#Love Quest for a Servant Girl
sunderwight · 4 months
SVSSS AU where Shen Yuan's younger sister does a villainess transmigration.
The world she ends up in was originally a dating game and visual novel with some light RPG and crafting elements. Playing as purehearted main girl Qiu Haitang, one could choose any number of routes to pursue, from dashing Liu Qingge, to scholarly Mu Qingfang, sexy ice demon Linguang Jun, cute-but-domineering younger half-demon Luo Binghe, and so on. It was an interesting game, though it notoriously inspired some frustration when some of the more interesting side characters (like Yue Qingyuan) were completely unavailable as romantic options, and inspired at lot of rumors about hidden content and demands on future DLC expansions.-
Shen Meimei hadn't particularly liked the game. Sure, she played every route to 100% completion, bought all the extras, the official soundtrack, and the merch (fanmade as well as what slim-pickings existed officially), but that shouldn't be mistaken for approval. Much of that was in fact a desperate quest to figure out what the hell was even going on! Ignore the play time listed for this scathing Steam review, everyone! It shouldn't be factored into any assessments!
The game had several problems, in Shen Meimei's opinion.
The main issue was the lack of follow-through on the buildup of the backstory. Qiu Haitang's whole family was killed one night, maybe-probably by her sketchy as fuck ex-fiancee, who was also a hostage being kept by the Qiu family as leverage against a rival family. Which begged so many questions! Shen Meimei had suspected all along that there was more to it than met the eye (not just because the evil family shared her surname) but it was never deeply delved into. The whole thing only even got resolution in some of the routes, and the most thorough was Luo Binghe's. Luo Binghe had a huge vendetta against Shen Qingqiu, Haitang's sketchy former fiance, which left a lot of room for doubt about his investigating the issue. Was Shen Qingqiu really to blame? Or was Luo Binghe just taking advantage of an opportunity to pin SOME crime on him, since he couldn't really get him for the shit he actually did to Luo Binghe himself? What about the hints regarding that Wu Yanzi guy? Why did those never seem to amount to much? Were the Qiu family really stupid enough to betroth their only daughter to a hostage, or was something else going on? And what about Xiao Qi, the slave boy servant of the Qiu who was mentioned a few times as another possible survivor or witness, but who never comes up again?
Shen Meimei played through everything, certain that there had to be some way to actually solve or gain clarity on the Mystery of the Qiu Family Murders, but even after completing the main routes and unlocking and completing the hidden ones -- nothing! It was all just swept aside in favor of tepid romance arcs, made all the more insufferable because of the compelling subtext between the male love interests. Like, why were any of these guys even interested in Haitang when they so clearly had more going on with each other?
Annoyance over a game Shen Meimei lost too many hours of her life to was one thing, of course.
Transmigrating into the younger sister of notoriously sketchy ex-fiance Shen Qingqiu was another!
Bad news: in the routes where Shen Qingqiu is prosecuted for his crimes, his whole family goes down with him. So if this goes poorly, not only will he be punished, but so will Shen Meimei!
Worse news: this fictional version of her family is almost identical to her actual real family. To the point where she would be checking everyone else for transmigration, except that no one but her seems aware that anything is odd. Shen Qingqiu acts exactly like her older brother, right down to his particular flavor of prickly social behavior and cynicism. And their middle brother is a chronically ill nerd who hate-reads trash novels and is completely fascinated by weird monsters (a much more worrisome trait in a world that actually has a lot of those...)
In short, her life is on the line, and so is her family's!
Damn you, Veiled Heroine Games! If you hadn't abandoned so many plot threats, Shen Meimei might actually know what was going on and be able to neatly circumvent everything! But now she has to figure out how to win the protagonist back over, rescue her brothers, and solve (and possibly further cover up...) the mysterious Qiu family murders, all while keeping Luo Binghe away from Shen Jiu, and preventing Qiu Haitang from completing any of the romance plotlines that will cause troubles for them! Which is most of them!
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thek1ngtalks · 2 years
Percy Jackson
Youre a bit of an oddball in camp. You were 15 when you were found, completely by accident. A saytr protecting another kid ran into you and that's the only reason he noticed you were a demigod.
You're,,, painfully normal, actually. Which, in a world of demigods and monsters, is in itself weird.
Being normal isn't a bad thing though. It's kept you and your parent safe, which is why they didn't put you on an immediate evac out to camp.
Sadly, your no monster streak was ruined as a frizzy red headed girl and a boy who looked like he tried to skate as a job while graffiting walls on the weekend broke into the band room you were trying to practice in
Great way to start off your highschool years, I assure you.
The redhead gives you a once over but deems you unimportant and starts trying to wedge herself between the wall and a bass drum.
The skater glanced between you and the red head before reluctantly joining her, hiding behind a bunch of bongos. They start whispering to each other, though it fails since you're pretty sure the red head's never whispered before
Your face pinches as you listen to them talk and like any normal person, you assume they're both crazy. Greek myths, what a joke.
Then, as the skater boy is about to reveal whatever big secret he's keeping, two cheerleaders step into the room. You vaguely remember them welcoming you in, although they called you a fish and stared at you funny.
Blah blah, they attack you, the skater boy– who the evil vampire ladies conveniently tell you the name of, Percy saves you both and then the school is on fire. Whoops?
Anyways, Percy brings you with him to camp, very shortly shows you around before things start getting crazy. Some centaur dude is on trial, Percy leaves for a quest and is dead for a little before he crashes his own funeral, overall a weird couple weeks.
After hiding in the Apollo cabin during the fight, handing things to the healers as they work, things seem to settle for a little.
He does come to see you to apologize for not being a very good guide and offers to show you a more detailed, and far more fun, intro to camp
That's when you start getting to know Percy more. His quirks, his skills, even his odd love of blue food.
He seems to seek you out often, answering only once that it's because you make everything so average.
You realize that with Percy's luck, everything is in extremes. When you're around though, he gets a break. If you can give him even a few minutes of peace, you don't really mind him calling you average (okay you still kinda do)
When you both inevitably start dating, no one's surprised. A few seemed disappointed they lost the apparent bet on Percy's love life, but no one was shocked considering how much Percy doted on you when you were around.
He also called you his good luck charm more than a few times, especially when you weren't around
Nico Di Angelo
You were a young mortal, emphasis on were. You had been a follower of the Chthonic Gods and with a life devoted to them, you got a bit of a cushy death.
You became a servant to Persephone, who had only needed a few extra hands temporarily and didn't care to dismiss you when things calmed down again. Obviously you don't remember much of your life but you were living a good death, so you weren't upset.
You had become an almost right-hand to her majesty, still a strong devote to her husband gave you a bit of a leg up in that regard.
And as her right-hand, she often gave you tasks she knew you could handle, you just weren't expecting to have to take care of a dandelion.
It definitely isn't one of the harder tasks she's had you do but it is more confusing. She had expressed that if one petal were to fall from it, Hades himself would send you to Tartarus, which is definitely NOT on your To Do List, so you've wisely took them to heart
You made sure to take it with you everywhere, taking care to keep the soil moist and talking to it often. You're not sure if it's helping but not a single petal has fallen yet, so you're positive that you're doing something right.
