#Kim does eventually end up with Chay
the-cookie-of-doom · 4 months
Okay guys, you've convinced me lol, here's the gist of the Kim/Porsche idea!
The Kittisawats are a rival mafia family led by Porsche
When Kim is ~18, instead of running away to college, he sells himself to Porsche to be his sex slave. It's surprisingly wholesome.
This happens bc Kim discovers Tawan's being sketchy. Kinn doesn't believe him, so Kim tries to find more evidence, only to learn Korn is also involved (not directly, but he makes it very easy for Tawan to find secrets to sell, and be the snake he is). Kinn doesn't believe Kim about this either, but now he's angry bc Kim is trying to tear down Tawan and their father, while he's blinded by love and respect for both.
So Kim runs straight to Porsche
The conditions for his deal: Porsche gets Kim and everything he knows, as long as Porsche protects him from his father, swears not to hurt Kinn, and takes care of Tawan. Kim just wants to keep his family safe. But he knows he's just become a traitor, and his father won't let that stand. So. He's stuck with the Kittisawats. (It's not a hardship. He's honestly treated so much better by Porsche, feels more free as his slave than his father's son, and isn't that fucked up.)
At this point, Porsche isn't sleeping with men yet. There's some interest but no follow through. But Kim is offering himself up, so like. That's what he's supposed to do, right?? That seems like the thing to do. Because Kim's his sex slave now. So they should have sex.
Neither of them have any idea what they're doing. Kim's being heavily influenced by Vegas' psychotic stories of his sex pets, so that's what he expects from Porsche, and that's the role he's trying to fill. Porsche is just going along for the ride.
(It ends up angsty later bc neither of them actually want this. Or, they don't want it like this.)
Porsche does think Kim is very pretty, which leads to some... interesting situations. Some dubcon gender. Kim is going to play the part of his beautiful demure mistress because he feels like he has to. And it's easier this way, separating himself from the situation by playing this role, changing every aspect of himself down to his voice. (Until he has an identity crisis and a breakdown about it.)
This actually becomes a central part of the fic, but I don't want to spoil the surprise.
After Kim's break down, they start over, establish some boundaries and expectations. Once Kim gets comfortable enough to feel safe with Porsche, and his place under Porsche's power, he becomes an absolute gremlin. Porsche loves it, he's so fun, he's such a little shit.
Another central part of this fic is that Kim has OCD and slight agoraphobia. The agoraphobia comes after he betrays his father, it's a gradual onset. First he's just in hiding, but then Porsche starts trying to make him go out more. He's heard stories about Kim's eldest brother who never leaves the tower, he doesn't want Kim to end up like that. But Kim resists him at every turn, until it's just. Natural for him not to leave. (Chay will later get him outside, but not for a while.)
The OCD has always been there. But Korn isn't exactly a beacon of mental healthy support, so Kim has no idea what it is. All he knows is that he's Odd, that there are certain rituals he has to perform or else he feels like he's going to die, or someone else is, and he's usually punished for it. I don't want to get into all of them here but !!! I've spent the past few days coming up with self-soothing rituals for Kim and they are so good. It's not the usual generic habits like ~clean freak~ or ~counting things~, they're connected to his specific traumas, and they are so. excellent. they make me so happy.
So yeah! There you go! It starts out almost like an arranged marriage trope, Kim sells himself to Porsche, they eventually relax around each other, and they become excellent friends (who fuck, but don't fall in love). Kim uses family secrets to help Porsche get a leg up on his father. Porsche eventually helps mend Kim's broken relationship with Kinn (DubCon brother bonding).
Oh! And while Porsche isn't particularly kinky in this story, Kim is, so Porsche has to learn how to be a good dom for him. Once again the way that happens is very angsty, but it turns out great for them! Kim just needs someone to put him in subspace and leave him there for a while, get him out of his head. It's as close to therapy as he's likely to get.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
so you know the tiktok hiding guy? this guy;
so picture Chay as this guy. he loves to hide things, but has nothing to hide (well. he kinda does, he hides some of the more sentimental things from loan sharks and uncle Arthee, but besides that). but he keeps hollowing out books and making sneaky can hideaways and picking up hide-a-keys from dumpsters and thriftstores, because enrichment. Porsche enables this 200%, because Porsche enables and encourages Chay in anything he does.
so picture if you will, Kim's first visit to snoop. even before Chay rushes to lock his door, Kim notices a few...odd things about Chay's home. a book with the wrong edges worn. a too thick picture frame. a can that rattles wrong. he is all very calm and patient and Not Thinking About It Too Hard while he and Chay play guitar, then he sends Chay off to go get noodles and starts tearing through the house as quick as he can. the locked landing door is calling him, but first a quick stop by that picture frame that's been bugging him. it opens easily and Kim finds...an old song notebook? what??? grabs a nearby can that's out of place and unscrews it to find...tylenol? Kim's used to hiding pills, but???? tylenol????? checks one of the books that was bothering him and four come away to reveal a hollowed core hiding...a candle??????
Kim is. so confused. so intrigued. starts tearing through the living room to uncover more and more hideaways hiding completely innocuous stuff. every time he thinks "wait, what about that door?" he gets distracted by something that isn't quite right and he jumps to dig into that. what the fuck does any of this MEAN.
Chay comes back to Kim wearing guilt like a coat and surrounded by trails of the random shit he's hidden over the years. he stares at Kim, stares at the mess, then bursts out laughing and asks if Kim's found the hidden safe or key yet. !!!!! goes Kim's brain and he's off to the races. they definitely forget about their noodles while Kim has a blast going on a seemingly never-ending scavenger hunt and Chay eggs him on.
this eventually carries on to when they get together. think Chay's hidden polaroids move but dialed up to 20, nothing is safe. forget clearing out half his closet, Kim clears out a wall safe for Chay and gets kissed against the wall right next to it. eventually they install a closet with hidden compartments worthy of a hollywood blockbuster. Chay is still hollowing out books and converting cans into hideaways even with the fancy stuff. Kim is on an eternal scavenger hunt. they are having so much fun.
[[ ask me about fics im not writing ]]
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obscurecurse · 3 months
Because I just looooove the "trying to protect you from something by keeping you in the dark about it only led you directly into it - I have created a monster" trope.... CONCEPT: AU where Porchay gets involved in minor organized crime elsewhere in the city as a way to get back at both Porsche (for not telling him the truth about his line of work) and also to get back at Kim (for lying to him/breaking his heart)? Chay is pretending to be all tough and bad but barely knows how to hold a gun at first. He's smarter than his brother though, so he works his way up the evil crime ladder pretty easily. Kim finds out first. He's furious, obvs. The potential for angst is crazy here - and not that far from the canon angst - because Kim only pushed Chay away to protect him, but now, if Chay is like this, maybe he doesn't need to? But Kim also fought so hard to extract himself from the family business - it took him a lot of hard work - and here Chay is doing the fucking opposite and messing everything up for himself.
Kim tries to blackmail Chay. He's like, "If you don't stop this right now, I'll tell your brother." and Chay is like, "I literally don't care what you do." Which is a total lie, but Kim believes it so he goes for plan B and just takes Chay as a hostage to get him out of there/put him in a time out. Chay is pissed, obvs. He's in the back of the van banging on the walls like, "You don't even like me, why the fuck do you care what I do?" etc. Kim does not realize how much power Chay has on the other end of the city so now Chay's gang is going after the Theerapanyakuns for taking their leader. Kinn calls Kim and is like, "For someone who claims to be uninterested in the family business you sure are making big fucking business decisions this evening. Where is Chay?" (Kinn, of course, already knew about all Chay's antics and didn't tell anyone but quietly kept an eye on things to protect Chay bc he is a good quasi-brother-in-law.) Kim is like, "What?" Kinn is like, "Bring him to me. I'll clean up your mess." Chay is still yelling at him from the back seat about how he's a shitty friend and a liar and a manipulator as Kim tries to decide what to do. He doesn't want to give Kinn the satisfaction of fixing this for him. Eventually Kim snaps he's like, "i LoVe YoU oKaY i HaVe AlWaYs LoVeD yOu pLeAsE sHuT tHe FuCk Up" and Chay is quiet for a minute and then he's like, "...Untie me right now."
