#Juyeon Fluff
itsbeeble · 6 months
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SUMMARY: Need to get rid of some junk? Well these college hunks will haul YOUR junk! Give us a call at xxx-xxx-JUNK and we’ll haul YOUR junk for FREE! (limited time offer)
GENRE: smut, crack, fluff, minimal angst
PAIRING: Lee Juyeon x afab!reader (ft. sangyeon, sunwoo, and chanhee)
WC: 8.7k (oops)
PERM TAGLIST: @winterchimez @juyeonszn
WARNINGS: name calling (reader calls Juyeon stripper boy, baby, and pretty boy. Juyeon calls reader pretty girl), swearing, mentions of college parties, Y/N roasts Juyeon like a lot, Juyeon stops a door with his foot, one bed trope (for like two seconds), sunwoo slander (learning from Fawn <3) Juyeon is not god's strongest soldier, masturbation (m and kinda f), p in v sex, implied unprotected sex, restraints are used, dom!reader kinda, bratty!Juyo kinda, really poor attempts at humor, i think there's more but that covers the big stuff
A/N: This was NOT supposed to be almost 9k. It was supposed to be 3k at MOST but i will not lie i will prolly end up doing this again for most of the fics I'm putting out for this collab oops. Anywayyyyy let's kick off the collab with arguably my funniest fic.
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The first time you meet Lee Juyeon, you’re dressed in sleep shorts and the biggest sweatshirt in your closet. He’s standing at your door, and for a moment you can’t help but be confused by the fact that yes, there is a hot man in a white tank top and cargo pants leaning against your doorframe. And yes, he is, in fact, there for you and not the girls living down the hall from you. 
And, to be fair, it wasn’t your fault that you thought he was a stripper. Really, it wasn’t. It’s not every day that you see a guy with a body to die for and the face of an angel. 
“Are you some sort of stripper?” For a moment, the two of you are quiet. There’s a look of pure astonishment on his face that eventually turns into him fighting back a grin. 
“Do you want me to be?” His tongue brushes over his lower lip while he scans you up and down and you scoff. 
“No. The girls you’re probably looking for are down the hall, the last door on the right.” You begin to shut the door. “Have fun.” 
“Wait!” His foot catches in the door before you can slam it shut and you hear him swear loudly. “Shit, that did not feel good.” 
“Are you fucking stupid?” You swing the door open again, scowling at him. “Why would you try to catch this heavy ass door with your foot?” 
“I thought it would look cool!” He winces, one hand gripping your door frame and the other cradling his aching foot. “Like in the movies!”
“I don’t know if you know this…” you trail off, squinting at him and realizing you have no idea who this man is. “Stripper boy,—”
“Juyeon,” you can practically hear his teeth grinding as he speaks. You hum.
“Stripper boy,” you bob your head. “That’s what I’m gonna call you.”
“Please don’t—”
“Anyway,” you interrupt again. “I don’t know if you know this, but romance movies are fictional. Of course, it’s not gonna look like the prop door and they’re gonna catch it like it’s nothing. This, however,” you hit your fist against your door, “is solid metal. Not gonna feel good when you catch this shit, dumbass.”
“Whatever,” Juyeon rolls his eyes and straightens his body out. “I was just making my rounds across campus, wanted to see if you’d be interested in supporting your local fraternity.”
You raise an eyebrow, reaching your hand out to take the flier from his hand. 
College Hunks Hauling Junk!
Need to get rid of some junk? Well, these college hunks will haul YOUR junk! Give us a call at xxx-xxx-JUNK and we’ll haul YOUR junk for FREE! (limited-time offer)
Scan HERE to book your appointment!
“College hunks hauling junk,” you can’t help but laugh at the name and take the flier from Juyeon’s hands. He grins at you. “People are actually paying you guys to haul their shit away?” 
He shrugs. “It’s free, technically. You’re allowed to donate, but we’re really just doing it for free. You know, help out fellow students and spread the word.” 
“You sure it wouldn’t be easier to just do some stripping if you can’t pay the rent?” You ask. “Also, what do you mean spread the word?” 
“I’m glad you asked.” Juyeon points a finger at the bottom of the flier, completely disregarding the first part of your sentence. Fuck, his hands are big.
This ad also doubles as your invitation to Tau Beta Zeta’s parties for the rest of the semester. Cash this in at any time and get into ANY parties for free! (Code word will be given at the time of flier being cashed in) (Girls get in for free, Guys $5 @ the door)
“We’re having a little competition with the sorority down the road from us,” Juyeon explains. “Whoever has more people by the end of the semester gets to host the end-of-the-year party and the other frat or sorority has to buy food and drinks.” 
You stare at the paper for a second, pondering your options. Then you smile, look up at the man that you are still pretty damn sure is a stripper, and hand back the flier. 
“I’m good, thanks.”
The door shuts, and you turn to go back to bed. The sound of paper sliding across the ground stops you, and you can see in the faint light that streams under your door that Juyeon slipped the flier into your room. 
Fucking try hard.
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The second time you see Lee Juyeon, he’s handing out fliers again. Only he isn’t walking around random apartment buildings with a weird seductive look that you honestly don’t doubt was working. This time, he’s in a hoodie and jeans and walking around the center of campus with people that you can only assume are his frat brothers. 
At first, you almost don’t recognize him, but then his eyes meet yours, and you can see the corners wrinkle when he smiles. Again, you’re confused. Is he smiling at you? 
Your head whips around, trying to find someone around you that he might be looking at, and when you turn around again, Juyeon is approaching you.
“Have you thought about it, pretty girl?” He asked and you stared at him dumbly for a moment. Did he just call you pretty girl? 
“Thought about what?” He holds up that flier again, placing it in your hands similarly to the other night. “Oh.”
“Did you think I was kidding?” He leans down slightly, keeping eye contact. Your free hand places itself on his chest— which you hadn’t realized before was very solid— and pushes him back. He barely moves. In fact, you are the one who gets pushed back. 
“Listen, stripper boy—”
“Stripper boy,” you mimic the exasperated tone he uses with you. “If I wanted an invitation to a stereotypical frat party with a bunch of drunk 20-somethings and cheap beer and bad pizza and try-hard men like yourself, I would’ve gone by now.” You fold up the flier, smoothing out the edges before holding it out to him. He doesn’t take it, and you can see the gears turning in his brain. 
“So what you’re saying,” he starts to smile and steps toward you again.”
“Stripper boy,” you warn.
“…is that there’s a chance?”
“Absolutely not, there is not a chance in hell that I’m gonna call some college hunks to haul junk out of my college apartment that I can barely afford to live in let alone pay you to take things out of.” Juyeon shrugs.
“Like I said, payment is optional and can come in…” he wiggles his eyebrows at you, “many different forms, pretty girl.”
“That’s gross, stripper boy.” You scrunch up your nose and he laughs. “Also, why are you calling me that?”
“Calling you what?” his smile only grows and you huff. 
“Pretty girl.”
“Because you are a pretty girl.” 
“No, I’m—” You catch yourself in the sentence when he leans forward onto the tips of his toes, ready to stop you. “You know what, fuck you. I know that was a dirty little trick and I’m not gonna fall for it just so you can swoop in and say something like oh nooo, don’t say that about yourself! You’re so pretty! And then you’ll tuck my hair behind my ear and you’ll try to kiss me and then—” You stop yourself again. Juyeon’s smile is almost scary at this point, stretching all the way across his face as if this had been his plan all along and you walked right into it. 
“And then…?” He teases. 
“…fuck you and your frat, stripper boy. God, you guys are such try-hards.”
You hold onto the flier this time, whether too embarrassed to give it back or genuine curiosity, you aren’t sure. You do know that you can’t stop the pounding in your chest, or the heat rising in your cheeks. 
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“Who was that?” Sunwoo slings an arm over Juyeon’s shoulder, both men watching you walk away with the flier held tightly in your hand. Juyeon smiles. 
“Just someone I know.” 
“Didn’t look like she was too happy to see you.” Sunwoo snickers and drops his arm down to stand straight. Juyeon turns to the younger man, the smile he had when standing with you now gone and replaced with a permanent scowl. 
“Who even asked you, Sunwoo?”
The younger raises his hands in defense. “I’m just saying! It looked like she hated you. Oooh, maybe you’re finally gonna get that enemies-to-lovers arc that Eric is always— WHOA, HEY—” Sunwoo nearly trips over himself trying to get away from Juyeon as the older frat brother swings his arm out in his direction. “Don’t hurt this pretty face! How else is the soccer team gonna get their funds?” A hand in the shape of a finger gun finds its way under Sunwoo’s chin, and the star soccer player smirks. 
“I think they’ll manage,” Juyeon swings his arm out again, wincing when Sunwoo lets out an ear-piercing squeal. 
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It’s like you’re seeing him everywhere. Every class you go to, it’s like he’s always there handing out fliers or chatting with his friends. And, unfortunately, every time you see him, he sees you too. He animatedly waves at you, calling your name or running over to you. Every time, you somehow end up with another flier to add to your collection.
For weeks you’ve been seeing him in places that you swear you’d never seen him in before. You swear that he’s not in your environmental course. You swear that he’s not in your sociology course. He just has to be following you. 
That, or you just have shitty luck with Lee Juyeon.
It must be bad luck, you think as you watch the fire department evacuate your flooded building. It must be, you tell yourself as you stand there in the pouring rain in pajama shorts and a sweater, sans an umbrella. There’s nothing else it could be.
Your eyes narrow at the sight of Juyeon standing near a group of girls with those damned fliers in one hand and some umbrellas around the wrist of the other. Your hands tighten around your arms, body shaking from the cold of the rain. Your lips twist into a deep frown when he approaches you, his eyebrows knit together and his lips pursed at the sight of you. His mouth opens to say something, and you hold your hand up to stop him. 
“Save it, stripper boy. I don’t want your fucking spiel right now.” His shoulders slump a little.
“I was just going to ask if you wanted an umbrella.” He holds one out, the last one on his arm. “You have to be freezing right now, and you’re absolutely soaked.” Your hand wraps around the umbrella, your eyes still narrowed with suspicion.
“Thanks…” he smiles and backs up to give you space to open it. You would never admit to his face that he was right. That you were freezing your ass off in this godforsaken weather. 
“Are you okay?” You look up at him, sniff, and shrug.
“I mean, my home is currently flooding which leaves me homeless for at least a few days. It’s piss-pouring rain out here, I’m in my pajamas with all my clothing inside the flooded building, and now here you are probably trying to get me to buy from your stupid fundraiser thing.” You take a deep breath, finally looking him in the eye. “So no, I don’t think I’m okay, Juyeon. Thanks for asking.” He’s quiet for a moment, and then a small smile breaks onto his face.
“I think that’s the first time you’ve called me Juyeon.” You bite your tongue and turn to walk away from him. “Wait, fuck, Y/N it was a joke. I’m sorry.” He grabs your arm, pulling you back to him. You can see a little bit of panic in his gaze. 
“Yeah, well it was a shitty joke.” You scoff. 
“I know, poor taste, I was just trying to lighten the mood.” He pulls his hand from your arm, and you almost feel bad. It’s quiet between you two, and you think that this is the first time it’s ever been completely silent. Well, save for the chatter of other tenants and incoming sirens and the yells of officers. 
“This fucking sucks,” you grumble, and Juyeon huffs out a laugh.
“Do you have anywhere that you go?” 
You shake your head. “Nah, none of my friends have space for another person in their apartment or dorm.” 
“You could stay with me.” He says it so fast, so suddenly, that you thought you misheard him at first. 
“Excuse me?” Juyeon clears his throat, his cheeks and ears flushing and you can’t tell if it’s from the cold or embarrassment. 
“I— I mean you— I’m just—” he stumbles over his words and you smile. 
“Is the Lee Juyeon embarrassed right now? In front of little ol’ me, nonetheless?” 
“I’m not embarrassed,” he snaps, pressing the back of one of his hands to his neck in a poor attempt to cool himself down. “I’m just— I—”
“Juyeon,” your hand comes up to his arm and he flinches. You let your arm drop down to your side. “Are you trying to ask me to stay with you while the building is being repaired?” 
You’re smiling at him, and it’s like that tiny action brings back all of his previous confidence. He’s smirking again, leaning down under the tiny umbrella he gave you. It’s your turn to blush now, but your eyes don’t leave his.
“Because,” your voice nearly betrays you. “That would be a little…odd…wouldn’t it? A girl living with, what, ten men? People would talk.” He hums.
“But they would also find it odd if I just…left you to live in your car for god knows how long, wouldn’t they?” His hand is on your waist, and the breath in your lungs hitches. 
“That’s true…” you hum and pull away from him. “I don’t have any clothes, though. I’d need to find some before doing anything.” Juyeon clicks his tongue and leans back, a thoughtful look taking over the previous…you don’t even know what to call what you were doing. Was he flirting with you? Were you flirting with him?
“That’s true,” he nods his head. “We can grab some from the store tomorrow? And for now, you can borrow some of my stuff— I mean, if you’re comfortable with that.” He stumbles over his words again, and you can’t help but laugh. “Kevin’s clothes might fit you better but— you’re laughing. Why are— why are you laughing at me.”
“You’re just—” You break into another fit of giggles, covering your mouth with your hand to try and muffle the noise. “God, you’re so dumb.”
“How am I dumb?” Juyeon pouts at you, and you know he just wants you to be comfortable. 
“Never mind,” you wave him off, “let’s just get going. I’m tired and wet.” Juyeon raises an eyebrow, and you roll your eyes. “Not like that, stripper boy.” 
“I know,” he grins at you and tugs you by the sleeve to get you to start walking. “I just wanted to mess with you a little bit.”
“Seems like that’s all you do.” You roll your eyes. “And please tell me you drove here. I am not walking to the house in shorts and slippers.” Juyeon clicks his tongue. 
“As if I would walk anywhere in this weather.” He reaches into his pocket and you hear the click of a button, and then the lights of a car in front of you light up. He jogs forward, grabbing the handle of the passenger side door for you with a bright smile on his face. “After you, m’lady.”
“What a gentleman,” you shut the umbrella and duck into the vehicle. 
“Only for you, pretty girl.” He winks at you and shuts the door.
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Juyeon is quiet when you exit his bathroom. Your hair is wrapped in a towel, your body swamped in Juyeon’s clothes. He’s lying flat on his back on his mattress, his legs dangling off the edge and his fingers drumming on his stomach. Your feet shuffle against the ground, the fabric of his sweatpants covering your feet entirely and dragging behind you. His t-shirt is almost like a dress on you, hanging down to your thighs and the sleeves baggy along your arms where it would be formfitting on him. 
“Where should I put these?” Juyeon lifts his head, and you hear a sharp inhale. He’s staring at you, and the gaze is heavy with something you can’t place. 
“You—” his voice cracks and he sits up fully, resting his elbows on his knees. “You can just toss them in the basket next to you. I’ll— I’ll wash it tomorrow.” You hum, doing as he says and tossing your clothing into the basket. 
His room is…weirdly clean. At least, it’s cleaner than you expected it to be for a frat boy. There’s a bit of laundry scattered across the room, sure, but you don’t feel gross just standing there. The floor is clean, the bed is made. 
The bed.
The one bed in the room. 
“Where— where should I set up a spot to sleep?” You wring your hands behind your back.
“What?” Juyeon stares at you dumbly, his eyes blank and jaw dropped slightly. If you look closely, you swear you can see a puddle of drool on the floor in front of him. Unintentionally, you snort and immediately slap a hand over your mouth. 
“I just— I mean this is your room, stripper boy.” You shrug, trying to keep the air as light as possible. “Where should I set up camp for the next three days?”
“You are not sleeping on the floor.” Juyeon shakes his head and pushes off the edge of his bed.
“Then where am I gonna sleep?” 
“The bed?” He says it as if it’s obvious. “The fuck? You really thought I was gonna make you sleep on the floor?” 
“Stripper boy, I am not sleeping in your bed.” You click your tongue.
“Yes, you are, pretty girl.” He takes a step toward you. “I’m not gonna let you sleep on the floor! First of all, you’re a guest. Second of all, I’m a gentleman. Third of all, I’m—” he cuts himself short again and you raise an eyebrow.
“Well, then I’ll sleep on the couch downstairs. That’ll solve it.” You move to the door, but he grabs your upper arm and pulls you toward him. “Dude, you have got to stop grabbing me like that. It’s kind of annoying.”
“Sorry.” He exhales and lets go of your arm, brushing his hand across the skin he grabbed as if to soothe it. It sends sparks of heat through your arm, and you fight back a shiver. “I just— what if we share my bed?” 
You stare at him for a moment.
Then another.
And then another.
And then Juyeon is wincing and stepping away from you. 
“I was just— that was stupid. I’m sorry.”
“I mean…” you purse your lips. “If it solves the problem, then sure.” 
“Wait seriously?” His eyes bug out of his head and you laugh. “You’re comfortable with that?” 
“Stripper boy, if you thought I was gonna kick you out of your bed, then you have a whole new thing coming.” He rolls his eyes. “We can just…I dunno. Put pillows between us?” 
“Yeah, that works. That works just fine.” He sighs heavily. Just fine. He’s gonna be just fine these next few days.
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Juyeon realizes very quickly that it will not, in fact, be fine. He realizes this when he wakes up in the middle of the night, the pillows between the two of you thrown to the edge of the bed and your body wrapped around his like a vice. One of your legs is hooked around his, the other strewn across his hip to lock him down. You have one arm tucked under his, holding his shoulder while your free arm has slipped around his waist, under his shirt so your fingers are splayed across his abdomen. Your head is seemingly strategically placed on his chest, and he can feel every breath you release. He can feel every pulse of your heartbeat against his leg—
Oh, this arrangement is not going to be good for his heart. 
He tries desperately to shift away from you, to gently pry you off of him, anything to get the pounding in his chest to go away. Anything to stop the blood from rushing to his dick like some goddamn virgin. It’s a normal thing. It’s not something to get fucking hard over, Lee Juyeon. Pull yourself together.
It feels like ages before he’s able to pull himself free, nearly falling out of his bed to get away from you. He freezes in place when he hears you shift, a quiet moan leaving you when your sleeping self finds the spot Juyeon once lay frozen is now empty. His heart is pounding, his feet padding quickly against the floor to get to his bathroom. He’s quick to shut the door, cringing at the squeak of the hinges. Gotta get those fixed, he notes. For future reference, of course.
He’s hard in his sweats, his dick straining against the fabric, and his body feels like it’s on fire. Juyeon leans against the counter, tapping his foot anxiously while he stares at himself in the mirror. His cheeks are flushed, his hair a mess, and his pupils are blown out. He grips the marble counter, squeezing his eyes shut and praying to god that he softens soon because he cannot and will not jerk off to you. Not when you’re right there, one thin wall over. 
Thinking that was a mistake. His dick twitches in his pants at the thought of you waking up and finding him in the bathroom, cock in hand, and frantically trying to rub one out. 
Oh, he’s so fucked, he squeezes his eyes shut as he shoves his sweatpants down just enough to be able to grab himself. Just enough for him to spring free and let the cold air wash over him. 
Juyeon is completely, royally fucked, and he knows it as he spits on his hand. He knows it when he wraps his hand around his cock. Juyeon knows it when his body shudders from the first pump of his hand, the brush of his thumb across his tip. He knows it when he fights the whine trying to erupt from his throat. 
He knows it when he cums in his hand, ropes of white covering his palm when he places his hand over his tip to minimize the mess. He knows it when all he thought about was you. You and your pretty face. You who calls him stripper boy, who hasn't hesitated to shoot him down every chance you get. You who he’s pretty damn sure is into him in the same way he’s into you.
It’s hard for Juyeon to get back in his bed and lie down next to you knowing that just a few minutes ago he came in his hand to the thought of you. It’s even harder for him to fall back to sleep when you wrap yourself around him again, relaxing against his body and releasing a contented sigh. He tries so, so hard to relax with you, to steady his pounding heart. 
God, he’s so fucked.
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"When did you get here?” There’s a boy— a man, really— standing at the counter when you and Juyeon walk into the kitchen in the morning. The man is holding a ceramic Garfield mug that you assume is filled with coffee, and he’s got his phone in his free hand. You give him a short wave, and he nods back at you. 
Juyeon had been odd the whole morning. Or, at least, the two hours you had been awake and the one hour since he’d woken up and immediately rolled to his feet to get away from you. Something about morning wood. Since then, he’d been keeping a healthy distance from you, flinching away from your touch and giving short responses to your questions and statements. It makes you nervous. Were you intruding? Did he regret asking you to stay? 
“Last night,” Juyeon answers for you, leading you to the bar counter and pulling out a chair for you to sit in. “Y/N, this is Sangyeon. He’s the Tau Beta Zeta president. Sangyeon, this is Y/N. She’s gonna be staying with us for the next couple of days.” 
Sangyeon squints at you, gnawing at his lip in thought. 
“And you guys are…what? Friends? Lovers? Fuck buddies?” You scoff and Juyeon whips his head around, nearly spilling coffee onto his hand. 
“None of the above,” you wave your hand and almost miss the flash of emotion in Juyeon’s eyes. “Just someone who needed a hand, and strip- Juyeon happened to be there.” Sangyeon turns to Juyeon with an inquisitive look on his face. Juyeon shakes his head and turns back to you with two mugs in his hand. 
“I didn’t know how you take your coffee so I just threw some cream and a bit of sugar in there.” The mug he slides over to you is shaped like a ladybug, and you can’t help the laugh that escapes you at the sight of his mug. Normal, compared to yours. Just plain white with text that says ‘Stupid people shouldn’t breed!’. “What’s so funny?”
“Just the…interesting arrangement of mugs you all have here.” You smile at Juyeon, but he just scoffs. Sangyeon excuses himself and pats Juyeon on the shoulder before making his exit up the stairs.
“I’ll have you know that I picked these all out.” He defends, but you can see the embarrassment in the flush of his cheeks, the dark color spreading to the tips of his ears. “You got a problem with them?”
“No, no,” you smile into your mug and take a sip. It’s bitter, and a bit watered down, but you’re grateful for the caffeine boost. “It’s cute, really. You made some great choices, stripper boy.” 
“That sounded sarcastic,” Juyeon pouts at you and you shake your head.
“It wasn’t!” You reassure him, leaning your torso onto the counter. Juyeon stands near you now, on the shorter edge of the counter and he scoffs. 
“Sure it wasn’t. Because you’re the most supportive person in the world of my decisions.” He turns away from you, staring at the magnetic words on the refrigerator instead of at you and you rise from your seat to stand by his side. 
“Juyooo,” your voice is sing-song in tone and Juyeon fights every instinct inside of him that screams to pin you to the counter and fuck you senseless. “Are you mad at me?” 
“Of course I am,” he rolls his eyes and tilts his chin up when you come to stand in front of him. 
“Why?” You frown, but the corners of your lips fight to turn up.
“You made fun of me!” 
“Yeah, but it was all in good fun!” You protest. “I think your choice of mugs was cute!”
“No you don’t,” he scoffs and crosses his arms. “You think they’re stupid.” 
“No,” you shake your head. “I think they’re adorable.”
“Bullshit,” Juyeon says. “You think they’re stupid.”
“I do not.” You groan. 
“You do!”
“Do not!”
“Do too!”
“Do no—” 
Juyeon’s lips are on yours, and you let out a startled gasp, your hand flying up and finding purchase on his chest. 
You try to push him off, you really do! You think about it, you tell your body to push him off, and then somehow you end up pulling him closer, allowing your eyes to slip closed. Isn’t it so weird how that happens?
Your hand is holding his shirt tightly, keeping him close to you while your lips mesh in a sloppy kiss. His lips are rough against yours, his teeth nipping at your lower lip and then his tongue slips out and soothes the bites. The repeated actions have your legs trembling, your breathing becoming shaky, and your hand that isn’t in his shirt rises to the back of his neck to tangle in his hair and pull him impossibly closer to you.
His hands are all over you. They run up and down your waist, brushing under the waistband of the sweatpants he lent you, pushing into your back to keep you close to him. They run under your shirt, grazing the underside of your shirt, and he smiles when he feels you exhale shakily against him. 
You hesitantly, and ever so slowly, push your tongue out, letting it run across his lower lip and you’re a bit too pleased when he opens up for you immediately. He lets you push your tongue into his mouth, lets you explore, and is ever so patient with your hesitance. 
Gently, oh so gently, he sucks on your tongue while you try to pull it back into your mouth and you release the tiniest, almost inaudible whine. 
Apparently, to your complete dismay, this snaps Juyeon back into reality and he pulls away from you. He pulls away quickly, almost stumbling back and into some of the bar stools. You’re standing there, almost in a daze, and both of you just stare at each other for a moment. He doesn’t say anything, and neither do you, and Juyeon can tell that you’re regretting what the two of you just did. 
And it hurts. It really hurts when you open your mouth, going to speak and nothing comes out. He smiles sadly. 
“I should find a way to get to the store. You’re gonna need some clothes for the next few days.”
“Juyeon, wait—” You reach for him, but he just shakes his head.
“It’s fine, pretty girl.” He reassures you, but his voice breaks and betrays him. “No hard feelings. Let’s just forget it happened.”
“I don’t want to forget that!” You protest, but Juyeon just shakes his head.
“Like I said, pretty girl,” He grabs his mug and smiles at you. There’s no emotion behind it, at least not one that you want to recognize. “We gotta get you some clothes for the next three days.”
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It’s infuriating how quickly he seems to move on. Three days pass by, and not once has he even hinted about talking about what happened. It was almost like he’d forgotten about it entirely.
Which, to your dismay, was exactly what he wanted you to do. It wasn’t as if you regretted the kiss, at least not in the way he thought. The regret that you knew you had let slip was from pulling away in the first place. You had only meant to come up for air, knowing that you would likely drown in him had you given yourself the chance. Now, due to your own stupid mistakes, the tables have turned for you. 
He’d been avoiding you since you moved back into your apartment two days ago. He’d avoided you in the classes you were now all too aware that you shared. It stung that he no longer sought you out, no longer yelled your name from across the room, and drew unwanted attention to you. He no longer pressured you to call the number on that damn flier that sat untouched on your desk.
“You could always just, I dunno,” Chanhee is lying on your bed, scrolling on his phone while you rant about his frat brother. “Call the number? I’m pretty sure it’s his number anyway.” 
“Wait seriously?” You spin around in your desk chair, turning away from the project you two are supposed to be working on together. 
“Yeah, it just happened to be really convenient that the last four digits of his phone number spelled junk. What do you think of this?” He flips his phone around to show you a coat. A black trench coat, nothing too fancy about it. 
“Eh. You have plenty of those, don’t you?”
“True.” He nods and lays back down.
“Should I really call him?” You lean your head back on your chair, lacing your fingers together on your lap. “What if he hates me, Chanhee?”
“Trust me, Y/N,” Chanhee exhales heavily, “that man does not hate you.”