It's only after two weeks of this schedule that Persephone calls you to her room and tells you to bring the plant. Of course you listen
You're more than a little embarrassed when she turned the dandelion back into a broody teen, one who refuses to look back at you as he begins arguing with Persephone
Persephone dismisses you and the brooding boy takes that as his cue to leave with you, still avoiding your face
He thanks you for taking such good care of him and offers his name —Nico— but nothing else before he shadowtravels away
Over the next few weeks you find small trinkets from the overworld left in your room, in the spot you had left Nico's dandelion form.
After a month of this, you are walking with Persephone as she heads to her garden and are faced with 3 demigods
Your eyes meet Nico's and he seems embarrassed again before he begins arguing with Persephone again
You are ordered to help them navigate the underworld in search for Hades's newest symbol of power and Nico actually starts looking at you, talking to you, and being normal
He's quite nice and he doesn't seem to hold anything against you, which is nice. You get along a lot better when he can actually respond and after retrieving the sword, you ask Nico to drop his gifts off in person so that you can actually see him more.
It's barely a few years later when Nico leads you out of the Underworld in the midst of Thanatos being missing, apparently having already gotten Persephone's permission but oddly tight-lipped about how (he coughs up petals for a week)
As a human you begin aging again with small parts of your past coming back. Nico is delighted when you remember your name and makes sure to say it to you at least once a day in case you ever forget it again.
You follow him wherever he goes, even to Tartarus, and all of his friends are surprised when you announce your dating, only because they thought you already were
Nico has apparently been horribly obvious in his adoration of you and you're much the same
[I was supposed to write a platonic soulmate shortfic with like 10 characters and accidentally wrote this instead. Congrats, I guess. (I'm still gonna write the other one, you can't stop me)]
[L0v3, k1ng]
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staysaneathome · 1 year
Not me imagining one day that a worn and withered mango is brought before Emperor Amethar of the Concordant Empire, the first of his name. She has been caught and is on trial for murder, for killing a seemingly innocuous servant of Vegetanian origin, but her final request is to be brought before the Emperor, to speak in private audience with him.
He recognizes her. Barely, the years cobwebbing his memories, but he remembers the mango who fought by Gustavo’s side. Amangeaux Epicée. The one who vanished mysteriously from before the war tent during the battle of Pangranos.
She laughs, a dry, raspy thing. “My liege, there is far more to the story than that.”
And she tells him.
She tells him of being a widowed queen, certain there were enemies all around her, placing her trust in only her faithful handmaiden, the kindly radish priest of the Bulb who did not abandon her like everyone else, and a young chili pepper she always saw as a daughter, despite the girl’s strength of character and martial prowess.
She tells him of receiving a letter, containing her darkest secret. Of meeting a thane of the meatlands and a cheesy sellsword outside the finished food pyramid, alongside her chili pepper spymaster and radish priest. Of descending into the depths to hold audience with the ones calling themselves “The Fellowship of Destiny’s Architects”, and the certainty they would all be called upon again one day.
Of escaping to Comida on the advice of her two closest advisors to throw her lot in with Tomaté. Of the summons sitting there in the carriage they were escaping in. Of being given a task: assassinate a threat to the future on behalf of the FDA.
Of not being told who the target was until the fatal blows had already been struck.
It is a miracle Amethar doesn’t rend her head from her shoulders then and there. He agrees to wait until her tale is done, one hand on the hilt of Payment Day.
Amangeaux explains the horror of learning what the FDA’s true purpose was, that it was headed by none other than the late Archbishop herself. Of running, abandoning all she loved save the one who depended on her the most. Of honing her knowledge and skills, giving herself to Gustavo, a blade to be wielded to help instead of harm. She speaks of the march to Pangranos, of reuniting with a demoted wreck of archdeacon and a cheesy knight of the Bulb. Of standing outside that tent, pretending her heart wasn’t leaping for joy at the sight of her little chili pepper grown into a fine and strong woman, of the thane turned warlord in his quest for power.
Of following the babbling, raving archdeacon when he sighted what they had come across so many years ago: a being of mold and fungus, gentle, expressive, and almost childlike. Who are connected, and communicate through emotions rather than words, who allow for the rot of death to be turned to the soil of life.
Of discovering the FDA’s taint had spread so far as to enslave an entire seventh kingdom of these beings, beneath the earth.
Of watching the Archbishop become an avatar of a monstrous existence beyond the Hungry One and the Bulb, a being of alien metal and spinning teeth that rent anything which entered it, uncaring and unnourished.
Of losing her two closest companions, her kindly radish and her little chili pepper, to its blades.
She speaks of vowing retribution. Of exterminating every last member of the FDA she could find, wherever she could find them. Of employing all the techniques she’d seen her spymaster use, oh so long ago.
Of completing her mission with this one, final death.
Amethar has to sit with this a moment.
“Why now?” He asks. “You have survived unseen all this time. You have told nobody of your crimes or exploits. Why me? Why now?”
Queen, then Lady, then just Amangeaux Epicée de la Pêche gives a tired grin.
“For you are the Concordant Emperor of Calorum,” She states, “And one of those most hurt by our actions. It is only fitting you should be aware of the seventh kingdom under your protection, and the chance to understand what circumstances delivered it to you.”
She is still smiling even when Payment Day’s blade cuts into her.
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mistninja · 6 months
Fitz and the fool evolution:
Assassin's Apprentice: well the fool seems cute but fitz barely mentions him tbh i dont know what people are talking about
Royal Assassin: who did this to you.... oh ok we are doing this...
Liveship traders trilogy: fitz isnt even here and yet... give me a face you could love....
Golden Fool: the fool just confessed omg? Omg.
Fool's Fate: I'm going to kill myself what do you mean fitz was going to leave everything to go with the fool. Girl another kiss??? Soul fucking right in front of my salad???Throwing up blood
Fool's Assassin: guys i think fitz is going to die of yearning...
Fool's Quest: what do you mean they have a daughter together through the power of gay love...
Assassin's Fate: LOVE WINS?!?!
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ladyloveandjustice · 5 months
Fall 2023 Anime Overview: Frieren: Beyond Journey's End and The Apothecary Diaries
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
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Premise: Frieren and her adventuring party saved the world from the Demon King after a ten year quest, and now their adventure is over. Frieren, as an elf who's lived for thousands of years, calls the journey a "short" one and casually says goodbye to her companions, promising to pop back around in fifty years. She does exactly that, only to find her companions have significantly aged, and when a beloved friend quickly passes away, she's wracked with grief and suddenly realizes this very "short" journey was important to her. In order to try to understand her feelings and human lives in general, she decided to retrace the steps of her journey, picking up companions on the way.
Frieren is both an interesting examination of what happens after the hero saves the world, as well as a meditation on mortality, grief, and the endless march of time. Frieren's long life allows her to see the impact she and her friends had on tons of people, even as, heartbreakingly, the memories of her companions are slowly fading from the collective consciousness, with only the legend remaining. There's a beautiful, bittersweet, hopeful but melancholy  atmosphere to the narrative, and the animation is absolutely breathtaking. Frieren herself is an intriguing character, seemingly stoic and disconnected but achingly human underneath it all and not without her funny quirks. She also has a good dynamic with the companions she picks up.
