#Kahlee sanders
ghostryders · 1 month
i have so many mixed feelings about mass effect revelations bc like…. Is it full of detailed world building? yes! Do we get to know Anderson intimately as a person and his background with Kahlee and Saren? also yes. Does aforementioned Kahlee also take magical pigment pills that temporarily make her skin as dark as Andersons? ………. yeah. Are women and their appearances described a little too much? you know it. Are said female characters actually badass? thankfully yes. Do we learn how fully unhinged, terrifying, and psychopathic Saren is? double yes. Does the book go just a little too into detail about torture and gore? oh yeah. Does it kinda have a romance thing that ends really reasonably bc the characters are grown adults? thank god yes.
have I read it cover to cover 5 times? absolutely
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, EDI, and Jack With: Flight Lt. Jeff "Joker" Moreau, Lt. James Vega, Ens. Jason Prangley, Ens. Rodriguez, David Archer, and Kahlee Sanders I never had a family- and these guys... Anyone screws with my students and I will tear them apart. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
#mira makes gifs ✨#james vega#sophie shepard#jeff joker moreau#EDI#jack#subject zero#david archer#kahlee sanders#mass effect#mass effect 3#me3#mass effect legendary edition#dailygaming#grissom is literally my favorite side mission in ME3 so i was so excited to make this omg#it just has it all- good plot + solid witty one liners + an awesome bunch of characters + a nice emotional moment like#and it stars jack who’s like one of my favorite ME2 squaddies so ??? it’s just an all around iconic mission#EDI has so much good grissom dialogue too and she looks mighty cute in her lil hunter hood! 🥹#james has a few really good lines too but none of the ones i liked were in the cutscenes so it was sooo hard to get more of him in the set#i will say i forgot how much good jack dialogue there is in grissom like i just love and stan my girl so much#and now when i see her i think of saoirse and seamus every time like that’s THEIR GIRL KICKING ASS!! ✨✨#her lines with prangley and rodriguez are top notch too honestly#but honestly my favorite moment is still shep and EDI’s conversations with david#like EDI’s soft little ‘no apology is necessary’?#when david says ‘the number of days you lengthened my life’?#i tear up a little bit playing grissom every time bc overlord is the best ME2 dlc and you cannot change my mind#also soph once again eating in cleric’s fabulous guardian armors for shepard (which will always be famous✨)#like the shoulders?? the omni mark?? the set is just talented. brilliant. incredible. show-stopping. spectacular. beautiful. iconic.#and soph's usually rep'ing the purples/deep reddish pinks but did i make the omni mark blue so we could rep spectre alenko colors?#i’ll let you be the judge ✨
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Confession: We all know Kahlee Sanders and David Anderson fucked in that hot tub. And I would have loved to watch them fuck in that hot tub, while Garrus is fucking me in there too.
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illusivesoul · 5 months
What’s the plan with JackKahlee 👀
Thanks for the ask :)
I'm planning it to be a slowburn of Jack finally accepting that shes in love with Kahlee during her time in Grissom Academy. Kahlee helps Jack deal with the trauma that shes carried all her life and gives Jack enough space so that she can move on her own terms, and things start to blossom between them from there :)
Heres a snippet.
“Didn’t know you were here” Jack said as pulled her clothes from the locker.
“It's fine. I’m almost done. How was your day? Kids gave you too much trouble?”
“Nah, it was alright. Eric was being a smartass and getting on my nerves as always, but nothing new under the suns. There was this… uhm…”
Jack’s words dissolved into silence as she saw Kahlee stepping out of the shower with only a towel on, tying up her hair as she walked towards the mirrour. Jack did her best to try to look away, and pretend her eyes weren’t tracing the few drops of water going down Sander’s skin.
“There was a what?”
“What?” Jack replied, snapping back to reality.
“You were saying that “there was something”. You feel alright, Jack?”
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not-a-newt · 2 years
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drelldreams · 1 year
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turianhousewife · 11 months
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Grissom Academy
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ghostxofxartemis · 1 month
Rayleigh Scattering
After a year and some, I have decided to post the first chapter of Rayleigh Scattering.
Tags: Female Shepard, Coats, David Anderson, Kahlee Sanders, house fire, fire, rats and mice, guns, violence, guns and violence, blood, blood and injury Rating: Mature
Summary: She suddenly finds herself all alone.