“But how do you know that?” You ask. “If he told you that, he could be lying to you!”
“Girl,” Chanhee throws his phone down onto your mattress and sits up straight. “If a man hates you, he is not going to jack off at 3 in the goddamn morning— with his frat brothers in the other room that connects to his bathroom, mind you— to the thought of you. Trust me. He doesn’t hate you.”
“You don’t— I’m sorry, what?” Your eyes are bugging out of your head and Chanhee grimaces in a way that tells you that he was not supposed to tell you that. 
“What do you mean he— Chanhee, what are you talking about?” Chanhee is already rising from your bed, grabbing his laptop, and sliding his shoes on.
“I think it’s time for me to get out of here,” he tells you with a tight smile on his face. He comes toward you though, holding the flier in his hand. “But, I really think you should call this number. Could really help you both, I think.” 
When the door shuts behind your classmate, you sit in silence for a moment. A few moments, really, just holding the first flier that Juyeon ever gave you in your hand. There’s a little bit of water damage from the flooding, but the number in the middle of the page is still there. It’s almost ironic that Juyeon’s phone number is the only part of the advertisement that isn’t ruined, like something was telling you that you needed to call Juyeon. 
Your phone rings once, then twice, and you hear the line click on the other side.
“Thank you for calling College Hunks, what junk can we haul for you today?”
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It takes Juyeon a little over an hour to get to your apartment. By that point, you’d gathered anything that you didn’t want into trash bags and set them in your living room. Each bag is organized to an extent. Things to be recycled, to be donated, or just thrown away. Most of the items that needed to be thrown away were damaged when your apartment building flooded, each damaged beyond repair. Almost like fate, isn’t it?
There’s a knock on your door. One, two, three. Your hands are shaking a bit when you grab the door handle. One, two, th—
You practically rip the door open before Juyeon can finish knocking. He’s standing there, wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open. The outfit he’s wearing is the same as the day he first showed up at your door. White tank top, cargo pants, and some worn-out sneakers. For once, his hair isn’t styled. He’s parted it down the middle, a little bit of gel used to keep it from falling into his face too much. 
“Hi,” you breathe out. It’s like Juyeon is stuck in a trance, his hand still frozen mid-knock and his mouth opening and closing like a damn fish. “You— do you want to come in?” Juyeon blinks. 
“Uh…yeah, yeah sure.” You step to the side, allowing him to walk into your apartment. It’s awkward, to say the least. When you shut your door, the click makes both of you flinch and suddenly you’ve forgotten everything that you wanted to say to him. 
“Is this—” Juyeon’s voice cracks a little bit, and he turns to face you but he doesn’t look you in the eye. “Is this everything?” 
“Yeah,” you nod, “yeah it is. Needed to get rid of some stuff after the building flooded, you know?” You laugh, but he doesn’t and you’re quick to shut your mouth. Say something, dammit. Anything. Your mind is screaming, whether at you or Juyeon you aren’t entirely sure. “Juyeon, can we ta—” 
“I should get started then,” he cuts you off and you grimace. “Got a couple of appointments today, so I can’t linger for long.”
“Right…” your voice trails off. “Yeah, I’ll get out of your way then.”
Plan A is a bust, then. 
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Juyeon moves quickly. You don’t know if it’s work ethic or if he wants to get away from you as fast as possible, but it stings. You don’t say anything to each other the whole time, not that you staying in your bedroom the whole time did anything to help the situation. You can hear him moving around, carrying bag after bag down to his car, but not once does he come to talk to you. Not even about the junk he’s carrying out. 
Your forehead is against your desk, your eyes shut tightly as you try to block out the noise, knowing that he’ll be carrying out the last bag soon. The sound of your feet tapping on the ground is almost enough to drown out Juyeon, but not quite enough to drown out the knocking at your bedroom door. 
Your head snaps up, and you spin around to face Juyeon. 
“Hi,” he gives you a tight smile. “I just— I brought out the last bag so I guess— I guess I should go, huh?” 
Don’t, you want to tell him, don’t leave yet.
“Yeah, I guess so.” You stand up and clear your throat. “Here, what’s your Venmo? I can send you some money.”
Juyeon shakes his head. “I already told you that you don’t have to pay me.” 
“Yeah, you did,” you agree. “But I’d feel bad if I let you leave empty-handed.” 
“I’m not leaving emptyhanded, though!” He argues. “I have your junk! Which, surprisingly, all fit into the trunk of my car.”
“Go you,” you cheer halfheartedly. “That’s not gonna stop me from paying you.”
“Pretty girl,” he warns. “I’m not gonna let you pay me.”
“Then I’ll get Chanhee to tell me your Venmo.” You grin and Juyeon rolls his eyes. 
“You’re not gonna let this go, will you?”
“Nope,” you let the sound of the p pop when you say it and Juyeon lets out a dry laugh.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that right?” 
“That’s the plan.” you look at him, and this time he’s looking right back at you. The awkward air has cleared, and it almost feels normal. Like it was prior to the kiss. God, please let Plan B work. “Are you gonna tell me what your account is, or am I gonna have to find some other way to pay you?” 
There’s a spark of something in Juyeon’s eyes, and his eyebrows knit together. Please get it, please get it, please get it. C’mon Juyeon, don’t be dense.
“Some other way?” He echoes, and you mentally cheer when he steps toward you. 
“Mhm!” You bob your head. “Like you said, there are other ways to pay you, aren’t there?” 
He’s right in front of you now, and you swear you see him start to reach for you before he’s forcing his hands back down to his sides. 
“You’re not—” he inhales and squeezes his eyes shut. “Please tell me I’m not misinterpreting this.” 
“Depends on what you think I’m saying.” You smirk, and Juyeon starts to lean down, his eyes flitting from your eyes to your lips. 
“What I think you’re offering,” he speaks slowly and you can feel his breath on your lips. “Is not exactly…appropriate, pretty girl.”
“And I think you’re right.” You’re practically whispering, every movement from your mouth causes your lips to brush against his and you’re so close to caving and just yanking him down to crush his lips against yours. 
Thankfully, Juyeon moves fast and he’s grabbing you by the waist to yank you to him and your hands are in his hair by the time his lips are on your. 
This kiss is heavier than the first. It’s messier and sloppier and his tongue is in your mouth, pushing at yours and licking at every nook and cranny that he can reach. You walk him backward to your bed. You don’t separate your mouths, not when you push him down onto your mattress, not when you sit on his lap with your legs on either side of him. Your nails dig into his shoulders, leaving little crescents indented into his skin. 
Juyeon groans at the stinging feeling, sliding his hands under your shirt and gently pushing it up. He does it slowly, giving you time to stop him, but you get impatient and shove him back until he’s lying down. His hands are still on your waist, and he’s watching with a hazy gaze as you lift your shirt over your head and throw it somewhere across the room. 
“Shit, pretty girl,” he breathes out and tries to slide his hands up to your chest. You’re smirking when you slap his hands away. 
“No touching yet,” you tell him and he groans in response. 
“You can’t just do this and not let me touch you!” He whines. “It’s not fair!” 
“You should’ve thought about that before you ignored me for a week,” you retort and he falls silent. “It’s fine, though. I’ll just get you back with this.” Your hands reach behind your back and you swiftly unclip your bra and throw that in the direction you’d thrown your shirt in. Juyeon’s hands lurch up to touch you again but you’re faster, grabbing his wrists and pinning them down to his sides with a click of your tongue.
“Y/N please,” Juyeon begs, his breath hitching in his throat when you leave him completely, and he can only watch as you unbutton your jeans and tug the rest of your clothing off. He’s practically drooling as he sits up, watching you undress for him. He watches you walk to your dresser, digging through your drawers for a moment before returning with a long piece of silk. “Oh, you’ve gotta be fucking joking.” 
You laugh at his reaction and toss the silk onto the mattress behind him. 
“Why would I be joking, Juyeon?” You stand between his legs, and you grin when he doesn’t even try to touch you this time. You can see the tent in his cargo pants and let your hands trace up and down his thighs. “Take off your shirt for me?” 
There’s a dangerous look in your eye, one that Juyeon can’t find himself wanting to disobey and he’s lifting his shirt over his head without a second thought. Your eyes widen ever so slightly and Juyeon can’t help but smirk. He knows he’s attractive, knows that his body catches people’s attention and he’s proud of that. 
With you, however, there’s something different about how you look at him. Something primal, like a predator looking at her prey and he shifts in his spot. 
“Pants too.” He nods and rises to his feet again, tensing when you raise your hands. “What are you stopping for? Get moving, don’t you have other appointments to get to?” Your hands are tracing the lines of his abs, feeling the way he flinches at your touch. You continue to trace his body as he bends down to lower his pants and boxers to the ground. Your hands raise to the backs of his shoulders, to the back of his neck, and let them slip down to his pecs when he stands straight again. 
You almost let yourself falter when you see his cock for the first time. It’s big, bigger than any you’ve taken in the past, and you can’t help but imagine what he’d looked like when he was thinking of you. Did he look as messy as he does now, eyes practically crazed, his breathing labored as he fisted himself? Did he watch himself in the mirror, imagining it was your hand instead of his own? 
“So pretty, baby.” You breathe out, letting your hand drop down to wrap around his cock. He sucks in a breath, letting it out when he whines at the feeling of you running your hand up and down, squeezing at the base, and rubbing your thumb along the tip. “So pretty.” 
You push him back again, releasing him from your grasp and following him as he slides up your bed. You take the silk in your hand, gesturing for him to put his hands above his head, tying the silk tightly around his wrists so he can’t get loose. Juyeon lets out another broken whine when you straddle him, running your fingers over your core and gathering the wetness on your fingers. You allow yourself to moan quietly, gauging Juyeon’s reaction to you touching yourself. He’s staring with his mouth hanging open, his cock twitching against his abdomen as he watches you sink two fingers into your core. He whines when your body shudders against him, when you curl your fingers up into you. 
“Is this what you think about, Juyeon?” You try your best to keep your voice steady when you speak. “Do you think about this when you touch yourself? When you lock yourself in the bathroom, jacking off to the thought of me like some little virgin?” He doesn’t respond, too lost in the sight of you riding your own hand. 
He doesn’t see you reach your free hand up, gasping when he feels you squeeze your fingers around his throat. Not too tightly, but enough to get his attention back on you. 
“I asked you a question, baby.” You pull your fingers out of your dripping pussy, gazing at the arousal covering your hand and humming in thought. “I guess I should give a reason to not answer, shouldn’t I?”
“Please,” Juyeon whispers out, and you smile when you raise your fingers to his mouth. 
“Go on then,” you tell him, “suck.” 
His head lurches forward, taking your fingers into his mouth and moaning at the taste of you. He runs his tongue along your fingers, and you inhale sharply, your eyelids drooping when he tries to open his eyes, trying to watch and gauge your reaction. 
“Cleanin’ me up good, hm?” You pull your fingers from his mouth and Juyeon takes this time to catch his breath, to gather himself. You don’t give him long though, no more than a few moments before you’re grabbing his cock in your dainty hand and lining it up with your pussy. 
“Fuck,” Juyeon throws his head back, his hands curling into fists, and groaning as you sink down on him. Your walls are squeezing so tightly around him, and he knows it has to be a stretch for you but you act as if it was nothing for you, as if he didn’t hit that sweet spot inside of you just by you sinking down on him. You let your eyes drift shut, fighting back the urge to start riding him until he has nothing left to give you. You can feel him twitching inside of you, knowing that he’s close just from your warm walls squeezing around him. “Fuck, pretty girl, please.”
“Please what, baby?” You coo, the hand on his throat squeezing gently. He whines and you grin. “Use those words, pretty boy. You can do it.”
“Let me fuck you,” he gasps out and you let out a yelp when he thrusts his hips up and sends you falling over his body. 
Your breasts are in his face now, and he doesn’t give you the chance to do anything before he’s bringing his arms down and trapping you against him as best he can. He thrusts his hips up, driving his cock into you at a pace that you couldn’t keep up with if you tried. He reaches his head up, his teeth latching onto one of your nipples and practically forcing you to follow him as he brings his head back down. Juyeon sucks at your breast, pinning your chest against his face with his arms that he’s brought to rest between your shoulder blades. Every one of his thrusts sends you up his body, but he does his damn best to keep you in place, sucking and licking and biting at both of your tits, groaning every time your cunt clenches around him. 
You feel like you can’t breathe, the air being punched out of you in broken moans and pitched whines. Juyeon is in about the same state as you, the noises he’s letting out are louder than yours, more frequent, and it brings a fresh wave of arousal washing over you. 
“Are you close, pretty boy?” You gasp out. “Gonna— gonna cum for me?” 
“Fuck, yes,” He throws his head back, his hips stuttering against yours. You bring one of your hands down to your clit, rubbing furious circles into it, letting your walls flutter around him and drawing both of you closer to your orgasms. 
When you cum, it has you seeing stars. Your orgasm has you crying out his name, has you clenching around him so tightly that he’s finishing not long after you. You sink your body back, rolling your hips gently over his and placing a firm kiss on his lips. Your tongue pushes into his mouth, swallowing the sounds he makes as he pumps white hot cum into your core. It’s less of a kiss this time, though, and more teeth gnashing together and biting at each other’s lips. 
His hips slow down after a minute or two, and you let your body relax against his, reaching up to untie the silk around his wrists. 
“Fucking finally,” he groans and lets his hands roam your sweaty body. “Thought I was gonna die if you kept me tied up any longer.” You laugh, letting your head drop to his chest. 
“That’s what you get for making me wait.”
“Yeah, whatever,” he rolls his eyes at you. “And you called me a try-hard.”
“Because you are, Juyeon.” You roll off of him, staring at your ceiling while you lay next to him on your mattress.
“Whatever you say, pretty girl,” he rolls his head to look at you with a cheeky grin on his face. 
“Why are you smiling like that?” Your eyebrows knit together. He just keeps smiling. “What, stripper boy.”
“You know what all this means, right?” You shrug.
“That I have to go to all your parties now or you’re gonna hunt me down?” He laughs and you smile a bit.
“That, and I get to call you my girlfriend.”
“I never agreed to that.” You deny, turning on your side and facing him fully. 
“Sure you did! It was at the very bottom of the flier I gave you.” He tells you.
“No, it wasn’t.” You frown.
“Yeah, it was!” He sits up, reaching for the second flier he gave you that had been placed on your bedside table. “See? Right there at the bottom in tiny font that I knew you wouldn’t pay attention to!” You squint at the words he’s pointing at and let out a scoff.
“Seriously, stripper boy? If your name is Y/N L/N and you redeem this offer, you are legally obligated to become Lee Juyeon’s boyfriend, whether you like it or not. Xoxo.” You push the paper back into his hands. "When did you even put this on there? We hardly knew each other when you gave me this flier."
“I told you!” He beams and lays back down. “You’re my girlfriend now.”
"Cute, but that doesn't answer my question, stripper boy." He digs his fingers into your side, pulling you closer to him, and grins.
"Does it matter?"
"I mean...I guess not?"
“Does this mean that when we break up, I get half of all your assets?” He glares at you playfully.
“Fuck, no.”
“Damn…” you sigh and lay down with your head on his chest. “I guess I’ll have to put up with you for life then, huh?”
“Mhm.” He cards his hands through your hair, gently combing through the knots. “You excited to spend the next 75 years with me, girlfriend?”
“Not at all, boyfriend.”
“Yes, you are.”
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© itsbeeble. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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luvkyu · 10 months
inkigayo ( lee juyeon )
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top!juyeon x btm!male!reader
juyeon notices another idol at inkigayo after his recent comeback.
content : 1.7k words, fluff, idol!juyeon x idol!reader, reader is on a food diet
( a/n ) req'd on wp <3
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'shit, he's right next to me, i could cry.'
'he's even more gorgeous in person..'
'wait, is he looking at me?'
y/n snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of his group leader whisper-shouting his name. it was time for his group to depart from the inkigayo stage, but his mind had somehow managed to only become occupied on one of the mcs - lee juyeon.
he gave a quick, bashful smile to the camera before following his group away in embarrassment.
"god, i'm an idiot," y/n muttered to himself.
"yes, but at least you're a cute idiot," one of his group members encouraged. y/n glared at him as they continued walking.
"y/n, you've had a major crush on juyeon for as long as we all can remember. now you're finally in the same room. you should make a move."
y/n looked down at his feet as he thought about his bandmate's suggestion. he had indeed been a juyeon obsessed deobi for a long time, but he didn't think he could ever bring himself to 'make a move'.
y/n looked back up at his group member to see him slowly backing away and nodding toward something behind y/n. the male's brows furrowed in confusion, turning around now to see the one and only lee juyeon walking toward him. the rest of his group quickly, but subtly, dispersed away in turn.
"hi y/n!" the idol beamed with the same beautiful smile that always made y/n's heart pound.
"hey juyeon!" y/n greeted, trying to sound as normal as possible. he couldn't tell if it was easy to see that he was literally shaking, but he just hoped for the best at this point.
"i wanted to make sure you were alright. you kinda spaced out on stage there at the end."
y/n's face flushed a bright red. he quickly cleared his throat at juyeon's caring words and gave him a small smile.
"yeah, i'm okay.. thanks for checking on me!"
juyeon nodded happily at this right as the other's stomach decided to growl loudly. y/n mentally cursed at his own body.
"sorry, i'm just a little hungry.." he said quietly. juyeon frowned.
"have you eaten today?"
"mm, only a little this morning. but it's alright, it's my diet," he responded. this did not convince juyeon.
"hm. eat soon for me, alright? cute boys need their energy."
y/n's whole body froze while just about every ounce of him turned red.
'did my long-time idol crush just flirt with me?'
juyeon gave him a sweet smile and an affectionate pat on his head before turning to walk away. y/n simply stared, finding even his back attractive.
"holy shiiiit! look at you!" another group member said eagerly as he showed up by y/n's side. "did you get his number?"
y/n shook his head, still too shocked to move or take his eyes off of his crush.
"tsk, that blows. what'd he say then?"
y/n shook his head with a flustered smile, finally looking down at his fidgeting fingers as he thought about what just happened.
"nothing, nothing."
his bandmate could tell that it wasn't 'nothing', but let it go. he pat y/n's back happily as the two went to find the rest of their group.
eventually, it was about time to leave as they all gathered their belongings to depart for another event on their schedule.
juyeon's words were still ringing in y/n's ear.
'eat soon for me, alright? cute boys need their energy.'
a bright red color stained over y/n's cheeks again. he hadn't been able to wipe the smile off his face since it happened, either.
"oh, to be young and in love. our sweet y/n's got it bad!" his leader said with a teasing voice. after a couple audible laughs and scoffs from the others, y/n looked at the older in disapproval.
"why'd you say that like you're not only two years older than me.."
his leader stuck his tongue out jokingly while turning to look at him, the group now heading outside to their suv.
"i thought we'd already established that i'm the most dramatic thing to walk the earth," he reminded him. y/n chuckled.
"that's true, you're right."
the other nodded triumphantly as he climbed into the car. y/n was about to do the same until he heard his name being called.
he quickly turned, seeing juyeon running out of the building toward him. he held what looked like a small bag out to y/n.
"here," he said happily while y/n took the bag in slight confusion. "some food for you. eat well, okay?"
y/n's heart was racing as he nodded and said a bashful 'thank you' before turning back to get into his group's suv. his mind yelled at him to stay and keep talking to juyeon, but he thought it best to leave before he said something stupid or got too anxious.
he simply smiled again and gave juyeon a small wave before closing the door. juyeon waved back, gazing after the car as it finally drove off.
"wasn't that your lunch?"
juyeon jumped at the sudden voice of his co-mc, who laughed lightly.
"shit!.. don't sneak up on me like that.." he scolded. "yes, it was my lunch, but i had a big breakfast this morning. besides, i left something else in there for him.."
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"y/n, aren't you hungry? go ahead and eat."
y/n frowned, clutching the bag of food he was given an hour earlier. the group was now stopped at a small café for lunch.
"but my diet.."
"tsk." his leader's disapproval was more than evident. he took y/n's bag and opened it quickly before setting it back down in front of him.
"screw the stupid diet. you don't need a diet. you need food, now eat," he said as he looked at a frowning y/n. "please," he added, realizing he probably sounded too stern for y/n's liking.
y/n looked at the now opened bag, seeing small organized tupperware containers. he looked around between them before settling on the container with some cut up fruit. as he lifted the container out, his eyes landed on a little folded piece of paper that was sitting under it. after taking it out and unfolding it, his eyes widened.
'call me so i know you ate. :)
⠀ ⠀ ⠀x juyeon ( 000-0000 )'
the amount of times y/n had blushed today could not be counted, but one thing was for certain - it was all because of one lee juyeon.
"ooh, what's that?" another bandmate questioned. y/n's reddened face was more than enough to give him away.
"he gave me his number.." he confessed as he held up the paper. his leader beside him grew more excited than anyone, jumping up and bouncing around.
"OH MY GOD. call him, call him now!" he exclaimed. y/n looked at him in shock.
"right now? is that too soon??" he asked. the others were too busy laughing at their drama king of a leader, but the member on the other side of y/n ruffled his hair fondly.
"it's not too soon. obviously, he wants you to talk to him," he encouraged. y/n grinned at this and nodded. he took his phone out and began entering juyeon's number before feeling everyone's eyes on him. looking up to meet their invested gazes on him only made him squirm.
"you guys are creepy. i'll go call him in private," he decided, now leaving his seat.
y/n rolled his eyes at his leader's remark, only continuing to type away on his phone instead of responding.
"wait! take the fruit!" his leader added quickly while pulling y/n back to stuff the tupperware container in his arms. "okay, now go."
y/n simply looked at him for a moment, judging. he then slipped outside and sat at one of the tables with an umbrella overhead to block the sun. popping a grape into his mouth, he looked at his phone nervously and finally called juyeon.
"juyeon? hi, it's y/n!"
"y/n! did you eat yet?"
"i'm eating now actually."
"also, um, was this your lunch? it looks like it was prepared really well. i hope you're eating too.."
"yeah, it was mine, but don't worry! i grabbed a snack."
"oh okay, good!"
"..so it was cool meeting you today! i really love your group's album."
"ah thank you! would you say you're part of our fandom now then?"
"hmm.. definitely. i think my bias would have to be y/n."
"well i can say with confidence that he's a juyeon bias in return."
y/n felt his heart skip at the very attractive laugh that left juyeon's lips.
"good to know then. while i've got you on the phone, i also wanted to ask if you'd wanna hang out sometime? just the two of us."
"yeah! if you'd be into it, of course."
"i'd love to hang out, sure!"
"sounds good, then! i gotta go now but can i text you later tonight?"
"definitely, of course."
"okay, well i hope the rest of your work day goes good! and finish up the food for me, hm?"
"you too, juyeon. and i will, promise!"
"good. talk later!"
y/n smiled to himself as he set his phone down on the table. to think he was basically drooling over his crush at inkigayo while his crush actually noticed him too was crazy.
"details, please! c'mon!" the voice of his leader suddenly emerged from behind him. y/n turned in surprise to see the other's head popping out of the cafe's door, along with two other curious members. y/n clicked his tongue at his nosy friends and shooed them back inside, following suit with his phone and fruit container in hand.
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from-m-izzy · 5 months
[22:58] | tbz lee juyeon
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» ​PAIRING: tbz lee juyeon x fem!reader » TROPE/AU​: established relationship au, non-idol au » GENRE​: smut 18+ (mdni!!) 🔞 just a tinge of fluff cause juyeon is momentarily shy after (...hehe) » WORD COUNT: 1764​ » ESTIMATED READING TIME: ~7 mins » WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!): food play (ice cream), temperature play (cold), fingering (reader receiving), literally a second of anal fingering, soft dom!juyeon, momentary mean dom!juyeon, cum eating, dirty talk, slight size kink (juyeon is bigger than the reader), unprotected sex (be safe everyone!!)
navi/masterlist!! 🤍
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thanks for helping with the reading @sohnric, @winterchimez !!
head empty...no thoughts...
happy birthday, lee juyeon!!
head empty...no thoughts...
i'm so shy right now bye—
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This was not how you thought the Neapolitan ice cream cake would be used.
There's no sweet taste in the valley that splits your breasts. Nothing but the taste of sweat and Juyeon’s fragrant exhales, the remnants of his birthday treat from his mouth, as he buries his face between your freed chest. He kisses your skin softly, roughly contrasting to the movements of his trailing hands from your stomach, down to your covered core.
He wastes no time, hooking the crotch area of your panties aside with his middle finger, plunging his pointer inside of you, and trudging the inside of your walls. The touch that his skin gave lingers on your dripping cunt and the top of your head meets the marbled countertop once again.
Your hands fly to the side of your body, trying to grab something from the pleasure building as Juyeon unhooks the middle finger to follow the motions of his pointer.
Pulling out slowly, pushing it back in even slower but deeper each Juyeone.
“Oh my God.” Finding nothing to grab so you mess up his still product-filled hair. Your hardworking boyfriend didn’t even bother changing out of his work clothes, opting to work on your body as soon as you greeted him. In fact, you’re surprised that he at least threw his collared button out, his black everyday tie on top of the puddle of clothing.
It sucks that he did that because maybe then if any of the ice cream colours stain his white shirt, maybe he could explain the backstory to his workmates.
Your closed eyes allow your senses to be directed to the warmth that his body gave yours: Juyeon’s tongue that leaves wet, messy suctioned kisses from your chest all the way to your navel, his one free hand that grips the side of your thigh, the other hand bringing you closer to the end as the pad of this thumb presses and circles on your sensitive clit. His pinky is what drove you feral, frozen halfway in your other hole and the other three fingers pushed you closer to your climax.
“Oh, you're so fucking…” Juyeon groans at your mewls, feeling the painful grip that his pants held onto his growing cock. “You’re drenched, bubs.”
“J-Juyeon.” You gasp his name, begging for more of his touch.
Your boyfriend shakes his head, still smiling at you sweetly. He detaches his face from your abdomen and makes eye contact with you. If it wasn't for the way you're laid tiredly but still very much horny, for the way that both your chests are exposed to each other, for the way that Juyeon snakes an arm behind you to get you to sit prettily at the edge of the counter, then his twenty-sixth birthday would have been so innocent.
But here he is, kneeling on the floor, a spoonful of the dessert in his hand as he trails the metal edge on the inside of your thighs. It trails from your midthigh, his tongue following closely behind the ombre colours, reflexively making your legs close. 
The temperature makes you squirm, an added unexpected stimulation that you are enjoying. 
“I see.” Juyeon takes a mental note of the added list of things that leave you breathless.
Finally, the back of the curved utensil hovers above your aching clit. Juyeon looks up, giving the most bright yet lust-filled gaze at you. His thumb stops his abuse for a second, replacing it with the cold instead—thank God the edge of the table is within reach, or else you would have melted already.
