#Los Hombrecitos
tomoleary · 3 months
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Pierre Seron “Les petits hommes” becomes “Los Hombrecitos” in Spanish.
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uwuguay · 7 months
siento que la verdadera prueba de fuego para les fanartistas de ofmd es ver como dibujan a stede bonnet, porque taika waititi es un viejo sexy así que no cuenta. les artistas del internet saben dibujar viejos sexys. pero un viejo promedio? un viejo que no pueden sexualizar??? dificilísimo.
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crashed-on-mars · 1 year
diego lainez si estas leyendo esto estoy libre el jueves por la noche. si quieres pasar el rato estoy libre el jueves por la noche cuando estoy libre para pasar el rato. Soy libre para pasar el rato el jueves por la noche, así que si quieres pasar el rato el jueves por la noche, soy libre. por favor
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Asombrosa escultura-rr ¿Es Cultura la EsCultura? Javier Marín. Barro.
Artista Mexicano, nacido en Uruapan Michoacán (1962), con una trayectoria activa que rebasa los treinta años,
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Javier Marín ha expuesto de manera individual en más de noventa ocasiones y ha participado en más de doscientas muestras colectivas en México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, así como en varios países de Centroamérica, Sudamérica, Asia y Europa.
El trabajo de Javier Marín gira en torno al ser humano integral, valiéndose del análisis del proceso creativo a partir de la construcción y la de-construcción de las formas tridimensionales. Tomando la escultura y ahora incluyendo el dibujo y la fotografía como disciplinas centrales.
Algunas de sus muestras se han llevado a cabo en espacios como Place du Louvre, en París (2018); The San Diego Museum of Art en California (2018); el MUDEC Museo delle Culture en Milán (2018); la Pinacoteca Comunale Casa Rusca, en Locarno, Suiza (2016); el Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma Testaccio, en Roma (2013-2014); Les Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, en Bruselas (2010); el Museo di Palazzo Reale, en Milán (2008-2009); el Bass Museum of Art, en Miami Beach (2006-2007); el Museo Colonial y el Museo Santa Clara, ambos en Bogotá (2006); el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca (2006); el Museo Amparo, en Puebla (2005); el Espace Pierre Cardin, en París (2000); el Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, en la Ciudad de México (1996); el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, México (1993); y el Museo de Arte Álvar y Carmen T. de Carrillo Gil, en la Ciudad de México (1990), entre muchos otros. Como revisión a los treinta años de su trayectoria se presentó la exposición Corpus Terra en el Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso y en el Palacio de Iturbide, en la Ciudad de México (2015-2016).
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vivien nude in dripping wet
vivien desnuda en mojado
Babysitter: Ready for another sexy bath?
Babysitter: Well, good morning, handsome. Care to join me?
Boy: For real?
Babysitter: Heck, yeah.
The boy gets in the tub with the woman, and they have sex.
Babysitter: Wanna play with my tits, handsome?
Babysitter: You sure fondled my breasts real good, little man. Now, I want you to grope and kiss my butt.
Babysitter: Are you just going to gawk at me, little man, or are you going to get in this tub and make love to me?
Niñera: ¿Lista para otro baño sexy?
Niñera: Bueno, buenos días, guapo. ¿Quieres unirte a mí?
Chico: ¿De verdad?
Niñera: Diablos, sí.
El niño se mete en la bañera con la mujer y tienen relaciones sexuales.
Niñera: ¿Quieres jugar con mis tetas, guapo?
Niñera: Seguro que me acariciaste muy bien los pechos, hombrecito. Ahora quiero que toques y beses mi trasero.
Niñera: ¿Me vas a quedar boquiabierto, hombrecito, o te meterás en esta bañera y me harás el amor?
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flan-tasma · 3 months
me gustaría leer algo sobre freminet junto con la lectora cuidando a su hermano menor (el hermano menor de la lectora 😭) SIENTO QUE FREMINET SERIA MUY DULCE CON EL(T_T)
entonces, si puedes y quieres, podrias escribir algo sobre eso?😓
es todo, espero estes bien!!! ヾ(^-^)ノ
💖~ Me encanta la idea de Freminet con una pareja con un hermano menor, sería como verse a sí mismo y de alguna manera lo entendería.
Advertencia: No ahora💖, Fem!Reader | Google Translate me patrocina (es mentira) Si cometí algún error en la traducción al inglés, ¡estaré encantada de leer tus comentarios! | Contenido en español e inglés.
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Freminet conocía a tu hermano por su nombre, sabía que era una de las razones por las que había veces en las que no podías salir, debías cuidarlo, o ayudarlo con su tarea o incluso ir por él a la escuela. Lo entendió. Pero verlo era otra situación distinta.
Ese día te disculpas te con él por no poder salir a la cita que habían planeado, estabas ocupada cuidando del pequeño niño porque la escuela no dió clases. Freminet sabía que era mejor para ti no darte problemas e irse, pero un pequeño torbellino de emoción sonrisas tiró de su manga hasta la sala. El niñito, tu hermano, los tenía a ambos sentados junto a él haciendo figuras con papel y pintando garabatos que no tenían mucho sentido, pero juraba que eran personas. No tuvo la elección de decir que no, que tenía que ir a hacer otras cosas, la mirada ilusionada del niño no le permitía llevarle la contraria y ahora lo estaba ayudando a dormir a todas las figuras de papel en un fuerte de almohadas.
Ante todo, cada remota idea nueva que tenía el pequeño hombrecito, pintar esos papeles que lucían importantes, quitar los cojines de los muebles y las sábanas de las camas, miraba primero a tus ojos en busca de ayuda. No quería terminar de hacer un desastre en tu casa, pero parecías acostumbrada.
"¿Fremmy, puedes quedarte a cenar?" La vocecita del niño lo sacó de sus pensamientos, estaba sentado sobre muchos cojines y unas mantas en una especie de trono sobre el sofá, Freminet y tú tenían miedo de que se cayera y ahí estaban, él pintaba algunos libros para colorear de animales y tu mirabas al niño. Freminet buscó alguna respuesta en ti pero le sonreíste. "Pero no tienes permitido besar a mi hermana, es asqueroso."
Las mejillas de Freminet se sonrojaron mientras reía nervioso, tu reprochaste a tu hermano y él solo siguió quejándose acerca de que no quería que tuvieras novio. Luego se levantó en su lugar y miró bien a Freminet, inspeccionándolo hasta que llegó a una conclusión.
"No puedes ser el novio de mi hermana porque aún no has traído un regalo." El niño se cruzó de brazos mientras usaba toda su cabeza para pensar. "Los príncipes deben realizar un acto valeroso para quedarse con la princesa... ¡O traer un regalo para la familia de la princesa!"
"¿Planeas venderme?" Bromeaste con una mano en tu pecho, dramatizando tu miseria. El niño bajó de un salto de su trono de almohadas para abrazarte y disculparse, casi llorando por ser un mal hermano y no cuidarte. Freminet los miró, estabas sonriendo por debajo de toda tu actuación de tristeza y el niño te intentó calmar con un dibujo de una oveja comiendo caramelos, ofreciendo sus disculpas y llenándote de diversos dibujos. Sonrió ante la imagen, recordándose a sí mismo que en algún momento ese fue él, buscando la aprobación de sus hermanos mayores, siguiéndolos como si fuera un patito. "Bien, te disculpo. Pero no habrá helado de postre en la cena."
A pesar de que explicaste que tu hermano debía aprender que no podía tratar de venderte, Freminet le regaló unas pocas galletas después de cenar. Y ese simple acto había sido suficiente para que el niño pidiera otro día de juegos con el buzo.
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Freminet knew your brother by name, he knew it was one of the reasons why there were times when you couldn't go out, you had to take care of him, or help him with his homework or even pick him up at school. He understood it. But seeing him was a different situation.
That day you apologize to him for not being able to go out on the date you had planned, you were busy taking care of the little boy because the school didn't have classes. Freminet knew it was best for you not to give you any trouble and leave, but a small whirlwind of excited smiles tugged his sleeve into the living room. The little boy, your brother, had you both sitting next to him making shapes with paper and painting doodles that didn't make much sense, but he swore they were people. He didn't have the choice to say no, that he had to go do other things, the boy's excited look didn't allow him to contradict him and now he was helping him put all the paper figures to sleep in a pillow fort.
