“Dad are you really this afraid of me?!”
PS: I edit this a lot so be sure to come back occasionally!
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There were a LOT of lines in ATSV that stuck out to me, but this specific one hit me right in the feels.
First of all the way Gwen says it, her tone, the pain and emotion in her voice, her expression, EVERYTHING leading up to this one simple question is heartbreaking. Especially when you consider why she’s even asking this in the first place.
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I want to point out that right after Gwen took her mask off, the background colors change from dark red to much less threatening colors, much softer if I might add. This basically signifies George’s POV.
Gwen had just revealed her identity as Spider-Woman to her dad, who’s now in complete shock. He believes Spider-Woman is a murderer and the one responsible for Peter’s death, so now that his own daughter comes out and tells him that she is in fact Spider-Woman, he jumps to the conclusion that “Spider-Woman is a murderer who killed Peter so that must mean that’s all true about my daughter.” instead of “Ah, my daughter is sweet so there’s no way those things about Spider-Woman are true!”. Now when I first watched this scene, I was like “Huh?”, because Gwen could’ve said ANYTHING else to her dad. She could’ve been like “Why are you doing this?!”, or she could’ve gotten angry at him. Gwen is WAY stronger than George, if he decided to shoot her, she would have been able to easily dodge that bullet. She could seriously hurt George if she wanted to and she knows it, but when George started reading Gwen her Miranda Rights, Gwen wasn’t angry, she was heartbroken, and you can see the change in her expression.
At first, she looks upset, fearful, and worried. Then, she looks hopeful. Hopeful that her dad will hear what she has to say, hopeful that her dad will understand her and trust her when she tells him that she isn’t a murderer, but he doesn’t. THATS when Gwen’s expression shifts from hopefulness to disbelief and heartbreak. “You’re in this to help people right? Well so am I”, Gwen was trying to convince her dad that she was on his side, that she didn’t kill Peter, that she isn’t what he thinks she is, but George doesn’t listen. Gwen thought that by telling her dad “You’re all I have left”, that that’d make him listen, but it didn’t.
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You can hear the utter shock and disbelief in Gwen’s voice when her dad actually starts reading her rights, and you can hear how scared and distraught George is too, but there’s a hint of remorse in his voice. He sounds like he doesn’t want to do this. He sounds like he’s in pain, and well- he is. He’s arresting his own daughter. George thought that he was doing the right thing by hunting down Spider-Woman, he thought it was for the greater good, but now? He realizes he was just hurting Gwen.
Just put yourself in Gwen’s position for a second. She just revealed her biggest secret to her dad, and the reason she hid it from him for so long was because she was terrified of the thought that he would attempt to arrest her, and he DOES. He chooses to be a ‘good’ cop over being a dad. Imagine your own father, your own flesh and blood, and the person who gave you life, is absolutely terrified of you to the point where he almost aims a gun at you out of pure fear. But George doesn’t see his own child, he sees a monster. The same monster that murdered his daughter’s best friend. He quite literally can’t see his daughter in front of him, he just sees Spider-Woman.
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“How long have you been lying to me?” Is the only question George asks Gwen throughout this entire scene. He asked this as a father, not as a cop. He was absolutely distraught and the only thoughts going through his mind were “No, this can’t be true…” and “How could my girl, my sweet girl…” (Actual line from the script btw). Another line that sort of stood out to me was “Can you just not be a cop for a second and be my dad here?”, Gwen didn’t feel like she was speaking to her dad, she felt like she was facing down a cop. George has been treating Gwen like a criminal this whole interaction. “Do you really think I’m a murderer?” Gwen asked this because could not BELIEVE that her dad actually thought that of her. The whole reason Gwen removed her mask in the first place was out of fear that her dad would actually shoot her, he already fired a warning shot, so why wouldn’t he just go ahead and pull the trigger?
Something I noticed earlier is how Gwen’s spider senses went off when her dad approached her. Spider senses ONLY go off when there’s a threat nearby, so this pretty much means Gwen saw her dad as a threat to her life :(
Also taking note of the fact that Gwen is his daughter, sixteen years old- and like 5’4, yet George is STILL powerless against her. His only option is to get her to surrender. Gwen and George kinda switched places throughout this scene. At first, Gwen is terrified of George, and then by the end it’s the other way around.
Gwen tries her hardest to plead with George, she kept her arms up in a defenseless position the whole time to show her dad that she won’t hurt him, but he can’t even look at her. This is something I took note of when watching ATSV; While George is reading Gwen her Miranda Rights, he can’t bring himself to look at her. He just stares at the ground, with a disappointed expression on his face. A face of pain. There’s a clear difference when George first says “You have the right to remain silent”, and the second time he says it. It’s like he doesn’t want to do it.
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Now, I do hate George and I think he did a LOT wrong in this movie, but just look at his face for a second. Does that look like the the face of a man who is happy with what he’s doing? No. That’s a face of regret and guilt. He isn’t doing this because he wants to, he’s doing this because he’s afraid. Afraid of what exactly? Well, that brings us to my next point.
So obviously Gwen is in shock right now, her own father is trying to arrest her because he believes she murdered her childhood friend. Not only is Gwen shocked but she’s also confused. She’s probably thinking “Why is he doing this?”, and she came to the conclusion that her dad was doing this out of fear. Fear of HER.
This is a major reason as to why Gwen didn’t reveal her identity to her dad for so long. She knew he wouldn’t accept her, she knew he’d be scared of her, and she was right. George isn’t doing this just because he wants to be a good cop, he’s standing in front of the ‘dangerous menace’ who killed Peter, and that dangerous menace is Gwen, his daughter. George’s immediate reaction is to arrest Gwen because like I said earlier- He can only see Spider-Woman.
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Now onto what this whole analysis is about, the line Gwen utters next… Along with “You’re the best thing I’ve ever done”, and “I can’t lose one more friend”, this line BROKE me. Gwen assumed that George was doing this out of fear, which is the main reason she asked him this. She was so frustrated by the thought of her own father doing something like this to her. She hated being misunderstood to the point of being seen as a monster by the one person she considers a role model to follow, the ONE person she has left. You can hear the pain in Gwen’s voice as well as her dad’s.
You can actually hear a slight change in George’s tone after Gwen says that line. Because SHE’S RIGHT. He IS afraid of her. That’s the whole reason as to why he’s doing this. He doesn’t even respond to her, his voice slightly breaks and you can definitely tell this is really hard for him. Hearing his own daughter straight up ask him if he’s really afraid of her probably felt like a punch in the gut, that’s a question neither of them thought they’d ever have to face.
George fears Gwen because she allegedly ‘killed’ Peter, but it’s also because of her abilities. George has seen what Spider-Woman is capable of. He’s seen what she can do. That’s the reason he backed away and raised his gun at Gwen when she took a step closer to him and yelled “DAD STOP!”, he was scared of her.
Gwen was heartbroken. She was trying her HARDEST to plead with her dad just for him to try and arrest her, aim a gun at her, and yell “DONT COME ANY CLOSER!” at her when she tried to approach him. You can literally hear the fear in his voice. Honestly I’m surprised Gwen didn’t snap after this, let alone forgive George at all. Imagine living with the mentality that your own dad didn’t hesitate to point a gun at you while yelling at you to not come any closer, poor Gwen.
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I’ve always wondered what would’ve happened if Miguel and Jess hadn’t intervened. George actually had the intention of shooting Gwen, so if Miguel didn’t trap him in that box thing, George might’ve actually gone through with it, and that’s sickening to think about. The fact that he was even WILLING to aim a gun at Gwen is enough to fuck her up.
A difference between Miles and Gwen is that Miles knows he didn’t kill Uncle Aaron. Gwen on the other hand originally thought she didn’t kill Peter but the more her dad blamed Spider-Woman for it, the more she actually started to believe that she was responsible for his death. When Gwen told George “I didn’t murder Peter”, she was obviously trying to convince her dad that Peter’s death wasn’t her fault, but I think she was also trying to convince herself.
I don’t blame Gwen for wanting to join the Spider Society after all of this. I mean come on, her dad is terrified of her and thinks she’s a murderer, and she believes if she joins the Spider Society, she’ll finally find people who accept and understand her. No wonder she left Earth 65.
This entire scene was so heartbreaking dude I wanna cry time I watch it ☹️ The watercolors in the background as well as the voice acting from both Gwen and her dad were amazing and SO emotional, along with their expressions and the soundtrack- Ahh I could talk about this movie forever 😭 But anyways, thanks for reading my little analysis and FUCK GEORGE STACY ALL MY HOMIES HATE GEORGE STACY!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️💥💥💥💥💥🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️
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carolmunson · 7 months
carol’s at the laundromat mat, so:
older!modern!eddie it is.
(tw: implied sexual themes, implied smut/spanking idk. they argue but it’s kind of hot leave me alone.)
Gwen whines, not used to having to sit still for so long and the iPad lost her interest twenty minutes ago. He bounces her on his lap to try and make her laugh but she’s tired and grouchy; he’s out of snacks — forgetting how long this takes when he’s not in control of it. When the only thing you can do is wait.
“Wan’ go home daddy,” she pouts, resting her curly head on his shoulder, “Pwease.”
“I know you do, baby girl,” he coos, big ringed hand smoothing over her back, “But we wouldn’t be here if you didn’t put your crayons in the washing machine.”
She huffs, burying her face in his neck and pushing her body further into him. Maybe if she melts his heart enough he’ll relent and take her home; but he can’t leave you here to do it all yourself.