A sticking point for some might be the small arc where Frieren takes on some demons. It's a tone shift from the rest, being more of a fight against the Evil Enemy rather than a quiet meditation on loss, and I'll never be fond of the Innately Evil Fantasy Race trope.
Frieren does try to counteract the implications by saying the demons are just evolved from monsters who would mimic human speech to lure in and eat people. So they're basically monsters! ..But that actually just makes some parts just straight up not make sense (they're clearly sentient, animals don't get together to plot like the demons do, etc). I think what Frieren is going for is the horror of a monster almost indistinguishable from humans that only has interest in eating and killing us, which is has it's basis in mythology (while having it's own loaded implications) but the execution... could be better. There's something uncomfortable whenever a hero's motivation is "wipe all of this sentient race out" and the narrative seemingly bends over backwards to justify that. (And even if the demons sincerely did actually act like animals, I would have a hard time with Frieren declaring she's going to kill every last dragon on earth because some destroyed her village).
I'm told that Frieren isn't necessarily meant to be right about demons, and later on the manga introduces some elements that make the demons much more complex and less 'innately evil'' than that arc has them appear to be, but for now, it's awkward. However, I really did enjoy the amazingly animated fights and bonechilling moments we got out of that arc, and afterward the show went back to doing it's usual exploration of loss thing.
I think Frieren is a well crafted, beautiful and sometimes touching journey though a pastoral fantasy world. There's just a jarring and somewhat poorly executed element as a bump in the road (that nevertheless is a mostly entertaining arc). It also has girls that kick ass and are interesting characters and there's no fanservice bullshit, always a bonus. I'm on board for the rest!
The Apothecary Diaries
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Premise: Maomao works as an apothecary in a land much like 15th century China and she LOVES poisons. After being kidnapped and forced to work as a servant girl in the imperial palace, she solves a mysterious case of poisoning and catches the eye one of the Emporer's top concubines, who makes her a lady in waiting. Thanks to her sharp mind and knowledge of poisons, Mao Mao is unwilling pulled into the cauldron of deception and sabotage that is the inner palace, and there's lots of mysteries to solve...
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The Apothecary Diaries is definitely among my top anime this season, and a lot of it is down to Maomao, who's an incredible character. She's whip smart and refreshingly pragmatic, she's a cynical, bizarre little gremlin who loves poison way too much and she wishes everyone would just leave her alone so she can do weird medical experiments (often on herself). She just wants to keep her head down and not attract any trouble but annoyingly, her sense of justice means she can't ignore people in trouble! She's also disgusted by any man who tries to seduce her (girl, same). She's just plain fun to follow. She's impressive with her deductions, and intensely relatable at times. I love her, and Aoi Yuki does a fantastic job with her deadpan affect.
The anime is beautifully done, and it really gets across the cutthroat world of the Imperial Palace. Maomao lives among the concubines, so a lot of the anime is concerned with how women are treated as disposable, and how they're pitted against each other for the Emperor's approval. Without being direct about it, it shows that being a concubine and palace servant is not a happy life, and even the most favored long for more freedom. Maomao is a girl without any power to change things, so she has to accept the way it is, but does extend kindnesses and helps the women around her when she can.
Then there's Jinshi, who. uh.  He's an interesting character and is slowly developing, but I hate how he treats Maomao a lot of the time. The gag that he can't seduce her is fine enough, but he's super willing to use his social power over her to force her into uncomfortable situations. There's a part where he tries to force Maomao to taste honey from his fingers, backing her up against a wall, and it's so realistic about how it feels to have a man weaponize his higher standing in the workplace to harass you that it's very hard to watch. Maomao sweats and desperately strategizes to figure out how to refuse him without getting beheaded, looks at his assistant for help only for him to ignore her-- it's heartbreaking. The show does acknowledge how messed up with this is. Concubine Gyokuyo comes in to save Maomao and is furious at Jinshi for how he's treating her, Maomao tells off the assistant for ignoring her, and takes pleasure in getting a small bit of revenge on Jinshi later. But it makes me want Jinshi to go away. He's framed as Maomao's potential love interest sometimes, despite the fact she doesn't show any interest in him so far, (though I'm told they haven't gotten together in the English release of the source yet). I hope it doesn't happen (Maomao reads so aroace right now), but who knows, maybe he'll develop a lot.
Jinshi aside, you should also know that this being based off imperial China, pretty horrifying things are presented casually (like a nine year old concubine) though again, the show is well aware the system is messed up. There's also an incredibly quick, weird moment where Maomao tells a rape joke? She obliquely threatens sexual assault to a concubine who's bullying and threatening her (so obliquely I didn't realize at first and thought she was threatening to poison her, which would have been way more in character) and then goes 'whooops it was just a joke'. Nothing like that happens again, but it was completely bizarre and seemed OOC. There's also some "women are like this" dialogue that fits the time period but can still be annoying.
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Overall, The Apothecary Diaries has intrigue, well-developed characters and an impeccable atmosphere, with a fascinating examination of the social constraints placed on women as an undercurrent. It tells a great range of stories, from romantic triumph, to bittersweet tales of recovering from grief, to pure tragedies, MaoMao is extremely lovable and entertaining, and I adore seeing her Sherlock Holmes her way though all the medical mysteries, while squeeing over horrible poison. Definitely check this out!
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Aqua [Myth @kazeharuhime]
Sister to Illumi the light Myth, Aqua is a timid girl with an appearance like water. She is capable of hiding in any body of water, even puddles, and can control large amounts of it to weaponize against attackers. However, she is very fragile, and doesn't do well in sun and warm temperatures, forcing her to dwell in the recesses of the cave where she and the other Myths live and needing to rejuvenate there when she's been out for any real length of time. Like her sister, large emotional disturbances can cause issues with her form, and if she's not careful, can accelerate evaporation or in extreme cases, cause her to diffuse in water, especially if she's depressed, and lose herself entirely. Though her abilities can be weaponized in various ways, her timid personality means she generally hides out in the cave unless absolutely necessary.
Ariella Riems [Kingdoms @thedailyvio]
Ariella Riems is a Lady in high society, who has dedicated her youth to training for war to bring honor to her family name. Dedicated to the deity of Order during her infancy, she's committed herself to not only her country, but all the demands of Aelian society and her father. Given the need for family honor, her being the last of her family line, and the strong gender roles of her home, these demands come into enough conflict for her to head out on her own rather than find a compromise. Without her father's consent, she takes a trusted servant, Charles, and begins her journey to what she believes will be a suicide mission into Aelia's enemy country in the hopes of doing whatever damage she can. Along the way, nothing quite goes to plan and she quickly finds herself in far over her head with a quest no mortal has been known to achieve. Ariella is an abrasive and even boorish young woman, unimpressed by most people she comes across due to her rigid beliefs and jaded outlook. While she knows how to behave in polite society, she often finds herself making enemies as her hot headedness can overtake all restraint. She is zealous for her beliefs which prescribe a legalistic view on life, easily taking offense from those who consider the law of the land as more akin to guidelines. She lacks hypocrisy in these matters, strongly determined and driven in all she does. She does however hold a bias for her loved ones which she can't entirely recognize herself.