If it wasn't enough seeing you all ruined, Juyeon straightens his legs, his mind already wanting to see something else coated in the dessert—coat your hardened nipples the same way that he did just before. For a second, he steps back to admire his work, admiring your half-lidded eyes and rapid breathing.
“Oh.” He coos, his hand below going faster on you. “Ohh,” he says once more, feasting on the chocolate, strawberry and vanilla on your nipples.
A palm presses onto your back, plunging you to the crevices of his face. “Shit!” It's when you realise that he suspends your buds between his teeth along with the aggressive sucking that alternates between. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Not another warning is given as your insides give up, the liquid squirting to make a cloudy pink and brown mess on his hand. Juyeon grunts at the sight, now finished with his appetiser.
“Baby.” He warns, and you see the darkness in his eyes. “Did I tell you to let go?”
“I-I’m—” Your back hits the surface again. “J-Ju—” A hand presses on your collarbone, keeping you in place as your hands fly to wrap around his veiny, muscular arms.
You're greeted with the sight of Juyeon’s bangs covering his hungry desire and when your eyes lower past his defined abs, you salivate at the way he pulls his cock out from his half-down trousers and the way it is immediately enwrapped in his fist. 
“I haven't even gotten a taste of you yet and you're already making a mess.” It's frustrating to him as it's something that he's been wanting for so long. “You're not such a good girl, after all.”
The precum leaks from the slit of his penis, the foreskin coming up and down to coat the natural lube on the rest of his length. He forces you to look at him, the fact of the mess that you've created.
“Do something, please.”
“You bet I will.” 
Juyeon's fingers dig into your skin, and you scream at how he matches the force with his hips. He rams into you, not caring about adjusting your small size to his humongous one.
Marking you on your neck and jawline, going past his unfinished dessert on your nipple—on an urgent mission to make it bright purple and blue to the point where you'll have to sit for hours in front of your makeup to cover them up.
It makes you scream each time he degrades you, calling you his “favourite slut” as if he had another woman to fuck. He whispers seductively to your ear, grunting each time his balls hit your ass. “Enjoying this a little bit too much?”
“N-No.” You lie, biting your bottom lip with the top row of your teeth. “Juyeon! Oh my fucking God!”
“You're so pretty.” Ramming into your body harder and faster. “You're so small that I can see my body inside you.” To prove his point, he pushes on your stomach and you whine at the press, feeling his girth deep inside even more.
“Fuck!” Your legs ran out of strength and Juyeon menacingly smiled, throwing your limbs to rest on his shoulder. “You fucking---”
He presses his lips to yours, stopping your dirty mouth from finishing. “It's not nice to curse the birthday boy on his day, bubs.”
The endearing name would've been great if you were not literally folding against him right now.
“But yes, I will make sure I fuck you,” Your grip his shoulder knowing what's next.
“and I'll fuck you,” Juyeon’s hands cage your waist, pulling you to the edge of the furniture for easier access to your womb.
“so hard,” a thrust, one that makes you drool.
“and so fast,” your boobs move and jiggle faster as he picks up his pace, following the pulls and pushes that he exerts on your half-ruined body.
“to the point that you'll pass out faster than the ice cream cake.” 
Juyeon does work on your body, squirming at your tight grip, listening to your screaming for a certain Holy figure and a bunch of affirmative words spilling out of you as he finally finishes licking your chest clean.
“I'm so close.” You manage to announce between your pants. The sweat trickles down from your back, the arch of your posture cooking you. “Let me cum, Juyeon. Please, please, please.”
“If you cum now, I’m cumming inside of you,” A smirk plays on his lips as you roll your eyes, your legs trembling. Juyeon dips his chest down to yours, allowing him to bury himself into your tight body each he’s fully in. “Though it seems like something you want.”
And then…
“Cum for me, you destroyed slut.” 
Juyeon physically feels the way your body loosens, mixing your release with his inside your pussy. The feeling is serene and peaceful, perfect after the seemingly long marathon that always leaves you craving more of him every time. He hums and smiles on your skin with satisfaction when you smile at him after you've fully come down.
With the last few energy in him, he attaches your lips with his, muffling and swallowing your moans as his softened member slowly pulls out while his hand closes on your hole to contain the remnants of his love for you.
“Juyeon?” You ask through your fluttering eyelashes.
He hums, pressing a quick kiss once more before dropping his knees to the ground, worshipping the beautiful mess he created. His opened mouth encircles the opening of your vagina, and his throat sucks you clean.
“Oh.” You gasp out pleasurably, the loose strings being cleaned with just enough pressure. It satisfies you even more when his nose nudges on your overstimulated clit, his tongue swiping across fastly right after to clean the small bit of ice cream that still hung on for him to lick.
Juyeon stands before your tired body, his palms resting on the table next to your waist to support his body and though he broke your body in the best way possible, your elbows successfully bring you closer to him. It amuses you when the redness of his cheeks makes its way onto his face, and you giggle before resting your forehead on his.
“Don't be shy.” You reassure him, arms making their way around his neck. “That was amazing.”
His eyes shape into crescent moons, glad that you enjoyed the moment as much as he did. Juyeon pressed his lips against yours, inviting your own to automatically separate. But just when you could relish the passionate but innocent kiss at what you thought was to be the end of the lust-filled day, Juyeon pushes the mixed juice of your lower bodies into you. His tongue swipes where he can reach and he keeps emptying the load inside his throat into yours, pushing the sweet taste down with the help of gravity when he tilts your head up.
“Happy Birthday to me.” 
Before his hand picks up his straightening cock once more.
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿@heemingyu @snowflakewhispers
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kimsohn · 5 months
𓇼 3:45 am
pairing . juyeon x gn!reader about . 718 words, fluff + angst warnings . none! ↳ dedicated to my beautiful sexy hot wife @juyeonszn
it's cold, too cold outside.
you shiver as you sit on the bench, the sound of rain reverberating around the covered bus stop. your drenched raincoat sits next to you along with your purse, embellished with water droplets on the metal engraving.
you laugh bitterly, seeing your warped face in the shiny hooks of your bag. juyeon gifted you it many years ago, and it still looks the same as it did on your birthday.
you sense juyeon in everything you own. from the cat clip with whiskers in your hair down to your worn-out shoes he'd decorated with a sharpie, he echoes wherever you go. you see his face in the rain splashing down next to you, on the lock screen of your buzzing phone, and in the reflection of the chapped nail polish on your fingertips.
too bad you're pissed at him right now, though. everything that reminds you of him is like a curse.
"y/n!" you hear, and you look up from watching the droplets plink against the ground to register the sound corrrectly.
you blink once, twice, to ensure that yes indeed, juyeon is the one that's running toward you. he's masked by the pouring shower around him, fading in through the reflections of clear water until he's close enough to see visibly. the beloved gray hoodie he always wears is drenched by the water, and the only sign of protection he has is the hood covering his forehead that he's holding up with his shivering hands.
"juyeon," you say, standing up, "why are you here? it's pouring outside!"
"i couldn't- i couldn't leave you like that. i can't let you leave like this."
you watch as he walks to the bench, picking up your purse and swinging over his shoulder. he makes his way over to you, draping the bright yellow raincoat around your frame, tucking your hands into the sleeves. you make no move to stop him.
"let's go home," he whispers, sniffling. "please."
this close to him, you now realize that the droplets on his cheeks aren't those of the rain, that the runny nose he sports is not because of the temperature, and the redness of his eyes is definitely not a result of running here. your heart drops when you realize he's been crying, and it takes everything in your power to not bring him close and give him a hug like it's your last.
"i'm still mad at you, you know?"
"you can be mad at home, where it's nice and warm."
he stares at you so expectantly that your resolve shatters.
"juyeon," you sigh, watching him slide the strap of your bag up his shoulder.
"i'm sorry," he whispers, so silently that you almost can't hear it. "i'm sorry that work got in the way of our anniversary. you were right, you know, about me never being there for you. but i couldn't let you leave like this. you're all that i have."
your mind drifts back to the argument that took place a couple of hours ago, one that resulted in you storming out and slamming the door behind you. he'd gotten worked up over your anger at him not coming home early enough like he'd promised, and you'd retaliated by reminding him how often he does this to you.
they were words of the moment that you'd never meant to say. looking at his face now, you realize exactly how much you'd hurt him.
"oh, juyeon," you murmur, pulling him into your embrace, "i'm sorry too. none of those words were true, at all, and i wish i'd never said them. of all people, i know how your work affects our relationship. it wasn't right of me to get mad at you for it."
"but it was right of you. you can get angry at me a million times for being late and not showing up because it just means you love me. just don't leave home when i don't show up, okay? my heart can't take it. i'm too selfish to let you go."
selfishly, you'd never let him go either.
"i hate you," you whisper, furrowing into his chest.
"i love you too, baby. happy anniversary, my love."
and as the rain sprinkles around you, you know that you love him too.
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cupidjyu · 1 year
caught in the loving act?!
(98 line) when he hears you talking about them fondly
genre: flirting, shy juyeon, everyone is flirty juyeon's just a big loser. kissing, hugs, smiles all around! notes: i don't have much to say, just know that i am literally about to fall asleep ^.^ word count: 1.3k
You were calling your friend on the phone in another room. You were so immersed in your conversation, that you didn’t hear his knocking on the door. 
He sighed at the lack of response. He wanted to ask you what show you wanted to watch later for your scheduled movie date night. But with no answer, he decided to open the door. But, he froze when he heard his name.
“Isn’t he the cutest? People always say he looks intimidating, but they don’t actually know just how cute he is,” You rambled on and on, your legs kicking on the bed excitedly. “Like how clingy he is? He’s really clingy. And also pouty, especially when you tease him.” You let out a sigh. “I love him so much.”
Then, you looked at the time. 
“I have to go,” You giggled. “i have a date with the love of my life.” You hung up and stood up. When you turned around, you were met with the sight of him staring at you shyly. He couldn’t even look you in the eye, his cheeks flushing. “Hi, Juyeonie?” You titled your head. Then your lips curled up mischievously. “Did you hear me talking about you?” You eyed him coyly.
He blushed even more.
“Yes…” He mumbled, looking down at the floor as he shifted. He let out a sudden whine. “But did you have to expose my habits just like that? It’s– embarrassing.”
You laughed and nodded, pulling him into a hug as you looked up at him. “Of course. I think your habits are the cutest.”
“But only you’re supposed to know about them.” Juyeon huffed with a pout. “Now the whole world knows.”
“Don’t be sulky.” You poked his cheek. “You’re too cute when you’re sulky.”
He whined again, making your eyes soften. “But I only want you to see this side of me.” He frowned, eyebrows furrowing.
“Okay, okay, fine.” You soothed him, brushing his hair out of his face in which he melted into your touch. “My big baby. Only for me.”
“That’s right.” He crossed his arms before pulling you into a heart-stopping kiss. 
He wandered the house, tidying up random things and letting out occasional sighs of boredom. But suddenly, he heard your voice from across the apartment shouting. He was definitely worried as he rushed over to check on you. The door was slightly ajar and he could see that you were video-calling your friend.
He gasped, his cheeks immediately feeling hot. You were holding one of his artworks. 
“Isn’t it so amazing?” You yelled excitedly. You kicked your feet with adorable giggles. “My boyfriend is such a great artist. I love him. Look how good this one is…” You pulled out another artwork. But what Kevin noticed was how gently you handled the canvases, which made his heart melt.
“Another one!” You beamed.
Your friend clapped briefly before giving you a worried look. “Y/n, maybe just calm down a bit.”
“No–” You shook your head stubbornly. “I have to show you another one–” Your words were interrupted when you heard the door creak open from behind. You whipped around to see him leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed as he wore a fond smile.
“She’s right. Maybe take a deep breath?” He smiled.
Your body went rigid. “K-Kevin?”
“Hi, love.” 
You hadn’t noticed your friend hang up already.
“What were you doing just now?” He laughed, approaching you, almost making you want to shrink with mortification.
“I was… showing your art…” You muttered. 
“Really? Because as far as I know, that art was made specifically for you.”
“Was it?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. He pulled you into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead. “Is the art pretty?”
“Of course it is.”
“Then the art was made for you. Since you’re beautiful.” He caressed your cheek.
You stammered, unable to come up with a response. Instead, you opted for burying your flushed face in his chest.
It wasn’t often that your friend came over, so it was natural for you to be excited to see her again. The two of you went off to talk and have fun in another room as Chanhee kept to himself, scrolling through his phone with music playing in the background. But over the music, he could hear you speak his name. He tilted his head in confusion as he walked over the room.
He saw that the two of you were looking at the computer. Specifically, online shopping on a popular website.
“What about this one?” Your friend asked, pointing at the screen.
You stared at it for a second before shaking your head. “No. It has to be perfect.”
Your friend whined. “We’ve been looking for twenty minutes already.”
“If I’m trying to get a gift for him, it has to fit him,” You explained with a serious expression. “He’s already perfect! Something pretty, nice, and adorable… just like him.” You looked up at the ceiling with lovesick eyes.
Your friend rolled her eyes. “You’ve unbelievably whipped.”
“I am,” You sighed. “I’m in love with him.”
When your friend left, you decided to start cleaning up the mess that you two made. But suddenly, someone attacked you from behind, into a firm back hug. You immediately knew who it was, with his typical perfume and all. His chin was hooked over your shoulder as he peppered kisses all over your cheek.
You giggled. “What’s this for?”
“I don’t need a gift.” He whispered. “You’re all I need.”
You froze. “You heard everything?”
“Mhm.” He smiled. “Thank you for being so sweet.”
“Well, because it’s precisely you.”
He hummed in agreement. Then he kissed you again, this time longer and deeper. “I’m in love with you too.”
“Glad the feelings mutual,” You laughed.
“But what if I’m even more in love with you?” He challenged, smiling brightly.
“Oh, we’re making this a competition?”
You were currently on a video call with a family member and Changmin just happened to walk by. He was about to mind his own business when he heard you start yelling with frustration. He widened his eyes in fear that you were actually getting into a serious argument so he opened the door and peeked in.
“Are you seriously saying that he looks like a squirrel?” The younger boy on the screen looked at you skeptically.
“Yes!” You exclaimed.
“Uh…” He glanced down for a second before pulling up a hideous picture of a squirrel, mid-bite on his phone. “This is your man?”
You groaned, putting your head in your hands. “Why do you always pick the ugly pictures? Changmin is cute. A cute squirrel. Have you seen his cheeks when he eats? I want to squish them.”
“Jeez…” The boy rolled his eyes. “In love much?”
You snorted. “Like you would know.”
He gasped. “Woah. I’m blocking you.” And then he hung up. You fell against the back of your chair in disbelief.
“He actually hung up...”
“A squirrel, you say?” Your boyfriend appeared behind you, smiling cheekily.
You widened your eyes. “Changmin? How long were you– Where’d you come from?” 
“Straight from your heart.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Okay, wow that’s cheesy.”
“Says the one who wants to squish my cheeks.”
You whined, “In my defense, you weren’t supposed to hea–” But he suddenly cupped your cheeks and pulled you into a deep kiss.
When he pulled away, he raised an eyebrow attractively. “Why don’t you call me cute to my face?”
“Why should I?”
“So I can kiss you breathless.”
“Really?” You smirked. You waited for a moment before leaning in and whispering into his ear. “Cutie.”
He laughed, his eyes darkening. “Oh, you better get ready.”
“Ah, I’m so scared.” You sarcastically joked. But then you yelped when he dove in and started kissing you with so much passion, you were in fact: breathless.
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sohnric · 7 months
paris – l. juyeon
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pairing: lee juyeon x fem! reader
genre: exchange student! juyeon in paris (ft. his erasmus friends). friends to ???, angst, fluff. actually, the genre is longing. halloween party au but the halloween part plays like,, 0 part in the fic, basically. idk the paris pics did something to me he is so european coded. paris by the 1975 without the drugs in a fic, essentially
warnings: cheating from yn's side, swearing, alcohol, smoking. the reader is canonically french im sorry 💀
word count: 6k
There’s quite a few reasons why Juyeon never told his friends from home about you- the girl he met on his student exchange trip. Some were the cause of Juyeon’s insecurities in himself, some the cause of your relationship status, all the cause of his unrequited love and the way you broke his heart, making Juyeon’s whole memory of Paris a bit hazy and bittersweet and the leave, paradoxically, that much harder. But still– and maybe you’re the reason for it– oh, how he’d love to go to Paris again.
a/n: do NOT cancel me for being a casual matty healy enjoyer i am a 2014 tumblr girlie at heart
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“And where are my gifts? Where are the souvenirs?” Hyunjae calls after the boy that’s still kind of jet lagged from the flight (even though it’s been 3 days since his landing and he slept the whole day after his brother picked him up from the airport), the latter looking at him with tired eyes. 
“That’s all you want from me after not seeing me for 6 months?”
“Yes. Where’s my baguette?” Hyunjae glares, making the younger boy whine at the request.
“I didn’t know you wanted a hard rock baguette from me. If I had known, I would’ve taken one with me and smashed it against your head the moment I arrived here.”
“Well, if it’s authentic,” Hyunjae shrugs, laughing. “I’m just joking… I know we’ve been calling and texting like, every other day, but let me ask again. How was it?”
Juyeon finally smiles at his friend’s question. This is what one expects after coming home from studying abroad for 10 months– not a souvenir request. And trust me, Juyeon did bring gifts, out of the warmth of his own heart, but after being asked for them, he kind of doesn’t want to play Santa anymore. Kind of like when you decide to wash the dishes, but your mum tells you to do it at the same time of your decision– the motivation fades away the mere second you’re requested to do the thing.
“Well, it was good,” he shrugs, “it was… something,” Juyeon says– because how does one fit 10 months of their life into a few sentences without stammering– and before he gets a chance to say anything, Hyunjae catches him off guard with another inquiry.
“Is it true, by the way? Are European girls really prettier?” he grins, wiggling his eyebrows at the boy as if to suggest something– but all it does is make Juyeon shrug, acting not really bothered with the question. 
“Dunno,” he hums, “I think it’s equal to here.”
“So you’re telling me you went 10 months without getting laid in France?” Hyunjae gasps, making Juyeon furrow his brows in utter disbelief.
“When did I say that? Or anything that would even suggest that?” 
Now, this was a trap. Juyeon is too gullible. See, Juyeon was pretty transparent with everything during his calls with Hyunjae back when he was in Paris. He told his friends back home all about the European food, the rock-hard french baguettes, the weird looks and annoyed sighs he got when speaking English to the clarks in the shops, the cold showers in his accommodation and the pretty park in front of his university building. They also know all about his friends from Paris– the international students he met in his course like Shotaro from Japan, Bence from Hungary and Marco from Italy– but when the question of girls came around, specifically in the romantic light of things, Juyeon went awfully quiet. You can’t blame Hyunjae for getting into suspicions.
“So you did?” Hyunjae gasps, grasping at the straws.
Juyeon sighs, reaching for his bag. His awfully big hand slips inside of the black backpack, fingers touching various things before he brings out a bunch of gifts: a keychain with the Eiffel tower, some magnets, postcards, a fashionable beret he found in one of the souvenir stores but never saw anyone actually wear in the whole 10 months in the streets of Paris, some perfume and high quality chocolate. Hyunjae’s eyes go wide, making satisfaction swim through Juyeon’s veins at the sight– he managed to deflect the attack.
Sometimes, having materialistic friends is a plus.
As he watches Hyunjae touch all the things on the table, fingers trailing over metal and the shiny wrapping of the dark chocolate with an acknowledging nod, Juyeon takes out another thing out of his bag– his digital camera that he brought along for the ride. He sent his friends a lot of pictures when he was in Paris, and he also posted quite a few on Instagram for everyone to see, but the camera held more memories and more moments than anyone’s ever seen before– it’s a source of treasure for himself as well, but he figures it wouldn’t hurt to share a glimpse with his best friend.
“Wanna see? I took tons of pictures, but you can look through only the interesting ones, if you want to,” Juyeon hums, offering the camera to the male, the display already shining at him from the gallery, small icons of all pictures on the SD card in a 3x3 row on the small thing. 
A few pictures of the town are on preview right now, but if you scroll through the gallery, moments of his friend Marco’s birthday party that his friends threw for him, or the snapshots of his friend’s faces come into sight– Juyeon’s sure Hyunjae’s eager to see how all of the people he’s been talking to him about look like.
Hyunjae nods, taking the camera from him and squinting at the little icons. His fingers move along the touch screen and scroll through the gallery, eyes zooming on the interesting ones and grinning as he shows them to Juyeon, awaiting the backstory of a certain image. 
Everything goes well, until Hyunjae gets to the latest pictures on the SD card– well, apart from the ones Juyeon took from the window on his flight home. And Juyeon really doesn’t know what he was thinking, but hey– sometimes he doesn’t think things through as much as he should– and that’s why when a particular photo comes into his best friend’s sight, turning the camera towards Juyeon with a shiteating grin on his face, the question ‘Who’s that?’ makes the poor boy a bit shaken.
His tall figure, standing alongside someone shorter– you, in your vampire costume, fake blood running down the side of your mouth, a hand thrown over his shoulders and your side pressed into his a bit too close as he stares down onto you with an obviously star-struck face, suit covering his body in a poor attempt at Joker’s costume– the moment stares back at him like a haunted memory.
He clears his throat. “That’s… that’s just Y/N.”
Hyunjae hums, having a staring contest with the picture on the screen. The date on the bottom reads 31/10/23, the last day of Juyeon’s stay before he had to go home. “How come I’ve never heard about Y/N?”
“There wasn’t much to say, I guess,” Juyeon shrugs, taking a sip from the bottle of beer on the table.
“Sure…” Hyunjae doubtingly nods, scrunching up his nose in disbelief.
“I’m serious. She’s just a friend I met there,” Juyeon offers, licking his lips in nerves. 
And it’s the truth– you were just a friend and there really wasn’t much to say about you two– so why does Juyeon’s heart hurt a bit as he recognizes the events of the night as if it happened yesterday? Why does he feel nostalgic, maybe a little bitter about the way you two left off? 
Hyunjae doesn’t know, but there’s quite a few reasons why he never heard about you in the first place. Some were the cause of Juyeon’s insecurities in himself, some the cause of your relationship status, all the cause of his unrequited love and the way you broke his heart, making the whole memory of Paris a bit hazy and bittersweet and the leave, paradoxically, that much harder. 
But still– and maybe you’re the reason for it–
oh, how he’d love to go to Paris again.
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The buzzing of the room makes Juyeon’s already thumping head ache in its crevices, the smell of alcohol in the breath of everyone talking to him only making his stomach twist and turn with acid. He’s had his fair amount of drinks himself, but there is a very faint line between the amount that’s just enough to keep him going through the night and the amount that makes him puke and have a two-week hangover, and with the flight home he has to take tomorrow afternoon, he doesn’t think drinking more would be a good idea.
“Don’t break it!” Juyeon tiredly hurries out as he sees his friend Marco handle his camera, the device almost falling out of the foreign friend’s hands. 
“I won’t! Hold on, let me just–” the Italian mutters, the coating of vodka shots and the cheap red wine (made to look like blood to keep things festive) making his words slur together as he speaks. 
Juyeon reaches towards his drunk friend (while also questioning how he’s going to take a plane back to Italy tomorrow in a very hungover state) and tries to pray the prized possession out of his hands, but comes to a fail as the tall man waves him off with a theatral arm wave, shoving the poor boy towards the white wall and putting the camera up against his own face. “I’ll take your picture! So you can– you only take pictures of us, Juyo,” he rambles on, “I’ll take your picture so you can show it at home to your friends!” Marco grins, having Juyeon aimlessly sigh and stretch out his lips into a fake smile, waiting for his friend to take the picture so he can get his camera back to safety.
“Me too! Me too!” he suddenly hears from somewhere to his right, and before he has the chance to decipher the owner of the female voice, a weight on his shoulder tells him you just jumped at his side– almost topping him over and into the spooky decorations to his right– as you giggle into his ear. “Have it?”
“Aaaalmost!” Marco stretches out as he squints at the camera– and in the spare few seconds before the shutter goes off, Juyeon allows himself to stare down at your figure glued to his side. You’re wearing a dark lipstick on your smile, a drip of fake blood rolling down the side of your mouth. There’s a corset top enveloping your middle and a flowy black skirt only pulling the whole look together even with the absence of fangs– and while you don’t suck out his blood, Lee Juyeon can physically feel how you sucked out all oxygen out of his lungs in your sexy vampire costume. 
He’s seen you around tonight, but he never got the courage to walk up to you. Something about this being his last night in Paris might be the reason why. 
He was simply too bummed out about how things between you and him never went further than fits of laughter in class as you helped him with his French, or friendly hugs when you bid him goodbye at the corner of his street. Maybe it was his own fault for falling for someone so out of his reach. He always knew his stay in France was temporary– hell, he was an exchange student, he was aware of what he was getting himself into– but still, he couldn’t help but recognize the familiar warmth in his stomach whenever you were around and the strange racing of his heart whenever you were close enough for him to smell your shampoo for what it was. He was completely, utterly smitten with you– a french local that would be erased out of his lifestyle as soon as he lands back home in Korea.
The shutter of the camera is all it takes to break his train of thought, making him snap his head back to his Italian friend. A sigh of relief is heard in the room as Juyeon finally reunites with his digital camera (he was surprised to see Marco let go of it so easily), and before he has the chance to think of a conversation topic to indulge in with you, you have his words catching in his throat at your own pace of speech.
“Have you been here for long?” you ask, flattering your eyelashes at him. Juyeon gasps before he presses his lips together into a tight line, shrugging.
“A bit.”
“Why haven’t you said hi?” you frown. “You said it’s your last night! You wouldn’t leave without a goodbye, would you?” you shake your head at him, playfully poking his shoulder with your pointer finger.
He was going to. Not anymore, he guesses.
“No,” he disagrees instead, “I was gonna look for you when it was my turn to leave,” he quickly comes up with an explanation, having your features relax as a warm smile overtakes your pretty features again.
Even with your face all bloody and your eyes having dark circles under them from eyeshadow (and mascara that weared off a little, which you were completely unaware of), Juyeon finds you absolutely, utterly and fascinatingly beautiful. He’s glad no one is able to read his inner monologue– or else he’d be the one with blood running down the side of his face. If the punch to seal the cut would be coming from you or your boyfriend, he’s not quite sure. 
Maybe both. The main thing is, you’re taken and his feelings aren’t reciprocated. 
Which is why his silly crush on you that maybe, just maybe, turned into something more meaningful was that much damaging to his poor soul. 
Because Juyeon swears he never loved anyone before, but after spending the night with you drinking cheap wine in his empty dorm room on his birthday completely alone– since it fell on a Sunday this year and he didn’t have that many friends yet to celebrate with, only having spending 2 weeks in Paris at the time– during which you taught him French swear words and kissed his cheek goodbye (which he thought may be a cultural thing, although he wasn’t sure); after all of this, he felt like you’re the person he’ll think of when someone asks him about his first love when he's old.