You come over from switching the loads into the dryer; it’s a dead night so you can use a few to make the process a little faster. You’re about as grouchy as Gwen is; annoyed that you had to retreat and wash the loads you did originally and now that you have to get the washing machine professionally fixed. You run your tongue over your teeth when you sit down next to them, crossing your arms against your chest with a huff that matches your daughters.
Two grouchy girls.
“Why don’t you take her home and I’ll fold it all?” he offers quietly.
“No. I’m the one doing the laundry because you’re so out of touch you can barely work a laundry card. You can deal with an angry toddler,” you snap.
“Well right now I’m dealing with two angry toddlers, so,” he snaps back with a shrug; his voice is cool and calm. The measured tone puts warmth in your chest; perks up your posture.
“I’m not acting like a toddler,” you say back, Gwen occupied now with Eddie’s phone, looking at herself in the front facing camera.
“All that huffing and puffing?” his brows raise, “Coulda fooled me.”
“Shut up, Ed,” your voice sour, reaching into your canvas tote to take out a book while you wait for the clothes to run through the dryer.
“Steeb!” Gwen smiles, the FaceTime ring coming in with his photo in the corner. Eddie tosses you a tight look before answering the call, connecting an AirPod to one ear and the other on Gwen.
“Hold on to it, Gwenny,” he instructs.
“Kay, daddy,” she nods while he holds the phone in front of her face. Steve smiles at the sight of her.
“Hi girl,” he coos, “How are you, lady?”
“We’re at the washa-masheen sto’,” she smiles.
His brow quirks, Eddie leaning forward to explain her toddler-ese, “We’re at the laundromat.”
“Ew. Why?” Steve’s face sours at the thought of a laundromat, sharing machines, leaving things behind.
“Your favorite girl put her 64 pack of crayons in the washing machine so we have to get it repaired,” he sighs.
“Aww, Gwenny,” he pouts into the screen, “You silly girl.”
“It was by assident,” she pouts, lower lip jutting out.
“I know,” he matches her face back at her, apologetic voice on, “You’ve never done anything bad in your life. You never will.”
Eddie let’s a puff of breath out of his mouth with a roll of his eyes, “Yeah wait until she breaks something of yours before you say that.”
“She’s an angel every time she’s in Chicago,” Steve shrugs, “Maybe it’s just you. You’re an angel, right Gwen?”
“I’mma angel, Daddy,” Gwen nods, not really knowing what she means. Eddie giggles at her, running a hand over her soft curls.
“Yeah you are,” he smiles down at her before pressing a kiss to the back of her head while she babbles at Steve. He can still feel your frustration emanating off of you while you hastily turn a page in your book.
He takes a the headphone out of his ear before turning his head your way, voice low with warning, “Sorry, am I bothering you?”
“M’just trying to read,” your voice teeters on bratty when you whisper back to him with narrowed eyes, “You’re both being so fuck—freaking distracting.”
His mouth falls opens slightly in a surprised smile, “You’re in rare fuckin’ form tonight, you hear me?”
“Don’t talk to me like that,” your brow furrowed and on defense.
“Why don’t you go home? I’ll fold while Gwen talks to Steve,” he offers again, “Maybe you can figure out where all this attitude came from on the way there.”
“You can’t carry all that back with Gwen,” you counter, head nodding towards the empty laundry bags next to him.
“We’ll take a car,” he nods bitterly, “Go home. We’ll see you in a little.”
There’s no room for arguing, not when he puts on his authority voice. A voice normally reserved for Gwen when she’s in need of some parental guidance; but he’s used it on you a few times. A reminder — still twelve years your senior.
You suck in your cheeks, chewing on the skin for a minute while you consider it. You put your book back in your bag, tossing your keys in too, “Fine.”
“Fine,” he retorts back. He bounces Gwen to get her attention, “Say bye to mommy, honey.”
She turns, her big baby eyes rounding with confusion, “Bye mommy?”
“I’m gonna run home and start dinner, Gwenny,” you smile at her, forcing yourself not to be annoyed while you soothe her, “You want some chicken tenders and rice?”
“Ya,” she giggles, “Please.”
“Good manners, girlie,” you smile, kissing her on the forehead, “See you in a little.”
“See ya in a widdle,” she parrots back.
“Where’s Peach goin’?” Steve asks when Eddie puts the headphone back in his ear, watching you leave through the automatic doors.
“Home,” he sighs, rubbing his temple, “Dealing with two bratty girls today.”
“Ouch,” Steve nods, “Sorry about that — but, to be fair, Gwen is never bratty.”
“I’m gonna hang up on you, man,” he laughs, pushing his curls out of his eyes while Gwen takes over the conversation again; finally smiley and settling.
Eddie gets home later with the folded laundry and a napping three year old on his hip. He barely speaks when he brings the clothes upstairs and puts Gwen in her room while you work on dinner in the kitchen. Just like the both of you to hold a mini grudge when you don’t know what you’re arguing about in the first place.
He eases down the metal spiral staircase, jeans swapped out for sweats and long socks, t-shirt with the arms cut out that show off his arms and the tops of his obliques.
“You got somethin’ you wanna say to me?” he asks. You slam the oven in response.
“Ooh, okay,” he nods, perked up at the challenge, “Look’it me, huh?”
You look at him from under your lashes, aggravation pumping through you — you don’t even know why you’re mad anymore.
“What’s your problem?” he asks, making his way over to you, pressing you up against the counter while his arms come around to cage you in.
“Just — I don’t know, tired,” you shrug.
“Tired?” he laughs, tilting his head down to run the tip of his nose over your neck, up over your jaw, “You sure?”
Your needy sigh clues him in, you’re not tired.
“Think you need me to help you get over it,” he purrs, “Don’t you, baby?”
You whimper in response, he leaves a long kiss at the hinge of your jaw, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you later. I promise.”
“You’re insufferable,” you sigh, trying not to give in to him but wanting to desperately.
“That’s why you married me,” he smirks, coming back up to kiss you softly on the lips, “But keep it up, sweetheart. All that mean girl shit. See if I go easy on you.”
Later that night; you’re both grateful that his office is soundproofed.
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rahhhbananas · 10 months
What if Gwen has an older twin brother who is another spider person who meets the spider league? What would happen? Would something interesting happen?
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐓𝐘 . . . . ✭ ★ ✭
atsv x male! reader
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“Y/n, come on!”
Gwen yelled, she followed closely behind her brother. Y/n picked up his speed, trying to out-walk his sister, “Nuh uh, outta the question, Gwen.” He tried to slam the door, but Gwen, yet again, was too quick “I promise, it’ll be worth it! The society is…a cool place.” Y/n gave his sister a twisted look, “Last time you told me about a ‘cool place’ I ended up in Britain, with one of your friends, where we got chased by the cops…FOR 2 HOURS!”. Gwen groaned, Y/n’s meeting with Hobie wasn’t the best, but that shouldn’t really matter…right?
“Sorry, Gwenny, but i’m not doing that again.” Y/n walked out, leaving Gwen both frustrated and desperate. So desperate, she was willing to lie. “T-theres this cute guy!” That sentence alone made Y/n stop in his tracks, he slowly turned towards his sister, giving her a skeptical look “We talkin, Michael B. Jordan cute…or Ryan Reynolds cute?”Gwen fumbled on her words, trying not to get caught in her own lie “Oscar Issac!”
And that right there folks, is how Y/n Stacy was in this particular pickle—
“What do you mean I can’t join!?” He yelled, Y/n pointed an accusing finger at Miguel, who overall looked very frustrated. The leader sighed, “I mean, you can’t join. We already have a Spider-Woman from your dimension, and that’s your sister, we don’t need another. It could disrupt the-“ Y/n sighed, very loudly, obviously not wanting to hear another rant “You don’t understand, i need to join! I need to find my man!” Miguel’s face contorted to confusion, before being overtaken by annoyance “This isn’t some place where you can meet the love of your life. This is business. Millions of lives are in our ha-“
The s/c male yawned, “Yeah- whatever. Gwenny, where is he?” Y/n turned towards his sister, who was now having a coughing fit “He’s um…He’s-“
“Right ‘ere.” A deep voice retorted, Hobie came from the shadows. His arms spread out. Y/n scoffed, looking at Gwen before looking at Hobie again “I’m busy, Hobart. Now, Gwen, where is-“ Gwen pushed forward Hobie, smiling awkwardly “H-here he is!” The blonde did small jazz hands, trying not to look at her brother’s face. Because he was definitely not amused “Hobie Brown. Is the guy that could challenge Oscar Issac in looks..?” Y/n grumbled, before Hobie himself interrupted “Wot now? Oscar Issac’s a golden man. ‘Mm nowhere near that, mate.” Y/n nodded in agreement, “Wanna…you know, explain, Gwendolyn.” Said girl, mumbled a few words, the female hero took cautious steps back, until she burst into a sprint. She could deal with the consequences of her actions later, maybe when Y/n wasn’t so mad.
A long silence struck.
“Mm not Issac Osacr level, but ‘mm surely above Ryan Gosling…mans old.”
“Absolutely fucking not.”
Y/n walked away, ending the conversation at that. He asked Margo to take him back to his dimension, real sweet girl, rather have her as his sister than Gwen, “I can’t believe she lied to me.” Y/n groaned “yes i can.” He rolled his eyes, on the outside he probably looked crazy (he did), but he didn’t care, all be cared about was getting revenge on Gwen for lying to him, and the fact that the lie included Oscar Issac was unforgivable…
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cranberrybogmummy · 4 months
Useless uncle a Magnus Protocol AU.
Gwen was talking on the phone when Sam emerged from the break room. She was talking: 
“How many times have I told you, don’t call me, I’m at work,” She sighed. “Yes, I work nights. As I've told you before. Yes, I’m at work….. Look I’ve only house sat for you a half dozen times, I know what I’m supposed to do… fine I’ll check the list. I have to go now, I have my job to do. Bye… Bye!”