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cillianwilder · 10 hours
Books Based on Video Games That Will Reduce Gamer Screen Time
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Public Service Announcement
You don't hate reading.
You hate how school taught you to read. I like to write about books and how wonderful they are. However, I didn't really enjoy reading until I learned how to read correctly. By correctly, I mean 150-200 pages per hour.
If you'd like to read more, or you'd like to see a loved one read more, then do it right. Your brain can suck down words, allowing your imagination to take over to make reading a real adventure instead of a boring slog.
If this statement resonates with you, then please read Speed Reading: Learn to Read a 200+ Page Book in 1 Hour.
It literally changed my life.
Play Less Video Games. Read More Books.
I know firsthand how beneficial it is to put down my controller and phone to read instead. I feel less depressed and less anxious. My creativity and mood go through the roof because reading boosts dopamine levels. It can still be hard though, because video games are addicting.
I think that video games are addicting because, for the most part and mental health issues aside, they offer new adventures and a sense of achievement that life often doesn't. However, reading books based on video games is an even better way to get a more in-depth look at my favorite game worlds while also unplugging and improving my mental health.
I will keep this post up to date with more information about books based on video games as I discover them. If you'd like to add to this list, please leave your suggestions in the comments!
Find Books Based on Video Games Online
Mass Effect and Mass Effect: Andromeda
Resident Evil Book Series
Halo Novels
Assassins Creed Books
Splinter Cell, The Division, and Ghost Recon
Gears of War Novels
World of Warcraft Books
Uncharted: The Fourth Labyrinth
Doom Novelizations
Diablo Books
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine Battles
Mass Effect Video Game Books
The Mass Effect novels were my first experience with books based on video games, and in finding out that reading can actually be more fun than gaming.
I have a friend from an old job that is really into astronomy and science fiction. I told him that I was playing Mass Effect and he decided to try the games. He was hooked. He also loves to read, so he found out there were Mass Effect books and told me I needed to read them.
These books follow Commander David Anderson and scientist Kahlee Sanders. There are four novels in the series. The first is a prologue to the Mass Effect video game. While the other three books happen during the time of the Mass Effect game, if I'm not mistaken.
These books have everything I loved about playing Mass Effect, including biotic powers, Reapers, mysterious Protean tech, and action. The difference is that I got a more in-depth look at one of my favorite gaming universes, so I started to seek out more books based on video games.
Resident Evil Video Game Books
These are my favorite books based on video games. I am a diehard Resident Evil fan, and to be able to experience being in the characters' minds and imagine them as more human is awesome.
I'm still waiting on a Resident Evil 4 novelization. As a matter of fact, I'm still waiting on every Resident Evil video game being made into a book after Code Veronica - which was the last in this series written by S.D. Perry.
Of all the video game books that I own, I've read these the most. I've reread The Umbrella Conspiracy multiple times because it's so cool to experience all the Spencer Mansion events from the game I played as a kid.
While there are some time and event discrepancies between the novelizations and the games, these are solid reads. Every single one of these books based on the video games is a dark and action-packed adventure.
Warhammer 40k Video Game Novels
Thanks to my local Barnes & Noble absolutely stocking the heck out of these, I've gotten into this video game book series. The only Warhammer game that I actually played was Space Marine, and I'm really excited that Space Marine 2 is releasing soon. Otherwise, I'm a 40k noob.
Since Warhammer is not just a video game, these books based on video games will appeal to tabletop gamers too.
Currently, I'm reading Yarrick: The Omnibus. I'm sure I won't stop there though, because Salamander is sitting on my shelf as I write this and it'll probably be my next Warhammer 40k book.
Sources: Image, Healthier Steps
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warrenwoodhouse · 1 month
War Assets - Mass Effect Guide (Mass Effect) (Lists)
Guide by @warrenwoodhouse #warrenwoodhouse
I’ve listed every single War Asset from all three Mass Effect original trilogy games. These assets will help you win the war against the Reaper invasion.