And even if he had the balls to do anything about it (which he didn’t), he simply couldn’t. You were out of reach.
“You’d better,” you hum, “or else I’d hitchhike a plane and come over to Korea just to kick your ass.”
“You can’t hitchhike a plane, you weirdo.” 
You sigh, shaking your head. “Of course I can. Watch me.”
Juyeon finds himself grinning at the adorable determination in your voice. It makes him feel a certain type of way that he knows he shouldn’t– but after spending 10 months with the feelings (5 of which you were single, 5 of which you’ve spent dating your boyfriend) and absorbing the idea of leaving you and everything behind tomorrow, Juyeon no longer feels as guilty about the act of loving you. Not anymore– not tonight.
“I like your costume,” Juyeon comments, pointing to the attire you’ve dressed yourself in.
“Really?” your eyes light up. “Look, I even wore the bow my idiot of a boyfriend said looks tacky,” you say, making a little twirl for the man. Your skirt flows nicely in the air and you stumble a bit due to the alcohol in your system, but when Juyeon catches you by your forearms and steadies you, there’s a content smile sitting on your lips despite your previous sentence.
“It looks pretty on you,” Juyeon hums, nodding. “It’s not tacky at all.”
“I always knew you had more taste than him,” you sigh dramatically, making Juyeon question your actions. 
“Anyways, I like your costume as well,” you comment. 
“Thanks,” he says, although his half-assed attempt at a Joker’s costume wasn’t anywhere near your level of preciseness, “Shotaro was supposed to go as Harley to match with me, but he pulled out of it at the last minute,” Juyeon pouts.
“Gosh! That would’ve been fucking amazing,” you laugh, swatting your friend in the arm playfully– the way you always do when you laugh– but as you come down from it, there’s a bitter tone in your voice. “I asked my boyfriend to wear a couple’s costume too, but he said all my costume ideas were lame.”
“Y/N–” Juyeon starts, wanting to speak up about the matter very obviously present in the conversation, wanting to console you, say anything, but you cut him off again– your courtesy– with a shrug and a grin on your face made to mask your true emotions (didn't work. Juyeon knows you too well).
“It’s okay. That’s why I dressed up as a slutty vampire just to spite him,” you say. 
“What’s his costume?” Juyeon asks.
“Not sure. I think he just bought the Scream mask, or something,” you mutter, rolling your eyes at the male.
And now, Juyeon was never big on gossip. But if gossiping meant poking fun at your boyfriend, the last night before his plane back home takes off is not the time he’s passing on a snarky comment. “Lame.”
“I’m so glad we are on the same page, Juyo.”
His heart leaps at the nickname– a lot of people call him that, but the tone you say it in, the sweet melody of your voice as you throw it at him like a promise (of everything and nothing at all– you’re fond of him, but never fond enough), only you have this effect on him when you call him that. He wishes he had you saying his name recorded, documented somewhere on his phone, your accent and all, so he could hear you say it when he foolishly misses you in the middle of the night, like he knows he will when he lays awake at home, in his tiny, silent room.
“Do you want to get out for a bit? It’s getting too hot in here,” you say as you wave yourself, hoping to cool off, but failing miserably with the heat created from the bodies swimming through the house, and Juyeon finds himself nodding at your question.
Your feet drag you outside of the house, the cold breeze instantly cooling down your sweaty bodies. You two stand on the front porch together, watching the world around you revolve in a fast, yet slow manner– there are couples making out in the corner of the yard, one of them pressed up against the tree, and friends chasing each other down in zombie costumes, passing by bottles of alcohol between each other. 
Juyeon hears you hum, making him turn his head towards you and see you offering a cigarette to him. He'd never been much of a smoker before, but Europe taught him to never turn down a cigarette when offered, and so he only takes out one out of the pack, watching you mirror his movements. You fish for your lighter in your bra (and Juyeon finds himself too mesmerized to look away during the action), clicking it and putting the flame against the cigarette trapped between his lips.
He doesn’t know what it is about the action that makes his eyes hooded as he watches you– noticing the forgotten speck of glitter from some step of your makeup routine under your eye, making him want to swipe his thumb over it and take it off for you– but he can’t get his gaze off you as he breaths in the smoke, his head going more fuzzy than it has been only a few minutes prior.
When Juyeon’s cigarette is lit, you move to light your own, all while the male watches you with almost a dreamy look on his face. Somehow, he’s glad no one’s watching you. He doesn’t think he would be able to conceal his feelings for you tonight.
“Are you gonna miss this?” you suddenly ask, looking up at him from his right.
You? Absolutely. 
“I think so,” he nods, “it’s a lot different to home, but I made a lot of memories here.”
He watches a hint of smile spreading over your features. “Do you remember when you accidentally told our professor you were horny instead of excited?” you laugh.
“Oh, shut up,” Juyeon laughs at the memory. His French never really got to a perfect level– that’s why most of you settled on speaking English between each other– but the first few weeks were a living hell of a language barrier for Lee Juyeon. “The more concerning part is that this is what made you approach me,” he notes.
“Well, I recognised that you needed help, and I was willing to provide it,” you say, taking a drag out of the cigarette and blowing the smoke into his face.
Juyeon looks at you through the smoke cloud, snickering. “I’m kinda grateful, though. You were the first friend I made here.”
You look at him with a tender look– something so full of care Juyeon swears he feels his stomach doing somersaults– before you press your lips into a solemn smile. “Well, I’m honored, Juyeon Lee,” you drag out in a posh accent, making the boy break out into a laugh.
He takes another drag off the cigarette, inviting the nicotine into his system. Mixed with the alcohol in his veins and your aura surrounding him, he almost feels on cloud 9, like he’s flowing in space and he can’t get down. He watches as you lean over the railing of the porch, forearms meeting with the metal in a set of goosebumps. Breeze flies through the air, making your barely-clothed figure shiver.
He knows he probably shouldn’t. Your boyfriend is somewhere inside, and although you two are seemingly in a weird sort of fight, it’s not his place to act as a gentleman. 
Still, Juyeon finds he has nothing to lose. He shrugs off the suit jacket he’s been wearing and drapes it over your shoulders wordlessly, noticing the way you look back at him over your shoulder with a soft smile on your lips. 
A comforting silence overtakes you two. Juyeon takes the last drag off the cigarette and puts it out on the iron railing, enjoying the effect your sheer presence has on him. The music coming out of inside is only a mere background noise now, providing him an occasional distraction to the buzzing of his own thoughts.
“Say, Juyo,” you start, “do you know where Dorothy lives?” you ask.
Juyeon hums in disagreement. “Don’t think I do. Why?”
“I’m sleeping over at hers tonight,” you mumble, mentioning your best friend– the girl Juyeon’s met plenty of times in the 10 months of knowing you. “I was supposed to stay at Andre’s, but I’m not talking to him right now.”
“Oh,” is all Juyeon says. The mention of your boyfriend always throws him off the track a little.
“I dunno where Dorothy went, but I’m getting kind of sleepy.”
“Why can’t you just go home?” he asks.
“Juyo,” you laugh, “my parents would kill me if I got home tipsy and smelling like cigarette smoke. Don’t you know how they are?” you joke, shaking your head in disbelief.
He doesn’t. He kind of wishes he had the chance to know, though– because if he knew your parents, maybe it would imply something. Signify something more.
“Do you want me to walk you to Dorothy’s?” 
“Yeah,” you nod, lids heavy. Juyeon doesn’t know what time it is, but the last time he checked, it was well past midnight– he doesn’t think he’d stay around much longer himself.
“Okay,” he nods, watching as you slowly peel yourself off the railing and wear his suit jacket properly, the fabric drowning you, but keeping you warm. The sight, the sentiment of it, makes Juyeon’s hands shake and his throat go dry. You’re so close, yet so out of his reach.
Your feet are slow as you march towards the direction of your best friend’s house. Juyeon doesn’t know how far it is, but he wishes for you to take the long way home– if those are the last moments he has with you, he wants to drag the evening out the best he can.
The night is quiet. The only thing ringing in your ears is the sound of your own footsteps, when Juyeon surprises himself with the question that noisily cuts out of his throat.
“Why don’t you break up with him?” he asks.
He expects you to go mad at the question– you were known to have quite the fierce temper. You and Andre have had a few problems in the past: he was known to be reckless with his snarky comments that somehow hurt your pride, his nasty behavior when he got drunk, and the not-so-happy opinion your parents had of him. You were known to blow things out of proportion, screaming, crying and making a scene whenever you could if you thought it was appropriate, known to talk about your conflicts with your friends and digging out opinions out of them on the matter.
Juyeon always made sure to give you lukewarm arguments whenever you asked him about your boyfriend. Never too heated to make himself seem suspicious. Your relationship was none of his business.
Again– tonight, though, he has nothing to lose.
“I dunno,” you shrug, your steps a little uneven on the pavement, “it’s… a matter of habit, maybe? It’s weird,” you say. 
The explanation gives Juyeon just about nothing. A matter of habit? Is it a habit to stay with someone? Was there not more needed for a relationship?
Juyeon doesn’t find it in him to reply. Instead, he lets you talk.
“I think I might love him, or something. I’m not really sure…” you mumble, the sentences breaking Juyeon’s heart a little by little, shattering it right in front of you on the pavement, “because if I didn’t, why else would I put up with all of this?” you ask, not really expecting an answer.
“All the shaming, the spiteful remarks. The pettiness, the silent treatment… tell me, Juyo, do I have any dignity?” you laugh, shaking your head in disbelief.
The snicker that escapes out of you quickly turns bitter. Your body grows impossibly closer to his, your hands sneaking around his bicep. You walk with linked arms, your head falling to his shoulder. “I don’t think I really love him, though,” you suddenly rebuttal, “‘cause like… I wouldn’t- I wouldn’t tell my grandkids about Andre, y’know? I think that’s the way you know. If you can imagine thinking so fondly about someone that you… that you’d mention them even in 50 years, ‘cause the memories still feel fresh and you’re delighted you once knew them, then…” you trail off, voice fading.
“Do you know what I mean?” you hum, pouting.
He does know.
“Sorry, I’m rambling–”
“No, I get you,” he reassures you, nodding to himself. 
“You always do,” you sigh, breaking Juyeon’s heart into a million pieces, “anyways, with that being said… I think I’m with him only because breaking up is too much of a hassle. And, I think I like the attention,” you splutter, laughing at yourself, “that’s… so desperate of me, I know. I’m starting to doubt if it’s even worth it.”
“He’s not,” Juyeon finds himself saying as you two cross the corner.
“You’re only saying that as my friend.”
“No, I’m saying that as your– as someone who cares…?” he stutters, mentally kicking himself for sounding so readable. Surely, you must’ve already noticed. If not from his current statement, then from the way he looked at you the whole night. You are a smart girl– you were always quick to point out the men that would soon hit on you when you were at the club. You have a good eye when it comes to others.
You only laugh, though. Oh, how Juyeon loves the sound.
“Thank you,” you hum.
You two fall silent for a while. Juyeon finds himself enjoying it. It feels comfortable– to walk with you through the emptied Paris, accompanied by the yellow lampposts and soulless streets. Only you two, your linked arms and his suit jacket around your shoulders.
“We’re at Dorothy’s,” you muse when your steps come to a halt, gesturing towards the silent, dark house on the other side of the street, “I think she’s not home yet, though. Her light would be on.”
Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Juyeon looks from the house and back at you, then back at the seemingly empty house again. “And now what?”
“I have to wait for her,” you shrug, “will you… keep me company?”
You don’t even have to ask. He’d always keep you company. 
“Well, I’m not just gonna let you stand alone in the street in the middle of the night, am I?” he playfully shakes his head in disbelief, but secretly enjoys the fact that he has more time with you before you have to pay each other goodbye.
“Always knew you were a gentleman.”
“Pretty sure that was my middle name,” he notes.
“I thought you said that was ‘handsome’ once?”
“I have two,” he laughs.
“Is that possible?” you tease.
“Of course! Look it up,” he says, turning to you as he talks. “My name’s actually Lee Handsome Gentleman Juyeon, it’s on my ID and everything,” he jokes, watching as your eyes turn into moon crescents and your throat lets out a fit of amused giggles.
Another playful punch to his shoulder. A happy sigh. A shake of your head, full of disbelief. 
“Damn, Juyo. I’ll miss you like crazy, you know?” you suddenly utter, making the boy’s heart fall down into his stomach. The implication of your words sounds a lot like a goodbye, and although he was aware of the fact that he was leaving before, he doesn’t think he really let the reality down on him until now. 
This time tomorrow, there will be no Paris. No Marco. No Shotaro. No Bence. No French locals, no bagels for breakfast, no shitty ass dorm room.
No you.
“I’ll miss you more,” he says. He thinks he’s right.
You’ll miss him like a friend. He’ll miss you like his first love.
You stare at him for a heartbeat. One, two– before you latch onto him, much like when you first met tonight. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him close, head resting on his shoulder only when you notice his hands wrapping around your middle. Breathing in your scent, Juyeon focuses very hard to keep his heart rate in check– it’s hard to not falter under your touch when your nose buries itself into his neck, cold skin nuzzling into his hot one, hands squeezing him tighter.
Juyeon doesn’t think you’ve ever hugged him like this before. 
And now, you won’t ever again.
You break away from him only enough to still be in his hold, your forehead resting against his. The new intimacy between the two of you makes him gulp, eyes focused into yours– watching the silver and gold swirl around your irises, counting your eyelashes. Noticing the faint mole on the top of your nose bridge. 
Foolishly letting his eyes dip lower. Memorizing the shape of your lips with his gaze. Taking in a shaky breath when he feels your fingers playing with the hair on his nape.
“Will you tell your grandkids about Paris?” you ask, voice barely louder than a whisper. Juyeon would almost think you’re suggesting something with your question, but when you speak up again, the suspicion is proved correct. “Will you tell them about me?”
The boy drags his eyes up back to yours. He examines the intention. He finalizes that he has nothing left to lose. 
Tomorrow, this will all be a memory. A moment out of his reach– much like you, all this time. A moment of time he experienced and won’t ever get back.
“I will,” he nods, swallowing. “Will you?”
You smile at the boy, the curve of your lips capturing his attention again. If anyone asked, he’d tell them it’s pure biology– the way his eyes zoomed in on your mouth the moment your expression changed. That’s how attention fluctuates– he learned about it in class somewhere, he’s fairly certain.
Why he’s unable to look back into your eyes after the question is a matter of something else, though.
“I think I might,” you breathe out.
There’s buzzing in his fingertips as he relishes the moment. The sentiment makes his knees weak, his brain fuzzy, his sight blurry and a little hazed. When he finally catches a glimpse of your gaze, he finds it glued to his mouth. 
He could take it as an invitation. 
He won’t, though.
“Kiss me?” you ask, whispering.
He shakes his head in disapproval. “I can’t.” 
Not when you’re taken. Not when he’s aware. Not when he knows you might regret this in the morning.
“Can I kiss you, then?” you ask. 
That, however, is a whole other situation. 
You asked to. You're making the first step. He doesn't have to feel guilty– who cares whether either of you might regret this decision tomorrow.
A simple nod–
that’s all it takes before you lock your lips with his. Your mouths move against each other with a passion he’s contained for his whole stay. You taste like vodka and orange juice, the slickness of your lip gloss making Juyeon’s lips slide against yours with more ease. He kisses you like you’d kiss your first love– with everything in him, with everything he is. 
He kisses you in a way that shows he wants to remember this forever. In a way that makes you lean even closer, pressing up firmly against him as you angle your head to make the kiss deeper. One of your hands moves from behind his head to twist itself deeper into his hair, tugging a little at the root to make the boy gasp under your actions. That has you inviting your tongue into his mouth, eager to taste him, to explore.
Juyeon doesn’t think he’s ever been kissed like this. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt so vulnerable, so open while kissing someone. This is him with his heart on a plate, naked and ready to be stabbed, squished by the weight of circumstances breathing onto his back.
His cold fingers move along your sides. Your hands settle on his shoulders to steady yourself, head pulling away to gasp for oxygen.
You look so pretty when he opens his eyes. Lipstick smudged and eyes blown out, hair a little messy from the October wind. He’s like an addict presented with his favorite drug– he can’t get enough, he can’t resist as he chases after you, leaving kisses along your jaw and the corner of your mouth, where the blood is, slowly meeting your lips again in another lock.
Everything else disappears. In this moment, there’s just you, you, you…
No flights. No weight of his own conscience. No boyfriends, no unsaid feelings. 
No regret.
And Juyeon thought he had nothing to lose, but suddenly, with you in his arms, he feels as if he’s being stripped of everything he never even had, only got the glimpse of last minute, a few hours before he’s gone.
You lean away again. Juyeon watches you with big eyes. A smile appears on your face as you move a finger up to his face, cleaning up the side of his mouth off the dark lipstick you’ve imprinted on him. He feels fragile under your touch. One bad move and he breaks, falls apart under you.
“You have to come back to visit one day,” you whisper, cradling the side of his face.
Juyeon nods. He doesn’t know if he’ll ever get the chance.
But as you stand on your tippy toes and press a kiss to his forehead, making a million different fireworks erupt in his stomach, he doesn’t let himself think of that (im)possibility. He watches as you smile at him, locking your eyes in a gaze tender and soft, yet electrifying, holding something special.
Before you take off to meet your best friend walking up the other side of the street, you hug him one last time and whisper into his ear.
“Goodbye, Juyo.”
Seeing as you lock your arms with Dorothy, walking up into the silent house and never looking back, Juyeon lets himself feel the last hint of longing for someone he always knew would never be his. And it’s strange, because he hasn’t even left yet, 
but oh, how he’d love to go to Paris again.
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stealanity · 2 months
[ lee juyeon ] ꕤ sick of you
word count : 1,062 genre : fluff, exes to unspoken lovers
« what are you doing here? » he asked, in a voice almost too weak to be heard. locking your gaze on his face, you watched him for a few long seconds, noting the extent of the damage. blue bags under his eyes, skin so pale it blends in perfectly with the white wall behind him, tired eyes that struggle to stay open.. yea, lee juyeon was undoubtedly ill. pushing him in, hooking one of your hands on his wrist to pull him back, you closed the door behind you before kicking off your shoes. « i met hyunjae with my mother when we came back from grocery shopping, » you explain, placing your coat on a chair before walking to the kitchen of his apartment, « she asked how you were, and when she found out you were sick, she forced me to come here with a soup she'd made for you. »
you weren't lying — of course it wasn't the whole truth, but he didn't need to know that your mother had nothing to do with it. « you still haven't told her we're not together anymore? » he asked, avoiding your gaze as he camouflaged himself in a thick blanket to prevent the cold from biting his arms. biting your lip as you looked up at him for a microsecond, you shook your head negatively as you served him a hot bowl of soup, hoping you don't need to express yourself vocally on the matter. you were ashamed to still carry him so high in your heart — your feelings for juyeon were beyond anything you'd ever felt, and getting rid of him felt like hellfire. it's not that you didn't want to, you just couldn't. you just couldn't do it. every morning, you woke up wanting to know how he was, and looking for him in the university corridors was one of your daily activities. the boy who had haunted your thoughts for so long was far too hard to forget.
letting a long sigh leave your lips, you left the kitchen for the living room, where your ex-boyfriend was currently sitting. he looked so weak, his eyelids drooping with fatigue, the tip of his nose all red, and the blanket covering most of his body. too cute, you thought, a faint smile tugging at your lips that he didn't have time to notice when you set the bowl down in front of him. « eat while it's hot, » you almost ordered him, his two black orbs finally planting themselves in yours, « it will help you heal. »
not daring to sit next to him, you remained planted beside him as he swallowed two or three gulps of the soup. the atmosphere was strange : not annoying, but heavy. you knew he knew it wasn't from your mother at all — juyeon knew you far too well to be fooled by such a lie, and you suddenly felt a pang of remorse invade your muscles. rocking from right to left, from one foot to the other, looking everywhere else but at him, juyeon suddenly spoke up, « thank you, y/n. that's all i needed. »
nodding your head in understanding, you moved towards the chair on which was your jacket, the one you had previously carelessly placed on it. « i won't bother you any longer.. » you almost whispered, ready to put on your garment, until you felt a warm hand grasp yours, stopping you in your tracks. juyeon stood beside you, his eyes piercing yours, and a look of incomprehension appeared on your face, prompting him to speak up. « stay with me, » he asked, in a pleading whisper betrayed by his cracked voice, « please. »
it was absolutely not a good idea. it was like crushing your heart that was trying so hard to heal, like ignoring all the efforts you've made so far to ignore him. perhaps you preferred to listen to your heart's frantic beating rather than your mind's reasonable warnings — maybe taking care of him was in your nature as a good person. nodding gently, your eyes never leaving his for a second, juyeon's slender fingers went down to your hand, lightly intertwining them with yours. in a natural movement, the boy drew you into his cadence : your body acting on its own, settling on the sofa you hadn't dared touch earlier. without waiting or protesting on your part, juyeon let his head fall heavily into your lap, his nose tucked into your sweater, his eyelids closed in exhaustion. he was so handsome, despite the paleness of his skin and the cold visible on his tired features — nothing could ruin his perfectly sculpted face, worthy of the greatest marble statues in museums.
hesitantly, you ran your fingers through the tangled ebony strands of his hair, causing the boy to move slightly closer to you. in the restful silence of the room, only the humidifier could be heard, but juyeon thought that, disturbing that tranquility with his stupid question, was a good idea. « now.. tell me the real reason why you came here. » his voice was barely audible, but loud enough for you to understand every word clearly.
letting a sigh escape your mouth, despite the amused smile on your lips at how ridiculous you thought you were for not knowing how to lie, even for something so insignificant, your index finger traced the contours of juyeon's face, gently, delicately, so as not to disturb his almost-sleep. « i care about you. it doesn't matter whether or not we are still together. » you confessed shamelessly, the words leaving your throat as naturally as possible. you watched him for a long time, trying to discern his reaction from the features of his face — but gestures often speak louder than words.
without waiting any longer, juyeon's fingers clasped those of your free hand, bringing the back of your hand up to his lips. subtly, he placed a light kiss on it, so light you could have imagined it, right before holding it preciously close to him, like a child clutching its blanket. you may no longer be together, the couple label no longer attached to your backs — but one thing was certain : your feelings for each other were far from over.
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from-izzy · 2 months
every day is a lovely day... | tbz lee juyeon
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pairing » the boyz lee juyeon x gn!reader (lmk if i missed anything)
trope/au » strangers to lovers, non-idol au!, university au!
genre »​ mostly hurt/comfort(...?), mostly fluff, a pinch of angst (i always say this but i'm kinda confident in this statement this time lmao), deep reflection on life and aspects of the earth, juyeon who basically falls in love with you at first sight, juyeon being kinda confident towards reader, picnic date by the beach after finishing you last exam!, comforting boyfriend chef (not actually his occupation) lee juyeon!
word count, estimated reading time » 2249, ~8 mins
warnings (lmk if i missed anything!) » reader didn't sleep well, reader uses caffeine to battle tiredness, the slightest of academic difficulties (it's just a dash imo), deep thoughts of sea and sky life (not an expert in this field at all), mentions of open water/vast landscapes in the thoughts
navi/masterlist!! 🤍 part of 'especially to you...'
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i swear that banner changes colour before my very eyes. because i do understand that it's bright and at first glance, you can barely see the water on the bottom right. but when i change tumblr to a lighter mode, stare at fading wind lines near the top of the image for some time, my eyes adjust and the water becomes very obvious. i think it depends on colour context because on dark mode, it's hard for the 'effects' to kick in. is it just me...? it's messing with me...there has got to be a study about this somewhere...😭 anyway!
(i accidentally released this earlier so for those who saw anything: no you didn't!! 😭)
happy birthday to you @littleroaes !! ngl i was gonna give up on this birthday present but then i was scrolling through and found this little wip and tried to modify it to what you like. i was gonna do f2l like you mentioned you like but my brain stopped making ideas for that as soon as i told myself to write about it 😭 so here's my very first short story on strangers to lovers that thankfully you have appreciation for 🫶 from your profile, i read you like fishes, the colour blue, kimbap, spring rolls and of course, lee juyeon!! 😸 so i tried my best to incorporate these prompts here. i tried something different for the fishes 🐟 topic but i hope this incorporation is fine 💙
here is your boyfriend that will get you through uni! hope you have the happiest birthday!! 🎂🎉 love you!! mwah!!
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Everything changed for you when Juyeon walked into your life.
No, literally.
Well, maybe not…literally.
You remember the prominent eyebags you’ve carried for the last month since university started. The new semester has weighed you heavier than the headache that is arising from the lack of sleep and the missed attempt to get your daily caffeine content since you slept through your alarm. At the very least, you’re thankful that everything is now electronic because you are so unprepared to be commuting to campus with a heavy mind, heart, eyelids and straps on your shoulders that would surely give you a very sore back.
That day started horrendously. You really thought that the alarm was the only thing that the universe threw at you for their entertainment but it was the embarrassing fact that you dozed off during class. Your elbows were propped up too comfortably against the desk and the perfect temperature of the lecture room didn't make it any easier for your natural melatonin to kick in. The next thing you knew, your palms cupped your cheek and there was this loud bang that was accompanied by the sharp pain on your cheekbone when you hit the wooden desk.
Everything is going awesome and you just attracted around a hundred students back to you. Thankfully your lecturer didn't take it to offense and shot you an emphatic smile.
You guessed then after that the universe felt bad for the negative attention that you got and they canceled the next class on your filled weekly schedule. Usually, you would be annoyed at the sudden change but this gave you a little hour to bask in the sun, the open green space and your favourite cup of beverage wrapped protectively by your hands.
Only to find out that you left your wallet at home.
“I’m sorry,” you said to the worker who tried her best to reassure you and to take your time as your frantic fingers ran through the items in your bag.
Your knees fell to the ground and sweat started to creep against your forehead and to the side of your head, a silent reminder to be mindful of the long line of students who are mostly probably just as stressed as you are in their university journey. The lighting above you helped with your sight in your receipt-filled bag but suddenly, the long papers with their minuscule printings became hard to read and a deep voice stated his order.
At first, your instinct was to defend yourself, tell the person who cut in line and added an order between you and your caffeine to wait a little bit longer but his choice of words registered into you before you could voice out anytime.
“I'll add an iced Americano with the order, please.” And then the familiar beeping sound of a successful transaction rings.
Your neck cranes up towards the stranger that only made your day easier and you couldn't help but let out a gentle gasp. A sharp pair of eyes yet soft and curious like a cat, his perfectly shaped nose and the slight upturn of the corner of his lips with the smile that beams down on you. 
The chain necklace around his neck dangles above you and you were sure it hypnotised you to say, “It's an angel.” These were your first words to Lee Juyeon.