She glared at her phone as she ended the call.
Sam was sitting at his desk. When he noticed Alice roll her office chair up to Gwen.
“Who was that Gwen?”
Gwen glared at Alice now: “It’s none of your business.”
Alice said: “Aww, c’mon you can tell us, I promise we won’t snitch to Lena.”
“I know you won’t leave me alone until I tell you?” Gwen said.
“Probably,” Alice said.
“It’s my idiot stoner uncle Elias. He’s useless but he pays me to watch his house while he goes on holiday with his husband Peter,” Gwen sighed.
“Oh,uncle money bags then?” Alice grinned.
Gwen snorted: “No, he didn’t get much from my grandfather, his husband Peter on the other hand is heir to a shipping fortune. I’d say he married Peter for money, but honestly Elias is so high most of the time, I doubt he has the mental  capacity to think up a scheme like that.”
“Where are they going on holiday, then?”  Alice continued.
“Around Europe on Peter’s yacht, first stop Amsterdam of course.” Gwen rolled her eyes. “And I really need to get back to MY JOB, so that’s all I’m going to say right now.”
Sam watched as Alice rolled her eyes and rolled her chair back to her workstation. There was silence for a minute and then Alice said: “Gwennie…”
“Ugh what?” Gwen turned from her work station.
“That stoner uncle of yours… does he keep all the weed for himself?” Alice joked. “I mean I know someone who wouldn’t mind sharing it with him.”
Gwen huffed: “I hope you are not talking about taking illegal drugs while at work.”
“Perish the thought!” teased Alice. “I just know… someone.”
Gwen rolled her eyes and went back to work.
Sam smiled to himself then turned back to his work station and caseload.
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
The new Hopper
I have yet to talk about Finney which is wild because despite the name, this is more than a Vance Hopper fic.
So here we go.
So in this fic Finney Blake and Steve Harrington are the same person.
Finney still kills the Grabber in this.
He was healing with the other basement boys, yes all lived in this fic, and Gwenny.
And was starting to truly feel like things would be okay.
... When his dad lost custody over him and Gwen.
Suzie's parents were able to take Gwen but try as they might they were unable to take Finney too.
His aunt and uncle, John and Diane Harrington got custody over him.
They didn't want Gwen because two children was too much work.
And after hearing the stuff about her dreams deemed her a freak.
Finney was taken from Denver, from his sister and his best friends kicking and screaming.
His aunt and uncle made it clear that Finney Elias Blake would need to cease to exist.
Renaming him Steve John Harrington.
And having little contact with his real family and still dealing with everything alone.... Finney, now Steve did change.
Steve Harrington was everything Finney Blake wasn't.
He was strong.
He was brave.
He could talk to and get the girl.
He was perfect.
Finney was a victim.
Finney was a broken kid from an even more broken home.
Finney flinched when the phone rang and hid letters under his bed he'd send out and receive in secret.
He talked about his friends, the little he saw of his aunt and uncle... He never talked about himself.
Because who was he even anymore.
But Finney's life got a lot more complicated when a demogorgon burst through the Byers living room.
And than he met Dustin and the kids.
Steve Harrington stopped being perfection.
He realised just how much of a bully he'd become.
How lost he'd become in this new life.
Of all the hurt and pain he'd taken in and taken out on others who didn't deserve it.
And he knew he had to change.
Because whether Finney had wanted it or not, Finney was Steve.
And at the end of the day Steve Harrington was just as broken as Finney Blake.
So who cared how he acted.
He grew to care for these kids, these dumbass, nerdy, always trying to get themselves killed kids.
Who reminded him so much of the others... Of himself that it hurt.
He killed monsters.
He became the babysitter of the apocalypse.
He used himself as a sheild to save others.
And thought with a bittersweet smile maybe Finney and Steve weren't that different at all.
Not that he would tell anyone.... Not until Robin.
Who heard him cry out during Russian torture his other name, heard him cry out the names of boys and a girl she'd never heard of.
And simply hugged him in her arms on the floor of that bathroom.
And asked him which name he preferred she used.
To his suprise it was Steve.
He was her Stevie Bee, her friend and fellow munchkin. Her platonic with a capital P soul mate.
And not just for her.
He was Dustin's big brother, he was Jonathan's fellow gossiper.
He was the resident loveable asshole with a nail bat.
Finney had been Steve Harrington a lot longer than he'd been Finney Blake.
And it didn't scare him as much as he thought it would.
Part of him was scared Finney was gone forever.
And than Robin told him that was ridiculous.
And be believed her.
So one day he did something he never did.
He called Denver, he called back home.
The phone rang in Robin Arellano's living room where the rest of the boys were hanging out.
And as easy as that, Finney Blake returned.
Like he never left, and maybe he never did.
He cried hearing their voices again.
Sobbed when they got Gwen over and he heard her voice again.
He sobbed and apologised for leaving.
Like he had any choice in the matter, and while he always sent letters they had lost their life.
Until now.
He also handed Robin the phone to get to know his old friends and sister.
He wasn't suprised when Robin fit in with their group like she'd always been a part of it.
She was as much of his soul mate as they were.
He started messing with bottle rockets.
He watched the sequel to Texas Chainsaw Massacre and listened to both Robin's argue over it.
He kept the hair routine but let his hair stay fluffy and soft.
He never intended to tell the others, because... How do you even go about doing that.
He was afraid they'd hate him.
Question how he'd become the same person as the bullies that used to haunt him.
That would spit on Robin and call him a freak.
Think of him as a liar.
A fake.
Maybe they'd look past all the monster he'd slayed and see the original blood stains on his hands.
And look in disgust.
Robin was here to sooth his fears, she disagreed but supported him either way.
Things might've stayed that way.
Until Gale Hopper sent him a letter.
She was leaving for a family emergency, and didn't want to leave Vance alone.
The fact they had a restraining order against Vance shouldn't have been as funny as it was.
And much as Gale knew the others boys family would take him in, she knew they didn't have the room.
And had asked her brother to let him stay.
Her brother being Cheif Hopper didn't even phase Finney as much as knowing Vance was coming over.
Somehow any fear he had about his two identities coming to life vanished.
Because Vance was coming.
He had run into Family Video, picked Robin up and spun her in the air.
"Vance is coming!"
And she smiled just as bright.
Vance was coming, and nothing else mattered. One of his boys was coming to see him.
It was bizarre how the only true fear Finney had was that Vance wouldn't recognise him.
He seriously considered stealing Jonathan's camera to snap a photo and send it over.
All of that melted away when Vance looked at him.
Same curly blonde hair, a different denim jacket but one that fit him all the same.
And after a second of confusion recognised him.
And smiled.
And sure he would have to explain himself but he was safe.
Because Vance was here. Because Robin was here.
Because even if he was terrified he knew deep down his friends.
All of them would accept him.
Saw Robin and Vance call him his respective names and both fit.
Dustin muddling it together and El calling them secret name buddies.
Saw the smile on Vance's face didn't waver hearing his other name.
And so much would need to be said but for now he was safe.
Finney was safe.
Steve was safe.
And that's all that mattered.
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royalty-unknown · 2 years
Hey idk if your doing the black phone still, but if you are, can you do something with CG!Robin x little!fem!reader or little!finney? It’s fine if not, just wondering
Is That our daddie?
TW!!: F slur is used 2/1 times, Moose being steriotipical towards Robin, SA (Not r@pe), Cursing, Crying, NOT PROOF READ, And jumping.
Hi my little dove, This was my first The Black Phone Request and I love it sm! I really had fun making this and I hope to get more request like this!
Robin, Finney, And Y/n have been together for about a month now. But it was in the first week that Robin really started to notice some child like behavior from Finney and Y/n. He honestly thought is was cute but he still wanted to understand why they were acting like this. He did do some reaserch about it and alot of things were seen one that stood out like a sore thumb. It was age regression.
So with that info he continued to dig deeper and tried to figure out things that he could do to help them! So during 5th mod in math class robin wasn't paying attention to anything around him but the fact that Finney and Y/n looked as if they were on the verge of tears. He tried to pass notes but the two littles just looked at him confused and tilted their head, then the bell rung and the both ran out if the classroom in the direction of y/n's house.
Only to be stoped my moose and his meanie friends.
"Hey baby where ya going? Huh? Where are you going with this nerd?" Moose said hugging y/n from behind and his friends surrounded Finney who looked as if any moment tears would fall. Moose was y/n's ex but he didn't treat her right. Not one bit. "I-I's jw-Just g-going h-owme" Y/n said trying her best to sound like a big girl.
"Aww with this fag?" Moose nodded his head and his friends pushed him on the ground. That broke the dam and finney started crying. "L-Lweave h-him alone!" I said trying to get mooses hands off of me, But that only tightend his grip on my wrist which caused me to start crying because it hurt. I tried pulling away but his hands slowly made his way to my princess parts so I screamed loud.
Really loud.
Which caused a large number of people to come which only made moose slap me and he told me to shut up. He held my chin to look up at finney then he said in my ear "Your. Mine. And this faggot here and the fucking hispanic are nothing to you." (I'm so sorry) Then he nodded his head and I screamed "NO!" Before they started kicking finney.
Until gwenny and robin came running around the corner moose couldn't see him because of the angle we where in, I looked at Robin with tears running down my face but my vison was quickly moved to the ground beacause, Moose pushed me there but before he could do anything else his face was met with a rock. I looked at the person who hit him and It was gwenny. I looked at her and started crying.
