Elegancka lampa wisząca Imperial Silver 60 od Kinkate - poznaj nowoczesne trendy w oświetleniu
Lampa wisząca Imperial Silver 60 to niezwykle elegancki dodatek, który stworzy kameralną atmosferę w każdym wnętrzu. Przykuwa wzrok swoim srebrnym, stali szczotkowanej odcieniem metalu oraz kryształowymi zdobieniami ukrytymi wewnątrz, które zapewniają optymalne oświetlenie. Ciekawym połączeniem jest okrągły kształtSamego klosza. Imperial jest idealnym wyborem, jeśli szukasz lampy do wnętrz w stylu glamour. Producentem lampy jest firma Kinkate, która powstała w 2005 roku i od tamtej pory stawia na innowacje i najwyższą jakość wyrobów. Firma specjalizuje się w produkcji oświetlenia i mebli, które są dostępne w szerokiej gamie kolorów, aby zadowolić każdego klienta. Kinkate oferuje meble i oświetlenie, które można dostosować do każdego wnętrza, są one praktyczne i trwałe. Produkty te są wytwarzane w wielu stylach, zarówno tradycyjnym, jak i nowoczesnym. Firma stale poszerza swoją ofertę o nowe projekty i trendy. Wszystkie produkty są tworzone z najlepszych materiałów, aby spełnić wymagania nawet najbardziej wymagających klientów. Wysokiej jakości meble i oświetlenie Kinkate pozwolą Ci stworzyć idealne i niepowtarzalne wnętrze, które będzie odpowiadać Twoim potrzebom.
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shefightslikeagirl · 2 years
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Raw v. Edited Photography [2 of ??]
left: lightroom presets - raw center: original 2010s release right: lightroom presets - final
Photography: Casey Mitchell Stylist: Queen fLee
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My cupcakes bring all the rats to the yard...
Posted: May 7, 2009 Archived from the BonnyTymePyrate Archives
Dearest Plague Rats,
It’s a sunny day in Heaven. I’ve been going through the mass of beautiful gifts and tokens and remembrances given to me and the girls by you during this last tour, and I am again overwhelmed by just how god damn crafty you all are! Hand knit stockings and bears, books, drawings, paintings, poetry, hand made teacups and jewelry, embroidered socks, muffins galore, and even home movies from your own Asylum cells, muffin songs (We Are The Muffins, My Friends…), and videos of the mad tea parties you hold with your friends (in bed)! It is all too good.
We are all so grateful.
And so, so happy.
And to know that you crazies are out there playing “Asylum” and dressing up as Captain Maggot, Aprella, Contessa, Veronica, and the rest, learning our silly moves, reciting Contessa’s prayers, it just blows my fragile little mind…it was so lovely to see, and made me probably the very proudest I have ever been, ever. Bring on the play time. Bring on the dress up. We don’t do enough of that in this world, do we? The play’s the thing…
Guess what, cupcakes?
I’m going to show you my favorite picture I’ve ever taken, because, well, it’s Wednesday. I was saving it for Rolling Stone (Scone?), but, fuck magazines, you get it first. Happy Cinco de Mayo, bitches.
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Cupcake by fLee, blood by me.
This is one of those very rare shots of myself that I can stand looking at, primarily because the whole experience of this shoot was absolutely lovely. It was undoubtedly my and Asylum photog Casey Mitchell’s best work, and fLee was there as set stylist, cupcake designer, and “tea” sharer (it was actually champagne – don’t ever, ever do a photo shoot without champagne, muffins, that’s pro secret no. 1). It was fun, silly, stupid, messy, sparkly, pretty, delicious (did you see all the cookies?!!?!), violently feministic, and, come on now, BASIL the plague rat was my co-model! Does it get any better than that? He is disgustingly photogenic, it’s not fair…not one bad angle on that rat. Anywhats, this was a shoot I’d been planning for a long time, and I am uncharacteristically proud of it. Especially my pasties. I’d made them, and everything else, myself, and only got the glue off my fingers in time to smile for the camera. Which is as it should be. Always.
With Love & Bloody Crumpets from the Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls, Block B, Cell W14, Inmate A, EA
P.S. The Plague: Get it. Feed it. Spread it. Sluts.