First of all, every remote new idea the little man had, painting those important looking papers, removing the cushions from the furniture and the sheets from the beds, he looked first into your eyes for help. He didn't want to end up making a mess in your house, but you seemed used to it.
"Fremmy, can you stay for dinner?" The boy's little voice took him out of his thoughts, he was sitting on many cushions and some blankets in a kind of throne on the sofa, you and Freminet were afraid that he would fall and there they were, he was painting some animal coloring books and you looked at the boy. Freminet looked to you for an answer but you smiled at him. "But you're not allowed to kiss my sister, it's disgusting."
Freminet's cheeks flushed red as he laughed nervously, you scolded your brother and he just continued to complain about how he didn't want you to have a boyfriend. He then stood up in his place and took a good look at Freminet, inspecting him until he came to a conclusion.
"You can't be my sister's boyfriend because you haven't brought a gift yet." The boy crossed his arms as he used his entire head to think. "The princes must perform a brave act to keep the princess... Or bring a gift for the princess's family!"
"Are you planning to sell me?" You joked with a hand on your chest, dramatizing your misery. Ñ The boy jumped down from his throne of pillows to hug you and apologize, almost crying for being a bad brother and not taking care of you. Freminet looked at him and you, you were smiling underneath all your sad performance and the boy tried to calm you down with a drawing of a sheep eating candy, offering his apology and filling you with various drawings. He smiled at the image, reminding himself that at some point that was him, seeking the approval of his older siblings, following them around like a duckling. "Well, I apologize. But there will be no ice cream for dessert at dinner."
Even though you explained that your brother had to learn that he couldn't try to sell you, Freminet gave him a few cookies after dinner. And that simple act had been enough for the boy to ask for another day of playing with the diver.
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sissy-frydda · 1 year
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My uncle took me to the Burlesque house in the village, run by Frau Helga, a beautiful German girl maybe 50 years old.
"Miss Helga, I want you to make a little man out of my nephew, call me when you're done" was all my uncle said. And there I was, alone with that beautiful woman, knowing that I was going to have sex.
FH:"Come with me honey" he told me and took me by the hand. "Frau Helga knows what boys like"
I: "My uncle brought me because I'm a fag, Miss Helga", I said embarrassed.
FH:"Don't worry honey, you're going to enjoy today" and she began to undress until she was left in panties, a bra, and a garter belt. I took off all my boy clothes and there I waited. Frau Helga took on a corset, open crotch panties and black stockings.
FH: "Come here love, this will fit you perfectly" My erection was such that I couldn't hide my cock in my panties and then she made me lie down on the bed, I He spread his legs wide and told me "Close your eyes" His tongue began to play with my sensitive balls, my erect penis was held by his hand. His tongue went down my ass and a whore moan escaped me. "Ahh I see... Let's try this..." out of nowhere a beautiful purple vibrator appeared on the scene and its glans began to dilate my tail. I released another moan and she let me in, it was devilishly lubricated and it kept invading me. She settled between my legs and I rested the base of the vibrator on her pubis so that she felt like she was in charge. "Enjoy it baby, so feel it... And look into my eyes" she affirmed her vibrator on me and took my penis firmly, I fixed my eyes on hers and let me go in powerful spurts of semen while I moaned with pleasure with my ass full of woman's penis.
Mi tío me llevó a la casa de Burlesque del pueblo, la administra Frau Helga, una hermosa alemana de unos 50 años tal vez.
"Señorita Helga, quiero que haga de mi sobrino todo un hombrecito, llámeme cuando termine" fue todo lo que dijo mi tio. Y allí quedé, solo con aquella bellísima mujer, sabiendo que iba a tener sexo.
FH: "Ven conmigo cariño" me dijo y me tomo de la mano. "Frau Helga sabe lo que le gusta a los chicos"
YO: mi tío me trajo porque que soy marica Señorita Helga, dije con vergüenza.
FH: "No te preocupes cariño, hoy vas a gozar" y comenzó a desvestirse hasta quedar en panties, brassier y portaligas. Yo me quite toda mi ropa de chico y allí esperé. Frau Helga tomó un corset, bragas abiertas en la entrepierna y medias negras, "Ven aquí amor, esto te va a quedar perfecto" Mi ereccion era tal que no podía esconder mi verga en la braga y entonces me hizo recostar en la cama, me abrió bien las piernas y me dijo "Cierra los ojos" Su lengua comenzó a jugar con mis bolas sensibles, mi pene erguido era sujetado por su mano. Su lengua bajó a mi culo y se me escapó un gemido de puta. "Ahh ya veo... Probemos con esto..." de la nada apareció un hermoso vibrador morado en la escena y su glande comenzó a dilatar mi cola. Lance otro gemido y ella me lo hizo entrar, estaba diabolicamente lubricado no dejaba de invadirme. Ella se acomodó entre mis piernas y apoyo la base del vibrador en su pubis de forma que se sintiera que estaba a cargo. "Gozalo bebé, así sientelo... Y mírame a los ojos" ella afirmó su vibrador en mi y tomo mi pene con firmeza, yo clave mis ojos en los suyos y me deje ir en poderosos chorros de semen mientras gemia de placer con mi culo lleno de pene de mujer.
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writer-ann-artist · 6 months
Hi! I love 'the devils ángel'! Would you ever write a part 2??
The Devil's Ángel II
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"Mi amor."
Hiram purred into my ear to wake me up. Which worked, I rolled over and snuggled into his arms.
"Buen día, mi amor."
I spoke into his chest.
"Did Ronnie wake up yet?"
"He did, and I warmed the bottle as you told me to. He even burped when you said he would."
Hiram chuckled as he recalled his early morning.
"Did you go for your run yet?"
"No. It was still early, and you looked so lonely."
He pulled me closer to him, putting his head in my neck. I hum and held his arms as my back was to his chest.
"How about you get ready for your run? There will be food ready for you when you get back."
Hiram responded first with a big kiss on my cheek.
"That sounds like a deal. Mi angel eres demasiado buena para mi."
He kisses me again but on my lips. He's out of bed pretty fast, the morning person he is. I roll over and try to wipe the sleep away from my eyes.
I was feeding Ronnie from my breast at Hiram's insistence. He said he didn't want me to change anything from my routine without him. Just that he wanted to be involved. It was sweet, but I was still uneasy about it since Veronica decided to have breakfast with us. Once I had finished feeding my baby, Hermine came in the apartment. We both greeted each other kindly, but her face remained stern. Since my being here, her and Hiram have been cross with each other. Me and V look at one another, knowing what was going to happen. She looks at her phone, texting someone before getting up to leave for school.
"Adios mi guapo mini yo."
She mumbled to Ronnie and kissed his head. She says bye to her mom and dad before completely leaving the home. With Ronnie asleep, it was easy to hear the private conversation between the married couple.
"You are not taking this seriously."
"I am taking this seriously. My priorities haven't changed, Hermine."
His wife sighs as he doesn't let her talk again. Instead, he gets up and greets his sleeping son. He kisses me on my forehead before mumbling his words.
"Como esta mi hombrecito guapo?"
"Él lo está haciendo bien. Comió bien así que estará durmiendo un rato."
I whisper back to him. He responds with a smile and kisses my lips.
"Volveré más tarde, no me esperes."
"Por supuesto mi amor."
He mumbles a bye to his son before giving him another kiss. He leaves behind Hermine after his goodbyes with a wave.
"I don't blame you, Anna."
Hermine spoke first. I looked up at her, shocked.
"I took him away from you. I gave him a new family to focus on. You should hate me."
I state sadly as I adjust Ronnie in my arms. When I first met Hiram, I didn't know about his family, but it didn't stop me when I found out either. It was impossible to leave him, especially when I found out I was having Ronnie.
"You would not be asking me to hate you if you did all that on purpose. I blame Hiram for putting you and your little boy in this mess."