She gently helped me get up and shushed me as she went to take care of one of the other boys before checking on finney saying bye to me and going home. While Robin was beating the absolute shit out of Moose and his other friends. Finney was slouched over against the gate meaning tht he was passed out from crying, pain, and screaming. I crawld over to him and sat on his lap shaking him "Fwinny.." "Fwinny wakie" At this point I was fully regressed and sobbing.
I got picked up by someone and that someone was vance. When did he get here? you thought. But you quicly wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist and put your face in his neck. "Shh sh no crying uncle vance is here bub" He said patting your bum and rocking you. Vance is you finney's and Robins best friend and he already knew about you and finneys age regression he told you that he could help you and finney tell robin just incase something happend like now but you and fin were too scared that robin would leave you both so he was gonna wait until you were both comfy.
But he had to tell him today.
Because then he would understand why you and finney were acting like this. When you looked around you seen finney passed out in Bruces arms. He must had bween wit vwance! You thought. Robin was so confused on why you and Fin were acting like this. So he grabbed vances arm and pulled him to the side. "Look man I know you know what going on so tell me. Why is fin and n/n (Nickname) Acting like this?" He said and vance sighed.
He had a long pause before he started speaking telling him everything while rubbing your back because you were gripping onto his vest crying. By the time he was finished he smiled because he was right! "Yes! I was right!" He said and vance chuckeld. He turned around so that his backwas facing Robin so Robin could see your face "Hi little one!" Robin said gently brushing vances hair out of your face because you were hiding behind it. You let out a soft shy "H-Hi" Which made Robin smile warmly at you.
Vance asked you in your ear "What did moose do to you little one?" He asked because he heard your scream. You paused then said "He touched my princess parts." You said whimpering. Which caused Robin and Vance to look at eachother with a hatred angry look. "Okay bubba i'm going to give you to uncle bruce so you can go to robins house. Okay? Me and daddy will be there in a sec." He said walking over to bruce whispering something in his ear that changed Bruces facial expression to.
Angry Then soft. Vance set you on the ground giving you a small peck on the forhead and a highfive then he ruffled finneys hair and did the same who was now awake but still in Bruces arms because he was hurt. He waved bye then walked over to Robin who was standing infront of Moose with a phsyco look witch made you whimper but before you could see anything else Bruce started walking to Robins house once you were around the corner from the fight you heard a.
"What are you gonna do about it fag-"
from Moose Before hearing Moose scream in pain and hearing cheering and the names of Robin and Vance being chanted from the crowd. You just smiled to yourself and once you got to Robins house Bruce helped you and Fin change your clothes into some of Robin's. (As a thicker girl I can't fit Robins stuff so I'm just going to say for the sake of our thick/chubby queens that robin buys stuff in your size for us and makes it smell like him <3333) and after that he helped Finney with his brusies and wounds before laying him down on Robins bed with me and we all cuddled under eachother making sure to be careful of the fact that Fin is hurt.
By the time Robin and Vance came back it was around 7pm and we got home at 5. "Daddie! uncle vawnce!" They Smiled and hugged me the finney. After everyone got settled in pjs because Vance and Bruce decided to spin the night, Me and finney were whispering and Giggling in eachothers ears. "What are you two little bunnys whispering about?" Robin asked Then me and finney both looked at eachother gasped covering our mouths and giggling.
"Is dat our daddy now's?" Finney asked and I nodded "Mhm! Dat's our daddy now's!" I said before both me and finney were gently tackled on the bed and kisses being placed all over out faces while we were giggling. It was Robin. Being a good daddy. And Vance and Bruce just smiled leaning on eachother while watching the movie that was on and the bottom of the bed.
You and Finney started to get sleepy and yawn so Robin had an Idea to do skin to skin which he thought would help you sleep. So he gently layed you on his right and finney on his left taking off both of your shirts and simply laying you both down on his chest. You and finney held hands as you both started going to sleep You all said your goodnights beofre vance and bruce got next to you (It's a king sized bed) them cuddling eachother and going to bed.
The next morning at school you heard that Moose and his friends were in the hospitial. You wonderd how that happen as You, Finney, Robin, Burce and Vance passed notes around 2 mod.
I LOVE HOW THIS TURNED OUTTTT!!! Please know that it is never okay to call someone the f-slur it was used then but now is more or less a sensitive topic. So please don't you may not like it but its still not right to call someone anything out of their name. MY NAME IS Friendly Neigborhood Killer Bunny! AND I LOVE YOU! UNTIL THE NEXT STORY MY VICTIMS!
Friendly Neignborhood Killer Bunny <3
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Leona and Wolfe 65?
The Graduate by the Arcadian Wild
Leona is the only one still awake. The rest of her friends are asleep around the fire, leaving her on watch. In the darkness of the forest, she's alone. With a sigh, she digs into her pack, fingers feeling the familiar metal of her inventions, all made with the help of her father. Just touching them soothes her, reminds her that she's not alone even out here.
But there's an ache in her heart that longs for home, to be wrapped in her mother's embrace and to be kissed on the head by her father, to crawl into her big sister's bed when it rains, to put her head on her twin's shoulder, to pick her little siblings up and set them on her hip. She wants her family so bad it hurts.
So she reaches for the next best thing, her sending stone. She squeezes it until it glows softly and speaks into it, "Wolfe? Are you awake? I'm sorry I don't remember what time it is there."
There's a long pause, then her brother's voice, having very clearly just woke up, "I'm here, Leo. Everything okay?"
She sighs, "Yeah, just really missing home. I would do just about anything to be with you right now."
"Even brush Charlie's teeth?" Wolfe laughs.
Leona chuckles, "Maybe."
"Oh. It must be pretty bad then," he brother's voice grows more serious. "Anything I can do to help?"
"Can you tell me about today? How did Gwen's exam go?" Leona leans back on the tree, drawing her legs to her chest.
"It...didn't go well. She failed, really badly. She was practically inconsolable until dad took her on a walk. She was a lot better after that, whatever he told her really helped."
"I should have been there," Leona says softly.
"You can't think like that, Leo. You're doing what you were meant to out there, yeah you're going to miss things. But you're also going to be here for the most important things, like birthdays and holidays. Besides, you know Gwennie, she got mum to make chocolate chip cookies for her and she's all better."
Leona laughs wetly, wiping her eyes, "I miss you all so much."
"We miss you just as terribly," he assures her. "You can talk to us tomorrow, at breakfast?"
"I will. I love you so much, Wolfe."
"I love you too, Leo, get some sleep." As the glow fades from the stone, Leona tucks it into her bag and takes a deep breath.
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If he could see me now - Mergwen Wedding Day 💖
The night before her wedding day, Gwen found herself thinking of her late father.
She had taken refuge in her old home, her own wedding tradition, and as she lay on the lumpy cot that was repurposed as her bed, she wondered what her father would’ve thought of her now.
Tom had always made his approval of Merlin clear, from the very moment Morgana had credited her rescue from execution (the first time!) to Merlin. He had clasped hands with the blushing manservant, and hadn’t spoken much of it on the way home, only too relieved his daughter slept safe and sound that night.
But the very next morning, he had gotten up early before attending to the forge, and made breakfast. As she smiled at him over the spruced up meal, he had had remarked off hand. “So that’s the Merlin fellow you’re always jabbering about?”
“Father!” Gwen had been embarrassed that he had paid attention to her crush.
“I like the guy.” He had said with an amused smile, before adding “Don’t let him get away Gwennie.” And with a small nod he had left for work.
Gwen had found his clear approval a surprise, he hardly liked any of the smitten boys in the village growing up!, and she endeavored to see it through. Even then she had known, Merlin would play a great role in her future and destiny.
And even though she’d tried to make her admiration as obvious as possible, she’d even kissed the damn boy!, Merlin seemed incredibly oblivious to it all. His mind had been too occupied by Arthur’s chances of survival each week to notice she was sweet on him.
But between them, a bright friendship had blossomed, one she could proudly attest to; even after all the changes in social standings and battle wounds collected over the years.
And now she would marry the man.
If you asked Merlin, he would affectionately complain that Hunith had been championing to get them together years ago!
His very first letters had mentioned the kind maidservant by name (“She kissed you Merlin, could it be anymore obvious than that my boy?”), as he had updated her frequently about his life in Camelot, his homesickness for her pie, and the various mishaps and adventures he had braved through (as well as the admirer he had not anticipated!)
She had warned him even then, to not let a ‘good opportunity with a pretty face’ pass by, but he had waves off her concerns of him ending up codgy and alone, pointing to the all consuming troubles in his life that spelled out Prince Arthur.
He supposed he’d spend his old age keeping company with Arthur’s boots and armor if anything, but of course things hadn’t turned out the way anyone had anticipated.
She had fully warmed up to Gwen on their trip to Ealdor, where the girl had shown great courage fighting for her friends, expected of trained nobles but extraordinary in a servant girl.
In the midst of battle she’d even saved Hunith’s life with a broom and with a smile to spare. Hunith had only eased up on her affectionate nagging when Merlin had to give her the condensed version of what happened with Freya and his passionate vow to never fall in love again. Even then she had wished for nothing but his eventual happiness.
Gwen walked down the aisle on Gaius’ arm, just as she had the last time she’d gotten married. She couldn’t help but feel the familiar heartbreak rise up again, that her father hadn’t been alive to see his daughter get married not once but twice!
But she knew without a doubt that he’d have fashioned their wedding bands if he could; Tom had always wanted her to find a love as steady as he had in Gwen’s mother, something she now knows Merlin can give her.
She leaves his work gloves on the bench in front of her, as they exchange vows.
Looking into Gwen’s eyes Merlin can’t help but wonder if his father had felt as lightweight when he’d first laid eyes on Hunith.