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divorcedmalewife · 1 year
KP Anniversary Week 3; Prompt "Confession"
also posted on AO3!
Kim has never been very forthright. Very rarely is he ever direct and honest about anything in his life. 
Porchay, Kim is quickly realizing, is the exception. 
It’s been weeks since they tentatively started talking again and Kim likes to think they’ve become friends, in a weird sort of way. Kim wasn’t too sure he could be “just friends” with Porchay. But he would try. He would do anything to keep Porchay in his life. To keep his warmth and love as close as possible. 
Has Kim said any of this out loud? Of course he hasn’t. Kim has learned from a very young age that you should only tell someone the truth as a last resort. That trusting someone with your true intentions and thoughts is dangerous. 
Porchay is the opposite of Kim in that respect. He has always worn his heart on his sleeve and preferred telling the truth over a lie. Even if they lie would make his life easier. 
Kim isn’t used to the kind of honesty that Porchay brings to his life. It’s… refreshing in a way. It’s simple for Kim. He knows that no matter what, he can rely on Chay to tell him the truth. To be honest with him. 
Even in everyday life, Porchay just says what he wants to; say’s what he‘s thinking. 
“I love hia but I swear if he asks me one more time if I’m okay, I may have to punch him.”
“I don’t know if it’s just because I’m in a pissy mood but Khun is being annoying today.” 
“Your dad fucking sucks.” 
“You should wear the denim jacket more, it looks good.” 
“I like your apartment way more than the compound. I hate it here.” 
Kim finds himself replying honestly and not just saying what he thinks Porchay wants to hear. It’s a change — saying what he means and meaning what he says without worrying about what the consequences are. But that’s the effect Chay has on him. 
“Your brother can be irritating. He’d probably let you punch him though.” 
“Khun is literally always annoying. Want me to pick you up?” 
“Yeah…. He does.” 
“I like it more than the leather, actually.” 
“On my way.” 
Each time Kim lets himself be open and honest with Porchay, it feels like a secret confession. 
When Porchay reached out to Kim for the first time, asking for answers, Kim readily gave them to Porchay. He was ready to lay it all out for him. And he did. The moment Porchay asked questions, Kim gave him the honest truth. 
“Yes, it was me who left all those bodies at the bar.” 
“Yes, I loved your song, it meant everything to me.” 
“All the time we spent together was real to me too.”
But there is one thing Kim is still keeping close to his heart. He hasn’t told Porchay that he loves him. 
Porchay probably knows; he’s smart like that. But Kim knows he deserves to be told the whole truth. 
Although, Kim doesn’t think he deserves reciprocation, but he’s working on it. And Kim knows better than to make decisions for Porchay. Kim will tell him eventually and he’ll let Porchay decide where they go from there. Porchay will decide if he wants to keep being just friends or if he wants to try again. 
So they keep texting. They keep hanging out. They even play music together again. It’s everything Kim ever wanted since he realized he had fallen for Chay. All that’s missing, in Kim’s opinion, is being able to kiss Porchay and wake up next to him every morning. 
In the end, it’s not even Kim who first brings their relationship status up again. 
One lazy afternoon, Porchay has his head in Kim’s lap and he’s scrolling through social media while Kim reads a book. Kim has a hand in Porchay’s hair. To Kim, the position doesn’t seem entirely platonic; not that he’s going to complain about it. This is where Kim wants Porchay to be anyway. Kim doesn’t give a single fuck that they’re straddling the line between “just friends” and something that isn’t “just” anything.
Porchay could never be “just” anything to him. 
“P’Kim,” Porchay says quietly. 
Kim makes a questioning hum but when Porchay doesn’t say anything else, Kim puts the book down to Look Porchay in the eye — only to find Porchay is already looking up at him. He looks so soft, with his hair askew from Kim’s ministrations and the threadbare t-shirt that he borrowed from Kim’s closet. Kim feels his heartbeat quickly as he stares into the pair of eyes that made him question everything in his life. 
“Yes, Porchay?” Kim asks. 
“You love me,” Porchay says.
He doesn’t phrase it like a question. Like the statement itself is an answer. Kim supposes it is. It’s the answer to why Kim let Porchay in. It’s the answer to everything. Why is Kim doing this? Because he loves Porchay. Why is Kim acting like this? Because he loves Porchay. Why does Kim feel like he’s safe again? Because he loves Porchay. Why does Kim feel like he can be okay again? Because he loves Porchay. 
“Yeah,” Kim replies softly. “I do love you.” It’s just one more honest statement that Kim makes because he knows he can. Because he knows Chay won’t use the truth against him. 
Porchay’s bright smile in response is enough to make Kim know that every vulnerable moment with Porchay is worth it.
“I love you too,” Porchay says. 
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bitacrytic · 1 year
If there were a kinnporsche season 2, what would you have included in the season bingo cards?
Bingo points because cards won't take all the shit I have to say
Antagonist Porsche. I didn't say villain because he's in the midst of murderers and horrible people. How much more worse can he be? But seeing as the show's mains from season one were Kinn and Porsche, I see Porsche shifting from protagonist to the person who stands in opposition to Kinn's goals. Because Kinn's goals are his father's goals and by the end of season one, Porsche had a gun to Korn's head. Porsche is not going to forget that. Especially considering he has access to minor family wealth AND Vegas (who also saw his father get shot by Korn). Which leads me to...
Vegas isn't going anywhere. I know we want Vegas and Pete to go find their happy ending, but they ended season 1 in the main family mansion hospital. The same place where Kinn stayed in episode 7 when he was shot. Vegas isn't going to run away from Korn. Especially since he knows (through finding out about Porsche's parents) that running away will never work. Korn will find him eventually and kill or punish him like Nampheung. Vegas wants vengeance for his wretched father and he knows running won't work so... Antagonist Number 2.
Kinn tries to save his relationship by buying Porsche a beachside getaway. In Episode 13, while Porsche was hesitant, while he was planning his escape, Kinn noticed that something was wrong. He's always been in tune with how Porsche feels. Even in ep3, he immediately knew Porsche was uncomfortable with the violence and asked Pete to take him out. Kinn will know something is up with Porsche. This time, Porsche would be more careful about his revenge and about destroying Korn. So it might be hard for Kinn to put his finger on what's wrong. But he will know something is wrong. His solution would be to buy Porsche that beachside bar in order to fix their relationship. Spoiler: it won't work but he'll get beachside sex that's incredibly cinematic with awesome audio.
Pete will have an episode. During a mission, or when watching someone get tortured, or anything. One day, he'll be fine one second and then he'll crumble the next. If this was real life (or unironically, fanfic) Pete would get REPEATEDLY triggered by Vegas' presence. Even when Vegas is trying to do something nice, he will be drawn back to the safehouse. This man was suicidal. That's not just something you walk off because your oppressor started smiling more. I see Pete going to therapy. I see him fighting to get back to his original self. It's impossible, but he doesn't stop trying.
Kim (as I've heard from novel readers) becomes obsessed with Chay. At first, it's social media stalking, but soon, it becomes physical stalking where he follows Chay around in the name of "protecting" him. He gets pretty invasive to the point that he has copies of Chay's keys, and has met with a bunch of Chay's classmates behind his back. Chay/Code is still a kid so I don't think BOC would put him in a precarious situation of following the novel entirely considering how hard Barcode took the break up scene. I doubt they'd go as far as including Kim's sexual assault. But I do think Kim would physically hurt Chay to control him. Something like grabbing his arm to pull him out of somewhere the way he did at that club. He might not even mean to hurt Chay but he would. ---- ALSO ---- Kim, while continuing his research into his family, will discover that Nampheung is still alive and he will take her from the mansion. He'll try to use her as leverage against Korn and will get whatever he wants because Korn wants her back. The thing is, till now, we don't even know what Kim wants or why he was investigating his father in the first place. But we know he wants something. We know he has the heart to kidnap Nampheung as much as his father does. That woman has the potential to be our very own most wanted mcguffin.
Chay takes fight lessons. They don't really work, but he does learn one move. Only one move. This one move is the thing that saves him in an emergency. And that emergency is the first time he gets the move right. He starts a singing career online that spirals into mini-stardom. It becomes a whole thing where their high school asks him to collaboration with their alumni-star Wik. Thus, Chay has to tolerate his ex for the sake of the collab. But don't worry too much about him. He's got that One Move in the bag.
