#Lemme just tug one of them pigtails mama
dillyslinger · 8 months
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My 20th wife. ❤️
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Baby Halloween | Suna, Osamu
Pairings: Suna X Reader (female), and Osamu X Reader (female) 
Genre: domestic, spooky, fluffy halloween
Author’s Note: Osamu’s is canon (it’s not but you can’t tell me he WOULDN’T DO THIS). you can’t tell me otherwise. suna’s is also long ah ha ha
Baby Halloween | Konoha, Sakusa // Baby Halloween | Kenma and Kuroo // Baby Halloween | Kita, Tsukishima 
Warnings! Haikyuu dads with kids, post time skip
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Suna: gif from @rivaillerose​ 💛 
Small hands tugged on his hand and arm dangling off the edge of the bed  
He took a deep breath in and let out a longer breath as he stretched his body beneath the cover draped over his bare back
He laid on his stomach with one arm curled beneath the pillow half his face was smushed into, the other arm beginning to play with his little girl as she stood beside the tall bed of his
He twirled his fingers as she tried to catch them in her hands, her small voice letting out happy squeals as he played with her in her attempts to wake up her father 
He purposefully ticked her, beneath her chin, played with her hair, gently nudged her around as she stumbled with her balance, trying to hold down her dad’s arm
“Hm, what’s up squirt?” Suna’s voice was raspy and muffled as half his face was still smushed into the pillow, part of him still asleep 
“It’s halloween,” his little girl looked up to him with her bright yellow-grayish eyes and dark brown shoulder length hair, soft as anything he’s ever felt and it had always been this way when she was born
“Hm.. I see. Are you excited?” He pushed himself up as the blanket slid off his back, the sunlight shining through a crack in the curtains right onto him as he sat on the edge of bed, his bare feet meeting the fluffy carpet below
He pushed out a yawn, wiping away a stray tear that welled up in his eye as he scratched the back of his neck, stretching his torso
His little girl waddled and stood at his feet, reaching up to him 
“upsy daisy,” he mumbled as he bent down, lifting her up to sit her on his hip as he stood, carrying her with him to the bathroom as he washed up and she sat on the sink counter beside him 
he poked her plush cheeks, nuzzling them with the back of his index finger as she let out a big yawn, her little tongue sticking out as she did this and a little smile pulled on his lips 
she was quiet just like him
while in the middle of brushing his teeth, he watched her do the same with her tooth brush, and even tied her hair into a simple pigtail on the top of her head 
after washing up, he carried her out again, still in his pajamas which only consisted of black sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips as he walked into his little girl’s room, her small toddler bed unmade with half the little plush blanket hanging off the edge of the bed 
“what do you wanna be this year?” he opened the wardrobe, sliding her clothes on the hanger to the side, pulling forward her costumes 
“this one,” she quietly pointed, one arm hugging around her father’s neck, little fingers combed through the hair at the bottom of his neck as she pointed to the beige color little fox suit 
“alright,” he hummed as he set her down on his bed, pulling the costume off the hanger, helping her get her feet through the fox onesie, zipping it up 
she snuggled her face into the sweater paws of the costume as he pulled the hood up, little fox ears on top with a plush fox tail that dragged on the floor as she walked, following him back to his bedroom 
she bounced around, hopping on her two feet, excitedly looking back to her tail 
“are you a bunny now?” he smiled as he glanced down to her 
“no,” she giggled up as she hugged his leg as the two of them stood in the master closet 
“I guess I have to match with you,” he sighed as he pulled his old fox onesie, changing into it so now he was the papa fox and she was his baby fox 
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Osamu: gif from @rivaillerose​ 💛 
“Y/N, are ya ready for the cutest costumes ever?” Osamu called from upstairs as you waited downstairs at the bottom in your own costume
Every year, well every year since your twins had been born, Osamu and you were to take turns dressing them up
Last year was their first halloween and you had the privilege to dress them and now this year, their second one was Osamu’s turn
“I’ve been ready for the last few minutes, ‘Samu, lemme see our babies,” you looked through your camera roll, looking back to last year’s photos that you took of their costumes which were a brown bear and panda bear while you and osamu were ice bears from the show “we bare bears”
A classic that you and Osamu loved to watch, even if it was pretty childish at times but still an amazing show for the two of you nonetheless