He doesn’t know what his father would say of him now, marrying a Pendragon, with a pretty crown on his head and the eyes of all of Camelot upon him. Growing up, he never thought he’d had his fill of stories about his father but his mother would always note that he had his eyes, a remark that comforted him now.
He’s met the man, and had spent a few short moments with him, but he knew without a doubt that Balinor would be proud of him for the strength and character of the woman he chose to marry. Merlin is reasssured that a part of the DragonLord is reflected within himself.
As the ceremony goes on, he doesn’t miss the way Gaius shakes with tears in the row ahead of him, already overcome with emotion for his adopted son.
He tries to subtly wipe a tear from his own eye in reaction as he leans in to kiss his wife for the very first time.
As the newlyweds turn to face their friends and family with cheer on their faces, a sense of brilliant joy and bittersweet contentment fills the room and burrows in the heart of every guest present.
They are so few, the survivors, and the echoes of the people they will always miss can be heard if you stop to stand still and listen quietly for a moment.
But after that moment, and all the moments that follow, they rejoice in the new age of Camelot that has been solidified by their marriage.
And when they look into each other’s eyes, they see not only a commitment but a newly-born hope; a true and steadfast promise to never brave those moments alone again.
a draft for ‘once and always’ on ao3 💕
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foundforaging · 2 years
Chapter 2: Joanne and Nora
Within the few minutes that I had been in the library, Joanne already had Nora bring me some tea as we engaged in an intense debate.
"Constance tried to stop me on the way here, you know. She doesn't know when to leave people alone." I muttered as I sipped my tea, holding it on a saucer decorated by small flowers. The tea itself tasted like a blend of juniper and Saint Mary's Bloom, a flower known for its calming properties. While I wasn't stressed, it did help to make me relax my back and jaw a bit.
"I don't know what you have against her," Joanne replied with a raised brow, thumbing through a thick book and smoothing out the wrinkled pages, "She's a business woman, although an annoying one at that. She is a skilled seer, considering her experience."
"She uses divination to poke her nose where it doesn't belong, Jo," I shot back, my tone a little more volatile than I originally intended, "You at least have the decency to use divination to find things, not people's personal dilemmas."
"The way I use divination is within the constraints of my contract, Gabe," Joanne said, shaking her head and closing her book, "You know how Lord Everdale is about magic. I'm lucky enough to be able to use any at all, considering his latest tirade about how magic has doomed the economy." Joanne stood up and walked to her desk, muttering a quiet "rhabdophobics" as she did so. She looked frustrated, so I decided to change the topic.
"I've been reading about conjuring magic in other districts-- Did you know that District Three uses it to summon these things called familiars?" I asked as I stood up, leaning against her desk as she knealt behind it to rummage through a drawer.
"We'd never have the luxury of conjuring anything," She scoffed as she retrieved a small envelope from the drawer and placed it on top of the desk. It had a familiar seal on it and I felt a bit of dread run down my spine. "Joseph told me to give this to you if you came by. He didn't say who it was from, but... It looks fancy." Joanne gently nudged the envelope toward me and we made eye contact, as if she was expecting me to open it.
Reluctantly, I ran my finger under the seal-- red wax with a six petaled flower-- and I pulled the flap open. Inside was a small note with book titles and a caption below them, along with a few coins.
'Explorer's Horticulture by William Romanov.
Botany For The Misinformed by L. Liliana.
These should help you, my dear. Buy them from your friend-- you'll need them more than her.
- Auntie L.'
I dropped the coins into my palm and held them for a moment, then slid the paper to Joanne.
"Can you find these for me?" I asked, my voice surely quiet and shaking. Joanne raised a brow after reading the note, then nodded. Without the need for a catalogue, she walked by a shelf and grabbed one book, then grabbed another from a different shelf. Joanne's divination allowed her to find people and things, but only in the present. She couldn't see the future like Constance, or she chose not to. She never told me which.
"Who's Auntie L? I thought you didn't have any family besides Gwenny." Joanne inquired, placing the books on her desk as she reached for her stamp. I stopped her and pushed the coins toward her, her face twisting into confusion. "You're buying them? You've never... Since when do you have an acute interest in plants? You can hardly keep a White Yeastleaf alive." Joanne snickered, taking the coins and counting them. Satisfied, she dropped them into her purse.
"It's... It's a long story, Jo. Apparently I had a relative that died recently and she knew about me," I started, albeit hesitantly. I wasn't sure if I wanted to share this information or not. "But I had never met her. She wrote me into her will, though. I inherited a plant shop that she ran by herself, I guess." I just shrugged and ran my fingers over the books. One was leather bound, the Explorer's Horticulture book, and the other was made of some type of cardboard material. I recognized the signature on Botany For The Misinformed; it was the same one that had been on both of Lenora's letters.
I slipped the original letter out of my pocket and held it to Joanne who took it eagerly. She always loved a bit of excitement, especially on dreary days like today. I watched as she read it intently and gently ran her thumb across the key before looking up at me. A smile tugged at her lips, which was the opposite of what I was doing.
"Gabe, you have a business now! Have you been there yet? Surely you're excited about it?"
"I'm far from it, frankly. I've never managed a business before, especially not a plant shop. What makes you think I even want to deal with this?" I muttered, reaching for the letter from Joanne's hands. She already knew the address, I was sure of it. Maybe her and Constance had something in common; they can't keep their noses out of my business.
"It's just a few blocks from Dahlia's shop. We should go there, it could be a little outing for the both of us." Joanne said with a grin branded on her lips, waving to get Nora's attention from across the library. I watched her blonde head poke out from behind a shelf, waiting for a command. "Nora, keep the library running while we're gone, won't you? I trust that you're confident in your abilities?"
Nora nodded quickly and practically skipped to the counter, seemingly elated over Joanne's sudden trust in her. "Yes, ma'am! It'll be like you never left." She said confidently, her hands on her hips and her feet together. She reminded me of a child sometimes, despite her and I being only a few years apart. Joanne, the eldest of us three, likely viewed her as such.
As much as I didn't want to accompany Joanne in her mission to rummage through my dead aunt's store, I couldn't deny that her excitement was infectious. Begrudgingly, I took the key from Joanne and motioned to the door.
"You're leading me, I hope you know. I've never been there before." I said with a small chuckled in my throat, which Joanne ignored.
"I already know my way," she replied, a strange cloudiness glazing over her eyes. She always had this look on her face when she used her magic, as if she was trying to calm herself. "Come along, then. Be good, Nora."
As soon as the door was shut behind us, we were met with a familiar face.
"Going somewhere, aren't we? What's the occasion?" Constance asked with a grin, casuing me to roll my eyes.
"Like you don't know, Constance. Could you stop following me around everywhere? I'm not buying a reading from you." I replied as I nudged past her with Joanne at my heels.
"You wound me, Gabriel. Your aunt was an interesting lady, I heard... I bet she had some dirty laundry to air out."
"And if she did, it's none of your concern. Good day, Constance."
I began to walk away rather swiftly, nearly causing Joanne to stumble with the sudden pace change. She just patted my back to ease my frustration, but I was already upset over a second interaction with Constance. She just didn't know when to leave people alone.
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suchdan-veryphil · 3 years
Two Worlds Collide - Dan Howell Imagine Part 17
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Part 16
Word Count: 809
Trigger Warnings: Swearing, lots and lots of fluff <3 this is mostly just me relieving my baby fever. 
A/N: I can’t believe this is getting attention again. I binge read the whole series and I might rewrite some earlier parts because they were pretty cringe. This isn’t the longest chapter but it was a fluff outlet. Part 18 soon <3 Lmk in my inbox if you want the next part to be Dan & Phil alone with Gwen or if I should move on in the plot. 
Your POV
I sat on the couch, half asleep as Gwen nursed away. I felt my eyes get heavy, so I decided to succumb to the exhaustion and close them. I continued to hum “You Are My Sunshine” to Gwen as to keep myself awake, and hopefully get her to sleep. 
My eyes snapped open to the sound of the front door opening and closing gently, followed by my favorite voice on the planet. 
“Is she sleeping?” Dan walked up behind the couch, kneeled and peeked over my shoulder, glancing down at the wide awake 6 week old nursing away. 
“Yes. And she has been all day. I thought that babies were supposed to sleep all the time,” I leaned my head back and sighed before I looked over at Dan and kissed his cheek. 
“Maybe she’s broken. Did we keep the receipt?” He reached over and brushed his knuckle across her cheek. 
I chuckled and shook my head. “Nah, it’s okay. I think I like her anyways. She’s cute. She just doesn’t sleep.” I looked down and fixed her hair with my fingertips. Her y/e/c stared up at me as she continued to eat. I stared into those little orbs and smiled widely. Being tired was worth it for this face. 
“She just keeps goin’,” Dan commented as he ran his fingertips down the sides of her arm. 
“Yea and it’s starting to hurt.” 
Dan stood and headed into the kitchen. “If you pump when she’s done, I’ll take the next shift.” He said it in a way where I knew he was really just asking me if he could feed her next. We both loved to use meal time as bonding time, and while Gwen seemed to prefer the real thing for the first three weeks of her life, she was getting used to switching between bottle and boob. 
As much as I wanted her all to myself, I knew that Dan deserved to bond with her just as much as I did. “Of course. Since you’re taking next shift feeding, wanna take the next diaper, too?” 
Dan’s eyes went wide, and his upper lip curled a little, but he nodded anyways. “Yes, I can do that.” 
With a chuckle I looked down at our girl who had finally finished up and was resting her face on my boob gently. I couldn’t help but sigh, feeling relieved yet content. I maneuvered her out and sat her up so that I could fix my shirt and burp her. With small, gentle pats to her back, I watched as Daniel walked to the nursery and came back with a clean diaper and the breast pump. 
