#Judy Blundell
legendscon · 11 months
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Photo by Bekah Marie Photo
When Subtext Is Text, Musings On Ferus Olin
It's the end of Pride month, and Legends Con Executive Director Katherine is taking the opportunity to talk about one of her favorite characters (and most recent cosplays), Ferus Olin. Ferus is one of the canonically queer characters in the Star Wars Legends timeline; and is, in her humble opinion, one of the most interesting representations of a queer character within the Star Wars universe.
Ferus comes from the Jude Watson books, first appearing in her Jedi Quest series and later leading the series Last of the Jedi. He also appeared in the Rebel Force series as a supporting character. All three of these series are Scholastic chapter books, published between the years of 2001 and 2010. They are progressive for their time in many ways, but are ultimately also a product of their time in how Ferus as a queer character is defined on the page. The line between subtext and text can be debated, but we have author confirmation via Twitter that Ferus is gay and married to Roan Lands. Roan was referred to as Ferus's "partner" throughout the Last of the Jedi and Rebel Force series. With these books being written throughout the 2000s, that was the current terminology used for gay couples at the time- and marriage was not even a legal option within the United States.  
The term partner is really only the beginning of the signs we see in-text that Ferus and Roan are a couple. The most interesting of those to me is this passage from the first book in the Last of the Jedi series. Obi-Wan has just rescued Roan from Imperial prison after both Ferus and Roan were arrested for leading rebel activities and separated within the prison. As part of the misadventures that occurred with Obi-Wan and Ferus after that, they are forced to temporarily leave behind the planet Bellassa where Ferus had been living with Roan. While in space Ferus and Obi-Wan talk about how Ferus resigned from the Jedi Order (that’s another story entirely, I don’t want to get too off track here)
“It doesn’t matter,” Ferus said. “I walked away. It was the most difficult thing I ever had to do, but in a way I’m glad it happened.”
“You’re still a Jedi, Ferus.”
“No,” Ferus said slowly. “I’m not. I can never really be a Jedi again. Not just because I left the Order.” He looked back in the direction of Bellassa. “I have attachments.”
“Once there was something I wanted, something forbidden by the Jedi code,” Obi-Wan said. “Qui-Gon said something to me then. He said, maybe in a different galaxy things will change. The Jedi will change. Here is the change Ferus. And I think… in the new order, attachments will be a strength. Maybe this is how the galaxy will be saved. So yes, you are still a Jedi.”
Obi-Wan is referring to events of the Jedi Apprentice books, also by Jude Watson, where he entered a brief romance with one of his fellow Padawans, Siri Tachi. Obi-Wan and Siri decided to end their relationship due to the Jedi code, which led to that conversation with Qui-Gon. In the text this is Ferus saying that his relationship with Roan is outside the bounds of the Jedi code, and Obi-Wan draws a parallel to a romantic relationship of his own. I personally would call this plain text rather than subtext based on both the context in-universe and the context that this was written in 2005.
Throughout the story there are more signs that while subtle, Ferus and Roan’s relationship is romantic. It's the way they tease each other, care for each other, and little snippets about their life together-
Read more on our Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/post/When-Subtext-Is-Text-Musings-On-Ferus-Olin-K3K8MRUH1
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dk-thrive · 2 years
Anyone who has lost someone by inches will recognize the struggle to push through despair and affirm the dogged endurance of love.
Judy Blundell, in her book review of The Shore titled “In This Shore Town, Everything Is Not All Right” (NY Times, May 24, 2022)
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blogmollylane · 1 year
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Currently reading: Strings attached by Judy Blundell
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colorfulmetaphors · 6 months
(An Attempt at) A Maul Masterlist
hello folks! after seeing multiple requests in the tag for recs for Maul content or help finding Maul stories, I decided to make a list trying to do both for everything I've found because it took me a lot of searching to figure out what's actually out there for this man. and the answer is a lot, actually. So, hoping this saves others the time and the struggle, here's all the Maul stuff i've found along with what I would rec and why:
Stuff specifically about Maul
Episode 1 Adventures 3: The Fury of Darth Maul by Ryder Windham | junior novella
As far as I'm aware, this is the first published work for Maul. It's a junior novel about Maul carrying out a mission for Sidious, and it can be accompanied by a game book for a choose-your-own adventure. The novel itself though, is one of my favorite Maul stories because it defines his characterization for me.