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local-lamppost · 2 years
The best Zelda games are the ones presented as dark fairy tales
Skyward Sword - Very classic hero’s journey, but ultimately fails to rid the world of Demise and is a puppet to destiny/Hylia, having to serve a goddess with the face of the girl he loves
Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask - A look at the affects of a young hero, a child, going on such a quest and the trauma he would naturally have. As well as the hero not really being considered a hero, not even by the princess (depending on if she remembers or not)
Link’s Awakening - The quest itself ruins the happiness of everyone on Kahoolint, even Link, but it has to be done anyway
Wind Waker - There is nothing fundamentally special about Link at the beginning, he has to shout and scream at the gods to acknowledge him as hero so he can have the power to kill Ganon. Not to mention the King of Red Lions manipulates Link to make him the hero
Legend of Zelda/Zelda II - Link saves the princess and beats the bad, only to be forever hunted down for his blood
Twilight Princess - A grim and grey Hyrule where the hero is left unfulfilled and unable to return home (much like his predecessor)
Breath of Wild/Tears of the Kingdom - The entire backstory of Link and Zelda, with the two of them being groomed from young ages to fulfill their obligations instead of coming upon them naturally. The hero DYING (and the Link from before the calamity is for all intense and purposes dead, even if his body is still alive) and the world crumbling to ruin. 
This isn’t even going into the background details of most games. Like the Shiekah being the forever tortured servants of the royal family, the Great Flood and Downfall Timeline, the curse that keeps Link, Ganon, and Zelda trapped, and much more...
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spyskater · 1 year
Alright folks, you asked for an essay. We all know Jade Claymore is your quintessential knight archetype. As such, she is extremely dedicated to the path she’s set out for her life. She is bound to the oaths that she’s made and while we don’t know what those oaths are, it’s easy to assume that she is entirely committed to Tir Asleen and Sorsha and, by association, the entire Tanthalos family. Due to the restrictions set upon her as servant of the crown, Jade is wound rather tight. You know what else is bound and wound up rather tight at the beginning of the season? Her hair.
Note the way her hair is constantly close to her head, making it seem rather small. She’s got these ties running through her curls for half of the journey, keeping everything neatly in place. It’s very Jade, a character for which things are rarely out of order (unlike Kit, whose hair typically flies about everywhere). There are two physical attributes Jade gets rid of over the course of the season, both of which we’re introduced to her with: her mask and her bound curls. 
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Jade's different styles in episode one. Even when her hair is out, there's always a section bound or twisted.
When we meet Jade, her mask is on and her hair is braided back. This Jade is at her most duty and honor bound and the unforeseen adventure ahead will evolve her beliefs about what it means to be those things. By the way the mask is made, it almost forces Jade to keep her hair pretty low, due to the head strap in the back. In episode three, after her mask is knocked off of her face, she never picks it back up again. The mask represents an identity that she ties to Tir Asleen and Ballantine (it’s paralleled with his helm). Kit offers to return it to her, but Jade refuses it and begins her crisis of faith and journey to discovering who Jade Claymore really is. We never see it again. This Jade Claymore died in the Pitiless Pass with Ballantine.
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Episode two is where Jade's signature style truly begins through the next few episodes. Note the ties in her hair and how they hold it down.
In episode five, something similar happens with her hair. After Scorpia tells her the truth about her history, that she is a Bone Reaver stolen by Tir Asleen, her hair is never bound again. She loses all of the ties and strings holding it. Instead, her Bone Reaver look consists of Bantu knots that crown her head like her sister’s and fully freeing the rest of her hair. She’s accepted her Bone Reaver heritage and gone is the orphan girl always searching for family. Also important, she finally allows herself to be honest about her feelings to Kit, something that has been forbidden by the duties she’s bound herself to.
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Episode 5: before and after her Bone Reaver heritage is revealed.
And as the season goes on, she continues to allow her hair to freely flow, even if it’s tied back. With every episode, it seems to get bigger and bigger until we have the ponytail she’s wearing in episode seven and eight that sits high on her head. I would argue that, despite the life threatening quest they’re on, at this point, Jade is at her happiest and most liberated. Note that she is the only one that doesn’t appear as broken down by the Shattered Sea like everyone else. She’s found her family, discovered her purpose, and has Kit.
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Jade's styles, post-Wildwood.
Episode eight is where she breaks her final chain: she’s finally able to admit she loves Kit in front of other people. Willow basically gives her the permission and it leads to Jade’s most important quote of the series, the purpose of her journey. From bound and restrained to a knight who understands that duty and honor means nothing without love. By unbinding her hair, Jade unshackles herself.
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adracat · 1 year
The Cycles of GWitch
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This notion has been brewing in my head since I wrote my analysis on GWitch's Cinematic Rhythm. With the second cour nearly finished I can confidently say my suspicions were correct.
When we look at its wealth of influences from The Tempest, Utena, previous Gundam, Norse and now Arthurian myth the truest pattern is Cycles. More distinctly, how the past connects to the present and future.
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The Tempest
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The most blatant cycle is something we as a society are deeply familiar with. Revenge. It's a base and consuming thing, as we see from Prospera and also her namesake Prospero. The story goes the sorcerer Prospero was once the Duke of Milan until his brother with help from the King of Naples, usurps him. He flees to an isle with his young daughter Miranda and takes a fairy/spirit, Arial, and an island native, Caliban, as his servants.
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For years Prospero was consumed by hate and the idea of revenge. However, after he commands Arial to sink the king's ship Miranda falls in love with Prince Ferdinand at first glimpse. And he loves her in turn. Prospero then relinquishes his revenge once he recognizes Ferdinand's love is true and reconciles with King Alonso and Antonio. For its loyal service, the spirit Arial is set free. The cycle of revenge in this story is broken.
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Revolutionary Girl Utena
The cycle of Utena is not immediately made clear. The show keeps to the pretense of being innocuous until well into its runtime. But then we're introduced to the Black Rose Duelists, and swiftly afterward the school's headmaster and Anthy's brother, Akio Ohtori. A former prince who styles himself as The End of the World.
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Abuse, filial obligation, the horrifying reality of womanhood beneath the yoke of patriarchal systems. These cycles are grounded and are hidden by a veneer of childhood innocence and fairytale mythos. The Prince was the savior to humanity, but was selfishly hidden by a witch. This witch is therefore punished eternally for her sins, pierced by the Swords of Human Hatred. She accepts this role only as someone who loves her brother and wants to protect him. She is branded a witch by the world. But as the show says, if you're not a princess you must be a witch. That's the truth of the Rose Bride. And in the end, all girls are like the rose bride; something we're witnessing now with Miorine.
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The cycle Akio implements is to groom a champion with the ideals of princehood, the champion to quest for eternity with the Rose Bride's temptation and guidance, then using the champion's sword to bash down the Rose Gate in the vain hope of regaining his princehood. It's a cycle that has repeated for countless unknown years. And all the while weaponizing his sister's suffering. But just like The Tempest, the Rose Cycle is broken by love. The unfettered and earnest love between Utena and Anthy grants the witch the courage to escape her stagnant coffin.
Ragnarok and Arthurian
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The Ragnarok Cycle is a series of myths that depict the birth, reign, and death of the Norse gods. I have an ongoing series of analysis where I discussed gwitch's usage here, and here. More I'm sure will follow. But as dire as it sounds, Ragnarok isn't just about the end of the world and its many gods. It itself is a continuous cycle. The gods will return and so will the world. It's a story of renewal.