“I can finish that if you want to rest.” 
“No it’s okay, you just got home from work.” I continued to pat Gwen on her back, listening to her coo as she sat. 
“Y/N, I went to Phil’s house to record a video. It truly wasn’t that much.” 
“Yea, but you also have editing to do-” Dan cut me off.
“I want to help you. Please let me help you. You’re exhausted.” He gently set the materials on the coffee table before putting his hands out to reach for her. 
Sighing, I kissed Guinevere’s cheek and handed her to her father along with a burping towel for good measure. He sat comfortably beside me and began to gently pat her back. The two of them together was the most beautiful sight I ever saw. Daniel, being as large as he was, was so gentle with our little munchkin. It came so naturally to him. Her eyes stared straight ahead in my direction. I knew she couldn’t see me, but I could pretend. 
“Hello, monkey. You got your daddy? I know you missed him all day.” Dan smiled widely and twisted his head so that he could see her face. 
“She did?” 
“Yep, she told me.” I laid my head against the back of the couch and smiled a little. 
Dan’s POV
Coming home to my beautiful partner and our baby girl was truly something I was getting very used to. I was lucky to have wrapped up filming at Oxford just a week after Gwen was born. It was hard to have to leave them for seven days in a row when Gwen was only days old, but it was worth it to have the rest of our lives together. 
As I held Gwen, Y/N got herself set up to begin pumping so that I could take the next feeding. 
“You know, I’ll only get one boob’s worth of milk right now, right?” she sat back as the pump began to do it’s job. 
“Yea, but that’s enough to fill the bottle right? Or do you wanna wait?” 
Y/N shrugged and shook her head. “She should be good. I could always pump again in like an hour and be set.” 
I just nodded my head and continued to pat Gwen on her back. I looked around and noted Matthew’s shadow box. To think about how far the two of us have come since losing our son was a whirlwind. Y/N has put in so much legwork to heal from the trauma, and to come out of this a better mother for our daughter. I really learned a lot about my priorities and what I want out of life. And I wanted Y/N. There was nothing that could happen that could change that. 
My thoughts were interrupted as Gwen began to coo and gargle in my arms. I looked down and smiled as I lifted her to my eye level. “Hello, yes you have all of my attention, because your mummy is a bit busy at the moment.” I reached down and ran my knuckle across her cheek, causing her to turn her head in the direction of my hand. I smiled and lifted her closer to my face. I just stared. She really didn’t understand the pull she had over me and I don’t think she ever would. 
Guinevere just stared back at me, her lips parted slightly, drool creeping its way down her chin. I wiped it away and looked over at Y/N who had her eyes closed. 
“Love, are you awake?” 
With a hum, she responded and nodded her head. I smirked a bit and shook my head in response. 
“I think it’s time for you to take a nap, mummy. You can pump later.” I walked over to the small swing that we had in the living room and set our content little girl in it before walking over to Y/N and kissing her forehead. Her eyes opened and she looked up at me. 
“Are you sure you have her? You were just at work.” 
“Y/N, you’ve had her all day. Not only is that a lot of work, but I missed her. So we’re both winning here. I’ll wake you up in an hour if you don’t wake up sooner.” 
The smile that emitted from her tired face as she turned off the breast pump and adjusted her shirt made me proud. We were coparenting so perfectly and I couldn’t imagine our life any other way. 
“Ok, well I’m going to bed. Goodnight Daniel.” She stood and kissed my cheek before walking over to the swing and kissed our little girl. “Goodnight, Gwenny. Mummy loves you so much.” She took a moment to stare at our big-eyes beauty before walking over to our bedroom and closing the door behind her. 
“Well, Guinevere, looks like it’s just us. Whatcha say to an absolute banger with some kegs?” I stood in silence, knowing she wasn’t going to respond. “Okay, well what about Uncle Phil comes over?” 
I didn’t think she was going to respond, but she squealed as if she understood what I was saying. I couldn’t help but chuckle and kneel in front of her. I took out my phone and started recording. 
“You want your Uncle Phil to come over? Is that what you said?” 
Once again, she squeaked and squirmed as if she knew what I was saying. This was the cutest coincidence I’d ever caught on camera. 
“Well, you heard it here, Phil. You need to make your way over here and just give her some love.” I stopped recording and sent it to Phil. 
It only took minutes, but he soon responded, 
“On my way. I also heard that she wants to order pizza.” 
With a chuckle, I gave the message a thumbs up and shoved my phone back in my pocket. 
“Well, it looks like we’re on our own with Uncle Phil. To be a fly on the wall.” I chuckled and rolled my eyes before sitting on the ground next to the swing and moving it with my arm while opening Netflix on my phone. 
This was going to be interesting. 
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firesfelt · 3 years
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hiya ! ya girl pace is back with another of her questionable creations. i should be around to get writing & reply to messages today as things are looking nice and quiet for me today, but i just wanna get some info up on my gals before i get goin’ ! so without any further ado, here’s gwennie !
( antonia thomas, 28, cis woman, she/her ) GWENDOLINE JEFFERSON was seen listening to LET THE RAIN BY SARA BAREILLES on their way to MIDWIFE. GWEN is known to be NURTURING & STUBBORN.
➜ born and raised in huntsville, gwen’s never been able to call anywhere else home -- and if you ask her, she never will. whether she wants to see the great, big world is a different question, but she proudly claims herself to be a realist. she just doesn’t think seeing greater things is an option for her. 
➜ the first few years of gwen’s life were full of change ( and a lot of the time, sadness ) as her mother sadly passed away a few days after giving birth to her, leaving gwen’s father, michael, alone to raise gwen and her two older brothers without any warning. the following four years were filled with michael trying his damn best ( and succeeding for the most part ) but gwen’s life took another tragic turn when her father, too, passed away after being involved in a car accident. gwen and her two brothers were then taken in by their aunt and uncle, who went on to raise them. 
➜ in terms of demeanour, and the overall vibe she gives off, i’m very much thinking of jill from it’s a sin as a reference ? nurturing, kind, and that friend who looks after everybody ---- whether it’s good for her or not. but she’s far more stubborn and no-nonsense, which comes in handy at work. 
➜ gwen’s always been a caring soul, and wanted to be a nurse from as long as she could remember. however, the more she looked into it, and the more she thought on it, she knows that there was no good reason her mother should’ve passed away when she did, and gwen wanted to make a difference. she wanted women and their babies to be safer than she and her own mother were, to look after them and make them feel secure at the scariest moment of their lives. 
➜ as i said, she’s very caring, and has a great bedside manner, but when it comes down to it, she can really put her foot down and give the tough love that is sometimes needed. she takes zero shit. 
➜ in her personal life, she’s always chasing contentedness. with a job like her’s, it can be hard to focus on much else, so it becomes very easy for her to fake a grin and pull up a mask when needed --- which, sadly, is often. there’s always something going wrong in her life, whether it’s a broken boiler or being shat on by a bird before work, and it makes her day-to-day a little chaotic. the problem is, she’ll never admit defeat. she’ll never ask for help, never let her guard down, never agree that maybe she needs a break, or a lie down, or to let someone cook her dinner for once, instead of depending on whatever’s quick and available after a long shift. 
➜ i feel like she’s always having to rearrange things with friends, and her time management is pretty poor, making her quite difficult to catch up with. i think that’s an interesting point of conflict, y’know ? gwen constantly rearranging things, flaking on plans, forgetting to meet with someone, all that stuff ? it makes romance hard, of course, and i feel like that’d be a good lil’ plot for gwen ? both of them trying really hard to make something work, as they’re really into eachother, but working wild shifts and being so busy/unorganised making it really hard ? maybe even something that does,,,, sort of never really work out ? also might keep her brothers vague other than what i already have in mind and submit wcs for ‘em ? OOH, and a roommate would be good for her !! 
➜ speaking of her brothers, they’re all very close. the two of them are closer to eachother than they are to her, but she’s always pinned that on ‘brothers having a stronger bond than brothers and sisters’ and the fact they’re quite close in age, and gwen’s a few years behind. while their upbringing could’ve driven them apart, it only brought them closer together. their aunt and uncle went on to have three children of their own a few years after welcoming gwen and co. into their home, so the house was always busy, and there was always someone around to chat to. her aunt and uncle remain an important part of her life, too, and she’s very grateful for them. when she can ( which isn’t as often as any of them would like, nor as often as she plans to ) she still goes over on sundays for family dinner. 
➜ she’s never been a woman of religion, but she has a lot of faith in things like healing crystals, and relies a lot on her spirituality for comfort. for a medial woman, too, she’s not opposed to more holistic methods of healing, either; she just accepts that different things work for different people.
➜ again, i have such bad timing, as i’m very aware i’ve got a work zoom thing soon and am on a time limit as a type this lmao, but i really want to get it up --- it might end up being a bit vaguer than emika’s intro ( but tbh, i haven’t read that since posting it so it could entirely be nonsense ) 
➜ fun fact: when i was brainstorming gwen, her fc was actually nicolette robinson. but nic’s resources are pretty limited ( i should know, i made them ! ) and i’m,,, lazy and busy and definitely plan on making gifs of her in more things but Not Right Now, so went with my sweet gal antonia, who i also love ! 
➜ for the future, gwen just wants to feel sort of,,, free ? she’s a bit too tied up and burdened at the moment, and probably has some stuff to work through. i’d love for someone to open her eyes to all the possibilities of life, and that her lil goals are achievable and it’s not a bad thing to want,,, more ? she’s not like emika in that she can switch off from work when she’s not in it, and doesn’t work any more than she needs to ( well, maybe she’ll extend her shift sometimes if a lady’s thiiiiiis close to having her baby as gwen’s supposed to clock off and leave her, but all the gals on the ward do that ) but because of the shift work, it really turns her life upside down and sometimes she needs encouragement that there is so much MORE outside of the hospital. 