Interesting tidbit fom the comments:
VoilinX: ...which is why it was initially given to KinKats as the cover shot, but they had to change it to the other at the last minute because of their fear that, with the pic above as the cover, the magazine might be banned from the stands. While that truly shocked me to hear, it was also intensely flattering that I could do anything “ban worthy”…
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opheliagallery · 1 year
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illusoryfem · 1 year
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By Tohro Azumi of Kotobukitei, Kinkatou
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 6 months
I cosmetici nel passato: un'evoluzione continua
L'uso dei cosmetici nel passato risale a tempi antichissimi. Già nelle epoche più remote, uomini e donne desideravano migliorare il proprio aspetto e apparire al meglio. Quali sono i cosmetici del passato? I primi cosmetici erano realizzati con ingredienti naturali, come argilla, grasso animale e pigmenti di colore diverso. Questi ingredienti erano disponibili in natura e potevano essere facilmente trasformati in prodotti cosmetici. Gli antichi Egizi erano famosi per la loro cura della persona e per l'uso di cosmetici. I loro prodotti erano realizzati con ingredienti di alta qualità, come il kohl, un pigmento nero utilizzato per delineare gli occhi, e il kajal, un pigmento nero o marrone utilizzato per scurire le ciglia e le sopracciglia. Gli antichi Greci e Romani facevano uso di cosmetici in modo simile agli antichi Egizi. Le donne greche, ad esempio, erano solite applicare il kohl sugli occhi, il rosso sulle guance e il bianco sul collo per ottenere un incarnato più chiaro. I romani, invece, erano noti per l'uso di unguenti e profumi. Dai tempi antichi fino ad oggi Nel Medioevo, l'uso dei cosmetici era meno diffuso rispetto all'antichità. Questo era dovuto in parte al fatto che la Chiesa cattolica condannava l'uso di prodotti che potevano essere considerati vanità. Tuttavia, alcuni cosmetici, come il rouge e il fard, erano comunque utilizzati dalle donne di alta classe. Nel Rinascimento, l'uso dei cosmetici tornò a diffondersi. Le donne dell'epoca erano solite applicare prodotti che enfatizzavano le loro forme e la loro bellezza naturale. I prodotti più utilizzati erano il rouge, il fard, il mascara e il rossetto. Nel XIX secolo, l'industria cosmetica iniziò a svilupparsi. Furono creati nuovi prodotti, come il fondotinta e la cipria, che permettevano di ottenere un incarnato più uniforme e perfetto. Nel XX secolo, l'uso dei cosmetici si è ulteriormente diffuso. Oggi, i cosmetici sono utilizzati da uomini e donne di tutte le età e di tutte le classi sociali. I fattori dell'evoluzione L'evoluzione dei cosmetici nel tempo è stata guidata da diversi fattori, tra cui: - I cambiamenti nei canoni di bellezza: nel corso dei secoli, i canoni di bellezza sono cambiati, influenzando l'uso dei cosmetici. Ad esempio, nell'antichità, un incarnato pallido era considerato un segno di bellezza, mentre oggi un incarnato abbronzato è più apprezzato. - I progressi tecnologici: i progressi tecnologici hanno permesso di creare nuovi prodotti cosmetici più efficaci e più sicuri. Ad esempio, i moderni fondotinta sono in grado di uniformare l'incarnato in modo più naturale rispetto ai fondotinta del passato. - L'aumento della consapevolezza della cura della persona: l'aumento della consapevolezza della cura della persona ha portato ad un maggiore interesse per i cosmetici. Oggi, le persone sono più consapevoli dei benefici dei cosmetici per la salute e il benessere della pelle. L'evoluzione dei cosmetici è un processo che continua ancora oggi. Nuovi prodotti e nuove tendenze vengono introdotti sul mercato ogni anno, offrendo sempre più possibilità di migliorare il proprio aspetto e sentirsi più belle. Foto di kinkates da Pixabay Read the full article
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anitatad · 11 months
In the Shadow of... #Poetry
Image by kinkate from Pixabay In the Shadow of… In the shadow of the mountain, I prayed The shadow cooled my blood, not my desire. It clawed at my soul To give back to those who had taken from me Leaving my life empty I am little more than a ghost. One puff of wind, I will be carried away. That I could not allow They cannot be left to win. As I prayed, I heard the mountain whisper, “Turn away…
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devonellington · 1 year
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Over on The Process Muse, we're talking about "managing energy." Come join us!
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instigamente · 1 year
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by kinkate
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jle-kinotes · 2 years
Thérapie par ondes de chocs dans la tendinopathie d’Achille d’insertion ?