She steps close and touches Ronnie's head softly. She smiled at him
"He looks just like Veronica did."
We both smile at the thought of our babies.
I was sitting on the picnic blanket Veronica bought for today. She had insisted on getting one that was perfect for Ronnie. I was bouncing my baby boy while Hermine made faces at him. V had found her friends and they decided to walk around the park and talk. There was some press conference being held by the mayor that Hiram wanted us all to be there for, so here we are.
"He looks very cute in this jacket."
"I know right! One of Veronica's friends got it for him. They said he needed to 'represent'."
I giggle with Hermine. I hear feet crunching on some dead leaves, looking up I expect Hiram but instead a find a man. An older handsome man. I could feel my jaw hang open before muttering a pathetic hello. He smiles back at me and shyly waves.
"Did you need something?"
Hermine asked giving him her business voice. The man doesn't look at her as he responds.
"No, no just checking out the little guys outfit. He looks mighty handsome."
He pointed out my baby's jacket. I blush under his gaze. He had a handsome smile.
"Thank you, it was a gift actually."
"Awe shoot, this the little man Jughead was talking about. Now I'm thinking I should have asked more questions about mama."
The way he said 'mama' sent shivers up and down my spine, the same way when Hiram calls me 'Angel'. My cheeks heat up as he kneels down getting a better look at my baby.
"They sure are cute when their this small."
"You mentioned, Jughead. Is he, is he your son?"
God help me if I find another gather attractive. The man smile a proud smile that I see on Hiram's when he talks about his children.
"Yes, Jughead is my boy. If you couldn't tell by our dashing good looks."
He jokes making me laugh. My laugh triggers Ronnie's giggles.
"I see little man takes after mama."
I open my eyes after laughing to see his eyes on me and that dashing smirk that never leaves his face.
"I'm FP by the way."
"I'm Anna."
I smile as he doesn't reach out his hand asking for a handshake, like he knew I didn't like them. Harmine typed something on her phone and signaled she needed to go somewhere.
"I'll be fine."
I reassured her. She was hesitant, but one look at her phone reminded her how important what she needed to do was. Once she was away FP scooted onto the blanket next to me, pulling some leaves with him. Ronnie giggles at the crunching of the dead leaves.
"So, how do you know the Lodge's?"
I laugh as I was answering his question.
"I could ask you the same."
"You got me. We meet through very short business dealings."
I wince at his answer. With I sigh I bring the attention back on me and his original question.
"I don't know how to answer you question. It's,..."
I smile and nodd at him, his eyes looking right back at me. I stared back at him enjoying his eyes on me.
"I'd imagine things get complicated around you."
I playfully scoff making Ronnie laugh.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
FP looks at Ronnie as if they were having a conversation but still talking to me.
"She knows what I'm talking about. Having a mama this hot draws a lot of attention I bet. Especially if she has you around."
I blush hard at his words.
"Awe, I made mama blush."
Ronnie giggles as he talks to FP. The man smiles enjoying the time with the baby. It made my stomach flutter. Until someone cleared their throat. We both look away from each other and Ronnie to look at who was wanting our attention. My smile falls when I see Hiram.
"Evening Lodge, how's the wife. Saw her earlier but business never stops for you guys."
FP laughs at his own joke. Hiram doesn't react. He just stares down FP like he was putting me in danger. I hadn't seen Hiram stare at someone like this since I was pregnant with Ronnie.
"Anna querida, la mía estaba buscando. Algo sobre un regalo para Ronnie."
"Oh, le encantará, estoy seguro. ¿No lo harás, muchacho?"
I speak to my baby making him laugh. I look up and find FP's eyes again.
"Creo que deberías acudir a ella en realidad. Estire las piernas."
My smile falters a little. He wasn't asking a question. But my smile picks up again. He probably just wants to go home he doesn't like being out of he can't dote on Ronnie the whole time. I gather Ronnie's things with him on my side.
"It was nice meeting you, FP."
"Nice meeting you too, doll face."
The nickname made me stutter and drop Ronnie's chupete. FP picked it up for me with that charming smirk of his.
As I stand up I give him a wave and even make Ronnie wave bye. FP laughed and waved back. I smile and carry Ronnie to were Hiram gestured Veronica was waiting for me. Hiram never looked at me only FP. I felt bad that he was so irritated. Maybe I should have stayed home.
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jartitameteneis · 3 months
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Si puedes tener 15 hijos olímpicos y solo tener esos rollitos, te los has ganado, si no, deja de comparar.
incluyendo a los hombrecitos que nunca gestarán y tremenda llanta de tractor que se cargan.
Os comparto estos comentarios de donde lo he robado, me he reido mucho, por eso me gustaría más comentarios y participación entre todos por aquí,sabéis que la gracia de este blog está en vuestros comentarios y opiniones.
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No quisiera ponerte nerviosa.
Es la primera vez que algo
nos va a separar,
porque es la primera vez
que te produciré auténtico
Así que empiezo otra vez:
quiero ponerte nerviosa,
quiero que tiembles
y quiero que aprendas
a hacerme temblar.
Amo a la gente neurótica,
los cuchillos y las guitarras eléctricas.
Soy un hombrecito insano,
el más perfecto de los traidores
porque no tengo causa.
Desconfía de mí,
que se trabe tu lengua
al darme la espalda.
Ese es el primer paso.
Toma conciencia de que mis manos
no sólo sirven para acariciar
y hay muchas palabras
que contigo nunca he usado.
Fíjate en que esto ya no es un poema,
que yo no soy el mismo para ti
desde que empezó este diálogo.
Imagínate sufriendo
toda la eternidad
el aullido del parto.
Suéñate en un coito largo como la vida,
conocer de memoria las lentas variaciones
del rostro durante el orgasmo.
Vivir el placer de los fantasmas,
el placer de las camas que soportan cuerpos y cuerpos
sin diferenciar si eres un vivo o un cadáver.
¿Ya tiemblas?
Quisiera ordenar con lógica
mi discurso,
pero no puedo.
Sólo deseo que te hundas
en mi carne cenagosa,
gritarte desde el infierno:
¡Ayúdame, ayúdame
con tu viejo pelo negro
y tu boca redonda!
¿Me comprendes?
Huelo tu miedo pequeño y frágil
que invade tu conciencia virgen
y los correosos deseos rojizos
que arden en ti y no reconoces.
Mujer desnuda en una doble página
de un libro de arte,
tomada salvajemente por un jíbaro loco,
por un niño dado a luz en un pesebre,
barrida por el aliento sucio
de maridos que emigran en tren de medianoche,
con voz de odio haciendo el amor, de
chorlito dorado americano y de
gato chino del desierto.
Porque el Amor es una enorme trampa
para cazar hormigas y elefantes,
pero la palabra Amor
es como la palabra Dios,
siempre con mayúsculas
para que no se esfume el encanto.
¿He logrado confundirte,
o sólo he conseguido que me beses la frente
y murmures con ternura que estoy enfermo?
Lo cierto es que ya nunca me verás igual,
siempre imaginarás secretos
oscuros encerrados en mí,
¡pero eso es lo que quiero!
Le daré otro giro:
ese amor de llorar en una despedida,
de presentir los próximos gestos
educados y gentilmente eróticos
a que te has habituado,
de gozar con las palabras de agua,
olas mansas que no producen el menor daño,
te aplacan la sed
e impiden que te tortures
más de lo establecido.
Pero yo te susurro
que existen
los trenes secretos del corazón
las huellas en los pasillos de madrugada,
las jeringas jadeando
en encerradas habitaciones,
los pechos azotados por látigos de semen
y los sueños sangrientos...
Porque la Represión es
la más peligrosa caja de Pandora,
porque el dolor oculto
es el arma mejor montada,
porque ser consciente
es vivir siempre junto a la muerte,
o en medio como nosotros,
la raza de los agonizantes.
Estoy seguro de que me vas comprendiendo:
hay un millón de sensaciones
que te entran por un ojo
no más levantar el párpado,
el otro espera cerrado
su oportunidad.