The same can be said of the Arthurian Cycle. The tales of King Arthur and uniting Britain are end-capped with a messianic promise that the King shall one day return to rule Britain. Hope, despite the tragedy that follows King Arthur upon Camlann. The fact GWitch is now harking to Arthurian with Suletta in Arthur's role (and possibly Miorine as The Lady of The Lake) is intriguing. But the bones for this twist were there from the start.
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Suletta, akin to Arthur, is a child orchestrated by a 'gentle magician' to receive a peerless 'sword'. And it's through Aerial's might she becomes engaged to Miorine, a 'King's daughter. Now, it appears she's to wield Calibarn or Caliburn; a direct link to King Arthur. Whether it will go smoothly is another matter. But the reference remains interesting and again reiterates the theme of cycles.
A Hopeful Note
The ultimate take away from these references is clear in my opinion. It's no coincidence that at the forefront is a positive message that not all cycles are terrible or absolute. They can be broken with love. Gwitch is deeply humanist when you consider everything it's pulling from and I hope this settles a few doubts. Cour 2 is incredibly hopeful, even with the fraught ongoings among the cast. Our protagonist is embodying this message the clearest. Doing something for gain leads to misery. Yet a helping hand costs nothing and connects us all in a cycle itself.
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onlybeeewrites · 1 year
The Violinist
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Pairing: x reader
Requested: no
Warnings: none, maybe light sexism
Part 2
You had not come from a very prominent family. Not near as well known as any of the families of the Ton. Neither were you on the lesser side of money. Your family had more than enough to be comfortable, yet nowhere near the money that was flaunted by the upper class.
No. Instead you reside in a family of musicians. You, surrounded by your three brothers and your father, all enjoy the thrill of performing. They were hesitant to allow you to join them in their endeavors, but with much reassurance they allowed you to join them. The promise was kept as long as you remained in the back, hidden from others while your music echoed through the rooms. They didn’t entirely agree with you playing. A young woman of twenty and three focusing on music instead of finding a husband. But you loved what you did and that’s all that you cared about.
Your well-known family was one of the bands that would preform at the balls through the ton. Set up to one side of the room long before guests we’re ever to arrive, giving yourselves plenty of time to set up and prepare your instruments. You had played the violin. Rather beautifully in fact. Your brothers and Father played the rest of the instruments, some other violins, a cello, and the viola. Together, you all make the most beautiful music.
You had been almost blessed with such a talent from a young age, taking on the violin at about eight and catching on quickly. you were able to hear music and replicate it almost instantly and it was incredible. You absolutely loved it. Your parents had called you a prodigy of the instrument, your elder brothers amazed at how quickly you were able to pick such things up.
This ball was no different. It was about mid season, and the young ladies and gentlemen of the ton were in full sing of the social season of finding the right partner to court. This evening your family had the pleasure of preforming in Aubrey Hall, home to the Bridgerton family themselves. You had heard all sorts of stories about the family both from the whispers of the ball rooms to the scandalous readings of Lady Whistledown. From the rakes that were the eldest boys, to the Diamond that was Daphne, or the bookworm that was Elouise who had seemed to despise these lavish parties more and more with each year.
These people had intrigued you. You have seen people of all sorts within these parties, but those Bridgertons were the most interesting to you. For a family so wealthy, so well-known, they were so kind. It was not like the Culpers where they would stick up their nose at the nearest person who was beneath them. No, they were strangely kind. Though it all made your job much easier.
It never took too long for you and your family to set up and tune your instruments. The servants and such were all rushing around, getting some final arrangements done before all the guests were to arrive.
You, yourself we’re just finishing up your tubing when a younger female voice spoke up behind you, pulling you from your concentration.
“I remember you playing from a few other balls. Are you usually tucked in the back playing?” The voice spoke, causing you to turn to face one of the middle children of the Bridgerton family. Elouise Bridgerton.
You raised an eyebrow before you lowered your head in a greeting. “Miss Bridgerton,” you started before nodding at her words. “I do. I am Y/N Lyndon. I play often at these balls through the social season with my brothers and my father. Though my only place is in the back but I do not mind,” you say, and this leads even more curiosity from the Bridgerton girl.
“Hm. So you’re hidden in the back just playing. Listening to the room. Perfect for….gossip. Is it not?” Elouise then asked, which caused a confused look to come across your face before you had realized what she was insinuating. This laugh caused Elouise to narrow her eyes, “why are you laughing?” She questioned, “it’s because it is true. Isn’t it?”
You shake your head, recollecting yourself before speaking. “Forgive me, miss. Uh no, it is not true. I do not have the luxury of having so much time to write such gossip in the papers as Lady Whistldown does. I spend my time preforming and practicing and I do not have much time to write such things. Though it was a rather clear idea. A preformed hidden in the back? A rather good suspect,” you say before continuing, “though if I do hear anything of Whsitledown I’ll ensure that you are first to know,” you then reassure the young girl.
Eloise huffed softly as she could have sworn that she was close. But she was relieved that you would be able to help though.
Before she could speak, the eldest of the Bridgertons came up and placed his hands on Elouise’s shoulders, “excuse my sister, miss. She often speaks out of turn. Excuse us,” he said and before Elouise could utter another word he pulled his sister away.
You looked to them a bit in confusion, but assumed he either didn’t want Elouise to distract her before her performances, or maybe the Viscount didn’t want his sister interacting with a worker. Either way she didn’t mind. She lowered her head as Anthony came and went, turning and getting settled in her spot just beside her brother.
“You need to stop bothering people with that Lady Whistledown nonsense,” Anthony said as they approached Benedict and Colin as well. The two were already a few glasses of champagne down.
The two shared a look with each other before glancing to the other two siblings, “who are you bothering now with your hunt for Lady Whistledown?” Colin asked in an exaggerated sigh.
Elouise rolled her eyes, “I am not bothering. Just inquiring. And it was Miss Lyndon. The violinist,” she said, subtly gesturing to you who had just started to warm up amongst your brothers.
This seemed to catch the attention of the brothers as they took in your form. Hair done up simply but elegantly and a dress proper enough for a ball. Though it wasn’t anything extremely elegant or very outlandish. It was simple, but it was intriguing. A rather beautiful young lady playing an instrument instead of dancing.
“Intriguing…” Benedict hummed, obviously intrigued by a fellow artist. He was always drawn to such people with such creativeness. Then again, Colin was as well.
The brothers made a note to keep an eye on this certain violinist, hopefully they would see her preforming once more.
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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Written in the Stars
"Coryo we shouldn't be here," she giggles, letting him tug her along in the darkened hallway. He wants her to see the Academy rooftop, how you can see the Capitol skyline from up there, how you can feel like the only two people in the world up there.
Coriolanus flashes her that famous Snow smile and pulls her into his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder, "But don't you want to see where I'm taking you?" He asks, his voice feigning innocence which makes her laugh, "For all I know you could be taking me to some dark room from which I will never return," she replies rather dramatically.