Tankhun and Tem. Yes. Absolutely. Tem is going to fall in love with Tankhun and Tankhun is going to be so confused as to why this boy is suddenly everywhere. But, being the adopting father-figure, he takes Tem under his wing... until he realizes that Tem doesn't want to be tucked into a bed that Tankhun isn't in. (hihihihihihi)
Time and Tay will NOT break up. I know we've all prayed and casted and bound this relationship, but they are not going anywhere. They are as guaranteed as the sun rising in the morning. I don't even think Time will change. Tay has already tolerated EVERYTHING under the sun. What is he going to do now that will suddenly stick? Because I feel like he must have tried everything too. Time will just wait him out till he comes back. And we know Tay will come back. Tay will do everything except show himself some respect and Time knows this. Without Tem on the market, Time will find someone new to fixate on. Tay will get his heart broken again. But these two will stay together.
Someone... I don't know who... but someone will make a comment insinuating that Arm and Pol are running things on the side. It will never be outright, but the show will tease us with these two till eternity. They will leave clues about them being together, have dialogue that can only be understood in context of a secret relationship. But they will not make them canon, out rightly.
Ken and Big will show up in flashbacks. Because if Big was integral to Kim's plans, then that means he knows more about what Kim was doing than anyone. Big did for Kim what Pete did for Kinn. He was the one supplying him with information and doing half of the sleuthing. So if we're ever getting an inside of Kim's life, flashbacks of Big will be included. Same with Ken. Ken was the inside man who fed Vegas info. Once he died, Vegas couldn't get into the main mansion anymore. He had to have Porsche bring Pete OUT. Because Ken was dead. So... flashbacks will be included and Ken and Big shall return to grace our screens. :) (don't mind me. I just need a reason to have Nodt and Perth in the season)
Macau and Chay besties. We were robbed in season 1, but from what I heard from book readers, they were friends in the books. And on the show, they both go to the same school. SO, they know each other. I can imagine Chay moving into the minor mansion and realizing that this is the same home he's been having study time in with Macau. "Macau, are you mafia?" "Hehehe, nope!"
Jom will be our fish out of water in season 2. He will be the only one new to this whole mafia thing. Mr. Curious who will get in so much trouble trying to sneak into secure places in the minor mansion. He could even pretend to be a new recruit, after all with the tattoos and the way he dresses, he may as well be a minor family guard. With Porsche and Pete being too busy angsting over their problems, Jom will inherit the mantle of levity for the season.
Korn will die. I don't know who will kill him, but he will be so proud of that person because they would have played a good game and Korn would be getting a worthy successor.
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So @booksnchocolate sent me a two part kimchay headcanon ask, and since I didn’t have time to write a novel yesterday I bumped part two to today. So here we are! What do you think is their favourite way to spend a day together? This question sent me into a whole tailspin.  So most mornings Kim is up at 6AM sharp, ready to train. Sometimes Chay would Rather Not do the exercise thing but occasionally Kim will convince him to go on a jog together, because Chay hates jogging but very much appreciates sweaty Kim. After said workout, whether or not Chay joined him, they always seem to end up showering together. Chay has a different excuse each time and it’s a running joke to see how elaborate his tale of why they have to shower together gets. Sometimes the made up explanation takes up the whole length of the shower because Kim keeps poking holes in his logic to trip him up, but other times it’s a quick “uhhhh, saving water” and then they spend the rest of the shower time not talking 👀 They eventually migrate out to the living room and spend the afternoon just chilling. Kim doesn’t play video games, but he has all the consoles so Chay can play them because he likes seeing Chay excited and happy and having fun. Kim sometimes tells Chay when he’s low on health and needs to heal or helps him through the roleplaying choices but is generally content to just watch Chay. They often have the sound on mute because Kim grabs his guitar and starts working on new music and Chay chimes in with suggestions, so they spend the afternoon doing their own thing but also intwined into the other person’s thing.  In the evening they like going out to go see live music and they end up making a few friends who like to go to the same kinds of shows they do. Both of them get a little thrill from having people who aren’t Chay’s friends or Kim’s acquaintances, but our friends. People think Chay is the friendly one and Kim is the shy one, but Kim is mostly just deciding if the person is a safety risk and does end up quietly breaking some guys fingers in the public bathrooms but they were generally people making the venues less fun anyway so no one really minds.  After the show while they’re in the post-concert high they hold hands and walk through the city and Chay brings Kim to all his favorite hole in the wall restaurants or street food stalls because he’s like “P’Kim you’ve NEVER tasted anything so good in your life,” and 9 times out of 10 Kim has tasted a better version at some fancy restaurant but he likes humoring Chay and occasionally he DOES find some absolutely phenomenal food because some Auntie has been making these noodles the exact same way for fifty years and she knows what she’s about.  Eventually they head home and sometimes they have hot wild sex but other times they plan on having hot wild sex but get distracted talking and making jokes and getting into heated debates about the merits of which boyband would win in a fight against that boyband and so Chay falls asleep somewhere in the middle of their conversation and Kim smiles fondly and kisses his forehead and yeah. It was a good way to spend the night. 
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lily292 · 1 year
VegasPete Doctor AU
So @dramaloverrants sent me a fic prompt of Doctor Vegas and my imagination ran away from me. Disclaimer that I know absolutely nothing about hospitals or medicine beyond the five episodes of a medical drama I watched once
In one universe, Grandpa Theerapanyakul got rich from opening a hospital. As his sons, Korn and Kan inherited with Korn becoming the hospital ceo. In this universe, both Kinn and Vegas are doctors to continue in the family business. Tankhun went off to become a psychiatrist and Kim still became Wik because he’s a rebel. Vegas wanted to be a surgeon but ended up becoming a general practitioner under Kan’s pressure because that’s what Kinn chose.
In this world, whether it’s due to the lack of normalized violence or crime, Vegas’ mother lives to see her son become a doctor. In fact, he’s an adult and a doctor at Theerapanyakul hospital when eventually she dies from a beating at Kan’s hands. It’s covered up with hefty bribes of course but that’s when everything changes.
Theerapanyakul hospital is the largest hospital in Bangkok. They get many many patients. It’s not rare for a victim of domestic abuse to end up seeking treatment there. But suddenly, every time Vegas treats such a person, all he can see is his mother’s corpse. It doesn’t take very long before he has a mental list of all his patients who are likely victims of domestic abuse. In fact, it’s not difficult at all before he has a longer list of victims who come to the hospital for treatment. From there, it is nothing at all before he finds the name of their abusive spouses and parents.
That’s when everything changes. Kan continues to come to his office occasionally to berate him for not beating Kinn at whatever. With his mother’s death fresh in his mind, Vegas has difficulty controlling his rage. After one such incident, he happens to see a person on his list of abusers on an IV. It’s barely even a thought before he strides over and administers a lethal overdose.
It is only after the patient dies and the incident is covered up that he realizes what he’s done. He waits for someone to arrest him. But no one does. He realizes no one knows he was the culprit. Despite this, Vegas is a good doctor and considers turning himself in. Eventually, he sees the deceased abuser’s victim who comes in less frequently and looks happier and healthier, which quiets his conscience. And then, the next time he passes someone on his list, he considers doing it again.
Despite everything, Vegas is a smart and meticulous man. He plans everything. Including a backup plan. After all, if eventually discovered, who better to take the fall than his own mother’s murderer? It will be the one thing Kan does for his family. So he’s cautious. And takes care to only commit murder while his father is in the building.
At some point, too many people have died from IVs and an investigation is launched into the potentially contaminated IV bags. By this point, Vegas has moved to other methods of murder as well and despite avoiding murder by IV overdose, people continue to die.
It’s in this atmosphere that the hospital hires new nurses straight out of nursing school. Notably, they hire Porsche and Pete.
Porsche is a poor orphan raising a little brother. Nursing is a reliable source of income with a high probability of finding a job and low risk. He pursues it for the financial advantage but with the other part time jobs he held while in school, his grades aren’t the best. Unbeknownst to him, his mother was a childhood friend of Korn and Kan. Korn seeing his application, hires him. It doesn’t take long before Kinn is enamored with this new nurse who barely even cares that he is the boss’ son. Soon, he is the nurse who works with Kinn most regularly.