After all, having a marathon of that show ended up being one of your guys’s dates in college
And here the two of you were seven years later
Married, financially stable after a few rough two, almost three years since graduating from college but the hardships were over and it was smooth sailing for the two of you as Osamu’s success began to grow  
He was all you needed and you were his - but then again, this all changed when you showed him the pregnancy test, and your little munchkins came
“Alright, eyes closed,” Osamu called as you went back to your camera app, preparing yourself to see them
But then again, nothing could ever truly prepare you for the two lives Osamu and you had brought into this world
“We’re comin’,” you couldn’t keep your heart from racing so fast, you had to cover your eyes from peeking on their own
You could hear their steps, well, Osamu’s as well as the giggles and baby sounds of your kids in his arms as he did the thing he always did while stepping down the steps whenever he held them
He always added a little extra bounce to make them laugh
“You two ready to show mommy our costumes?” He knelt beside them, his arms wrapped around their bodies, hands on their plump bellies
The two nodded as you squealed, squirming around the back of the arm of the couch you leaned on
“I’m most definitely winning this year, okay open your eyes in 3…2…1…”
“Oh my god!” You instantly collapsed to your knees, walking on them toward your twins as Osamu had dressed your daughter as a sushi roll and your son as a bottle of soy sauce
“Her little wasabi headband,” you squealed as Osamu wore his Onigiri Miya uniform, serving the two of them to you as himself
The two of them babbled as they raised their hands, spouting out incoherent sounds that you assumed were meant to be words
Osamu and you had been trying to get then to either say “mama” or “papa” first but alas, it was still too early
“So did I win?” He leaned down as he stuck his face in between theirs, pressing their cheeks to both sides of his own
And this did it
The three pairs of eyes of the ones you loved most in this world were just staring back at you all so cute in their outfits
“Yes, yes, you win, oh my god ‘Samu, my heart-“ you rest your hand on your chest as you overflowed your phone with pictures of the two of them, getting them to hold hands, to sit beside the pumpkins on the front step of the house
It was too perfect, you couldn’t have asked for a better husband or life at this point
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04​  @fortheloveofbakugo​ @tsumtsumsemi​ @1-800-wholesome@yamagucci​ @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @pink-panda-pancakes​ @differentballooncollection​ @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction​ @euphorihan@turquoiselace​ @macaronnv​  @oxmaddy​​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​​ @curiouslilbeast​ @plantisnotplant@therestless101​ @abcdaichi​ @oyasenpai​ @kaaidalupita​ @lovinnoya​ @wisepandaslimeland​ @killuaking​ @bbymilkbread​ @tsumtsumland​​​ @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl​ @amandahh626​ @nabisonyeo94​ @wntrmn​ @dai-tsukki-desu​ @peteunderoos​ @ohyoumakemelive​ @aka-a-shii​ @shinhiromi​ @wompwomphq​ @lollypop-lam​ @isentsworld​ @blue-melody​ @u-wakatoshii​ @moondriplets​ @lovinnoya​​ @yuueisteria​ @humanitysbiggestsimp​ @cjphoenix135​ @inarizaki-captain​ @closetfurrytsukishima​ @chibichab​
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jungshookz · 4 years
hey haha can we hav a y/n n baby h just having a cute bubble bath tgt where y/n blows bubbles to baby h n they just laugh n giggle n scrunch their noses.. all that cute stuff🥺🥺 you can put in if u want to!! thank u
min hwayoung reporting for weekly serotonin boost duties!!!!!!!!!! 
➺ wordcount: 1k
“i guess that’s the last time i let uncle goo feed you dinner…” you frown as you look at hwayoung’s spaghetti sauce stained overalls
you washed these yesterday!!
and these overalls are baby pink so it’s going to be difficult scrubbing these briGHT red stains out
“bat time.” hwayoung tugs at your sleeve before pointing to the tub, “pease, mama!”
“hold on, lemme just get these pigtails- how did you get spaghetti in your hair??” you pull out a single noodle strand before tossing it into the bin
one time you found a cheerio in her butt crack
you’re still not sure how it got there
“spaghetti.” you hum, gently tugging at the thin hair ties, “spa-ghe-tti.”
you hate these little rubber hair ties because they’re paper-thin and fragile and so hard to get out of her hair
one time you accidentally ripped three strands of her hair out and hwayoung refused to talk to you for like five hours
“spaghetti.” you toss the worn hair ties aside before getting down on your knees, “let’s get you cleaned up, shall we?”
hwayoung cackles maniacally as she bounces up and down before grabbing the edge of the bathtub and leaning over, “bat time! bat time!”
