#Lindo Tachibana
itsaboutyourstruly · 9 months
Explain this, Rejet 👀
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remthebombshell · 4 months
i have sooooooo many ideas to write about lindo the problem is I Don’t Like Him
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End Credits.
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hellcatinnc · 2 months
Happy Birthday To These Wonderful Characters Born In March
I wanted to do each a birthday wish but then was gonna make one big post for the fellas then one for the girls and I decided no reason not to just do it all in one. I don't want to spam everyone with birthdays I missed due to moving.
1st Ai Mikaze - Uta no Prince-sama
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1st Ryuunosuke Akutagawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
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2nd Raeliana McMillan - Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
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3rd Ukyo - Amnesia Memories
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3rd Yuki Itose - Sign Of Affection
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3rd Lindo Tachibana - Dance With Devils
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exorcisiscon · 11 months
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decided to redraw my icon. I made good progress today. Posting a wip because the goods are looking pretty darn good.
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bunny-bluue · 6 months
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Got to draw another Dance With Devils OC piece and that’s Sakura with her vampire mother, Akina Tsundra. As you all may know, Akina wishes for her daughter to become Lindo’s bride, A.K.A the Queen of the Vampire Realm and this piece is just something I wanted to draw out cuz DWD is also based from a game with many different endings, good and bad, and for Sakura, one of her bad endings would be becoming a full vampire and the vampire queen. Sure she’d be with Lindo but the world is basically dead and so is her soul now that’s she’s officially the undead.
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acquiredmen · 1 year
I've been replaying Red Embrace: Hollywood, so I've got some ideas for the boys and their vampire houses. This is strictly RE:H, I'll probably do another categorising once Paradisus (and their "fourth house") comes out
I'm going with the idea that they were human-ish before. Demons don't exist in the RE:H universe, vampires can't have kids, so they all have to be turned humans
Shiki - Golgotha
It's one of those things that I can't explain to anyone who hasn't played the game, Shiki is just so Golgotha. You don't even know how and when he was turned, he settled in so well, you'd think he was born into it
His visions would be of the recent past or present, hidden details about people that let him read them like an open book. Think MC's visions, needles for a drug addict, a red flame for someone with a fiery personality, a man buried in cash and gold because he's been stealing money
Turned willingly. Or was he?
Mage - Mavvar
Maybe it's cliche to say Mavvar because "hurr gurr the rowdy ones", but given how he tells Ritsu that he doesn't hate her for what Maxxis did, that she is her own person and her father's deeds aren't hers by default… Yeah, Mavvar.
Mavvar are very "I follow my own rules", and more community focused. They tend to stick with the people they care about through anything
Turned willingly, and he's greatly enjoying the vampire life
Urie - Iscari
Urie is Iscari, he just is. It helps that he has literal hypnosis powers. As if the others don't, but you get my point
He does live in façades and deception, uses his lust deal to get what he wants. Does it make sense if I say he feels safer being in control?
