#Just thinking aloud really
azuresins · 1 month
I hope McMillan returns to the story the way others from the school arc have ... He brings more complex emotional dynamics to the table regarding Earl Ciel, the connection they had was much more genuine. Which is why Earl Ciel didn't write back in the end, he feels it's all for the best he stays away from him. Caring too much, involving innocents...all that is just trouble. McMillan has also met a lot of people close to Earl Ciel, though. All of the Midfords, Sebastian, the servants, Soma -- he'd recognize them again I'm sure and be able to associate them with Earl Ciel, and there could be a lot to explore with that. Especially given the current circumstances in the manga.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering. I never saw a man in so wretched a condition. We attempted to carry him into the cabin; but as soon as he had quitted the fresh air, he fainted.
Even broken in spirit as he is, no one can feel more deeply than he does the beauties of nature. The starry sky, the sea, and every sight afforded by these wonderful regions, seems still to have the power of elevating his soul from earth. Such a man has a double existence: he may suffer misery, and be overwhelmed by disappointments; yet when he has retired into himself, he will be like a celestial spirit, that has a halo around him, within whose circle no grief or folly ventures.
The summer months passed while I was thus engaged, heart and soul, in one pursuit. It was a most beautiful season; never did the fields bestow a more plentiful harvest, or the vines yield a more luxuriant vintage: but my eyes were insensible to the charms of nature. And the same feelings which made me neglect the scenes around me caused me also to forget those friends who were so many miles absent, and whom I had not seen for so long a time. 
By very slow degrees, and with frequent relapses that alarmed and grieved my friend, I recovered. I remember the first time I became capable of observing outward objects with any kind of pleasure, I perceived that the fallen leaves had disappeared, and that the young buds were shooting forth from the trees that shaded my window. It was a divine spring; and the season contributed greatly to my convalescence. I felt also sentiments of joy and affection revive in my bosom; my gloom disappeared, and in a short time I became as cheerful as before I was attacked by the fatal passion.
There are a couple of interesting things going on here, when we talk about Victor's interest or lack thereof in nature. The linked notes claim that he isn't really drawn to nature at all of his own accord, and this first example is Walton romanticizing him - giving us yet another layer of unreliable narrator. I don't think that's necessarily untrue, but when looking at both that part of the fourth letter and this fourth chapter, I see a couple other options that could also be at play.
The first quote above from each section is when Victor is alone and obsessive. He's chasing after the Creature without any regard for his own health, to the point that he has only one dog left alive and is extremely emaciated and weak himself; however he still seems determined to try and follow the Creature on his own if Walton hadn't said the ship was going in the same direction. Similarly, in the first quote from chapter four, Victor has isolated himself and is entirely focused on his research. The lines immediately preceding this quote about the beautiful summer he's ignoring are deliberately off-putting descriptions of his time amongst charnel houses, graveyards, and butchers, often under the light of the moon. He again is obsessed with his work to the point that he's running a constant fever and is clearly not taking care of his own health.
But contrast that to when he is reported as noting/caring about the beauty of nature. In both cases, it is after he has collapsed, and then been nursed devotedly by a single friend (Clerval and Walton). For Clerval, he notices the beauty of spring during his late recovery after months of dedicated care. Victor associates the beautiful spring with his own rebirth free of the Creature, and his renewed association with his friends and family - a comparison he explicitly made too when ignoring both nature/loved ones earlier in the chapter. With Walton, Victor's physical recovery is partial at best, and it's been less time, but he seems to be mentally more composed. He isn't raving, he is in fact choosing his words mostly deliberately when, not long after this nature scene, he decides to share his story with Walton specifically for the purpose of being a cautionary tale.
