hands tickle his abdomen. They fell silent, peacefully enjoying the quiet while Quinn, Sky, and Olive all continued running around. 
   “I don’t get it,” Echo muttered, breaking the silence. “Out of all of you, I get the ones that can’t sit still or stay quiet for one minute.” 
   As if on cue, Quinn sprinted behind him with blurring speed, running from Olive while she yodeled her own battle cry and chased after him.
Echo sighed, shaking his head. 
   “Point proven,” Tech muttered, distracted by his little Lyra as she squeaked out a yawn. He was so in love with his little baby that he was oblivious to his brothers’ stares until he glanced up, his smile falling from his lips. “What?” 
   Wrecker slowly grinned. “Softie.” 
   “Of course. A child needs a parent with a soft, nurturing nature over an abrasive one.” 
   “He means you’re like Crosshair,” Hunter chimed in, smirking when Crosshair glared at him. “Soft like butter.” 
   “I like butter,” Zoya muttered from the shelter of his coat. Crosshair cracked a smile and reached down, curling her gray hair behind her ear. 
   “I bet you do, sweetheart.”
   Zion leaned his head close, smirking. “I don’t.”
   He pat his boy’s head, eyes crinkling with fatherly amusement. It was his turn to look up, his smile dropping when he saw the knowing looks on his brothers’ faces.
“Shut it.” 
   Hunter glanced down when Kai shuffled around on his lap. His adi’ka glanced up at him with tired eyes before looking back at the fire, sighing gently.  Glancing toward Echo and Wrecker, Hunter nudged his chin towards the three eldest kids and said, “They should head back now before it gets too late and cold for s'mores. The littles have to check out soon.” 
   Wrecker nodded. Cupping his mouth, he sucked a big breath in and shouted, “TROOPERS! BACK TO BASE IN 3…2…1-”
  Quinn came sprinting out of the shadows only to slide across the log and crash into Echo’s side. His father exhaled a sharp breath just to be hit again when Sky did the same thing, sliding and barrelling straight into Echo. They giggled when he rubbed his sides with a wince.
   Olive approached a bit later with her arms full of blankets. She handed them out to Crosshair and the twins, Hunter, then for herself and Wrecker when Tech and the others denied her offer. Throwing the sheet over her head, she snuggled into Wrecker’s side and smiled happily when he threw an arm over her shoulders, pulling her in close. 
   Echo extended an arm behind him, grabbing the bag of s’mores ingredients and campfire sticks. They were tossed around one by one and by the end of the dispersion, each older child had a marshmallow hanging over the fire. Kai wanted to try it himself but he didn’t like having to blow out his flaming marshmallow, so with his blanket in hand, he wandered over to Olive and climbed in his cousin’s lap. She accepted him with a grin, whispering jokes in his ear as she roasted both of their marshmallows. 
   Hunter and Wrecker watched them with a smile, catching a bit of Omega within Olive’s caring nature. Hunter’s heart clenched a bit at the fact that she wasn’t there but he couldn’t blame her. Omega had her own life to live, bouncing from planet to planet in her new starship. While they were hunkered down with the littles, she was off exploring and trekking the vast stretches of space.
   As he thought of her, he heard a little gray-haired mini come wandering up to him. Little hands climbed and kicked as Zion sat up on the log by Hunter’s side, resting his head against his ba’vodu’s shoulder. Hunter opened his blanket up, allowing the boy to dive under with a giggle. He glanced at Crosshair who watched them with an arched brow, the two sharing an amused smile. 
   “I don’t understand how you’re his favorite.” 
   Hunter smirked, tapping his temple. “Intuition. At least we know he doesn’t have your brain.” 
   Crosshair rolled his eyes, causing Zoya to giggle. “Very funny.” 
   Echo’s twins were energetic as they roasted their marshmallows until they were black. Quinn waved his marshmallow back and forth through the flame while Sky continuously kept pulling it out and inspecting it. The lumps were charred by the time both boys lowered their marshmallows on their crackers, grinning when their hands were covered in a goopy mess. 