Photo de kinkate sur Pexels.com Faut-il s’acheter un nouveau beau joujou pour être plus efficace dans les tendinopathies d’Achille ? Contexte La tendinopathie est souvent un casse-tête pas toujours facile à soigner, trouver le bon dosage, l’exercice qui convient au patient. L’exercice excentrique est souvent proposé comme un mode d’exercice de référence pour traiter cette affection mais pas…
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shefightslikeagirl · 2 years
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Raw v. Edited Photography [1 of ??]
left: lightroom presets - raw right: lightroom presets - final
Photography: Casey Mitchell Stylist: Queen fLee
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ravenkult · 4 years
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Марево Дземброні / Marevo Dzembroni / by Kateryna Kondratieva | Kinkat | https://www.artstation.com/artwork/28ZE2x
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rhub4rb · 5 years
Something New
There's not enough content for this ship, so the only way for me to get it, is if I write it myself.
I might make a part two 'Cause this is super short oop-
Katie 'Pidge' Holt has always been certain about two things in her life. That math is a universal language, and that she has always been better with computers than people, the second one now clearer than ever before in her opinion.
She was currently sitting in the dinning hall of Atlas, observing the MFEs as they sat at their own table, talking and eating amongst themselves. Pidge had been working when the other Paladins had their lunch, so she was alone. Not that she really minded, it gave her brain a bit of a break to not be working or discussing battle tactics. So instead, she found herself observing and cataloguing the MFEs, trying to understand their dynamic in and out of battle.
James was the leader, but a different kind of leader to that of Shiro or Keith. He was more reserved and professional compared to Keith, but his friendliness and comradiry was different to that of Shiro's. Perhaps it was because Shiro was older? At the moment, that was to be determined.
Rizavi was the Lance of the group, energetic and open, happy and hyper. She teased the others quite a bit as well, and it made sense to Pidge that Rizavi and Lance had started to hang out and gossip with one another.
Leifsdottir was probably the closest they would get to Pidge herself, analytical and smart, yet incredibly different, seemingly more calculative. Pidge would love to compare notes with her at some point.
And then there was Kinkade. With the logic that Pidge was following, he would have to fill out the role of Hunk in their group, but that didn't seem quite right in her opinion. He was quiet and observant like herself, and while she wouldn't say that he didn't seem kind, it didn't feel like he was important in the MFE dynamic because of that trait. Perhaps he was some type of buffer for them? Like Hunk, filling out the voice of reason, but in his own, quiet way.
She had never actually talked to Kinkade, not even in passing, which was surprising to her, seeing as they were all supposed to work together. They never really had much reason to.
And so, Pidge continued her day, thinking about the mysterious MFE as she worked on things no one would probably be able to understand. Even as she was focused on the computer in front of her, Kinkade was still in the back of her mind.
Perhaps it was this double working that kept her from noticing as the door behind her opened, or the steps walking towards her. It wasn't until a hand closed her laptop that she realized someone was even there.
Startled, she looked up, only to the find the person who had been occupying her thoughts most of the day.
"You should be sleeping." Kinkade simply stated, reading the confused expression on her face.
"What are you talking about?" Pidge said, opening her laptop once more. "It's only-"
She cut herself off as she saw how it was the middle of the Paladins and MFEs sleeping cycle. She sighed, internally cursing as she was reminded of her promise to her fellow Paladins to sleep properly. Rather than getting up and going to sleep like she should though, she instead looked at the MFE in confusion.
"Why are you the one reminding me to sleep?" Why wasn't it Hunk like usual? Had something happened?
"The other Paladins went to bed a long time ago, I think they forgot about your promise." Kinkade said.
"Why are you still awake?" Pidge asked. "Wait, scratch that, how do you know about my promise?"
"The other Paladins told us MFEs about it, in case we found you before they did." Kinkade replied.
It was then that Pidge realized, that this was the first conversation she had with the mysterious MFE. Her first conversation with him, and it was him reminding her to go to bed. Great first impression.
"I'll go to bed in a bit, you just go ahead and rest up." And with that, Pidge turned her attention back to her laptop, cataloguing the new info she got on the MFE in her head.
She had expected him to go away and go to bed, but instead, he took her laptop and held it out of her reach, heading towards the door.
"Wha- Hey!" Pidge quickly got up and followed him, jumping up to try and reach the laptop just out of her grasp.
Kinkade just simply continued walking, paying no mind to the tiny Paladin that was currently cursing her own stature. He walked her to her quarters, nodding his head at the door to indicate that she should open, and so she did, just wanting her precious tech back.
"I'll give you your laptop tomorrow after breakfast." He said, looking down at her as she looked up at him, exasperated.