➜ i’ll be on discord in a bit to plot and chat, so if you wanna plot with gwennie or anything, i’m happy for y’all to message me ! and i’ll get to my other messages then too !! 
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mardi-nah · 4 years
Circus worker narrator, trickster, fae, circus setting, unrequited love, pining, enemies to lovers, a pinch of angst, vulgar language, otherwise sfw
“I am in love with you.”
My reflection glowered back at me. I grimaced at it. “I love you.”
The reflection looked pained. This wouldn’t do at all. “I have fallen in love with you.” No. “I have loved you for—no. I love you. I love you. I am in love with you. Quinn, I am in love with you. I love ya, babe.”
The glass was cool against my skin as I slumped forward, forehead to forehead with my mirror twin. I had watched so many movies, so many shows with dramatic and simpering love confessions, but it wouldn’t do. I looked like I was constipated. Or ready to murder. Mama should have bore someone cuter, curse her in her grave.
“Quinn, I—“
Someone threw the sliding door open so hard it bounced against the wall with a foreboding boom! A voice that could try a priest called out, “Oh Gwen! Gwenny, honey! Gwenster! Gwen-dah-lee!”
I didn’t fucking twitch. “What.”
“It is the strangest thing, Gwenny-poo!” A sigh, and then the unmistakable screech of bed springs as someone fell on top of my cot. “All of the stage lights have gone out! Just like—“ a snap of fingers, “—that! Can you believe it?”
Oh, hell no. “What did you do?”
Mareth gasped. “Me? I haven’t done anything! Or I’ve done a lot of things, depending on how you look at it. None of them have involved lights.”
I spun myself away from the glass to glare at him.
Mareth was grinning, green eyes glittering and black hair wildly eschew. His little black tail was curling in the air behind him, tangling with my blankets just to piss me off. “Gwendy, you’re so scary looking today!”
“What. Did. You. Do.”
“Weeeeeell …”
“It isn’t my fault it started raining indoors! How could I have known?”
“You little shit!” I screamed, charging at him to fucking throttle his horrible little neck, but he only laughed gaily and disappeared the moment I fell on the bed.
“So violent! I said I didn’t do anything!” His voice chirped from behind me.
I twisted around, hands knotting in my sheets. “You are so full of shit! Come here so I can strangle you!”
Mareth tsked at me, strolling forward but staying just out of reach of my legs and fists. “Ah-ah. If you keep that up, I won’t tell you where the control panel went.”
“Oops.” He giggled. “Didn’t mean to tell you that part. Guess it just slipped!”
“Why you—!” I staggered to my feet, ready to tackle him and wail on him until he cried, but he was already fading out.
“Well, would you look at the time! It’s time to dash! Au revoir!” His voice echoed around my room, his laughter chasing the last remaining shreds of my sanity.
I sank back onto my bed and put my head in my hands. Guess there’d be no time to talk to Quinn about my feelings or anything else tonight.
Mareth had been a pain in the ass my entire career working with the circus. Had been a pain in everyone’s ass, just about, but he seemed to get a special pleasure seeing me screech. Lately, I’d swear he was worse than ever, and it wasn’t just me, either. Poor Quinn came into the back one night dripping molasses, his expression icier than usual. Mareth had been found in storage, tied and bound with a growing black eye. Somehow, that hadn’t stopped him from emptying Quinn’s underwear into the river later that evening.
“Is he off in the head? What the hell,” I growled as I scrambled to reassemble the control room with Joan.
“It seems our dear boy is having a tantrum,” an amused voice came from the doorway.
I looked up to see Mr. Bailey leaning against the entryway, watching us with dark eyes that had an uncalled for amount of sparkle.
“He should be whipped,” I hissed, “He’s going to destroy the show.”
“Yes, probably. At ease, girls. I’ll talk to him.”
At that point, there was nothing to do but focus on the show. If anyone could straighten Mareth out, it was Bailey.
Quinn was beautiful tonight.
He dripped a milky fog as he shouldered his way through the back, glittering wings fluttering softly behind him. His act was particularly flawless tonight—it was as if he and Odessa were of one mind, one move sinking into the next, their limbs synched beatifically.
It was such a shame he would never consider someone like me.
Of all the people to find me on that night, Mareth should not have been the one.
The cart was dark in the night, the moonlight dying it dark. Its roof was cold against my ass, but I only pressed my bare toes firmer to it. I heard the ladder scream as someone climbed it, but I didn’t turn to look.
“Well, this isn’t the most depressing place you could have chosen,” a teeth-grittingly familiar voice chirped. “I’m almost disappointed.”
“Fuck off.”
“Ooh, she still has teeth!” The cart groaned as he moved towards me, and next thing I knew, a pair of dark pants had their legs slung over the side of the cart beside me.
“I’m not in the mood, Mareth,” I snarled, burying my face in my arms.
“Come here to cry like a little girl in private, hmm?” He hummed, kicking his feet out. “Now I’m very disappointed. I thought you had more to you than that.”
“Are you just here to mock me? I will knock you off the fucking cart. Go. Away.”
“What is it about Quinn, I wonder? It’s definitely not his personality, given that he’s q giant asshole. It’s not his money, since he’s as broke as the rest of us. What does that leave? Hmm …”
I snapped upright, eyes burning with the old tears, with anger, with frustration and hatred and this fucking guy. “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Just because he doesn’t like you doesn’t mean he’s like that with the rest of us.”
“Really? What’s he like with you, then?” Mareth was smiling that damn shit-eating smile he had, though there was something a little off about it. Must have been my more than usual desire to punch it.
“He might be moody and quiet, but he’s just as intelligent and focused.” I turned away from him, scowling into the vast dark. “He’s prosaic and graceful. His manners are impeccable. And he practices like a damn mad man.”
“So? Many of our performers are like that.”
“Like hell they are. I don’t think anyone hates their job, but Quinn is—“ my voice broke, which would have been humiliating in any situation, but more so in front of Mareth of all people. I swallowed with difficulty. “He’s admirable.”
There was a brief silence, and I thought that maybe Mareth had mercifully run out of things to say, but then he quietly continued. “Doesn’t seem that great to me.”
“What do you know of greatness? You sabotage the show every chance you get.” I rubbed my wet nose against the back of my arm and grimaced at the feeling.
“Not the show! Just you. And Quinn. Mostly.”
“Can’t you just go?” I asked miserably, sinking myself into the ball of my limbs. Fresh tears were hard at work behind my eyes, and I could feel the worrying beginnings of a sob climbing my throat. “Leave me alone for once.”
At that point, Mareth looked at me, green eyes glittering—with anger, I realized. “I would never leave you alone, Gwen.”
I stared at him, but he only stared angrily back.
When I managed to speak, it was a croak. “Why?”
“Quinn isn’t worth breaking down like a child. Stop acting so weak.”
I huffed. “What right do you have to say that? You’ve never had your heart broken.”
“Oh, please. You break my heart all the time.”
My body stiffened involuntarily; blood was drumming in my ears. His words didn’t make sense. Another prank, probably. “Cut the bullshit. I’m not in the mood for pranks.”
I started when hands grabbed my head and forced me to turn to look at him again. If anything, he looked more furious than before. I almost shrank back from the rage in his gaze, but I swallowed it down. Mareth didn’t scare me.
“You never look at me unless I make you.” His voice was unsteady, steaming in the cold night air. “The only person you can see is Quinn, but he doesn’t see anyone but himself. Don’t you get that?”
“Trust me, I get it,” I peeled his hands away, avoided his stare.
“Then why? Why him?” His real meaning went unsaid.
“I told you why. Dammit, Mareth, I thought you hated the show. Hell, I had half a mind that you hated me even more than I hated you. Why are you doing this now?” I scrubbed angrily at my eyes, mad that I was crying and even more mad that he was there to see it.
Quiet again, but only for a few beats. Mareth took a deep, shaky breath. “I hate that you love him. I can’t get you to notice me at all, and he doesn’t even care that he has it. It could have been anyone else. I don’t know why you picked him.”
“Jealous?” I sniped.
“Horribly.” He agreed.
I hadn’t expected him to say that; the surprise made me wordless for a few minutes, but I recovered. “Should I fuck you out of it? I have the strangest suspicion that your feelings will magically disappear come morning.”
“I would whole-heartedly love for you to try.”
I grabbed the sides of his head and mashed my face against his before he could react. He was surprisingly soft—his hair and his mouth and even his cheeks, lips warm and pliant under mine. I didn’t want to admit how hot I went when he moaned against me, and I certainly wasn’t going to tell him how good he felt. He was eager and compliant, letting me move and dominate him, allowing me to conquer his lap and his trousers and later, his dick.
The next morning found Mareth still in my room, for whatever reason.
He was naked, sprawled lazily over my cot, watching me put on my makeup with those smug-ass cat eyes of his. His tail was swishing slowly in the air behind him. He looked entirely too satisfied.
“Do you have what you want now, dumbass?” I asked, penciling in my eyebrows.
“Dunno. Are you going to come over tonight?”
I scoffed. “Why would I?”
In the mirror, I saw him frown, his tail stilling. “Then no, I don’t.”
We watched each other for a minute, and then I went back to putting my face on for the day, intent to avoid any further conversation.
Mareth was having none of it. “Won’t you consider it?”
“Consider what?”