   “This is so yummy, dad,” Quinn groaned, holding up his burnt abomination. “Wanna bite?” 
   Echo grimaced, shaking his head. “No, I’m okay, bud.” 
   Sighing, Echo gave in with a reluctant nod. He opened his mouth for Quinn to raise the s’more to his lips. When he bit down, Quinn began laughing at the look on Echo’s face. Soot coated his tongue as he chewed, shaking his head. 
   “You burnt it.” 
   “Duh, that’s the best part.” 
   Sky pulled out his marshmallow and made his little sandwich before taking a bite. He smiled, glancing at Echo with hopeful eyes as he held his own s’more out. Echo obliged, knowing he couldn’t say no. While the s’more was good, his lack of love for sweets won him over. He swallowed thickly and shivered, making both boys laugh. 
   Without a want or need to make s’mores, Tech continued cradling little Lyra, swaying her from side to side. He lifted his head, watching his brothers and his nephews and nieces, and came up with an idea. 
   “Wrecker,” he called the storyteller, causing him and Olive to both look up at the same time. “Why don’t you tell them a story? Our first night is coming to an end and it would be best if the children had something to relax them before bed.” 
   “Oh-oh-oh!” Quinn jumped up, pretending to swing a sword. “Tell us about that Wookie jedi you guys took to Kashyyyk!” 
   “No-o-o-o,” Sky sourly sang, reaching over to tug his brother back down onto the log. He turned to Crosshair and gave him a devious grin. “Uncle Cross, tell that story about Uncle Cody and the mission you guys went on together when you were impies!” 
   Crosshair scrunched his nose in distaste. “You’re the only one who likes those stories, sky.” 
   “Cause they’re cool!” 
   Olive nudged her dad’s side, causing him to look down at her and the boy in her lap. “What about the time when you had to fight baby Rancor? Or that story about that really creepy monster ship you were on when Auntie Omega was little?” 
   Zoya whimpered, curling into Crosshair’s side. He frowned, lovingly cupping her cheek when she shivered. “That’s a scary story, Olive," she murmured. "I don’t like it.” 
   Olive smiled. “Then we’ll pick another one, bean.”
   Kai shifted on her lap and looked up, cupping his mouth as he whispered in Olive’s ear. Her eyes brightened and she looked from Hunter to Echo. “Kai wants to hear the story about how you all saved Uncle Echo.” 
   Zion gasped and sat up in excitement, glancing from Hunter to his father with a grin. Crosshair shrugged a shoulder, offering a small smile when his son jumped down and ran up to him, climbing onto his lap. Zoya instantly followed, seating herself on the other leg. As they snuggled into him and got comfortable, Kai went back to Hunter and held his hands up, gesturing to be picked up. Hunter obliged and brought the boy on his lap, letting Kai’s little arms wrap around his waist while he pressed his cheek to Hunter’s chest. 
   Gently rocking Lyra from side to side, Tech held the baby in a careful hold and smiled when Sky leaned closer towards him, gazing down at Lyra with stars in his eyes. With a soft finger, Sky poked Lyra’s nose and giggled when she smiled in her sleep. Quinn leaned against Echo’s side, holding his father’s scomp arm in his lap as he absentmindedly scraped away the smudges of dust that stained the metal. Echo kissed his hairline before turning towards his brothers, shrugging, “Fine with me.” 
   The flickering flames of the campfire danced and swayed in the gentle breeze. The logs crackled and popped, sending showers of sparks up into the sky like tiny shooting stars. The warm glow of the fire cast shadows on the faces of the people gathered around it, their expressions illuminated in the orange light.
   Wrecker grinned and scooted closer to the edge of the log, his arm squishing Olive into his side. Zoya and Zion both listened with smiles as they rested against Crosshair’s chest. Hiding under Hunter’s blanket, Kai removed his headphones to hear the story and the crackle of burning wood. Tech’s little Lyra continued sleeping, causing her father to smile at her peaceful state. Echo, Quinn, and Sky shared smiles when their arms tightened around their father's waist – they all had very special reasons to love this story. 