It seems quite possible to me that, while Victor is certainly by and large not nearly as romantically inclined towards nature as either of these friends, in these specific circumstances he really is struck by the beauty of the natural world. Partially as a contrast to the obsessive isolation he's been in just before, and partially as a reaction to their points of view. Clerval and Walton have both been described as interested in romantic tales, poetry and such. They also seem like the kind of people whose joy can be infectious, especially when Victor is soaking up all of their loving care as a sharp contrast to the harmful behaviors he's been bogged down in. Especially with Walton, I could see Victor noticing the harsh beauty of the cold sky and sea, and feeling very bittersweet about the beauty of it. Both reminding him of the naive hopes he once had that beautiful spring and how wrong he'd been, but also of how comforted and hopeful Clerval had made him feel, and how Walton is making him feel now. He claims that he isn't in a place to be a friend to Walton anymore, but he uses similar language to describe how they both took care of him ("restored me to life", in itself bringing interesting comparisons to mind with the Creature and Victor granting him life). I think Victor is strongly reminded of Clerval by Walton.
Another element at play here is the isolation. I talked about it a little already, but I want to emphasize Victor's thoughts being either inward- or outward-facing. In both unhealthy scenes he is extremely focused ("thus engaged, heart and soul, in one pursuit" [chapter 4] - "I wait but for one event" [letter 4 - later than the nature scene yes, but I'm not claiming his entire mindset is completely changed by any means, and also it's a good description of how he must have felt when driving that sled]). He gets so focused that everything else fades away. His own health is pushed far beyond its limits, as is evident is his collapse both times. He ignores logical limitations, he ignores other people, he even gets so caught up in details or his specifc goal that he has trouble looking at the whole picture of even just his own actions. That's clear in his reaction to the appearance of the Creature once he's finished bringing it to life; he suddenly is horrified and talks about how ugly/monstrous he is, but didn't notice the entire time when building/growing him and even chose various elements specifically to be perfect or beautiful.
So I find it interesting that nature is associated here with "observing outward objects with any kind of pleasure"/"elevating his soul from earth". This is when Victor considers the effect he's having on those around them, when he asks about their lives. He apologizes for interfering with Clerval's studies, Walton says "he interests himself deeply in the employments of others" - namely Walton himself. Again, I don't think nature on its own holds as much awe or meaning to Victor as to Walton. But maybe the point is that to him it represents not nature on its own, but specifically nature with a friend: connection with others and freedom from being trapped in negative, isolated cycles of thought/action. He needs people around him who love him, to bring him out of these obsessive and dangerous behaviors. It's only when they are there that he can see beyond himself and feel the beauty in the world. (...of course, the rest of Walton's quote about Victor "retiring into himself" with a halo and such doesn't exactly hold up here. But that bit I feel pretty comfortable dismissing more as romanticizing him.)
(And there's probably a whole lot you can say in regards to Victor and the Creature with this concept and how they both deprive one another of that kind of connection, thus furthering each other's/their own destruction, but that's getting into both spoilers and parts of the book I don't remember well enough to talk about.)
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butleroftoast · 1 year
I’ve been planning a trip to Australia for a while, with my eye on a particular tour.
Today I cleared it all with everyone I needed to at work, so I’m good to go!
...except the tour I was looking at is now fully booked, and all the others designed for solo travellers are too long, the wrong dates, or spend a lot of time and travel on things I’m not interested in.
Do I trust the itinerary I subsequently designed on my own and hope I don’t run into any issues with transportation? Or do I admit defeat?
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thiefking · 2 years
as someone who dislikes fish and the idea of touching them on the basis of how gross the texture of their bodies is, the fact that sharks are sandpapery actually makes them way more pettable in my eyes. and i don't cringe when i see pics of people petting them. because now they're just like bearded dragons where it's common courtesy to the animal and your hand to pet them only in a single direction not up and down. the fact they contain different textures mitigates that they are wet non-mammalian oceanbeasts that normally i would never want to touch (i still haven't figured out why ocean mammals and rays are totally fine for me to touch though maybe because they're usually 1. big 2. more intelligent, and combining those, less likely to fucking jumpscare you by being a tiny gross wet beast slithering against your leg or nibbling at your fucking feet. or maybe they'rejust generally more pleasant)
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achaotichuman · 2 months
Y'all, I have a question. Is it stated literally anywhere in the books as to why Lucien is the Lady of Autumn's favorite son?
We know he's the child she always wanted to have with her lover, but is that really it? I know there may be something about him being the kindest, but surely if the Lady of Autumn had been only showing such deep love, affection and blatant favoritism towards Lucien, then obviously he is going to be the kindest, and obviously his other brothers are going to be bitter and jealous. Afterall no one is born bitter, and no one is born kind either.