Coriolanus rolls his eyes, "Please, I've had you alone in a dark room one too many times for you to think of me that way." He knows she's blushing even though he can't see her face. Finally, she caves, "Alright," she mumbles, allowing him to lead her to a rickety-looking ladder. "Is that thing safe?"
Coriolanus grabs a hold of one of the rungs, "Perfectly safe," he assures her, even though he's not so sure himself. He's only come up here a handful of times since discovering this secret spot. He begins to climb and looks over his shoulder to see Soarynn following him, her red ribbon shining in her blonde hair. He smiles because he likes the ribbon, likes her hair, likes how she manages to look good in the Academy uniform, with a simple string of pearls around her neck showing off her class and wealth.
He also likes how she's a powerful politician's daughter.
Much better than some runt girl from District Twelve he decides while pushing open the rooftop hatch. It groans as he opens it and he's hit with the cool evening air. Coriolanus pulls himself onto the rooftop and turns to help Soarynn climb out. He ends up grabbing under her arms and simply pulling her right out, earning him a squeal, "Oh, you're so strong," she gasps, placing a hand on his arm. Coriolanus shrugs, not one to boast even though she's right. His Peacekeeping side quest led him to develop muscles he'd never seen before.
Besides, Soarynn's on the smaller side, he could throw her off the roof if he wanted to. But he won't. Because he likes her.
Soarynn looks up into the sky and her eyes widen, "Oh look at all the stars Coryo." He looks up too, remembering how many more stars you can see in District Twelve since there's less light pollution. But that place is downright filthy in other ways. His eyes scan the skyline of the city, looking at all those tiny apartment lights that represent the lives of Capitol citizens. "I can see the President's Mansion," he nods in its direction. He'll live there one day, President Coriolanus Snow.
Soarynn barely gives it a glance. It's not important to her, not a lifeline like it is to him. When he was stuck in Twelve he'd often lay in his bunk picturing himself in the Mansion, servants at his beck and call, expensive clothes, extravagant parties. President Coriolanus Snow. And Soarynn would be by his side, his first lady. She didn't know that of course, they were just starting out in the grand scheme of things but he'd done exceptionally well these past three months in securing a permanent spot in her life.
For starters, he took her virginity. Such an easy thing to secure. She'd been so willing yet so nervous and hesitant. But Coriolanus was endlessly patient with her and whispered reassurances throughout the entire thing. He wouldn't always be this way, kind and caring. Once they were married he could be rougher, meaner, himself.
He spoiled her with gifts and praises. He proudly paraded her through the streets with her on his arm, her rightful place.
He hadn't uttered those three words yet. He couldn't. Not after Lucy Gray, the wretched, deadly girl. What had she sung that night to him right before it all came tumbling down?
"It's why I love you You're as pure as the driven snow"
Then she nearly killed him with that snake, left him in that sad-looking shack in those godforsaken woods with his own devices. One of them just so happened to be a gun. And for what? To dig up some Katniss? Or was it swamp potato? It didn't matter, he'd left that all behind along with her dead body at the bottom of the lake.
Soarynn's question pulls him from his unsettling thoughts and he feigns a smile, "Yes darling?" Soarynn nervously shifts on her feet, her shiny black heels giving her a small boost of height. She's still much shorter than him, and he likes that too, how small she is compared to him. He loves it the most when he's inside her but now isn't the time for nasty thoughts. "I um...I was wondering if I scared you off the other night once we finished..." she mumbles, looking down at the pavement they're standing on.
Coriolanus remembers the other night far too well. They'd had sex, wonderful, passionate sex that ended in several orgasms. She lay on his chest while he dragged his fingertips up and down her back, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. He thought she'd drifted off to sleep but Soarynn had propped her chin up on his chest, her gray-blue eyes looking into his piercing blue ones. "Coryo?" She'd asked, sleepiness in her tone. Coriolanus had tilted his head, admiring her freckles, "Hmm?" Soarynn had bit her lip for a moment, debating on what she'd say next. That's another thing he liked about her, she thought before she spoke. Sejanus or Lucy Gray certainly couldn't say the same.
"I know we haven't been together for long, but you've taken such good care of me and I just wanted to say...I love you."
Coriolanus had mastered the face of indifference but he wasn't able to hide the look of surprise from washing over his face when hearing those words. He often wondered if he was even capable of love and here Soarynn was, giving it to him so freely. He hadn't known how to respond, not when he didn't feel that way towards her yet. He'd cleared his throat and given her a tight-lipped smile, "Thank you for telling me that Soarynn."
And right now on the Academy rooftop, he could see how much it had been eating away at her. It probably didn't help that he'd made a rather brisk exit once she told him those three words. And he knew Soarynn well enough to know that she wanted so badly to be in love, to be loved. She was a typical Capitol girl who was predestined to be married off to some rich man and give him children.
To her, love was the only thing to live for.
He gently takes her small hands in his, squeezing them gently, "You didn't scare me off Soarynn, I...I was just surprised is all. But I want you to know how deeply I care for you, how much I think of you. My darling I'm sure we're meant for each other."
He could see how much those words meant to Soarynn, how they calmed her and her doubts, how she clung to them like a lifeline. He almost pitied her. He'd been like her once, clinging onto old phrases whispered before going to face one's death. He remembered thinking of Lucy Gray, watching the arena for her, wondering if she was thinking of him too. He couldn't afford that again, to fall in love.
Coriolanus takes it a step further and pulls her into his arms and presses a passionate kiss onto her lips, one which she eagerly returns. She lets out a satisfied hum once he pulls away and wraps her arms around his broad torso, resting her head on his chest while they both look up at the stars.
"You're mine and I'm yours," she whispers with a smile.
Coriolanus shivers and it wasn't from the cold air. Months ago another girl had said those exact words to him and he was determined for this to have a different ending. He presses a kiss to her forehead before whispering back words he remembered so clearly that they would be ingrained into his being until the day he died.
"It's written in the stars."
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a-dragons-journal · 10 months
On Questioning An Archetrope
So I'm turning over the concept of a potential paladin (or something similar) archetrope in my brain now.
I have... kind of always viewed myself as a guardian. I've been the Mom-friend, the one people go to for advice, for practically as long as I can remember. I have a protective streak a mile wide, partly due to my territorial instincts from my dragonself. I don't really want to talk about it publicly, but suffice to say that growing up I had what I would now, for lack of better words, call a rich imagined reality wherein I (and my few closest friends, though I hung onto it the longest) was a capital-G Guardian, a hero of blade and armor, a protector of the world.
Later on, in high school, those same friends and I took on a more realistic protective streak, primarily in the form of a habit of adopting girls who a) had just been through bad breakups and/or b) were being harassed/stalked by creepy boys and literally bodyguarding them throughout the day. I still fantasize about scenarios where I get to protect people, often strangers, on a regular basis, for no real reason other than it makes me feel good. I want to be that. I want to be a protector, a shield and sword for those who need it.
My first D&D character was a paladin, and a fairly stereotypical one (although not fully Lawful Stupid). Shail is a tiefling who was abandoned at a temple doorstep as a baby after they were born, raised by one of the priests as their father, and later took up arms after being inspired by a visiting paladin and took the Oath of Devotion. They were my first experiment with they/them pronouns. I am realizing their choice of class may also have been a bit of projection.