Pete meanwhile applied to nursing for similar reasons. However, unlike Porsche, his grandmother is more financially independent than Chay and Pete was able to focus more on his studies, graduating top of his class. Pete and Porsche are best friends from nursing school. Pete is also the only reason Porsche even applied to Theerapanyakul Hospital because with his grades, Porsche had accepted that he likely wasn’t getting into the city’s most prestigious hospital.
Porsche, as mentioned, is scooped up by Kinn. Pete meanwhile lingers in the children’s section of the hospital. At some point, Pete is assigned to Vegas by someone because Dr Vegas is very good at all aspects of his practice except putting people at ease. Pete’s smiley face tends to make up for it and the two make a good team. Vegas has no particular feelings about this team up past acknowledging Pete’s competence and does not protest. Eventually, they become closer. Close enough that one day, Pete goes to talk to Vegas between appointments and catches the tail end of Kan’s rant. Kan storms without noticing Pete and when Pete goes in, the bright red handprint of Vegas’ face makes it obvious what happened.
Vegas falls for Pete that day as he shares the story of his own abusive father and gets him ice for his face. It doesn’t take very long for them to get together even if most of the hospital doesn’t notice because they’re not as conspicuous about it as KinnPorsche who make out in the staff lounge all the time and have been caught partially dressed in Kinn’s office.
Furthermore, there’s additional gossip because the CEO’s youngest son is suddenly around all the time. Kim had gone to see Kinn who is the only doctor he will trust and met Chay who was waiting for his brother to finish his shift in the waiting room and been captivated by his pretty smile. Chay meanwhile is fangirling that he met Wik in the waiting room and he keeps. Coming. Back. Chay is gonna die.
Amidst the romance, patients continue to die. Vegas might be in love but it only takes the next patient he has to stitch up while their small child watches for his rage to resurface.
Eventually, the deaths pile up enough for the hospital reputation to take a hit and make the news. Kimlock Holmes starts investigating.
Vegas is eventually caught. By Pete.
Pete isn’t stupid. Vegas is overdosing the dad of that one kid who came in with obvious hand shaped bruises. Vegas is panicking. But Pete helps him run off. Why? Vegas wants to know. Did I ever tell you how my dad died. Pete asks. I pushed him down the stairs.
In Vegas’ office, they talk more. Vegas shares which people are still on his list. Pete shares how much he’d wished as a kid after losing hope of outside interference that his dad would just drop dead one day. Vegas shares how he’s planning to make his dad his scapegoat for murdering his mom. They’re making out when someone walks in on them and the gossip spreads like wildfire.
Suddenly, Vegas has a coconspirator who can kill when his dad is in the building but he’s not. Suddenly, if Pete says Vegas was with me, no one questions this. They go through the list very quickly after that.
It is very very easy for Pete to figure out from Chay that Kim suspects Kan because he’s the only person consistently around when people die. It’s also very very easy for Pete to sneak into Kan’s office while he’s berating Vegas and plant evidence.
Kim investigates and finds the planted evidence. Police get involved and Kan is arrested and convicted. No one actually makes the connection between the murdered victims because most of the abuse is not reported or documented. Everyone just thinks Kan is a serial killer.
In the aftermath, Vegas and Pete resign. It had been Pete who wanted to return to his hometown to work at the local hospital there. Vegas in light of the revelations against his dad wants to make a new start and is planning to go with Pete. Korn accepts their resignations and the two take Macau and relocate to the small local hospital of Pete’s hometown. And if people start dropping dead? Well the number of abusers in a town this small are very few. And a few deaths in the hospital is only expected.
Macau like having a grandmother around to spoil him rotten and Pete’s grandmother likes having another child to spoil. Nurse Pete is a favorite with the kids. And Vegas? Vegas is a good doctor.
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vani-ash · 24 days
I actually have semi fleshed out (kimchay) AUs for like most of Jeff's MV but none of them are finished and I hate(not actually i love talking about them) talking about my wip before they're finished cause it makes me work on them less cause I'm like
I talked about it = I worked on it :)
and then I never continue writing then 😔
Anyway here is a couple of them:
Dum Dum - (currently 12k written)
KimChay are walking home one night accidentally walk into an alleyway where they see a group of gang members killing someone, Kim tries to help Chay escape but ends up knocked on conscious and Chay is taken back to their leader. Chay believes Kim died in the alleyway.
A year passes with Chay now living as the mafia bosses husband. Chays mind is broken and believes the mafia boss is Kim due to him living in delusions to deal with the trauma. One day someone plants a bomb in the mansion and breaks in. Sunshine is tattooed on their neck and Chay thinks its a mercenary sent to kill him. He insists his name is Kim, but Chay doesn't believe him. His Kim didn't have tattoos or white hair.
Lucid- (currently 6k written)
Chay lives by himself and tends to a large garden. one day he finds a man passed out in his garden. Chay takes him back to his home and takes care of him. When the man wakes up he is startled and scared of Chay and jumps out of Chays window.
A week later the man comes back. They grow close and Chay eventually learns the mans name, and that he is a fae. As they grow closer Chay starts to feel sick and he keeps forgetting things. One day he forgets Kim.
Another fae curses Chay to forget Kim every time they part cause they’re jealous Kim doesn’t want them (the curse also causes Chay to be in pain whenever they’re together it takes Kim a while to figure this out which is why he keeps coming back, he just thinks Chay’s sick) but you know Chay is Chay so he’s so excited to meet a fae and talk and help him etc. but eventually Kim figures out how to break the curse: he has to die.
(not MCD has happy ending)
Loop - (currently 4k written)
Kim is forced to work at his family's company but he hates it and is intentionally being bad at his job. When he gets paired up with one of the company's best employees to make him better, Kim starts to fall for Chay. Kim does star actually learned how to do his job but Kim continues to be bad at his job so Chay will have to help him more.
One day Kim overhears his father saying if Chay doesn't get Kim to start working better he will be fired. So Kim starts to actually do his job. And when he is finally doing well, Chay is forced to quit anyway cause Korn doesn't like Kim is in love with a random employee.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
hoping that u'll share with us what's in ur mind when ure thinking about the vegaspete time loop AU
SFJKSGDKSGDKGSJSG im not sure how interesting this is gonna be because everything about it really is embarrassingly self-indulgent but here we go!!!