Este es mi último intento:
quiero verte alcohólica
para que me escupas en la boca,
quiero que te sientas
camello, león y niño,
quiero verte en forma de hombre,
quiero que veas en mí
un espejo interminable
y que te arrojes a él
con todas tus fuerzas,
hacia el fondo,
lo hondo
Félix Francisco Casanova
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ravenoodlees · 11 months
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Never am I gonna get tired of drawing this lil silly man
I feel like the more I draw Wally, the more accurate it gets HDJDNSJ
Nunca me cansaría de dibujar este hombrecito
Siento que lo más que dibujo a Wally, lo más exacto se ve al original HDJDNSJ
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hurt-comfort-lover · 10 months
Mirabel AU / Mirabel Angst / Mama Mirabel / Part Five
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Why would Tonito call his prima his mama? She was his mama. Pepa looked at Mirabel, and Mirabel looked shell-shocked. Pepa tried to organize her thoughts, maybe it was just a miscommunication. Her Tonito was just confused. She pulled Tonito back into her arms, facing him towards her.
“Silly hombrecito, I’m your mama.” She said as she gently put his hand against her. He began to fuss and pulled towards her niece once again. She looked over at Mirabel to see her still not moving, she looked scared or surprised. Mirabel didn’t move, she couldn’t. She didn’t know what to do, or what to say. She had tried so hard to show Antonio that Pepa was his mama. She failed. Her head spiraled, her thoughts swarming her.
‘How could you let this happen?’
‘You’re as useless as everyone thinks you are.’
‘You had ONE job.’
‘It’s your fault.’
‘Your familia will NEVER be proud of you.’
‘You’re better off dead…’
That last one made tears well in her eyes, though she refused to let them fall. She held her breath, as she waited for her Tia Pepa’s reaction. Would she yell at her? Would she stop letting her take care of Tonito? Would she isolate her from the familia? Would she be disappointed in her? Pepa didn’t know what to say. What could she say? Guilt swelled in her chest, jealousy, sadness, anger. She took a deep breath repeating the words ‘clear skies’ in her head. 
“N- Nevermind Mirabel. I’ll just do it.” She said as she walked away. Mirabel just sat there, confusion and fear written on her face. She deserved to get yelled at. She deserved to get in trouble. She was a failure. Yet Tia Pepa didn’t yell like she normally would, she just left. For all Mirabel knows, Tia Pepa probably hates her now. She got off the couch feeling numb. She ignored the stares from her mami and Abuela. She walked into the nursery and laid down on her bed. Tia Pepa came in there soon after and put Tonito in his crib after changing him into his pajamas. Mirabel tried with all her might to pretend she was asleep. Her Tia seemed to buy it luckily as she looked at her resting son. 
“Mi hombrecito, lo siento. I shouldn’t be angry at you. You’re just a baby. Mirabel is just a kid. I am, though, I’m angry at both of you, but at the same time, I can’t be. Especially never at you, my little bundle of joy. Te amo, buenas noches Tonito.” She whispered. Then she went to her bed, with her husband. She told Felix what happened, and she cried into his arms. He held her tight. He didn’t mind the rain that fell in their room. He was just glad she was able to feel something in her room. Their room technically. Eventually, Pepa got tired and she finally stopped crying as the clouds slowly dissipated.
“Mi vida, don’t fret my dear. It’s not too late, it’s never too late. Show Tonito who his real mami is, si?”
“Si Felix, gracias.”
“Anytime mi amor.”
Mirabel just laid in her bed and stared at the ceiling, listening to the soothing sound of her primito's little snores. She didn’t know how to feel, she was scared and sad, but also, just a little happy. She wished a small part of her didn’t want to be Tonito’s mami. Sometimes, she acted like his Mami too. She knew she didn’t deserve it though. This was the least she could do for being so useless. She needed to contribute to the familia in some way, and this is how.
Pepa made sure to spend extra time with her youngest son for the next couple of weeks. She even took it upon herself to take a break from chores for a day to dedicate to Antonio, to Abuela's displeasure. Over the next couple of months Antonio made so much progress. He was almost two and he could already say so many words including, mama, dada, nana, Mira, and so much more. Time went by quickly for Mirabel. Before she knew it, Tonito had turned three. She was already thirteen. Tonito had started eating at the table during breakfast and dinner, and he had learned pretty quickly how to use utensils, especially at his age. Mirabel loves being able to tell Tonito that she loves him, and then him being able to tell her back. She had gotten more books about animals from the library since he seemed so infatuated with them. She had slowly taught him to read and write a bit. Pepa was about the same, though she did make sure to have a little extra time for all her children, especially Antonio. Mirabel’s skills increased regarding sewing and embroidery. She had made multiple dresses, shirts, skirts, and much more. Senora Gabriela praised her constantly. Mirabel had started taking Antonio out more to play with his friends. Though at first, it was a bit awkward to talk to a bunch of adults, they still treated her with respect for being such a good Prima to her little cousin. She had gotten to know many of the village children, and she joined Antonio and his friends often, helping to watch the children whenever she could.
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Asombrosa escultura-rr ¿Es Cultura la EsCultura? Javier Marín. Barro.
Artista Mexicano, nacido en Uruapan Michoacán (1962), con una trayectoria activa que rebasa los treinta años,
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Javier Marín ha expuesto de manera individual en más de noventa ocasiones y ha participado en más de doscientas muestras colectivas en México, Estados Unidos y Canadá, así como en varios países de Centroamérica, Sudamérica, Asia y Europa.
El trabajo de Javier Marín gira en torno al ser humano integral, valiéndose del análisis del proceso creativo a partir de la construcción y la de-construcción de las formas tridimensionales. Tomando la escultura y ahora incluyendo el dibujo y la fotografía como disciplinas centrales.
Algunas de sus muestras se han llevado a cabo en espacios como Place du Louvre, en París (2018); The San Diego Museum of Art en California (2018); el MUDEC Museo delle Culture en Milán (2018); la Pinacoteca Comunale Casa Rusca, en Locarno, Suiza (2016); el Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma Testaccio, en Roma (2013-2014); Les Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, en Bruselas (2010); el Museo di Palazzo Reale, en Milán (2008-2009); el Bass Museum of Art, en Miami Beach (2006-2007); el Museo Colonial y el Museo Santa Clara, ambos en Bogotá (2006); el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca (2006); el Museo Amparo, en Puebla (2005); el Espace Pierre Cardin, en París (2000); el Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, en la Ciudad de México (1996); el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, México (1993); y el Museo de Arte Álvar y Carmen T. de Carrillo Gil, en la Ciudad de México (1990), entre muchos otros. Como revisión a los treinta años de su trayectoria se presentó la exposición Corpus Terra en el Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso y en el Palacio de Iturbide, en la Ciudad de México (2015-2016).
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Seven Days ~ Chapter Thirteen
Seven Days -  Modern Tolkien AU
Firefighter Frerin Durin died in a fire set deliberately. But after he helps his brother, Thorin find happiness, Frerin is offered a second chance. He has to prove himself worthy by righting the one major wrong in his life. Otherwise, history will repeat and he will die for good this time. The catch? He has seven days in which to do this and isn’t even certain what his major wrong is.
At least, he doesn’t know for long. 
Syd Prescott has known Frerin since high school. She spent one night with him and then he vanished from her life. Now, he claims he wants to make it up to her, to right was he realizes was his major wrong. But can she trust him? And can he prove to her that she can before it’s too late? 
A/N - This story is the sequel to Miss Fortune, but is a stand alone story. 
I used google translate for the Spanish, so I apologize for any mistranslations...
Spanish Translations:
“No, no… déjame en paz!” ~ No, please leave me alone.
For favor, no me lleves!” ~ Please don’t take me
esta bién ~ It’s okay
No entiendo. No hablas ingles ~ I don’t understand. I don’t speak English
Por favor déjalo ir! No tengo papeles! ~ Please let go, I have no papers
Cómo te llamos, hombrecito? ~ what’s your name, little man?
Lo seinto ~ I’m sorry.
Qué dijo ella? - What did she say?