The Wrath of Darth Maul also by Ryder Windham | junior novel
Maul's og origin in Legends. I think it's a must-read. This book was published alongside Maul's revival in TCW and seeks to reconcile his Legends background with that character by gathering his previous lore into one cohesive story. It notably includes and expands upon the events of the following three items:
Star Wars Episode 1 Journal: Darth Maul by either Judy Blundell or Jude Watson | novella A story that offers some of Maul's narration on his upbringing and his training with Sidious. "Darth Maul: Restraint" by James Luceno | short story Published in the second edition of Shadow Hunter (listed below), this story details Maul's time at Orsis Academy, the relationships he's forming, and his run-in with Mother Talzin. Great for showing his inner-conflict and devotion to Sidious. "Darth Maul: Endgame" also by James Luceno | short story This one is published in the paperback 2012 edition of TPM novel by Terry Brooks. It's an introspective piece that takes place after Qui-Gon, Anakin, and Obi-Wan escape Maul's attack on Tatooine.
Darth Maul: Saboteur also ALSO by James Luceno | short story
Originally published as an ebook, this story was also published in Shadow Hunter. It follows Maul on one of his first missions as a true apprentice of Sidious and shows his characterization when he's just outside that restrictive control. I really like this one for the Drama and the Subtle Characterization tm
Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter by Michael Reaves | novel
One of the two blessed full novels for Maul. In it Maul is on a mission to hunt down a target and has a very early encounter with the Jedi. This one is great for characterization and narration; I have it fully marked up with highlights, sticky notes, and bookmarks.
Maul: Lockdown by Joe Schreiber | novel
The second blessed full novel. So. Much. Fun. Maul goes to jail! Takes part in cage fights! Chases birds! Reveals the depths of his anxiety and need for attachment! Mystery and gore! 10/10.
"An Unwilling Apprentice" by George Mann | short story, found in the Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge edition of Myths and Fables
Maul's canon origin. Personally, I Do Not See It.
Stories of Jedi and Sith - "The Ghosts of Maul" by Michael Moreci | short story in the listed anthology
I highly recommend listening to the audio book for this one if you can. Sam Witwer narrates it and it's fantastic. Love hearing Maul wail in despair. (and also love a man being haunted by his past.)
The next two are unique because they're re-tellings of TCW episodes. I like seeing how different writers interpret those events so I like them, but I don't know if that counts as something folks would want to read for Maul.
The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark - "Dark Vengeance" by Rebecca Roanhorse | short story in the listed anthology This one recounts TCW "Brothers" and "Revenge." I don't remember much specifically from it, but I do remember it being told as if to a small child, and I thought that was neat. The Clone Wars: Darth Maul: Shadow Conspiracy by Jason Fry | junior novel Covers "Revival," "Eminence," "Shades of Reason," and "The Lawless." The author writes like they're obsessed with Maul's voice, and frankly, I don't blame them.
Darth Maul (2000) by Ron Marz | comic series, 4 issues
Maul goes on yet another mission for Sidious (unsurprisingly, this is the basic plot of most of his Legends materials). Violence ensues. Maul is certified Cool.
The following two comics can both be found in the Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Rise of the Sith Volume 1 and Star Wars Legends: Rise of the Sith Omnibus
Star Wars Tales 10 - "Nameless" by Christian Read | single comic, found in the listed issue, Star Wars Tales Volume 3, or the above 2 collections Maul is sent to kill a Jedi master. To do so and improve his prowess in combat, Maul constructs his infamous double-bladed lightsaber. Star Wars Tales 24 - "Marked" by Rob Williams | single comic, found in the listed issue, Star Wars Tales Volume 6, or the above 2 collections A comic about obedience and fear; Maul grapples with the thought that Sidious might take another apprentice.
The Clone Wars: The Sith Hunters by Henry Gilroy and Stephen Melching | graphic novella
It's very funny to me that this is considered Legends even though it features TCW Maul and Savage. This one takes place after TCW episode "Revenge" and I'm gonna be honest-- I don't remember a lot from this, but I do remember that it shows Maul's earliest days on Lotho Minor so that's sick luv u spidermaul 4 5ever.
Darth Maul -- Death Sentence by Tom Taylor | comic series, 4 issues; also found in Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Clone Wars Volume 2
Maul leads a revolution while trying to rescue his brother. The story takes place between The Sith Hunters and TCW season 5 "Revival," filling in some of what Maul and Savage were doing in that time.