so one of the main objective of the time loop is to avoid the conflict between the main and minor family while still exposing korn's manipulation, which is easier said than done. vegas' first instinct is to go to pete because he trusts him more than anyone in the world (no, im not throwing shade at the novel, what are you talking about), but if pete believes him and becomes suspicious enough to go snoop around, pete gets caught and killed. needless to say, that's a BIG NO NO;
vegas tries other things but they all equally end in disaster: if he pushes ken to investigate, they both get discovered early on and vegas achieves nothing but to get sent to the safe house alone with no chance to change things or get close to pete; if he goes to porsche and tells him about his mother too early, then porsche's mistrust for the main family gets so strong that it prevents him from falling in love with kinn, which causes porsche to kill korn and the minor family to win, but pete firmly remains loyal to kinn and dies trying to protect him; in a couple of timelines vegas gets so desperate he actually tries to get kinn or tankhun to help him, but kinn never believes him, and while tankhun surprisingly does, if vegas tries hard enough, they are a TERRIBLE team, disagreeing pretty much on everything and getting discovered IMMEDIATELY;
vegas eventually finds his best option: who is removed enough from the main storyline not to cause any dramatic changes while also being connected to it and having free access to the main family's house and already being suspicious of korn? so yeah, vegas goes to kim (and they actually make a GREAT team. like @clandestinegardenias [who's lovely and patient enough to indulge me in my delusions] said: "kim would share his murderboard and they'd plot together and be unbearably pretty about it");
as a side note, vegas and kim teaming up means that kim doesn't get involved with chay to find out more about porsche, but don't worry, they still end up meeting, because vegas learns he has to send tawan to kinn to make things work, which means that tawan still kidnaps chay, but this time vegas is the one to ask kim for help to deal with the situation, so what comes out of it is that 1) chay wakes up to find out that his idol, who's also apparently a mafia heir, just saved his life, and when chay starts to live in the main family's house and eventually gets closer to kim, there are no lies between them, 2) BIG GETS TO LIVE, 3) no one finds out about vegas being involved with tawan;
NOW FOR SOME VEGASPETE. in one timeline, while trying to figure out how to go about this whole mess, vegas shows up at yok's bar during the events of episode 3, so while kinn and porsche are busy smooching on the piers, vegas finds himself dealing with a very drunk pete. nothing happens, of course, but pete and porsche waking up in the same bed? NOPE. DOESN'T HAPPEN. more like vegas brings pete back to his room at the main family's house, but pete is a SUPER AFFECTIONATE DRUNK (which vegas finds unbearably cute) and refuses to let vegas go. the next morning pete wakes up, realizes he is snuggling with VEGAS THEERAPANYAKUL OF ALL PEOPLE and promptly yeets himself off the bed and on the ground. pete is pretty sure vegas is gonna murder him so he keeps apologizing, but vegas is just.. laughing and teasing him a little and lying on pete's bed with his hair rumpled from sleep and his shirt half open and looking at pete in a way that makes pete's heart ACHE and he has no idea what it MEANS;
but vegas learns that he needs to be careful in approaching pete, because in some timelines the way he tries to get closer to pete too early and too quickly causes kinn to become suspicious of pete being the mole and to send someone else to spy on vegas;
(and this is where i show myself as the over dramatic hoe i actually am because i like to imagine that, to test his theory and find out if there's actually something going on between vegas and pete, kinn pretends to be hitting on pete and tries to kiss him in front of vegas, which.. i let you imagine how that goes. vegas thought he knew how being jealous of kinn felt like, but NOTHING ever came close to the feeling building in his chest as he sees kinn's hands on pete. before he can even realize it, he is tuckling kinn to the ground and pummeling him, completely out of his mind);
also the time loops aren't completely free of consequences for pete: every time vegas fails and a timeline gets reset, there's some 'unconscious emotional transfer' (the credit goes once again to @clandestinegardenias for this one) that remains with pete, so he starts to see flashes of other timelines in his dreams and have all these feelings for vegas that he has no idea where are they coming from and it's driving him crazy because is it real?? does pete want it to be real?? is it really HIM wanting vegas or is it some other pete?? does it even matter?? pete is actually the one who ends up snapping and kissing vegas because he feels like he's losing his mind and just needs to KNOW
so. um. yeah, this is basically what i've been thinking about as the heat slowly melts my brain
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punchlove-blog · 2 years
theory time!
Who was Korn's wife? What was she like? What was he like with her?
We see Korn as this master manipulator. This controlling force behind the lives of everyone around him.
But remember Kinn's line - I'm more like my mom.
And we all know that opposites attract right?
I see her as this fierce protector. An in-your-face brilliant force of nature. She would have pulled in Korn like a magnet. Sound familiar?
She would be the one to pull the gun and fire and make sure that her family was safe, and ask questions later.
She was the Porsche to Korn's Kinn.
But you say, how does that add up? Kinn is like his mom right?
My theory is that Korn ended up having to raise Kim as a single parent. His influence was strong. He manipulated those qualities out of Kinn to mould him into the person he wanted.
But still, Korn couldnt make all of it go away.
And that's where we see the side of Kinn that fell like a rock for Porsche. The wound in him that never healed after his mom died. That part he tried to hide for years. Tawan saw part of it, hurt Kinn again. But Porsche? He blazed in and ripped Kinn's heart open and, yes I'll be cheesy, love poured out. Kinn is definitely cheesy in love.
But Korn? He lost her. That woman he loved. The bright shining light of his life. And his world was forever smaller. More painful. It got quieter. He had these three sons to take care of. He'd lost his confidante. The person he could share life with.
That turned him into someone who could more easily do unspeakable things. Maybe kill his brother in law? Definitely hide his foster sister. Abandon Porsche and Chay to their seedy uncle. Force Kinn to emotionally repress. Eventually kill his own brother to hide more secrets.
Is Korn a sympathetic character? Not really. He needs to separate those poor beta fish. He needs to let Kinn and Porsche just be. Allow for control to pass. Stop doing whatever he does to Kim that is messing with his head. But I think in the right hands a backstory here could be really interesting.
And thanks to @luckydragon10 for telling me to post this theory. Hi Nemi! *waves hand
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the-water-nixie · 2 years
Kinnporsche Week Day 1: “Can I try?” + love
Is the first fic I’m posting in this fandom, though not the first I’ve written. More to come hopefully!
Chay & Porsche, Kinn/Porsche 2000k words
This was supposed to be all Porsche and Chay brotherly love, but the KinnPorsche banter got away from me a bit at the end there.
Also on AO3.
The gun range in the basement is easier to find than Chay thought it would be when he started wandering. The compound is like a labyrinth in places, especially where the original house and its gardens—his mother’s prison—had been built around and incorporated into the massive skyscraper, but once you get into the lower levels, things are much simpler.
There are guards standing on either side of the entrance and they nod at him as he goes inside. The younger of the two hands him a pair of protective ear muffs with a smile. Chay has never been introduced to him properly, but he thinks his name is Mike. He feels uncomfortable with the way the bodyguards defer to him, especially when no one has bothered with the basic politeness of introducing them to him by name.
Porsche is inside the dark room just as P’Arm had said he would be, his own protective ear and eye coverings in place as he concentrates on the target in front of him. The loud bang bang bang is muted by his ear muffs, but Chay can feel the crack the gun makes, the vibrations disrupting the air around him. Porsche shoots off two more rounds before he must feel Chay’s eyes on him. He turns around and seeing Chay, removes his ear protection and smiles.
“Chay.” He moves closer and rests a hand on Chay’s arm. “Did you need something?”
That that is the thing Porsche says the first time Chay has seen him in two days makes Chay’s heart hurt. Before, Porsche would never have questioned Chay’s seeking him out, would never have assumed he wanted anything other than to spend time together. The bratty, teenaged part of his brain pipes up with my brother back, but Chay manages to block those words before they can leave his mouth. He shrugs instead and points to the gun in Porsche’s hand. “Can I try?”
Porsche hesitates, looking from Chay to the gun and back again. Eventually he lets out a deep sigh. Chay almost takes back the request, seeing the way his brother’s shoulders fall, but he can’t quite make himself. He’s told himself time and again over the past weeks that he isn’t angry with Porsche, that he doesn’t blame him for any of the mess they’ve found themselves in. But there is a small, petty part of him that does blame Porsche. Realistically, Chay knows there weren’t many better choices afforded him on the path to where they currently are, but he still finds it hard to dispel his anger completely. He redirects it where it belongs most of the time—to Khun Korn (because Chay refuses to call that man uncle no matter how many times he insists)—and to Kim, and even to Kinn a little bit, though he would never let Porsche know about that small slice of resentment he hasn’t managed to swallow down.
“Okay,” Porsche says. “I guess that’s probably a good idea.”
Porsche teaches him about the gun’s safety and how to load ammunition before placing a pair of protective glasses on Chay’s nose and leading him over to face the targets.
He helps Chay line up the gun, tells him to look down the barrel and how much pressure he will need to put on the trigger, and then he steps away and they both push their ear muffs back up to cover their ears.
Chay lines the gun up the way Porsche had just taught him and keeps his hands steady on it. The metal is warm against his skin, both from his body heat and Porsche’s before him. He breathes in and lets it out, his pointer finger baring down on the trigger. The recoil shocks him even though he’d been forewarned, but he still stands his ground. He manages to hit the target, but it’s low on the paper silhouette. He supposes if it were a real person, he probably would have caught them in the stomach. The thought sobers him and he lowers the gun.
Porsche’s arms come to rest around him from behind, squeezing him and swaying them both slightly from side to side. Chay stands frozen as Porsche takes the gun and rearms the safety. Then he pulls down Chay’s ear muffs.
“That was great! Better than my first try.” Chay turns his head to look at him and watches as Porsche’s bright smile slides off his face. He reaches out a hand and wipes Chay’s cheek with his thumb. It comes back wet. Chay didn’t even realize he’d been crying.
“Chay?” Porsche places the gun down on a small table and pulls Chay into his arms. Chay can feel their bodies shaking and he can’t quite understand why. Porsche rubs a hand over his hair.