Mass Effect; Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
Complete all Story Missions
Complete all Side Missions
Complete all Personnel Missions
Complete all Misc Missions
Complete all DLC Missions
Collect all Collectibles
Collect all Resources
Complete the game
Mass Effect 2; Legendary Edition: Mass Effect 2
Resources collected during your Mass Effect 1 campaign will carry over into your Mass Effect 2 campaign
Complete all Story Missions
Complete all Side Missions
Complete all N7 Missions
Complete all Loyalty Missions
Complete all Misc Missions
Complete all DLC Missions
Collect all Collectibles
Collect all Resources
Entire Normandy Crew and Shepard survive the assault on the Collector Base
Mass Effect 3; Legendary Edition: Mass Effect 3
Resources collected during your Mass Effect 1 campaign and Mass Effect 2 campaign will carry over into your Mass Effect 3 campaign
Complete all Story Missions
Complete all Side Missions
Complete all N7 Missions
Complete all Loyalty Missions
Complete all Misc Missions
Complete all DLC Missions
Collect all Collectibles
Collect all Resources
Entire Normandy Crew and Shepard survive the Endgame
Acquired EMS Effective Military Strength of 7800 or above
Good Ending: Choose “Destruction” (red) during the final mission “Priority: Citadel: The Return”
Bad Ending: Military Strength of 2000 or less
Alternative Ending: Choose “Synthesis” (blue) during the final mission “Priority: Citadel: The Return”
ME3 War Assets
Assets and resources collected during your campaigns of Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 will carry over into your Mass Effect 3 campaign
General Oleg Petrovsky: unlocked after completing Omega DLC
Omega Raiding Fleet: unlocked after completing Omega DLC
Omega Eezo Hoard: unlocked after completing Omega DLC
Leviathan Enthrallment Team: unlocked after completing Leviathan DLC
Liquid Assets: add
Vorcha Labor Team: unlocked after completing Omega DLC
Void Devils Fighter Wing: add
Governor Grothan Pazness: add
Citadel Defense Force: add
Batarian Fleet: add
Hanar and Drell Forces: add
Volus Bombing Fleet: add
Spectre Unit: add
Shadow Broker Wet Squad: add
Elcor Flotilla: add
Shadow Broker Support Team: add
Volus Dreadnought Kwunu: add
Rachni Workers: add
Terminus Fleet: add
Husk Neural Map: unlocked after completing Leviathan DLC
Asari Engineers
Asari Cruiser Cybaen
Asari Research Ships
Asari Cruiser Nefrane
Serrice Guard
Armali Sniper Unit
Dr. Jelize
Samara: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Asari Commandos
The Destiny Ascension: Needs to survive during the mission “Priority: Citadel > Save the Council” in Mass Effect 1
Asari Sixth Fleet
Asari Second Fleet
Asari Science Team
Dr. Ann Bryson: unlocked after completing Leviathan DLC
Synthdiamond Heat Sinks: add
Eden Prime Support: unlocked during the mission “Priority: Eden Prime” via From Ashes DLC
Zhu’s Hope Colonists: After saving the colonists during the mission “Priority: Feros” in Mass Effect 1
Mineral Resources: Collected from Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2
Alliance Frigate Normandy SR-2: unlocked after completing the mission “Priority: Earth”
Diana Allers
Zaeed Massani: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Kasumi Goto: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Alliance Fifth Fleet
Rogue Fighter Pilots
Alliance Sixth Fleet
Communications Arrays
Alliance Naval Exploration Flotilla
Alliance Cruiser Shanghai
Alliance Spec Ops Team Delta
Arcturus First Division
Jack: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Kahlee Sanders
Alliance Third Fleet
Alliance First Fleet
103rd Marine Division
Alliance Engineering Corps
Radiation Shielding Sheath
Jovian Dissertation
Dark Energy Dissertation: Complete the “Conrad Verner” storyline from Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 3
Optimized Eezo Capacitors
Haptic Optics Array
Advanced Power Relays
Emergency Fuel Pods
Element Zero Converter
Terminus Freighters
Shadow Broker Starship Tech
Prothean Data Files
ExoGeni Scientists: Save them during the mission “Priority: Feros” in Mass Effect 1
Interferometric Array
Volus Engineering Team
Volus Fabrication Units
Javelin Missile Launchers
Advanced Starship Fuel
Miranda Lawson: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Jacob Taylor: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Dr. Gavin Archer: Survived in the mission “Cerberus Project: Overlord” in Mass Effect 2: Overlord DLC
Dr. Brynn Cole
Ex-Cerberus Scientists
Advanced Fighter Squadron
Cerberus Research Data
Krogan Mercenaries
Clan Urdnot: Cure the Genophage during the mission “Priority: Tuchanka” after completing the missions “Tuchanka: Bomb” and “Tuchanka: Cerberus Base”
Krogan Clans
Krogan First Division
Grunt: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Urdnot Wrex: Needs to be talked down during the mission “Priority: Virmire” in Mass Effect 1
Geth Corps: Complete the mission “Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons”
Geth Fleet: Complete the mission “Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons”
Geth Prime Platoon: Complete the mission “Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons”
Major Kirrahe: Needs to survive during the mission “Priority: Virmire” in Mass Effect 1
Salarian Third Fleet
Dextro Rations
Turian Spec Ops Team
Turian Engineering Corps
Turian Blackwatch
Turian Seventh Fleet
Turian 43rd Marine Division
Turian Sixth Fleet
Turian 79th Flotilla
Admiral Zaal’Koris
Quarian Civilian Fleet
Quarian Heavy Fleet
Quarian Patrol Fleet
29th April 2024 at 7:22 am: Moved post to my Tumblr blog
17th November 2022 at 11:00 am: Created post
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a-dragon-and-an-eagle · 3 months
Kahlee Sanders: David told me you were coming
Commander Shepard: Wait you're on a first name bases with him?