Darth Maul (2017) by Cullen Bunn | comic series, 5 issues
Luke Ross and Nolan Woodard just get it okay. I love the way Maul looks in this series. In my head, this comic is the canon alternative to Shadow Hunter, where Maul confronts a Jedi early on, but the differences between his characterization in these two stores is the basis of my understanding of the difference between Legends Maul and canon Maul.
Age of Republic - Darth Maul by Jody Houser | single issue comic, found independently or in the collection Star Wars: Age of Republic - Villains
Maul goes on an (Sith ashes) acid trip while on a visit to Malachor with Sidious.
Darth Maul -- Son of Dathomir by Jeremy Barlow | comic series, 4 issues
This series is especially interesting to me because it's adapted from TCW season 6 scripts that weren't produced. It follows Maul as he's rescued by Death Watch after the conclusion of his arc in season 5, and shows his alliance with Talzin as they confront Sidious. I think it's great for fleshing out that relationship and that side of canon Maul's character.
Star Wars Adventures (2020) 3 - "Tales of Villainy: The Hostage" by Shane McCarthy and Michael Moreci | single comic, found in the listed issue or in Star Wars Adventures: The Light and the Dark
Maul allows himself to be captured in an attempt to bring another crime syndicate into the Shadow Collective. Is this one monumental? No. Am I unreasonably fond of it? Hell yeah. If you've seen that panel of Maul and Savage drinking at a diner, it's from this comic. Also has Maul in chains for those of yall that are into that.
Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle 1 - "The Horned Devil" by Cavan Scott | single comic found in the listed issue or in the collections Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle and Star Wars Adventures: Beware Vader's Castle
A "sPoOKy" story about Maul on Lotho Minor. Once again, luv u spidermaul 4 5ever. The cover art is fuckin sick.
Star Wars Visionaries - "Old Wounds" by Aaron McBride | single comic found in the listed graphic novel, in Star Wars Omnibus: Wild Space Volume 2, Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Empire Volume 4, and Star Wars Legends: The Empire Omnibus Volume 2
In this comic, Maul tracks Obi-Wan to Tatooine for revenge. Sounds familiar, but this was published in 2005, before Maul's revival in TCW. His design in that show, though, was based off of this comic, and his episodes in Rebels show a similar influence. I like this one because I think it's fun to see how his narrative was evolving as different writers took on the story, and to see the path from where he began in Legends up to his end.
Stuff Maul is in: (not specifically about him, but he makes an appearance)
Darth Plagueis by James Luceno | novel
Our man JL is back with more Maul... just not as the focus. If you're going to read one thing from this "Stuff Maul is in" list, let it be this one. Granted, it's a loooooooooong book, but it's really great for fleshing out the Plagueis and Sidious and Maul dynamic. Maul does have some sections of his own narration, but the best bit of this novel is seeing how Plagueis and Sidious see him. It also has some of his original Legends origin!
Queen's Peril by E.K. Johnston | novel
This book is about Padme! Who I love dearly, so I enjoyed reading it. Maul has a few sections of narration in it that show his canon headspace.
The first set of these is a mental collection I like to call "Legends writers just Try Shit" and it's a bunch of different ways Maul was brought back before TCW.
Star Wars Tales 9 - "Resurrection" by Ron Marz | single comic found in the listed issue, in Star Wars Tales Volume 3, or in Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Empire Volume 8 The Maul in this one has been resurrected by a dark side cult to be the true apprentice to Sidious. The story is mostly about Vader, but his duel with Maul is cool. Star Wars Tales 17 - "Phantom Menaces" by Joe Casey | single comic found in the listed issue, in Star Wars Tales Volume 5, or in Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The New Republic Volume 5 While on a diplomatic mission, Luke Skywalker is attacked by a hologram of Maul and goes off to investigate. This is the one I use to bless my friends with the cursed knowledge of Maul's brain in a tank. Star Wars: Jedi Quest 1 by Ryder Windham | first comic in a series, also found in Star Wars Omnibus: Menace Revealed and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Menace Revealed Volume 3 Truth be told, I have not read this one because I can't find it for free. In it, Maul is a training hologram? I think? For Anakin? idk. There's also a novel series by the same name and I got annoyed looking for what isn't really Maul anyway.
Star Wars: Republic (1998) 40 - "The Devaronian Version, Part 1" by John Ostrander | comic in a long ass series, but the one you want is found in the listed issue, Star Wars Omnibus: Quinlan Vos: Jedi in Darkness, or Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Menace Revealed Volume 3
I don't know what this is about even though I have read it; Maul is in it for like 3 panels; he gets called "nasty boy" and makes someone wet themselves in fright. Obviously core reading for the Maul experience.