I don't know how much of this is inherent to me and how much is something I chose and how much is something I want to choose.
A brief tangent: it so happens that I very recently saw the musical Man of La Mancha, which is based on Don Quixote. While I was vaguely familiar with the story of Don Quixote, I'd never actually read or seen it in full in any form until now. I did not expect to be as touched by it as I was. Don Quixote is... for all we often make fun of him for the windmill incident, ultimately I think Don Quixote is someone we could all stand to learn from, and perhaps even to aspire to. To stubbornly, doggedly, adamantly adhere to honor and justice and a view of the world where good prevails in the end, to fight for what's right no matter the odds, to swear yourself to these things despite the way the rest of the world laughs at you - perhaps the world would be a better place if more of us were Don Quixote in this.
"A quest?" "How you must fight? And it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, if only you follow the quest."
"To dream the impossible dream. To fight the unbeatable foe. To bear with unbearable sorrow. To run where the brave dare not go. To right the unrightable wrong. To love pure and chaste from afar. To try when your arms are too weary. To reach the unreachable star."
Perhaps the recency of this exposure to Don Quixote, and my thoughts and feelings about it and about him as a character, is influencing how I'm reacting to the exposure to archetropy. Or perhaps my reaction to Man of La Mancha is indicative of my resonance with Don Quixote as someone I would argue has an archetropal identity (if of the Knight Errant rather than of the Paladin, though the two really aren't that different) himself. Perhaps both.
Either way, I think it's an admirable thing to take up such a mantle in the face of the world's cruelties - to take up the Guardian's armor and sword again, illogical as it may be, and to aspire to such a lofty ideal as this despite the way the world may consider it foolish or daft.
(And there I go getting poetic prose-y again. Perhaps that's also part of why the paladin archetype appeals to me, ha. I have been known to monologue.)
Even my job can be argued to fall into the paladin - a healer, a helper, a servant who at least tries to value The Good Of The Patient above all else. it's not quite a guardian role - but then, a paladin is often a healer as well.
On top of all of that, there's the fact that when I, out of curiosity and experimentation, put a major problem of indecision I've been facing regarding my current job hunt through the lens of "what would a paladin do," it immediately answered the question with "wouldn't let the difficulty of the task scare them off." Which didn't completely solve my problem, but solves a good solid chunk of it.
So it appears that this may be a helpful tool for me. Even if the thought of "what would Xenk Yendar do" is a slightly silly one. (And yes, Xenk Yendar is an extremely good representation of what paladin looks like to me - and perhaps it's telling that I really latched onto him as a character almost instantly upon watching Honor Among Thieves.)
Perhaps my one big hesitance to latch onto the paladin archetype is the religious connotation of a paladin - while I suppose my relationship with Asclepius could qualify, under the "paladins are also often healers" thought, Asclepius does not cover most of what draws me to the paladin archetype. But a paladin doesn't always have to be religious; in D&D paladins technically draw their power from their oath, Xenk Yendar comes up as an example of a paladin who doesn't obviously seem to have a particular god, and besides none of the alternative archetypes I'm finding or coming up with fit quite as well. The Knight Errant is close, but requires wandering in a way I am thoroughly uncomfortable with (I am still a territorial beast at heart) and also implies seeking evil rather than defending from it.
So... perhaps that's not as big a block as one might think. I'm going to chew on this a while longer, and I'm certainly open to suggestions on similar archetypes for my consideration, but... I might have tripped into a new alterhuman identity. Oops.
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mpreginthestars · 7 months
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Louis and Harry sat together on their snug couch, their backs propped up against the plush cushions. The morning sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains above them, casting a warm glow across their faces. Though their bodies were resting comfortably, their minds were hard at work — thinking of potential baby names for their unborn daughter. It hadn’t been any easy task, deciding what to call her, but they were determined to come up with something by the end of the day… a placeholder name, at the very least.
His mind racing — frankensteining a slew of sounds and letters together, to create a suitable title — Louis, tapped his finger against his chin as he gazed at Harry's round belly. "You know, love, I think it's time we explore some of the more unusual girl names.” he suggested, a bright twinkle in his eye. “Maybe we’ll strike gold.”
Harry — a curious grin playing on his lips — nodded in agreement. "Fine by me, Lou. Let's get those creative juices flowing."
A sudden wave of inspiration washing over him, Louis leaned over — inching closer to Harry's belly — his breath slightly hitched by the sudden motion. As though he were about to whisper something, he opened his mouth… but no words came out, only his tongue. Like a snake, it unfurled from between his thing lips, and planted itself against the surface of Harry's prominent outie belly button. Wet and eager, it began to dance across the knob of rubbery flesh, shaping out letters and curves.
"Hmmm, let's start with 'Lola'," Louis murmured against Harry's skin, his voice filled with an air of anticipation. "L-O-L-A."
A shiver ran down Harry's spine as he watched Louis's tongue move, creating orgasmic sensations along the brim of his navel. "Oh, Louis!” His whimpered, his fingers lightly caressing the back of Louis's neck. "That feels amazing!”
Louis, encouraged by Harry's words, continued his sensual exploration. "How about 'Amelia'?" He whispered, his tongue trailing a new name, that sent ripples of pleasure through Harry's body. "A-M-E-L-I-A."
Harry's eyes fluttered shut, his mouth parting to let out a soft moan. The intimate connection between their bodies — the feeling of Louis's saliva on his heated skin — it was an experience that he never knew he missed. "More! Please!” He pleaded, his voice laced with desire. “ Spell another name.”
A happy servant to his husband, and always eager to obey his command, Louis shifted his approach. As he looked up at Harry’s beautifully twisted face, he moved his tongue more delicately — tracing intricate patterns against the tender surface of Harry's belly. "Hmmm. What about 'Esmeralda’?" He suggested, a hint of seduction in his tone. "E-S-M-E-R-A-L-D-A."
A low, rumbling groan escaped Harry's lips, his body trembling with pleasure. "Oh, God, Louis!” He gasped, his full chest rising and falling rapidly. "That’s a good name. Wow!”
Undeterred, Louis continued his quest to find the perfect name for their little girl. His tongue glided effortlessly over Harry's belly, meticulously forming each letter. "Is it? Alright. How about ‘Elizabeth’?" he murmured, feeling the delicious tension building between them. "E-L-I-Z-A-B-E-T-H."
Harry's legs trembled, his body becoming a canvas for their shared journey of passion. Words failed him as he surrendered to the overwhelming sensations coursing through his veins. "B— Bernadette.” He managed to whisper, his fingers gripping the edge of the couch. “Spell Bernadette.”
“Bernadette? Hmmm. B-E-R-N-I. No, that’s not it, is it? B-E-R-N-A… D-E-T-T-E. Bernadette.”
Time seemed to stand still as the expectant parents lost themselves in their erotic brainstorm. Louis spellbound by the beauty of Harry's belly, and Harry consumed by the ecstasy that swelled within him. With each new name, they discovered hidden depths of pleasure, and strengthened their bonds as a family. As the hours creeped by, and noon approached, the couple finally completed their journey of names. Beads of sweat glistened on their foreheads, and their breaths came in ragged gasps.