Kahlee Sanders: Yeah... Why? What do you call him?
Commander Shepard: Mostly just dad
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blackjackkent · 8 months
A couple important notes apropos of nothing in particular:
The VA for Fll'Yissetat sounded familiar, and sure enough, she is none other than Grey Delisle! One of the quintessential "holy shit it's her AGAIN" of the voice acting world; apparently she also voiced Nalia and Viconia earlier in this game along with some other NPCs. (We in the Bioware fandom sphere also know her as Nassana Dantius, Kahlee Sanders, Councilor Esheel, Dalatrass Linron, Velanna, and the female Bounty Hunter char from SWTOR, among others; she's also been in about three billion other things.)
When those random adventurers gave us the eyestalk, they also, for reasons I don't even pretend to understand, gave us this:
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twist-assist · 10 months
Trying to figure out whether John would have stayed with Anderson from 16-18 years old or if he just stayed at an Alliance-sponsored residence
But I think either way he probably got to know both Anderson and Kahlee Sanders on a personal level fjdklafjkldsaf
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deadlymaelstrom · 1 year
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"We received a report on his diagnosis in a matter of weeks. It was not good. What alarmed me as the Normandy’s chief medical officer was the increase in Shepard’s brainwave patterns, the change in his behavior, eating patterns, and unexpected bouts of severe anxiety. The nightmares just kept getting worse with each passing day. And I’m sure Shepard already knew this. The next morning, he just couldn’t handle the pressure anymore. He walked away. From everything." ―Dr. Karin Chakwas' medical report on John Shepard
With the Reapers defeated, the war finally came to a pyrrhic end. Shepard was incapacitated by the explosion and, by means currently unknown, sent back to Earth’s surface where he was presumed missing in action and came close to being declared dead. To the surprise of many, it was revealed that Shepard managed to survive the Crucible's blast, taking a gasping breath in a pile of rubble.
Due to the Crucible’s detonation, Shepard suffered severe injuries throughout his body: the explosion blew off his left arm and rendered many of his cybernetic implants created from the Lazarus Project inert; as a result, he was in excruciating pain, along with other chronic effects before falling into a coma. C-Sec teams recovered the bodies of Admiral Anderson and Shepard. He remained unconscious before waking up to a galaxy without Reapers, where he would be interred in the hospital to receive intense medical and psychological treatment. When he was ready to walk again, his team was waiting right outside the door, eager to reunite with the man who not only saved the galaxy, but changed their lives. He was declared a hero to all races and showered with medals and honors, becoming a legend throughout the galaxy. Hackett had another announcement as well: in a surprise and unexpected move, for Shepard’s actions and leadership throughout the Reaper invasion, he decided to circumvent standard procedures and authorized Shepard’s immediate promotion to the rank of Admiral. After Shepard was released from the hospital, Ashley walked him out. A moment of embrace was captured and spread throughout Alliance space. The pair was lavishly celebrated by the Alliance as a symbol of purity and devotion emerging from dark times.
At some point within the next two months, Shepard received a prosthetic arm to replace the one he lost during the war. He was later present at Anderson’s funeral in London, where Kahlee Sanders was to eulogize to the Alliance's fallen war hero. The remaining members of the allied forces who attended the funeral assembled in an area near the London burial ground while a large number of notable figures and other dignitaries were in attendance and filled the remainder of the streets. His death caused Shepard to fall into a deep depression, especially seeing how Anderson resembled a father-figure, as well as learning that his actions destroyed EDI and the geth, and was unsure of what to do now that the war was finally over.