   Clearing his throat, Wrecker held his arm out in a wide gesture and began his narration in a deep voice. 
    “It started on Yalbec Prime when we got a comm from your Uncle Cody…”
dad!batch taglist — i'm tagging you lovelies to this request because it's a longer work, unlike the past little drabbles
@moonstrider9904 @lucyysthings @boomtowngirl @babygirlrex0504 @lucyysthings @fossilisedtreeresin @lizartgurl @mrs-grumpysniper @techs-ass @echos-girlfriend @chicknstripz @corona-one @maulslittlemeowmeow @misogirl828 @theclonesdeservebetter @frietiemeloen @pinkiemme @torchbearerkyle @witchklng @ivela3 @kaminocasey @sunflowerrex  @nekotaetae @literallydontlook @agenteliix @starqueensthings @fives-lover @jedipoodoo @sleepingsun501
248 notes · View notes
xoxo-bunnydumpling · 1 year
Eli's bedtime song choices are getting oblique...I think Lyra likes it tho, just about good and nodded off.
5 notes · View notes
yazthebansheek · 2 months
Some basic things about my Creepypasta au!
Ask me or the creepypastas anything! PLEASSEEE I NEED SOMETHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE 😭💀
Jeff the killer x Eyeless Jack
Candy Pop x Jason the Toymaker
Jane the Killer x Mary Vaughn
Bloody Painter x Puppeteer
Nathan the Nobody x Ciara
Suicide Sadie x Roadwalker
Clockwork x Nina the killer
Nurse Ann x Dr. smiley
Pinkamena x Rainbow factory
lulu x the skroll
Homicidal liu x Hannah the killer?
Ben drowned x Lost silver
Luring Lyra x Kate the chaser
Candy Cane x April fools?
Masky x hoodie?
Weeping Forest x Ally SlenderDoll
I don’t know a lot about marble hornets btw so…. :’)
Pasta groups:
circus pastas: Papa Grande, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop, Candy Cane, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Puppeteer, Nathan the nobody.
The killerz: Jeff the killer, Homicidal Liu, Asylum Nancy, Nina the killer, Clockwork
The girls: Jane the killer, Nina the killer, Clockwork, Sally, Suicide Sadie
These people idk what to call them: puppeteer, Bloody painter, Zero, Nurse Ann, Judge Angel
Slender family: slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, Offenderman, Surrender, Slendrina.
The monochrome crew: Zero, Laughing Jack, Puppeteer, Kagekao, Hobo heart.
The doctors: Nurse Ann, Doctor smiley, Doctor pain, EJ.
The dumbass trio: Jeff the killer, Ticci-Toby, Ben drowned.
Slendrina is Slenderman’s daughter. Lazari lives with Sadiya and Puppeteer.
Puppeteer doesn’t really work for slenderman nor Zalgo. He’s just there honestly lol
Homicidal liu lives by himself in a cabin in the woods.
Jane and Mary live together
Slender’s main proxies:
Masky, Hoodie, Ticci-Toby, Weeping Forest, Kate the chaser, Ally SlenderDoll, Rogue.