Turned willingly, but it's in the nature of many Iscari to lament the loss of their humanity, so sometimes he really wonders if he made the right decision
Lindo - Mavvar
I'm leaning towards Mavvar because of the temperament, yeah. But also how he fights to protect Ritsuka. Yeah, he keeps her in a bubble, but outside of that bubble, he goes out and fights himself, he doesn't stay hidden with her. He fights to protect what he loves and I'd say he needs his community, no matter how small
Turned… in less than ideal circumstances. Whether he was coerced or just grabbed and turned by force, I can't say, but he's not happy about it. Maybe he's a Stryx, "a human with exceptionally appealing blood". The game says "Strices tend to have… rather extreme reactions to being turned" but we don't see a turned Stryx, so I can't say for sure
Rem - Iscari
Rem… Rem was a bit more complicated
The key thing about RE:H is that vampires don't get turned "just like that"
A vampire shares common traits with their house because they likely chose that house themself. They got along with someone from that house, then they were turned in that house. Because otherwise, there are unpleasant consequences for everyone. Suicide, revealing vampires to humans, or whatever creative punishment they might have for their sire, it's never a good time
So most Iscari are sad star-children who are stuck in the past because they mostly turn humans who were already like that. Most Mavvar are rowdy and easily swayed into a mob mentality because they were like that as humans. And most Golgotha are the "everything else" weirdos because they were already "everything else" (whatever that "everything else" is, Golgotha is the most varied house in Hollywood in terms of that)
When it comes to Rem's house, Glax already gives me BIG Iscari vibes. Relying more on trickery and threats than brute force, but not enough trickery to be Golgotha. Golgotha are also described to "crawl from the dirt when there's an uprise", taking the opportunity to take the lead rather than making that opportunity themselves
Glax's trickery and threats (to me) are calculated, planned out, not an instinctual "I just felt like doing it." The Golgotha's deception in game (again, to me) is also about the process, not just the end result. Randal says "Golgotha would cheat a blind man at dice", but I feel like it's because they also enjoy the game of dice, you know?
And Mavvar want a leader who will speak for them. As Randal puts it, "50 voices shouting at once makes negotiations hard. But one guy speaking for the group, not that's how you achieve something."
Glax does not seem like the kind of leader to do that. Glax feels like he has his own ideas that he wants people to follow, rather than "speaking for the group". And I don't think he'd want to be part of the group either, to have someone else speak for him
So, I feel like Glax would choose to be Iscari. In the game, Iscari in general tend to be the leaders of a coven, just because they turn more people who need to have control over their lives
Even in the first Red Embrace game, the BL one, the factions are called Helgen and Serei I think? But the devs revealed that Bishop, the leader, is an Iscari, and the two vampire love interests are, classified by RE:H houses, Mavvar. So it's just that more leader-type people end up as Iscari
Back to Rem, I feel like he wouldn't choose to be a vampire. He would like to live his life as a human. But with Glax choosing Iscari, Rem would be dragged into it too
Status: He prefers not to think about it
I don't know Roen enough to categorize him. Could be either Golgotha or Iscari. And I want to see Ritsuka as a Mavvar
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msanimedolphin · 1 year
My Dance with Devils art.
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virtuallghosts · 7 months
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— Vou até fazer um desenho disso....
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a3-supeingo · 1 year
Episodio 2, Capítulo 5: Pelea por el dormitorio
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Izumi: Muy bien, ahora déjenme explicarles un poco sobre nuestra compañía.
La Compañía MANKAI está dividida en cuatro Troupes: Primavera, Verano, Otoño e Invierno. Cada Troupe presentará una obra.
Cada Troupe tiene cinco miembros y eso significa que necesitamos uno más para completar la Troupe de Verano.
Aún faltan tres meses para la obra debut de la Troupe de Verano.
Tenma: ¿¡Tres meses!? Es imposible lograrlo en tres meses con estos miembros, ¿sabías?
Izumi: Estaremos bien.
Tenma: En qué te basas para decir eso...
Sakuya: Al principio nosotros tampoco teníamos experiencia, pero logramos hacer la presentación a tiempo con dos meses de práctica. ¡Todos estarán bien!
Tenma: ¿¡Pudieron presentar eso en dos meses a pesar de ser novatos...!? ¿Hablas en serio...!?
Izumi: Así es, espero que todos ustedes también den lo mejor en estos tres meses.
Yuki: Supongo que debí unirme después.
Kazunari: ¡Está bien!
Muku: ¡M-me esforzaré!
Izumi: Ah, cierto, nuestra compañía también tiene un dormitorio para los miembros. ¿Quieren vivir ahí? Ah, aunque no es obligatorio hacerlo. Pueden venir a las prácticas desde sus casas.
Kazunari: Yo sí, yo sí. Quiero vivir con Tsuzurún.
Tsuzuru: Ugh...
Itaru: Tsuzuru, controla tu expresión.
Izumi: Entonces, Kazunari-kun estará en el dormitorio y...