Summary: Frerin’s house responds to a warehouse fire and later, a false alarm…
Pairing: Modern!Frerin x OFC Syd Prescott
Characters: Frerin, Syd, Nico Zarelli, Dave Brewer, Holly Cassidy, Tori
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 5,462 
Tag List : @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc
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Normally, the sight and sound of a fire engine racing down Main Street didn’t really draw all that much attention at Miss Fortune’s Crystal, but this time, Syd looked up at the wail of the siren and her heart leaped into her throat as an engine bearing the words Cranford Falls Fire Department and the number two in gold on its side went roaring by. Engine Two/Ladder Two. Frerin’s house. 
It was the first time she really thought about what firefighters did. What Frerin did. She remembered a conversation she’d had with her sister Alex, as Alex and Thorin were in the beginning stages of their relationship and she’d been hesitant about getting involved with him. 
“Well,” Alex chewed on her popcorn,“he’s a cop, for one thing.”
That amused Syd, as Cranford Falls was hardly a hotbed of criminal activity.“So what? We live in a pretty safe town.”
“Yeah, but things happen.”
It was a good thing Alex wasn’t there to see Syd now fighting the urge to pace, the urge to dig out her cell phone and call Frerin to make sure he was all right. How did Alex do it? Cranford Falls was safe, but she knew Thorin had had a few close calls over the years. And Syd knew for herself that Frerin had as well. 
“Like I said,” he replied, carrying her toward the stairs, “I’m a fireman. I haven’t dropped anyone since I was a probie. You’re in good hands.”
“Wait, you dropped someone?”
“It was an accident.” He carried her out of the living room and toward the stairs. “She was trying to get away from me because she didn't want to leave her purse in the room. I told her to hold still, but she wriggled and squirmed and I dropped her and we both went through the floor.”
She’d seen for herself the faded, but still raised surgical scars on Frerin’s right knee, from when he’d torn his ACL his rookie year. 
Don’t think about that.
“Frerin, you’re a big guy. You have a beautiful, soothing voice and a calm air about you. I’ll bet none of those people in that house last night were afraid once they saw you.” 
She sighed, unable to get the thoughts to leave her in peace. Sometimes her brain was her own worst enemy.
“Syd? Are you okay?” Charlie came up to the counter. “You’re white as anything.”
“A fire truck just went by.”
“Yeah, I heard it.” Charlie’s expression grew concerned. “Frerin’s house?”
“Syd, you spent one night with the guy.”
“Two nights, actually. And I don’t know, he keeps saying he’s going to prove to me he’s not playing with me.”
“I know, I know. I can’t be sure he isn’t. But, Charlie, I want to believe him.”
“Yeah, I know, but when someone shows you their true self, sometimes you have to just cut your losses because they are not changing.”
“But what if that isn’t his true self?” The siren’s scream faded into the distance and she sighed as she rested her elbow on the glass and her chin on her fist. “What if he does mean it?”
“Well, how hurt will you be if he vanishes again?”
Syd sighed. Sometimes, Charlie was so flighty, but other times? She was as astute as Gram and that was saying something. “I don’t know I will because part of me kind of expects he’ll do just that.”
“Then I guess you’re good. I don’t know, Syd. You know my track record with guys. I’m probably the last one to give anyone dating advice.”
Syd looked over at her sister. Charlie and Teddy were the ones guys always seemed to chase and it never really bothered Syd before. But now, she tapped her fingernails lightly against the glass counter. “Hey, Charlie? Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Did you sleep with him?”
To her surprise, Charlie shook her head. “I did not, Syd. I wanted to, before we went out. All I could think about was bagging him, to be honest. But, then he showed up at the house and was the perfect gentleman and we went to go see the original Halloween at the Roark and it was just… I don’t know… it wasn’t there, you know? I mean, he’s hot and he’s nice and all, but I just didn't feel the spark I thought I’d feel. He brought me home and kissed me at the door and there was just nothing there, you know? And the man is a good kisser, although,” she smiled at Syd, “you don’t need me to tell you that, I guess.”
“No, you certainly don’t.” Syd stilled her fingers. “He’s a fantastic kisser. And the rest of it was pretty great, too.”
Charlie’s green eyes glinted with mischief. “Tell me all about it, Syd. I’m curious as anything.”
“What? I’m not attracted to him but he’s hot as fuck and I know the rumor mill has been very generous where Firefighter Durin is concerned. I can’t wait til Lex comes home and the two of you can compare notes.”
“What?” Charlie laughed, tucking a long lock of golden hair behind her ear. “Come on, don’t you wonder what it’d be like to be with both of them?”
“A threesome? No,” Syd shook her head, “I haven’t.”
“Well, I have. I’d love to be the filling in that sandwich.”
“Charlie! Thorin is practically our brother-in-law!”
“Yeah, I know. I actually kind of weirded myself out with that. It was much nicer to imagine before he and Alex became a couple. Same with you and Frerin.”
“We aren’t a couple, Charlie. We’ve gone out twice.”
“Yeah, but you said you were going out again tomorrow.”
“I know, but it’s… so early.”
“It’s a start.” Charlie smiled. “And I want to see you happy, Syd, so I guess I’m saying you should totally take the chance with him.”
“I don’t think I have a choice, Char,” Syd replied softly, trying hard to not think about the fact that Frerin was probably on his way to a fire on that engine that went screaming by, “because I do like him. I’m scared, but I like him.”
“Good. Everything has to—oh, no…” Charlie’s smile faded as the bell above the door jangled. “Fuck.”
Syd swore beneath her breath as Estella Urlino came into the shop. “Where’s Teddy when you need her?”
“She’s smart and took the day off,” Charlie replied. Then, she pasted a bright smile on her face. “Hi there, Mrs. Urlino. What can I do for you today?”
“I want to speak to my Marco, dear. Is Teddy here?”
“She is not, but I can help you.” 
Syd held her breath at Charlie’s offer, watching as Mrs. Urlino’s eyes widened and her smile faded, but only briefly before she nodded and said, “That would be wonderful, dear.”
“Go with the goddesses and gods, Charlie,” Syd muttered under her breath.
“Thanks. Do me a favor though, be ready to call for help, okay?”
The fire was in a warehouse down on Clark Street, just off of Park, where an entire industrial park stretched out for god only knew how many acres. Thick, black smoke poured through the roof and as he tugged his hood over his head, Frerin said, “Jesus… look at that.”
Nico pushed open the door and climbed down and Frerin followed, along with the others. They moved to the rear of the rig, taking down their face masks and air tanks. Other units had already responded, and as they were ready to go, the chief came over. “There’s reports of a couple of workers trapped in Building Two,” he gestured to the left of the building before them,,. “Durin, you and Zarelli do a sweep.”
Frerin looked over at Nico and they headed toward the second building, as more trucks rolled up. The smoke pouring from the other building was thicker now. Thicker, darker gray and now the flames were visible along the roof and as the roofing material went up and the breeze caught the embers to carry them over, something sparked on that roof. He heard Chief Pratt tell Holly and Dave to forget what they’d just been told and to get water on the second building now as well. 
“Let’s go!” Nico nudged him hard in the side and they moved faster, toward the office door. 
Inside, the air was just beginning to cloud, and the heat grew thicker. Frerin looked over at Nico. “I’ll go up, you check down here.”
Nico nodded. “I’ll meet you up there as soon as I clear out down here.”
Frerin gave him a thumbs up and both of them switched on their emergency locators, which flashed light at intervals and could emit a high pitched signal if either one of them ran into trouble. As the fire continued to grow, the air went from hazy to smoke-choked and Frerin moved more slowly as he made his way up the steel staircase to where the offices were located. There were four cars in the lot, but no manifest of who was in which building, so they had to sweep all four of them in the hopes of accounting for everyone.
The heat thickened around him as he moved down the wide corridor, checking each office as he got to it, calling out, “Fire department! Anyone here?” as he did, only to be met with an odd silence.
Finally, at the last room, a copy room from what he could see as the smoke thickened to almost obliterate any view, he called, “Fire department! Anyone here?” 