Zalgo’s main proxies:
Sonic.exe, Dr. locklear, Mr. Wide mouth, Stripes, Dark link, The Skroll, glitchy red, Jane Arkensaw
Jeff the killer (Jeffery Woods)
Ben drowned (Benjamin Lawman)
ticci-Toby (Tobias Rodgers)
masky (Tim Wright)
hoodie (Brian Thomas)
eyeless jack (Jack Nyras)
laughing jack
Lost silver (Gold)
Papa grande
Homicidal Liu (Liu Woods)
hobo heart
Jason the toymaker (Jason Meyers)
Vine the dollmaker
julius the dressmaker
Candy Pop / Night terrors
X-virus (Cody)
Smile dog
Nathan the nobody (Nathan Lux)
Puppeteer (Jonathan Blake)
Bloody Painter (Helen Otis)
Wilson the Basher
Jane the killer (Jane Richardson)
Sally Williams (Sally Maryam Williams)
Nina the killer (Nina Hopkins)
Judge Angels (Dina Angela Clark)
Lulu (Lucile Tiffany gracefield)
Nurse Ann (Ann Lusen Mia)
Clockwork (Natalie Ouellette)
Laughing Jill
Candy Cane
Zero (Alice Marie Jackson)
Suicide Sadie (Sadie Marie Bennett
Roadwalker (Zayner Nanook)
Jane Arkensaw
Mary Vaughn
Ally the Slenderdoll (Adeline Abendroth)
Weeping forest (Jennifer Ryhnes)
Rouge (Heather Marshall)
Lilly the Jester
Ms. P (Ms. Pencilneck)
Stripes (Eloise Sarah Bellarose)
Lazari (Lazari Natalie Swann)
Lifeless Lucy (Lucy Jones)
Lily Kennett
Ellison Burns (Ellison Wright)
Rose (Rose Fairen)
Elizabeth Vazquez
Anna (Anna Schurks)
Kate the chaser (Kate Milens/Hayes)
April Fools
I feel fantastic / Tara
Sadako (Samara Morgan)
Beings of the forest… (That hold a lot of power)
Candy Pop (Mostly Night Terrors)
Zalgo’s Family:
Cynthia Ezelle (My oc)
Realms (Within the slender forest and such)
The Slender Forest Itself
The slendermansion
Homicidal Liu’s Cabin (In the slenderforest)
Granny’s house
Slendrina’s Mansion
Zalgo’s territory and base.
Roadwalker’s clearing
Sadiya’s house (Puppeteer, Sadiya, and Lazari)
The old abandoned Hospital
Jason the toymaker’s realm
The Abyss (Candy Pop’s realm)
The Mindscape
The lake
Cynthia Ezelle’s house
The old abandoned treehouse (Slender proxy Base)
The Circus Realm
Please dear god ask me something😭 I’m too lonely and bored man 💀💀💀
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bleaksqueak · 5 months
Same person who asked the weight question- how fast can they run? Is Audric faster than Elias? Is Elias faster than Maia? Etcetera.
Hello same person who asked the weight question! And ty for being patient with my answer How fast... That's a good question, at least, it's one Maia wants to know so she can know how good her odds are. Sadly, I'm the harbinger of bad news, and I'd say she's probably not very athletic. With that said, and no magic to aid her, she'd better get a running start on anything Unpleasant that may be after her. She's probably decent, at least, and if Panic Mode activates, there should be a powerful boost coming to her aid. Might want to swap boots to flatter heels, though. I want to say of the usual crew, it's probably Audric that can run the fastest. His hunting methods rely entirely on speed, though that's usually something a little more airborne. Still, i'd bet anything that of the main crew, he's not one to be beat without some severe cheats enabled. As for Elias... Maybe it depends on how racoon shaped he is at the time.
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kuroosdumbslut · 1 year
Can you write some Snape x wife reader,something angst, when they have a big argument in front of their children. The End is up to you. Thank you ❤️
Thank you so much for the request!! While this isn't the longest and prolly not my best, I hope you enjoy! I can never just write angst, so I hope you enjoy the ending!
Being married to Severus Snape was never going to be easy and you knew this. He was fairly closed off and didn’t easily express if something was bothering him from his time as a spy. That being said, you did love him dearly and never wanted to part from him. Even when you did have arguments, you both tried to have them away from your children. Severus knew what it was like to witness his parents fighting, and you knew you never wanted them to have to witness any as well. But, as much as you both tried to protect your children, one day it finally happened. “What the bloody hell do you mean?! We both agreed when we got married to work together, as a team! Please, just tell me what is going on!” Severus huffed angrily and turned away from you, facing the wall.