Jedi Council: Acts of War by Randy Stradley | comic series, four issues by the listed name, or in Star Wars Omnibus: Rise of the Sith and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Rise of the Sith, Volume 1
Once again, I do not know what this is about because I have a very difficult time reading comics when Maul is not there. And in this series he's there for < 15 panels. But he looks pretty when he is there.
Obi-Wan -- A Jedi's Purpose 2 - "A Shadow Falls on the Padawan" by Christopher Cantwell | issue of a comic series
This comic includes a brief scene showing Obi-Wan remembering his and Maul's final battle on Tatooine and commenting on Maul's mental state. Makes me super emo.
And finally, encyclopedia-type stuff!: (not necessarily stories, but has neat info-- especially because they show what was considered canon at the time of their publication)
Darth Maul: Sith Apprentice by Jo Casey and Catherine Saunders | children's reader
Yes, you read that right. But this kid's book has fun information about Maul based on TPM. I especially like the image call-out for his "heavy action boots." It brings me joy.
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace: The Expanded Visual Dictionary by David West Reynolds and Jason Fry | what it says on the tin
The adult version of the above book. Shows the inside of Maul's lightsaber, which I love. Also still points out the heavy action boots. Clearly, they are a key component of the character.
And that's everything! There are some re-tellings of like, TPM, in novel or comic form but I was never super interested in those so I haven't read them.
If you know of something else please let me know! (Both so I can add it and so I can read it). Similarly, if you see any mistakes on the list, please tell me. It took me like 7 hours to type it up and check and cross-reference everything and some mistakes probably crept in there. If you're like me and you've gotten through (most of) this list, but still want More Maul, please check out my fic rec! There's a bunch of banger Maul fics there. Tagging @maul-my-heart. Hope you have fun in your reading!
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featheredtrex · 3 years
Who decided: the Jedi thinks attachment=love?
In 2011, a year after the release of Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, Jason Fry – who worked closely with Wallace – published a lengthy essay in Star Wars Insider on how Anakin Skywalker’s fall was “provoked by” the Jedi Order’s “aversion to emotion”, asserting, Yoda’s “cold” advice about accepting death as a natural part of life, and the cessation of fearful grasp on things in life was “useless”, and at the end, “it isn’t Jedi teachings that save the galaxy, but bonds the Jedi tried to forbid – such as love of a father for his son and a son for his father. Emotional attachments, in other words.” Fry praised the novels of the Expanded Universe, namely works by Karen Traviss, stating, she  elaborated the Jedi attitude toward love and emotion, but ironically enough, he claims, another author did that, too: Jude Watson, or, to use her real name, Judy Blundell. Strangely enough, Fry only speaks of the doctrines altered by Traviss, and disregards Watson’s explanation on the rule of not forming attachments. Ms. Traviss defined the Jedi’s definition on attachment - as “putting personal relationships first, caring about the people you love so that it influences how you act” and it “affects your judgment.” According to her views, this is identical to “loving commitment” and “love” - which, as you can see, raises some troubling questions, but that’s not the topic of this post. Now let’s see, how Judy Blundell writes about attachment in her novel.
“Ferus Olin: It seems so hard, Master. To have so many beings who are important to me but not to be attached to them. I don't understand what is meant by "no attachment."
Siri Tachi: It's not so hard to explain. To love without wanting to possess or influence. To cherish without keeping. To have without holding.
Ferus Olin: I understand, Master
Siri Tachi: No, you don't. It's not something to understand. It's something to strive for.”
(Ferus remembering a conversation with his Master, Siri Tachi, in "Last of the Jedi: Secret Weapon.") 
This is a nice example, how big the chaos was in the Expanded Universe, and how it slowly drifted away from George Lucas’ vision: while Blundell’s version of the Jedi doctrine on attachment was in line with Star Wars as Lucas sees it, still, it was quickly buried under Traviss books, or it was ignored by other authors who - just like Ferus Olin - didn’t understand what non-attachment actually means. And damage was done: with Jedi Path and the article, the fallacy of No Prisoners become the dominant narrative in the Expanded Universe - other works were ignored.
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pancreasnostalgia · 5 years
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A City Tossed and Broken, by Judy Blundell. I remember when I first learned about the Great San Francisco Earthquake and being fascinated by it so when Scholastic announced the Dear America reboot, I was hoping for a diary on this topic. Of all the events I had on my wish list, this was the one that came true.