“alright, alright-“ you lift her up and let her wiggle her legs in the air before gently dunking her into the warm bath water
she’s grown out of her little red bath bucket so now you use it as a stool for when you’re bathing her 
big girls use the bathtub
big girls don’t need little red bath buckets
she’s growing up too fast and you wish time would just slow down a little :-(
you just want to keep her like this!!
toddling around all the time
only 40-ish words in her vocabulary
vERY dependant on you
your very own snuggle bug!!!
when she’s older and fully running around she’s not going to want to snuggle with you anymore!!!
“i eat sabetti, mama.” hwayoung babbles as you massage shampoo into her scalp, “i eat sabetti!”
her hair’s getting so long
looks like it’s time for another quarantine haircut >:-) 
…maybe you should give her bangs
she would look so precious with bangs!!!
and if you cut them too short she won’t be able to get mad at you because she won’t know that she looks silly
“you did?” you gasp and pause to look at her with wide eyes, “was the sabetti suuuuuper yummy?”
hwayoung suddenly bursts into laughter and you jolt in surprise
she’s at that stage where she finds pretty much anything and everything hilarious and you’re pretty sure that’s why your ego’s been blowing up lately
you told yoongi you think you could probably make it as a stand-up comedian and he just leaned down to give you a kiss and was like ‘…you’re so pretty :-)’ so you don’t think he fully supports that career path for you
you reach over to turn off the tap when the bubbles start to rise to the top
hwayoung’s basically almost drowning in bubbles which is why she loves bath time so much
“babbo!” she squeals as she flops her arms around
“bubbles!” you hold a hand out when yoU start getting splashed on and you can’t help but laugh, “hey! it’s not bath time for mama, it’s bath time for hwa!!!”
you scoop up some suds before plopping a pile down on top of her head
and then you dot some on the tip of her nose and hwayoung goes cross-eyed trying to look at it, “babbo?”
oh god
your heart
“alright, close your eyes.” you use a cup to scoop some water up and hwayoung smacks both hands over her eyes
“i cose eyes, mama.” she pulls her hands away quickly to look up at you, “mama, i cose eyes!”
“then why are you staring up at me with those pretty little eyes, you liar?”
she giggles and places her hands over her eyes again
hwayoung puffs her cheeks out the moment you pour the water over her head and a little furrow appears in between her brows
you know she haTes it when you rinse her hair
when she was younger she was terrified of you rinsing her hair because she didn’t like water pouring down her face and also the feeling of water driPPing into her eyeballs
“my hwayoungie’s so brave!” you smooth some of her hair back, “just one more time…”
“ok mama-“
hwayoung makes a face during the second round of rinsing and when she pulls her hands away she’s squinting as if she’s staring directly into the sun
someone didn’t cover her eyes hard enough
the sight of her lower lashes sticking to her face makes you snort and you reach over to wipe her eyes gently with a dry towel, “okay, i’m finished!”
“tank oo, mama.” hwayoung murmurs quietly as reaches up to wipe at her eyes before starting to smack at the water again
hehe >:-)
water go smaksmaksmak
you prop both arms up on the edge of the tub as you watch hwayoung playing around with her bath toys
one of them is a squeaky shark (your personal favourite) but hEr favourite is the cookie with a silly face that yoongi bought for her
it has one tooth and bushy eyebrows
what’s so appealing about it???
your shark is way cooler
hwayoung gnaws at one of the cookie’s legs before holding it up for you to look at
she enjoys sharing her hobbies with you
she plops it back into the water and watches as it floats away
“my sweet baby girl…” you lean forward and scrunch your nose and hwayoung immediately perks up before leaning upwards to bump her nose right up against yours
“mama!” she grabs your face with her two soapy hands before giving you a slobbery little kiss
oh :’)
you love her :’)
you love her so much :’)
if u don’t stan hwayoung and y/n you’re just lying to yourself 
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shimmershae · 7 years
"Here.  Lemme see."  (a Walking Dead Ficlet, Caryl + Judith).
Post Series Fluff.  Nothing but sugar here, lovelies. 
  Kid’s all big brown eyes and sass, always running ninety to nothing around this place like she owns it, and today?  Well, it ain’t no different. 
  From his vantage point on the shaded porch, one hip propped against the peeling porch rail, Daryl’s been watching her.  Been growing more suspicious with each pass she makes between the house Carl’s done moved into and claimed as his own in a show of teenaged impulsiveness and this one.  And on her last trip, when she comes scuttling up those steps again with her Hello Kitty rainboots clomping around little feet that still haven’t grown into them, he decides to do a little light investigating.  So.  Quick as an ornery old cat, one long, lean arm darts out and his blunt fingers snag her belt loops, use them to reel her in.  When he has her, snared in his trap and looking none too happy about it, he affects his most intimidating scowl.  “Hold up.  Hold up.  Where you think you goin’?” 