“Chay, Chay. What’s wrong? Come on, tell hia. Tell hia so he can fix it.”
“What if it’s not something that hia can fix?” Chay’s voice sounds thick to his own ears.
“Then he’ll try his best, all right? Just tell me and we can figure it out. Do you want to leave? We can leave.”
“We both know that’s not an actual option, hia.”
“It could be. Kinn would understand. He told me before that I should take you and go—he would understand.”
The last remaining resentment Chay holds against Kinn suddenly dissipates into nothingness. He shakes his head against his brother’s broad chest. “I would never expect you to leave him. I would never want you to be sad.”
“I don’t want you sad either, Chay.”
“Us leaving won’t fix it. What about mae? What about—”
Fuck, he’d almost slipped up and said Kim.
Porsche pulls away a fraction and looks into Chay’s eyes. He wipes the sleeve of his expensive new shirt across Chay’s face and then his own. “What about…?”
He noticed. Fuck.
A sob forces itself out of Chay’s throat and fresh tears dribble down his face where Porsche had just dried.
Porsche makes a wounded sound and clutches Chay to his chest again. “What happened? What happened? Something—I knew there had to be something else. Won’t you tell hia?”
Chay nods, the movement constricted by the tight told Porsche has on his body. Maybe it is time he told his brother everything at last.
Porsche feels angry and bereft when he returns to his and Kinn’s rooms a few hours later, once Porchay had finally fallen asleep. He hates when there is nothing he can do to make Porchay feel better. He hates that he can’t fix his heartbreak. He latches on to his anger.
Which of course Kinn notices right away.
“Porsche? Everything okay?”
Porsche can’t manage more than a grunt as he stomps into the walk-in closet and pulls off his shirt and unbuckles his pants. He removes those too and throws them onto the floor. He can’t be bothered to pick them up or even dig pyjamas out of a drawer. He stomps back into the bedroom in just his underwear and throws himself onto the bed next to Kinn. He can feel Kinn’s eyes on him. He places a bookmark into the book he was reading and sets it on the bedside table. Porsche can see him fold his hands over his stomach and wait. He can be so patient when he wants to be.
Porsche turns over onto his back and stares up at the ceiling. “Do you know the best way to remove a man’s balls from his scrotum while he’s awake? As painfully as possible. And before you tell me, you should know I’m planning on using the information to torture your brother.”
Kinn hums as if thinking. “Kim?”
“The fact that you knew immediately I meant him and not Tankhun isn’t his best reference.”
“Of course you wouldn’t hurt Khun—you love him too much. It was the process of elimination. What did he do?”
And so Porsche recounts the saga of Kim and Porchay, leaving out the small details he thinks Chay would probably be embarrassed for Kinn to know. After he stops talking, Kinn rolls his eyes.
“Kim. Honestly, that idiot.”
“So you’ll help me with the ball removal?”
Kinn chuckles. “I don’t think that will be necessary. Although, the threat of it might make Kim use his words. Because if Porchay thinks Kim doesn’t return his feelings, he’s definitely been neglecting them.”
Porsche sits up against the headboard and looks over at Kinn. He can’t believe he’s been keeping something that affects Chay from him. “What do you know?”
Kinn takes his hand, thumb rubbing a soothing back and forth over Porsche’s knuckles. “I know that Kim called me from your house the morning Chay was kidnapped—very early, so he was definitely already there… and then when I told him to wait for me, he sent for Big and they stormed the place, ignoring my orders. I also know that he was the one who killed my uncle’s goons at Hum Bar to keep them from taking Chay again. Add up those instances, and Kim might as well have hired a plane to write I love Porchay across the sky for all of Bangkok to see.”
“What are you talking about? That doesn’t—” Porsche lets out a frustrated sigh. “Why is it that only Tankhun learned how to use his words?”
“Hey, you said I was doing better!” Kinn pouts and his grip on Porsche’s hand tightens. “But I suppose, we are show, don’t tell kind of people.”
Porsche scoffs and then presses a hard kiss to the top of Kinn’s head. “I’ll try not to hold that against you.”
Kinn kisses his cheek in retaliation. “So…what do you want to do?”
Porsche slides down until he can push his face into Kinn’s side and grumbles. He wants to make his baby brother feel better, but he knows he doesn’t have the power to do so, not this time. It burns at him—he’s always had that power before. Maybe he’s more angry about that than he actually is at Kim. He doesn’t know what Kim’s reasons were, after all. He should reserve his anger for when he knows everything. “I don’t really want to hurt your brother,” he says with another grumble. He feels Kinn’s body vibrate with a laugh. “But Chay was crying. Crying. It fucking kills me. I can’t stand it when he cries, and I can’t even make him feel better about this. I can’t do anything.”
Kinn runs a gentle hand over his hair. “I know. I’m sure he won’t blame you. Or expect you to gift him Kim’s balls in a jar.”
Porsche snorts and rubs his nose into Kinn’s side until he squirms away. He lies still for a moment, his fingers picking at the hem of Kinn’s silk pyjama shirt. “He’s always been everything to me, you know? And when he’s hurting, it makes me feel unhinged. I can’t help it.”
“He’s like your baby and you’re one of those moms who suddenly has the strength to lift an entire car.”
Porsche raises his head to look Kinn in the eye. “Huh?”
Kinn looks embarrassed. “I read about it in the newspaper.”
Porsche laughs. “Now you and Chay are my everything, so I guess I’ll start lifting cars off both of you.”
Kinn leans over him. “If I’m ever trapped under a car, you’d better not disappoint me.” And then he presses a hard kiss against Porsche’s lips.
Porsche laughs again against Kinn’s mouth and grabs him around the middle, pulling him down on top of him. They don’t do anything else, but the weight of him is nice—warm and grounding. Porsche wraps Kinn up in his arms and legs.
“Thanks,” he says after a few quiet moments have passed. Kinn makes a questioning sound. “For making me feel better.”
Kinn unearths his face from Porsche’s neck. “I can talk to Kim if you want me to.”
Porsche thinks it over. He isn’t sure if it’s what Chay would want. Maybe it would embarrass him, having his and Kim’s older brothers involved in their relationship. “I think I’m going to spend the day with Chay tomorrow. I’ll see how he seems and we can figure it out from there.”
Kinn nods. “Good idea.” He runs his nose up the length of Porsches jaw. “Are you going to let me up or are we sleeping with the lights on?”
“Lights on, I guess,” Porsche answers around a yawn. He pulls Kinn closer. The last thing he feels is the huff of Kinn’s laughter against his bare chest and he’s out.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 7 months
Chay takes his first sip of beer under Macau’s careful guidance when the last guest walks in, and the horrible taste of it combined with the sheer shock of the third cousin means most of it ends up sprayed down his shirt, and all eyes are on him as he coughs and desperately gasps for breath, and Chay wants to die. 
Because Macau’s cousin? Is Wik. Wik. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He manages to wheeze, while Macau laughs and thumps on his back. 
“What, you’re a fan?” 
Chay can’t very well say yes, seeing as Wik is right there, ten feet away, watching him with mounting annoyance as if he already knows the answer. Of course he does. And of course he wouldn’t want Chay anywhere near him, his family, on what is supposed to be a private vacation. God, what was Macau thinking, bringing him here?
“Who are you,” Wik asks. His voice is dry enough that Chay feels parched. He can breathe again, and he clutches his beer to his chest like a shield, and not like the thing that almost killed him a second ago. Or maybe that was Wik. Either way, Chay is in danger. 
“Our virgin sacrifice,” Macau says, because apparently once wasn’t enough. “This is Porchay, he’s my friend, don’t be an asshole. Chay, this is my loser cousin, Kim. Who, yeah, is also kind of famous, I guess. Don’t make it weird.”
“Hello,” Porchay says weakly. “I, uh… I really like your music.”
Chay feels a strong urge to apologize—and offer to leave right then and there, even if it means calling Porsche to drive the three hours to get him—but he doesn’t get the chance. Wik—Kim—is gone just as fast as he'd appeared, taking his guitar case with him. Strangely it isn’t any easier to breathe in his absence. 
“You’re an asshole,” Chay informs Macau. “You planned that, didn’t you?” His best friend’s shit-eating grin informs him that yes, he had. 