He thought he could see a shape, and then something crashed somewhere in front of him. He grabbed his radio. “Durin in Building Two, second floor. I’ve got a least one in here. Any information on how many people there might be? Over.”
The figure ahead of him vanished and he heard what sounded like a woman say, “Por favor, no me lleves!”
“Durin, Garretson here in Building One. At least four unaccounted for. Locations unknown. Over.”
Frerin swore softly as he moved further into the room. “Durin in Building Two. I’m at what looks like a copy room on the second floor. Rear. At least one woman, from the sounds of it in here. Over.”
“Hey,” he called into the smoke, “stop moving and let me get to you! I’m a fireman and I’m here to get you out.”
“No, no… déjame en paz!”
The woman coughed as the air grew hotter and smokier and Frerin finally caught sight of her behind a large multi-deck copier, but when he reached for her, she shrank back behind it. “No, no… déjame en paz!”
“It’s all right! I’m here to help you. Uh… ayudar!” He shoved the copier out of his way, toppling it with a loud crash and crouched before the woman cowering behind it. “It’s all right… I don’t speak much Spanish but… uh.. esta bién.” 
He reached for her, grabbing her one arm with both hands. She looked beyond terrified, but then, relief washed the fear from her eyes and she launched herself at him, coughing and crying at the same time. 
“It’s all right,” he told her, backing out of the corner. “I’ve got you. You’re okay now. Is anyone else with you?”
She stared at him. “No entiendo. No hablas ingles!”
“Ok. It’s fine. Come on.” He looped his arm about her waist and grabbed his radio with his free hand. “Durin in Building Two. I’ve got a woman from the second floor. Smoke inhalation, but conscious and coherent and doesn’t speak English. I’m coming out with her. Over.”
Nico appeared in the doorway. “Did you check the room across?”
Frerin shook his head. “No. I found her behind a copier.”
“I’ll go look. Get her out.”
“Be careful!”
They parted ways then and as they neared the staircase, the woman stopped suddenly as the flashing lights of rescue vehicles reflected off the walls. “No,” she said, trying to pull free. “Por favor déjalo ir! No tengo papeles!”
“No, don’t… it’s okay. I don’t care if you’re legal or not! It doesn’t matter! Let’s go!” He grabbed her just as he’d grabbed Syd last night at his house, and tossed the woman over his shoulder to carry her down as she began coughing even harder now. Visibility was almost zero now and he just wanted to get her outside, where the EMTs were waiting.
It was already growing dark out as he carried the woman out into the frigid December air and she tensed against him, shivering as she whispered words that sounded to him like a prayer. He shifted her slightly higher up on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, miss. No one cares about your status. We just want to make sure you’re okay.”
Her praying only grew louder and as he brought her over to the waiting rig and set her down, he got his first good look at her. She couldn't have been more than fifteen or sixteen, her face smudged with soot, her eyes red and weepy as she covered her face with both hands in a coughing fit. 
“Zarelli in Building Two. I’ve got two in the last room on the second floor. One’s a kid. Over.”
The girl bolted from the EMT, screaming, “Mijo!” as she tried to run toward the building, only to have another coughing fit overtake her.
Frerin grabbed her and brought her back as Cassidy and Brewer started toward the second building. “You wait here,” he told her, indicating to the rig and Paramedic Richards. “Stay here. We’ll get your mijo, I promise.”
“I’ll keep her here, Durin,” Richards told him. “Go.”
Frerin turned and hurried back into the building, which was now ablaze. Trucks and firefighters from nearby towns were still rolling up as the fire spread to the third building as well.   He heard the shouts and boots of other firefighters coming in as well, but he ignored them as he all but ran up the stairs to find Nico. 
“Zarelli! Where are you?”
“End of the hall on your left!”
Frerin found his way back and into the room, where he found Nico, a man and a boy who looked to be about five or six. “Just the two? What’s a kid doing here?”
“Got me. Probably had no one to watch him. You grab him, I’ll get dad.”
Frerin scooped the kid up, who was conscious, but only barely. “Hang in there, buddy,” Frerin told him, giving him a gentle shake. “I’ll have you out of here in a minute.”
“She’s outside waiting for you, buddy. I promise. Stay with me, okay?” He gave the kid another gentle shake as he made his way back toward the staircase. “Uh… Cómo te llamos, hombrecito?”
“Hi, Antonio. I’m Frerin.”
Antonio clung to him, and babbled on in Spanish, to which Frerin said, “Lo seinto, I speak only a tiny bit of Español. What you just heard is about the extent of it.”
Antonio went quiet against him, his eyes closing, and Frerin gave him another shake. “Antonio? Open your eyes, amigo.”
The boy remained still and Frerin hurried out into the cold dusk and over to the paramedics. “I’ve got a kid here!”
“Bring him here.” 
He carried Antonio over to a rig from Tanner’s Peak, one of the towns just north of Cranford Falls, and the paramedic took him to set on a stretcher. “What’s his name?”
Frerin tugged off his helmet, mask and hood and almost sighed at the cold air against his overheated skin as he said, “Antonio. I think his mother is over there,” he pointed at Richards, who was doing his best to keep the woman still for assessment. 
The paramedic looked up at him and smiled. “Are you okay?”
He nodded. “I’m fine. Concentrate on the kid.”
She turned back to the little boy, who began coughing and then started to cry. Frerin set his helmet and mask on the rig’s tailgate and crouched beside Antonio to take the boy’s hand in his. “Hey, Antonio, it’s okay. It’s okay, buddy, your mamá is right over there,” he twisted slightly to gesture to the woman staring over at them, her oxygen mask steaming over with each breath, “see?” 
“Hi, Antonio,” the paramedic said, “I’m Brooke and I’m going to make you feel all better, okay?”
Antonio stared up at her for a moment, then turned his head to look at Frerin, his eyes wide and shiny. “Qué dijo ella?”
Frerin smoothed the boy’s thick black hair away from his face. “I don’t know what you said, buddy, but it’s going to be okay.” He looked over at Brooke. “He doesn’t speak English and I don’t think his mother does, either. They’re probably both undocumented.”
“That’s okay.” She smiled down at Antonio. “You’ll be just fine. Uh… Vas a estar bien, Antonio. Prometo.”
Antonio looked up at him and Frerin nodded. “What she said.”
Brooke laughed. “I promised him he’d be okay.”
Nico and his charge came out then, and Frerin smiled down at Antonio as his mother came over to them. “See, buddy? Here’s your mamá.”
“Mamá!” Antonio began crying, as did his mother as she engulfed him in her arms, crooning to him in Spanish. 
Frerin straightened up and grabbed his gear. “My work here is done.”
“You did pretty well for a man who doesn’t speak Spanish,” Brooke told him with a smile.
“I have my moments.” He turned to go back to his company’s truck. The fires were mostly under control now, and he leaned back against the rig as Nico came over, yanking his hood over his head. He looked every bit as hot and sweaty as Frerin felt. 
“Hey, I think the EMT is checking you out,” Nico said, leaning up against the truck alongside him.
“Let her. I’m not interested.” He raked his fingers through his damp hair. He just wanted to go back to the station and shower. 
Little by little, things wound down. The fires were finally extinguished, the injured—both civilian and first responders—were treated and either taken to hospitals or released and as he climbed up into his seat, Frerin looked over at Nico, who was driving. “Can we make a stop?”
Nico only barely bit back his grin as he arched at brow. “Do I need to guess where?”
“Funny. I’ll buy you a smudge stick to make up for it.”
“How could I say no to that?”
Frerin grinned, sitting back as they left the industrial park behind them and made their way back into town. “We gotta make a stop, guys. Anyone need witching shit?”
Holly looked up. “Actually, yeah. I need some incense. Do you mind if I tag along, Frer?”
“No, feel free.” Frerin shoved open his door and climbed out. It wasn't quite five yet, but it was dark and the evening rush was underway as he waited for a break in traffic to jog across the street to Miss Fortune’s Crystal.
The bell above the door announced his arrival and when she looked up, Syd’s expression—to his surprise—mirrored the relief he’d seen in Antonio’s mother’s eyes when he’d found her behind the copier. “Frerin?”