Dado que ustedes tres aún son estudiantes, primero tenemos que pedir el permiso de sus padres si quieren vivir en el dormitorio...
Yuki: Ya les hablé de esto y me dijeron que no hay problema.
Izumi: ¿De verdad?
Yuki: Mis padres creen que deberían enviar a sus hijos a un viaje incluso cuando no son lindos [1].
Kazunari: ¿Eh? ¡Pero si Yukki es muy lindo! ¡Súper adorable!
Yuki: Sí, sí.
Izumi: ¿Entonces puedo ponerme en contacto con tus padres? Sólo para asegurarme.
Yuki: Sí. Espera un minuto.
Yuki: ...Hola, es Yuki. Sí, me uní al teatro. Sí, sí. La directora quiere hablar con ustedes por lo del dormitorio.
Sí, le daré el teléfono.
Izumi: ¿Hola?
Mamá de Yuki: Hola, está hablando con la mamá de Rurikawa Yuki.
Izumi: Gusto en conocerle. Soy Tachibana, la presidenta y directora de la Compañía MANKAI.
Quería saludarle dado que Yuki-kun se unirá a nuestra compañía.
Mamá de Yuki: Oh, muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo para hablar conmigo.
Izumi: Escuché que le dio permiso a Yuki-kun para que viviera en el dormitorio. ¿Es correcto?
Mamá de Yuki: Sí. Estoy segura de que estar lejos de sus padres le dará una buena experiencia. ¡Por favor, póngalo en forma!
Izumi: E-entiendo. Asumiré la responsabilidad por completo.
(Como lo esperaba, la tierra sagrada del teatro es diferente... Aquí todos parecen ser un poco más tolerantes.)
Bien, entonces, me pondré en contacto con usted para más detalles... Adiós.
Izumi: Bien, toma tu teléfono. Gracias.
Yuki: Sí.
Izumi: ¿Qué hay de ti, Tenma-kun?
Tenma: Yo también me quedaré en el dormitorio.
Izumi: ¿Puedo ponerme en contacto con tus padres?
Tenma: Han estado todo el año en el extranjero para sus grabaciones. No puedo contactarlos.
Izumi: (Su situación es parecida a la de Masumi-kun...)
Está bien, puedo enviarles un mensaje de voz.
Tenma: ...Bien.
Izumi: Muy bien, creo que, por ahora, esto será suficiente.
Entonces, ¿qué hay de ti, Muku-kun?
Muku: Si, si es posible, también me gustaría quedarme en el dormitorio.
Izumi: ¿Aún no has hablado sobre esto con tus padres?
Muku: Todavía no... Ni siquiera les he dicho sobre el teatro...
Izumi: Como vas a la misma escuela que Yuki-kun, eso significa que tu casa no está muy lejos, ¿verdad? Puedes venir a la práctica desde tu casa...
Muku: ¡No! También me gustaría quedarme en el dormitorio.
Izumi: ¿A-ah, sí? Entonces, déjame contactar a tus padres.
Muku: Sí...
Muku: ¿...Hola? Soy yo. Sí, sí. Estoy en Veludo Way.
No, no vive a ver una obra. Vine a una audición. Sí, sí, me gustaría unirme a una compañía de teatro. Sí, estaré bien.
Y quiero vivir en el dormitorio. Sí. Me gustaría pedirles permiso. No, no es eso. Quiero quedarme en el dormitorio.
No, de verdad, no es así. Lo juro.
Izumi: (¿Estará bien...? Me pregunto si debería explicarlo en lugar de él.)
Muku: Como dije, ¡me gustaría dar lo mejor de mí en el teatro...! ¡Por favor, papá...!
Izumi: (Muku-kun... de verdad quiere actuar.)
Muku: ...Sí, sí. Entiendo. Lo prometo. Sí. Entonces, le daré el teléfono a la directora.
Izumi: Hola. Habla Tachibana, soy la presidenta y directora de la compañía.