“Being with me? You seemed—it was good last night, wasn’t it?” He seemed uncharacteristically nervous, the tip of his tail twitching.
I eyed him in the mirror, and then smirked internally. “Give me your true name, and we can try to have a relation.”
His tail twitched again. “Oh?”
“I’m still not convinced you aren’t tricking me. Give me your name so I’ll know.” There. The matter was over.
Mareth sat up. “Is that all?”
I blinked, and he was standing in the center of my tent, his clothes suddenly on again. “Consider it done! You may know me as—“ a gust of wind, and he was at my ear now, his mouth brushing my lobe. “Merit.”
“Your name is—?” He slapped a hand over my mouth before I could finish, wiggling his eyebrows at me in the mirror.
“Ah, ah. No spilling my secret now. I’ve just given you my soul, sweetie.”
I choked. “Your—?”
He actually did it. He gave me his—no, it must be fake. I could call his bluff.
I smiled sweetly up at him, murmuring, “Merit, why don’t you be a dear and get on your knees?”
Mareth gasped, and it wasn’t so much a sink to his knees as it was an inglorious fall. His knees hit the floor with a sharp crack and I couldn’t help but wince guiltily.
Holy fuck. He actually gave me his name.
I stood from my vanity, towering above him, staring. His eyes were gleaming madly, smile twisted into something familiar and devious. “Oh my, what ever will you do with me, Gwenny-poo?”
“You and I might be together for a long time, dear.” I brushed my hands through his hair; he tilted his head into my touch, and I fisted my fingers in his hair, making his breath hitch. “I guess I’ll have to train you.”
“Oh, please do,” he purred.
We had made a deal to try, at least. And if nothing else, I was a woman of my word.
Mareth was a very bothersome lover. I hadn’t decided if he was more or less so than before.
He whined if we didn’t have at least one meal a day together; he whined if he had to sleep alone; he whined if he couldn’t see me in the morning; he whined if I left him without a kiss goodbye; he whined if I wore something pretty and he wouldn’t be around to see it. He hated Quinn, and hated if I spent time with him, but I was a loyal partner, and he seemed to know this.
Besides, I wasn’t one to give my heart to someone who already broke it once. Mareth seemed to know this, too.
Lately Mareth had been pressing me to wear his favorite sweater—a dark green turtleneck that brought out the color of his eyes neatly. Not only was the idea of sharing clothes already ridiculous enough, but the fact that Mareth was a hell of a lot more petite than me didn’t seem to factor into his head.
“Mareth,” I said through my teeth, “This would stick to me like a second skin. I doubt it would even cover my stomach.”
“I know,” he purred.
I knocked him upside the head for that one, but he kept insisting that I “borrow” some of his clothes. I eventually caved and stuffed myself into one of his bigger jackets, and I pretended not to notice him watching me in it, or how he kept subtly trying to sniff at it after I returned it.
He also kept little useless items I gave him, which was so bizarre I couldn’t even bring it up to him. The number seemed to grow a little every time I was in his tent—a packet of toothpaste I lent him so he’d stop trying to use mine when he slept over; a pencil; a crumbled napkin I threw at him with a crude drawing of my foot on his ass; a glittery hair clip I had used to help Alice do his makeup before a show.
He was ridiculous. Absolutely bonkers.
If I obliged him in these things, it was no fault of mine. I was his girlfriend, after all, it was only natural to let your boyfriend have his needs and help meet them.
And if anyone claimed I enjoyed the little happy smile Mareth gave me when I used a pet name, or made him lunch, or wore his stupid sweater, or invited him to join me in the showers, I’d kick their ass too. And if they had the balls to claim I liked Mareth and his clingy affection and dumb tricks and loud laugh and short stature and ridiculousness, well, they might be right, but I’d still fucking end them.
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🎄 for our muses to decorate the christmas tree together and 🌿 for our muses to be caught under mistletoe . -from Gwen
🎄--A bemused snort echoed about the small apartment as Peter watched the blond stretch to reach the higher branches, teeth pressing into the softness of his cheeks to stop the dorky grin from inching further into place, before he finally took it upon himself to sweep May's latest knitting project to the side to free up the foot-stool for a more important purpose, saving Gwen from tripping over her socked toes and taking their already wonky tree down with her. "Man...two inches really makes a difference, huh." The boy nudges her side, while taking a bite of a cookie, barely hiding a grimace at the rock-hard texture. "It looks like you're giving out bear hugs... Want me to leave the room, Gwenny, give you and Mr Branches some time alone?"
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
Soo... There might be a Black Phone 2?!
Came across a tweet saying:
"Jason Blum hopes for 'many more M3GAN'S and many more Black Phones' saying both are examples of how to start a new franchise."
That and because how much money was made so it makes sense for a sequel to be made.
I do wonder if it's about a copy cat killer, if there was infact another Grabber like people have theorised.
And because of when Finney says "Robin... Bruce...you got them" the Grabber says it wasn't him.
And though it seems like he's lying because the bodies are found later on... Is werid.
Or even an origin story for the Grabber and learn more about the ghost boys.
Who knows but whatever it is I'm just gonna bundles up Finney in a blanket burrito leave my boy alone he's been through enough!
And Gwenny!
Let them both be happy
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madebysimblr · 5 years
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Lily: I bet I won’t be able to.
Gwen: OK well I finished the books you got me for my birthday!
Lily: Oh! Cool, did you like them?
Gwen: They were so good. You HAVE to come see the movie with me.
Lily: Sure, I can do that.
Tad: Gwenny leave her alone.
Lily: TAD DONT BE A BUTT. Lily lovES ME.
Lily: Uh-
Tad: She might. But she’s dating me, so can I have my girlfriend back?
Gwen huffs and runs back upstairs.
Lily: She isn’t that much of a bother. But hey.
Tad: Hey C;
Lily: What are we doing today?
Tad: Coffee?
Lily: Sure.
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bishopsorphan · 5 years
Big Bad (Epic Ducifer AU, Dickifer, you know the drill)
“Oh, Lover Boy!”
Nick and Dean paused in the middle of sketching out the protective symbol they were drawing on the house of their latest case and looked up. A tall, blonde woman with bright blue eyes was standing a few paces behind them, smiling, her head tilted to admire their work. She was maybe twenty years old, wearing tight ripped jeans and an oversized black sweatshirt.
“Can we help you?” Nick asked, taking a step toward her.
“No,” she said, “but I can help you.” Her eyes glowed momentarily red.
“Oh, yeah, real funny, Luce,” Dean said, dropping his chalk and stepping up beside his boyfriend. “Drop the dame. We could use your help getting this place warded before Mrs. Murphy’s demon son comes crawling back again.”
The girl blinked, her eyes sliding blue again. “I’m sorry, but when did we start with the informalities?”
Nick and Dean exchanged confused glances. “When I was seven,” the hunter answered.
She smiled. “Right. That makes sense. Time travel, universe creation. What I want to know, is how my Nick ended up in your world.”
Said Nick paled considerably. “Lucifer?”
“Kind of inconsiderate, don’t you think?” she asked. “Praying me back from oblivion and then leaving me all alone in a world where everyone hates me.”
“I didn’t...”
“You did.” She stepped closer. “But it’s ok. I’m here now.” She reached out for him, slowly, smiling. “You let me in, we’ll go back home, and we’ll raze the planet to the ground. Just like old times.”
Dean wedged himself between them. “Yeah, you’re not taking him anywhere.”
“Is that what you think?”
Dean smirked. “Yes.”
Lucifer took another step closer, but was stopped by a blinding flash of light. It faded out to reveal Dean, eyes blazing red, shadowed wings stretched behind him, twin blades in his hands.
“Really?” Lucifer asked. “Dean Winchester? Ew.”
Luce scoffed. “You’re one to talk. Don’t think I can’t see your goopy ass in there. Say howdy to The Empty for me when send you back.”
“Well, look who found himself a high horse. You think you’re better than me? You are me. You can’t kill me.”
“Wanna bet?”
Lucifer grinned and spread her arms out. “Oh, you’ll never guess who I’m wearing. You think you’re the only one who can time travel? I must say, the new world is growing on me. And some thanks for it do seem to be in order. You went back, I went forward, and it turns out that you gave me a whole new generation to choose from.”
It took a moment for the remark to really sink in, a moment before Nick finally realized why the woman his old captor was wearing looked so familiar. The last time he’d seen her, she’d been coloring pictures at a dinner table, just a little girl, completely oblivious to the fact that he was there watching her with the angel that had made her existence possible.
Lucifer nodded. “Turns out Gwenny here’s a chip off the old block. Inherited daddy’s suicidal tendencies and penchant for Devil worship.”
“You let her go!” Nick lunged, but didn’t make it past Luce’s outstretched arm. The angel fisted a hand in the man’s shirt to hold him back, and suddenly they were in the bunker, states away.
“He took her!” Nick shouted, nose inches from the angel’s, glaring down at him as Dean’s green eyes stared passively back. “He took my daughter!”
Luce nodded, cupping Nick’s face with his hands. “He did. But not yet. Right now she’s still safe and sound in Delaware with our you, and Sarah, and Teddy. He does have standards, because I had those standards and he is a me that I could have been.” He stepped back and took a deep breath. “Fuck, this is gonna get confusing.”
“I don’t want him anymore,” Nick whispered. “I don’t need him. I want you. You and Dean.”
“You got us, Killer. We’ll stop Evil!Me. We’ll save Gwen. Together.” He blinked. “Fuck yeah!” Sighed. “That was Dean.”
Nick managed a small smile. “Figured.”
“Ok, well, let’s see if we can pawn Mrs. Murphy’s demon spawn off on some other hunter. We got us a new Big Bad to kill.”
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