“Yeah.” He thumped over to her, taking care not to knock anything over with his coat, which was open. “I—uh—we were just on our way back and I—uh—I just wanted to see you.”
She came around the corner. “Was it really bad? Are you okay? I heard like two more trucks after yours went by.”
“Three buildings. Warehouses. We got it out and as far as I know, no fatalities. And I’m fine. Just tired. And sweaty.”
“He got a kid and his mom out,” Holly chimed in from where she stood by the incense. “And I think a paramedic was giving him the eye.”
“Thanks, Holly.” He rolled his eyes as he turned back to Syd. “Anyway, I just wanted to see you. And Holly needed incense, so I let her tag along.”
Syd smiled up at him, reaching up to brush his hair away from his forehead. “You look a little grimy, Firefighter Durin.”
“I know. I’m going to shower when I get back to the station. And I’m sorry if I smell on top of everything.”
“You’re fine.” She moved closer and almost hesitantly, eased her arms beneath his coat, about his waist. “And I’m glad you’re okay.”
“I’m fine. It was a good run.” He gazed down at her. Christ, she was just fucking beautiful. “We still on for tomorrow?”
“If you’re up to it?”
“I’ll be up to it.” He draped his arms about her shoulders. “Have you picked a place to go?”
“Not yet.”
“I’ll surprise you, if you don’t mind.”
“I don’t.”
“Good.” He smiled and bent to press his lips to hers. Hers were soft and warm and moved sensually against his to send his blood smoking through his veins. He broke the kiss reluctantly, sweeping his lips along her cheek, over her ear, where he whispered, “Make sure you bring an overnight bag, honey. I plan on keeping you.”
“I’m okay with that,” she whispered back, which made his entire body tighten even as he smiled. 
He drew back, catching her face in his hands. He had to touch her, had to feel her soft hair against his skin, to lose himself in her beautiful eyes if only for a moment. And when she looked up at him, he could do nothing more than bend and press a soft kiss into her lips once more. At least, he’d meant it to be soft, but the moment his lips touched hers, it became a slow, deep kiss and when he pulled back, she was somewhat breathless as she murmured, “Wow…”
“It’s been a long day,” he murmured back, “and I really should get back, so, I’ll see you tomorrow, Syd.”
“Be careful and stay safe,” she told him as he stepped back.
He couldn’t remember the last time a woman not related to him told him to be careful. It was a nice feeling to hear those words come from her. “I will. Promise.”
She smiled, then looked over at Holly. “Did you find everything you need?”
Holly nodded, moving around him to set the box on sandalwood incense on the counter. “I think so. Do you guys do special orders?”
Syd nodded. “Sure. Was there something you wanted to order?”
“Not now, but I will.” 
“Okay. That’ll be ten seventy.”
Holly handed her a debit card and when the transaction was complete, she smiled up at him. “I’ll be in the rig. Don’t be too long.”
“I’ll be right there. Tell Nico to just cool his jets.” He waited for her to leave, then turned back to Syd. “For tomorrow night, just dress casually, okay? Nothing too fancy, but not quite Darcy’s.”
“What do you have up your sleeve, Firefighter Durin?”
“You’ll see.” He grinned. “Or, you know, if you’d rather stay in, I can cook.”
“Yeah, me. My mother made sure Thorin, Dís, and I all learned how.”
Her smile faded and he had the distinct feeling he’d said something wrong. “What?”
“Well… I was looking forward to going out.”
“Okay, the surprise it is then. I’ll pick you up at six.” He winked. “I’d better go. I need to shower.”
“I didn't want to say anything, but you are a little… fragrant.”
“Yeah. Warehouse fire. Christ only knows what was in that smoke.” He kissed her once more and then said, “I really do have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you, Frerin. Go, before you get in trouble.”
Back at the station, after the rig was cleaned and restocked with fresh air canisters, the men and woman of Engine Two/Ladder Two trudged up to shower. By virtue of being a woman, Holly had her own shower, but for Nico, Brewer, Frerin, and the others, it meant a communal shower.
There was nothing like a hot shower to scrub off the grime, ease any and all sore muscles, and just to let his head clear and as Frerin stood under the steaming spray, all he could think about was Syd and the steamy shower they’d shared. If he had his choice between showering with his fellow firefighters or his girl? It was no contest, really.
He turned toward the spray, closing his eyes as it needled into his skin. He shampooed, soaped, rinsed, and then shut off his shower head and reached for his towel. He rubbed his hair, his face, chest, shoulders, and arms, then wrapped it about his waist before moving into the locker room. 
“Do you all shower together?”
“Jesus!” He jumped, but fortunately caught himself before he slammed into the row of lockers. “Damn it, Tori, will you stop doing that?”
Her eyes widened as she looked directly at him and for the first time in as long as he could remember, discomfort shot through him. “Tori?”
“Sorry.” To his surprise, she blushed as she met his gaze. “I’ve never seen you this way and… well… you’re really very handsome, you know.”
His discomfort swelled. “Tori, the others will be out any minute.”
“Sorry.” She cleared her throat. “Uh, the Big Guy wanted me to remind you that you only have until Friday.”
“Yeah, I swear to you, I am painfully aware of that.”
“I know,” she winced, “but when He tells me to tell you, you can bet I’m going to tell you.” Her eyes flicked downward very briefly and the color in her normally pale cheeks deepened. “But there’s something else.”
His gut kinked as another set of taps squeaked. “What? And make it quick. Someone’s on their way out.”
“You have to tell Syd.”
She nodded. “He said you have to tell her. All of it.”
“Tori, she’s going to think I’m either completely insane or that I’m using her to get out of dying. She’s not going to believe me.”
“I know.” She winced again. “But, He said that’s part of proving yourself to her. Or proving it to Him. Either way, it’s a show of faith and you know how big He is on faith.”
“Tori, I can’t tell her. How does that look? She’ll—”
“She might surprise you.” More taps squeaked and her eyes darted in the direction of the showers.
“Tori. The Big Guy isn’t going to be happy if he thinks you’re trying to sneak peeks at naked men.”
Her eyes went round. “They’re naked?”
“Nico has no shame. He doesn’t care who sees his dick.”
He grinned. “What?”
“Ugh!” She rolled her eyes and scowled. “You need to tell Syd the whole truth. And before Friday. Or else…”
His stomach curdled as she faded from sight. “Wonderful.”
“What’s that, Frerin?”
 He looked over as Nico and Brewer came into the locker room, each one with a towel snug about his waist. Looked like he’d warned Tori for nothing. 
Still, how the hell did he not only tell Syd the truth, but prove to her that he wasn’t just using her to get out of being dead? Or that he wasn't completely fucking insane? 
“Hello?” Nico waved a hand in front of him. “You in there?”
“Wait… what?” Frerin jerked away from him. “Knock it off.”
“Sorry, man, I—”
The alarm went off then, echoing through the station, and Frerin swore under his breath as he and the others rushed to get into their turnout gear once more. 
They rolled up to the private residence out on Greenfield Street, about a block or so away from the Prescott house, only to find no sign of any fire. Frerin and Nico both climbed down and Nico sighed. “Wanna bet it’s a cooking mishap?”
“Looks like it. Come on.” 
They walked up to the door, which was opened before either of them could knock by a very flustered middle-aged woman who greeted them with a, “I am so sorry! My husband insisted on this stupid alarm system that goes right to the police and fire departments and all it was is a little olive oil that got spilled on the inside of the oven.”
Nico smiled. “Well, since we’re already here, why don’t you let us take a look and just make sure, okay?”
She nodded, waving her red and white checked dishcloth at the hazy air in the living room. “Sure. Come on in. But it’s really nothing and I am going to kill him when he gets home.”
Frerin followed Nico into the house. A light hazy of gray smoke hung in the air, every window and the sliding glass door were wide open, the ceiling fan in the sitting area just off the kitchen was going full tilt.
“I told him this would happen,” she said, following them into the kitchen. “But, he insisted and it was easier to give in than to keep arguing with him. See?” 