Since I read it for the first time after it was released, I have also read the Sunfire story, Nora, which is also about the earthquake. The two have very similar plots, making me wonder if Blundell had read the older story. It’s also interesting that even though it’s normal for names to be repeated in the series, they ended up with two Minnies.
Goodreads star rating: 4/5
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anicarissi · 6 years
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Night reading
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bookmama · 6 years
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New adult fiction from Judy Blundell!! The High Season is out in May! That cover is giving me all of the good Summer Reading vibes 💙📚🌴🏖 Thank you @randomhouse for sending this awesome Advanced Reader's Edition!!!
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legendscon · 1 year
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Don't delay! There is only one week left to get your LegendsCon tickets at the Early Bird Pricing, ticket prices will go up after May 4th! Buy tickets now on Eventbrite.
Join us for a celebration of all things Expanded Universe in Burbank, California on September 9th & 10th. Our growing guest list includes Randy Stradley, Corinna Bechko, Sean Stewart and Barbara Hambly — with more announcements coming soon!
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paigeypaige19 · 7 years
I understood the word ‘swoon’. It felt that way, like 'sweep’ and 'moon’ and 'woo’, all those words smashed together in one word that stood for that feeling, right then.
Judy Blundell, What I Saw and How I Lied
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blogmollylane · 1 year
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Currently reading: What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell
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srzei · 3 years
“Sometimes you’re looking so hard at who you love that...you miss things. Big things. Because you’re trying to fit your love into the kind of thing you want it to be”
- The Sight, Judy Blundell
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212travel · 3 years
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“The world is full of places I haven't been.” ― Judy Blundell
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legendsliveon · 5 years
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Artist / Costumer Guide: Ferus Olin
Ferus Olin is a main character of Jude Watson’s (a pen name of Judy Blundell) chapter book series Jedi Quest and Last of the Jedi. He also appears in the Rebel Force YA series by Alex Wheeler. Ferus spent his youth training to be a Jedi, but left the order before the rise of the Empire. After leaving the Order he found himself drifting until he came across a man named Roan Lands on the planet Bellassa. The two quickly became friends, and started a security business together. Following much speculation, Blundell confirmed via Twitter in 2015 that she had written Ferus and Roan as a couple, and that they were married. (Due to the fact that these books were published in the early 2000s by Scholastic, I do not fault Blundell for waiting so long to make this official. There is enough evidence in the text that this was her intent all along, and I would guess that what she did write is as much as Scholastic would allow back in the day)
When the Republic fell and was replaced by the Empire, Ferus and Roan founded a rebel cell on Bellassa in opposition of it. News of their exploits on Bellassa reached Obi-Wan Kenobi through gossip in a cantina on Tatooine, and Obi-Wan decided to go and assist Ferus in hopes of preventing him from getting himself killed. With Obi-Wan’s guidance, Ferus created a haven for other Jedi on an asteroid hidden in an atmospheric storm, and became involved with the early years of the Rebel Alliance. Obi-Wan eventually assigned him to watch over Princess Leia on Alderaan, and although he was away when the planet was destroyed, he sacrificed himself to save Leia and the other rebels a year later when they were apprehended by Darth Vader.
Costume Notes: 
1. The flightsuit is the same in both the armored and non armored version, the collar is just down when not armored. When not armored, the flightsuit is open slightly, and a cream or white v-necked shirt with a mandarin collar popped up is visible. The flightsuit has two rectangular chest pockets with flaps. Overall the flightsuit style is very similar to Luke’s ESB look.
2. When armored, the jumpsuit is entirely closed and the collar is popped up. The left wrist guard is cylindrical with red/black/red/silver coloring· The left shoulder bell is silver, underlayered black piece with red trim· The chest armor is segmented silver plates on front and back with attached black and red underlayer.
3. He has two (or more) brown leather-like pouches, and his saber attaches to his belt with a ring clip rather than the PT era covertec style clip.
4. Ferus has a distinctive blonde streak at the front of his bangs.
Art by Tsuyoshi Nagano, Chris Trevas, Drew Struzan, and John Van Fleet
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He was underneath every word and every thought now. All I could think about was when I would see him again. It was the first time I knew what that kind of hunger, terrible and magnificent, was like. It was so much more than the words I heard in movies.
-What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell
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Truth, justice...I always thought they were absolutes, like God. And Mom. And apple pie. But you could make apple pie from Ritz crackers. You could make cakes without sugar. We learned how to fake things, during the war.
Judy Blundell, What I Saw and How I Lied
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