“This isn’t something I feel the need to involve you in! Just fucking leave it!” You slammed your hand against the desk separating the two of you, making him whip around. “YOU STUBBORN OAF! I am your WIFE! You know damn well I hate seeing you struggle, especially after everything we’ve both been through! Even just talking about it would be helpful and you know that! Quit being so bloody stubborn!” The shouting match went on for several more minutes, obscenities and yells exchanged with fiery passion. You never were a person to back down easily.
You both stopped your fighting when you heard your youngest, Jasper, sniffling and hiding behind his sister’s leg. Your oldest, whom Jasper was hiding behind, was desperately trying to hold back her own tears. You and Severus exchanged brief, panicked looks, and quickly realized the entire argument was idiotic to begin with. Now, the thing you both tried to protect your kids from happened. Your daughter, Lyra, was the first to break the thick silence encompassing the room. “Momma, papa…please don’t fight. W-We don’t want you guys to get divorced.” You and Severus looked at each other, tears forming at her words, and you both shook your heads. “No, baby, we aren’t getting divorced…Mama and Papa are just tired and…” You trailed off, unsure how to proceed with the conversation. To your surprise and slight relief, Severus quickly spoke up. “We just…couldn’t talk properly for a moment. Papa is a stubborn man…and I let that cloud my judgement. C’mere my loves.” The children both ran to hug onto Severus, and though you wanted to let them have a moment, Severus gently took your hand and brought you in for the hug as well. For a moment, everyone just silently let their tears out and held onto each other. The silence wasn’t thick and stuffy anymore, it was light and comforting. Without missing a beat, you and Severus put the kids back to bed with sweet words and expressions of affection before retiring to your own shared room.
“I’m sorry, love…For shouting at you, for accidentally showing the kids our argument…I’m so sorry…” Severus rambled, a wave of fresh tears making his eyes burn. You sat on the edge of the bed and tugged Severus to join you. “I’m sorry too. I just…It scared me when you weren’t talking much…confiding in me. I…I feared you might be getting sick of me, you know?” Severus pulled you close and pressed a salty kiss to your temple. “I could never get sick of you…It’s…To be honest, I’ve just been having a rough time re-adjusting to teaching. Every room and courtyard…it all brings it back… I slipped back into the old habit of being a closed off arsehole…”
Taking his hands in your own, you squeezed them a bit to get him to look at you. “Severus, my love….you have no reason to stay in that position if it makes you so unhappy. The dark lord is dead, it’s all finally over. It has been for a while. You’re not a spy anymore, not a double agent. You’re a father and a husband. We can figure something out, but you don’t need to stay at that school anymore if you don’t want to.” Severus sobbed out, clutching onto you. That was the first time he heard those words, and now, it finally sunk in. He’s a free man. He can be and do whatever he wants now. “We’ll talk more in the morning, my dear. C’mon, lets get some sleep. We have quite the day ahead of us, and probably a special breakfast for the kids.” Severus nodded and you both fell asleep with your hearts fuller and you minds a bit clearer.
“Wait…who told Lyra about divorce?”
Severus sat up at your words and looked down for a moment. “Oh goddammit…Draco and I will be having a talk.”
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Details I noticed in The Last Wish pt 3
I always get too invested in the story at this point to notice any details so this list is making up for several detail-oriented rewatches. It got so long I'm going to split it into two parts. This is going to cover everything from the pocket full of posies to when the bears are in their cabin. It also includes lines I wish were talked about more lol
I think it's so funny when Kitty and Puss are trash talking Perrito as they go through the pocket full of posies. "Ughh, his path is so corny." "And cheesy." "And lame." "And weird. Like him." "Yeah. Why are you so ridiculous, dog?"