“Ah,” the recipient of the compliment could only blush first at your words, a hand sneaking up to mindlessly scratch his nape. “We should at least get out of the line.” 
Now it's your turn to have your cheeks heat up at the realisation that you're blocking everyone else’s caffeine intake.
You thought that maybe Juyeon would just walk away and wait for you to join him on the other side of the table with the hanging ‘Pick up orders here' sign hanging from the beige ceiling. Yet, he crouched and helped you sort out your materials, collecting your pencil case and books into one arm, the other swiftly scooping up the straps of your bag along his other forearm.
Your eyes couldn't help but widen at your empty hands, and you were flustered at how he was still holding onto your things even when the customer who stood behind him joined you both after paying. Juyeon’s bangs shook when he refused to give your things back, insisting that you should be the one to carry the coffee instead. 
“Coffee is important.” He convinces you with that warm smile of his. “Don't drop it!”
With the promise to pay him back for another cup, came a few promises to help with common subjects and overlapping knowledge. And with time, came the fluttering feeling in both your hearts that only grew when you comforted each other in the long nights leading to assignments and exam periods that came all too quickly but passed by excruciatingly slow.
Juyeon made it all worth it though. You walked out of the last two-hour prison of the semester to be greeted with your usual reward packed in a paper bag. If it was anyone else but Juyeon, the contents of the bag would be mushed as you hug it close to you but it's the person that you have missed so much that gets your love first.
“You called me last night, bubs,” Hearing his voice not through the help of technology is more refreshing and you couldn't help but tighten your hold around his figure. 
“Every day is missing Juyeon day.” 
“Well for me, every day is a happy day when you're in my life.”
It's a line that he has said to you many times even before he started dating you. Juyeon tried to make the line more interesting each time but one day, mixed with his tiredness and excitedness of finally seeing you, it became the line that revealed his adoration for you.
Hand in hand, Juyeon's thumb caressing the back of your palm, your right arm closely stuck to his left, you both sway and skip to the nearby beach to relish in each other’s company with nature. The light salty breeze scent hits you before you can even see the gigantic natural blue space that seems endless and seamless with the blue sky. As your outfit becomes one with the direction of the wind and the sun is still bright enough for you to know even when your orbs are hidden beneath your eyelids. It’s the little moments like these that the Earth seems to be so rich in beauty and life becomes beautiful although you’ve been studying endlessly for the past three months. 
You couldn’t help but let your mind wander to the body of water that eventually begins to seep into your view as you walk up the small hill. You imagine the school of fish including the friendly dolphins to the misunderstood sharks and all the shapes and sizes of the life forms in there, some dependent on their family whilst some choosing to live alone. 
That’s why you’ve always been so enamoured by the living, along with the sea plants that they harmoniously live with. 
You wonder what kind of thoughts these creatures have as they live in a world much bigger than the land you stand on and if they ever want to explore the whole ocean like most people would love to see the landmarks scattered across the world. If they visit the landmarks of the ocean, would they even remember it? Or would they just swim away, finding it more than satisfactory with the fact that they’re free, especially those who swish through the water with company?
Same with life in the sky, do they ever get tired from flying? Like some people who are scared of a large body of water but are already mid-journey, how do they persevere in their flight and keep going? Do they sometimes look at human transportation and hope that they could bask in that luxury as well? Sleep in the moving vehicle and relax your tense muscles against the cushioned interiors even if it’s just for ten minutes. You want to know the answer to that and maybe, you’ll be able to learn something from the other life form.
You wish sometimes you would be one of them but it’s hard to say so as well because all forms of life experience different hardships and it’s impossible to generalise anything, nor is it truly fair to say one has it better than the other.
That’s when life becomes so complex and beautiful. The fact that you’re so small in the context of the horizon that stretched too far for you to see and comprehend, leaves you appreciating the small things in life.
For you, the arms encircling your middle remind you that no matter what hardships you face, you’ll be able to safely fall back onto someone. That you can freely cry without judgement and that life is lovely whenever he’s in it. Juyeon steals a kiss from your lips before placing another one on your cheek. Your eyelashes flutter open and you swear that Juyeon’s smile is brighter than the sun that smiles down on you both and louder than the crashing waves against the eroding rocks.
And whenever he asks you, “Feeling better?” You know that Lee Juyeon is the one person that you can answer the question truthfully and genuinely.
You both settled with a picnic blanket underneath a substantial amount of coverage from the sun by the park near the beach, the crashing ocean waves still in sight. You observe the tree above you dancing freely in the winds while the birds seem to sing for both of your accomplishments. 
When you look back down by the cue of a single, proud hand clap, you're greeted with numerous small glass containers clinking next to each other. The colours from the neatly presented food only lifted your energy further and your boyfriend’s orbs glimmered more with the help of the sun that still peaks through from the leaves above.
Juyeon complied when you asked him for a bite of his homemade kimbap and spring rolls. The flavours instantly make you nod. “I refuse to believe that your mum didn't make this.” 
Your boyfriend’s smile flattened, dipping further into a frown, “She helped but I did all the cooking and rolling!” 
“Okay, you cute clingy baby.” Leaning in to press a quick kiss against his pouting lips. “I’m just joking around with you.” 
To Juyeon, the peck is way more than just unsatisfactory and his thoughts about it are clearly reflected first from his eyes. Then, his hand landed next to the food box on his far left and made a sweeping motion on the cotton blanket to the right, pushing all of the obstacles between you and him. His knees slide his body closer to you that was once on the other side, and now with your boyfriend only looking at you with the softest, loving gaze between his overgrown bangs, you couldn’t help but purse your lips momentarily. You couldn’t let out a question or comment but that changed in the blink of an eye when leaned in Juyeon, replacing your growing confusion with a muffled chuckle instead.
A soft groan vibrates to your lips, Juyeon complaining about how there was nothing to laugh about—not when his soft lips are between yours. A palm made its way around the back of your neck, pulling your still extensive smile against his more serious ones. Eventually, with the way that Juyeon poured his love into you, you’re determined to do the same to the only person who would only let you claim his lips. A part of his blue and white sweater is now captured in your fist but it did nothing to your heartbeat which starts to pick up whenever Juyeon pulls away to adjust his lip’s position on yours. 
The subtle nose nudges only served your fingers to trail up his arm that held you close, tracing along the vein that started near his elbows and ran his wrist near your pulse on the side of your neck. Now, with the way that your thumb brushes softly on his soft skin, Juyeon could melt further into you, leaning in further to deepen his presence to you. Whenever he pulled back, you would be the one chasing after him pulling on his sweater, wanting to indulge in his loving space even more.
“Who’s the clingy one now?” That lands him a shy hit to his chest that only made him let out a weightless chuckle in the air. “The love of my life and the only one for me,” he whispers sweet nothings as your foreheads kiss each other, a sweet gaze grazing upon your facial features. “I love you, bubs.”
So maybe you weren't hypnotised at all that day. Maybe, the universe didn't hate you after all. Maybe, this was all meant to happen even though you did go through some stress when the sequential events happened.
“I love you more.”
But at least, the universe gave you a free coffee.
Two, you really did meet an angel named Lee Juyeon.
And three, just like how he holds the day when you confess to him that you love him back, you repeat the words that he said to you at the start of all your lovely days, “Every day is a lovely day when you're in my life.”
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 'especially to you...'
tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here or removed!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿 @sanaxo-o
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dlrvuio · 1 year
bf!juyeon random texts
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genre - fluff, idolbf!juyeon x gn!reader (ft. hyunjae)
warnings - one swear word (sh!t)
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2023 | please do not copy, repost, or claim my work
reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated
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bbangsoob · 10 months
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this pov…the things i would do to him….
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milkybonya · 1 year
need to talk ☆ juyeon
! : very suggestive,,,, i.e. making out,,, heh, idk word count but its v long definitely +1k
#: roommate!au, gn reader, ft. bestie Haknyeon, dance major!Juyeon
[💌: this was in my drafts for a while and then i got the sudden urge to finish it,, heh,, also i started the taxi driver drama with my friends just to see hyunwook oops]
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"you don't have secret little makeout sessions with roommates you hate, y/n," Haknyeon tells you as he munches on your study snacks.
"and that's the problem. what the hell are we, then?" you ask your friend, who keeps stealing your food.
you and Juyeon moved into the same student house as freshman. he was quiet but polite, saying a quick 'hello' each time he'd see you in the kitchen or on his way in/out of the house. you were the same, too flooded with deadlines and the high school to university adjustment to be able to get past small talk.
also, Juyeon was just intimidating. despite always smiling at you so warmly, his attractive features and toned muscles that you sometimes spied on when he wore t-shirts were too... perfect. he was like a movie star and you didn't dare to get close to him...
until one fateful day.
you had an online exam to take, and the professor required students to take it either somewhere on campus (a designated exam room) or in a closed-off bedroom so you could show, with your webcam, that you were alone and had no way to cheat. you had rushed home after class because you wanted to take the exam in your room so you could secretly cheat, but realized you had accidentally handed your room keys instead of your house keys to your best friend just earlier.
"hey Hak, take these house keys and pick up a houseplant i bought from the student centre later and drop it off at mine? please? i won't be home at the time they told me to pick it up," you explained, pouting.
Hak had taken the keys with a sigh, immediately agreeing.
you wished he'd argued with you so you wouldn't be stuck out of your own bedroom right now.
"hey, everything okay?" Juyeon asked as he joined you in the kitchen. he poured himself a glass of water.
watching him attractively gulp it down, you had a thought.
"could i borrow your room for something?" you asked, checking the time above the stove.
10 minutes until the exam.
you quickly explained to Juyeon that you were locked out of your room, and without a moment of hesitation, he tidied up his room for you and took out his own laptop so he could study in the kitchen while you used his room. thanks to that, you were able to start and finish your exam on time.
once you were done and closed your laptop in relief, you were finally able to feel all the emotions your stress had suppressed. shock and gratefulness for Juyeon's sudden agreement to your request were just two, but as you looked around his room, you were filled with curiosity. who was this roommate of yours who had so many dancing awards? there was even a guitar, and you wondered if it was just for show or if he actually played it.
beside it, there was a notebook open to a random page. you didn't look on purpose, of course, but it just happened to be in your line of vision as you packed up your things.
11:04am - saw them grabbing something from the fridge.
5:26pm - they came home as i was leaving to go on a walk. they told me it was cold and to take a jacket with me.
3:53am - i think they're struggling to sleep. i can hear them watching a show. i hope they're okay.
the more you read, the more you realized all these entries were about you. why was he writing down all the times he saw you?
knock. knock. knock.
"is everything okay? are you done the exam?" Juyeon whispered outside the door, in case you might still be writing.
you scrambled to get away from the notebook as you pushed open his bedroom door, also pushing Juyeon in the process.
"my bad! i didn't know you were behind the door," you apologized.
Juyeon waved away your worries and asked how the exam went.
"good, good! maybe your room just has good luck."
Juyeon shook his head and said, "if it did, i wouldn't be failing two of my classes."
"what classes? you're failing?" you asked in shock.
"yeah.. they're some annoying electives," he said with a sigh.
"maybe we could study for them together?" you suggested after a brief silence.
"are you taking those classes, too?"
"no, but we can still study together! do you have time later today?"
"yeah, where should we study?"
"let's stay here. it's freezing out today!" you said, already shivering at the thought of having to step outside again.
Juyeon laughed and nodded in agreement. his smile was gorgeous, almost blinding.
"oh! someone named.. Hak? dropped off a plant before you got here. he told me to give it to you," Juyeon explained before handing you the plant.
"oh, great! thank you so much."
you held the plant in your hands, turning it and admiring it.
"is Hak a friend of yours, or?" Juyeon asked, cautiously.
"a friend. a really annoying one who actually did me a favour for once by bringing this plant," you told the tall boy with a grin.
Juyeon nodded and let you take the plant to your room.
after spending the next few hours wondering what the hell that notebook in Juyeon's room had been about, your thoughts were interrupted by hin knocking at your door.
"are you ready to study together now?" he asked.
you opened the door and told him that the kitchen bar table is the best place to study.
"easy access to study snacks and not so easy access to the tv... minimal distractions!" you cheered.
you didn't catch the way he chuckled at you and whispered that you were quite the distraction.
nonetheless, the two of you set down your things and got cracking. every so often, you would ask each other a question, even though you were studying completely different things. it was still helpful to think things through with someone else!
after just over two hours, though, the two of you were getting tired and hungry. Juyeon stretched beside you, lazy running his fingers through his dark hair.
"how does pizza sound?" he asked, already pulling out his phone.
"scrumptious!" you said, making him laugh.
as you waited for the pizza, you realized it actually didn't take much to make Juyeon laugh like that. he was constantly flashing you his teeth each time you said something, and you didn't know if you were a comedian or if he was just being nice.
"you're so funny, y/n," he said at one point, grasping onto the back of your chair for support as he laughed. you could feel his slender fingers against your back.
you cocked your head to one side. "am i?" you asked.
he nodded.
ding dong.
"pizza!" you cheered, running to the door.
Juyeon followed behind you and watched as you paid the pizza delivery person with the cash that you and Juyeon had put together.
you struggled to sort out the change while holding the pizza box, so Juyeon came forward to take the box from you, pressing his chest against your back during the process.
your breath hitched in your throat.
was he being really touchy or were you just sensitive?
the two of you opted to eat on the couch, turning on something random as you munched away. Juyeon brought over some alcohol and you also had your beverage of choice, and soon the two of you were talking about some intimate topics.
"i saw a guitar and dancing awards in your room... assuming from your elective, you must be some kind of arts major?" you asked.
Juyeon nodded. "dance is my major, i minor in guitar. music.. performing.. i love it a lot."
"you're so cool for that," you said, chewing on your pizza.
"i think you're cool," Juyeon replied.
when you looked at him, he was looking straight at you, a sincere smile on his lips. you were taken aback. then, you were reminded of the notebook in his room. you wanted to ask, but that would mean he'd know you were snooping around his room.
"what are you thinking about?" he asked.
the way he was sat on the couch in that white t-shirt, clinging onto his skin for dear life, showed all the curves and shadows of his muscles. you gulped unconsciously.
"um... just... things," you said.
"do you like plants, by the way?" he asked.
you appreciated the way he noticed you were uncomfortable with his question, so he changed the topic.
"i do! i have a whole collection in my room, wanna see?" you asked.
"definitely! wait let's clean up first, though. if Eric comes home to this mess, he'll kill us."
you laughed at how true Juyeon's comment was, and rushed to tidy things up. the way Juyeon neatly put the leftover pizza into reusabel containers for you both, labelled them with your names, and put them in the fridge was adorable. it made your heart swell.
"okay, now let's see those plants of yours," Juyeon said.
you felt a bit shy showing him your room, so you carefully watched his reaction as he looked around. he was smiling and scanning the place, as if trying to memorize it.
when you pointed to the plants by your window, he immediately broke into another one of his pretty grins.
"the pots have faces on them!" he noticed.
"of course they do! and they have names," you said, sharing the names of your plants with Juyeon. you had painted faces on them to give them character.
"oh my gosh, do you have a diary for your plants?" you heard him say, picking up the mini notebook where you document how your plants are doing.
"wha--no! give it back!" you whined, reaching for it.
of course, the boy was too tall. he watched in anusement as you struggled to reach for his hands. he had been so sweet and considerate before, why was he suddenly teasing you?!
then, you got an idea. you climbed onto your bed and reached for your notebook from there... but his grip on it was so strong that you ended up pulling the notebook and him towards you. and that's how you ended up with Juyeon on top of you, on your bed.
you expected him to roll off immediately, face red and scratching the back of his neck while apologizing. but he stayed there. he stayed, hands on either side of you, chest almost touching yours and faces just inches apart. your hearts raced. he scanned your face. his eyes went to your lips, then back up. lips, then back up.
he cleared his throat. "can i kiss you?"
your eyes widened. why did he want to kiss you? and why did you say yes? but you did.. and suddenly you felt a glimpse of heaven. his lips were warm, soft, and tasted not even like pizza but like strawberries... it was the gloss on his lips. he was wearing strawberry gloss!
now you weren't a pro kisser or anything but somehow.. his movements matched yours so well. and you felt so many butterflies that you were glad you were laying down, or else you would've fallen over.
once he pulled away, you watched his eyelids flutter open.
"w-was that okay?" he asked.
"yeah," you said while nodding.
"did i make you uncomfortable?" he asked. why was he being the sweetest damn man--
"not really," you replied. he nodded, sitting up and also helping you up.
now his face was red and he was scratching the back of his neck. "i'm sorry i took your plant journal. i just thought it was really cute."
"it's okay... um, i have an important call to make," you lied. "would you mind giving me some space?"
"sure!" Juyeon agreed. "don't forget about your pizza in the fridge."
he gently closed the door behind him and you fell back onto your bed, knowing you wouldn't be able to sleep that night. that kiss would be on replay in your brain.
after that night, you weren't purposely avoiding Juyeon. you just... felt shy and flustered whenever you saw him. he'd try to talk to you and you'd run away.
then, he managed to trap you.
"y/n, we need to talk," he said, placing both around around you on the fridge doors just as you were about to open them.
you turned, being met with his chest. you looked up to find an intense look on his face.
"okay.. let's talk," you said.
"are you avoiding me?" he asked.
he squinted his eyes.
"maybe... it's not on purpose, i swear! it just happened automatically!"
he sighed. "gosh, are you scared of me? did i.. traumatize you? y/n, i'm so sorry, even though i asked for your permission that wasn't right. i just--"
oh my god. why were you kissing him again? you didn't know. somehow at some point you just.. grabbed his cheeks and leaned in. and he was kissing back. and oh my god there were those butterflies again. your knees starting feeling weak, so Juyeon had to wrap an arm around your waist.
when you pulled away, you immediately started apologizing, but Juyeon silenced you with another kiss. he eyes on you made you melt... and you ran away. again.
and the next day, that's how you ended up meeting with Haknyeon at a café to tell him that Juyeon, a roommate you hate, has been kissing you. having makeout sessions with you. why did you lie and say you hated Juyeon? maybe it was to cover up the fact that you were very much starting to like him. you were a little ashamed because all it took was a few kisses and one study session.
"this is either an enemies to lovers or friends with benefits. but you're not friends?" Haknyeon said, sipping his drink.
"okay.. actually i don't hate him. maybe i'm starting to like him," you finally confessed.
"oh my god, okay. so now we just need to figure out if he likes you too, or if this is just some... friends with benefits? thing," he said.
you also told Haknyeon about Juyeon's notebook, and he said that you should definitely find a way to ask about it.
"go into his room for something and then grab the notebook out of curiosity or something. see what happens!"
so now, you had a plan. no more running away.
when you got back home, Juyeon was in his room. his door was slightly opened and you could see his back as he sat at his desk. you sucked in a deep breath through your teeth and slowly made your way towards him, trying to think of what to say.
"Juyeon, can i come in?" you asked at the door.
you couldn't see the way his face immediately lit up as he heard your voice. he turned to you with a more serious look, gesturing for you to come in.
"what's up?" he asked.
you sat on his bed and saw the notebook at the end of his bed, sitting on a dresser. almost naturally, you reached it for, Juyeon's hand quickly meeting yours to stop you. he took the notebook for himself, clutching onto it tightly.
"i asked what's up, y/n."
"oh, um.. honestly, nothing. i just.. wanted to come in."
Juyeon's expression softened. he turned the notebook in his large hands.
"well... you're here."
"what's that, though?" you asked, pointing to the notebook.
"this?" he asked in return, holding it up.
"it's... inspiration for songs for one of my electives."
was he keeping tabs on you in there to write songs about you?
"can i see?" you asked.
Juyeon shook his head, his hair wooshing around.
you pouted and Juyeon sighed.
"you'll.. think it's weird because... it's filled with things about you," he confessed.
"huh?" you were taken aback by his honesty. and even more taken aback when he handed you the notebook.
his face was dusted red and he looked shy as he motioned for you to look through it.
"okay, y/n. i'll just be honest, because it wasn't right of me to.. come onto you without making my feelings clear. i may have had a slight crush on you for a while, now. and these feelings kept developing and after studying with you i realized i really like you. it's all moving so fast, i know, but.. that's how i feel. i wanted to write a song for you and use that to confess but.. i guess that'll have to wait," he explained with a smile.
what followed was silence, and you decided to break it by being just as honest as Juyeon, since he deserved it.
"Juyeon.. i think.. no, i'm pretty sure i'm starting to like you, too. and i'm sorry for being so bad at acknowledging these feelings, too."
Juyeon smiled down into his lap, glad that you weren't weirded out by the boy or anything. he carefully reached of for one of your hands. "can i take you out on a proper date sometime, then?"
you nodded. "let's call it a study date but do everything except for study!"
Juyeon laughed and you fluttered. yep, you were definitely falling for your roommate.
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ifpawsii · 10 months
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sadnightforus · 6 months
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biker boyfriend!juyeon x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: In an attempt to surprise you for the 500 days anniversary, he took you on a ride to his favorite places that are far away from the city, after various complaints from you that you found nothing to do in Seoul. 
WARNINGS: none… we reached this point guys (besides the mentioning of Eric being a super rich guy that’s all). too much fluff *insert the crying waterfall emoji because normal emoji does not cut it* 
A/N: don’t know if y’all know this but I was inspired by that one particular fanmade video. the og concept was supposed to have a bad boy vibe but he looks too good in that middle pic so I have to comply with this one instead. so cute, I’m kicking my feet fr. also omg full on fluffy soft fic from me??? I Will Die. 😭😭😭
reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated!
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You’re bored of Seoul. 
 Don’t get it wrong, you don’t hate the city at all. But Seoul always has something going on. The streets look amazing during the day and night and there’s modern technology everywhere. Everything seems so fancy and lavish. You’re proud of how far the world has come. 
 Even though it’s incredibly hard to earn a quiet time for yourself since it’s a really busy city and if you want complete silence, you have to block out their own voices. It’s hard to ignore the presence of others when there are loud noises and so many people at once. 
 However, for you, it’s also the city of love.
 You met Juyeon when you both first enrolled into the same college and happened to closely share a semester together due to the duo group work your professor was making you do (and the deadline was well over 2 weeks). Those 2 weeks were blissful, you used to think he was a bit cold and even more so, a bit too full of himself, since he is immediately dubbed as ‘the dancing prince’ and he hangs out with the popular crowd. But your first impressions didn’t matter because he was incredibly nice and polite, and was so helpful when helping you with the project too, be it ideas or just offering to take places in completing the work. And you both ended up getting an A due to the outstanding efforts you put into your work, which you have to thank your amazing partner for. 
 And after the project ended, he still keeps in contact with you, insisting that you’re quite an interesting individual to know and hope to develop a further friendship. A total lie from him because he later admitted that when you both got into a relationship with the saying that by then, he already liked you and he just wanted to see if he has a chance with you. 
 Now back to the present. 
 It’s Saturday and you both are on a semester break. You live with your roommate/coworker and she’s off to work already, leaving you alone in this apartment as it’s your day off today. You were cleaning up your room and wiping off the dust off the furniture when suddenly you received a phone call. You look at your caller ID and you can’t help but smile when you see who it is. 
 So you pick up, pausing your cleaning process so you can talk to him just a little bit. 
“Hi, my pretty baby.” 
 That name never fails to flatter you and make your heart jump out of your chest. 
“Hey there, pretty boy.” 
 You think you do a pretty job concealing your flustered face and tone (rightfully, sue him for reducing you into a mushy lover). Otherwise, you would’ve been so embarrassed if he knew he had done irreversible damage to you. 
“You don’t have any plans for anything today, right?” 
“Why? You wanna take me to one of Eric’s father’s fancy restaurants?” 
“Great idea, actually.” He laughs, humoring you along. It’s no secret that Juyeon loves spoiling you. He had a hard exterior, according to all of your friends and you yourself. But when you guys began dating, they were subjected to the PDA between you two and their opinions on him quickly changed because just who is this guy? And plus, he also likes to take you on a new adventure. 
 Somehow, it makes you feel like a naïve teenage girl who’s dating a bad boy and you always wanted to ask him if he is truly one (even if you know he works part-time as a barista for his parents’ café shop). It’s hard to believe that someone as perfect as him can possibly exist. It’s unbelievable. 
“I was wondering if you’d like to join me for today's exploring.” He shyly explains and you can feel his shy smile tugs through his tone. What have you done in your past life to get a guy like him wrapped around your finger? Whatever you were doing, you’ve done it right. 
“If it’s Seoul, I’ve practically walked through every shady alleyway. It’s no fun.” You whine, your wet cloth cleaning off the dust is long forgotten amidst the phone call between you and your lover. 
“It’s not Seoul. I wanna take you somewhere else.” He keeps it vague and you suspect that he has a surprise for you. 
“Okay, let me clean myself up a bit.” You exclaim, putting down the wet cloth and hanging it up to dry from your bedroom (in your defense, it’s not dirty at all. You have a habit of wiping off your dust often and you definitely don’t have enough time in your hand to clean it right now). 
“Can you pick me up in an hour and a half?” You ask him, strutting around in your room to go to your bathroom to freshen yourself up. 
“You can still show up in sweats and I’d still think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” He says, means every single word of it because he thinks you’re pretty. So goddamn pretty he loses his mind over you and he doesn’t believe that he’s the one who gets to have you all the time. 
“Lee Juyeon, shut up. I think I stink. Do you honestly like it when I’m sweating like a dog?” You make a gagging face while you’re putting on your cleansing foam. 
“The sweats can’t wipe away your beauty.” His reply makes you want to bang your head into the wall so bad. 
 God, he’s such a romantic. 
“I’m showering. You can save that sappiness when you pick me up later.” You furiously blush, trying to get him to end the call so you can get ready to go wherever he leads you to. 
“I’ll see you later then, baby.” 
 And the line is disconnected. 
 You sulk a bit before putting your device back as you snap back to reality. But you’re also beyond excited where he will take you to today. 
 So you divert your attention back onto getting ready and hoping that the new things you’ve been wanting to try out will work. 
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“You look absolutely breathtaking.” Is the first thing Juyeon says after he comes to pick you up. 
 You decide to wear a black big cozy jacket, combined with black jeans and white shirt, which goes with his similar casual wear that he chooses. 
 There’s a spark in his eyes as he scams your whole body. A boyish smile yet so much of a shyness ticks behind that expression. He hands you a helmet, to which you still remember that the particular item is a gift from his dad who bought motorcycle tools equipment as a present for his 19th birthday and that includes the helmet you’re holding in your hand. You check to see if it has been unlocked yet. Once you see that it does, you quickly put it on your head, adjusting it properly before locking it and you gently hop onto the vehicle, excited for the ride.
“Are you ready?” He asks, wanting to make sure that you’re seating yourself comfortably before the motorcycle takes off.
“I’m all done.”