Papá de Muku: Gusto en conocerle. Soy el papá de Muku.
Izumi: ¿Ya dio su permiso para dejar que Muku-kun se una a la compañía y se quede en el dormitorio?
Papá de Muku: ...Sí.
Izumi: (Su voz está temblando por alguna razón...)
Disculpe, pero, ¿de verdad está de acuerdo con eso...? Si le...
Papá de Muku: No, lo siento. Ese chico nunca ha sido egoísta desde que nació. Esta es la primera vez que lo veo rogando así...
Izumi: (¡Lo conmovió al punto de llorar...!)
...Ya veo. Yo también entiendo la determinación de Muku-kun. Esa es la razón por la que, de ahora en adelante, me gustaría esforzarme para apoyarlo y guiarlo.
Papá de Muku: Dejo a Muku en sus manos.
Izumi: Sí, haré lo mejor.
(Muku-kun tiene buenos padres, ¿eh? Puedo decirlo al hablar con su papá.)
Muy bien, con esto, Muku-kun también puede quedarse.
Muku: ¡Sí! ¡Estoy bajo su cuidado!
Izumi: Pueden empezar a mudarse el próximo sábado.
Dado que es posible que traigan muchas cosas con ustedes, no hay problema si se mudan ahora o después, pero la práctica empezará el próximo sábado.
Yuki: ¿El actor basura también va a vivir en el dormitorio?
Tenma: ¿Tienes algún problema?
Yuki: Para nada. Sólo me preguntaba si entiendes las frases "vida comunitaria" y "trabajo en equipo".
Tenma: ¿¡Qué...!?
Muku: ¡Será un placer trabajar contigo, Rurikawa-kun!
Yuki: Lo mismo digo.
Kazunari: ¡Yukki, seamos compañeros de habitación!
Yuki: Imposible.
Kazunari: ¡Incluso esa actitud fría tuya es linda!
Izumi: (¡Parece que organizar las habitaciones para la Troupe de Verano será muy difícil...!)
Notas: 1. Yuki se refiere a un dicho que reza '可愛い子には旅をさせよ', el cual se traduce literalmente en "manda a tu lindo hijo en un viaje". Lo que significa que, no importa qué tan lindo sea tu hijo, no deberías de consentirlo tanto y los dejes experimentar la crueldad del mundo.
[Anterior] - [Siguiente]
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cozymoko · 3 years
Dating a popular s/o
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Anime: Dance with Devils
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Warnings: None
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Rem Kaginuki
He'd be fine with it, as he found pleasure in watching you present small presents your groupies gifted you. Rem will never get enough of that innocent smile you'd give him, it was far too precious.
But if it interferes with his time with you he'd get visibly annoyed. Rem would ask you to tell them off or he'll do it, it doesn't matter to him.
While maintaining his image Rem is very straightforward about this. If things get out of control he'll them off.
"You need to find a compromise, if this gets out of hand who knows what the consequences will be, {Name}."
Urie Sogami
Both of you are popular so it's a good mix, both of your fan clubs having fun shipping you together. But the jealous ones are far from happy.
Jokes about you having all the attention but in reality, he doesn't want you spending too much time with your fanboys.
Urie enjoyed teasing you and making you jealous with his girl club. But he didn't like the boiling pit in his stomach when your male peer touched your arm.
"My little butterfly seems to have a lot of happy peers, will this affect our time together? It is hard being popular, right?"
Mage Nanashiro
Protective as hell! He doesn't want you to get hurt by an envious "fan" Of yours.
Feels lucky he got you first and it's not a secret. Mage will proudly hold your hand and walk past your little fans.
Doesn't like when you feed into the attention of your Fanclub. Pay attention to him, you're him, he's yours. Dote on him, not them.
"Oi, {Name} what're you lookin' at? Look at me will ya!"
Shiki Natsumezaka
Quite indifferent about it but you still have to shower him with attention! Shiki is also weirdly sadistic to your fan club, you are more scared of their health than yours.