Jack has to push off a baker's face with his foot to pull Excalibur out of his magic nanny bag
When Jack's tank gets stopped by the posies, he says, "Well?? Start chopping!" There's this one baker who says, "On it! You don't have to tell me twice! I'm going to chop the heck out of this Ficus lyra-" He then gets eaten by a flower and another baker falls to her knees and goes, "Jerry, no!!" I think the fandom should appreciate Jerry more; the baker who was overeager at his job and knew a lot abt flowers lol
Jack has basically no eyebrows (they're a very light purple that's only visible in close ups) and crow's feet
When Jack is using the phoenix as a flamethrower, it cries a single tear
Jack also sets one of his men on fire when he's flamethrowing
Kitty has gold embellishments on the end of her sash
Kitty sees Puss scratch at his beard twice before he tries to get her to say he should shave it so she definitely knew he didn't like it
When Kitty's shaving him, there are some hairs that stay longer even after she went over that area. It really gives it the look that he's being shaved by a dagger on a boat lol Not the most precise shave, but it gets the job done
Kitty brushes Puss' fur off her hands as he gets rid of his stick sword after the shave
During the fight on the bank of the river, Puss sneezes out a bunch of confetti after the second unicorn horn explosion
During his panic attack, Puss lightly pets Perrito's head. I'm sure this is common knowledge but I always thought that he just put his hand on his head, not actually pet it too
When Mama bear says that they're a "crime syndicate family," it triggers the map to bug out. Goldi's holding it at the moment and the map could probably tell the confliction between her wish and her reality
The map's message right after also has more foreshadowing for Goldi's wish. "To find your wish, adjust your view. What you seek may be right in front of you." It's trying so hard to tell her that she already has her wish but she doesn't get it lol
It must be winter wherever the bears are from. They keep bringing up hibernation, their cabin is covered in snow, and both Baby and Papa are asleep in a matter of minutes of entering their house
The library stamp in Goldi's book reads "Crying Tears Orphanage Library." What kind of name is that??? Also, it proves that Goldi was at an orphanage first and then probably wandered into the woods on her own accord; her parents didn't leave her there. It does still have lots of angst tho because everyone in the town/orphanage probably assumed she died
The other kids who checked out Goldi's book were Hansel and Gretel
Mama has a scar on her nose. It's pretty big too
I love Baby's line after they find Puss hiding under the table with the map. "Oi! You crime-ing us when we just crime-ed you? No. No crime backs!"
Part one, Part two, Part four, Part five
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toxic-ninja-master · 6 months
🕷️ I’m Janine! A modern ninja and the Gym Leader of Fuschia City! I heard Lance, Clair and even Bugsy are here on Rotomblr so I decided to hop on too!
Oh yeah, and here’s my trainer card too!
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Now, I do have Gym duties to take care of, so I won’t be on all the time, BUT! I’ll hop in when I can, okay?
Oh, also Dad and Papa will sometimes come on here, so you can ask them questions too!! I'll give them my phone so they can introduce themselves!!
⚡Hey there! Lieutenant Surge from Vermilion City here! If you wanna get your Thunder Badge, or even just go for a battle, now ya know where to find me!
Oh yeah, and here's my Trainer Card too!
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Hey Koga! You're up!
🦇…………………….. hm.
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🕷️… Well that went pretty okay? 
⚡ Yeah, don’t worry about him Janny. Ya know how he is bout talkin’ to crowds.
((OOC Under the Read More))
Blanket Unreality Warning
Guess who lost their self control again, it's me
Overall rules for this blog will be that it is low/no stakes, because I don’t have the time/emotional strength for anything huge. Also, if you try to pull me into a plot without asking, I will not only delete your ask but block you. NSFW will also get you blocked as Janine, the default muse, is a minor on this blog.
About the Mod
Name is Lyra, age 29, she/they. This is a side-blog so I will be following from @batscrem This also isn’t the only pokemon irl blog I have, and the others are listed on here. OOC talk/posts will be tagged “((OOC))”, and in double parentheses, ((like this)), sometimes under a read-more depending on the topic.