 And you hear the engine takes off, as the vehicle takes both of you far away from your place.
 The air feels fresher than usual, the atmosphere and the feelings remind you of the old Hong Kong movies you used to watch with your friends as a teenager. You always dream of doing something wild and adventurous to feel the essence of the ‘neon & loneliness’— something that has been used to precisely describe those types of movies. And now it’s like you’re living your dreams out. 
 If it’s a dream then you don’t want to wake up from it. 
 His soft woody cologne that radiates from his body all makes you feel like everything is in a daze and you’re the main protagonist of those films that you always loved. How did you get so lucky? 
 The motor is being driven further away from the city and you’ve crossed numerous luxurious stores and fancy places as you hold on tight to your lover. You’ve seen different kinds of people today; the sad, the happy, the singles, the couples, the divorced, the kids, teenagers, adults and you think you might’ve driven past celebrities by accident too. 
 Your eyes are trained to watch the road and take your worries off the daily life you’re experiencing today. You think though, instead, it’s making you realize something very precious about life. 
 People can be in a state of anything, regardless of their age. And they’re diverse, they have something to tell. Behind every person, there’s a story that is waiting for a person to uncover those. Uncover the deepest, best and worst parts of themselves. 
 You think you’re lucky that your boyfriend is the most gentle and caring person who always brings out the best part of yourself. Never once had you ever felt as if you were held back or restricted from good opportunities. He always encourages you to chase after your dream, while he steadily works towards his goal. 
 The short breeze through the city now has long escaped. You both are going somewhere unfamiliar, although you’re not sure how exactly familiar he is with where he plans to take you. However, you know better than to doubt him when he is quite literally the very same person with a really great taste in everything.
 Your thoughts do eventually come to a stop as he drives to a gas station and by that time, it’s around 3 and a half in the afternoon. The vehicle’s engine is no longer running after he shuts the power off and you know it’s time you get off the bike.
“I’d like to fill in the tank please.” Is what he says. His honey voice, ever so softly, makes you wonder how people aren’t falling for him already. The staff comes to him immediately and helps fill in the gas as per request. 
“Do you want to buy something?” He turns to ask you. “Or do you need to use the bathroom?”
“Not really.” You respond as you shake your head.
 You both stand while waiting for them to pump the gas and calculate the bill. And when you both are done, he gears up the vehicle to signal that the adventure is nowhere done. You hop on it, excited to see what will be waiting for you.
 You both leave the place, 
 Your boyfriend’s scent soon lures you to sleep, with you being barely able to open your eyes. It hasn’t been that long that you fall asleep together with him, but you both are somehow always away with the college assignments and personal workloads that are being dumped on you. Having him really close for the first time in 3 weeks does nothing but really makes you want to rest up.
 And you think to yourself, hmm, screw that. He’ll wake me up when we arrive at the place.
 Then you lay your head and close eyes as you feel yourself drifting further away to the dreamland that has been long awaited for you.
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 You woke up once you felt like you were being carried.
 You didn’t register it until you felt the abnormality of the said body pillow that you’ve been resting on start moving up and going even gradually higher. It’s only then that you open your eyes, consciousness not fully hitting you yet as your exhaustion keeps luring you to the dreamland. However, since you don’t have such a habit of sleeping when you are being moved around, you try your very best to open your eyes and pray that the sunlight will hit your eyes, although it’s unlikely as the sky beams with the color of soft orange and yellow, like a beautiful fire in flames.
“Shh, baby. Just sleep.” He shushes you, continuing to give you a piggyback ride. You immediately protest and almost go feral and also, almost cause a disturbance to him too.
“I’m wide awake, you can put me down and I can walk.” 
“Nice try, but no.” He chuckles and you can already imagine the most annoying yet such a beautifully crafted boyish grin plastered all over his face. He’s lovely– that’s just who he is.
“But where are you taking me?” You ask, eyes now can’t close on their own as your sleepiness already wears off from talking earlier.
“You’ll see.”
 And several minutes later, you both reach a part of a town that you’re sure has never been here before. He seems to be lost, with the way he hesitates to take a step further as he walks. 
“But Ju…” You whine. “Can’t you tell where you’re going?” You plead for him to give an answer, you so badly wanted to know what place he will show you this time. 
“Nuh uh.” He shakes his head a bit, still insisting on being mysterious and vague with the direction you’re heading. 
“But will you put me down? It’s uncomfortable being carried when I’m like, awake.” You complain and he finally gives in, sighing as he puts you down and you almost stumble forward and fall as the gravity feels new to you and if your boyfriend wasn’t there to catch you at all, you’d certainly slip by now. 
“Thank you.” You mumble out. 
“You good to go?” He asks, offering you his hand to hold as you busk in a new, unfamiliar place together. His eyes sparkle up, light of hope and love, so much adoration stores up in a gaze of his that belongs to a person that you’re proud to call him yours. 
 You’re losing track of yourself with the way you keep looking at him without a word, like a dumbfounded teenager that has no idea what they should do when they harbor romantic feelings towards their crush. But he lets you, until you gulp down to wet your throat and proceed with the next thing you’re going to say. 
“Yes.” You have a dopey smile on your face. “I can’t wait.”
 And you both take one step, two steps and more steps forward. Until you get inside the mysterious building. 
 Your boyfriend is not a man of many words, but his actions are always sincere. When he speaks, he always expresses his love for you. 
 You can even say that in almost two years of your relationship, you never have to doubt his feelings for you. That’s just how transparent he is. You don’t think you can find a greater love than him.
 With more steps further, you make it past the door and you see many abstract arts and paintings being hung, scattered all across the wall. Each frame and piece, colorfully coming together to make a piece of stories that is waiting to be told. The lines that piece it together, asymmetrically perfect in a way that it never seems to be out of place, although if you separate it, it wouldn’t make much sense to the naked eyes that only saw the remaining pieces and never get the chance to witness the beauty of the completion and harmony that lies in the form of crafts that you see with your own eyes. 
 Similarly, that’s how you feel about your boyfriend. 
 Not many people know him and you always had the impression that he was rather cold and closed off. That’s how he appears to the outsiders. The description of him from fellow classmates and his friends are drastically different because they never get to fully see what he is like as a person. 
 A person who is full of love to give to others, the one who dotes on others and is full of adventures. 
 Life with him is never boring, he brings a new kind of joy in your life. The kind of excitement that is dangerous, but you’ll let him lead you to go anywhere, even if it’s a thousand miles away. You trust him to keep you safe because never once had you been harmed or run into dangers.
 He instructs you to stand in front of him, you do so without a question. He pulls out a silky fabric and you already know what he wants to do– blindfolds you for the surprise. You let him as he carefully wraps the material around your eyes in a gentle manner to ensure that it doesn’t hurt you.
“Hold my hand and follow me.” He speaks to you softly and you nod your head. “I want to show you something.”
In a sight of darkness that is hard to break from, you let him guide you. He’s your light amongst all of this and you know he’ll never let you slip or stray away. With careful steps forwarding on the stairs and going up, further and further and then the floor feels smoother without the anxiety of reckoning,  it only takes a bit to finally realize you’re past the staircase.
 You feel like time freezes and you’re not sure how much time has passed by, although you think it’s not that much. It’s by far, the most anticipated thing for you. 
 Then you hold his hand tighter as he takes you in this unfamiliar place.
 You’re not the only one with so much adoration for your significant other. Your boyfriend is no different from you. 
 For Juyeon, being with you makes him feel like he’s in heaven. There’s no greater feeling than your presence around. 
 You heal a broken part of him that he didn’t know existed until you become the most cherished and frequent presence in his life, which is no doubt, loneliness.
 You’re calming, intelligent and intriguing. You’re an open book, but also, a mystery that he wants to keep uncover. He can lose himself in just studying about you and he wouldn’t care. You’re that someone to him who he trusts, with all of his life.
 When he inherited a motorcycle as a present from his parents in 11th grade, he usually rode it everywhere alone, even when he had friends. He discovered many fascinating locations, hearing every kind of life story from strangers whom he met on the road when he did his little exploring and witnessed people going through many stages of life. He used to watch people flirting and he wished that he had someone else to share his perspective and sightseeing with.
 You came along unexpectedly and stole his heart away. He can barely imagine a life without you now. The things you do to his heart is unhealthy. You’re the sole reason that his burning passion for life doesn’t become something he deeply despises. 
 The once cold seat of the motorcycle is now replaced by the warmth of you. And he wouldn’t want to have it in any other way. 
 He has seen many beautiful things that calm and heal his soul, but none of it were you.
 He thought beauty lies in the empty roads of complete darkness, or constellations and stars in the sky. But it’s clearly you, who is a Venus personified. 
 He’s in love and he’s not hiding it. 
 Which is why he wants to show you this view.
 By stopping in his track as he has reach the final destination, he reaches to slowly the blindfold off your eyes, all while tells you to still your eyes closed and only open under his command. 
 Both of you walk further and further away, with the help of Juyeon who guides you in the desired direction. Cold breeze hits you and you realize now that you’re most likely on the balcony and not in the secured walls of this building. 
“Open your eyes, baby.” 
 You let the light penetrate your vision as the skin that covers your seeing splits apart. 
 The view is breathtaking. 
 The sky turns into a light beat of deep orange, pale blue, deep pink and purple. You see the simplicity, the complexity and something so lively. 
 You see how the sky slowly turns itself into a pitch black, as the colors start to beautifully blend themselves, creating an unforgettable view that spreads through all across the universe from your own eyes. The wind blows slowly, as if to celebrate the magic of your shared happiness with him, which makes the moment even more unreal. 
 The lights that hang from there only intensifies its beauty. 
 You see polaroids of you both together being decorated, some you weren’t aware that the pictures were being taken. There are books and a table for dining that are put together like high end restaurants and you have no doubt that it wasn’t just a one day of work at all. 
“Happy 500 days anniversary.” He tells you, hand gently caressing you. “This house originally belonged to my grandpa. He has since passed it down to me.” He states so ever so softly and you’re shell shocked. 
“He told me that if I find someone special, I should bring them here. Because this house witnesses how my grandma and grandpa love each other and everyday is always special to them. For a long time, I didn’t understand what he meant because the idea of a lover that exists in a lonely person’s story doesn’t make sense. But I met you, my special person. I want this house to witness our love, too.” 
 You have tears brimming in your eyes as you listen to him speak further, all while his gaze lovingly settles on you and his thumbs wipe your tears. 
“I didn’t know what love was until I met you. When you’re away, I miss you. When you’re sleeping, I wish you’re awake so I can tell you some jokes that make you laugh.” 
“Me too.” You lose yourself into the warm brown eyes of his. “When I think about you, all my sadness disappears. It’s cliché, I know. But.. I think I’m so lucky to have you.” You choke on your own silent sob as he presses light kisses onto your lips.
“I’m so lucky to have you too.” He says truthfully. “I never believe in destiny, but I think we’re destined to love each other.” 
 And under the now moonlight that slowly shines onto you both, he cups your face and kisses you with all his might, as fireworks go off in the sky, as if to be a witness of this beautiful love story. 
 You don’t care for any of that as he whispers ‘I love you’ and you whisper one back too.
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hinaaspanda · 1 year
shall we dance? | l.jy
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pairing: hiphop dancer! lee juyeon x ballerina! fem reader
warnings: 18+ content, swearing, mentions of alcohol and falling asleep after getting too drunk lmao 
genre: rivals(ish) to lovers, fluff, angst if you squint, smut: fingering, breast worship (idk what it’s actually called, he just kinda spends his time on that area hnagdja), cowgirl, praise
wc: 9,381
Lee Juyeon was never someone you considered as a teammate. Sure, you were in the same dance team, but your minds and personalities were worlds apart from each other. He was stubborn and childish, while you strived for perfection; it was a match made in hell. So imagine your reaction when your dance instructor appoints the two of you to work together at the school’s annual dance fesitval! Will the two of you survive?
a/n; hi again! I’m back with my first ever fic for the boyz! i had to write abt my bae juyeon omg fhkdufhusgf. it’s just in time for juyeon month too! anyways, enjoy!
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God was testing you, that was for certain.
“Do either of you have any questions?” Your dance instructor gazed at you with doe eyes, genuine curiosity plaguing her features. You, meanwhile, were fighting every urge to scoff right in her face. As a matter of fact, you did have just one question. 
What the hell was going on?
“We’ll be fine, Mrs. Kim. We won’t let you down!!” A second voice peaked through your ears. A voice that irked you beyond belief. That voice in question? None other than the personified headache on two legs—Lee Juyeon. The man you’d be trapped with for the next week, choreographing a dance in a genre you knew nothing about. Hesitance lining your frame, you nod to your instructor before she concludes the meeting and escapes the dance practice room. On the outside, you appeared calm and collected, hardly disheveled by the current news. Inside, however? You were screaming and panicking. 
To fully relish in the horror of the situation, you have to understand how much of a nuisance Lee Juyeon really was. The two of you could not have been further from each other. You see, Juyeon was not one to care for perfection—to say he was tardy would be an understatement. The hip hop major would show up to team practices on his own terms, which usually meant about 20 minutes past the actual start time, complete with an iced coffee from the convenience store down the street. He would never fail to spend the rest of your joint practice time fooling around with his little goons, cracking jokes that deserved an eye roll—if not more. You, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than perfection. You worked your ass off for a seamless, perfect performance every time, and Juyeon would do nothing but taint that. 
You and Lee Juyeon. A ballerina and a hip hop dancer. There was no doubt you two were worlds apart. So, how the hell were you two supposed to work together?
A groan spilt from your lips as you pivoted, turning away from your so-called dance partner. This was all just some sick, torturous dream. None of this was real. Soon, you’d wake up in your comfy bed; in a reality that didn’t involve this duet of nightmares. 
“y/n! Wait up!” His voice peaked in your ears again—nails to a chalkboard. “Where are you going?”
“Where do you think? I’m going home!” You spat, pivoting back to face him. “Do you really believe we’re gonna be able to work together? We’re complete opposites, Juyeon. Knowing us, there’s no way we’d be able to co-operate. And don’t even get me started on that insane deadline! How are we supposed to get anything done in 5 days?” 
Juyeon inches closer to your figure, his hand clinging onto the nape of his neck. “Look, I’m not too stoked for this, either, but it wouldn’t hurt to try and work together.”
You choke, expecting anything but that response. Since when was Juyeon so willing to cooperate? “Are you serious?”
Juyeon nipped at his lips, pausing. His eyes bore through you—there wasn’t a joke in sight. “Almost everyone in our team gets along—except us. It’ll improve our overall teamwork.”
You gulp. Juyeon’s caught you tongue tied. Were you even listening to the same man you knew 5 minutes ago? You look up at the dancer, finally granting him the light of day. His eyes, however, were already on you, practically piercing through your skin. 
“I promise, y/n, I won’t let you down.”
His words; they were weird. He’s said that exact phrase already—to your dance instructor after she bore the two of you the bad news. Nevertheless, this time felt different. They felt more genuine. Could you really trust him?
You gulp once more. “Fine.”
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As you sat on the bus ride home that night, you gaze at your phone. Your digital calendar was littered with timestamps and reminders; the chaotic schedule you and Lee Juyeon had planned for this god forsaken performance. It was funny, the conception of this small schedule was already enough to spark an argument between the two of you, with him deeming it to be completely useless. May it be the first argument of many.  
Your chest, meanwhile, began to tighten at the thought of him. Today alone, it was as if he’d changed over night, flipping on his head like an airplane in turbulence. In the three years you’ve known him, you’ve never seen him so considerate, so thoughtful. It made you queasy, sick to the stomach. 
Would you even be able to survive?
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Juyeon’s car was stuck in the parking lot. 
It wasn’t because of poor weather conditions or a case of bad traffic, however. On the outside, everything was fine. Completely normal. And yet, Lee Juyeon couldn’t be bothered to set his car in reverse and drive out of his cramped parking spot. The reason?
Lee Juyeon was stuck on the thought of you. 
He wasn’t really sure why, if he was being completely honest. In his mind, you were worlds apart—aside from dance, there was absolutely nothing tethering you two together. The y/n he was familiar with was the definition of uptight and cranky, rarely uttering a word to the people she was supposed to regard as teammates, apart from maybe one person. It was as if the concept of ‘fun’ or ‘relaxation’ were unavailable in your robot itinerary. Your only hobbies consisted of endless practice—hell, you practically lived in the studio—and scowling at Juyeon every time he called you by his nickname. 
It was weird. Despite all of that—your reputation and bitter attitude—Juyeon found a burning sensation creeping in his chest every time he thought about you. Every time he walked by the studio well after practice was finished for the day, only to see the cheap lights still flickered on, with your figure still on the dance floor; it was as if motivation burned through his chest. When it came to you, Lee Juyeon didn’t feel the urge to slack off, to skip practice for the day. 
He didn’t want to let you down. 
Juyeon cleared his throat, adjusting himself in the driver's seat. Motivation. Yeah, that’s it. That’s all it was. It explained the sudden urge to even go through with this performance in the first place. It explained the burning sensations in his chest. Pushing his car shift forward, Juyeon backs his car out of the parking spot he’d been loitering at for what felt like an eternity. The lights of his dashboard blinded him, sending his sorry ass back to reality. A reality where he wasn’t constantly thinking of you. The stone cold princess from another world. 
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First practice and Juyeon was already driving you insane. 
The ivory stained fabric crashed onto the ground, but your fingers were too limp to give a damn. 
“You want my number?” You quizzed over your shoulder, too lazy to properly face the boy lacing up his shoes. “What for?” 
“I dunno, so we can, like, plan stuff or something?” Juyeon suggested, too busy admiring his own features to spare you a glance. You watched as he lifted a hand to gently stroke his jaw, a self asserting smirk lining his lips before finally giving you the light of day. “Shouldn’t we be, like, talking more for this thing?” 
Lacing up your hair away from your face, you shot eagle eyes at your reflection. You wanted to ignore Juyeon’s words, how they were beginning to convince you. And yet, for some reason, you were struggling to do just that. Without hesitation, you curl your body into your first stretching warm up of the day. Never in your life did you think Lee Juyeon wasn’t right. He never was.
“I didn’t know you were so keen on communication” You huff, rolling your eyes. You refuse to make eye contact with Juyeon, though it was something you’ve been struggling with lately. 
“Well, I happen to think communication’s key for good teamwork!” the dancer boasted, completing his arm stretches as he sauntered towards you. “What if things change at the last minute, and you have no other way of knowing? Wouldn’t that just make you more stressed?”
Pausing your stretch routine, you nip at the skin of your lips. Only now did you notice a particular figure standing practically flush against you. Your shoulder mere millimeters before his chest. His head dipped close to your cheek, with barely a sliver of space in between your two frames. You barely noticed all of that. And yet, you did almost immediately notice the deep resin of Lee Juyeon’s voice cradling your ear. 
“We wouldn’t want our princess getting stressed, now would we?”
Your heart was racing—unwantedly so. What was with that switch up? And don’t even get started on that very new, very weird nickname. You felt your breath shorten, quickening with each second you spent trapped in Juyeon trance, his territory. You were frozen, only managing to move by small increments as you slowly turned to face him. Gazing at your dance partner, you couldn’t help but notice how fast the skin of your cheeks flared up. How quickly your mind drew to a blank. Where on earth did this new Juyeon even come from? 
And why were you hesitating to run away?
"W-what are you—" you stutter out, your voice a hush.
Suddenly, a wide and devious grin stretches on Juyeon’s face, his eyes turning into full crescent moons. He huffed out a chuckle before quickly bending down to grab a pen from his bag. You were still so frozen, you didn’t even have the willpower to disobey what he said next. 
“Give me your hand,” He requests innocently, a complete 180° from how he was just 5 minutes ago; pure evil. Still not fully out of your trance, you shove your limp hand towards his chest, practically spacing out as he cups your palm in his giant hand. Juyeon scribbles the pen onto your skin, the friction tingling against you—but you didn’t have the resolve to admit you were ticklish. Finally, he lets go of your hand, the lack of warmth lingering in your brain a little longer than you thought it would. Sealing the stationary back up, Juyeon shoots one final grin your way before tossing the pen back in his bag. You glance down at the back of your palm; 10 digits and a poorly drawn heart right beside it. You scowl, though it was really only to hide your rapid heartbeat. 
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“I’m gonna kill Professor Choi, just watch,” Kim Sunwoo grits through his teeth, holding his head in his hands as he continues to drown in the sea of physics homework. You watched as he slowly regressed further into the floor, the layers of worksheets giving him actual, attainable pain. Your own stack of unfinished assignments was nothing to scoff at, either. With your brain too occupied with the dance festival performance, you had just a sliver of time to actually sit down and work on your assignments. 
You watch as Sunwoo trudges upwards, sludging to your kitchen and opening your fridge as if it were his own. He pulls out an emerald can, cracking it open on just one hand. “I’d hate to be in your shoes, though. How do you even balance all this with dancing?”
“Please, don’t even get me started” You leaned back, your arms holding you up as you stretched from your criss-cross position. “That dance festival is more of a pain in the ass than you could ever imagine” 
“Oh yeah, right. How’s that going, anyways?” 
Your best friend's words had the audacity to summon your brain, to reel your thoughts back to the first practice you’ve ever had with Lee Juyeon. The way his figure was mere millimeters away from yours, his breath grazing your cheek. The way his hand practically swallowed yours whole as he wrote his number on your palm—against your better judgment of staying out of touch. The cheeky little smile he shot at you before wisping away, beginning his stretches. It all stained your brain, plagued you with a madness you couldn’t explain. An unfamiliar swirl danced at the pit of your stomach, as graceful as you would during a dance practice accompanied with little to no sleep the night before. Lee Juyeon was making you sick
You gulp, The crescents of Juyeon’s eye smile in particular staying in your mind for longer than you anticipated. Suddenly, the rubbery texture of an eraser crashing into your nose jolts you awake. “Oi, y/n!”
Clearing your throat, you sit up straight. You needed to get those thoughts out of your head. Fast. “Right, yeah-”
“You’re falling for that Juyeon guy already, I see,” Sunwoo smirks, his eyebrows wiggling infuriatingly. Your eyes spill from their sockets, jaw dropping to the floor. 
“What? No! Are you crazy?” You sputter, fidgeting and spazzing like a tree struck by lightning. You chuck your pencil case straight towards his chest; a reflex for his stupidity. Your brows drill to the center of your forehead as you whip your head towards your beloved best friend’s direction. “How do you even know he’s my partner?”
“My lab partner, Jaehyun, rooms with him,” Sunwoo takes a swig of his coke before diving back into his worksheet—or more accurately; his phone. “I guess Juyeon talks about you a lot. I heard he already made his move on the first practice,” Sunwoo said through giggles.
Your chest tightened, that same image of the dancer swimming into your brain. Did he actually talk about you? And why did that even matter?? You steal Sunwoo’s drink, dipping your head back to take in the whole beverage in one fatal swoop. Crashing the can down onto the table, you clear your throat again. “He didn’t make his move okay? He just asked for my number.”
“Well, did you give it to him?” Sunwoo leaned in, curious.
You paused, your breath stuck in your windpipe. You gulped again. “No, are you kidding?”
Almost immediately, you shoot up from your spot on the floor. Stretching your back, you zoom to the kitchen, embarrassment cringing in your chest. You weren’t really sure why you lied. Maybe you were just in denial. Or maybe you just wanted to forget it all. You rummaged through your pantry, diving head first into the snacks you barely even remember purchasing. At least now they served some purpose. You pull out some cheese puffs, obliterating them within seconds. One thing you were completely sure of, is that Sunwoo was anything but right. 
You were not falling for Lee Juyeon. 
Back at the table, moments before Sunwoo contemplates actually trying to get some work done, a ping pops from your phone. Curiosity overtook him, and seeing as though you were busy digging a hole through your pantry, Sunwoo took it upon himself to open your phone. A silver bar falls from the top of your phone screen, the name sending Kim Sunwoo to the heavenly gates of pride. 
Lee Juyeon [7:58 pm]: what time u showing up for practice tmr?
Your best friend was a grinning idiot for the rest of the day. 
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Juyeon wasn’t at all surprised when he heard music playing from the practice room already. He knew exactly who was in there, practicing to perfection. 
He stopped himself just before the practice room doors, his eyes trailing your reflection in the mirror. You were so focused, you couldn’t bother to notice his figure standing right at the door. He leaned against the wall, watching as you moved to the delicate music, your footsteps so nimble they hardly touched the floor. His eyes followed you at every twirl and wide-legged jump you performed, his chest tightening at the sight of you. 
Lee Juyeon was in awe. 
Toying with the velcro strap of his gym bag, Juyeon’s eyes were physically incapable of leaving you. He wanted nothing more than to watch you dance, to thrive on the dance floor. The burning sensation in his chest soon sunk down, fluttering just above his stomach. Without realizing, his heart raced every time you twirled to the music. Juyeon gulped. 
Was he falling for you? 
Slowly, Juyeon took a step into the practice room, chucking his bag into the closest corner he could find. 
He wasn’t so sure anymore.
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Currently, you have about eight days left before the performance. 
And yet, you were distracted as ever. 
The music rummaged through your brain like a gofer to dirt—drilling holes into the parts of your brain that stored its logic and critical thinking.  Sweat beaded from the crown of your head—it was natural, considering you’ve lost count of the times you’ve practiced your routine. You twirled into Juyeon’s embrace, your hand in his as he spun you below his arm. The two of your bodies; a well oiled, factory grade machine as you danced under the starry night of the studio room. Effortlessly, each limb guides one move into another, as your two figures near the end of your performance. 
You two halt your movements, standing still in the center of the wooden tiled floor. This practice was the utmost crucial; it was the first time you and Juyeon would practice the high point of this whole performance, the main event—the lift.
The act in which one dancer, usually the stronger, grabs their partner by the waist and lifts them above the air. It’s an incredible feat that only the most impressive dancers can truly surpass. Nervousness overtook you, your skin freezing to ice. You’ve never dared to do something so rash, so bold in the entirety of your dancing career. 
Could you even do this?
“Are you ready?” A voice chimes in, shocking you awake. Your eyes shoot to the mirror to see Juyeon ghosting your back, his chest flush against your shoulder blades. You gulp, taking extra notice at his hands; most innocently placed at either side of your waist—bare, due to your haphazard ability to get ready in the morning. His fingers felt rough, callous against yours, a metal ring stationed at his middle finger sending more chills down your skin. “y/n?”
A lump jumps out of your throat. For whatever reason, your vocal chords seemed to be sealed shut, no words sliding from your lips in response. Not thinking much of it, your dance partner chuckles at your silence before pulling his hands away from your skin. Something your chest twinges at the loss of his touch, but you chose to ignore it. Juyeon moves to stand right in front of you resting a hand on top of your head as he sends you a smile.  