Scares off loads of your fan club with his strange behavior. It wasn't Shiki's intention but he's satisfied with that outcome too.
Will stand in front of you while someone's talking to you, he'll interrupt to talk to you. Shiki will act like it's the only the two of you, your fans are his last concern anyways.
"Hm, that's no fun! Ne, {Name} you don't touch them like how you touch me right? I'm special~."
Lindo Tachibana
Hell. No. This won't fly with him, he's overprotective as it is. If you come home a minute too late he'd lose it. Let alone you have the attention of every boy that you pass.
Fights off your Fanclub and God forbid they accidentally hurt you. You'll honestly have to hold Lindo back because he's pissed.
Hates when you give them the time of day. Lindo thinks you are encouraging your fans crazy behavior and he doesn't want you to be put into danger. It does cause a few arguments.
"{Name}! You're going to give me a heart attack. Stick close, okay dummy?"
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itsaboutyourstruly · 9 months
Them and their boyfriends>>>>>
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remthebombshell · 1 year
lindo bad devil ending my beloved
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Lindo in Markers
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hellcatinnc · 3 months
Fluffruary Day 5 - End Game
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, hugs, kisses, that time of the month, period talk, period blood, caring boyfriend, talk of sanitary pads/tampons, dance with devils, boyfriend comfort, lazy day, best boyfriend ever
Word Count: 1,651
Feature: Lindo Tachibana x Fem! Reader
Theme: Hugs
You and Lindo moved in with each other within the last month, he has been a great boyfriend in so many ways. You still remember back when you met him, he was at the local fair with his sister, her boyfriend Rem, and mom. You saw how he took care of them and you couldn't help but be a bit giddy around him as he came to the booth you were working at. You were still glad that day you decided to get his phone number although he seemed to be confused why someone wanted to get to know him. It was cute Ritsuka his sister well cousin was the one who pushed him to trade contact details. Its funny because in the last few months you have gotten close to his sister she is your best friend now. Its been now 6 months since you been with Lindo all because that special day. You both decided to move in with each other and found this cute little apartment. Its been great you both will sit up and have long talks, cuddle with movies, cook supper together. Yeah sure he is part vampire he was so upfront with you about that too. However all his training he does really good at supressing it so he doesn't lash out.
Then there is the fact he opened up telling you about how he was in love with his sister well cousin for so long but after she moved on with Rem he eventually had to heal himself by getting over her. They are still close but the way he looks at her now you can tell is more like a sibling than a lover. Your just glad all that happened before you met him so that he was capable of loving you. You two have yet to say I love you to each other yet however you fell for him months ago you just been waiting for him to say it first, Lindo is kind of slow with that it seems but it was his idea to move in together. Honestly he has been in love one other time with Ritsuki so its understandable why he doesn't want to say those words until he is 100% sure that its forever kind of love.
Now that you have moved in together you get to wake up every morning looking over at him and breathe in his scent. He really is a great guy he is the one that will cook and do dishes after, as well as helps with laundry and other chores. On busy days at work he makes sure you have a bubble bath and wine to relax in the tub with. He gives you massages to relax you before bed a few days a week, life with him is perfect until this morning. You put your feet on the floor, rubbed your eyes, then went to look back at him sleeping. He looked so precious then you looked down at the bed and realized they were stained red. You say out loud "No..no..no this can't be happening." He wakes up looking over at you then looks at the bed and of course being a vampire he can smell it even stronger but of course that side of him is under control. He jumps up runs around the bed and hugs you holding you tight.
You were surprised by his actions but he hugged you a little longer rubbing your head as he did. "Shhh its ok my love, we will get this cleaned up, as well as get you in a nice warm bath." He was so caring with his words, you were surprised because alot of guys are grossed out by period blood. Soon as you pulled away looking up at him he smiled at you. Then you had noticed he had period blood on his night shirt but he just pulled it off like it was no big deal. You get up to go to the bathroom while he strips the bed and heads to put it in the wash so the blood doesn't stain the sheet set. You head to the bathroom and look through your cabinets and realize your out of sanitary pads and tampons too. "Oh Crap!!" you yell it loud enough he comes running. "What happened, babe?" There was worry and care in his voice as he caught you on the floor looking in the cabinet.