If anything, it just looks like the Lady of Autumn uses Lucien as her vision of what her life could have turned out to be, in a similar manner to how some parents live vicariously through their children.
I know it's not entirely the Lady of Autumn's fault, this is her coping mechanism for being in such an abusive household. But it would definitely contribute to the emotional neglect of Lucien's other brothers.
Also, another thing I just thought of, is it not possible that Lucien is not Helion's only son out of the seven brothers? Afterall, the Lady of Autumn had been having an affair with Helion all throughout her son's lives, so it's not unlikely that Lucien isn't the only Heir of Day, but that's just a random theory I thought of.
Really, is there anything in the books that says or implies another reason as to why the Lady of Autumn favors Lucien? Because I don't think there is. Which, if Lucien being the Lady of Autumn's favorite was a determining factor in him not being corrupted by Beron's abuse, suddenly the other brothers don't look nearly as irredeemably evil as we were led to believe.
I think this all revolves around the idea that you have to be born from a good person to be a good person. We see that a lot in Sjm's books, where someone is just naturally good/evil because of their heritage. And people born from bad people have to 'redeem' or otherwise pay in some way just because of who they came from. Or what they had to do to survive living in an abusive household.
Could just be poor writing, but I need to know other opinions on this. Why does Lucien deserve to be the favorite, and therefore the only inherently 'good brother'? Just because he was born from Helion?
Obviously, this is centering around them all as children, or when they were young, Lucien as he is in the present only deserves all the nice things. But I think it's a character point that needs to be focused on, especially if Lucien being the LOA's favorite gained him favor within the Court, or otherwise special treatment, even just emotionally, that his brother's never got.
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alpacacare-archive · 8 months
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inside you there are two wolfs
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nsharks · 4 months
please don't expect BB ghost to be very nice or soft, his character is... not those things very often </3
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south-sea · 4 months
i think a lot of people don’t always realize the difference between “this is how i interpret canon” and “this is how i want to write it because that’s what’s fun to me”. a lot of times the latter is all headcanons or AUs are, not an indication of what the writer thinks “is” or “should be” canon
more power to those who are super tuned into actual canon and know these details like the back of their hand, but sometimes people just wanna use a series as a sandbox, not a ruleset. genuinely nothing but respect for people who ARE that knowledgeable, but i and a lot of other people are just here to have fun with characters we enjoy—and want to put them in more accessible settings
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i'm not usually in fandoms for things that have like, live-action actors playing the characters (idk why i just tend to get into books, cartoons, webcomics, podcasts, etc). but the few times i've been somewhat invested in a live-action media for fandom reasons (mcu, teen wolf, pacific rim, star wars) i've seen fans waxing poetic about a character's/actor's eyes. and i've literally never understood the hype, i've just been like "yeah idk theyre eyes? i dont get what's so special about them tho"
what im saying is that not only are Taika Watiti's eyes the first time i've understood the hype but ofmd is also the first time i've actually noticed an actor's eyes before seeing fandom being obsessed with them. that's the power of taika's Massive Fucking Peepers i guess
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connecting-the-stars · 2 months
I’m gonna jump into the boat of choosing to believe in the writer’s vision. I do want these characters to get out alive and well and have this family be restored, but a story without struggle isn’t nearly as fulfilling. I want to believe that this squad of soldiers, constantly pulled together and apart, will end up where they always should have been - at their family’s side.
I feel a lot of us are under this storm cloud thats about to release all hell, and I cannot blame anyone. This is dark season, I thought season 2 with Crosshair’s torture was terrible but s3 has put on the pressure.
But I have prediction :D
I’m on the team that Emerie will make the leap: hand over a giant red button and thundering music behind her. There’s something different about her, that unquestionable obedience and restraint gone. Her red lenses at her feet. The looming vat of blue in front of her, a monstrous shadow stretching over her. The button beeps, an alarm booming to life as the liquid in the tank lowers, a long arm twitching to life. Cuts to a poisonous green eye snapping open.
The scene cut to black as glass cracks, a monumental growl echoing into the dark.
That’s how episode 14 will leave and where the final will leave off.