About the Muses
Janine As the main/default muse for this blog, her text will be plain black and have a spider emoji (🕷️) as an indicator. Her posts will be tagged “Janine Speaking”.
Koga (Koga) Koga's text will be indicated by a bat emoji (🦇) and be purple. His posts will be tagged as “Koga Speaking.”
Lt. Surge (Lt. Surge) Surge’s text will be orange and be indicated by a lightning bolt (⚡). His posts will be tagged “Surge Speaking.”
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kagedbird · 6 months
TESSDE AU (+ Lucia :]) (??? part 2)
Everyone walks out to the front doors where the priests have been waiting. There are three total, one Imperial, one Breton, and one in the front, an Argonian.
Allora: *clears her throat and nods, looking them all over* …Hi. You wanted to see me?
Argonian: *bows with the other two, smiling wide* Honoured to be in your presence, Great One. I am Athrodite, thirteenth generation of Jeelius, priestess of Arkay. I now run the Temple with my fellow priests, Hilio, and Elona.
Hilio + Elona: *dip their heads reverently* Honoured to be in your presence, Great One.
Allora: *strained, uncomfortable, giving a very awkward smile* …Nice to meet you too. What can I do for you? I apologize for the, ah… sudden destructive stuff that happened yesterday, if that's what this is about.
Athrodite: Your actions yesterday were only a fragment of why we are here. It has been a long time since a chosen of Akatosh has been on our doorsteps. We would be most honoured to have you pray at our Temple, in your draconic scaled form.
Lucien: *blinks, frowning* I… with all due respect, I don't think she should do that.
Allora: *looks to him curiously* Yeah?
Lucien: It's not as if there's a fantastic history of those going in there with monumental status such as Pelagius Septim the First and Calaxes Septim being assassinated in there, as well as Martin Septim's sacrifice, turning him into stone.
Allora: *wrinkles her nose* Yeah. No, I don't feel like having another attempt on my life again so soon. Sorry.
Hilio: Please, Great One, we promise you nothing will come of it! We merely wish to have Arkay's light shine upon our once beloved Temple again.
Allora: I don't really worship Arkay though. I helped Auriel out with vampires and stuff, and got his bow. I guess I'm his champion as well… but Akatosh has my soul. *pauses* …And two others, but it's not that important right now.
Elona: Arkay's blessings have reached you, and He is of Akatosh's closest kin! Please, Great One, we implore you!
Davidicus: *furrows his brow* Are you referring to her as the great ‘One'? As in what the Temple is named after?
Athrodite: Never have we felt this magnitude of power radiate from one so clearly. It is She who must be given such a title.
Allora: *waves a hand, shaking her head* I'm really not… all that…
Athrodite: So humble, Great One. Rarely do we meet anyone such as you with your sense of ease in self.
Lucia: *frowning, looking up at Kaidan, who was carrying her* Papa? Can we go with her if she goes?
Kaidan: *frowns, shifting from foot to foot* …I don't know if we should bring you there, or if it'd be worse to leave you behind…
Allora: *frowns* Yeah, no. I'm not leaving Lucia anywhere. If you want me to go pray, we all go.
Athrodite: *perks up, tail swishing* Yes, yes, of course! The Temple has not seen so many people in ages, it will be most pleased!
Lyra: *crosses her arms, frowning* I should report this to the head of the Imperial Guard before we go. Some added protection couldn't hurt.
Inigo: Should we really bring armed forces to a prayer? Mr. Dragonfly thinks that is like mixing Sweetrolls with vinegar. It just does not work. I agree.
Taliesin: Yes, I have to agree with the dragonfly on this one as well. If we just go in and get out, then the process will be much smoother, and far less contrived.
Allora: *turns and takes Lucia in her arms, feeling anxious* Let's just go all ready. I want this over with, so I can focus on relaxing. As is what we were here to do, but never seem to be able to anywhere we go.
Athrodite: *bows with the other two again* Thank you, Great One, thank you. This way, if you please…
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