“Don’t worry, I got you, okay?” Juyeon boasts, curling his bicep in a flexing position worth all of the eye rolls on the world. “I worked out extra just for this, you know.”
You hated how easy his words made your stubborn eyes peek at his figure. Your breath hitched, only now noticing how muscular Lee Juyeon really was. You already knew he towered your stature, but only at this very moment did you realize just how built his shoulders were. Your eyes glided down to his hands, equally—if not more—muscular than the rest of his body. The exact same pair of hands responsible for holding you by the waist, sending your figure soaring through the air. An image of that exact occurrence replayed in your mind like a broken record. 
With your cheeks flushed beyond belief, you snap your head around, concealing your pathetic figure away from the stupid hip hop major. “Shut up, Juyeon.”
One hesitant nod was all it took before Juyeon’s hand latched onto your waist once again. You gulped. It was a perfect fit. With one last glance at you, Juyeon shoots your body into the air, lifting your frame over his head with his arms. You couldn’t believe it; you were soaring amidst the puff of clouds, defying all of the pitiful limits of human nature. You were flying, it was amazing. 
Until it wasn’t.
In about T-minus 10 seconds, reality shook you to your core. You were, in fact, 6 feet in the air, with nothing but a pair of oddly strong hands tethering you to the ground. You were going to die, undoubtedly so. Your body shivered in fear, your hands reaching for Juyeon’s like it was a life source. “Wait—put me down!”
Within seconds, Juyeon listened, propping you back down to the ground. Your body was flush against his, arms knotted around his neck as one of his forearms clung tightly around your waist—never daring to let go. Your heart was jumping out of your chest at the near-death experience. Juyeon’s eyes never pull away from you, worry and fear swelling in each pupil. It was as if all of the immaturity and childishness you associate him with had disappeared from his being, leaving an actually soft, and caring character in its wake. “Oh my god– are you okay!?”
Due to your life literally flashing before your eyes, only at this exact moment did you notice how close you and Juyeon were. Mere millimeters hung between your faces, his raspy breath grazing your skin. Only now did you notice how tight Juyeon kept you against his body as you hung from his neck. An uncomfortable swirl stared at your stomach again, your chest beating rapidly. The two of you stood still; just like that for what felt like ages. The music that accompanied your practice session slowly fading away. It was just you and him. Nothing else in the world surrounded your two frames. 
A part of you, however, didn’t completely mind it. 
You clear your throat, your two figures jumping apart as you did so. What the hell were you thinking? You hated Lee Juyeon. Everything about him; from his work ethic to his stupid eye smile. Your eyes drill to your feet, realizing that you have yet to answer Juyeon’s question. 
“I’m okay.”
You expected the boy to start teasing you. Maybe he’d comment on how ungraceful you were—very unnatural for a ballerina. Or maybe he’d start laughing at you. It was a normal thing to anticipate. But was anything ever normal when it came to Lee Juyeon?
You already knew your answer. 
Cotradictingly, Juyeon’s palm gently patted the crown of your head, lightly ruffling the locks of your hair. He shot you another eye smile—a ray of sunshine you needed to protect yourself from. “That’s good, I’m glad.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Why do you care so much?”
His eyes never managed to leave your gaze. “Come on, is it so weird that I care about my dance partner?”
You pull your gaze away. “Yes.”
With a soft chuckle, Juyeon flicks your forehead. “Well, too bad. I care about you, dummy.”
You stayed silent. Why was your heart fluttering? 
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Checking the weather app was simply useless, not with the rain droplets crashing into the walls and windows of the campus lobby. 
You looked through the glass, defeat pulling your shoulders further into the tiled floor. Bussing home in this weather would be near to impossible with the harsh showers. And what makes it all worse? A quick check on your bus app only lets you know how late your designated bus is; approximately 20 minutes. 
The jingle of keys creep up from behind you, summoning an eye roll almost immediately. You didn’t even need to turn around to know who the owner of the metal even was—it had Lee Juyeon written all over it. You scowl, hugging your body as you continue to face away from him. He probably was only here to flaunt how unfucked he was, a strong contrast to how fucked you were. 
“How are you getting home?” Juyeon speaks up anyways. Typical. 
“Bus.” You murmur, turning to him. “Look, if you’re here to tease me or something, save it. I’m not feeling it.”
“Woah! Okay, for your information, I wasn’t planning on teasing you.” Juyeon throws up his hands in defense, as if you held him at gunpoint. “In fact, I was gonna ask if you wanted a ride.”
Your eyes lit up for a second. A ride. Protection from the outdoors. It was everything you’ve ever wanted. You clear your throat. No. This was Lee Juyeon. It didn’t matter if he was being considerate, or sweet even. This was anything but what you wanted. You needed to get a grip.
“I’m alright, thanks,” Your voice was soft, hesitant.
“You sure?” He quizzed, your silence overwhelming him with his answer. He huffed a sigh, pausing before unzipping his bag and rummaging through the fabric. “Suite yourself, but you should at least take this.”
Dropping his gym bag, Juyeon inches closer to you. For a split second, his arms wrap around your frame, sending a sharp inhale through your chest, your chest which had already felt tight since he first moved closer to you. His warmth lingered in your mind. The sounds of crashing rain began to fade away—though the skies never cleared up. It was as if you were hallucinating, moments away from losing your mind. After a few seconds, he opens up his arms, draping fabric over your shoulders. It was an instant warmth. 
“What’s this?”
“My jacket—you’ll freeze to death if you go out like this!”
You glance down at your outfit; a cropped sweater made from some cheap fabric, and leggings summoning anything but warmth. Your partner was right, you weren’t prepared in the slightest. “Oh… What about you?”
You gulp. Since when did you care?
“I’ll be fine. I’m driving anyway. Plus, I’m still pretty hot from practice.”
You felt a specific heat creep onto your cheeks, until you realized that Juyeon was only talking about sweating. You idiot. You hide behind the fabric, eyes trailing the ground. “Uh, thanks.”
He pulls your—or, more rightfully, his— hood over your head, patting the crown gently. Meanwhile, you couldn’t help but feel this weird swirl at the pit of your stomach. “Take care, y/n!”
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Currently, Juyeon’s friends were congregating on his couch. The objective of this meeting? Planning the house party that was set for this weekend, the last thing on the list being who they were going to invite. Though Juyeon had his own, more personal objective; to stop thinking about the most recent practice with you—it’s been plaguing his mind all afternoon. And he was failing. Pathetically. 
“What about y/n? Should we invite her?” Juyeon heard his own voice through his confused ears. His mind—all proper reasoning—was clearly lacking behind; he could tell from the confused stares that were plastered on all of his friend’s faces. Clearly, Juyeon missed the memo on “close friends only” being this party’s apparent theme. Could anyone really blame him, though? In his very weak defense, he was too caught up on the thought of you to listen.
“Park y/n? Your dance partner for that festival thing, right?” Lee Jaehyun, his roommate and best friend, cocks an eyebrow; perplexed beyond belief. “You sure? I heard she's a little weird.”
Juyeon grew the slightest bit bitter at his roommate’s words, though he couldn’t explain it. 
“Oh yeah,” Ju Haknyeon, another one of Juyeon’s friends, chimed in, his back leaning into the plush of the beat up couch. “She’s in my psych. class this term. She’s always got her hand up like her life depended on it, bro. It’s kind of creepy, if you ask me.”
Juyeon could feel his knuckles tensing. Who was he to call you creepy? 
Kim Younghoon, the last of Juyeon’s clique, leans forward, shoving a handful of chips into his mouth like a complete mouth. He didn’t even bother to swallow before chiming in. “I heard she’s a total pain during your guy’s dance practice—Changmin’s told me a few things, anyway. Is she always so bossy around you guys?”
A flame rose in Juyeon’s chest. His friends were making it infuriatingly clear; they didn’t know jack shit about you. With his hands subconsciously rolled into fists, Juyeon rose from the couch, towering over his careless friends. In all honesty, it took Juyeon every fiber of his being to not punch the living daylights out of each and everyone of them. Though, again, he couldn’t pinpoint the reason. 
“Okay, no, you guys got it all wrong,” Juyeon began, startling the three boys below him. “y/n’s none of those things! She’s not weird or creepy, she’s just smarter than you could ever dream of being. She’s confident and strives for the best. And when it comes to dance, no one on that team has the strength and power that she has—she's one of the best dancers I know!”
Juyeon’s voice grew soft. Gentle. “y/n—she’s amazing.”
Juyeon didn’t realize just how out of breath he was until he finished his little performance. His body just acted on its own; a habit he’s seemed to have picked up since he got to know you. His three friends were practically in shock, their jaws grazing the carpet they stood on.  
“Damn dude—I didn’t know,” Jaehyun muttered in a hushed voice, genuinely terrified for his life. “How come you got such a soft spot for her?”
Juyeon nipped at his lips, his chest rising. Though he didn’t know why.
He gulped. Who was he kidding? He’s known the whole time.
“‘Cause I like her.”
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“You don’t get a choice young lady!” Sunwoo’s voice peaked a little too powerfully through your phone’s speaker. You winced at the volume, though he couldn’t care less. “You’re going to that party!”
The party in question? The house party, located at the Lee Juyeon and Lee Jaehyun residence. The reason why you were so hesitant in going? The one and only Lee Juyeon giving you a personal invite, of course. 
You didn’t have a clue at what sick game Juyeon was trying to play with you. To your understanding, this last minute performance should have only kept the two of you as close as coworkers from a typical 9-5 would be. You had no intention of keeping in touch with the childish and irritating dancer, absolutely none. So, why should you even consider saying yes to that absurd invitation. And besides, with certain recent events still replaying in your mind unwillingly, you thought it best to avoid seeing the hip hop boy for more than you needed to. You knew all of this, but why was Sunwoo so slow on piecing it together? 
“Why are you so pent up about this?” You groaned. “You care about that party more than I do!”
“For starters, going to any party’s going to increase your chances of making more friends. And, like, you can’t only have one friend in uni, y/n. That’s kinda sad.”
“You’re literally that friend, asshole,” you mutter, seriously considering changing that notion right now. 
“Doesn’t matter, you need to go out more! Live a little! Life isn't just about school and dance, you know?” Sunwoo sounded genuine, though his next words were a complete slap in the face to that notion. “Plus, you can be my wing-woman so I can get a date at this party.”
You groan, drowning in Sunwoo’s infuriating chuckle. Minutes before you were about to hang up on him, unsolicited, your best friend chimes in again. 
“And besides… I have a sneaking suspicion you’re starting to warm up to that Juyeon guy.”
You choke, not once expecting that name to come out of Sunwoo’s mouth. You hate to admit it, but you weren’t so sure if Sunwoo was wrong anymore. You never looked at him with the same fury you had just a couple of weeks ago. He never showed up late to your practices and actually took in the feedback you gave him. You could barely recognize the guy, and you weren’t sure how to feel about that. The image of his stupid eye smile pops in your brain again, and you huff a groan. 
“What makes you say that?” You ask anyway, practically swimming in denial.
“‘Cause you, Park y/n, have finally stopped denying it.” Sunwoo answered, a smug grin swiping across his face. Shit. Could he really see right through you so easily? “The old y/n would’ve shut me up immediately, you know.”
You gulp. How stupid were you? “Shut up.”
“Guess it’s settled!” Sunwoo practically jumped for joy, you could sense it through the phone. “I’ll pick you up at 8!”
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Note to self: never listen to a word Kim Sunwoo says. It’s a lesson you learnt the hard way. 
You push through the seemingly endless wave of university students, the stench of booze drilling through your nostrils. The neon lights pierced your eyes, you were convinced you were about to go blind. Though, you figured going blind wouldn’t have been so bad at the moment; you wanted nothing more than to unsee the poor puking freshman on your right, or the horny couple making out on your left. And worst of all? It seems that Kim Sunwoo had just disappeared into thin air; you couldn’t find him no matter where you searched. 
This was bad. Really bad. You see, Sunwoo wasn’t lying earlier when it came to not having any other friends. In fact, you were currently drowning in a sea of unfamiliar faces. You contemplated how the hell someone could know so many people. You, on the other—more unfortunate hand—only knew one other person. A person that could’ve gone to the moon and back by now; you’d be none the wiser. 
You clung onto the red solo cup as if your life depended on it. In reality, you knew one other person at this house party.
But was your heart ready to face him?
Truth is, your mind hasn’t stopped wandering to the image of Lee Juyeon ever since that last practice. The way he held you in his arms, lifted you in the air; it all stained your brain. The way he danced with you; elegant and graceful. His form and vigor when he completed each and every step of your routine; it never failed to give you butterflies. The way he reassured you at every sliver of worry that shined through your brow, or the way he protected you from such small things like the rain. He was there to comfort you; to shine a sliver of sunlight your way. To make your grumpy ass, smile, just once.
Maybe it was working.
A glimmer of bronze liquid shot down your throat. It burned. What were you thinking? Falling for Juyeon? You couldn’t. 
So why were you sitting on his goddamn couch? At a house party he invited you to?
Another big gulp slides down your throat, your tongue numb to the taste this time around. 
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Before inviting you to the party, Juyeon contemplated your alcohol tolerance. It was natural, considering the amount of booze set aside for the party was nothing to scoff at. However, once the party was nearing its end, and with only a few people left at the Lee Residence—Juyeon definitely had an idea or two. Though your napping figure on the couch was a dead giveaway. 
Your figure only took over ⅓ of the couch, your body curled into a ball as your head rested on the back of the furniture. Your knees were tucked into your chest, your arms wrapping around them like the ribbon to a Christmas present. Red solo cups were littered around the floor and around you, most toppled over; all of them empty. Who knew you were the type to drink so heavy? Juyeon swiftly stripped off his zip up, draping it over you on instinct. 
The more Juyeon looked at you, the more his heart pounded. 
Juyeon placed himself on the couch—right beside you. The weight of his figure pulled yours further down, your head dropping down onto his shoulder. Juyeon’s face ignited, he’s never felt more happy to be in a room without people. He leaned closer to your frame—it was warm, toasty. Your breath reeked of booze, but for some reason, it didn't matter right now.
He stared at the way strands of your hair fell between your eyes, your eyelashes that could sweep the sky. It was something he never witnessed during your practices, mostly because you wouldn’t give him the chance to be near you. You were so stoic and cold normally, seeing you so soft and delicate was beyond new. You made his heart flutter. He couldn’t help but notice how soft your lips were, how they practically glistened under the living room lamp light. 
He wanted to kiss you.
A snore pushes from your figure, jolting him awake from his delusion. You hand, practically limp, inching closer to his so innocently. 
He couldn’t kiss you. Not like this.
“Oh my god, there you are!” A voice pops up from Juyeon’s right. The figure of a sophomore—presumably Kim Sunwoo appears. He turns his attention to him. “Hey, sorry about all this. It’s y/n’s first time at a party like this… I should’ve been more careful.”
“No worries,” Juyeon smiles. His hands ghost your shoulders, a tremor in his movements. “She’s, uh, safe with me.”
“I think our ride’s gonna be here soon, could you maybe gimme a hand?” Sunwoo runs a hand through the nape of his neck. Juyeon only nods, his attention rushing back towards you as he senses a soft touch grazing against his finger. 
It was you, fidgeting with his fingers in your sleep, completely unaware. 
God, you were killing him.
Gently, Juyeon shuffles around, picking you up from the couch in a way so desperate to not wake you up, and follows Sunwoo out the door with you in his arms. 
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You were about to make your way into the dance practice room for your final practice that week when an image stopped you in your tracks like a deer in headlights. It was Juyeon. He beat you to the practice room, rehearsing his part of the routine before you even showed up. 
You caught your bag moments before it hit the floor. You would have never expected someone like Juyeon practicing extra. Hell, you were surprised he actually showed up to your scheduled practices to begin with. 
You found yourself stepping back to watch Juyeon dance. Your eyes were in a trance, spellbound by him. You couldn’t get over how fluid and elegant, yet powerful his movements were. It didn’t matter how much of a slacker he was, one thing was for sure: Juyeon never lacked in a performance. Your chest tightens at the sight of him as you gulp. You couldn’t seem to take your eyes off of him and his skin tight black shirt, with gray sweatpants hung snug at his hips. Nor his hair, practically drenched of sweat as it hung over his eyes. 
Why couldn’t you stop looking at him?
Were you actually falling for him?
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A water break. A calming water break. That was all you ever wanted. Instead, you got your mind split eight different ways. 
A sudden warmth ghosted behind your shoulder. Juyeon’s chest brushes right up against your shoulder blade, his palm lightly clinging onto your waist as he slithers past you to grab his water bottle that was right beside yours. Your skin jumps straight into goosebump hell, sparks skidding off of the surface—fireworks. Juyeon’s hands were warm to the touch, a stark contrast to your frozen figure. You hated how soft his skin felt. Your heartbeat skyrocketed, your systems rebooted. All because of a little touch. You’re pathetic. 
“Excuse my reach,” he said, infuriatingly innocent.
You wanted to scream at him. You drank your water instead. 
After moving away, the two of you stood in silence, only the music of your performance looping every now and then. You thought it was normal—considering you’ve practically spent your entire time at school hating this man, it was natural you didn’t have much to talk about. Though, clearly, Juyeon thought it peculiar.
“Are you alright? You’ve been awfully quiet.”
You snort. “You say that like we talk often.”
Juyeon looks away from you. “Well, maybe I want us to talk more.”
Your heart was thumping rapidly again. You grip onto the fabric near your chest as an effort to slow down its pace. A failed attempt, anyway. The pit of your stomach fluttered at his smooth words. You, however, didn’t give way to his request, staying silent as you gulped down more of your water. Maybe then Juyeon would stop shaking you up so much.
“Oh, wait—stay still, y/n,” Juyeon’s voice popped in your ears once again. You watched as his hand swerved up towards your forehead. You felt his fingertips brush up against you, the back of his hand sliding down your cheek as he detangled strands of your stubborn hair. He huffs out a chuckle, eyes never leaving your sight. “You’re hair’s a little wonky–”
You weren’t fully recovered from the last unwanted touch from Lee Juyeon, circa 2 minutes ago. That was for sure. You’ve had it. You’ve had enough of his teasing. You needed answers. With your chest still ablaze, you swat Juyeon’s hand away, leaving the boy all doe-eyed and confused. You ball up your fist, pivoting to stand right in front of him. To stand your ground. 
“Just stop!” Your voice boomed. Your chest heaved as your eyes drilled through his. “What the hell are you doing?”
“What do you mean, I’m just—”
“I’m not just talking about this, I’m talking about everything! Why the hell are you so sweet to me? Why do you go out of your way to take care of me? Are you trying to toy with me or something? God, you’re driving me insane, Juyeon!” You utter, defeated.  You fiddle with your sleeves, steam practically poofing from your ears. 
Juyeon huffs a sigh from his chest, slowly taking steps around your agitated figure. “For your information, I’m not just toying with you.” He gazes at you from the reflection of the dance mirror, his voice traveling from behind. “I do genuinely care about you, y/n. I want to be sweet to you, I want to do all of those things. I like you, y/n”
I like you, too, you thought.
Though in reality, you choke, your heart caught in your throat. You couldn’t seem to look away from him as you gulped. “We can’t like each other, Juyeon,” Your voice was a hush. “We’re too different. We’re worlds apart.”
“I’d move worlds just to have a chance with you.” Juyeon rasped, his voice cradling your ear.
Your eyes widen. Your heartbeat was overpowering your ear drums. All you could hear were the constant thumps of the muscle. And all you could think about was Lee Juyeon. Suddenly, that same warmth cocoons your shoulder blades and your chest tightens. From the reflection on the mirror, you watch as Juyeon’s fingers brush against your wrist, moving down to your fingers. You watched as his left hand stayed with yours, as his right switched paths and landed on your bare waist. Your breath hitched. 
“Juyeon, we can’t…” You practically whimpered, not having the strength to finish. 
Juyeon’s lips were mere millimeters from the shell of your ear. “Are you sure?” His right hand suddenly lifts and begins to trace small shapes against your waist, his touch tingling you beyond belief. His left hand lifts your limp wrist right up against his lips. Instead of looking at your reflection, Juyeon looks right at you—the real you—before his voice drops to barely a whisper. 
“Make me stop, then.”
Juyeon kisses your wrist, pulling away your sleeves as he peppers soft kisses against your skin. With his right hand, his strokes against your skin grew stronger and wider, his index toying with the hem of your cropped shirt. You squeeze your eyes shut, your face flush as your stomach flutters. Your head was spinning, you rested it on his collarbone. You couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Don’t stop.”
Chuckling, Juyeon drops your hand, his palm cupping your cheek as he spins you to face him. Your breaths grew shallow at the sight of him. His eyes deepened as they gazed into you, pierced through you. You watched his breaths falter just like yours, picking at his lips and gulping before he speaks again.��
“Can I kiss you, y/n?”
That's all it took for Juyeon to dive into you, encasing his lips into yours. It was rough and rugged. As if he’d been restraining himself for years, maybe even centuries. With one hand still cupping your cheek, another one of his hands cross your back, pulling your figure up against his chest. Your hands, which were once clinging desperately onto the fabric of his sleeves, now roped around his neck. Your hand snaked towards his head, your fingers toying with a lock of his hair. On command, Juyeon grunts, his grasp around you tightening. His hold on your lips tightened with it. 
Butterflies exploded at the pit of your stomach. It was as if a burdening weight had been lifted off of your shoulders—you were practically floating in the air. You didn’t have to hide anymore, you didn’t have to run. You could say with pride. 
You liked Lee Juyeon.
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“That was amazing, you two!” Your dance instructor beams as you and Lee Juyeon saunter back into the dressing room, heaving and sweating. The two of you had just finished your performance for the school’s annual club festival; a standing ovation. Your dance instructor was jumping with joy, swiping through the unfocused pictures she took of the performance with her phone and her unstable grasp. After mumbling something about letting the school newspaper know, and giving the both of you quick hugs, she runs out the door—leaving you two alone. 
Your eyes gaze upon the vanity mirror, eyeing your performance dress. It was covered in loose red sequins, you were a shimmering flame. A few detached sequins were scattered atop your shoulders—and Juyeons. They most likely came off while dancing, jumping onto his black, tight fit blazer, complete with red accent pieces and a particularly low set neckline, exposing his bare chest. You wouldn’t be lying if you said you had snuck in a look or two. Juyeon looked too good to pass up. 
Besides, it seems like he’d say the same thing right now. 
Juyeon’s eyes drilled through you. His figure slowly inched closer to you, his hands hugging the edges of your waist once he got close enough. It seems as though it was his favourite place to hold you—and you didn’t mind. It gave you butterflies every single time. His lips traced your jaw, peppering a small kiss before whispering in your ear. “You look beautiful, y/n.”
You hum a chuckle, sliding a hand up his chest and around his neck. “Too bad my dress is coming off soon.”
Juyeon’s eyebrows shoot up to the sky. “That was bold.”
You smack his shoulder. “Not that! I meant that the dress isn’t mine, dumbass. I’ll have to change out of it before I leave tonight. You, too!”
“Oh right.” Juyeon deadpanned, pouting before a light bulb buzzed from the crown of his head. After his steps cause you to move backwards, Juyeon lifts you slightly and plops you on the surface of the vanity desk. With his hands on each of your thighs, Juyeon leans forward, his face barely a centimeter apart from yours. Your lips, just breaths away from his. “Maybe I can be of some assistance?”
“You’re so dumb, Juyeon.” You punch his chest with no actual force. In truth, you wanted him, right then and there. You ball up his collar into your fist, pulling him in for a kiss. A groan lifts from your chest as you cling around his neck. Juyeon moves closer to you, ever so slightly spreading your legs apart. His hands, still on your thigh, trail up the skin, his fingers peeking through the hem of your skirt. His touch elicits another moan from your lips, making you pull from your kiss. 
“Juyeon” You whimper. 
Juyeon cups your cheek. “Not now, baby. I can only have you for myself. We need to go somewhere private.”
Your breath hitched. “Then take me home.”
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Your skin was on fire as Juyeon laid you on the plush of your bed. Lee Juyeon was cruel—giving you a taste of him right before making you wait. Juyeon leans into you, deepening the kiss, a hand sinking down into the mattress beside you. His tongue swipes at your lips, demanding for an opening. You grant it, his tongue dancing inside the walls or your mouth. It slides against yours; a performance of bliss. You moan, your arms clinging from underneath his shoulders, your grip growing tighter. You weren’t going to let him slip through your fingertips. You weren’t going to lose him. Not again.
Juyeon’s hand wandered mischievously, his touch teasing you. One hand pressed against your bare thigh—it didn’t take him much to get you in just a shirt and panties. He traces your skin slowly. Painfully slow. His other hand slipped underneath the hem of your shirt, moving straight to the swell of your breasts. He took your breast in his large hand, massaging your skin. He takes your nipple in his fingers, swirling the tip with his pads. It sends your head spinning, your back arching and your chest pushing closer to him. You mewl at his touch. You needed more.
Your lips pop apart, swollen from the pressure. Juyeon wouldn’t dare to look away from you. His hands move again. 
“Does this make you feel good?” His breath was hot and heavy—it burned against your lips. You barely muster a whisper. “Yes—more.”
He pressed another hand right on your other breast, playing with your nipple. It sent you soaring, dirty noises lifting from your lips. It was a sight for sore eyes, seeing you so pent up just for him. Juyeon replaces his hand with his lips, peppering kisses all over your breast. Claiming it as his own. He takes his sweet time, leaving love bites and hickeys trailing up and down your skin. His lips envelope your center, his tongue swirling your hardened peak. Your moans grow louder as you grip a lock of his hair—sending him into overdrive. He groans into your skin, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine.
His hand was merely centimeters away from the place you needed him most. Your core was throbbing, aching for his touch. It soaked the wimpy fabric. You grip his hair harder, growing irritated from how much he was teasing you. Juyeon only snickers, lightly pressing into your clothed folds with his thumb, sending shockwaves down your body. “How bad do you want me, baby?”
You subconsciously jut your hips forward, pressing his thumb ever so slightly further into your core. You were getting restless. “So bad, Juyeon. I need you—everything.”
After teasing your clothed core, Juyeon pulled over the wet fabric, leaving your pussy bare, open. Slowly, Juyeon pushes a finger into your core, his pad dancing in your walls. You sharply inhale at the length of his fingers. Fuck, his hands were big. His calloused knuckles grazed your insides. A moan jumps from your lips as Juyeon pumps in another finger—filling your core up more. The thrusts of his wrists grew faster, your walls coming in tighter, moments before collapsing at his touch. You prop yourself up, looking down to watch the dirty image of Juyeon’s hands fucking your pussy mindless. Juyeon pumps a third finger, curling all three of them as he reaches deeper inside you. Your core was throbbing as you failed to stifle all the dirty noises leaping from your throat. 