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crimeronan · 2 months
On the topic of How Do You Handle XYZ Comment, I've always wondered how you handle terrible responses on your toh takes. Like I know the toh fandom doesn't lack piss on the poor reading comprehension and they also really enjoy wildly out of touch takes, but I've never seen any comments on your princess luz stuff of that nature. I'm sure they must be there but maybe I'm too early? But anyway, how do you tend to deal with the "acktually shipping luz and Hunter is incest" and the "ur not a real lesbian because putting amity in a poly ship is lesbian erasure" and the "as a white person kinda sus you make the poc woman an empress" kind of responses? Ones that are technically not hate and maybe if you squint could be from people who aren't inherently trying to do bad but just lack the maturity needed to engage with the internet at large?
this ask made me giggle. honestly, i haven't received as much pushback as you might expect! way less pushback than i expected. in the princess AU, i've gotten a LOT more "this is actually too grotesque for me to stomach" comments than "this is problematic" comments, which is fine. horror-thriller isn't for everyone, those comments do not upset me.
i have had a Few run-ins with bad faith people, whom i mostly block. there's one prolific commenter in toh tumblr fandom who would repeatedly write angry essays on my humor meta posts -- essays that were all about how belos is too evil to be sympathetic and/or about how hunter is a soft gentle boy who shouldn't be jokingly referred to as evil. then they'd go "i can't help my active and conscious decision to type a bunch of rude fucking words and then my active and conscious decision to send those rude fucking words because i'm autistic :(((" around the fourth or fifth time this happened, i was fucking done with that nonsense and finally blocked them. shoulda done it after the first comment tbh!! no more autism exceptions.
as for the rest of it, my main management strategy is to simply.... preempt the bad faith comments?
i had a LOT more unpleasant and conflict-filled fandom experiences when i was in the raven cycle fandom. that was my first exposure to "you can't ship multi-gender polycules if anyone involved is gay" and "queerplatonic het relationships are just heteronormativity shipping that you're trying to get away with." having dealt with those takes before, i've found a few different ways to disarm bad faith readers before they get started.
first is to be super open and honest about my interests. i talk about what i find compelling in different relationships All The Damn Time. it's really hard for anyone to accuse me of only wanting hunter to fuck amity if they've seen, like.... anything i've said about hunter and amity.
same with hunter and luz. the only negative reactions i've really gotten to how they're written in the princess AU is like.... two people being squicked by camila thinking they're romantically involved. i REALLY expected more pushback on the touchyfeely bed sharing stuff, but from what i remember, there's never been Any....? not even from people who consider them siblings.
i expected a lot of pushback on how mean hunter and amity are to each other, since it's taken So much farther than the canon. but it turns out that there's a very large overlap between people who like dark horror AUs and people who like hunter and amity murdering each other. (in a fluffy fic i don't think this characterization would fly Nearly as easily.)
i find that being funny really disarms people, too. when you look at any of my toh meta posts that could be controversial, they're basically all funny. people are a lot more willing to listen to what you have to say if you make them laugh, and it's harder for them to get angry at you.
and then the last thing is that i think i'm in sort of a privileged position in toh fandom. i've written a lot of controversial subjects and relationships and characterizations.... but i've also written some WILDLY popular mainstream fic. and people who like the mainstream fic don't really want to beef with me about differing niche opinions, bc there's a level of respect there. which they might not have for a writer they don't like.
but anyway. when things Do happen, i almost always just block and move on. there are so many people here who get what i'm talking about that there's no need for me to try to convert people who don't, you know??
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jils-things · 6 months
more of a reminder to myself but i think it works for others too
its okay to have a crush on characters and create content for the selfship once and not do it again. sometimes its just that little burst of motivation of "if i cant immortalize an imagery of me kissing them then whats the point" they don't have to be your fo immediately its okay to just. create something out of it to let out that lil excitement and they're just a crush
others might expect that you'll be creating more content with them since you might've made a really well thought out concept for your insert/oc but its not the case and thats okay
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facingthefossegrim · 7 months
bulletproof 。
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I'm so out of touch with the fandom, y'all must've already noticed this, but back when I read the current chapter, I thought it was especially interesting that He Cheng was wearing a bulletproof vest.