Louis, his eyes swimming with adoration, pressed a tender kiss to Harry's damp skin. “I believe we’ve finally found her name, my love.” He whispered, his voice filled with awe. "We've found our beautiful baby girl's name!”
Harry’s body still humming with the lingering echoes of pleasure, he smiled radiantly. "Have we, now?" He asked softly, his fingers intertwining with Louis's. "Or do we need to think a little longer?"
“Hmmm. Let’s think a little bit longer… just to be safe. What should I spell next, my love?”
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shipcestuous · 1 day
Now, I love Cupid and Psyche as a ship, I think theirs is an incredibly romantic story... but today I found myself thinking about the other side of it, Cupid and Venus.
Venus starts the tale as already jealous of Psyche... 's beauty. People keep saying Psyche's more beautiful than Venus, that she looks like the second coming of Venus, that she looks like a DAUGHTER of Venus. *wink wink* So, because her pride was wounded, she sends down Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with a hideous monster, but instead, he falls for her himself.
Later on, when Psyche's two less beautiful sisters have already married but Psyche's shown no intention to follow in their footsteps, their father goes to an oracle, who tells him she's indeed destined to marry a monster... one so powerful, dangerous and unpredictable that even the gods can't do anything against it. That's obviously Cupid, who takes Psyche to a beautiful, golden house in an idyllic field, and sleep in her bed at night, but never shows himself to her and makes her promise to never attempt to discover what he really looks like. Psyche is more or less fine with this at first, but her sisters, envious of the luxury she now lives in, egg her on and convince her to break the promise by making her fear that she really is married to some hideous creature. So the next time Cupid falls asleep, she lights a lamp and looks at him, and is immediately enamoured with his beauty... but a drop of hot oil from the lamp falls on him and he wakes and flees, abandoning her.
Psyche, heartbroken and guilty because she's betrayed his trust, searches the world to find him and make amends, doing various good work for certain gods until they tell her that they can't help her because Cupid is hiding in Venus' house and they can't go against another goddess for the sake of a mortal. Psyche decides that she's willing to humiliate and put herself in danger by offering herself as a servant to Venus, who still hates her with a passion and immediately starts mistreating her and abusing her and allowing her other servants to do the same. She also says she'll let her see Cupid again if she completes a series of quests... but those quests are impossible for any mortal to complete. Thankfully, Psyche's love and good heart move several helpers from the natural and the supernatural world to do them for her, enraging Venus even more in the process.
In the end, Venus set one final quest: taking care of Cupid is supposedly draining her energy and with it, her beauty, so Psyche must go to the Underworld and fill a box with a part of the beauty of Proserpina (Persephone) herself to give her. Psyche manages this, but when she emerges into the mortal world again, she's overwhelmed with curiosity... and finds out that Proserpina filled it not with beauty but with an "infernal sleep" that immediately knocks out anyone who opens it.
Lucky for her, Cupid was actually being kept hidden in Venus' house against his will (although he might have initially come to his mother willingly in his heartbreak, that's not clear) and managed to free himself just then, so he finds her, frees her from the enchanted sleep, and then brings her to Jupiter (Zeus) to ask his permission to marry her. Jupiter agrees to their union and orders a still-wrathful Venus to back off and leave the happy couple alone. Cupid and Psyche marry and then have a child named Voluptas (Pleasure, or Hedone in Greek).
So, to recap... Venus acts like the kind of fairytale father who keeps his daughter locked away and uses all sort of tricks to fight off her suitors. Or, as if that wasn't already suggestive enough, like a possessive, hot-tempered Mean Girl character facing off against a more sweet, innocent love interest in a love triangle.
Obviously, she's defeated in the end so True Love can win. But her cattiness sure is rife with possibilities!
I didn't know a lot of this, so thanks for going into detail about the mythology.
She just locks him up. I love it.
There are a lot of possibilities here based on what happens in the story. Plus, she's Venus, the most beautiful goddess, and it sounds like he's pretty good looking too, and they're immortal so it's not like the generational difference between them matters at all.
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gatheringkeepsakes · 4 months
Feeling some type of way about the stories we're getting out of recent anime seasons and what it means for the future - in storytelling and beyond. So many of them taking classic tropes and flipping them on their heads or giving them a new twist we've rarely, if ever, seen before.
- Frieren with the story starting at the end of the heroes quest. Structured like a traditional shounen, but instead of constant power ups, it's learning patience and using the tools you've diligently studied beforehand. With very emotional themes around grief and love being two sides of one coin. Not just focusing on the tragedy of grief, but healing and living in the wake of it.
- Apothecary diaries as a murder mystery, chinese inspired court drama full of political intrigue and riddles... but for once entirely from the eyes of women. The concubines and their roles in the palace, to the courtesans of the red light district, to the servants scrubbing the floors.
- Sign of Affection as the pinnacle of the shoujo renaissance, but the main character is disabled and it's treated with care. And also it's not 13 episodes waiting for them to date, we actually get to see them have a relationship. Spoiler alert, they're kissing by episode 7.
- Dungeon Meshi starting like a typical high fantasy, light hearted, monster-of-the-week cooking show, only to dive into themes around ecosystems and power structures, obsession and consumption. Not to mention all the same genre gimmicks we're used to seeing but subverted. The character thats actually an adult but looks 14 is a dude for once, and he's a divorcée with 3 daughters. The main fan service is a hairy dwarf that just wants to cook you good food. There is a cat girl. She's not sexualized, she just acts like a feral kitten they found on the side of the road. Because that's what she is.
It just makes me really excited, especially when compared to the corporate run media that seems to be taking over everywhere these days. None of the shows I've listed here are perfect, but it demonstrates a trend on stories that's been going on in recent years. Where we seriously think about the unwritten rules we live by and start to question how we might approach them differently.
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ellamorgan333 · 2 months
give me modern tahini van der linde family vacation headcanons😛
here’s a few of mine
- susan is the airport dad, reverend is drunk by the time their off the plane, dutch is already wearing his hawaiian shirt
- they live in a big house by the beach with a pool and hot tub, john got too drunk on the second day and fell in and hosea yelled at arthur to get him
- kieran is still the servant boy who brings everyone their drinks and they expect him to
- hosea and dutch get wayyy to drunk on the first day and make fools out of themselves but their having fun so it’s fine
- the girls love getting ready to go to family dinners (when pearson doesn’t cook)
- sadie and abigail take baby jack into the pool and ocean (baby jack has a duck raft)
- half of them are sunburnt af bc they don’t want to use sunblock
- by day 3 john is bright red on the beach wearing abigail’s sun hat and javier’s poncho
- arthur and charles sit in beach chairs staring out into the ocean with bud lites in their hands
- lenny and sean go on side quests then randomly come back and go the furthest into the ocean which makes susan nervous and annoyed
- micah disrespects the locals and has his beer belly out all the time
- strauss planed the funding for the trip but they did not invite him and left before he could say anything🤭
- bill is actually having a good time and being fun while trying to make fun drinks for everyone (trying to get kieran to play bartender with him)
- grandpa dutch and hosea play with jack in the pool
- dutch likes the hot tub ofc
- uncle is having the time of his life and him and javier play their banjo and guitar together a lot
- the youngins will smoke a j secretly and reverend will pop out of nowhere quietly asking for a hit (sean thinks its really funny)
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