You instinctively thrust into his hands, making him reach more. though you didn’t need to try too hard; not with Juyeon’s long fingers fucking you deep already. Juyeon’s lips swipe at your jaw, peppering kisses and tracing his tongue around your skin. You were convinced you were seeing stars. But you knew Juyeon wasn’t done just yet. Juyeon’s thumb begins to swipe circles around your clit. It was the same motion your head was spinning in from the bliss of his touch. 
Your walls tightened around his fingers, his thrusts grew rampant and primal. You threw your head back—your body was out of your control, now. It was all his. 
“Juyeon,” you said his name without realizing.  
“That’s it, baby. Cum all over me.”
And you did. With one last groan of his name, you came undone by his fingers. Your juices coated his palm, as well as a little pool in between the wrinkles of your innocent bedsheets. After gaining just the smallest bit of consciousness, you look up at Juyeon. A tent of fabric propped up right below his torso. 
 Just then, you had an idea. Gathering up all of your strength, you pushed Juyeon down into the bed. You climb over top of him, his clothed bulge rubbing against your raw pussy. You pressed a hand down his chest, dipping your head to whisper in his ear. “Can I ride you?”
Juyeon groans, gripping onto your hips. “Fuck, yes.”
You tug down at his waistband, and the two of you work together to pull down his pants. His length reveals itself, throbbing at a stiff peak. It caught you tongue tied. There was a reason his hands were so big. You couldn’t help but lick your lips as you unrolled the condom. The latex summoned a groan from him, his finger digging into your skin. You positioned your entrance at his tip, a stark inhale running through your chest as you finally sunk into his length. Yours and his moans intertwine, dancing in the night sky as you began your slow thrusts. 
Juyeon’s cock grazed against all of your walls, the friction was driving you insane. He filled you up, fucked you deep. He throbbed into your walls, exploring you deeper than you could ever imagine. You wanted, no, needed more, thrusting faster into his length. He was hitting all of your spots, he was perfect. Lewd noises circled around your bodies; your skin slapping into each other, the premature juices webbing in and out of your core, the repeated calling out of each other’s names. Juyeon’s grip on your hips grew tighter, his forearms tensing to bring you closer to him; to bring him deeper into you. Your thrusts grew dirty, readjusting yourself to get more power in each thrust using your feet. Juyeon brings a hand behind you, palming and massaging your ass. 
You could feel your walls clamping in again, tightening around his cock. Clearly he could feel it, too. It was obvious with the way his hips push forward, his head drilling into the pillow. Though it wasn’t long until you had your head thrown back—drowning in ecstasy. 
“Fuck, you’re tight, y/n.” Juyeon rasped in between grunts. Though you were too busy in your own world. You only mewl, thrusts becoming messy and unpampered. “Your pussy feels so good, it fits my cock just right.”
Juyeon sneaks a mischievous finger to rub your clit again. He drilled against your sweet spot, your mind trapped in a haze. A dream just with Lee Juyeon. With one last conjoined moan, the two of you crash into each other, cumming in unison. Your hot juices overflow, pooling between your two figures.
Exhausted, you plop beside him. He greets you with his signature eye smile—one infecting you personally as you smile back at him. He encases your frame in an embrace, his forehead wiggling into the crook of your neck. “You did so good, baby.”
You embrace him back, butterflies forming in the pit of your stomach. “You dummy.”
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chanis-banani · 5 months
To your Avalon
Note: gosh it's been a while since I've written anything and I missed working on all of my projects so much. I thought a lot about which idea I should continue writing on, and then I figured: what better way to come back to tumblr than by adding a new group to my list? Expect a lot more of The Boyz from me ;)
Synopsis: Juyeon had looked your way. And he was blushing. There had always been amazing chemistry between you, but tonight, both of you are ready to drive that cemistry to a whole new level. After escaping Eric's late New Year's Eve party, Juyeon can't wait to explore every part of you.
Genre: mostly fluff, followed by a tiny bit of sensual smut
Pairing: juyeon x afab reader
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: parties (ew), alcohol, a bit of oral (f receiving)
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"Nobody needs to come along."
That's how it all escalated.
Barely thirty minutes ago, you had still been at the party, having a good time, dancing to mediocre music. Overall the party was a little boring, and there weren’t many people you knew, but it was fun enough.
One of the few familiar faces was Lee Juyeon, though to say that you were friends would be putting it strongly. You'd spoken to him before, about the weather, about music, about some people you both knew, your favorite food, his favorite color, and just once about the meaning of life. But all of these conversations had been short-lived and usually got interrupted by either one of you being called by a friend.
And yet, even though you merely knew him on this superficial level, something just felt right whenever you were able to talk with him. The way he would look at you every time you spoke, listening intently, like he truly enjoyed hearing you tell your life stories… Perhaps it was just delusion, but you could have sworn you’d seen that gaze of his dart towards your lips a few times.
It was probably delusion.
Today should have been like any other day. The party was hosted by Eric, to celebrate New Year’s Eve, even though it was about two weeks late for that. You stood in the kitchen with a friend and you were in the middle of laughing at one of their genius jokes when you noticed Juyeon’s figure from the corner of your eye. Immediately, you felt a heavy feeling in your stomach. He caught you laughing, how cliché! What if he was going to think you were just putting up a show to catch his attention?
With your smile now removed entirely from your heated face, you poured yourself a glass of champagne, and quickly reengaged in the conversation with your friend, who hadn’t noticed your brief moment of panic. Every now and then, you couldn’t help but take a quick look in Juyeon’s direction, just to see that he remained caught up in his conversation as well.
By the sixth time you peeked at him, you came to the shocking realization that he was looking right back at you. The moment couldn’t have lasted more than a millisecond, but it was enough. Too much even. Juyeon had looked your way. He had seemed thrilled at the eye contact, and even though he had turned his head away from you immediately, you hadn’t missed the deep red color that had appeared on his ears and cheeks.
Juyeon had looked your way. And he was blushing.
After this moment, you caught him taking little glances at you several more times. At first, it appeared to be almost accidental, but as time went on, you got a growing feeling that he was doing it on purpose. You decided that you’d had enough of this when he even threw you a little smirk. Not wanting him to see how worked up you got over him, you stopped looking in his direction and focused on your friend instead. Mostly.
A couple of minutes later, you found yourself all alone in the kitchen, after your friend had left to go to the bathroom. Trying not to act as mortified as you were, you focused on the bottle of champagne, as you were about to pour yourself a second glass. Right when you were about to tilt the bottle, you caught a familiar figure approaching you from the corner of your eye. Before you could even act at all, Juyeon’s large warm hand brushed against yours as he gently took the bottle from your hands.
“Allow me.”
The warmth, along with the playfulness in his voice made your cheeks burning hot all over again. With your eyes fully fixed on the way he poured the champagne into your glass, you tried to ignore the violent tornado that seemed to be ripping your stomach apart. You didn’t know what kind of “butterflies” other people felt in their bellies, but you were damn sure they had never laid eyes on Lee Juyeon.
“Did you know Hyunjae’s running an afterparty?” he asked while pouring himself a glass of champagne too. His eyes were creased in his usual, delightful smile, which was enough to completely distract you from any conversation points whatsoever. You took a subtle deep breath in order to snap out of it, but the sight of his lips…
“Here you go.” Juyeon handed your own glass back to you with that same dazzling smile and he carefully clinked his glass against yours as a matter of saying cheers. “Happy new year,” you joked, while returning the gesture to him. As you looked up at Juyeon - as one does when saying cheers - you caught a glimpse of your friend, who was making her way back from the bathroom. God, please not now. You finally had this boy all to yourself.
Your friend waved enthusiastically, and you gave them an awkward little wave in return. Juyeon turned his head to see what was going on, and when he looked your way again, his demeanor had changed a little. His body had tensed and the relaxed expression he wore on his face just before, now made way for a more nervous appearance. 
“Y/n…,” he uttered while putting his glass back on the counter, “Do you maybe want to get out of here?” 
He was so close to you now. You hadn’t even noticed how close he had gotten. The way he stood in front of you completely blocked your view from your friend, and part of you felt inexplicably grateful for this. His voice had sounded exhilarated, which made you all the more nervous. But at the same time… incredibly excited.
“Sure!” you said, while nodding perhaps a tad too enthusiastically, “is the afterparty just at Hyunjae’s place?” His eyebrow perked up at your question, which sent a slight tremble through your hand when you tried to take another sip from your champagne.
“Nobody needs to come along.”
The way he spoke was hushed, almost secretive. It had barely been more than a whisper, yet he had pronounced every word with so much clarity that there was no way to misunderstand what he had said.
“Every time I get to talk to you, we find ourselves caught in such crowded places. It’s hard to get to know you like this.”
You tried to avoid his gaze when you involuntarily felt how your lips curled into an awkward grin, and you nervously played around with the glass in your hands. Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, and whether it was because of Juyeon or the champagne, a dizzy feeling began to rise. Or maybe it was because he stood close enough for you to have the smell of his cologne drowning out any other sensation for a second.
Juyeon broke the tension by taking a sip from his own glass, which made it a little easier for you to wrap your head around the situation. Maybe he just wanted to take you to the movies? … at 1 am? Please. Despite your immense nervousness to even be near him like this, there wasn’t a single cell in your body that made you doubt how much you wanted exactly the same thing he wanted - whatever that might be.
Shit. Your friend had almost made their way through the other partygoers and startled you and Juyeon out of this moment of anticipation. In coincidental unison, the two of you set your champagne glasses back on the counter, and Juyeon straightened his back. This was it. This was when each of you would say their goodbyes for the night, like any other time you’d ever managed to speak to each other for more than five minutes.
But Juyeon didn’t say goodbye. He didn’t say anything.
Instead, you felt how his fingers brushed softly against yours, as he reached out his hand to you. His palm pointed up, his fingers were in a relaxed, welcoming position. Inviting.
“Are we ready to risk it all?”
His voice sounded equally as inviting, and with that, like in some kind of trance, you felt your own hand holding on to Juyeon’s.
The excited sound of your voices filled the apartment even before you entered, as Juyeon chuckled while you were fumbling around to find the right key. He was so close to you again. The little space that was left between the two of you only grew smaller and smaller and smaller. Now small enough to feel his breath on your cheek. His hand rested very lightly on your waist. The scent of his cologne intoxicated you even more. It took a lot of effort to keep your breathing at a regular pace, until you finally got the key and opened the door.
Unable to suppress your excitement, the two of you giggled as you entered the apartment and within seconds, Juyeon finally wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him. He buried his face into your neck, his lips curled up from the excitement and satisfaction of finally having you all to himself, and he deeply inhaled your scent. Even through all the layers of clothes, you could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest, forming a drumming sensation against your own.
Both completely breathless, you took a moment to simply exist there. With your head snuggled against his shoulder, you relished in his company. Silently drinking in the experience of how he held you so tightly, how his muscles felt as they were wrapped around you like this, and how his hair tickled the side of your cheek. The room was now perfectly tranquil, the silence not even broken by your breathing, as both of you seemed too afraid to be woken from this everlasting dream. All there was, was the sound of your heartbeat, and muted traffic noise in the far distance.
And then another deep inhale from Juyeon. “You hug nicely,” he let out softly under his breath, before pulling away slightly to look at you. “You’re one to talk,” you muttered in response, delighted by the way his smile washed over his face again.
Acting completely on impulse at first, you pressed a kiss on his neck, right beside his jaw. You hadn’t thought much of it, but when you noticed the slight shudder that pulled through his body in response, you wanted to kiss his neck even more. So you did.
With every touch, the goosebumps on his skin got just a little more intense, and his fingers clenched themselves more tightly around your arm. 
Both of you were slightly pulled out of your trance when he suddenly let out a little moan, which he had tried to suppress, and you pulled away from his neck to look at him, only to be kissed almost immediately. Though the kiss may have been sudden, he was so gentle; only kissing your lips lightly, like he was waiting for some kind of response before venturing any further. And once you opened your mouth to let in his tongue, he didn’t waste a second to explore you more. 
Somewhat impatiently, he moved on from your mouth to your neck again. A lovely chill went through your body as he kissed his way from your jaw to your neck, treating every spot exactly like he had treated your mouth, and he moved further and further down. First to your shoulder, then to your chest and so on. He proceeded to kiss your body, only being separated from you by the clothes you were still wearing and he moved down and down to your upper belly, then your lower belly, and eventually he kneeled to kiss your hips.
With his fingers hooked on the rim of your trousers, he looked up at you with pleading eyes. “Is it okay if I…” he started, and before he could even finish his question, you were already desperately nodding yes at him.
A soft sigh of excitement escaped him and his fingers rushed to unbutton and unzip your jeans. In the blink of an eye, your trousers were hanging around your ankles and Juyeon’s fingers were running all over your bare skin, earning a little gasp from both of you. It felt like your head was spinning from the way his hands grabbed at you, the way his lips felt warm and lush on your inner thighs, and the way his teeth scraped at your skin ever so softly, yet hastily. He almost appeared like a fish out of water, the way he craved your body, and it seemed like he would surely choke if he didn’t get to touch you quickly.
With hasty movements, he tugged at your panties until they hung around your ankles, along with your jeans, and he brought one of his hands between your legs to reach his fingers between your folds.
The way he went about it was exhilarating and you fully wanted him to continue, yet maybe not at this pace. You took his hastiness as a compliment, knowing it meant nothing more than that he was excited to finally be doing this with you, but you wanted to slow things down a little just to catch this high.
Right when he was about to dive into you with his mouth, you brushed your fingers through his hair and softly said his name to him. This made him look up at you, the corners of his mouth still vaguely curled into a smile, and his eyes hopeful. “We can take our time,” you whispered to him softly.
His body relaxed at these words and the way you stroked your fingers through his hair, like he got so worked up in his own excitement, he had driven himself crazy, and your permission to take it slowly was enough to make him come to his senses again. His smile grew a little bigger on one side of his mouth, his eyes smiling along at you.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
As soon as he got rid of his jacket, his hands were already back on you again and he shifted you to the middle of the bed. He hooked his fingers under your shirt and you lifted your arms in the air so he could pull it over your head. Then he proceeded to take off his own shirt as well, while you unhooked your bra and tossed it away into the room.
He reached his face back between your legs, more slowly and more intentionally this time, and pressed a long, careful kiss on your clit. His big, strong hands held you tightly by one of your thighs to help you keep your balance, which was much needed. He reached forward with his eyes almost fully closed and an electrical sensation shot up your spine when you felt his upper lip on your clit, while his tongue slid up between your folds.
Before he would lick you any more, he pulled away again, rose to his feet, and gave you a soft kiss on your lips. Right when you were about to start complaining, you were suddenly lifted up and he placed you on the edge of your own bed. When he took a step back to crouch down and untie his shoelaces, you got the memo and you quickly began to take off your shoes as well and got rid of the jeans and panties that still hung around your ankles.
Finally serenity returned now that you were completely nude, no longer protected by the comfort of any piece of clothing whatsoever. The air felt cold against your bare skin, and this sensation was all too welcome after how heated you had gotten from Juyeon. Despite the darkness of the night, some light made its way into your room from the street lanterns outside and this was enough to admire Juyeon’s body. He was still in his pants, but that didn’t seem to concern him in the slightest. All of his attention was on you.
“Beautiful…” he muttered under his breath. The way he said it made it seem like it wasn’t supposed to be said out loud, and even in this dimly lit room you could see his ears getting red right after he said it.
Slowly and very gently now, he eased you on your back while getting on top of you, and he pressed a kiss on your collarbone. “Are you absolutely sure you feel comfortable with this?” he hummed softly while working his kisses up to your neck, creating goosebumps all over your skin. “Yes… Please…” you whine softly. You hadn’t even noticed how tightly you had been holding on to his arm until now.
He raised his head and brought his face close to yours, hovering directly above you with that same damn smile again. “And you’re really sure you won’t regret it later if we continue now?” His voice was so wonderful he made your head spin just by asking these questions.
“Absolutely sure,” you replied with even more determination now, and he pressed a satisfied little kiss on your lips, only to continue on down to your breast. You tensed when you felt how his lips cupped your nipple, and the feeling of his breath on your bare, sensitive skin sent a delightful shiver down your spine.
“And you’re not just saying this because you don’t dare to back out anymore?”
You immediately shook your head and squirmed a little when he dragged his tongue along your nipple. “Juyeon, I’ve been ready since before we left,” you say firmly while placing one hand on his head to stroke your fingers through his hair, “so please… Take me now.”
Finally satisfied, he pressed one final kiss on your breast before moving downward. You arched your back when he passed right past your sensitive area, and then his lips met your skin again on your inner thigh, all the way down by your knee. From there, he began to trail his kisses up, very slowly, taking his time with every single one, taking his time to drink in all of your little reactions, your scent, and the realization that this long-awaited moment was finally here. His kisses continued to trail upwards again until you could feel his breath on your vulva.
A strong shudder went through you as he took his time to tease you, continuing to press kisses on your thighs while being ever so close to the area you needed him the most. Your heart was racing and your entire body was covered in goosebumps from the sensation of his soft lips against your sensitive skin and the tickling of his hair. 
Finally, he pressed one last kiss on your thigh and you felt how he held his face right before your opening now, hearing him whisper softly:
“Take me to your Avalon…”
End note: I'm a tease, I know. Maybe if you guys beg me enough, I might consider writing the rest of the smut scene, from start to finish if you know what I mean ;)
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cupidjyu · 10 months
juyeon x reader (request for the anon with the super long sweet message!! ly!)
genre: hurt/comfort, crying, sweetie juyeon, cuddles, sharing bed, idk fluff but with comfort?? he likes to call you gorgeous just bc i said so notes: be ready for another hyunjae piece of writing you're going to be so tired of me (i have no shame) word count: 2k
It was not often that you felt like this. Ever since you started dating Juyeon, you found yourself smiling endlessly. He was the perfect boyfriend who made those silly pick-up lines or often invited you to slow dance to his favorite song. He was the perfect man that you could hug for as long as you’d like or kiss as much as you’d want.
But, that didn’t mean that you wouldn’t have any bad days. Today was a perfect instance, as nothing had gone your way. You barely slept after having a nightmare, leaving you exhausted. And for the rest of the day, as you tried to check off your to-do list, you constantly failed. Everything you did was either at the wrong time or poorly done due to your fatigue. It didn’t help that Juyeon was working that day, meaning you couldn’t call or text him for help to pick you up in the midst of a rainstorm.
So there you were, sitting in your bed with your knees brought up to your chest. There was a constant sense of “just give up” that rotated through your already racing thoughts. You stared at your phone which was constantly pinging with emails and text messages of all the responsibilities that you failed to do.
You were about to shut your eyes and block yourself from the world. Well, up until you heard a specific ring from your phone. Lifting your head slowly, you realized that it was Juyeon who had texted you.
work just finished, how’s your day? ^^
Frankly, it was horrible, you answered in your head. And you didn’t know what came over you but you found yourself clicking on the call button instead of answering with a text.
Immediately, he picked up. 
“Hello?” His deep voice rang.
You stayed quiet, trying to swallow the annoying lump in your throat.
“Y/n?” He asked again.
Taking a shaky breath, you willed yourself not to burst out into tears just at the sound of your boyfriend’s sweet, sweet voice.
“Juyeon,” You whispered. “How are you?”
Surprise was evident in his voice. “I’m… good.” He hummed quietly. “Are you okay?”
Biting your lip, you quietly shook your head. With your eyes shut closed you replied with a timid voice, “I’m fine.” A blatant lie but you knew that your boyfriend’s work was taxing and you would hate to create more of a burden for him.
He was silent for a second. And then—
“I’ll be there in five minutes.”
“What?” You panicked, but you could already hear his door opening through the phone. Your heart was pounding now as you looked around your room. Specifically, your bed was a mess. Clothes everywhere, random pieces of paper crumpled about because of your own spiraling. He can’t… come over now.
But it seemed that he didn’t care. He was always known to be the oblivious one, but when it came to you, he noticed every single detail about you. He could tell when you were tired and offer his shoulder for you to lean on or if you were uncomfortable, he’d shield you with his tall frame. As he stayed on the phone with you, his voice was sweeter, more gentle as he talked about his day. A way to distract you.
“Sunwoo tripped on a ball today. Can you believe that?”
You listened without saying a single word. Slowly, you lost track of time, and it must be that those five minutes had passed because he was now unlocking your door with the password that you had told him once. For emergencies, he said.
When he entered your room, you immediately whipped your head away from him to hide the growing tears in your eyes. He stayed there for a moment, taking in the sight before he silently took a seat on the edge of your bed.
“Are you really fine?” He muttered. His large hand came to the side of your face, gently coaxing you to look at him. His eyes instantly softened at the sight as there must be tears trailing down your face.
You shook your head.
“What happened?” Your boyfriend questioned. And taking note of your state, he was hesitant to touch you.
With a shaky voice, you told him about your day, occasionally pausing to try not to choke on your tears. Juyeon listened intently, his eyes constantly tender on yours. Slowly, his hand came to hold yours, stroking the back of it with his thumb.
Once you were done, you were practically heaving for breath. And cautiously, he approached you on the bed and he wrapped his arms around your figure. He pulled you close to his chest, letting you cry into his hold. You hadn’t even noticed that you had begun to grip the hem of his shirt tightly. 
His hand slowly traveled to yours, loosening your grip gently.
“Don’t hold on too tight,” He whispered with a saccharine tone as he entwined his fingers with yours. He pulled away slightly to look you in the eye, his fingers coming up to your cheeks to softly wipe your tears away, even though they were still flowing. “I’m right here. Just look at me, okay?”
You nodded, swallowing thickly as you focused on looking him in the eyes. He began to smile. It wasn’t the usual cheeky or teasing smile. This one was soft and genuine, reassuring you along with the constant stroke of his thumb.
“You’re doing perfectly,” He said, his other hand rubbing your back in up-and-down motions.
Once you were sure that your tears had stopped streaming, you tilted your head slightly to set your forehead against his chest.
“Thank you,” You mumbled. “You can… go now.”
He stiffened. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Yes.” But he quickly noticed the way your hand came back to his shirt to hold onto the fabric tightly. He huffed out with amusement.
“You know that you won’t bother me, right?” He replied. “I want to take care of you.”
You froze at his words. With a sniffle, you hid further into his chest. “Then stay if you want.”
He hummed. And then he looked around the room.
“Stand up for a moment.” He smiled as he gently picked you up in his arms. You watched in slight confusion as he began to move about the room, cleaning up for you. He put away your clothes and whenever he would walk past you, he would pull you in by the waist and press a soft kiss somewhere on your face.
He would pick up the papers, and then kiss you on the forehead. Put away your bag, and kiss you on your cheek. And just before he fixed up all your pillows and blankets, he hooked an arm around you to pull you right against his lips, moving softly and unhurriedly.
Immediately, you were blushing at his actions.
“Juyeon,” You whined. “What are you doing?”
“Making you feel better.” He grinned. And then he was pulling a comfy hoodie over you, specifically his hoodie. His hands came up to each of your cheeks, pinching them lightly. “You look gorgeous today, have I told you that?”
“Don’t lie,” You grumbled, aware of your tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes.
“I’m not,” He whispered, his voice lowering. He did have the habit of calling you gorgeous in the most random scenarios. Sometimes he’d be in a whole other room and he’d still be texting you that you look gorgeous. “I love you. And that’s also not a lie.”
You were even more flustered. “I love you too.”
“Of course you do,” He teased, taking your hand in his to pull you into bed. You had noticed that he had set up a movie to watch amidst all the soft blankets.
With a small smile, you sat beside him. Immediately, he pulled you closer so that you could rest against his chest. 
It was a simple movie. A cute Disney movie. One where you shouldn’t cry about. But when your mind had trailed off, remembering the fact that Juyeon had rushed to you just to pull you in his arms, that he pressed kisses all over your face to make you feel better, and that he had prepared all this, you couldn’t help but sniffle again. Again, tears welled up in your eyes and he was quick to notice.
Turning off the movie, he turned to you with a loving gaze.
“Why’re you crying again, angel?”
You shook your head. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
He huffed out a small laugh. “Don’t be sorry. That’s why I’m here, gorgeous.”
He shifted so that he was facing you completely. And then his hands came to cradle your face again as he wiped your tears off gently. He took extra care, even tucking a piece of hair around your ear as he pressed another soft kiss to the very tip of your nose.
“Tell me. What do you want to do?” He smiled softly.
You paused. And then you frowned. “I don’t know. I’m sorry again.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” And instead, he took the lead, gently lifting you up and placing you on his lap so that you were straddling his hips. He leaned against the headboard, his hand coming to the back of your head to bring you into his neck. Stiffly, you shuffled so that you were burying your nose into it, inhaling his comfortable scent.
Letting a few more tears fall, your hands fell to your sides, slowly relaxing against his warmth.
“Can we stay like this?” You whispered against his skin.
“Mhm,” He hummed, turning to press a quick kiss to your cheek. “Of course.”
And so that’s what you did. At some point, he began to hum a song that you didn’t know the name of, but his deep voice easily lulled you to fall asleep.
Checking on you, he cautiously brought you to lie down in bed, wrapping you warmly in the blankets. He brought his sleeve under your eyes, gently patting them with a fond smile as he admired each of your features.
But then you blinked your eyes open, startling him.
“I didn’t mean to wake you.” He pouted slightly.
You gave him a small smile. “It’s okay. I can fall asleep again. Right now actually.”
You nodded.
Juyeon chuckled, wrapping a strong arm around your torso to bring you up against his body. “You know that you don’t have to hide anything from me right? Just tell me and I’ll be right here for you.”
You nodded shyly. “Thank you.” You bit your tongue, your cheeks beginning to feel hot. And then you suddenly blurted out a quiet, “I love you.”
He widened his eyes slightly before his expression turned into a smug one, his lips curling up like a cat’s.
“Love you too,” He teased, pressing his lips softly to yours. And he had tried to pull away quickly but your hand grasped onto his collar to instead deepen the kiss.
He froze for a minute before eventually leaning back into your lips, a shy smile growing on his own as his hands tightened comfortably around you. It was a simple, cute kiss, though without much direction because the lights were too dim to see much of anything. All you could do was feel and hear as the two of you kissed over and over again, small noises in between. 
When you finally broke away, he let out the most adorable giggle ever as he nuzzled into your neck this time.
“What are you laughing about?” You smiled.
“Don’t know,” He laughed. “I just love kissing you. You make me happy.”
“You do too,” You whispered. “But let’s compliment each other tomorrow. I’m sleepy.”
“Okay, but one more thing,” He chuckled, pulling you into his chest. “You look gorgeous. Have I said that already?”
Slapping him with a scowl, you buried yourself further into him. “You did. And you can’t even see my face right now.”
“I stand by my statement,” He hummed. You laughed before your eyes began to grow heavy, sleep taking over you briskly.
Tears were dried on your cheeks and your eyes were puffy. It was not often that you felt like this. But as long as you had Juyeon, maybe things would be alright.
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