Really makes me wonder about his plans for the day (especially when he's planning on taking He Tian with him), and when I brought it up to @rainy19days, they considered that He Cheng might be taking He Tian out on a job.
I don't think it'd happen, but it'd be very interesting if the reason He Tian suddenly pulled out of school wasn't just because of the inevitable move, but because he somehow got injured (shot?) and hospitalized in the process. I'm not saying that I'm gunning for that level of excitement (pun intended), but it might be a good reason for Mo's saltiness towards him in the future storyline if He Tian got injured and didn't tell him about it.
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bmpmp3 · 19 days
sorry to be a bit of a hater but i do wish youtubers weren't so scared of making their videos just like, "reviews", whys everything gotta be a "video essay" all the time. every day my recommendations are filled with 40 minute videos titled "_____: An Underrated Masterpiece" where the first like five minutes are reading the wikipedia definition of "masterpiece" in a somber voice with dramatic themed text on screen. please just tell me how good or bad you think something is and use the rest of the runtime to explain why. you dont need to put on all these airs
#i know the ahem. channel. of some awe....... that whole situation kind of scared people off from using the word review#but like we live in the future now. you can make a review. i believe in you#AND LIKE i like a good video essay!! but im picky. because i read academic shit for fun#when i see a capital E essay im expecting theses. im expecting sub headers. im expecting multiple examples AND footnotes with asides#(and i know this is a controversial topic but i do expect them to be long. because if you read aloud a 4 page journal article its gonna)#(take a bit of time LOL maybe i just read too much academia shit. but i dunno man. theres not a lot you can say about like a big huge)#(topic with multiple angles if you only have like 10 minutes. maybe i just talk too slow. i need to breath <3 )#theres other formats too. surveys. retrospectives. informative essays. persuasive essays. etc#and like i also read lots of reviews not just of like movies and books but of like gallery exhibitions and shit!! they can be extremely#interesting a lot of work and some really beautiful writing!! nothing wrong with a review!!! theyre important#but i do get annoyed with like. the odd air of pretention i see in a lot of video essays. especially cause its usually not backed up by#the content. i dont care for those airs in academia either. nor do i like it in documentaries#just talk naturally. you'll find your voice. there might be pretention in it in the end but it'll be yours#if im making sense. i hear a lot of people talking in a pretention that is not their own. something they put on because thats what they#think they should do. you need to find your own pretention. be pretentious in a way that feels natural to youuuuuu#hell im being pretentious. about this LOL but like its my own. it is a pretentiousness ive built over the past half decade#play around. write a blog. i dunno. find your voice dear youtubers. find your voice
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mewkwota · 7 months
I swear I am probably the only peanut in the gallery that draws Christopher Belmont using this as a point of reference:
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I don't know why I do, it's probably the hair. I like how fluffy it looks.
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whentherewerebicycles · 2 months
a bunch of people have already registered for my mentoring workshop! unfortunately this means i have to plan and host a workshop aaaaaa
#i want to think aloud through it on here at some point#but i think i am going to structure it around the theme of cultivating student autonomy#because i think one of the primary goals of mentorship is to prepare students to be self-directed learners who can set realistic goals +#evaluate their own progress + reflect on what they've learned and what they still don't know#+ take initiative without sitting around waiting for someone to tell them what to do next#so i think we will do some thinking around like#when we have a student we think of as really capable or driven what qualities and behaviors do we observe in that student#and maybe ill also share some of the research on intrinsic motivation + self-direction + locus of control#which i think is all really interesting esp in light of the contemporary College Mental Health Crisis concerns#and then we will look at a range of tools + structures + strategies that i think are useful for fostering student autonomy over time#and maybe leave them with some core principles/guiding values that i think are useful when you are trying to like#avoid jumping in and doing stuff for kids#or solving their problems for them#idk i need to think through specifics a bit more#but i feel like on this campus#people do a lot of 'workshops' that are really not interactive at all#it's just someone talking from slides#and i kind of want to show off my ability to structure more engaging workshops#but idk. gotta think about how to do it well#and how to build in lots of opportunities for like crowdsourcing strategies too
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