"Oh, come on!" She tried grabbing her laptop again, but this time, Kinkade took her hand with his free one, looking her in the eyes.
For some reason, Pidge found herself obliging, sighing as she relaxed her hand in his grip, before he let her hand go, nodding at her, and turning, going down the corridor to what Pidge could only assume was the direction of his own quarters.
The next day, true to his word, Kinkade handed over her laptop after breakfast.
Lance looked over at her from his seat, eyebrow raised. "What was that about?"
"Kinkade found me in the middle of the sleep cycle and wouldn't give my laptop back until I went to bed." Pidge answered, holding her laptop close. Never again could that happen.
Lance only looked more confused at this though.
"Did he say that or did he make grunts and glances to indicate that?" Lance asked, making Pidge raise an eyebrow at him this time.
"He said it?" Pidge said, slightly confused at whatever it was Lance was trying to figure out. Lance however, only looked at her surprised.
"Dude, Rizavi told me that the guy hardly ever talks. It took weeks before he actually held a proper conversation with his own team." He explained.
"Really? Weird." Pidge narrowed her eyes at nothing, still trying to understand the MFE and his previous actions, even more so motivated now than before.
This was how Pidge found herself thinking about the mysterious MFE for a second day now, working ever so concentrated on her laptop.
She was snapped out of it however, as cough sounded behind her, making her turn and face Kinkade once again. He reached a hand out, indicating for her laptop, and Pidge just sat there, looking at him slightly annoyed.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me." She said, sounding slightly bored.
"Until you know how to go to bed properly, I'm going to continue to confiscate your laptop before bedtime." Kinkade stated.
"But I'm at a really bad stopping point!" Normally, she would have used that as an excuse, but tonight, she was actually being honest. She was in the middle of decrypting something, and if she left it now and closed her laptop, she would have to start over. "I just have to finish this and then I'll go to bed, I swear."
Kinkade looked at her, probably trying to figure out whether or not she was lying, before sighing and plopping down beside her.
"What are you-"
"I still have to confiscate your laptop once your done."
"Oh come on!"
Kinkade's lips quirked up, slightly amused at the grumbling Paladin, content to just sit back and watch as she finished her work.
The silence that filled between them felt natural, and despite feeling the MFE's eyes on her and her work, Pidge felt oddly relaxed. She nodded to herself once she was done, satisfied with her work for the day, before remembering what that meant for her precious technology.
"Do I really have to hand over my laptop?" She asked, sighing.
Rather than answering, Kinkade once again held out his hand, and Pidge sighed once more, looking down in defeat and grumbling as she handed over her laptop.
Kinkade stood, holding out his other hand for her. Pidge cocked her head to the side, trying to figure him out, but giving him her hand anyways, accepting his help to get up.
He didn't let go of her hand once she got up however, and followed her to her sleeping quarters once more before saying goodnight and heading to bed himself.
As Pidge lied in bed, she looked up at her hand, the one which Kinkade had held, in slight confusion.
However, a small smile worked it's way onto her lips anyway, and Pidge couldn't stop the weird feeling in her chest.
Kinkade wasn't like the code which she could understand right away, but strangely enough, she didn't mind her confusion one bit.
She had always been a fan of learning something new.
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theasylumpost · 5 years
This is what happens when a bitch is abused in a psychward 1week prior. Cut off my hair. http://vimeo.com/20809589 Don't get it? Well fuck you
From the Archives: January 25, 2014
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ovnihoje · 3 years
É descoberta uma maneira confiável de induzir sonhos lúcidos
É descoberta uma maneira confiável de induzir sonhos lúcidos
Os pesquisadores descobriram que um medicamento comum para o Alzheimer pode ajudar a induzir o sonho lúcido de forma mais confiável. Crédito da imagem: kinkate/ixabay Você já teve um sonho em que você realmente se deu conta de que está sonhando e pode influenciar diretamente os eventos que está vivenciando? Isso é conhecido como sonho lúcido. Durante anos, os cientistas tentaram estudar o que…
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yikesola · 5 years
Since I'm feeling feelings and you've been vv sweet about me venting before, this is return of park date anon. It was peak romance!!!!! We walked and talked and watched geese and held hands and watched mr. amazing's video together and had an awkward sweaty goodbye hug and they asked me to be GFs (Gay Frogs) and they had glitter on their face...... that's young love babey.........
honey everything about that sounds Magical 🥰🙌 you literally gripped the last day of pride month by the shirt collar and said “i’m getting my thomas kinkate date— sweet and picturesque and full of light!”
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