  Course, Ass Kicker doesn’t look threatened in the least.                                                                                                    
  No.  That proud little chin goes up, and she looks so much like her mama in that moment, a small shiver makes it way up Daryl’s spine, seeps right into his bones, and he loosens his hold.  Softens his voice, too, because he’s got a sixth sense about these things—comes from being observant.  It pays off, because that’s all it takes for the little girl to let down her guard, just enough, and a slow smile crawls across his face. 
  Kid’s got a big pocket across the front of them denim overalls she’s taken to wearing night and day—they’re too big, too—and that flicker of a toothless smile of hers sinks her because she’s got crumbs sticking to the corners of her mouth.  Cookie crumbs. 
  He holds out his free hand, palm up, and wiggles his fingers at her.  “Here.  Lemme see.” 
  Torn between denial and a blurted confession, Judith finally sighs and digs one worse for wear cookie from her pocket, reluctantly drops it into his palm.  Even her frayed pigtails look resigned as she scratches a dirty fingernail over the end of her freckled nose and tilts her head at him.  “Carl was hungry.”
  Daryl bites back a bark of laughter ‘cause Carl ain’t the one standing on his porch with the evidence all over his person, but he reckons it’s not a complete lie.  The boy may want his independence, but there’s a reason he picked the house across the street and not one clear across Alexandria.  “Just Carl?” 
  Skinny shoulders lift in a noncommittal shrug and those big brown eyes look anywhere but at him. 
  Seems ‘Chonne’s lectures on honesty have taken a little bit of a foothold in the kid—he supposes a nose that grows and grows with each lie ain’t too big a stretch in a world where the dead roam the earth—and he waits for her to break.  Course, he helps her along.  “What would Carol say, huh?” 
  That little mouth pinches and guilt furrows her brows. 
  Kid looks like she wants the ground to swallow her up, and maybe she does because Daryl ain’t never been a fan of disappointing Carol himself, hates it more than almost anything, and it looks like maybe Jude’s the same.  Letting go of her belt loops, he tugs at one of her pigtails to regain her attention.  “Hey.” 
  The little girl meets his squinted gaze with some difficulty, her own eyes welling with something akin to remorse. 
  “Might could put in a good word for ya,” he offers. 
  “Really?” Judith asks hopefully.  Her fingers gravitate to one of her long braids, and she brushes the wispy tip against her lips, back and forth.  Back and forth while she stares up at him. 
  “Yeah,” Daryl nods.  “Yeah.  Could do it.  You’d have to do the apoligizin’ yourself.  Carl, too.  M’pretty sure, though, I could convince her to go easy on you two.  If…” 
  “If what?” the little girl presses impatiently. 
  “I’ll tell you,” Daryl lowers his voice.  “But you have to do exactly what I say.”  It don’t take long for him to whisper his instructions in Ass Kicker’s listening ear.  Takes even less time for her to hurry her way back down those steps and scoot across the street, disappear behind her big brother’s door.  He smirks as he imagines the scene unfolding, and he’s still smiling to himself when he hears the door creak open behind him.  Feels her arms slide around his waist from behind.  “Found your Cookie Monster.”
  She laughs softly, drops a kiss to his shoulder before lifting his arm and curling into his side.  “I heard.”  Her blue eyes dance as he nuzzles kisses into her silver hair and she tips her head back. 
  “Knew who it was all along, didn’t ya?”  He strokes the rough pads of his fingers down the line of her neck, lets them dip beneath the scooped collar of the shirt she’s wearing to tickle over an enticing trail of freckles and delights in the stutter of her breath, the shiver she doesn’t even attempt to hide from him. 
  “We never would have gotten married if I wasn’t observant,” she quips as she raises on her toes to kiss the corner of his mouth, traces her own fingertips across his cheeks and the blush that stains them.  “Not too many women left in this world can read the Dixon signs.” 
  “Signs are those?” he asks gruffly but he don’t need no answer ‘cause he knows.  Knows he’s damn lucky it was her he fell in love with.  Her that figured it out even ‘fore he did.  He takes her smiling mouth in a kiss before she can answer, gentle and deep.  Lingering.  When he pulls back, her eyes are still closed, and he can’t resist stealing one more taste of her lips. 
  “Oh, you know,” she murmurs.
  One corner of his mouth lifts in a tiny smile as he allows her to capture his hands, weave their fingers together and tug.   “Do.  Reckon I do.”     
  “C’mon, Pookie.  Something tells me cookie monsters eat a lot for dinner.”    
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