Due to his extensive injuries in addition to his doctors expressing worry of his mental state, Shepard was due to receive an honorable discharge but he chose not to wait and decided that he could not remain any longer. Just moments after seeing a psychotherapist, Shepard disappeared from the public eye without a trace. No one knew for sure where he went, but those closest to him believed he went off in search of a new path.
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illusivesoul · 4 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
Was tagged by @nowandthane Thank you :)
I'll tag @marythegizka @vorchagirl @judithmactir @drelldreams @messydiabolical and @secretagentdragon . Only if you feel like doing this, of course.
I'll put the blanks here and my answers under the cut.
I am a fan since:
Favourite game of the series?:
MShep or FShep?:
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?:
Biotics or Tech:
Paragon or Renegade:
Favourite Class:
Favourite Companion:
Least favourite Companion:
My squad selection:
Favourite In-game romance:
Other pairings I like:
Favourite NPC:
Favourite Antagonist:
Favourite Mission:
Favourite Loyalty Mission:
Favourite DLC:
Control, Synthesis or Destroy:
Favourite Weapon:
Favourite Place:
A quote I like:
I am a fan since: 2017. I had finished the Dead Space series and was emotionally devastated, and wanted to try out more sci fic games. I had heard about Mass Effect (in particular the mess that the original ending for me3 had been and the Andromeda hate wave that was going around back then) and decided to give it a go. And I ended up emotinally devastated once more lol
Favourite game of the series?: ME3. The story, the soundtrack, the whole emotional weight and all the heavy moments make it my favourite of the series.
MShep or FShep?: Femshep, but I've definetely grown to like Maleshep over the years, especially cause of the Cortez romance.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Most of my Sheps are earthborns, but I have a couple colonists and just one spacer. Love me some tragic backstories lol
Biotics or Tech: Tech 4 ever. Incinerate, hacking, tech armour goes brrr.
Paragon or Renegade: Have always leaned more towards renegade or paragade or renegon, mostly cause I feel that a pure Paragon Shep feels almost too naive and innocent with some of the responses they have.
Favourite Class: Infiltrator, followed closely behind by Sentinel and Engineer.
Favourite Companion: A tie between Javik, Kasumi and Zaeed.
Least favourite Companion: Legion. Not that I dont like Legion in particular, its just that i dont care much about the Geth overall.
My squad selection: I dont really have a set squad. Im always rotating characters to hear their dialogues.
Favourite In-game romance: Shiara was my main ship for many years, but now my favourites are Shaynor and Shortez.
Other pairings I like: Jack and Kahlee Sanders, Javik and Zaeed, Ashley and Samantha, Kaidan and Steve, etc. Rarepairs are my jam and I have so many lol.
Favourite NPC: So many, but just to name some. Gianna Parasini, Kelly, Lorik Qui'in and the turian mechanic in Noveria.
Favourite Antagonist: The Illusive Man without a doubt.
Favourite Mission: ME1 - Feros, ME2 - Kasumi's Loyalty Mission, ME3 - Thessia.
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Kasumi's.
Favourite DLC: Omega and Leviathan.
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: Low EMS destroy is my favourite ending, cause I love all the angst and how it really shows just how destructive the war really was, and how hard the rebuilding will be. Its imo the most "realistic" version of the endings. Also really like Control and Refusal.
Favourite Weapon: The Black Widow and the Phalanx cause I like the sound it makes.
Favourite Place: Ilos cause it always makes me so nostalgic about the first time I played.
A quote I like: "There. Earth. I wish you could see it like I do, Shepard. It's so... perfect". This quote from TIM devastated me when I first heard it and it keeps giving me all the feels to this day.
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drelldreams · 11 months
Saren/David Anderson/Kaylee Sanders
Councilor Sparatus/general Oraka
Saren/Shiala: I dislike Saren a lot as a person, I‘ve read the books and seen how cruel he is. He makes a good villain but I just don‘t ship him with anyone. I‘m glad Shepard took him out.
Saren/David Anderson/Kahlee Sanders: I ship David and Kahlee, but not with Saren.
Councilor Sparatus/General Oraka: Wasn‘t Oraka the one who spread rumors about the Consort? I don‘t think much of such petty and immature behavior, tbh. I do appreciate his growth though.
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