She gestured to the oven, which was open, with a pile of what looked like wet paper towels resting on the inside of the door. “I’ve been trying to clean it up so we can have dinner some time tonight.”
The smoke was only slightly thicker in the kitchen and there was no hint of gas or of anything else burning in the air. Frerin crouched to peer into the oven and saw for himself the splotch of blackened oil remnant on the oven floor. “I think we can give it the all clear, Zarelli.”
“Yeah. I’ll go let Pratt know.”
“Okay.” Frerin turned to the woman. “Make sure you get that all cleaned up or we’ll be back here the next time you light it as well.”
“I feel so stupid, you all rushed over here for burned olive oil.” She tucked a dark blonde curl behind her ear. “I’m so sorry you were all bothered for nothing.”
He shook his head. “Don’t apologize. It happens more often than you’d think. And I’ll take an oven spill over a kid pulling an alarm to get out of phys ed any day of the week.”
“Still. I am sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He smiled. “You have a good night.”
She rolled her eyes. “Donny will hear about this when he gets home, the jackass.”
Frerin chuckled as he followed Nico out of the house and back to the truck. “From the sounds of it, she just might kill him when he gets home.”
Nico swept his helmet off. “Yeah. Hey, remember that cute little blonde who’d set her oven on fire on a weekly basis?”
Frerin rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I remember her. She was a pain in the ass.”
“That’s because she wanted to get into my pants and not yours for once.”
Frerin whisked his helmet off as well. “And if I recall, it worked, didn't it?”
“It did.” Nico’s smile faded. “And she was all style and no substance. I didn't think it was possible for a girl that hot to be so lousy in bed… Damn shame, really.”
Brewer nudged him with an elbow. “Why don’t I believe you?”
“Why would I lie about that?” Nico asked with a shrug. “She was a dead fish. A quiet, still, cold, dead fish. Longest night of my life.”
Frerin tugged open the engine’s passenger door. “Tell me you’ve gotten some since then at least?”
“No, man. I’ve been in the mother of all dry spells.” Nico shook his head. “Let me live vicariously through you, Frer. Tell me how your girl is.”
Frerin grinned. “She’s not a dead fish and that’s all I’m telling.”
“Damn, that’s no fair. You’re supposed to be regaling us with all kinds of stories. It’s a new relationship and she’s hot as fuck and I know you two are having sex all over the place right now. So, take some pity on a brother and give him some details.”
“No.” Frerin climbed up into the truck. “I’m not sharing this, Nic. I like this girl and I just don’t really feel like bragging about the great sex, okay?”
“Damn. I knew it’d be great. Just give me one detail.”
“Okay. One and that’s it.” He grinned. “She’s got an IUD.”
“Oh, fuck me…” Nico groaned softly. “No rubber?”
“No rubber.”
“Oh, you know I wish I was you right now.”
“Man, some guys just have all the luck…”
Frerin smiled as he settled back in his seat. Hopefully, he’d be one of those guys. 
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lilavh · 1 year
hola, bbs !! de este lado cordelia, viniendo a hablarles un poco de mis dudesitosss ( sip, ambos en el mismo post xq pajita ). abajo del read more dejaré la info, pueden darle al corazoncito y yo con gusto les hablaré por discord ♡
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delilah white ( o lilah solo para sus compitas ) , francesa, veintiséis años, heterosexual mentira, matriculada, mansión cinco.
facultad: st. wolfeius. carreras: medicina y psicología. año de curso: tercer año. extracurriculares: violín en la orquesta universitaria, miembro del coro universitario, miembro del club de latín y lenguas bíblicas, miembro del club de tenis femenino & miembro del club de trabajo voluntario. y les dejo el formulario por si gustan saber un poquitín más ♡
viene de una familia muy religiosa y super fiel a la iglesia pero es cero good vibes. puede tener algunas veces una sonrisa pero casi siempre es forzada, la mayoría del tiempo tiene cara de un humor de perros. tiende a ser sarcástica, ser medio rude o a decir verdades pero si llega a estar de buen humor puede ser más sencillito de hablar con ella, sobre todo con sus amigos o quienes les agrada.
lleva una biblia con ella la mayoría del tiempo, también a veces repartiendo folletos de la iglesia y haciendo comentarios como si realmente fuera fiel también a su religión ( cuando nope ) pero es más que nada por la costumbre a lo que siempre estuvo rodeada. puede decir que no toma pero al final de las fiestas, igual estará de ebria como todo mundo :P, también puede jurar que solo le gustan los chicos pero se besuquea con las dudes en las fiestecitas. su mejor hobbie, btw.
es como la típica chica religiosa de las pelis pero versión medio bitch and fake asdfgk, q parece ser aburrida pero nop, xq dejando de lado sus humores, sabe divertirse y socializar. btw, siempre tiene alcohol en su recamara clandestinamente, obvs, so a los compañeros de mansión, ya saben con quien conseguirlo, wu.
suele mostrarse más malhumorada con los hombrecitos pero se junta más con estos ( en parte como para fingir apariencia de que solo le gustan los dudesitos¿? ) aunque con las chicas si es algo más amable, claro que yes.
le gusta vestirse con colores grises / negros y ama las faldas con tablones✨
busco conexiones de amistad, enemistad, etc. ( anything<3 ) pero igual dejo aquí algunas de las lista que nos dejaron las admins. conexiones.
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archibald ' archie ' richards ( le da igual quien le dice archie pero el prefiere que le digan richards, ahr ), británico, veinticuatro años, bisexual, becado, mansión siete.
facultad: st. philip of agira. carreras: ingeniería mecánica e ingeniería eléctrica. año de curso: segundo año. extracurriculares: locutor del podcast universitario, miembro del club de poesía, miembro del club de español, miembro del club de jardinería & miembro del club de boxeo. formulario.
tiene una cicatriz que cruza por su ceja izquierda, que por un golpe que recibió en una de sus clases de boxeo, en la que tuvo una herida abierta e incluso necesitó sutura. además de esa cicatriz, algunas veces traerá algún ojo morado o alguna partecita de su rostro algo hinchado idk, por lo mismo de sus clases de boxeo ( o porque se ande metiendo en peleas, ah ).
tiene pinta de ser un tipo rudo / intimidante ( y le gusta que así lo crean, tbh ) pero no lo es, o al menos no tanto como él realmente quisiera ( xq si es algo fácil de hacerlo enojar, ah) . es muy relajado y amigable aunque le cueste hacer amigos porque no sabe como iniciar una conversación decente. es ese amigo que si te metes en problemas, le puedes llamar para que arregle todo a golpecitos.
además del boxeo, le gusta mucho la jardinería y también leer poesía pero no es algo que le guste divulgar mucho o sacarlo al tema, no porque le de penita pero es para mantener su reputación ( según él ) y porque no le gusten que hagan un comentario en burla porque luego se pone a la defensiva ahr.
es locutor en el podcasts de la universidad, que siempre los suben los jueves por las noches, llamado: life sucks!, donde habla de sobre situaciones en las que pasan los jóvenes adultos / estudiantes pero inclinándose a lo cómico. a veces por experiencias propias o de conocidos. a veces suele tener invitados en ellos.
es fan de los simpsons y puede ser notorio como en un pequeño pin de ellos en su mochila, en alguna playerita q use como pijama o en las venditas adhesivas de bart que usa para las heriditas que se hace en jardinería.
también busco conexiones de amistad, enemistad, etc. ( lo que se les ocurra<3 ) pero igual dejo aquí algunas de las lista que nos dejaron las admins. conexiones.
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festindecuervos · 1 year
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No había forma de poder concentrarse en las cosas que tenía que hacer cuando el hombrecito que mira por la ventana parece haber tenido un mal rato y él desconoce los detalles. Aleja la mesa y sus libros; habían prioridades, y en ese momento, la universidad estaba lejos de ser una de ellas. "¿Pido algo?" inquiere acercándosele por la espalda, su mentón sobre la esquina de su hombro y ambas manos deslizándose por su cintura. "Puedes contarme lo que estás pensando mientras comemos, para que se haga más llevadero."
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