“Dude, your face! I thought you were going to die!”
“I wanted to! That’s so messed up! He’s going to think I’m, like, stalking him, or something.” 
“Nah, probably not. Seriously though, don’t be too weird, or he might kill you.”
Nevermind that, Chay might kill himself. How is he supposed to get through the next two weeks? 
Out of respect, Chay does his very best to avoid Kim and stay out of his way. He doesn’t know if the older boy notices, because of the aforementioned avoidance, but he hopes so. He wants Kim to know he’s trying. That he isn’t here to creep on him, that he isn’t one of those psycho fans. Yeah, Chay has a little bit of a shrine at home, but all of the pictures on his wall are from professional photoshoots. No paparazzi photos or creepshots from other fans. Nothing from his personal time. Chay isn’t like that. He doesn’t want to intrude. He just wishes he could explain himself. 
The opportunity comes the next morning. Chay is awake before anyone else; he kicks around in bed for a while, then goes to Macau’s room across the hall, but he’s still fast asleep. Chay isn’t comfortable enough to go explore, but eventually his stomach drives him in search of the kitchen. It’s massive, borderline industrial, and fully stocked to feed an army. It’s ridiculous. 
Chay is cracking eggs into a pan when he hears another set of footsteps, seconds before he’s greeted by Kim’s handsome, scowling face. He must have just rolled out of bed; he’s wearing soft-looking lounge clothes, barefoot, and his hair is just messy enough that it could be intentional, if not for the softness around his eyes. Softness that disappears as soon as they land on Chay. 
“... Good morning,” Chay greets, with an awkward smile. He turns back to the stove, trying to communicate I’m not watching, just ignore me. It must work, because rather than turn back the way he came, Kim joins him in the kitchen. 
“Hi,” is all he says, and Chay is content with that. 
There’s a fancy-looking espresso machine at its own coffee station. Kim takes up his post in front of it, grinding down coffee beans and pressing them into the filter. He takes down two small glasses and sets them beneath. Soon, the rich scent of fresh coffee fills the kitchen, the espresso machine's pop and hiss accompanying the sound of frying eggs. 
“Do you want me to make you something?” Chay offers, not turning around. 
Kim doesn’t say anything else. Neither does Chay. He chews on his bottom lip until his breakfast is finished, and he plates his eggs on a pile of sticky rice. 
This might be my only chance. 
“I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable. By being here, I mean,” Chay starts. “I swear I had no idea when Macau invited me. He said he was just coming here with his cousins. I-I wouldn’t have agreed. If I knew. I promise.” 
Kim turns to face him fully, leaning back against the counter. Chay fidgets beneath the weight of his gaze. “Really?” he asks. He doesn’t sound like he believes Chay one way or the other. 
“Yeah, yes, I wouldn’t want to intrude. I’m obviously,” he waves his hand between them, “You know, but like. You’re with your family. That’s not my business… Or anyone else’s,” he adds, trying to reassure Kim he isn’t going to tell anyone about anything that happens on this trip, without saying that outloud and reminding him it was ever a risk in the first place. 
Please believe me. Even if they never see each other again—Chay will leave right now if Kim tells him to, he’ll figure it out—he needs Kim to believe this. That Chay isn’t another vulture trying to take more of him than Kim is willing to give, as if it’s something he’s owed just because he’s a fan. 
“Porchay, right?” Chay nods. “How do you know my cousin?” 
“We go to school together.” 
Kim looks at him doubtfully. Chay’s face goes hot, and reminds himself what Porsche told him before he left; just because they’re rich doesn’t mean they’re better than you, don’t forget that. 
“I’m, uh, I’m there on scholarship.”
“Really? That’s not an easy scholarship to get.” No kidding. Chay took a summer prep course for the entrance exam and that alone was almost too much. The exam itself nearly made him pass out. “What was your score?”
“Uh… One hundred percent.”
Chay flushes, equal parts embarrassed and something slightly less than angry. “They made me take it twice. The proctors thought I cheated the first time.” He didn’t. He’d spent the entire summer studying, because Porsche told him this is what he needed to do for his future. To make their parents proud. Chay never knew their parents; he just wanted Porsche to be happy, and to repay him for being such a good brother. 
“And you got the same score?”
“... Ninety-eight percent, the second time.” He was terrified, and that meant he made mistakes he wouldn’t have otherwise. 
“Still nearly perfect.” Kim regards him carefully, his head tilted, and Chay is too incensed to properly appreciate the flex of Kim’s bare arms across his chest. “Interesting.” 
Chay thinks that maybe, from anyone else, interesting might have meant impressive. 
Kim turns his back on him again, then, leaving Chay to eat his now-cold breakfast while he finishes his coffee. Neither say anything else. It’s painful in a way silence always is for him—to Chay, silence means loneliness, means sitting at home and waiting for his brother to walk through the door, bloody and beaten, or it means hiding from debt collectors—but Chay refuses to break it again. 
He also refuses to look at Kim, which is why he startles when a porcelain cup is set down in front of him with a delicate clink, a cappuccino with delicate-looking latte art and a dusting of cocoa powder. He looks up and Kim’s back is already to him again as he finishes making his own coffee. He cleans the espresso machine, puts away his tools, and leaves without another word, no doubt in search of a better refuge to enjoy his morning coffee, without Chay breathing down his neck. Even though Chay already wasn’t doing that. 
Whatever, it’s not like it matters. 
Chay picks up his latte. He’s a little bit mad at how good it is, blooming rich and smooth on his tongue, and not overly sweet. 
Like Kim, he thinks, glowering into the milk foam. 
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heretherebedork · 2 years
What do you think Porchay will do now that he's been abandoned by everyone he loves/cares about? [if not completely physically then in every other way that matters].
Will he go to university eventually, run away, get a job, self-destruct completely? Your thoughts are always so interesting, would love to hear your opinion.
So, this is a hard one.
Chay has obviously given up on his university dreams. He didn't even try and he threw away his resume. So, if he does go to university it'll be for a totally different dream and in a different place and likely for a different goal.
Honestly, I think right now Chay is not thinking about the future at all and he's not capable of thinking about the future right now. He's still hurt and abandoned and lied to and he's putting himself back together but the pieces don't work because his base is cracked.
I think Chay is going to do something between shut down and self-destruct. I think he's going to withdraw, put up a fake sunshine front to trick Porsche because he does truly want his brother to be happy and to start drinking in secret.
Chay is a strong young man but getting a job just isn't where he's at. I would suspect that he'll end up at university eventually and he'll just be in a different major that he didn't want and doesn't care about at all.
But mostly I think he'll put on a happy mask for Porsche who won't ask any questions and he'll drink at night and he'll find ways to escape his pain and he'll blame himself for all the people he's lost but he'll know, deep down, it isn't his fault.
And he'll be strong, eventually. He'll grow. He'll find support in friends (and, if we're lucky, in Tankhun as his adoptive older brother) and he'll learn to build himself a new base.
He'll never trust as easily. He'll never love as easily. He'll never look to his brother as his strength again.
But Chay will pull himself together. He'll do something practical in university and he'll set music aside as a hobby and he'll grow.
Well, actually, he's most likely to follow in his brother's footsteps and forgive Kim everything the first time he hints at remorse and that'll be that.... but I can dream, right?
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zerozeroluckybang · 2 years
KinnPorsche Season 2 Predictions (if it happens)
 While everyone will catch hands if the author’s decision to make Vegas revert back to himself pre episode 14 (as in, keeping Pete captive, as a pet, etc…) is played out in the show, I do think there will be some part of that plot happening…
The whole Porsche is trying to take down Korn and recruits Vegas to help do that part. Minus the whole possibility that they’ll end up having some wild affair after leaving Pete for dead in a warehouse…
I volleyed back and forth over whether or not Vegas will try and just up and leave the life with Pete and Macao (and maybe Venice) in tow… But I don’t think it’d be easy for him to leave the life… and I think he’d be willing to remain in with Porsche as the head of the minor family, since he definitely prefers dealing with Porsche compared to dealing with Kinn.