"I'm out of pads and tampons." You said in a low voice because its still embarrassing telling him these things that you were used to only being between you and yourself or sometimes other friends and family that are women. He smiles at you grabbing your hand to pull you up. He walks you over to the tub and he starts pouring the water in as he helps you take off the blood stained clothing. He puts some bubbles in the tub and stops it when its full. He takes your hand and helps you into the tub kissing you on the forehead. "I will go get you some from the store, I will be back before you get out hopefully." You were so surprised in how he was handling this but you leaned back in the tub but you heard the front door shut, you realized you didn't tell him what kind. You reached over and grabbed your phone on the counter texting him the brand and what you needed. He sent back to you a heart, kiss, thumbs up, and heart eyes emoji.
You laid back in the tub relaxing with not a care in the world it seems. You had a man who loved you enough to want to care for you even on your most off day of the month. It wasn't too long before you heard the front door open as he come walking into the bathroom. "So I know you told me what you wanted but I went ahead and got you with wings and without as well as medium flow and super as well. Also picked you up some pantyliners the clerk suggested it. And can't forget got you a bottle of pamprin for cramps too." You felt tears lining your eyes no man has ever been this good to you. If you could marry him right now you would. He sees you tearing up and puts the bag down and comes over to you sits by the tub beside you and softly wipes the tears from your eyes. "Whats wrong? Did I do something wrong?"
You shook your head "No! You are perfect baby, I-Its....just no one has ever been this good to me, especially since I bled on you." He chuckles then grabs the towel and helps you out of the tub, wrapping you in the warm towel he took from the towel warmer. You were surprised he made sure to turn it on before he left as well knowing the heat made you feel better. He hugs you tight after getting you wrapped into it and whispers "Anything for you my love, because I love you.!" He said those words and you jumped back as he looked at you with such love and compassion in his eyes. "Y-you Do?" It was an automatic response for you. He shook his head "Yes I have for awhile just wanted to make sure I felt the time was right, and what better time than when you need it the most to make you feel safe and loved."
"Oh Lindo I love you too I think I have since we first met you had me falling hard and fast." You couldn't hold it anymore after your words left your mouth you crashed your lips into his. Closing your eyes as you took in the taste of his lips like never before. Its funny how you have kissed hundreds of times but besides the first kiss you two had this was your favorite because it was deep and was smothered in the love you both felt for each other. He picked you up and carried you as you two still kissed to the bedroom and sat you down on the bed. He kissed you a few more times then went to the dresser and got you some pajama's out. He hand them to you and went back grabbing some panties and the pads he bought earlier. You got dressed and got your comfy pad on while he was in the kitchen getting you something to drink. You had cramps but its amazing at how nice and sweet he was to you it made it easy to forget in the moment.
Lindo came back from the kitchen with a cup of orange juice and some snacks he had also bought at the store. He helped you into bed gave you the pills and orange juice. He grabbed the tv controller turned it on to the lifetime channel where lots of romcom's play and turned it to one that he thought you might like. He pulled out the chips and the chocolate as well as candies and put them in front of you on the bed. He snuggled the covers up on you and then he got back into bed with you to snuggle. "Baby I hope I got everything you could need today to be as comfy and loved as you can be." His words so sweet and sincere. You look at him as you lean into him "I love you and this is perfect. You are the best boyfriend ever." It was not the best day because of your period but he ended up making it the best day you could have because you felt more love and care than you have in your whole life. You knew he was the one, no matter how long it takes you two will be end game.
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exorcisiscon · 2 years
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Dance with Devils fanart redraws in the year of 2022? It’s more likely than you may think.
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