Venice likely exists and the reason there was no mention of a step-mom or an incoming baby brother is that Gun likely kept her and the pregnancy secret. If he had plans to ultimately try and pull a coup, Korn knowing about his… back up plan (since I genuinely don’t think he cared much for Vegas nor Macao) wouldn’t do. I can see Vegas finishing recovering and Porsche pulling Pete aside and informing him about Venice’s existence.
If Venice does exist, I will cry and collapse over an awkward Vegas having to deal with a baby.
I think Porsche and Chay’s mother knows and remembers more than what we think and unless something happens to Korn, I don’t think that will ever come to light (or at least not to the character’s knowledge. Porsche may be her son, but he’s with Kinn and that likely doesn’t make him fully trustworthy. And Since Porsche raised Chay… I don’t know who else she would tell)
I think his mother will likely know about Porsche’s plan eventually and use it to her advantage.
I refuse to believe that in any sense of story telling that she ends up not a bad guy… her actions and motivations will likely cause an issue for Kinn and Porsche.
Going back to Vegas and Porsche teaming up to take down Korn, I think that Vegas remaining in the minor family will likely make it so that if and when they have meetings over it, to many it won’t look suspicious, unless your Pete or Kinn.
I think we’ll get a lot of Pete and Kinn interactions because of this.
I sort of figure that by happenstance, Chay and Kim will likely get thrown together because of some major issue in the family (which will likely be Kim having to protect Chay from someone or something)
Pete’s loyalty to the main family WILL be an issue in his relationship with Vegas.
Things I kind of would love to see:
Kim and Chay having to babysit Venice (if he exists in the season)
Chay and Macao being friends and causing trouble.
Chay having training in self defense (maybe possibly by Kim)
Please give me a Kim having to rescue Chay from something and Chay reluctantly but very aggressively demanding Kim teach him to how to defend himself.
While I would love to see an awkward Vegas with a baby Venice, I also would fight someone in order to see a cutsey moment between Vegas and Venice when Vegas thinks no one is looking.
While I doubt any series of Kinn Porsche will end in everyone happy and not at odds, but I would love to see an ending where they realize they are stuck with each other. Like maybe there’s a rival mafia that forces them to realize they need to work together and they’re stronger fighting as one?
So far, that’s all I can think of. I’ve been so caught up in everything else and ten different shows that I haven’t really been able to come up with things. But interact and add some thoughts. I really want to know what everyone is thinking.
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Sooooo thank you for breaking my whole entire heart with the latest chapter of The Miserable Art! I love crying and being an emotional wreck!
To cope with the heartbreak & if you are still inclined to share headcanons (never any pressure!) - inquiring minds are wondering: how Domestic (TM) are Kim and Chay? (Do they do their own laundry? What happens when the sink gets clogged?) OR - we love choices - do you think they have a go-to way to cheer each other up?
In return I humbly offer a lil snippet of Softness
Chay makes a soft, choked sound and his shoulders shake with laughter under Kim’s hands. Suddenly he shifts and Kim is under attack: soft kisses are being pressed to his forehead, nose, eyelids, cheeks. He looks up to see Chay grinning down at him, delighted.
First of all thank you for kimchay soft kisses 😭😭😭 Okay so answering the first one right now, how Domestic (TM) are Kim and Chay? (Do they do their own laundry? What happens when the sink gets clogged?)
I think Kim and Chay end up being really selectively domestic - Kim hates having Outside People in his space, Chay had to have a lot of home skills by need. Kim actually likes doing things like laundry because he likes the ritual of doing exact steps and getting a result and knowing he was responsible for completing a task, but he's also very busy between being an idol and stalking his brother's enemies and being deliriously in love so he has a laundry service. Meanwhile Chay is absolutely delighted by the luxury of someone else doing chores like laundry because he always gets distracted and forgets to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer. Things they can't outsource they divvy up fairly evenly. Kim deals with dirty dishes because he has a higher tolerance for gross textures (after you've had your hands in other people's viscera nothing seems grody in comparison), Chay does the sweeping because he usually ends up playing air guitar and pretending the broom is a microphone and both of them enjoy how much Kim enjoys that. Kim faces appliances breaking with grim determination and stubbornness because he will be able to solve this problem all by himself, he does not need a professional, but Chay is the one who actually does the research and reads in instructions because he's seen that face on Porsche too many times and it usually ended up with both of them just deciding they don't really need a functioning first floor bathroom. Chay finds working with Kim a lot more fun because if Kim breaks something with his stubbornness they can afford to just replace it and Kim will just deal with having to sweep the apartment extra carefully for bugs.
They end up fighting a bit when Chay first moves in because of the Messy Boy vs tidy freak dilemma, because Chay someone could hide something malicious in all this mess vs Kim i live here and i deserve to be comfortable in my own home i don't want to feel like i'm living in a museum! But they eventually find a happy medium where Chay has a number of drop boxes throughout the living space so he can still have all his stuff available wherever he wants and Kim only has to worry about bugs and bombs behind hidden within that organized chaos. And this got a little long again so I think I'll cover their cooking habits in another post later 🤣🤣🤣
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hael987 · 2 years
loved your answer about kimchay, i feel like you understand their characters so well, that's why i wanted to ask why do you think kim asked porchay if he's ever been in love and who does he like now,,, what if he would have actually answered that lol was he prepared for that? and also, like jeff said, they're in such polar opposite worlds how do you think their story is gonna go? a second season would be amazing for their story i feel like
Thank you 💖
Why did Kim ask Chay those questions?
I think it might have been another ‘test’. He’s a guy that doesn’t trust easily. Jeff said in the character story that Kim has a big ego, so I think Kim is convinced that whatever he thinks is right [i.e everyone lies, deception is everywhere] so he baits his little questions ready to have his suspicions confirmed when Chay lies.
He’s basically just seen a shrine to himself in Chay’s room. He wanted to check whether it’s true or not, what Chay is really hiding. He has to investigate that due to his nature, he’s unable to accept things at face value. So he set the questions out there to see whether Chay would lie. He’s still Kimlock Holmes-ing his way through the encounter, it’s just the goal changed slightly — the info he was confirming wasn’t about Porsche anymore.
I don’t think he was ready for an honest answer. I don’t think it probably ever occurred to him that Chay could’ve said “you’re the one I love!”. Mainly because he expects people to be lying/deceptive. If anything he’s probably a little shocked by Chay’s honest confirmation.
For the love song I said maybe Kim wanted to test what it was like to feel open and honest love for once, like a fact finding mission but I’ve changed my mind slightly after reading @ellaspore post saying he intended to cut him off. After receiving Chay’s honest confirmation Kim was forced to realise he’s misjudged and his approach was wrong and so devised a new plan to get out of the situation, maybe put a bit of distance whilst Chay is busy trying to write. It’s just he miscalculated again at how serious Chay was about him.
How will their story progress?
I’m not sure. At first I think Kim is going to be resistant to it. But it’s hard to resist an unstoppable force like Chay’s love, brightness, and happiness, so he’ll cave in eventually once he figures his own mind/feelings out.
Chay is infatuated so he’d probably willingly follow Kim anywhere so it might just be as simple as that — he follows him right into his world.
Alternatively, in terms of integrating worlds the only bridge I can see is Porsche, who in essence is also part of both worlds [Chay’s bright one vs the mafia], so maybe he plays a part. Maybe Porsche will be a catalyst: if something happens like Porsche is seriously injured (and Kinn won’t let him out of his sight so he’s stuck at the house) and so Chay needs to visit him at the Main House instead — that’s Chay’s first step into the dark world and Kim capitalises on that opportunity?
Either way it’s not going to be easy and I think we’re in for some angst, especially once some truths are revealed. It could end up in a ‘if the bone’s not setting right you have to break it’ situation — they begin a relationship but it’s foundation was built upon Kim’s initial ulterior motives. Kim’s not actually a bad guy so he might try letting Chay go either to start fresh/honestly [break the bone] or just completely end it to preserve Chay’s happiness/light [if you love them let them go]. However those ‘let them go’ storylines never work out, so it may just be a way of delaying the storyline until Chay is no longer a minor/so young or something.
So many ideas but not enough info for me to solidly commit to one so you can have them all 😂 sorry it’s so long.
❗️ [DON’T give any book spoilers here — I stopped reading the book partway through (just before the forest arc began) and am looking forward to being surprised at any KimChay developments] ❗️
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